GNLD Acidphilus Plus Fast Facts

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Beneficial (“good”) intestinal bacteria promote health, discourage the growth of disease-causing (“bad”) bacteria
and pathogenic fungi, and improve the balance of microbes which normally inhabit our intestines. Many beneficial
bacteria transform naturally occurring sugars, especially lactose, into lactic acid, promoting a more balanced and
stable intestinal environment. As one of the most abundant sources of lactose is milk, these beneficial bacteria have
been used for thousands of years to produce yogurt, cheese, and fermented milks. Both science and folklore
support healthful roles for these foods. GNLD’s supplement of beneficial bacteria, Acidophilus Plus, combines
potency with technology to guarantee that live organisms survive the stomach acid and reach the intestines to
deliver five billion viable organisms capable of supporting optimal digestive tract function.


■ Beneficial bacteria help maintain a healthy balance of a ■ Whole-food-derived. Contains beneficial bacteria isolated
variety of microorganisms in the intestines. from cultured dairy foods to support a healthful balance of
■ Beneficial bacteria help produce vitamins and, through an microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract.
indirect mechanism, boost resistance to infection and ■ Broad-spectrum. Delivers five types of beneficial, lactic
disease. acid-producing bacteria: Lactobacillus acidophilus,
■ Cultured dairy products (yogurt, cheese, fermented milks), Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium
produced through the actions of beneficial bacteria, have bifidum, and Streptococcus thermophilus.
been used throughout the world for centuries to support ■ Concentrated. As many beneficial bacteria as 10 servings of
health. yogurt or five servings of acidophilus milk!
■ Potency guaranteed. Each capsule is filled with five billion
live organisms and protected for delivery to the intestines.
NUTRITIONALS ■ Active cultures. Exclusive Gel-Gard protection system
Nature • Science assures that the maximum number of live bacteria survive
the stomach acid and reach the site of action, the intestines.
INTESTINE TARGETED ■ Convenient. Each bottle contains a 60 day supply.

Lactobacillus acidophilus,
plus B. bifidum, L. bulgaricus,
S. thermophilus and L. casei

SUGGESTED USE: 1 capsule daily.

Supplement Facts Intestinal lactobacilli aid normal digestive functions
Serving Size 1 Capsule and promote healthy immune system responses.*
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food
Amount Per Serving and Drug Administration. This product is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Lactobacillus Proprietary Blend 104 mg* Filled with 5 billion beneficial lactobacilli, the contents of
Lactobacillus acidophilus; Bifidobacterium each capsule is shielded from harsh stomach acid by
bifidum; Lactobacillus bulgaricus; Streptococcus GNLD's unique "Gel-Gard" Enteric Protection System.
thermophilus; Lactobacillus casei Banded and packaged with safety seal for your protection.
Do not use if either seal is missing or broken.
* Daily Value not established REFRIGERATE AFTER OPENING
Other ingredients: Potato starch, gelatin, glucose, Available Exclusively From GNLD Distributors
sodium alginate, water, magnesium stearate and Distributed by: GNLD International
titanium dioxide. Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
® Golden Neo-Life Diamite
International, Ltd.
Lot # Bridgetown, Barbados, W.I.
Best If Kingston, Jamaica, W.I.
907 Used By Leading edge nutrition since 1958. Made in U.S.A.

Products – 6.05 P-129



BENEFICIAL BACTERIA MAKE GOOD FOODS health claims for the regular consumption of cultured dairy
products have circulated for centuries, only in this century
BETTER have scientists begun to understand how these foods support
Long before it became possible to see bacteria with the aid of health.
microscopes, people used these minute organisms to produce
cultured dairy products such as cheese, sour cream, and yogurt. In 1908, Nobel Prize-
Fermented milks have been safely consumed throughout the winning scientist Elie
world for thousands of years, as evidenced by their depiction in Metchnikoff of the
Sumerian wall paintings dating back to 2500 B.C. and their Pasteur Institute in Paris
mention in the Old Testament (Genesis 18:8). Yogurt provided the first
consumption is part of the folklore of many long-lived evidence that
populations, including the Ural Mountain people, many of microorganisms may be
whom live more than 100 years! Widely recognized as an responsible for the
important part of a healthy diet, cultured dairy products have health-promoting effects
grown in popularity, with more cultured dairy foods available of fermented milks. After
today than ever before. observing that Bulgarian peasants lived to ripe, old ages,
Metchnikoff became convinced that their health and
FOOD SOURCES OF LACTOBACILLI* longevity were linked to microbes in the soured milk they
FROM AROUND THE WORLD copiously drank. In his book The Prolongation of Life, he
Cultured Dairy Products Beneficial Bacteria suggested that disease-causing (“bad”) bacteria could be
eliminated by ingesting large amounts of Bulgarian sour milk,
Yogurt Streptococcus thermophilus which contained a beneficial (“good”) bacterium later
Lactobacillus bulgaricus identified as Lactobacillus bulgaricus. These organisms were
Lactobacillus acidophilus part of a group called Lactobacilli, or bacteria that produce
Buttermilk Lactobacillus lactis lactic acid as an end product of milk fermentation.
Streptococcus cremoris
Sour cream Streptococcus cremoris LACTIC ACID-PRODUCING BACTERIA TIP THE
Kefir Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus caucasicus SCALES TOWARDS
Cheeses Lactobacillus acidophilus HEALTH
Lactobacillus brevis The human
Lactobacillus casei gastrointestinal tract is a
Lactobacillus caucasicus diverse and complex
Lactobacillus helveticus ecosystem harboring more
Lactobacillus lactis than 400 species of
Lactobacillus plantarum Bad Bacteria bacteria. Their importance
Streptococcus cremoris is demonstrated by their
Streptococcus faecium Good Bacteria impressive presence: The
Cottage cheese Lactobacillus lactis large intestine alone
Streptococcus cremoris contains about 3.3 pounds (1.5 kilograms) of bacteria! This
Acidophilus milk Lactobacillus acidophilus quantity of bacteria is not surprising given the tremendous
Bulgaricus milk Lactobacillus bulgaricus effect of bacterial growth and metabolism on human health.
Yakult Lactobacillus casei
Not all bacteria are created or act equally, however. Some
Bifidus milk Bifidobacterium bifidum
benefit the body and are required for optimal health, whereas
Bifidobacterium longum
others harm the body by producing toxins and even
* Bacteria that produce lactic acid as an end product of milk fermentation.
carcinogens. Those producing lactic acid promote health. By
turning lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid, they lower the pH
THE BIRTH OF PROBIOTICS of the colon and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. When
Most people are familiar with antibiotics, which physicians
lactic acid-producing bacteria are in short supply, undesirable
prescribe to combat strains of bacteria which cause disease. In
bacteria can increase in number. The results can range from simple
contrast, other strains of bacteria promote health and are
digestive discomfort to more serious gastrointestinal disease.
called probiotics, from the Greek meaning “for life.” Probiotics
Imbalance — a scarcity of “good” bacteria or a surplus of “bad”
are live microbial supplements which beneficially affect the
bacteria — can set the stage for a cascade of events that may
host by improving its intestinal balance. Although anecdotal
ultimately trigger disease.
P-130 Products – 6.05

EXAMPLES OF LACTIC-ACID PRODUCING (“GOOD”) BACTERIA Additionally, Lactobacilli are capable of producing enzymes
Bifidobacterium bifidum that break down lactose.
Lactobacillus acidophilus ■ produce a wide range of antibiotic substances (acidophilin,
Lactobacillus casei bacteriocin, etc.) which help control the level of pathogenic
Lactobacillus bulgaricus bacteria and fungi such as Candida.
Streptococcus thermophilus ■ produce vitamins, especially B-vitamins and vitamin K.
■ act as barriers to prevent pathogenic bacteria from
Did you know…some good bacteria have names that sound
colonizing the intestines.
like bad bacteria? Streptococcus, for instance, can be a beneficial
bacterium, although most people think of strep throat when Each strain of beneficial bacteria is unique: Each produces
they hear the word. Streptococcus refers only to the shape of the special enzymes, detoxifies different substances, and colonizes
bacterium, and has nothing to do with its ability to promote distinct territories in the intestines. For this reason, a broad
health or cause disease. (Strept means “twisted” and coccus spectrum of organisms is desirable.
means “round.”) Streptococcus thermophilus, Streptococcus
Good bacteria increase the resistance to disease. When
cremoris, and Streptococcus faecium have been safely used for
resistance is low, the content of lactic acid bacteria in the
centuries to produce cultured dairy products.
intestines is considerably lower than usual. A compelling
EXAMPLES OF POTENTIALLY PATHOGENIC (“BAD”) BACTERIA demonstration of this fact was an experiment in which only 10
Clostridium botulinum bad bacteria (Salmonella) were necessary to kill a guinea pig
Escherichia coli with an inadequate amount of beneficial microflora, but about
Salmonella typhimurium a trillion cells were required to kill an animal with its full
Shigella dysenteriae natural beneficial bacteria present!
Normally, there is a balance among the various bacteria
inhabiting the intestine. However, with the onset of disease or
Scientific literature documents the healthful effects of
the use of antibiotics, this balance is upset and the Lactobacilli
cultured dairy products and/or probiotic supplements in a
are among the first to become depleted.
number of conditions:
Lactic acid-producing bacteria tend to healthfully combine ■ constipation
with toxins (which may include cholesterol, heavy metals, and ■ colitis (inflamed colon)
carcinogens) and bile acids. While this action prevents toxic ■ gastroenteritis (inflamed stomach and intestines)
products from being reabsorbed, it kills the microorganisms, ■ infections with pathogenic bacteria and fungi (e.g., yeast
which are then eliminated from the body as solid waste. This infections, infections causing food poisoning, etc.)
mechanism may help explain the increased longevity of people ■ flatulence
who regularly consume cultured dairy foods. ■ lactose intolerance
Lactobacillus acidophilus (“acid-loving, lactic acid-producing ■ impaired digestion
bacterium”), the most well-known bacterial hero, first gained ■ cancer, especially colon cancer
attention as a dietary supplement in the 1920s. In 1935 the ■ poor utilization of food nutrients
first results of clinical trials were published that showed that
acidophilus normalized bowel function in patients with THE PROBIOTIC GAP
chronic constipation. The following factors can deplete good bacteria and upset
their balance in the intestines:
Since then, scientists have identified many other health
benefits of lactic acid-producing bacteria, presumably resulting ■ antibiotics, which can kill good as well as bad bacteria
indirectly from their ability to: ■ other drugs
■ infections (bacterial, viral, and fungal)
■ produce lactic acid, thereby increasing the acidity of the ■ diet (highly processed, low-fiber foods)
intestines and inhibiting bacterial villains such as ■ chronic diarrhea
Clostridium, Salmonella, Shigella, and E. coli. ■ stress
■ decrease the production of a variety of toxic or carcinogenic
metabolites. For instance, Lactobacillus acidophilus can
suppress the formation of cancer-causing amines and
cancer-promoting enzymes in the intestines of humans and
■ aid absorption of minerals, especially calcium, due to increased
intestinal acidity.
■ use lactose, to which many people are intolerant, to produce
lactic acid. Because cultured milk products are much lower
in lactose, they are better tolerated than milk alone.

Products – 6.05 P-131


The intestinal balance between good and bad bacteria in Convenient! Whereas dairy products are limited in their
turn can affect: shelf-life, GNLD’s Acidophilus Plus has an extended shelf-
life if stored as recommended (i.e., stored in a cool, dry
■ nutritional status
place and refrigerated after opening). And while cultured
■ efficacy of medications
dairy products can be inconvenient to transport, store, and
■ physiological function
sometimes, even locate, Acidophilus Plus is easy to take
■ aging
anywhere your busy lifestyle takes you! Taking just one
■ cancer
capsule of Acidophilus Plus each day is a convenient way to
■ immune response
help maintain a constant, healthful balance of intestinal
■ infection
■ comfort
Potency guaranteed! GNLD’s bacterial strains are cultivated
It is often difficult to obtain beneficial bacteria in foods
under strict conditions to guarantee high levels of active
alone. And even if live bacteria are present, you’d have to eat
bacteria — much higher numbers than are found in a serving
a lot of yogurt to consume enough bacteria to achieve an
of cultured dairy foods! In fact, one capsule of Acidophilus Plus
effect, especially considering the following:
contains as many beneficial bacteria as 10 one-cup servings of
■ Due to pasteurization, most popular brands of yogurt do yogurt or five 8-ounce servings of acidophilus milk! Maintaining
not contain live cultures. gastrointestinal health requires the presence of between 100
■ Laboratory tests of various cultured milk products have million and one billion bacteria per day. Each capsule of
shown that the bacterial strains that are supposed to be Acidophilus Plus is filled with five billion viable beneficial
there often are not present or are present in very low levels. bacteria.
■ Cooked foods do not contain live organisms. All cultured
Targeted Delivery Technology!
dairy products should be eaten raw to take advantage of Our exclusive Targeted Delivery
any probiotic benefits. Technology protects the beneficial
■ Beneficial bacteria cannot survive the acidic environment bacteria from the harsh, acidic
of the stomach. Therefore few live organisms make it to environment of the stomach and
the intestines to exert their beneficial effects. maximizes the number of live
bacteria that reaches the intestines. To produce Acidophilus
ACIDOPHILUS PLUS SUPPORTS Plus, diverse types of lactic acid-producing bacteria are specially
A HEALTHFUL BALANCE! processed together with gel-forming polysaccharides, which
Broad spectrum of organisms from the human food chain! are insoluble in acidic conditions, and encapsulated in a hard-
Eating many types of cultured milk products from around the gelatin capsule. When the capsule encounters the acidic
world on a daily basis would be an ideal — but impractical — environment of the stomach, it dissolves, and the contents of the
way to consume diverse microorganisms. To provide broad- capsule form an insoluble matrix which protects the bacteria.
spectrum support for the health of the gastrointestinal tract, When the stomach contents reach the intestines, the Gel-Gard
GNLD has selected and isolated only the best strains used to matrix is dissolved, and the bacteria are released. The active
prepare whole foods: European yogurt, acidophilus-fermented cultures are delivered exactly where they must act to exert their
milk, bifidus-fermented milk, and Yakult, a popular Japanese healthful effects!
fermented milk. The identity of all the strains is strictly and
continuously controlled to insure that exactly the right strain
is present every time. The product delivers five types of lactic
acid-producing bacteria in a 1:1:1:1:1 ratio:
■ Lactobacillus acidophilus
■ Lactobacillus bulgaricus
■ Lactobacillus casei
■ Bifidobacterium bifidum
■ Streptococcus thermophilus

P-132 Products – 6.05

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