GNLD's Salmon Oil Plus - Fast Facts

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It has long been known and proven that omega-3 fatty acids play critical roles in the human diet. In particu-
lar, two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)
have been well researched.
Today the latest scientific research not only continues to validate the important roles of EPA and DHA in
human health, but it has also shown that there is a whole family of omega-3 fatty acids, a total of eight in all,
which contribute to optimal human nutrition. This critically important chain of dietary omega-3 fatty acids
starts with ALA (alpha linolenic acid) and ends with DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), taking six important steps
along the way. Each is now known to have its own unique biochemistry and supporting “synergistic” role in
human omega-3 nutrition.
The United States Department of Agriculture suggests that all adults eat 2-3 servings of fish each week for
optimal health. Unfortunately, the problem for many adults is that they eat very little fish on a consistent
basis and rarely meet this important nutritional need. Large portions of the population go without getting
any broad spectrum omega-3 supplementation for weeks, sometimes months. Not to mention the fact that
much of the fish supply is suspect due to environmental contamination. Pregnant women, who have the
highest dietary needs for omega-3 fatty acids, ironically are instructed to limit their fish intake to one serving
per week, due to contamination risk.
GNLD solves the problem of inadequate omega-3 fatty acid intake with Salmon Oil Plus. Pure and
potent, Salmon Oil Plus provides a complete omega-3 profile of salmon oil with all eight members of the
omega-3 fatty acid family, assuring complete omega-3 supplementation in every dose.

WHY SUPPLEMENT WITH FISH OIL RICH IN ■ Omega-3 fatty acids, crucial to the development of infant
brain and eyes, are naturally present in mother’s milk.
OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS? Infants, whose mothers consume foods rich in omega-3
■ Fatty fish is the richest source of healthful omega-3 fatty
fatty acids, have higher omega-3 fatty acid levels compared
acids, but most of us do not eat the 2-3 servings per week to those whose mothers do not consume omega-3-rich
that experts recommend for optimal health. foods.
■ Supplementation has been proven to be an effective means
■ Omega-3 fatty acids may slow ageing of the brain. Older
of increasing dietary omega-3 fatty acids. adults who supplement their diets with EPA and DHA
■ Omega-3 fatty acids support optimal function of body
have demonstrated greater cognitive function when
tissues and organs, notably the heart, blood vessels, brain, compared to those who don’t.
nerves, eyes, skin and joints. ■ Omega-3 fatty acids may prevent asthmatic mothers from
■ Omega-3 fatty acids may prohibit overproduction of
passing it on to their offspring.
substances that cause inflammation and contribute to ■ People who do not like fish can get the omega-3 fatty
arthritis, menstrual pain, psoriasis, inflamed bowel and acids they need for optimal health from fish oil
other conditions. supplements.


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Products – 4.06 P-29



■ Salmon Oil Plus is based on pure, natural salmon oil,
providing all the benefits of one of nature’s richest sources
of omega-3 fatty acids.
■ It includes UHPO3 –Ultra High Potency Omega-3 fatty
acids— an exclusive GNLD technology that boosts,
stabilizes, and standardizes specific, health-promoting
omega-3 fatty acid levels while maintaining the whole food
goodness of natural salmon oil.
■ It’s the first supplement of its kind to assure a standardized
amount of all eight members of the omega-3 family
involved in human nutrition.
■ It’s derived by “molecular differentiation” –leading edge
technology that selects specific nutrient molecules from
tuna, sardines, and anchovies, while eliminating or reducing
others, delivering unsurpassed potency, purity, and
■ It’s safe, with no risk of accumulated toxins. Only the finest,
top quality, health-screened, disease-free fish selected for
human consumption are used. All sources are screened for
more than 160 potential contaminants with an allowable
detection limit of ZERO.
■ Potency guaranteed to deliver 460 mg EPA, 480 mg DHA,
50 mg DPA, and 80 mg mixed omega-3 fatty acids with
every 3-capsule serving.
■ No hidden vitamins A or D.

P-30 Products – 4.06

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