Blackbook Project On TQM
Blackbook Project On TQM
Blackbook Project On TQM
CGI Information Systems & Management Cons!tants P"t# Lt$#
ACCE&EMIC YEAR +,,-.+,,/
C1en$ani %n$er Roa$2 T1ane 3,,4,5
Te! ,++.+677 +35+
I Radhika Timir Kurambhatti, student of Joshi-Bedekar College of T.Y.BMS
S!M "# hereb$ inform that I ha%e &om'leted this 'ro(e&t on Total )ualit$
Management in C*I in the a&ademi& $ear +,,--+,,.. The information
submitted is true and original to the best of m$ kno/ledge.
Radhika Timir Kurambhatti
It gi%es me great 'leasure to 're'are 'ro(e&t re'ort on Total )ualit$
Management in C*I and 'resent it to K.*.Joshi College of 0rts and 1.*.
Bedekar College of Commer&e and management studies affiliated to Mumbai
2ni%ersit$. I am %er$ thankful to 3rof. Mr. Kailash Chitnis for 'ro%iding %aluable
guidan&e and ad%i&e from time to time.
I /ould like to thank Mr. "ina$ Thal$ 4ire&tor Consulting Ser%i&es# and
Shantanoo Joshi Consultant#.
This re'ort is the &ombined su''ort of all abo%e mentioned and /ithout /hom
the 'ro(e&t &ould not be &om'leted.
The 'ro(e&t is on Total )ualit$ Management in 5C*I6.
7irst &ha'ter addresses To'i&, 0ims, 8b(e&ti%es, S&o'e and regarding strateg$
Cha'ter T/o e9'lains about 4efinition : !%olution of )ualit$ and about
Contribution of )ualit$ *uru;s
Con&e't of T)M, Tools : Te&hni<ues of T)M and )ualit$ Cir&les are
addressed in Cha'ter Three.
Cha'ter 7our 'ro%ides information on C*I and their strateg$
=o/ to C*I has im'lemented T)M is e9'lained in Cha'ter 7i%e
3ro(e&t 0nal$sis and Re&ommendations are &on&luded in Cha'ter Si9 and
Se%en res'e&ti%el$
0nne9ure, Bibliogra'h$ : >ebliogra'h$ are addressed in last &ha'ters
Chapter 1 - Project Introduction
Topic 1
Aims & Objectives 1
Scope of Project 2
Strategy followed to execute Project 2
Chapter 2 -Preface
Quality efi!itio! "
Quality #volutio! $
%o!tributio! of Quality &urus '( ) 11
Chapter 3 -Introduction to Total Qualit
!ana"e#ent $TQ!%
%o!cept of TQ* 12 ) 1"
Tools & Tec+!i,ues of TQ* 1$ ) 1-
Quality %ircles 2' ) 2.
Chapter & -C'I() TQ! )trate"
About %&/ 2- ) "1
TQ* strategy "2 ) "(
Chapter * -TQ! i#ple#entation in C'I
efi!itio! a!d #stablis+me!t of
Quality System *a!ageme!t 0QS*1 "2 ) "3
4sage of Quality System
*a!ageme!t 0QS*1 "3 ) ".
*o!itor a!d /mprove Quality
System *a!ageme!t 0QS*1 ". ) "-
Chapter + -Project ,nal)i)
Adva!tage of TQ* $' ) $2
5imitatio!s of TQ* $" ) $$
Chapter - -Reco##endation)
$( ) $2
Chapter . -,nne/ure
$3 ) $.
Chapter 0 -1i2lio"raph 3
2nderstand the &on&e't of Total )ualit$ Management and to see ho/ it is
im'lemented in IT Com'an$
Aims & O<=e;ti"es
To 'lan the 'ro(e&t in detail
To kno/ the ba&kground of T)M
To understand the &on&e't of T)M
To get /ell %ersed /ith T)M
To see /hate%er /e ha%e learned till no/, ho/ that is reall$ getting
im'lemented in IT industr$
Com'are the results /ith theor$
0nal$?e the 'ro(e&t
Re&ommends suggestions, if an$
3ro%ide learning of 'ro(e&t
3age @
S;o:e of Pro=e;t
The s&o'e is limited to im'lementation of T)M in C*I through IS8 .,,@ ,
CMMi /hi&h mainl$ &o%ers ma(orit$ of Si9 Sigma &on&e'ts # and through their
internal <ualit$ s$stems.
Strategy fo!!o>e$ to e?e;te Pro=e;t
3re'are detailed a&ti%it$ list
3ro%ide effort and &ost
3re'are de'enden&$ 'lan based on assigned a&ti%ities
Im'lement the a&ti%ities
Re%ise the 'lan
4o&ument the learning
3age +
Qa!ity @ &efinition
)20AITY means A)itness for UseB as 'er 4r. Juran. The &om'onents are said
to 'ossess good <ualit$, if the$ /ork /ell in the e<ui'ment for /hi&h the$ are
It is a relati%e term, generall$ used /ith referen&e to the end use of a 'rodu&t.
)20AITY is the distinguishing feature or AGra$eB of the 'rodu&t in
a''earan&e, 'erforman&e, life, reliabilit$, taste, odor and maintainabilit$ et&.
)20AITY is A&egree of Preferen;eB to /hi&h a s'e&ified 'rodu&t is 'referred
o%er &om'eting 'rodu&ts of e<ui%alent grade. This is based on &om'arati%e
tests b$ the &ustomers and is normall$ &alled &ustomer 'referen&e.
)20AITY is a measure of the A&egree of E?;e!!en;eB of the 'rodu&t.
)20AITY is 5Conformity to ReCirementsB 3hili' Crosb$# and is &on&erned
/ith ho/ /ell a 'rodu&t &onforms to design and other s'e&ifi&ations.
0 short and /idel$ a&&e'ted definition of toda$ for )20AITY is Customer
Delight /hi&h aim to meet the follo/ingB
State$ nee$s in sim'le /ords &alled Satisfiers#
Unstate$ nee$s in sim'le /ords &alled 4is - Satisfiers#
E?:e;tations in sim'le /ords &alled 4elighters#
0&&ording to 4eming, )20AITY should be aimed at fulfilling the needs of the
&ustomer, 'resent and future.
3age C
Qa!ity E"o!tion
3hase )ualit$
Total )ualit$
S&o'e 3rodu&ts Ra/
: 3rodu&ts
Ra/ Material
: 3rodu&ts
Ra/ Material
: 3rodu&ts :
0ll 3ro&ess
0rea of
!nd of Aine !nd of Aine 8nline Before the beginning
S$stem 0''raisal 0''raisal 0''raisal
7un&tion Ins'e&tion Ins'e&tion
3lan, Control,
Im'ro%e and 0udit
Status 8'erators Su'er%isor Manager *eneral Manager or
"i&e 3resident
Re'orting 3rodu&tion
Managing 4ire&tor or
3age D
Contri<tion of Qa!ity Grs
0 *uru, b$ definition, is a good 'erson, a /ise 'erson and a tea&her. 0 <ualit$
*uru in addition to ha%ing these &hara&teristi&s, /ill be, introdu&ing , inno%ating
and im'lementing &on&e't and a''roa&h to <ualit$ /ithin business that /ill
make a ma(or and lasting im'a&t or gi%e %alue for mone$ or more Returns on
In%estmentR8I#. >e &annot mo%e ahead /ithout addressing their &ontribution
to /orld of <ualit$. There ha%e been three grou's of *urus sin&e the @.D,EsB
!arl$ @.F,Es 0meri&ans /ho took the messages of <ualit$ to Ja'an
Aate @.F,Es Ja'anese /ho de%elo'ed ne/ &on&e'ts in res'onse to the
@.G,[email protected],Es >estern *urus /ho follo/ed the Ja'anese industrial su&&ess
It is be$ond the s&o'e of this 'ro(e&t to go into nitt$-gritt$ on ea&h of the *urus,
their 'hiloso'hies, tea&hings and toolsH ho/e%er, a brief o%er%ie/ of their
&ontribution to the <ualit$ (ourne$ is gi%en, su''orted b$ se%eral referen&es.
8 E$>ar$s &eming - The 0meri&ans /ho /ent to Ja'an, 'la&ed great
im'ortan&e and res'onsibilit$ on management, at the indi%idual and &om'an$
le%el, belie%ing management to be res'onsible for .DI of <ualit$ 'roblems. =is
fourteen 'oint 'lan for T)M is a &om'lete 'hiloso'h$ of management that &an
be a''lied to small or large organi?ations in the 'ubli&, 'ri%ate or ser%i&e
@. Create &onstan&$ of 'ur'ose to/ards im'ro%ement of 'rodu&t and ser%i&e
+. 0do't the ne/ 'hiloso'h$. >e &an no longer li%e /ith &ommonl$ a&&e'ted
le%els of dela$, mistakes and defe&ti%e /orkmanshi'
C. Cease de'enden&e on mass ins'e&tion. Instead, re<uire statisti&al e%iden&e
that <ualit$ is built in
3age F
D. Im'ro%e the <ualit$ of su''lies. !nd the 'ra&ti&e of a/arding business on
the basis of 'ri&e
F. Continuousl$ im'ro%e 'rodu&tion. 7ind 'roblems. It is managementEs (ob to
/ork &ontinuall$ on the s$stem
J. Train and edu&ate all em'lo$ees. Institute modern methods of training on
the (ob
G. Su'er%ision must hel' 'eo'le. Institute modern methods of su'er%ision of
'rodu&tion /orkers, The res'onsibilit$ of foremen must be &hanged from numbers
to <ualit$
-. 4ri%e out fear, so that e%er$one ma$ /ork effe&ti%el$ for the &om'an$
.. !liminate boundaries. Break do/n barriers bet/een de'artments
@,. !liminate numeri&al goals, 'osters and slogans for the /orkfor&e asking for
ne/ le%els of 'rodu&ti%it$ /ithout 'ro%iding methods
@@. !liminate /ork standards that 'res&ribe numeri&al <uotas
@+. Aet 'eo'le be 'roud of their /ork. Remo%e barriers that stand bet/een the
hourl$ /orker and their right to 'ride of /orkmanshi'
@C. !n&ourage self-im'ro%ement. Institute a %igorous 'rogram of edu&ation and
@D. Commit to e%er im'ro%ing <ualit$. Create a stru&ture in to' management that
/ill 'ush on the abo%e 'oints e%er$ da$
T1e Origina! Qa!ity Grs
4eming also en&ouraged a s$stemati&
a''roa&h to 'roblem sol%ing and
'romoted the /idel$ kno/n 3lan, 4o,
Che&k, 0&t 34C0# &$&le. The 34C0
&$&le is also kno/n as the 4eming &$&le,
although it /as de%elo'ed b$ a &olleague
of 4eming, 4r She/hart.
3age J
It is a uni%ersal im'ro%ement methodolog$, the idea being to &onstantl$
im'ro%e, and thereb$ redu&e the differen&e bet/een the re<uirements of the
CustomerEs and the 'erforman&e of the 'ro&ess. The &$&le is about learning
and ongoing im'ro%ement, learning /hat /orks and /hat does not in a
s$stemati& /a$H and the &$&le re'eatsH after one &$&le is &om'lete, another is
&r Jose:1 M Jran - de%elo'ed the )ualit$ Trilog$ K )ualit$ 3lanning,
)ualit$ Control and )ualit$ Im'ro%ement. *ood <ualit$ management re<uires
<ualit$ a&tions to be 'lanned out, im'ro%ed and &ontrolled. The 'ro&ess
a&hie%es &ontrol at one le%el of <ualit$ 'erforman&e, then 'lans are made to
im'ro%e the 'erforman&e on a 'ro(e&t b$ 'ro(e&t basis, using tools and
te&hni<ues su&h as 3areto anal$sis. This a&ti%it$ e%entuall$ a&hie%es
breakthrough to an im'ro%ed le%el, /hi&h is again &ontrolled, to 're%ent an$
deterioration. 4r. Juran belie%ed <ualit$ is asso&iated /ith &ustomer satisfa&tion
and dissatisfa&tion /ith the 'rodu&t, and em'hasi?ed the ne&essit$ for ongoing
<ualit$ im'ro%ement through a su&&ession of small im'ro%ement 'ro(e&ts
&arried out throughout the organi?ation. =is ten ste's to <ualit$ im'ro%ement
@. Build a/areness of the need and o''ortunit$ for im'ro%ement
+. Set goals for im'ro%ement
C. 8rgani?e to rea&h the goals
D. 3ro%ide training
F. Carr$ out 'ro(e&ts to sol%e 'roblems
J. Re'ort 'rogress
G. *i%e re&ognition
-. Communi&ate results
.. Kee' s&ore of im'ro%ements a&hie%ed
@,. Maintain momentum
3age G
=e &on&entrated not (ust on the end &ustomer, but on other e9ternal and
internal &ustomers. !a&h 'erson along the &hain, from 'rodu&t designer to final
users, is a su''lier and a &ustomer. In addition, the 'erson /ill be a 'ro&ess,
&arr$ing out some transformation or a&ti%it$.
&r (aor Is1iDa>a @ The Ja'anese, made man$ &ontributions to <ualit$,
the most note/orth$ being his total <ualit$ %ie/'oint, &om'an$ /ide <ualit$
&ontrol, his em'hasis on the human side of <ualit$, the Ishika/a diagram and
the assembl$ and use of the 5se%en basi& tools of <ualit$6B
3age -
3areto anal$sis /hi&h are the big
Cause and effe&t diagrams /hat
&auses the 'roblemsL
Stratifi&ation ho/ is the data made
Che&k sheets ho/ often it o&&urs or
is doneL
=istograms /hat do o%erall
%ariations look likeL
S&atter &harts /hat are the
relationshi's bet/een fa&torsL
3ro&ess &ontrol &harts /hi&h
%ariations to &ontrol and ho/L
=e distinguished bet/een 5errors6, /hi&h are ine%itable, and 5defe&ts6, /hi&h
result /hen an error rea&hes a &ustomer, and the aim of 3oka-Yoke Ja'anese
term, that means 5mistake-'roofing6# is to sto' errors be&oming defe&ts. 4efe&ts
arise be&ause errors are made and there is a &ause and effe&t relationshi'
bet/een the t/o. Mero <ualit$ &ontrol is the ideal 'rodu&tion s$stem and this
re<uires both 3oka-Yoke and sour&e ins'e&tions. In the latter, errors are looked
at before the$ be&ome defe&ts, and the s$stem is either sto''ed for &orre&tion
or the error &ondition automati&all$ ad(usted to 're%ent it from be&oming a
P1i!i: % Cros<y . The >estern *uru, kno/n for the &on&e'ts of 5)ualit$ is
7ree6 and 5Mero 4efe&ts6, and his <ualit$ im'ro%ement 'ro&ess is based on his
four absolutes of <ualit$B
@. )ualit$ is &onforman&e to re<uirements
+. The s$stem of <ualit$ is 're%ention
C. The 'erforman&e standard is ?ero defe&t
D. The measurement of <ualit$ is the 'ri&e of non-&onforman&e
=is fourteen ste's to <ualit$ im'ro%ement areB
3age .
=e belie%ed these se%en tools should
be kno/n /idel$, if not b$ e%er$one, in
an organi?ation and used to anal$?e
'roblems and de%elo' im'ro%ements.
2sed together the$ form a 'o/erful kit.
@. 7orm a management le%el <ualit$ im'ro%ement team )IT# /ith
res'onsibilit$ for <ualit$ im'ro%ement 'ro&ess 'lanning and administration
+. 4etermine /here &urrent and 'otential <ualit$ 'roblems lie
C. !%aluate the &ost of <ualit$ and e9'lain its use as a management tool to
measure /aste
D. Raise <ualit$ a/areness and 'ersonal &on&ern for <ualit$ amongst all
F. Take &orre&ti%e a&tions, using established formal s$stems to remo%e the
root &auses of 'roblems
J. !stablish a ?ero defe&ts &ommittee and 'rogram
G. Train all em'lo$ees in <ualit$ im'ro%ement
-. =old a Mero 4efe&ts 4a$ to broad&ast the &hange and as a management
re&ommitment and em'lo$ee &ommitment
.. !n&ourage indi%iduals and grou's to set im'ro%ement goals
@,. !n&ourage em'lo$ees to &ommuni&ate to management an$ obsta&les the$
fa&e in attaining their im'ro%ement goals
@@. *i%e formal re&ognition to all 'arti&i'ants
@+. !stablish <ualit$ &oun&ils for <ualit$ management information sharing
@C. 4o it all o%er again K form a ne/ <ualit$ im'ro%ement team
Tom Peters . identified leadershi' as being &entral to the <ualit$
im'ro%ement 'ro&ess, dis&arding the /ord 5Management6 for 5Aeadershi'6. The
ne/ role is of a fa&ilitator, and the basis is 5Managing b$ /alking about6
MB>0#, enabling the leader to kee' in tou&h /ith &ustomers, inno%ation and
'eo'le, the three main
areas in the 'ursuit of e9&ellen&e. =e belie%es that, as the effe&ti%e leader
/alks, at least C ma(or a&ti%ities are ha''eningB
Aistening suggests å #
Tea&hing %alues are transmitted #
7a&ilitating able to gi%e on-the-s'ot hel'#
3age @,
=a%ing resear&hed su&&essful 0meri&an organi?ations, he &on&luded that an$
intelligent a''roa&h to organi?ing had to en&om'ass, and treat as
interde'endent, se%en %ariables, in /hat be&ame kno/n as the M&Kinse$ G-S
7rame/ork, designed to for&e e9'li&it thought about both the hard/are and
soft/are of an organi?ationB
0'art from abo%e 5gurus6, there are man$ other management 5gurus6 /hose
'hiloso'hies and ideas are also im'ortant but at end of the da$, it is
organi?ational &all to sele&t /hat is best and most suitable set of 'ro&esses for
their organi?ation based on their &urrent and future needs
3age @@
8TOT,9 Q6,9IT: !,N,'E!ENT;
Con;e:t of TQM
Total )ualit$ Management is a management a''roa&h that originated in the
@.F,;s and has steadil$ be&ome more 'o'ular sin&e the earl$ @.-,;s. Total
)ualit$ is a des&ri'tion of the &ulture, attitude and organi?ation of a &om'an$
that stri%es to 'ro%ide &ustomers /ith 'rodu&ts and ser%i&es that satisf$ their
needs. The &ulture re<uires <ualit$ in all as'e&ts of the &om'an$;s o'erations,
/ith 'ro&esses being done right the first time and defe&ts and /aste eradi&ated
from o'erations.
Total )ualit$ Management, T)M, is a method b$ /hi&h management and
em'lo$ees &an be&ome in%ol%ed in the &ontinuous im'ro%ement of the
'rodu&tion of goods and ser%i&es. It is a &ombination of <ualit$ and
management tools aimed at in&reasing business and redu&ing losses due to
/asteful 'ra&ti&es.
T)M is a management 'hiloso'h$ that seeks to integrate all organi?ational
fun&tions marketing, finan&e, design, engineering, and 'rodu&tion, &ustomer
ser%i&e, et&.# to fo&us on meeting &ustomer needs and organi?ational
T)M %ie/s an organi?ation as a &olle&tion of 'ro&esses. It maintains that
organi?ations must stri%e to &ontinuousl$ im'ro%e these 'ro&esses b$
in&or'orating the kno/ledge and e9'erien&es of /orkers.
The sim'le ob(e&ti%e of T)M is N4o the right things, right the first time, e%er$
timeN. T)M is infinitel$ %ariable and ada'table. 0lthough originall$ a''lied to
manufa&turing o'erations, and for a number of $ears onl$ used in that area,
T)M is no/ be&oming re&ogni?ed as a generi& management tool, (ust as
a''li&able in ser%i&e and 'ubli& se&tor organi?ations. There are a number of
3age @+
e%olutionar$ standards /ith different se&tors &reating their o/n %ersion from the
foundation of T)M a&ti%ities /hi&h in&ludeB
Commitment b$ senior management and all em'lo$ees
Meeting &ustomer re<uirements
Redu&ing de%elo'ment &$&le times
Just In TimeO4emand 7lo/ Manufa&turing
Im'ro%ement teams
Redu&ing 'rodu&t and ser%i&e &osts
S$stems to fa&ilitate im'ro%ement
Aine Management o/nershi'
!m'lo$ee in%ol%ement and em'o/erment
Re&ognition and &elebration
Challenging <uantified goals and ben&hmarking
7o&us on 'ro&esses O im'ro%ement 'lans
S'e&ifi& in&or'oration in strategi& 'lanning
These a&ti%ities &an be 'ra&ti&ed an$ /here b$ all 'ersonnel in Manufa&turing,
Marketing, !ngineering, R:4, Sales, 3ur&hasing, =R, IT et&.
3age @C
Too!s an$ Te;1niCes of TQM
The basi& set of Total )ualit$ Management tools areB
3areto 3rin&i'le
S&atter 3lots
Control Charts
7lo/ Charts
Cause and !ffe&t , 7ishbone, Ishika/a 4iagram
=istogram or Bar *ra'h
Che&k Aists
Che&k Sheets
Pareto Prin;i:!e
The 3areto 'rin&i'le suggests that most effe&ts &ome from relati%el$ fe/
&auses. In <uantitati%e termsB -,I of the 'roblems &ome from +,I of the
&auses ma&hines, ra/ materials, o'erators et&.#H -,I of the /ealth is o/ned
b$ +,I of the 'eo'le et&. Therefore effort aimed at the right +,I &an sol%e
-,I of the 'roblems. 4ouble ba&k to ba&k# 3areto &harts &an be used to
&om'are ;before and after; situations. *eneral use to de&ide /here to a''l$
initial effort for ma9imum effe&t.
3age @D
S;atter P!ots
0 s&atter 'lot is effe&ti%el$ a line gra'h /ith no line - i.e. the 'oint interse&tions
bet/een the t/o data sets are 'lotted but no attem't is made to 'h$si&all$ dra/
a line. The Y a9is is &on%entionall$ used for the &hara&teristi& /hose beha%ior
/e /ould like to 'redi&t. 2se to define the area of relationshi' bet/een t/o
>arningB There ma$ a''ear to be a relationshi' on the 'lot /hen in realit$ there
is none, or both %ariables a&tuall$ relate inde'endentl$ to a third %ariable.
3age @F
Contro! C1arts
Control &harts are a method of Statisti&al 3ro&ess Control, S3C. Control
s$stem for 'rodu&tion 'ro&esses#. The$ enable the &ontrol of distribution of
%ariation rather than attem'ting to &ontrol ea&h indi%idual %ariation. 2''er and
lo/er &ontrol and toleran&e limits are &al&ulated for a 'ro&ess and sam'led
measures are regularl$ 'lotted about a &entral line bet/een the t/o sets of
limits. The 'lotted line &orres'onds to the stabilit$Otrend of the 'ro&ess. 0&tion
&an be taken based on trend rather than on indi%idual %ariation. This 're%ents
o%er-&orre&tionO&om'ensation for random %ariation, /hi&h /ould lead to man$
3age @J
)!o> C1arts
3i&tures, s$mbols or te9t &ou'led /ith lines, arro/s on lines sho/ dire&tion of
flo/. !nables modeling of 'ro&essesH 'roblemsOo''ortunities and de&ision
'oints et&. 4e%elo's a &ommon understanding of a 'ro&ess b$ those in%ol%ed.
1o 'arti&ular standardi?ation of s$mbolog$, so &ommuni&ation to a different
audien&e ma$ re<uire &onsiderable time and e9'lanation.
Case an$ Effe;t 2 )is1<one2 Is1iDa>a &iagram
3age @G
The &ause-and-effe&t diagram is a method for anal$?ing 'ro&ess dis'ersion.
The diagram;s 'ur'ose is to relate &auses and effe&ts. Three basi& t$'esB
4is'ersion anal$sis, 3ro&ess &lassifi&ation and &ause enumeration. !ffe&t P
'roblem to be resol%ed, o''ortunit$ to be gras'ed, result to be a&hie%ed.
!9&ellent for &a'turing team brainstorming out'ut and for filling in from the ;/ide
'i&ture;. =el's organi?e and relate fa&tors, 'ro%iding a se<uential %ie/. 4eals
/ith time dire&tion but not <uantit$. Can be&ome %er$ &om'le9. Can be diffi&ult
to identif$ or demonstrate interrelationshi's.
'istogram or %ar Gra:1
0 =istogram is a gra'hi& summar$ of %ariation in a set of data. It enables us to
see 'atterns that are diffi&ult to see in a sim'le table of numbers. Can be
anal$?ed to dra/ &on&lusions about the data set.
0 histogram is a gra'h in /hi&h the &ontinuous %ariable is &lustered into
&ategories and the %alue of ea&h &luster is 'lotted to gi%e a series of bars as
abo%e. The abo%e e9am'le re%eals the ske/ed distribution of a set of 'rodu&t
measurements that remain ne%ertheless /ithin s'e&ified limits. >ithout using
some form of gra'hi& this kind of 'roblem &an be diffi&ult to anal$ses, re&ogni?e
or identif$.
3age @-
C1e;D S1eets
0 Che&k Sheet is a data re&ording form that has been designed to readil$
inter'ret results from the form itself. It needs to be designed for the s'e&ifi& data
it is to gather. 2sed for the &olle&tion of <uantitati%e or <ualitati%e re'etiti%e
data. 0da'table to different data gathering situations. Minimal inter'retation of
results re<uired. !as$ and <ui&k to use. 1o &ontrol for %arious forms of bias -
e9&lusion, intera&tion, 'er&e'tion, o'erational, non-res'onse, estimation.
C1e;D Lists
0 Che&klist &ontains items that are im'ortant or rele%ant to a s'e&ifi& issue or
situation. Che&klists are used under o'erational &onditions to ensure that all
im'ortant ste's or a&tions ha%e been taken. Their 'rimar$ 'ur'ose is for guiding
o'erations, not for &olle&ting data. Sim'le and effe&ti%e, generall$ used to &he&k
that all as'e&ts of a situation ha%e been taken into a&&ount before a&tion or
de&ision making.
3age @.
Qa!ity Cir;!es
T/o atom bombs dro''ed on Ja'an during @.DF, &on%erted the thri%ing,
industrial em'ire of Ja'an to dust and smoke, /ith millions killed or maimed.
!%er$ one thought it /ould be &enturies before Ja'an re-&a'tures its 'ristine
glor$, but Ja'an rose like a 'hoeni9 from ashes to be&ome the leading nation of
the /orld /ithin a short s'an of time. The 'o/er behind this mira&le /as fier&e
/ill, determination and &ommitment of Ja'anese 'eo'le and their <uest for
<ualit$. The$ ado'ted )ualit$ Cir&les as /a$s of building attitudes to surmount
'roblems, im'ro%e <ualit$ and to be &om'etiti%e.
Qa!ity Cir;!eE. A 'man Interfa;e
It e'itomi?es the 'oli&$ of 'eo'le building, res'e&t for human beings and
&on&ei%es a 'arti&i'ati%e management &ulture. This &on&e't enables the grass-
root le%el em'lo$ees to 'la$ a meaningful and signifi&ant role in their
organi?ation. The res'onsibilit$ for the attainment of )ualit$ de'ends on all the
de'artments of an 8rgani?ation. The main 'ur'ose behind )ualit$ Cir&les is to
build the 'eo'le and 'rodu&e <ualit$ 'eo'le to/ards making <ualit$ 'rodu&ts or
'ro%iding <ualit$ ser%i&es. It is to make a ;Man; 'rodu&ti%e and kno/ledge
T1e Origin
The &on&e't of )ualit$ Cir&le is 'rimaril$ based u'on re&ognition of the %alue of
the /orker as a human being, as someone /ho /illingl$ a&ti%ates on his (ob, his
/isdom, intelligen&e, e9'erien&e, attitude and feelings. It is based u'on the
human resour&e management &onsidered as one of the ke$ fa&tors in the
im'ro%ement of 'rodu&t <ualit$ : 'rodu&ti%it$.
3age +,
Attri<tes of Qa!ity Cir;!es
)ualit$ Cir&le is a form of 'arti&i'ation management.
)ualit$ Cir&le is a human resour&e de%elo'ment te&hni<ue.
)ualit$ Cir&le is a 'roblem sol%ing te&hni<ue.
Com:osition of Qa!ity Cir;!es
It;s a small grou' &om'rising of J to @+ em'lo$ees doing similar /ork
The$ meet together %oluntaril$ on a regular basis for identif$ing
im'ro%ements in their res'e&ti%e /ork areas
Their aim to a&hie%e and so also to sustain e9&ellen&e to/ards mutual
u'liftment of em'lo$ees as /ell as the organi?ation.
O<=e;ti"es of Qa!ity Cir;!es
Change in 0ttitude.
7rom NI don;t &areN to NI do &areN
Continuous im'ro%ement in <ualit$ of /ork life through
humani?ation of /ork.
Self 4e%elo'ment
Bring out ;=idden 3otential; of 'eo'le
3eo'le get to learn additional skills.
4e%elo'ment of Team S'irit
Indi%idual "s Team K NI &ould not do but /e did itN
!liminate inter de'artmental &onfli&ts.
3age +@
Im'ro%ed 8rgani?ational Culture
3ositi%e /orking en%ironment.
Total in%ol%ement of 'eo'le at all le%els.
=igher moti%ational le%el.
The o'eration of <ualit$ &ir&les in%ol%es a set of se<uential ste's as underB
The use of %arious te&hni<ues must be su''orted /ith a&&urate information and
data. 4ata and information &olle&tion or insuffi&ient data &ould lead to a
situation /here de&isions or &orre&ti%e a&tion be im'lemented effe&ti%el$.
4ata and information should be &olle&ted for the follo/ing 'ur'oses
To understand the a&tual situation and to su''ort or reinfor&e an o'tion
To established the relationshi' bet/een the 'roblem and its &auses..
4ata &an be &olle&ted using fi%e methods, namel$B
7rom re'orts and
7rom &om'laints b$ the 'ubli&.
The data &olle&ted should be re&orded information on the date of Colle&tion,
method of &olle&tion and the indi%idual /ho &ollated the data. The data must be
re&orded in a manner /hi&h fa&ilitates its use that is, it must be arranged in
s'e&ifi& &ategories. 7or e9am'le, it should be &ategori?ed a&&ording to the four
management resour&es namel$, man, method, material and ma&hine.
Sam'lingB- 0 /a$ to sim'lif$
3age ++
In data &olle&tion, sam'les are used. This in%ol%es the &olle&tion of data from a
small 'o'ulation of the total 'o'ulation in%ol%ed. The sam'ling te&hni<ues
generall$ used areB-
Random Sam'ling - This 'ro&ess in%ol%es the random sele&tion of the
sam'le units. The sele&tion &an be made b$ the use of a random number through
table or lists of names to 're%ent an$ bias.
S$stemati& Sam'ling - This 'ro&ess in%ol%es the s$stemati& sele&tion of the
sam'le to be used. 7or e9am'le, &hoosing e%er$ tenth name from a list of names..
Stratified Sam'ling - This 'ro&ess in%ol%es the sele&tion of the sam'le
a&&ording to s'e&ifi& &ategories su&h as age, se9 and in&ome grou', et&.
)C members ma$ use %arious te&hni<ues in the 'roblem-sol%ing 'ro&ess. The
effe&ti%e te&hni<ues generall$ areB-
Cause and !ffe&t 0nal$sis
Che&k sheets
3areto 0nal$sis
Brainstorming &an be defined as the methodolog$ used to en&ourage e%er$
indi%idual in the Cir&le to e9'ress freel$ their o'inions or gi%e ideas in an o'en
Brainstorming &an be used to list do/n all the 'roblem fa&ed b$ an
organi?ation, their &auses and the 'otential effe&ts if a &ertain suggestion is
3age +C
To ensure the su&&ess of the brainstorming 'ro&ess, it is im'ortant for the Cir&le
to flo/ the follo/ing rulesB
The sub(e&t for brainstorming should be &lear and a&&urate. 7or e9am'le,
members ma$ brainstorm to identif$ the &auses and reasons /h$ a &ertain task
&annot be &om'leted on s&hedule
!a&h member /ill gi%e onl$ o'inionOidea at ea&h turn regardless of the
number of ideas heOshe ma$ ha%e
0 tension-free atmos'here must be maintained to en&ourage free
e9'ression of ideas
!%er$ idea e9'ressed should be /ritten on the bla&kO/hite board, fli' &hart
or noted do/n b$ a se&retar$..
0t the end of the brainstorming session, all the ideas e9'ressed should be
e%aluated one b$ one and short listed.
"oting is used to list the ideas a&&ording to 'riorit$. The 'rioriti?ation is
based on number of %otes re&ei%ed for ea&h idea..
Case an$ Effe;t Ana!ysis
The Cause and !ffe&t 0nal$sis is also kno/n as the 7ish-Bone 0nal$sis. This
te&hni<ue is used to anal$?e 'roblems /ith the identifi&ation of &auses of a
'roblem through brainstorming. This te&hni<ue is eas$ to use as it
summari?es, arranges and e9'lains all the &auses of a 'roblem /hi&h has been
identified in the form of a diagram. It also allo/s for the identifi&ation of man$
'ossible &auses of a 'roblem. There are fi%e ste's in the &onstru&tion of a
Cause and !ffe&t 4iagram..
Ste' @B Identif$ a 3roblem - The first ste' is to identif$ the 'roblem and to state
the 'roblem a&&uratel$.
Ste' +B 4etermine the Main Causes - 0 'roblem is &aused b$ %arious fa&tors.
These fa&tors &an be &ategories a&&ording to the resour&es of 'rodu&tion
3age +D
su&h as Man2 Ma;1ine2 Materia! an$ Met1o$ et&.
Ste' CB 4etermine the Sub-Causes under the Main Causes. Through a 'ro&ess
of brainstorming, the sub-&auses of the 'roblem are identified and entered
belo/ the a''ro'riate main &auses. >here 'ossible, the sub-&auses are
further broken do/n into more detailed sub-sub-&auses
C1e;D S1eetsE
Che&k Sheets are an effe&ti%e means of gathering data in a hel'ful and
meaningful /a$.
Kaoru Ishika/a is often &redited /ith Ndemo&rati?ing statisti&s.N This relates to
his desire to s'read <ualit$ &ontrol ideas throughout the /ork'la&e. =is tools
make it easier to &om'rehend ra/ data, making <ualit$ im'ro%ements sim'ler.
Che&k Sheets are a 'erfe&t e9am'le of this. 0lthough the$ &an %ar$ a good
deal de'ending on the t$'e of data being &olle&ted, the 'ur'ose of the &he&k
sheet is al/a$s the same.
NThe Che&k Sheet is used to fa&ilitate the &olle&tion and anal$sis of data.
;*arbage in, *arbage out; is an old &li&hQ, but it is true. Therefore, the 'ur'ose
for /hi&h data is being &olle&ted must be &lear. 4ata refle&ts fa&ts, but onl$ if
the$ are 'ro'erl$ &olle&ted. The number of defe&ts and /here the$ are found
&an be re&orded and anal$?ed for &ausesN .
Pareto Ana!ysisE
3areto anal$sis 'ro%ides the me&hanism to &ontrol and dire&t effort b$ fa&t, not
b$ emotion. It hel's to &learl$ establish to' 'riorities and to identif$ both
'rofitable and un'rofitable targets. 3areto anal$sis is useful toB
3age +F
3rioriti?e 'roblems, goals, and ob(e&ti%es
Identif$ root &auses
Sele&t and define ke$ <ualit$ im'ro%ement 'rograms
Sele&t ke$ &ustomer relations and ser%i&e 'rograms
Sele&t ke$ em'lo$ee relations im'ro%ement 'rograms
Sele&t and define ke$ 'erforman&e im'ro%ement 'rograms
0ddress the "ital 7e/ and the Tri%ial Man$ &auses of non&onforman&e
Ma9imi?e resear&h and 'rodu&t de%elo'ment time
"erif$ o'erating 'ro&edures and manufa&turing 'ro&esses
3rodu&t or ser%i&es sales and distribution
0llo&ate 'h$si&al, finan&ial and human resour&es
0 3areto &hart is used forB 7o&using on &riti&al issues b$ ranking them in terms
of im'ortan&e and fre<uen&$ e9am'leB >hi&h &ourse &auses the most diffi&ult$
for studentsL >hi&h 'roblem /ith 3rodu&t R is most signifi&ant to the
&ustomersL# 3rioriti?ing 'roblems or &auses to effi&ientl$ initiate 'roblem
sol%ing e9am'leB >hi&h dis&i'line 'roblems should be ta&kled firstL or, /hat is
the most fre<uent &om'laint b$ 'arents regarding the s&hoolL Solution of /hat
'rodu&tion 'roblem /ill im'ro%e <ualit$ mostL# 0nal$?ing 'roblems or &auses
b$ different grou'ings of data e.g., b$ 'rogram, b$ tea&her, b$ s&hool buildingH
b$ ma&hine, b$ team# 0nal$?ing the before and after im'a&t of &hanges made in
a 'ro&ess e9am'leB >hat is the most &ommon &om'laint of 'arents before and
after the ne/ 'rin&i'al /as hiredLH has the initiation of a <ualit$ im'ro%ement
'rogram redu&ed the number of defe&ti%esL#
)ualit$ management is not a one time effort but a &ontinual long term endea%or
/hi&h has to be re&ogni?ed, reinfor&ed and re/arded b$ &ontinuous monitoring
the ongoing data &olle&tion, e%aluation, feedba&k and im'ro%ement
'rogrammes. The to' management should ha%e to &reate an atmos'here
/here the management and the /orkers &oo'erate /ith ea&h other for smooth
fun&tioning of the organi?ation.
3age +J
Intro$;ing Qa!ity Cir;!e in an OrganiFation
)ualit$ &ir&le is a ne/ &on&e't and its introdu&tion ma$ &ause some resistan&e
on the 'art of the em'lo$ees. Therefore, before introdu&ing <ualit$ &ir&le, all
're&autions must be taken as in &ase of an$ organi?ational &hange. The ste's
in the introdu&tion of <ualit$ &ir&le are briefl$ dis&ussed belo/B
Se!!ing t1e I$ea of Qa!ity Cir;!eE The /orkers must be edu&ated the need
and signifi&an&e of <ualit$ &ir&le from the 'oint of %ie/ of the organi?ation and
the /orkers. The /orkers should be allo/ed to &lear their doubts about <ualit$
&ir&le. 0ttem't should be made to seek their %oluntar$ &oo'eration in im'lementing
<ualit$ &ir&les in the organi?ation.
Constittion of Qa!ity Cir;!esE The em'lo$ees should be en&ouraged to
form <ualit$ &ir&les b$ dra/ing members doing the same kind of /ork. The
membershi' of a <ualit$ &ir&le should not e9&eed ten to t/el%e members.
Ana!ysis of Qa!ity Pro<!emsE The members of a <ualit$ &ir&le are
su''osed to meet 'eriodi&all$, sa$ on&e a month. The$ /ould &olle&t data and
anal$?e the same. 3ast re&ords, em'lo$eeEs suggestions, &ustomerEs suggestions
are %er$ im'ortant in this regard. This /ill lead to identifi&ation of the 'roblems that
hinder <ualit$.
Pro<!em So!"ingE The members of a <ualit$ &ir&le /ill dis&uss the 'roblems
thoroughl$ and make a list of 'ossible solutions. The merits and demerits of ea&h
solution /ill be e%aluated. The final de&ision /ill be taken b$ the &onsensus of all
Presentation of Sggestions to t1e ManagementE The suggestions for
im'ro%ing the <ualit$ are 'ut in /riting and for/arded to the management. To'
management ma$ form a &ommittee to e%aluate the suggestions of different <ualit$
&ir&les in the organi?ation.
3age +G
Im:!ementationE 3ro'er 'ubli&it$ should be gi%en to the suggestions of
)ualit$ &ir&les /hi&h are being 'ut into 'ra&ti&e. This /ill moti%ate the
em'lo$ees, as the$ /ill feel im'ortan&e of ha%ing &ontributed to /ell being of
the organi?ation.
3age +-
C'I<) 8TQ!; STR,TE':
o 7ounded in @.GJ
o Re%enue run rate of C41SC.- billion
o Ba&klog of C41S@+.,C billion
o 0''ro9imatel$ +G,,,, 'rofessionals
o More than @,, offi&es ser%ing &lients in @J &ountries
o 8ne of the largest inde'endent IT and business 'ro&ess ser%i&es
o 1YS!B *IB T TSRB *IB.0
o -.- out of @, satisfa&tion ranking in +,,G from C*IEs IS8
.,,@B+,,,&ertified &lient management 'ro&ess
o !nd-to-end ser%i&es
o Consulting
o S$stems integration
o Management of IT and business fun&tions
o @,,U 'ro'rietar$ business solutions
o 7o&used industr$ e9'ertise
o 7inan&ial ser%i&es
o *o%ernment and health&are
o Tele&ommuni&ations and utilities
o Manufa&turing , Retail and distribution
3age +.
o The$ are 'artnered /ith the follo/ingB
o DF of F, to' banks in the 0meri&as and !uro'e, and @@ of the @F
largest global 'ro'ert$ and &asualt$ insurers
o =undreds of go%ernment agen&ies and health&are organi?ations
o G of the @, largest global tele&om &arriers
o Aeading global manufa&turers in aeros'a&e, metals and mining,
&hemi&als, and oil and gas
o =undreds of retailers and multi'le distribution segments and
&hannels, in&luding 'ostal ser%i&es, trans'ortation and logisti&s, and /holesale
Re'resentati%e Clients
o 0ir Canada , 0llstate Insuran&e ,0meri&an !9'ress , 0T:T ,0ustralian
and 1e/ Mealand Bank 01M# , 0R0 , Bank of 0meri&a , Bell Canada , BellSouth ,
Blue Cross Blue Shield ,Bombardier , Common/ealth of "irginia , 4es(ardins ,
!nbridge 3etroleum , *o%ernment of Canada , *o%ernment of )uebe& , =SBC
=oldings 'l& , =$dro-)uQbe& , If SkadefVrsWkring 0B , J3Morgan Chase : Co, ,
Aibert$ Mutual , Alo$ds TSB *rou' 3l& , Aos 0ngeles Count$ , Manu life 7inan&ial ,
Merrill A$n&h , Mi&helin 1orth 0meri&a , 1ational Bank of Canada , 1e/ York Cit$ ,
3rudential 7inan&ial , Rio Tinto 0l&an , S'rint 3CS , Telstra
!9tra&t from ///.&gi.&om - Cor'orate statisti&s %erified as on June +,,-
3age C,
In brief, C*I is Montreal Canada# based C, $ears old IT &om'an$, ha%ing
+G,,,, members a&ross the globe. The entire business is di%ided more than
@,, offi&es globall$, in multi'le &ountries, in %arious regions and in %arious
Business units. C*I India is one of the business units amongst all ha%ing more
than @+,, members /ith C offi&es in India. T/o offi&es are lo&ated in Bangalore
and one in Mumbai in See'?, 0ndheri.
C*I is in T)M sin&e last @, $ears. C*I is IS8 .,,@ from last @, $ears#, IS8
+G,,@ from last + $ears# and S!I CMM Ae%el F from last F $ears#
&ertifiedOassessed &om'an$.
C*I is ha%ing Cor'orate )ualit$ de'artment to take &are of T)M at global le%el
and ha%ing )ualit$ de'artment at ea&h business unit. In India this de'artment is
&alled 5Total Soft/are )ualit$ Management TS)M#6, ha%ing +, full time
members @+ for Bangalore and - for Mumbai#.s
The res'onsibilities of TS)M areB
Training to all members on all internal as /ell as e9ternal <ualit$ models.
0ssisting all members for defining, im'lementing and im'ro%ing their
Condu&ting Internal audits
7a&ilitating !9ternal audits and assessment
Condu&t anal$sis and re'orting the re&ommendation to management for the
Internal as /ell as e9ternal &lient feedba&kOCom'laintsOSuggestion, Risks,
AearningEs and 0udit re'ort : 1on &onformities
3ro&ess suggestions, &om'laints and feedba&k
3re'are kno/ledge Management s$stem and 3ro&ess 0ssets re'ositor$
2nderstand and im'lement industries best 'ra&ti&es
3age C@
TQM @ CGI Strategy
Before going through the strateg$ let us understand three ke$ terminolog$
Mem<er - C*I is big famil$ ha%ing more than +G,,,, members a&ross the globe
and e%er$ member is tr$ing their best for the betterment of their famil$ and for
their 'ros'erit$ hen&e the$ are not &alled as em'lo$ee but referred as Member.
Engagement K 0s C*I is ha%ing longer asso&iation or relationshi' /ith %arious
&lients hen&e their asso&iation is referred as !ngagement and not 'ro(e&t.
Customers are referred as Clients.
!a&h em'lo$ee /hen (oin C*I has to undergo 5Indu&tion6 training. This is
mandator$, irres'e&ti%e of their e9'erien&e or designation. C*I &alled this
'ro&ess as Integration 'ro&ess. !a&h em'lo$ee before (oining C*I has some
information about C*I to ensure their (ob stabilit$ or 'ros'erit$ but is not a/are
about the &ulture of C*I. The Integration 'ro&esses addresses 4reams,
Mission, "ision, "alues, 3oli&ies, 3ro&edures and other &ultural as /ell as
'rofessional and te&hni&al re<uirements and ensure to &on%ert ne/ em'lo$ee
into Member of C*I famil$. C*I /ill ensure that e%er$ member is full$
integrated /ith C*I before starting deli%ering to their esteem &lients.
!%er$ member of C*I is /ell %ersed /ith follo/ing set of &ore %alues
Intra'reneurshi' Aeadershi' # : Sharing
3artnershi' : )ualit$
8b(e&ti%it$ : Integrit$
7inan&ial Strength
Cor'orate so&ial res'onsibilit$
3age C+
2sing these %alues C*I has s'read message of T)M a&ross all le%els. Sharing
the same %alues allo/s C*I to en(o$ &onsiderable autonom$ and s/iftness of
a&tion /ithout &om'romising their &ohesi%eness. It also allo/s them to mobili?e
teams more ra'idl$ and bring together the most e9'erien&ed indi%iduals from
a&ross the &om'an$, /ho are able to <ui&kl$ /ork as one to address a gi%en
&hallenge. 0nd, of &ourse, these %alues also guide C*IEs de&isions and a&tions.
Partners1i: an$ Qa!ity
7or C*I, 'artnershi' and <ualit$ are both a 'hiloso'h$ and a /a$ of life. The$
de%elo' and follo/ the best management 'ra&ti&es and the$ entren&h these
a''roa&hes into &lient relationshi's and ser%i&e deli%er$ frame/orks in order to
foster long term and strong 'artnershi's /ith their &lients. The$ listen to their
&lients and the$ are &ommitted to their total satisfa&tion in e%er$thing the$ do.
O<=e;ti"ity an$ Integrity
!9er&ise the highest degree of inde'endent thinking in sele&ting the 'rodu&ts,
ser%i&es and solutions the$ re&ommend to &lients. In doing so, the$ adhere to
3age CC
the highest %alues of <ualit$, ob(e&ti%it$ and integrit$. Conse<uentl$, stri&t rules
of business and 'rofessional &ondu&t are a''lied. The$ do not a&&e't an$
remuneration from their su''liers.
Intra:reners1i: an$ S1aring
C*IEs su&&ess is based on the &om'eten&e, &ommitment and enthusiasm of
their members. Therefore, C*I 'romotes a &limate of inno%ation and initiati%e
/here the$ are em'o/ered /ith a sense of o/nershi' in su''orting &lients,
thus ensuring the firmEs 'rofitable gro/th. Through team/ork, sharing their
kno/-ho/ and e9'ertise, the$ bring the best of C*I to their &lients. 0s
members, the$ share in the %alue the$ &reate through e<uit$ o/nershi' and
'rofit 'arti&i'ation.
0s a global &om'an$, C*I re&ogni?es the ri&hness that di%ersit$ brings to the
&om'an$ and /el&ome this di%ersit$ /hile embra&ing the o%erall C*I &ulture. In
all the$ do /hat are res'e&tful for their fello/ members, &lients, business
'artners and for their &om'etitors
)inan;ia! Strengt1
C*I stri%es to deli%er strong, &onsistent finan&ial 'erforman&e /hi&h sustains
long term gro/th and re/ards for their members and shareholders. 7inan&ial
strength enables them to &ontinuousl$ in%est and im'ro%e ser%i&es and
business solutions to the benefit of their &lients. To this end, the$ manage their
business to generate industr$ su'erior returns.
Cor:orate So;ia! Res:onsi<i!ity
Their business model is designed to ensure that the$ are &lose to their
3age CD
&lients and &ommunities. The$ embra&e their so&ial res'onsibilities and
&ontribute to the &ontinuous de%elo'ment of the &ommunities in /hi&h /e all
li%e and /ork.
To summari?e, demonstrating these %alues from leaders, &ontinuous training
to all members at all le%els, res'e&ting member kno/ledge, 'ro%iding e9&ellent
en%ironment /here there is no fear to share kno/ledge are essential a&ti%ities
C*I ensure to im'lement T)M
C*I ensures to 'ro%ide )ualit$ not onl$ in their end 'rodu&t or ser%i&e but also
make it an integral 'art of their business ruleO'ro&esses /hi&h the$ use to
&reate their goods and ser%i&es. 0n effe&ti%e T)M 'rogram /ill 'rodu&e greater
<uantit$, faster and at lo/er &osts, b$ redu&ing their re/ork rates and &$&le
times. In ne9t &ha'ter /e /ill fo&us on detail im'lementation.
3age CF
TQM Im:!ementation in CGI
&efinition an$ Esta<!is1ment of Qa!ity System Management GQSMH
7irst ste' that /as follo/ed to/ards T)M /as identifi&ation of all re<uired
'ro&esses su&h as Te&hni&al, 7un&tional, Su''ort, Management et&. Te&hni&al
: fun&tional 'ro&esses &o%ers all 'ro&ess related to s'are 'arts de%elo'ment,
maintenan&e, migration et&. along /ith %arious domains su&h as Retail,
Manufa&turing, 7inan&e, Insuran&e, ser%i&e &enters, Medi&al et&. Su''ort
'ro&esses takes &are of all de'artmental 'ro&ess in detail su&h as =uman
Resour&es, 7inan&e, Information Se&urit$ and Information Te&hnolog$,
0dministration, Training de'artments et&. . Management 'ro&esses takes &are
of all 'oli&ies, frame/orks and &or'orate le%el re<uirements for all business
units. 0s C*I is also follo/ing other <ualit$ models along /ith T)M su&h as S!I
CMM and %arious internal <ualit$ frame/orks the$ ha%e &onsidered res'e&ti%e
re<uirements from these models too.
8n&e all 'ro&esses /ere listed, the$ ha%e &ome out /ith detail flo/&hart for all
'ro&esses to kno/ their se<uen&ing, interfa&es, de'enden&$ on ea&h other and
also to a%oid du'li&ation or redundan&$ if an$. The$ ha%e also follo/ed Real
"alue 0&ti%it$ R"0#, Business "alue 0&ti%it$ B"0# and 1o "alue 0&ti%it$
1"0# 'rin&i'le of Si9 Sigma to de&ide the 'riorit$ list. 0fter finali?ing their
'ro&esses the$ ha%e do&umented them all in )ualit$ S$stem Management
)SM# along /ith their )ualit$ 'oli&$ and )ualit$ Manual after re%ie/ and
a''ro%al from To' Management.
This )SM /hene%er gets re%ised /ill get released onl$ after re%ie/ and
a''ro%al from to' management. To' Management along /ith TS)M takes full
res'onsibilit$ to 'ublish )SM time to time and ensure to address the same
/hen e%er and /here e%er the$ found o''ortunit$. 0ll re<uired budgets in
3age CJ
terms of &ost, infrastru&ture hard/are, soft/are, building, /orks'a&e, utilities,
e<ui'ment et&# membersE efforts and &ost are s'onsored b$ them. The$ also
ensure to 'ro%ide resour&es /ith right edu&ation, right e9'erien&e and ensure to
'ro%ide right training to 'ro%ide right skills. C*I has follo/ing %arious training
effe&ti%eness me&hanism to ensure that attended 'arti&i'ants are 'ro'erl$
trained and fa&ult$ has the &a'abilit$ and skills to train the 'arti&i'ants.
Usage of Qa!ity System Management GQSMH
TS)M is 'ro%iding detailed training to all members of C*I at all le%els. The
'ro&ess of training is not one time but it is (ourne$. The annual &alendar is
'ublished /ell in ad%an&e so that all members &an 'lan their team members
training re<uirements. 8n&e members are trained on )SM then the$ start using
and im'lementing )SM a&&ordingl$.
!%er$ de'artment has defined their o/n 'ro&ess and their o/n 'ro&ess assets
su&h as forms, tem'late, and guidelines, &he&klists et&., de'ending u'on their
ser%i&es, Ser%i&e Ae%el 0greement SA0# are defined and monitored on monthl$
!%er$ engagement 're'ares their o/n 'lans based on re<uirement re&ei%ed
from &lient. 3lans &o%ers &lient re<uirements, Strateg$ to deli%er the
re<uirements, Communi&ation Management 7re<uen&$ and do&umentation
res'onsibilit$ of !ngagement, Management and re%ie/ meetings, /eekl$ status
re'orting to management, &lients et&, !s&alation me&hanism et&#, Risk
management identifi&ation of risk, risk 'robabilit$, im'a&t, 'riorit$, mitigation
and &ontingen&ies# , Configuration management 4ata and do&ument &ontrol# ,
)ualit$ management %erifi&ation, %alidation me&hanism, <ualit$ goals et&#
along /ith teams details, roles and res'onsibilities. >hile defining <ualit$ goals,
engagement are also &onsidering business goals too. The &ommon <ualit$
goals for all engagements are 3rodu&ti%it$, 4efe&t 4ensit$, Re%ie/
3age CG
!ffe&ti%eness, S&hedule "arian&e, !ffort "arian&e and Cost of )ualit$ et&. 0'art
from 8rgani?ational le%el 'ro&ess assets su&h as guidelines, &he&klist, forms,
tem'lates, standards, methodologies, engagement le%el assets are also getting
de%elo'ed de'ending u'on &lientEs re<uirements. 4e'ending u'on engagement
uni<ueness, a''li&able best 'ro&ess assets, 'ra&ti&es and best methods are
getting shared /ith the hel' of TS)M
Monitor an$ Im:ro"e Qa!ity System Management GQSMH
Based on Business 'lans, C*I finali?e their Business goals "oi&e of Business#
and based on &lientEs re<uirement, !ngagement Managers are 'lanning their
engagement goals "oi&e of Customer#. Based on these t/o goals
organi?ational le%el 'ro&esses are getting tailored and follo/ed "oi&e of
3ro&ess# for e%er$ engagement. Based on goals %arious measurements are
defined, managed and monitored. If the a&tual results are not mat&hing than the
set goals then &orre&tion fi9ing the 'roblem# or &orre&ti%e 're%enting
re&urren&e# or 're%enti%e 're%enting 'otential o&&urren&e# a&tion are taking
de'ending u'on the situation till the goals are met. Based on learningEs goals
are re%ised and 'lans are re%isited at engagement as /ell as at C*I le%el.
7or e%er$ engagement or for e%er$ de'artment one member from TS)M is
nominated to 'ro%ide <ualit$ assistan&e on T)M, &alled as 5Soft/are )ualit$
0ssuran&e !ngineer S)0!#6 for engagement or 5)ualit$ 0ssuran&e !ngineer
)0!# 6 for de'artment. The$ %isit e%er$ engagementOde'artment on monthl$
basis to ensure /hether that team is follo/ing internal or e9ternal <ualit$ model
or not and re'orts their finding to management on monthl$ basis. 0'art from
these &he&ks, e%er$ engagementOde'artment gets audited e%er$ si9 months
basis through Internal 0udit and on&e in a $ear through !9ternal 0udit. 0'art
from &ondu&ting S)0! &he&ks, &oordinating internal and e9ternal audits,
S)0!O)0! also hel's assigned team for their &larifi&ations, <uer$, if an$ 0'art
3age C-
from TS)M &he&ks and audits, on monthl$ basis management meeting taking
'la&e BMC meeting# /herein all engagement and de'artmental status are
getting dis&ussed and a''ro'riate &orre&ti%e and 're%enti%e a&tions are taken
a&&ordingl$. 4uring meeting 0''re&iation, suggestions, &om'laints and other
im'ro%ement or inno%ations a&ti%ities if an$ are also getting dis&ussed.
4e'ending u'on Return on In%estment R8I# suggestions are getting 'rioriti?e
for im'lementation. In &ase im'ro%ement 'lan is at larger s&ale needs more
da$s or needs a team of members# )ualit$ Im'ro%ement Teams are formed and
re<uired resour&es are 'ro%ided till the solution is im'lemented. >ithout 'iloting
and ensuring re<uired R8I suggestions are not im'lemented a&ross the
8n <uarterl$ basis, 8'en =ouse is &ondu&ted /here in lo&al management
u'dates member on <uarterl$ 'erforman&e and their future 'lans. MemberEs
issues, if an$ are also addressed during this meeting. 0ll good 'erformers are
re&ogni?ed b$ re/arding some monetar$ &ou'ons and a''re&iation letter.
8n $earl$ basis, 0nnual Tour is &ondu&ted /here in To' management u'dates
member on $earl$ 'erforman&e and their future 'lans. MemberEs issues, if an$
are also addressed during this meeting. 0ll star 'erformers are re&ogni?ed b$
re/arding some monetar$ &ou'ons and a''re&iation letter.
Through %arious me&hanism su&h as !ngagementOde'artment Team meetings,
Management re%ie/ meeting, TS)M &he&ks, internal as /ell as e9ternal audit
obser%ation, &lients and member feedba&k, suggestions from members, o'en
forum and annual tour. Management gets %arious feedba&ks for )MS re%ision.
2sing Statisti&al tool TS)M anal$?e them all and if found %alue addition to C*I
suggest management to take a''ro'riate a&tion.
This is ho/ C*I is ado'ted T)M along /ith IS8 .,,@ and Cmmi /hi&h is
getting audited or assessed b$ third 'art$ on 'eriodi& basis sin&e long.
3age C.
A$"antages of TQM
)!!y ;!ient $ri"en
o 7aster, Better and Chea'er is the mantra of T)M. !%er$ a&ti%it$ is 'lanned
and im'lemented to ensure &ustomer delight. Customer &o%ers internal as /ell as
e9ternal &ustomer. 0ll em'lo$ees are full$ fo&used on satisf$ing or delighting their
&lients /ithout &om'romising on <ualit$.
o The su''lier or %endor also 'art of this ob(e&ti%e. "endors are treated like
'artner so that e%er$ one /ill take the same o/nershi' and also earned the e<ual
o "arious 'ro&esses, 'ra&ti&es, methodologies, guidelines, standards are
defined, do&umented, &ommuni&ated and enfor&ed a&ross the organi?ation so that
all stake holders are in s$n& /ith organi?ational goals
o 3eriodi& &ommuni&ation is ensured at all le%els to kno/ the 'rogress of
organi?ation to/ards their set goals.
Continos Im:ro"ement - 8rgani?ation is /orking or im'ro%ing on Kai?en
mode. Small but &ontinuous im'ro%ements at all le%els are going on
Em:!oyee Em:o>erment
o 0ll em'lo$ees are trained on 'eriodi& basis on te&hni&al, fun&tional,
management and on soft skills through out their s'an. Training (ourne$ starts /ith
Integration and then goes on and on till the$ are familiar /ith re<uired skills and to
get u'dated on re%ised ne/ te&hni&al kno/ ho/.
o Im'ro%ements are not onl$ based on 'ast e9'erien&e or learningEs but
also based on suggestions a&ross all le%els. 0s em'lo$ees are full$ trained and
full$ fo&used on their /ork the$ are the right &hannels to kno/ the im'ro%ement
areaEs /hi&h is en&ouraged through suggestions s&heme. *ood Suggestions are
re/arded instantl$ or on <uarterl$ or
3age D,
$earl$ basis de'ending u'on organi?ational 'ra&ti&es. 0ll re&ogni?ed
orIm'lemented suggestions are &ommuni&ated through ne/sletter along
/ith the em'lo$eesE name and /ith their re/ard so to em'o/er e%er$one
to go and suggest all im'ro%ement area to im'ro%e organi?ational
'rodu&ti%it$ or to redu&e /asteOre/ork or to &ontrol &ost et&.
o !m'lo$ees get o''ortunities to /ork on im'ro%ement areasE through
fo&used team, im'ro%ement teams or <ualit$ &ir&les and get management %isibilit$
for their interest in im'ro%ing organi?ation. It fosters leadershi' and em'o/ers
em'lo$ees to utili?e all his 'otential at greater e9tent.
o The$ /ill ensure to 'lan e%er$thingH e%er$one in organi?ation is a/are
/here the$ are leading for. The dri%e and dire&tion is fo&used and in align /ith the
business 'lan
o Management members are full$ in%ol%ed in im'lementing business 'lan
and /ill ensure to 'ro%ide all re<uired resour&es su&h has Resour&es, Budget,
!n%ironment 2tilities et& time to time till the goals are a&hie%ed
o "arious &ontrol me&hanisms are in 'la&e su&h fun&tional, de'artmental
meetings, 'eriodi& &he&ks, 'eriodi& re'orting, re%ie/ meeting, audits et& to ensure
all a&ti%ities are in align /ith business 'lan
o Based on anal$sis, e9tending su''ort b$ taking &orre&ti%e and 're%enti%e
a&tions, re&ogni?ing and re/arding a&hie%ements, re%ising 'lan and kee'ing
e%er$one informed about the 'rogress and about future 'lan on timel$ basis.
&ata $ri"en &e;ision MaDing
o The data for all im'ortant a&ti%ities are &olle&ted as measurement. These
measurement data is used to take de&ision or to fore&ast or 'redi&t the business.
4e&isions are not 'erson de'endant but 'ro&ess de'endant.
3age D@
"arious tools su&h Brainstorming, 7ish Bone, 3areto, Control Charts,
=istogram, Correlation, Regression are used to &ontrol %arian&e and
3age D+
Limitation of TQM
o T)M is a 'hiloso'h$
o It is not <ualit$ management but should be referred as 'ro&ess
management or 'ro&ess of im'ro%ement
o 4oes not 8ffers an$ set of guidelines for <ualit$ management. Aike
religion, there are as man$ %ersions as there are ad%o&ates. 0 stud$ b$ !rnst :
Young turned u' around .DF different a''roa&hes for im'lementing T)M.
o In realit$ it is not total sin&e it onl$ addresses one as'e&t of <ualit$
management that is im'ro%ement
o T)M is remedial and not 're%enti%e. T)M is aimed at identif$ing the
&auses of <ualit$ 'roblems and eliminating them. The theor$ is that b$ in%ol%ing
e%er$one in sol%ing <ualit$ 'roblems, e%entuall$ all 'roblems /ill be eliminated
and the &om'an$;s <ualit$ /ill &ontinue to get better and better. 2nfortunatel$,
T)M is based on stud$ing 'ast data /hi&h amounts to e9amining the barn door
after the horse has run a/a$.
o IS8-.,,, re<uires do&umentation and re&ord kee'ing. IS8-.,,,, /hi&h
re<uires regular audits b$ an outside 'art$. There is no su&h re<uirement in T)M.
T)M has a histor$ of fading a/a$ o%er time. 0s a result, im'ro%ements often get
lost or forgotten as ne/ 'eo'le, ne/ 'rodu&ts and ne/ managers &ome and go.
0lso, the t$'i&al T)M im'lementation relies hea%il$ on the leadershi' of a
N&ham'ion.N >hen the &ham'ion goes, so does the T)M 'rogram. T)M &an
disa''ear /ithout a /him'er. 0&&ording to %arious 'ublished re'orts, about three-
<uarters of signifi&antl$ si?ed 0meri&an manufa&turers ha%e attem'ted some form
of T)M. 8f those 'rograms, about four-fifths ha%e failed to 'rodu&e an$ signifi&ant
results and most of them ha%e sim'l$ disa''eared.
o *oals are mainl$ set at higher le%el and %er$ limited to bottom line
o *oals are not dead line.
3age DC
o "er$ often, Changes is triggered b$ internal &ustomer re<uirements
o Im'ro%ement teams or )ualit$ &ir&les in&ludes on te&hies, su''ort or
de'artmental or management &ontribution is %er$ less
o 4e%elo'ed b$ te&hies /ith limited kno/ledge of management
o Mostl$ the result is &ontinual im'ro%ement and in&ident of breakthrough
im'ro%ement are %er$ rare
o 4oes not target a s'e&ifi& s&o'e and no dead line so im'ro%ement is not
o 7o&us is mostl$ in )ualit$ instead of )ualit$ U Cost U C$&le Time U
Business Issues
o 0s it is management dri%en, management su''ort is must /hi&h is not
3age DD
0fter going through the &on&e't, ad%antage, limitation of T)M and /here T)M
is im'lemented along /ith IS8 .,,@ and CMMi suggesting for follo/ing
re&ommendations based on m$ obser%ations and learningEs,.
Better to im'lement T)M /ith IS8 .,,@ or /ith CMMI or Si9 Sigma so that it
/ill not remain &on&e't or 3hiloso'h$ or theor$ but it should be integral 'art of
organi?ation me&hanism in 'la&e to address, resol%e and 're%ent all <ualit$
related issues.
The t$'i&al T)M 'rogram takes a $ear or so (ust to get started and as there is
no limit ma(orit$ of them donEt a&hie%e the re<uired results e%en after s'ending
$ears hen&e need to be &arried out on time bound basis.
"oi&e of Customer, "oi&e of Business and "oi&e of 'ro&ess all should be
&onsidered for setting goals. *oal should be SM0RT. S'e&ifi&, Measurable,
0&hie%able, Realisti& and Target based.
0lthough T)M assures li%e and /orking &ontinuous im'ro%ement and
&om'lian&e /ith the ke$ elements of the standards it is not globall$ a&&e'ted, all
'ur'ose <ualit$ model in the /orld hen&e If a business /ants to remain
&om'etiti%e, /e ha%e to im'lement along /ith IS8 or CMMI or /ith Si9 Sigma.
Your a&ti%it$ should lead to 'rofit im'ro%ement and not limited to 'ro&ess
im'ro%ement or for &ertifi&ation.
7irst im'ro%e and then do&ument and then train.
S&o'e should be e<uall$ 'ro%ided for Continual : Breakthrough im'ro%ements.
3age DF
0'art from Brainstorming, 7ish Bone, 3areto, Control Charts, =istogram,
Correlation and Regression it should fa&ilitate usage of im'ro%ement, su&h as
7ailure Mode and !ffe&t 0nal$sis 7M!0#, )ualit$
7un&tion 4e'lo$ment )74# and other tools of si9 sigma to hel' to mo%e the
&om'an$ to/ards being a /orld-&lass o'eration.
So to delight $our internal as /ell as e9ternal &lients go for
If yo $onIt go someone e!se >i!!J##
3age DJ
o >hat is the mission and %ision of C*IL
o >hat are the ob(e&ti%es or goals of C*IL
o >ould $ou 'lease des&ribe about )ualit$ Journe$ of C*IL
o *loball$ as /ell as in India
o >ho is the lead auditor for C*I for IS8 .,,@L
o >ho is the lead auditor for C*I for IS8 +G,,@L
o >ho is the lead auditor for C*I for CMMi Ae%el FL
o >hat is the strength of C*I IndiaL
o 4o $ou ha%e se'arate de'artment for )ualit$L
o If $es, then ho/ man$ em'lo$ees are /orking in thatL
o If no, then ho/ $ou manage <ualit$ fun&tion in $our &om'an$L
o 0re the$ /orking full time or as and /hen basisL
o >ould $ou 'lease let me kno/ ho/ )ualit$ de'artment is /orkingL
o 4o $ou ha%e se'arate de'artment for 0uditL
o If $es, then ho/ man$ em'lo$ee are /orking in thatL
o If no, then ho/ $ou manage audit fun&tion in $our &om'an$L
o 0re the$ /orking full time or as and /hen basisL
o >ould $ou 'lease let me kno/ ho/ 0udit de'artment is /orkingL
o >ho is the right 'erson to talk about T)M hereL
o 4o $ou need an$ &ertifi&ate from m$ &ollege for this 'ro(e&tL
o Could $ou 'lease share soft &o'$ of $our T)M /ith me for m$
o If not &ould $ou 'ro%ide me the hard &o'$ for referen&e 'ur'oseL
o 7or referring at home or /ithin offi&e onl$L
o Can I take notes from hard &o'$ and re'rodu&e $our a&ti%ities in m$
'ro(e&t after getting re%ie/ed from $our membersL
o =o/ T)M is getting im'lemented in C*IL
o >hat are the resour&es re<uirements of T)M in C*IL
3age DG
o Can I get &han&e to see the budget for T)ML
o =o/ to do $ou ensure that all em'lo$ees are understood T)M and
follo/ed T)ML
o =o/ do $ou ensure that message of T)M 'asses to all em'lo$ees,
all the timeL
o =o/ do $ou &om'are T)M /ith $ou internal as /ell as e9ternal
<ualit$ models IS8 .,,@ and CMMi#L
o 4o $ou follo/ an$ reorgani?ation or re/ard s$stem to 'romote T)ML
o =o/ do $ou im'ro%e $our T)ML
o >hat are the %arious tools $ou are using for im'lementing T)ML
o =o/ do $ou ensure to kee' $our &ustomer and $our em'lo$ee
o 4o $our follo/ an$ measurement 'lan to monitor $our business goals
or ob(e&ti%esL
o 4o $ou follo/ s'e&ifi& 'ro&ess to handle &ustomer &om'laintsL
o Internal as /ell as e9ternalL
o 4o $ou follo/ s'e&ifi& 'ro&ess to handle suggestion, im'ro%ement
and inno%ationL
o =o/ do $ou 'romote <ualit$ in $our &om'an$L
o 4o $ou &ondu&t <ualit$ <ui? regularl$L
o 4o $ou &ondu&t <ualit$ /eekL
o If $esL >hat is the fre<uen&$L
3age D-
1I19IO'R,P>: 3
o 3rodu&ti%it$ : )ualit$ Management K S.4. 0'hale
o T)M : IS8 .,,, for 0r&hite&ts and 4esigners K Charles 1elson
o Si9 Sigma Bla&k Belt training Material K 0sian Institute of )ualit$
o >>>.*88*A!.C8M
o >>>.C*I.C8M
o >>>.ISIRSI*M0.C8M
3age D.