1. The document outlines the requirements for submitting an application to manufacture or import a bulk drug that has already been approved in the country. It lists the documents that must be submitted including details of the applicant, drug information, manufacturing and testing licenses, chemical and pharmaceutical information, stability data, and more.
2. The requirements for approval of a new formulation of a drug already approved in the country are also provided. This includes an application form, drug details, manufacturing information, bioequivalence studies, and other supporting documents.
3. Additional guidance is given around submission methods and documentation for clinical trial applications or bioequivalence permissions. Adequate chemical and pharmaceutical information must be provided to ensure the identity,
1. The document outlines the requirements for submitting an application to manufacture or import a bulk drug that has already been approved in the country. It lists the documents that must be submitted including details of the applicant, drug information, manufacturing and testing licenses, chemical and pharmaceutical information, stability data, and more.
2. The requirements for approval of a new formulation of a drug already approved in the country are also provided. This includes an application form, drug details, manufacturing information, bioequivalence studies, and other supporting documents.
3. Additional guidance is given around submission methods and documentation for clinical trial applications or bioequivalence permissions. Adequate chemical and pharmaceutical information must be provided to ensure the identity,
1. The document outlines the requirements for submitting an application to manufacture or import a bulk drug that has already been approved in the country. It lists the documents that must be submitted including details of the applicant, drug information, manufacturing and testing licenses, chemical and pharmaceutical information, stability data, and more.
2. The requirements for approval of a new formulation of a drug already approved in the country are also provided. This includes an application form, drug details, manufacturing information, bioequivalence studies, and other supporting documents.
3. Additional guidance is given around submission methods and documentation for clinical trial applications or bioequivalence permissions. Adequate chemical and pharmaceutical information must be provided to ensure the identity,
1. The document outlines the requirements for submitting an application to manufacture or import a bulk drug that has already been approved in the country. It lists the documents that must be submitted including details of the applicant, drug information, manufacturing and testing licenses, chemical and pharmaceutical information, stability data, and more.
2. The requirements for approval of a new formulation of a drug already approved in the country are also provided. This includes an application form, drug details, manufacturing information, bioequivalence studies, and other supporting documents.
3. Additional guidance is given around submission methods and documentation for clinical trial applications or bioequivalence permissions. Adequate chemical and pharmaceutical information must be provided to ensure the identity,
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Checklist for Grant of permission to manufacture/import of Bulk Drug already
approved in the country S no Documents required to be submitted nclosed !age no "es #o 1. Name of Applicant with address 2. Name of Drug 3. Therapeutic Class 4. Date of Approval 5. Application in orm!44 dul" filled and signed #" the competent authorit" $. Treasur" Challan of %N& 5'(''')! upto 1 "ear from initial approval and %N& 15(''')! for other drugs upto 4 "ears *a. or manufacturing+! Cop" of manufacturing license in orm!25) orm!2$ for an" #ul, drug to manufacturer and orm!2- *#. or import+! Cop" of drug sale license in orm 2'. and 21. /. 0harmaceutical 1 Chemical %nformation A. 2anufacturing 0rocess including flowcharts detailed manufacturing procedure( i. %n process chec, procedure and report control ii. .atch manufacturing record iii. 0rocess validation report. .. Complete monograph 3pecifications( methods of anal"sis including anal"tical method validation report( with i. %dentification) 4uantification of impurities ii. 5nantiomeric purit" iii. &esidual solvent) other volatile impurities 678%9 estimation methods C. 3tructural elucidation data D. Three #atch Certificate of anal"sis 5. 3ta#ilit" data of three different lots as per 3chedule :; of Drugs and Cosmetics &ules 6 should #e presented in ta#ular form with details of .atch no( .atch si<e( Date of manufacturing( Date of initiation( 0ac,aging details9 . 2aterial 3afet" data sheet =. &eference product characteri<ation >. Draft specimen ?a#el -. 3u#!acute to@icit" data generated with the applicantAs #ul, drug in two species. 1'. CDT?)%0C Test report B B %n case of application is for grant of N7C for la# testing serial no 1' ma" #e su#mitted at the time of approval of #ul, drug. #ote$ %& Submission requirements / methodology$ i. 0lease su#mit 7N5 hard cop" and T>&55 soft copies i.e. Compact Disc 6CD9 60D format( properl" #oo,mar,ed for navigation9 of the dossier. ii. >ard cop"+ 3ides and front of each volume) file )#inder must #e la#elled with the name of the applicant compan"( date of su#mission( name of the drug6s9 and the file num#er 6Num#ering of files+ C@A of C"A files e.g. if there are 1' files( file num#er $ will #e la#elled as ile No. $ ) 1'9. iii. Dse of multiple volumes) files) #inders is recommended than #inding all the documents and modules in a ver" huge file. 0refera#l" volumes) files )#inders should not #e more than 3 inches thic, and use of good 4ualit" #inders is recommended. All the files should #e ,ept together( #ound #" a good 4ualit" wire or thread 6%f there are too man" volumes e.g. more than 1'( then multiple grouping should #e done9. iv. CDs have to #e la#elled using a mar,er pen with the name of the applicant compan"( date of su#mission and name of the drug6s9. %f there are multiple CDs for one su#mission dossier( then the num#ering as mentioned a#ove should #e followed. v. 3canned copies of onl" signed documents li,e test reports( signature pages will #e accepta#le and rest of the document has to #e in 0D format with optical character recognition 67C&9. vi. The ta#le of content under each head should #e lin,ed to the files 6s9 or relevant document for eas" trac,ing in CDAs. vii. Applicant should preserve a duplicate cop" of the su#mitted dossier for an" future reference and should #e a#le to su#mit multiple copies( if re4uired #" CD3C7. 2. %pprovals of a #e' drug ()ormulation& already approved in the country S #o Documents required to be submitted nclosed !age no. "es #o 1. Application for permission to 2anufacture )%mport+ 60urpose should #e mentioned clearl"9 2. Name of the applicant and address 3. Name of the New Drug a. Composition of the New Drug #. Dosage orm c. 0roposed indication for the New Drug d. Therapeutic rational for proposed dosage form /. Details of the approval of the New Drug in the countr" a. Approved Dosage orm #. Approved composition c. Approved indication 12. Application in orm 44 dul" signed and stamped #" authori<ed personal 13. Treasur" challan of %N& 15(''' New Drug approved in %ndia for more than one "ear( or ` 5'(''' of New Drug is approved for less than one "ear dul" signed and stamped #" .an, of .aroda 14. Cop" of valid manufacturing license in orm 25)2/)2$ 15. Cop" of valid Test license in orm 2- 1$. 3ource of #ul, drugs along with current regulator" status of the source with cop" of orm 4$A)45A. 6if o#tained9 1*. Consent letter and cop" of manufacturing licence form supplier of #ul, drug 1/. %nformation on active ingredients+ a9 .rief Chemical 1 pharmaceutical data #9 A0% 3pecification including impurit" profile c9 2ethod of Anal"sis with anal"tical method validation report d9 Certificate of Anal"sis for three #atches 23. Data on ormulation a9 2aster manufacturing formula #9 2anufacturing 0rocedure) 2aster manufacturing &ecord c9 0roduct development report with 5@cipient compati#ilit" stud" and force degradation stud". d9 0rocess validation protocol and &eport e9 inished product specification including impurit" profile f9 inished product 2ethod of Anal"sis g9 inished product Anal"tical method validation report h9 inished product Certificate of Anal"sis for three #atches) three validation #atches i9 %n process 4ualit" control chec, specifications E9 3ta#ilit" stud" data report as per re4uirements of schedule ; mentioning #atch si<e. 6 should #e presented in ta#ular form with details of .atch no( .atch si<e( Date of manufacturing( Date of initiation( 0ac,aging details9 ,9 Dissolution &elease 0rofile 6in case of oral dosage form9 l9 Comparative Dissolution &elease 0rofile with the Approved formulation 6in case of oral dosage form9 m9 Comparative evaluation with pharmaceutical e4uivalence with international #rand6s9 or approved %ndian #rands( if applica#le n9 Cop" of proposed 0ac,age %nsert which should include generic name of all active ingredientsF compositionF dosage form)s( indicationsF dose and method of administrationF use in special populationsF contraindicationsF warningsF precautionsF drug interactionsF undesira#le effectsF overdoseF pharmacod"namics and pharmaco,inetic propertiesF incompati#ilitiesF shelf!lifeF pac,aging informationF storage and handling instructions. o9 Draft specimen of ?a#el and Carton 3-. &egulator" status in other countries( as appropriate. a9 Names of the countries where the drug is mar,eted)approved for proposed Dosage orm ) New &oute of Administration along with pac,age insert and)or copies of approval in ,e" countries. #9 Names of the countries where the drug is withdrawn( if an"( with reasons c9 ree sale certificate 63C9 or Certificate of 0harmaceutical 0roduct 6C7009( in case of import. 43. .io 54uivalence).ioavaila#ilit" stud" 0rotocol 6As the case ma" #e9 a9 .5 protocol #9 3tud" s"nopsis c9 Dnderta,ing #" investigators as per Appendi@ 8%% od schedule ; and C8. d9 %nform consent form 6with assurance of providing audio! video recordings( Address( 4ualification( occupation( annual income of su#Eects along with( name and address of nominee. e9 Compensation clause as per &ule 122 DA. f9 Cop" of C5thics CommitteeA approval letters along with registration details. 5'. Gustification on .io e4uivalence stud" waiver( if re4uested 1$. %n case of parenteral formulation( 3u#!acute to@icit" data conducted with the proposed drug formulation. #ote $ %& Submission requirements / methodology i. 0lease su#mit 7N5 hard cop" and T>&55 soft copies i.e. Compact Disc 6CD9 60D format( properl" #oo,mar,ed for navigation9 of the dossier. ii. >ard cop"+ 3ides and front of each volume) file )#inder must #e la#elled with the name of the applicant compan"( date of su#mission( name of the drug6s9 and the file num#er 6Num#ering of files+ C@A of C"A files e.g. if there are 1' files( file num#er $ will #e la#elled as ile No. $ ) 1'9. iii. Dse of multiple volumes) files) #inders is recommended than #inding all the documents and modules in a ver" huge file. 0refera#l" volumes) files )#inders should not #e more than 3 inches thic, and use of good 4ualit" #inders is recommended. All the files should #e ,ept together( #ound #" a good 4ualit" wire or thread 6%f there are too man" volumes e.g. more than 1'( then multiple grouping should #e done9. iv. CDs have to #e la#elled using a mar,er pen with the name of the applicant compan"( date of su#mission and name of the drug6s9. %f there are multiple CDs for one su#mission dossier( then the num#ering as mentioned a#ove should #e followed. v. 3canned copies of onl" signed documents li,e test reports( signature pages will #e accepta#le and rest of the document has to #e in 0D format with optical character recognition 67C&9. vi. The ta#le of content under each head should #e lin,ed to the files 6s9 or relevant document for eas" trac,ing in CDAs. vii. Applicant should preserve a duplicate cop" of the su#mitted dossier for an" future reference and should #e a#le to su#mit multiple copies( if re4uired #" CD3C7. B& *n case the application is for Clinical +rial /Bio equivalence permission+ a. Ade4uate chemical and pharmaceutical information should #e provided to ensure the proper identit"( purit"( 4ualit" 1 strength of the investigational product( the amount of information needed ma" var" with the 0hase of clinical trials( proposed duration of trials( dosage forms and the amount of information otherwise availa#le. #. %n case of applications for protocol amendments of alread" approved studies( applicants should su#mit cop" of approval of protocol( amended new protocol( summari<ed list of all the new changes incorporated along with Eustification ) reasons for the change. c. 5thics Committee Approval+ 5thical approval should #e o#tained from 5thics Committee located in the same area where the clinical trial site is located. d. The proposed clinical trial stud" centres should #e geographicall" distri#uted in the countr" and should also include clinical sites which have their own %nstitutional 5thics Committee. ,. % drug already approved by the -icensing %uthority mentioned in .ule /1 proposed to be marketed 'ith ne' indication S #o Documents required to be submitted nclosed !age no "es #o 1. Application for permission to 2anufacture )%mport)Clinical trial+ 60urpose should #e mentioned clearl"9 2. Name of the applicant with address 3. Name of the New Drug a. Composition of the New Drug #. Dosage orm c. 0roposed indication for the New Drug d. Therapeutic rational for proposed indication 4. Details of the approval of the New Drug in the countr" a. Approved Dosage orm #. Approved composition c. Approved indication 5. Application in orm 44 dul" signed and stamped #" authori<ed personal $. Treasur" Challan of %N& 15(''' New Drug approved in %ndia for more than one "ear( or %N& 5'(''' of New Drug is approved for less than one "ear and not su#mitted challan earlier for the same drug. *. Cop" of valid manufacturing license in orm 25)2/)2$ /. Cop" of valid Test license in form 2- -. %n case of new drug( 3ource of #ul, drugs along with current regulator" status of the source with cop" of orm 4$A)45A. 6if o#tained9 1' Consent letter and cop" of manufacturing licence form supplier of #ul, drug 11. %nformation on active ingredients+ a9 .rief Chemical 1 pharmaceutical data #9 A0% 3pecification with impurit" profile c9 2ethod of Anal"sis with method validation report d9 Certificate of Anal"sis for three #atches 12. Data on ormulation a9 2aster manufacturing formula #9 2anufacturing 0rocedure) 2aster manufacturing &ecord c9 0roduct development report with 5@cipient compati#ilit" and forced degradation stud" d9 0rocess validation protocol) &eport e9 inished product specification f9 inished product 2ethod of Anal"sis g9 inished product Anal"tical method validation report h9 inished product Certificate of Anal"sis for three consecutive #atches) three validation #atches i9 %n process 4ualit" control chec, specifications E9 3ta#ilit" stud" data report as per re4uirements of schedule ; mentioning #atch si<e. 6 should #e presented in ta#ular form with details of .atch no( .atch si<e( Date of manufacturing( Date of initiation( 0ac,aging details9 ,9 Dissolution &elease 0rofile 6in case of oral dosage form9 l9 Comparative Dissolution &elease 0rofile with the Approved formulation 6in case of oral dosage form9 m9 Comparative evaluation with pharmaceutical e4uivalence with international #rand6s9 or approved %ndian #rands( if applica#le n9 Cop" of proposed 0ac,age %nsert which should include generic name of all active ingredientsF compositionF dosage form)s( indicationsF dose and method of administrationF use in special populationsF contraindicationsF warningsF precautionsF drug interactionsF undesira#le effectsF overdoseF pharmacod"namics and pharmaco,inetic propertiesF incompati#ilitiesF shelf!lifeF pac,aging informationF storage and handling instructions. o9 Draft specimen of ?a#el and Carton Sr No 10 to 12 is not applicable, if applicant holds manufacturing or Import and marketing permission for the proposed drug product [ Except 11(n and 11(o! 13. Therapeutic &ationale and Eustification for the proposed Additional %ndication 14. &egulator" status in other countries( as appropriate. a9 Names of the countries where the drug is 2ar,eted) approved for proposed indication along with pac,age insert and)or copies of approval in ,e" countries. #9 Names of the countries where the drug is withdrawn( if an"( with reasons c9 ree sale certificate 63C9 or Certificate of 0harmaceutical 0roduct 6C7009( in case of import. 15. .io 54uivalence).ioavaila#ilit" stud" 0rotocol 6As the case ma" #e9 a9 .5 protocol #9 3tud" s"nopsis c9 Dnderta,ing #" investigators as per Appendi@ 8%% od schedule ; and C8. d9 %nform consent form 6with assurance of providing audio!video recordings( Address( 4ualification( occupation( annual income of su#Eects along with( name and address of nominee. e9 Compensation clause as per &ule 122 DA. f9 Cop" of C5thics CommitteeA approval letters along with registration details. 1$. Clinical trial protocol in case of proposed Additional dosage form is not approved in ,e" countries. 6Chec,list alread" given in New Drug application9 %. CT protocol %%. 3tud" s"nopsis %%%. Dnderta,ing #" investigators as per Appendi@ 8%% of schedule ; and C8. %8. %nform consent form 6with assurance of providing audio!video recordings( Address( 4ualification( occupation( annual income of su#Eects along with( name and address of nominee. 8. Compensation clause as per &ule 122 DA. 8%. Cop" of C5thics CommitteeA approval letters along with registration details. 8%%. Case record form 6C&9 8%%%. 3ite details( which includes %nvestigators name and address( T"pe of >ospital 62ultispecialt") =overnment) 0rivate9 ( Num#er of #eds( emergenc" facilities( 5thics Committee registration details( etc9 1*. Gustification on Clinical trial waiver( if re4uested. 1/. 0u#lished report of Clinical trial)Gournal)literature with respect to proposed Additional %ndication. #ote$ %& Submission requirements / methodology i. 0lease su#mit 7N5 hard cop" and T>&55 soft copies i.e. Compact Disc 6CD9 60D format9 of the dossier. ii. >ard cop"+ 3ides and front of each volume) file )#inder must #e la#elled with the name of the applicant compan"( date of su#mission( name of the drug6s9 and the file num#er 6Num#ering of files+ C@A of C"A files e.g. if there are 1' files( file num#er $ will #e la#elled as ile No. $ ) 1'9. iii. Dse of multiple volumes) files) #inders is recommended than #inding all the documents and modules in a ver" huge file. 0refera#l" volumes) files )#inders should not #e more than 3 inches thic, and use of good 4ualit" #inders is recommended. All the files should #e ,ept together( #ound #" a good 4ualit" wire or thread 6%f there are too man" volumes e.g. more than 1'( then multiple grouping should #e done9. iv. CDs have to #e la#elled using a mar,er pen with the name of the applicant compan"( date of su#mission and name of the drug6s9. %f there are multiple CDs for one su#mission dossier( then the num#ering as mentioned a#ove should #e followed. v. 3canned copies of onl" signed documents li,e test reports( signature pages will #e accepta#le and rest of the document has to #e in 0D format with optical character recognition 67C&9. vi. The ta#le of content under each head should #e lin,ed to the files 6s9 or relevant document for eas" trac,ing in CDAs. vii. Applicant should preserve a duplicate cop" of the su#mitted dossier for an" future reference and should #e a#le to su#mit multiple copies( if re4uired #" CD3C7. B& *n case the application is for clinical trial / Bio equivalence permission$ a. Ade4uate chemical and pharmaceutical information should #e provided to ensure the proper identit"( purit"( 4ualit" 1 strength of the investigational product( the amount of information needed ma" var" with the 0hase of clinical trials( proposed duration of trials( dosage forms and the amount of information otherwise availa#le. #. %n case of applications for protocol amendments of alread" approved studies( applicants should su#mit cop" of approval of protocol( amended new protocol( summari<ed list of all the new changes incorporated along with Eustification ) reasons for the change. c. 5thics Committee Approval+ 5thical approval should #e o#tained from 5thics Committee located in the same area where the clinical trial site is located. d. The proposed clinical trial stud" centres should #e geographicall" distri#uted in the countr" and should also include clinical sites which have their own %nstitutional 5thics Committee. 0. % drug already approved by the -icensing %uthority mentioned in .ule /1 and proposed to be marketed as a 1#e' Dosage )orm / #e' .oute of %dministration2. S #o Documents required to be submitted nclosed !age #o "es #o 1. Application for permission to 2anufacture )%mport)Clinical trial+ 60urpose should #e mentioned clearl"9 2. Name of the applicant with address 3. Name of the New Drug a. Composition of the New Drug #. 0roposed Dosage orm c. 0roposed indication d. Therapeutic rational for proposed New Dosage orm ) New &oute 4. Details of the approval of the New Drug in the countr" a. Approved Dosage orm and route of administration #. Approved composition c. Approved indication 5. Application in orm 44 dul" signed and stamped #" authori<ed personal $. Treasur" Challan of %N& 15(''' New Drug approved in %ndia for more than one "ear( or %N& 5'(''' of New Drug is approved for less than one "ear and not su#mitted challan earlier for the same drug. *. Cop" of valid manufacturing license in orm 25)2/)2$ /. Cop" of Test license in form 2- -. %n case of new drug( 3ource of #ul, drugs along with current regulator" status of the source with cop" of orm 4$A)45A. 6if o#tained9 1'. Consent letter and cop" of manufacturing licence form supplier of #ul, drug 11. %nformation on active ingredients+ a9 .rief Chemical 1 pharmaceutical data #9 A0% 3pecification with impurit" profile c9 2ethod of Anal"sis with method validation report d9 Certificate of Anal"sis for three #atches 12. Data on ormulation a9 2aster manufacturing formula #9 2anufacturing 0rocedure) 2aster manufacturing &ecord c9 0roduct development report with 5@cipient compati#ilit" stud" and forced degradation stud". d9 0rocess validation protocol) &eport e9 inished product specification f9 inished product 2ethod of Anal"sis g9 inished product Anal"tical method validation report h9 inished product Certificate of Anal"sis for three consecutive #atches) three validation #atches i9 %n process 4ualit" control chec, specifications E9 3ta#ilit" stud" data report as per re4uirements of schedule ; mentioning #atch si<e. 6 should #e presented in ta#ular form with details of .atch no( .atch si<e( Date of manufacturing( Date of initiation( 0ac,aging details9 ,9 Dissolution &elease 0rofile 6in case of oral dosage form9 l9 Comparative Dissolution &elease 0rofile with the Approved formulation 6in case of oral dosage form9 m9 Comparative evaluation with pharmaceutical e4uivalence with international #rand6s9 or approved %ndian #rands( if applica#le n9 Cop" of proposed 0ac,age %nsert which should include generic name of all active ingredientsF compositionF dosage form)s( indicationsF dose and method of administrationF use in special populationsF contraindicationsF warningsF precautionsF drug interactionsF undesira#le effectsF overdoseF pharmacod"namic and pharmaco,inetic propertiesF incompati#ilitiesF shelf!lifeF pac,aging informationF storage and handling instructions. o9 Draft specimen of ?a#el and Carton 13. Therapeutic &ationale and Eustification for the proposed new dosage form ) new route of administration 14. &egulator" status in other countries( as appropriate. a9 Names of the countries where the drug is mar,eted)approved for proposed Dosage orm ) New &oute of Administration along with pac,age insert and)or copies of approval in ,e" countries. #9 Names of the countries where the drug is withdrawn( if an"( with reasons c9 ree sale certificate 63C9 or Certificate of 0harmaceutical 0roduct 6C7009( in case of import. 15. .io 54uivalence).ioavaila#ilit" stud" 0rotocol 6As the case ma" #e9 a9 .5 protocol #9 3tud" s"nopsis c9 Dnderta,ing #" investigators as per Appendi@ 8%% od schedule ; and C8. d9 %nform consent form 6with assurance of providing audio!video recordings( Address( 4ualification( occupation( annual income of su#Eects along with( name and address of nominee. e9 Compensation clause as per &ule 122 DA. f9 Cop" of C5thics CommitteeA approval letters along with registration details. 1$. Clinical trial protocol in case of proposed Additional dosage form is not approved in ,e" countries. 6Chec,list alread" given in New Drug application9 a9 CT protocol #9 3tud" s"nopsis c9 Dnderta,ing #" investigators as per Appendi@ 8%% of schedule ; and C8. d9 %nform consent form 6with assurance of providing audio!video recordings( Address( 4ualification( occupation( annual income of su#Eects along with( name and address of nominee. e9 Compensation clause as per &ule 122 DA. f9 Cop" of C5thics CommitteeA approval letters along with registration details. g9 Case record form 6C&9 h9 3ite details( which includes %nvestigators name and address( T"pe of >ospital 62ultispecialt") =overnment) 0rivate9 ( Num#er of #eds( emergenc" facilities( 5thics Committee registration details( etc9 1*. .io 54uivalence stud" re4uirement 6in case of oral dosage form as appropriate as per Appendi@ H of 3chedule ;9 1/. Gustification on Clinical trial and .io e4uivalence stud" waiver( if re4uested. 1-. Animal to@icolog" data as per 3chedule ;. a&. Systemic to3icity studies4 i. single dose to@icit" ii. repeated dose to@icit" b&. -ocal to3icity i. Dermal to3icity 6for products meant for topical 6dermal9 application9 ii. 5cular to3icity 6for products meant for ocular instillation9 iii. *nhalation to3icity 6conducted with the formulation proposed to #e used via inhalation route9 iv. 6aginal to3icity 6for products meant for topical application to vaginal mucosa9 v. !hotoallergy or dermal phototo3icity 6re4uired if the drug or a meta#olite is related to an agent causing photosensitivit" or the nature of action suggests such a potential9 c&. .ectal tolerance test 6or all preparations meant for rectal administration9 2'. 0u#lished report of Clinical trial)Gournal)literature with respect to proposed Dosage orm ) New &oute of Administration. #ote$ %& Submission requirements / methodology i. 0lease su#mit 7N5 hard cop" and T>&55 soft copies i.e. Compact Disc 6CD9 60D format9 of the dossier. ii. >ard cop"+ 3ides and front of each volume) file )#inder must #e la#elled with the name of the applicant compan"( date of su#mission( name of the drug6s9 and the file num#er 6Num#ering of files+ C@A of C"A files e.g. if there are 1' files( file num#er $ will #e la#elled as ile No. $ ) 1'9. iii. Dse of multiple volumes) files) #inders is recommended than #inding all the documents and modules in a ver" huge file. 0refera#l" volumes) files )#inders should not #e more than 3 inches thic, and use of good 4ualit" #inders is recommended. All the files should #e ,ept together( #ound #" a good 4ualit" wire or thread 6%f there are too man" volumes e.g. more than 1'( then multiple grouping should #e done9. iv. CDs have to #e la#elled using a mar,er pen with the name of the applicant compan"( date of su#mission and name of the drug6s9. %f there are multiple CDs for one su#mission dossier( then the num#ering as mentioned a#ove should #e followed. v. 3canned copies of onl" signed documents li,e test reports( signature pages will #e accepta#le and rest of the document has to #e in 0D format with optical character recognition 67C&9. vi. The ta#le of content under each head should #e lin,ed to the files 6s9 or relevant document for eas" trac,ing in CDAs. vii. Applicant should preserve a duplicate cop" of the su#mitted dossier for an" future reference and should #e a#le to su#mit multiple copies( if re4uired #" CD3C7. B& *n case the application is for clinical trial / Bio equivalence permission$ a. Ade4uate chemical and pharmaceutical information should #e provided to ensure the proper identit"( purit"( 4ualit" 1 strength of the investigational product( the amount of information needed ma" var" with the 0hase of clinical trials( proposed duration of trials( dosage forms and the amount of information otherwise availa#le. #. %n case of applications for protocol amendments of alread" approved studies( applicants should su#mit cop" of approval of protocol( amended new protocol( summari<ed list of all the new changes incorporated along with Eustification ) reasons for the change. c. 5thics Committee Approval+ 5thical approval should #e o#tained from 5thics Committee located in the same area where the clinical trial site is located. d. The proposed clinical trial stud" centres should #e geographicall" distri#uted in the countr" and should also include clinical sites which have their own %nstitutional 5thics Committee. 7. % drug already approved by the -icensing %uthority mentioned in .ule /1 no' proposed to be marketed as a 18odified release dosage form2. S #o Documents required to be submitted nclosed !age no "es #o 1. Application for permission to 2anufacture )%mport)Clinical trial+ 60urpose should #e mentioned clearl"9 2. Name of the applicant with address 3. Name of the New Drug a. Composition of the New Drug #. Dosage orm c. 0roposed indication for the New Drug d. Therapeutic rational for 2odified release dosage form 4. Details of the approval of the New Drug in the countr" a. Approved Dosage orm and route of administration #. Approved composition c. Approved indication 5. Application in orm 44 dul" signed and stamped #" authori<ed personal $. Treasur" Challan of %N& 15(''' New Drug approved in %ndia for more than one "ear( or %N& 5'(''' of New Drug is approved for less than one "ear and not su#mitted challan earlier for the same drug. *. Cop" of valid manufacturing license in orm 25)2/)2$ /. Cop" of valid Test license in form 2- -. %n case of new drug( 3ource of #ul, drugs along with current regulator" status of the source with cop" of orm 4$A)45A. 6if o#tained9 1'. Consent letter and cop" of manufacturing licence form supplier of #ul, drug 11. %nformation on active ingredients+ a9 .rief Chemical 1 pharmaceutical data #9 A0% 3pecification with impurit" profiling c9 2ethod of Anal"sis with method validation report d9 Certificate of Anal"sis for three #atches 12. Data on ormulation Data on ormulation a9 2aster manufacturing formula #9 2anufacturing 0rocedure) 2aster manufacturing &ecord c9 0roduct development report with 5@cipient compati#ilit" stud" and forced degradation stud". d9 0rocess validation protocol) &eport e9 inished product specification f9 inished product 2ethod of Anal"sis g9 inished product Anal"tical method validation report h9 inished product Certificate of Anal"sis for three consecutive #atches) three validation #atches i9 %n process 4ualit" control chec, specification E9 3ta#ilit" stud" data report as per re4uirements of schedule ; mentioning #atch si<e. 6 should #e presented in ta#ular form with details of .atch no( .atch si<e( Date of manufacturing( Date of initiation( 0ac,aging details9 ,9 Dissolution &elease 0rofile 6in case of oral dosage form9 l9 Comparative Dissolution &elease 0rofile with the Approved formulation 6in case of oral dosage form9 m9 Comparative evaluation with pharmaceutical e4uivalence international #rand6s9 or approved %ndian #rands( if applica#le n9 Cop" of proposed 0ac,age %nsert which should include generic name of all active ingredientsF compositionF dosage form)s( indicationsF dose and method of administrationF use in special populationsF contraindicationsF warningsF precautionsF drug interactionsF undesira#le effectsF overdoseF pharmacod"namic and pharmaco,inetic propertiesF incompati#ilitiesF shelf!lifeF pac,aging informationF storage and handling instructions. o9 Draft specimen of ?a#el and Carton 13. Therapeutic &ationale and Eustification for the proposed new dosage form ) new route of administration 14. &egulator" status in other countries( as appropriate. a9 Names of the countries where the drug is mar,eted)approved for proposed 2odified Dosage orm along with pac,age insert and)or copies of approval in ,e" countries. #9 Names of the countries where the drug is withdrawn( if an"( with reasons c9 ree sale certificate 63C9 or Certificate of 0harmaceutical 0roduct 6C7009( in case of import. 15. .io 54uivalence).ioavaila#ilit" stud" 0rotocol 6As the case ma" #e9 a9 .5 protocol #9 3tud" s"nopsis c9 Dnderta,ing #" investigators as per Appendi@ 8%% od schedule ; and C8. d9 %nform consent form 6with assurance of providing audio!video recordings( Address( 4ualification( occupation( annual income of su#Eects along with( name and address of nominee. e9 Compensation clause as per &ule 122 DA. f9 Cop" of C5thics CommitteeA approval letters along with registration details. 1$. Clinical trial protocol in case of proposed Additional dosage form is not approved in ,e" countries. 6Chec,list alread" given in New Drug application9 a9 CT protocol #9 3tud" s"nopsis c9 Dnderta,ing #" investigators as per Appendi@ 8%% of schedule ; and C8. d9 %nform consent form 6with assurance of providing audio! video recordings( Address( 4ualification( occupation( annual income of su#Eects along with( name and address of nominee. e9 Compensation clause as per &ule 122 DA. f9 Cop" of C5thics CommitteeA approval letters along with registration details. g9 Case record form 6C&9 h9 3ite details( which includes %nvestigators name and address( T"pe of >ospital 62ultispecialt") =overnment) 0rivate9 ( Num#er of #eds( emergenc" facilities( 5thics Committee registration details( etc9 1*. .io 54uivalence stud" re4uirement 6in case of oral dosage form as appropriate as per Appendi@ H of 3chedule ;9 1/. Gustification on Clinical trial and .io e4uivalence stud" waiver( if re4uested. 1-. 0u#lished report of Clinical trial)Gournal) literature with respect to proposed 2odified Dosage orm. 2'. %n case of inEecta#le formulation( su#!acute to@icit" data conducted with the applicant drug formulation. #ote$ %& Submission requirements / methodology i. 0lease su#mit 7N5 hard cop" and T>&55 soft copies i.e. Compact Disc 6CD9 60D format9 of the dossier. ii. >ard cop"+ 3ides and front of each volume) file )#inder must #e la#elled with the name of the applicant compan"( date of su#mission( name of the drug6s9 and the file num#er 6Num#ering of files+ C@A of C"A files e.g. if there are 1' files( file num#er $ will #e la#elled as ile No. $ ) 1'9. iii. Dse of multiple volumes) files) #inders is recommended than #inding all the documents and modules in a ver" huge file. 0refera#l" volumes) files )#inders should not #e more than 3 inches thic, and use of good 4ualit" #inders is recommended. All the files should #e ,ept together( #ound #" a good 4ualit" wire or thread 6%f there are too man" volumes e.g. more than 1'( then multiple grouping should #e done9. iv. CDs have to #e la#elled using a mar,er pen with the name of the applicant compan"( date of su#mission and name of the drug6s9. %f there are multiple CDs for one su#mission dossier( then the num#ering as mentioned a#ove should #e followed. v. 3canned copies of onl" signed documents li,e test reports( signature pages will #e accepta#le and rest of the document has to #e in 0D format with optical character recognition 67C&9. vi. The ta#le of content under each head should #e lin,ed to the files 6s9 or relevant document for eas" trac,ing in CDAs. vii. Applicant should preserve a duplicate cop" of the su#mitted dossier for an" future reference and should #e a#le to su#mit multiple copies( if re4uired #" CD3C7. B) *n case the application is for clinical trial / Bio equivalence permission$ a. Ade4uate chemical and pharmaceutical information should #e provided to ensure the proper identit"( purit"( 4ualit" 1 strength of the investigational product( the amount of information needed ma" var" with the 0hase of clinical trials( proposed duration of trials( dosage forms and the amount of information otherwise availa#le. #. %n case of applications for protocol amendments of alread" approved studies( applicants should su#mit cop" of approval of protocol( amended new protocol( summari<ed list of all the new changes incorporated along with Eustification ) reasons for the change. c. 5thics Committee Approval+ 5thical approval should #e o#tained from 5thics Committee located in the same area where the clinical trial site is located. d. The proposed clinical trial stud" centres should #e geographicall" distri#uted in the countr" and should also include clinical sites which have their own %nstitutional 5thics Committee. 9. % drug already approved by the -icensing %uthority mentioned in .ule /1 proposed to be marketed 'ith %dditional Strength S #o Documents required to be submitted nclosed !age #o "es #o 1. Application for permission to 2anufacture )%mport)Clinical trial+ 60urpose should #e mentioned clearl"9 2. Name of the applicant with address 3. Name of the New Drug a. Composition of the New Drug #. Dosage orm c. 0roposed indication for the New Drug 4. Details of the approval of the New Drug in the countr" a. Approved Dosage orm #. Approved composition c. Approved 3trength along with %ndication 5. Application in orm 44 dul" signed and stamped #" authori<ed personal $. Treasur" Challan of %N& 15(''' New Drug approved in %ndia for more than one "ear( or %N& 5'(''' of New Drug is approved for less than one "ear and not su#mitted challan earlier for the same drug. *. Cop" of valid manufacturing license in orm 25)2/)2$ /. Cop" of Test license in form 2- -. in case of new drug( 3ource of #ul, drugs along with current regulator" status of the source with cop" of orm 4$A)45A. 6%f o#tained9 1'. Consent letter and cop" of manufacturing licence form supplier of #ul, drug 11. %nformation on active ingredients+ a9 .rief Chemical 1 pharmaceutical data #9 A0% 3pecification with impurit" c9 2ethod of Anal"sis with method validation report d9 Certificate of Anal"sis for three #atches 12. Data on ormulation a9 2aster manufacturing formula #9 2anufacturing 0rocedure) 2aster manufacturing &ecord c9 0roduct development report d9 0rocess validation protocol) &eport with 5@cipient compati#ilit" stud" and orced degradation profile. e9 inished product specification f9 inished product 2ethod of Anal"sis g9 inished product Anal"tical method validation report h9 inished product Certificate of Anal"sis for three consecutive #atches) three validation #atches i9 %n process 4ualit" control chec, specification E9 3ta#ilit" stud" data evaluation a s per re4uirements of schedule ; mentioning #atch si<e. . 6 should #e presented in ta#ular form with details of .atch no( .atch si<e( Date of manufacturing( Date of initiation( 0ac,aging details9 ,9 Dissolution &elease 0rofile 6in case of oral dosage form9 l9 Comparative Dissolution &elease 0rofile with the Approved formulation 6in case of oral dosage form9 m9 Comparative evaluation with international #rand6s9 or approved %ndian #rands( if applica#le n9 Cop" of proposed 0ac,age %nsert which should include generic name of all active ingredientsF compositionF dosage form)s( indicationsF dose and method of administrationF use in special populationsF contraindicationsF warningsF precautionsF drug interactionsF undesira#le effectsF overdoseF pharmacod"namics and pharmaco,inetic propertiesF incompati#ilitiesF shelf!lifeF pac,aging informationF storage and handling instructions. o9 Draft specimen of ?a#el and Carton %nformation on active ingredients+ 13. Therapeutic &ationale and Eustification for the proposed Additional 3trength 14. &egulator" status in other countries( as appropriate. a9 Names of the countries where the drug is 2ar,eted) approved for proposed additional strength along with pac,age insert and)or copies of approval in ,e" countries. #9 Names of the countries where the drug is withdrawn( if an"( with reasons c9 ree sale certificate 63C9 or Certificate of 0harmaceutical 0roduct 6C7009( in case of import. 15. .io 54uivalence).ioavaila#ilit" stud" 0rotocol 6As the case ma" #e9 a9 .5 protocol #9 3tud" s"nopsis c9 Dnderta,ing #" investigators as per Appendi@ 8%% od schedule ; and C8. d9 %nform consent form 6with assurance of providing audio!video recordings( Address( 4ualification( occupation( annual income of su#Eects along with( name and address of nominee. e9 Compensation clause as per &ule 122 DA. f9 Cop" of C5thics CommitteeA approval letters along with registration details. 1$. Clinical trial protocol in case of proposed Additional 3trength is not approved in ,e" countries. 6Chec,list alread" given in New Drug application9 a. CT protocol #. 3tud" s"nopsis c. Dnderta,ing #" investigators as per Appendi@ 8%% of schedule ; and C8. d. %nform consent form 6with assurance of providing audio!video recordings( Address( 4ualification( occupation( annual income of su#Eects along with( name and address of nominee. e. Compensation clause as per &ule 122 DA. f. Cop" of C5thics CommitteeA approval letters along with registration details. g. Case record form 6C&9 h. 3ite details( which includes %nvestigators name and address( T"pe of >ospital 62ultispecialt") =overnment) 0rivate9 ( Num#er of #eds( emergenc" facilities( 5thics Committee registration details( etc9 1*. Gustification on Clinical trial and .io e4uivalence stud" waiver( if re4uested. 1/. 0u#lished report of Clinical trial)Gournal)literature with respect to proposed Additional 3trength. 1-. %n case of inEecta#le formulation( su#!acute to@icit" data conducted with the applicant drug formulation. #ote$ %& Submission requirements / methodology i. 0lease su#mit 7N5 hard cop" and T>&55 soft copies i.e. Compact Disc 6CD9 60D format9 of the dossier. ii. >ard cop"+ 3ides and front of each volume) file )#inder must #e la#elled with the name of the applicant compan"( date of su#mission( name of the drug6s9 and the file num#er 6Num#ering of files+ C@A of C"A files e.g. if there are 1' files( file num#er $ will #e la#elled as ile No. $ ) 1'9. iii. Dse of multiple volumes) files) #inders is recommended than #inding all the documents and modules in a ver" huge file. 0refera#l" volumes) files )#inders should not #e more than 3 inches thic, and use of good 4ualit" #inders is recommended. All the files should #e ,ept together( #ound #" a good 4ualit" wire or thread 6%f there are too man" volumes e.g. more than 1'( then multiple grouping should #e done9. iv. CDs have to #e la#elled using a mar,er pen with the name of the applicant compan"( date of su#mission and name of the drug6s9. %f there are multiple CDs for one su#mission dossier( then the num#ering as mentioned a#ove should #e followed. v. 3canned copies of onl" signed documents li,e test reports( signature pages will #e accepta#le and rest of the document has to #e in 0D format with optical character recognition 67C&9. vi. The ta#le of content under each head should #e lin,ed to the files 6s9 or relevant document for eas" trac,ing in CDAs. vii. Applicant should preserve a duplicate cop" of the su#mitted dossier for an" future reference and should #e a#le to su#mit multiple copies( if re4uired #" CD3C7. B) *n case the application is for clinical trial / Bio equivalence permission$ a. Ade4uate chemical and pharmaceutical information should #e provided to ensure the proper identit"( purit"( 4ualit" 1 strength of the investigational product( the amount of information needed ma" var" with the 0hase of clinical trials( proposed duration of trials( dosage forms and the amount of information otherwise availa#le. b. %n case of applications for protocol amendments of alread" approved studies( applicants should su#mit cop" of approval of protocol( amended new protocol( summari<ed list of all the new changes incorporated along with Eustification ) reasons for the change. c. 5thics Committee Approval+ 5thical approval should #e o#tained from 5thics Committee located in the same area where the clinical trial site is located. d. The proposed clinical trial stud" centres should #e geographicall" distri#uted in the countr" and should also include clinical sites which have their own %nstitutional 5thics Committee.