A H I G H E R L E V E L O F C O N F I D E N C E A Chlori de Power Protecti on Company ONEAC Sinergy
SE II Series Parallelable UPS (4 kVA - 20 kVA): Protecting key electronic
equipm ent from pow er disruptions and inconsistencies w ill have a positive financial im pact on your business system s. The Sinergy SE II U ninterruptible Pow er Supply (U PS) features a pow er conditioned, online double conversion topology to handle irregularities in the electrical system , m ake brief pow er disruptions harm less, and provide battery back-up to bridge prolonged pow er outages. Advanced technology for superior protection M any electrical devices and system s respond to pow er line faults such as voltage or frequency variations, short interruptions, and outages by m alfunctioning. In the case of data processing system s, this often causes processing errors and data loss. O r in extrem e cases, perm anent softw are and hardw are dam age. A ny of these situations can be costly to your business. You can protect your devices and system s effectively against these disruptions w ith O N EA C s Sinergy SE II pow er conditioned parallelable U PS. C om pact dim ensions, low noise em issions, and superior design ensure the Sinergy SE II Series U PS can be easily integrated into m ost any w orking environm ent. True online operationload is isolated fromthe AC power: Bri dges power f ai l ure compl et el y wi t hout i nt errupt i on Provi des consi st ent l y good qual i t y power t o your equi pment Saf e operat i on of sensi t i ve l oads Low-impedance isolation transformer on output: Provi des power condi t i oned prot ect i on t o t he l oads Prot ect s equi pment f rom surges and noi se Cl ean ground ref erence Scalable power and runtimes: 4 and 8 kVA uni t s upgradeabl e t o 6 and 10 kVA, respect i vel y Paral l el t wo 6, 8, 10 kVA UPSs t o obt ai n 12, 16, or 20 kVA Ext endabl e runt i mes t o 8 hours or more Low noise and small footprint: Probl em-f ree i nst al l at i on Uni t suppl i ed ready f or hardwi red connect i on Fi t s unobt rusi vel y i nt o any envi ronment Integrated manual and automatic bypass: Si mpl i f i es mai nt enance Opt i mi zes rel i abi l i t y Comprehensive front panel control/indicators: LCD screen shows st at us, runt i mes and l oad condi t i ons Audi bl e al arm sounds i f f aul t occurs No operat or cont rol requi red whi l e runni ng Provi des det ai l ed cont rol Quick setup: Hardwi re t he mai ns t o t he UPS, connect t he UPS t o t he l oad, and swi t ch i t on Remote Power Off (RPO): Provi des emergency shut down of UPS. Int egrat es i nt o room-wi de RPO Online protection for data, PCs and networks: Prot ect s dat a and hardware f rom vol t age t ransi ent s and power f ai l ure Computer interface: Al l ows equi pment t o communi cat e wi t h t he UPS M opUPS
PROFESSIONAL avai l abl e (opt i onal )
Field replaceable batteries: M i ni mi zes cost and downt i me Optional UPS communications software and accessories: Int el l i gent responses duri ng prol onged power f ai l ures. M opUPS PROFESSIONAL f or net work shut down and remot e management Int egrat i on wi t h SNM P net works usi ng M anageUPS
NET f or UPS and
envi ronment al moni t ori ng Int egrat es UPS and comput er i nt o one syst em Conf i gurabl e comput er and mul t i -server shut down Compat i bl e wi t h al l maj or operat i ng syst ems 2-year warranty: Your best assurance of product qual i t y and rel i abi l i t y. W orkstations Servers and netw orks (LA N , W A N , etc.) D ata processing equipm ent and system s Telecom m unication system s Voice over IP ISD N system s W hole Store PO S system s C om puter centers A ir-traffic control system s Safety system s in pow er stations Retail inform ation system s Transport system s M edical im aging and diagnostic equipm ent Business system m achinery Broadcasting studios Sem iconductor test equipm ent Sem iconductor m anufacturers Process controls C ontrol centers/SC A D A system s D rives in continuous production processes Production and autom ation system s A nd m ore Protecting PCs and Networks in a Variety of Applications The O N EA C Sinergy SE IISeries U PS provides reliable support for: Generator Friendly The true online double conversion topology easily supports generator applications. Frequency and voltage regulation m eans that even older generator transfer sw itches can be accom m odated w ithout problem s. Frequency auto-detection, coupled w ith an extrem ely broad input voltage tolerance w indow , allow for a w ide variety of utility line variances w ithout interfering in the U PS operation and support of your critical loads. C ascading circuit protection m eans that after an extended overload, the U PS w ill engage a self-protection sub-routine locking out the inverter and transferring the load to bypass source utilizing the appropriate feeder circuit protective device. O verloads can be endured for m inutes and hours, not seconds! Scalable Sizing A ll O N EA C Sinergy SE IIU PS runtim es can be expanded by adding additional battery cabinets. Back-up tim es of up to tw o hours can be achieved in any load operation by using line up and m atch battery cabinets. For longer support, non-m atching cabinets can be used to reach 8 hours or m ore. Sinergy SE IIallow s you to build on your original investm ent. In order to accom m odate application grow th, the 4 kVA m odel can easily be upgraded to 6 kVA , and 8 kVA to 10 kVA , w ithout shipping the unit off-site. The 6 kVA , 8 kVA , 10 kVA , m odels can be paralleled to support 12, 16, and 20 kVA loads, respectively. Paralleling Up to three Sinergy SE IIUPSs can be paralleled for capacity and redundancy, increasing the supported equipm ents overall reliability and availability. Remote Power Off (RPO) Adapter The RPO is standard on all Sinergy SE II Series U PSs. If the RPO contacts are opened, the U PS im m ediately shuts dow n. The RPO circuit m ay be extended by connecting norm ally closed sw itches in series betw een the RPO connect pins. This activates any of the series sw itches, causing the U PS to shut off its output. Communications Interface A ll Sinergy SE IIU PSs are equipped w ith an interface C O M port allow ing serial com m unication w hen used w ith O N EA C M opU PS com m unications softw are. In com bination w ith the additional U PS softw are, this serial interface enables a host of key m onitoring functions. M opU PS PRO FESSIO N A L C om m unications Softw are and cable are optional w ith the Sinergy SE IIfor U PS and battery m onitoring and m anagem ent. A ll Sinergy SE IISeries U PSs are equipped w ith an interface designed for com m unication w ith a com puter w hen using O N EA C s supplied M opU PS PRO FESSIO N A L softw are. if the connected com puter is inform ed of a pow er failure via the interface, it can shut dow n its program and the operating system in a controlled and orderly m anner w ithin the batterys back-up tim e. The com puter/server requires an RS232 interface for com m unication w ith the U PS. O ptional connectivity accessories include M opU PS PRO FESSIO N A L softw are, available for all m ajor operating system s and netw orks, M anageU PSN ET, and environm ental m onitoring. Online topology The Sinergy SE II Series U PS operates according to the online principle connected loads are isolated from the irregularities of the A C pow er supply w ithout interruption and are supplied instead by the U PS. The rectifier, w hich converts the A C voltage to D C voltage, supplies the inverter w ith pow er during norm al operations. A t the sam e tim e, the battery is m aintained at full charge or is recharged if needed. The inverter generates sine-w ave output A C voltage from D C voltage. The A C voltage level and frequency are extrem ely stable. Sinergys double voltage-conversion decouples the load from the A C pow er supply and protects it from the follow ing irregularities: Voltage variations Frequency variations O vervoltage/under-voltage Voltage peaks Interference voltages D istorted voltage w aveform s If a short interruption or m ains failure occurs, the battery supplies the inverter instantly and w ithout interruption. W hen pow er is restored during battery operation, the changeover to norm al operation also takes place w ithout interruption. A s no sw itchover is necessary w hen pow er fails or is restored (online operation), this U PS ensures even the m ost sensitive loads can be operated safely and w ithout problem s. If severe or prolonged overloading occurs, the U PS autom atically sw itches to the integrated bypass to support the load. Comprehensive indicator and control panel A ll operational and load conditions are indicated by the LC D screen. The com prehensive LC D screen show s:status, load, runtim e, faults and m enu controls. The U PS also sends an audible w arning signal at 4-second intervals, indicating critical operational conditions. The low er the battery reserve, the shorter the audible alarm interval. A llow ing plenty of tim e to save your precious data. The com prehensive front panel LED s provide a visual indication of the units status at any given tim e. Select Menu Button Menu Up Button Fault LED (red) Battery LED (red) Indicator and control panel for the Sinergy SE II Series UPS LCD Screen Select Escape Button Menu Down Button Bypass LED (yellow) ON LED (green) Isolated Contacts Interface Card A n auxiliary interface suitable for N ortel PBX applications. It includes an isolated contacts interface card and an eight foot cable to connect the Sinergy SE IIU PS com m unications port to the PBX (A K-N TM ERID -O 2). Power Distribution Units The Sinergy SE II Series 4 to 10 kVA U PSs features a num ber of m odels w ith a variety of pow er distribution options. A ten foot flex conduit is provided w ith every PD U installed. The PD U s are installed at the factory before delivery. C all O N EA C for details. Power Cords O ptional ten foot pow er cords are available for the Sinergy SE II4 kVA U PS (L6-30P) and 6 kVA U PS (6-50P). C all O N EA C for details. Connectivity MopUPS PROFESSIONAL softw are enables a w ider variety of responses to faults and other events that affect the U PS and the equipm ent they protect. ManageUPSNET adapter provides w eb and SN M P-based U PS and environm ental m onitoring. It can also be used as a server for m ultiple M opU PS clients in order to facilitate w ide area netw ork shutdow ns from a single U PS. MopUPS ManageUPSNET Part Number SK- PROMOP- O2 AM- 00- O Syst em shut down vi a net work Event messagi ng vi a emai l , page, vi a emai l or SNM P t raps net work, or SNM P t raps Log event s Run a command, scri pt or bat ch f i l e Web-based syst em management Ful l SNM P server Support s Termi nal , Tel net , and FTP access Envi ronment al moni t ori ng ONEAC SINERGY SE II UPS: Opti onal Accessori es PDU Code Receptacle SPDU-M (1) L6-30R PDU Code Receptacle SPDU-N (3) L6-30R & (4) 5-20R PDU Code Receptacle SPDU-P (2) L6-30R & (8) 5-20R PDU Code Receptacle SPDU-S (1) L6-30R & (2)L 6-20R & (4) 5-20R PDU Code Receptacle SPDU-T (2) L6-30R & (4) 5-20R Optional Power Distribution Units for Sinergy SE II Series (4 - 10 kVA) ONEAC SINERGY SE II UPS: Speci fi cati ons Nominal input voltage:200, 208, 220, 230, 240 Available output voltage: 120/ 208/ 240 model s w i t h AT i n t he part number 120/ 208/ 230/ 240 model s w i t h IT i n t he part number 100/ 200 model s w i t h JT i n t he part number Surge voltage withstand capability:ANSI/ IEEE C62.41 Cat . A & B Crest factor:3:1 Principle of operation: onl i ne, doubl e conversi on Batteries:seal ed, mai nt enance-f ree l ead aci d, VRLA Battery test:aut omat i c, once per mont h (adj ust abl e t hrough opt i onal UPS man- agement sof t ware) Battery management:aut omat i c runt i me adj ust ment , prot ect i on agai nst deep di scharge Recharge time to 90%available capacity: 5 - 8 hours (i nt ernal bat t eri es) Relative humidity:20-90%, no condensat i on Alarms: mai ns pow er, l ow bat t ery, overl oad, on bypass Cooling:f ans Performance Characteristics Frequency: 50/ 60 Hz, aut o-sel ect , i nput f requency 40-70 Hz, f requency convert er Frequency tolerance, normal operation:out put f requency synchroni zed w i t h mai ns f requency Frequency tolerance, power failure: 0.5% (i nt ernal f requency generat or) Total harmonic distortion (linear load):< 4% Automatic bypass:i nt egrat ed Output Waveform:si nusoi dal Internal maintenance bypass:i nt egrat ed Overloadcapacity:104%: warni ng; 105-125%: 60 seconds: swi t ches t o bypass; 126-150%: 10 second, swi t ches t o bypass; >150%: 2 seconds: swi t ches t o bypass Port:(1) seri al st andard COMslot:(1) f or SNM P/ w eb i nt erf ace/ i sol at ed cont act card RPOinput:st andard Operational temperature: +32F t o +104F (+50F t o +77F recommended f or opt i mal bat t ery l i f e) +0C t o +40C (+10C t o +25C recommended f or opt i mal bat t ery l i f e) Storage temperature:+5F t o +122F (-15C t o +50C) EMC:FCC part 15, cl ass A, EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4-4 EN61000-4-5 SINGLE UNIT MODELS PARALLELED UNIT KITS UPS MODEL SE041 SE061 SE081 SE101 SE122 SE162 SE202 Basi c Conf i gurat i on SE041XAT SE061XAT SE081XAT SE101XAT SE122XAT SE162XAT SE202XAT SE041XIT SE061XIT SE081XIT SE101XIT SE122XIT SE162XIT SE202XIT SE041XJT SE061XJT SE081XJT SE101XJT SE122XJT SE162XJT SE202XJT Power rat i ng (VA/ W) 4000 VA/ 2800 W 6000 VA/ 4200 W 8000 VA/ 5600 W 10000VA/ 7000W (2) 6000 VA/ 4200 W (2) 8000 VA/ 5600 W (2) 10000VA/ 7000W f or 12000VA/ 8400W f or 16000VA/ 11200W f or 20000VA/ 14000W Out put current (A) @ 208 Vrms 19.2 27.9 38.4 46.0 55.8 76.8 92.0 Int ernal bat t ery (20) VRLA, 12V 7ah (20) VRLA, 12V 7ah (20) VRLA, 12V 9ah (20) VRLA, 12V 9ah (40) VRLA, 12V 7ah (40) VRLA, 12V 9ah (40) VRLA, 12V 9ah Communi cat i ons sof t ware opt i onal M opUPS PROFESSIONAL avai l abl e Opt i onal M opUPS PROFESSIONAL P/ R avai l abl e UPS di mensi ons HxWxD* (i n.) 31.4x11.8x26.6 31.4x11.8x26.6 31.4x11.8x26.6 31.4x11.8x26.6 31.4x11.8x26.6 each 31.4x11.8x26.6 each 31.4x11.8x26.6 each HxWxD* (cm) 80.0x30.0x67.6 80.0x30.0x67.6 80.0x30.0x67.6 80.0x30.0x67.6 80.0x30.0x67.6 each 80.0x30.0x67.6 each 80.0x30.0x67.6 each UPS net wei ght - l bs (kg) 325 (148) 325 (148) 380(173) 380(173) 325 (148) each uni t 380(173) each uni t 380 (173) each uni t UPS shi p wei ght - l bs (kg) 380 (172) 380 (172) 440 (200) 440 (200) 380 (172) each uni t 440 (200) each uni t 440 (200) each uni t Input connect i on HW* * HW* * HW HW HW HW HW Out put connect i on* * * HW HW HW HW HW HW HW * Add 3.75 i nches (9.5 cm) t o Dept h f or PDU., * * Opt i onal PDUs avai l abl e. * * * Opt i onal t en f oot power cord avai l abl e (4 kVA - 10 power cord wi t h L6-30P; 6 kVA - 10 power cord wi t h 6-50P). Cal l ONEAC f or det ai l s External Battery Part Number SEBP610-2 Bat t ery (40) VRLA, 12V 7ah Di mensi ons HxWxD - i n 31.4 x 11.8 x 26.6 HxWxD - (kg) (80.0 x 30.0 x 67.6) Net wei ght - l bs (kg) 312 (142) Shi p wei ght - l bs (kg) 356 (162) Approvals Sinergy SE IISeries U PSs:U L/cU L listed to 1778, TU V, and C E. O N EA C is a U L/BSIregistered corporation C ertification N o. A 2900 O N EA C , Sinergy, M anageU PS and M opU PS are registered tradem arks of O N EA C C orporation. A ll other tradem arks are the property of their respective com panies. (800) 327 8801 OPT. 2 in U SA A N D C A N A D A +44 (0) 2380 610311 in U K A N D EU RO PE 27944 N . Bradley Road, Libertyville, IL 60048 Phone 847 816-6000 FA X 847 680-5124 G eorge C url W ay, Southam pton, H am pshire SO 18 2RY, U K FA X +44 (0) 2380 649994 www.oneac.com A ll specifications subject to change w ithout notice. 2006 O N EA C C orporation Printed in U .S.A . Part N o. 917-201 Rev. B ONEAC SINERGY SE II UPS: Indi vi dual Speci fi cati ons Runti mes Quanti ty I nput/ Si nergy (hal f l oad/ Quanti ty External Output UPS* kVA ful l l oad) UPS Battery Cabi nets Connectors SE041 4 37/ 15 (1) SE041 None HW* * SE041 + one bat t ery 4 156/ 66 (1) SE041 (1) SEBP610-2 HW* * SE041 + t wo bat t eri es 4 310/ 130 (1) SE041 (2) SEBP610-2 HW* * SE061 6 21/ 9 (1) SE061 None HW* * SE061 + one bat t ery 6 84/ 39 (1) SE061 (1) SEBP610-2 HW* * SE061 + t wo bat t eri es 6 175/ 78 (1) SE061 (2) SEBP610-2 HW* * SE081 8 21/ 6 (1) SE081 None HW SE081 + one bat t ery 8 73/ 23 (1) SE081 (1) SEBP610-2 HW SE081 + t wo bat t eri es 8 140/ 45 (1) SE081 (2) SEBP610-2 HW SE101 10 13/ 5 (1) SE101 None HW SE101 + one bat t ery 10 60/ 18 (1) SE101 (1) SEBP610-2 HW SE101 + t wo bat t eri es 10 117/ 35 (1) SE101 (2) SEBP610-2 HW Si nergy Runti mes Quanti ty I nput/ Paral l el (hal f l oad/ Quanti ty External Output Ki ts kVA ful l l oad) UPS Battery Cabi nets Connectors SE122 12 21/ 9 (2) SE061 None HW SE122 + t wo bat t ery 12 84/ 39 (2) SE061 (2) SEBP610-2 HW SE122 + f our bat t eri es 12 175/ 78 (2) SE061 (4) SEBP610-2 HW SE162 16 21/ 6 (2) SE081 None HW SE162 + t wo bat t ery 16 73/ 23 (2) SE081 (2) SEBP610-2 HW SE162 + f our bat t eri es 16 140/ 45 (2) SE081 (4) SEBP610-2 HW SE202 20 13/ 5 (2) SE101 None HW SE202 + t wo bat t ery 20 60/ 18 (2) SE101 (2) SEBP610-2 HW SE202 + f our bat t eri es 20 117/ 35 (2) SE101 (4) SEBP610-2 HW * Opt i onal PDU avai l abl e. Cal l ONEAC sal es represent at i ve. * * Opt i onal i nput power cords avai l abl e. N O TE:Runtim es are based upon fully charged, new batteries. Runtim es are affected by battery age, am bient tem perature, site-specific U PS usage patterns, and actual operating load characteristics. A ctual runtim es m ay vary. A Chlori de Power Protecti on Company