Agrippina Notes

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Agrippina notes

Historical Context

Role of imperial woman in Roman Society

Expected to be modest
Expected to marry young and raise large families
Behave with dignity and awareness of their responsibilities
Could inherit property
No part in politics (could influence husbands)
Played important role in dynastic succession, promoting sons (Imperial

Background and rise to prominence

Family background and status

Born in Julio-claudian line
Mother = Agrippina the elder (granddaughter of Augustus)
Father = Germanicus (grandson of Livia [Aug third wife])
THEREFORE Agrippina was:
The great granddaughter of an emperor
Sister of an emperor (Gaius)
Niece and later wife of an emperor (Claudius)
Mother of an emperor (Nero)
Agrippinas exceptionally illustrious birth is indisputable Tacitus
Her pedigree was impeccable S. Perowne

Early life, ambitions and marriages

Born in: AD15
Born at: Ara Uborium (Rhine Frontier)
Had to endure the deaths of:
Two elder brothers (Nero and Drusus)
Lived in imperial palace with Livia, during the reign of Tiberius
Came under care of Tiberius
Married off at age 14 AD 28 to Domitius
Married again to Crispus AD 41
Third marriage to Claudius AD 49
Her ambition was to exert political influence
Her mother game her a sense of entitlement that their family was meant to rule
She grew up in an appalling atmosphere of malevolence, suspicion and
criminal violence Michael Grant
They prayed her (Agrippina the elder) might live to survive the enemy
It was not an injury that she did not reign Tacitus (describing what Tib said to
Agrippina the elder)


Basis of power and influence; patronage

Alliances and use of patron client relationship
Pallas to promote her to Claudius as future wife = allowed her to set up
Pallas influence Claudius to adopt Nero = assuring family succession and
giving Ag power
Vitellius = to change incest law to marry Claudius
She won support partly by fears and partly by favors Dio Cassius
Her private life was chaste unless power was to be gained Tacitus
Bloodline (Julio-claudian)
Being direct descendent of Augustus and daughter of mystic
Germanicus=very influential base of prominence contributing to
immense power, gave her mystic nature
Mother = popular support because of poor treatment by Tiberius and
sense of entitlement
Brother Gaius (emperor) thrust her into public sphere
Gave her wealth and power
Domitius = a lot of money (although stripped), and a son Nero
Crispus = a large estate on the Tiber, immense wealth, a lot of political
Claudius = most power
Hailed Augustus (coin minted in Rome)
Agrippinas lust was not for passion, but for power Barret
Gave her influence to groom Nero successor
Personality and ambition
Seen as manipulative, cunning, thick skinned, smart, strategic and
adaptable = allowed her to gain so much influence.

Role during the reign of Gaius (Caligula), including exile

Gaius reign = 37 AD 41 AD
Accession = good for Ag because public sympathized with family
Honorary vestal virgin
Which would give them such important legal advantages as
exemption from authority of a male guardian Barrett
Imperial seats at games
Included in the annual vows of emperors safety
Included in the preamble proposal to the senate
May this be good fortune for Gaius ceaser and his sisters
Included in the annual vows of Allegiance to the emperor
Nor shall I consider myself or my children more precious than I
do Gaius and his sisters Suetonius
This represents a key stage in the elevation of woman in the imperial
house Barrett
Coin issued in AD 38 represents Agrippina as Secuitas (security), holding a
Drusilla and Livilla on coin as well
Sisters of an Emperor had never been on a coin before
Cornucopia is a symbol of plenty and fertility
Great suspicion Gaius had incestuous relationship with sisters, especially
Caused Agrippina and her role within the empire to feel threatened, as
Drusillas children more likely to be heirs.
By 38 AD Gaius suffered major illness and his whole regime changed
Drusilla died
Agrippina and Livilla = exiled to the Pontian Islands
Linked to a conspiracy to kill Gaius and were charged with
adultry with Lepidus in a plot to overthrow princeps
They did not return to Rome until death of Gaius

Role during the reign of Claudius

Became extremely powerful during his reign
Claudius reign was dictated not so much by his own judgment but by
his wives and freedmen Suetonius
Married to Crispinus for early part of his reign
Some historians argue to keep her away from the intrigue of Messalina
Agrippina was recommended by Pallas to Claudius
She was available and of right family background
Still young enough to have more children (even though she never did)
Would be good for Claudius as he was unpopular with people and
Agrippina was popular
Claudius decision to marry Agrippina was taken for political
reasons, to shore up an unpopular regime Holland
She had a nieces privilege of kissing and caressing Claudius, and
exercised it with noticeable effect on his passion Suetonius
Law had to be changed to allow them to marry (Vitellius)
Married in AD49 Allowed to exert considerable influence
Relief on the Sebastian at Aphrodisias seen standing next to the senate
and emperor (display of matrimonial harmony)
Coins and Cameos represent the union as a new beginning
AD 50 received title Augusta Only woman to receive this while husband still
Shown on coin Agrippina Augusta
Conveyed the notion of empress Barrett She could lay equal claim to
the majesty that the office or emperor conveyed
Public promotion and partnership in empire
Coins In Rome and Provinces = proves her popularity
Caratacus surrender to her
She was offered the same homage and gratitude Tacitus
Roman standards = unprecedented
She was asserting her partnership in the empire her ancestors
had won Tacitus
Present at daily saultatio = increasing political role
Riding in the carpentium = thrust into public sphere
Veterans colony at place of birth named after her, Colonoa Claudia Ara
Augusta Agrippinensium
Mother and promoter of Nero
Recalled tutor Seneca to groom Nero
Influenced Claudius to adopt Nero
Gave him precedence over his own son
Britannicus too young (9)
Messalina tarnished his image
Games being held in Neros behalf
Publically wearing Toga Virilius before legal age
Donating to senate and PG before becoming princeps
Marriage to Octavia
Knew Loyalty of the Guard was critical to sustainability
Replaced PP of Geta and Crispinus (loyal to Messalina) with Burrus
(loyal to Ag)
Hand picked middlemen to consolidate position
Allegedly killed Claudius
Agrippina poisoned Claudius Tacitus
Supposedly she had began to loose her influence
Ultimately securing her position in the empire to set it up for her son

Role and changing relationship with Nero during his reign
Became princeps at 17
Declared emperor when he was conducted into the Guards camp.
He was hailed emperor. The armys decision was followed by senatorial
Agrippina exercised considerable power and authority in the early days of
Neros rule
Agrippina managed for him all imperial business Dio
Suetonius records Nero allowed his mother full authority in all business,
public as well as private
The first five years of Neros reign were dominated by his relations with his
mother Agrippina pressed even harder than she had done under Claudius for
full share of power, for a partner in empire Bauman
Tacitus tells us ever outward honor was heaped on Agrippina
Reluctant to acknowledge that she exercised real political control of him
Power and authority presented on gold and silver coins
Shown face to face and equal in size to Nero on the obverse of coins in
Shown side by side with him on obverse of coins of 55AD
Suggests partner in running empire
First imperial woman to share portrait with reigning princeps on
Roman coinage
Her next to Nero on the relief at the Sebastian of Aphrodisias shows Ag
performing the crucial role of initiation (crowning)
Reflects the idea that she brought him to power, not the senate
Honors for Agrippina
Would ride with Nero through the streets in a litter
Make a special show of devotion by walking beside her as she was carried
Meeting of the senate were convened on the Palatine to enable her to
follow the proceedings, even though she was never allowed to enter the
Granted the gesture of two lictors they suggest the power and authority
of the magistrates
Agrippinas privilege would have served to elevate her in the public mind
to the status of a woman who had quasi-official share in the
administration of the empire
Dio claims she also received various embassies and sent letters to peoples,
governs and kings
Shows her influence in politics
Gradually loosing control over Nero (fell in love with Acte a slave)
Felt threatened by Acte and tried everything to remove her but nothing worked
It was I who made you emperor- just as if she had the power to take
away the sovereignty from him again Dio
Nero wanted to show he was independent
A daughter of the imperial familywas surprisingly inept at handling
her teenage son Barrett
Agrippina threatened Nero she would present Britannicus to the PG as the
legitimate heir
Nero expelled Agrippina from Imperial palace to live with his grandmother
Tacitus explains this was to prevent her from giving great receptions
Nero killed Britannicus
Agrippina realized her last support was gone Tacitus
Nero could now kill by himself showed Agrippina that she was no
longer needed
Widely believed that Nero had a hand in Agrippinas death
Strike here Tacitus as she pointed to her stomach (where Nero was

Relationships with other members of the imperial court: Seneca, Burrus and
imperial freedmen

Seneca = Good relationship to begin with than turned sour
Convinced Claudius to recall him from exile to tutor Nero
She knew extreme influence tutors had in shaping political
A brilliant mind whose political views on the best way to rule
Rome coincided with her own Barrett
Speculated to be lovers her private life was chaste unless power was
to be gained Tacitus
Helped her groom Nero as successor which would give her power
Gained popularity from recalling him as he was well liked
Provided Ag with the means to influence Nero politically
Shift in relationship to where he was in dominant position
Tacitus says that Seneca prevented Agrippina from mounting imperial
dais to receive foreign delegates (as she had done with Claudius)
Convinced Nero to remove Pallas from his financial post
Saw the removal of Agrippina from the obverse of the coinage in Rome
Informed Nero on the intention of his mother paying to Britannicus
Workings of Seneca attributed to breakdown of Pallas and Agrippinas
Seneca and Burrus combined forces to curtail Agrippinas power
Burrus = Good relationship to begin with (PG prefect)
Agrippina persuaded Claudius to replaced Geta and Crispinus (loyal to
Messalina & Britannicus) with Burrus.
Burrus loyal to Agrippina and would assure the smooth accession of her
son to the throne = Vital for Agrippinas further influence
Burrus = fully aware of who was responsible for his appointment as
commander of PG and that is why she and Nero had his loyalty
Provided her with support fundamental to an emperors principate
Shift in Power similar to that of Seneca
Convinced Nero to remove Pallas from his financial post
Saw the removal of Agrippina from the obverse of the coinage in Rome
Informed Nero on the intention of his mother paying to Britannicus
Workings of Burrus attributed to breakdown of Pallas and Agrippinas
Seneca and Burrus combined forces to curtail Agrippinas power
Although during Neros endeavors to kill his mother Burrus point blank
refused to kill her
Indicated that despite her decline Burrus still displayed some
Imperial freedmen-Pallas
Pallas = super loyal
Claudius financial secretary (wealth = power)
Position would have given (her) unique access to the financial
operations of the state Barrett
Secured support even before her marriage to Claudius
Assisted Claudius marring Agrippina
Helped in the adoption of Nero to Claudius
Helped betrothal of Nero to Octavia
Continued loyalty and supporter was crucial to Agrippinas
power and largely due to his actions that she became as powerful as she
Suetonius chief supporter
Key elements to
Tacitus puts forth the argument that they were lovers due to his
continued loyalty
Barret disagrees claiming it would be unlikely that a woman from
the Julio-claudian line would have condescended to liaison with
an ex-slave
Imperial freedmen- Narcissus
Closest and most trusted freedmen of Claudius
All of the sources claim that him and Ag were arch-opponents Barrett
Dio claimed Agrippina had won over Pallas AND Narcissus
Openly argued at draining of Fuciene lake
Blamed Narcissus for fail of the draining charging him with
embezzlement even though the charges were never taken to
An obstacle for Agrippinas plans with Nero

Impact of personality on career: public image

Number of coins, busts, statues and reliefs of Agrippina from Rome and the
empire reflect her high profile
First appeared on coinage under Gaius
On reverse of coin, portrayed as Securitas (security)
Appeared on coinage under Claudius
On reverse of coin
Shown with head draped = a symbol of piety or wearing a crown of
wheat = association with Demeter (goddess of fertility)
Obverse of the coin with Claudius = partnership
Appeared as Augusta
Appeared on coinage under Nero
Early years shows them facing another with legend Agrippina Augusta,
Wife of the divine Claudius, Mother of Nero Ceaser
Another coin shows obverse of an elephant chariot bearing the figures of
Divine Augustus and Divine Claudius on reverse with the legend By The
Decree of the Senate, Agrippina Augusta, Wife of the Divine Claudius,
Mother of Nero Ceaser
Portrait appeared on coins throughout the empire
Two reliefs from Sebasteion of Aphrodisias show public image of Ag in Roman
empire = she appears as an equal to Claudius and Nero
Shown with Senator and Claudius wearing wreath of Oak leaves
Shown placing a crown on Neros head
Wide range of public statues and busts are an indication of her popularity and
Consciously promoted her own public image
Wore military cloak of gold on ceremonial occasions (draining of Fuciene Lake)
Resembling her mother
Surrender of Caratacus she sat on dais with Claudius and was offered the same
homage and gratitude
Tacitus She was asserting her partnership in the empire her ancestors
had won
Used her family connection and status to promote her public image
Many members of imperial court owed their positions and loyalty to Agrippina
and therefore helped her promote a positive public image.

Attempts on her life

Sources depict strained relationship between Ag and Nero from 55 AD
Tacitus suggested she tried to raise funds and form a faction to bring about her
sons demise: She seemed to be looking round for a Party, and a leader for it
Nero had enough = began to organize demise
Dismissed Pallas
Took away her privileges (lictors, bodyguards)
Removed her from the Palace = exposed to dangers
Silana put up two of her clients to charge Agrippina with plotting to marry
Plautus and inciting revolt against Nero, Nero listened with terror and
resolved to kill his mother Tacitus
Seneca advised Nero not to act so hastily but to give his mother a hearing
Agrippina knew legal framework and turned charge against the accusers
Kept low profile until the threat of Neros mistress Poppaea Sabina.
Only way he could break mother domination was to have her killed
Attempts at murder:
Poison = she had taken the antidote
She had strengthen her physical resistance by a preventive
course of antidotes Tacitus
Collapsible bedframe above her = someone gave secret away
Rigged up a machine in the ceiling of her bedroom which would
dislodge the panels and drop them on her while she slept
Tried to drown her with a collapsible boat = she swam to safety
A ship could be made, he now said, with a section which would
come loose at sea and hurl Agrippina into the water without
warning Tacitus
He tried to get the Praetorian Guard to kill her but they would not as
they were loyal to Germanicus and Ag and they did not want to tarnish
their name or be apart of a plot
The Guard were devoted to the while imperial house of
Germanicus; they would not commit no violence against his
offspring Tacitus
Everyone longed for the mothers domination to end. But no one believed that
her sons hatred would go as far as murder Tacitus

Death: motives, manner and impact of death

According to Tacitus, Neros involvement with a noble woman, Poppaea Sabina
in AD58 proved a major reason for the death of Agrippina.
She saw her as a threat to her position and wanted to safeguard
interests of Octavia, an ally since her expulsion from the palace in 55 AD
Also argues that Peoppea was constantly telling Nero of her treachery
and fuelling a growing mistrust that he had already harbored
Relationship with woman other than mother (Acte) made her furious causing
her to become increasingly hostile towards him.
Nero began to look to others, such as Seneca, for help whilst openly
disobeying his mother.
Nero became increasingly frustrated by Agrippinas continuing dominance and
desire for power.
Dio record her scolding of Nero It was I who made you emperor
Continued to be the dominating mother and this finally threatened Neros pride
in his maturity and security in imperial office
Wanted to free himself of his mothers influence
Changing relationship= important motive for her death
After her death in a letter to the senate Nero swore that Agerinus had come to
kill him and that Agrippina had paid for complicity however that was probably
Tacitus claims that Anicetus killed Agrippina.
The murders closed round her bed. First the captain hit her on the
head with a truncheon. Than as the lieutenant was drawing his sword to
finish her off, she cried out: strike here!- pointing to her womb. Blow
after blow fell, and she died Tacitus
Dio account is more dramtic although it is the same story line:
She saw them, she knew for what they had come, and leaping from her
bed she tore open her clothing, exposing her abdomen, and cried out
Strike here Anicetus, strike here, for this bore Nero
Dio also claims that Nero wanted to see the body and examine the wounds and
when he saw it he said I did not know I had so beautiful a mother
In a speech to senate after her death Nero said that it was providential. And he
even called the shipwreck a happy accident. For even the greatest fool could not
believe it accidental Tacitus
Nero went to Campania after death and was scared to return to Rome but was
advised that the city was happy that Agrippina was dead
On his return to Rome Tacitus records that they found even greater
enthusiasm than they had promised
Barret claims that she was much more popular in hinterland than in capital
The concern of he crowds who congregated around her villa during her last
hours and the general relief on hearing that she had survived the shipwreck
indicate . Agrippina was much more popular in the hinterland than in the
Weidemann claims that only later in Flavian propaganda was the death of
Agrippina in AD 59 interpreted as a turning point in Neros reign, an act of
unforgivable wickedness typical of a tyrant. In fact, it seems to have made little
difference to Neros popularity at the time.
Tacitus = To this day Agrippina remains unique as the daughter of a great
commander and the sister, wife and mother of emperors
This was the end which Agrippina had anticpated for years. When she asked
astrologers about Nero, they had answered that he would become emperor but
kill his mother. Her reply was: Let him kill me just let him rule Tacitus


Impact and influence on her time

BIG impact on her time
Evident through the Ancient historians writing so much about her
The fact that there are whole books dedicated to her represent what a
large impact she had
She went beyond exceptional woman, not only in honours and privileges
granted to her but also in her exercise of political power even though she never
held political office
Extended her sphere of influence through every meand possible throughout her
Bloodlink = great influence
People worshiped her because of her pedigree
Ancient sources portray Agrippina as a unscrupulous woman who would do
anything to satisfy her personal lust for power
Modern sources reveal a politically astute woman who undoubtedly used her
considerable talents to fulfill her ambitions, and in so doing she contributed to
he strength and stability of the regime.
Her greatest impact on her times was evident in her relationships with the
emperors Caligula, Claudius and Nero with the key nobles and freedmen of
their reigns
In every facet of her rule as wife of Claudius, Agrippina was able to extend her
authority and influence to such an extent that it could be said that she ruled the
empire herself
From this moment the country was transformed. Complete obedience
was accorded to a woman Tacitus
Evaluations of her impact vary between negative ancient and more positive
No man or woman was safe is she suspected rivalry or desired their
wealth Showing she eliminated rivals (Scullard)
Agrippina threw herself wholeheartedly into promoting the new link,
and redoubled her efforts when she herself was given the title of
Augusta always promoting Nero and title of Augusta with her family
linage (Bauman)
When she is depicted on coins powerful hint that Agrippina saw herself
as a kind of regent or co-ruler with her son (Barret)
Impact on the early roman empire:
Agrippinas influence on administration during Claudius reign brought
the chaos to an end. Working with Seneca, Burrus and Pallas she was
about to bring a degree of political stability
Major impact on succession = promoting suitable Emperor after
Gaius gave her lots of honours increasing her power
Seneca worked hard to limit her role under Nero although this was the
zenith of her power it didnt last long
Removed people close to Agrippina like Pallas and then took the
ultimate step of having her killed
Specific examples of impact:
Able to decide leadership of the Praetorian Guard
Able to remove political and personal rivals
Powers of Patronage allowed her clients to promote the interests of
She came as close as a woman could to actually exercising power
Influence is evident in colony at Ara Uborium (her place of birth)
Strong influence seen when she was able to affect events in the provinces. She
sponsored games in Asia, at Adalia and Mytilene.

Assessment of her life and career

Difficult to gain a clear and coherent picture of Ag and her motives
Ancient = wicked, scheming mother prepared to go to any lengths for her son;
as a seductress using her feminine wiles to have her way; and as a violent and
intimidating woman who eliminated anyone who got in that way.
Suetonius loves the gossip and willing to include anything he has heard
about her
Tacitus against the whole imperial family and Ag involvement in the
affairs of the state would her opened her up to attack regardless of
Modern = consideration of ancient writers context, their gender, policital
persuasion, literary style and the sources available to them in their writing.
Barrett both ancient and modern writers offer a lop-ided portrait, at best
Modern scholar Ferrero = glowing light
(Agrippina) the most remarkable feminine figure in that family
Extremely succesfull in terms of wealth, status and power
Used her considerable talents to make the most of the opportunites presented
to her.
Openly acknowledged as Claudius partner in power and early in Neros reign
became the most powerful woman in the empire
Had great pride in ancestory and felt it entitled her to a share in political power
She knew how to exploit her Augustan linage
Brought respectability and the vital link to the Julian family
Persuading Claudius to adopt Nero esured her as a legitimate Julian
would become ruler and that she would remain close to seat of power
In early reign of Nero she felt her lineage, status and experienced
entitled her to take an active role in his reign
Learnt from experience
Learnt firsthand about the methods used by those in power to surpress
or eliminate real or potential threat or opposition. She also saw the
damage that could be done by incompetent rule
Sisters death and mothers death taught her when to be quiet
Politcally astute
Kept herself out of harms way during Tiberius reign when other
members of her family were persecuted
Made most of opportunity to marry Claudius sought security for her
and her son
Gained the support and services of capable men in key positions and
built a network of political alliances
Skillfully used system of promotion and rotation of offices to ensure her
She was Claudius partner in power and took a direct role in his
Astute enough to ensure Nero had the support of the PG before he was
presented to senate this ensured his acceptance as Princeps
Neros good years were the ones where he was strongly influenced by
his mother
Intelligent, ambitious and determined
These qualities had little opportunity to be exercised she made the
most of them and created some herself
Used the same methods that had been used by the men in her family
Understanding of Roman politics and law and wrote her memoirs
Ambition of sharing family dynasty Nero as emperor
Agrippinas weakness
Disregard for Roman political conventions woman not acceptable
rulers, especially to the senatorial class
Relationship with Nero once he became Princeps = bad as she was
reluctant to surrender the power and influence she had exercised over
him during his youth
Key people turned on her (Seneca and Burrus)
Conservative in outlook when it came to future of family dynasty
To Nero, Ags power and influence would always be a threat. He knew
and feared her capabilities, which is why he decided to get rid of her.
She cant let go = ultimately brings her down
Impact of Ag on governance of Rome
Secured loyalty of PG
Encourages cooperation between senate and ruler
Brief ascendency control of Neros reign were considered his best years
Claudius regime was not a vicious dictatorship but gave the appearance
of a benign partnership between ruler and ruled


There is a physical legacy of Agrippina and a non-physical legacy
Coins and statues
Ancient accounts
Sebastian at Aphrodisias
No woman attempted to hold same power
Fountain @ colonge
No woman in the dynasties that followed would ever again have the
prominence and power Ag held.
Roman writers succeeded in blackening her name
Ancient accounts bear the hallmarks of negative stereotype used for intelligent
or powerful woman.
They believed her to be the antithesis of the accepted role of the Roman
She survived only by establishing powerful alliances and isolating opponents
Nero = most conspicuous legacy, however, he arranged her death and
attempted to remove all trace of her from Rome, destroying her statues and
removing her name from inscriptions
Could be argument that there was no long lasting impact from her life
Her legacy was that she formally defined the place of a woman in the Roman
political system.
Exercided power and influence at highest level in Roman society
No evidence of any laws or constitutional reform as part of her legacy
Failed to break down the conservative attitudes of her contemporaries for
whom politics was no place for a woman
Subsequent emperors such as Vespasian, made no efforts to commemorate her
life and achievements
No political groups were formed to resurrect her reputation after her death
No woman would attempt to play a key role in Roman political life for another
150 years suggesting that part of her legacy was to act as a warning to
aspiring political woman
Little physical memory of Ag beyond representations of coins
There seems to have been no movement to rehabilitate Agrippina after her
death Barrett

Ancient and Modern images and interpretations of Agrippina the younger

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