Hypnosis With Children
Hypnosis With Children
Hypnosis With Children
Kathleen is a professional hypnotherapist who specializes in working with children. I know she
is extremely good because she has worked with children at our center with astounding results.
She recently moved to Canada with her husband who took a teaching position at a university
there. Our loss !ortunately before she left" she produced a great video recording of a course she
taught on using hypnosis with children. #n$oy and take a look at her video program.
Cal %anyan" &'" %C(" CI" !)*(" O%C
(ypnosis +raining by Kathleen Skott,&yhre" &'" C(
&rs. Skott,&yhre has a &asters -egree in Counseling .sychology and is an
)*(, )ational *uild of (ypnotherapists" Certified (ypnotherapist.
/hat you get in this 0 -1- package
)ow you can successfully help children. #xpand your practice by helping children. Children are
easier to hypnotize than adults.
&s. Skott,&yhre will teach you2
3 /hen to *et a -octor4s 5eferral to /ork with Children
3 (ow to .repare Children for (ypnosis
3 (ow to Induce (ypnosis in Children
3 (ow to *ive Children (ypnotic Suggestions
3 (ow to 6se 7,.'+(8 with Children
3 /hat .arents )eed to Know to &ake (ypnotherapy /ork
3 /hat Scripts to 6se for Specific Issues for Children
3 6sing .ost,(ypnotic Suggestions for Children
3 9etting Children Communicate through .ictures
3 )umber of Session and (ow 9ong they Should %e
3 Over +wo (ours of Instruction.
3 +wo -1-s
3 Scripts
3 5ecommended 5eading
3 Information about 7,.'+(8
+here4s more
On this two video hypnosis training set Kathleen Skott,&yhre touches upon all of the following
topics and go into more depth on the essential points of working with children.
3 +he -evelopmental .hases that Children *o +hrough
3 'ge 'ppropriate 9anguage for the -ifferent Stages
3 6sing Stories and !antasy to *ive Children Suggestions
3 6sing Stories to Induce +rance and &ake Suggestions
3 6sing 5ehearsal !antasy for Change
3 +eaching .arents to 6se Suggestion
3 (ow to .repare Children for (ypnosis
3 (ow to Conduct the .re,(ypnosis Interview
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part;<.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part;=.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part=>.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part=?.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with [email protected]
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part=A.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part=<.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part=7.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part=B.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part=0.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part=;.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part;@.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part;0.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part;A.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part;7.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part;B.rar
Kathleen Skott,&yhre : (ypnosis with Children.part;;.rar