The Determinants of Stock Market Development: Implications of A Dynamic Panel Data Model
The Determinants of Stock Market Development: Implications of A Dynamic Panel Data Model
The Determinants of Stock Market Development: Implications of A Dynamic Panel Data Model
, i {1, ..., N} and t {1, ..., T} (1)
where i is denoting individuals, countries, regions etc. and t is denoting time. The
interpretation of those two variables is that i represents the cross-section dimen-
sion and t represents the time-series dimension. is K 1, y
is the dependent
variable, X
is an independent variable representing the itth observation of K and
is the intercept for each individual. a
will absorb the impacts of the time-
invariant variables in the equation as well as any heterogeneity in the data. u
is the idiosyncratic errors associated with the model. Most Panel Data Models
utilize a one-way error component model for the disturbances,
represents the unobservable, individual-specic, eect. v
represents the
disturbance not accounted for in
3.2.2 Static Fixed Eects Model
The FE model is used when analyzing the impact of variables that vary over time.
It is called a FE regression as it assumes that the factor loads (coecients) are
constant over time, which makes the model somewhat restrictive. In the model,
you explore the relationship between the determinant and the explanatory vari-
ables within an entity (in our case, each country). In the FE model, it is assumed
that something within the country may have a biasing eect on the outcome vari-
ables, which we need to control for. This is the reason to why we assume that
there is a relationship between the countrys error term and the explanatory vari-
ables. Hence, the FE model controls the eects of those time-invariant features
from the explanatory variables in order to better evaluate the explanatory vari-
ables net eect on the determinant. The second key assumption in the FE model
is that the time-invariant eects are unique to each country and thusly should not
be correlated with other individual characteristics. If this assumption should not
be true, the FE model will not be a suitable choice and another model such as
the RE model should be used instead. In order to assess this, a Hausman test is
generally used. In the xed model, the following matrix form equation is used,
= X
, i {1, ..., N} and t {1, ..., T} (3)
where y is the NT 1 vector observation of the dependent variable, X is the
NT K matrix observation of the explanatory variables. D contains the matrix
of N individual dummies. Lastly, it is assumed that v
is an independent error
term, which is homoscedastic and has zero mean. In addition, the explanatory
variables are assumed to be non-stochastic and independent of the error-terms.
With regards to the assumptions above, the OLS estimators in the xed eects
model are the best linear unbiased estimators BLUE. The OLS estimator can be
written as,
= (X
with var(
) =
and where Q is an idempotent matrix of order NT
and rank NT N.
There are some concerns when using the FE model. One of the issues is that
those models cannot be used to study time-invariant causes of the determinants.
The reason for this is because the time-invariant characteristics of individuals are
perfectly collinear with the country. Stated another way, the FE model is designed
to study causes of changes within countries when the time-invariant individual-
specic characteristics is not relevant to the relationship in question.
3.2.3 Static Random Eects Model
The main dierence between the RE model and the FE model is that the dier-
ences across entities (i.e. countries) are assumed to be random and uncorrelated
with the explanatory variables rather than xed. This allows the time-invariant
variables to be analyzed rather than being absorbed by the intercept as in the FE
model, meaning that if dierences between the entities are believed to inuence
the determinant variable, a RE model should be used. An advantage of the RE
model is that time-invariant variables such as gender can be added to the model.
Those variables are, as mentioned above, absorbed in the FE models. In addi-
tion, the loss of degrees of freedom can be avoided using the random model if
is assumed to be random, so that
), v
) and
is in-
dependent of v
. The standard RE model with individual eects looks as follows,
= X
, i {1, ..., N} and t {1, ..., T} (5)
The equations key dierence is that an error term, v
is included in the model. This
error term is associated with the variables within each entity. Another distinction
is that the error term u
only represents the between-entity errors, which will
change with time and do not depend on the individuals characteristics.
In the model, we assume the following,
] = E[v
] = 0 (6)
] =
] =
] = 0 for all i, t and j (9)
] = 0 if t = s or i = j (10)
] = 0 if i = j (11)
When using a Random Eects Model, it is possible to use the OLS as the esti-
mator. However, using OLS is not ecient relative to the GLS estimator. This
ineciency stem from an ineciency weighting of the two LS estimators, as the
OLS place too much weighting on the between-unit variation. Therefore, the GLS
estimator is generally used when using a random eects model.
In order to compute the GLS estimator, several calculations have to be made.
First, the variance-covariance matrix for the individual i is to be computed,
= E(uu
) =
) +
) (12)
We then need to nd the inverse of the covariance matrix
, which is a matrix
of the dimensions NT NT.
= (X
y (13)
The inverse is computed by,
W +
B (14)
where W = I
) is the within-units projection and B =
is the between-units projection.
Inserting the inverse covariance matrix in the GLS estimator will then take
the following form,
= (X
WX + X
(WX + X
By) (15)
3.2.4 Dynamic Panel Data Analysis
As many economic relationships are Dynamic, the Panel Data Model gives an
advantage relative to other models as the Panel Data allow for a better under-
standing of the Dynamics of adjustment and economic behaviors at the individual
level. The Dynamic relationships are distinguished from the Static Models by the
inclusion of a lagged dependent variable amongst the explanatory variables,
= y
, i {1, ..., N} and t {1, ..., T} (16)
where is a scalar X
is 1 K and is 1 K. It is also assumed that u
following a one-way error-component model.
) and v
) independent of one another, and
amongst themselves.
There are two general problems when using a Dynamic Panel Data Model:
(1) the dependent lagged variable y
is correlated with the error term u
; (2)
the individual estimations may lead to poor nite sample eciency bias and bias
originating from heterogeneity of the cross-section units.
The usual approach to adjust for the lagged dependent variables correlation
with the error term is to remove
. This gives the equation,
= (y
) +(X
) + (u
) (18)
Another common method to correct for the correlation with the error term is to
use y
as the lagged dependent variable. This was suggested by Andersen and
Hsiao (1981) as y
is not correlated with the error term u
. The use of y
have however been criticized by Arellano and Bond (1991) who noted that if T > 3,
there are better instruments available. Also, since y
= y
is a linear
combination of Z, the estimator will be inecient. Instead, they suggest using
a Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) version of the Dynamic Panel Data
3.2.5 Generalized Method of Moments
The Dynamic GMM is able to optionally exploit the linear moment restrictions
which is a result of the assumption that there is no serial correlation in the er-
ror terms. The GMM equation is estimated using the level or rst dierences of
the variables. It includes individual eects, lagged dependent variables and do not
have any strictly exogenous variables. The Dynamic GMM estimator is given by,
= (
y (19)
is the vector of coecient approximations of the endogenous and exoge-
nous regressors,
where H is a T 2 matrix.
The two-way model swaps the H-term with an estimated variance-covariance
matrix formed on the residuals of a preliminary consistent estimate of . The
optimal A
is given by,
where v
are the residuals from the initial approximation of .
When using GMM, it needs to be assumed that no second order serial corre-
lation exists in the rst dierences of the error term. This is because the specic
construction of the instruments, which are lagged, will be rendered invalid should
this assumption not be true. Due to the y
term, rst order autocorrelation is
expected and is therefore not a sign of miss-specication. The specication test
generally used in the GMM-estimation is the Sargan test, based on his instru-
mental estimation test developed in Sargan (1958). The Sargan test evaluates
the validity of the set of instruments and is able to determine the validity of the
GMM-assumptions of predeterminacy, endogeneity, and exogeneity. When test-
ing for rst- and second order autocorrelation, the Arellano-Bond test for zero
autocorrelation in rst-dierenced errors is commonly used. In this test, the null-
hypothesis is that there is no autocorrelation. Hence, should the null-hypothesis
be true for the second-order test, there is serial correlation in the model which
will result in the GMM-assumption of no second-order autocorrelation not to be
fullled which will render the GMM-model useless Arellano and Bond (1988).
Another common violation is heteroscedasticity, which occurs when the stan-
dard deviations of a variable vary over time. As the error terms are assumed to
be consistent over time in the Panel Data setting, this need to be accounted for in
the model. The selected method to correct for any eventual heteroscedasticity in
the model is to use Whites heteroscedasticity-consistent estimator.
3.2.6 Conclusion
This section has dealt with the econometric theory used in the thesis, where the
Panel Data Model was selected as the main econometric tool. The models outlined
in this section were the Static Panel Data Models and the Dynamic Panel Data
Models. The main advantage of the Panel Data Models is that they enable you to
model the heterogeneity across countries and individual groups. The Static Panel
Data Models outlined was the Random Eects (RE) and Fixed Eects (FE) mod-
els. When discussing the Dynamic Panel Data, the GMM-estimator was outlined
as the preferred method, as it enables the analyst to obtain more ecient and
optimal estimators with fewer assumptions than when using the Static Panel Data
3.3 Point System Methodology
3.3.1 Introduction
In order to get a clear view of the dierent countries prospects we have created a
point system based on the ndings in the econometrical analysis. The aim of this
system is to get a clear view of the countries with the best prospects of growth
with a one year perspective.
3.3.2 Building the Point System
The point system will include the variables that we have found to be signicant
in the analysis. The variables will be weighted based on the elasticity of the ex-
planatory variables in relation to the determinant market size. We will set up a
ranking of all countries and the weightings of the variables will be made using the
following formula:
is the point given to the country on a specic variable (i.e. the sub-index),
= coefficient significance level is the weighting given to the variable based
on the econometrical analysis and is the multiplier used.
In order to get the total score, the simple formula
have been
4 Measuring Financial Development and Growth;
Variable and Data Issues
4.1 Introduction
Measuring nancial development is a key concern for central banks, investment
management rms and other nancial institutions interested in emerging markets.
To get an overview of the nancial development worldwide, we have covered 98
countries, emerging as well as developed countries. Some of the countries are not
that well exploited and sucient relevant data have not been possible to nd. To
measure nancial development in these countries we have specied 16 variables of
which includes macroeconomic, technology development, governance, and human
development indicators as well as inow and outow of capital, as we nd relevant.
4.2 Measuring the Performance of the Stock Markets
To measure the performance of the stock market, we have used a total of 16
variables. All of the variables are listed below and have shown evidence of having
an impact on economic growth from a number of dierent research publications.
In all cases we have used market capitalization as dependent variable. The full
Panel consists of 98 countries and the countries we are interested in are those with
a stock exchange with possibilities for international investments.
4.2.1 Market Capitalization of Listed Companies
Market Capitalization is dened as the share price times the number of outstand-
ing shares. The variable used includes all listed domestic companies at the end
of the year in the countrys stock exchanges. Some companies are however ex-
cluded, such as investment companies, mutual funds and collective investment
vehicles. According to Zafar (2013), there are many researchers suggesting that
the performance of the stock market is an accurate reection of a countrys eco-
nomic performance. He also mentions numerous factors that have an impact on
the stock market performance. Some of the factors are the expansion of the coun-
trys economic activities, strength in the exchange rate, decrease in lending interest
rates, improvement in recovery of outstanding loans, rescheduling and payment of
foreign debts, mergers and acquisitions, the relationship with neighboring coun-
tries, investor friendly policies and a strong regulatory framework. In emerging
economies, legal, economic and political factors also play a signicant role. Garcia
(1999) has scrutinized the determinants of stock market performance and he has
found that real income, the savings rate, nancial intermediary development and
stock market liquidity are important determinants. Similar research has been done
by Yartey (2008), who suggests that income level, gross domestic investment, the
banking sector development, private capital ows, stock market liquidity, political
risk, law and order, and the quality of the bureaucracy are important determinants.
4.2.2 Ination
The ination is generally measured by the consumer price index, which reects
the annual percentage change in the cost to the average consumer who acquires
a basket of selected goods and services. According to Mohanasundaram (2012),
high ination erodes the benet of higher return from the equity market. There is
evidence of that ination has a strong positive relationship with the equity market,
which also applies to the market capitalization. In his research, Mohanasundaram
is receiving a correlation between ination and the Indian stock exchange Sensex
of 0.80 and between ination and market capitalization of 0.84.
4.2.3 Foreign Direct Investment
The denition of foreign direct investment is the net inows of investment to
acquire a lasting management interest in an enterprise. These investments need to
be 10 percent or more of voting stock. The investment must also take place outside
the investors own economy. Foreign direct investments are the sum of equity
capital, reinvestment of earnings, other long-term capital and short-term capital
as shown in the balance of payments. For a developing country, a major source of
investment inow is foreign direct investments. According to research from Raza
et al (2012), FDI is showing a mixed behavior in economic development. There
is, however, a positive impact of stock market performance on economic growth.
Those countries with a well-established nancial market can achieve more from FDI
than those without. When comparing developed countries with developing, FDI
inow can have a signicant positive impact over economic growth in developing
economies. There are also mixed opinions in the impact of the banking sector to the
stock market performance. For example, Zafar (2013) claim that the development
of the banking sector has no signicant impact on stock market performance.
4.2.4 Gross Fixed Capital Formation
Gross xed capital formation, as dened by the World Bank, includes various
land improvements like fences, ditches and drains, but also plant, machinery and
purchases of equipment. The index was previously called gross domestic xed
investment. It also includes the construction of roads, railways, schools, oces,
hospitals etc. and is an indicator of economic improvements. The contribution
capital formation bring to the overall growth may be more limited than was initially
thought according to Maddison (1991). He is, however, still suggesting that there
is a good reason to estimate it since economies devote a growing proportion of GDP
to investment in capital goods through the process of economic advancement.
4.2.5 GDP
Gross Domestic Product is the sum of all residents production within the countrys
economy, plus taxes and minus subsidies that are not included in the value of the
products. Deduction for depreciation of fabricated assets have not been made nor
depletion and degradation of natural resources. Franses and Mees (2011) have
tested if Chinese and US news of national accounts gures aect the stock market.
The research indicates that four of eight Asian stock indexes react to US news,
while only two of eight Asian stock indexes react on Chinese news. They also
found that US stock market returns do not react signicantly to either US news
or to Chinese news.
4.2.6 Exports of Goods and Services
All goods and market services provided to the rest of the world is included in the
Exports of Goods and Services Data. Excluded are Compensation of Employees,
Investment Income and Transfer Payments. Research made by Usman et al (2012)
shows that Export has a signicant positive relation to economic growth. They
conclude that enhanced economic growth is dependent of internationalization of
trade and nancial development in the country.
4.2.7 Ocial Exchange Rate
The national authority determines an exchange rate which is made the ocial ex-
change rate. This rate could also be determined in the legally sanctioned exchange
market. Kogid et al (2011) showed that growth in exchange rate causes economic
growth. They say that stable long-term economic growth requires stable trade and
stable foreign exchange markets. The results show that if the real exchange rate
increased by 1 percent, then the real GDP increased by 7.6 percent. They also
tested how the nominal exchange rate aected the real GDP and got an 8.8 percent
increase. However, only the coecient of the real exchange rate was signicant.
The real exchange rate has therefore a positive signicant impact on the real GDP
in the long run.
4.2.8 Domestic Credit to Private Sector
Financial resources provided to the private sector is included in the domestic credit
to the private sector. These could be loans, purchases of non-equity securities, and
trade credits and other accounts receivables. Some countries could include credit to
public enterprises claims. Quartey (2007) test the long-run Dynamic Relationship
between a group of variables including domestic credit to the private sector, which
shows a positive and signicant eect on the stock market capitalization as a share
of GDP. The short-run eect of domestic credit to the private sector was shown
to be positive, but highly insignicant.
4.2.9 Control of Corruption
There are cultural dierences in how to approach corruption. In for example Asia,
corruption is part of the xed costs while in Africa it is a variable cost. When
the corruption is part of the xed costs, the governance structure is based on
relationships. Corruption and violent criminality are often correlated, but many
involved in a corrupt governance structure are not evil. According to Reja (2012),
corruption is an emotional disorder and dicult to cure. Bolgorian (2011) has
tested the Corruption Perception Index and used market capitalization data for
46 countries. A positive correlation has been detected between the Corruption
Perception Index and stock market development.
4.2.10 Cash Surplus/Decit
The cash surplus or decit is measured as revenue and grants minus expense and
the net acquisition of nonnancial assets. The former overall budget balance is
closely correlated with the cash surplus and decit data. According to Roley
(1988), the potential eects of the federal decit that stem from discretionary
scal policy on the stock market depends on several factors. One of the factors
that has been proven to be amongst the most signicant factors is the current
condition of the economy. During a recession, raised output and corporate cash
ows from stimulative scal actions are likely to boost stock prices.
4.2.11 Rule of Law
There is a wide agreement amongst empirical researchers that the Rule of Law
should be considered a key factor of economic development. For example, Curott
(2010) found that countries that put emphasis on securing the Rule of Law are
considerably more productive than countries who did not. Rule of Law and eco-
nomic development goes conjointly, but which one that causes the other is yet
to be determined in the empirical research. When deducting these, Curott mean
that Rule of Law and the security of private property are major causes of economic
growth. Econometric studies also support the economic theory implying that Rule
of Law is an important determinant of economic growth. See, for example, the
study made by Alesina and Tabellini (1989) mentioned in the previous chapter.
4.2.12 Political Stability/Absence of Violence
The political instability is regarded by economists to create a serious drawback
of economic growth. It may also lead to switching policies more frequently and
thus create volatility in Macroeconomic indicators. Aisen (2012) has analyzed
the impact of political instability on economic growth. They found that political
instability signicantly reduces economic growth.
4.2.13 Merger and Acquisition Transactions
The act when two organizations bring their businesses together, generally by of-
fering stockholders from one company securities in exchange for the surrender of
their stock, is dened as a merger and the act when an organization purchases a
second organization is dened as an acquisition. The acquirer has thereby acquired
ownership rights over its assets, stocks, operations, business lines and products.
Ly (2011) has looked into various deal and bidder specic characteristics and have
identied a large number of determinants that signicantly create abnormal re-
turns. Research show a positive impact on the nancial performance when consid-
ering companies in Greater China that engage in Merger and Acquisition activities
with a target company from Mainland China.
4.2.14 Internet Users
Internet users is dened by all people with Internet access in a country. When the
usage of Internet increase, Bogan (2008) concludes that the market participation
rate increases. They also nd that the stock transaction costs decreases when
using the Internet and that computer usage increases the probability of owning
4.2.15 Mobile Cellular Subscriptions
The Mobile Phone variable we are using includes post-paid and pre-paid subscrip-
tions of mobile phones and the subscriptions have access to the public telephone
network. According to Williams et al (2012), the impact of 3G penetration on
GDP growth is 0.15 percentage points when 10 percent of the 2G users switch
from 2G to 3G. They have also researched how much the impact would be if there
would be a doubling of mobile data. Since the penetration of 3G connections,
there has been a massive growth in the use of mobile data, and the impact on
GDP will be 0.5 percentage points if it doubles. In developing markets the impact
of mobile phones is expected to be a 4.2 percentage points increase in the long run
when there is an increase of 10 percentage points in the mobile penetration.
4.2.16 Compensation of Employees
An additional variable that we want to test is how the level of employee compen-
sation aect the stock market development. This variable show how much of total
expenses is paid out as salaries to employees, but there have not been any signif-
icant amount of research targeting on this topic. We expect that an increase in
employee compensation would indicate an improved Socioeconomic environment.
Hence, we expect this variable to have a positive correlation with the stock market.
4.2.17 Data on the Financial Variables
The data we have used consists of 249 069 data points, and have been found on the
World Bank, CIA - World Fact Book, Standard and Poors Capital IQ, Thomson
Reuters DataStream and Thomson Reuters Eikon. The base used in the research
is to cover the 98 countries, listed on World Bank, from year 1992 to 2011. The
variables used have been transformed into returns, using the following formula:
This formula has been applied to be able to study the growth impact on the de-
pendent market capitalization variable. This formula is applied to all data except
Rule of Law, Political Stability and Absence of Violence and Control of Corrup-
tion. These indicators are based on 30 underlying data sources that report the
perception of a large number of surveys. They are estimated in ranges from ap-
proximately -2.5 to +2.5, where +2.5 show the best governance performance. To
apply the returns formula to these datasets we had to make some modications.
Since the range is not xed to -2.5 or +2.5 we have applied
= v
) (24)
Where v
is the new value, v
is the old value and ABS(x
) is the absolute
value of the year minimum value. The nal step is the calculation of the yearly
if v
< v
if v
> v
Where v
is the nal value which we use in the regression, v
is the new
value from the preceding step at time t, v
is the new value from the preceding
step at time t-1 and x
is the year maximum value.
4.3 Summary and Conclusion
The variables used in the research have been carefully selected by running several
dierent regressions and reading up on previous research. The sixteen variables
listed above have been the most signicant variables and therefore used. Since
we have been looking for growth impact to the dependent market capitalization
variable, all of the variables have been transformed into returns. We have used
several dierent sources to nd data but the source that covers the most is the
World Bank and therefore used unless stated otherwise.
5 Evidence From Dynamic Panel Data Models
5.1 Introduction
The empirical testing was done using a Dynamic Panel Data analysis using a Dif-
ference GMM model. The empirical analysis has primarily been conducted using
STATA and EViews. This model does not provide us with an intercept, but pro-
vides us with the most statistically signicant and tting estimates when looking
at the autocorrelation- and Sargan-tests. Other models that were considered were
the Fixed or Random Static Panel Data Model, but as we found a very signicant
correlation between the lagged dependent variable (used as an explanatory vari-
able in the Dynamic Model) and the determinant, indicating that the dependent
(market capitalization) is depending on its own past realization, we concluded that
the Dynamic Panel Data model would provide us with the best estimates.
The variables were selected based on research done by the authors, and the
motivation behind the selection is listed in the previous chapter. The testing was
divided into Macroeconomic- and Socioeconomic variables. We chose to divide
them as they signicantly dier from one another. We did however include GDP
in both models as previous research have found a strong relationship between GDP
growth and stock market growth, and it relates both to the Macroeconomic- and
Socioeconomic variables.
5.2 Model 1
The base test was done using all selected variables in the Dynamic GMM Model.
The rst test (Table 5.1) did not perform too well in the Sargan test or the test
for second order autocorrelation, as the model proved to have second order auto-
correlation on the p < 0.10 level. Should this be the case in Model 2, the base
assumption of the GMM-test would not be met; hence the model would not be
useful without rst correcting for this in the estimation. The Sargan test was sig-
nicant on the p < 0.10 level, which indicates that there might be autocorrelation
in the model. Using robust standard errors followed by running the Arellano and
Bonds test for autocorrelation would therefore be a more suitable approach. Our
second test (Table 5.2) performed well both in the Sargan test and the test for
second order autocorrelation.
After the initial testing, the least signicant variables which failed to satisfy
the 90 percent condence interval was removed from the tests.
5.3 Model 2
After removing the insignicant variables, model 2 was developed. This is the
model which we will use in our ranking system. In this test, both the Macroeconomic-
and Socioeconomic variables performed well in the Sargan- and second order au-
tocorrelation tests, and the GMM assumptions are therefore true in both Model 2
tests. Seven of the signicant variables in the tests showed the expected signs and
two variables showed unexpected coecients. Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
Mergers and Acquisitions (MNA), Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF), Do-
mestic Credit to Private Sector (DCP), Rule of Law (RULE), Political Stability
(POL), Mobile Users (MOB) having a positive impact on the change in Market
Capitalization and Ination (INFL) and the Ocial Exchange Rate (EXCH) show-
ing a negative correlation. The two negative variables were the ones not showing
the expected signs.
GDP was found to aect the growth in Market Capitalization by 0.55 in Table
5.1 and 0.65 in Table 5.2. As it did not show the exact same coecient, we used
an average of the two in the point system model. MNA proved to have a positive
impact on growth by 0.011 on the 95 percent signicance level, indicating that
an increased MNA activity has a very weak, but signicant, eect on the growth
in Market Capitalization. Gross Fixed Capital Formation was also found to be
signicant with a coecient of 0.34, meaning that this is the second most inuential
of the Macroeconomic variables in our test. The last signicant Macroeconomic
variable was domestic credit to the private sector, with a coecient of 0.014.
Looking at variables with a negative impact, an increase in Ination proved to
have a slight negative eect of -0.0055 on the stock market. The Exchange Rate
had a negative eect of -0.02, indicating that an increasing exchange rate has a
larger impact on the growth of the Market Capitalization than Ination, even
though the eect was quite small.
Looking at the Socioeconomic variables, an increase in Rule of Law had the
largest impact on the growth of the stock market with a coecient of 1.26. Po-
litical Stability also had a signicant positive eect of 0.22. Our technological
indicator, Mobile Phone Users per 100 persons, also showed a signicant posi-
tive relationship with the stock market growth with a coecient of 0.43. Internet
Users did not show a signicant relationship with the dependent variable in model
2 and was therefore removed from this model, despite it being signicant on the
90 percent-level in model 1. Other variables not showing a signicant relationship
was Foreign Direct Investments, Exports of Goods and Services, Compensation of
Employees, Life Expectancy and Corruption.
6 Results From the Point-System
When developing the point system, we can see that the variables that have the
largest impact are Rule of Law followed by GDP and Mobile Subscriptions. This
means that the country with the best improvement in these variables will most
likely be located at the top of the list. In Table 6.1 we nd Mongolia, Papua New
Guinea and El Salvador in the top, all of which have a geographical location next
to or close to either a BRIC or Next-Eleven country.
In Table 6.1 below the returns from year 2010 to 2011 is listed for the top 4
countries, which the points are calculated from in Table 6.2.
The points for the top 4 countries are listed in Table 6.2 below and which the nal
scores were calculated from. Some of them have a negative impact on growth and
that is listed in the regression output in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2.
7 Conclusion and Discussion
The main goal for this thesis has been stated in the rst chapter of this thesis.
The aim was to assess which of the selected Macroeconomic and Socioeconomic
parameters that are likely to aect the stock market in the investigated country.
We also aimed at creating a ranking system (SDI) in order to rank the dierent
countries analyzed in the thesis.
When conducting the econometrical analysis, we started o with 16 variables,
did extensive testing and then used the 9 signicant variables to create our point
system. Our ndings are in line with previous research of how the variables af-
fect the stock market and the general growth in a country on all variables except
for ination and the exchange rate, which have generally shown a positive rela-
tionship with stock market returns in previous research. The variables that was
found to have the most signicant impact on the determinant variable (market
capitalization) were the change in: Gross Domestic Product, Ocial Exchange
Rate, Ination, Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mobile
Users, Political Stability, Rule of Law and Domestic Credit to Private Sector. The
Dynamic Panel Data Model provide us with seven variables that have a positive
impact on the market capitalization and two variables that have a negative im-
pact on the market capitalization. Change in Ination and Ocial Exchange Rate
are the two variables that have a negative impact. Ination turned out to have
a negative correlation to the stock market development, which somewhat contra-
dicts the ndings by Mohanasundaram (2012). A possible explanation for this is
that we used the change in the variable instead of the actual level of ination. A
large change in the ination-rate might be a result of hyperination, which have
shown to severely reduce the economic growth for a long time. It did however
not prove to have a very strong negative impact in our tests, even though there
was a negative correlation. An increasing Exchange Rate also showed a negative
relationship, contradicting previous ndings by Kogid et al (2011). Our hypothesis
of why this might be true, is that it will be more expensive for other countries to
trade with the country, hence decreasing the exports which might in turn have a
negative impact on the stock market development. On the other hand, exports of
goods and services did not show a signicant relationship with the stock market
capitalization. We conclude that more research on this relationship is needed in
order to draw any general conclusions on whether the relationship is positive or
negative. We did however still include this parameter in our point system.
The major part of the variables had a positive impact, with Rule of Law as
the variable with the largest impact on the growth in market capitalization. If an
investor wants to invest in a country, we conclude that a detailed study of how laws
are set up and followed in a country should be of major interest to investors. They
must be transparent, protect fundamental rights and justice should be delivered by
competent representatives. Rule of Law is followed by the Gross Domestic Product
as the variable with the second highest impact on the market capitalization. We
therefore come to the same conclusion as previous research, increasing economic
development is closely correlated to growing stock markets. If the Mobile Users
increases in a country, both our research and previous research indicates that it
will have a positive impact on both market capitalization and the gross domestic
product. One likely explanation for this is that if people have the possibility to
talk to each other and use mobile applications, it might lead to an increase in small
businesses and a wider geographic connection to other companies and people. The
Gross Fixed Capital Formation is a component of the GDP and demonstrates
how much of the new added value that is invested. If investments are made in
xed assets, it will lead to a higher domestic market capitalization and would
be positive for the nancial development. Political Stability also had a positive
relationship with the determinant, which support the previous research by Barro
(1991). At last we have two more variables with a similar level of impact on
the determinant. These two are Domestic Credit to Private Sector and Mergers
and Acquisitions, which showed a slight but signicant impact on the dependent
variable. The general conclusion from our models is that both Macroeconomic- and
Socioeconomic variables play an important role in the uctuations in the market
capitalization. Surprisingly, the tested Socioeconomic variables seem to play a
more important role than the Macroeconomic variables in how the stock market
develops, as their elasticity was signicantly higher than the Macroeconomic ones.
We then calculated the Stock Development Index score for the selected coun-
tries, using the variable coecients as weights and constructed a table over all 98
countries. At the top of the list we nd Mongolia, followed by Papua New Guinea,
El Salvador and Kyrgyz Republic right after. These 4 countries were the countries
that had the highest development during 2011 in terms of our selected variables
that aect nancial development.
The ndings of this thesis have some valuable implications, as it show the
major importance of having a stable political environment in order to promote
stock market growth. It also promotes less developed countries as great potential
investment opportunities, even though the ndings is by no mean a safe indication
of future growth.
7.1 Suggested Further Research
This thesis used stock market capitalization as the determinant variable, which is
set up of all listed equities in a country. In order to gain a more in-depth insight
into which sectors that benet the most from the dierent variables, additional
testing using dierent sectors market capitalization as the determinant would be of
interest. Another possibility is to analyze developing markets in dierent regions
by excluding the remainder countries in the Panel Data, gaining a more detailed
insight into how the dierent regions benet from the selected variables. Including
more variables in order to explain more of the stock price movements could also
be a positive extension on the subject. In addition, many variables are newly
developed, and do not have enough data at the moment, and could therefore
not be included in our model. An extension of the analysis with those variables
included should be possible within a few years, and could help provide additional
insight into what creates stock market growth.
As mentioned in the previous section, more research on how the exchange rate
and ination aects the stock market, preferably including exports as another
explanatory variable, could be of interest. Here, a Granger Causality Test could
also be conducted in order to assess whether ination, exchange rates and exports
might Granger Cause one another.
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