This document is a Certificate of Origin form for goods being exported from Indonesia to Australia under the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) agreement. It contains information about the exporter and importer, description of the goods, origin criteria, quantities, invoice details, and declarations of origin. Specifically, it certifies that 26,508 pieces of kitchenware totaling 3,584 cartons are being shipped by PT. Almasindo in Indonesia to Willow Ware Australia, PTY LTD. in Melbourne, Australia on February 20, 2013 and that the goods meet the origin requirements to qualify for preferential tariff treatment under AANZFTA.
This document is a Certificate of Origin form for goods being exported from Indonesia to Australia under the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) agreement. It contains information about the exporter and importer, description of the goods, origin criteria, quantities, invoice details, and declarations of origin. Specifically, it certifies that 26,508 pieces of kitchenware totaling 3,584 cartons are being shipped by PT. Almasindo in Indonesia to Willow Ware Australia, PTY LTD. in Melbourne, Australia on February 20, 2013 and that the goods meet the origin requirements to qualify for preferential tariff treatment under AANZFTA.
This document is a Certificate of Origin form for goods being exported from Indonesia to Australia under the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) agreement. It contains information about the exporter and importer, description of the goods, origin criteria, quantities, invoice details, and declarations of origin. Specifically, it certifies that 26,508 pieces of kitchenware totaling 3,584 cartons are being shipped by PT. Almasindo in Indonesia to Willow Ware Australia, PTY LTD. in Melbourne, Australia on February 20, 2013 and that the goods meet the origin requirements to qualify for preferential tariff treatment under AANZFTA.
This document is a Certificate of Origin form for goods being exported from Indonesia to Australia under the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) agreement. It contains information about the exporter and importer, description of the goods, origin criteria, quantities, invoice details, and declarations of origin. Specifically, it certifies that 26,508 pieces of kitchenware totaling 3,584 cartons are being shipped by PT. Almasindo in Indonesia to Willow Ware Australia, PTY LTD. in Melbourne, Australia on February 20, 2013 and that the goods meet the origin requirements to qualify for preferential tariff treatment under AANZFTA.
AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE ASEAN - AUSTRALIA - NEW ZEALAND FREE TRADE AREA (AANZFTA) CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN (Combined Declaration and Certificate) Issued in INDONESIA (Country) (see Overleaf Notes) 1. Goods Consigned from (Exporter's name, address and country) 2. Goods Consigned to (Importer's/Cosignee's name, address, country) 3. Means of transport and route (if known) Shipment Date Vessel's name/Aircraft etc. Port of Discharge 4. For Official Use Preferential Treatment Given Under AANZFTA Preferential Treatment Not Given (Please state reason/s) ......................................................................................................... Signature of Authorised Signatory of the Importing Country 5. Item number 6. Marks and numbers on packages 7. Number and kind of packages; description of goods including HS Code (6 digits) and brand name (if applicable) 8. Origin Conferring Criterion (see Notes Overleaf) 9. Quantity (Gross weight or other measurement), and value (FOB) (see Overleaf Notes) 10. Invoice number(s) and date of invoice(s) 11. Declaration by exporter The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct; that all the goods were produced in .................................................................................................................. (Country) and that they comply with the rules of origin, as provided in Chapter 3 of the Agreement Establishing the ASEAN -Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area for the goods exported to ................................................................................................................... (Importing Country) ................................................................................................................. Place and date, name, signature and company of authorised signatory 12. Certification On the basis of control carried out, it is hereby certified that the information herein is correct and that the goods described comply with the origin requirements specified in the Agreement Establishing the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area ................................................................................................................................ Place and date, signature and stamp of Authorised Issuing Authority/Body 13. Back-to-back Certificate of Origin Subject of third-party invoice Issued retroactively De minimis Accumulation 1 SHIPPING MARKS WILLOW AUSTRALIA 26,508 PCS = 3,584 (THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FOUR) CARTONS OF KITCHENWARE AS PER PO# : 41380-00 "CTH" GW : 12,068.90 NW : 10,701.94 USD 29,883.960 AMI-809/INV-II/2013 FEBRUARY 15, 2013 0000844/KBD/2013 PT. ALMASINDO JL. RAYA BATUJAJAR KM. 2 NO. 169 CIMAREME - PADALARANG KAB. BANDUNG BARAT INDONESIA WILLOW WARE AUSTRALIA, PTY LTD. 60 ANNANDALE ROAD, MELBOURNE AIRPORT 3045 AUSTRALIA FEBRUARY 20, 2013 XUTRA BHUM V.863 MELBOURNE INDONESIA AUSTRALIA DADANG DARMAWAN PT. ALMASINDO BANDUNG, FEBRUARY 20, 2013 MUNICIPALITY OFFICE IN BANDUNG INDAH KURNIAWATI BANDUNG, FEBRUARY 20, 2013 v Page 1 / 1