elaborated under certain conditions by particular moulds that can grow on grains, seeds, and nuts (47). If present during processing, they can contaminate oils that are derived from these sources. Regulations on maximum allowable levels for these contaminants have been legislated in various countries: heavy PAHs5 mg/kg and for sum of heavy and light PAHs25 mg/kg, German Society for Fat Science (45); dioxins0.75 pg TEQ WHO /g fat in the EU (50) where TEQ WHO means Toxic Equivalence expressed as the sum individual toxicities for 17 toxic polychlorinated-p-dibenzo dioxins and furans as identied by the World Health Organization; aatoxin B 1 5 mg/kg (51) in the EU. Regulatory limits for PAHs, PCBs, and dioxins have not yet been set in the United States; the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has established an action level of 20 ppb for aatoxins in human foods (52). 4.1. Effect of Lipid Constituents on Oil Quality; Determination of Oil Quality Trace constituents in oils are removed (or destroyed) in varying degrees during rening, bleaching, and deodorization steps. Figure 7 summarizes the various steps in oil processing and the major constituents removed in each of them. The main objectives of oil processing are to enhance appearance, avor, and oil stability and to ensure safety for human consumption. Phospholipids, if not removed from oils before deodorization, can lead to dark-colored oils and serve as off-avor precursors (53, 54). Chlorophyll (55), pheophytins and pyropheophytins (56), and metal ions (57, 58) are prooxidants that decrease oil stability. Iron and copper at levels as low as 0.01 and 0.1 ppm, respectively, are capable of lowering avor and oxidative stability (59). Free fatty acids, besides representing a rening loss, have also been shown to act as prooxi- dants (60) and to lower smoke points (61) of oils during frying. Linolenic acid has Figure 7. Major impurities removed by different processing steps. TRACE CONSTITUENTS IN LIPID OILS AND FATS 299 O I L P U R I F I C AT I O N 1 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung D E G U MMI N G DEFINISI: ! Memisahkan/mengeluarkan gum (senyawa phosphate) dalam minyak kasar (crude oil). TUJUAN: ! Menmudahkan proses penyimpanan dan pengangkutan. ! Memudahkan proses pemurnian berikutnya (caustic rening dan bleaching). ! Menghasilkan lecithin. 2 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung Figure 6. Degumming and lecithin processing. 1 7 DEGUMMING Crude oil from extraction Filtration Blending Hydration Centrifuge separation Bleaching Drying Blending Drying Solids Acid Water Peroxide OIL GUM Fatty Acids OIL LECITHIN To Bleaching, caustic rening D E G U MMI N G 3 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung D E G U MMI N G METODE DEGUMMING: 1) Dry Degumming. ! Proses degumming dilakukan bersamaan dengan proses bleaching. ! Dilakukan pada crude oil yang kandungan gum-nya sangat rendah, seperti crude coconut oil dan crude palm kernel oil. 2) Wet Degumming. ! Proses digumming pada minyak yang banyak mengandung gum (senyawa (hydratable phosphate). ! Gum yang dihasilkan dapat diproses menjadi lecithin. ! Prosesnya: Steam diinjeksikan ke dalam minyak, gum akan menyatu, dan dipisahkan dengan sentrifugasi. 4 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung D E G U MMI N G METODE DEGUMMING: 3) Acid Degumming. ! Ac i d d e g u mmi n g d i l a k u k a n b e r s a ma a n menghilangkan senyawa phosphate (hydratable dan non hydrateable). ! Non-hydratable phosphate adalah jenis phospholipid yang mengandung ion Ca, Mg, dan Fe, dihasilkan dari ekstraksi b!i-b!ian yang telah mengalami kerusakan. ! Prosesnya: Asam encer (asam phosphate atau asam sitrat) ditambahkan ke dalam minyak, dilanjutkan dengan proses hidrasi (injeksi uap panas ke dalam minyak). ! Pemisahan gum dengan cara sentrifugasi. ! Hasil akhir minyak dengan kadar gum < 3 ppm. 5 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung D E G U MMI N G 6 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung D E G U MMI N G Crude Soybean Oil Degummed Soybean Oil 7 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung N E U T R A L I S I N G ! Bertujuan untuk menetralisasi atau menghilangkan asam lemak bebas. ! Disebut juga: Caustic Rening atau Alkali Rening. ! Juga menghilangkan gum dan mineral kalsium dan magnesium yang tersisa dari proses degumming. ! Proses netralisasi: a. Larutan alkali (16-24 Be) dicampurkan ke dalam degummed oil, diaduk dan didiamkan selama 5 menit. b. Minyak dan sabun dipisahkan dengan sentrifugasi. c. Minyak masih mengandung sabun sekitar 500 ppm. d. Minyak selanjutnya dicampur dengan air panas sebanyak 15-20%, untuk mencuci sabun. e. Minyak dan air sabun di pisahkan dengan sentrifugasi. f. Minyak hasil netralisasi mengandung sabun <50 ppm, dan K.A. <0,5%. 8 Figure 7. Caustic rening. 2 2 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung DI AGRAM ALI R NETRALI SASI 9 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung B L E A C H I N G ! Merupakan proses pembersihan minyak secara absorpsi. ! Absorbent yang digunakan karbon aktif (activated carbon) dan lempung aktif (activated clay). ! Bahan asing yang dipisahkan meliputi: ! Komponen warna (chlorophyll dan carotenoids), ! Gum (phospholipid), Sabun (soap stock), ! Logam (besi, Fe dan tembaga, Cu), ! Komponen hasil reaksi oksidasi. ! Pretreatment bleaching dengan ditambahkan asam (sitrat dan fosfat) untuk mengikat logam, mencegah oksidasi. 10 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung DI AGRAM ALI R BLEACHI NG Figure 8. Bleaching/dry degumming. 2 6 11 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung ABSORBENT FOR BLEACI NG Activated Carbon Activated Clay (Earth) 12 DI AGRAM ALI R BLEACHI NG Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung 13 BLEACHI NG PROCESS Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung 14 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung D E O D O R I S I N G ! Disebut juga sebagai physical rening. ! Ditujukan untuk mengeluarkan komponen volatile. ! Deodorisasi dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti proses netralisasi (chemical rening). ! Komponen volatil yang dikeluarkan terdiri: ! Komponen aroma (avor dan tastes dari bahan baku), ! Asam lemak bebas (physical rening). ! Selain menghilangkan komponen volatil, deodorisasi juga memucatkan warna minyak, pigmen carotenoids rusak akobat pemanasan. 15 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung DI AGRAM ALI R DEODORI ZATI ON Figure 13. (b) Continuous deodorizer. 4 6 16 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung DI AGRAM ALI R DEODORI ZATI ON 17 1. Deaeration: Proses pengerluaran udara untuk mencegah oksidasi. Minyak dipanaskan pada suhu 80 o C dalam kondisi vakum (50 mm Hg). 2. Stipping: Minyak yang telah di deaerasi, dipanaskan dengan steam hi ngga suhu dan tekanan yang di i ngi nkan untuk menguapkan komponen volatile impurities (FFA dan odor). PROSES DEODORI ZATI ON phosphatide content after degumming (<15 ppm). If not, chemical rening will yield better results. Another important factor is the free fatty acid content of the crude oil. In general, physical rening only becomes advantageous when the acidity of the crude oil is sufciently high. For relatively cheap oils, like soybean oil, the higher oil yield with the physical rening is less important than the higher bleaching earth con- sumption, making chemical rening more attractive. For other unsaturated oils with a higher value, such as peanut oil and sunower seed oil, physical rening will be more attractive. 2. DEODORIZATION PRINCIPLE Although the process is commonly named deodorization, it is actually a combina- tion of three different effects on the oil: (1) stripping: Stripping of volatile compo- nents (free fatty acids, odorous compounds, tocopherols, sterols, and contaminants such as pesticides and light polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, etc.), (2) actual deodorization: Removal of different off-avors, and (3) temperature effect: Thermal destruction of pigments and unwanted side reactions such as cis-trans-iso- merization, polymerization, conjugation, and so on. Optimal stripping parameters (temperature, time, operating pressure, and amount of stripping gas) are governed by the properties of the ingoing product, the specications of the outgoing product, equipment limitations, and the need to minimize costs. In Table 1, some typical deodorization conditions for edible oils are given. As observed, steam rening applied during physical rening requires more severe conditions than deodorization in case of chemical rening. This is mainly because of the removal of FFA by distillation, which is more signicant in physical rening, as the initial FFA levels are considerably higher. To obtain the required nal FFA content of 0.030.05% by physical rening, it is necessary to adjust the operating conditions. The easiest way is to increase the TABLE 1. Typical Operating Conditions for Deodorization of Vegetable Oils. Chemical Physical Conditions U.S. Europe Europe Temperature (
C) 250260 220240 230250
Pressure (mbar) 34 23 2 Sparge steam (%) 0.52 (a) 0.51.5 12 Deodorization time (min) 2040 4060 6090 Final acidity (% FFA) 0.030.05 ! Trans fatty acids (%) 0.51 ! Tocopherol loss (%) (b) up to 60 max 25 max 25 a To remove tocopherols, a higher amount of steam is required. b For example, for soybean oil in the United States, the minimum is 500 ppm; in Europe, it is 900 ppm. DEODORIZATION PRINCIPLE 343 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung 18 3. Retention: Menahan (membiarkan) minyak pada suhu dan tekanan deodorisasi (stripping) selama 10-30 menit, untuk menghilangkan pigmen (carotenoid). Disebut juga dengan Heat Bleaching (bleaching dengan panas). 4. Scrubbing (Condensation): Mengkondensasi dan merekoveri komponen volatil (FFA) menjadi Faty acid destilate. 5. Cooling: Mendinginkan minyak setelah proses deodorisasi. Ditambahkan asam sitrat untuk mengikat logam dan mencegah oksidasi. PROSES DEODORI ZATI ON Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung 19 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung H Y D R O G E N AT I O N Hidrogenasi adalah proses penambahan molekul hidrogen (H pada ikatan tak jenuh dengan bantuan katalisator. ! Tujuan Hidrogenasi: 1. Meningkatkan stabilitas rasa dan aroma, serta daya simpan minyak/lemak. 2. Mengubah sifat fungsional minyak/lemak untuk aplikasi tertentu. ! H2 atas 480 suhu rendah. ! Katalisator Hidrogrenasi: nickel, alumina, silica, platinum, palladium, rhodium, dan ruthenium. 20 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung DI AGRAM ALI R HI DROGENASI Figure 10. Hydrogenation. 3 5 H2 gas
21 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung Ef ek Hi drogenasi Terhadap As. Lemak As. Lemak Rantai Karbon Titik Leleh ( Laju Oksidasi Laju Hidro- genasi Linolenat C18:3 -13 150 40 Linoleat C18:2 -7 100 20 Oleat C18:1 cis 16 10 1 Stearat C18:0 70 1 - Oleat C18:1 trans 44 10 1 22 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung The manufacture of lightly hydrogenated, winterized soybean oil led to the new terms selective hydrogenation and selectivity catalyst. Selective hydro- genation technically denes the preferential conversion of 18:3 18:2 relative to 18:1 >18:0. In practical terms, this process reects the selective removal of double bonds via hydrogen addition such that saturated fatty acid (stearic) formation is minimized (7). Catalyst selectivity is somewhat meaningless unless the term is dened. There also are selective catalysts that do not meet the technical or practical denition of hydrogen selectivity. Such catalysts are sulfur-poisoned catalyst. Sulded nickel catalyst produces high trans-isomers, has lower activity than conventional nickel, exhibits longer reaction times, and is used for specialty applications (e.g., coating fats and hard butters). Most unsaturated bonds in vegetable oils naturally occur in the cis-form. During partial hydrogenation, part of the cis-isomers is changed to trans-isomers. Trans- isomers have a dramatically higher melting point (42
C) as compared with cis-
isomers (6
C). The creation of trans-isomers is desirable in margarine oil in that
a higher melting point can be achieved without developing a higher level of nutri- tionally undesirable saturated compounds. Altering hydrogenation conditions to produce higher (or lower) trans-isomers is termed trans-isomer selectivity. Factors inuencing cis-trans-isomerization are shown in Table 2. A typical hydrogenation converter is shown in Figure 1. The converter is the heart of the complete hydrogenation system. Proper design and maintenance of the hydrogen gas distributor, the agitator, and the heating cooling coils are mandatory for optimum productivity and consistency of basestocks produced. Most conver- ters are 30,000-pound, 40,000-pound, or 60,000-pound batch sizes with some now as large as 90,000 pounds. The common agitator design provides approxi- mately 100 rpm, and radial ow impellers are used. The lower impeller is posi- tioned slightly above the hydrogen gas distributor; therefore, the diameter of the gas distributor and the tip-to-tip dimension of the lower impeller are critical. Originally, the middle and top impellers were of the radial ow type also. Some converters have now been operating for many years with an axial ow impeller at the top position. Although the lower and middle radial ow impellers are ideally suited for gas dispersion, the top impeller pumps the oil downward, and if posi- tioned properly, hydrogen gas in the headspace re-enters the oil. This design has enhanced the success of dead-end hydrogenation, dramatically reducing the amount TABLE 2. Factors Inuencing cis-trans-isomerization. High trans Low trans Temperature High Low H 2 pressure Low High Catalyst dosage Low High Agitation Slow Fast Catalyst Ni-S Ni INTRODUCTION 387 Ef ek Hi drogenasi Terhadap Trans As. Lemak " Proses hidrogenasi, suhu 204 o C, nickel katalisator 0,02%, tekanan H2 15 psia, menghasilkan asam lemak trans 44%. " Proses hidrogenasi, suhu 70 o C, konsentrasi katalis 0,11%, dan tekanan H2 250 psia, menghasilkan as. lemak trans 22%. 23 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung HI DROGENASI Faktor mempengaruhi laju hidrogenasi: a. Suhu awal minyak, b. Suhu reaksi, c. Aktivitas katalisator, d. Konsentrasi katalisator, e. Laju serapan hidrogen, f. Kemurnian hidrogen, g. Kualitas minyak, h. Intensitas pengadukan. 24 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung I NTERESTERI FI CATI ON " Didenisikan sebagai: Penataan ulang susunan asam lemak, baik secara random atau terarah, dalam trigliserida dengan tujuan untuk memodikasi sifat minyak atau lemak tanpa mengubah komposisi asam lemaknya. " Reaksi transesterikasi dapat terjadi antara minyak/lemak dengan alkohol, asam, atau minyak/lemak. 1. Alcoholysis: pertukaran dengan mono atau polihidrat alkohol. 2. Acidolysis: pertukaran dengan asam karboksilat. 3. Methanolysis: pertukaran dengan methanol. 4. Interesterication: Pertukaran dengan trigliserida lainnya. 25 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung I NTERESTERI FI CATI ON 236 Modifying lipids for use in food reaction can be completed within 30 minutes. The reaction is stopped by the introduction of water, and subsequent processing usually includes washing, bleaching and deodorization to obtain the final randomized product. Figure 11.1 illustrates the difference between chemical and specific lipase- catalyzed interesterification in two triacylglycerols. For the chemical randomization of ACA and BBB governed by thermodynamics and statistics, theoretically all 18 isomers (27 if stereoisomers are included) might be detected in the end reaction mixture. For comparison, with 1,3-specific lipase- catalyzed reaction governed mainly by enzyme specificity and dynamics, only four new isomers (six if stereoisomers are included) are expected, apart from the original ACA and BBB. The formation of isomers with acyl group C at the 1- or 3-positions and A at the 2-position of the glycerol backbone is theoretically impossible if acyl migration can be ruled out. The randomization of triacylglycerols can also be driven by non-specific lipases, yielding similar results to chemical interesterification. In practice, only a very few lipases are strictly non-specific. Most lipases are specific to a certain extent (Matori et al., 1991). That is to say, the result of the reaction catalyzed even by a non-specific lipase will not be exactly the same as that with a chemical catalyst. The widely used chemical catalysts are Na-K alloy or sodium alcoholate (e.g. CH 3 ONa). However, they are believed not to be the real catalysts due to their ease of consumption during reaction. Glycerate is the real catalyst of interesterification. This mechanism explains the formation of both monoalcohol ester and diacylglycerol, the latter being formed by glycerate hydrolysis (Ucciani and Debal, 1996). Dijkstra et al. (2005) proposed a new mechanism in order to explain the experimental observations.
This mechanism assumes that the reaction of a base (such as sodium methanolate) with the oil will eventually lead to the abstraction of an -hydrogen from a fatty acid moiety and that the enolate anion thus formed acts as the catalytic intermediate. This enolate can re-abstract a proton from the hydroxyl group of a partial glyceride, whereupon the resulting alcoholate attacks the carbonyl group. This leads to a new ester and a glycerolate anion which then regenerates a new enolate anion. 1,3-specific lipase chemical catalyst or nonspecific lipase A C + A B B B A C + A B B + B A C + B A B + A B B + A B C B C C A C C B C A C C B C B B C B B A* B A B B C B* A A B A A C A B A* A C A* A B C A C B* B A C A A A B B B* C C C + + + + Fig. 11.1 Schematic illustration of the difference between randomization and 1,3- specific interesterification, exemplified by the reaction between ACA- and BBB-type triacylglycerols. Underlined molecules are starting materials and those with star are possible products for 1,3-specific lipase-catalyzed reaction. 236 Modifying lipids for use in food reaction can be completed within 30 minutes. The reaction is stopped by the introduction of water, and subsequent processing usually includes washing, bleaching and deodorization to obtain the final randomized product. Figure 11.1 illustrates the difference between chemical and specific lipase- catalyzed interesterification in two triacylglycerols. For the chemical randomization of ACA and BBB governed by thermodynamics and statistics, theoretically all 18 isomers (27 if stereoisomers are included) might be detected in the end reaction mixture. For comparison, with 1,3-specific lipase- catalyzed reaction governed mainly by enzyme specificity and dynamics, only four new isomers (six if stereoisomers are included) are expected, apart from the original ACA and BBB. The formation of isomers with acyl group C at the 1- or 3-positions and A at the 2-position of the glycerol backbone is theoretically impossible if acyl migration can be ruled out. The randomization of triacylglycerols can also be driven by non-specific lipases, yielding similar results to chemical interesterification. In practice, only a very few lipases are strictly non-specific. Most lipases are specific to a certain extent (Matori et al., 1991). That is to say, the result of the reaction catalyzed even by a non-specific lipase will not be exactly the same as that with a chemical catalyst. The widely used chemical catalysts are Na-K alloy or sodium alcoholate (e.g. CH 3 ONa). However, they are believed not to be the real catalysts due to their ease of consumption during reaction. Glycerate is the real catalyst of interesterification. This mechanism explains the formation of both monoalcohol ester and diacylglycerol, the latter being formed by glycerate hydrolysis (Ucciani and Debal, 1996). Dijkstra et al. (2005) proposed a new mechanism in order to explain the experimental observations.
This mechanism assumes that the reaction of a base (such as sodium methanolate) with the oil will eventually lead to the abstraction of an -hydrogen from a fatty acid moiety and that the enolate anion thus formed acts as the catalytic intermediate. This enolate can re-abstract a proton from the hydroxyl group of a partial glyceride, whereupon the resulting alcoholate attacks the carbonyl group. This leads to a new ester and a glycerolate anion which then regenerates a new enolate anion. 1,3-specific lipase chemical catalyst or nonspecific lipase A C + A B B B A C + A B B + B A C + B A B + A B B + A B C B C C A C C B C A C C B C B B C B B A* B A B B C B* A A B A A C A B A* A C A* A B C A C B* B A C A A A B B B* C C C + + + + Fig. 11.1 Schematic illustration of the difference between randomization and 1,3- specific interesterification, exemplified by the reaction between ACA- and BBB-type triacylglycerols. Underlined molecules are starting materials and those with star are possible products for 1,3-specific lipase-catalyzed reaction. 236 Modifying lipids for use in food reaction can be completed within 30 minutes. The reaction is stopped by the introduction of water, and subsequent processing usually includes washing, bleaching and deodorization to obtain the final randomized product. Figure 11.1 illustrates the difference between chemical and specific lipase- catalyzed interesterification in two triacylglycerols. For the chemical randomization of ACA and BBB governed by thermodynamics and statistics, theoretically all 18 isomers (27 if stereoisomers are included) might be detected in the end reaction mixture. For comparison, with 1,3-specific lipase- catalyzed reaction governed mainly by enzyme specificity and dynamics, only four new isomers (six if stereoisomers are included) are expected, apart from the original ACA and BBB. The formation of isomers with acyl group C at the 1- or 3-positions and A at the 2-position of the glycerol backbone is theoretically impossible if acyl migration can be ruled out. The randomization of triacylglycerols can also be driven by non-specific lipases, yielding similar results to chemical interesterification. In practice, only a very few lipases are strictly non-specific. Most lipases are specific to a certain extent (Matori et al., 1991). That is to say, the result of the reaction catalyzed even by a non-specific lipase will not be exactly the same as that with a chemical catalyst. The widely used chemical catalysts are Na-K alloy or sodium alcoholate (e.g. CH 3 ONa). However, they are believed not to be the real catalysts due to their ease of consumption during reaction. Glycerate is the real catalyst of interesterification. This mechanism explains the formation of both monoalcohol ester and diacylglycerol, the latter being formed by glycerate hydrolysis (Ucciani and Debal, 1996). Dijkstra et al. (2005) proposed a new mechanism in order to explain the experimental observations.
This mechanism assumes that the reaction of a base (such as sodium methanolate) with the oil will eventually lead to the abstraction of an -hydrogen from a fatty acid moiety and that the enolate anion thus formed acts as the catalytic intermediate. This enolate can re-abstract a proton from the hydroxyl group of a partial glyceride, whereupon the resulting alcoholate attacks the carbonyl group. This leads to a new ester and a glycerolate anion which then regenerates a new enolate anion. 1,3-specific lipase chemical catalyst or nonspecific lipase A C + A B B B A C + A B B + B A C + B A B + A B B + A B C B C C A C C B C A C C B C B B C B B A* B A B B C B* A A B A A C A B A* A C A* A B C A C B* B A C A A A B B B* C C C + + + + Fig. 11.1 Schematic illustration of the difference between randomization and 1,3- specific interesterification, exemplified by the reaction between ACA- and BBB-type triacylglycerols. Underlined molecules are starting materials and those with star are possible products for 1,3-specific lipase-catalyzed reaction. Tujuan: Merubah titik leleh, memperlambat oksidasi, menghasilkan minyak/lemak yang cocok untuk deep frying dan pembuatan margarin. Metode: ! Interesterifikasi Kimia: Menggunakan katalis sodium metoksi dan logam alkali. ! Interesterifikasi enzim: Menggunakan enzim lipase. 26 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung 246 Modifying lipids for use in food 11.3.2 Enzymatic acidolysis for the production of structured lipids Structured lipids (SL), in this text, means fats that are modified or restructured from natural oils and fats, or the fatty acids therefrom, with regio-positional preference of each fatty acid or each group of fatty acids in the glycerol backbone. Structured lipids are designed for a particular functionality or nutritional property for edible or pharmaceutical purposes. This definition Fig. 11.4 Morphology of the blend (palm stearin/coconut oil, 70/30) and enzymatically interesterified products at different degrees of conversion (measured by HPLC). (Samples with 50 % added rapeseed oil were melted at 70 C, and one drop was put on a slide. They were then cooled to room temperature. The morphology was observed after one hour at room temperature by polar light microscopy) (adapted from Zhang et al., 2004b). 58 % conversion 31 % conversion 71 % conversion 100 % conversion Blend I NTERESTERI FI CATI ON 246 Modifying lipids for use in food 11.3.2 Enzymatic acidolysis for the production of structured lipids Structured lipids (SL), in this text, means fats that are modified or restructured from natural oils and fats, or the fatty acids therefrom, with regio-positional preference of each fatty acid or each group of fatty acids in the glycerol backbone. Structured lipids are designed for a particular functionality or nutritional property for edible or pharmaceutical purposes. This definition Fig. 11.4 Morphology of the blend (palm stearin/coconut oil, 70/30) and enzymatically interesterified products at different degrees of conversion (measured by HPLC). (Samples with 50 % added rapeseed oil were melted at 70 C, and one drop was put on a slide. They were then cooled to room temperature. The morphology was observed after one hour at room temperature by polar light microscopy) (adapted from Zhang et al., 2004b). 58 % conversion 31 % conversion 71 % conversion 100 % conversion Blend 246 Modifying lipids for use in food 11.3.2 Enzymatic acidolysis for the production of structured lipids Structured lipids (SL), in this text, means fats that are modified or restructured from natural oils and fats, or the fatty acids therefrom, with regio-positional preference of each fatty acid or each group of fatty acids in the glycerol backbone. Structured lipids are designed for a particular functionality or nutritional property for edible or pharmaceutical purposes. This definition Fig. 11.4 Morphology of the blend (palm stearin/coconut oil, 70/30) and enzymatically interesterified products at different degrees of conversion (measured by HPLC). (Samples with 50 % added rapeseed oil were melted at 70 C, and one drop was put on a slide. They were then cooled to room temperature. The morphology was observed after one hour at room temperature by polar light microscopy) (adapted from Zhang et al., 2004b). 58 % conversion 31 % conversion 71 % conversion 100 % conversion Blend 246 Modifying lipids for use in food 11.3.2 Enzymatic acidolysis for the production of structured lipids Structured lipids (SL), in this text, means fats that are modified or restructured from natural oils and fats, or the fatty acids therefrom, with regio-positional preference of each fatty acid or each group of fatty acids in the glycerol backbone. Structured lipids are designed for a particular functionality or nutritional property for edible or pharmaceutical purposes. This definition Fig. 11.4 Morphology of the blend (palm stearin/coconut oil, 70/30) and enzymatically interesterified products at different degrees of conversion (measured by HPLC). (Samples with 50 % added rapeseed oil were melted at 70 C, and one drop was put on a slide. They were then cooled to room temperature. The morphology was observed after one hour at room temperature by polar light microscopy) (adapted from Zhang et al., 2004b). 58 % conversion 31 % conversion 71 % conversion 100 % conversion Blend 246 Modifying lipids for use in food 11.3.2 Enzymatic acidolysis for the production of structured lipids Structured lipids (SL), in this text, means fats that are modified or restructured from natural oils and fats, or the fatty acids therefrom, with regio-positional preference of each fatty acid or each group of fatty acids in the glycerol backbone. Structured lipids are designed for a particular functionality or nutritional property for edible or pharmaceutical purposes. This definition Fig. 11.4 Morphology of the blend (palm stearin/coconut oil, 70/30) and enzymatically interesterified products at different degrees of conversion (measured by HPLC). (Samples with 50 % added rapeseed oil were melted at 70 C, and one drop was put on a slide. They were then cooled to room temperature. The morphology was observed after one hour at room temperature by polar light microscopy) (adapted from Zhang et al., 2004b). 58 % conversion 31 % conversion 71 % conversion 100 % conversion Blend Palm stearin/coconut oil (70/30) 31% conversion 58% conversion 71% conversion 100% conversion 27 Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung of fats). This process has great potential as the ramications of natural versus mod- ied fats continue to be debated. Figure 11 depicts a typical interesterication process. This random inter- esterication uses a reactor quite similar in design (if not identical) to the hydro- genation dead-end reactor. Oil is heated after being neutralized and dried to around 90120
C and is blended in the reactor with a catalyst, such as sodium methoxide
(0.20.3%) or an alkali metal (0.10.2%). During reaction, the reactants become orange-brown in color (the rst quality check of reaction process). Once the color develops, the reaction is normally completed within 30 min, where an equilibrium exists of the random distribution of fatty acids on the glycerol molecule. When completed, water is introduced to stop the reaction, vacuum is released, and the oil discharged to a holding tank. As a soap residue is normally present in the oil, the mixture may be washed and centrifuged from the oil. The oil is dried and bleached and deodorized in the normal manner. Continuous interesterication processes exist but to date none have been com- mercialized. Interesterication is generally performed in small batches by specialty processors. An alternate method of increasing interest is directed interesterication using enzymes. The process is generally applied to palm-oil-based materials such as cocoa butter substitutes and to coconut oils. There is some concern about the effectiveness of interesterication with physical rened oils as low levels of FFA must be present or the reaction will not proceed as planned (5). Although not a hazardous process, interesterication is often included in the hydrogenation section of the renery because of the similarity of the reactors. As the debate concerning health effects of saturated products and that of trans isomers generated during hydrogenation continues, interesterication may offer a viable alternative to the rener. Outside the United States interesterication is used to produce hardened fats without trans isomers. These products are available in Canada and continental Europe. This technology has been available for quite some time, as a patent on the product was granted to Unilever in 1961 (22). The ability to tailor the melting point and functional crystallization characteristics without Figure 11. Interesterication. 38 A PRIMER ON OILS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY Proses: Minyak (degummed, rened), dipanaskan (90-120 o C) dalam vakum, ditambah katalisator (sodium metoksi, 0,2-0,3%: metal alkali, 0,1-0,2%), reaksi dimulai saat timbul warna kuning-kecoklatan. Reaksi (30 menit) dihentikan dengan penambahan air dan pendinginan. I NTERESTERI FI CATI ON 28