Acer Aspire Hidden Partion Restoration

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markymoo: Most Acers use the same hidden partition so the golden info below is a good solution.
As you know, the Acer computers and those of other manufacturers are now delivered with a system
of restoration installed in a hidden partition of your hard disk. This system launches out while
pressing keys ALT+!" simultaneously. And sometimes for various reasons this system ceases
The first cause often comes owing to the fact that function #$# %ecovery is disable in the bios
&menu principal'.
The solution : enable the function and try to press keys ALT+!" during the starting of the
The second cause : in this case hidden partition ()*+%,-.+ was erased or damaged, or you
replaced the disc and in this case it is not present.
The solution : -f you did not previously make a backup of your system by making an image disc. -t
will not be possible to use the #$# recovery. /our only hope will be to have in your possession
Acer %ecovery .#0#,#.
And the third causes : the Acer Master 1oot %ecord &M1%'was damaged or replaced by non2Acer
M1%. As long as partition ()*+%,-.+ is present or that you can put the hand on the necessary
Acer files you can reinstall the M1% of Acer.
The solution :
irst method : on a functional 3indows system:
! disable the #$# recovery option of the bios.
$ open a 3indows session with an account administrator.
4 #ownload, un5ip and launch partedit4$&registration re6uired for download'.
markymoo: ptedit4$
7 -dentify the (6service partition by its si5e &at the bottom of the partedit window there is a partition
information bo8' it is a small si5ed partition appro8imately $ to 9 : nce made change
the type of your partition into ". and save. %estart and open a session with an administrator
account, you should be able to navigate to the ()service partition. *eek these two files
mbrwrdos.e8e and rtmbr.bin once localised open a command prompt and launch this command
mbrwrdos.e8e install rtmbr.bin, this will install the Acer M1%. .lose the command prompt window
restart again 3indows go into the bios and reactivate the #$# recovery. ;ow ALT+!" should
launch Acer recovery at the starting of the computer.
*econd method : <n a nonfunctional 3indows system.
or that you must use a Linu8 distribution &for me Mandriva provided all the tools necessary'.
! 1oot on the Mandriva install .#0#,# the boot menu will give you the possibility to repair or to
restore the 3indows boot loader.
$ -f that is not enough launch an installation of linu8&this will be an occasion to test this terrible <*'
and choose L-L< as boot loader&a boot menu that allow you to choose between several operating
systems' once finished the installation. %estart your computer in the boot loader menu system you
will have at least $ 3indows options the first generally point to ()service choose it and you will
boot directly into acer #$# recovery.

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