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Air pollution dispersion modeling is the

mathematical simulation of how air pollutants disperse
in the ambient atmosphere. It is per-formed with
computer programs, called dispersion models, that solve
the mathematical equations and algorithms which
simulate the pollutant dispersion. The dispersion models
are used to estimate or to predict the downwind
concentration of air pollutants emitted from emission
sources such as industrial plants and vehicular traffic.
Such models are important to governmental agencies
tasked with protecting and managing ambient air
quality. The models are typically employed to determine
whether exist-ing or proposed new industrial facilities
are or will be in compliance with the ational !mbient
!ir "uality Standards #!!"S$ in the %nited States and
similar standards in other nations. The models also serve to assist in the design of
effective control strategies to reduce emissions of harmful air pollutants.
The dispersion models require the input of data which includes&
'eteorological data such as wind speed and direction, atmospheric
turbulence #characteri(ed by what is known as the stability class$, the
ambient air temperature and the height to the bottom of any temperature
inversion that may be present aloft.
)missions parameters such as source location and height, source vent stack
diameter and exit velocity, exit temperature and mass flow rate.
Terrain elevations at the source location and at the receptor location.
The location, height and width of any obstructions #such as buildings or other
structures$ in the path of the gaseous emission plume.
'any modern, advanced dispersion modeling programs include pre-processor
modules for the input of meteorological and other data, and many also include a
post-processor module for graphing the output data and*or plotting the area
impacted by the air pollutants on maps. +urrently, the !),'-. air pollution
dispersion model is the preferred regulatory model of the %.S. )nvironmental
/rotection !gency.
The air pollution dispersion models are also known as atmospheric dispersion
models, atmospheric diffusion models, air dispersion models and air quality models.
Gaussian air pollution dispersion equation
The technical literature on air pollution dispersion is quite extensive and dates back
to the 01234s and earlier. -ne of the early air pollutant plume dispersion equations
was derived by 5osanquet and /earson.
Their equation did not assume 8aussian
distribution nor did it include the effect of ground reflection of the pollutant plume.
Sir 8raham Sutton derived an air pollutant plume dispersion equation in 019:
which did include the assumption of 8aussian distribution for the vertical and
crosswind dispersion of the plume and also included the effect of ground reflection
of the plume.
There was an immense growth in the utili(ation of air pollutant plume dispersion
calculations between the late 01<3s and today. Since personal computers also came
into existence during that period, a great many computer programs for calculating
the dispersion of air pollutant emissions were developed in that same period. The
basis for most of those models was the Complete Equation or Gaussian
Dispersion Modeling O! Continuous" #uo$ant Air Pollution Plumes shown

The above equation includes upward reflection of the pollution plume from the
ground, as well as downward reflection from the bottom of any temperature
inversion lid present in the atmosphere.
The sum of the four exponential terms in g
converges to a final value quite rapidly.
=or most cases, the summation of the series with m > 0, m > ; and m > 2 will
provide an adequate solution.
It should be noted that
are functions of the atmospheric stability class
#i.e., a measure of the turbulence in the ambient atmosphere$ and of the downwind
distance to the receptor. The two most important variables affecting the degree of
pollutant emission dispersion obtained are the height of the emission source point
and the degree of atmospheric turbulence. The more turbulence, the better the
degree of dispersion.
The resulting calculations for air pollutant concentrations are often expressed as an
air pollutant concentration contour map in order to show the spatial variation in
pollutant levels over a wide area under study. In this way the contour lines can
overlay sensitive receptor locations and reveal the spatial relationship of air
pollutants to areas of interest.
T&e #riggs plume rise equations
The 8aussian air pollutant dispersion equation #discussed above$ requires the input
of H #also known as the effective plume height, H
$ which is the pollutant plume4s
centerline height above ground level. H
at any distance from the pollutant plume4s
source is the sum of H
#the actual physical height of the pollutant plume4s source
point$ plus '

H #the plume rise due the plume4s buoyancy$ at that distance.
To determine '

H, most air dispersion models developed between the late 01<3s
and the early ;333s used what are known as ?the 5riggs equations.? 8.!. 5riggs
first published his plume rise observations and comparisons in 01<@.
In 01<A, at a
symposium sponsored by +-+!B) #a .utch organi(ation$, he compared many of
the plume rise models then available in the literature
and also wrote a section of
the publication edited by Slade
dealing with the comparative analyses of plume
rise models. That was followed in 01<1 by his classical critique of the entire plume
rise literature,
in which he proposed the plume rise equations which have became
widely known as ?the 5riggs equationsC. Subsequently 5riggs modified those plume
rise equations in 01:0 and in 01:;.
5riggs divided air pollution plumes into these four general categories&
+old Det plumes in calm ambient air conditions
+old Det plumes in calm ambient air conditions
+old Det plumes in windy ambient air conditions
Eot, buoyant plumes in calm ambient air conditions
Eot, buoyant plumes in windy ambient air conditions
5riggs considered the traDectory of cold Det plumes to be dominated by their initial
velocity momentum, and the traDectory of hot, buoyant plumes to be dominated by
their buoyant momentum to the extent that their initial velocity momentum was
relatively unimportant. !lthough he proposed plume rise equations for each of the
above plume categories, the Briggs equations" which become widely used
are those that he proposed for bent-over, hot buoyant plumes (as depicted
in the above diagram of a plume.
In general, 5riggs4s equations for bent-over, hot buoyant plumes are based on
observations and data involving plumes from typical combustion sources such as
the flue gas stacks from steam-generating boilers burning fossil fuels in large power
plants. Therefore, the stack exit velocities were probably in the range of ;3 to 033
ft*s #< to 23 m*s$ with exit temperatures ranging from ;@3 to @33 F= #0;3 to ;<3 F+$.
! logic diagram for using the 5riggs equations
to obtain the plume rise traDectory
of bent-over buoyant plumes is presented below&

' & > plume rise, in m

> buoyancy factor, in m

( > downwind distance from plume source, in m

> downwind distance from plume source to point of maximum plume rise,
in m
u > windspeed at actual stack height, in m*s

> stability parameter, in s

The parameters shown in the above logic diagram of 5riggs4 equations are
discussed in much more detail by 5eychok.
Ma)or air pollution dispersion models in *urrent
These are some of the maDor air pollution dispersion models currently being used.
There are literally do(ens of other models as well&
!.'S 2& .eveloped in the %nited Gingdom
!),'-.& .eveloped in the %nited States
!%S/H%')& .eveloped in !ustralia
+!H/%==& .eveloped in the %nited States
.IS/),SI-;&.eveloped in Sweden
IS+2& .eveloped in the %nited States
H!.'& .eveloped in !ustralia
!')& .eveloped in the %nited Gingdom
'),+%,)& .eveloped in =rance
,I'/%==& .eveloped in .enmark
The )uropean Topic +entre on !ir and +limate +hange, which is part of the
)uropean )nvironment !gency #))!$, maintains an online 'odel .ocumentation
System #'.S$that includes descriptions and other information for almost all of the
dispersion models developed by the countries of )urope. The '.S currently
contains 039 models developed in )urope #excluding the %nited Gingdom$.

0. 5osanquet, +.E. and /earson, I.H., ?The spread of smoke and gases from
chimneys?, Trans. =araday Soc., 2;&0;91, 012<
;. Sutton, -.8., ?The problem of diffusion in the lower atmosphere?, "I,'S,
:2&;@:, 019: and ?The theoretical distribution of airborne pollution from
factory chimneys?, "I,'S, :2&9;<, 019:
2. Turner, ..5. #0119$. Workbook of Atmospheric Dispersion Estimates, ;nd
)dition. +,+ /ress. IS5 0-@<<:3-3;2-J. http&**
9. 5eychok, 'ilton ,. #;33@$. Fundamentals of Stack Gas Dispersion, 9th )dition.
author-published. IS5 3-1<99@AA-3-;.
@. 5riggs, 8.!., ?! plume rise model compared with observations?, I!/+!,
0@&922-92A, 01<@
<. 5riggs, 8.!., ?+-+!B) meeting& discussion of the comparative
consequences of different plume rise formulas?, !tmos. )nvir., ;&;;A-;2;,
:. Slade, ..E. #)ditor$ #01<A$. Meteorology and atomic energy, !ir ,esources
Haboratory, %.S. .ept. of +ommerce.
A. 5riggs, 8.!., ?/lume ,ise?, %S!)+ +ritical ,eview Series, 01<1
1. 5riggs, 8.!., ?Some recent analyses of plume rise observation?, /roc. Second
Internat4l. +lean !ir +ongress, !cademic /ress, ew Kork, 01:0
03. 5riggs, 8.!., ?.iscussion& chimney plumes in neutral and stable
!tmos. )nvir., <&@3:-@03, 01:;
00. The 'odel .ocumentation System #'.S$

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