The EL/M-2052 radar is an advanced AESA airborne fire control radar designed for air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. It enables long-range detection of multiple targets simultaneously and can track up to 64 targets. In air-to-air mode it allows long-range detection and multiple simultaneous weapon engagements. In air-to-ground mode it provides high-resolution mapping, moving target detection and tracking. It also detects and tracks targets at long-range in air-to-sea missions. The radar incorporates decades of experience from Israeli Air Force operations.
The EL/M-2052 radar is an advanced AESA airborne fire control radar designed for air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. It enables long-range detection of multiple targets simultaneously and can track up to 64 targets. In air-to-air mode it allows long-range detection and multiple simultaneous weapon engagements. In air-to-ground mode it provides high-resolution mapping, moving target detection and tracking. It also detects and tracks targets at long-range in air-to-sea missions. The radar incorporates decades of experience from Israeli Air Force operations.
The EL/M-2052 radar is an advanced AESA airborne fire control radar designed for air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. It enables long-range detection of multiple targets simultaneously and can track up to 64 targets. In air-to-air mode it allows long-range detection and multiple simultaneous weapon engagements. In air-to-ground mode it provides high-resolution mapping, moving target detection and tracking. It also detects and tracks targets at long-range in air-to-sea missions. The radar incorporates decades of experience from Israeli Air Force operations.
The EL/M-2052 radar is an advanced AESA airborne fire control radar designed for air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. It enables long-range detection of multiple targets simultaneously and can track up to 64 targets. In air-to-air mode it allows long-range detection and multiple simultaneous weapon engagements. In air-to-ground mode it provides high-resolution mapping, moving target detection and tracking. It also detects and tracks targets at long-range in air-to-sea missions. The radar incorporates decades of experience from Israeli Air Force operations.
The EL/M-2052 radar introduces new dimensions to the
Air-to-Air, Air-to-Ground and Air-to-Sea operation modes of
the aircraft. In the Air-to-Air mode, the radar enables a very long-range multi targets detection and enables several simultaneous weapon deliveries in combat engagements. In Air-to-Ground missions, the radar provides very high- resolution mapping (SAR), surface moving target detection and tracking over RBM, DBS and SAR maps in addition to A/G ranging. In Air-to-Sea missions the radar provides long-range target detection and tracking, including target classification capabilities (RS, ISAR). Modular hardware and software Spare memory and computing power Two axes monopulse guard channel Flexible interfaces and growth potential: High mission reliability (built-in redundancy) Group & S u b s id ia ry o f I S R A E L A E R O S P A C E I N D U S T R I E S LT D . ELTA Systems Ltd. The EL/M-2052 is an advanced AESA Airborne Fire Control Radar (FCR) designed for air-to-air superiority and advanced strike missions. The FCR is based on fully solid-state active phase array technology. This new technology enables the radar to achieve a longer detection range, high mission reliability and a multi-target tracking capability of up to 64 targets. The EL/M-2052 radar incorporates ELTAs decades of field- proven experience with real operational feedback from Israeli Air Force combat pilots. Pulse Doppler, all aspect, look-down shoot-down capabilities Solid-State, Active Phased Array technology Simultaneous multi-targets tracking and engaging Simultaneous multi-mode operation High ECM immunity Ultra-low side-lobe antenna T A R G E T
C O N T R O L General Features A i r-to -A i r S u p e ri o ri ty & A d v a n c e d S tri k e C a p a b i li ti e s Active Electronic Scan Array Airborne Fire Control Radar EL/M-2052 High resolution mapping (SAR Mode) AGR Air-to-Ground Ranging RBM Real Beam Map DBS Doppler Beam Sharpening GMTI on RBM, DBS, SAR GMTT on RBM, DBS, SAR Beacon High resolution raid assessment Air-to-Ground: Air-to-Sea: Sea search and multi target tracking RS and ISAR classification modes Air-to-Air: E L T A
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( E ) *Additional modes per requirements GMTT over SAR image Physical Characteristic Operation Modes Multi-target detection and tracking Multi-target ACM Weather Antenna size : Weight : Power : adapted to aircraft nose limitations 130-180 Kg. , depending on antenna size 4-10 KVA. , depending on antenna size Multi-target detection and tracking S A R & G M T I S E A R C H M I S S I L E G U I D A N C E S U P P O R T M I S S I L E G U I D A N C E
S U P P O R T V E R I F I C A T I O N & T R A C K I N G w w w . e l t a - i a i . c o m E- mai l : mar k et @el t a. co. i l Innovation. Solutions. Control. Tel: (703)875-3726. Fax: (703)875-3770 The contents of this brochure are presented as general information only and are not meant to, nor do they, constitute any representation or warranty by ELTA Systems Ltd. The contents are not meant to serve or be used in substitution for the information contained in any approved specification, manual or the like issued by ELTA Systems Ltd. The contents shall not in any way add to, amend, delete or change any term of any contract in which ELTA Systems Ltd. is a party. ISRAEL E-mail: [email protected] U.S.A. EUROPE Tel: (972)8-857-2312/2410. Fax: (972)8-856-1872 Tel: (33)1- Fax: (33)1- Group & S u b s i d i a ry o f I S R A E L A E R O S P A C E I N D U S T R I E S LT D . ELTA Systems Ltd. Active Electronic Scan Array Airborne Fire Control Radar EL/M-2052