November 4, 2014 Fellowship News

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In honor of all veterans,

the office will be closed
for Veterans Day on
Tuesday, Nov. 11

2014 - ISSUE 23

November 4, 2014

Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) (562) 426-0428

Dear Church,
A tithe is a biblical idea which states that 10% of ones income belongs to God. In ancient times, the
first 10% of ones crop or livestock was given to God. In modern times, many Christians give the first 10%
of their monetary income to God. (See Deuteronomy 14:22)
That is one way of looking at things, and those who do tithe generously support the work of the
church. Granted, there are some who argue that 10% is just the beginning, that anything less is stealing
from God, and only when one gives more than 10% can he or she be called generous (Malachi 3:8).
There is another way of looking at these things, and it is equally biblical. This other way states that
everything belongs to God. One hundred percent. The earth is the Lords, and all that is in it (Psalm 24:1,
a verse also quoted by Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:26).
Both of these ways of looking at things are helpful to me in my personal life. I particularly find the
100% idea useful. It helps me remember that God gave me all that I have. My ability to work and earn an
income is a gift from God, and therefore so is all that I earn as a result of my abilities.
And when it comes time to spend my money (oops, I mean Gods money), I am aware that there are
ways to spend it that contribute to Gods purposes, and ways that are contrary to Gods purposes. For example, I try to avoid buying items that are used once and thrown away. I cant imagine that God is pleased
that we spend so much of our energy and ability to earn an income which we then spend on something
that is used once and thrown into a landfill. What a waste!
To cite just one small example of how this works for me: I take my own re-usable cup to coffee shops
(and often bring it to our Wednesday Night Dinners), and I never buy bottled water, not when studies have
shown it isnt any purer than the water that comes from our tap.
Perhaps you are thinking, I could never live that way. It sounds too severe. Well, God desires joy,
wholeness, and satisfaction in life. Asking questions like this can actually contribute to ones happiness. So
much of what I am tempted to buy does not contribute to lasting happiness, and often is detrimental to
the happiness of others or the wellbeing of the earth itself. By remembering that all that I have belongs to
God, I am reminded to use what I have in ways that bring the greatest happiness to me and to others.
So its really a win-win; God knows whats best for me, and remembering that all I have belongs to
God helps me know whats best for me as well.
Pastor Danny

Sarah Stolze
Lillian Hester

Thanksgiving Offering

Sumbal Sardar

Throughout our history, the Christian Church

Keri Clark (daughter of Monica Lanz)

(Disciples of Christ) has been dedicated to higher

Karla Benheretz

education. Today, there are 14 colleges/universities

Hattie Johnson

and 7 seminaries/divinity houses affiliated with the

Grace Kobel


Porter Family, Ruthie Atkin (friends of B. Smith)

Every November, we have the opportunity to

Nargis & family in Pakistan (family of Sumbal Sardar)

contribute to a special offering that makes it easier

Keri France & family, Ellis Sparks, Jr., Venus (family &

for Disciples students to attend one of these fine

schools. Scholarships and grants help make educa-

friends of of A. Hillig)
Jean Woodward (friend of Becky Carroll)

tion affordable, and when Disciples students attend a

Disciples school, they are more likely to stay connected with the church.
In a recent issue of Voices, the newsletter of

On Sunday, November 2, about a dozen BKCC mem-

Chapman Universitys Office of Church Relations,

bers took part in a neighborhood walk. The goal was

student Jenna Wall wrote this: This experience of

simply to get to know our neighborhood.

being a part of a loving community is what Ive

found in Disciples on Campus here at Chapman. It is
an incredible feeling to be a freshman, walking into
completely new surroundings, knowing that you already have a built-in community who are all there to
support you and to be your friend.
And Chapmans Disciples students are making
news. Recent grad Justin Simien has written and directed the movie Dear White People, which has been
met with critical acclaim and awards.
This is just a small glimpse into what your contribution to our Thanksgiving Special Offering can
help accomplish. We will collect this offering in worship on November 16.

We believe that God is calling us to be present in

our neighborhood, and to do that we need to know
our neighborhood. As you think about the neighborhood you live in, ask yourself:
How is the Spirit at work in your neighborhood?
What signs of life, redemption, creativity, unity and
love do you notice?
What are the hopes and dreams you and your
neighbors have for your neighborhood?
Many thanks to our elders for organizing this walk.
They say well do it again soon!


JANcamp: For grades 6-8. January 16-19, 2015

FEBcamp: for grades 9-12. February 13-16, 2015
***registration forms for JANcamp & FEBcamp are now available!***
Summer Camp 2015:
June 28 - July 4 - CYF II (grades 11, 12, & 2015 grads)
July 5 - July 11 - Chi Rho (grades 7, 8)
July 12 - July 18 - CYF I (grades 9, 10)
July 19 - July 22 Mini (grades 2, 3)
July 23 - July 25 Wee (parent/child
July 26 - August 1 Junior (grades 4, 5, 6)


NOV 16
A new (this week) updated list of vendors is available at the scrip table. This month these vendors are offering addi-

tional rebate
Albertsons, Bath & Body, Hallmark, Boston Market, Payless Shoes, and Smart & Final

November 9
Matthew 15:21-28

November 16
Judges 4:1-7
All the Gory details

Toys for Eastmont

In December, CWF traditionally organizes the collection of toys and clothing for our Disciple mission, Eastmont Community Center, in East LA. The Center has a Christmas party each year for the
children in their community. This year the party will be on December 19. The last Sunday to bring
items will be Dec 14 so they can be delivered in time for the party.
Toys, clothing and teen gift items for all ages from preschool to 16 are needed. A box will be under the narthex tree for your donations.
Thanks to those of you who took time to prepare a card for our veterans.
This week 110 cards will be delivered to the VA hospital this week.
We still have 2 more holidays to share with these veterans.
Sunday, Nov 23rd is the deadline for Thanksgiving cards and Dec 14th is the
deadline for Christmas cards. A box will be in the narthex for the cards. Sign
your first name, name of our church. You can include a personal greeting if you

Rememberdo not seal the envelope. your cards are very much appreciated. Most of our veterans in the
hospital have no visitors. Just a simple card can brighten their day and let them know others do care
about them.

News & Notes

Sarah Stolz is home from the hospital and recuperating.

Lillian Hester had a mini-stroke but is recovering at home and slowly resuming her
normal activities

Just a "deep breath" Note!

Our prayer circle meets
every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at
10:00 a.m. in room 115. Join
this dedicated group in
praying for our church, community, & world.

Many of us at this time of year are beginning to race around

and our schedules get hectic beyond compare! Originally this
article was to be about advent orchestra schedules, improv rehearsals and chancel choir Christmas preps. But sitting here in
beautiful downtown Vancouver Canada overlooking a shining
harbor ringed with jewel toned trees with smooth velvet bark,
it makes one realize the importance of breathing.
No, not the involuntary kind but the type when your world
seems to be spinning with a zillion things to do and someone

Help cook food for Christian

Outreach in Action (COA).
Every 2nd Thursday at 8:00
a.m. in our church kitchen.

says. "Just breathe", or take a deep breath. Our weekend here

has caused us to breath away from the LA pressures, home
family, work etc. the appreciation you acquire just "breathing"
Is as enormous as a deep cleansing breath in yoga class.


as we enter Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas......maybe

there's not time to smell the roses but remember to . Just
Litter pickup: We meet at the
front gate every 4th Sunday
at 11:45, to pick up litter in
Somerset Park and along our
neighborhood sidewalks &

Wednesday Night Dinners:

join us every Wednesday at
6:00 for this pay-what-youcan meal.

Blessings. Barb
PS. Schedules will be posted when I return which will be by the
time you are reading this!!!

Check us out on Facebook

The Fellowship News

A publication of
Bixby Knolls Christian Church of
Long Beach (a Disciples of Christ
1240 E. Carson Street
Long Beach, CA 90807
Monica Lanz
[email protected]
fax 562-426-0429
Daniel Bradfield
The Fellowship News is published
twice monthly.

Submit your articles for

the next newsletter by

November 16

Bixby Knolls Vision Statement

To know what the Lord requires of us;
to do justice, and love kindness,
and walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)

(Disciples of Christ)

9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults
10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Childrens Church
Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Friday closed


Ken Brown
Pastor Daniel Bradfield
-Board President
Leo Dittemore
Monica Lanz
-Vice President
-Church Secretary
Pat Cohen
Barbara Neal-Peebles
-Music Director/Organist Angela Hillig
Suzie Romero
- Treasurer
- Custodian
Chrysan Naw
- Financial Secretary
-Church Clerk

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