Thermoelectric Cooling Modules
Thermoelectric Cooling Modules
Thermoelectric Cooling Modules
a report by
G Gromov
It was found that if a current passes through the • Ceramic plates – cold and warm (and intermediate
contacts of two dissimilar conductors in a circuit, a for multi-stage modules) ceramic layers of a
temperature differential appears between them. module. The plates provide mechanical integrity
This briefly described phenomenon is the basis of of a TE module. They must satisfy strict
thermoelectricity and is applied actively requirements of electrical insulation from an
in the so-called thermoelectric cooling modules object to be cooled and the heat sink. The plates
(see Figure 1). must have good thermal conductance to provide
heat transfer with minimal resistance.
In contrast to the Joule heating, which is
proportional to the square of the current (Q=RI 2), The aluminum oxide (Al2O3) ceramics are used
the Peltier heat (Q p) varies as a linear function of the most widely due to the optimal cost/performance
current and changes its sign with it: ratio and developed processing technique. Other
ceramics, such as aluminium nitride (AlN) and
Q p= P . q beryllium oxide (BeO), are also used. They
have much better thermal conductance – five to
where q is the charge that passes through the junction seven times more than Al2O3 – but both are
(q=I·t); P is the Peltier coefficient, whose value more expensive. In addition, BeO technology
depends on the contacting materials’ nature and the is poisonous. 1
Figure 1: Simplified Scheme of TE Module and the Temperature Differential • Electric conductors provide serial electric
Along It contacting of pellets with each other and contacts
to leading wires. For most of the low-power
modules, the conductors are made as thin films
(mutilayer structure containing copper (Cu) as a
conductor) deposited onto ceramic plates. For
high-power modules, they are made from Cu tabs
to reduce resistance.
Figure 2: Single-stage Module Construction • Leading wires are connected to the ending
conductors and deliver power from a direct
current (DC) electrical source.
∆Tmax = 2 Z .T0
They are characteristics of TEC operation in the
maximum coefficient of performance2 (COP) mode.
The COP is defined as cooling capacity Q divided by where T0 is the sold side temperature. The typical
the consumed electric power. Typical examples are temperature dependence of Z and ∆Tmax vs Z is
shown in Figure 5. shown in Figure 6.
Figure-of-merit Reliability
There are more performance parameters that are Commercial TE modules provide long operation
usually not presented in standard specifications of lifetime in the range of 100,000 to 200,000 hours. It
commercial TE modules, but that play an important is the result of a highly developed technology of
role in a module characterisation. manufacturing and high-quality raw materials. In
many applications, TEC is a critical component
These parameters are the properties of pellet because it affects the temperature of the whole device
material (thermal conductance (k), electrical and can have an influence on its correct operation, as
resistance (R) and the Seebeck coefficient) well as an impact on heat dissipation. That is why
combined1,2 as follows: severe reliability test procedures3 are required.
Figure 8: TE Module Mounted onto TO8 Header contacts and minimum heat resistance.
where N = ripple amplitude around the average known American companies (Melcor and Marlow,
current. for example) who have been in the market for many
years and have maintained leading positions.
• Power modulation – in practice, pulse wide
modulation (PWM) is used widely. This method Another group consists of the Commonwealth of
is particularly unsuitable for a TEC as a power Independent States (CIS) companies – mainly Russian
source. It leads to degradation of TEC and Ukrainian. Most of them are young and started
performance (see Figure 10). only a decade ago but are based on a high TE
technology level and scientific basis from the former
∆T' max (1 + N ( 2 Q – 1))2 5–7
CIS’s TE scientific school , which started from Ioffe’s
∆Tmax = 1+ 2 N ( 2 Q – 1)+N 2
investigations. Most of the companies are experienced
Q, N = duty cycle and amplitude of modulation. in high-performance modules, such as miniature and
multi-stage, which meet the current photonics needs.
Manufacturers and Prices
Chinese companies are also relatively young. They
Although we have observed a fast rise in commercial have demonstrated a fast expansion in the TE market
applications of TE modules, only few tens of and dominate in low-cost types.
manufacturers operate in the world market. An
approximate list is shown in Table 2. Production of TE modules is also developing
rapidly in Japan and Europe. Some of these
Among the manufacturers and suppliers, we can companies are involved in co-operation with other
mention the very strong positions of a few well- leading manufacturers.
Figure 9: ∆T max as Function of Rippled Figure 10: ∆T max in Case of PWM Power Supply
Power Supply