Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling PDF
Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling PDF
Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling PDF
> buoyancy factor, in m
( > downwind distance from plume source, in m
> downwind distance from plume source to point of maximum plume rise,
in m
u > windspeed at actual stack height, in m*s
> stability parameter, in s
The parameters shown in the above logic diagram of 5riggs4 equations are
discussed in much more detail by 5eychok.
Ma)or air pollution dispersion models in *urrent
These are some of the maDor air pollution dispersion models currently being used.
There are literally do(ens of other models as well&
!.'S 2& .eveloped in the %nited Gingdom
!),'-.& .eveloped in the %nited States
!%S/H%')& .eveloped in !ustralia
+!H/%==& .eveloped in the %nited States
.IS/),SI-;&.eveloped in Sweden
IS+2& .eveloped in the %nited States
H!.'& .eveloped in !ustralia
!')& .eveloped in the %nited Gingdom
'),+%,)& .eveloped in =rance
,I'/%==& .eveloped in .enmark
The )uropean Topic +entre on !ir and +limate +hange, which is part of the
)uropean )nvironment !gency #))!$, maintains an online 'odel .ocumentation
System #'.S$that includes descriptions and other information for almost all of the
dispersion models developed by the countries of )urope. The '.S currently
contains 039 models developed in )urope #excluding the %nited Gingdom$.
0. 5osanquet, +.E. and /earson, I.H., ?The spread of smoke and gases from
chimneys?, Trans. =araday Soc., 2;&0;91, 012<
;. Sutton, -.8., ?The problem of diffusion in the lower atmosphere?, "I,'S,
:2&;@:, 019: and ?The theoretical distribution of airborne pollution from
factory chimneys?, "I,'S, :2&9;<, 019:
2. Turner, ..5. #0119$. Workbook of Atmospheric Dispersion Estimates, ;nd
)dition. +,+ /ress. IS5 0-@<<:3-3;2-J. http&**
9. 5eychok, 'ilton ,. #;33@$. Fundamentals of Stack Gas Dispersion, 9th )dition.
author-published. IS5 3-1<99@AA-3-;.
@. 5riggs, 8.!., ?! plume rise model compared with observations?, I!/+!,
0@&922-92A, 01<@
<. 5riggs, 8.!., ?+-+!B) meeting& discussion of the comparative
consequences of different plume rise formulas?, !tmos. )nvir., ;&;;A-;2;,
:. Slade, ..E. #)ditor$ #01<A$. Meteorology and atomic energy, !ir ,esources
Haboratory, %.S. .ept. of +ommerce.
A. 5riggs, 8.!., ?/lume ,ise?, %S!)+ +ritical ,eview Series, 01<1
1. 5riggs, 8.!., ?Some recent analyses of plume rise observation?, /roc. Second
Internat4l. +lean !ir +ongress, !cademic /ress, ew Kork, 01:0
03. 5riggs, 8.!., ?.iscussion& chimney plumes in neutral and stable
!tmos. )nvir., <&@3:-@03, 01:;
00. The 'odel .ocumentation System #'.S$