Polyhedral Geometry
Polyhedral Geometry
Polyhedral Geometry
Igor Pak
April 20, 2010
Basic definitions and notations
The subject of Discrete Geometry and Convex Polytopes has received much attention
in recent decades, with an explosion of the work in the field. This book is an introduction, covering some familiar and popular topics as well as some old, forgotten,
sometimes obscure, and at times very recent and exciting results. It is somewhat
biased by my personal likes and dislikes, and by no means is a comprehensive or
traditional introduction to the field, as we further explain below.
This book began as informal lecture notes of the course I taught at MIT in the
Spring of 2005 and again in the Fall of 2006. The richness of the material as well as
its relative inaccessibility from other sources led to making a substantial expansion.
Also, the presentation is now largely self-contained, at least as much as we could
possibly make it so. Let me emphasize that this is neither a research monograph nor
a comprehensive survey of results in the field. The exposition is at times completely
elementary and at times somewhat informal. Some additional material is included in
the appendix and spread out in a number of exercises.
The book is divided into two parts. The first part covers a number of basic results
in discrete geometry and with few exceptions the results are easily available elsewhere (to a committed reader). The sections in the first part are only loosely related
to each other. In fact, many of these sections are subjects of separate monographs,
from which we at times borrow the proof ideas (see reference subsections for the acknowledgements). However, in virtually all cases the exposition has been significantly
altered to unify and simplify the presentation. In and by itself the first part can serve
as a material for the first course in discrete geometry, with fairly large breadth and
relatively little depth (see more on this below).
The second part is more coherent and can be roughly described as the discrete differential geometry of curves and surfaces. This material is much less readily available,
often completely absent in research monographs, and, on more than one occasion, in
the English language literature. We start with discrete curves and then proceed to
discuss several versions of the Cauchy rigidity theorem, the solution of the bellows
conjecture and Alexandrovs various theorems on polyhedral surfaces.
Although we do not aim to be comprehensive, the second part is meant to be as
an introduction to polyhedral geometry, and can serve as a material for a topics class
on the subject. Although the results in the first part are sporadically used in the
second part, most results are largely independent. However, the second part requires
a certain level of maturity and should work well as the second semester continuation
of the first part.
We include a large number of exercises which serve the dual role of possible home
assignment and additional material on the subject. For most exercises, we either
include a hint or a complete solution, or the references. The appendix is a small
collection of standard technical results, which are largely available elsewhere and
included here to make the book self-contained. Let us single out a new combinatorial
proof of the uniqueness part in the BrunnMinkowski inequality and an elementary
introduction to the theory of places aimed towards the proof of the bellows conjecture.
Organization of the book. The book is organized in a fairly straightforward manner, with two parts, 40 sections, and the increasing level of material between sections
and within each section. Many sections, especially in the first part of the book, can be
skipped or their order interchanged. The exercises, historical remarks and pointers to
the literature are added at the end of each section. Theorems, propositions, lemmas,
etc. have a global numbering within each section, while the exercises are numbered
separately. Our aversion to formula numbering is also worth noting. Fortunately, due
to the nature of the subject we have very few formulas worthy of labeling and those
are labeled with AMS-TeX symbols.
The choice of material. Upon inspecting the table of contents the reader would
likely assume that the book is organized around a few of my favorite things and
has no underlying theme. In fact, the book is organized around our favorite tools,
and there are very few of them. These tools are heavily used in the second part, but
since their underlying idea is so fundamental, the first part explores them on a more
elementary level in an attempt to prepare the reader. Below is our short list, in the
order of appearance in the book.
1. Topological existence arguments. These basic non-explicit arguments are at the
heart of the Alexandrov and Minkowski theorems in Sections 3537. Sections 46
and Subsection 3.5 use (often in a delicate way) the intermediate value theorem, and
are aimed to be an introduction to the method.
2. Morse theory type arguments. This is the main tool in Section 8 and in the proof
of the FaryMilnor theorem (Section 24). We also use it in Subsection 1.3.
3. Variational principle arguments. This is our most important tool all around, giving
alternative proofs of the Alexandrov, Minkowski and Steinitz theorems (Sections 11,
35, and 36). We introduce and explore it in Subsection 2.2, Sections 9 and 10.
4. Moduli space, the approach from the point of view of algebraic geometry. The
idea of realization spaces of discrete configurations is the key to understand Glucks
rigidity theorem leading to Sabitovs proof of the bellows conjecture (Sections 31
and 34). Two universality type results in Sections 12 and 13 give a basic introduction
(as well as a counterpart to the Steinitz theorem).
5. Geometric and algebraic valuations. This is a modern and perhaps more technical
algebraic approach in the study of polyhedra. We give an introduction in Sections 16
and 17, and use it heavily in the proof of the bellows conjecture (Section 34 and
Subsection 41.7).
6. Local move connectivity arguments. This basic principle is used frequently in
combinatorics and topology to prove global results via local transformations. We introduce it in Section 14 and apply it to scissor congruence in Section 17 and geometry
of curves in Section 23.
7. Spherical geometry. This is a classical and somewhat underrated tool, despite its
wide applicability. We introduce it in Section 20 and use it throughout the second
part (Sections 24 and 25, Subsections 27.1, 29.3).
Note that some of these are broader and more involved than others. On the other
hand, some closely related material is completely omitted (e.g., we never study the
hyperbolic geometry). To quote one modern day warrior, If you try to please everybody, somebodys not going to like it [Rum].
Section implications. While most sections are independent, the following list of
implications shows which sections are not: 1 2, 3, 20 5 23 7 28, 36
9 10 25, 40 11 34 12 13 14 17 15 16 17 21 23
22 26 27 37 26 28, 29, 30 25 35 37 38 31 32 33
Suggested course content. Although our intention is to have a readable (and
teachable) textbook, the book is clearly too big for a single course. On a positive
side, the volume of book allows one to pick and choose which material to present.
Below we present several coherent course suggestions, in order of increasing difficulty.
(1) Introduction to Discrete Geometry (basic undergraduate course).
1, 2.1-2, 3, 4, 5.1-2 (+ Prop. 5.9, 5.11), 23.6, 25.1, 19, 20, 8.1-2, 8.4, 9, 10, 12, 13,
14.1-3, 15, 21.1-3, 23.1-2, 23.6, 22.1-5, 26.1-4, 30.2, 30.4, 39, 40.3-4.
(2) Modern Discrete Geometry (emphasis on geometric rather than combinatorial
aspects; advanced undergraduate or first year graduate course).
46, 9, 10, 1215, 17.5-6, 18, 2023, 25, 26, 29, 30, 33, 35.5, 36.3-4, 39, 40.
(3) Geometric Combinatorics (emphasis on combinatorial rather than geometric aspects; advanced undergraduate or first year graduate course).
25.1, 19, 20, 14, 8, 11, 12, 1417, 23, 22.1-5, 26.1-4, 32, 33, 40.3, 40.4.
We use only one index, for both people and terminology. The references have
pointers to pages where we use them, so the people in the index are listed only if they
are mentioned separately.
On exercises. The exercises are placed at the end of every section. While most
exercises are related to the material in the section, the connection is sometimes not
obvious and involves the proof ideas. Although some exercises are relatively easy and
are meant to be used as home assignments, most others contain results of independent
interest. More often than not, we tried to simplify the problems, break them into
pieces, or present only their special cases, so that they can potentially be solved by
a committed reader. Our intention was to supplement the section material with a
number of examples and applications, as well as mention some additional important
The exercises range from elementary to very hard. We use the following ranking:
exercises labeled [1-], [1] and [1+] are relatively simple and aimed at students, while
those labeled [2-], [2] and [2+] are the level of a research paper with the increasing
involvement of technical tools and results from other fields. We should emphasize
that these rankings are approximate at best, e.g., some of those labeled [1+] might
prove to be excessively difficult, less accessible than some of those labeled [2-] . If an
exercise has a much easier proof than the ranking suggests, please let me know and I
would be happy to downgrade it.
We mark with the exercises that are either used in the section or are mentioned
elsewhere as being important to understanding the material. Some additional, largely
assorted and ad hoc exercises are collected in Section 42. These are chosen not for
their depth, but rather because we find them appealing enough to be of interest to
the reader.
Hints, brief solutions and pointers to the literature are given at the end of the book.
While some solutions are as good as proofs in the main part, most are incomplete
and meant to give only the first idea of what to do or where to go. Open problems
and a few simple looking questions I could not answer are marked with [] . They are
likely to vary widely in difficulty.
On figures. There are over 250 color figures in the book, and they are often integral
to the proofs.
Rade Zivaljevi
c and anonymous reviewers for their corrections and suggestions on the
text, both big and small. Jason Cantarella and Andreas Gammel graciously allowed
us to use Figures 42.14 and 39.5. Special thanks to Ilya Tyomkin for his great help
with the theory of places. Andrew Odlyzkos suggestion to use the tinyurl links
helped make the references web accessible. I am also deeply grateful to all students
in the courses that I taught based on this material, at MIT, UMN, and UCLA, for
their interest in the subject on and off the lectures.
Finally, I would like to thank my parents Mark and Sofia for their help and patience
during our Moscow summers and Spring 2008 when much of the book was written.
Igor Pak
Department of Mathematics, UCLA
Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
[email protected]
consider cm(X) only for convex of piecewise linear sets X, so it is always well dened.
for different kind of flips, local moves, and equivalence relations. We reserve for
numerical estimates.
Finally, throughout the book we employ [n] = {1, 2, . . . , n}, N = {1, 2, . . .}, Z+ =
{0, 1, 2, . . .}, R+ = {x > 0}, and Q+ = {x > 0, x Q}. The d-dimensional Euclidean
space is always Rd , a d-dimensional sphere is Sd , and a hemisphere is Sd+ , where d 1.
To simplify the notation, we use X a and X + b to denote X r {a} and X {b},
Part I
Basic Discrete Geometry
Proposition 1.3. In Theorem 1.2, it suffices to prove the result for convex polytopes.
Proof. Indeed, for every I [n] such that XI 6= fix a point xI XI . Let Yi =
conv{xI | i I}. Observe that YI XI , so if XI = then YI = . On the other
hand, if XI 6= , then YI xI since each Yi xI , for all i I. Therefore, it suffices
to prove the theorem only for the convex polytopes Y1 , . . . , Yn .
Our proof of the d-dimensional Helly Theorem proceeds by induction as in the
plane. However, for d > 2 there are more cases to consider. These cases will be
handled by the following simple result.
Theorem 1.4 (Radon). Let a1 , . . . , am Rd be any m d + 2 points. Then there
exists two subsets I, J [m], such that I J = and
conv{ai | i I} conv{aj | j J} =
6 .
Proof. Write the coordinates of each point ai = (a1i , . . . , adi ) Rd , and consider a
system of d + 1 equations and m variables 1 , . . . , m :
i = 0,
i ari = 0,
for all 1 r d.
X i
X j
ai =
aj .
Since both sides are convex combinations of points ai from disjoint sets I and J, we
obtain the result.
Proof of Theorem 1.2. Use induction. The case n = d + 1 is clear. Suppose n d + 2
and every (n 1)-element subset of convex sets Xi has a common point vi X[n]i .
By Radons theorem, there exists two disjoint subsets I, J [n] and a point z Rd ,
such that
z conv{vi | i I} conv{vj | j J} X[n]rI X[n]rJ X[n] ,
1.2. Softball geometric applications. The Helly theorem does not look at all
powerful, but it has, in fact, a number of nice geometric applications. We present
here several such applications, leaving others as exercises.
Corollary 1.5. Let P1 , . . . , Pn R2 be rectangles with sides parallel to the coordinate
axes, such that every two rectangles intersect each other. Then all rectangles have a
nonempty intersection.
Proof. By the Helly theorem, it suffice to show that every three rectangles intersect
(see Figure 1.3). Indeed, project three rectangles Pi , Pj , Pk onto the x axis. By the
Helly theorem for the line, the three intervals in projection intersect at a point x0 .
Similarly, the three intervals in projection of the three rectangles onto the y axis
intersect at a point y0 . Therefore, all three rectangles contain point (x0 , y0 ), which
completes the proof.
Proof. Denote by cm(B) the center of mass of the set B. For every i, define Yi in
such a way that Xi A 6= if and only if cm(A ) Yi , for every translation A of A
(see Figure 1.4). Now apply the Helly theorem to these convex sets Yi . For a point
z Y1 . . . Yn find a translation A with cm(A ) = z. By definition of the sets Yi ,
the set A intersects all sets Xi .
When T is acute, the proof is apparent from Figure 1.5. Let O be the center of the
circumscribed circle C. Suppose zi Ozj is the largest angle in T and let = zi Op
be as in the figure. Then = 12 ( zi Ozj ) 3 . On the other hand, |zi p| = 12 |zi zj | 12 ,
by assumption. Therefore,
radius(C) = |zi O| =
as desired.
|zi p|
Note that Corollary 1.8 is sharp in a sense that one cannot make the radius smaller
(take an equilateral triangle). On the other hand, it is always possible to decrease
the shape of the covering set. This approach will be used in the next section.
1.3. The fractional Helly theorem. It turns out, one can modify the Helly theorem to require not all but a constant proportion of sets XI to be nonempty. While
one cannot guarantee in this case that all sets Xi are intersecting (a small fraction
of them can even be completely disjoint from the other sets), one can still show that
a constant proportion of them do intersect. We will not prove the sharpest version
of this result. Instead, we introduce the Morse function approach which will be used
repeatedly in the study of simple polytopes (see Section 8).
Theorem 1.9 (Fractional Helly). Let > 0, and X1 , . . . , Xn Rd be convex sets
such that for at least d+1
of (d + 1)-element sets I [n] we have XI 6= . Then
1.4. Exercises.
Exercise 1.1. (Innite Helly theorem) [1] Extend the Helly theorem (Theorem 1.2) to
innitely many (closed) convex sets.
Exercise 1.2. a) [1-] Let P R3 be a convex polytope such that of the planes spanned
by the faces, every three intersect at a point, but no four intersect. Prove that there exist
four such planes which form a tetrahedron containing P .
b) [1-] Generalize the result to polytopes in Rd .
Exercise 1.3. [1+] Prove that every polygon Q R2 of length L (the sum of lengths of all
edges) can be covered by a disk of radius L/4.
Exercise 1.4. [1+] Suppose n 3 unit cubes are inscribed into a sphere, such that every
three of them have a common vertex. Prove that all n cubes have a common vertex.
Exercise 1.5. [1] Suppose every three points of z1 , . . . , zn R2 can be covered by a triangle
of area 1. Prove that conv(z1 , . . . , zn ) can be covered by a triangle of area 4.
Exercise 1.6. [1] Suppose there are n lines in the plane such that every three of them
can be intersected with a unit circle. Prove that all of them can be intersected with a unit
Exercise 1.7. (Generalized Helly theorem) [2] Let X1 , . . . , Xn be convex sets in Rd . Suppose the intersections of every d + 1 k of them contain an ane k-dimensional subspace.
Prove that there exists an ane k-dimensional subspace contained in all subspaces: H Xi ,
for all 1 i n.
Exercise 1.8. a) [2-] Let Rd+1 be a simplex and let f : Rd+1 Rd be a linear map.
Denote by T1 , . . . , Td+2 the facets of . Prove that f (T1 ) . . . f (Td+2 ) 6= .
b) [2+] Show that part a) holds for all continuous maps f : Rd .
Exercise 1.9. a) [2-] Let P Rd+1 be a convex polytope and let f : Rd+1 Rd be a
linear map. Prove that there exist two disjoint faces F, G P , such that f (F ) f (G) 6= .
b) [1+] Show that part a) implies Radons theorem (Theorem 1.4).
c) [2+] Show that part a) holds for all continuous maps f : P Rd .
d) [2+] Let X Rd+1 be a convex body with nonempty interior and surface S = X. Let
f : S Rd be a continuous map. Points x, y S are called opposite if they lie on distinct
parallel hyperplanes supporting X. Prove that there exist two opposite points x, y S such
that f (x) = f (y).
Exercise 1.10. [2] Let P Rd be a convex polytope dierent from a simplex. Suppose
X1 , . . . , Xn P are convex sets (thus each lying in a facet of P ), such that every d of
them intersect. Prove that all of them intersect.
Exercise 1.11. (Spherical Helly theorem) a) [1] Suppose X1 , . . . , Xn S2+ are convex sets
on a hemisphere, such that every three of them intersect. Prove that all Xi intersect.
b) [1+] Suppose X1 , . . . , Xn Sd+ are convex sets on a hemisphere, such that every d + 1 of
them intersect. Prove that all Xi intersect.
c) [2-] Suppose X1 , . . . , Xn S2 are convex sets on a sphere, such that each of them is
inside a hemisphere, every three of them intersect and no four cover the sphere. Prove that
all Xi intersect.
Exercise 1.12. a) [1] Suppose z1 , . . . , zn S2 are points on a unit sphere, such that every
three of them can be covered by a spherical disk of radius r < /3. Prove that all points
can be covered by a spherical circle of radius r.
b) [1] Check that the claim is false if we require only that r < /2. Find the optimal
Exercise 1.13. (Kirchberger ) a) [1] Let X R2 be a set of n 4 points in general
position. Suppose points in X are colored with two colors such that for every four points
there is a line separating points of dierent color. Prove that there exists a line separating
all points in X by color.
b) [1+] Generalize the result to Rd .
Exercise 1.14. Suppose Q R2 is a simple polygon which contains a point w, such that
interval [w, x] lies in Q, for all x Q. Such Q is called a star-shaped polygon. A kernel of Q
is a set KQ of points w as above.
a) [1-] Prove that the kernel KQ is a convex polygon.
b) [1] Prove that the boundary KQ lies in the union of Q and the lines spanned by the
inection edges of Q (see Subsection 23.1).
c) [1] Dene the tangent set LQ to be the union of all lines supporting polygon Q. Prove
that LQ is the whole plane unless Q is star-shaped. Moreover, the closure of R2 r LQ is
exactly the kernel KQ .
d) [1+] For a 2-dimensional polyhedral surface S R3 dene the tangent set LS to be the
union of planes tangent to S. Prove that LS = R3 unless S is homeomorphic to a sphere
and encloses a star-shaped 3-dimensional polyhedron.
Exercise 1.15. (Krasnoselskii) a) [1] Suppose Q R2 is a simple polygon, such that
for every three points x, y, z Q there exists a point v such that line segments [vx], [vy],
and [vz] lie in Q. Prove that Q is a star-shaped polygon.
b) [1+] Generalize the result to Rd ; use (d + 1)-tuples of points.
Exercise 1.16. a) [2-] Let X1 , . . . , Xm Rd be convex sets such that their union is also
convex. Prove that if every m 1 of them intersect, then all of them intersect.
b) [2] Let X1 , . . . , Xm Rd be convex sets such that the union of every d + 1 or fewer of
them is a star-shaped region. Then all Xi have a nonempty intersection.
c) [2-] Deduce part a) from part b).
d) [2+] Find a fractional analogue of part b).
Exercise 1.17. a) [1] Let Q R2 be a union of axis parallel rectangles. Suppose for every
two points x, y Q there exists a point v Q, such that line segments [vx] and [vy] lie
in Q. Prove that Q is a star-shaped polygon.
b) [1+] Generalize the result to Rd ; use pairs of points.
Exercise 1.18. a) [2-] Suppose X1 , . . . , Xn R2 are disks such that every two of them
intersect. Prove that there exist four points z1 , . . . , z4 such that every Xi contains at least
one zj .
b) [2-] In condition of a), suppose Xi are unit disks. Prove that three points zj suce.
Exercise 1.19. [1+] Prove that for every nite set of n points X R2 there exist at most n
disks which cover X, such that the distance between any two disks is 1, and the total
diameter is n.
Exercise 1.20. a) [2-] Suppose X1 , . . . , Xn R2 are convex sets such that through every
four of them there exists a line intersecting them. Prove that there exist two lines 1 and 2
such that every Xi intersects 1 or 2 .
b) [2+] Let X1 , . . . , Xn Rd be axis parallel bricks. Suppose for any (d+1)2d1 of these there
exists a hyperplane intersecting them. Prove that there exists a hyperplane intersecting
all Xi , 1 i n.
Exercise 1.21. (Topological Helly theorem) a) [1] Let X1 , . . . , Xn R2 be simple polygons3 in the plane, such that all double and triple intersections of Xi are also (nonempty)
simple polygons. Prove that the intersection of all Xi is also a simple polygon.
b) [1+] Generalize part a) to higher dimensions.
Exercise 1.22. a) [1] Let X1 , . . . , Xn R2 be simple polygons in the plane, by which we
mean here polygonal regions with no holes. Suppose that all unions Xi Xj are also simple
polygons, and that all intersections Xi Xj are nonempty. Prove that the intersection of
all Xi is also nonempty.
b) [1+] Let X1 , . . . , Xn R2 be simple polygons in the plane, such that all unions Xi Xj Xk
are also simple, for all 1 i j k n. Prove that the intersection of all Xi is nonempty.
Exercise 1.23. (Weak converse Helly theorem) a) [1] Let X R2 be a simple polygon
such that for every collection of triangles T1 , . . . , Tn R2 either X T1 Tn 6= , or
X Ti Tj = for some 1 i < j < n. Prove that X is convex.
the case when X is polyhedral (a nite union of convex polytopes) is non-trivial and is
a good starting point.
ny theorems
2. Carath
eodory and Ba
This short section is a followup of the previous section. The main result, the Barany
theorem, is a stand-alone result simply too beautiful to be missed. Along the way
we prove the classical SylvesterGallai theorem, the first original result in the whole
subfield of point and line configurations (see Section 12).
2.1. Triangulations are fun. We start by stating the following classical theorem in
the case of a finite set of points.
Theorem 2.1 (Caratheodory). Let X Rd be a finite set of points, and let z
conv(X). Then there exist x1 , . . . , xd+1 X such that z conv{x1 , . . . , xd+1 }.
Of the many easy proofs of the theorem, the one most relevant to the subject is the
proof by triangulation: given a simplicial triangulation of a convex polytope P =
conv(X), take any simplex containing z (there may be more than one). To obtain a
triangulation of a convex polytope, choose a vertex v P and triangulate all facets
of P (use induction on the dimension). Then consider all cones from v to the simplices
in the facet triangulations.5
One can also ask how many simplices with vertices in X can contain the same
point. While this number may vary depending on the location of the point, it turns
out there always exists a point z which is contained in a constant proportion of all
Theorem 2.2 (Barany). For every d 1 there exists a constant d > 0, such that
for every set of n points X
Rd in general position, there exists a point z conv(X)
contained in at least d d+1
simplices (x1 . . . xd+1 ), xi X.
Here the points are in general position if no three points lie on a line. This result
is nontrivial even for convex polygons in the plane, where the triangulations are well
understood. We suggest the reader try to prove the result in this special case before
going through the proof below.
speaking, in dimensions at least 4, this argument produces a dissection, and not necessarily a (face-to-face) triangulation (see Exercise 2.1). Of course, a dissection suces for the purposes
of the Caratheodory theorem. We formalize and extend this approach in Subsection 14.5.
order). Since sum of the angles x1 yx2 + x2 yx3 < , at least one of them, say
x1 yx2 < /2. Now observe that the distance from x2 to line (x1 , y) is smaller that
the distance from y to , a contradiction (see Figure 2.1).
x2 w
Figure 2.1. Descent step [yw] [x2 v] in the proof of the Sylvester
Gallai theorem.
One can think of the proof of the SylvesterGallai theorem as an algorithm to find
a line with exactly two points, by descending through the pairs (point, line) with
shorter and shorter distances. Of course, for infinite configurations, where every line
contains 3 points (e.g., a square grid), this descent is infinite indeed.
The following result is a colorful generalization of the Caratheodory theorem,
and has a proof from the book, again by an infinite descent.
Theorem 2.4 (Colorful Caratheodory). Let X1 , . . . , Xd+1 Rd be finite sets of points
whose convex hulls contain the origin, i.e., O conv(Xi ), 1 i d + 1. Then there
exist points x1 X1 , . . . , xd+1 Xd+1 , such that O conv{x1 , . . . , xd+1 }.
Here the name come from the idea that points in the same set Xi are colored with
the same color, these colors are different for different Xi , and the theorem shows
existence of a simplex with vertices of different color.
Proof. We call (x1 x2 . . . xd+1 ) with xi Xi , the rainbow simplex. Suppose none of the
rainbow simplices contain the origin. Let = (x1 x2 . . . xd+1 ) be the closest rainbow
simplex to O, and let z be the closets point of to O. Denote by H the
hyperplane containing z and orthogonal to (Oz). Clearly, some vertex of , say, x1 ,
does not lie on H. Since conv(X1 ) O and O, x1 lie on different sides of H, there
exists a point y X1 which lies on the same side of H as O. Now observe that
:= (yx2 . . . xd+1 ) is a rainbow simplex which contains an interval (yz) lying on the
same side of H as O (see Figure 2.2 for the case when z lies in the relative interior of
a facet). We conclude that is closer to O, a contradiction.
2.3. Generalized Radon theorem. Recall the Radon theorem (Theorem 1.4),
which states that every set of size d + 2 can be split into two subsets whose convex
hulls intersect. It is natural to ask for the smallest number t = t(d, r) of points needed
so they can be split into r sets whose convex hulls intersect. A well known theorem
of Tverberg gives t(d, r) = (r 1)(d + 1) + 1. We present here an easy proof of a
weaker version of this result.
2.5. Exercises.
Exercise 2.1. [1-] Check that the argument below Theorem 2.1 produces a (face-to-face)
triangulation in R3 . Explain what can go wrong in R4 .
Exercise 2.2. (Dual SylvesterGallai theorem) [1] Let L be a nite set of lines in the plane,
not all going through the same point. Prove that there exists a point x R2 contained in
exactly two lines.
Exercise 2.3. a) [1] Let L be a nite set of lines in the plane, not all going through the
same point. Denote by pi the number of points which lie in exactly i lines, and by qi the
number of regions in the plane (separated by L) with i sides. Prove:
(3 i)pi +
(3 i)qi = 3
Exercise 2.11. [1] Let X = [x1 . . . xn ] R2 be a convex polygon. Prove that there exist
n 2 points y1 , . . . , yn2 R2 such that every triangle on X contains at least one point yi .7
Show that this is impossible to do with fewer than n 2 points.
Exercise 2.12. Let P R3 be a convex polytope of volume 1. Suppose X P is a set
of n points.
a) [1-] Prove that there exists a convex polytope Q P r X such that vol(Q) n1 .
b) [1+] For every n = 3(2k 1), prove that there exists a convex polytope Q P r X such
that vol(Q) 2k .
Exercise 2.13. (Cone triangulation) [1] Let C Rd be a convex cone, dened as the
intersection of nitely many halfspaces containing the origin O. A cone in Rd is called
simple if it has d faces. Prove that C can be subdivided into convex cones.
Exercise 2.14. a) [1+] Let Q R3 be a space polygon, and let P R3 be the convex hull
of Q. Prove that every point v P belongs to a triangle with vertices in Q.
b) [2-] Extend this result to Rd and general connected sets Q.
Exercise 2.15. [2+] We say that a polygon Q R2d is convex if every hyperplane intersects
it at most 2d times. Denote by P the convex hull of Q. Prove that every point v P belongs
to a d-simplex with vertices in Q.
Exercise 2.16. Let P Rd be a convex polytope with n facets, and let X = {x1 , . . . , xn }
be a xed subset of interior points in P . For a facet F of P and a vertex xi , dene a pyramid
i (F ) = conv(F, xi ).
a) [2] Prove that one can label the facets F1 , . . . , Fd in such a way that pyramids i (Fi ) do
not intersect except at the boundaries.
b) [2] Prove that one can label the facets F1 , . . . , Fd in such way that the pyramids i (Fi )
cover the whole P .
Exercise 2.17. (Colorful Helly theorem) [2-] Let F1 , . . . , Fd+1 be nite families of convex
sets in Rd . Suppose for every X1 F1 , . . . , Xd+1 Fd+1 we have X1 . . . Xd+1 6= .
Prove that XFi X 6= for some 1 i d + 1.
Exercise 2.18. [2] Let X1 , . . . , Xd+1 Rd be nite sets of points such that O conv(Xi
Xj ), for all 1 i < j d + 1. Then there exist points x1 X1 , . . . , xd+1 Xd+1 , such
that O conv{x1 , . . . , xd+1 }.
Exercise 2.19. a) [1+] Let P, Q Rd be two convex polytopes. Prove that P Q is convex
if and only if every interval [vw] P Q for all vertices v of P and w of Q.
b) [2] Generalize part a) to a union of n polytopes.
Exercise 2.20. a) [1] A triangle is contained in a convex, centrally symmetric polygon Q.
Let be the triangle symmetric to with respect to a point z . Prove that at least
one of the vertices of lies in Q or on its boundary.
b) [1-] Extend part a) from triangles to general convex polygons.
immediately implies that at least one of yi is covered with at least n2
3 triangles. Obviously, this is much weaker than the constant proportion of triangles given by the Barany theorem.
course, convexity here is entirely irrelevant since taking a convex hull does not increase the
diameter. Still, we would like to keep this condition to help visualize the problem.
3.3. Borsuk theorem by extended meditation. We are ready to prove the Borsuk conjecture for d = 2.
Theorem 3.2 (Borsuk). Let X R2 be a convex body with diam(X) = 1. Then X
can be subdivided into 3 disjoint convex bodies with diameter (1 ), for some
fixed > 0 independent of X.
Let us try to modify the idea in the proof of Proposition 3.1 above. To obtain a
legitimate proof one has to deal with two problems:
(I) we need to extend Corollary 1.8 to infinite sets of points;
(II) we need to subdivide our disk into three parts of smaller diameter.
There are several simple ways to resolve the problem (I). First, we can go to the
proof of the corollary, starting with the Helly theorem, and prove that it holds for
infinitely many convex sets. We will leave this check as an exercise to the reader (see
Exercise 1.1).
Alternatively, one can consider a sequence of unit disks obtained by adding rational
points in the body one by one. Since they lie in a compact set, their centers have to lie
at a distance 1 from the first point, and there exists a converging subsequence. The
limiting disk of that subsequence is the desired covering unit disk (see Exercise 7.1).
In a different direction, one can also consider polygon approximations of the convex
body X (see Figure 3.2) to obtain a covering disk of radius (1 + ) diam(X). If the
proof of the second part is robust enough, as we present below, this weaker bound
Figure 3.2. Resolving problems (I) and (II).
Now, getting around problem (II) may seem impossible since the equilateral triangle
inscribed into a circle C of radius 13 has side 1. On the other hand, such a circle C
is almost enough. Indeed, if X is covered with a truncated disk K as shown in
Figure 3.2, no matter how small the shaded segment is, the inscribed equilateral
triangle has side < 1, and the subdivision as in the figure immediately proves the
Borsuk theorem.
Finally, making two opposite sectors in disk C small enough we can make sure that
the distance between them is > (1 + ), and thus the set X does not intersect at least
one of two sectors. In other words, the set X is covered with a truncated disk, which
completes the proof of the Borsuk theorem.
3.4. Making it smooth helps. As it turns out, for smooth convex bodies the Borsuk
conjecture is much easier, the reason being the simple structure of points at distance 1.
Let us present a simple and natural argument proving this.
Theorem 3.3 (Hadwiger). Let X Rd be a smooth convex body of diam(X) = 1.
Then X can be subdivided into d + 1 disjoint bodies of diameter < 1.
Proof. Let U = X be the surface of X, and let S be the surface of a unit ball. We
say that two points u, v U are opposite if the tangent hyperplanes to u and v are
orthogonal to the interval (u, v).
Observe that it suffices to subdivide X in such a way that no part contains a pair
of the opposite points. Clearly, the distance between any two points, at least one of
which is in the interior in X, is strictly smaller than 1. On the other hand, if the
tangent plane Tu is not orthogonal to (u, v), then the distance can be increased locally
as in Figure 3.3. Thus the distance |uv| < 1 unless u and v are opposite.
Figure 3.3. If the tangent line T is not orthogonal to (uv), then the
distance |uv| can be increased locally: |vw| > |vu|.
Now consider a continuous map f : U Sd1 defined by the condition that tangent
surfaces to u U and s = f (u) Sd1 have the same normals (see Figure 3.4).
Subdivide Sd1 into d + 1 parts such that no part contains two opposite points. One
possible way to do this is take a small cap around the North Pole and cutting along
meridians to create equal size segments.9 Use f 1 to pull the subdivision back onto U
(see Figure 3.4).
f 1
its facets.
inscribe a regular d-dimensional simplex into Sd1 and take central projections of
subdivide X by taking a cone from any interior point O X onto each part of the
subdivision of U. From the observation above, only the opposite points can be at
distance 1, so the diameter of each part in X is < 1.
3.5. Do we really need so many parts? It is easy to see that many convex polytopes in Rd , such as hypercubes and cross-polytopes (generalized octahedra), can be
subdivided into just two parts of smaller diameter. In fact, this holds for every centrally symmetric convex polytope (see Exercise 3.2). On the other hand, we clearly
need at least d + 1 parts to subdivide a regular simplex in Rd since no part can
contain two of the vertices of . Now, what about a unit ball? From the proof of
Hadwigers Theorem 3.3, any improvement in the d + 1 bound would imply the same
bound for all smooth bodies. The classical Borsuk-Ulam theorem implies that this is
impossible for any d. For d = 2 this is easy: take a point on the boundary between
two parts on a circle and observe that the opposite point cannot belong to either of
the parts then. We prove this result only for d = 3.
Proposition 3.4 (3-dim case). A unit ball B R3 cannot be subdivided into three
disjoint bodies of smaller diameter.
Proof. From the contrary, consider a subdivision B = X Y Z. Consider the
sphere S2 = B and the relative boundary = (X S2 ). Observe that is a union
of m closed non-intersecting curves, for some m 1. Let be the set of points
opposite to . Since = , the set consists of 2m closed non-intersecting
lines. Note (or prove by induction) that Q = S2 r ( ) consists of (2m + 1) regions
of connectivity, some of which are centrally symmetric to each other and thus come in
pairs (see Figure 3.5). Since Q is itself centrally symmetric, by the parity it contains
a centrally symmetric region U Q. Connect a point u U by a path in U to its
opposite u, and consider a closed path obtained as a union of with the opposite
path , i.e., let = . Map onto a circle S1 such that the opposite points in
are mapped onto the opposite points in S1 . Since Y Z, the problem is reduced
to the d = 2 case.
3.6. Exercises.
Exercise 3.1. [1-] Prove that every convex polygon X of area 1 can be covered by a
rectangle of area 2.
Exercise 3.2. a) [1] Prove that centrally symmetric polytopes in Rd can be subdivided
into two subsets of smaller diameter.
b) [1] Prove the Borsuk conjecture for centrally symmetric convex sets X Rd .
Exercise 3.3. [1-] Prove that every set of n points in R3 with diameter , can be covered
by a cube with side length .
Exercise 3.4. (P
al) a) [1+] Prove that every convex set of unit diameter can be covered
by a hexagon with side 1.
b) [1-] Prove that every
convex set of unit diameter can be subdivided into three convex
sets of diameter at most 23 .
c) [2-] Prove that every planarset of n points of unit diameter can be partitioned into three
subsets of diameter less than 23 cos 3 n(n1)
Exercise 3.5. (Borsuk conjecture in R3 ) [2] Prove the Borsuk conjecture for convex sets
X R3 .
Exercise 3.6. (Convex sets of constant width) Let X Rd be a convex set. Clearly,
for every vector u there exists two supporting hyperplanes H1 , H2 with u as normals. The
distance between H1 and H2 is called the width in direction u. We say that X has constant
width width(X) if it has the same width in every direction. An example of a convex set
with constant width r is a ball of radius r/2. In the plane, another important example is
the Reuleaux triangle R obtain by adding three circular segments to an equilateral triangle
(see Figure 3.6).
Exercise 3.7. [1] Let X R2 be a body of constant width. Observe that every rectangle
circumscribed around X is a square (see Subsection 5.1). Prove that the converse result is
false even if one assumes that X is smooth.
Exercise 3.8. (Covering disks with disks) Denote by Rk the maximum radius of a disk
which can be covered with k unit disks.
4. Fair division
In this section we begin our study of topological arguments, which is further continued in the next two sections. Although the results in this section are largely
elementary, they have beautiful applications.
4.1. Dividing polygons. Let Q R2 be a convex polygon in the plane. An equipartition is a subdivision of Q by lines into parts of equal area. Here is the first basic
equipartition result.
Proposition 4.1 (Equipartition with two lines). For every convex polygon Q R2
there exist two orthogonal lines which divide Q into four parts of equal area.
Proof. Fix a line R2 and observe that by continuity there exists a unique line 1 k
which divides Q into two parts of equal area. Similarly, there exists a unique line 2
which divides Q into two parts of equal area. Now lines 1 and 2 divide Q into four
polygons, which we denote by A1 , A2 , A3 and A4 (see Figure 4.1). By construction,
area(A1 ) + area(A2 ) = area(A2 ) + area(A3 ) = area(A3 ) + area(A4 )
= area(A4 ) + area(A1 ) = area(Q),
which implies that area(A1 ) = area(A3 ) and area(A2 ) = area(A4 ). Now rotate line
continuously, by an angle of /2. By the uniqueness, we obtain the same division of Q
with two lines, with labels Ai shifted cyclically. Thus, the function area(A1 )area(A2 )
changes sign and is equal to zero for some direction of . Then, the corresponding
lines 1 and 2 give the desired equipartition.
Proof. Fix a line R2 and take 1 k which divides Q into two parts of equal area.
For every point z 1 there there is a unique collections of rays r2 , r3 , r2 and r3 which
start at z and together with 1 divide Q into six parts of equal area (see Figure 4.1).
Move z continuously along 1 . Observe that the angle defined as in the figure,
decreases from to 0, while angle increases from 0 to . By continuity, there exists
a unique point z such that r2 and r2 form a line. Denote this line by 2 . As in the
previous proof, rotate continuously, by an angle of . At the end, we obtain the
same partition, with the roles of r3 and r3 interchanged. Thus, the angle between
lines spanned by r3 and r3 changes sign and at some point is equal to zero. Rays r3
and r3 then form a line which we denote by 3 . Then, lines 1 , 2 and 3 gives the
desired equipartition.
4.2. Back to points, lines and triangles. The following result is a special case of
the Barany theorem (Theorem 2.2), with an explicit constant. We obtain it as easy
application of the equipartition with three lines (Theorem 4.2).
Theorem 4.3 (BorosF
uredi). Let X R2 be a set of n = 6k points in general
position. Then there exists a point z contained in at least 8k 3 triangles with vertices
in X.
Note that 8k 3 = 29 n3 + O(n2 ), which gives an asymptotic constant 2 = 29 in the
Barany theorem. In fact, this constant cannot be improved (see Exercise 4.7). The
proof is based on the following variation on Theorem 4.2.
Lemma 4.4. Let X R2 be a set of n = 6k points in general position. Then there
exist three intersecting lines which separate X into six groups with k points each.
The proof of the lemma is similar to the proof of Theorem 4.2, and takes into
account that the points are in general position (see Exercise 4.9).
Proof of Theorem 4.3. Denote by A1 , . . . , A6 the regions in the plane divided by three
lines as in Lemma 4.4 (see Figure 4.2). Let z be the intersection point. Consider what
type of triangles must contain z. First, all triangles with one vertex in each of A1 , A3
and A4 , must contain z. The same is true for regions A2 , A4 and A6 . This gives 2k 3
triangles containing z.
Similarly, for every two vertices in the opposite regions A1 and A4 there exist at
least 2k ways to form a triangle which contains z, with either all vertices in A2 A3
or with all vertices in A4 A5 (see Figure 4.2). This gives at least 2k 3 triangles
containing z. Since the same argument holds for the other two pairs of opposite
regions, we get at least 6k 3 triangles of this type, and 8k 3 in total.
4.3. Inscribed chords. Let f : [0, 1] R be a continuous function with f (0) =
f (1) = 0. Consider two points x, y [0, 1] such that y x = and f (x) = f (y).
We call the chord [x, y] the inscribed chord of length . Now, is it true that for
every 0 < < 1 there exists an inscribed chord of length ? While the answer to
this question is easily negative (see Figure 4.3), there is a surprising connection to
topological arguments earlier in this section.
Figure 4.3. Functions f and g with D(f ) = 0, 12 and D(g) = 0, 13 12 , 32 .
Let us first show that there is always an inscribed chord of length 12 . Indeed, if
f ( 12 ) = 0, we found our inscribed chord. Suppose now that f ( 12 ) > 0, and consider
g(x) = f (x + 21 ) f (x), where x [0, 12 ]. Since g(x) is continuous, g(0) > 0, and
g( 21 ) < 0, we conclude that g(z) = 0 for some z [0, 12 ]. Thus, [z, z + 12 ] is the desired
inscribed chord of length 21 .
Now that we know that some distances always occur as lengths of inscribed chords,
let us restate the problem again. Denote by D(f ) the set of distances between points
with equal values:
D(f ) = y x | f (x) = f (y), 0 x y 1 .
Observe that for a given f , the set D(f ) contains all distances small enough. However,
even for very small > 0, there exists a distance < and a function f , such that
/ D(f ) (see Exercise 4.2). In fact the only distances guaranteed to be in D(f ) are
given by the following theorem.
Theorem 4.5 (Inscribed chord theorem). For every continuous function f : [0, 1] R
with f (0) = f (1) = 0, we have n1 D(f ), for all n N.
In other words, there always exist inscribed chords of length 1/n. The theorem
follows easily from the following attractive lemma.
Lemma 4.6. For every a, b
/ D(f ) and f as in the theorem, we have a + b
/ D(f ).
Proof of Lemma 4.6. Denote by G the graph of function f , and by G the graph G
shifted by , where R. Attach to G two vertical rays: at the first (global) maximum
of f pointing up and at the first (global) minimum pointing down (see Figure 4.4).
Do the same with G . Now observe that D(f ) is equivalent to having G and G
intersect. Since a, b
/ D(f ), then graph G does not intersect graphs Ga and Gb . By
construction, graph G divides the plane into two parts. We conclude that graphs Ga
and Gb lie in different parts, and thus do not intersect. By the symmetry, this implies
that G and Ga+b do not intersect, and therefore a + b
/ D(f ).
+ 1
Proof. Denote by n = p + q the number of pearls each pirate must receive. Fix
a starting point 0 and an orientation of the necklace. Let a(x) and b(x) denote
the number of white and black pearls among the first x pearls after 0. Consider a
discrete function f : {0, 1, . . . , k n} Z, defined as f (x) = a(x)/p b(x)/q. Extend f
linearly to the whole interval [0, k n]. Observe that f (0) = f (k n) = 0. Apply the
inscribed chord theorem (Theorem 4.5) to obtain x, y [0, k n] such that y x = n
and f (y) f (x) = 0. Since the number of pearls between x and y must be integral,
we can round x, y down and obtain a fair k1 portion of the necklace for the first pirate.
Repeat the procedure by cutting out a fair k1
portion of the remaining necklace,
etc. At the end, we have k 1 pirates who make two cuts each, giving the total of
2(k 1) cuts.
4.5. Exercises.
Exercise 4.1. [1-] Let f : R R be a periodic continuous piecewise linear function. Prove
that f has inscribed chords of any length.
Exercise 4.2. [1+] For every
/ {1, 12 , 13 , . . .} nd a continuous function f : [0, 1] R
with f (0) = f (1) = 0, and such that
/ D(f ). In other words, prove that Theorem 4.5
cannot be extended to other values.
Exercise 4.3. [1+] In the conditions of Theorem 4.5, prove that for every integer n there
are at least n inscribed chords whose lengths are multiples of 1/n.
Exercise 4.4. a) [1-] Consider two convex polygons in the plane. Prove that there exists
a line which divides both of them into halves of equal area.
b) [1-] Same with two halves of equal perimeter.
c) [1] Consider three convex polytopes in R3 . Prove that there always exist a plane which
divides each of the three polytopes into halves of equal volume.
d) [1] Prove or disprove: there always exist a plane which divides each of the three polytopes
into halves with equal surface area.
Exercise 4.5. a) [1+] Let Q1 , . . . , Qm R2 be convex polygons in the plane with weights
w1 , . . . , wm R (note that the weights can be negative). For a region B R2 dene the
weighted area as w1 area(B Q1 ) + . . . + wm area(B Qm ). Prove that there exist two
orthogonal lines which divides the plane into four parts of equal weighted area.
b) [1+] Generalize Theorem 4.2 to weighted areas.
Exercise 4.6. [2-] Let Q be a convex polygon in the plane. A line is called a bisector if
it divides Q into two parts of equal area. Suppose there exists a unique point z Q which
lies on at least three bisectors (from above, there is at least one such point). Prove that z
is the center of symmetry.
Exercise 4.7. [1] Prove that for every convex polygon Q R2 , no three lines can divide
it into seven parts of equal area.
Exercise 4.8. [1] Let Q R2 be a convex polygon. A penta-partition of Q is a point
z Q and ve rays starting at z, which divide R2 into ve equal cones, and divide Q into
ve polygons of equal area. Prove or disprove: every Q as above has a penta-partition.
Exercise 4.9. [1] Prove Lemma 4.4.
in B
anys theorem is
Exercise 4.11. [2] Let Q R2 be a convex polygon in the plane. Prove that there exists
a convex quadrilateral X = [x1 x2 x3 x4 ] such that X together with lines (x1 x3 ) and (x2 x4 )
divide Q into eight regions of equal area (see Figure 4.6).10 Generalize this to polygons Qi
and weighted area (see Exercise 4.5).
The BorosF
uredi theorem is proved in [BorF]. Our proof follows a recent paper [Bukh].
For a matching lower bound, the original proof has been shown to be false, and a complete
proof is given in [BMN] (see Exercise 4.10).
The inscribed chord theorem (Theorem 4.5) is usually attributed to Levy (1934). It was
pointed out in [Fle] that the result was rst discovered by Amp`ere in 1806. The proof we
present is due to Hopf [Hop1]. Our presentation follows [Lyu, 34].
Theorem 4.7 is due to Goldberg and West (1985), and was further generalized a number
of times. Notably, Alon showed in [Alon] that for k pirates and s 2 types of pearls,
s(k 1) cuts suce (see Exercise 4.13). We refer to [Mat2, 3.2, 6.6] for further results,
proofs and references. Our presentation is a variation on several known proofs and was
partly inuenced by [Tot].
Proof. For every unit vector u R2 denote by f (u) the distance between two lines
orthogonal to u and supporting X (see Figure 5.1). Let g(u) = f (u)f (u ), where u
is orthogonal to u. Observe that g(u) changes continuously as u changes from v to
v , for any v v . Since g(v ) = g(v ), for some u we have g(u) = 0. Now X is
inscribed into a square bounded by the four lines orthogonal to u and u .
f (u)
some of these results easily extend to general Jordan curves, others do not, often for
delicate reasons. We hope the reader enjoys nding them.
Figure 5.4. Space polygon X and two circles C(u) for different u.
5.3. Need to inscribe rectangles? Topology to the rescue. We say that X has
an inscribed rectangle if there exist four distinct points x1 , . . . , x4 X which form a
Proposition 5.4. Every simple polygon X R2 has an inscribed rectangle.
First proof. Think of X = [x1 . . . xn ] R2 as lying on a horizontal plane in R3 . For
every two points u, v X let h(u, v) be a point at height |uv| which projects onto
Ou + Ov |uv|
R3 .
By construction, h(u, v) forms a piecewise linear surface H which lies above X and
has X as a boundary (see Figure 5.5).
Assume first that H is self-intersecting. This means that there exist points u, v, u
and v in X, such that |uv| = |u v | and the midpoints of (u, v) and (u , v ) coincide.
Then [uvuv ] is the desired inscribed rectangle.
(u, v)
(v, u)
Figure 5.6. Surface H as a quotient space of a torus; H is homeomorphic to a Mobius strip with X as a boundary.
5.4. Climbing mountains together. Suppose two climbers stand on different sides
at the foot of a two-dimensional (piecewise linear) mountain. As they move toward
the top of the mountain, they can move up and down; they are also allowed to move
forward or backtrack. The question is whether they can coordinate their movements
so they always remain at the same height and together reach the top of the mountain.
We will show that the answer is yes and give two elementary proofs. However, let us
mention here that the problem is not as simple as it might seem at first. For example,
for the mountain as in Figure 5.7 the first climber needs to move along intervals
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) ,
while the second climbers moves along intervals
(1 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 3, 4 , 5 , 6 , 6 , 6, 7 , 8 , 9 , 9, 9 , 10 , 11) .
In other words, the first climber needs to first go almost all the way up, then almost
all the way down, and finally all the way up just to be on the same level with the
second climber at all times.
7 11
4 5
5 4
8 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
The mountain climbing lemma is a simple and at the same time a powerful tool.
We will use it repeatedly in the next subsection to obtain various results on inscribed
First proof. Consider a subset A [0, 1]2 of pairs of points at the same level:
A = {(t1 , t2 ) | f1 (t1 ) = f2 (t2 )}.
By the assumptions, (0, 0), (1, 1) A. We need prove that (0, 0) and (1, 1) lie in the
same connected component of A. This follows from the fact that (0, 1) and (1, 0) lie
in different connected components of [0, 1]2 r A. Indeed, if one climber is going up
the mountain and the other is going down, there is a time t when they are at the
same level.
Second proof. Let us first assume that f1 and f2 are generic, i.e., all peaks and valleys
of the mountain are at different levels. Define the set A as in the first proof. Let us
show that A is a continuous piecewise linear curve from (0, 0) to (1, 1). Indeed, check
the transitions at peaks and valleys, where exactly four possibilities for a change in
the direction of A can occur (see Figure 5.8). We conclude that A is a continuous
curve with (0, 0) and (1, 1) its only possible endpoints. which proves the theorem
in the generic case. In a non-generic case, perturb two functions and use the limit
argument. Namely, consider a sequence of pairs of functions (f1 , f2 ), i = 1, 2, . . .
Subsection 4.3, one can think of these as of inscribed chords. In other words, the lemma
implies that in contrast with the general mountains, where negative heights are allowed,
there exist inscribed intervals of all length, not just the integer fractions as in Theorem 4.5.
we implicitly use the fact that one can parameterize each path from y to z so that the
distance functions f1 and f2 are piecewise linear. This can be done by rst setting values for the
vertices of X (say, by assigning the edges of each path an equal length) and then by extending
the parametrization to the edges.
approach y. Indeed, since X is simple, the only way the rhombi do not converge to a
rhombus in the limit is when all four vertices converge to a point. Clearly, the latter
is impossible for the limit of polygons. This completes the proof.
Theorem 5.8. Every simple polygon in the plane has an inscribed rhombus with two
sides parallel to a given line.
Proof. Let X = [x1 . . . xn ] R2 be a simple polygon and let be a given line. We
assume that is not parallel to any edge of X. Denote by : R2 R a linear function
constant on . Let y and z be two vertices of X with the minimum and maximum
values of . We can assume for now that these vertices are uniquely defined, and use
the limit argument otherwise.
Use the mountain climbing lemma (Theorem 5.5) to continuously move points
u1 = u1 (t) and u2 = u2 (t) from y to z, so that (u1 (t)) = (u2 (t)), for all t [0, 1].
Reverse the time to continuously move points w1 = w1 (t) = u1 (1 t) and w2 =
w2 (t) = u2 (1 t) from z to y. Clearly, (w1 (t)) = (w2 (t)) for all t [0, 1]. Denote
by f1 (t) = |u1 (t)u2 (t)| and f2 (t) = |w1 (t)w2 (t)| the distances between these points.
Suppose f1 maximizes at time t0 . Consider points v1 = u1 (t0 ) and v2 = u2 (t0 ).
By construction, w1 (1 t0 ) = v1 and w2 (1 t0 ) = v2 . Rescale the time parameter t
so that points u1 , w1 leave y and z at t = 0, and reach v1 at t = 1. We have
f1 (0) = f2 (0) = 0, and f1 (1) = f2 (1) = |v1 v2 |. Use the mountain climbing lemma
(Theorem 5.5) to continuously move points u1 , w1 until they reach v1 , so that the
corresponding distances are equal: f1 (t) = f2 (t) for all t [0, 1]. We obtain four points
moving continuously toward v1 and v2 , while forming a parallelogram [u1 u2 w2 w1 ] with
two sides parallel to . Since the difference between side lengths g(t) = |u1 u2 | |u1w1 |
is initially negative and positive when they reach v1 and v2 , one of these parallelograms
is the desired rhombus.
Proposition 5.9. Every convex polygon in the plane has an inscribed rhombus with
a diagonal parallel to a given line.
This result is a special case of a result for general simple polygons which again uses
the mountain climbing lemma (Theorem 5.5). We present two simple proofs, both
related to far-reaching generalizations (see e.g., Exercise 5.19).
First proof. Let X = A be a convex polygon in the plane and let be a given line.
For a point x A r X, denote by a1 , a2 the intersections of a line though x and
parallel to with X. Similarly, denote by b1 , b2 the intersections of a line through x
and orthogonal to with X (see Figure 5.11). Let f : A A be a function defined
f (x) = cm{a1 , a2 , b1 , b2 },
where cm{} denotes the center of mass. Clearly, function f is continuous and can
be extended by continuity to X. By the Brouwer fixed point theorem, there exists a
point z A such that z = f (z). Then z is a midpoint of (a1 , a2 ) and of (b1 , b2 ), so
[a1 b1 a2 b2 ] is the desired inscribed rhombus.
f (x)
generic, these points are unique. Without loss of generality, we assume that (y) = 0
and (z) = 1.
Use the mountain climbing lemma (Theorem 5.5) to continuously and piecewise
linearly (in time t) move points u1 = u1 (t) and u2 = u2 (t) from y to z, so that they
remain at the same height, for all t [0, 1] (see Figure 5.12). We will show that
(u1 (t), u2 (t)) is a diagonal of a rhombus, for some t [0, 1]. Let us remark here that
not all pairs of points at the same height may necessarily appear as (u1 , u2 ).
Figure 5.12. Line L through midpoints of an interval (u1 , u2 ) k .
For every t [0, 1], consider a vertical line L through the midpoints of (u1 (t), u2 (t))
and plot the height h = (x) of the intersection points x L X in a graph
= {(t, h), 0 t 1}.
By construction, the resulting graph is a union of non-intersecting piecewise linear
curves. There are at least two curve endpoints at t = 0 and at least two curve
endpoints at t = 1. We will prove that there are at least two continuous curves in
with one endpoint at t = 0 and one at t = 1 (see Figure 5.13).
Denote by v and w the leftmost and the rightmost points in X (see Figure 5.11).
They separate the polygon into two curves X and X . Since the intersection points
always lie between these, there is always an odd number of intersection points with X .
Therefore, there exists a continuous curve in with one endpoint in X at t = 0 and
one endpoint in X at t = 1. The same is true for X , which proves the claim.
Denote these curves by C and C , respectively. In general, curves C and C are not
functions of t. Use the mountain climbing lemma to parameterize the curves
C = { h1 ( ), t1 ( ) , [0, 1]} and C = {(h2 ( ), t2 ( ) , [0, 1]},
so that t1 ( ) = t2 ( ). Now define the average curve C of C and C as
C = h1 ( )/2 + h2 ( )/2, t1 ( ) , [0, 1] .
Figure 5.13. Graph with curves C , C , the average curve C , and curve H.
h(0) = 0 and h(1) = 1, we conclude that C intersects H at some t = T . Then
(u1 (T ), u2(T )) is the diagonal of a rhombus inscribed into X.
5.6. Squares in polygons. We are ready to prove now the main result of this section: every simple polygon in the plane has an inscribed square. We present an easy
proof for convex polygons and a more delicate proof in the general case. Another
proof is given in Subsection 23.6, and is based on a different approach.
Proposition 5.11. Every convex polygon in the plane has an inscribed square.
Proof. Assume that convex polygon X R2 has no parallel edges. By Proposition 5.9
and Exercise 5.2, for every direction u there exists a unique rhombus inscribed into X
with a diagonal parallel to u. Denote by g(u) the difference in the diagonal lengths
and check that g(u) is continuous (see Exercise 5.2). Since g(u) changes sign when
vector u rotates by /2, there exists a vector e such that g(e) = 0. This gives the
desired inscribed square.
Theorem 5.12 (Square peg theorem). Every simple polygon in the plane has an
inscribed square.
The proof of this theorem will be given in Subsection 23.6, based on other ideas.
5.7. Exercises.
Exercise 5.1. a) [1-] Prove that for every simple polygon X R2 and an interior point O,
there exist points x, y X such that O is a midpoint of (x, y).
b) [1] Let X R2 be a convex polygon with the center of mass cm(X) = O. Prove that X
has an inscribed parallelogram with the center of mass at O.
c) [1-] Let X = [x1 . . . xn ] R2 be a non-convex simple polygon. Prove that there exists a
vertex xi and points y, z X such that xi is a midpoint of (y, z). Check that this does not
necessarily hold for all vertices xi in the interior of the convex hull of X.
Exercise 5.2. (Inscribed rhombi) a) [1] Prove that every convex polygon in the plane
with no parallel edges has at most one inscribed rhombus with a diagonal parallel to a given
b) [1] In conditions of a), prove that as the line rotates, the rhombi change continuously.
c) [1] Same for inscribed rhombi with an edge parallel to a given line.
d) [1] Find examples of polygons with parallel edges which do have inscribed rhombi as in
parts a) and b). Prove that whenever a polygon has two such rhombi, it has innitely many
of them.
e) [1-] Find a convex polygon X R2 with non-parallel edges and a vertex v, such that X
has exactly two inscribed rhombi with vertices at v.
Exercise 5.3. a) [1] Let X R2 be a simple polygon. Prove that there exist a cyclic
quadrilateral (inscribed into a circle) which is inscribed into X, and whose vertices divide
the closed curve X into four arcs of equal length.
b) [1] Let X R3 be a simple space polygon. Prove that there exist a quadrilateral inscribed
into X whose vertices lie in a plane and divide X into four arcs of equal length.
Exercise 5.4. [1] Let R R2 be the Reuleaux triangle dened in Exercise 3.6. Prove
that R has no inscribed regular n-gons, for all n 5.
Exercise 5.5. [1] Let Q1 , Q2 , Q3 R2 be three (non-intersecting) piecewise linear curves
with the same endpoint x and other endpoints y1 , y2 , and y3 , respectively. Let Q = Q1
Q2 Q3 be the union of these curves. Prove that Q has an inscribed equilateral triangle
with a vertex at either y1 , y2 or y3 .
Exercise 5.6. [1] Let Q = A, A R2 be a simple polygon in the plane and let x1 , x2 , x3
Q be three distinct points on Q. Prove that there exists a circle inside A which contains at
least one point from the three closed arcs of Q separated by the points xi .
Exercise 5.7. [2-] Let X R2 be a simple polygon. Use Exercise 5.5 to prove that for all
but at most two points z X, there exists an equilateral triangle inscribed into X with a
vertex at z.
Exercise 5.8. [1-] Prove or disprove: for every convex polygon Q R2 containing the
origin O in its relative interior, there exists a triangle inscribed into Q, with the center of
mass at O.
Exercise 5.9. a) [1-] Prove that for every three distinct parallel lines in the plane there
exists an equilateral triangle with a vertex on each line.
b) [1] Prove that for every d + 1 distinct parallel hyperplanes in Rd there exists a regular
simplex with a vertex on each hyperplane.
c) [1] Prove or disprove: such a simplex is uniquely determined up to a rigid motion.
Exercise 5.10. [1+] Prove that for every three non-intersecting lines 1 , 2 , 3 R3 there
exists a unique triangle = (a1 , a2 , a3 ), such that ai i and the lines have equal angles
with the adjacent edges of . For example, the angle between 1 and (a1 , a2 ) must be equal
to the angle between 1 and (a1 , a3 ).
Exercise 5.11. a) [1-] Prove or disprove: for every simple convex cone C R3 there
exists a plane L, such that C L is an equilateral triangle.
b) [1-] Prove or disprove: for every simple convex cone C R3 with equal face angles, there
exists a unique plane L, such that C L is an equilateral triangle.
c) [1] Let C be a simple cone with three right face angles. Prove that for every triangle T
there exists a plane L, such that C L is congruent to T .
d) [1] Prove that every convex cone C R3 with four faces there exists a plane L, such
that C L is a parallelogram.
Exercise 5.12. a) [1-] Prove that for every tetrahedron R3 there exists a plane L,
such that L is a rhombus. Prove that there are exactly three such planes.
b) [1] Suppose the resulting three rhombi are homothetic. Prove that is equihedral (see
Exercise 25.12).
c) [1] Suppose the resulting three rhombi are squares. Prove that is regular.
Exercise 5.13. [1+] Prove or disprove: every space polygon Q R3 has an inscribed
Exercise 5.14. [1] Let X R2 be a simple polygon in the plane. Prove that there exists
a rectangle Q with exactly three vertices of Q lying in X.
Exercise 5.15. Let Q R3 be a simple space polygon.
a) [2+] Prove that for every k 3 there exists an equilateral k-gon inscribed into Q. In
other words, prove that there exist distinct points y1 , . . . , yk Q such that
|y1 y2 | = . . . = |yn1 yn | = |yn y1 | .
b) [] Prove that for every k 3 there exists an equiangular k-gon inscribed into Q. In
other words, prove that there exist distinct points y1 , . . . , yk Q such that
yn y1 y2 = y1 y2 y3 = . . . = yn1 yn y1 .
Exercise 5.16. a) [1+] Prove that for every convex plane polygon and every 6= 1 there
exists at least two inscribed rectangles with aspect ratio (ratio of its sides) equal to .
b) [2] Prove that for every simple plane polygon there exists an inscribed rectangle with a
given aspect ratio (ratio of its sides).
c) [] Let Q R2 be an isosceles trapezoid. Prove that for every simple plane polygon
there exists an inscribed polygon similar to Q (equal up to homothety).
d) [1] Prove that part c) does not extend to any other quadrilateral Q.
Exercise 5.17. Let 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 be generic lines in the plane.
a) [1] Prove that there are exactly three squares with all vertices on dierent lines i .
Formalize explicitly what it means to be generic.
b) [1] Prove that there are 12 more squares with vertices on lines i .
c) [1] Compute the number of rectangles with given aspect ratio (ratio of its sides), such
that all vertices lie on dierent lines.
d) [1] Let Q R2 be a simple quadrilateral with dierent edge lengths. Compute the
number of quadrilaterals similar to Q, with all vertices on lines i .
Exercise 5.18. a) [2+] Prove that every simple space polygon in R3 has an inscribed at
(i.e., coplanar) rhombus.
b) [1-] Prove that every at rhombus inscribed into a sphere is a square. Use part a) to
conclude that every simple spherical polygon has an inscribed square.
c) [2-] Use part b) and a limit argument to give another proof that every simple polygon
in the plane has an inscribed square.
Exercise 5.19. An equihedral octahedron Q is dened as a convex hull of three orthogonal
intervals (diagonals of Q) intersecting at midpoints. Clearly all eight triangular faces in Q
are congruent.
a) [1+] Let P R3 be a convex polytope which is in general position with respect to the
orthogonal axes. Prove that P has an inscribed equihedral octahedron with its diagonals
parallel to the axes.
b) [1] Show that the general position condition on P is necessary.
c) [1] Find a convex polytope P R3 which has at least two inscribed equihedral octahedra
with parallel diagonals.
Exercise 5.20. (Inscribed octahedra) a) [2+] Prove that every convex polytope P R3
has an inscribed regular octahedron.
b) [2+] Generalize the result to (non-convex) surfaces embedded in R3 and homeomorphic
to a sphere.
c) [2+] Generalize the result to higher dimensions.
Exercise 5.21. [2-] Find a convex polytope in R3 which has no inscribed bricks (rectangular parallelepipeds).
Exercise 5.22. (The table and the chair theorems) Let Q = A, A R2 be a convex
polygon, and let f : R2 R+ be a continuous piecewise linear function which is zero outside
of Q.
a) [2+] Prove that for every c > 0 there exist a square of size c, such that cm[x1 x2 x3 x4 ] A
and f (x1 ) = f (x2 ) = f (x3 ) = f (x4 ).13
b) [2+] Prove that for every triangle R2 there exist a translation = [x1 x2 x3 ] such
that cm( ) A and f (x1 ) = f (x2 ) = f (x3 ).14
c) [2-] Prove that part a) does not hold for non-convex A.
Exercise 5.23. (Mountain climbing lemma for general functions) a) [1-] Show that the
mountain climbing lemma (Theorem 5.5) does not extend to all continuous functions with
the same boundary conditions.
b) [1+] Extend the mountain climbing lemma to all piecewise algebraic functions.
Exercise 5.24. (Generalized mountain climbing lemma) [1-] Let fi : [0, 1] [0, 1]
be k continuous piecewise linear functions with fi (0) = 0 and fi (1) = 1, for all 1 i k.
Prove that there exist k continuous piecewise linear functions gi : [0, 1] [0, 1], such that
gi (0) = 0, gi (1) = 1 for all 1 i k, and
f1 (g1 (t)) = . . . = fk (gk (t))
Exercise 5.25. (Ladder problem) [2-] Let C be a piecewise linear curve in the plane which
begins and ends with a straight unit segment. Prove that there is a continuous family of
unit intervals which are inscribed into C containing both end segments.15
Exercise 5.26. (Ring width problem) [2] Let X R2 be a simple polygon with two rays
attached as in Figure 5.14. Think of X as if it was made out of metal.
a) [2-] A metallic ring of diameter is an interval of length whose endpoints lie on dierent
sides of X. Suppose a metallic ring of diameter can slide from one ray into another. Prove
that so can a metallic ring of diameter , for all > .
b) [2-] An elastic ring of diameter is an interval of length whose endpoints lie on dierent
sides of X, and whose length is allowed to decrease to any length smaller than . Suppose an
other words, there is a way to place a table of every size on a hill; thus the table theorem.
is the chair theorem.
15Thus, two people can coordinate their movements to move along a path while carrying a ladder.
elastic ring of diameter can slide from one ray into another. Prove that so can a metallic
ring of diameter .16
c) [2] Show that the ray condition can be removed in part a).
5.8. Final remarks. The piecewise linear version of the mountain climbing lemma (Theorem 5.5) is considerably simpler than the general case [Kel]. Both our proofs follow the
proof idea in [GPY], stated there in a more general context.
Our proof of Theorem 5.3 and the second (topological) proof of Proposition 5.4 follows [Nie]. Proposition 5.9 was rst proved in [Emch] and generalized in [HLM]. Our proof
of the proposition follows the proof in [Kra], where the most general result on inscribed
parallelepipeds is established (see Exercise 5.19).
The problem of inscribed squares has a long history. It was rst proved by Emch for
convex curves (see [Emch]), by Shnirelman [Shn] (see also [Gug2]) for suciently smooth
curves, and further extended in [Gri, Jer, Stro] and other papers. The proof of the square peg
theorem (Theorem 5.12) given in Subsection 5.6. We refer to surveys [KleW, Problem 11]
and [Nie] for more on the subject. See also [Mey3] for the references and connections to the
table and chair theorems (Exercise 5.22).
it takes an eort to realize that both parts of the problem are in fact not obvious.
intersection Tv , for a generic v. This gives a contradiction and completes the proof
when the polygon Q is generic.
the function g is continuous and g(x) 6= 0 on U. On the other hand, g(x) = g(x )
for all x, x U, a contradiction.
Suppose now that the above assumption is false, i.e., that W S is not a union of
non-intersecting polygons. Perturb the vertices of P so that no two faces are parallel
and no vertex is opposite to a point on a face. The resulting polytope satisfies the
assumption, and the theorem follows by the limit argument.
Exercise 6.5. [1] Let A be a quadrilateral inscribed into a space polygon Q R3 . Note
that for A to be a square it has to satisfy ve equations, while there are only four degrees
of freedom to choose A. Formalize this observation. Conclude that a generic space polygon
does not have an inscribed square.
Exercise 6.6. [2+] Let Rd be a xed simplex. Prove that every convex polytope
P Rd has an inscribed simplex similar to . Generalize this to polyhedral surfaces
homeomorphic to a sphere.
Exercise 6.7. [1] Let Q(z) = [ABCD] R3 be a quadrilateral with A = (0, 0, 0), B =
(0, 1, 0), C = (0, 1, z) and D = (1, 0, 0). Check that Q(1) does not have an inscribed
square. Use convergence argument to show that Q(z) does not have inscribed squares, for
all suciently small z > 0.
Exercise 6.8. [1] Check that Dysons theorem (Theorem 6.2) holds for all (non-convex)
polyhedra P R3 whose surface S = P is a star surface with respect to O. What about
general 2-dimensional orientable polyhedral surfaces?
Exercise 6.9. [2-] Use Exercise 6.3 to prove that every convex polyhedron P R3 has an
inscribed rectangle with a given aspect ratio and given center inside P .
Exercise 6.10. [1-] Let P R3 be a convex polytope centrally symmetric at the origin O.
Prove that there exists a regular octahedron inscribed into P and centrally symmetric at O.
Exercise 6.11. [1+] Let P R3 be a convex polytope centrally symmetric at the origin O.
Prove that there exists a regular hexagon inscribed into P and centrally symmetric at O.
Exercise 6.12. (Generalized Kakutanis theorem in higher dimensions) [2] Prove that every
convex set X Rd can has a circumscribed hypercube.
Exercise 6.13. [2-] Prove that every centrally symmetric convex polytope in R3 has an
inscribed cube.
() = .
7. Geometric inequalities
The isoperimetric problems are some of the oldest problems in geometry. There
are numerous monographs written on the subject, so we see little need to expand
on this (see Subsection 7.9). We do need, however, the important BrunnMinkowski
inequality, including the equality part of it, to prove the Minkowski theorem in Section 36. Thus, we present an elementary introduction to the subject, trying to make
it as painless as possible.
7.1. Isoperimetry in the plane. It is well known that among all regions in the
plane with the same area, the disk has the smallest perimeter. Proving this result is
actually more delicate than it seems at first sight. The following proof due to Steiner
is beautiful, but also (somewhat) incorrect. While we explain the problem in the next
subsection, it is a nice exercise to find the error.
Throughout this section we always assume that our sets are convex. This allows
us to avoid certain unpleasantness in dealing with general compact sets.17
Theorem 7.1 (Isoperimetric inequality in the plane). Among all convex sets in the
plane with a given area, the disk has the smallest perimeter.
Incorrect proof of Theorem 7.1. The proof can be split into several easy steps. Let
X R2 be a compact set in the plane. We say that the set is optimal if it minimizes the perimeter given the area. We will try to characterize the optimal sets and
eventually show that only a disk can be optimal.
1) We say that two points x and y on the boundary P = X are opposite if they
divide P into two equal halves. The interval (xy) is called a diameter in this case.
We claim that in an optimal set X the diameter divides the area into two equal parts.
If not, attach the bigger part and its reflection to obtain a set Y of equal perimeter
and bigger area (see Figure 7.1).
2) Let (xy) be a diameter in an optimal set X, and let P = X. For every
point z P we then have xzy = /2. Indeed, from 1) the diameter splits the area
into equal parts. If xzy 6= /2, take chords [xy], [yz] and denote by A, B the regions
they separate as in the figure. Now attach A and B to a triangle (x y z ) with sides
|x z | = |xz|, |z y | = |zy|, and x y z = /2. Copy the construction symmetrically
on the other side of the diameter (see Figure 7.1). Since area(xyz) < area(x y z ) and
areas of segments remain the same, we obtain a region X with the same perimeter
and bigger area.
In summary, we showed that in an optimal set the angle at all points of the boundary to a fixed diameter must be /2. Thus X is a circle. This completes the proof.
we have to specify that our set X is measurable, has a measurable boundary, etc.
For all purposes in this section the reader can assume that X has a piecewise analytic boundary.
Then it is easy to show that the convex hull conv(X) has a smaller perimeter but a bigger area, thus
reducing the problem to the convex case.
Figure 7.1. Increasing the area of convex sets while preserving diameter.
7.2. Reaching the optimum. The problem with the argument above is that at no
point do we show that the optimum exists. Naturally, if we set upon finding a convex
subset with maximum perimeter given the area, then the optimum does not exist.
Hence, showing that all sets except for the circles are not optimal does not prove that
the circles are optimal, and thus does not (yet) resolve the problem (in either case).
There are several ways to get around the problem. Let us describe two most standard
(I) An easy patch is by an abstract compactness argument. Recall the classical
Blaschke selection theorem (see Exercise 7.1), which states that a set C() of convex
subsets of a compact set R2 is a compact. While this result is inapplicable to a
non-compact plane = R2 , we can restrict as follows.
Consider all convex sets with area and ask which of them has the smallest perimeter. Without loss of generality we can assume that our convex sets contain the origin O R2 . Let be a circle with radius 4. If a set X contains both the origin O
and point x
/ , then perimeter of X is at least 2|Ox| 8 > 2, i.e., bigger than
perimeter of a unit circle. Therefore, the optimum, if exists, must be achieved on a
convex subset of .
Now, the arguments 1) and 2) in the proof above show that the perimeter is not
minimal among all sets with area except for unit circles. On the other hand, by
compactness of C(), at least one minimum must exist. Therefore, the unit circle is
the desired minimum.
(II) Another way to prove the result is to exhibit an explicit convergence to a
circle. That is, start with a set X, apply rule 1) and then repeatedly apply rules 2) to
points z P chosen to split the perimeter into 2r pieces of equal length (occasionally
one must also take convex hulls ). We already know that under these transformations
the perimeter stays the same while the area increases. Eventually the resulting region
converges to a circle. This implies that the area of all sets with given perimeter was
smaller than that of circles, as desired. We will skip the (easy) details.
Remark 7.2. Let us emphasize the similarities and dierences between the two approaches,
and the incorrect proof above. In all cases, we use the same variational principle, by exhibiting simple rules of how to improve the desired parameter (area/perimeter2 ). In (I) we then
used a general compactness argument to show that the optimum must exist. Alternatively,
in (II) we showed that these rules when applied innitely often, in the limit will transform
any initial object to an optimum.
While the rst approach is often easier, more concise and elegant as a mathematical
argument, the second is more algorithmic and often leads to a better understanding of the
problem. While, of course, there is no need to use the variational principle to construct a
circle, making a distinction between two dierent approaches will prove useful in the future.
7.3. How do you add sets? Let us define the Minkowski sum of any two sets
A, B Rd as follows:
A + B := {a + b | a A, b B} .
For example, if A and B are two intervals starting at the origin O, then A + B is a
parallelogram spanned by the intervals. Similarly, if A Rd is a convex set and B is
a closed ball of radius > 0 centered at the origin, then A + B consists of all points z
at distance at most from A (see Figure 7.2).
Let us make several observations on the Minkowski sum. First, the sum is symmetric and respects translation, i.e., if A is a translate of A, and B is a translate of B,
then A + B is a translate of A + B. On the other hand, the Minkowski sum does
not respect rotations: if A and B are (possibly different) rotations of A and B, then
A + B does not have to be a rotation of A + B, as the example with two intervals
One more definition. For every R, let A = { a | a A}. We call set A
an expansion of B if there exists 6= 0, such that A = B. Clearly, if A = B, and
6= 0, then B = (1/)A. In other words, if A is an expansion of B, then B is an
expansion of A.
Now, suppose H1 and H2 are two parallel hyperplanes. Then H = 1 H1 + 2 H2 is
yet another parallel hyperplane. For A1 H1 and A2 H2 the set B := 21 (A1 + A2 )
is the average of sets A1 and A2 , consisting of midpoints of intervals between the
sets. The set B lies in the hyperplane H3 = 12 (H1 + H2 ), in the middle between
hyperplanes H1 and H3 .
A +
7.5. The functional version. Let A, B Rd be two convex bodies and let Xt =
(1 t)A + tB, where t [0, 1]. As we mentioned in the example above, the first part
of the following proposition immediately implies Theorem 7.5.
Proposition 7.7. The function (t) = vol(Xt )1/d is convex on [0, 1].18 Moreover,
(0) vol(B) vol(A), and the inequality becomes an equality if and only if A is an
expansion of B.
Proof of Theorem 7.5 modulo Proposition 7.7. Let D = A1 + (1 )A3 , where is
given by the ratio of the distance between hyperplanes: = dist(H1 , H2 )/dist(H1 , H3 ).
By construction, set D is a convex body which lies in hyperplane H2 . On the other
hand, by definition of the Minkowski sum, we have D conv{A1 , A3 } P . Thus,
D A2 , and by Proposition 7.7 we conclude:
vol(A2 ) vol(D) min{vol(A1 ), vol(A3 )} ,
as desired.
Proof of Proposition 7.7 modulo Theorem 7.4. For every three values 0 t < t <
t 1, consider A = Xt , B = Xt and C = Xt . We have C = A + (1 )B, where
= (t t )/(t t ). By the BrunnMinkowski inequality we have:
1/d d
vol(C)1/d vol A
+ vol (1 )B
= vol(A)
+ (1 )d vol(B)
vol(A)1/d + (1 )vol(B)1/d ,
these functions are called concave downwards, upper convex, etc. All we can do here
to convey the meaning is to point to Figure 7.3 and hope the reader is not too confused.
7.6. The general isoperimetric inequality. Here is the main result in this section:
Theorem 7.8 (Isoperimetric inequality in Rd ). Among all convex sets in Rd with a
given volume, the ball has the smallest surface area.
Proof. Let A be a convex set, and let B be a unit ball in Rd . By Proposition 7.7, the
function (t) = vol (1 t)A + tB) is convex on [0, 1]. Therefore, by Proposition 7.3
we obtain:
area(A) =
vol(A + tB) t=0 =
(1 + t) vol
(1 + t)
= d (0)d1 (0) + (0) .
By Proposition 7.7, we have (0) vol(B) vol(A), and the inequality becomes
an equality if and only if A is an expansion of B. Since vol(A) = (0), the area(A)
minimizes only when A is an expansion of B, i.e., when A is a ball.
Remark 7.9. In the spirit of Remark 7.2, it is instructive to decide what type of argument
is used in this proof: did we use a compactness or an explicit convergence argument? From
above, the rule for decreasing (X) = area(X)/vol(X)(d1)/d turns out to be quite simple:
take Xt = (1 t)X + tB, where B is a unit ball. Letting t 1 makes Xt approach the
unit ball. Thus the proof can be viewed as an explicit convergence argument, perhaps an
extremely simple case of it.
7.7. Brick-by-brick proof of the BrunnMinkowski inequality. Perhaps surprisingly, the proof of Theorem 7.4 will proceed by induction. Formally, let us prove
the inequality for brick regions defined as disjoint unions of bricks (parallelepipeds
with edges parallel to the coordinate axes). Note that we drop the convexity condition. A union of bricks does not have to be connected or the bricks be of the same
size: any disjoint union of bricks will do (see Figure 7.4). Denote by Bd the set of all
brick regions in Rd .
Lemma 7.10. If the BrunnMinkowski inequality holds for brick regions A, B Bd ,
it also holds for general convex regions in Rd .
We continue with the proof of the inequality. The lemma will be proved later.
Proof of the BrunnMinkowski inequality for brick regions. Let A and B be two brick
regions. We use induction on the total number k of bricks in A and B. For the base of
induction, suppose k = 2, so both sets consist of single bricks: A = [x1 x2 . . . xd ]
and B = [y1 y2 . . . yd ]. The BrunnMinkowski inequality then becomes the
Minkowski inequality19 (Theorem 41.4).
For the induction step, suppose the result holds for brick regions with k or fewer
bricks (in total), k 2. Now, take two brick regions A, B Bd with k + 1 bricks.
Suppose A contains at least two bricks (otherwise we can relabel the regions). Fix
we move the proof of the Minkowski inequality to the appendix as a standard result, we
do suggest the reader go over the proof so as to acquaint yourself with the proof style of inequalities.
these two bricks, say P, Q A. Observe that there always exists a hyperplane H Rd
with normal to one of the axes, which separates bricks P and Q. Denote by A1 and A2
portions of A lying on the two sides of H. Since H either avoids or divides each brick
into two parts, we have A1 , A2 Bd . Note also that A1 and A2 , each have strictly
fewer bricks than A.
since the Minkowski sums A1 + B1 and A2 + B2 lie on different sides of H and thus do
not intersect (except at the boundary). Since the total number of bricks in (A1 , B1 )
and in (A2 , B2 ) is less than k we can apply to them the inductive assumption:
vol(A + B) vol(A1 + B1 ) + vol(A2 + B2 )
vol(A1 )1/d + vol(B1 )1/d + vol(A2 )1/d + vol(B2 )1/d
1/d id
+ vol(B)
1/d id
+ (1 ) vol(A)
+ (1 ) vol(B)
+ (1 ) vol(A)1/d + vol(B)1/d
vol(A)1/d + vol(B)1/d .
Proof of Lemma 7.10. For general convex regions A, B Rd the following is a standard convergence argument. First, consider parallel hyperplanes xi = m/2n , m Z,
i [d]. They subdivide the regions into small interior cubes and partly-filled cubes
near the boundary. Denote by An and Bn the union of all cubes intersecting A
and B, respectively. Observe that A1T A2 . . . , and the same holds for {Bn }
and {An + Bn }. On the other hand, n An = A since for every point a
/ A there
exists an > 0, such that a cube with side containing a does not intersect A. This
gives vol(An ) vol(A) and vol(Bn ) vol(B), as n . In the topology defined
by the distance d(A, B) (see Exercise 7.1), this implies that An A and Bn B,
as n .
Finally, A+B n An +Bn since for every cn = an +bn c Rd , by compactness
of A, B there exist converging subsequences an a and bn b, and thus c = a + b
A + B. On the other hand, An + Bn A + B for all n N, which implies that
An + Bn A + B as n . Now we can apply the inequality to the brick
regions An and Bn :
vol(A + B)1/d = lim vol(An + Bn )1/d lim vol(An )1/d + lim vol(Bn )1/d
+ vol(B)
7.8. Exercises.
Exercise 7.1. (Blaschke selection theorem) [1+] For every subset Rd , let C() be the
set of convex subsets of . Dene a distance d(X, Y ) between two convex sets X, Y C(Rd )
as follows:
d(X, Y ) := vol(X r Y ) + vol(Y r X).
Check that d(X, Y ) is a metric on C(Rd ). Prove that C() C(Rd ) is compact if and only
if set Rd is compact. Conclude that an innite family of convex subsets inside a unit
cube has a converging subsequence.
Exercise 7.2. Let X R3 be a convex polytope. Dene (X) to be the set of points
obtained by reections of one point in X across another: (X) = {2x y | x, y X }.
a) [1-] Show that (X) is also a convex polytope.
b) [1-] Consider a sequence X1 , X2 , . . ., where Xi+1 = (Xi ) and X1 is a cube. Compute
polytope Xn for all n > 1.
c) [1] Same question when X1 is a regular tetrahedron, octahedron and icosahedron.
d) [1] Same question when X1 is a standard tetrahedron and a Hill tetrahedron (see Subsection 31.6).
e) [1] Prove or disprove: for every xed X1 , the number of faces of Xn is bounded, as
n .
f ) [1+] Scale polytopes Yn to have the same unit volume: Yn = Xn /vol(Xn ). Prove that
the sequence Yn converges to a convex body.
Exercise 7.3. (Steiner symmetrization) Another one of several Steiners ingenious proofs
of the isoperimetry in the plane is based on the following construction. Take a convex set
X R2 and any line . Divide X into innitely many intervals [a, b], a, b X, orthogonal
to . Move each interval [a, b] along the line (a, b) so that it is symmetric with respect to
(See Figure 7.5). Denote by Y = S(X, ) the resulting set. The resulting map : X Y
is called the Steiner symmetrization.
a) [1] Prove that diam(Y ) diam(X), area(Y ) = area(X) and perimeter(Y ) perimeter(X).
b) [1+] Prove that C = (A) + (B) ts inside D = (A + B), for all convex A, B R2 .
c) [1] Prove that C is a translate of D if and only if A and B are homothetic.
Exercise 7.6. [1] Prove that of all n-gons in the plane with given perimeter the inscribed
regular n-gon has the largest area. Deduce from here the isoperimetry of a circle in the
Exercise 7.7. (Bonnesens inequality) [1+] Let Q R2 be a convex polygon, a = area(Q),
and = perimeter(Q). Let r and R denote the radius of the maximal circle inside Q and
of the minimal circle outside Q. Prove that 2 4 a 2 (R r)2 .
Exercise 7.8. (Spherical isoperimetric inequality) [2-] Let X be a simple spherical polygon
of length on a unit sphere S2 . Denote by a = a(X) the area of one of the sides. Prove the
isoperimetric inequality 2 a(4 a).
Exercise 7.9. [1] Let v1 , . . . , vn R2 be a set of vectors such that |v1 | + . . . + |vn | = 1.
Prove that there exists a subset I {1, . . . , n} such that
vi .
Exercise 7.10. (Urysohns inequality) a [1] Let X be a convex body. Prove that area(X)
4 diam(X) , where the equality holds if and only if X is a disk.
b) [1+] Prove that area(X) 4 w(X)2 , where w(X) is the average width of X (the width is
dened as f (u) in the proof of Proposition 5.1).
c) [2-] Generalize parts a) and b) to higher dimensions.
Exercise 7.11. (Monotonicity of the area) a) [1-] Let Q1 , Q2 R2 be convex polygons,
such that Q1 is inside Q2 . Prove that the perimeter of Q1 is smaller than the perimeter
of Q2 .
b) [2] Denote by L the sum of edge lengths of P . Prove that L 12 3 r. Show that the
equality holds only for a tetrahedron.
Exercise 7.15. a) [2] Suppose a convex polytope P R3 contains a unit sphere. Prove
that the sum of edge lengths L 24. Show that the equality holds only for the cube.
b) [2-] Suppose P is midscribed around a unit sphere, i.e., all edges of P touch the sphere.
Compute L for all regular polytopes and for all n-prisms. Show that there exist polyhedra
with a smaller L.
Exercise 7.16. (Zonotopes) Let P R3 be a convex polytope whose faces are centrally
symmetric polygons. Such polytopes are called zonotopes.
a) [1-] Subdivide each face of P into parallelograms.
b) [1] Prove that P can be subdivided into parallelepipeds, dened as the Minkowski sum
of three independent vectors.
c) [1] Prove that P is centrally symmetric.
d) [1+] Prove that P is the Minkowski sum of the intervals.
e) [1] Suppose each face of P is a parallelogram. Prove that the number of faces of P is
two times a triangular number.
f ) [1] Use Exercise 2.3 to show that every polytope P R3 has at least 6 parallelograms.
7.9. Final remarks. The proof by Steiner is one of his ve proofs of the isoperimetry
of a disk (Theorem 7.1), published in 1841. The mistake remained unnoticed until 1882.
Another one of his proofs is based on the Steiner symmetrization (Exercise 7.3). In all
fairness to Steiner, the rigor of the work by contemporaries is questionable as well. For
more on Steiners work and other early results on isoperimetric problems see [Bla3, Kry].
The proof of the general isoperimetric inequality (Theorem 7.8) via the BrunnMinkowski
inequality goes back to Minkowski [Min]. Both results can be found in a number of textbooks
(see [BonF, Grub, Had1, H
or, Schn2]). We follow [Mat1, 12.2] in our presentation of the
rst part of Theorem 7.4. The second part is given in Subsection 41.5, and with all its
tediousness it is our own. The advantage of this proof is that it can be extended to a
variety of non-convex regions, e.g., connected regions with smooth boundary.
Let us also mention the AlexandrovFenchel inequality generalizing the BrunnMinkowski
inequality to mixed volumes of many dierent convex bodies [BZ3, 4.2], and the PrekopaLeindler inequality, which is a dimension-free extension [Grub, 8.5]. We refer to [Gar,
BZ3] for further generalizations, geometric inequalities, their applications and numerous
Dierent proofs of the Blaschke selection theorem (Exercise 7.1) can be found in [BolY,
4.3], [Egg1, 4.2] and [Fej2, Ch. 2, 1]. A completely dierent approach to the isoperimetric inequalities via averaging is given in Exercise 24.7. The spherical analogue of the
isoperimetric inequality is given in Subsection 28.5.
We will show that this is not the only linear relation on fi , but the first in a series.
Theorem 8.1 (DehnSommerville equations). The f -vector of a simple polytope P
Rd satisfies the following linear equations:
i i
fi =
fi , for all 0 k d.
Now observe that the case k = 0 corresponds to Eulers formula ().
Proof. Let : Rd R be a Morse function, defined as a linear function on Rd that is
nonconstant on edges of the polytope P . Let = (V, E) be the graph of P , where V
and E are the sets of vertices and edges, respectively. Since P is simple, the graph
is d-regular, i.e., the degree of every vertex is d.
Consider an acyclic orientation O of edges of according to (edges are oriented in the direction of increase of ). For a vertex v V let the index of v,
denoted ind (v), be the number of outgoing edges in O. Let hi be the number of
vertices v V with ind (v) = i. The sequence (h0 , h1 . . . , hd ) is called the h-vector
of P . We will show that the numbers hi depend only on and are in fact independent
of the Morse function .
For every face F of P denote by min (F ) the unique vertex v F with the smallest
value of . Looking at the acyclic orientation O this is the unique source point in
an induced subgraph |F . Let us count the number fk of k-dimensional faces in P by
looking at their minimum vertices. Observe that for all v V , every subset (even the
empty set) of ind (v) increasing edges spans a face. Summing over all vertices v V ,
for the number of such k-element subsets we obtain:
ind v
fk =
hi .
vV, ind (v)k
F (t) =
fi ti ,
H(t) =
hi ti ,
tk fk = F (t).
This implies that the h-vector of P as defined above is independent of the Morse
function . Now consider the Morse function = and observe that ind (v) =
d ind (v), for all v V . Thus, hk = hdk . Expanding H(t) = F (t 1), we obtain:
hk = (1)
fi ,
Remark 8.2. The combinatorial interpretations of the integers hi in the proof above imply
the inequalities hi 0 for all 0 i d. For example, we have h0 = 1, h1 = fd1 d 0,
and h2 = fd2 (d 1)fd1 + d2 0. In fact, much stronger inequalities are known:
h0 h1 h2 . . . hr , where r = d/2.
For example, h1 h0 gives an obvious inequality for the number of facets in P : fd1 d+1.
On the other hand, already h2 h1 gives an interesting inequality:
fd2 dfd1
For more on this inequality see Remark 27.4.
8.2. A few good examples would not hurt. The Dehn-Sommerville equations
above may seem rather pointless, but in fact the Morse function approach can be
used to compute the f -vectors. Below we present three such examples for some
combinatorial polytopes.
Example 8.3. (Hypercube) Let Cd Rd be a standard d-dimensional cube [0, 1]d . Consider the Morse function (x1 , . . . , xd ) = x1 + . . . + xd . Clearly, ind (x1 , . . . , xd ) = d
(x1 , . . . , xd ), for all xi {0, 1}, and we obtain hi = di . Therefore,
d i
t = (1 + t)d ,
H(t) =
F(t) = H(t + 1) = (2 + t) =
d i
t .
The resulting formula fi = 2di di can, of course, be obtained directly, but it is always nice
to see something you know obtained in an unexpected albeit complicated way.
(x1 , x2 . . . , xn ) = x1 + x2 + . . . + n1 xn .
If = (n) > 0 is suciently small, the resulting acyclic orientation O of n makes a
partial order on permutations that is a suborder of the lexicographic order. In particular,
the identity permutation (1, 2, . . . , n) is the smallest and (n, n 1, . . . , 1) is the largest
permutation. Now observe that for every permutation Sn the number of outgoing
edges ind () is equal to the number of ascents in , i.e., the number of 1 i < n such
that (i) < (i + 1). Therefore, hi is equal to the Eulerian number A(n, i), dened as
the number of permutations Sn with i ascents. We refer to Exercise 8.17 for further
properties of Eulerian numbers.
Example 8.5. (Associahedron) Let Q R2 be a xed convex n-gon (not necessarily
regular), and let Tn be the set of triangulations of Q. We denote the vertices of Q by
integers i [n]. Euler proved that |Tn | = Cn2 , where Cn = n+1
are the Catalan
numbers. For every vertex v Q in a triangulation Tn , denote by (v) the sum of
areas of triangles in that contain v. Let Rn Rn be a convex hull of all Cn2 functions
: [n] Rn , dened as v (v), for all Rn . The polytope Rn is called an
where > 0 is small enough. This denes an acyclic orientation O of the graph n of the
associahedron (see Figure 8.2). For example, it is easy to see that the triangulation with
edges {(1, 3), . . . , (1, n 1)} is maximal with respect to .
Recall the standard bijection : t from polygon triangulations to binary trees,
where the triangles correspond to vertices, the triangle adjacent to (1, n) corresponds to
the root, and the adjacent triangles correspond to the left and right edges to the tree (see
Figure 8.3). Observe that the number of outgoing edges ind ( ) is equal to the number of
left edges in ( ). Therefore, hi is equal to the number Bn2,i of binary trees with n 2
vertices and i left edges (see Exercise 8.18 for a closed formula).
8.3. Kalais simple way to tell a simple polytope from its graph. The proof of
the Dehn-Sommerville equations shows that given an acyclic orientation O coming
from a Morse function we can compute the f -vector of a simple polytope. It turns
out that we can obtain the whole poset of faces given just the graph of the polytope.
Theorem 8.6 (BlindMani). Let P Rd be a simple polytope and let be its graph.
Then determines the entire combinatorial structure of P .
In other words, given a graph one can decide whether a given subset of vertices
forms a k-dimensional face. The proof we present below is the celebrated proof by
Kalai which uses insight of Morse functions to resolve the problem.
Proof. For a subset of vertices B V of the graph to form a k-dimensional face
the induced subgraph |B must be connected and k-regular. However, this is clearly
not enough. For example, a graph of 3-dimensional cube contains a cycle of length 6
which is not a two-dimensional face. We will use certain acyclic orientations of to
give a complete characterization.
Consider an acyclic orientation O of . We say that O is good if for every face F
P , the corresponding graph F has exactly one source. Otherwise, O is called bad.
Note that in every face F , the acyclic orientation of F must have at least one source.
Denote by hO
i the number of vertices of index i, i.e., the number of vertices with
exactly i outgoing edges and let
d O
(O) = hO
0 + 2 h1 + 4 h2 + . . . + 2 hd .
Finally, let = (P ) = f0 +f1 +. . .+fd be the total number of faces of all dimensions.
Arguing as in the proof of the Dehn-Sommerville equations, we conclude:
(O) for all O,
(O) = if and only if O is good.
To show this, count every face of every dimension according to the source vertices.
Clearly, for a vertex v with index i, the number of such faces is at most 2i , the number
of all possible subsets of edges coming out of v. Now observe that good orientations
are exactly those where every face is counted exactly once.
This gives us a (really slow) algorithm for computing (P ): compute (O) for all
acyclic orientations O of and take the smallest value. Of course, the total number
of faces is only a tiny fraction of the information we want. What is more important is
that this approach gives a way to decide whether a given orientation is good. Having
found one good orientation O, we can take the numbers hO
i to compute the f -vector
O k
by the formula fi = k=i hk i . Still, this approach does not show how to start with
a good orientation of , choose i edges coming out of some vertex v and compute the
whole face. Morse functions again come to the rescue.
Let B V be a subset of vertices, a candidate for a face. We say that B is final
with respect to an acyclic orientation O if no edge is coming out of B. We are now
ready to state the main claim:
Face criterion. An induced connected k-regular subgraph H = B on a set of
vertices B is a graph of a face of P if and only if there exists a good orientation O
of G, such that B is final with respect to O.
The only if part can be proved as follows. Take a simple polytope P and a face F
with the set of vertices B V . Consider any linear function which maximizes
on F . Now perturb to make it a Morse function but keep B final with respect to .
This is clearly possible and gives the desired construction.
The if part is more delicate. Let v be any source point of the graph H with
respect to O (for now we do not know if such a point is unique). Take all k edges
in H that are coming out of v. Since O is good, there exists a k-dimensional face F
with v as its minimum. Since B is final with respect to O, we have F B and the
graph Y = F is a subgraph of H. Finally, since P is simple and F is k-dimensional,
the graph Y of is also k-regular.
Now compare graphs H and Y . Both are connected, k-regular, and Y H. This
implies that Y = H, which proves the face criterion and the theorem.20
Remark 8.7. A couple of things are worth noting while we are on the subject. First, the
above criteria gives a really slow algorithm for deciding if a subset is a facet. A polynomial
time algorithm was recently found in [Fri]. Second, one cannot easily use this idea to decide
whether a given graph is a graph of a simple polytope; this problem is believed to be very
dicult (see [Kaib]).
8.4. Graph connectivity via Morse functions. It is well known and easy to prove
that graphs of 3-dimensional polytopes are 3-connected, but the corresponding result
for d-dimensional polytopes is less standard. The proof again is based on Morse
A graph is called d-connected if the removal of any d 1 vertices leaves a connected
Theorem 8.8 (Balinski). The graph of a d-dimensional polytope P is d-connected.
Proof. Let V be a set of vertices in and let X = {x1 , . . . , xd1 } be any subset of d1
vertices. We need to prove that |V rX is connected. Fix a vertex z V r X and let
: Rd R be a linear function which is constant on X + z:
(x1 ) = . . . = (xd1 ) = (z) = c ,
the implication is obvious in this case, it can be viewed as a special case of a general local
global principle. In a very similar context this idea also appears in the proof of Lemmas 14.7
and 35.1.
Exercise 8.4. [1+] Let P Rd be a convex polytope with n vertices. For a vertex
v P denote by Cv the innite cone with a vertex at v, which is spanned by the edges of P
containing v. Prove that P is the intersection of at most n d + 1 cones Cv . Deduce from
here the Balinskis theorem (Theorem 8.8).
Exercise 8.5. Let be a graph of a convex polytope P Rd .
a) [1-] Prove that if P R3 is simplicial, then the edges of P can be colored with two
colors so that between every two vertices there are monochromatic paths of both colors.
b) [1-] Find all simple polytopes P R3 for which such a 2-coloring exists.
c) [1] Generalize part a) to simplicial polytopes in Rd and d 1 colors.
Exercise 8.6. [1] Let P Rd be a convex polytope and let be its graph. Prove that
there is an embedding of Kd+1 into , i.e., there exist d + 1 dierent vertices in P every two
of which are connected by pairwise disjoint paths in .
Exercise 8.7. [1] Let P R3 be a convex polytope with even-sided faces. Prove or
disprove: the edges of P can be 2-colored so that every face has an equal number of edges
of each color.
Exercise 8.8. a) [1-] Prove that every convex polytope P R3 has a vertex of degree
at most 5.
b) [2-] Prove that every convex polytope P R3 has two adjacent vertices whose total
degree is at most 13.
c) [2-] Prove that every convex polytope P R3 with even-sided faces has two adjacent
vertices whose total degree is at most 8.
d) [1] Show that the upper bounds in part b) and c) are sharp.
Exercise 8.9. a) [1] Let P R3 be a convex polytope and let L be the sum of edge lengths
of P . Prove that L 3diam(P ).
b) [1+] Let be the graph of a convex polytope P R3 with n vertices. Prove that the
diameter of is at most (n 1)/3. Show that this inequality is sharp.
Exercise 8.10. Let be the graph of a simple convex polytope P R3 with triangular
and hexagonal faces.
a) [1-] Prove that P has exactly four triangular faces.
b) [2-] Prove that the number of hexagonal faces P is even.
c) [2] Let P R3 be a simple polytope, whose faces have 3, 6, 9, . . . sides. Prove that the
number of faces of P is even.
Exercise 8.11. [1-] Let Q R2 be a closed (possibly self-intersecting) polygonal curve,
such that all angles are < . Fix a Morse function, i.e., a linear function : R2 R which
is non-constant on the edges of Q. Prove that Q is a convex polygon if and only if has a
unique local maximum.
Exercise 8.12. (Neighborly
polytopes) [1] Construct explicitly a convex polytope P R4
with 6 vertices and 2 = 15 edges. In general, we say that a polytope is neighborly if its
graph is a complete graph. For all d 4 construct a neighborly polytope in Rd with d + 2
Exercise 8.13. [1] Let P Rd be a convex polytope with n d + 2 vertices. Prove that
there exists a vertex v P and two facets, such that v
/ F1 , F2 . Moreover, we can make F1
and F2 adjacent, which means that their intersection must be a (d 2)-dimensional face.
Exercise 8.14. [1] Let P Rd be a convex polytope with n d + 2 vertices. Prove that
for every k, 1 k d 1, there exist a k-face and a (d k)-dimensional face of P which
are disjoint.
Exercise 8.15. Consider all cross sections of a convex polytope P R3 which do not
contain any vertices.
a) [1-] Can all these cross sections be triangles?
b) [1-] Can all these cross sections be quadrilaterals?
c) [1-] Can all these cross sections be odd-sided polygons?
d) [1] Suppose all vertices of P have even degree. Prove that every cross section of P is an
even-sided polygon.
Exercise 8.16. Denote by () the length of the longest cycle in the graph (cycles do
not have repeated vertices).
a) [1-] Find a convex polytope P with n vertices, such that the graph = (P ) has
() < n.
b) [1+] Construct a sequence of convex polytopes {Pk } with graphs k = (Pk ) on nk
vertices, such that ni , and (k ) = O(n1
k ) as k , for some > 0.
Exercise 8.17. (Eulerian numbers) In the notation of Example 8.4, let A(n, k) be the
number of permutations Sn with k ascents. The integers (A0 , A1 , . . . , An1 ) are called
Eulerian numbers.
a) [1-] Prove that Eulerian numbers satisfy:
A(n, k) = (n k)A(n 1, k 1) + (k + 1)A(n 1, k).
b) [1] Prove that the Eulerian numbers satisfy
Ak = n! vol(Qn,k ),
where Qn,k Rn is a convex polytope dened by the inequalities
k x1 + . . . + xn k + 1,
0 xi 1, 1 i n.
Exercise 8.19. The Birkho polytope Bn is dened by the following equations and
ai,j =
ai,j = 1, and ai,j 0, for all 1 i, j n.
Exercise 8.21. (Klyachko lemma) [1+] Let P R3 be a convex polytope. Fix > 0.
Suppose on every facet F in P , there is a particle which moves clockwise along the edges
of F with the speed at least . Prove that at some point some two particles will collide.
Exercise 8.22. (3d -conjecture) Let P Rd be a centrally symmetric convex polytope
with f -vector (f0 , f1 , . . . , fd ).
a) [1+] For d = 3, prove that f0 + f1 + f2 + f3 27.
b) [2+] For d = 4, prove that f0 + f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 81.
c) [] Prove that f0 + f1 + f2 + . . . + fd 3d , for all d 1.
8.6. Final remarks. The generalization () of Eulers formula is due to Poincare (1897).
The DehnSommerville equations (Theorem 8.1) in dimensions 4 and 5 were discovered
by Dehn (1905) and generalized to all dimensions by Sommerville (1927). Note that in
the original form, the equations gave a dierent basis in the ane space spanned by the
f -vectors of all simple polytopes in Rd (cf. Exercise 8.1). Our proof is standard and can
be found in [Br] (see also [Barv, Vi.6]), while a traditional proof can be found in [Gr
9.2]. See also [Zie1, 8.3] for the dual treatment (called shelling) of simplicial (rather than
statistic is also called Eulerian. The other major statistic on Sn , by the number of
inversions in permutations, is called Mahonian, after British combinatorialist Percy MacMahon.
A w
9.2. Meditation on the rules and the role of rolling. Let us further discuss
the merits and demerits of the above physical proof vs. the formal proof of the
admittedly easy Theorem 9.1. Basically, the physical proof comes with an algorithm
for finding a desired facet F : start at any facet F0 and move repeatedly to an adjacent
facet that is closer to z, until this is no longer possible. This algorithm, of course,
can be formalized, but some questions remain.
First, on the complexity of the algorithm. Clearly, not more than fd1 (P ) (the total
number of facets) of rolls is needed. In fact this is tight up to an additive constant22.
On the other hand, the algorithm does not necessarily finds the closest facet used in
the formal proof.
Now, note that the minimum plays a special role in the proof and cannot be replaced
by the maximum. The situation is strikingly different in the smooth case. We will
restrict ourselves to the dimension two case.
Let C R2 be a smooth closed curve in the plane and let O be the origin. Throughout the section we will always assume that O
/ C. For a point x C we say that
the line segment (O, x) is normal if it is orthogonal to C at point x.
Proposition 9.2. Every smooth closed curve C has at least two normals from every
point O
/ C.
Proof. Let f (x) denote the distance from x C to the origin O. Take any (local or
global) extremal point x (minimum or maximum) of f . Observe that (O, x) is normal,
since otherwise close points on the side with angle > /2 are at distance > |Ox|, and
on the side with angle < /2 are at distance < |Ox| (see Figure 9.2).
that the notion of a quasi-normal can be applied to all convex sets, not just convex
polygons. All results extend verbatim in this case. We will not use this generalization.
area(Y )
Since cm(X) = cm(Y ), we conclude that cm(X ) = cm(Y ) which is impossible
since X and Y lie on different sides of the line through a and b (see Figure 9.4).
Figure 9.4. Two polygons of equal area with two boundary intersection points; a polygon and a circle of equal area with the same center
of mass.
In a special case, the lemma gives the following corollary.
Corollary 9.7. Let X R2 be a convex set and let C be a circle centered at the
center of mass cm(X) with area equal to the area of X. Then C and X intersect in
at least four points.
Proof of Theorem 9.5. Let Q = A be a convex polygon as in the theorem and let C
be a circle of equal area centered at z = cm(A) as in the corollary. Since there are
at least four points of intersection of Q and C, the distance function f (x) = |zx| has
at least two different local maxima and two different local minima (see Figure 9.4).
This implies the result.
Observe that by analogy with the previous section, we can now easily adapt the
results to the smooth case:
Theorem 9.8. Let A R2 be a convex region bounded by a smooth convex curve
C = A, and let z = cm(A) be its center of mass. Then there exist at least four
normals from z to C.
Example 9.9. (Monostatic polytopes) One can ask whether Theorem 9.5 remains true in
higher dimensions. As it happens, it does not. Homogeneously lled polytopes in R3 which
are stable on only one face are called monostatic. Here is the construction of one such
polytope. Take a long cylinder with symmetrically slanted ends so that the resulting body
can be static only in one position as in Figure 9.5. One can use a polyhedral approximation
of the cylinder to obtain a monostatic polytope (see Exercise 9.12). Interestingly there are
no monostatic tetrahedra in R3 , but in higher dimensions there exist monostatic simplices
(see Exercise 9.10).
In a dierent direction, let us mention that there is no natural generalization of Lemma 9.6
to higher dimensions. Namely, there exist convex polytopes P and P of equal volume, such
9.4. Special cuts of special cakes. In the previous subsection we showed that for
every smooth convex curve C R2 , there exists a point (the center of mass of the
interior region) from which there exist at least four normals to C. On the other hand,
as the smoothened version of the heptagon in Figure 9.3 shows, not all points z in the
interior must have four normals to C. In fact, in most cases, there are infinitely many
points which have four or more normals (cf. Exercise 9.7). Below we find another
point z with four normals, special in its own way.
Let C R2 be a smooth closed curve in the plane. A cut is an interval connecting
two points on a curve. We say that a cut (x, y) is a double normal if C is orthogonal
to (x, y) at both ends. Think of the region inside C as a cake and of double normals
as of a way to cut the cake.
Theorem 9.10 (Double normals). Every smooth closed curve in the plane has at
least two double normals.
Let us discuss the result before proving it. First, finding one double normal is easy:
take the most distant two points on a curve. By Proposition 9.2, this cut must be
orthogonal to the curve at both ends. However, finding the second double normal is
less straightforward. Even though it is intuitively clear that it has to correspond to
some kind of minimum rather than maximum, one needs care setting this up.
where |K| denotes the length of the cut. By compactness, the min max condition is
achieved on some cut K = (x, y), i.e., there exists an angle and a cut K F such
that |K| = c. We claim that this cut is a double normal.
First, observe that the incidence angles of (x, y) are the same at both ends, i.e.,
the tangent lines Lx and Ly at x and at y are parallel. Indeed, otherwise consider
a parallel cut K F shifted in the direction where the sum of the angles is >
(see Figure 9.7). By the smoothness of C, for small shifts the length |K | > |K|, a
9.5. Playing pool on convex tables. One can think of the double normals as of a
billiard shot which returns back after two bounces off the curve boundary. Naturally,
one can ask for more general shots with three or more bounces. Formally, a polygon
inscribed into a smooth curve C is called a periodic billiard trajectory if the incidence
angles of the adjacent sides are equal (see Figure 9.8). Note that given one periodic
billiard trajectory, one can take a power of such trajectory, repeating it several times.
Trajectories which cannot be obtained that way are called irreducible.
where (R) is the sum of edge lengths of R. We claim that the maximum is achieved
on an irreducible periodic billiard trajectory R with exactly n sides. First, note
that Rn C n is a compact in R2n , so the maximum is well defined. Second, the
maximum is achieved on an n-gon, since otherwise one can replace one edge (x, y)
with any two edges (x, z) and (z, y), increasing the length of a polygon R. Finally,
since n is prime, the maximum is not a power of a smaller trajectory.
Now, for every two adjacent sides (x, z) and (z, y) of the polygon R, we will show
that the incidence angles with the curve are equal. Indeed, denote by E the ellipse
with x and y as its focal points and z on the boundary. In other words, ellipse E is
the set of points w R2 with |xw| + |wy| = |xz| + |zy|, and for all points v outside E
we have |xv| + |vy| > |xz| + |zy|. Since the polygon R is maximal, the ellipse E
must contain the curve C; otherwise we can replace (x, z) and (z, y) with some (x, v)
and (v, y). Since C is smooth, this implies that E and C must be touching each other
at z C, E with the same tangent line Lz . The result follows from the equal angle
property of ellipses (see Figure 9.9).
Theorem 9.13 (Birkhoff). For every smooth convex curve C = X and every two
points x, y X, there exist infinitely many distinct billiard trajectories from x to y.
This result is formally not a corollary from Theorem 9.12, but follows directly from
the argument in the proof above (see Exercise 9.3).
9.6. Playing pool with sharp corners. There are several ways to define billiard
trajectories in polygons, since it is unclear what happens if the trajectory enters a
vertex (the edge reflections are defined as before). One way is to simply forbid the
trajectory to go through the vertices. We call this the (usual) billiard trajectory in a
Conjecture 9.14. Every convex polygon has at least one periodic billiard trajectory.
This conjecture is classical and holds in many special cases (see Exercises 9.13
and 9.14), but is open even for triangles.24 Here is another closely related conjecture:
Conjecture 9.15. For every convex polygon X R2 and every two points x, y X,
there exists infinitely many distinct billiard trajectories from x to y.
| | ,
where and are the reflection angles as in Figure 9.10. The following analogues of
Birkhoff theorems follows along the same lines as the proof of Theorem 9.12.
triangles with angles at most 100 degrees this was proved by R. E. Schwartz (2005).
Theorem 9.16. For every convex polygon Q R2 , there exists a periodic quasibilliard trajectory inscribed into Q with exactly n sides, for every n 3.
Theorem 9.17. For every convex polygon Q = A, A R2 , and every two points
x, y A, there exist infinitely many quasi-billiard trajectories from x to y.
Note that the Birkhoff maximization construction when applied to polygons can
never produce the usual billiard trajectories since the maximum will always be achieved
at vertices. In other words, both theorems can be restated as existence results of vertex sequences which satisfy angle conditions as in ().
9.7. Exercises.
Exercise 9.1. [1-] a) Let Q R2 be a closed polygon and let e be the longest edge. Prove
that there exists a vertex v Q which projects onto e.
b) [1-] Deduce part a) from the proof of Theorem 9.11.
/ F,
c) [1] Find a convex polytope P R3 such that for every face F and vertex v of P , v
vertex v projects outside of F .
Exercise 9.2. a) [1-] Prove that every smooth convex curve C R2 has an inscribed
triangle = (xyz), such that a line tangent to C at each of these points is parallel to the
opposite edge of . For example, a line tangent to C at x must be parallel to (yz).
b) [1-] Show that every convex polygon Q R2 has three vertices which form a triangle ,
such that the line through either vertex of parallel to the opposite edge is supporting Q.
c) [1] Generalize a) and b) to higher dimensions.
Exercise 9.3. a) [1-] Prove Theorem 9.13.
b) [1] Give a direct proof of Theorem 9.16.
c) [1] Give a direct proof of Theorem 9.17.
d) [1] Deduce Theorem 9.12 from Theorem 9.16 by a limit argument.
d) [1] Deduce Theorem 9.16 from Theorem 9.12 by a limit argument.
Exercise 9.4. Prove or disprove:
a) [1-] Every smooth simple closed curve in R3 has a plane which touches it at three or
more points.
b) [1-] Every simple space polygon Q R3 has a plane L which contains three or more
vertices of C, such that all edges adjacent to these vertices either lie on L or on the same
side of L.
Exercise 9.5. Let X R2 be a convex set. We say that a point z X is central if every
chord through z is divided by z inside X with a ratio at most 2 : 1.
a) [1-] Prove that the center of mass cm(X) is central.
b) [1] Let be a triangle inscribed into X with maximal area. Prove that cm() is central.
Exercise 9.6. [2-] Let Q = A be a convex polygon, A R2 , and let z A be an interior
point. A triple of quasi-normals from z onto Q is called a tripod at z if they form an angle
of 2/3 with each other (see Figure 9.11). Prove that every convex polygon has a tripod at
some interior point.
Exercise 9.7. a) [1] Let Q = A, A R2 , be a convex polygon. Denote by x = cm(Q)
the center of mass of the curve with the uniform weights. Prove that there exist at least
four quasi-normals from x onto Q.
d) [1] Prove that there exist at least four normals from xr onto Q, for all r > 0. Same for
all zr .
Exercise 9.8. Let C R2 be a smooth convex curve.
a) [1+] Denote by x and y midpoints of the largest cut and the min max cut (as in the
proof of Theorem 9.10). Prove that there exist at least four normals from x onto C. Same
for y.
b) [2-] Prove that the circle is the only convex curve with a unique point with four normals.
Exercise 9.9. Let C R2 be a smooth convex curve. Denote by (C) the set of interior
points with exactly four normals to C.
a) [1] Compute (C) for an ellipse C.
b) [1+] Prove or disprove: (C) is always connected.
Exercise 9.10. (Stability of simplices) a) [2-] Prove that for every tetrahedron R3
the center of mass cm() projects onto at least two faces of P .
b) [1-] Construct a tetrahedron which when placed on a plane may roll twice.
c) [1] Construct a tetrahedron and an interior point O such that O projects only on
one of the faces.
d) [2-] Prove that for d large enough, there exists a d-simplex Rd which can stand
only on one facet, i.e., such that cm() projects onto only one face of .
e) [2] Prove that the dimension d in the previous part can be as small as 11, and must be
at least 8.
Exercise 9.11. [1-] Find a parallelepiped where all edges have equal lengths, such that it
can stand only on two opposite faces.
Exercise 9.12. (Stability of polygons and polytopes) a) [2-] Prove that every interior
point O in a regular n-gon Q projects onto at least two faces of Q.
b) [1+] Construct explicitly a convex polytope P R3 which can stand only on one face,
i.e., such that cm(P ) projects onto only one face of P (cf. Example 9.9).
c) [2+] Construct a convex polytope P R3 such that the distance from cm(P ) to P has
only one local minimum and one local maximum.
d) [1] Show that in the plane it is impossible to construct a polygon as in c).
Exercise 9.13. a) [1] Let R2 be an acute triangle in the plane and let T be a
triangle inscribed into T with vertices at the feet of the altitudes. Prove that T is a periodic
billiard trajectory. Prove that of all triangles inscribed into , triangle T has the smallest
b) [2-] Prove that there exists a quadrilateral periodic billiard trajectory in every tetrahedron with acute dihedral angles.
Exercise 9.14. [2] Let P R2 be a simple polygon with rational angles. Prove that P
has innitely many periodic billiard trajectories.
Exercise 9.15. [1] Prove that regular n-gon in the plane has exponentially many periodic
simple quasi-billiard trajectories.
Exercise 9.16. (Dense billiard trajectories) A billiard trajectory R in a convex polygon
Q R2 is called dense if for every x Q and > 0 there is a point y R such that
|xy| < .
a) [1] Prove that every billiard trajectory in a square is either dense or periodic.
b) [1+] Find a convex polygon Q R2 and a billiard trajectory that is neither dense nor
c) [2+] Prove or disprove: in a regular pentagon every billiard trajectory is either dense or
Exercise 9.17. a) [1+] Prove that in every smooth convex curve C there exists at least
two 3-sided periodic billiard trajectories inscribed into C.
b) [2-] Generalize this to two periodic billiard trajectories with larger number of sides.
c) [2-] Prove or disprove: in every convex polygon Q R2 there exists at least two 3-sided
periodic quasi-billiard trajectories.
Exercise 9.18. [2+] Let S R3 be a smooth convex surface. Prove that there exists a
point inside of S with at least four normals onto S.
Exercise 9.19 (Double normals in R3 ). [2+] Let S R3 be a smooth convex surface.
Prove that it has at least three double normals.
Exercise 9.20. a) [1-] Let C R2 be a convex cone. Prove that every billiard trajectory
in C has a nite number of reections.
b) [1] Generalize this to circular cones in R3 .
c) [1+] Generalize this to convex polyhedral cones in R3 .
Exercise 9.21. (Dual billiards) Let Q R2 be a convex set and let x1 be a point outside
of Q. Let x2 be a point such that (x1 x2 ) is a line supporting Q at a point which is a
midpoint of x1 and x2 . Note that there are two such x2 ; choose the one where Q is to the
right of the line. Repeat the construction to obtain x3 , x4 , etc. A sequence [x1 x2 x3 . . .] is
called a dual billiard trajectory (see Figure 9.12).
a) [1] Prove that when Q is a square, then every dual billiard trajectory is periodic.
b) [1] Same when Q is a triangle. Find all period lengths.
c) [1] Suppose Q is smooth and strictly convex. Prove that circumscribed n-gons of minimal area are periodic dual billiard trajectories. Conclude that there exist innitely many
periodic dual billiard trajectories.
d) [1] Extend part c) to self-intersecting n-gons. Show that for prime n 3 there exist at
least n1
2 n-gonal dual billiard trajectories.
A(Y ) = kw k, where w =
(1)j+i+1 y i y j , y i = Oyi .
For a smooth Q and odd n 3, let Y be the inscribed n-gon of maximal generalized area.
Show that the n-gon with edges tangent to Q at yi is an n-gonal dual billiard trajectory.
Extend this to generic polygons.
h) [2] Prove that for every regular polygon Q, all dual billiard trajectories are bounded (do
not go to innity).
i) [1+] Consider a quadrilateral Q with vertices (0, 1), (1, 0) and (, 0). Prove that for
Q, all dual billiard trajectories are periodic.
j) [2] In notation of i), nd a
/ Q and an unbounded dual billiard trajectory.
9.8. Final remarks. Theorem 9.5 seems to be due to Arnold who proved it via reduction
to the four vertex theorem (Theorem 21.1). See a sketch in [Arn2, 3] and a complete proof
in [VD1]. In fact, Lemma 9.6 was used in [Tab1] to prove the four vertex theorem.
For more on double normals see [CFG, A3, 4]. The number of special cuts in higher
dimensions remains an open problem. Our proof of Theorem 9.12 follows the presentation
in [KleW, 1.4]. The existence of monostatic polytopes in Example 9.9 was discovered
in [CGG]. Monostatic simplices in higher dimensions we studied in [Daw2].
The theory of billiards plays an important role in ergodic theory. We refer to [Tab6] for
a historical overview and an accessible introduction, and to [Tab2] for a good survey (see
also [Schw]). We return to billiard trajectories in the next section (see also some exercises
Finally, let us mention that it is often dicult to recognize and compare the direct (variational) arguments vs. the indirect (existence) arguments. While the indirect arguments
often have the advantage of being concise and amenable to generalizations, the direct arguments are often more elegant and can be implemented. We spend a great deal of the book
discussing both methods. For now, let us leave you with a few words of wisdom by Sun
Tzu [Sun]:
iV.5. In all ghting, the direct method may be used for joining battle, but
indirect methods will be needed in order to secure victory.
V.10. In battle, there are not more than two methods of attack the direct
and the indirect; yet these two in combination give rise to an endless series of
V.11. The direct and the indirect lead on to each other in turn. It is like moving in a circle you never come to an end. Who can exhaust the possibilities
of their combination?
These quotes are especially relevant to the proofs in Sections 3537.
10.2. Walking around and coming back. Suppose now S is a smooth convex
surface in R3 . Does it have closed geodesics? Does it have a closed geodesics without
self-intersections? (such geodesics are called simple).
Theorem 10.2 (Poincare). Every smooth convex body has at least one simple closed
Poincare proved this result in 1905 and conjectured that every convex body has at
least three simple closed geodesics (see Figure 10.2). Birkhoff later proved existence
of two such geodesics, but the conjecture was resolved by Lyusternik and Shnirelman
in 1929.
Theorem 10.3 (LyusternikShnirelman). Every smooth convex body has at least
three simple closed geodesics.
This result is highly technical and beyond the scope of this book.
10.3. Back to billiard trajectories. Let us give a connection between the double
normals theorem (Theorem 9.10) and the Lyusternik-Shnirelman theorem. Consider
a nearly flat convex body B with smooth boundary and an orthogonal projection C
(think of B as a cake obtained by fattening C). The geodesics now look like
billiard trajectories, as they alternate between the top and the bottom face of B
(see Figure 10.3). In this sense, special cuts defined in the previous section (see
Subsection 9.4) correspond to closed geodesics on B that alternate exactly once. The
double normals theorem now implies that B has at least two such closed geodesics.
One can ask what happened to the third closed geodesic as in the LyusternikShnirelman theorem. Well, it simply goes around the boundary of B.
Suppose now that S = P is the surface of a convex polytope P R3 . One can
ask what is known about closed geodesics on S. Given the poor state of art for the
periodic billiard trajectories on convex polygons, the following two conjectures are
hardly surprising and unlikely to be easy.
Proof. First, observe that the total sum of all face angles in a tetrahedron is equal to
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 4. Clearly, a simple closed geodesic on must separate either
one or two vertices. Suppose = (abc) goes around one vertex v1 (see Figure 10.5).
By Proposition 10.1, the angles at a, b and c are equal to on each side. Therefore
the sum of the face angles in a tetrahedron (v1 abc) is equal to 1 +4, a contradiction.
Proposition 10.9. Every doubly covered convex polygon has infinitely many closed
Similarly, Theorem 9.11 and the discussion in Subsection 10.3, implies the following
variation on the Lyusternik-Shnirelman theorem (Theorem 10.3).
Proposition 10.10. Every doubly covered convex polygon has at least three simple
closed quasi-geodesics.
The most general result in this direction in the following theorem, also beyond our
Theorem 10.11 (Pogorelov). Every convex polytope has at least three simple closed
10.6. Exercises.
Exercise 10.1. (Explicit constructions) a) [1-] Give an explicit construction of a polytope with no simple closed geodesics.
b) [1] Give an explicit construction of a polytope with no simple closed geodesics which has
a (non-simple) closed geodesic.
Exercise 10.2. [1-] Find a polytope P R3 with innitely many non-periodic closed
geodesics of distinct lengths. Further, nd P such that the number of self-intersections of
closed non-periodic geodesics on P is unbounded.
Exercise 10.3. a) [1+] Prove that the seven shortest geodesics on the unit cube have
squared lengths 16, 18, 20, 90, 148, 208 and 212.
b) [1+] Prove that all simple closed geodesics on the regular octahedron with edge lengths 1
have squared lengths 8 and 9.
c) [1+] Prove that all simple closed geodesics on the regular icosahedron with edge lengths 1
have squared lengths 25, 27 and 28.
Exercise 10.4. (Geodesics on equihedral tetrahedra) a) [1-] Prove that a tetrahedron has
three pairwise intersecting simple closed geodesics if an only if it is equihedral, i.e., has
congruent faces (cf. Exercise 25.12).
b) [2-] Two geodesics are called isotopic if they intersect edges of the polyhedron in the
same order. Prove that a tetrahedron has innitely many non-isotopic geodesics if and only
if it is equihedral.
c) [1] Show that one can perturb the equihedral tetrahedron so that the resulting tetrahedron has a nite number of non-isotopic geodesics, and this number can be arbitrary
d) [2-] Prove that a tetrahedron has innite simple (non-self-intersecting) geodesics if and
only if it is equihedral.
e) [2] Prove that a convex polytope P R3 has an innite simple geodesic if and only if P
is the equihedral tetrahedron.
10.7. Final remarks. For the details, history and references on closed geodesics and the
LyusternikShnirelman theory (including a simple proof of their main result) see [Kli]. We
refer to [Alb] for a readable account of the ideas. Unfortunately, both the Lyusternik
Shnirelman theorem and the proof in [Kli] are non-combinatorial in nature (and in some
sense not even geometric) since they employ parameterized curves, and use the parameter in
an essential way. Interestingly, in higher dimensions the number of simple closed geodesics
on convex surfaces in Rd has yet to be shown to match d2 , the smallest number of geodesics
the ellipsoids can have.
For Claim 10.7 and the related results see e.g., [Gal]. For more on quasi-geodesics see [A1]
and [AZa]. Pogorelovs Theorem 10.11 is proved in [Pog1] in the generality of all convex
surfaces (one can extend quasi-geodesics to this case). He uses approximation of general convex surfaces with smooth surfaces, which reduces the problem to the LyusternikShnirelman
theorem. We return to the study of closed geodesics on convex polytopes in Sections 25
and 40.
11.3. Circle packings are totally cool! Consider the following circle packing theorem often attributed to Koebe, Andreev and Thurston:
Theorem 11.4 (Circle packing theorem). Every planar graph G can be represented
in the plane by a collection of disjoint circles corresponding to vertices of G, with
edges of G corresponding to touching circles.
On the surface, this theorem has nothing to do with the Steinitz theorem. Here
is the connection. Start by making a stereographic projection of the circles onto a
sphere. This gives a corresponding collection of circles on a sphere. Now extend
planes through each of the circles. This gives a polytope whose edges correspond to
pairs of touching circles and in fact they touch a sphere at those points. In fact, this
polytope has a graph G , dual to the graph G in the theorem. This leads to the
following extension of the Steinitz theorem:
Theorem 11.5 (Schramm). Every 3-connected planar graph is a graph of a convex
polytope in R3 whose edges are all tangent to a unit sphere. Moreover, if we require
in addition that the origin is the barycenter of the contact points, such polytope is
unique up to rotations and reflections.
While the original proofs of both theorems are rather difficult, a recent proof by
Bobenko and Springborn of Schramms theorem via the variational principle is quite
elegant and relatively simple. Again, we do not include the proof and refer to [Zie2,
1.3] for a beautiful exposition.
11.4. Graph drawing is more than a game! When we talk about planar graphs,
one needs a little care as the edges of the graph can be drawn on a plane with lines,
polygonal arcs, curves, etc., and one has to give an argument that the notion of
planarity is in fact independent of the presentation. The following result is the best
one can hope for:
Theorem 11.6 (Fary). Every planar graph can be drawn on a plane with straight
non-intersecting edges.
It is not hard to prove the theorem directly, by starting with an outside edge and
the adjacent face, making it a convex polygon and adding points one face at a time
in such a way that the intermediate boundary remains convex (see Figure 11.3).
Slightly more carefully: take a dual graph, fix a vertex v on the boundary and orient
all edges towards v, creating a partial order on vertices. Now extend this order to a
linear order in any way and use this order to add the faces.
Note that this method of drawing graphs produces non-convex faces. The following
result may come as an initial surprise:
Theorem 11.7 (Tuttes spring theorem). Every 3-connected planar graph can be
drawn on a plane such that all interior faces are realized by non-overlapping convex
In fact, the result follows immediately from the Steinitz theorem. Simply take a
face F of the polytope P corresponding to the outside face, place it horizontally, and
Lemma 11.8. Let G be a connected graph with a set of vertices V , and let f : A R2
be fixed realization in the plane of nonempty subset A V of vertices. Then there
exists a unique realization of the whole graph such that all vertices in (V r A) are in
Note that the lemma does not require the graph to 3-connected or planar. In
fact, Figure 11.5 shows a (non-planar) Petersens graph with all 5 interior vertices
in equilibrium. Note that the resulting realization can he highly degenerate. For
example, when A consists of one or two vertices, the whole graph is realized in that
one point or on an interval between these two points, respectively.
where f (v) = (xv , yw ) denotes the coordinates of realization points. Note that E =
E(f ) is a convex quadratic everywhere nonnegative function. Let us show that in
fact E is strictly convex. Indeed, suppose one of the points, say f (w), w V , is far
from the origin: kf (w)Ok > C. Connect w to a1 by a path with at most n = |V |1
edges. Clearly, at least one of the edge lengths is longer than C/n, so E C/n.
Therefore, for sufficiently large C > 0 we have E(f ) > E(f0 ) for any fixed f0 and
kf f0 k > C.
We conclude that E is strictly convex with a positive definite Hessian matrix. Therefore, E has a unique minimum. Writing the minimality condition for a critical realization f : V R2 , we obtain:
(xv xw ) = 0,
(yv yw ) = 0.
wN (v)
wN (v)
Note that the variational principle approach quickly reduced the problem to a graph
theoretic question. In fact, we do not even need the uniqueness part in the lemma
just the existence of the equilibrium configuration. Formally, the rest of the Tutte
theorem follows from the following (difficult) lemma.
Lemma 11.9. Let G = (V, E) be a 3-connected planar graph and let f : V R2 be
its realization. Suppose the outside face F forms a convex polygon and the remaining
points in the realization are in equilibrium. Then all faces of G are disjoint convex
The lemma is proved by a delicate and technical graph theoretic argument which
we skip. Let us note, however, that Lemma 11.8 holds for all graphs, e.g., for a
complete graph Kn . On the other hand, the result of Lemma 11.9 obviously cannot
hold for non-planar graphs. Thus, planarity of G must be critical in the proof.
11.6. Exercises.
Exercise 11.1. Let P R3 be a simple convex polytope whose faces are quadrilaterals.
a) [1-] Prove that it has eight vertices.
b) [1] Prove that P is combinatorially equivalent to a cube.
c) [1] Prove that if seven vertices of P lie on a sphere, then so does the eighth vertex.
Exercise 11.2. [1] Let P R3 be a simple convex polytope such that every face can be
inscribed into a circle. Prove that P can be inscribed into a sphere.
Exercise 11.3. [1-] Let C R3 be a convex cone with four faces. Prove that C has an
inscribed sphere if and only if the opposite face angles have equal sums.
Exercise 11.4. a) [1+] Let P R3 be a convex polytope whose faces are colored in black
and white such that no two black faces are adjacent. Suppose the total area of black faces
is larger than the total area of white faces. Prove that P does not have an inscribed sphere.
b) [1-] Find an example of such polytope P .
c) [1-] Show that condition in part a) is necessary but not sucient, even if there is a
unique proper coloring of the faces.
Exercise 11.5. a) [1+] As above, let P R3 be a convex polytope whose faces are colored
in black and white such that no two black faces are adjacent. Suppose the number of white
faces is smaller than the number of black faces. Prove that P does not have an inscribed
b) [1-] Let Q be a parallelepiped and let P be obtained from Q by cutting o the vertices.
Use part a) to show that P does not have an inscribed sphere.
Exercise 11.6. a) [2] Let P be a convex polytope with graph , and let C be a simple
cycle in G. Prove that there exists a combinatorially equivalent polytope P , such that the
edges of the boundary of a projection of P correspond to C.
b) [1] Prove that the shape of the polygon in the projection cannot be prescribed in advance.
Exercise 11.7. a) [1] Prove that for all k 3, a plane can be partitioned into k-gons
b) [2] For every simplicial convex polytope P R3 , prove that the space R3 can be partitioned into polytopes combinatorially equivalent to P (face-to-face).
c) [2] For every convex polytope P R3 , prove that the space R3 can be dissected into
polytopes combinatorially equivalent to P (not necessarily face-to-face).
Exercise 11.8. (Innite F
ary theorem) [2-] Let G be an innite planar graph of bounded
degree. Prove that G can be drawn in the plane with straight edges. Check that this
generalizes part a) of the previous exercise.
11.7. Final remarks. Steinitz theorem was discovered by Ernst Steinitz in the late 1920s
and his manuscript was published posthumously in 1934 by Hans Rademacher. For a
traditional graph theoretic proof of the Steinitz theorem see e.g., [Gr
u4, 13.1], and for the
history of the Steinitz theorem see [Gr
u5]. An attractive presentation of the graph theoretic
proof is given in [Zie1, 4.3]. For the BobenkoSpringborn proof see [Zie2, 1] and [Spr]
(see also [Grub, 34]). An advanced generalization was obtained by Schramm, who showed
that the unit sphere plays no special role in Theorem 11.5, but in fact one can realize a
polytope with edges tangent to any smooth convex body [Schra]. For a complete proof of
Tuttes spring theorem, the proof of the Steinitz theorem, references and details see [Ric]
(see also [Tho2]).
The reason Theorem 11.4 is attributed to the three authors is because Koebe claimed it
in 1936, but proved it only for triangulations. Almost half a century later, in 1985, Thurston
gave a talk where he presented the theorem. He also noted in his book (which remained
unpublished for years) that the result follows easily from Andreevs results of the 1970.
Only then, with papers by Colin de Verdi`ere (1988), Schramm (1991), and others, the
result was brought into prominence. We refer to [Ber2] for an elementary introduction,
to [PacA, Ch. 8] for a nicely written standard xed-point type proof, and to [Spr, Zie2] for
the references.
It is interesting to note a fundamental dierence between the two variational proofs (of
Theorems 11.5 and 11.7). While in the proof of Tuttes theorem proving existence of an
equilibrium is easy, it is showing that the equilibrium is what we want that is hard. The
opposite is true in the Bobenko-Springborn proof (as well as in Schramms proof) it is
proving the existence of an equilibrium that is hard; showing that the equilibrium produces
a desired conguration is quite easy.
We say that the above algorithm constructs all points in An . The Gauss theorem
says that all geometric numbers (viewed as points in the plane) can be constructed
this way.
Now, the reason why the 17-gon can be constructed by ruler and compass lies in
(equivalently, cos 17
) is what we call a geometric number. We will
the fact that sin 17
skip the explanation of this and move to the proof of Theorem 12.1. The proof is,
in fact, completely straightforward and is included here as a motivation for further
results in this section.
Proof of Theorem 12.1. First, let us emulate the field operations. Starting with A0 =
{0, 1} we can obtain all of K0 = Q by using a finite number of additions, multiplications, subtractions and divisions. Let us show how to compute x + y, x, x y
and 1/x for every x, y C. The constructions of x + y, x can be done easily (see
Figure 12.1). To compute 1/x for complex x, first compute the argument x of 1/x
(line on which x lies), and then the norm 1/a, a = |x|. Similarly, for xy first compute
the argument, and then the norm a b, where a = |x| and b = |y|.
third p
side, 2 c, divided by 2 gives the desired norm. If c < 1, compute the inverse 1/c,
then 1/c by the method described above, and, finally, the inverse c.
2 c
12.3. Rationality is a popular, but not universal, virtue. Consider a finite set
of points A = {a1 , . . . , an } R2 and lines L = {1 , . . . , m } in the plane. A point
and line arrangement is a pair (A, L). From each point and line arrangement we can
record the set of incidence pairs
C = {(ai , j ) | ai j , 1 i n, 1 j m}
We call C a (plane) configuration and think of pair (A, L) as a realization of C over R.
It is important to emphasize that in a realization no additional incidences can be
created. So, for example, two different points in a configuration cannot be realized
by a single point in the plane.
Now, we can also consider realization of C over other fields, such as Q, C, or finite
fields Fq . Here is a natural question: Is it true that configurations realizable over C
are also realizable over R? What about R versus Fq ? What about different finite
fields? The answers to all these questions turns out to be a NO, as we show below.
Furthermore, in the next subsection we prove a universality result which shows that
the situation is much worse than it seems.
Formally, write a configuration C as a pair (V, E) where V = {v1 , . . . , vn } is a set of
points, and E = {e1 , . . . , em } 2V is a set of lines which can contain any subsets
of at least two points. There are natural combinatorial conditions on E such as, e.g.,
two lines containing the same two points must coincide, but we will not be concerned
with these. Also, we consider all projective realizations rather than affine realizations
as they are easier to work with. Of course, this does not affect realizability as we can
always take a projective linear transformation to move points away from the infinite
For a planar configuration C = (V, E) and a field K consider a map f : V KP2 .
Denote by f (ej ) a line spanned by some of its pairs points: f (ej ) = hf (vi ), f (vr )i
K2 , where vi , vr ej . We say that f is a (projective) realization over K if the following
condition is satisfied:
f (vi ) f (ej ) if and only if vi ej , for all vi V, ej E.
The following two examples illustrate how existence of realizations depends on the
field K.
Example 12.2. Consider the Fano conguration given in Figure 12.3. It can be easily
realized over F2 by taking all points on the 2-dimensional projective plane. By the Gallai
Sylvester theorem (Theorem 2.3), for every nite set of point in R2 not all on the same line,
there must be a line containing only two points. This immediately implies that the Fano
congurations cannot be realized over R. In other words, there is no way to straighten
the red line (456) circled in the gure.
12.4. Points and lines are really all you need. We will show that there exist configurations whose realizations are not nonrational, but in fact can be as complicated
as one wishes. To make this formal, consider all complex realizations f : V CP2
of a configuration C = (V, E)
We consider finite products of ratios of the following type:
... ,
|vi3 vi4 | |vi7 vi8 |
where the points in the same ratio must belong to the same line. For a polynomial
P Q[t], we say that configuration C satisfies the law of P if there exists a product ()
as above, such that P () = 0 for all complex realizations f of C.
For example, in the Fano configuration without line (456) (see Figure 12.3) consider
the ratio
|16| |24| |35|
|62| |43| |51|
The Ceva theorem states that = 1 in this case, the nicest law of all.
A different example is given by the Perles configuration. Consider the cross-ratio
on a projective line (1234) defined as follows:
|12| |14|
|32| |34|
Recall that cross-ratio is invariant under projective linear transformations. In Example 12.3, we showed that a projective linear transformation maps line (1234) into the
infinite line, with points 1, 2, 3, 4 mapped into t, 0, 1, , respectively. Hence = t,
where t is as in Figure 12.4. Thus, the calculations in the example above imply that
the cross-ratio satisfies 2 1 = 0, the golden law.
Theorem 12.4 (Configuration universality). For every polynomial P Q[t], there
exists a configuration C realizable over C which satisfies the law of P .
Proof. We will draw the pictures over R for simplicity, but the whole construction
can be done over C. Fix a coordinate system by adding points and lines as in
Figure 12.5. Any complex realization of this configuration can be moved into this
one, with lines x = (w1 w2 w3 ) and y = (w1 w4 w6 ) being coordinate axes, an infinite
line (w3 w6 ), and |w1w2 | = |w1w4 | = 1. The main idea of the proof is to construct a
configuration CP starting with this coordinate system which would have points t and
have P (t) to be identically 0 (see Figure 12.5). Just like in the proof of Theorem 12.1,
we will show that it is possible to add, subtract, multiply numbers and divide by an
integer. At each step we add lines and points (including those at infinity if the lines
are parallel) so that in every realization, the points of the configuration model the
arithmetic operations. See Figure 12.6 for a step by step addition and multiplication.
For the addition of a and b make a line parallel to the y-axis (that is going through
point a and an infinite point w6 ) and take the intersection v with the y = 1 line, i.e.,
with the line (w4 w5 ). Now, adding lines (w4 a) and a parallel line through v, i.e., a
line though v and an intersection with the infinite line (w3 w6 ), gives the desired point
(0, a+b) on the x-axis. Similarly, for multiplication, obtain a point (b, 0) on the y-axis
P (t) = 0
a b
a b
O 1a b
O 1 a b
a b
a b
is always possible to proceed with this without ever creating any extra equations.
We leave all this aside. The main point of this subsection is to emphasize that in a
certain sense (which can be made completely formal), all algebraic varieties over Q
are encoded by finite configurations.
12.5. Polytopes can also be irrational! Let P Rd be a convex polytope, and
let L be the poset (lattice) of faces of P . We say that P Rd is combinatorially
equivalent to P if they have the same poset L. We say that P is realizable over a
subfield K R if there is a polytope P combinatorially equivalent to P , such that
all coordinates of P lie in K. As it turns out, just like in case of realizations of points
and lines, there exist polytopes which satisfy any prescribed law.
Theorem 12.5 (Perles, Mnev). There exists a polytope P Rd which cannot be
realized over Q. Moreover, there exists a polytope P Rd which cannot be realized
over any finite extension of Q.
Perles configuration (see Example 12.3) appeared in his original construction of
an irrational polytope. This result may seem harder and unintuitive since in three
dimensions this cannot happen: Corollary 11.3 of the Steinitz theorem asserts that
all convex 3-dimensional polytopes are rational. Let us show first how to construct
a polytope from a point and line configuration, and establish a direct map between
their realization spaces.
The Lawrence construction. Think of a plane configuration C as a collection of vectors
V = {v1 , . . . , vn } R3 , obtained by mapping points (x, y) into (x, y, 1). Clearly, three
points lie on a line if they are mapped into linearly dependent vectors. Now consider
a vector space R3 Rn with the configuration C in R3 , and an auxiliary space Rn
spanned by vectors w1 , . . . , wn . Now consider a polytope PC given by a convex hull
of points
xi = (vi , wi), yi = (vi , 2wi), where xi , yi R3 Rn , 1 i n.
The polytope PC has a special combinatorial structure so that the linear relations (on
vertices) inherit all linear relations of C. To see this, notice that points {xi , yi | i I}
are always in convex position, and thus they lie on a facet if and only if
(2xi yi ) =
(vi , O) = (O, O),
12.6. Exercises.
Exercise 12.1. [1] Prove that the center of a circle can be constructed by using only a
compass (i.e., without a ruler).
Exercise 12.2. a) [1+] Prove that using the ruler, compass and angle-trisector one can
construct a regular heptagon.
b) [2] Prove that a real cubic equation can be solved geometrically using a ruler, compass
and angle-trisector if and only if its roots are all real.
Exercise 12.3. a) [1] Suppose a1 , . . . , an > 0. Find the necessary and sucient conditions
for the existence of an n-gon with these edge lengths to be inscribed into a circle.
b) [2-] Prove that for n 5, the radius of this circle cannot be constructed with a ruler
and a compass (given edge lengths ai ).
Exercise 12.4. [1+] A geometry problem asks to use a ruler and compass to nd a square
with two vertices on each of the two given non-intersecting circles. Show how to solve it or
prove that this is impossible in general.
Exercise 12.5. [1] The y = x2 parabola is given, but the axes are erased. Reconstruct the
axes using ruler and compass.
Exercise 12.6. [1] Prove that a regular pentagon cannot be realized in Q3 . Conclude that
the regular icosahedron cannot be realized in Q3 .
Exercise 12.7. [1] The Pappus theorem states that for every two triples of points on two
lines: a, b, c L and a , b , c L the points of intersection of x = (a, b )(a , b), y = (a, c )
(a , c), z = (b, c ) (b , c) must lie on a line. Remove this extra line to obtain a conguration
with nine points and eight lines. Convert the Pappus theorem into a realizability result of
this conguration over R. Can this conguration be realized over C or over a nite eld?
Exercise 12.8. [2] Find a (self-intersecting) polyhedral surface in R3 which cannot be
realized over Q.
Exercise 12.9. [2-] Find the analogue of Theorem 12.4 for polytopes. In other words,
prove a universality type theorem which extends Theorem 12.5.
12.7. Final remarks. Thinking of Theorem 12.1 as a universality result is a classical idea
(see [CouR, Ch. III 2]). Our writing was inuenced by a terric essay [Man]. Let us
mention a well-known result by Mohr and Mascheroni, which asserts that every construction
with a ruler and a compass is possible using a compass alone (see [CouR, Ch. III 5]).
In a dierent direction, Steiner showed that given a xed circle and its center, all the
constructions in the plane can be carried out by the ruler alone. We refer to classical
textbooks [Bieb, Leb2] for these and other results on geometric constructions (see also [Adl,
Schr1]), and to [Hun, Kos, Mar, Smo] for an introduction (see also nice exercises in [CouR,
Ch. IV 7]). Finally, an interesting complexity result comparing capabilities of two tools is
given in [ABe].
Realizability of point and line congurations over elds is a part of the much more general
subject of matroid theory. In a dierent direction, connections between various geometries
go beyond realizability over elds, as there exist geometries without Desargues theorem,
etc. [Hil, Kag2].
What we call Perles conguration is the point and line conguration which appears in
Perless construction of the rst non-rational polytope [Gr
u4, 3.5]. Theorem 12.4 is a weak
version of the Mnev Universality Theorem. For the introduction to the Mnev theorem and
the Lawrence construction see [Zie1, 6.6] and the original paper [Mnev]. The full proof of
the Mnev theorem, further extensions and references can be found in [Ric].
Figure 13.1. Two realizations of the same linkage with two fixed
point a and b.
Let us make few remarks before we formalize the setup and state the main theorem.
First, we always assume that the linkage is connected and has at least one fixed joint.
Because of the metric constraints one cannot hope to obtain an unbounded curve,
such as a parabola. Similarly, the resulting curve can be disconnected (this is in fact
the case for the linkage in Figure 13.1, where joint 1 cannot be continuously pushed
down); while the pen analogy no longer makes sense, we will consider all connected
components together as parts of the curve. Finally, in contrast with the point and line
configurations, we will allow all possible degeneracies such as intersections of bars,
overlap of joints, etc.
Formally, define a linkage L to be a graph G = (V, E) and a length function
L : E R+ , where we denote the length of the edge e = (v, w) by e = L(e). Fixed
points are the vertices H V and a function h : H R2 . A realization of linkage L
is a function f : V R2 such that f (v) = h(v) for all v H, and the distance of the
image of an edge |f (v) f (w)| = e for all e = (v, w) E. By ML denote the space of
realizations of L.
can also talk about general semi-algebraic regions which can be drawn in the plane this
way. We will restrict ourselves to curves for simplicity.
n X
i=0 j=0
We say that linkage L draws curve C if the space of realizations of some joint v V ,
defined as ML (v) = {f (v) | f ML } lies on C, i.e. F (x, y) = 0 for all (x, y)
ML (v). Finally, we say that curve C is mechanical if every compact subset X C
lies in the realization space of a joint of a linkage which draws C: X ML (v) C.
Theorem 13.1 (Linkage universality). Every algebraic curve C R2 is mechanical.
The idea of the proof is roughly similar to that of the configuration universality
theorem (Theorem 12.4). We will construct a linkage with two degrees of freedom
along axes x and y. We place the pen into a joint which will always be located
at (x, y). This linkage will also have a joint z located at (F (x, y), 0) on axis x. Once
we fix the point z at the origin O, we obtain the desired linkage.
Outline of the proof. Let us start with some basic remarks. First, in the definition of
linkages, the bars are allowed to connect only in the joints. On the other hand, by
rigidifying the bars we can also connect them to the middle of bars as in Figure 13.2.
Thus, from now on we can always allow joints in the middle of bars.
Finally, in our linkages we will never specify the absolute lengths of the bars, only
their relative lengths to ensure the realizations lie on a given curve C. It is easy to see
that the lengths can be taken large enough to satisfy the conditions of the theorem.
Let us start constructing a linkage by making a frame. Fix the joint at the origin O,
and let x and y be the point at the end of the rhombi (Oaxb) and (Ocyd), as in
Figure 13.4, with sides 1 and 2 . Later we will ensure that these points are moved
only along the corresponding axes. We will also need to obtain point y along the x
axis, and at distance |yO| from the origin. We do this as in Figure 13.4,
by adding
an equal rhombus (Ocy d ) and adding bars (cc ) and (dd ) of length 22 , to form
right equilateral triangles (cOc) and (dOd).
(x + y)2 (x y)2 ,
= 2
z 1
Finally, the celebrated Peaucellier inversor shown in Figure 13.6, models the inversion
z = (a2 b2 )/x. Indeed, for the height of the triangle we have:
= b
h = a
xz =
= a2 b2 ,
Figure 13.6. Adder z = x + y and inversor z = (a2 b2 )/x.
is an often overlooked problem with the Peaucellier inversor which has to do with the
central rhombus collapsing. Even if the rhombus is rigidied as above, one can still rotate the sides
around the center. Attaching two extra edges to the opposite vertices in the rhombus prevents that;
we leave the details to the reader.
It remains to show that we can have joints x and y move along the axis, an assumption we used in the beginning. In fact, drawing a straight line is historically the
hardest part of the proof. This can be done by a linkage as in Figure 13.7. To see
why the linkage draws a straight line, note that the main part of it is the Peaucellier
inversor, which maps the dotted circle into a dotted line (i.e., a circle of infinite
a) [1-] Prove that if a sequence (1 , . . . , n ) L then so does every permutation ((1) , . . . , (n) ),
Sn .
b) [2-] Prove that (1 , . . . , n ) L if and only if
13.4. Final remarks. The study of linkages is long, classical and exciting. It became
popular with Watts discovery in 1784 of a linkage which approximately translates a forward
into a circular motion. This mechanical linkage has been used in trains and is still in use
in many car models. Chebyshev studied Watts linkage for thirty years and introduced his
own linkages. Interestingly, he believed that a linkage which draws a line is impossible to
construct and introduced the Chebyshev polynomials in an eort to approximate the line
with low degree polynomials. Somewhat unusually, Peaucellier announced his discovery in
a letter in 1871 without a hint to the actual construction, so in 1873 it was independently
rediscovered by Lipkin. We refer to [CouR, Ch. III 5.4] and [HilC, 40] for the introductory
treatment, and to a celebrated lecture by Kempe [Kem] who essentially proved our linkage
universality theorem (Theorem 13.1). For the story of interesting polyhedral linkages in
three dimensions see [Gol1].
The universality of linkages idea was rst proposed by Kempe and Lebesgue (see above),
and was revived by Thurston who popularized it with a saying there exists a linkage which
signs your name[King]. These results were recently extended and formalized in a powerful
paper by Kapovich and Millson [KM4] (see also [King]). Our Theorem 13.1 is a toy version
of their results, which are much more technical and precise. On the other hand, the basic
idea can already be seen in the proof above. Finally, the connection between spherical
linkages and planar congurations was found in [KM2].
Let us mention that throughout history kinematics has been an honorable eld of study,
and some of the linkages described above (such as the pantograph) have been used in
practice. One can also use the linkages to make various computations and until very recently
such linkage based machines were still in use in navigation and other elds [Svo].28 From
a theoretical point of view, the universality theorem shows that mechanical computers in a
certain sense can nd roots of all algebraic equations over R. Fortunately, digital computers
do a much better job.
1948 the author of the Math. Review on [Svo] praised them as the most economical, reliable
and sturdy machines.
14. Triangulations
In this short section we introduce and study Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations, some of the most basic constructions in computational geometry. They will
be used later in Section 21 in the proof of the four vertex theorem, and in Section 40
to study non-overlapping unfoldings of convex polyhedra. We also study the flips
(local moves) on the planar and regular triangulations. Flips are an important tool
which will prove useful later in Section 17.
14.1. Flips on planar triangulations. Let X R2 be a set of n points in the
plane. Denote by T (X) be the set of triangulations T of conv(X), such that vertices
of triangles in T are all in X, and every point in X appears as a vertex of at least
one triangle in T . We call these full triangulations. Define a flip (also called 2-move)
to be a transformation T1 T2 on triangulations T1 , T2 T (X) which replaces one
diagonal of a convex quadrilateral with another one (see Figure 14.1).
by induction. Not only is this a special case of Theorem 14.1, but also of Theorem 14.10
presented below. Recall that the ips in this case correspond to edges of the associahedron,
a simple (n 3)-dimensional convex polytope (see Example 8.5 and Exercise 8.2). By
Balinskis theorem (Theorem 8.8), this implies that the ip graph Gn is (n 3)-connected.
By construction, cells Di are open, possibly unbounded convex polygons (see Figure 14.3). Clearly, for X in general position no four cells of the Voronoi diagram
VD(X) meet at a point.
Lemma 14.7 (Local convexity criterion). Suppose : conv(X) R and the surface S defined above is convex at every diagonal in T . Then S is a lower convex
hull of points {(x, (x)), x A}.
In other words, the lemma is saying that the local convexity condition on S (at
every diagonal) implies the global convexity of S. One can think of this result as a
3-dimensional generalization of Exercise 24.2, and the proof follows similar lines29
Proof. Let us first show that the cones Cx at every interior vertex x = (vi , (vi )) of
S are convex. Take x and intersect the neighborhood of x in S with a small sphere.
The intersection is a simple spherical polygon with all angles < . By the spherical
analogue in Exercise 24.2, this implies that the cone Cx is convex.
Let P = {(x, z), x A, z (x)} be the set of points above S . Proving that P
is convex implies the result. Suppose P is not convex. Let us use a version of the
argument as in the proof of Exercise 24.2. Then there exist two interior points x, y P
such that the shortest path between x and y inside P is not straight. Denote by y
a point on the surface S where is locally not straight. Now note that neither y can
reader might want to solve the exercise rst, or at least read the hint.
lie in the vertices of S because the cones are convex, nor on the edges of S , because
all dihedral angles are < , nor on faces of S , a contradiction.
14.4. Increasing flips and the proof of Theorem 14.1. Suppose (vi vj vk ) and
(vj vk vr ) are triangles in a triangulation T T (X), such that vr lies inside a circle circumscribed around (vi vj vk ). In other words, more symmetrically, suppose
vj vi vr + vi vr vk < vi vj vk + vj vk vr . A flip replacing (vi , vk ) with (vj , vr ) is
called increasing (see Figure 14.5). Observe that we can make an increasing flip if an
only if xk lies in the circle circumscribed around (vi vj vr ).
Proof of Theorem 14.1. Fix a triangulation T T (X). We will show that starting
with T , after at most n2 increasing flips, we can always obtain
This implies
that every two triangulations are connected by at most 2 2 < n flips.
Let S = S be the surface defined as above. Suppose there exists an increasing flip
T T , replacing some (vj , vk ) with some (vi vr ). Observe that the resulting surface
S lies directly below S, and, in particular, below the edge (vj , vk ). Continue making
flips. From above, the edges of the flips are never repeated, and after at
most n2 flips we obtain a triangulation without increasing flips. By the lemma, this
must be the Delaunay triangulation DT(X).
Remark 14.9. (Delaunay triangulations in higher dimensions). For a set of points X
Rd , d 3, the denitions of Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulations extend nearly
verbatim (see Exercise 14.2). The same goes for the empty sphere criterion (Corollary 14.6
and the Delaunay triangulation construction (Theorem 14.5).
Unfortunately, the increasing ips argument (Lemma 14.8) does not hold in full generality.
Figuring out what goes wrong is dicult to see at rst. That is because the intuitively
obvious local convexity criterion no longer holds (see Exercise 14.3). In fact, the analogue
of Theorem 14.1 is an open problem for triangulations of convex polytopes in R3 . It fails
for general sets X R3 (that are not necessarily in convex position), and for convex X in
higher dimensions (see Subsection 14.7).
For the rest of this section we take d = 3; already in R3 , the flips on triangulations
are no longer obvious. Take a bipyramid with two triangulations T1 and T2 as in
Figure 14.6, with two and three tetrahedra, respectively. Define the 23 move T1 T2
to be a local transformation between them.
Exercise 14.4. (Inverse Voronoi diagrams and inverse Delaunay triangulations) Let
X R2 be a nite set of points in general position. Subdivide the plane into cells according
to the furthest point in X. For this inverse Voronoi diagram dene the corresponding
inverse Delaunay triangulation IDT(X).
a) [1] Prove the full circle condition, the analogue of Proposition 14.4.
b) [1] Give a paraboloid style construction of IDT(X), the analogue of Theorem 14.5.
c) [1] Dene decreasing ips to be the inverse of increasing
ips. Prove that every triangulation T T (X) is connected to IDT(X) by at most n2 decreasing ips.
Exercise 14.5. (Double chain conguration) a) [1] Let Xn R2 be the set of n = 2k
points as in Figure 14.7. Prove that the edges as in the gure must be present in every full
triangulation of conv(Xn ). Conclude that the number of full triangulations is equal to
2k 2
|T (Xn )| =
where Cn = n+1
n is the Catalan number (see Example 8.5).
b) [1+] Prove that the diameter of the ip graph on T (Xn ) is (n2 ).
Exercise 14.6. [1] Let T be a full triangulation of a convex n-gon with k interior points
x1 , . . . , xi . Suppose every interior point xi is adjacent to at least 6 triangles in T . Prove
that k = O(n2 ).
Exercise 14.7. (Number of planar triangulations) a) [2-] Prove that for every X R2 in
general position, the number of full triangulations is at least exponential: |T (X)| = e(n) .
b) [2] Prove that for every X R2 , the number of full triangulations is at most exponential:
|T (X)| = eO(n) .
2(4n 3)!
n!(3n 1)!
Exercise 14.14. (Acute triangulations) Let Q R2 be a convex polygon. An acute (nonobtuse) triangulation of a polygon Q R2 is a triangulation of Q into acute (acute or right)
triangles (see Figure 14.8). Dene the acute dissections similarly.
b) [1-] Show that part b) is false for non-simply connected regions. Dene by analogy the
domino tilings in R3 and construct a counterexample to 2-move connectivity for simply
connected 3-dimensional regions. Moreover, show that for every k there exist a simply
connected region in Z3 with exactly two domino tilings, and which requires the moves of at
least k dominoes.
c) [1] Color the squares in in a checkerboard fashion and orient counterclockwise.
Dene a height function h : Z by the following rule. Start at any xed point a
and let h(a) = 0. Now, when going around a black square add 1, when going around a
white square subtract 1 (see Figure 14.9). Prove that for every tileable region function h
is well dened. Show that for every tiling it extends to all (integer) points in . Check what
happens to the height function when a 2-move is applied.
-1 -2 -1 -2 -1
0 1 0 1
2 3 2
-1 -2 -1 -2 -1
0 1 0 1
2 3 2
a) [2] Dene 2-moves on the tilings to be exchanges of two trominoes by another two. Prove
that all ribbon tromino tilings of a rectangle are connected by 2-moves.
b) [2] Extend a) to all simply connected regions .
b) [1] Conclude from a) that in any tiling of , the number of ribbon trominoes of the
second type minus the number of ribbon trominoes of the third type is a constant c()
independent of the tiling.
c) [1] Denote by n the staircase shaped region as in Figure 14.10. Show that whenever
area(n ) is divisible by 3, the region n is tileable by ribbon trominoes.
d) [1] Find all n for which n is tileable by ribbon trominoes of the second and the third
more standard name for these subdivisions is zonotopal tilings, since they extend to general
zonotopes (see Exercise 7.16).
e) [2-] When P is deformed, one can also deform a mosaic. Prove that there exists a mosaic
which is not regular for all deformations.
Exercise 14.26. [1] Let P be a centrally symmetric convex polygon. Consider a subdivision
of P into nitely many centrally symmetric polygons. Use Exercise 2.3 to prove that this
tiling has at least 3 parallelograms.
14.7. Final remarks. Voronoi diagrams are named after the Georgy Voronoy who introduced them in 1908. In a dierent context they were studied much earlier, most notably by
Descartes (1644) and Dirichlet (1850). Similarly, Delaunay triangulations are named after
Boris Delone (note another dierence in spelling), who proved the empty sphere criterion
(Exercise 14.2) in 1934. According to Dolbilin, this result was repeatedly rediscovered in the
West, but after Coxeter received a letter from Delone, he read and popularized the original
papers of Voronoy and Delone. For more on Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations,
their history, applications and references see [Aur, AurK].
The inverse Voronoi diagrams (and dual to them inverse Delaunay triangulations) dened
in Exercise 14.4, go back to the foundational paper [ShaH]. They are usually called the
furthest site or the farthest point Voronoi diagrams [AurK].
The local convexity criterion (Lemma 14.7) is a discrete version of a classical result by
Hadamard (1897), further generalized by Tietze (1928), Nakajima (1928) and others. We
refer to [KarB] for further references.
The ip (local move) connectivity on full triangulations has been also extensively studied
in the literature [San2]. In particular, in dimension d 5 the ip graph can be disconnected,
and there is an evidence that this might be true even for d = 3. For more on various classes of
triangulations, in particular regular triangulations, and connections to other elds see [DRS]
(see also [San2]).
The full triangulations (triangulations with a xed set of vertices) have also been studied
at length in connection with A-discriminants and variations on the theme. The height functions and regular triangulations (see Exercise 14.20) play important roles in the eld. We
refer the reader to [GKZ], where many of these fundamental results were rst summarized
(a number of connections and applications have appeared since [GKZ]).
Let us mention here the mosaics (zonotopal tilings) dened in Exercise 14.25. In a certain
precise sense, the regular mosaics are projections of the top 2-dimensional faces of a
hypercube. In a dierent direction, the mosaics correspond to the pseudoline arrangements,
while regular mosaics are dual to stretchable pseudoline arrangements. We refer to [Bj
for further results and references.
Finally, the local move connectivity plays an important role in the modern study of nite
tilings. In some special cases one can use the height functions and combinatorial group
theory to establish that certain local moves connect all tilings of a given region by a xed
set of tiles. Some examples are given in Exercises 14.23 and 14.24. See [Pak3] for these and
other tiling results, and the references.
Q = m
i=1 Qi ,
this and next section, convexity plays no role and can be weakened to any nite
union of convex polytopes. The results and proofs extend verbatim. Still, we decided to keep this
condition for the clarity of exposition.
32Throughout the section we assume that congruent polytopes must have the same orientation.
In fact, every two mirror symmetric polytopes are scissor congruent, so the reader can ignore the
dierence (see Exercise 15.3).
33Here and throughout the next three sections, when we speak of a disjoint union of polytopes
we ignore the boundary.
Motivated by his study of foundations of geometry Hilbert noted that this result
can be used to define the area of polygons in a combinatorial way, by setting the area
of a square and axiomatizing the scissor congruence. On the other hand, he recalled
that the Archimedes method of exhaustion for computing the volume of a pyramid
involved essentially taking the limits (cf. Exercise 15.1). In his famous list of open
problems, the third problem asked whether one can avoid taking limits and use scissor
congruence once again. The same year Hilbert posed the problem, it was resolved by
Dehn in the negative:
Theorem 15.2 (Dehn). A cube and a regular tetrahedron of the same volume are
not scissor congruent.
In this section we give elementary proofs of both theorems.
15.2. Even seamsters could use some group theory. While one can view the
BolyaiGerwien theorem as a reasonably hard exercise in elementary geometry, and
find one of the numerous ad hoc proofs, we decided to employ a more enlightening
(even if a bit postmodern) approach to obtain this classical result. Let us start with
the following easy observation.
Lemma 15.3. Let be a discrete group acting on Rd , and suppose convex polytopes P
and Q are fundamental regions of the action of . Then the polytopes are scissor
congruent: P Q.
15.3. Cutting polygons into pieces. Now we are ready to prove Theorem 15.1.
We need the following steps:
0) triangulate every convex polygon;
1) show that every triangle with side a and height h is scissor congruent to a
parallelogram with side a and height h/2;
2) show that every two parallelograms with the same side and height are scissor
3) show that a union
of two squares with sides a and b is scissor congruent to a
square with side a2 + b2 .
Let us show that these steps suffice. Indeed, after step 0) we can start with a
triangle T and convert it into a parallelogram B with
sides a b. Denote by h the
height of B, so that area(B) = ha, and let t = ha. Clearly, h b t. By 2),
parallelogram B is scissor congruent to a parallelogram D with sides a and t, and
height h. Similarly, D is scissor congruent to a square with side t. Finally,
p using 3)
repeatedly one can assemble all the squares into one big square S with sides area(P ).
Therefore, P S Q, which implies the result.
The proof of 1), 2), 3) is easy to understand from the next three figures. In Figure 15.1 let 1 Z2 be a group of translations preserving the colored triangles (or
parallelograms), and let 2 be a Z2 -extension of 1 obtained by adding a central reflection with respect to the origin, which switches colors. Now both the white triangle
and the white parallelogram are fundamental regions of 2 , and the lemma implies
that they are scissor congruent. The last of the three pictures in Figure 15.1 shows
the working of the lemma in this case.
(b, a). The square with side a2 + b2 is another fundamental region of . Now the
lemma implies their scissor congruence (see Figure 15.3).
To summarize, we just showed all three congruences 1), 2), and 3) as above can be
obtained from Lemma 15.3. This completes the proof of Theorem 15.1.
3 4
where the second equality follows from the congruences Pi Qi . We will calculate
in two different ways and compare the results.
Denote by E the set of all edges in the subdivisions of P andPQ. Let i (e) be the
dihedral angle in polytope Pi , at edge e E. Define by (e) = i i (e). We have:
m X
i (e) =
i=1 eE
Now observe that (e) = 2 when e is an interior edge, (e) = when e is on the
boundary of P , and (e) = s when e es is the (usual) edge of P . We conclude:
By the same argument for the decomposition of Q, since all dihedral angles are equal
to /2 in this case, we obtain that = l/2 for some l N. This implies that P is
fortunate, as desired.
In the general case, suppose we have vertices which subdivide the edges of Pi into
intervals. By analogy with the previous case, denote these intervals by e, and the
set of intervals by E. Let e = |e| denote the lengths of the intervals. Similarly, for
the decomposition of Q, denote by E the resulting set of intervals e , and by e their
Sublemma 15.6. Let P = i Pi and Q = i Qi are polytope decompositions into
congruent polytopes Pi Qi , and Q is a cube. Suppose the lengths of all intervals are
rational: e , e Q for all e E, e E . Then P is fortunate.
Proof of Sublemma 15.6. Taking the previous proof as guidance, we now modify the
definition of to be as follows:
m X
m X
e i (e), =
e i (e ),
i=1 eE
i=1 e E
Let us first
Pshow that = . For a polytope X with the set of edges U = E(X),
let (X) = uU u (u) be the sum of the dihedral angles in X weighted by the
length u of the edges u. We have
e i (e) =
u i (u) =
(Pi ) ,
i=1 uE(Pi ) eE , eu
i=1 uE(Pi )
where the second equality follows by additivity of the interval length along the edge,
and because the dihedral angles are equal along the same edge. We conclude:
(Pi ) =
(Qi ) = ,
i e i (e).
Since all lengths e are rational, by the same argument as above we conclude that
cs s + r , for some c1 , . . . , cN , r Q+ .
Proof of Lemma 15.4. In full generality, suppose now the interval lengths e are not
necessarily rational. We now change the definition of once again, substituting
values of a general function f : E R and g : E R in place of the interval lengths:
m X
m X
f =
f (e) i (e) , g =
g(e) i (e ) .
i=1 eE
i=1 e E
If we can find positive functions f, g as above so that f (e), g(e) Q+ for all e E
and e E , and such that = , the result of the lemma then follows by the same
argument as in the proof above.34
Let us write the conditions the functions f, g need to satisfy to guarantee f = g .
Again, by the argument in the proof above, it suffices to check that the sum along
the edge u E(Pi ) is equal to that along the corresponding edge u E(Qi ):
f (e) =
eE , eu
e E , e u
Think of () as a set of linear equations for the values f (e), g(e) which must hold
for all polytopes Pi and all edges u E(Pi ). Because e is an obvious positive real
solution of (), there is also a positive rational solution of (). From above, this
finishes the proof of the lemma.
15.5. Exercises.
Exercise 15.1. (Method of exhaustion) [1-] Let P, Q R3 be two convex polytopes
such that vol(P ) < vol(Q). Prove that there exists a polytope P Q, such that P P .
Exercise 15.3. (Mirror symmetry) [1] Let P, P R3 be two polyhedra which are
congruent up to a mirror symmetry. Prove that P P .
need positivity to ensure that all coecients ci > 0 in the denition of a fortunate polytope.
Exercise 15.6. (Zonotopes) [1-] By Exercise 7.16, recall that every zonotope can be subdivided into parallelepipeds. Use Exercise 15.4 to conclude that every zonotope is scissor
congruent to a cube.
Exercise 15.7. (HadwigerGlur ) Two polytopes P, Q Rd are called T -congruent if
they are unions of a nite number of simplices which are equal up to translations. They are
called S-congruent if central symmetries are also allowed.
a) [1] Prove the following extension of Theorem 15.1: every two polygons P, Q R2 of the
same area are S-equivalent.
b) [1+] Prove that a convex polygon Q R2 is T -congruent to a square of equal area if and
only if Q is centrally symmetric.
c) [1+] Prove that every parallelepiped in R3 is T -congruent to a cube of equal volume.
d) [2-] Prove that a convex polytope P R3 is T -congruent to a cube of equal volume is
and only if P is a zonotope.
Exercise 15.8. Two polytopes P, Q Rd are called D-congruent if P can be decomposed
into smaller polytopes which can then rearranged to Q, such that the boundary points
remain on the boundary. Think of the boundary P as painted, so the goal is to keep the
paint outside (see Figure 15.4).35
a) [1+] Prove that notched cube R(a1 , . . . , ad ) can tile the whole space Rd , for all ai as
b) [2-] Find all such tilings.
c) [1] Prove that no notched cube can tile a brick.
Exercise 15.12. (Reptiles) A (non-convex) polytope P Rd is called a reptile if it can
tile a copy cP of the same tile, for some c > 1. The order of a reptile is the smallest number
N = cd needed for such a tiling.
a) [1-] Prove that every triangle is a reptile of order 4.
b) [1-] Prove that a trapezoid with sides 2, 1, 1 and 1 is a reptile of order 4. Similarly, prove
that a trapezoid with sides 3, 2, 1 and 2 is a reptile of order 9.
c) [1] Find all rectangular reptiles of order at most 5.
d) [1] Show that notched cube R( 12 , . . . , 12 ) is a reptile of order 2d 1.
e) [1] Suppose polytope P Rd is a reptile of order N . Iterate the tiling construction by
tiling bigger and bigger regions with more and more copies of P . Show that this construction
denes a limit tiling of the whole space, called a substitution tiling.
f ) [1-] For reptiles in parts a) and b), check whether the resulting tiling of the plane is
periodic or aperiodic.36
g) [1] Check that the substitution tiling of Rd with notched cube is periodic (cf. Exercise 15.11).
Exercise 15.13. (Knotted tiles) [2] For every knot K R3 , prove that there exists a
(non-convex) polytope isotopic to K, which can tile the whole space R3 .
Exercise 15.14. Let Q R2 be a convex set of unit area, area(Q) = 1, and let Q1 , . . . , Qn
be its translations. Suppose n is odd. Denote by A the set of points covered by an odd
number of Qi s.
a) [1-] Suppose Q is a square. Prove that area(A) 1.
b) [1-] Same for the regular hexagon.
c) [1] Show that convexity is necessary: if Q is non-convex, we can have area(A) < 1.
d) [1+] Show that if Q is a regular triangle, we can have area(A) < 1. For n = 3, nd the
smallest possible such area.
e) [] What happens for a regular octagon? What about when Q is a circle? How about
general centrally symmetric convex sets?
Exercise 15.15. (-congruence) Let : Rd R be a linear function non-constant on the
axis. Two polytopes P, Q Rd are called -congruent if they are unions of a nite number
of simplices which are equal up to -invariant translations.
a) [1] Suppose (x, y, z) = ax + by + cz, is a linear function on R3 , where a, b, c N. Prove
that the following two bricks are -congruent:
B1 = {(x, y, z) | 0 x b, 0 y c, 0 z a},
B2 = {(x, y, z) | 0 x c, 0 y a, 0 z b}.
is certain degree of ambiguity in the denition of the substitution tiling. Thus, in each
case, check whether one can obtain an aperiodic tiling.
proof of Bricards condition given in the previous section is somewhat more revealing, as
it is crucially based on the edge lengths.
for some R R.
Proof. First, let us show that it suffices to prove the result for the tetrahedra. Indeed,
suppose P = m
i=1 i and
i 1 i . . . k i Ri for all 1 i m.
" m
j i
" m
1 P . . . k P R,
nP (nP ) R2 ,
nP (nP ) R2 R1 R2 R,
A (nA ) R1 , C (nC ) R2 ,
for some R1 , R2 R. From above,
vol(R1 ) = 1 3 vol(A) = 1 3 vol(C) = vol(R2 ).
This implies that R1 R2 and that vol(R1 ) = (1 1/n2 )vol(A) vol(A) as n .
Therefore, vol(n B )/vol(A) 0 as n , and for sufficiently large n we can
arrange n copies of B inside R1 .38 In other words, for large enough n, we have
R (nB ) S ,
as desired.
Proof of Theorem 16.2. The only if part is trivial in both parts. For the second
criterion, by Lemma 16.6, we have:
cP R P cP (1 c)P R ,
16.4. Examples and special cases. Let O = (0, 0, 0), a = (1, 0, 0), b = (0, 1, 0), c =
(0, 0, 1), and d = (1, 1, 0). Consider the standard tetrahedron 1 = conv{O, a, b, c}
and the Hill tetrahedron 2 = conv{O, b, c, d}. Clearly, vol(1 ) = vol(2 ) = 1/6.
Proposition 16.7. The standard tetrahedron, Hill tetrahedron and the regular tetrahedron of equal volume are not scissor congruent.
Proof. First, let us show that 2 is rectifiable. To see this, observe that six copies
of 2 tile the unit cube C = [0, 1]3 . Indeed, take each copy to be a convex hull of a
path from O to (1, 1, 1) as shown in Figure 16.2 (there are six such paths), and use
the tiling lemma. By Dehns theorem (Theorem 15.2), this implies that 0 2 ,
where 0 is the regular tetrahedron of volume 1/6.
Figure 16.2. Hill tetrahedron, standard tetrahedron and the regular tetrahedron.
To see that 1 is not rectifiable, remove four copies of 1 from the
cube C as
shown in Figure 16.2. We are left with a regular tetrahedron c0 , c = 3 2, which by
Dehns theorem is not rectifiable. By the complementarity lemma, we conclude that
the above union of four copies of 1 is not rectifiable, and by the tiling lemma so
is 1 . This implies that 1 2 .
Finally, the same construction shows that 0 1 . Otherwise, four copies of 0
and one copy of c1 are scissor congruent to a cube, which contradicts the first
Sydlers criterion (Theorem 16.2). This completes the proof of Proposition 16.7.
By analogy with the case of a regular tetrahedron, one can use Lemma 15.4 to
prove directly that the regular octahedron is not rectifiable. In fact, one can even use
the same proof of the irrationality of dihedral angles (see Subsection 41.2). However,
if one wants to avoid calculating dihedral angles this time, here is a neat geometric
round about argument.
Proposition 16.8. The regular octahedron is not scissor congruent to the standard,
Hill, or regular tetrahedra of the same volume.
Proof. First, observe that the regular octahedron Q can be tiled with eight copies of
a standard tetrahedron. By the tiling lemma this immediately immediately implies
that Q is not rectifiable, and by the first Sydlers criterion this implies that Q is not
scissor congruent to a standard tetrahedron. We need a separate argument to show
that Q c0 .
Take a regular tetrahedron 0 and remove four corner tetrahedra 0 = 21 0 . We
are left with a regular octahedron Q (see Figure 16.3). Take a disjoint union of Q
with any two of tetrahedra 0 . Now, if Q c0 , we have:
0 Q 40 c0 40 .
Q = m
i=1 Qi ,
where Pi cQi , for some c > 0. Of course, all scissor congruent polytopes are also
-congruent, but the inverse is not true even if the polytopes have the same volume.
Theorem 16.9 (Zylev). Every two polytopes P, Q R3 are -congruent: P Q.
Proof. First, note that -congruence is an equivalence relation, so it suffices to prove
that every polytope P is -congruent to a unit cube C. Second, it is easy to see
that the complementarity lemma (Theorem 16.3) holds for as well, and the proof
extends verbatim. Now use Lemma 16.6 to obtain
3 R1 2 R2 ,
16.6. Exercises.
16.1. (Continuum of scissor congruence equivalence classes) [1] For every
0, 12 dene a -truncated cube Q() R3 by the inequalities |x|, |y|, |z| 1, |x| + |y| +
|z| 3 . For example, Q(0) is the unit cube, Q( 18 ) is the truncated cube, and Q( 12 )
is the cuboctahedron (see Figure 16.4). Prove that Q() cQ(), for all 0 <
and c > 0.
Exercise 16.2. a) [1-] Prove that the plane can be tiled with copies of a convex pentagon.
b) [1-] Prove that the space R3 can be tiled with copies of a convex heptahedron (polytope
P R3 with exactly 7 faces).
Exercise 16.3. a) [1+] Prove that the plane cannot be tiled with copies of a convex
b) [1-] Show that this is possible when the octagon is non-convex.
d) [1] Find a periodic tiling of the space with copies of P , truncated cube (see Subsection 16.4) and truncated tetrahedron (see Exercise 16.8).
Exercise 16.10. [1] Give an explicit construction of scissor congruence of the Hill tetrahedron 2 and a prism.
Exercise 16.11. (Rectiable tetrahedra) Prove that the following tetrahedra (xyzw) R3
are rectiable:
a) [1-] x = O, y = (1, 0, 0), z = (1, 1, 1), w = (1, 1, 1);
b) [1-] x = O, y = (1, 1, 1), z = (1, 1, 1), w = (1, 1, 1);
c) [1-] x = O, y = (2, 0, 0), z = (1, 1, 1), w = (1, 1, 1);
d) [1-] x = O, y = (1, 0, 1/2), z = (1, 1, 1), w = (1,
1, 1);
e) [1] |xz| = |yw| = 2, |xy| = |xw| = |yz| = |zw| = 3;
f ) [1+] |xy| = |zw| = |yz| = a, |xz| = |yw| = b, |zw| = 3c, where b2 = a2 + 3c2 .
Exercise 16.12. (Hill tetrahedra) For every (0, 2/3), let v 1 , v 2 , v 3 R3 be three
unit vectors with angle between every two of them. Dene the Hill tetrahedron Q() as
Q() = {c1 v + c2 v 2 + c3 v 3 | 0 c1 c2 c3 1}.
For example, Q(/2) is the Hill tetrahedron 2 dened earlier.
a) [1] Decompose Q() into three pieces which assemble into a prism. Conclude that all
Hill tetrahedra are rectiable.
b) [1+] Find a periodic tiling of space with Q(). Again, conclude that all Hill tetrahedra
are rectiable.
Exercise 16.13. (Golden tetrahedron)
1+ 5
1, where =
x, y, z 0, x + y +
a) [1] Prove that all dihedral angles of T are rational multiples of . Does T tile the space?
b) [1+] Prove that T is rectiable by an explicit construction.
c) [1+] Prove that the Hill tetrahedron Q(2/5) can be decomposed into four golden tetrahedra (possibly, of dierent size).
d) [1+] Generalize the tiling lemma (Theorem 16.4) to similar polytopes. Use this and
part c) to give another proof that T is rectiable.
X 1
cos2 ij
Exercise 16.15. a) [1-] Prove that there exists a unique circumscribed brick B around
every Schl
ai simplex , so that all vertices of are also vertices of B.
b) [1-] Prove that the midpoint of the longest edge of a Schl
ai simplex is the center of a
circumscribed sphere.
c) [1] Prove that all faces of Schl
ai simplices (of all dimensions) are also Schl
ai simplices.
d) [1+] Prove that every simplex all of whose 2-dimensional faces are all right triangles must
be a Schl
ai simplex. Deduce from here part c).
Exercise 16.16. (Orthoschemes) [1] Consider Schl
ai simplices, corresponding to paths.
These simplices are called orthoschemes.40 These can be dened as convex hulls of pairwise
orthogonal intervals in Rd forming a path. Prove that every orthoscheme in Rd can be
dissected into d + 1 orthoschemes.
Exercise 16.17. (Coxeter simplices) Consider Schl
ai simplices corresponding to trees in
Figure 16.5 with interval lengths written next to the edges.
a) [1-] Use parts c) and d) of Exercise 16.14 to compute all dihedral angles of these Schl
b) [1+] Prove that these simplices are fundamental regions of the natural action by the
corresponding ane Coxeter groups.41
c) [1-] Conclude that these simplices are rectiable.
Exercise 16.18. (Sommerville simplices) [2] Classify all tetrahedra R3 which tile the
space face-to-face (mirror symmetry of is not allowed).
b) [] Same problem, but now mirror symmetry is not allowed.
Exercise 16.19. [1+] Let P be Jessens orthogonal icosahedron dened in part b) of Exercise 19.17. Prove that P is rectiable.
Exercise 16.20. a) [1] Use Bricards condition (Lemma 15.4) to show that no two Platonic
solids are scissor congruent.
b) [2-] Denote by , Q, I and D the regular tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron and
dodecahedron with unit edge lengths. Find all mi 0, such that (m1 ) (m2 Q)
(m3 I) (m4 D) is rectiable.
c) [2-] Denote by W the icosidodecahedron with unit edge length, an Archimedean solid
where two pentagons and two triangles meet at every vertex. Prove that I D W is
Exercise 16.21. [1] Prove that the regular cross-polytope Q in R4 can tile the whole space.
Deduce from here that Q is rectiable.
Exercise 16.22.
a) [1-] Let , Q R8 be a regular simplex and a cross-polytope with
b) [1+] Extend the above equation by showing that 1920 135Q is scissor congruent
to a unit cube.
c) [2-] Prove that copies of and Q can periodically tile the whole space R8 . Deduce from
here part b).
d) [2-] Decide in what other dimensions there are analogues of a) and b).
Exercise 16.23. a) [1+] Find an explicit decomposition of a regular tetrahedron into
polytopes such that similar polytopes can be arranged into a cube, i.e., prove 0 C
b) [2] Suppose only translations and no rotations are allowed between similar polytopes in
the denition of -congruence (cf. Exercise 15.7). Extend Theorem 16.9 to this case.
b) [2-] Generalize Theorem 16.9 to higher dimensions.
Exercise 16.24. (Sydler ) [2] Let P R3 be a tetrahedron with all dihedral angles rational
multiples of . Prove that P is rectiable.
Exercise 16.25. (Jessen) [2] Let P be a polytope in R4 . Prove that there exists a polytope
Q R3 such that P Q [0, 1].
16.7. Final remarks. Most results and many proofs in this section go back to Sydlers
original paper [Syd1]. In particular, the crucial idea to use Lemma 16.6 to prove the
complementarity lemma is also due to Sydler. Theorem 16.9 was proved by in [Zyl] (see
also [Had2]). Exercises 16.24 and 16.25 are partial results in the SydlerJessens theory.
We refer to [Bolt] for complete proofs, generalizations and references.
Let us mention here several connections of scissor congruence and tileability of the space
by copies of the same polytope. Already in the plane there are many examples of such
polygons, including some interesting pentagons, which tile plane. Now, if polytope P R3
can tile the space periodically, then P is rectiable (Corollary 16.5). Similarly, if P admits
a substitution tiling of the space (see Exercise 15.12), then P is also rectiable (this follows
immediately from Theorem 16.2). The most general result was obtained by Debrunner
(see [LM]), who showed that every polytope which tiles R3 is rectiable. On the other
hand, Conway has a simple construction of a polytope which has only aperiodic tilings
of the space (Exercise 16.5). Unfortunately, the proof by Debrunner is indirect and uses
Sydlers theorem on Dehn invariants (Theorem 17.7). Exercise 16.4 gives an idea of the
proof in a special case. We refer to [Sene] for an accessible introduction to the tiling of the
space by tetrahedra and general convex polyhedra (cf. Exercises 16.7, 16.11 and 16.6).
In other words, the elementary move equivalent dissections are those connected by a
finite sequence of elementary moves.
Here and everywhere below we denote the extension also by . We first need to show
that the extensions always exist.
Lemma 17.2 (Valuation extension lemma). Every symmetric valuation on simplices in Rd has a unique extension to all convex polytopes P Rd . Moreover, this
extension is also symmetric, i.e., invariant under rigid motions.
Proof. For the existence, take any dissection D P (take, e.g., the triangulation constructed in Subsection 2.1). The uniqueness follows from the fact that the summation
in the definition is equal for all dissections D P . Indeed, by Theorem 17.1 every two
valuations are connected by elementary moves and the valuation is invariant under
elementary moves. Finally, the symmetry of the extension follows immediately from
the symmetry of .
Corollary 17.3. Let be a symmetric valuation on simplices in Rd and let P, Q Rd
be convex polytopes, such that (P ) 6= (Q). Then these two polytopes are not scissor
congruent: P Q.
Proof. To the contrary, suppose P Q. Then there exist a decomposition of both
polytopes into the same set of simplices:
But then
P = m
i=1 i ,
Q = m
i=1 i ,
where i i .
(P ) = (1 ) + . . . + (m ) = (1 ) + . . . + (m ) = (Q),
a contradiction.
For example, when is the volume and vol(P ) 6= vol(Q), we trivially have P Q.
In the next section we give some further examples of symmetric valuations.
Proof. The symmetry follows immediately by the definition of Dehn invariants. Consider now a 2-move 1 2 . By definition, two new edges e, e are created with
corresponding dihedral angles , , and (see Figure 17.3). Therefore,
() (1 ) (2 ) = e f () + e f ( ) + e f () + e f ( )
= e f () + f ( ) + e f () + f ( ) = e f () + e f () = 0,
as desired.
i=1 ei
and f ( s) = 0,
for all s Q.
Since k 2 and vol(P ) = vol(Q), we have c31 + . . . + c3k = 1 and 0 < ci < 1. From here,
c1 + . . . + ck > 1, and (P ) 6= (Q). Again, by Theorem 17.6 we conclude that P and Q
are not scissor congruent, which gives another proof of Sydlers Theorem 16.1.
no, it is not that easy to see. To formalize this, one needs to use the transnite induction.
However, for our purposes, a weaker statement suces (see Exercise 17.3).
17.5. Dissecting the plane. The proof of Theorem 17.1 will occupy much of the
rest of this section. We start with polygons in the plane and then extend the proof
to higher dimensions. First, let us start with a few definitions.
A (full) triangulation T P of a convex polygon P is a triangulation of P with
vertices in the vertices of P . Define a star triangulation T P to be a triangulation where all triangles have a common vertex a. We call a the center of the star
Lemma 17.10. Every two star triangulations of a convex polygon are elementary
move equivalent.
Proof. First, let us show that every two triangulations of a convex polygon in the
plane are elementary move equivalent. Define a 2-move by choosing two adjacent
triangles , T and switching one diagonal in a convex quadrilateral
to another. Observe that all triangulations of a convex polygon are connected by
2-moves (see Theorem 14.1 and Remark 14.2). Since every 2-move can be obtained
by four elementary moves (see Figure 17.4), we conclude that star triangulations are
elementary move equivalent.
Proposition 17.12. Theorem 17.1 holds for d = 2, i.e., every two dissections of a
convex polygon in the plane are elementary move equivalent.
17.6. Dissecting the space. Here we extend the argument in the previous subsection to convex polytopes in R3 . The heart of the proof (the proof of Proposition 17.12)
extends nearly verbatim, while the straightforward proof of Lemma 17.10 extends only
to regular triangulations (see Subsection 14.10).
Lemma 17.13. Let D1 , D2 be dissections of a convex polygon P and let Q be a
cone over P . Denote by D1 , D2 the dissections of Q obtained as union of cones over
triangles in D1 , D2 . Then D1 D2 .
Figure 17.7. star triangulation of a cone over F (view from the bottom).
Finally, let us use the height function approach to show that D is elementary move
equivalent to a star triangulation of P with vertices in V . Suppose a lies on the
edge (v, w). Take the height function : V {a} R+ defined in the proof of
Lemma 17.14. Recall that (a) = 1 and (v), (w) > 0 are small. Continue as in
the proof of Theorem 14.10. Start increasing the values of v and w generically, until
(v), (w) > 1, when a is no longer a vertex in a triangulation. Other than 23 moves,
at some point, when is linear on (v, w) a single elementary move will be used once,
when the height function is linear on (v, w). Note that the resulting triangulation
is full, but not necessarily a star triangulation. By Theorem 14.10, we can connect it
to a star triangulation by a sequence of 23 moves, which implies the result.
Proposition 17.17. Theorem 17.1 holds for d = 3, i.e., every two dissections of a
convex polytope in R3 are elementary move equivalent.
As we mentioned above, the proof follows from the lemmas above and the same
inductive argument.
Remark 17.18. As we mentioned in Remark 14.9, it is an open problem whether all
full triangulations of a convex polytope in R3 are connected by 23 moves [San2]. The
corresponding result in dimensions 5 and higher is false. On the other hand, the graph of
all regular triangulations is not only connected, but is a graph of a convex polytope (see
Example 8.5 for a special case).
17.7. Wait, there is more! Yes, indeed. Remember we only proved the elementary
move connectivity theorem (Theorem 17.1) in the plane and in 3-dimensional space.
In higher dimensions the proof follows roughly the same lines as long as one defines
star triangulation in higher dimension (see Exercise 17.1). As a consolation prize, we
prove that the following generalization follows easily from Theorem 17.1.
Theorem 17.19. For every (possibly non-convex) polytope P Rd , every two dissections D, D P are elementary move equivalent: D D .
Here by a polytope we mean any finite union of convex polytopes. Note that we
implicitly used convexity, for example, in the proof of the induction step in Proposition 17.12. Interestingly, the reduction to convex polytopes is now completely
Proof of Theorem 17.19. Take the intersection of the dissections (i.e., superimpose
them as decompositions). We obtain a decomposition into convex polytopes. Refine
this decomposition by triangulating each polytope and denote by D the resulting
dissection of P . Now observe that every simplex in D is connected by elementary
moves to its dissection in D . Therefore, D is elementary move equivalent to D , and
we conclude: D D D .
17.8. Exercises.
Exercise 17.1. [1+] Finish the proof of Theorem 17.1 by extending the proof in Subsection 17.6 to higher dimensions.
Exercise 17.2. [1-] Show that Exercise 16.24 is a simple corollary of Sydlers theorem
(Theorem 17.7). More generally, show that Sydlers theorem implies that all polytopes
with rational dihedral angles are rectiable.
Exercise 17.3. a) [1] Suppose and Q are as in Example 17.8. As in the example,
assume that Q and consider the decompositions into tetrahedra proving this. Check
that it suces dene the additive function f only on the (nitely many) dihedral angles
that appear in the decomposition and obtain a contradiction.
b) [1+] Prove existence of the additive functions f in Example 17.8.
Exercise 17.4. (Tverbergs theorem) Let P R3 be a convex polytope. Suppose we are
allowed to cut P with a plane. Two parts are then separated, and each is then allowed to
be separately cut with a new plane, etc.43
a) [1-] Prove that a regular octahedron can be cut into tetrahedral pieces with only three
cuts. Similarly, prove that for a cube four cuts suce.
b) [1-] Prove by an explicit construction that both regular icosahedron and regular dodecahedron need at most 100 cuts.
c) [1] Prove that every convex polytope in R3 can be cut into tetrahedral pieces with nitely
many cuts.
d) [1+] Generalize this to Rd .
Exercise 17.5. a) [1-] Let Q = A be a simple polygon in R2 . Prove that every
triangulation of A contains a triangle T with two sides in Q, i.e., such that A r T is
homeomorphic to a disk.
b) [1+] In the plane, prove that for every decomposition Q = i Qi of a simply connected
polygon Q into simply connected polygons Qi , there exist Qi such that Qr Qi is also simply
c) [1+] Show that part b) does not generalize to R3 .
d) [2] Find a simplicial subdivision D of a tetrahedron , such that for every tetrahedron T
in D, the closure of r T is not homeomorphic to .
Exercise 17.6. (Stellar ips) Consider the following ips on triangulations (simplicial
subdivisions) of a polytope in R3 :
the 23 move dened above,
the 14 move dened as a subdivision of a tetrahedron into four smaller tetrahedra,
the 48 move dened as a ip from one triangulations of an octahedron to another,
as shown in Figure 17.8,
the 13 move, a degenerate case of the 14 move when the new point is on the boundary,
the 35 move, a degenerate case of the 48 move when the new point is on the diagonal
separating two coplanar triangles.
a) [2] Prove that every two triangulations of a convex polytope P R3 are connected by
these ips.
b) [2] Generalize this to non-convex polytopes in R3 .
c) [2+] Generalize this to higher dimensions.
d) [1-] Check that all stellar ips can be obtained by elementary moves.
17.9. Final remarks. The study of valuations has a long history and a number of applications which go outside of the scissor congruence. We changed some of the denitions to
streamline the connections and at the expense of generality. Traditionally, valuations are
dened as maps : {P } G, where P Rd are convex polytopes, G is an abelian group
(say, R by addition), and such that
(P ) + (Q) = (P Q) + (P Q),
for all P, Q Rd .
Under this denition one needs to be careful with the boundary of polytopes and dene the
valuations on degenerate polytopes, which we largely ignore for simplicity. The advantage is
the wealth of other examples of valuations, such as the surface area, the Euler characteristic,
and the mean curvature (see Section 28). We refer to [Grub, 7] for these and further results,
and to [McM2] for a detailed survey and references.
The study of local moves on triangulations is also classical and in the context of combinatorial topology goes back to J. W. Alexander (1930) and M. H. A. Newman (1926, 1931).
Here one aims to obtain a topological invariant of a manifold using simplicial subdivisions.
Thus, one wants to make sure they are indeed invariant under certain local moves. The
result then follows from the connectivity of all triangulations under such local moves. We
refer to [Lic] for the survey and references.
The geometric study of dissections and triangulations is more recent, more delicate and
has a number of negative results and open problems (see Remark 17.18). Theorem 17.19
in this form is given in [LudR]. Although our proof uses several dierent ideas, such as
height functions, the proofs share a similar blueprint. The triangulation counterpart of the
elementary move connectivity theorem is also known, and uses the so-called stellar ips
or Pachner moves. These ips play an important role in both geometric combinatorics
and algebraic geometry. While many natural questions turn out to have negative answers,
an important positive result (see Exercise 17.6) was established by Morelli (1996) and
Wlodarczyk (1997). We refer to [San2] for a survey of these result and to [IzmS] for an
elegant presentation of the MorelliWlodarczyk theorem.
other words, we replace the smaller group SO(d, R) of rigid motions of simplices, with a
bigger group SL(d, R).
P6 P5
Q6 Q5
Figure 18.2. Polygons P, Q with fans F, G, the union fan C = C,
and the continuous PL-map : P Q.
The map is clearly continuous and piecewise linear, which proves the claim.
Example 18.5. (Monge equivalence for bipyramids) While Theorem 18.1 is trivial for
simplices, already for bipyramids it is less obvious, so it makes sense to start by proving the
result in this case.
Formally, let P, Q Rd be two d-dimensional bipyramids of equal volume: vol(P ) =
vol(Q). Let u1 , u2 , x1 , . . . , xd and v1 , v2 , y1 , . . . , yd be the vertices of P and Q respectively,
where u1 , u2 and v1 , v2 are the simple vertices. Let us prove that there exists a continuous
volume-preserving PL-map : P Q which is linear on each facet and which sends ui
to vi and xj to yj , for all i = 1, 2 and 1 j d.
Let us start with a volume-preserving ane transformation of Rd which maps the vertices
x1 , . . . , xd into the vertices x1 , . . . , xd of a regular (d 1)-dimensional simplex S. Denote
by z the barycenter of S, and by the line going through z and orthogonal to S. Let u1
and u2 be the orthogonal projections of u1 and u2 onto .
u1 to v1 and u2 to v2 , and maps the boundary of P into the boundary of Q .45 Since
vol(Ai ) = vol(Bi ), these maps are volume-preserving and combine into a continuous volumepreserving PL-map : P Q (see Figure 18.3). All together, 1 : P Q is the
desired PL-map.
18.3. Monge maps by volume sharing. We are now ready to prove Theorem 18.1.
Start with a continuous PL-map : P Q constructed in Example 18.5. This map
creates simplicial subdivisions P = ni=1 Pi , Q = ni=1 Qi , which will be fixed from here
on. For every i [n] compute ai = vol(Pi )/vol(Qi ). If all ai = 1, the map is also
volume-preserving, i.e., the Monge map is constructed. If not (which is more likely),
let us correct map with a series of local PL-maps : Q Q.
Think of the numbers ai as contraction ratios of the linear maps i : Pi Qi .
Formally, ai is the determinant of the inverse map at points in Qi . The maps we
construct below will be continuous PL-maps : P Q which will have contraction
ratios bi at all points z Qi . In other words, the maps will neither be linear on Pi ,
nor take Pi to Qi . The maps we construct will be piecewise linear on all on Pi , and
the determinant of the inverse map 1 will be a constant on Qi , for all i.
We begin with the obvious equation for the volume of simplices involved:
() vol(P ) =
ai vol(Qi ) =
vol(Qi ).
Consider two adjacent simplices Qi and Qj and real numbers ai , aj such that
(U) ai vol(Qi ) + aj vol(Qj ) = ai vol(Qi ) + aj vol(Qj ).
Let us show how to construct a continuous PL-map : P Q which is going to
have contraction ratios ai and aj on Qi and Qj , and unchanged contraction ratios
Suppose simplices Qi , Qj have a common face F . Expand the height of both simei and Q
ej form
plices by a factor of ai and aj , respectively. The resulting
simplices Q
a bipyramid A of volume ai vol(Qi ) + aj vol(Qj ) . Similarly, expand the height of
e and Q
both simplices by a factor of ai and aj , respectively, to obtain simplices Q
which form a bipyramid B of the same volume. Let Qij = Qi Qj , and denote by
1 : Qij A, 2 : Qij B the two maps defined above. Let : A B be a volumepreserving PL-map between these two bipyramids constructed in Example 18.5.
Now, let : Qij Qij be defined as the composition = 1
2 1 and extend
to a PL-map Q Q by the identity map outside of the bipyramid Qij . This is
possible since the map in the example was linear on the corresponding faces of the
bipyramids (see Figure 18.4). Finally, let = . By construction, 1 = ( )1
outside of Qij , and the contraction ratios on Qi and Qj are now ai and aj because
is volume-preserving and 1 and 2 expand by exactly these factors.
Now that we know how to change the contraction ratios locally, let us make the
global change. Loosely speaking, we claim that we can make local changes as in (U)
to obtain a change as in the second P
equality in (). Formally, consider a set A of
all sequences (a1 , . . . , an ) such that i ai vol(Qi ) = vol(Q) and ai > 0. Let E be
the set of pairs (i, j) such that simplex Qi is adjacent to Qj (the intersection is a
(d 1)-dimensional face). We are allowed to change
(. . . , ai , . . . , aj , . . . ) (. . . , ai , . . . , aj , . . . ) whenever (U) is satisfied.
area(Si ) = area(B)
area(Ti ).
Exercise 18.5. Dene the plane partitions polytope Rn by the following equations and
bi+k,k = n i,
bk,j+k = n j ,
for all 1 i, j n.
b 0, b b
i,j+1 , bi,j bi+1,j ,
a) [2-] Prove that Rn has exactly n! integral points.
b) [2-] Recall the denition of the Birkho polytope Bn Rn (see Exercise 8.19). Prove
that the number of symmetric integer matrices (aij ) Bn is equal to the number of symmetric integer matrices (bij ) Rn .
c) [2] Give an explicit Monge map : Bn Rn . Conclude that vol(Bn ) = vol(Rn ) and
i(cBn ) = e(cRn ), for all c N, where i(Z) is as in the previous exercise.
18.5. Final remarks. This section is based on papers [HenP, Kup2]. The main theorem
and the outline of the proof is due to Kuperberg, while various details in the presentation
follow [HenP]. Both papers are motivated by a theorem of J
urgen Moser, which states
that if two manifolds are dieomorphic and have equal volume, then there is a volumepreserving dieomorphism between them. In a dierent direction, the explicit Monge maps
often appear in algebraic combinatorics to encode the bijections between integral points in
certain combinatorial polytopes (see Exercises 18.5 and 18.4). We refer to [HenP] for an
extensive discussion, for connections to Mosers theorem and piecewise linear combinatorics,
and for the references.
We name the maps in this section after Gaspard Monge, a 19-th century French geometer who in fact never studied piecewise linear maps in this context. We do this in part
due to their importance and in part for lack of a better name. Also, in the case of general convex bodies, continuous volume-preserving maps do appear in connection with the
MongeKantorovich mass transportation (or optimal transportation) problems (see [Barv,
4.14]) and the MongeAmp`ere equations (see [Caf]). The uniqueness of solutions in that
case seems to have no analogue in our (polyhedral) situation, which is not surprising in
the absence of a natural minimization functional and the non-compactness of the space of
We should mention that Exercise 18.2 is a special case of a general result which states
that all PL-homeomorphic PL-manifolds of the same volume have a volume-preserving
PL-homeomorphism [HenP, Kup2]. The proof is nearly unchanged from the proof of Theorem 18.1.
A small warning to the reader: not all homeomorphic PL-manifolds are PL-homeomorphic.
While this holds for 2- and 3-dimensional manifolds, this fails for 5-dimensional manifolds
(Milnor, 1961), and the problem is known under the name Hauptvermutung. Thus, one
should be careful generalizing the result in the exercise. We refer to [RouS] for a good
introduction to the subject.
transitive: triangles containing original intervals and those that do not may a priori
lie in different orbits.
faces. In Figure 19.5 we show the view from the top: the diagonals are equal because
each face is a regular pentagon and the angles are straight by the symmetry.
Now, one can start with a cube and build a dodecahedron by attaching caps to
all six sides (see Figure 19.5 for a cube and two caps). Note that the Cauchy theorem
is obvious in this case as the polytope is simple, and thus three pentagons completely
determine the dihedral angles in all vertices. By the argument as above, this implies
that our polytope is regular. We leave it as an exercise to see why this construction produces a regular dodecahedron seemingly without any extra calculations (see
Exercise 19.2).
by the symmetry, the remaining hole in the surface is a regular pentagon. Is this an honest
calculation-free construction of the regular dodecahedron?
b) [1-] Start the same way by gluing together 6 regular pentagons. Consider their projection
as in Figure 19.6. Use Euclidean geometry to show that the projection is a regular 10-gon.
Conclude that two such surfaces t together to form the surface of the dodecahedron.
c) [1-] Use the rigidity of simple polytopes, to show that the resulting polyhedron has the
full group of symmetries.
d) [1-] Use this to construct the regular icosahedron.
Exercise 19.4. a) [1] Decide on theoretical grounds (as opposed to explicit construction)
which of the three unfoldings in Figure 19.7 are unfoldings of convex polytope whose faces
are equilateral triangles and squares. Is there a unique way of gluing them together?
b) [1+] Prove that these polytopes exist, by an explicit construction.
Although perhaps overly pessimistic, in all fairness, this quote is taken somewhat out of
context, as Coxeter dedicates the whole section to this discussion (aided, in turn, with a
nice quote by Poincare).
Let us mention here the 13 Archimedean solids, a related family of polytopes which are all
vertex-transitive and have faces regular polygons. Similarly, the face transitive polytopes
dual to Archimedean solids are called Catalan solids. Finally, all convex polytopes with
regular faces are called Johnson solids (see Exercise 19.14), and are completely classied by
Johnson and Zalgaller (see [Crom, Joh, Zal3]).
Various constructions of the icosahedron and connection to rigidity are described in [BorB,
20]. Note that our constructions (i) and (iii) essentially coincide - we chose to emphasize
the dierence in the geometric argument rather than the outcome. As for the original
construction (part (iv)), by itself it does not produce a regular polytope: one has to check
that the parts of pentagonal faces align properly (see Exercise 19.2). However, there are
other constructions which seem to require fewer computation (see Exercise 19.3), albeit
with some sort of weak rigidity argument. The connection to rigidity was rst discovered
by Legendre in his eort to rewrite Euclids Elements (see [Sab6]).
Figure 20.1. Six touching circles and centers of twelve touching spheres.
It is natural to use the idea of the proof of Proposition 20.1 to obtain the bounds
in dimension three.
Proposition 20.2. 12 K3 14.
Proof. The lower bound follows from a grocery style sphere packing. Consider
six unit spheres with centers on a horizontal plane as above, and start lowering the
three new unit spheres so that their centers are projected orthogonally onto centers
O1 , O2 , O3 of triangles, as shown in Figure 20.1. By the symmetry, at one point all
three spheres will be touching the spheres below. Now observe that these three new
spheres are non-overlapping (in fact touching themselves) since the distance between
their centers is equal to 2. Now adding in a similar fashion the three spheres from
below we obtain the desired 12 spheres.
For the upper bound, consider k unit spheres S1 , . . . , Sk kissing a fixed unit sphere
S0 R3 centered at the origin. Now let Ci be a cone over Si centered at the origin O,
and let Ri = S0 Ci be the spherical caps on a sphere. Since the centers Oi of
spheres Si are all at the same distance from O and their pairwise distances are 2,
we conclude that the cones Ci must be disjoint and thus so are caps Ri . We conclude
that area(Ri ) /k, where = area(S) = 4 denotes the area of a unit sphere.
To compute the area(Ri ), recall that area of a spherical cap is proportional to the
height of the cap. From Figure 20.2, we have yOz = wOOi = arcsin 12 = 6 .
Therefore, for the height h of the cap Ri we have:
h = |zx| = 1 |Oz| = 1 cos = 1
1 23
area(Ri ) = =
Since from above area(Ri ) /k, we conclude that k 14.
20.2. The problem of fourteen spheres. Let us employ a somewhat sharper (but
still elementary) technique to show that K3 13. For that, we will need only two
elementary results: Eulers formula (see Section 25) and Girards formula for the area
of spherical triangles (see Appendix 41.1). In fact, it is known that K3 = 12, but all
known proofs are much more involved.
Let us first discuss the limitations of the approach in the proof above. Note that
we significantly underestimated the area of a sphere by adding the areas of the caps,
leaving all regions between the cap unaccounted for. From a combinatorial point
of view, it is natural to make the caps larger so as to count more of the area, and
then use the inclusion-exclusion principle to account for overlap of the caps. The
argument below is exactly of this kind: we first overestimate the area of a sphere and
then subtract the intersection areas.
Theorem 20.3. K3 13.
Proof. Suppose one can place points a1 , . . . , a14 on the unit sphere S2 so that the
pairwise distances |ai aj | 1, for all i 6= j. Denote by P = conv{a1 , . . . , a14 } the
convex polytope obtained as a convex hull of points ai . Note that all ai are vertices
of P .
We will assume that the origin O is the center of S2 , and that O P since otherwise
all ai lie in the same half-space, and one can add an extra point a15 contradicting
Proposition 20.2. Finally, we will assume that P is simplicial, i.e., each face of P is a
triangle. Otherwise, triangulate each face and proceed as follows without any change.
By Eulers Theorem, the polytope P with n = 14 vertices will have 3n 6 = 36
edges and 2n 4 = 24 triangular faces. Now, for each face (ai aj ak ) consider a circle
Cijk around the vertices; one can think of Cijk as an intersection of S2 and the plane
which goes thorough ai , aj and ak .
Let us consider the 14 caps R1 , . . . , R14 with centers atpoints ai and such that the
circles of the caps Ci = Ri have the same radius = 1/ 3. We need several simple
results on geometry of caps Ri . As before, let = area(S2 ) = 4.
Lemma 20.4. For the caps R1 , . . . , R14 defined as above, we have:
1) area(Ri ) > 0.0918 ,
for all
1 i 14;
2) area(Ri Rj ) < 0.0068 ,
for all
1 i < j 14;
3) area(Ri Rj Rk ) = 0,
for all
1 i < j < k 14.
We prove the lemma in the next subsection, after we finish the proof of the theorem.
Observe that the only pairs (i, j) for which we can have area(Ri Rj ) 6= 0 are those
corresponding to 36 edges of the polytope P . Using all three parts of the lemma we
= area(S)
area(Ri )
area(Ri Rj )
20.3. Proof of Lemma 20.4. For part 1), recall that radius(Ri ) = = 1/ 3. From
Figure 20.3, the height h of the cap Ri is given by47
h = 1 1 2 = 1 1 = 1
that in the proof of Proposition 20.2 we used spherical cap of radius 1/2. Loosely speaking,
we are undercounting in the proof of the proposition, and are overcounting in the proof of the
Figure 20.3. Computing the area of spherical caps Ri .
Therefore, by the same reasoning as in the proof of Proposition 20.2, for the area
of Ri we have:
1 23
area(Ri ) = =
> 0.0918 .
For part 2), we can assume that the distance |ai aj | = 1 since for larger distances
the area of the link L := Ri Rj is smaller. Denote by b the remaining vertex of
the equilateral spherical triangle (ai aj b) and by u, v the corners of the link as in
Figure 20.4.
where Q denotes the sector [ai uv] Ri and T denotes the spherical triangle (ai uv)
Q. Again, by the symmetry and from Girards formula we have:
1 2/3
area(Ri ) =
(4) = 2/3 ,
area(Q) =
area(T ) = + + = .
Now, observe that is a dihedral angle in the regular tetrahedron (Oai aj b) with side 1.
Computing it as shown on Figure 20.4, we obtain = 2 arcsin 1/2
= 2 arcsin 13 . We
area(L) = 2 area(Q) area(T ) = 2 (/3 2/3 )
arcsin < 0.0843 < 0.0068 .
For part 3), we begin with the result which follows directly from the argument used
in the proof of Corollary 1.8, with all inequalities reversed.
Lemma 20.5. For all faces (ai aj ak ) in P , the radius(Cijk ) , where =
1 .
Suppose now there is a point z S which lies in the interior of three caps Ri , Rj
and Rk . By definition, the distances from z to vertices ai , aj and ak are strictly
smaller than . Thus, the same is true for the projection z on a plane spanned by
ai , aj and ak . This implies that the triangle (ai aj ak ) can be enclosed into a circle C
with center z and radius r < . Expand the triangle (ai aj ak ) to a triangle (ai aj ak )
inscribed into C with bigger edge lengths, as shown in Figure 20.5. By Lemma 20.5,
the circumradius of a triangle with edge lengths 1 is , a contradiction. This
completes the proof of Theorem 20.3.
In other words, show that some two of the vectors Oxi have angle < /4 between them.
Exercise 20.5. a) [1] Suppose n points on a unit sphere have pairwise spherical distances
/2. Prove that n 6, and that for n = 6 these points must be vertices of an inscribed
regular octahedron.
b) [1+] Prove an icosahedral analogue of a).
c) [2-] Suppose x1 , . . . , xn and y1 , . . . , yn are two congurations of points in the unit
sphere S2 , such that |xi xj | |yi yj | for all i, j [n]. Suppose further that O conv{x1 , . . . , xn },
where O is the center of S2 . Prove that |xi xj | = |yi yj | for all i, j [n].
Exercise 20.6. a) [1-] Is it possible to cover the plane by a union of parabolas, i.e., regions
obtain by translations and rotations of y ax2 , where a > 0.
b) [1] Suppose in the space R3 there is a nite number of disjoint cones, i.e., regions obtain
by translations and rotations of x2 + y 2 az, where a > 0. Prove that these cones cannot
be moved to cover the whole space.
Exercise 20.7. On a unit sphere, dene an -arc to be an arc of a great circle of length .
a) [1-] For every < , prove that there are innitely many not self-intersecting -arcs on
a unit sphere.
b) [1] For = 5/3, prove that there are at most two not self-intersecting -arcs on a unit
c) [1] Prove that there is an unbounded number of not self-intersecting -arcs on a unit
d) [1+] For every > , prove that there is at most a bounded number n = n() of not
self-intersecting -arcs on a unit sphere.
Exercise 20.8. Prove that the following triangles (given by their angles) can tile the
sphere S2 without overlap:
a) [1-] (90 , 90 , 1 ), (90 , 60 , 60 ), (120 , 60 , 60 ),
b) [1] (120 , 45 , 45 ), (72 , 60 , 60 ), (150 , 60 , 60 ),
c) [1+] (80 , 60 , 60 ), (100 , 60 , 60 ), (100 , 80 , 60 ).
Exercise 20.9. a) [1-] Place the centers of twelve unit spheres in R3 at the vertices
of the icosahedron inscribed into a sphere of radius 2. Check that these spheres are not
overlapping and, moreover, no two of them touch each other. This gives an alternative
proof of the lower bound in Proposition 20.2.
b) [2-] In a), the outside spheres can be continuously moved while they remain nonoverlapping and touching the center sphere. Is it possible to switch any two spheres that
c) [2+] Can these twelve spheres be moved into twelve spheres in the grocery style sphere
Exercise 20.10. Denote by KCd the number of innite cylinders of unit radius in Rd ,
which are non-overlapping and touching the unit sphere. Such conguration is called kissing
Exercise 20.11. For a nite arrangement B of balls in Rd with disjoint interior (not
necessarily of the same radii), denote by a(B) their average kissing number. Dene AKd to
be the supremum of a(B) over all nite ball arrangements.
a) [1-] Show that the AKd > a(B) for any nite B.
b) [1] Prove that AK3 > 12.
c) [1] Prove that AKd 2Kd .
d) [2] Prove that AK3 8 + 4 3.
Exercise 20.12. (Pairwise kissing spheres) Denote by P Kd the maximal number of pairwise kissing spheres in Rd (possibly, of dierent radius).
a) [1-] Use the previous exercise to show that P Kd = exp O(n). Explain the dierence with
Exercise 42.45.
b) [1] Use the algebraic approach (see Section 31) to show that P Kd = O(d).
c) [1] Prove that P Kd = d + 2.
20.5. Final remarks. Finding kissing numbers Kd is a classical problem connected to
the study of error-correcting codes, lattices, number theory and many problems in geometry [ConS, Fej2, Zon1] (see also [Bez] for a recent survey). Proving that K3 = 12 is known as
the NewtonGregory problem named after their celebrated exchange in 1694. The problem
was resolved by Sch
utte and van der Waerden only in 1953, but most known proofs are
quite technical. In fact, this section can be viewed as an introduction to Leechs proof, an
elementary presentation of which recently appeared in [Mae2].
We refer to [Mus6] for a recent interesting proof of K3 = 12. Let us also note that while
the exact value K4 = 24 was determined recently by Musin [Mus5], the kissing numbers
K8 = 240 and K24 = 196560 have been known since 1979 (see [ConS, Mus5, PfeZ]). The
proof of Theorem 20.3 presented in this section is a minor reworking of the proof in [Yag2].
Part II
Discrete Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
the curve is parameterized by arc length then the curvature is the length of the second
derivative vector.
the corollary implies that convex polygons have at least two maximal and at least
two minimal radii.
Let us note that for non-coherent polygons the corollary does not hold (see Exercise 21.1). On the other hand, all obtuse polygons (convex polygons where all angles
are right or obtuse) are coherent. Thus Corollary 21.5 for obtuse polygons can be
viewed as a direct extension of the (usual) four vertex theorem (Theorem 21.1).
Consider the following further reduction of the theorem. Let Q be an equilateral
convex polygon, i.e., a polygon with equal edge lengths a. Note that all equilateral
convex polygons are coherent. Denote by i = xi1 xi xi+1 the angle in vertex xi .
Since a = 2ri cos(i /2), the larger angles i correspond to larger radii ri , and we
obtain the following.
Corollary 21.6. Let Q = [x1 . . . xn ] R2 be a generic equilateral convex polygon,
n 4, and let i = xi1 xi xi+1 denote the angle in Q, 1 i n. Then there are at
least four sign changes in the cyclic sequence (1 2 , 2 3 , . . . , n 1 ).
Here is a natural analogue of the four extremal circles theorem. Let Q = [x1 . . . xn ]
be a convex polygon as above. A circle Rijk through a triple of vertices xi , xj , xk ,
i < j < k, is called disjoint if no two vertices are adjacent; it is called neighboring
if two of the vertices are adjacent to the third. The remaining circles, with only one
pair of adjacent vertices, are called intermediate. The circle Rijk is called empty if no
other vertices xr are inside, and it is called full if all other vertices xr are inside. We
are now ready to discretize Theorem 21.3.
Theorem 21.7. Let Q R2 be a generic convex polygon with at least four vertices.
Denote by s+ , t+ and u+ the number of full circles that are neighboring, disjoint and
intermediate, respectively. Similarly, denote by s , t and u the number of empty
circles that are neighboring, disjoint and intermediate, respectively. Then
s+ t+ = s t = 2,
s+ + t+ + u+ = s + t + u = n 2.
We prove the theorem in the next subsection. Until then, let us obtain a stronger
version of the discrete four vertex theorem (Theorem 21.4). 5 Define an extremal
circle in Q to be a neighboring full circle or a neighboring empty circle.
Corollary 21.8. Every generic convex polygon with at least four vertices has at least
four extremal circles.
Clearly, the corollary immediately implies Theorem 21.4. Therefore, all results in
this section follow from Theorem 21.7.
Example 21.9. (Non-convex polygons) Recall that the original four vertex theorem (Theorem 21.1) holds for all simple curves, while the results in this section are stated for convex
polygons. In fact, without extra conditions the discrete four vertex theorem (Theorem 21.4)
is false for non-convex polygons (see Figure 21.2). We present a non-convex version later
in this section (see Theorem 21.17).
Denote by Ri = R(i1)i
(i+1) a circle inscribed into three consecutive lines. We say
that edge ei is extremal if Ri either intersects both edges ei2 and ei+2 , or intersects
neither of the two. Now we are ready to state a dual analogue of Theorem 21.4.
is an easy but crucial point in the proof (cf. the proof of Proposition 14.3).
Theorem 21.10 (Four edge theorem). Every dually generic convex polygon with at
least four edges has at least four extremal edges.
Corollary 21.11. Let Q = [x1 . . . xn ] R2 be a generic convex polygon, n 4, and
let ri denotes the radius of Ri , 1 i n. Then there are at least four sign changes
in the cyclic sequence (r1 r2 , r2 r3 , . . . , rn r1 ).
Now suppose Q is an equiangular convex polygon, i.e., a polygon with equal angle (n 2)/n. Since larger lengths |ei | correspond to larger radii ri , we obtain the
Corollary 21.12. Let Q = [x1 . . . xn ] R2 be a generic equiangular convex polygon,
n 4, with edges ei = (xi , xi+1 ), 1 i n. Then there are at least four sign changes
in the cyclic sequence |e1 | |e2 |, |e2 | |e3 |, . . . , |en | |e1 | .
By analogy with the four vertex theorem, Theorem 21.10 can be proved by a
counting all inscribed circles argument (see Exercise 21.4). We will prove the result
later in this section by a different argument.
Figure 21.5. Evolutes of two convex polygons with four and eight cusps.
In the next subsection we generalize Corollary 21.14 in a rather unexpected direction.
21.6. Relative evolutes of parallel polygons. Let Q = [x1 . . . xn ] be a convex
polygon in a plane. We say that a polygon W = [w1 . . . wn ] is parallel to Q, if
the edges (wi , wi+1 ) are parallel to (xi , xi+1 ), for all 1 i n. We say that W
surrounds Q if Q is inside W , and vectors ui = (xi wi ) turn in the same direction as
points xi as in Figure 21.6.
that (wi , wi+1 ) is parallel to (xi , xi+1 ) is equivalent to |ui+1 |/|ui| = sin i / sin i+1 .
Therefore, for a polygon Q and fixed lines i with angles (i , i ), 1 i n, a similar
polygon W exists if and only if
sin 1 . . . sin n = sin 1 . . . sin n .
Thus when i are bisectors in Q, there exists a parallel polygon W which surrounds Q,
and the theorem applies. Let us note also that as a consequence of Theorem 21.15,
we obtain a new proof of Theorem 21.10 via the Corollary 21.14.
Proof of Theorem 21.15. Let i = |xi wi |/|zi xi |. Denote by Ti a triangle spanned by ui
and ui+1 and let i be a triangle (zi xi xi+1 ). Now observe that i and Ti are similar
with similarity coefficient i . Therefore, the number of relative cusps as in the theorem
is equal to the number of sign changes in the cyclic sequence (1 2 , 2 3 , . . . , n 1 ).
Since Q and W are generic, the i are distinct and there are at least two sign changes.
Suppose now that there are exactly two sign changes. We can assume that i i+1 > 0
for 1 i k and < 0 for k + 1 i n. Observe that for every point y inside Q we
(i i+1 ) yxi =
i yxi+1 yxi =
i xi xi+1 =
ui+1 ui = 0.
Set O to be a point on a line L crossing (xn , x1 ) and (xk , xk+1 ). Then the sum on the
l.h.s. lies on one side of L, a contradiction.
notion is dierent and in higher dimensions is less restrictive than the notion of convexity
given in Exercise 2.15.
lies on the surface of the convex polytope P = conv(Q). We say that vertex xi is a
support vertex if (xi1 , xi , xi+1 ) is a face in P . In other words, the plane spanned by
edges (xi1 , xi ) and (xi , xi+1 ) is a supporting plane (see Figure 21.8).
Theorem 21.16 (Four support vertex theorem). Every generic weakly convex simple
space polygon with at least four vertices has at least four support vertices.
Proof. Let Q R3 be the polygon as in the theorem. Since Q is generic, the polytope
P = conv(Q) is simplicial. Observe that Q is a Hamiltonian cycle in the graph
of P . Thus, it divides the surface of S = P into two triangulations T1 and T2 , neither
of which have interior vertices. If Q has n 4 vertices, triangulations T1 , T2 have
(n2) 2 triangles. Since the graph dual to T1 is a tree, it has at least two endpoints,
i.e., T1 has at least two triangles (xi1 xi xi+1 ) with two edges Q. This implies that T1
has at least two support vertices. Similarly, T2 also has two support vertices. Finally,
note that these four support vertices must be distinct since otherwise they have degree
two in .
name comes from Delaunay triangulations and the empty circle condition (see Section 14).
Finally, let us give a non-convex analogue of Theorem 21.7. Note that the triangular
faces of P = conv(Q) correspond to both empty and full extremal circles. Thus it is
natural to consider circle numbers s = s+ + s , t = t+ + t and u = u+ + u in this
Theorem 21.20. Let Q R2 be a coherent Delaunay polygon with at least four
vertices. Denote by s, t and u the number of neighboring, disjoint and intermediate
circles, respectively. Then
s t = 4,
s + t + u = 2n 4.
Sketch of proof. Start as in the proof of Theorems 21.16 and 21.17, by considering
triangulations T1 , T2 on two sides of Q of the surface S = P , where P = conv(Q).
In each triangulation there are no interior vertices and triangles of three types: with
zero, one and two edges in Q. These triangles correspond to disjoint, intermediate
and neighboring circles, respectively. Since the dual graph to T1 is a binary tree and
the same is true for T2 , we can proceed as in the proof of Theorem 21.7 (compare
Figure 21.3 and Figure 21.9).
Clearly, a circumscribed circle touches the curve in at least two points, so this result
is stronger that the four vertex theorem. To see that the second part follows from the
first part, take a circumscribed circle and shrink it by a small > 0. In fact, a circle
in the theorem can be substituted with any smooth convex curve. Thus one can view
Theorem 21.25 as another example of a relative result, similar to Lemma 9.6 and
Theorem 21.15. Further results of this type will be given in the next section.
Our next extension is an extension to non-simple curves. Think of a simple curve as
the boundary of a 2-dimensional disk embedded into R2 . We say that a curve C R2
bounds an immersed disc if there exists a 2-dimensional disc D immersed into R2 with
boundary C = D.
Theorem 21.26. Every smooth curve C R2 which bounds an immersed disk has
at least four vertices.
Exercise 21.2. [1-] Let Q = [v1 . . . vn ] R2 be a convex polygon with equal angles.
|v1 v2 | |v2 v3 | . . . |vn1 vn | |vn v1 |
Prove that Q is a regular polygon.
Exercise 21.3. [1] Use limit argument to deduce Theorem 21.1 in full generality from
Theorem 21.17.
Exercise 21.4. [1+] The lines i and j are called adjacent if |i j| = 1, i.e., they are
, i < j < k, is called distant if no two lines , ,
spanned by adjacent edges. A circle Rijk
i j k
are adjacent, it is called mediocre if exactly one pair of lines is adjacent, and it is called
is called clear if it does not intersect
close if two pairs of lines are adjacent. The circle Rijk
any other lines, and it is called crossing if it intersects all other lines m , m 6= i, j, k.
Let Q R2 be a dually generic convex polygon with at least four vertices. Denote by s+ ,
t+ and u+ the number of full close, distant and mediocre crossing circles, respectively.
Similarly, denote by s , t and u the number of close, distant and mediocre clear circles,
respectively. Prove the following linear relations:
s+ t+ = s t = 2,
s+ + t+ + u+ = s + t + u = n 2.
Exercise 21.5. [1+] Find a dual version to Theorem 21.15, generalizing Corollary 21.13.
Exercise 21.6. [1] Show that when the number of vertices is odd, the dual evolute and
orientation of its edges uniquely determine the convex polygon.
Exercise 21.7. [1] Deduce Corollary 21.18 from Theorem 21.17.
Exercise 21.8. [1] Use a limit argument to deduce Theorem 21.1 from Corollary 21.6
when the curve is convex. Similarly, use Corollary 21.19 to deduce Theorem 21.1 in full
Exercise 21.9. [2-] Find and prove a discrete analogue of Theorem 21.21.
Exercise 21.10. [2-] Find and prove a discrete analogue of Theorem 21.22. Show that the
result is false for self-intersecting curves.
Exercise 21.11. [2] Find and prove a discrete analogue of Theorem 21.27.
Exercise 21.12. [2] Recall the cross-ratio of an ordered 4-tuple of distinct numbers, dened
(a c)(b d)
[a, b, c, d] =
(a b)(c d)
Let (x1 , . . . , xn ) and (y1 , . . . , yn ) be distinct real numbers, and let
i = [xi , xi+1 , xi+2 , xi+3 ],
where, all indices are taken modulo n. Prove that a cyclic sequence (1 1 , . . . , n n )
has at least four sign changes.
Exercise 21.13. a) [2-] Prove that every smooth convex curve C in the plane has at least
three pairs of opposite points (points with parallel tangents) which have equal curvature.
b) [] Find a discrete analogue of part a).
21.10. Final remarks. The four vertex theorem (Theorem 21.1) is a classical result in
Dierential Geometry, available in numerous textbooks and survey articles (see e.g., [Cher,
Gug1]). It was proved by Mukhopadhyaya for convex curves (1909) and by A. Kneser in
full generality (1912). Theorem 21.2 is due to H. Kneser (1922), the son of A. Kneser, and
Theorem 21.3 is due to Bose (1932).
Interestingly, a related result of M
obius (Theorem 21.24) is much older (1852). For the
history of the four vertex theorem, various extensions and references see [DGPV, Mus4,
Ume, Weg2] and [OT2, Chapter 4].
Corollary 21.6 and Corollary 21.5 for obtuse polygons are due to S. Bilinski (1961, 1963).
The general version of Corollary 21.5 is due to Musin (see [Mus1] for an introduction and an
elementary proof). Theorem 21.7 can be viewed as the most general discrete Bose theorem,
and is a variation on several known results (see e.g., Theorem 1.7 in [Mus4]). The proof of
Theorem 21.7 is new in this form. It uses the cut locus idea in the Rene Thoms proof (1972)
of the four vertex theorem (see [Ume]), subsequently repeatedly rediscovered and adapted
to polygons (see [BanG, Weg2, Weg4]). The four edge theorem (Theorem 21.10) seems to
be new. In computational geometry the cut locus is well studied under the name medial
axis [AurK].
Theorem 21.15 and the proof in Subsection 21.5 are due to Tabachnikov [Tab4]. Theorems 21.16 and 21.17 are due to Sedykh [Sed] (a version of Corollary 21.19 was also discovered by Dahlberg). Interestingly, there is also a two vertex theorem for general Jordan
curves [Hau].
Theorem 21.23 was rst proved by Segre (1968), but a version of it was stated by Blaschke
as an exercise in [Bla1]. Its corollary, the tennis ball theorem (Theorem 21.22) was discovered, aptly named and popularized by Arnold [Arn1, 20]. There is a great deal of literature
on these results and their various generalizations (see [Arn3, pp. 99, 553] for a short survey
and further references).
The rst part of Theorem 21.25 goes back to Blaschke (1916) and Mukhopadhyaya (1931)
(see also [Bla3]). It was rediscovered several times with the denitive version due to Jackson [Jac]52. The second part is an easy corollary of the rst and was popularized in [Oss]).
Similarly, the six vertex theorem (Theorem 21.27) was proved by Mukhopadhyaya in his
original paper (1909), and was repeatedly rediscovered. For more on the history and advanced generalizations, including common generalizations with the M
obius theorem and
connections to classical Cayleys results, see [ThoU].
Theorem 21.26 is due to Pinkall [Pink] who proved it in the generality of all immersed
surfaces. The converse of the four vertex theorem (Theorem 21.28) was proved by Gluck
for convex curves (1971), and by Dahlberg in full generality (1997, published posthumously
in 2005, see [DGPV]). We should mention that much of the diculty in the proof is
analytical and we are not aware of a nontrivial discrete version.
52References to
older results, mostly in German, can be found in the AMS Math. Reviews on [Jac].
|vi vi+1
|. Denote by i = vi1 vi vi+1 and i = vi1
vi vi+1
the angles in the polygons,
where 1 i n and the indices are taken modulo n. Then either there are at least
four sign changes in the cyclic sequence (1 1 , . . . , n n ), or the sequence is
To see the connection to the four vertex theorem, consider the case of equilateral
polygons Q = [v1 v2 . . . vn ] and Q = [v2 . . . vn v1 ]. The theorem implies in this case
that either all corresponding angles are equal, or there are at least four sign changes
in the sequence (1 2 , . . . , n 1 ). This is a minor variation on Corollary 21.6.
Let us immediately state a spherical version of the theorem, which will prove useful
in the proof of the Cauchy theorem (see Section 26).
Theorem 22.2 (Spherical LegendreCauchy lemma). Let Q = [x1 . . . xn ] and Q =
[x1 . . . xn ] be two spherical convex polygons on a hemisphere S+ with equal corresponding edge lengths: |xi xi+1 |S2 = |xi xi+1 |S2 . Denote by i = vi1 vi vi+1 and i =
vi vi+1
the spherical angles in the polygons, 1 i n. Then either there are at
least four sign changes in the cyclic sequence (1 1 , . . . , n n ), or the sequence
is zero.
One can think of this result as a generalization of Theorem 22.1 since the plane
polygons are the limits of spherical polygons, as the radius of a sphere tends to infinity.
Later in this section we prove both result by the same general argument.
Note that the condition that both polygons lie inside a hemisphere S+ is necessary,
since otherwise one can find two spherical triangles with equal corresponding sides
and all angles of the first strictly smaller than the corresponding angles of the second
triangle. For example, take any small spherical triangle and its complement =
S2 r . The angles of are < , while the angles of are > . Similarly, as can be
seen already for two quadrilaterals in Figure 22.1, the result is false for non-convex
22.2. Making errors at all the right places. The proof of the Legendre-Cauchy
lemma is elementary, but delicate at one point. The original proof, which by now
has become standard, contained a famous error which eluded discovery for nearly
a century and has led to a number of interesting (and correct) results. Thus we
start with the original proof, then point out the famous error, and then correct it.
The reader might want to pay extra attention to the figures and think it over before
learning the answer.
- 0
fact, if one uses the spherical law of cosines (see Appendix 41.2) in place of the usual law of
cosines that was implicitly used in the proof, one proof easily translates into the other.
Then |x1 xn | |xn1 xn |, and the equality holds only if all inequalities between the
angles are equalities. Similarly, if X and X are plane convex polygons with equal
corresponding edge lengths and inequalities on the angles, the same conclusion holds.
Let us first deduce the LegendreCauchy lemma from the arm lemma. Let X be
a polygon on the side of the diagonal (y, z) in Q with positive and zero signs, and
let X be the corresponding polygon in Q , with the diagonal (y , z ) as one of its
sides. Since not all labels are zero, by the arm lemma we have |yz| < |y z |.
Similarly, reverse the role of X and X for the other side of the diagonal. Let X be
the polygon on the side of the diagonal (y, z) in Q with negative and zero signs, and
let X be the corresponding polygon in Q. By the arm lemma we have |yz| > |y z |, a
contradiction. Therefore, having exactly two sign changes is impossible.
It remains to prove that zero sign changes is impossible unless all labels are zero.
Clearly, if all labels are (+) or (0), with at least one (+), we can apply the arm lemma
to any edge to get a contradiction.54 Use the same argument for () and (0) labels.
This completes the proof of the Legendre-Cauchy lemma.
22.3. An incorrect proof of the arm lemma (be vigilant!) Use induction on the
number n of sides of the polygons. The claim is clear for n = 3, when X and X are
spherical triangles in the upper hemisphere. It follows easily from the cosine law on
a sphere (see Proposition 41.3 in the Appendix), and the observation that all angles
are in this case.
Suppose now that n > 3, and assume we have an equality between some of the
angles: xi1 xi xi+1 = xi1 xi xi+1 , for some 1 < i < n. We can simply remove
triangles = (xi1 xi xi+1 ) and = (xi1 xi xi+1 ) from X and X and consider the
remaining polygons (see Figure 22.3). Note that the side lengths and the angle
between them determine the triangles, so = . Thus, the remaining (n 1)-gons
satisfy conditions of the lemma, and the claim follows by the inductive assumption
in this case.
xi 0+
course, in the plane we can use equality of the angle sums of X and X , which removes the
need for the arm lemma in this case.
the length |x1 xn | increases: |x1 xn | < |y1xn |. Let us compare polygons Y and X . By
construction, y1 x2 x3 = x1 x2 x3 , by the previous argument |y1 xn | |x1 xn |. This
proves the induction step and establishes the arm lemma.
0 0
- 0
x2 +
22.5. Alls well that ends well. Based on the first impression one would assume
that the arm lemma is obvious. After some thinking and working out the iterative
argument above one can conclude that it is inherently complicated. Well, one would
be wrong again. Here is a simple and ingenious inductive proof of the arm lemma.
Proof of the arm lemma (for real now! ). Use induction on n. As in the argument
above, we can assume that all angles of X as in the lemma are strictly increasing.
The base n = 3 for triangles is also established. The argument in the original proof
fails if there exists a polygon Y = [y1 x2 . . . xn ] where x1 x2 x3 > y1 x2 x3 x1 x2 x3 ,
and point y1 lies on the (xn1 xn ) line. Apply the base of induction to go from X to Y :
in the triangle (x1 x2 x3 ) we have |y1 xn | |x1 xn |.
Think of Y as (n 1)-gon with one side comprised of two: |y1 xn1 | = |y1 xn | +
|xn1 xn |. Let Z = [x1 x2 . . . xn1 ] be a (n 1)-gon with sides and angles as in the
lemma. By inductive assumption, going from Y to Z, we have |x1 xn1 | |y1xn1 |.
Now take point zn on the edge (x1 , xn1 ), such that |zn xn1 | = |xn1 xn |, and think
of Z = [x1 x2 . . . xn1 zn ] as of an n-gon. Clearly, |x1 xn1 | = |x1 zn | + |zn xn1 |, and
|x1 zn | = |x1 xn1 | |zn xn1 | |y1 xn1 | |xn xn1 | = |y1 xn |
Since X is convex, after comparing it with Z we have xn2 xn1 xn xn2 xn1 zn .
Thus the angle in xn1 should be increased. Apply the base of induction to go from Z
to X : in the triangle (x1 xn1 zn ) we have |x1 xn | > |x1 zn |. Putting everything together
we have:
|x1 xn | > |x1 zn | |y1 xn | |x1 xn | ,
as desired.
i i+1
ai u i =
bi u i = 0.
where the second sum is zero since X and Y have equal perimeters. The rest of the
proof follows the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 21.15. Clearly, the cyclic
sequence (a1 b1 , . . . , an bn ) is either zero or has at least two sign changes, since the
sum of its elements is zero. Suppose there are exactly two sign changes. Choose w
so that vectors v i = e i w with positive and negative coefficients (ai bi ) lie on
different sides of the line. But then the sum on the l.h.s. in the equation above cannot
be zero, a contradiction.
Figure 22.10. Edge vectors of polygon X (dotted lines separate vectors with positive and negative signs).
22.7. Exercises.
Exercise 22.1. (Alexandrovs local lemma) For a polygon P R3 , denote by i the
edge lengths and by u i the unit outer normals to edges, where i [n]. Write P as the
intersection of halfplanes hx , u i i hi , for some hi R.
a) [1-] Prove that 1 u 1 + . . . + n u n = 0.
b) [1-] Prove that 2area(P ) = 1 h1 + . . . + n hn .
c) [1] Suppose {Pt } is a continuous deformation of P which preserves the area. Prove that
all edge lengths i cannot be increasing.
d) [1] Furthermore, prove that the sequence (1 , . . . , n ) of derivatives is either zero or has
at least four sign changes. Note that this is an immediate consequence of Corollary 22.5,
part (i).
Exercise 22.2. [1+] Prove Alexandrovs lemma (Theorem 22.4).
Exercise 22.3. (Extended arm lemma) a) [2-] Let X = [x1 x2 . . . xn ] R2 be a convex
polygon, and let X = [x1 x2 . . . xn ] be a (possibly non-convex) polygon such that
|x1 x2 | = |x1 x2 |, . . . , |xn1 xn | = |xn1 xn |
| x1 x2 x3 | | x1 x2 x3 | , . . . , | xn2 xn1 xn | | xn2 xn1 xn | .
Exercise 22.4. (Line development) a) [2-] Let P R3 be a convex polytope and let
A P be a convex polygon on the surface of P , dened as a polygonal region with all
interior angles satisfying 0 i . Let Q = A. Unfold the faces of F containing Q
onto a plane, starting with any one of them, in the order of intersection with Q (note that,
generally speaking, Q might go though the same facet more than once). Prove the unfolding
of Q is not self-intersecting.55
b) [1] Let P R3 be a convex polytope and let L be a plane which does not contain vertices
of P . Consider the curve C = L P . Prove the unfolding of C is not self-intersecting.
22.8. Final remarks. While the arm lemma (Lemma 22.3) seem to be due to Legendre,
it is rarely attributed to him [Sab6]. It became famous in Cauchys original proof of the
rigidity of convex polytopes (see Section 26). In any case, the mistake was discovered and
corrected only by Steinitz in the 1920s (see Steinitzs proof in [Lyu]). The mistake is so
subtle and occurs in such an obvious claim, a number of textbooks continue to repeat
it until this day. Since Steinitz, a number of correct proofs of the arm lemma have been
proposed, some simpler and more elegant than others (compare the proofs in [A2, Ber1,
Hada, Lyu, Sab6, SchoZ, Sto] and try not to be awed). The concise (and correct) proof of
the arm lemma given in Subsection 22.5 was discovered in [SchoZ] (see also [AigZ, 11]).
By now there are a number of papers completely dedicated to the arm lemma and its
generalization (see [Sab6, Schl4] and references in [Con5]). We should mention here that
the Pogorelov lemma (Lemma 28.5) can be viewed as another variation on the arm lemma.
Let us note that the arm lemma is more transparent and easier to prove in the plane than
on a sphere (see e.g. the rst proof in [SchoZ]), thus several authors gave a correct proof of
a plane version, and then mislead the reader by saying that the proof in the spherical case
is almost the same. The reader should be careful with such claims.
The proof of the Alexandrov lemma (Theorem 22.4) is elementary and can be found
in [A2, 6.1] and [Lyu].56 The lemma is used in Section 36 in the elementary proof of the
Minkowski theorem (Theorem 36.2) in R3 (see also Exercise 36.4). The elegant proof of
the innitesimal analogue of part (i) is given in Exercise 22.1 (see [A2, 9.1] and a concise
presentation in Alexandrovs original 1937 article). The proof of part (ii) of Corollary 22.5
is new.
one imagines rolling a die of shape P on a plane, the unfolding of Q is the trace left by Q.
See Section 40 for more on unfoldings.
56A simpler proof was recently found by G
unter Rote (personal communication).
Second proof. Since the number of intersections of two edges of X is counted twice
in a(X), it suffices to count the remaining intersections. Orient X counterclockwise
and denote by i and i two rays spanned by edge ei , along and against orientation,
starting at xi and xi+1 , respectively. Observe that rays i and i1 start at the same
vertex xi and separate the plane into two parts. Therefore, for every i the total
number of intersections of i and i1 and edges in Q is always even (see Figure 23.2).
Summing these numbers, we conclude that a(X) is also even.
23.2. Post-proof analysis. The best things about having several proofs of the same
result is the ability to make a relative comparison of their strengths and weaknesses
when it comes to generalizations. This can often shed some light on the nature of the
(1) The first proof is a global counting argument, suggesting that the key to the
theorem is the even number of inflection edges. In fact, this kind of argument works
in other interesting cases, and has analogues in higher dimensions as well (see below).
(2) The second proof is the shortest and the most ingenious of the three. It is
fundamentally a local counting argument, which suggests that the key to the theorem
is a local structure of lines around vertices. Of course, in other cases there is little
hope of having this kind of argument.
(3) The third proof is the most general approach of all. As we shall see later in this
section, it is widely applicable whenever one tries to prove a global enumerative
statement about general curves. On the other hand, the local moves approach gives
the least insight into the nature of the result. It is essentially a verification technique
which gives no hints to potential generalizations.
To underscore the point in (1), let us present the following simple 3-dimensional
result motivated by the proof. A generalization to higher dimensions can be obtained
in a similar way.
Let X = [x1 . . . xn ] R3 be a space polygon. We say that X is generic if no three
vertices lie on the same line and no four vertices lie on the same plane. Denote by Li
the plane spanned by edges ei1 and ei , where ei = (xi , xi+1 ). We say that Li is an
inflection plane if edges ei2 and ei+1 lie on the different sides of Li .
Proposition 23.2. The number of inflection planes of a generic space n-gon in R3
has same parity as n, for all n 4.
In particular, when n is odd, the proposition implies that there is at least one
inflection plane (see Figure 23.4).
Figure 23.4. A space pentagon (drawn on the surface of a hexahedron) with a unique inflection plane L5 = (x4 x5 x1 ).
i =
i1 i =
= 1,
which implies that the number of planes Li that are not inflection planes, is even.
23.3. Counting double supporting lines. Let X = [x1 . . . xn ] R2 be a plane
polygon. Denote by ei the edge (xi , xi+1 ) and by ij the line through xi and xj . We
say that X is generic if no three vertices lie on a line and no three edges intersect.
Recall that ei is called an inflection edge if edges ei1 and ei+1 lie on different sides
of line i,i+1 . It is easy to see that the number of inflection edges is always even.
Line R2 is called supporting at xi if xi and both edges ei and ei+1 lie on
the same sides of . Line ij through non-adjacent vertices xi and xj is called double
supporting if it supporting at xi and xj . Observe that there are two types of double
supporting lines depending on the direction of the edges adjacent to xi and xj . We
say that ij is exterior if all four edges ei1 , ei , ej1 and ej lie on the same side of ij .
Otherwise, if edges ei1 , ei and ej1 , ej lie on different sides of ij , we say that ij is
interior (see Figure 23.5). Finally, a crossing is a pair of intersecting edges ei , ej X.
Figure 23.5. An example of two exterior and two interior lines in a polygon.
Theorem 23.3 (Fabricius-Bjerres formula). Let X R2 be a generic plane polygon.
Let a(X) be the number of inflection edges, let c(X) be the number of crossings,
and let t0 (X) and t1 (X) the number of exterior and interior double supporting lines,
respectively. Then
t0 (X) t1 (X) = c(X) +
For example, when X is convex, all numbers in the theorem are equal to zero. For
a polygon X in Figure 23.5 we have: a(X) = 6, c(X) = 2, t0 (X) = 8, t1 (X) = 3,
and the theorems states that 8 3 = 2 + 6/2. The proof below is similar to the third
proof of Theorem 23.1, based on deformation of polygons.
Proof. Deform X = [x1 . . . xn ] into a convex polygon Y = [y1 . . . yn ], by moving one
vertex a time (see Subsection 23.1). By choosing yi in general position the resulting
continuous family of polygons is generic except for a finite number of elementary
transitions when either three points lie on a line or three lines intersect at a point.
The number of such transition is clearly finite, even if rather large. We summarize
all transitions in Figure 23.6 and Figure 23.7. Now it suffices to check the relation in
the theorem is invariant under these transitions. Since the relation holds for a convex
polygon Y , it also holds for X. This completes the proof.
Figure 23.6. Transitions where some a(X), c(X), t1 (X) and t2 (X) change.
Figure 23.7. Transitions where a(X), c(X), t1(X) and t2 (X) do not change.
One advantage of the local move approach is its flexibility. Let us now present a
straightforward extension of Theorem 23.3 to unions of polygons.
Let Y be a finite union of polygons in the plane. We still assume that no three
vertices lie on a line (and thus no two coincide), but do allow multiple intersections
of edges. Denote by ci (Y ) the number of points where i edges intersect. Define the
number t0 (Y ) and t1 (Y ) of exterior and interior double supporting lines of Y in the
same way.
Theorem 23.4 (Extended Fabricius-Bjerres formula). For a union of polygons Y as
above, we have:
X i
a(Y )
t0 (Y ) t1 (Y ) =
ci (Y ) +
To prove this extension, start with a nested union of convex polygons, when all
parameters are zero and the formula trivially holds. Applying transformations as in
the proof of Theorem 23.3, we obtain the formula for generic unions of polygons.
When multiple crossings are
allowed, slightly perturb the vertices of Y . Each ii
intersection now creates 2 intersections, which are all counted as in the formula.
Before we move on, let us note that Theorem 23.4 is non-trivial already when Y
is a union of convex polygons. In this case there are no inflection edges, i.e., a(Y ) =
0. Note that the interior double supporting lines separate the polygons they are
supporting, while the exterior double supporting lines have them on the same side.
As before, we say that Y is generic if no three vertices lie on a line and no three edges
intersect. We obtain the following.
Corollary 23.5. For a generic union Y of convex polygons, we have:
t0 (Y ) t1 (Y ) = c(Y ).
Corollary 23.8. For the number of k-lines, we have mk = O(n k).
The proof of the corollary is outlined in Exercise 23.3.
23.5. Rigid deformations. Let X = [x1 . . . xn ] and Y = [y1 . . . yn ] be two polygons
in the plane with equal edge lengths:
|xi xi+1 | = |yiyi+1 | = ai , where 1 i n.
Figure 23.11. Rigid deformation of a polygon: a neighboring circle R1 and a disjoint circle R2 disappear after a local move.
23.6. Back to inscribed squares. We conclude this section with another proof of
Theorem 5.12, which says that every simple polygon in the plane has an inscribed
square.57 In the spirit of this section, we prove this result by deforming the polygon,
but first we need to find a global relation which holds for (almost all) simple polygons.
This relation is simple: every generic simple polygon has an odd number of inscribed
squares. Now that we have the relation, we can try to prove that it is invariant under
certain elementary transitions.
Theorem 23.11. Every generic simple polygon has an odd number of inscribed
Theorem 5.12 now follows by a straightforward limit argument, as we repeatedly
did in Section 5. Note also that the theorem is false for all simple polygons; for
example every right triangle has exactly two inscribed squares. We begin the proof
with the following simple statement, which will prove crucial (cf. Exercise 5.17).
Lemma 23.12. Let 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 be four lines in R2 in general position. Then there
exists a unique square A = [a1 a2 a3 a4 ] such that xi i and A is oriented clockwise.
Moreover, the map (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) (a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) is continuously differentiable, where
Proof. Fix z1 1 . Rotate 4 around z1 by /2, and denote by 4 the resulting line,
and by z2 = 2 4 the intersection point. Except when 2 4 , such z2 is unique.
Denote by z4 4 the inverse rotation of z2 around z1 . We obtain the right isosceles
triangle = (z2 z1 z4 ) oriented clockwise in the plane. The fourth vertex z3 of a
square is uniquely determined. Start moving z1 along 1 and observe that the locus
of z3 is a line, which we denote by 3 . Since line 3 is in general position with respect
to 3 , these two line intersect at a unique point x3 , i.e., determines uniquely the
square [a1 a2 a3 a4 ] as in the theorem. The second part follows immediately from the
above construction.
course, the result extends to general (self-intersecting) polygons, but for technical reasons it
is easier to work with simple polygons.
58It takes some eort to clarify what we mean by a generic polygon (see the proof). For now, the
reader can read this as saying that in the space R2n of n-gons, almost all are generic.
Sketch of proof of Theorem 23.11. We begin with the following restatement of the
second part of the lemma. Let X = [x1 . . . xn ] be a generic simple polygon and let
{Xt , t [0, 1]} be its continuous piecewise linear deformation. Suppose A = [a1 a2 a3 a4 ]
is an inscribed square with vertices ai at different edges of X, and none at the vertices
of X, i.e., ai 6= xj . Then, for sufficiently small t, there exists a continuous deformation
{At } of inscribed squares, i.e., squares At inscribed into Xt . Moreover, for sufficiently
small t, the vertices ai of At move monotonically along the edges of Xt .
Consider what can happen to inscribed squares At as t increases. First, we may
have some non-generic polygon Xs , where such a square in non-unique or undefined.
Note that the latter case is impossible, since by compactness we can always define a
limiting square As . If the piecewise linear deformation {Xt } is chosen generically, it
is linear at time s, and we can extend the deformation of At beyond As .
The second obstacle is more delicate and occurs when the vertex ai of square As
is at a vertex v = xj of Xs . Clearly, we can no longer deform As beyond this point.
Denote by e1 the edge of X which contains vertices ai of At for t < s. Clearly,
e1 = (xj1 , xj ) or e1 = (xj , xj+1 ). Denote by e1 the other edge adjacent to v. Denote
by e2 , e3 and e4 the other three edges of X containing vertices of At (see Figure 23.12).
is inscribed into X. Now move the edges along two sides of the triangle toward
the diagonal as shown in Figure 23.13. Repeat the procedure. At the end we obtain
a polygon Z with edges close to an interval. Observe that Z has a unique inscribed
square (see Figure 23.13). This finishes the proof.
Figure 23.13. The first step of the polygon deformation which preserves the parity of the number of inscribed squares; the final polygon Z.
23.7. Exercises.
Exercise 23.1. [1] Prove Corollary 23.5 by a direct argument.
Exercise 23.2. [1] Suppose a closed curve C R2 has no triple intersections and a winding
number n around the origin. Prove that C has at least n 1 intersections.
Exercise 23.3. a) [1+] Let G be a graph with n vertices and m 4n edges drawn on
a plane with c crossings. For a xed probability p, compute the expected number of edges
in a random p-subgraph of G. Use Eulers formula to show that there exists on average
at least one crossing when p is suciently large. Compare this to the average number of
crossing in a p-subgraph. Optimize for p to prove that c m3 /64n2 .
b) [1+] In the notation of Theorem 23.7, prove that m0 + .
. . + mk = O(k n). Conclude from
here that c = O(k n) and use part a) to obtain mk = O(n 3 k) (see Corollary 23.8).
Exercise 23.4. [1+] Find all local moves described in Subsection 23.5 and complete the
proof of Corollary 21.19.
Exercise 23.5. a) [1-] For the case of numbers a(X), c(X), t0 (X) and t1 (X) as above,
show that the relation in Theorem 23.3 is the only possible relation with these parameters.
b) [1] Prove that every nonnegative integer 4-tuple (t0 , t1 , c, a) Z4+ which satises a 2
and the Fabricius-Bjerre formula can be realized by a polygon X R2 .
c) [2-] In notations of Theorem 23.3, prove that if a(X) = 0, then t1 (X) is even and satises
t1 (X) c(X)2 c(X).
d) [1+] Prove that every nonnegative integer 4-tuple (t0 , t1 , c, 0) Z4+ which satises the
Fabricius-Bjerre formula and the inequality in part c), can be realized by a polygon X R2 .
Exercise 23.6. [2-] Let Q = [x1 . . . xn ] R3 be a simple space polygon such that no four
vertices lie on the same plane. Denote by Lijk the plane plane containing vertices xi , xj
and xk , 1 i < j < k n. Note that L can be oriented according to the orientation of
the triangle (xi , xj , xk ) L. We say that L is tritangent if two edges adjacent to each of
the vertices xi , xj and xk lie either on L side of L. Classify all planes Lijk by the number
of edges on it and by the side (positive or negative) on which adjacent edges lie. Find all
linear relations for the resulting numbers.59
the weakly convex polygons some of these numbers were studied in Subsection 21.7. However, in the full generality not all relations remain true.
Exercise 23.7. [2-] Use the stereographic projection to obtain the analogues of results in
the previous exercise for the numbers of neighboring and disjoint circumscribed circles (see
Subsection 21.7).
Exercise 23.8. a) [1+] Find a space polygon in R3 isotopic to the trefoil knot, and without
tritangent planes.
b) [2-] Let Q be space polygon in R3 isotopic to the trefoil knot, and such that Q projects
onto a plane with the usual diagram with three crossings. Prove that Q has a tritangent
Exercise 23.9. [2-] Let X = [x1 . . . xn ] R2 be a polygon with vertices in general position,
and let ei = (xi , xi+1 ) be the edges of X. An interval u = (xi , y), y X, is called quasinormal at xi if both angles of u and ei1 , ei are acute or both are obtuse. Dene a sign
(u) {1} of a normal u to be 1 if the angles are acute and 1 if the angles are obtuse.
A diagonal (xi , xj ) is called a double quasi-normal if it is quasi-normal at both vertices
(see Subsection 9.4). It is called positive if (xi , xj )(xj , xi ) = 1; otherwise, it is called
negative. Denote by n+ (X) and n (X) the number of positive and negative double quasinormals. Dene a perpendicular to be an interval u = (xi , y) such that y ej for some ej
and (xi , y)ej . Denote by p+ (X) and p (X) the number of perpendiculars u such that
(u) = 1 and (u) = 1, respectively. Use deformations of polygons to prove that
n+ (X) n (X) + p+ (X) p (X) + c(X) = 0,
Exercise 23.10. Let C R2 be an oriented closed piecewise linear curve with n double
intersections and no triple intersections. A loop is a closed portion of curve without double
a) [1] Note that C has at most 2n loops. Prove that if C has exactly 2n loops, then between
every two points on C corresponding to a double crossing there are exactly n curve arcs.
Such curves are called maximally looped.
b) [1+] Suppose C has at least n + 1 loops. Prove that n is odd.
c) [1+] Denote by r(C) the sum of ( i ), over all angles i on the left of the curve. Prove
that r(C) = 2(n+ n 1), where n+ and n is the number of positive and negative
double points, respectively.
d) [1] Use this to prove that if C is maximally looped, then r(C) {4, 0, 4}.
d) [1] Use part c) of Exercise 23.5 to show that if C is maximally looped and has no inection
edges, then C has no interior double supporting lines.
e) [1-] Use Theorem 23.3 to conclude that every curve C as in part d) has exactly n double
supporting lines.
Exercise 23.11. [2-] Find a simple unknotted space polygon Q R3 which cannot be
rigidly deformed into a at convex polygon. In other words, prove that Theorem 23.10
does not extend to R3 .
Exercise 23.12. [1+] Prove that every two simple polygons in R4 , can be rigidly deformed
into each other. In other words, prove that Theorem 23.10 extends to R4 .
Exercise 23.13. (Erd
os ip problem) [2] Let Q R2 be a non-convex polygon and let C
be the convex hull of Q. Choose edge e of C that is not in Q and reect the portion of Q
across e, as in Figure 23.14. Repeat such ip transformations until a convex polygon is
obtained. Prove that the process stops after nitely many steps.
23.8. Final remarks. Theorem 23.1 and the rst two proofs are given in [VasE], Problem 235. The original smooth analogue of Theorem 23.3 is due to Fabricius-Bjerre; this
version and the proof follows [Ban2] (see also [Fab]). A complete description of the values
in the Fabricius-Bjerre formula is given in Exercise 23.5. For a precise statement in Remark 23.6 see [Pak3] which discusses various local move connectivity arguments for nite
The bound in Corollary 23.8 on the number of k-lines is due to Dey (1998). Theorem 23.7
implying it (see Exercise 23.3) was proved in [And+]. A dierent, more combinatorial proof
of the theorem was given in [AroW].60 The proof of Theorem 23.7 we present here is due to
Uli Wagner (unpublished), who graciously allowed us to use it here (see also a related proof
in [And+]). Let us note that all these proofs use basic properties of graphs k , discovered
by Lov
asz in [Lov].
Theorem 23.9 was proved independently in [KM1] and [LenW]. For other versions of
this results in the literature see e.g., [Whit]. Theorem 23.10 is known as carpenters rule
problem and was proved in [CDR] (see also [Stre]).
The deformation idea in the proof of Theorem 23.1 is due to Shnirelman [Shn] (see
also [Gug2]), although the details are largely dierent. Our presentation follows [Pak9] (see
Subsection 5.8 for further results on inscribed squares).
proof can be viewed as a combination of the argument we give and the Fabricius-Bjerres
proof in [Fab] applied to the special case of polygons with no inection edges and interior double
supporting lines.
that we never used condition L 2, which is added for simplicity. The midpoints of
intervals longer than are ambiguous and the spherical balls of radius more than /4 are less
24.2. Total curvature. For a triangle (xyz), the exterior angle (xyz) at a vertex y
is defined as
(xyz) = xyz .
24.3. The F
aryMilnor theorem. In the previous section we proved Fenchels theorem that every curve in R3 has total curvature at least 2. The main result of this
section is a lower bound of 4 for knotted curves.
We say that a space polygon Q R3 is knotted if it is simple and knotted as a
closed curve.
Theorem 24.5 (FaryMilnor). For every knotted space polygon Q R3 , the total
curvature (Q) 4.
The proof is again based on spherical geometry. Let C S2 be a spherical polygonal
curve on a unit sphere. For every point x S2 , denote by nC (x) the number of points
of intersection of C and a plane Hx orthogonal to (Ox). The values of nC subdivide
the sphere into spherical polygons A1 , . . . , Ak with constant value i on Ai . Define
NC =
i area(Ai ) =
nC (x) dx .
Lemma 24.6 (Croftons formula). The length |C| of a spherical polygonal curve
C S2 satisfies
|C| = NC
Proof. Both sides are clearly additive, so it suffices to prove the lemma only for the
intervals on a sphere. Suppose C S2 is an interval, |C| = . Then nC (x) = 1
when x S2 lies on a great circle with normal (Oz) for some z C, and nC (x) = 0
otherwise. The set A of points x with nC (x) = 1 is a union of two sectors with
angle . We have:
NC = area(A) =
4 = 4 ,
which completes the proof.
We are now ready to prove the FaryMilnor theorem.
Proof of Theorem 24.5. For a closed knotted space polygon Q R3 , fix an orientation
and consider the spherical polygon R S2 as in the proof of Theorem 24.4. Then
(Q) = |R|. For a spherical polygon R, consider a subdivision A1 , . . . , Ak of a sphere
and the corresponding values 1 , . . . , k . If i 4 for all i, we have |R| = NQ /4 4,
as desired.
Suppose now that i < 4. Choose a point x Ai in general position, so no edge
of Q is parallel to Hx . Recall that i is equal to the number of intersections of R
and Hx , which in turn is equal to the number of changes in direction of edges of Q
with respect to Hx . Therefore, i = 2. The result now follows from the assumption
that Q is unknotted and the following Milnors lemma.
Lemma 24.7 (Milnors lemma). Let Q R3 be a simple space polygon such that the
distance function to a plane L has exactly two critical points. Then Q is unknotted.
Proof. Denote by x and y the points of Q with the minimum and maximal distance,
respectively. Then x, y divide Q into two paths where the distance from L is monotone
increasing. Consider a projection of Q onto a generic plane HL as in Figure 24.1.
Undo all crossings, from x to y to obtain a projection without crossings. This implies
that Q is an unknot.
24.4. Linked tubes. Consider two linked simple space curves C1 and C2 in R3 of
length 2. The question is how big a tube can be made around the curves so that
these tubes do not intersect. It is intuitively obvious that the tubes cannot have
radius bigger than 1/2. This radius is achieved when two curves are circles which lie
in the orthogonal planes, and such that each circle passes through the center of the
other (see Figure 24.2).
Figure 24.2. Two linked circles with maximal distance between them.
The following result is a discrete version of this observation. For two space polygons
Q1 , Q2 R3 denote by
d(Q1 , Q2 ) = min |xy|, x Q1 , y Q2
the distance between them.
Theorem 24.8. For every two linked space polygons Q1 , Q2 R3 the distance
d(Q1 , Q2 ) between satisfies:
d(Q1 , Q2 )
min |Q1 |, |Q2 | .
Proof. Fix a point x Q1 and a surface A spanned by intervals (x, x ), where x Q1 .
Since polygons are linked, Q2 intersects A. Fix a point y Q2 A and consider the
largest ball Br of radius r around y, such that Q1 is outside Br . Then the projection R
of Q1 onto the sphere S = Br has length |R| |Q1 |. Since y A, the projection R is
a spherical polygon which contains two opposite points. Since the spherical distance
between the opposite points is equal to , we have |R| 2 r.62 Therefore, for the
radius r we have r 21 |Q1 |, which implies the result.
24.5. Inscribed space polygons. The main goal of this subsection is to give a
combinatorial proof of the FaryMilnor theorem (Theorem 24.5). We begin with an
important technical lemma.
We say that a space polygon X is inscribed into a space polygon Q, where X, Q
R , if the vertices of X lie on the edges of Q.
Lemma 24.9 (Monotonicity of the total curvature). Let Q, X R3 be space polygons,
such that X is inscribed into Q. Then (X) (Q).
Proof. Add vertices of X to Q and observe that the curvature (Q) does not change.
One by one, remove the vertices of Q that are not in X and check that the curvature
is nonincreasing.
Formally, let Q = [v1 . . . vn ]. Remove vertex vi and replace edges (vi1 , vi ) and
(vi , vi+1 ) with (vi1 , vi+1 ). Denote by Q the resulting space polygon. Let us show
that (Q ) (Q). We have:
(Q) (Q ) = ( vi2 vi1 vi ) + ( vi1 vi vi+1 ) + ( vi vi+1 vi+2 )
( vi2 vi1 vi+1 ) ( vi1 vi+1 vi+2 )
where the last inequality is the spherical triangle inequality applied to each term.
Figure 24.3. Removing vertex vi from space polygon Q = [v1 . . . vn ].
Here is a simple idea of another proof of the FaryMilnor theorem. Starting with
a knotted polygon Q R3 , consider a sequence of space polygons inscribed into
each other. If we can show that the last polygon in a sequence has total curvature
4, we obtain the desired lower bound. In fact, we will prove that one can take
the last inscribed polygon to be a degenerated quadrilateral D = [xyxy] which has
(D) = 4.
Combinatorial proof of Theorem 24.5. We prove the theorem by induction on the
number n of vertices of a knotted space polygon Q = [v1 . . . vn ] R3 . When n = 3,
polygon Q is a triangle. Then Q is unknotted and the claim trivially holds.
By the continuity of the total curvature, we can always assume that the vertices
of Q are in general position. We start with the following observation. Suppose there
exists a vertex vi such that triangle (vi1 vi vi+1 ) does not intersect any other edge of Q.
We can then remove vertex vi as in the proof above. Since the resulting polygon is
still knotted, we obtain the step of induction.
We now begin to change polygon Q as follows. Starting at v1 , consider all points
z (v2 , v3 ), z 6= v2 , such that (v1 , z) intersects an edge in Q. If this set of such points
is empty, we can remove the triangle as above. Otherwise, let z2 be the closest such
point to v2 . Since Q is generic, we have z2 6= v3 . Denote by y1 the corresponding
point of intersection of (v1 , z2 ) and Q (see Figure 24.4).
Move z2 slightly towards v2 . Denote by x1 the closest to y1 point on a new
(v1 , z2 ). Now replace vertex v2 of Q with z2 , i.e., replace edge (v1 , v2 ) and interval
24.6. Second hull of a polygon. The goal of this section is to present the following
unusual combinatorial generalization of Milnors lemma (Lemma 24.7).
Let Q R3 be a simple space polygon and let P = conv(Q) be its convex hull.
Observe that every plane H through an interior point x P intersects Q in at least
two points. We say that a plane is generic if it contains no vertices of Q. Define
the second hull sh(Q) to be the set of points x P such that every generic plane H
through x intersects Q in at least four points. The second hull sh(Q) can be empty,
for example when Q projects onto a plane without intersections. Thus it is natural
to ask what happens for knotted polygons.
Theorem 24.10 (Second hull theorem). For every knotted space polygon Q R3 ,
the second hull sh(Q) is nonempty.
and G divide Q into four arcs, such that the sum of two outside of F and the sum
of two outside of G are unknotted. Since the sum of two non-trivial knots cannot
be unknotted (see Exercise 24.3), the arc A outside F G is unknotted. Therefore,
clipF (Q) consists of A inside G and an unknotted arc outside G, which proves that G
essentially contains clipF (Q) in this case as well.
Exercise 24.2. (Local convexity of polygons) [1] Prove that every simple polygon Q R2
with interior angles < is convex. Prove a spherical analogue.
Exercise 24.3. (Sum of knots) [2-] Prove that the sum of two non-trivial knots cannot be
an unknot.
Exercise 24.4. (Borsuk ) [1] Generalize Fenchels Theorem 24.4 to curves in Rd .
Exercise 24.5. (Croftons formula for surfaces) [1] Let S R3 be a non-convex 2dimensional polyhedral surface
P with the set of vertices V = {v1 , . . . , vn }. Dene the total
absolute curvature (S) = i |i | the sum of absolute values of curvatures i = (vi ) of
vertices (see Section 25). Generalize Croftons formula (Lemma 24.6) to show that (S) is
2 times the average number of critical points of linear functions on S.
Exercise 24.6. (Buons needle) Consider an innite family L of horizontal lines in the
plane which stand apart at distance 1 from each other. Let C be a rectiable curve in R2 .
Denote by N (C) the number of intersections of C and lines in L. Dene = (, b) to be a
rigid motion of a plane obtained as a rotation by angle and then a translation by vector b.
Denote by B an axis parallel unit square. Finally, let
N (C) = E N (C) ,
result, well known under the name Buons needle, gives a Monte Carlo method for approximating the number .
c) [2] Prove that every space polygon Q R3 of length |Q| has a projection onto a plane
which lies in a circle or diameter |Q|/.
Exercise 24.9. a) [1] Prove that the closure of every connected component of sh(Q) is
a convex polytope.
b) [1-] Let L R3 be a disjoint union of space polygons which form a nontrivial link.
Extend the denition of the second hull to links. Prove that sh(L) 6= .
Exercise 24.10. a) [1-] Find a simple space polygon in R3 with a disjoint second hull.
b) [1-] Find an unknotted space polygon in R3 with a nonempty second hull.
c) [1] Find an unknotted space polygon in R3 such that its second hull contains a unit ball.
Exercise 24.11. [2+] In the conditions of the second hull theorem (Theorem 24.10), prove
that the closure of sh(Q) intersects Q.
Exercise 24.12. [2] Let L be a link with n components such that every two of them
are linked. Prove that there exists a point x conv(L) such that every plane through x
intersects at least n/2 components of L.
Exercise 24.13. (Alexandrov ) [1+] Let C be a polygonal curve in R2 with endpoints x, y.
Dene the total curvature = (C) to be the sum of exterior angles in the vertices of C.
Suppose (C) < . Prove that
and the equality holds only when C has two edges of equal length and angle ( ) between
them. Extend the result to Rd .
Exercise 24.14. a) [1+] Let C be a polygonal curve in R2 with endpoints x, y. Suppose C
does not contain the origin O. Dene the visibility angle (C) to be the length of a projection
of C onto a unit circle centered at O. Denote by , the angles between (Ox), (Oy) and C.
Prove that
(C) (C) + .
b) [1+] Prove the analogue of a) for paths in R3 . Formally, let C be a polygonal curve in R3
with endpoints x, y, and such that O
/ C. Let (C) be the length of a projection of C onto
a unit sphere centered at O, and let , be the angles between (Ox), (Oy) and C. Prove
that () holds. Conclude that (Q) (Q) for every (closed, simple) space polygon.
c) [1] Use the second hull theorem (Theorem 24.10) to prove that for every knotted space
polygon Q R3 there exists a translation Q of Q such that (Q ) 4. Use part b) to
obtain the F
aryMilnor theorem (Theorem 24.5).
Exercise 24.15. [1+] Let Q R3 be a knotted space polygon. Prove that there exist three
distinct points x, y, z Q such that y is a midpoint of (x, z).
Exercise 24.17. (F
ary theorem and generalizations) a) [1+] Let C Br be a general
(possibly non-convex and self-intersecting) polygon in the plane, where Br is a disk of
radius r > 0. Denote by |C| the length of C and by (C) the total curvature of C. Prove
that |C| < r (C).
b) [2-] Let C Br be a polygon in Rd , where Br is a ball of radius r > 0. As before,
let (C) be the total curvature of C. Prove that |C| < r (C).
c) [2] Let C, Q R2 be two polygons in the plane such that Q is convex and C is inside Q.
Prove that the average total curvature is nonincreasing:
d) [1-] Check that part a) of Exercise 24.17 follows from here, while part b) does not.
b the graph on
Exercise 24.19. (Curvature of graphs in R3 ) For a graph G denote by G
the same set of vertices, and with twice as many edges between every two vertices. For an
b dene
embedding : G , where R3 , and an Eulerian circuit C in G,
C () = (C) .
This notion is called the net total curvature of .
a) [2-] Find the analogue of Croftons formula (Lemma 24.6) for the net total curvature
b) [1+] Dene the Kotzig transformation on Eulerian circuits by changing the direction on
a closed segment of a circuit. Prove that every two Eulerian circuits C1 , C2 in G can be
obtained from each other by a nite sequence of Kotzig transformations.
c) [1+] Use parts a) and b) to prove that the net total curvature is independent of the
Eulerian circuit.
Exercise 24.20. Let R3 be a union of three non-intersecting space polygonal curves
between two points x, y. Let () be the sum of all exterior angles between pairs of adjacent
edges, where the exterior angles in x and y are weighted with 1/2.
a) [1] Check that () is equal to the net total curvature of .
b) [1+] Prove that () 3.
c) [2-] Let G be a graph with two vertices and three edges between them, and let be an
embedding of G in R3 . Prove that if () < 4, then the is unknotted.
Exercise 24.21. a) [2-] Prove that the total length of a net (of inextensible strings) which
holds a sphere is at least 3.64
b) [1] Show that the bound in a) is tight.
c) [2] Suppose a net holds a sphere even if any k links are broken. Prove that the total
length of such net is at least (2k + 3).
24.8. Final remarks. Theorem 24.1 goes back to Segre (1937) and was subsequently rediscovered several times. This proof is given in [ChaK]. Theorem 24.4 was proved by Fenchel
in 1929, and was extended by Borsuk in 1947 (see Exercise 24.4). A continuous version of
the proof above was given by Liebmann and later rediscovered by Horn (see [Horn] for a
simple proof and references).
We refer to [Ada2, Sos] for an accessible introduction to knot theory. Theorem 24.5 was
discovered independently by F
ary and Milnor. In our proof we follow the sketch in [Cher],
which is close to the original proof in [Mil1]. The linked tube problem in Subsection 24.4
was proposed by F. Gehring in 1973. The proof we present is due to M. Ortel [Can+] (see
also [EdeS]). We refer to [Can+] for various extensions and further references.
The combinatorial proof of the F
aryMilnor theorem presented in Subsection 24.5 is due
to Alexander and Bishop [ABi]. They give additional arguments extending the result to
general curves and making the inequality in the theorem strict. The result on alternating
quadrisecants in the Exercise 24.16 is due to Denne [Den] and can be viewed as yet another
proof of the F
aryMilnor theorem.
The second hull theorem (Theorem 24.10) is proved in [CKKS], where various extensions
and applications are also presented. These include the extension to nontrivial links (see
Exercise 24.9) and another connection to the F
aryMilnor theorem (see Exercise 24.14).
precise denition is a non-trivial part of the exercise. For a simple example of a net which
holds a sphere, take vertices of an equilateral tetrahedron inscribed
q into S and connect them by
On the other hand, i i fi = 2 |E|, since every edge belongs to exactly two faces.
Substituting this into above equation gives Eulers formula.
Of course, Eulers formula holds in much greater generality, e.g., for all planar
maps, or in higher dimensions (see Section 8). Here is a simple corollary which will
prove useful.
Corollary 25.2. Every simplicial polytope with n vertices has 3n6 edges and 2n4
faces. More generally, this holds for every triangulated surface homeomorphic to a
sphere S2 .
Proof. Suppose P has k faces. Then the number of edges is 23 k, and by Eulers formula
k 32 k + n = 2. Solving this for k gives the result.
25.3. Spherical geometry proof. Now we present a different proof of the Gauss
Bonnet theorem (Theorem 25.3), based on spherical geometry. Not only this proof is
more insightful and from the book, it also leads to some useful extensions.
For every vertex vi V of polytope P , consider all planes H containing vi , such
that the whole polytope lies on one side of H. Such planes are said to be supporting
vertex vi . Taking normals uH (unit vectors H) these planes define a region Ri on a
unit sphere S2 . Clearly, these regions are disjoint (except for the boundary) and they
cover the whole sphere: S2 = i Ri . Indeed, taking any plane H and moving it from
infinity towards the polytope must hit some (perhaps more than one) vertex first (see
Figure 25.1).
Figure 25.1. Normal uH to plane H. Spherical k-gon Ri S2 corresponding to vertex vi of the polytope.
Suppose vi is a vertex of degree k (i.e., has k adjacent edges). Denote by 1 , . . . , k
the corresponding face angles. Observe that Ri is a spherical k-gon with sides orthogonal to projections of edges onto S2 (see Figure 25.1). Therefore, polygon Ri has
( j ) (k 2) = 2 i = i .
4 = area(S ) =
area(Ri ) =
i ,
i =
area(Ri ) = area(S) = d .
Thus, the total sum (A) of the face and boundary angles in A satisfies (A) = m.
On the other hand, summing over all vertices, we have (A) = 2 (A) k .
Together these equations imply the result.
The proposition implies that if there is no way to split the total curvature of all
vertices into two equal parts, then there are no simple closed geodesics (see Section 9).
Here is another result in this direction.
Corollary 25.7. An infinite convex polyhedron P R3 has a simple closed geodesic
if and only if P is a convex cap.
Proof. The corollary follows immediately from Theorem 25.5 and the observations
above: 1 + . . . + n = (CP ) < 2 unless P is a convex cap. To prove the second
part, suppose P is a convex cap. Consider a hyperplane H orthogonal to a ray CP ,
and such that all vertices of P lie on one side of H. Then the intersection M = H P
is a closed geodesic.
The following is a somewhat unexpected application of the proposition.
Theorem 25.8 (Cohn-Vossen). Two simple closed geodesics on a surface of a convex
polytope either intersect or have equal lengths.
For example, a hexagon and a square shown in Figure 10.4 are two closed geodesics
on a cube of different length, and they do, in fact, intersect. The theorem also allows
an easy calculation of the lengths of geodesics. For example, in a regular tetrahedron
in the same figure, the rectangular geodesics can be sled down towards an edge. Thus
its length is twice the edge length.
Proof. Let P be a convex polytope, and let M1 , M2 be two simple closed geodesics
on the surface S of P . As before, let V be the set of vertices of P . Assume that M1
and M2 do not intersect. Then polygons M1 and M2 divide the surface S into three
regions: B1 , B2 and C, such that B1 = M1 , B2 = M2 , and C = M1 M2 . By
proposition, the sum of curvatures inside B1 and B2 is equal to 2, so by the Gauss
Bonnet theorem region C does not have interior points.
In the language of the graph G = (V, E) of P , observe that the sets of interior
vertices V1 = V (B1 ) and V2 = V (B2 ) are disjoint, nonempty and contain all graph
vertices: V = V1 V2 . Thus, there exists an edge (x, y) E, such that x V1 ,
y V2 Since both M1 and M2 must intersect (x, y), denote by z1 , z2 points of intersection. Now cut the region C with an interval (z1 , z2 ), and unfold C on a plane
(see Figure 25.2). Each geodesic becomes a straight interval (z1 , z1 ) and (z2 , z2 ),
where (z1 , z2 ) used to be identified with (z1 , z2 ). Thus, the unfolding is a plane 4-gon
Z = [z1 z1 z2 z2 ] with |z1 z2 | = |z1 z2 |. Since M1 and M2 are both geodesics, we have:
z1 z1 z2 + z1 z1 z2 = z1 z2 z2 + z1 z2 z2 = .
Therefore, Z is a parallelogram and geodesics M1 and M2 have equal length.
Exercise 25.3. (From GaussBonnet back to Euler ) [1] Consider a polygonal region A
P obtained as an -neighborhood of all edges of the polytope (see Figure 25.3), for > 0
small enough. Apply the previous exercise to A and derive Eulers formula.
Exercise 25.6. a) [1] Suppose all faces of a convex polytope P R3 are centrally symmetric. Prove that P has at least eight simple vertices (vertices adjacent to exactly three
edges). Note that this is tight since the cube has exactly eight simple vertices.
b) [1-] Prove that there is no upper bound of the number of faces.
Exercise 25.7. [1] Let P R3 be a convex polytope whose vertices have degrees 4.
Prove that it has at least eight triangular faces.
Exercise 25.8. Let P R3 be a convex polytope. Denote by c(P ) the sum of the number
of triangular faces and the number of vertices of degree 3.
a) [1-] Check that the graph-theoretic proof in Subsection 11.2 implies that c(P ) 1.
b) [1] Use Eulers formula to prove that c(P ) 8.
Exercise 25.9. a) [1] Suppose the surface S of a convex polytope P R3 can be decomposed into a nite number of rectangles. Prove that P has at most eight vertices.
b) [1] Suppose S can be decomposed into a nite number of rectangles. Prove that P has
at most twelve vertices.
Exercise 25.10. (de Guas formula) [1] Let P R3 be a convex polytope. Denote by A
and B the sums of all solid and dihedral angles, respectively. Prove that
2B A = 2 (m 2),
where m is the number of faces in P .
Exercise 25.11. Let P R3 be a convex polytope containing the origin O. For a facet F
of P , denote by (F ) the sum of the angles of F and by (F ) the sum of the angles of the
projection of F onto a unit sphere centered at O. Finally, let (F ) = (F ) (F ). Prove
(F ) = 4 .
Exercise 25.16. [1] Prove that the inverse to Theorem 25.6 does not hold, i.e., construct
a convex polytope P such that a subset of vertices has sum of curvatures equal to 2, but
which has no simple closed geodesics.
Exercise 25.17. [1+] Let P R3 be an unbounded polyhedron with (CP ) > 0. Prove
that between every two points in S = P there is only a nite number of geodesics.
Exercise 25.18. Let denote the largest dihedral angle in a convex polytope P R3
with n vertices.
a) [1] Suppose < /2. Prove that P is a tetrahedron.
b) [1] Suppose /2. Prove that n 8.
c) [1+] Suppose , for some > 0. Disprove: n is bounded as a function of .
Exercise 25.19. [1+] Suppose integers n, m, k > 0 satisfy n m + k = 2, n 2k 4, and
k 2n 4. Give a direct construction of a convex polytope in R3 with n vertices, m edges
and k faces.
Exercise 25.20. (Eberhards theorem) a) [1] Use Eulers formula to show that for every
simple polytope P R3 , we have:
(6 i) fi (P ) = 12,
26. Cauchy theorem: the statement, the proof, and the story
In this section we give the classical proof of the Cauchy theorem, of Alexandrovs
extension, and of Stokers converse. Much of the rest of the book is based on this
26.1. Polytopes are surprisingly rigid. Let P and P be two combinatorially
equivalent polytopes in R3 (see Section 12), with vertices v1 , . . . , vn and v1 , . . . , vn ,
and faces F1 , . . . , Fm and F1 , . . . , Fm , respectively. From here on, we will always
assume that the equivalence maps the corresponding vertices and the corresponding
faces, i.e., vi vi and Fj Fj , all i and j. Finally, suppose the corresponding
vertices belong to the corresponding faces: vi Fj if and only if vi Fj . We say that
two faces Fj and Fj are equal if they are equal as polygons, i.e., the corresponding
edges have equal lengths and the corresponding face angles are equal.
Theorem 26.1 (Cauchy theorem). Let P and P R3 be two convex polytopes as
above, with all faces equal polygons: Fj Fj , for all 1 j m. Then P and P are
equal polytopes: P P , i.e., P can be moved into P by a rigid motion.
There is a way to think of the Cauchy theorem in terms of graph realizability.
Suppose P is simplicial, i.e., all faces are triangles. Then faces are determined by the
edge lengths. Formally, let G be the graph of P , and let L : E R+ be the length
function on edges of P . The Cauchy theorem implies that if convex polytope P has
the same pair (G, L), then P P . In other words, polytope P with (G, L) is unique
up to a rigid motion. This uniqueness property is an important way of thinking of
Theorem 26.1.
More generally, let T be a graph of some triangulation of faces of P , i.e., a graph on
the set V of vertices of P with the set of edges H E being edges of the polytope and
some diagonals in T . Denote by L : H R+ be the corresponding length function.
Now the full power of the Cauchy theorem implies that if convex polytope P has the
same pair (T, L), then P P .
A more traditional way to think of the Cauchy theorem is in terms of (continuous)
rigidity. A continuous family of polytopes {Pt : t [0, 1]} is called a continuous
deformation of P0 into P1 if under deformation the faces remain equal. The Cauchy
theorem now implies the following result.
Corollary 26.2 (Rigidity of convex polytopes). Let {Pt : t [0, 1]} be a continuous
deformation of convex polytopes. Then Pt is a rigid transformation from P0 to P1 .
While the corollary follows immediately from the Cauchy theorem, it is easier to
prove, has many applications and generalizations, some of which will be mentioned
Remark 26.3. Let us calculate the degrees of freedom of convex polytopes to see if the
Cauchy theorem makes sense. A simplicial polytope P R3 is determined by its 3n
coordinates. The space of rigid motions has dim O(3, R) = 6 dimensions (three rotations
around pairs of axes and three translations along the axes). Thus, up to a rigid motion,
polytope P has 3n 6 degrees of freedom. Since the number of edges is |E| = 3n 6,
this makes sense (see Corollary 25.2). If we had |E| < 3n 6, we would have a hard time
showing that they have a unique real solution.65 While this is not a formal argument, the
magic number (3n 6) is good to keep in mind.
26.2. What to expect when you are expecting a proof. Surprise! There are
many interesting proofs of the Cauchy theorem and its relatives. The classical proof
(essentially due to Cauchy) will occupy the rest of this section. As the reader shall
see in the next section, the Cauchy theorem can be extended and generalized in a
number of ways. We outline a few of these directions and prove some extensions.
In fact, much of the rest of the book is also connected to the Cauchy theorem, one
way or another, but the following seven sections are directly related. In Sections 28, 29
we present two other proofs of the Cauchy theorem, one of a local, while another of
global nature. In Section 30 we present several examples of non-unique and flexible
polyhedra. By the Cauchy theorem these polyhedra must be non-convex, but they
are interesting and enlightening nonetheless.
Later, in Section 31, we introduce an algebraic approach to rigidity of polyhedra.
This approach leads us to two proofs of Dehns rigidity theorem (in Sections 32 and 33)
and eventually culminates in Section 34 with the proof of the bellows conjecture
(Theorem 31.2). Let us note that the final remarks subsections in these sections
contain references not listed in other sections, so the reader is advised to read all of
them to get the big picture.
26.3. The traditional proof of the Cauchy theorem. Let P and P be two
polytopes as in the Cauchy theorem (Theorem 26.1). Denote by G = (V, E) the
graph of P (and of P ), and by e and e the dihedral angles in polytopes P and P
of the corresponding edge e E. Let us label every edge e E with (+) if e < e ,
with () if e > e , and with (0) if e = e . Now let us analyze this labeled graph G.
For a vertex v in P , consider the labels of the edges containing v, written in cyclical
order, and ignoring the zero labels. Denote by mv the number of sign changes, i.e.,
pairs of adjacent edges (cyclically, skipping all 0s) with labels of different signs (see
e.g., Figure 26.1). Clearly, mv is always even.
Lemma 26.4 (Sign changes lemma). For every vertex v V , the number of sign
changes mv among pairs of edges containing v is at least four, unless all labels of
edges containing v are zero.
Proof. Let Cv be the cone spanned by edges of the polytope P containing v. Think
of Cv as an infinite cone starting at v and containing P . Now let Qv be the spherical
convex polygon obtained by intersection of Cv with a unit sphere S2 centered at v.
The sides of Qv are equal to the face angles, while angles are equal to dihedral angles
in edges containing v. Note also that Qv lies in a hemisphere S2+ . Similarly, let Qv
be the corresponding polygon obtained from P . From above, Qv and Qv have equal
system would have innitely many complex realizations of (G, L), but that make very little
sense in the context of convex polytopes over the real numbers.
Figure 26.1. Spherical polygon Qv corresponding to vertex v. A vertex v in graph G with mv = 2 sign changes.
edge lengths but may have different angles. The result now follows immediately from
the spherical LegendreCauchy lemma (Theorem 22.2).
We are now ready to prove the Cauchy theorem.
Proof P
of Theorem 26.1. Assume for now that the labeling has no zeroes. Denote by
M = vV mv the total number of pairs of edges with a sign change. By the lemma,
we have a lower bound on the number of sign changes: M 4 |V |.
Now let us get an upper bound on M by counting the number of sign changes
summing over all faces F F . As before (see Section 25), let fk denotes the number
of faces with k sides. We have:
|F | = f3 + f4 + f5 + f6 + f7 + f8 + . . . and
Observe that the number of sign changes in a (2r + 1)-gon face is at most 2r, the
same as in a 2r-gon (see Figure 26.2). From here we have:
M 2f3 + 4f4 + 4f5 + 6f6 + 6f7 + 8f8 + . . .
2f3 + 4f4 + 6f5 + 8f6 + 10f7 + 12f8 + . . .
4 |E| 4 |F | = 4 |V | 8 ,
where the last equality follows from Eulers formula. Since M 4 |V |, we get a
Now suppose some edges in G are labeled zero, but not all of them. Remove zero
labeled edges from G and let H be a connected component in the resulting graph
(see Figure 26.2). Note that for the graph H we also have Eulers formula, since
the removal of non-bridge edges (i.e., those edges whose removal does not make H
disconnected) decreases only the number of faces and edges, so it does not change
|V | |E| + |F |. Then the argument above gives a contradiction once again.
From above, we conclude that H is empty and all edges are labeled zero. In other
words, polytopes P and P have equal dihedral angles between the corresponding
faces. This immediately implies the polytopes are equal, i.e., can be moved by a rigid
Now let us redefine rigidity of convex polytopes and restate Corollary 26.2. We
say that {Pt : t [0, 1]} is a continuous deformation of polytope P if the faces of Pt
remain isometric, for all t [0, 1]. We say that P is (continuously) rigid if in every
continuous deformation {Pt } of polytope P the polytopes Pt are isometric.
Corollary 26.7 (Rigidity of convex polytopes, revisited). Every convex polytope P
R3 is continuously rigid.
This definition of rigidity is also robust enough to allow advanced generalizations.
For simplicity, we drop continuous and use rigidity for the rest of the lectures66.
26.5. Parallel polytopes. We start a short series of extensions of the Cauchy theorem (Theorem 26.1) with the following side result. While easily equivalent to the
Cauchy theorem, it brings to light some properties of the proof given in Section 26.3.
Theorem 26.8 (Alexandrov). Let P, Q R3 be two combinatorially equivalent convex polytopes with equal corresponding face angles. Then they have equal corresponding
dihedral angles.
This result easily implies the Cauchy theorem: faces and dihedral angles determine
the whole polytope. In fact, we used this observation in the proof of the Cauchy
theorem. On the other hand, the result is applicable to distinct polytopes, such as
bricks [a b c].
The proof of Theorem 26.8 is essentially an observation. Note that in the proof of
the Cauchy theorem we never used the geometry of faces, except for the face angles.
In addition to the (intrinsic) convexity of polyhedra, we use only only one global
parameter: Eulers theorem, that is a consequence from the fact that the surfaces of
convex polytopes are homeomorphic to a sphere. Thus, basically, in the proof of the
Cauchy theorem, we first establish Theorem 26.8, and only then prove the result.
We say that two polytopes P, Q Rd are parallel if they are combinatorially equivalent and the corresponding facets are parallel. Clearly, every two combinatorially
equivalent polytopes with equal corresponding dihedral angles can be made parallel
by a rigid motion. Basically, one can view Theorem 26.8 as a local condition for being
parallel, up to a global rotation.
Let us mention that the inverse to Theorem 26.8 is also true. Given two polytopes
which are combinatorially equivalent and have equal corresponding dihedral angles
we conclude that they are parallel, i.e., the corresponding faces lie on parallel planes.
Therefore, the corresponding edges lie on parallel lines. Finally, the corresponding
face angles are equal as angles between pairwise parallel lines.
26.6. Face angles are not as good as you think they are. Before we move to
further generalizations of the Cauchy theorem, let us mention that from the point of
view of convex polytopes, face angles are not a good way to define a polytope. In
fact, they overdetermine the polytope, even up to translation of faces. Indeed, let us
are other kinds of rigidity, such as static rigidity, innitesimal rigidity, k-th order rigidity,
global rigidity, etc. (see [Con5]). We will dene the rst two in Sections 31 and 33.
compare the degrees of freedom for a simplicial polytope P with n vertices. First,
there are
ifi = 2 |E| = 2 (3n 6)
face angles. These angles satisfy |F | = (2n 4) linear relations on the sums along
faces67. In total, angles give 2 |E| |F | = 4n 8 degrees of freedom.
On the other hand, n vertices of a polytope P R3 have (3n 6) degrees of
freedom (see Remark 26.3). There are |F | = (2n4) degrees of freedom of translation
of faces, |F | 3 = 2n 7 up to translations of the whole space R3 . Thus there are
(3n 6) (2n 7) = n + 1 remaining degrees of freedom. Comparing n + 1 and 4n 8
we obtain a number of (nonlinear) relations on face angles of polytopes, making face
angles an unattractive way to define a polytope.
Let us illustrate this in a tetrahedron: 12 face angles in this case determine a
tetrahedron up to rigid motions and expansion, a 5-dimensional space of realizations.
Taking into account 4 linear relations on face angles, we conclude that there are three
extra nonlinear equations on the angles. Let us compute one of these two equations
(the others are similar).
In a tetrahedron as in Figure 26.3, denote the vertices by i [4]. Recall the law of
sin (132)
sin (213)
Applying this equation to all four faces, we have:
1 =
|23| |34| |14| |12|
sin (213) sin (324) sin (134) sin (142)
Figure 26.3. Getting a nonlinear relation on face angles of a tetrahedron.
GaussBonnet theorem (Theorem 25.3) gives another linear relation, but it follows from
the linear relations on faces (as made explicitly in the proof of the theorem).
26.7. The converse of the Cauchy theorem. From the discussion above, one can
think of the Cauchy theorem as a statement that in all convex polytopes in R3 the
edge length and face angles determine the dihedral angles, and with them the whole
polytope. Thus, it is reasonable to ask if the converse is true as well: is it true that
the edge lengths and dihedral angles determine the face angles as well? The following
result confirms the suspicion:
Theorem 26.9 (Stoker). Let P, Q R3 be two combinatorially equivalent convex
polytopes with equal corresponding edge lengths and dihedral angles. Then P and Q
are isometric.
Note that the theorem is obvious for simplicial polytopes: in that case the edge
lengths alone determine face angles (consider separately each triangular face), and
with them the whole polytope. Of course, for simple polytopes knowing edge lengths
is insufficient. On the other hand, dihedral angles alone can determine the face angle
(consider separately each vertex cone), and with them the whole polytope once again.
Therefore, this result is actually easy for extreme cases and the main difficulty is with
intermediate polytopes. The main idea of the proof below is to combine these two
different approaches into one argument.
Proof. Using the approach in the proof of the Cauchy theorem, compare face angles
in P and Q and label them with (+), () and 0 accordingly. Note that around
every face either all labels are zero or there are at least four sign changes. This is
the analogue of the arm lemma (Lemma 22.3) for planar polygons and the proof is
verbatim. Similarly, around every vertex all labels are zero or there are at least four
sign changes. Indeed, consider a vertex v of P and the dual cone Cv (see Section 25).
The dihedral angles i equal to i , where i are face angles in v. Now, as in
the proof of the sign changes lemma (Lemma 26.4), by the arm lemma for spherical
polygons we have the claim.
Consider the medial graph H with vertices corresponding to edges of P and edges
connecting two adjacent edges in P lying in the same face. Label the edges of H
with the same label as the corresponding face angle in P . Note that the faces of H
26.8. Exercises.
Exercise 26.1. (Stokers conjecture) The conjecture states that every two combinatorially equivalent convex polytopes in R3 with equal corresponding dihedral angles have equal
corresponding face angles.
a) [1-] Check that the conjecture implies Theorem 26.9.
b) [1] Prove that the conjecture holds for simple polytopes.
c) [1+] Prove that the conjecture holds for circumscribed polytopes.
d) [] Prove the conjecture for simplicial polytopes.
Exercise 26.2. [1+] State the spherical analogue of Stokers conjecture. Find a counterexample.
26.9. Final remarks. The Cauchy theorem was proposed to Cauchy by Legendre, who
established it in several special cases (see [Bla2, Mi3]). Legendre wrote a standard geometry
course, and was led to the problem by trying to formalize (and prove) Denition 11.10 from
Euclids Elements [Euc]:
Equal and similar solid gures are those contained by
similar planes equal in multitude and in magnitude.
Here by planes Euclid means the faces of the polytope, which he required to be equal
polygons. For centuries this denition was viewed as a claim that polytopes with equal faces
are equal. However, the notion of equality as congruence of polytopes is absent in Euclid,
and the statement really concerns the volumes of polytopes. As was noted in [Mi3, 2.5],
it seems Euclid meant to apply the denition only to volumes of basic polytopes, such
as triangular prisms and pyramids. In any event, Legendre proved the Cauchy theorem in
several special cases, and gave the general problem to his student Cauchy.68
The proof of the Cauchy theorem more or less follows Cauchys original approach. The
Alexandrov theorem (Theorem 27.7) can be found in [A2]. Let us mention that similar
polytopes play an important role in the study of mixed volumes of convex bodies. We use
them in the proof of the Minkowski theorem (Theorem 36.2).
Our proof of Theorem 26.9 follows the original proof by Stoker, who further conjectured
that convex polytopes with equal corresponding dihedral angles have equal face angles [Sto,
6] (see Exercise 26.1). Let us mention that Theorem 26.8 extends verbatim to S3 and H3
(see Subsection 27.1), and so does Stokers theorem (Theorem 26.9). Although the natural
analogue of Stokers conjecture is open in full generality, the spherical analogue in false (see
Exercise 26.2), and the innitesimal version was recently established in [MazM] (see also
[Ale6, 5], [Schl2] and Exercise 32.2).
In the next several sections we present further results on rigidity of polyhedral surfaces.
In Sections 28, 29 we present two other (more involved) proofs of the Cauchy theorem, and
in Sections 32, 33 we present about four dierent (and somewhat less involved) proofs of
the rigidity of convex polytopes (Corollary 26.2).
Now, to prove Theorem 27.2, we need the corresponding result for convex spherical
polytopes first. Such a result is easy to prove by a straightforward induction. For
d = 3 this is Theorem 27.1. Suppose the result is established for some d 3. Take a
(d + 1)-dimensional spherical polyhedron P and let Qv be an intersection of P and a
d-dimensional sphere centered at a vertex v of small radius. By inductive assumption
applied to the d-dimensional convex spherical polytope Qv , we conclude that Qv and
thus the spherical pyramid Pv = conv{v, Qv } Sd+1 are completely determined. This
gives the Cauchy theorem in any dimension for spherical polytopes.
Now, for a Euclidean polytope P Rd , again consider an intersection Qv with a
small (d 1)-dimensional sphere. Use the result for spherical polyhedra to conclude
that the pyramid Pv over Qv is completely determined, and thus gives all dihedral
angles between facets. We omit the details.
Before we conclude, let us state the rigidity of higher-dimensional polytopes as well.
Corollary 27.3 (Rigidity in Rd ). Every convex polytope in Rd , d 3, is rigid.
Remark 27.4. There is a case to be made that in higher dimensions the polytopes are
largely overdetermined, i.e., conditions in the corollary can be weakened in most cases.
Without making this precise, let us make a counting argument calculating the degrees of
freedom (cf. Remark 26.3).
Consider a convex simplicial polytope P Rd , in which case the facets are determined
by the edge lengths. Suppose P has n verticesand k edges. The space of realizations of
the graph of P up to rigid motions is dn d+1
2 , since the dimension of the group of rigid
motions (translations and rotations) is d + dim O(d, R) = d(d + 1)/2. Now the rigidity of P
implies69 that this is the lower bound for the number of edges:
k dn
Interestingly, we already have seen this inequality. Denote by P Rd a dual polytope to P .
Clearly, P is simple, and in the notation of Section 8 we have fd1 = n and fd2 = k.
Thus, the inequality g2 g1 presented in Remark 8.2 becomes inequality () given above.
Let us show that inequality () can be quite weak. This means that a polytope can
have too many edges, more than necessary to justify the rigidity. The easiest example is a
cross-polytope Cd Rd , dened as a regular polytope dual to a cube.
For example, C3 is
a regular octahedron. Clearly, Cd has n = 2d vertices and k = 2d
edges, making ()
into strict inequality for d 4.
speaking, this conclusion can be made for realizations only over C, rather than over R.
The reader can think of this as a heuristic argument which can in fact be formalized.
different polyhedral surfaces may be equal (as sets of points) to the boundary of the
same convex polytope.
We say that convex polyhedral surfaces S and S in R3 are globally isometric,70
write S S , if there is a map between them (as sets of points in R3 ) which preserves
distances in R3 . In other words, S S if there exists a rigid motion which moves S
into S .
Theorem 27.6 (CauchyAlexandrov theorem for polyhedral surfaces). Let S =
i=1 Fi and S = i=1 Fi be two convex polyhedral surfaces in R , which are combinatorially equivalent and the corresponding faces are isometric: Fi Fi . Then
surfaces S and S are globally isometric.
Proof. This is again essentially an observation on the proof of the Cauchy theorem.
We say that a point v in S is flat if the sum of the face angles in it is equal to 2
(the point v may actually lie on an edge of P ). Since the sum of the face angles
around vertices is always 2, every flat vertex v of polygon Fi is mapped into a
flat vertex v of polygon Fi . There are three possibilities: either both v and v lie in
the interior of faces, or one of them lies
on the proof of the Cauchy theorem.
Suppose S = P and S = P . From above, the union of all polygons Fi which
form a polytope face Pj P is isometrically mapped into the union of all Fi which
form a face Pj P . Now use the same argument as in the Cauchy theorem to obtain
the result.
27.5. Alexandrovs uniqueness theorem for isometric convex surfaces. Let
S Rd be a (convex) surface embedded into a space. For two points x, y S define
the surface distance |x, y|S to be the length () of the shortest path S between x
and y. Thus we obtain the surface metric on S.
Let S = m
i=1 Fi and S = j=1 Fj be two (convex) polyhedral surfaces in R . We
say that S and S are intrinsically isometric, write S S , if there exists a map
: S S (between sets of points), which maps the surface metric on S into the
surface metric on S :
|x, y|S = |(x), (y)|S , for all x, y S.
Of course, global isometry implies intrinsic isometry, but the converse is not true for
non-convex surfaces. For example, two polyhedral surfaces that lie on the boundary of
the same polytope are intrinsically and globally isometric. Alternatively, the surfaces
of two realizations of the same polytope are intrinsically, but not globally, isometric
(see, e.g., Figure 30.1). By the Cauchy theorem (Theorem 26.1), one of these polytopes must be non-convex. The following result shows that one cannot obtain two
intrinsically isometric surfaces from two different convex polytopes.
Theorem 27.7 (Alexandrov uniqueness theorem). Let S, S R3 be two convex
polyhedral surfaces which are intrinsically isometric. Then they are globally isometric.
use the term globally isometry in place of the usual isometry to emphasize that we are
working with surfaces rather than polytopes. The intrinsic isometry is dened below.
Once again, let us emphasize that one can view Theorem 27.7 as of a uniqueness
result. It says that up to a rigid motion there exists only one convex polyhedral
surface with a given metric.
Proof. Let : S S be a map in the definition of intrinsic isometry, S = P ,
and S = P . Consider the regions Gi = (Fi ). Since all interior points in Fi are flat
in S, so are the points in Gi ; otherwise shortest paths in Fi will not be mapped into
shortest paths in Gi by Proposition 10.1. Similarly, since sides of the polygon Fi are
the shortest path in S, the sides of Gi are also shortest paths. We conclude that Gi
are polygons in S not containing vertices of P in their relative interior. Similarly,
regions Hj := 1 (Fj ) are polygons in S not containing vertices of P in their relative
interior. Finally, note that all Gi and Hj are intrinsically convex in the surface metric
of S and S.
Let Gij = Gi Fj , and Hij = Hi Fj , for all 1 i m, i j m . Clearly, each
Gij and Hij is a convex polygon and the map : Hij Gij is an isometry between
them. Finally, combinatorial equivalence of convex polyhedral surfaces Se = ij Hij
and Se = ij Gij follows from adjacency of the corresponding edges as zero distance.
By Theorem 27.6, surfaces Se and Se are globally isometric. Since S = Se and S = Se
(as sets of points), we obtain the result.
An example of an isometric embedding of a polygon into a surface is given in
Figure 27.3. The edges subdivide it into smaller convex polygons, as in the proof
is unfortunate since, of course, the Cauchy rigidity theorem immediately extends to locally
convex polyhedra homeomorphic to a sphere.
Finally, let
M(P, f ) :=
fe e .
This function comes from differential and integral geometry and has a special invariance property which we prove later in this section.
M(P, f ) =
av (f ), rv .
hu v,e , r v i + hu w,e , r w i = e ,
for every edge e = (v, w) E with length e . Indeed, the l.h.s. in () is the sum of
the (signed) lengths of projections pv and pw of vectors r v and r w onto line (vw) (see
Figure 28.1). Changing the order of summation from vertices to edges we obtain:
fe u v,e , r v
a v (f ), r v =
as desired.
fe hu v,e , r v i + hu w,e , r w i =
fe e = M(P, f ),
u v,e
u w,e w
Here in the lemma we are assuming that the dihedral angles e (t) on [0, 1] have
derivatives e (t) with respect to t. If not, by continuity of e (t), the claim can be
replaced with the left or right derivative at any point t = t0 with no change in the
proof. We find the former version more aesthetically pleasing, while the second more
Proof. The lemma follows immediately from the following observation. Note that
i (t)u i (t) are angular velocity vectors of the i-th face around (i 1)-st face of Ct .
Thus the sum is the rotational velocity of the 1-st face over itself, a zero.
Formally, consider a vector w R3 in the first face of C. Suppose w is the
composition of rotations around u i by an angle i (t) i (0), for all i [k]. We have:
" k
w =
i u i w =
i u i w = a w .
Before we turn to the proof of the Cauchy theorem, let us make an interesting
corollary from the lemma. Let {Pt : t [0, 1]} be a continuous family of combinatorial equivalent polyhedra in R3 , not necessarily convex or even embedded (see
Section 26.2), such that vertex coordinates change continuously. Then, with the same
disclaimer as after Lemma 28.2, we obtain the following result.
Theorem 28.3 (Schlafli formula). For a continuous family of polyhedra {Pt : t
[0, 1]} preserving the faces, we have:
e (t) e (t) = 0, for all t [0, 1],
where e (t) are edge lengths and e (t) are dihedral angles.
Proof. In the notation above, let fe = e (t) be derivatives of the dihedral angles.
By Lemma 28.2
we have a e ( (t)) = 0, for every edge e E. On the other hand,
M(Pt , (t)) = eE e (t)e (t), as in the theorem. Now the edge summation lemma
(Lemma 28.1) gives:
M(Pt , (t)) =
a v ( (t)), r v = 0,
as desired.
The following corollary follows easily from the Schlafli formula, but is important
enough to single out. Recall that a continuous deformation {Pt : t [0, 1]} is a
continuous family of polyhedra with all edge lengths constant under deformation:
e (t) = ce for some ce > 0 and all t [0, 1].
Corollary 28.4 (Invariance of the mean curvature). Let {Pt : t [0, 1]} be a continuous isometric deformation of a (possibly non-convex) polyhedron. Then the mean
curvature M(Pt ) is a constant independent of t.
For convex polyhedra this follows immediately from Corollary 26.7. On the other
hand, for non-convex polyhedra this is a new result, a special property of flexible
polyhedra. We present their examples and further properties in Sections 30, 31.
Proof. Suppose first that all dihedral angles e (t) are differentiable on [0, 1]. Then
1 X
( e ) e =
e (t) e (t) = 0,
M (Pt ) =
2 eE
2 eE
so the mean curvature M(Pt ) is a constant independent of t. Suppose now that not
all e (t) are differentiable. By continuity, at every point t0 (0, 1) we can compute
the left and right derivatives of e (t), and then of M(Pt ). From above, the left and
right derivatives of M(Pt ) are equal to 0 at all t (0, 1). Thus, M(Pt ) is differentiable
with zero derivative in (0, 1). This again implies that M(Pt ) is independent of t.
28.3. The ultimate local proof. Observe that the structure of the proof of the
Cauchy theorem splits naturally into a local and a global part: the sign changes
lemma (Lemma 26.4) which easily reduces to the arm lemma (Lemma 22.3) and the
sign counting lemma (Lemma 26.5) based on the use of a counting argument and
Eulers formula. There are several other proofs of the Cauchy theorem which follow
the same pattern, but have varying levels of complexity of local and global parts. The
idea of this proof is to make the local claim strong enough, so that the contradiction
follows easily, by a geometric and a straightforward double counting argument, rather
than by a calculation and Eulers formula. After all, Eulers formula can also be
deduced by a global argument (see Section 25), so it makes sense that the Cauchy
theorem can be proved along these lines.
Let C, D R3 be two convex cones starting at the origin O and with the same
sequence of side angles (in cyclic order). In this case we say that cones C and D have
isometric sides. The cones are called equal, write C D if there exists a rotation
mapping one into the other. Finally, define the dual cone C as in Subsection 25.4,
to be the cone of all normal vectors: C = {w R3 | (w, v) 0 for all v C}.
Lemma 28.5 (Pogorelov). Let C, D R3 be two convex cones with isometric sides
and dihedral angles 1 , . . . , k and 1 , . . . , k , respectively. Denote by u1 , . . . , uk the
unit vectors along edges of C. Let w = w(C, D) be a vector defined as follows:
w :=
(i i ) ui .
In the notation of the edge summation lemma (Lemma 28.1), let fe = (e e ) and
note that w v = a v (f ). By the lemma, we have:
A =
(e e ) e =
( e ) e
( e ) e = 2M(P ) 2M(Q),
where the last equality follows from the isometry between the corresponding edges of
polytopes P and Q. From here, M(Q) M(P ).
Now switch the roles of P and Q. We similarly get M(P ) M(Q). Therefore,
M(P ) = M(Q), A = 0, and every inequality above is an equality: hw v , r v i = 0, for
all v V . By convexity and the assumption that z P , this implies that w v = 0,
for all v V . By the second part of Pogorelovs lemma, we conclude that the
corresponding cones have isometric sides, and thus the corresponding dihedral angles
are equal: e = e , for all e E. Thus, the polytopes P and Q are also equal.
28.4. Proof of Pogorelovs lemma. While Pogorelovs lemma may seem like a
quantitative version of the sign changes lemma (Lemma 26.4), the proof we present
below reduces the former to the latter. Unfortunately, as of now, there is no independent proof of Pogorelovs lemma. So while the search for such a proof is ongoing, let
me present the proof we have.
Proof of Pogorelovs lemma modulo the sign changes lemma. Clearly, if C D, then
the vector w = 0. Now suppose C and D are not equal. Since cone C is convex, it
suffices to show that hw , u i i < 0, for all i [k]. In other words, we need to prove
hw , u i i =
(j j )u j , u i =
(j j ) cos ij < 0, for all j [k],
where ij is the angle between u i and u j . Fix i [k] and denote by i the summation
we need to bound:
i :=
(j j ) cos ij .
We fix cone D and vary cone C. Let us show that i = i (C) maximizes only
when C D. This would imply that i < 0, and prove the result.
First, note that i is bounded, i.e., by definition it is at most k. Thus, by
compactness of the space of k-cones (equivalently, spherical k-gons), the maximum
of i is reached at some cone, which can be degenerate and not strictly convex. Either
way, let C be such a cone, and assume that i (C) > 0.
Think of the cone C and the corresponding spherical polygon. Place labels (+), ()
and 0 on the edges of C as in the proof of the Cauchy theorem, i.e., according to the
signs of (j j ), j [k]. By the assumption above, C and D are not equal, and by
the sign changes lemma (Lemma 26.4), there are at least four sign changes.
Let us assume that the i-th edge has label (+). Then, there exists r [k] such
that r-th edge also has label (+) and together the i-th and r-th edges divide all
k edges into two parts (in cyclic order) so that each of them has positive and negative
labels. Suppose edges p and q are the closest on each side with labels (). Consider a
continuous deformation {Ct } of the cone C, which increases dihedral angles at the i-th
and r-th edges, decreases dihedral angles at the p-th and q-th, and leaves unchanged
angles at the remaining edges. We claim that such a deformation is possible, with the
+ r
Figure 28.2. Change of dihedral angles in a continuous deformation {Ct } of the cone C. Here the angle ij (t) decreases.
Observe that by the arm lemma (Lemma 22.3), the angles ij (t) are decreasing
for j on an interval between p and q containing r, and are unchanged elsewhere (see
Figure 28.2). Differentiating directly, we have:72
i (t) =
(j j (t)) cos ij (t)
Note that the second sum is equal to 0. This follows from the angular velocity
equation (Lemma 28.2) by taking the scalar product with u i on both sides. Note
also that each term in the first sum is 0, with the r-th term > 0. We conclude
that i (t) > 0, which contradicts our assumption that i maximizes at C.
We have two more cases to consider: when the label of the i-th edge is 0 and (). In
the latter case we proceed similar fashion, by taking a deformation with the dihedral
angles increasing at p-th and q-th edges, while decreasing at i-th and r-th edges.
When the label is 0 we can treat it either as (+) or as (), since the i-th term in
the first summation is always zero. One has to be careful with the extremal cases:
if i = 0 we should increase the angle, and if i = , then decrease it. Either way we
get a contradiction with the maximality assumption on i .
is easy to make the dierentiation rigorous. Let us parameterize the deformation, say, by
having i increase linearly: i (t) = i +t, for some > 0. Then the remaining angles j (t) and ij (t)
are completely determined, and can be computed by the spherical law of cosines (see Appendix 41.2).
Clearly, the resulting functions are all analytic in t.
i (k 2) ,
area(Q) =
i (k 2) .
Denote by O1 the center of the sphere containing convex polygons P and Q. Denote
by C and D the cones over P and Q, respectively, with center at O1 . By the assumption, the polygon P = [x1 . . . xk ] is inscribed into a circle with center O2 S2 .
(i i )u i .
(i i ) =
1 DX
(i i )
(i i )u i , r
hu i , r i
hw , r i 0,
28.6. Exercises.
Exercise 28.1. [1-] Prove the result of Theorem 28.6 without the convexity assumption
on Q, and the assumption that P contains the center O2 of the circle it is inscribed into.
Deduce from here the isoperimetric inequality in the plane (Theorem 7.1).
Exercise 28.2. (Monotonicity of the mean curvature) a) [1+] Let P R3 be a convex
polytope inside a unit ball B. Denote by e the length of edge e, and let e be the dihedral
angle at e. Prove that the mean curvature of P satises: M (P ) 4 .
b) [2-] Let P, Q R3 be two convex polytopes and P Q. Then M (P ) M (Q).
c) [1] Dene M (X) = supP X M (P ) to be the mean curvature of a convex body X. Prove
that M (B) = 4.
Exercise 28.3. a) [1+] Let C R3 be a convex cone with a vertex at the origin. Denote
by u 1 , ..., u k the unit vectors along the cone edges, and let 1 , ..., k be the corresponding
dihedral angles. Prove the following inequality:
1 u 1 + . . . + k u k
H(u) d(u),
where P Rd is a convex polytope containing the origin O, and H(u) is the support
function dened by H(u) = max{hx, ui | x P }.
a) [1] Prove that M2 (P ) = perimeter(P ).
Now, let us compute M3 (P ) by rewriting the integral as a sum over vertices. In the notation
above, using Rv = Cv S2 , we have:
M3 (P ) =
hu, r v i d(u) =
u d(u), r v .
R u d(u),
where R = C S2 .
c) [1+] Use additivity to compute the integral above for general cones. Write the answer
for each vertex:
u d(u) =
e u v,e .
Exercise 28.8. [1+] Let R3 be a xed tetrahedron and let a, b denote its two
edges. When we change the length a of a while keeping other edge lengths xed, the
dihedral angle b at b also changes. Let Lab = b /a . Prove that Lab = Lba , for all a
and b.
Exercise 28.9. a) [1] Let x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 R2 be four points in general position, and let
ij = |xi xj | be the pairwise distances between them. Suppose all distances except for 12
and 34 are xed. Since (x1 x2 x3 x4 ) has ve degrees of freedom, change of 12 inicts a
change of 34 . Prove that
34 d34
12 d12
area(x1 x2 x3 ) area(x1 x2 x4 )
area(x1 x3 x4 ) area(x2 x3 x4 )
b) [1+] Let x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 R3 denote ve points in general position, and let ij = |xi xj |
be as above. Suppose all ij except for 12 and 34 are xed. Prove that
12 d12
34 d34
vol(x1 x2 x3 x5 ) vol(x1 x2 x4 x5 )
vol(x1 x3 x4 x5 ) vol(x2 x3 x4 x5 )
28.7. Final remarks. The angular velocity equation (Lemma 28.2) is standard, see e.g.,
[A2, 10.1]. The edge summation lemma (Lemma 28.1) is a straightforward extension of
the argument in [Pog2]. Corollary 28.4 is due to Alexander [Ale] who presented two proofs.
The rst proof is based on simplicial subdivisions of polyhedra and the additivity property
of the mean curvature. Our proof of the (special case of) Schl
ai formula (Theorem 28.3)
is in fact similar to the second proof of Alexander (see [Ale, 9]).
The local proof presented above is due to Pogorelov [Pog2], who never seems to have
published the proof of his lemma (Lemma 28.5). Pogorelovs lemma was proved in a companion paper [Vol1] by Volkov, which we follow. The combined PogorelovVolkov proof
of the Cauchy theorem is obviously harder than Cauchys proof, since it basically replaces
the straightforward sign counting lemma (Lemma 26.5) with two non-trivial proofs (make
it four, if one counts two supporting lemmas). On the other hand, this approach has the
advantage of being connected to other results, and also gives ground for further investigations.
Most recently, Schlenker found an innitesimal analogue of Pogorelovs lemma, and a
similar in spirit (double counting) proof of the innitesimal rigidity [Schl4] (see Section 32).
His proof of the innitesimal analogue of Pogorelovs lemma is independent of the sign
changes lemma, and is based on some explicit calculation for spherical 4-gons. It would
be natural to look for a similar argument to obtain a new proof of Pogorelovs lemma,
independent of the sign changes lemma.
As we mentioned above, the fact that the mean curvature of polyhedral surfaces are
invariant under the exing was shown in [Ale]. This result was rediscovered and extended
in [AlmR], where further connections to the Schl
ai formula were found (see also [SchlS]).
For the history of the Schl
ai formula, references and related results see [AVS, Mil2]. We
refer to [Sant, Ch. 13] for more on mean curvature in higher dimensions, its connections to
dierential and integral geometry, and the proof of the Minkowski formula (Exercise 28.5).
Our proof of Theorem 28.6 follows [Mi2] (see also [Mi3, 1.5]). Note that isoperimetric
inequalities were studied earlier in Section 7 and in fact one can view Theorem 28.6 as a
generalization of the isoperimetric inequality in the plane (see Exercise 28.1).
To visualize set F , consider a rigid motion of R3 which moves face A into A . Denote
by w
e the image of the point w. The set of points at equal distance from v and w
e is
the plane T which intersects face A either by a face or by an interval with endpoints
at the edges of A, or T does not intersect A at all (see Figure 29.1). In other words,
the set F is a union of faces and straight intervals between the edges.
Finally, note that X lies in the cone Cv and thus can be moved into an upper hemisphere. Similarly, X lies in the cone Cv . Since the cone over X with a vertex at w is
strictly smaller than Cv , the polygon X also can be moved into an upper hemisphere.
By the weak arm lemma (Lemma 29.1), we conclude that such polygons X and X
do not exist, a contradiction. This proves that P Q.
29.3. Killing the monsters. It would be a shame to have a global but rather
intricate proof as above, and a rather unexciting inductive proof of the weak arm
lemma (Lemma 29.1). Fortunately, the fact that the lemma is qualitative rather than
quantitative allows us to create from two polygons a nice imaginary monster, i.e.,
an impossible construction whose nonexistence is easy to establish.
We need a few preliminary definitions and remarks. Let M be a compact metric
space homeomorphic to a sphere. The example to keep in mind is a surface S = P
of a convex body with the distance defined as the length of the shortest path in S
between the points. The advantage of the abstract metric spaces is that it can be
studied without an explicit embedding into Euclidean space. Below we use only the
abstract spherical polyhedral surfaces (s.p.s.) which are defined by gluing along the
edges a finite number of spherical polygons (on a unit sphere S2 ), such that the
resulting manifolds are homeomorphic (but not necessarily isometric) to a sphere.
These are analogues of polyhedral surfaces for spherical polyhedra (we will add an
analogue of convexity below). An example is a spherical tetrahedron which can
be obtained by gluing together four equilateral spherical triangles with the same
Given a s.p.s. M as above, we can define lines, circles, and angles accordingly. At
a point x M, define the curvature (x) = 2 (x) where (x) is the total angle
around x. A point x S is called flat if (x) = 0, and non-flat otherwise. For a
k-gon Q M define
(Q) := area(Q) +
where NF(Q) is the set of non-flat interior points x Q. Using these definitions
one can extend the inductive proof of the GaussBonnet theorem (Theorem 25.3) to
obtain that the total curvature of every s.p.s. satisfies (M) = 4.
Finally, we will always assume that our s.p.s. is nonnegatively curved: (x) 0
for all x M. Observe that for every two points x, y M we have |xy| . Indeed,
the shortest path cannot go through points of positive curvature by Proposition 10.1.
Thus, every shortest path M between x and y must lie in a flat neighborhood R
M. Since R is isometric to a region in S2 (possibly overlapping), the path of length
|| > can be shortened. This condition will be important in the proof.
Proof of the weak arm lemma. Let X, X be two spherical polygons as in the lemma.
Remove X from a unit sphere S2 and attach X in its place. Denote by M the
resulting s.p.s. The only non-flat points in M are the vertices of X = [x1 x2 . . . xn ].
Using notation i = xi1 xi xi+1 xi1 xi xi+1 , we have (xi ) = i > 0. Since X is
Interestingly, there seems to be a bit of a tradeo: the easier the global part is, the harder
the local part is, and vice versa. Pogorelovs proof in the previous section has a strong local
part, and an easy global part. Similarly, the proof in this section has a reverse emphasis.
Figure 30.1. Two realizations of the same bipyramid and a cyclic polytope Z4 .
30.3. Tight polyhedra. A polyhedron P R3 (a 2-dimensional polyhedral surface) is called tight if every plane divides P into at most two connected components.
The definition is equivalent to the following weak convexity condition: every edge
of conv(P ) must lie in P and every vertex v P which is a local minimum of some
linear function : R3 R, must also be a vertex in conv(P ) (see Exercise 30.1).
The tightness condition is so restrictive, the reader might find it difficult to find
any non-convex examples of tight polyhedra. As it happens, all tight polyhedra
homeomorphic to a sphere are convex (see Exercise 30.1), but there are various natural
examples of tight polyhedra of higher genus (see Figure 30.2).
a2 = (2, 4),
a3 = (4, 3),
a4 = (3, 1),
b1 = (1, 1),
b2 = (2, 3),
b3 = (4, 4),
b4 = (3, 2),
Figure 30.4. Three self-intersecting realizations of the same parallelogram, and the Bricard octahedron.
Since the surface S is triangulated, one can think of realizations of S as realizations
of the corresponding graph. Formally, let G be a graph of an octahedron and let L be a
length function taking values a, b, c as in the figure. From above, there is a continuous
family of realizations of (G, L) which cannot be obtained one from another by rigid
30.5. Flexors. While the Bricard octahedra can be viewed as an obstacle to an extension of the Cauchy theorem (Theorem 26.1) to non-convex polytopes, one can
restrict the set of examples further, by requiring a realization to be an embedding
(i.e., with no self-intersections). Such polyhedra are called flexors and were first constructed by Connelly. This is the most restrictive definition of non-convex polyhedra,
suggesting that the Cauchy theorem really cannot be extended in this direction.
Unfortunately very few constructions of flexors are known, all of them somehow
related to a trick used by Connelly. Being a flexible polyhedron carries already too
many restrictions and flexors do not seem to have any additional properties separating
them from the flexible polyhedra. We skip their constructions.
this section we will use the term polyhedron quite loosely, applying it to all objects at hand.
b R
d c
a d
c1 , c2 , d1 , d2
a1 , a2 , b1 , b2
already mentioned in Remark 29.2 what happens to the (weak) arm lemma without this
Now let the plane coordinates of C4 be as shown in Figure 30.7. Here all plane
coordinates either lie on circles or in their centers O1 and O2 . Thus, the pairwise
distances between
p points are either equal to the interval lengths as in the figure, or
equal to = 21 + 22 , where 1 , 2 are the radii of the circles. Note that both
inscribed 4-gons are flexible, as the circle radii change (compare this with the Bricard
octahedron). Thus, we can keep the distance constant while changing the radii of
the circles. Therefore, the above construction gives a flexible polyhedron.
Finally, note that by the argument in Subsection 27.2 every construction of a flexible
d-dimensional polyhedron gives several constructions of flexible (d 1)-dimensional
spherical polyhedra, one per vertex. Of course, in this case all such polyhedra are the
spherical analogues of the Bricard octahedron.
30.9. Polyhedral surfaces with boundary. Now that we started expanding the
class of non-convex polyhedra, there is no reason to stop on closed surfaces. One
can (and, in fact, some people do) consider polyhedral surfaces with boundary. Unfortunately, in this case flexibility is not an exception but a rule. Basically, if one
removes two adjacent faces from a surface of a simplicial polytope one obtains a
flexible surface:
Theorem 30.1. Let P R3 be a simplicial convex polytope, let e be an edge of P ,
and let F1 , F2 be two faces containing e. Then S := P r (F1 F2 ) is a flexible
polyhedral surface.
Of course, the result cannot be extended to all polytopes. For example, if we remove
two adjacent faces of a cube, the resulting surface is still rigid. The proof of the
theorem is an easy application of the Alexandrov existence theorem (Theorem 37.1),
and is presented in Subsection 37.3.
30.10. Exercises.
Exercise 30.1. (Tight polyhedra) a) [1+] Prove that a polyhedron P R3 is tight if and
only if every edge of conv(P ) must lie in P and every vertex v P which is a (strict) local
minimum of some linear function : R3 R must be a vertex of conv(P ).
b) [1-] Show that neither of the two conditions in a) suce for the tightness.
c) [1-] Check that the two toric polyhedra constructed in Subsection 30.3 are tight.
d) [1] Prove that every tight polyhedron embedded into R3 and homeomorphic to a sphere
is convex.75
Exercise 30.2. [2-] Generalize to higher dimensions the construction of a toric polyhedron
in Subsection 30.6. Check whether they are exible or rigid.
Exercise 30.3. [1] Consider the Hooker polyhedron dened in the US Patent 3894352.76
Is it exible or rigid?
Exercise 30.4. a) [] Find examples of exible polyhedra in Rd , for all d 5.
b) [] Prove or disprove: every realization of a cross-polytope in R5 is rigid.
can view this result as a variation on the convexity criterion given in Exercise 1.25.
30.11. Final remarks. The construction of tight toric polyhedra with isometric faces is due
to Bancho [Ban1]. See [Kuh] for more on tight polyhedra, generalizations and references.
We refer to [Con2, Con4, FucT] for an introduction to the subject of exible polyhedra
and easy-to-construct examples (see also [Ale4, Dol, Sab5]). Let us note also that Bricard
completely characterized all exible octahedra in 1897; there are in fact two additional
families dierent from the construction we present in this section [Bri2] (see also [Leb3]).
We refer to a well written survey [Ale6, 7] for detailed constructions and the references.
Flexible polyhedron homeomorphic to a torus in Subsection 30.6 is one of a large family
of exible polyhedra introduced by Goldberg [Gol2] (see also [Ale2]). Flexible spherical
polyhedron in Subsection 30.7 is due to V. A. Alexandrov [Ale3]. Let us mention also that
exible polyhedra exist in the hyperbolic space H3 , where the analogues of the Bricard
octahedra can be proved to be exible [St2].
The construction in Subsection 30.8 is due to A. Walz (unpublished). Our presentation
follows [St1], where the author gives a more general construction of exible cross-polytopes.
While no examples of exible polytopes in higher dimensions are known at the moment,
we do expect the multitude of examples. On the other hand, Stachel conjectured that in
dimension d 5 there are no exible cross-polytopes [St1].
x1 = y1 = z1 = y2 = z2 = z3 = 0.
cN tN + . . . + c1 t + c0 = 0,
Remark 31.5. (Does this give an algorithm? ) It was shown in [FedP] that the degree
of Sabitov polynomials () is at most 2m and can be exponential even in the most simple
cases (see Exercise 31.5). Starting with edge polynomials, one can use standard computer
algebra tools to determine (numerically) the coordinates of all vertices.
31.4. Why polynomials are always better than numbers. Let us continue our
construction of the polytope. For each coordinate xi , yi , and zi we need to compute
the Sabitov polynomial relations (). Evaluating polynomials Fij at 2ij makes ()
into polynomials of the desired values. Compute their roots and try one by one all
resulting combinations until a convex one is found.
Alternatively, and more invariantly, we can compute Sabitov polynomials for all
diagonals F1i , F2i and F3i . Again, after their lengths are determined to belong to a
certain finite set of solutions, we have a finite number of possibilities to consider.
Now, the above argument clearly contradicts the existence of flexible polyhedra
(say, with self-intersections) since it implies that there is always only a finite number
of solutions. The mistake in this argument is very important and may not be obvious
at first sight.
. . . . . . [Think about it for a few minutes!]
... ...
The mistake is that all polynomial coefficients ci in the Sabitov polynomial relations () may become zero when evaluated at {ij }. When this happens, we cannot
determine the corresponding diagonal lengths, thus allowing for the flexible polyhedra. On the other hand, if at least one ci 6= 0 in all Sabitov polynomials for diagonals
as above, then there exists only a finite number of planted realizations. In particular,
all realizations are (continuously) rigid.
We are now ready to prove Theorem 31.1. First, observe that the polytope L1 of
length functions has full dimension m = 3n 6 (see next subsection). On the other
hand, for every diagonal (vi , vj ), the set of roots of the equation cr = 0 (over R) has
codimension at least 1, where cr is a coefficient of () corresponding to Fij . Thus,
all relations () are nonzero almost surely, and there exists only a finite number of
realizations of (G, L), as desired.
Let us think about what is needed to prove Theorem 31.2, the former bellows
conjecture. First, one has to check that vol(P ) is a polynomial in the ring R, i.e.,
depends polynomially on the vertex coordinates. Then, by Corollary 31.4 it satisfies
a Sabitov polynomial relation (). If one can prove that the coefficient cN is nonzero,
then the volume takes only a finite number of values, and, therefore, remains constant
under continuous deformations. While proving polynomiality of the volume is an easy
exercise, checking that cN 6= 0 is a major task; we prove this in Section 34.
31.5. Proof by an algebraic manipulation. Let us first show that Theorem 31.3
follows easily from the Cauchy theorem and the Steinitz theorems. The proof is trivial
in essence, but requires a good absorbtion of the results and definitions involved.
Proof of Theorem 31.3. Let G = (V, E) be a plane triangulation as in the theorem.
Recall that by the Steinitz theorem (Theorem 11.1) there exists a convex polytope P
with graph G. We can assume that P is planted; otherwise use a rigid motion to
make it so. Perturbing the vertex coordinates of P by < , while keeping P planted,
does not change convexity and the graph of the polytope, for sufficiently small > 0.
By the Cauchy theorem, all perturbations give different length functions L : E R+
of these realizations of P . In other words, we obtain an open subset X Rm of
perturbations of coordinates, each giving a length function L L(G) Rm .
Now consider a characteristic map F = (. . . , Fij , . . .) : Rm Rm , where Fij will
always correspond to graph edges (vi , vj ) E. The Jacobian J() in this case is
a determinant of a m m matrix of partial derivatives of Fij by the coordinates.
Since Fij are polynomials, the Jacobian is also a polynomial. From above, J() does
not vanish on an open subset X Rm of the coordinates. Therefore, the Jacobian J()
is a nontrivial polynomial, and polynomials Fij are algebraically independent.
Remark 31.6. The proof above is based on the Cauchy theorem, but uses a local rather
than a global argument. On the other hand, the (continuous) rigidity is insucient to make
the argument work, since in general the Jacobian can vanish at a point while a polyhedral
surface remains continuously rigid. The examples are given in the previous section. This
will also lead us to a notion of static and innitesimal rigidity which are stronger than
continuous rigidity, but somewhat easier to prove than the Cauchy theorem.
31.6. Exercises.
Exercise 31.1. [1+] Let P R3 be a bipyramid with side length c, over an inscribed
n-gon in the plane, with side lengths a. Find a minimal polynomial for the volume of P
with coecients in C[a2 , c2 ].
Exercise 31.2. Denote by Qn (a, b) the radius of a convex polygon inscribed into a circle
with n 1 sides a and one side b. Let rn (a, b) be the radius of the this circle, i.e., the radius
of the circle circumscribed around Qn (a, b).
a) [1+] Compute a formula for rn (a, b) as a root of a polynomial equation in a2 and b2 in
terms of the Chebyshev polynomials.
b) [1+] Compute the minimal degree of such polynomial relation for rn (a, b).
Exercise 31.3. (Robbinss problem) Denote by A(a1 , . . . , an ) and R(a1 , . . . , an ) the area
and the circumradius of an inscribed convex polygon with sides ai (see Example 34.6 and
Exercises 34.1, 34.6).
a) [1] Prove that A2 () and R2 () are algebraic over C[a21 , . . . , a2n ].
b) [1+] Prove that in both cases the degrees n and n of the minimal polynomial is at
least Tk when n = 2k + 1, and 2Tk when n = 2k + 2, where Tk is the number of (possibly
self-intersecting) polygons inscribed into a circle.
c) [1+] Prove an explicit formula for Tk :
2k + 1 2k
22k1 .
Tk =
d) [2] Give an explicit formula for n . Check that it proves the upper bound matching the
lower bound in b).
e) [2] Prove that n = n .
Exercise 31.4. (Connellys suspensions) Dene a suspension to be a bipyramid over an
inscribed polygon (as in Bricards octahedron).
a) [2] Prove that in every exible suspension, the inscribed (self-intersecting) polygon must
have each edge length repeated twice, once in each direction.
b) [1] Check that such polygons have zero area (cf. Exercise 34.6). Conclude that every
exible suspension has a zero volume.
Exercise 31.5. (Degrees of Sabitov polynomials) a) [1] Let Qn denote the bipyramid
over an n-gon and let n be the degree of the Sabitov polynomial of the main diagonal.
Prove that n = n (see Exercise 31.3). Conclude that n is exponential.
b) [1] Let n denote the degree of Sabitov polynomial of the main diagonal in the cyclic
polytope Zn (see Figure 30.1). Prove that n is exponential.
c) [2] Use a Bezout type result to show that degrees of Sabitov polynomials () is at most 2m .
Exercise 31.6. Let = (v0 v1 v2 v3 ) R3 be a tetrahedron, and let ij be its edge lengths,
0 i < j 3.
a) [1-] Find positive values {ij , 0 i < j 3} which satisfy the triangle inequalities
ij + jk > ik ,
and such that no tetrahedra with these edge lengths exist.
b) [1] Consider the set of all possible edge lengths of tetrahedra in R3 :
L = {(01 , . . . , 34 )} R6 .
Prove that L is not convex.
c) [2-] Consider the set of all possible square edge lengths of tetrahedra in R3 :
S = {(201 , . . . , 234 )} R6 .
Prove that S is convex.
Exercise 31.7. Let = (v1 v2 v3 v4 ) R3 be a tetrahedron, and let ij denote the dihedral
angle at the edge (vi , vj ), for all 1 i < j 4.
a) [1] Prove that 12 + 23 + 34 + 14 2.
b) [1-] Prove that 2 12 + 13 + 14 + 23 + 24 + 34 3.
c) [1] Prove that 0 cos 12 + cos 13 + cos 14 + cos 23 + cos 24 + cos 34 2.
d) [1-] Prove that the second inequality in c) is an equality only if is equihedral.
e) [1+] Show that part a) holds also in the hyperbolic space H3 .
31.7. Final remarks. Versions of Theorem 31.1 have been proved in much greater generality, e.g., for closed surfaces of every genus. This result is usually attributed to Gluck [Glu],
but has also appeared in an earlier paper by Poznjak [Poz].
We prove the bellows conjecture (Theorem 31.2) and give references in Subsection 34.7.
To further appreciate Sabitovs theorem, compare it with the following Connellys conjecture: In the conditions of Theorem 31.2, polytopes enclosed by Qt are scissor congruent
(see [Con2, Con4]). A version of this conjecture was recently disproved in [AleC].
Finally, let us mention that the algebraic approach to the subject and the method of
places recently found unexpected applications to the Robbins conjectures (see Exercise 31.3
and 34.6). These conjectures are concerned with properties of polynomial relations on areas
of inscribed convex polygons, as functions of squares of its sides. We refer to [FedP] for
connections between two problems and an algebraic background, and to [Pak4] for a short
survey and further references (see also Exercise 12.3).
the corresponding edge vector in the realization. In this notation, e ij = e ji, for
all (vi , vj ) E. The set of scalars {ij R, (vi , vj ) E} is said to be an edge load if
ij = ji , 12 = 13 = 23 = 0, and
ij e ij = 0, for all i [n].
j : (vi ,vj )E
Theorem 32.1 (Dehns theorem; static rigidity of convex polytopes). Every simplicial convex polytope in R3 is statically rigid.
We already proved this result in a different language. To see this, consider a ma(ij)
trix R with rows R corresponding to edges (vi , vj ) E, written in lexicographical
= (. . . , xi xj , yi yj , zi zj , . . . , xj xi , yj yi , zj zi , . . .).
The matrix R is called the rigidity matrix. Now observe, the Jacobian J() is a
determinant of the matrix with the following rows:
Fij Fij Fij
, . . . = 2 R .
dFij = . . . ,
xr yr zr
has to be careful here: this only proves rigidity in the space of convex realizations. In fact,
the continuous rigidity holds for all non-strictly convex realizations; this is a stronger result due to
Connelly (see [Con5])
Figure 32.1. Stresses on a non-strictly convex polyhedral surface S
show that it is not statically rigid.
Lemma 32.3 (Static analogue of the sign changes lemma). Unless all labels around
a vertex are zero, there are at least four sign changes.
By Lemma 26.5, we conclude that all labels must be zero. This proves Dehns
lemma modulo Lemma 32.3.
Proof of Lemma 32.3. Denote by e 1 , . . . , e k the edge vectors of edges leaving vertex w
of a convex polytope P . We assume that w is at the origin and the edge vectors are
written in cyclic order. Suppose we have a nonzero linear combination
u := 1 e 1 + . . . + k e k = 0.
Denote by H any generic hyperplane supporting P at w, i.e., a hyperplane containing w, such that all vectors e i lie in the same half-space. If there are no sign changes,
i.e., 1 , . . . , k 0 or 1 , . . . , k 0. Then their linear combination u is also in the
same half-space unless all i = 0, a contradiction.
Suppose now that there are two sign changes, for simplicity 1 , . . . , i 0 and
i+1 , . . . , k 0. Denote by H a hyperplane which contains vectors e 1 , . . . , e i in a
half-space H+ , and e i+1 , . . . , e k in the other half-space H . Then the linear combie3
xa xb ya yb za zb
M(a | b, c, d) = xa xc ya yc za zc ,
xa xd ya yd za zd
where a, b, c, d represent distinct integers in [n]. Here we assume that b < c < d and
the ordering on rows corresponding to edges (vi , vj ) E is lexicographic. In addition
to these minors, there is one special non-degenerate 3 3 minor of R , with rows
corresponding to the edges (v1 , v2 ), (v1 , v3 ), and (v2 , v3 ), and the columns to x2 , x3 ,
and y3 :
y3 .
M(1, 2, 3) = 0
x2 x3 x3 x2 y3
Now, using the Laplace expansion for det R over triples of rows we conclude that
the determinant D is the product of determinants of the 3 3 minors as above, each
given up to a sign. Since we need these signs let us formalize this as follows.
We say that vertices v1 , v2 , v3 are base vertices and the edges between them are base
edges. A claw in is a subgraph H of isomorphic to K1,3 , i.e., a subgraph K(a |
b, c, d) consisting of four distinct vertices va , vb , vc , vd and three edges: (va , vb ), (va , vc ),
and (va , vd ). We call vertex va the root of the claw K(a | b, c, d). Recall that
contains (3n 6) 3 = 3(n 3) non-base edges, exactly three per non-base vertex
(cf. Corollary 25.2). One can ask whether non-base edges of can be partitioned into
claws, with a root at every non-base vertex. Denote such claw partitions by , and
the set of claw partitions by . We have:
D = det R = det M(1, 2, 3)
det M(a | b, c, d),
Figure 32.4. Two claw partitions of an octahedron and a claw partition of an icosahedron.
We say that two claw partitions s , are connected by a 3-cycle reversal if
they coincide everywhere except for three edges which belong to different claws and
form a 3-cycle as in the example. We need the following lemma.
Lemma 32.7. Every two claw partitions , can be connected by a sequence
of claw partitions:
= 0 1 . . . 1 = ,
such that i , i [], and every i is obtained from i1 by the reversal of edges
in a 3-cycle.
Note that the number of number s() of negative claws in remains invariant under
a 3-move reversal, so the sign () is constant on all . Similarly, because 3cycle is an even permutation, the sign () is also constant. Therefore, Lemma 32.7
immediately implies Lemma 32.5.
Proof of Lemma 32.7. Let e1 = (vi , vj ) E be an edge in which belongs to a claw
with root vi in partition and belongs to a claw with root vj in partition . If
there are no such edges, then = , and there is nothing to prove. Think of e1
as an oriented edge: it belongs to , but not to . Clearly, there also exists an
edge e2 = (vj , vr ) which belongs to , but not to , etc. Continuing in this manner,
we eventually return to the starting vertex vi , and obtain an oriented cycle of edges
C = (e1 , e2 , . . . , ek ). Note that if we reverse the direction of the edges, we obtain an
oriented cycle in (see a cycle on the right in Figure 32.4).
Note that the reversal operation of edges in an oriented cycle does not move from
to . Instead, we obtain a new claw partition 1 . Now, comparing 1 to we can
find a new oriented cycle of edges in but not in , whose reversal will create a new
partition 2 . Repeating this procedure we obtain a sequence of claw partition with
more and more edges oriented as in , and eventually reach :
1 2 . . . .
We can also assume that all cycles reversed at each step are not self-intersecting since
otherwise we can split each such cycle at the intersection point (see Figure 32.5), and
further refine sequence ().
Figure 32.6. Reversal of a long cycle.
32.6. Exercises.
Exercise 32.1. (Rigidity of non-convex polyhedra with saddle vertices) a) [1] Let P be a
non-convex polyhedron in R3 homeomorphic to a sphere, but possibly with self-intersections.
We say that a vertex is a saddle, if it is adjacent to exactly 4 edges, and there exists a
hyperplane separating two opposite edges from the other two. Check that Lemma 32.3
extends to saddle vertices.
[1] We say that a vertex v in P is convex if the corresponding cone Cv is convex. Check
that the proof above extend verbatim to polyhedra homeomorphic to a sphere, with only
convex and saddle vertices. An example is given in Figure 32.7.
Figure 32.7. A barbell style polyhedron with only convex and saddle vertices.
Exercise 32.2. [2] Let P R3 be a simplicial convex polytope and let S = P . Suppose {St } is a polyhedral deformation which preserves combinatorial structure and dihedral
angles. Prove that {St } is a rigid motion.79
Exercise 32.3. a) [2-] Let P R3 be a convex polytope with even-sided faces (quadrilaterals, hexagons, etc.) with surface S = P . Suppose S R3 is an embedded surface
which is combinatorially equivalent to S and whose faces are isometric. Prove that S is
continuously rigid.
b) [2-] Extend part a) to polyhedra with at most 7 odd-sided faces.
Exercise 32.4. (Alexandrov ) [1+] Let S = P be a triangulated surface of a convex
polytope P R3 . Suppose there are no triangle vertices in the relative interior of faces
(they are allowed only at vertices and on natural edges of P ). Prove that S is statically
32.7. Final remarks. Dehns lemma was used by Dehn [Dehn] to prove Theorem 32.1
and deduce from here the continuous rigidity of convex polyhedra (Corollary 26.7). This
approach was repeatedly rediscovered and is now only the rst basic step in the study of
rigidity of general frameworks. We refer to [Con5, Whi2] for the introduction and a broad
overview of general problems in rigidity theory and various applications.
The static (and thus continuous) rigidity of various families of non-convex polyhedra (see
Exercise 32.1) is an interesting part of modern rigidity theory. We refer to surveys [Ale6,
Con5] for various references on the subject.
The rst proof of Dehns lemma (Subsection 32.3) follows [FedP], but can also be found
in the early works on rigidity of frameworks (see [Roth, Whi1]). The proof of continuous
rigidity given in Subsection 32.4 is due to Alexandrov [A2, 10.3].
The rst part of the graph theoretic proof (Subsection 32.5, until Example 32.6) follows
the original paper of Dehn [Dehn] (see also [Ale6, 6]). The connectivity of all claw partitions
by a sequence of 3-cycle reversals is probably new. The argument here is a variation
on theme of several local move connectivity arguments (see Subsection 14.7) We refer
to [KorP] for further discussion on claw partitions of graphs and connections to tilings, and
to [Pak3] for a survey on local move connectivity arguments (cf. Section 23).
The extension of the Cauchy and Dehn theorems to polytopes with saddle vertices (as
in Exercise 32.1) in fact goes through with many proofs. This result was was proved by
Stoker [Sto] and then repeatedly rediscovered. Alexandrovs extension (Exercise 32.4) is
the rst step towards Connellys theorem on the second order rigidity of all triangulated
convex surfaces (Exercise 33.5).
Finally, let us note that for small enough angles the argument in the original (incorrect)
proof of the arm lemma (Lemma 22.3) is completely valid. Thus the incorrect proof in
fact implies the continuous rigidity of convex polytopes (Corollary 26.2). As we show in this
and the next section, the rigidity of convex polyhedra is somewhat easier to prove than the
uniqueness (the Cauchy theorem). Thus, it is quite tempting to ignore the full power of the
Cauchy theorem, thinking that the continuous rigidity is the most important implication of
uniqueness. From the real life applications point of view this idea is actually not without
merits (you really need rigidity, not uniqueness, to prevent a bridge from falling apart).
On the other hand, the proofs of a number of important results, such as the Alexandrov
before, let V and E be the set of vertices and edges of P . Denote by v i (t) = Ovi the
vector from the origin to the vertex vi = vi (t) of Pt . Think of vectors v i (t) as velocities
of vertices vi .80 For an edge length |vi vj | to be constant under the deformation we
need kv i (t) v j (t)k = 0, where kw k = (w, w) = |w|2. Thus, in particular, at t = 0
we must have:
v i (t) v j (t)
v i (0) v j (0) + t v i (0) v j (0)
0 =
An infinitesimal rigid motion is called planted if the velocities of base vertices are
equal to zero: a 1 = a 2 = a 3 = 0. Finally, we say that a simplicial polytope P R3
is infinitesimally rigid if every planted infinitesimal rigid motion is trivial: a i = 0 for
all vi V .
Theorem 33.1 (Dehns theorem; infinitesimal rigidity of convex polytopes). Every
simplicial convex polytope in R3 is infinitesimally rigid.
Of course, the restriction to planted infinitesimal rigid motions is necessary, as the
usual rigid motions of P in R3 can define nontrivial infinitesimal rigid motions. Also,
by definition, the infinitesimal rigidity implies the continuous rigidity.
To prove the theorem, simply observe that infinitesimal rigidity is in fact equivalent
to static rigidity, but written from a dual point of view. Indeed, if the determinant D
of the rigidity matrix is nonzero that means that locally all edge lengths of planted
realizations must be different. Therefore, the space of planted infinitesimal rigid
motions is zero, and vice versa. The details are straightforward.
To summarize, both static and infinitesimal rigidity are equivalent to Dehns lemma
(Lemma 32.2). In fact, this equivalence extends to general bar frameworks (see [Con5,
Whi2]) with no difference in the proof.
in Section 28, when the derivatives do not exist we can consider both left and right
33.2. A synthetic proof of infinitesimal rigidity. Now, one may ask what is
so great about yet another way to rephrase Dehns lemma. Well, as it turns out,
the infinitesimal rigidity notion is nice enough to allow a graph theoretic approach
markedly different from the one used above.
The proof we present below yet again splits into two parts: global and local. The
local part, while different, has roughly the same level of difficulty as the static analogue
of the sign changes lemma (Lemma 32.3). The global part is a simple graph theoretic
argument similar in style to the proof of the sign counting lemma (Lemma 26.5).
Proof of Theorem 33.1. First, note that equations () above say that the difference
in the velocity of vertices is orthogonal to the edges of the polytope. Think of velocity vectors as vector functions on vertices of P which are equal to 0 on base
vertices v1 , v2 , v3 . The idea of the proof is to enlarge the set of such functions and
prove a stronger result.
Let V = {v1 , . . . , vn } be the set of vertices of a simplicial convex polytope P R3 ,
and let E be the set of edges. Consider the set of all vector sequences (a 1 , . . . , a n ),
a i R3 , such that for every edge (vi , vj ) E we have one of the following three
(v i v j , a i ) = (v i v j , a j ) = 0,
(v i v j , a i ) < 0 and (v i v j , a j ) < 0,
(v i v j , a i ) > 0 and (v i v j , a j ) > 0.
In other words, we require that projections of velocity vectors a i and a j onto edge (v i , v j )
have the same signs. We say that a vertex vi is dead if a i = 0; it is live otherwise. We
need to prove that for every vector sequence (a 1 , . . . , a n ) as above, if base vertices
are dead, then all vertices vi V are dead. By definition of infinitesimal rigidity, this
would immediately imply the theorem.
Denote by = (V, E) the graph of P . Since P is simplicial, is a plane triangulation. Consider an orientation edges of in the direction of projections of the
velocity vectors. More precisely, we orient the edge vi vj in case 2, we orient the
edge vi vj in case 3, and leave it unoriented vi vj in case 1.
Consider two edges e = (vi , vj ) and e = (vi , vr ), e, e E, with a common vertex vi ,
such that (vi , vj , vr ) is a face in P . We say that edges e and e
have one inversion if one of them is oriented into vi , and the other out of vi ,
have zero inversions if both of them are oriented into vi or out of vi ,
have a half-inversion if one of the edges is oriented and the other is unoriented,
have one inversion if both of them are unoriented and vi is a live vertex,
have zero inversions if both of them are unoriented and vi is a dead vertex.
We say that a triangle is active if at least one of its vertices is live; it is inactive
otherwise. Now consider orientations of an active triangle (vi vj vr ) where vertex vi is
live (see some of them in Figure 33.1). A simple enumeration of all possible cases
gives the following result.
Lemma 33.2. Every active triangle has at least one inversion.
2 |E | = k + 3t,
and |F | = + t .
Proof of Lemma 33.3. Consider all possibilities one by one and check the claim in
each case. Suppose a vertex vi is adjacent to three or more unoriented edges. This
means that a i is orthogonal to at least three vectors spanning R3 . Therefore, a i = 0
and vi is a dead vertex with zero inversions.
Suppose now that vi is adjacent to exactly two unoriented edges e, e . This means
that a i 6= 0 is orthogonal to a plane spanned by these edges. Observe that e, e
separate the edges oriented into vi from those oriented out of vi . Thus, there are
bars lengths must remain the same, while cables can be contracted.
Exercise 33.8. [1+] Let (x000 , x001 , . . . , x111 ) R3 be eight vertices corresponding to vertices of a cube. Suppose all cube edges, as well as the diagonals in the top and bottom face,
are connected by cables. Also, suppose the diagonals in the four side edges are connected
by bars. Prove that this framework is innitesimally rigid.
Exercise 33.9. Let = (x1 x2 x3 x4 ) be a tetrahedron in R3 , let ij = |xi xj |, and let ij be
the dihedral angle at edge (xi xj ).
a) [1] Prove that angles ij determine uniquely, up to expansion.
b) [1] Show that lengths 12 , 13 , 14 and angles 23 , 24 , 34 do not necessarily determine .
c) [1+] Show that cannot be continuously deformed so that the angles and lengths in b)
remain invariant.
Exercise 33.10. (Rivin, Luo) a) [2+] Let S be an abstract 2-dimensional triangulated
surface homeomorphic to a sphere, and dened by the edge lengths ij = |eij |. Denote by
ij = , where and are the angles opposite to edge eij . Prove that every
continuous deformation of S which preserves all ij is a homothety.
b) [2+] Same result for ij = ln(tan ) + ln(tan ).
c) [2+] Same result for ij = cot + cot .
Exercise 33.11. (Schramm) [2] Suppose two combinatorially equivalent simplicial convex
polyhedra P1 , P2 R3 have a midscribed sphere, i.e., all their edges touch a xed unit
sphere S2 . Suppose further that a face in P1 coincides with the corresponding face in P2 .
Prove that P1 = P2 .
33.4. Final remarks. The synthetic proof of innitesimal rigidity in this section follows [Pak5] and is based on the proof idea in [Tru]. We refer to [Con5, 4.6] for further
references and other proofs of Dehns theorem.
Polyhedra that are continuously but not innitesimally rigid are called shaky polyhedra [Gol4]. Jessens orthogonal icosahedron is a classical example of a shaky polyhedron
(see Exercises 19.17 and 33.2). A non-strictly convex polyhedron in Figure 32.1 is another,
degenerate example.
While continuous rigidity is often hard to establish even for very specic frameworks,
the innitesimal rigidity is equivalent to a nonzero determinant of the rigidity matrix R .
Similarly, one can dene the second and higher order rigidity, which give further necessary
conditions on continuous rigidity (see Exercise 33.5). We refer to [ConS] for the introduction
to higher order rigidity, and to survey papers [Con5, IKS] for further references.
det[v1 , . . . , vd ] ,
(v1 ...vd )S
34.2. Playing with infinities. To prove the integrality of the volume we need to
develop some algebraic tools. Below is a quick introduction to the theory of places,
which will help resolve the problem.
Let F be a field, and let Fb = F {}. Elements a F are called finite elements
in Fb. As before, let L be a field. A map : L Fb is called a place if (1) = 1 and
it satisfies the following conditions:
(a b) = (a) (b),
= ,
= 0,
Obviously, all elements x R are integral over R. Note that by the theorem, if x
and y are integral over R, then so are x, x + y and x y. On the other hand, even
if x L, x 6= 0, is integral, then
1/x Lis not necessarily integral. For example, if
L = C and R = Z, then 2, 2 and i = 1 are integral over Z, while 1/2 is not.
34.3. Proof of the bellows conjecture. Just like in several proofs of the Cauchy
and Dehns theorems, the proof of the bellows conjecture (Theorem 31.2) neatly splits
into the local and the global part. As before, we first present the global part of the
proof, and only then prove the local part.
Proof of Lemma 34.1. Let L = R be the field of vertex coordinates. As in the lemma,
denote by R the ring generated by the squared edge lengths. Let F be any fixed field.
Consider a place : L Fb which is finite on R.
Now, let = (V, E) be a graph of the vertices and edges in S. We prove the claim
by induction on the number n = |V | of vertices and the smallest degree of a vertex
in . Let us start with the base of induction, which is summarized in the following
lemma, proved later in this section.
Lemma 34.3. Let R3 be a simplex and let R be a ring generated by the squares
of the edge lengths 2ij . Then 24 vol() is integral over R.
Suppose has vertex w of degree 3. In this case we show that one can make the
inductive step by reducing the number of vertices. Denote by v1 , v2 , v3 the neighbors
of w. Consider a new surface S obtained from S by removing triangles (wv1 v2 ),
(wv2 v3 ), (wv3 v1 ), and adding triangle (v1 v2 v3 ) (see Figure 34.1). Clearly, S has
|V | 1 vertices and
vol(S) = vol(S ) + vol(),
where is a simplex (wv1 v2 v3 ). By the lemma and by the inductive assumption,
24 vol() and 24 vol(S ) are both integral over R. Thus, 24 vol(S) is also integral
over R, and we proved the claim in this case.
Suppose (|gi |2 ) is finite, for the small diagonal gi = (vi , vi+2 ) as above. Consider
a new surface S obtained from S by removing triangles (wvivi+1 ), (wvi+1 vi+2 ), and
adding triangles (wvi vi+2 ) and (vi vi+1 vi+2 ) (see Figure 34.2). Clearly, the degree of w
in S is k 1, and
vol(S) = vol(S ) vol(),
where is a simplex (wvivi+1 vi+2 ) with finite squared edge lengths. Here the orientation of the surface of can be either positive or negative, which determines the sign.
By the same argument as above, Lemma 34.3 and the inductive assumption imply
0 1
1 ... 1
1 0 201 202 . . . 20d
CM(v0 , v1 , . . . , vd ) := det
1 202 212 0 . . . 22d .
. .
.. . .
.. ..
. ..
1 20d 21d 22d . . .
The following formula computes the volume of via the CayleyMenger determinant.
Since the l.h.s. in this equation is a polynomial in the squared edge lengths, we
conclude that 24 vol() is integral over R, as desired.
Example 34.6. (Herons formula) Let P be a triangle in R2 with side lengths a, b, and c.
Recall the classical Herons formula for the area of a triangle:
area(P ) = p (p a)(p b)(p c) , where p = (a + b + c).
Expanding the product we obtain the same result as given by the CayleyMenger determinant:
0 1 1 1
1 0 a2 b2
area2 (P ) =
2a2 b2 + 2a2 c2 + 2b2 c2 a4 b4 c4 =
1 a2 0 c2 .
1 b2 c2 0
This implies that 4 area(P ) is integral over the ring generated by a2 , b2 and c2 . Note also
that the multiple 4 cannot be lowered here.
34.5. Proof of Lemma 34.4. We start with the following technical result. Let
w, v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 be distinct points in R3 . Consider the squared distances a1 = |v1 v2 |2 ,
a2 = |v2 v3 |2 , a3 = |v3 v4 |2 , and bi = |wvi|2 , 1 i 4. Further, let c = |v1 v4 |2 ,
s1 = |v1 v3 |2 , and s2 = |v2 v4 |2 .
Lemma 34.7. Let : L Fb be a place such that (ai ) and (bj ) are finite, where
1 i 3, and 1 j 4. Suppose also that (s1 ) = (s2 ) = . Then (c/s1 ) = .
This lemma easily implies Lemma 34.4. For k = 4, suppose that (s1 ) = (s2 ) =
(see Figure 34.3). Then the conditions of Lemma 34.7 are satisfied. In addition,
we require that (c) is finite, which implies that (c/s1 ) = 0. This contradicts
(c/s1 ) = in the lemma. Therefore, either (s1 ) or (s2 ) is finite. In other words,
at least one of the two small diagonals must be supportive.
Figure 34.3. Two cases in Lemma 34.4: when k = 4 and when k = 5.
For n = 5, suppose neither of the small diagonals in a pentagon [v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 ] is
supportive. From the lemma, (c/s1 ) = . Similarly, by the symmetry, (s1 /c) =
(see Figure 34.3). But then
(1) = (c/s1 ) (s1 /c) = = ,
a contradiction. This implies that at least one of the small diagonals is supportive,
and completes the proof of Lemma 34.4 from Lemma 34.7.
Proof of Lemma 34.7. Think of five points v1 , . . . , v4 and w as being in R4 . Then the
CayleyMenger determinant CM(v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , w) = 0. In the notation of the lemma,
we have:
0 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 a1 s1 c b1
1 a1 0 a2 s2 b2
= 0.
1 s1 a2 0 a3 b3
1 c s a 0 b
1 b1 b2 b3 b4 0
Divide the second row and second column by s1 . Similarly, divide the fifth row and
fifth column by s2 . We obtain:
1 1 s12
0 s11
0 a1 1
1 a1 s01 a s11s2 bs1
D := det
= 0.
0 sb42
s2 s1cs2 1 as23
1 sb11 b2 b3 sb42
Suppose that s1cs2 = 0. Using the assumptions on the values of and conditions (>) in the definition of a place, we obtain:
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
(a2 ) 1 (b2 )
1 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
(D) = det
= det
= 1,
0 (b3 )
1 1 (a2 )
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 (b2 ) (b3 ) 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
which contradicts (D) = (0) = 0. Therefore, s1cs2 6= 0, and
(s2 ) = ,
s1 s2
as desired.
34.6. Exercises.
Exercise 34.1. (Brahmaguptas formula) a) [1-] Prove an explicit formula for the
area of a convex quadrilateral Q with side lengths a, b, c, d, and which is inscribed
into a circle:
area2 (Q) = ( a)( b)( c)( d),
where = 21 (a + b + c + d) is half the perimeter of Q.
b) [1] Conclude that 4 area(Q) is integral over C[a2 , b2 , c2 , d2].
Exercise 34.2. a) [1-] Show that a triangle in the plane cannot have odd sides and
integral volume.
b) [1] Show that a tetrahedron in R3 cannot have odd edge lengths and integral
c) [1-] Conclude from a) that no 4 points in the plane can have odd pairwise distances.
Exercise 34.3. Two sets A and B of n points are called equivalent if their have the
same multiset of pairwise distances. Similarly, they are called congruent if one can
be obtained from the other by a rigid motion.
a) [1] Find two equivalent but non-congruent sets of 4 points in the plane.
b) [1+] Show that almost all sets of n 4 points in the plane have no sets equivalent
but not congruent to them.
Exercise 34.4. [1] Extend Lemma 34.4 to vertices of degree > 5.
Exercise 34.5. [1+] Let v0 , . . . , vd Rd1 be any d + 1 points. Denote by
CM (v0 , v1 , . . . , vd ) = det(2ij )
the principal minor of the CayleyMenger matrix, obtained by removing the first row
and the first column. Prove that CM (v0 , v1 , . . . , vd ) = 0 if and only if the points lie
on a sphere or a hyperplane.
Exercise 34.6. (Robbins problem) Denote by A(a1 , . . . , an ) the area of a convex
polygon inscribed into a circle with sides ai (cf. Example 34.6, Exercises 13.1, 31.3,
and 34.1).
a) [1-] Prove that A() is a symmetric function.
b) [2-] Prove that 4A() is integral over C[a21 , . . . , a2n ].
Exercise 34.7. (Extended bellows conjecture) a) [1+] Extend the bellows conjecture
to all orientable 2-dimensional polyhedral surfaces in R3 . In other words, extend
Lemma 34.1 to surfaces of any genus.
b) [] Extend the bellows conjecture to higher dimensions.
Exercise 34.8. (Equiareal triangulations) A dissection of a polygon into triangles of
equal area is called an equiareal triangulation.
a) [2] Prove that every equiareal triangulation of a unit square has an odd number
of triangles.
b) [2] Suppose a unit square is dissected into triangles with areas a1 , . . . , am . Prove
that there exists a polynomial f Z[x1 , . . . , xm ] such that f (a1 , . . . , am ) = 1/2.
c) [2+] Prove that every equiareal triangulation of a centrally symmetric polygon has
an odd number of triangles.
d) [2+] Extend part c) to centrally symmetric polygons of area 1.
e) [2] Find a plane quadrilateral which has no equiareal triangulations.
f ) [2] Find a convex polytope R R3 which cannot be dissected into tetrahedra of
equal volume.
34.7. Final remarks. The bellows conjecture is usually attributed to Connelly and
Sullivan (see [Con2]). The idea of finding and studying polynomial relations for the
volume (as in Corollary 31.4) seems to be due to Connelly and Sabitov and goes back
to the late 80s (see [Sab1]). The bellows conjecture, including the case of surfaces
of higher genus, was completely resolved by Sabitov in a series of papers of varying
difficulty [Sab2, Sab3, Sab4]. Our presentation is based on [CSW], where the idea
of using the theory of places has been introduced. This approach was later used
by Connelly to give a simple proof of one of the Robbins conjectures [Con6] (see
Exercise 34.6 and [Pak4]). We refer to [Schl3] for for more on the background of the
conjecture and the proof.
The bellows conjecture remains open in higher dimensions (see Exercise 34.7).
It is known to hold for the few available examples of flexible polyhedra (see Subsection 30.8). Interestingly, the bellows conjecture fails for spherical polyhedra, as
exhibited by a flexible spherical polyhedron given in Subsection 30.7 (see [Ale3]). A
number of counterexamples to the infinitesimal versions of the conjecture was given
in [Ale1]. Finally, the conjecture remains open for hyperbolic polyhedra (see [Ale6]
for the references).
The theory of places is often presented as part of a more general theory of valuations. In this context the integrality criterion (Theorem 34.2) is called the Chevalley
extension lemma (see [Cohn, 9.1]) and is usually stated in terms of valuation rings
(see [AtiM, Corollary 5.22] and [Mats, Theorem 10.4]).
words, let P = conv{v1 , . . . , vn } where Ovi = ri u i , ri > 0, and i [n] = {1, . . . , n}.
We say that polytope P lies on rays Ri , and call ri the ray coordinates of P .
We assume that rays Ri do not lie in the same half-space, so that polytope P
contains the origin O in its relative interior. As before, denote by i = (Ci) the
curvature of vertex vi (see Section 25).
Define the expansion of polytope P with ray coordinates r1 , . . . , rn to be a polytope cP with ray coordinates cr1 , . . . , crn , for some c > 0. The following results
shows that the curvature uniquely determines the polytope up to expansion:
Lemma 35.1 (Curvature uniqueness). Let P, P R3 be polytopes which lie on
rays Ri containing the origin O, where i [n]. Suppose these polytopes have equal
curvature at all vertices: i = i , for all i [n]. Then P is an expansion of P .
Proof. Consider all expansions cP which lie inside P . Clearly, for sufficiently small
c > 0 such expansions exist, and for sufficiently large c they do not. Let Q = P be
the largest such expansion, Q P . Since no further expansion is possible, at least
one vertex of Q lies on the boundary P , and by construction of polytopes on rays
this boundary point is a vertex of P (see Figure 35.1).
e = (vi , vj ) in Q, with one vertex vi in P and the other vertex vj in the interior
of P . In the first case, all vertices of Q coincide with those in P and polytope P
is an expansion of P . In the second case, denote by Ci the cone spanned by edges
of P starting at vi , and by Di the cone spanned by edges of Q starting at vi . Then,
by construction, Ci Di and Ci 6= Di . Therefore, by the monotonicity of the cone
curvature (Exercise 25.5), we have i = (Ci) < (Di ) = i , a contradiction.
35.2. Inequalities on curvatures. Before we can state the converse of Lemma 35.1,
we need to give the necessary conditions on the curvatures.
As before, let P be a convex polytope which lies on rays Ri , which do not lie in
the same half-space, and let i > 0 be the curvatures of the vertices, i [n]. First,
recall the GaussBonnet theorem (Theorem 25.3):
1 + . . . + n = 4 .
In addition, there is a number of inequalities given by the geometry of rays.
Lemma 35.2. For a subset I [n], denote by CIP
= conv{Ri : i I} the convex
cone spanned by the rays. Assume CI 6= R3 . Then
k I
/ k > (CI ).
Proof. Let P be a convex polyhedron obtained as a convex hull of P and rays Ri ,
for all i [n]. Since CI 6= R3 , polyhedron P is well defined. Note that the vertices
of P are given by vk
/ CI , so in particular, k
/ I. Since O is a point in the relative
interior of P , the cones of P and P at all such vertices vk satisfy Ck Ck . By
the monotonicity of the cone curvature (Exercise 25.5), we have k k , and the
inequality is strict for vertices of unbounded faces of Ck . Applying Theorem 25.5 to
polyhedron P , we obtain:
k >
k = (CI ),
k I
as desired.
k I
k[n] : vk C
/ I
35.3. Inequalities on ray coordinates. Let us now describe the set of ray coordinates of all convex polytopes which lie on given rays R1 , . . . , Rn . As it turns out, it is
convenient to use the inverse ray coordinates. Formally, let xi = r1i and let X denote
the set of all (x1 , . . . , xn ) Rn , such that xi > 0 and x11 , . . . , x1n are ray coordinates
of a polytope on rays Ri .
Lemma 35.3. Suppose R1 , . . . , Rn R3 are rays which do not lie in the same halfspace. Then set X of inverse ray coordinates is an open convex cone in Rn .
Proof. Since all polytopes P which lie on rays Ri must contain the origin, their combinatorics is completely determined as follows. For every three independent rays Ra , Rb
and Rc , consider a cone C = C{a,b,c} spanned by these rays. Whenever ray Ri lies
inside C, the vertex vi of Ri must be separated from O by a plane H spanned by va , vb
and vc .
As before, let u a , u b , u c and u i be the unit vectors along the rays. Suppose
u i = u a + u b + u c .
We immediately have
ra u a + ri
rb u b + ri
rc u c .
ri u i = ri (u a + u b + u c ) = ri
= 1.
of freedom of the ray coordinates modulo expansion. This matches the n 1 degrees of
freedom of the vertex curvatures modulo the GaussBonnet formula. Therefore, by the
curvature uniqueness theorem and the inverse function theorem, for small perturbations
of i , there is always a small perturbation of the ray coordinates ri giving these curvatures.
The following proof uses a variation on the same argument.
Proof of Theorem 35.4. Let X Rn be the cone of inverse ray coordinates xi , and let
X be the intersection of X with a hyperplane defined by x1 + . . . + xn = 1. Clearly,
X is an open (n 1)-dimensional convex polytope. Also, for every polytope P with
inverse ray coordinates x X , there is a unique c > 0 and an expansion cP with
inverse ray coordinates cx X .
Figure 35.2. Space polygon Z and a convex cap P on lines Li with border Z.
Theorem 35.7 (Pogorelov curvature theorem for convex caps). Fix a plane H in
R3 , lines L1 , . . . , Ln R3 orthogonal to H, and space polygon Z = [v1 . . . vk ] as
above. Suppose k+1 , . . . , n > 0 satisfy k+1 + . . . + n < 2. Then there exists a
unique convex cap P which lies on lines Li , has the border Z, and has curvatures i
at vertices vi Li , for all k + 1 i n.
Proof. We start with the uniqueness part. Suppose we have two convex caps P and P
as in the theorem. Shift P down until it lies below P and start moving it up until
the first time some two vertices vi and vi coincide. As in the proof of Lemma 35.1,
for the cones Ci and Ci at these vertices we have Ci Ci and (Ci) = (Ci ). By the
monotonicity of the cone curvature, we have Ci = Ci . Moving along the edges of the
graph G of P , starting at vi and that are not in Z, we conclude that vj = vj for all
vertices in G.
For a convex cap P which lies of lines Li , denote by hi the height of points vi ,
i [n]. Let P be the set of convex caps P which lie on lines Li , have border Z and
have curvatures i = (Vi) i for all k + 1 i n. Of course, for P P, the
heights h1 , . . . , hk are fixed, while hk+1 , . . . , hn can vary. Let (P ) = hk+1 + . . . + hn
be the sum of the heights.
We will show that the cap P P with maximal value of is the desired convex
cap. First, let us show that the set P is bounded, i.e., that hi c for some constant c
which depends on ai , i and Z. Let w = k+1 + . . . + n < 2. Then there exists a
vertex vi , i [k], with curvature i > (2 w)/k > 0. Therefore, the maximal slope
of the ray in the convex cone Ci starting at vi is at most ( i )/2 < /2. Since
every vertex vj lies inside Ci , the height hj is bounded from above (see Figure 35.3).
In a different direction, by convexity, the heights hj are bounded from below. This
implies that P is a compact set and the sum of heights maximizes on P.
Suppose now that function maximizes at some P P, and that for the curvature i of vertex vi we have i < i. Increase the height of vi by > 0 to obtain
Exercise 35.11. [1] In notation of the mapping lemma (Theorem 41.8), suppose A
and B are connected, but is only locally injective: for every b B we have (a1 ) = (a2 )
implies a1 = a2 in a suciently small neighborhood of b. Prove the analogue of the mapping
lemma in this case.
35.7. Final remarks. The curvature existence theorem (Theorem 35.4) is due to Alexandrov and our proof follows [A2]. Both Theorem 35.6 and 35.7 follow from Alexandrovs
most general result. The version with the border Z and the variational principle proof in
Subsection 35.5 is due to Pogorelov (see [Pog3, 2.4]).
To explain the motivation behind the results in this section, consider the history of the
problem. Let f : B R be a convex function dened on a convex region B R2 . Think
of points sb = (b, f (b)), where b B as forming a convex surface S R3 . Following
the Cauchy problem, one can ask whether for given boundary values f : B R and
the curvature function : b (sb ), one can reconstruct the surface S? Note here the
logic in the question: the curvature is a fundamentally local parameter, so we are asking
whether such local parameter can determine a global structure of the surface. This problem
was resolved by Alexandrov in a much more general form. Theorem 35.7 is both a simple
special case and an important lemma in the proof.
Now, one ask a similar question for the surfaces of general convex bodies in R3 . Here the
curvature is dened not on a plane but on a unit sphere, via spherical projections. This case
is more technical because of the inequalities as in Lemma 35.2. Again, this was resolved by
Alexandrov in full generality. Theorem 35.4 corresponds to the case of convex polytopes,
when the curvature is concentrated in the vertices.
Recall that prior to this section, we proved a number of uniqueness and rigidity results
on convex polyhedra, including the Cauchy and Dehn rigidity theorems, as well as their
variations and generalizations. In the next two sections we give two more existence results.
One can think of this section as a gate to the next two sections.
Namely, the Minkowski theorem (Theorem 36.2) on existence and uniqueness of convex
polytopes with given normals and areas of the faces. Informally one can think of this
result as dual to Theorem 36.2. As the reader shall see, we use an unusual variational type
argument to prove this result, and a rst touch rule analogue for unbounded polyhedra.
Similarly, for the Alexandrov existence theorem (Theorem 37.1) we give a topological proof
based on the mapping lemma. In fact, the proof uses Lemma 35.3.
Let us note also that while the existence is often harder and more delicate to establish
(as in this section), the uniqueness results play an important role in classical Dierential
Geometry (see Subsection 38.5).
In other words, the scalar product hx , zi = 0 for every unit vector z Rd . This
immediately implies that x is a zero vector, as desired.
We are now ready to state the main result of this section. We prove it in the next
P =
x Rd : hOx, u i i zi
Hence, z K, which proves that K is convex. By the second part of Proposition 7.7,
the above inequality is an equality if and only if the polytopes Pz and Pz are similar
1 vol(Pz )
1 vol(Pz )
vol(Pz )
= 0,
Since vectors u 1 , . . . , u d R are linearly independent by assumption, the vector relation in the theorem implies that A1 , . . . , Ad are uniquely determined by Ad+1 , . . . , An .
We conclude that A1 = sa1 , . . . , Ad = sad , and 1s Pz is the desired polytope.
For the uniqueness, reverse the above argument. For every P P as in the
theorem, there exists a unique similar polytope Pz = cP of volume 1. The supporting
hyperplane Hz is tangent at z and thus must satisfy (k). By the lemma, Hz can
contain only one point in z , which implies that z is uniquely determined. Thus, so
is P , which completes the proof.
36.3. Orthant shape variation. Denote by Q = Rd+ the positive orthant. We say
that a normal vector u is positive if it lies in the interior of Q. We say that an
unbounded polyhedron P Rd has orthant shape if it is an intersection of Q and and
halfspaces with positive normals (see Figure 36.3).
d) [1+] Prove that except for a tetrahedron, every simple convex polytope in R3 is decomposable.
e) [1+] Find two combinatorially equivalent polytopes in R3 , one of which is decomposable
and the other is not.
f ) [2-] Suppose every two edges of a polytope P R3 are connected by a chain of adjacent
triangles. Prove that P is indecomposable.
g) [2-] Prove that every convex polytope P R3 with n faces is the Minkowski sum of at
most n indecomposable polytopes.
h) [2-] Generalize e), f ) and g) to higher dimensions.
Exercise 36.11. (Wul ) [1] Let P be a polytope dened by (k) in the proof of Theorem 36.5. Then P maximizes the sum z1 + . . . + zn among all polytopes P with the same
volume and facet normals.
Exercise 36.12. (Lindel
of ) Let P, P Rd be polytopes with the same face normals
u 1 , . . . , u n and facet areas ai = area(Fi ) and ai = area(Fi ), where i [n]. Denote by zi
and zi be as in Subsection 36.2.
a) [1-] Dene (P, P ) = 1d (z1 a1 + . . . + zn an ). Observe that (P, P ) = dvol(P ). Check
that (P, P ) is translation invariant.
b) [1+] Fix P and consider all P as above which satisfy (P, P ) = dvol(P ). Use Lagrange
multipliers to show that vol(P ) is maximized if and only if P is an expansion of P .
c) [1+] Conclude that 3 (P, P ) vol(P )vol(P )2 and the equality holds only if P is an
expansion of P .
d) [1+] Let P be a circumscribed polytope around a unit sphere. Observe that vol(P ) =
d area(P ). Prove that of all polytopes in R with given volume and facet normals, the
circumscribed polytope has the smallest surface area.
e) [1-] Deduce from here the isoperimetric inequality.
Exercise 36.13. Let P, P Rd be convex polytopes as in the previous exercise.
a) [1+] Dene f (t) = P + tP . Prove that f (0) = (P, P ).
b) [1+] Use the BrunnMinkowski inequality (see Proposition 7.7) to deduce part c) in the
previous exercise.
c) [1] Conversely, deduce the BrunnMinkowski inequality from part c) in the previous
Exercise 36.14. (Minkowskis symmetry criterion) [1] Let P Rd be a convex polytope
such that for every facet F of P there exist a facet with the same area and opposite normal.
Prove that P is centrally symmetric.
Exercise 36.15. (Zonotopes in Rd ) a) [1] Suppose convex polytope P Rd and all its
faces are centrally symmetric. Prove that P is also centrally symmetric.
b) [1+] Generalize Exercise 7.16 to prove that P is the Minkowski sum of intervals.
Exercise 36.16. Let P Rd be a convex polytope such that translations of P tile the
a) [1] Prove that the opposite facets of P have equal areas.
b) [1] Use the Minkowski theorem to prove that P is centrally symmetric.
c) [1+] Extend this to show that all faces of P are centrally symmetric. Use the previous
exercise to conclude that P is a zonotope.
d) [1] In R3 , show that P has at most 14 faces and this bound is tight.
Exercise 36.17. [] Suppose a convex polytope P R3 can tile the whole space (not
necessarily periodically or even face-to-face). Prove that P has at most 106 vertices.
Exercise 36.18. a) [2-] Let P, P R3 be convex polytopes such that for every edge e
of P there exists a parallel edge e of P such that |e| |e |. Suppose further, that for every
face F of P there exists a parallel face F of P such that a translation of F is contained
in F . Prove that there exists a translation of P which is contained inside P .
b) [1] Check that neither of the two conditions suce by themselves.
Exercise 36.19. [2+] Find two convex polytopes P, Q R3 with parallel and non-equal
faces which satisfy the following property: for every face F of P and the corresponding
parallel face G of Q, there exists a unique translation which either ts F inside of G or
ts G inside of F .82
36.6. Final remarks. Our proof of the Minkowski theorem is a reworking of Minkowskis
original proof [Min], parts of which were later claried in [McM1]. The main idea of this
proof is implicitly based on Wuls theorem in crystallography (see [Grub, 8.4]). Let
us mention that most standard proofs the Minkowski theorem are based on the Brunn
Minkowski inequality (see [BonF, Schn2]), to the extent that they can be shown essentially
equivalent [Kla].83 Minkowski extended Theorem 36.2 to general surfaces (see [Pog4, Pog3]
for further results and references). Let us mention also the algorithmic approach [GriH]
and the important work on stability of solutions in the Minkowski theorem (see [Gro] and
references therein).
The orthant shape variation given in Subsection 36.3 is due to Alexandrov, who proved
it in [A2, 6.4] in the generality of all cones in R3 (cf. Exercise 36.7). It was extended to
higher dimensions and other functionals (see Exercise 36.5) by Pogorelov [Pog3, 7.6] (see
also [A2, 6.5] and [B
arV]). The proof in Subsection 36.3 follows the original Pogorelovs
For the complete proof of the Alexandrov theorem (Theorem 36.5) see [A2, 6.2] (see
also [Lyu, 30] and [Mi3]). Let us mention that a series of Exercises 22.1, 35.11 and 36.4 outline a similar approach, which substitutes the tedious Alexandrovs lemma (Theorem 22.4)
with an elegant argument in the Alexandrovs local lemma (Exercise 22.1).
corresponding faces must lie on the same side of the polytopes; otherwise any tetrahedron P
and Q = 2P will work.
83To quote [Kla], they have equiprimordial relationship.
Example 37.3. (Surfaces from unfoldings) Following Alexandrov, let us restate the theorem in terms of unfoldings. Let X R2 be a simple polygon in the plane with an even
number of edges, and let U R2 be the non-convex region bounded by X, i.e., X = U .
Orient the edges of X clockwise. Let : X X be an involution on edges of X describing
the gluing of U . One can show that the surface U/ is well dened and homeomorphic to
a sphere if and only if the following conditions are satised:
(i) the attached edges must have equal lengths and the opposite orientation,
(ii) the involution on edges in this case can be drawn inside U (see Figure 37.2).
Note that the involution maps several dierent vertices of X into the same vertex v of the
surface S = U/. The 2-dimensional polyhedral surface S is intrinsically convex in the sum
of angles around all preimages of v is < 2. When all these conditions are satised, the
Alexandrov existence theorem says that U is the unfolding of a convex polytope. Finally, let
us mention that U is a general unfolding, not necessarily an edge unfolding (see Section 40).
Figure 37.2. The standard unfolding U of a cube and the gluing map .
to a doubly covered n-gon inscribed into S2 . Therefore, it suffices to show that all
polytopes in Pn inscribed into S2 are connected.
Let vi S2 denote the vertices of P . By definition, P = conv{v1 , . . . , vn }. In
the other direction, for every u1, . . . , un S2 the polytope Q = conv{u1, . . . , un } lies
in Pn . Therefore, the space of polytopes Q Pn inscribed into S2 is homeomorphic
to the space of distinct n-tuples of points in S2 , and thus connected.
Now, take P Pn and perturb the vertices. When the perturbations are sufficiently
small they give a convex polytope. The space of perturbations is 3n-dimensional,
which implies that Pn is an open 3n-dimensional manifold.
Denote by Mn the space of all 2-dimensional polyhedral surfaces homeomorphic to
a sphere with n (labeled) vertices, defined as points with positive curvature. Again,
the topology on Mn can be defined via the pairwise geodesic distance between the
corresponding vertices.
Lemma 37.5. Space Mn is an open connected (3n 6)-dimensional manifold.
Proof. Take S Mn with vertices v1 , . . . , vn . Fix a shortest path ij between vi
and vj , for all 1 i < j n. If there is more than one such path, choose either one.
Since S is intrinsically convex, by Proposition 10.1 paths ij do not contain vertices
in its relative interior. The geodesic triangle = 12 13 23 subdivides S into two
regions. Vertex v4 lies in one of these regions and connected by 14 , 24 and 34 to
the vertices in its boundary. Vertex v5 lies in in one of the resulting four regions, etc.
Denote by T the resulting geodesic triangulation of S. Observe that T has 3n 6
edges (see Corollary 25.2 or use induction in the construction).
By construction, every triangle in T is flat, i.e., has no vertices in its interior.
Perturb the edge lengths of T . Since every vertex vi has, by definition, strictly
positive curvature, when the perturbations are sufficiently small they determine a
surface S Mn . Thus, Mn is open and the space of such perturbations is (3n 6)dimensional.
To prove that Mn is connected, let us show that triangulation T can be realized
in R3 with the length function ij = |ij | (see Subsection 31.1). In other words,
we claim that there exists a (possibly, self-intersecting) polyhedral surface S R3
isometric to S, and such that S is triangulated into flat triangles according to T ,
with the same edge lengths ij .
Use the construction of T . Suppose vertex vn is connected to a geodesic triangle
[vi vj vk ]. The geodesic triangles A1 = [vn vi vj ], A2 = [vn vi vk ] and A3 = [vn vj vk ] are flat
and their angles at vn are together < 2 and satisfy the triangle inequality. Thus,
there exists a tetrahedron in R3 with faces A1 , A2 and A3 . Change S into a surface S1
by substituting A1 , A2 and A3 with a flat triangle [vi vj vk ]. Since the vertex curvatures
do not increase, we conclude that S1 Mn1 .84 Repeat the construction. At the
end, we obtain a doubly covered triangle Sn3 M3 , which can be realized in R3 .
Going backwards, we obtain the desired realization S .
ij in the surface S1 may no longer be the shortest paths, they are still geodesics and
dene a geodesic triangulation of S1 .
37.3. Back to flexible polyhedral surfaces. We can now prove a holdover result
on flexible polyhedral surfaces.
Proof of Theorem 30.1. Let S0 = P be a polyhedral surface of the convex polytope P . Denote by St , t [0, 1], the polyhedral surface obtained from S0 by decreasing
the length of edge e by t. Clearly, the surfaces St are (intrinsically) isometric to S0
everywhere except two triangles containing the edge e. For > 0 small enough, the
surfaces St are locally convex. By the Alexandrov existence theorem (Theorem 37.1),
there exist convex polytopes Pt realizing the surfaces: St = Pt . Moreover, for small
enough the combinatorial structure of Pt is the same as of P . Thus, removing two
triangular faces containing e in the polyhedral surfaces St gives the desired flexing
of the surface S as in the theorem. It remains to show that these surfaces are not
globally isometric. This follows from the difference in the edge length |e|.
37.4. Exercises.
Exercise 37.1. [1-] Suppose S is an abstract 2-dimensional polyhedral surface obtained
by gluing four triangles as in a tetrahedron. Suppose also that the sum of angles at each
vertex of S is < 2. Prove that there exists a tetrahedron R3 with the surface isometric
to S.
Exercise 37.2. a) [1] Find the analogue of Theorem 37.1 for convex caps (cf. Subsection 25.6 and Theorem 27.5). Deduce this version from the Alexandrov existence theorem.
b) [1+] Give a topological proof of this result.
Exercise 37.3. [1-] For the unfoldings in Figures 19.4 and 19.7 draw the involutions inside
the polygons.
Exercise 37.4. a) [1-] Find a polygon in the plane which is an unfolding of two dierent
tetrahedra (corresponding to dierent gluing maps )
b) [1] Show that the square is an unfolding of innitely many dierent convex polytopes.
c) [1+] Describe all polyhedra which have a square unfolding.
Exercise 37.5. (Harer-Zagier formula) Let Rn a regular 2n-gon and denote by n the set
of xed point free involutions : [2n] [2n] on edges of Rn . Clearly, |n | = (2n 1)!! =
1 3 . . . (2n 1). Draw by straight lines inside Rn , and take the orientable surface Rn /
obtained by gluing the corresponding edges. Denote by ak (n) the number of n such
that genus(Rn /) = k.
a) [1] Prove that Rn / is homeomorphic to a sphere if the drawing of has no crossings.
Conclude that a0 (n) is a Catalan number.
b) [1] Give a combinatorial description of the genus(Rn /).
c) [2] Prove that for every N 0, we have:
ak (n)N
n+12 k
= (2n 1)!!
m1 m
Exercise 37.6. [1] Prove that conditions (i) and (ii) in the Example 37.3 are necessary
and sucient. Compare with part a) of the previous exercise.
Exercise 37.7. [1+] Let S be a 2-dimensional polyhedral surface homeomorphic to a
sphere (not necessarily intrinsically convex). Use the construction in the proof of Lemma 37.5
to obtain a piecewise linear immersion of S into R3 .
Exercise 37.8. Start with unfolding the regular icosahedron given in Figure 19.4. Perturb
the edges by at most so that the corresponding edges under remain of the same length.
b) [1-] Use the Alexandrov existence theorem to prove that for suciently small this is
an unfolding of a convex polytope. Find an explicit bound on .
b) [1] Use the algebraic approach in Section 31 to show that for suciently small this is
an edge unfolding of a convex polytope combinatorially equivalent to the icosahedron.
c) [1] Use the proof of the Alexandrov existence theorem to obtain part b). Explain the
connection to the proof of b).
Exercise 37.9. (Twisting the surfaces) Let S = P be the surface of a convex polytope
P R3 , and let S be a closed geodesic. Denote by S1 and S2 the surfaces on both
sides of . A surface S obtained by gluing S1 and S2 along the boundary is called a twist
of S.
a) [1-] Use the Alexandrov existence theorem to check that all surface twists are surfaces
of convex polytopes.
b) [1+] Start with a regular tetrahedron. Check that all polytopes obtained by a sequence of
twists must be equihedral tetrahedra (see Exercise 25.12). Prove or disprove: all equihedral
tetrahedra with equal surface area can be obtained this way.
c) [] Start with a square pyramid where all vertices have equal curvatures. Describe all
polytopes resulted by a sequence of twists.
d) [] Same question for a regular octahedron.
Exercise 37.10. (Volkovs stability theorem) [2+] Let S, S two intrinsically convex
2-dimensional polyhedral surfaces homeomorphic to a sphere with geodesic diameter at
most 1. Suppose : S S is a homeomorphism such that
|x, y|S < |(x), (y)|S < |x, y|S + ,
P, P
for all x, y S .
Denote by
Let us mention here an important Volkovs stability theorem (Exercise 37.10), which he
proved for both bounded convex surfaces and for the convex caps [Vol3]. In a dierent direction, the BuragoZalgaller theorem is a non-convex analogue of the Alexandrov existence
theorem (see Exercise 39.13 and compare with Exercise 37.7).
surfaces, of course, can have non-polyhedral bending, e.g., the surface of a cube
without two opposite faces can be easily deformed into a cylinder. We restrict ourselves to polyhedral
surfaces for simplicity.
38.3. Packaging liquid can be a hard science. In the good old days milk (and
other liquid) used to be sold in small containers in the shape of a regular tetrahedron
(see Figure 38.4). Such containers are easy to manufacture (they have a nice unfolding
which are easy to cut out of cardboard) and easy to store.89 Unfortunately they were
terrible in use, since to open them one had to use scissors, and no matter how small
the hole was, the container would bend and some milk would inevitably spill. This
can all be explained, of course, by Theorem 38.2 which states that all such surfaces
with cuts are bendable.
priori the surface angle may be greater than the space angle if the triangle (pxq) is not
at on the surface Ut .
89There are even quite good tetrahedral packings of R3 : http://tinyurl.com/23y8v5e
For example, let F is the face of a convex polytope P (milk carton), and let A F
be a polygon in the relative interior of the F (the hole). The theorem says that
S = P r A is not convexly bendable (i.e., milk is harder to spill).
Proof. Consider a convex polytope P and a polyhedral surface S P intrinsically
isometric to S. By the GaussBonnet theorem (Theorem 25.3, the total curvature
(S) = (S ) = 2. Thus, all vertices of P lie in the interior of S , and points in
A := P r S are all flat. Since polygons A S and A S may not lie in one face,
denote by B and B the unfoldings of A and A on a plane, respectively.
Observe that by the intrinsic isometry of surface S and S , polygons B and B in R2
have equal side lengths and equal outside angles. Therefore, B and B are equal,
which implies that A and A are isometric. We conclude that surfaces P = S A
and P = S A are both closed convex polyhedral surfaces which are intrinsically
isometric. By the Alexandrov uniqueness theorem (Theorem 27.7) they are globally
isometric, which completes the proof.
38.4. Exercises.
Exercise 38.1. a) [1] Give a direct construction proving Leibins theorem (Theorem 38.2)
for the cube and the regular octahedron.
b) [1+] Same for the regular icosahedron and dodecahedron.
Exercise 38.2. a) [1+] Let S1 P1 , S2 P2 be isometric polyhedral surfaces homeomorphic to a disk. Assume that all (intrinsic) angles at the boundaries S1 S2 are > .
Prove that there exists a convex bending from S1 to S2 .
b) [2-] Same result under assumption that all boundary angles are .
b) [] Same result without restriction on the angles.
38.5. Final remarks. The study of exible and bendable surfaces was initiated by Liebmann who proved rigidity (in fact, uniqueness) of a sphere as an analytic closed surface of
constant curvature (see an especially pretty proof by Hilbert in [Bla1, 91]). This study of
rigidity of analytic surfaces was continued in the works of Hilbert, Blaschke, Cohn-Vossen,
Weyl, Alexandrov, Pogorelov, and others. We refer to [Pog3, Sab1, Sen2] for references and
historical overview.
Theorem 38.2 is proved in [Leib], and holds in much greater generality, for all convex
surfaces with removed regions of strictly positive curvature (see also [Pog3, 3.6]). The
terminology we use here diers from the standard, complicated by the ambiguity of Russian
phraseology. The essence of the proof remains the same, however. Theorem 38.3 is due to
Alexandrov, and has been later extended to unbounded and other surfaces with boundary,
see [Pog3, Sho2] (also, compare with [Sho1]).
a2 t
t a1
|a1 a2 |
0.1340 .
(2 + 3)
4+2 3
We also have
+ t2 0.5176 .
Observe that the volume of a regular tetrahedron is equal to
vol() = area(v1 v2 v3 ) height() =
= 0.1179 .
6 2
:= |vi bj | =
On the other hand, polyhedron P is a union of four hexagonal pyramids Ri with apexes
at vertices wi , and
a polytope Y shown in Figure 39.3. The height of each pyramid Ri
is equal to h := 2 s2 0.4429. Note that Y is a truncated tetrahedron with edge
lengths equal to s. The volume of Y is equal to the volume of a regular tetrahedron
with edge length (3s) minus four times the volume of a regular tetrahedron with side
length s. We obtain:
(3s)3 4s3
3 2
h 0.1623 .
For example, the volume of a tetrahedral milk carton can increase by as much as
37% under continuous (but non-convex) bending. By applying the same construction
to small pyramids in P one can further increase the volume by a bending, but it is
unclear how large the volume can get. Of course, such volume is bounded by the
isoperimetric inequality (Theorem 7.8) which gives an upper bound of about 82%. It
would be interesting to see which of these two bounds is closer to the truth.
39.3. Milkas bending. In this section we present a symmetric volume-increasing
bending of a cube. This construction requires few calculations and motivates the
general construction in the next subsection.
Consider a cube C with side length 1 and the surface S = C. Fix a parameter
(0, 12 ). Think of as being very small. On each face of the cube, from every
corner remove a square of side-length . Denote by R S the resulting surface with
boundary. On every face of R there are four boundary points which form a square.
Call these points corners. Translate each square directly away from the center of the
cube (without expanding the squares) until all of the distances between the nearest
corners on adjacent faces reach 2. Take the convex hull of the corners to obtain a
polytope Q . To each triangular face of Q attach a triangular pyramid whose base
is equilateral with side-length 2 and whose other faces are right triangles. Denote
by P the resulting (non-convex) polyhedron.
Note that the surface Q without triangular faces between the corners is isometric
to R. Similarly, three squares meeting at a vertex of the cube can be divided
into six right triangles which can be then bent into three faces of a pyramid (see
Figure 39.4). This easily implies that the surface P is isometric to the surface S.
Proposition 39.2. We have vol(P ) > 1 for > 0 sufficiently small. Moreover,
vol(P ) increases for > 0 sufficiently small.
+8 .
we conclude that
vol(P ) = 1 + 6( 2 1) + O(2),
This implies that for small > 0, we have vol(P ) > 1, and the volume vol(P ) is
39.4. General volume-increasing bendings. We are ready to state the main result of this section generalizing the previous examples.
Theorem 39.3 (Pak). Let P R3 be a convex polytope, and let S = P be its surface. Then there exists an embedded polyhedral surface S R3 which is intrinsically
isometric to S and encloses a larger volume.
By the Alexandrov uniqueness theorem (Theorem 27.7) convex surface S is unique
up to a rigid motion, which implies that the surface S in the theorem must be nonconvex. Here is a convex variation on Theorem 39.3.
We say that a surface S R3 is submetric to S, write S 4 S, if there exist a
homeomorphism : S S which does not increase the geodesic distances: |x, y|S
|(x), (y)|S for all x, y S. Of course, the (intrinsically) isometric surface are
39.5. Exercises.
Exercise 39.1. a) [1-] In Milkas bending, let Q and P be the limit of polyhedra Q
and P , as = 2
. Check that Q is an octahedron, and that vol(P ) < 0.95.
b) [1-] Show that the volume of Pt maximizes at about 1.19. Compare this bound with
what follows from the isoperimetric inequality (Theorem 7.8).
Exercise 39.2. [1] In Bleeckers bending, compute explicitly vol(Pt ). Check that
that vol(Pt ) increases for t s/2 as in the proof, and compute the maximum value of
the volume. Check that at the maximum, t > s/2.
Exercise 39.3. a) [1] Modify Bleeckers bending to prove Theorem 39.3 for a cube. Compute the maximal volume.
b) [1] Modify Bleeckers bending to prove Theorem 39.3 for a regular dodecahedron and
icosahedron. Find the optimal bounds for the volume.
c) [1+] Modify Bleeckers bending to prove Theorem 39.3 for all simplicial polytopes.
Exercise 39.4. [1] Modify Milkas bending to prove Theorem 39.3 for a regular dodecahedron and a regular icosahedron. Compare the optimal bounds with those obtained in the
previous exercise.
Exercise 39.5. [1] Prove Theorem 39.3 directly for the doubly covered polygons (see
Figure 39.1 and Figure 39.6).
at http://www.google.com/patents?vid=USPAT4492723.
that in Rd triangles i can intersect, overlap or even coincide, so S may not be a surface
in the usual sense.
d) [1] Use part a) to prove that for every > 0, the surface of a given convex polytope
P R3 can be realized inside the ball of radius .
e) [1+] Let S 4 S be two convex surfaces in R3 . Prove that for every > 0, the surface S
can be realized in the -neighborhood of S . Check that this is a stronger result than that
in part c).
Exercise 39.12. (Cramming surfaces) Let S = P be the surface of a convex polytope
P R3 .
a) [1-] Use Zalgallers theorem (Theorem 40.10) show that for every > 0, there exists a
realization of S inside the ball of radius .
b) [2-] Prove that for every > 0, there exists a surface S which is isometric to S and is
embedded inside the ball of radius .
c) [2] Prove there exists a bending (continuous piecewise linear isometric deformation)
{St : t [0, 1]} such that S0 = S and S1 = S .
Exercise 39.13. (BuragoZalgallers theorem) Let S be an abstract 2-dimensional
polyhedral surface homeomorphic to a sphere.
a) [2] Prove that there exists an isometric embedding of S in R3 .
b) [2] Suppose S 4 S for some 2-dimensional polyhedral surface S R3 . Prove that for
every > 0, there exists an isometric embedding of S in the -neighborhood of S .
39.6. Final remarks. The BuragoZalgallers volume-increasing bending was presented
in [BZ4, 9]. Bleeckers bending was introduced in [Ble] (see also a friendly exposition
in [Ale5]).
Milkas bending was discovered in [Mi5] where the other regular polyhedra were also
explored and their bending analyzed. Interestingly, Milka did not notice that his bendings
were volume-increasing. Our presentations follows [Pak7].
Both theorems in Subsection 39.4 are proved in [Pak8]. The proof of Theorem 39.3 uses
Theorem 39.4 and a delicate result of Burago and Zalgaller [BZ4] (see Exercise 39.13). A
weaker version of the BuragoZalgaller theorem is given in Exercise 39.11, the rst part of
which is based on Tasmuratovs results [Tas1, Tas2]
Theorem 39.4 extends to higher dimensions and its proof uses an advanced generalization
of Milkas bending construction. Similarly, Theorem 39.3 extends to non-convex (possibly
self-intersecting) polyhedral surfaces [Pak8]. The curvilinear surface in Figure 39.7 is due
to Shtogrin [Sht1]. However, the subject of curvilinear surfaces is quite old and in the case
of the cylinder has been extensively studied by Pogorelov [Pog5].92
to Zalgaller, some of the work in this direction by Alexandrov, Pogorelov and others,
remains classied because of rocket science applications (personal communication, not a joke).
Figure 40.3. Source unfolding of the cube with the source on the
bottom face and a foldout of the Alexandrov unfolding.
40.2. Source unfolding as the source of inspiration. As it turns out, the proof
of Theorem 40.2 is straightforward once we show that the source unfolding is well
defined. We prove this result in a sequence of lemmas.
Lemma 40.5. The cut set Tw is a finite union of intervals.
Proof. Suppose point w lies in the face F of the polytope P . For every face A, consider
the set X = X(w, A) H of images under various unfoldings of the source point w
onto the plane H spanned by A. Points x X are called source images. Formally,
every shortest path wz joining w to a point z in the relative interior of A ends in
a straight segment end(wz ) in A. The source image corresponding to such path wz
is the point x H, such that the straight segment [zx] has the same length as and
contains end(wx ).
The idea is that when restricted to the face A, the Voronoi diagram VD(X) is a
complement to Tw .93 More precisely, denote by Cw (e) S the geodesic cone over an
interval e in the edge of A through which source image sees the face A, i.e., a family
of shortest paths from w to points in A which cross e. Denote by Aw (e) = A Cw (e)
the region of F which can be seen from w through e, and thus the corresponding
source image x X (see Figure 40.4). Now, for every point z A, take all regions
Aw (e) containing z and decide which source image is the closest to z. Since we
consider only shortest paths, no facet can appear twice in the corresponding geodesic
cones, which implies that the number of different cones Cw (e) is finite. Thus, face A is
subdivided into a finite number of intersections of regions Aw (e) with different e, and
in each such intersection the cut set Tw is the complement of the Voronoi diagram of
the source images. This implies that in the face A, the cut set Tw is a finite union of
intervals, as desired.
Aw (e)
is true as stated, but requires a separate proof by a rather delicate technical argument (see
Exercise 40.6). We use the geodesic cones in the proof to avoid this technicality even if that makes
the cut set structure less transparent.
to w
to w
Figure 40.5. An intersection that is Y-shaped cannot locally minimize length in R2 (segment is a shortcut). Cut set interval R in the
neighborhood of a vertex v of P
Lemma 40.7. The cut set Tw is a tree in S which contains all vertices of P .
Proof. By Lemma 40.5, the cut set Tw is a connected union of intervals. Since Dw
is contractible by Lemma 40.6, Tw has no cycles. Therefore, Tw is a tree. To see
that it is a spanning tree, consider two cases. If a vertex v P has two or more
shortest paths, then w Tw . Otherwise, if there is a unique shortest path wv , we
can unfold the faces of P along wv . Consider a bisector R of the angle at v (see
Figure 40.5). Observe that for points z in the neighborhood of v, the points z R
have two shortest paths to w (cf. the cone unfolding argument in Subsection 10.1).
Therefore, vertex v lies in the closure of an interval in the cut set Tw .
Proof of Theorem 40.2. Suppose point w lies in face F of P . Denote by H the plane
spanned by F . Let Dw = S r Tw . For a point z Dw , z 6= w, consider the unique
shortest path wz from w to z. When restricted to F , this path begins as a straight
segment start(wz ) F . Following the construction of source images in the proof
of Lemma 40.5, define a map : Dw R2 , such that [w(z)] is an interval which
begins as start(wz ) and has the same length: |w(z)| = |wz |. Set w = (w) and
denote by U R2 the image of .
Note that is a homeomorphism since no two distinct points have the same image:
(x) 6= (y) for all x 6= y, x, y Dw . Otherwise, we have two points with shortest
paths of the same length |xw |S = |yw |S which start in the same direction from w.
Taking the last point of the initial segment where these paths coincide we obtain
again the Y-shaped intersection as in Figure 40.5.
Now, since Tw is a tree, we conclude that the homeomorphism is piecewise linear.
Similarly, since Dw is contractible, we conclude that U is a polygon. To prove that
is the unfolding map, it remains to show that is isometric (see Remark 40.4). By
definition of , the polygon U is star-shaped at w since for every y wz we have
wy wz . Consider any shortest path xy Dw . Again, by definition of , we have
|wx|S = |w(x)|, |wy|S = |w(y)|, and S xwy = (x)w(y), where the S is the
angle between two shortest paths in S. Since the geodesic triangle (wxy) Dw is flat,
it is isometric to (w(x)(y)) U. This implies that |xy|S = |xy | = |(x)(y)|U for
all x, y Dw , i.e., Dw and U are isometric.
Example 40.8. Consider the source unfolding of the cube shown in Figure 40.3. For the
most involved top face A there are 12 potential source images in the plane H spanned
by A. Of which only 8 have points in A corresponding to shortest paths to the source
point w (see Figure 40.6). The Voronoi diagram of these 8 points gives the part of the cut
set Tw in A. To make a distinction, we mark by the remaining four false source images
in the gure. Note that we are explicitly using Mounts lemma (Exercise 40.6) in this case.
is called a realization of the surface S in R2 (see Subsection 31.1 and Exercise 39.11).
k2 N
2 3
Figure 40.12. Source and Alexandrov unfoldings of the cube, subdivided into peels (cf. Figure 40.12).
Exercise 40.2. (Extended Zalgallers theorem) Let S R3 be a 2-dimensional polyhedral surface. For a nite set of points X = {x1 , . . . , xk } S dene the geodesic Voronoi
diagram VDS (X) to be a union of sets Di of points z S, which are closest to xi and have
a unique shortest path to xi , 1 i k. Dene the cut locus C(X) to be the complement
to VDS (X). Note that for convex surfaces S, the cut locus of a single point is exactly the
cut set in the source unfolding.
a) [1-] Check that the cut locus C(X) is not necessarily 1-dimensional (for non-convex
b) [1] Let V be the set of vertices of S. Prove that the cut locus C(V ) is 1-dimensional.
c) [1] Prove or disprove: sets Di are connected, i.e., the geodesic Voronoi diagram VDS (V )
has exactly k cells.
d) [1-] Extend Theorem 40.10 to all abstract 2-dimensional polyhedral surface (dened by
a collection of triangles with given edge lengths and combinatorics).
e) [1+] Extend Theorem 40.10 to spherical polyhedra.
f ) [2-] Extend Theorem 40.10 to convex polytopes in R4 .
Exercise 40.3. Consider the geodesic Voronoi diagram VD of vertices on the surface of
a convex polytope P R3 .
a) [1-] Give an example of a convex polytope P where two polygons in VD have two or
more common edges.
b) [1-] Give an example of a convex polytope P where a polygon in VD has self-adjacent
Exercise 40.4. a) [1] Prove that for all n 7, the regular tetrahedron cannot be unfolded
into a convex n-gon. Show that this possible for 3 n 6.
b) [1+] For every convex polytope P R3 nd an explicit bound on N = N (P ) such that
for all n N , polytope P cannot be unfolded into a convex n-gon.
Exercise 40.5. a) [1+] Let P R3 be a pyramid with the base a convex polygon Q. Prove
that when other faces are collapsed (rotated around the edges onto the plane spanned by Q),
they cover the whole of Q.
b) [1] Similarly, if the faces are rotated around the edges onto the outside of Q, they do not
intersect, and thus give the edge unfolding of P .
c) [2-] Generalize parts a) and b) to higher dimension and to general polytopes P whose
facets intersect a given facet Q of P by a facet of Q.
Exercise 40.6. (Mounts lemma) a) [1+] In notation of the proof of Lemma 40.7, prove
that if a point z F lies in the Voronoi cell of the source image x X(w, F ), then
|xz| = |xz |S .
b) [2-] Generalize part a) to higher dimensions.
Exercise 40.7. (Number of shortest paths) a) [2-] Let S be the surface of a convex
polytope P R3 with n vertices. Prove that the number of shortest paths between every
pair of points on S is at most polynomial in n.
b) [1-] Show that part a) fails for non-convex polyhedral surfaces.
c) [2-] A combinatorial type of a shortest path is a sequence of faces it enters. Prove that
the number of combinatorial types shortest paths on S is at most polynomial in n.
d) [] Generalize part a) to higher dimensions.
Exercise 40.8. (Discrete geodesic problem) a) [2-] Convert the source unfolding construction into a polynomial time algorithm to solve the discrete geodesic problem: compute
the geodesic distance between two points on the surface of a convex polytope in R3 .
b) [2] Find a polynomial time algorithm to compute the geodesic diameter of a polytope
in R3 .
Exercise 40.9. (Alexandrov unfolding) [2] Prove Theorem 40.3.
Exercise 40.10. [2] Generalize Theorem 40.2 to higher dimensions.
Exercise 40.11. a) [2-] The shortest path problem asks to nd a shortest path between
points x, y R3 which avoids a given set of convex polytopes Q1 , . . . , Qk . Prove that this
problem is NP-hard, if the polytopes are given by their vertices.
b) [1] Conclude from part a) that the discrete geodesic problem on 3-dimensional surfaces
in R4 is also NP-hard.
Part III
Details, details...
41. Appendix
41.1. The area of spherical polygons. In the next two subsections we present several
basic denitions and classical results in spherical geometry. A few preliminary words. We
consider a unit sphere S2 with center at the origin O. The role of lines play great circles,
dened as circles of radius 1 with centers at the origin O. Triangles, polygons, areas, etc.
are dened by analogy with the plane geometry. The angle between two lines is dened as
the dihedral angle between planes containing the corresponding great circles. Finally, recall
that area(S2 ) = 4.
Theorem 41.1 (Girards formula). Let T be a spherical triangle with angles , and .
Then area(T ) = + + .
Proof. Let A, B and C be the triangular regions attached to the triangle as in Figure 41.1.
Observe that area(A T ) = 2 area(S2 ) = 2, area(B T ) = 2, and area(C T ) = 2.
Now for the upper hemisphere H we have:
area(H) = area(A) + area(B) + area(C ) + area(T ) = area(A) + area(T )
+ area(A) + area(T ) + area(C) + area(T ) 2 area(T )
= 2 + + area(T )
c z
Figure 41.1. The area and the law of cosines for spherical triangles.
Theorem 41.2 (The area of a spherical polygon). Let Q be a spherical n-gon with angles
1 , . . . , n . Then area(Q) = 1 + . . . + n (n 2).
We refer to the formula in the theorem as Girards formula for polygons. For the proof,
subdivide the polygon into triangles and sum the areas of all triangles according to Girards
formula. The details are straightforward.
41.2. The law of cosines for spherical triangles. In Section 21 we repeatedly use the
following claim: if the spherical triangles (xyz) and (x y z ) satisfy |xy| = |x y |, |xz| = |x z |,
and yxz > y x z , then |yz| > |y z |. In the plane this follows immediately from the
(rst) law of cosines:
|yz|2 = |xy|2 + |xz|2 2 |xy| |xz| cos yd
For spherical triangles there is a similar formula which also implies the result. We present
a simple proof below.
Proposition 41.3. Let (xyz) S2 be a spherical triangle with edge lengths a = |yz|,
b = |xy|, and c = |xz|. Let = yxz. Then:
cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos .
Proof. Consider the unit sphere S2 centered at the origin O. Place point x at the North
Pole of the sphere, and let u, v be the intersections of meridians (xy) and (xz) with the
equator (see Figure 41.1). Denote by s = Os, for any point s S2 . We have:
y = cos b x + sin b u , z = cos c x + sin c v .
Now observe that (y , z) = cos a. We conclude:
cos a = (y , z) = (cos b x + sin b u, cos c x + sin c v ) = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos ,
since (u, v ) = cos and (x , u) = (x , v ) = 0.
41.3. The irrationality of (arccos 13 )/. Let = arccos 13 be the dihedral angle in a
regular tetrahedron (see Sections 20 and 15.1). In this subsection we prove that (/)
/ Q.
More precisely, by induction on n we show that cos(n)
/ Z, for all n N. Now, if = m
for some m, n N, then cos(n) = 0, a contradiction.
Let us make an even stronger inductive claim: for every n N we have cos n = r/3n ,
where 3 r. The base of induction is clear: cos = 13 . Now recall that
cos( + ) + cos( ) = 2 cos cos .
Substituting = n and = , we obtain:
cos n cos (n 1) .
The inductive claim follows immediately from here.
cos (n + 1) =
41.4. The Minkowski inequality. The main result of this subsection in the following
inequality used in Section 7 to prove the BrunnMinkowski inequality (Theorem 7.4). As
the reader shall see this is really a disguised form of the arithmetic mean vs. geometric mean
Theorem 41.4 (The Minkowski inequality). For every x1 , . . . , xn , y1 , . . . , yn > 0 we have:
" n
" n
(xi + yi )
Moreover, the inequality becomes an equality if and only if xi = cyi , for all i [n], and
some c > 0.
Proof. Recall the arithmetic mean vs. geometric mean inequality:
a1 + . . . + an
(a1 an )1/n for all a1 , . . . , an > 0,
1 X xi
1 X yi
= 1,
xi + yi
xi + yi
and the inequality becomes an equality if and only if there exists c > 0, such that xi /yi = c,
for all i [n].
41.5. The equality part in the BrunnMinkowski inequality. Let us start by noting
that one can view the second (equality) part in Theorem 7.4 as a uniqueness result: for
every A there exists a unique B of given volume such that the BrunnMinkowski inequality
becomes an equality. Of course, the claim does not follow from the convergence argument
in Subsection 7.7: just because the equality holds for a pair of convex sets (A, B) does not
imply that it must hold for pairs of brick regions (An , Bn ). Nevertheless, one can still use
the brick-by-brick approach to prove the claim.
Proof of the equality part. Denote the unit vectors in the direction of axis coordinates of Rd
by e 1 , . . . , e d . Let C Rd be a convex set. Divide A into two parts C0 , C1 of equal volume
by a hyperplane orthogonal to e 1 . Then divide each part into two parts by (separate)
hyperplanes orthogonal to e 2 , to obtain four parts C00 , C01 , C10 , and C11 of equal volume.
Continue cutting each part into two, cyclically changing the normals e i of the hyperplanes.
After n = k d iterations (k rounds of all d directions) we obtain 2n convex regions Ci ,
where 0 i < 2n and corresponds to the binary expression of i.
We say that Ci is a boundary region if it contains points of the surface: Ci C 6= .
Clearly, non-boundary regions are bricks. Denote by Rn C the union of all non-boundary
regions (bricks) Ci after n iterations. The process is illustrated in Figure 41.2.
C01 C11
C00 C10
w1 (A11 ) = w1 (A1 )/2. Then divide sets B0 , B1 by hyperplanes into four parts B00 , B01 , B10 ,
and B11 , such that the corresponding sets in A and B have equal volume. Then repeat this
iteration of cuts for e 3 ,. . . ,e d , making a total of d iterations of cuts. Then switch the roles
of A and B and in the next d cuts halve the widths of regions in B. This make the total
of 2d cut, which we call a round. Now make k rounds of such cuts. In the notation above,
we obtain regions Ai and Bi , 0 i < 2n , where n = 2k d.
Denote by Xn and Yn the unions of all non-boundary regions Ai and Bi , respectively.
Clearly, there may be regions in Xn that do not have corresponding regions in Yn and vice
versa. Let Xn Xn be a union of non-boundary regions Ai such that the region Bi is also
non-boundary. Dene Yn Yn analogously. A priori Xn and Yn can be disconnected, so
let Xn , Yn be their connected components containing centers of mass cm(A) and cm(B),
Observe that after k rounds of cuts as above we have wr (Ai ) wr (A)/2k diam(A)/2k .
Letting D = max{diam(A), diam(B)} we conclude that wr (Ai ), wr (Bi ) , where =
(D/2k ) > 0. For large enough k = n/2d we can ensure that neither center of mass lies in a
boundary region. Further,
vol(Xn ) vol(A) [ area(A)],
regions, implying that the regions themselves are equal. Note that we are implicitly using
the fact that by convexity of A, B and the construction, there are no holes in Aj , Bj .
While the corresponding regions Aj , Bj are equal, we can no longer use the same argument
to prove that Xn = Yn . Instead, let us put them together in the reverse order they were
obtained by separation with hyperplanes. When put together, regions Aj and Bj can be
shifted along the axes. Observe that by convexity of A and B, they cannot be shifted by
more than (2) in each direction.
Thus in fact the distance between the corresponding
vol2 () =
2d d!2
1 ... 1
0 201 202 . . . 20d
202 212 0 . . . 22d
.. . .
. ..
1 20d 21d 22d . . . 0
For every
det 1
A = ..
B = ..
.. ,
xd1 xd2 . . . xdd 1
xd1 xd2 . . . xdd
Dene matri0
det(A) = det
Note that
x11 x01 x12 x02 . . . x1d x0d 0
.. = (1) d! vol().
xd1 x01 xd2 x02 . . . xdd x0d 0
A AT = hvi , vj i + 1 0i,jd ,
B B T = hvi , vj i 0i,jd .
det(A A ) = det
hv0 , v0 i + 1 hv0 , v1 i + 1
hv1 , v0 i + 1 hv1 , v1 i + 1
hvd , v0 i + 1 hvd , v1 i + 1
hv0 , v0 i hv0 , v1 i
hv1 , v0 i hv1 , v1 i
= det
hvd , v0 i hvd , v1 i
. . . hv0 , vd i + 1
. . . hv1 , vd i + 1
. . . hvd , vd i + 1
hv0 , vd i 1
hv1 , vd i 1
.. .
hvd , vd i 1
Since det hvi , vj i = det(B B T ) = det2 (B) = 0, in the determinant above we can replace
the bottom right entry 1 with 0. Denote the resulting matrix by M .
Now observe that 2ij = hvi , vi i 2hvi , vj i + hvj , vj i. Denote by C the matrix as in the
theorem. Using row and column operations we obtain:
.. = (2)d det(M ).
det(C) = det
as desired.
41.7. The theory of places. The proof of the bellows conjecture (Theorem 31.2) is based
on the integrality criteria (Theorem 34.2), a classical result in the theory of places. In this
section we present a reworking of the presentation in [Lan], making it self-contained and,
hopefully, more accessible to the reader unfamiliar with the eld.
Let L be a eld containing ring R. We will always assume that R contains 1. To prove
the integrality criteria we need to show:
A. if x L is integral over R, then every place that is nite over R, is also nite
over x;
B. if x L is not integral over R, then there exists a place that is nite over R,
and innite over x.
While the proof of the bellows conjecture uses only part B, we include a simple proof of
part A for the sake of clarity and completeness.
Proof of part A. Since x L is integral over R, by denition we have
xn + an1 xn1 + . . . + a1 x + a0 = 0 ,
implies that b is a place. Therefore, to prove part B it suce to establish ().
By the lemma, for every y
/ S we have y1 S. Now suppose that ( y1 ) 6= 0. Take a
bigger ring S = Shyi generated by S and y, with a homomorphism : S F dened
by (y) = 1/( y1 ) and (s) = (s), for all s S. To see that the map is indeed a
ring homomorphism, simply note that ni=0 si y i = 0 is equivalent to ni=0 si ( y1 )ni = 0,
importance of taking the algebraic closure F F1 will come only at the end of the proof
of Lemma 41.5. Until then, the arguments work for any extension of F1 .
says that S is a local ring. To make the presentation self-contained we will refrain from
using this notion.
for some ai , bj m, where the degrees k, n are chosen to be the smallest possible. By
symmetry, we can assume that k n. Rewriting the second polynomial, we have:
yk =
bj y kj .
(1 b0 ) y k =
bj y kj .
1 X
y =
bj y nj .
1 b0
ai y i + an y n =
ai y i +
bni y i ,
1 b0
41.8. The mapping lemma. In Sections 35 and 37 we use the following standard result.
Theorem 41.8 (The mapping lemma). Let A and B be two manifolds of the same dimension. Suppose a map : A B satises the following conditions:
1) every connected component of B intersects the image (A),
2) map is injective, i.e., (a1 ) = (a2 ) implies that a1 = a2 ,
3) map is continuous,
4) map is proper.
Then is a homeomorphism; in particular, is bijective.
Here by a proper map we mean that for every sequence of points {ai A} and images
{bi = (ai )}, if bi b B as i , then there exists a A, such that b = (a) B, and
a is a limit point of {ai A}.
To get better acquainted with the lemma, consider the following examples which show
that the conditions in the lemma are necessary.
Example 41.9. Suppose A = S 1 and B = S 2 , i.e., we have two manifolds of dierent
dimensions. Then any embedding : S 1 S 2 satises conditions 1) to 4), but is
obviously not bijective.
Similarly, if A = S 1 and B = S 1 S 1 , i.e. B is a union of two disjoint circles. Then the
map sending A into the rst circle in B satises conditions 2) to 4), but is not a bijection.
If in this example one takes B to be two circles attached at a point, then all conditions 1)
to 4) are satised. Clearly, is not bijective, which may be puzzling at rst, until one
realizes that B is no longer a manifold.
Further, if now A = S 1 S 1 , B = S 1 and sends both circles into one, then all conditions
are satised, except for condition 2). Finally, suppose both A and B are open unit disks
and let be a map contracting A into a disk of smaller radius. Then all conditions are
satised except for the condition 4), and is obviously not bijective.
Exercise 42.13. a) [2] Suppose P R3 is a convex body, such that all projections of P
are convex polygons. Prove that P is a convex polytope.
b) [2-] Suppose further, that all projections are polygons with at most n sides. Then P has
nO(n) facets.
c) [1] Give an explicit construction of polytopes P with e(n) facets.
Exercise 42.14. a) [2] Suppose P R3 is a convex body, such that all projections of P
are convex polygons. Prove that P is a convex polytope.
b) [2-] Suppose further, that all projections are polygons with at most n sides. Then P has
nO(n) facets.
Exercise 42.15. a) [1] Let P R3 be a convex body with countably many extremal
points. Prove or disprove: the set of extremal points is closed, i.e., the limit of every
converging sequence of extremal points is also extremal.
b) [2] Let P R3 be a convex body such that every projection of P on a plane is a convex
polygon. Prove that P is a convex polytope.
Exercise 42.16. (Pohlkes theorem) [1+] Prove that every convex quadrilateral Q R2 is
an oblique projection of a regular tetrahedron.
Exercise 42.17. Let Q be a 3-dimensional unit cube.
idea is that in a solid Q one can make a hole so that P can pass through that hole.
Exercise 42.21. a) [1-] Let Cd Rd be a unit cube, d 3. Prove that there exists a
hyperplane which intersects every facet of Cd .
b) [1+] Prove that for every convex polytope P R2 and two vertices v, w of P there exists
a plane L containing v, w, and such that at least three faces of P are not intersected by L.
c) [1+] Prove that for every simplicial convex polytope P R3 and two vertices v, w of P
there exists a hyperplane H containing v, w, and such that at least three facets of P are
not intersected by H.
d) [2-] Find a polytope P R4 and two vertices v, w, such that every hyperplane H
containing v and w intersects all but at most two facets.
Exercise 42.22. [1+] Let P R4 be a product of two triangles:
Exercise 42.29. [1] Suppose points x1 , . . . , xn lie on a unit sphere S2 . Prove that
|xi xj |2 n2 .
Exercise 42.30. (Law of sines in S2 ) [1] Let (ABC) S2 be a triangle on a unit sphere
with edge lengths |BC|S2 = a, |AC|S2 = b, and |AB|S2 = c. Suppose also = A, = B
and = C be the spherical angles in the triangle. Then
[a, b, c]
[a, b] [a, c] [b, c]
sin(O, ABC) =
where [a, b, c] is the volume of a parallelepiped spanned by the vectors; similarly, [a, b] is
the area of a parallelogram spanned by a, b. Consider a tetrahedron (OABC) R3 . Prove
the following law of sines:
3 sin(O, ABC)
3 sin(C, ABO)
3 sin(B, OAC)
3 sin(A, OBC)
Exercise 42.32. (Polar sine in R3 ) [1] Let a, b and c be three non-collinear vectors in R3 .
Dene the polar sine function as
psin(a, b, c) =
[a, b, c]
kak kbk kck
Exercise 42.33. (The law of cosines in R3 ) [1+] Let P R3 be a convex polyhedron with
n + 1 faces F, G1 , . . . , Gn . Denote B = area(F ), and Ai = area(Gi ), 1 i n. Finally, let
ij be an angle between between planes spanned by Gi and Gj . Prove that
B2 =
Ai Aj cos ij .
cos 12 cos 13
cos 23 .
vol2 () =
det cos 12
Exercise 42.35. [1] Fix a vertex v of a given tetrahedron . Let a, b, c be the lengths of
edges adjacent to v, and let , , be the face angles between these edges. Prove that
abc p
vol() =
( )( )( ) , where =
Exercise 42.36. (Kahans formula) [1+] Let = (x1 x2 x3 x4 ) be a tetrahedron with edge
|x1 x2 | = a, |x1 x3 | = b, |x2 x3 | = c,
( + + )( + + )( + + )( + + ).
Exercise 42.37. [1] For every six points x1 , x2 , x3 , y1 , y2 , y3 R3 dene the CayleyMenger
bideterminant CM() as follows:
1 |x1 y1 |2 |x1 y2 |2 |x1 y3 |2
CM(x1 , x2 , x3 | y1 , y2 , y3 ) = det
1 |x2 y1 |2 |x2 y2 |2 |x2 y3 |2 .
1 |x3 y1 |2 |x3 y2 |2 |x3 y3 |2
Prove that the dihedral angle between the planes X = (x1 x2 x3 ) and Y = (y1 y2 y3 ) satises:
cos2 =
CM 2 (x1 , x2 , x3 |y1 , y2 , y3 )
CM (x1 , x2 , x3 ) CM (x1 , x2 , x3 )
Exercise 42.38. Let P R2 be a convex polygon containing the origin O in its relative
interior. Denote by fP (r) = area(P Br ), where Br is the circle centered at O of radius
r > 0.
a) [1] Suppose fT = fT for two triangles T, T R2 . Prove that T T .
b) [1-] Prove or disprove: if fP = fP , then P P .
c) [1+] What happens in higher dimensions?
Exercise 42.39. (Eulers inequality) a) [1-] Let R and r be the circumradius and the
inradius of a triangle. Prove that R 2r.
b) [1] Let R and r be the radii of circumscribed and inscribed sphere for a simplex Rd .
Prove that R dr.
c) [1+] Show that the volume of a simplex inscribed into a unit sphere in Rd , is maximal
for a regular simplex.
d) [1+] Show that the volume of a simplex circumscribed into a unit sphere in Rd , is minimal
for a regular simplex.
e) [1-] Deduce part b) from c) and d).
Exercise 42.41. a) [1-] Let Q and Q be two convex polygons in the XY and XZ planes,
respectively such that projections of Q and Q on the X line are the same. Prove that there
exists a convex polytope P with projections Q and Q .
b) [1] Generalize this to simple (not necessarily convex) polygons.
Exercise 42.42. a) [1-] Prove that every tiling of a d-dimensional cube by smaller cubes
contains at least 2d cubes.
b) [1] Prove that a 3-dimensional cube cannot be tiled by a nite number of cubes of distinct
c) [2-] Prove that a square can be tiled by a nite number of squares of distinct size.
Exercise 42.43. [1+] A trapezoid is called isosceles if its non-parallel sides have equal
lengths. Prove that every convex polygon has a dissection into isosceles trapezoids.
Exercise 42.44. a) [1] Prove that an equilateral triangle cannot be tiled by a nite number
of equilateral triangles of dierent sizes.
b) [1+] Prove that no convex polygon can be tiled by a nite number of equilateral triangles
of dierent sizes.
c) [2-] Prove that the plane cannot be tiled with distinct equilateral triangles whose side
length are at least 1.
d) [1] Prove that an isosceles right triangle can be tiled by a nite number of isosceles right
triangles of dierent sizes.
e) [1+] Prove that every non-equilateral triangle T can be tiled by a nite number of triangles
similar to T and of dierent sizes.
f ) [2-] Prove that a square can be tiled by a nite number of isosceles right triangles of
dierent sizes.
Exercise 42.45. Two convex polytopes in R3 are called adjacent if they touch by a face.
a) [1-] Find eight pairwise adjacent tetrahedra.
b) [1+] Prove that there are no 100 pairwise adjacent tetrahedra.
c) [1+] For every n, nd a family of n pairwise adjacent convex polytopes.
d) [2] For every n, nd a family of n pairwise adjacent congruent convex polytopes.
Exercise 42.46. Let Q be a convex polygon in the plane. Points x1 , . . . , xn Q are
said to x Q, if for every direction on the plane an innitesimal translation of Q in that
direction contains one of the xi in its relative interior.
a) [1] Prove that one can always nd six points which x Q.
b) [1] Prove that six points is necessary only when Q is a hexagon with parallel edges.
Exercise 42.47. Let P1 , P2 , . . . , Rd be a family of non-intersecting convex bodies. We say
that Pi can be extracted if there exists a continuous vector valued function f : [0, ) Rd
such that kf (t)k = t and a polytopes P1 , . . . , Pi + f (t), . . . , Pn are non-intersecting for all
t 0.
a) [1] Prove that for d = 2 and a nite family of non-intersecting convex polygons as above,
there is always a polygon Pi which can be extracted.
b) [1] Prove that for d = 2 and a nite family of three or more non-intersecting convex
bodies, at least three of them can be extracted.
c) [1+] Prove that for all d and any nite family of d + 1 or more balls in Rd (not necessarily
of the same radius), then at least one can be extracted.
d) [1+] For d = 3, construct an innite family of non-intersecting convex polytopes Pi which
lie between two parallel planes, and such that none can be extracted.
e) [2-] For d = 3, construct a nite family of non-intersecting convex polytopes Pi such
that none can be extracted.
f ) [2-] For d = 3, construct a nite family of non-intersecting unit cubes, such that none
can be extracted.
g) [] Is it always possible, for a given convex polytope P R3 , to construct a nite family
of polytopes congruent to P such that none can be extracted?
h) [2+] We say that a family of polytopes Q1 , . . . , Qk R3 can be extracted from a family
of polytopes Q1 , . . . , Q R3 if for some f : [0, ) R3 , kf (t)k = t, and some xed k,
1 < k n, polytopes Q1 , . . . , Qk , Q1 + f (t), . . . , Q + f (t) are non-intersecting. A family
of polytopes P = {P1 , . . . , Pn } in R3 can be taken apart with two hands if some subset A
of P can be extracted from P r A. Find a nite family of non-intersecting convex polytopes
which cannot be taken apart with two hands.
3 = (3n ) + (3m 2) =
(3 i)pi +
(3 j)qi ,
p2 = 3 +
(3 i)pi +
(3 j)qi 3.
2.4. A simple proof, references and generalizations are given in [ErdP, 3.3].
2.5. Denote by mi the number of line passing through point xi . Summing the numbers
over all these lines, we obtain (mi 1)ai + s = 0, where s = a1 + . . . + an . We conclude
that (mi 1)ai = (mj 1)aj for every 1 i, j n. Since not all points line on the same
line, we conclude that all ai have the same sign, a contradiction. This proof is given by
F. V. Vainshtein in [Kvant], M451 (1978, no. 5).
2.7. Use the previous exercise. See [B
ar] for details.
2.8. For b), note that center of a cross-polytope Q Rd does not lie in the interior of any
subset of vertices of Q.
2.9. See [BKP].
2.11. For each xi , consider n 2 disjoint triangles with a vertex at xi . Now place y1
close to x1 in the rightmost of these triangles around x1 , place y2 in the second rightmost
triangle around x2 , etc., until the leftmost triangle around xn2 . Check that y1 , . . . , yn2
are as desired. This simple solution is given by N. B. Vasiliev in [Kvant], M551 (1980,
no. 2).
2.12. For a), take a Voronoi diagram of points X in P (see Subsection 14.2). Choose the
cell of largest volume. For b), prove the result by induction on k, for n = 3(2k 1). For
k = 1, we have n = 3 points. Cut P with a plane which contains X and choose the larger
part. For k > 1, take two points in X and cut P with a plane through these points which
divides P into two parts with equal volume. Now apply the inductive assumption to the
half with fewer points in X. This part of the problem is based on a solution by L. Lipov
in [Kvant], M375 (1976, no. 11).
2.14. Caratheodory theorem says that every such v belongs to a tetrahedron with vertices
in Q. Consider all triangles with two vertices the vertices of and the third vertex on Q.
Check that one of them work.
2.15. The proof is given in [Ani, 1]. See also [Scho] for classical references and applications
of convex polygons in Rd .
2.16. This result was proved in [Naz]. See also [Kara] for extensions and further references.
2.17. This is a classical result of Lov
asz (1974).
2.18. This is a recent result of Holmsen and Pach (2008).
2.19. See [B
2.20. This result is due to Dolnikov and has appeared in the 2004 Russian Math. Olympiad.
3.1. Take the furthest pair of points of the polygon to be the median of a square.
3.2. For both parts, note that in every centrally symmetric set X, the points x, y X with
|xy| = diam(X) must be opposite. For a), intersect the polytope with a generic hyperplane
through the center of symmetry and note that opposite vertices lie on dierent sides. For b),
note that X B, where B is the ball of radius diam(X)/2. The result now follows from
the proof of the Borsuk conjecture for B.
3.4. For a) and b), see [BolG, HDK]. Part c) is proved in [BojF, 3.38].
3.6. Part b) is called Barbiers theorem; see [BolG, YagB] and Exercise 24.6. Part c) is due
to Blaschke and Lebesgue, and a simple proof can be found in [Egg1, 7.2] and [YagB, 7].
3.7. Take four copies of the same curve joined at the vertices of a square.
3.8. See [Hep2, Mel] and the references therein. Part b) was proved by Neville (1915) who
found the optimal disk conguration. Part c) is proved in K. Bezdek (1983).
3.9. This problem is discussed on the Math. Overow, see http://tinyurl.com/ykzgfxh
4.1. Take a function g(x) = f (x + a) f (x). Either g(x) changes sign or it does not. In
the rst case, g has a zero. In the second case, if g(x) > 0 for all x, then g(x) , a
contradiction. Alternatively, this follows from the mountain climbing lemma (Theorem 5.5),
when two climbers start climbing at two minima.
4.2. For a (0, 1] r {1, 12 , 13 , . . .}, Levy used the following function:
f (x) = sin2
x sin2
See [Lyu, 34] for an elementary proof and further references.
4.3. This is proved in [Ros].
4.5. For a), the argument in the proof of Proposition 4.1 does not work since the lines 1 , 2
are not necessarily unique. Note that for generic the number of lines 1 (or 2 ) must be
odd. Now consider the set of pairs of lines which work and use the parity argument as in
Section 5.
4.7. See [Buck].
4.8. Take a 1 t rectangle, where t > 0 is large enough.
4.10. It is easy to make a mistake in [BorF] as pointed out in [BMN]. In the correct
construction, take n points on the curve y = 9x3 very far apart from each other. See the
proof in [BMN].
4.11. See [Schu1].
4.13. For c), see [Alon].
4.14. Choose the closest two pearls of the same size and cut between them, right after the
rst one. This problem is given by V. Proizvolov in [Kvant], M1684 (1999, no. 6).
4.15. This is equivalent to the inscribed chord theorem (Theorem 4.5). See [Tot] for proofs
and several related results.
5.1. For a), consider a polygon X symmetric to X with respect to O. By the area argument, X X 6= , which gives the desired triple. For b), use the same construction and
Lemma 9.6. For c), take any concave vertex xi . Such a vertex always exists by Exercise 24.2.
5.2. An easy uniqueness argument for part a) is given in [Emch]. For b), the continuity is
immediate from the second proof, in all directions except for those orthogonal to the edges.
On the other hand, the limit of rhombi is also a rhombi. Now the uniqueness from part a)
implies the result.
5.3. For a), denote the inscribed quadrilateral by Q = [v1 v2 v3 v4 ]. Clearly, vertex v1
determines v2 , v3 and v4 . Suppose Q is not cyclic, i.e., f (v1 ) = v1 v2 + v3 v4 6= 0.
As v1 moves along X, function f changes sign: f (v1 ) = f (v2 ), and by the intermediate
value theorem we have f (z) = 0 for some z X.
For b), consider f (v) = vol(v1 v2 v3 v4 ), the signed volume of a tetrahedron and proceed
analogously. While both parts are probably well known, [Stru] is the only reference we
were able to nd.
5.15. For general k and smooth curves part a) was proved in [Wu]. The piecewise linear
case follows by a limit argument.
5.16. Part a) is proved in [Kake], while part b) is proved in [Gri]. For d), take a polygon X
approximating a circle. This implies that Q must be cyclic (inscribe into a circle). Similarly,
take a triangle X with sides , , and 2 . Observe that a quadrilateral similar to Q is
inscribed into X, for all large enough, only if Q has parallel edges. Together these two
conditions imply the result.
5.17. For a), see Subsection 23.6. The same idea works in other parts as well. For d),
there are 24 ways to arrange vertices on dierent lines i , there are 4 24 ways to arrange
vertices on lines i , such that two adjacent vertices lie on the same line, and there are 2 24
ways where two diagonal vertices lie on the same line. This gives a total of 168 distinct
5.18. This proof is outlined in [Mak2].
5.19. For a), use the proof idea of Proposition 5.9. See [Kra] for the details. Parts b) and c)
are given in [HLM].
5.20. Part a) was claimed by Pucci (1956), but the proof was shown to be incorrect in [HLM].
Even though the question was listed as an open problem in [KleW], the proof of a much
more general result is outlined in [Gug2].
5.21. Take the intersection of two tall pencil-like cones at a xed acute angle to each other.
See [Biel] for details.
5.22. Part a) was proved in [Fenn], part b) in [Zak1] (see also [KroK]). See [Mey2] for a
construction in c).
5.23. For a), take f1 (x) = 12 for all x [ 13 , 23 ], and let f2 have x sin( x1 ) singularity at 12 .
See [Kel] For b), show that a variation on the rst proof works.
5.24. Use the second proof of the mountain climbing lemma (Theorem 5.5). Alternatively,
prove the claim by induction, since fi (gi (t)) = fj (gj (t)) immediately implies fi (gi (h(t))) =
fj (gj (h(t))), for every h : [0, 1] [0, 1].
5.25. Consider the graph of points (x, y) such that |xy| = 1, where x, y C. Then use the
idea of the second proof of the mountain climbing lemma (Theorem 5.5). See [GPY] for
details and further references.
5.26. Parts a) and b) were proved in [GPY]. Part c) was proved in [Ger].
6.3. This was proved in [NieW].
6.6. A smooth case is outlined in [Mak1].
6.9. This was proved in [Liv, Zar].
6.10. This follows immediately from the proof of the Kakutani theorem (Theorem 6.3).
6.11. This follows immediately from the tripod theorem (Theorem 6.4), with = /3 and
= 2/3.
6.12. This was proved in [YamY].
6.13. This was proved in [HMS].
7.3. Prove the claim for polygons rst and then use the limit argument. See [Grub, 9.1]
for a concise proof of parts a) and b).
7.4. This is a special case of [GarM].
7.5. This is almost always false.
7.7. This is a classical result of Bonnesen (see [Sant, 7.5]).
7.9. Without loss of generality, we can assume that the angle of vectors vi increases clockwise. Consider a convex polygon Q = [O a1 . . . an ] where ai = v1 + . . . + vn (we may have
O = an ). The perimeter of Q is at least 1. Suppose the diameter is achieved on a diagonal
(ai , aj ). Then choose I = {i + 1, . . . , j}. Finally, use the isoperimetric inequality to show
that the diameter of a convex polygon is at least 1/ times perimeter. In the opposite
direction, the constant 1/ is obtained in the limit of polygons Qn which approach a unit
circle. This proof follows [SCY], Problem 6.
7.10. See [Grub, 8.3].
7.11. For a), project Q2 onto Q1 . Check that this map shrinks the distances. The same
approach works in any dimension.
7.12. For a), use monotonicity of the mean curvature (Exercise 28.2). For b), consider
parallel projections of the edges of P1 onto the faces of P2 . Sum the lengths of projections,
compare these to L2 and note that the sum of three projections of the same edge is at most
the length of the edge. This part is based on a solution by A. Kh. Shen and V. O. Bugaenko
in [Kvant], M1687 (1999, no. 6).
Part c) is false. The idea of a counterexample is given in Figure 42.2. When the edge
lengths of long edges increases, four such edges of inner tetrahedron 1 will overcome
the three edges of the outer tetrahedron 2 . This problem and solution appeared at the
Moscow Math. Olympiad in 2002; available at http://tinyurl.com/2vftjn
Part d) is also false. Consider any two convex polytopes P1 , P2 with L1 > L2 , as e.g., in c).
Now the polytopes Q1 = P1 + P2 , Q2 = P1 + P2 for suciently small > 0 is the desired
pair of polytopes (cf. Section 36).
edges in . Connecting them by the edges with v gives the desired embedding of Kd+1 .
This result is attributed to Gr
unbaum, while our proof follows the outline in [Kuh, 2].
8.7. Observe that the total number of edges of each color must be the same, since it is equal
to one quarter the total number of sides of all faces. Now take P to be any polytope as
in the theorem with an odd number of edges. This elegant solution is given by S. Tokarev
in [Kvant], M1365 (1993, no. 2).
8.8. For a), use Eulers formula to conclude that the average degree of a vertex is strictly
smaller than 6. Parts b) and c) are due to Kotzig (1955, 1963) and use more delicate
applications of Eulers formula (see [Bor] for extensions and references). To obtain sharp
bounds in part d), take polytopes dual to the truncated dodecahedron (an Archimedean
solid with two decagons and one triangle adjacent to every vertex) and icosidodecahedron
(an Archimedean solid with two pentagons and two triangles adjacent to every vertex).
8.9. a) Denote by the line through two vertices of P at distance diam(P ). Every plane
H intersects at least three edges. Therefore, projections of edges of P onto cover every
point at least three times. Since the sum of these projections is at most L, this implies the
b) By Mengers theorem, for every two vertices x, y there exists three non-intersecting
paths from x to y. Thus, for the diameter d of we have 3th(d 1) + 2 n. To see that
this is sharp, stack d 1 triangular prisms and two regular triangular pyramids attached on
the opposite ends. Now perturb the surface to make it strictly convex. See [GM1, JucM]
for complete proofs.
8.10. Part a) follows from Eulers formula. For b), consider paths on which are dened
by moving right and left, alternatively. Prove that every such path is closed and has even
length. Conclude from here the claim. We refer to [GM2] for details. Part c) is proved
in [Mot] (see also [Gr
8.11. This ia variation on Exercise 24.2.
8.12. In R4 , take two equilateral triangles lying in two orthogonal 2-planes, with centers
at the origin. Their convex hull is the desired neighborly polytope. In Rd , d 5, take 6
points in a 4-dimensional subspace as before, and the remaining points in general position.
See [NagC] for the details.
8.13. The result is obvious in d = 2. In general, take any facet F P . If F is not simplex,
use inductive assumption. If all faces are simplices, choose any adjacent pair of facets.
See [Tve].
8.14. For b), in the same way as in a), consider two cases: when P is not simple and not
simplicial, and use induction on d. See [Dev] for the easy details.
8.15. For a) and b), assume every cross section of P is a k-gon. Intersect P by a plane near
a vertex. Then every vertex has degree k. Now intersect P by plane parallel to an edge e
and near e. The intersection if a (2k 2)-gon, a contradiction. This implies part c) as well.
For d), x a plane in general position and move it across the polytope. When crossing a
vertex, observe that the parity is unchanged.
8.16. For a), take P obtained by attaching triangular pyramids to the faces of an octahedron.
Check that P does not have a Hamiltonian cycle. For b), use an iterative construction.
8.17. For c), let : Qn,k Pn,k be dened by (x1 , . . . , xn ) = (y1 , . . . , yn ), where y1 = 1x1
xi1 xi if xi < xi1
yi =
for i 2 .
1 + xi1 xi if xi xi1
f1 (P ) f1 (F ) + f1 (F ) + f0 (G) 4 + 4 + 4 = 12,
f2 (P ) f2 (F ) + f2 (F ) + f1 (G) 1 + 1 + 4 = 6,
which implies the result. The above argument, the proof of part b), various extensions and
references are given in [SWZ]. The last part is an open problem due to Kalai.
9.1. a) Take e = (x1 , x2 ) to be the longest edge. Let 1 and 2 be the lines perpendicular
to e going through x1 and x2 , respectively. If no vertex projects onto e, at least one edge
intersects both 1 and 2 , contradicting the choice of e.
For b), note that the min max in () can never be achieved on a cut through two vertices.
For c), take, e.g., the great stellated dodecahedron. This problem appeared in [CroW].
9.2. For a), take a triangle of the largest area.
9.4. a) This is false as stated. Think of a generic curve C made of metal and place on the
oor. In the equilibrium C either has three tangent points, or two point which have contact
with C of order 2 and 1, or one point which has contact with C of order 3. For b), consider
a plane through any face of the convex hull of Q.
9.5. For b), consider a triangle = 2, and such that vertices of are midpoints of .
Use the fact that has maximal area to conclude that Q is inscribed into . Note also
that cm( ) = cm(). Now bound the desired ratio by that of inside and inside . For
details, see e.g., [Pro1, 9].
9.6. This is a discrete analogue of the result in [Tab3], which uses a version of the four
vertex theorem (Theorem 21.1). While the discrete result easily follows from the smooth
result by the limit argument, we do not know a simple direct proof.
9.7. These are discrete versions of several known results gathered in [Gug3].
11.6. Part a) is proved in [Bar1]. For b), start with a tetrahedron and construct a pyramid
on each face. The resulting polyhedron is dual to the truncated tetrahedron, has 8 vertices
and 12 faces. Show that it cannot project onto a regular octahedron. This solution is given
in [Bar2]. Note that this problem is a generalization of Exercise 14.16, corresponding to the
case where P is simplicial and C is a Hamiltonian cycle. Thus part a) of this exercise is a
generalization of c) of Exercise 14.16. Similarly, a counterexample described in the solution
of part b) of Exercise 14.16 also works for part b) in this exercise.
11.7. See [GMS] and [Schu1].
11.8. This is a special case of the main result in [Tho1].
12.2. This is due to Zamrescu and Gleason (see [Gle] and references therein).
12.3. Both parts are proved in [Schr2] (see also [Var2]).
12.5. Draw two parallel lines and take midpoints of intersections with the parabola. Show
that the line through the midpoints is parallel to the y axis. See [Vard], Problem 23.
12.6. Consider the right triangle with vertices: the center O, the vertex v and the
midpoint z of a pentagon. If the pentagon is rational, then cos 310 = |vz|/|vO| = a for
some a Q, a contradiction.
12.8. See a construction in [Zie3].
13.4. This result is due to A. Galitzer (see [KM3, 3]).
14.4. See [Epp, ShaH].
14.5. For triangulations of the middle regions, encode them with the 01 sequences, which
to k 1 up triangles and k 1 down triangles. The number of these sequences
is 2k2
two remaining Catalan numbers Ck2 correspond to triangulations of the top
and bottom k-gons. See [HNU] for the details (see also [DRS, 3.4]).
14.6. This problem was on a 2007 Putnam Mathematical Competition. See a solution here:
14.7. See [DRS, 3.3].
14.8. For a) see [HNU]. For b) and c), see [Gal+].
14.10. For part a), use at most n 2 moves to transform a given triangulation to a
triangulations with all diagonals meeting at the same point. Part b) is proved in [STT]
using hyperbolic geometry; a combinatorial proof is given in [Deho]. See also [DRS, San2]
for further references.
14.11. Part b) is false (see [BerE]).
14.12. For each of these functionals check that they behave accordingly along increasing
ips (essentially, prove the claim for all quadrilaterals). See [BerE] and [Mus2] for more on
this and further references, and [Lam] for g).
14.13. See [Tut, 10] (see also [PouS] for further references, applications and a bijective
14.14. For a) and b) use the idea in the example. For c), consider a grid ne enough and
add grid vertices. For parts c) e) and the references see [BZ4, Mae1, Sar, Zam]. For the
progress towards f ), see [ESU]. Part g) was proved in [Kri].
14.15. For a), triangulate the projection and lift it to X. For this and other parts, see [BDE].
14.16. For a), use a binary tree as in Section 8 and lift the triangles up depending how far
they are from the root. Alternatively, take the function as in Example 8.5. For b), take a
regular hexagon Q = [x1 . . . x6 ], triangulations T1 with diagonals (x1 , x5 ), (x2 , x4 ), (x2 , x5 ),
and T2 with diagonal (x1 , x3 ), (x1 , x4 ), (x4 , x6 ). See [Dek] for details and further references.
See also Exercise 11.6 for a special case of part b) and a generalization of part c).
14.17. For a), take six 1111 bricks and attach each of them in the middle to a unit cube.
Now slightly decrease the size of the bricks to make sure they do not intersect.
For b), one can use the construction in a). Here is an alternative approach. Solve a 2dimensional version rst and then add two large parallel slabs in R3 .
14.18. a) This is one of the oldest results in discrete geometry [Len]. The idea is to nd a
diagonal inside Q and then use induction. First, project Q onto the x axis and let v be the
leftmost vertex. Either the diagonal (u, w) between vertices neighboring v is inside Q, or
triangle (uvw) contains at least one vertex of Q. Then the diagonal (v, z) connecting the
leftmost such vertex z with v cannot intersect any edge of Q, and thus lies in the interior
of Q.
For parts b) and c), take the Sch
onhardts polyhedron [Sch
o] (see also an extension in [Ramb]
and [Bag]). Simply take a triangular prism and twist the top triangle (see Figure 42.6).
We refer to [BerE] and [DRS, 3.5] for the context and further references. Part d) is given
in [Bin].99
For part e), take e.g., six bricks as in part a) of the previous problem and connect them by
short tubes far away from the center.
14.19. See [RupS].
squares in z = 1 and z = 1 level, above or below every square except for the boundary
of G. This xes the (n2)2 vertical dominoes and allows only two possibilities the horizontal
dominoes in z = 0 level.
Figure 42.7. The 2-move connectivity fails for non-simply connected and
3-dimensional regions.
Parts c)g) are based on Chabouds exposition (1996) of Thurstons construction (1990).
For g), simply observe that height functions are exactly the integer functions on which
around every square are dierent by 1 on three edges and by 3 on one edge. Now check
that and preserve
For j), dene |h| = x h(x). Observe that under a 2-move |h| changes by 4 and that
|hmax | |hmin | = (n3 ) in this case. Part k) is due to C. and R. Kenyon (1993) and uses
height functions with values in the free product Zk Z . See [Pak3] for details, generalizations and references to all parts.
14.24. Part a) for rectangles is due to Pak (2000). Part b) is due to Sheeld (2002), who
used multidimensional height functions. Parts c)e) are due to Conway and Lagarias (1990).
See [Pak3] for the proof outline and the references.
14.25. Draw the dotted lines through the parallelograms with one side parallel to the same
side (see Figure 42.8). Number the lines from 1 to n. Dene a map from mosaics of a
2n-gon to certain reduced decompositions of a permutation = (n, n 1, . . . , 2, 1) Sn
into a product of adjacent transpositions si = (i, i + 1) by stretching them as in the gure
and projecting the intersection points on the horizontal line (transposition si corresponds
to the intersection of i-th and (i + 1)-th line from the top). These intersection points are
in bijection with pairs of elements
in {1, . . . , n} corresponding to lines, so the number of
possible orders is at most 2 !
one s1 , sn1 , and at least two si for all 2 i n 2, because all elements i must move
across i-th position. Use this to conclude that one can always apply at least n 2 dierent
For d) and e), one can nd a small non-regular mosaic by hand and then check that a
random mosaic contains lines with the same pattern. Here is a more general argument.
Consider n vectors v 1 , . . . , v n which project on the edges of P . Removing all lines but three
lines i, j, k gives one of the two mosaics of a hexagon. This submosaic gives an inequality
ontriples of vectors. Thus, for a xed
P , the space of these vectors is n-dimensional, so the
eO(n log n) regions in Rn , since k hyperplanes in Rn
divide the space into kO(n) regions. In a dierent direction, use induction to show that the
number of mosaics is at least e(n ) .100 This implies that the number of regular mosaics is
asymptotically smaller than the number of all mosaics of 2n-gon.
15.1. Subdivide P into a large number of small cubes and approximate the boundary.
15.2. Extend the proof of Theorem 15.2.
15.3. It suces to prove the result for symmetric tetrahedra. For a tetrahedron =
(a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) R3 , let O be the center of the circumscribed sphere. Assume for now that
O . Denote by bi the orthogonal projections of O onto the face Fi opposite to ai , for
all 1 i 4. Subdivide into 12 tetrahedra with vertices at O, bi and two vertices of the
face Fi . Observe that each of the resulting tetrahedra is mirror symmetric, which implies
that is scissor congruent to its mirror image in this case. When O
/ , use the same
argument combined with Theorem 16.3. This proof is based on [Bri1].
15.4. Use Lemma 15.3 repeatedly or brute force to obtain scissor congruence of any parallelepiped with a brick 1 1 .
15.5. Since every polygon can be triangulated, it suces to prove the claim for the triangular
prisms. In the latter case, observe that two triangular prisms tile a parallelepiped and use
Theorem 16.4.
15.7. See [HadG] and [Bolt, 911, 19].
15.8. For both a) and b), start with the scissor congruence and x it by switching simplices
on the boundary with those in the interior. For c), take unit height prisms over a unit 3-cube
and a regular tetrahedron of the same volume. See [Schn1] for a related problem.
15.10. Place the centers of the cross tiles in the lattice points (a1 , . . . , ad ) Zd , where
a1 + 2a2 + . . . + dad = 0 mod 2d + 1. See [SteS, 3] for the complete proof and references.
15.11. For a) and b), see [Ste1] and [Schme], respectively. Part c) is given in [HocR].
15.12. For d), see [HocR]. Part g) follows from [Schme] or by a direct argument.
15.13. See [Ada1, Schmi] and references therein.
15.14. The idea of this problem is due to Yuri Rabinovich (unpublished). For a), note that
every translation of the unit square is a fundamental region of the natural action of Z2 .
Thus the orbit O(x) of every x Q has exactly one point in each Qi . Not all these points
are necessarily distinct, of course, but since the number of squares n is odd, at least one
point in O(x) is covered by an odd number of squares. In other words, for every point
x Q there exists a point y A in the orbit of x. Thus, area(A) area(Q).
can obtain a much better bound using the exact formula due to Stanley (1984) for the
total number of reduced decompositions of (see [Sta3, Ex. 7.22]).
For c), take three subsets of a 1 7 rectangle, obtained by replacing 1 with unit squares
in the following sequences: 1101100, 0110110, 0011011. In this case area(A) = 2 while
area(Q) = 4. This construction is due to R. Connelly (personal communication).
For d), consider three symmetric translations of a triangle with unit sides, which have a common intersection: similar triangle with sides 1/2. This construction is due to A. Akopyan
(personal communication).
15.15. This follows by elementary counting [Pak6, 8.3]. See also [KonP] for generalizations
and bijective proofs.
16.1. Observe that Q() is the complement to eight copies of standard tetrahedra 1 . Use
complementarity and tiling lemmas to conclude that Q() is rectiable only when = 0.
Now assume that Q() cQ(), for some < . The equality of the volumes gives
c =
1 8(3 /6)
> 1.
1 8(3 /6)
Denote by D the regular octahedron comprised of eight tetrahedra 1 . From above, Q()
D H, where H = Q(0) is the unit cube. We have:
H cD Q() cD D cQ() cD D
c Q() D D cH D .
Since c > 1 as above, the equality of the volumes on both sides of the equation implies that
< c. Using s = /c, we obtain D R1 sD R2 , where s 6= 1 and R1 , R2 R.
Now Theorem 16.2 gives a contradiction.
16.2. For a), see [Ker]. For part b), see [Gol5]. See also similarly titled papers by M. Goldberg on convex tiles with other number of faces.
16.3. For a), take a circle of radius R and compute the average angle of polygons in two
dierent ways: one via the average in each octagon, and another from the fact that at each
vertex there are at least three edges meeting. Letting R , obtain a contradiction.
For b), tile a plane with T -tetrominoes. For more on tiling a plane with polygons of 7
sides see [Niv].
16.4. Consider the asymptotic behavior of the summations
dened in the proof of
Lemma 15.4. Calculate the asymptotics in two dierent ways (cf. Exercise 16.3). This
result is due to Debrunner (1980), and an elementary proof was given in [LM].
16.5. Take a rhombus R with irrational angles and consider two triangular prisms with
isosceles triangular faces orthogonal to R. Attach these prisms along the rhombus to form
a polytope P as in Figure 42.9. If the heights of the prisms are chosen generically, the only
way to tile the space is by attaching triangular faces to each other and forming layers as in
the gure. Since the layers are at irrational angle to each other, in the resulting tiling has
copies of P oriented in innitely many dierent way. This implies that all such tilings are
aperiodic. This example is due to J. Conway and outlined at http://tinyurl.com/3y4o4j
bn . Compare the second part with Exer16.6. For c), consider the ane Weyl group A
cise 7.16 a). For f ), the edges correspond to the vectors v = ei ej , for all i < j. These
vectors correspond to the edges in a complete graph Kn . Check that n 1 of these vectors
are independent if and only if they correspond to a spanning tree in Kn . Compute a determinant to show that the volume of every parallelepiped spanned by such vectors is 1. The
last two steps are exactly the same as in the matrix-tree theorem (see [Tut, 4]).
16.10. The rst such decomposition was given in [Syd2]. The decomposition in Figure 42.10
is given in [TVS]. Yet another decomposition (with only three pieces) is due to Schobi
(1985). See [SloV] for a description, references and generalizations.
induction on d). Check that when changes, the triangulation remains stable except for
2d moves inside a bipyramid in Rd .
17.4. For d), use induction on the dimension and number of facets. Suppose rst that P is
not simple. Cut P with a hyperplane near a vertex v with deg(v) > d. The polytope Q in
the intersection has a smaller dimension and by induction can be cut into simplices. Extend
these cuts to hyperplanes through v. Check that the resulting polytopes have fewer facets
and use inductive assumption. Suppose now that P is simple. By Exercise 8.13, we can
choose two adjacent facets F1 , F2 and a vertex v
/ F1 , F2 . Cut P with a hyperplane spanned
by v and F1 F2 . As in the proof of Proposition 17.12, observe that both P1 and P2 have
fewer facets than P . Use inductive assumption to nish the proof.
17.5. For a), observe that the graph dual to the triangulation is a tree, and the desired
triangles corresponds to its endpoints.
For b), use the following construction. Start with a region A1 Q adjacent to the boundary Q. If Q r Q1 is not simply connected, take a connected component B1 A1 with
the smallest number of regions. Let A2 B1 be a region adjacent to the boundary Q.
Again, if Q r A2 is not simply connected, take a connected component B1 Q r A2 with
the smallest number of regions. Repeat this procedure until one of the regions Q r Ai is
simply connected. Use induction on the number of regions in Bi . See [MucP] for a complete
For c), take three 3-dimensional tiles as in Figure 42.11. For d), a delicate construction of
one such triangulation is given in [Rud].
observe that if are symmetry lines, then the line is orthogonal to both and .
Therefore, the lines orthogonal to are split into pairs { , }, which implies the result.
This friendly solution is given by N. B. Vasiliev, V. A. Senderov, and A. B. Sossinsky
in [Kvant], M623 (1981, no. 3).
19.6. Consider six points on the edges of C at distance x from either (0, 0, 0) or (1, 1, 1).
Then use monotonicity (in fact, x = 3/4 works).101
19.7. See [Mill].
19.8. For a), take a regular bipyramid. For b), take the trapezohedron, a dual polytope to
the biprism. Finally, for c), consider a classication of nite subgroups of SO(3, R), the
automorphism group of P . We do not know a direct proof.
19.9. Consider a regular n-prism Pn (h) with varying height h. There are two types of cones
over the faces, and by continuity there exists h so that Pn (h) is fair (see [DiaK]). For n = 5,
see also the US Patent 6926275.102
19.12. a) Take a unit cube centered at the origin and attach to each face of the cube a
regular pyramid with dihedral angles /4 in the square faces. The resulting polytope P is
called rhombic dodecahedron, has 6 cube vertices of degree 3, and 8 new vertices of degree 4.
Note that P has 12 rhombic faces, is face-transitive and edge-transitive around the origin.
Thus, P is midscribed. On the other hand, P is clearly not inscribed.
b) Take the cuboctahedron (see Figure 16.4). This is a variation on Problem 15.10 in [PraS].
19.13. See a solution by V. A. Senderov in [Kvant], M1192 (1990, no. 4).
19.14. a) Such polytopes are called deltahedra. There are only eight of them (see [Cun]).
For b), note that there is only a nite number of combinations of faces around each vertex,
giving a lower bound i on the curvature of every vertex vi , for some constant =
(k) > 0. By the GaussBonnet theorem (Theorem 25.3), every such polytope has at most
4/ vertices. Thus, there is only a nite number of combinatorial types. By the Cauchy
theorem (Theorem 26.1), we conclude that there is only a nite number of such polytopes.
For c), these are prisms and antiprisms.
19.16. For a) and other polyhedra with symmetries see [Cox1, Crom, McS]. For b) and c),
see solution to Exercise 7.16 and the US Patent 3611620.103
19.17. See the Jessens original paper [Jes2].
19.18. For a), change the edge lengths one by one. For b), take 01 = 12 = . . . = d0 =
1 + and ij = 1 otherwise [MarW]. For c), consider combinatorics of dierent edge
lengths [Edm1].
20.1. See [Mus5] for references to optimal bounds.
20.2. The maximum is equal to six (take the longest diagonals in the icosahedron). To prove
this, x two lines, which we represent as two points x, y S2 on a sphere and their opposite
points x , y . Now consider all z S2 at equal distance to the closest of the pair, i.e., such
that min{|zx|, |zx |} = min{|zy|, |zy |}. Each of the four possible choices for the minima
corresponds to at most one additional lines, bringing the total to six. This observation is
due to I. F. Sharygin.
20.3. Denote by B1 the ball of radius 10 as in the theorem and suppose diam(P ) 21.
Then P lies inside the ball B2 of radius 11 with the same center as B1 . By Exercise 7.11,
the surface area of P must be greater than area(B1 ). On the other hand, each face F of P
lies in a circle H B2 , where H is a plane tangent to B1 . This gives an upper bound on
the area of F . Now use the condition that P has 19 faces to obtain a contradiction. Two
solutions of this problem (including this one) are given by A. G. Kushnirenko in [Kvant],
M35 (1971, no. 6).
20.4. Take spherical circles around each xi of radius /8 and use the area argument to show
that these circles cannot be disjoint. This solution is given by A. K. Tolpygo in [Kvant],
M656 (1981, no. 8).
20.6. For a), consider a line not parallel to the symmetry axis of parabolas. Check that
only a nite portion of the line is covered. For b), translate the cones C1 , . . . , Cn to have
the symmetry point at the origin. Observe that these cones are still disjoint except at the
boundary. Indeed, otherwise there exist two translations of a (small) cone which lie in two
cones Ci and Cj , a contradiction with Ci Cj = . This problem is given by A. Kuzminykh
in [Kvant], M748 (1982, no. 11).
20.7. Part b) was given at the Moscow Math. Olympiad in 1966. An easy solution is given
in http://tinyurl.com/n47h9l .
20.8. See [Daw3].
20.10. For a), take all cylinders to be parallel. For b), start with six parallel cylinders and
rotate three of them as a solid block. For c), consider the area of intersection or a cylinder
and a sphere of radius r. Optimize for r (see [BraW] for the full proof). This problem is
due to W. Kuperberg (1990).
20.11. For a), take two copies of B and put them together so some two balls touch. For b),
take the arrangements of balls in S3 at the vertices of the 600-cell. Make a stereographic
projection. For c), take the graph = (B) with vertices corresponding to balls and edges
if they touch. Orient the edges from balls of smaller to larger radius. Since the outdegree
of all vertices in is Kd , conclude the result. For more on this problem, see [KupS].
20.12. Part a) follows from part a) of Exercise 20.1 and the proof of part c) of the previous
exercise. For b), observe that n spheres in Rd are determined by their centers and radii,
and thus have nd + n degrees of freedom. For pairwise touching, they need to satisfy n2
equations. Now proceed as in Section 31. For c), make an inversion at a point where
two spheres are touching. They become two parallel hyperplanes, which implies that all
other spheres have the same radius. Parts a) and c) were communicated to me by Itai
Benjamini (2010).
21.1. b) An example is shown in Figure 42.12 (see [Mus1]). Here r1 < r2 < r3 < r4 .
21.4. The proof follows roughly along the same lines as the proof of Theorem 21.7. In this
case one needs to consider the set of points at equal distance to 3 or more lines and prove
that this is a binary tree.
21.6. See [Weg3].
21.10. For b), take an immersed closed curve C in Figure 9 in [Arn2]. Inscribe an equilateral
polygon Q and the same polygon Q with a shifted order of vertices.
21.11. See [OT1].
21.12. This is a discrete analogue of a result by Ghys (see [OT1] and references therein). To
see a connection to the four vertex theorem, consider a polygon Q R2 with vertices v1 =
(x1 , y1 ), . . . , vn = (xn , yn ). For every i, consider a unique projective linear transformation
i : RP1 RP1 , which maps xi1 , xi and xi+1 into yi1 , yi and yi+1 , respectively. Denote
by the graph (x, (x)) of function . Graph now plays the role of circumscribed circles
since by denition it contains vi1 , vi and vi+1 . Now check that i i is a local minimum
or maximum is the cyclic sequence if and only if the vertices vi2 and vi+2 of Q lie on the
same side of .
21.13. Part a) is a classical result of Szeg
o (1920) and S
uss (1924). We refer to [Ball] for
the related results and the references.
22.1. This proof is given in [A2, 9.1]. For a), see Figure 36.1. For b), take the signed area
of triangles spanned by the origin and the edges of P . For c), translate P so that the origin
in inside and dierentiate the area:
2 area(Pt ) = (h1 1 + . . . + hn n ) + (h1 1 + . . . + hn n ).
24.3. This is a classical corollary from a number of advanced results in knot theory (see,
e.g., [Ada2]). The following proof is given in [Fox, 7]. Denote by K#L the (connected)
sum of knots K and L (see Figure 42.14). Observe that K#L = L#K. Suppose K is nontrivial and K#L is an unknot. Consider a wild knot Q = K#L#K#L# . . . On one hand,
Q is isotopic to (K#L)#(K#L)# . . ., and thus an unknot. On the other hand, Q is isotopic
to K#(L#K)#(L#K)# . . . = K. Therefore, K is also an unknot, a contradiction.104
24.4. Follow the proof of Fenchels theorem, and use induction on the dimension for the
equality part.
24.5. For this result, generalizations and references see [Sant].
24.7. See [Sant, 7.5].
24.8. For a), this follows from the fact that the average length of a random projection has
length |Q|/ (see Exercise 24.6). See [Rama]. Parts b) and c) are presented in [Sul, 8].
24.9. For a), if A is a connected component of sh(Q) and x conv(A), then every plane H
through x intersects A at some point a. Since H goes through a, it contains at least four
points in Q, which implies that A is convex. The closure of A is a convex polytope by
piecewise linearity.
reader may consider this method a cheating for we do not give a delicate convergence
argument implicitly used in the proof. There are several known discrete proofs of this exercise, but
none are elementary and suciently succinct to be included here.
For b), there are two cases. Either L has a knotted polygon, in which case the second
hull theorem implies the result. Otherwise, L has two polygons Q1 , Q2 whose convex hulls
intersect. The result now follows from conv(Q1 ) conv(Q2 ) sh(L).
24.10. For a), take the sum K#L of two non-trivial knots K and L as shown in Figure 42.14.
While sh(K), sh(L) 6= , the middle points x
/ sh(K#L).
For b), take an unknot Q and x as in the gure and observe that x sh(Q). For c),
deform Q appropriately.
Figure 42.14. Sum of knots K#L with a disconnected second hull and
an unknot Q with a nonempty second hull.
24.11. This is proved in [CKKS, 6].
24.12. A stronger form of this result was proved in [Izm].
24.13. This inequality is due to A.D. Alexandrov (1947). See [Res2] for the proofs and
24.14. Part a) goes back to Radon (1919) and is completely straightforward: the curvature
minimizes when C is convex, in which case, when the projection is simple, it becomes
an equality. Part b) is a corollary of Exercise 25.2 applied to the cone. For advanced
generalizations and references see [Res1].
For c), consider a point z sh(Q) and take Q to be the result of a translation of Q which
moves z to O. By denition of the second hull, all generic hyperplanes through O intersect Q
four or more times. Now use Croftons formula (Lemma 24.6) and the proof of Fenchels
theorem (Theorem 24.4) to conclude that (Q) (Q ) 4. We refer to [CKKS] for the
sketch of this proof and related results.
24.15. Let S be the set of midpoints of (x, y), where x, y Q. Following Subsection 5.3,
the surface S consists of triangles and parallelograms with the boundary at Q. Since Q is
knotted, the interior of S intersects with Q, giving the desired triple.
24.16. For a), given a point x Q consider all triangles spanned by x and edges of Q.
Denote by S the resulting surface. If S is embedded, then Q is unknotted, a contradiction.
For b) and c)
If two triangles T1 , T2 S intersect, the intersection is the desired line.
see [Den, Kup1].
24.17. Part a) is due to F
ary and has been generalized in various directions [BZ3, 28]. Three
elementary proofs are given in [Tab5]. Part b) is proved in [Cha], and part c) in [LR, NazP].
24.18. For b) and c), see [CSE]. For d), use a small circle C2 .
24.19. The net total curvature and the corresponding Croftons formula are proved in [Gul].
Part b) is proved in [AbrK] (see also [FSW] for a simple proof).
24.20. The idea is to adapt the proofs of the Fenchel and F
aryMilnor theorems in this
case [Gul].
24.21. Part a) was proved in [Bes1]. For b), take three symmetric geodesic arcs from the
North Pole of length and add a small geodesic equilateral triangle around the South
Pole. The resulting net has total length 3 + O(), where > 0. Part c) is a generalization
of a) given in [Crof].
25.3. Region A contains all vertices of P , has n = 2 |E| vertices, while A has r = |F|
connected components. Observe that every angle of A is a complement of the corresponding
face angle to 2, which gives
(A) = n (2)
(v) = (n |V |) 2 +
(2 (v))
= 2 (2|E| |V |) +
(v) = 4 |E| 2 |V | + 4 .
On the other hand, by the previous exercise, we have (A) = (2|E| + 2|F| 4) . Together
these two equations imply Eulers formula.
25.5. For a), consider the dual cones C and D . Use the supporting hyperplanes to show
that C D . Conclude from here that (C) = (C ) (D ) = (D ).
25.6. For a), note that the centrally symmetric faces have at least four vertices. Now use
Eulers formula. For b), consider the Minkowski sum of n vectors in convex position (take
e.g., the side edges of a symmetric n-pyramid). The resulting zonotope has at least n faces,
all parallelograms (see Exercise 7.16).
25.8. For b), here is a solution from [Grub, 15.1]. Denote by ai the number of vertices of
degree i, and by fi the number of i-sided faces. For the numbers n, m and k of vertices,
edges and faces, respectively, we have n = a3 + a4 + a5 + . . ., k = f3 + f4 + f5 + . . ., and
2m = 3a3 + 4a4 + 5a5 + . . . = 3f3 + 4f4 + 5f5 + . . . By Eulers formula, we conclude:
8 = (4n 2m) + (4k 2m) = (4a3 + 4a4 + 4a5 + . . . 3a3 4a4 5a5 . . .)
+ (4f3 + 4f4 + 4f5 + . . . 3f3 4f4 5f5 . . .) a3 + f3 .
25.9. For a), observe that the curvature of all vertices are bounded: i /2. Now the
GaussBonnet theorem implies the result. Part b) is analogous. Note that both bounds
are tight: take the cube and the icosahedron, respectively.
25.10. Use Girards formula to write each solid angle in terms of dihedral angles. Summing
over all vertices, each dihedral angle will be counted twice. Then use Eulers formula.
25.11. This is a dual result to the GaussBonnet theorem (Theorem 25.3).
25.12. (ii) (i) Write out equations for the edge lengths.
(iii) (i) From the GaussBonnet theorem (Theorem 25.3), conclude that the curvature
of each vertex is equal to . Now write out the equations for the angle sums around each
vertex and inside each face.
(iv) (i) Use an argument based on Subsection 25.3.
(v) (iv) Write out equations for the solid angles in terms of dihedral angles.
25.13. This follows from Eulers formula. See Subsection 26.3 for the proof.
25.14. This is a restatement of Eulers formula. It is proved in [Gla] (see also [GGT, 2]).
25.15. Both parts easily follow from Exercise 25.14. For a), if there are no sinks, sources
and faces with oriented cycles, then the index of every vertex and face is 0, while by the
formula in the exercise, their sum is zero, a contradiction. Alternatively, one can prove
part a) in the same manner as Lemma 32.7. Since there are no sinks in the graph, every
oriented path can be extended until it self-intersects. If the resulting cycle is not along a
face, start moving inside the cycle until a smaller cycle (in the area) is obtained. Repeat
until the desired face cycle is found. This simple result seems to have been rediscovered a
number of times, but [Gla] is a denitive reference.
25.16. Take a triangular bipyramid where the top and bottom vertices have curvatures
and (2 ), respectively, for > 0 small enough.
25.18. a) Let C be a convex cone with n faces and acute dihedral angles i , 1 i n.
The sum of dihedral angles is equal to the sum of face angles of the dual cone C , i.e.,
i = n (C ) (n 2).
If i < /2, then n = 3 and all face angles of C are acute. The only polygons with acute
angles are triangles. We conclude that P is simple and all faces are acute triangles, i.e., P
is a tetrahedron.
b) By the same argument, P is simple and all faces are either non-obtuse triangles or
rectangles. Now apply Eulers formula.
c) This is false. Consider a prism of height h and two sides regular n-gons with side 1.
Connect adjacent midpoints as in Figure 42.15 and remove 2n resulting tetrahedra. Note
that the dihedral angle between triangles and n-gons decreases continuously with h
(0, ), from to /2. Take h to be such that = 3/2. It remains to check that the
dihedral angle between triangles and rhombi 3/2 as n . A more involved
example is given in [Pach] (see Exercise 40.12).
substitution of (L D/4) into the Sabitov polynomial for R. For b), use the fact that Zn
has exponentially many realizations. For c), further details and references see [FedP].
31.6. a) Use 12 = 23 = 13 = 2 and 01 = 02 = 03 = 1 + , for > 0 small enough. b)
Consider , R3 with edge lengths
01 = 02 = 03 = 1 ,
13 = 23 = 2 ,
12 = ,
01 = 02 = 03 = 1 ,
12 = 23 = 2 ,
13 = ,
where > 0 is small enough. Check that , with such edge lengths exist, and that there
is no tetrahedron with (ij + ij )/2 edge lengths. For c) and the references see [Riv].
34.8. Parts a) and b) are proved in [Mon1]. This technique was later extended in [Mon2]
to prove c) and d). Parts e) and f ) are proved in [Pok]. See [Ste2] for a survey.
32.2. This result is due to Pogorelov [Pog6].
32.3. From the contrary, suppose there exists a continuous deformation of C . Denote by G
the graph of P . As in the proof of the Cauchy theorem, consider a subgraph H G of
edges where the dihedral angles change. Check that every vertex of H has degree at least 4.
Use Exercise 25.7 to conclude that at least eight triangular faces of H (as a planar graph)
are triangular. In the other direction, show that even-sided faces of G cannot subdivide
these triangles. The second part is similar. See [DSS1] for details and references.
32.4. This can be proved using the combinatorial approach in Subsection 32.3. See [A2,
10.3] for the original proof.
33.2. Consider the following deformation {Pt } of the coordinates of Jessens orthogonal
2, (1 + t), 0 ,
(1 + t), 0, 2 ,
0, 2, (1 + t) .
Observe that the lengths of the long edges are unchanged under the deformation, while the
lengths of the short edges are
This implies that the polyhedron P0 is not innitesimally rigid. Continuous rigidity follows
from the second order rigidity. First, check that the rigidity matrix has corank 1, i.e., the
above rst order deformation is the only possible (up to scaling). Then check that the
second order terms implied by O(t2 ) are strictly positive, for all t 6= 0.
33.5. Part d) is a proved in [Con3]. See [Con5, ConS, IKS] for more second order rigidity.
33.7 and 33.8. See [RotW, 6, 7].
33.10. See [Luo] for the proof, extensions and references.
31.7. For a), consider normals u i to the faces. Observe that u i u j = ij . Now take
w i = area(Fi ) u i , where Fi is the face of which does not contain vertex vi . Recall
that w 1 + w 2 + w 3 + w 4 = 0 (see Proposition 36.1). Thus there exists a closed space
quadrilateral Q with edges w i , and the sum of angles in Q is 2. Since the sum of angles
in Q is equal to 12 + 23 + 34 + 14 , we obtain the result.
For b), observe that 12 + 13 + 14 > , since the curvature of the dual cone (C1 ) =
( 12 ) + ( 13 ) + ( 14 ) < 2. Adding such inequalities for all four vertices we
obtain the lower bound. The upper bound follows by averaging of the inequalities in a).
For c), we have:
|r |2
cos ij =
hu i , u j i = 2 hu 1 + u 2 + u 3 + u 4 , u 1 + u 2 + u 3 + u 4 i = 2
Take the dual graph to the graph of Q and keep the same signs, so that there are at least
four sign changes around every vertex. Modify counting argument in Subsection 26.3, to
conclude that all signs must be zero.
36.3. In notation of Subsection 36.2, dene a map : P Z. Prove that Z W+ is a
convex polyhedron by a direct argument (cf. the proof of Lemma 35.3). Similarly, prove
directly that P is connected. Consider only polytopes P P of volume 1. In the topological
lemma, the injectivity follows from the Alexandrov theorem and the continuity is trivial.
To show that is proper, check that the limit polyhedron cannot become unbounded or
degenerate. A complete proof is given in [A2, 6.3].
36.5. Note that in the proof we use the equal facet areas only to avoid Fk Fk , and other
conditions can be used in its place. Use monotonicity of the perimeter, surface area, and
the mean curvature (see Exercises 7.11 and 28.2).
36.9. For a), consider normals u i to the faces and use the equation in Proposition 36.1
to conclude that their sum is zero. Check that the resulting 2-dimensional family of
{(u 1 , u 2 , u 3 , u 4 )} (up to rotations around O), is the same as the family of normals of
equihedral tetrahedra.
For b), recall that equihedral tetrahedra have equal opposite edges (see Exercise 25.12).
From a), this implies that all non-adjacent edges have equal length. This easily implies the
36.10. Much of this exercise is due to Shephard (1963). See proofs and references in [McM1,
Mey]. Part e) is given in [Kall].
36.12. For a), translate P by a vector w . We have:
z1 + hw , u i i ai =
z1 ai + w ,
ai u i = (P, P ),
(P, P + w ) =
since the second term is zero. See [A2, 7.2] for the rest of this exercise.
36.13. Here (P, P ) is the usually called the mixed volume vol(P, P , . . . , P ), and the
exercise gives an equivalent way to state the BrunnMinkowski inequalities. This approach
leads to the further inequalities, as discussed in [BonF, BZ3, Schn2].
36.14. By the uniqueness part of Theorem 36.2, polytope P is a translate of (P ). This
implies the result.
36.15. A concise proof of part a is given in [Grub, 18.2].
36.16. For d) and e) see [A2, 7.1]. The truncated octahedron tiles the space and has 14
faces (see Exercise 16.6). The upper bound in f is due to Minkowski. We refer to [Grub,
32.2] for the proofs, references and the context.
36.18. See [BezB].
36.19. This example was recently constructed in [Pan].
37.1. For a), cut the surface of a convex cap by a hyperplane and combine two copies to
obtain a convex polytope with reection symmetry. Show that this can be done intrinsically.
For b), see [A2, 4.4].
37.4. See [ADO].
37.5. Part c) was proved by Harer and Zagier in (1986). See combinatorial proofs in [GouN,
37.8. For a), it suces to check that the sum of angles around each vertex is < 2. Use the
law of cosines to obtain stability result for the angles (e.g., < 0.01 easily works). For b),
check what happens to the convexity of realizations when the inverse function theorem is
37.10. See [Vol3].
37.11. This is a restatement of an open ended problem communicated to me by Victor
38.2. For a), repeatedly use convex bendings in the proof of Leibins theorem (Theorem 38.2). Both parts a) and b) are outlined in the Appendix to [Pog3].
39.3. See [Ble].
39.4. The bendings were constructed in [Mi5].
39.6. See [Pau] and [MlaO].
39.8. Part a) is implicitly stated in the description part of the patent.
39.9. Parts b) and c) are due to Shtogrin in a series of papers [Sht1, Sht2, Sht3]
39.10. For a), we have |xy| = |xy|S1 = |(x)(y)|S2 |(x)(y)| = |(x)(y)|, for all
x, y C1 . Parts b) and c) are announced in [Tas1].
39.11. For a), use induction on the total number of vertices in C1 and C2 . Start at a
vertex v of C1 and consider a ray R starting at (v) such that the sum of angles R forms
with edges of C2 is equal to the angle at v. Extend the partial diagonal inside S1 as far as
possible, until one distance condition inequality becomes an equality. Use this construction
repeatedly until bigger polygons split into smaller polygons. Part a) and b) are outlined
in [Tas1], part c) in [Tas2].105
39.12. For a), once the surface S is folded onto a plane, continue folding it in halves until
it ts a disk of radius . This gives the desired realization.
39.13. See [BZ1] and [BZ4].
40.2. For a), see Figure 42.16. The outline of the rest in given in [Zal2].
Figure 42.16. Points in the shaded region have exactly two shortest paths
to w (they all go through vertex v). Non-convex polyhedral surface in R3
and shortest paths between points v and w.
40.3. For a), take a tetrahedron = [v1 v2 v3 v4 ] with edge lengths |v1 v3 | = |v2 v3 | = |v1 v4 | =
|v2 v4 | = 1, |v1 v2 | = , and |v3 v4 | = 2 , for > 0 suciently small.
For b), take a tetrahedron = [v1 v2 v3 v4 ] with edge lengths |v1 v2 | = |v1 v3 | = |v1 v4 | = 1,
|v2 v3 | = , and |v2 v4 | = |v3 v4 | = 2 , for > 0 suciently small.
40.4. For a), see [AHKN].
x1 and x4 lie on the same side of the plane spanned by x2 , x3 and x5 . By the assumptions,
all diagonals in Q have equal length. Thus tetrahedra (x4 x2 x3 x5 ) and (x1 x2 x3 x5 ) are
congruent. Since x1 and x4 lie on the same side of the isosceles triangle (x2 x3 x5 ), we
conclude that x1 and x4 are symmetric with respect to the plane bisecting (x2 , x3 ). Thus
points x1 , x2 , x3 and x4 lie in the same plane. The same argument shows that x5 , x2 , x3
and x4 lie on the same plane, and we obtain a contradiction. See [PraS], Problem 8.29.
b) For even n, consider the regular n-antiprism and a polygon obtained by the side edges.
For n odd, nd a non-planar regular 7-gon and use induction. To see why this is true for
odd n large enough, consider a long metal chain of small equilateral triangles attached as
in the regular antiprism, but make the chain open and exible along the edges. Clearly, we
can twist it and close it up if the chain is long enough.
42.4. This result is due to P. W. Jones (1990). We refer to [KenK] for an elegant presentation
and references.
42.5. Take the longest edge. See [Shar], Problem 170.
While there is a large literature on the subject, there is no standard name for these tetrahedra. We refer to [Arn3, pp. 2, 188191] for the references, and to [PraS, 6.4] (see
also [Shar], Problem 304) for simple proofs of these and other basic results on equihedral
tetrahedra. Let us mention that these tetrahedra are also called isosceles (see [Lee, The])
and equifacial (see [HajW]). See also Exercise 10.4 for more on this.
42.8. Consider a hyperplane H Rd dened by the equation
+ ... +
= d.
Clearly, a H. Since a is an interior point, there exists a vertex v of P on the same side
of H as the origin O. We conclude:
+ ... +
This solution follows [SGK, 3.2].
42.10. See Problem 266 in [VasE].
42.11. The upper bound (2n 4) is sharp. See the solution to Problem 8.6 in [PraS].
42.12. This is false (see [PraS], Problem 13.12). Check that two vertices on the same edge
can lie in C. Extend the planes of C to divide the space into 8 cones. Conclude that at
least one of them will have two vertices of the cube.
42.13. Part a) is proved in [Klee]. Part b), was originally proposed in [She2] (see also [CFG],
section B10) and completely resolved in [CEG]. For c), start with a regular tetrahedron
and add a vertex at distance from the barycenter of every face. Then add a vertex at
distance 2 from the barycenter of every new face, etc. Repeat this O(n) times.
42.15. For a), the claim is false. Start with a unit circle C R3 dened by x2 + y 2 = 1
and z = 0. Take a cone over C from a = (1, 0, 1) and b = (1, 0, 1). The resulting
convex body B has extremal points at C (1, 0, 0) and a, b. To make only countably
many extremal points, modify this example by taking a convex hull of a, b and a converging
sequence to (1, 0, 0) of points in C. We are unaware of an elementary proof of b).
42.17. See [Zon2] for proofs, generalizations and references. For b), see also a hint on p. 74
in [Tao].
42.18. This problem was given at the Moscow Math. Olympiad in 2008. See http://tinyurl.com/ma34td
for a complete solution.
42.19. a) Take a projection of a tetrahedron onto a plane L containing face (abc). Assume
the remaining vertex d is projected into the interior of (abc). Choose two lines 1 = (ab)
and 2 1 . Rotate by an angle > 0 around 1 and then around 2 . The new projection
is a triangle (a b c ) that ts inside (abc), for small enough.
b) For the p
unit cube: the unit square projection ts inside the regular hexagonal projection
(with side 2/3).
c) For the regular octahedron with edge length 1: start with a unit square projection.
Rotate the octahedron around a diagonal of the square by an angle > 0. Rotate the
octahedron now around the second diagonal by an angle 2 . The resulting projection ts
inside the unit square, for small enough.
d) Although we have not checked, the regular icosahedron looks like a potential counterexample.
42.20. Part a) was proved by Kovalev (1984), while part c) was proved in [DML]. See [K
for a simple proof of a) and the references.
42.21. a) For Cd = {(x1 , . . . , xd ), 0 xi 1}, take a hyperplane x1 + . . . + xd = 2.
For b), c) and d), see [JocP].
42.22. Use the fact that K3,3 is not planar. See [Sany] for details and generalization.
42.23. See [Pol]. The example of cuboctahedron shows that the bound is tight.
42.24. This is called the Szilassi polyhedron. It is easy to see that this is possible only if it
has 14 vertices and 28 edges. See http://tinyurl.com/2qqzgc for the references.
42.25. This construction is called the Cs
ar polyhedron [Cs
42.26. Let = (v1 v2 v3 v4 ) and suppose (v1 v2 ) is the longest edge. We have:
2|v1 v2 | |v1 v3 | + |v2 v3 | + |v1 v4 | + |v2 v4 | = |v1 v3 | + |v1 v4 | + |v2 v3 | + |v2 v4 | .
Therefore, either |v1 v2 | |v1 v3 |+ |v1 v4 |, or |v2 v1 | |v2 v3 |+ |v2 v4 |, as desired. The problem
comes from the Tournament of Towns in 1994 (see http://tinyurl.com/lk6he3)
42.27. An elegant proof of this is given in [GriL, 2].
42.28. Let v i =
1 xi and w i = xi xi+1 , for all 1 i n. Clearly, v i = w 1 + . . . + w i1 . By
analogy with the volume formula in Subsection 34.1, we have 2area(X) = |u|, where
u =
v i v i+1 =
v i (v i + w i ) =
(w 1 + . . . + w i1 ) w i =
vi wi
wi wj .
Figure 42.18. Four pairwise adjacent tetrahedra and the twisting direction.
42.46. See [Boll], Problem 8.
42.47. For a)c), one can always extract along a line: f (t) = t u for some unit vector u.
We prove part a). Dene Pi Pj if there is a point in Pi which lies directly below a point
in Pj . Check that denes a partial order on Pi . Now the largest element can be moved
d) Tile a plane L with unit squares. Place the regular tetrahedra with side 2 around L, one
per square, so that vertices of squares are midpoints of edges. There are two ways to t a
tetrahedra around a square then; use both ways alternatively, in a checkerboard fashion, so
that the tetrahedra t together. Shrink each tetrahedron around its center by , for some
small > 0. Check that for suciently small , none of these tetrahedra can be extracted
(by symmetry, it suces to check this for one tetrahedron).
e) To construct a nite family, take a 2m 2m square S region on L. Attach the opposite
sides of S and embed it into R3 . By taking m large enough, the resulting torus can be made
as at as desired, so that the images of the squares are at -distance from the unit squares.
Now arrange the tetrahedra as in part b). If is much smaller than , the tetrahedra will
be non-intersecting and neither one can be extracted.
f ) A similar construction, but in this case start with a tiling of L with regular hexagons.
Take a quotient S of L by two long vectors which preserve the grid. We omit the details.
Parts a)c) are given in [Daw1]. Construction in d) is given in [Kan] (see also [DEKP]).
The rst construction for e) is given in [Daw1] (see also [SnoS]). The constructions in e), f )
are new and based of innite constructions in [DEKP, Kan]. Part g) is open. For part h),
references and pictures see [SnoS].
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2-move, see also ip
in domino tilings, 135
in planar triangulations, 125
3d -conjecture, 81
bisector, 36
Bishop, Richard L., 240
Blaschke selection theorem, 68, 71
Blaschke, Wilhelm, 206, 339, 379
BlindMani theorem, 76
blooming conjecture, 352
Boltyansky, Vladimir G., 147
BolyaiGerwien theorem, 139
Bonnesens inequality, 69
Bonnesen, Tommy, 381
uredi theorem, 25, 33, 38
Borsuks conjecture, 26, 30, 31
Borsuks theorem, 27
Borsuk, Karol, 31, 240
Bose, Raj Chandra, 206
Brahmaguptas formula, 312
Breen, Marilyn, 377
Bricards condition, 142, 144
Bricards octahedron, 281
Bricard, Raoul, 147, 285
Brunns theorem, 64
BrunnMinkowski inequality, 64, 70, 328, 362
Buons needle, 237
Bugaenko, V. O., 381
Burago, Yu. D., 347
BuragoZalgallers theorem, 335, 347
Caratheodorys theorem, 20
colorful, 21, 25
Steinitz extension of, 23
Carpenters rule theorem, 223
Catalan number, 333
Catalan numbers, 75, 82
Catalan solid, 184
rhombic dodecahedron, 183
rhombic triacontahedron, 183
Cauchy problem (analytic), 321
Cauchys theorem, 249, 266, 273, 280
Alexandrovs extension to parallel
polytopes, 253
application to regular polytopes, 180
for non-strictly convex surfaces, 260
for spherical polyhedra, 257
for unbounded polyhedra in R3 , 259
in higher dimensions, 257
rigidity in Rd , 258
rigidity of convex polytopes in R3 , 249, 253
Stokers inverse, 255
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, 215, 256
CauchyAlexandrov theorem for polyhedral
surfaces, 260
caustic, 198, see also evolute
disphenocingulum, 393
dissection, 159
dodecahedron, 167
dodecahedron construction, 181, 182
Dolbilin, Nikolai P., 138
domino tiling, 135
double normal
theorem, 87
to a smooth plane curve, 87
to smooth surfaces, 93
double quasi-normal to a polygon, 227
urers conjecture, 348, 358
urer, Albrecht, 358
Dvoretzky, Aryeh, 377
Dysons theorem, 55
Dyson, Freeman, 60
E8 lattice, 392
Eberhards theorem, 248
extremal, 197
inection, 216, 219
edge summation lemma, 263, 271
Eggleston, Harold Gordon, 31
elementary move, 159
Emch, Arnold, 53
empty circle condition, 127, 128
empty sphere criterion, 130, 132
of three polytopes, by volume, 36
of two polygons, by area, 36
with a cobweb, 37
with three lines, 32
with two lines, 32
Erdos ip problem, 227
Erdos, Paul, 25, 380, 397
Euclid, 180, 184, 256
Euler characteristic, 168
Eulers formula, 241, 248
Eulers inequality, 374
Euler, Leonard, 25, 408
Eulerian circuit, 239
Eulerian numbers, 80, 82
discrete, 198
dual, 198, 205
relative, 199
expansion of sets, 63
f -vector, 72
Fabricius-Bjerres formula, 219, 220
Fabricius-Bjerre, Fr., 228
pantograph, 120
Peaucellier inversor, 121
polyhedral, 123
realization, 118
spherical, 122
translator, 120
Watts, 123
linked tubes theorem, 232
Lipkin, Lippman, 123
Lipov, L., 378
local convexity criterion, 128
Lovasz, Laszlo, 228, 378
LyusternikShnirelman theorem, 97
MacMahon, Percy Alexander, 82
Riemannian, 248
unicoherent, 59
characteristic, 289
isometry, 252
Monge, 170
proper, 368
unfolding, 349
mapping lemma, 368
Marguliss napkin problem, 358, see also
napkin folding problem
mean curvature invariance theorem, 265
medial axis of a polygon, 206
Miller, Ezra, 358, 393
Millson, John J., 123
Milnors lemma, 231
Milnor, John W., 240
Minkowski formula, 270
Minkowski inequality, 361
Minkowski sum, 63
Minkowski theorem, 323, 328
Minkowski, Hermann, 328, 404
Mobius strip, 42
Mobius theorem, 203, 206
Mobius, August Ferdinand, 206
Molnar, Jozsef, 377
Monge equivalence, 170
of bipyramids in Rd , 172
of convex polytopes in Rd , 170
of general polygons in the plane, 174
Monge map, 170
Monge, Gaspard, 176
of cone curvature, 246
of the area, 69
of the average total curvature, 239
paraboloid, 127
parallelepiped, 70, 144
Peaucellier, Charles-Nicolas, 123
penta-partition, 36
permutohedron, 74
f -vector, 74
tiling, 154
-congruence, 146
-congruence, 153
PL-manifold, 176
place (a ring valuation), 308, 365
inection, of a polytope in R3 , 218
supporting vertex of a polytope, 242
tritangent, to a curve in R3 , 226
plane tessellation, 184
Platonic solid, 157, 184
Pogorelov uniqueness theorem, 261
Pogorelovs lemma, 266, 267, 271
Pogorelovs theorem
on curvatures on convex caps, 319
on octant shape polyhedra with given face
normals and areas, 325
on quasi-geodesics, 100
Pogorelov, A. V., 262, 271, 321, 328, 339,
402, 406
Pohlkes theorem, 371
Poincare conjecture, 97, see also
LyusternikShnirelman theorem
Poincare theorem
on closed geodesics, 97
on the hairy ball, 247
Poincare, Henri, 81, 97, 184
at, 193, 276
inection, 203
point and line arrangement, 111
polar sine function, 373
polygon, 8, see also space polygon
coherent, 194
Delaunay, 201
equiangular, 198
non-convex, 195
parallel, 199
regular, in R3 , 370
rigid deformation, 223
similar, 51
simple, 18, 54, 244
spherical, 360
star-shaped, 17
surface, 244
surrounds another, 199
tensegrity, 305
polygonal region, 8
polyhedron, 8, see also special polyhedron
convex cap, 244
exible, 280, see also exible polyhedron
orthant shape, 324
shaky, 306
tight, 279, 284, 285
unbounded convex, 244
polytope, 8, see also special polytope
adjacent, 375
circumscribed around a sphere, 183
decomposable, 326
edge-transitive, 178
face-transitive, 178, 182
fair (as in a fair die), 182
fortunate (as in Bricards condition), 142
indecomposable, 326
inscribed into a sphere, 183
irrational (with irrational coordinates), 115
midcribed around a sphere, 70, 183, 306
monostatic, 86
neighborly, 79
non-convex, 167
parallel, 253
passes through itself, 371
planted, 287
rectiable, 144, 148
regular, 177, see also regular polytope
self-similar, 149
shadow, 371
similar, 148
simple, 72
simplicial, 72
vertex-transitive, 178
polytope graph, 72
connectivity, 77
diameter, 79
edge coloring, 79
have embedded cliques, 79
vertex degrees, 79
poset polytope, 174
` G., 291
Poznjak, E.
Prekopa-Leindler inequality, 71
prism, 144, 394
Proizvolov, V., 377, 379
pseudoline arrangement, 138
Putnam Mathematical Competition, 387, 403
quadrisecants of knots, 238
quasi-billiard trajectory, 90
quasi-geodesic, 99
golden, 155
Hills, 151, 155
Kahans volume formula, 374
monostatic, 86
random, 98
rectiable, 155
standard, 150, 151
Thom, Rene, 206
Thurston, William P., 108, 123, 389
Tietze, Heinrich, 138, 409
aperiodic, 154, 158
lemma, 149
periodic, 149
space with knotted tiles, 146
substitution, 146
the space with crosses, 145
the space with notched cubes, 146
with dominoes, 135, see also domino tiling
with ribbon trominoes, 136
zonotopal, 137, see also zonotopal tiling
Tolpygo, Alexei K., 395
Toponogovs theorem, 358
transportation polytope, 81
trapezohedron, 394
binary, 80
minimum spanning, 133
orthogonal, 155
piecewise linear spanning, 348
triangulation, 8, 159
acute, 134
associated with height function, 130
combinatorial, 134
Delaunay, 126, see also Delaunay
equiareal, 313
ip diameter, 133
full, 125, 130, 163
non-obtuse, 134
number of full triangulations, 132
of a convex polygon, 75, 125
of a non-convex polygon, 135
plane, as a graph, 286
regular, 130, see also regular triangulation
star, 163, 165
to curves in R2 , 91
to surfaces in R3 , 57
truncated cube, 153
truncated cuboctahedron, 154
truncated dodecahedron, 383