SPICE - A Brief Overview-1

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SPICE - A Brief Tutorial

This document gives a brief overview of SPICE. The description is far from complete, as SPICE is a
powerful circuit simulator with many capabilities. However, this document will serve as a start for
students in introductory classes. For more information, please refer to the SPICE user's manual or
books listed at the end of the document.
Do not print this document on the CETS printers.
Table of Contents
A. PSPICE with Capture - ORCAD):
PSpice Quick Reference Guide
PSpice Tutorial
B. SPICE (without Schematic Capture)

2.1 Data Statements
Independent DC Sources
Dependent Sources
Capacitors and Inductors
Mutual Inductors
Ideal Transformers
Sinusoidal Sources
Piecewise Linear Source (PWL)
Voltage and Current Controlled Switches
Operational Ampliers (incl. model for 741)
Semiconductor Devices
Bipolar Transistor
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2.2 Control Statements
Operating Point (.OP)
DC Statement (.DC)
Transfer Function (.TF)
Sensitivity (.SENS)
Transient (.TRAN)
Initial Condictions (.IC)
AC Analysis (.AC)
2.3 Output Statements
SPICE - Getting started 3.
3.1 Creating an Input File
4.1 Running HSpice
4.2 Mathematical Expressions in HSpice
4.3 Graphical Interface (GSI)
5.1 Thevenin Equiv. Circuit (.TF analysis and .DC Sweep)
5.2 HSpice example (.TF analysis and .DC Sweep)
5.3 Mutual Inductor (Transformer;Transient analysis)
5.3 Ideal Transformer
5.4 Filter Circuit (.AC Analysis)
5.5 Rectier Circuit (with diodes)
5.6 Transistor Circuit (NPN)
6. MODELS of Selected Devices and Components
6.1 Macromodel for the 741
6.2 Diode 1N4148
6.3 NPN Transistors: 1N2222A and 2N696
6.4 MOSIS models: 1.2 um CMOS
6.5 JFET model: 2N5459

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SPICE is a powerful general purpose analog circuit simulator that is used to verify circuit designs and
to predict the circuit behavior. This is of particular importance for integrated circuits. It was for this
reason that SPICE was originally developed at the Electronics Research Laboratory of the University
of California, Berkeley (1975), as its name implies:

Simulation Program for Integrated Circuits Emphasis.
PSpice is a PC version of SPICE (MicroSim Corp.) and HSpice is a version (Avant!.) that runs on
workstations and larger computers. PSpice is available on the PCs in the SEAS PC computing Labs
and HSPICE is available on ENIAC or PENDER. A complete manual of the Avant! Star- HSPICE
(pdf document) is available as well.
SPICE can do several types of circuit analyses. Here are the most important ones:

Non-linear DC analysis: calculates the DC transfer curve.
Non-linear transient analysis: calculates the voltage and current as a function of time when a
large signal is applied.
Linear AC Analysis: calculates the output as a function of frequency. A bode plot is generated.
Noise analysis
Sensitivity analysis
Distortion analysis
Fourier analysis: calculates and plots the frequency spectrum.
Monte Carlo Analysis
In addition, PSpice has analog and digital libraries of standard components (such as NAND, NOR,
ip-ops, and other digital gates, op amps, etc). This makes it a useful tool for a wide range of analog
and digital applications.
All analyses can be done at different temperatures. The default temperature is 300K.
The circuit can contain the following components:

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Independent and dependent voltage and current sources
Mutual inductors
Transmission lines
Operational ampliers
Bipolar transistors
MOS transistors
Digital gates (PSpice, version 5.4 and up)

A SPICE input le, called source le, consists of three parts.

Data statements: description of the components and the interconnections. 1.
Control statements: tells SPICE what type of analysis to perform on the circuit. 2.
Output statements: species what outputs are to be printed or plotted. 3.
Although these statements may appear in any order, it is recommended that they be given in the above
sequence. Two other statements are required: the title statement and the end statement. The title
statement is the rst line and can contain any information, while the end statement is always .END.
This statement must be a line be itself, followed by a carriage return! In addition, you can insert
comment statements, which must begin with an asterisk (*) and are ignored by SPICE.


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Format: The statements have a free format and consist of elds separated by a blank. If one wants to
continue a statement to the next line, one uses a "+" sign (continuation sign) at the beginning of the
next line. Numbers can be integers, or oating points. For example,

RES1 1 0 3500 or RES1 1 0 3.5E3
One can also use the following scale factors:

T(= 1E12 or 10
); G(= E9); MEG(= E6); K(= E3); M(= E-3); U(= E-6); N(= E-9); P(= E-12), and
F(= E-15)

Both upper and lower case letters are allowed in PSpice and Hspice (SPICE uses only uppercase
characters). As an example, one can specify a capacitor of 225 picofarad in the following ways:

225P, 225p, 225pF; 225pFarad; 225E-12; 0.225N, etc.
2.1 Data Statements to Specify the Circuit Components and Topology
a. Independent DC Sources
Voltage source: Vname N1 N2 Type Value
Current source: Iname N1 N2 Type Value

N1 is the positive terminal node
N2 is the negative terminal node
Type can be DC, AC or TRAN, depending on the type of analysis (see Control Statements)
Value gives the value of the source
The name of a voltage and current source must start with V and I, respectively.
Vin 2 0 DC 10
Is 3 4 DC 1.5
The positive current direction through the current or voltage source is from the positive (N1) node to
the negative (N2) node:
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Voltage and Current Conventions:
Spice always assigns a positive reference mark to the 1st node and uses the passive sign
convention to assign the current reference.
Spice uses the node-voltage analysis. It solves for the unknown node voltages and also the
unknown currents through independent voltage sources. This gives us a way to nd currents
owing in elements: one has to ask for the current through a voltage source. Thus one can insert
an independent voltage source of zero value in series with the element in which one wants to
know the current, as shown in the example below:

The value of the current will be positive if it ows from the positive to the negative terminal
through the source, as in the above example. Some versions of PSpice allow you to ask for a
current through a resistor without using a voltage source (EX: I(R1) gives the current in the
resistor R1).
b. Dependent Sources
Voltage controlled voltage source:
Ename N1 N2 NC1 NC2 Value
Voltage controlled current source:
Gname N1 N2 NC1 NC2 Value
Current controlled voltage source:
Hname N1 N2 Vcontrol Value
Current controlled current source:
Fname N1 N2 Vcontrol Value
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N1 and N2 are the positive and negative terminals of the dependent source, respectively.
NC1 and NC2 are the positive and negative terminals of the controlling voltage source,
Vcontrol is the zero value voltage source used to measure the controlling current (the positive
current ows into the positive terminal of the controlling voltage source!).
F1 0 3 Vmeas 0.5
Vmeas 4 0 DC 0
c. Resistors
Rname N1 N2 Value
d.Capacitors (C) and Inductors (L)
Cname N1 N2 Value <IC>
Lname N1 N2 Value <IC>
N1 is the positive node.
N2 is the negative node.
IC is the initial condition (DC voltage or current).
The symbol < > means that the eld is optional. If not specied, it is assumed to be zero. In
case of an inductor, the current ows from N1 to N2.

Cap5 3 4 35E-12 5
L12 7 3 6.25E-3 1m
e. Mutual Inductors
A mutual inductance in SPICE is dened by specifying the coupling coefcient K between the two
inductors. The syntax is as follows:

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Kname Inductor1 Inductor2 value_of_K

The value of K must be larger than 0 but smaller than 1. Spice does not support perfect coupling
(k=1). The above statement must always be together with the statements for the two inductors. An
example is given in the gure below. The coupling coefcient K can be calculated as

The SPICE statements to dene the above coupled coils are as follows.

L1 3 5 10M
L2 4 7 3M
K L1 L2 0.81
The DOTS are always associated with the rst node of the inductances (i.e. node no. 3 of L1 and no. 4
of L2). Also SPICE will assign the positive node voltage to the rst node of the inductance (i.e. the
DOT) and use the passive sign convention for the current direction as indicated in the gure above.
For an example circuit see under the section Examples.

f. Ideal Transformer
SPICE has no model for an ideal transformer. An ideal tranformer is simulated using mutual
inductances such that the transformer ratio N1/N2 = sqrt(L1/L2). Make the coupling factor K close to
one (ex. K=0.99999) and choose L such that wL >> the resistance seen be the inductor. The secondary
circuit needs a DC connection to ground. This can be accomplished by adding a large resistor to
ground or giving the primary and secondary circuits a common node. For an example circuit see under
the section Examples
g. Sinusoidal sources
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which is a damped sinusoidal voltage source:
Vname = VO + VA exp[-THETA.(t - TD)] sin[2pi.f (t - TD) + (Phase/360)]
VO - offset voltage in volt.
VA - amplitude in volt.
f = FREQ - the frequency in herz.
TD - delay in seconds
THETA - damping factor per second
Phase - phase in degrees

If TD, THETA and PHASE are not specied, it is assumed to be zero.

Example: VG 1 2 SIN(5 10 50 0.2 0.1)
VG2 3 4 SIN(0 10 50)
The last example is an undamped, undelayed sinusoid with an amplitude of 10V and frequency of 50

To generate a cosine function, you can make use of the phase relationship between the sinusoid and
cosine. Here is an example of an undelayed cosine with an amplitude of 5V and frequency of 50 Hz.

Vcos 1 2 SIN(0 5 50 0 0 90)
h. Piecewise linear source (PWL)
Vname N1 N2 PWL(T1 V1 T2 V2 T3 V3 ...)
in which (Ti Vi) species the value Vi of the source at time Ti
Vgpwl 1 2 PWL(0 0 10U 5 100U 5 110U 0)
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i. Pulse
Vname N1 N2 PULSE(V1 V2 TD Tr Tf PW Period)
V1 - initial voltage; V2 - peak voltage; TD - initial delay time; Tr - rise time; Tf - fall time; pwf -
pulse-wise; and Period - period.

Other sources such as polynominal controlled source, exponential source, FM-modulated source, etc.
can be specied. For information on these components, check the SPICE manual.

j. Voltage- and Current-controlled Switches
Voltage Controlled:
Sname N1 N2 C1 C2 Mname
Current Controlled:

Wname N1 N2 Vname Mname
N1 and N2 are the terminals of the switch.
C1 and C2 are the controlling terminals.
Vname is the zero-value voltage source whose current controls the switch.
Mname refers to the switch model that is dened in another statement (see Model Statement
The .MODEL statement allows you to specify the parameters of a variety of devices used in SPICE,
such as switches, diodes, transistors. In case of a switch, we have:
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.MODEL Mname Dname(Pvalues)
Mname refers to the Mname in the data statement of the switch.
Dname is the device name: Vswitch or Iswitch.
Pvalues are the values of the switch parameters, such as RON (on - resistance), ROFF
(off-resistance), VON (the control voltage for ON; default = 1V), VOFF (control voltage for
OFF; default = 0V), etc.

S15 3 5 8 9 SMOD
k. Operational Ampliers, and other elements
An operational amplier can be simulated in different ways. The rst method is to model the amplier
by resistors, capacitors and dependent sources. As an example an ideal opamp is easily simulated
using a voltage dependent voltage source. The second option uses actual transistors to model the
opamp. The device library contains nonlinear models of the most common op amps. The student
version of PSpice has macromodels for the linear ampliers LM324 and uA741 which are included in
the EVAL.LIB le. The professional version comes with library les of many commercial ampliers
and devices.
An example of the rst approach (linear AC model) is given below for the uA741 opamp. We dened
a subcircuit for the opamp.
SPICE code for the 741 opamp (ref: Macromodeling with Spice, by J.A. Connelly/P. Choi)

* Subcircuit for 741 opamp
.subckt opamp741 1 2 3
* +in (=1) -in (=2) out (=3)
rin 1 2 2meg
rout 6 3 75
e 4 0 1 2 100k
rbw 4 5 0.5meg
cbw 5 0 31.85nf
eout 6 0 5 0 1
.ends opamp741
l. Subcircuits
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A subcircuit allows you to dene a collection of elements as a subcircuit (e.g. an operational
amplier) and to insert this description into the overall circui (as you would do for any other element).
Dening a subcircuit
A subcircuit is dened bu a .SUBCKT control statement, followed by the circuit description as

Element statements
in which SUBNAME is the subcircuit name and N1, N2, N3 are the external nodes of the subcircuit.
The external nodes cannot be 0. The node numbers used inside the subcircuit are stricktly local,
except for node 0 which is always global. For an example, see Operational Amplier above.
Using a subcircuit
The element statement for a subcircuit is similar to any other element. The format is as follows:
Xname N1 N2 N3 ... SUBNAME
in which Xname refers to the element (subcircuit) being used; N1, N2, N3 are the nodes to which the
external nodes of the subcircuit are being connected, and SUBNAME is the name of the subcircuit
being used.
An example of an inverting opamp circuit using the subcircuit of the the uA741 (see operational
ampliers above) is given below. The subcircuit is called x1.

vs 1 0 dc 5
r1 1 2 200
rf 2 3 1k
x1 0 2 3 opamp741
.dc vs 0 10 1
.plot dc v(3)
m. Semiconductor Devices
Most of the elements that have been described above require only a few parameters to specify its
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electrical characteristics. However, the models for semiconductor devices require many parameter
values. A set of device model parameters is dened in a separate .MODEL statement and assigned a
unique name. This method alliaviates the need to specify all of the model parameters on each device
element card. Thus a semiconductor device is specied by two command lines: an element and model
The syntax for the model statement is:

.MODEL MODName Type (parameter values)
MODName is the name of the model for the device. The Type refers to the type of device and can be
any of the following:

D: Diode
NPN: npn bipolar transistor
PNP: pnp bipolar transistor
NMOS: nmos transistor
PMOS: pmos transistor
NJF: N-channel JFET model
PJF: P-channel JFET model
The parameter values specify the device characteristics as explained below.
m1. Diode
Element line: Dname N+ N- MODName

Model statement:
.MODEL MODName D (IS= N= Rs= CJO= Tt= BV= IBV=)
The element name starts with D to indicate that the element is a diode, N+ and N- are the two node
numbers and MODName is the name of the model of the diode which is specied in the model line.
The values one can specify include: the saturation current, IS (default=1E-14A), the emission
coefcient, N (=1), the series resistance, RS (=0 ohm), junction capacitance, CJO (=0F), transit time,
TT (=0sec), reverse bias breakdown voltage, BV (=innite) and the reverse bias breakdown current,
IBV (=1xE-10A). If a parameter is not specied the default value (given in parenthesis) is assumed.
As an example, the model parameters for a 1N4148 commercial diode are as follows:

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.model D1N4148 D (IS=0.1PA, RS=16 CJO=2PF TT=12N BV=100 IBV=0.1PA)
m2. Bipolar transistors
Element: Qname C B E BJT_modelName

Model statement:
.MODEL BJT_modName NPN (BF=val IS=val VAF=val)
in which BF is the common emitter current gain , IS is the saturation current and VAF is the Early
voltage. If no values are specied, the default values are assumed (=100; IS=1E-16A, and
VAF=[innite]). Other parameters can be specied including the junction capacitances CJE (0pF) and
CJC (0pF), the transit times TT (0sec) and TR (0sec), the base RB (0 Ohm), emitter RE (0 Ohm) and
collector resistances RC (0 Ohm). For a complete list of the parameters please refer to one of the
references. As an example, the model parameters for the 2N2222A NPN transistor is given below:

.model Q2N2222A NPN (IS=14.34F XTI=3 EG=1.11 VAF= 74.03 BF=255.9 NE=1.307
ISE=14.34F IKF=.2847 XTB=1.5 BR=6.092 NC=2 ISC=0 IKR=0 RC=1 CJC=7.306P
MJC=.3416 VJC=.75 FC=.5 CJE=22.01P MJE=.377 VJE=.75 TR=46.91N TF=411.1P ITF=.6
VTF=1.7 XTF=3 RB=10)
Notice that the continuation sign + should be added at the beginning of a new line. A circuit example
with a npn transistor can be found under the section Examples

Element: Mname ND NG NS &ltNB> ModName L= W=

The MOS transistor name (Mname) has to start with a M; ND, NG, NS and NB are the node numbers
of the Drain, Gate, Source and Bulk terminals, respectively. ModName is the name of the transistor
model (see further). L and W is the length and width of the gate (in m).
The above paramters are usually sufcient when specifying discrete transistors. However, for
integrated circuit simulations one need to specify several other parameter values related to the
transistor geomtry. These are optional.

Mname ND NG NS NB ModName &ltL=VAL> &ltW=VAL> &ltAD=VAL> &ltAS=VAL> &ltPD=VAL>
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in which
AD and AS are the area of source and drain diffusion (in sq. m).
PD and PS are the value (in m) of the perimeter of the source and drain.
NRD is the number of squares of the drain diffusion for resistance calculations.
OFF sets the starting condition to OFF.
The initial condition specication using IC=VDS, VGS, VBS is intended for use with the UIC
option on the .TRAN card, when a transient analysis is desired starting from other than the
quiescent operating point. See the .IC card for a better and more convenient way to specify
transient initial conditions.
Model statement:
.MODEL ModName NMOS (KP= VT0= lambda= gamma=)
in which KP=uCox and VTO is the threshold voltage. The default values are KP=20uA/V
; and the
rest is equal to 0. There are several other transistor parameters that can be specied, in particular when
doing simulations of integrated circuits. The general form of the .MODEL statement is as follows:
.MODEL ModName NMOS (&ltLEVEL=val> &ltkeyname=val> ... )
.MODEL ModName PMOS (&ltLEVEL=val> &ltkeyname=val> ... )
LEVEL refers to the MOSFET model that describes the terminal I-V characteristics of the transistors.
LEVEL 1 is the simplest Mosfet model and is in general sufcient for describing discrete transistors
as is done in the EE216 and EE319 courses. However to simulate integrated circuit transistors, one
need to use a more sophisticated models. LEVEL 2 includes extensive second-order models, while
LEVEL 3 is a semi-empirical model that is better suited for short-channel transistors. Another model
that is especially suited to model short-channel effects is called the BSIM model (LEVEL 13 in
For partial listing of the MOSFET MODEL parameters click here. Refer to the references for a
complete list of parameters.
An example of the model parameters of the 1.2um CMOS MOSIS transistors can be found in section
on Models of Selected Devices and Components later on.
Element: Jname ND NG NS ModName
ND, NG, and NS are the node numbers of the Drain, Gate, and Source terminals, respectively.
ModName is the name of the transistor model

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Model statement:
.MODEL ModName NJF (parameter= )
.MODEL ModName PJF (parameter= )
for the N-JFET and P-JFET respectively. A partial list of the parameters that can be specied is: VT0
(threshold voltage, -2V default for N_JFET), BETA (transconductance coefcient, 1E-4 A/V2),
LAMBDA (channel length modulation, 0 /V), IS (gate p-n saturation current, 1E-14A), CGD and
CGS (drain and source zero-bias junction capacitances, 0pf), RD and RS (drain and source ohmic
resistances, 0 Ohm).
For an example of the model parameters of the 2N5459 N-JFET see section on Models of Selected
Devices and Components later on.
2.2 Commands or Control Statements to Specify the Type of Analysis
a. .OP Statement
This statement instructs Spice to compute the DC operating points:

voltage at the nodes
current in each voltage source
operating point for each element
In PSpice it is usually not necessary to specify .OP as it gives you automatically the DC node
voltages. However, HSpice does not give the DC voltages unless you have specied a certain analysis
type, such as for instance .TRAN, or .AC analysis (Spice automatically does a DC analysis before
doing a transient or AC analysis). Thus, if you are only interested in the DC voltages in HSpice, you
should specify the .OP option, or the .DC option (see further).
b. .DC Statement
This statement allows you to increment (sweep) an independent source over a certain range with a
specied step. The format is as follows:

in which SRC name is the name of the source you want to vary; START and STOP are the starting
and ending value, respectively; and STEP is the size of the increment.

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Example: .DC V1 0 20 2
When the Start and Stop values are identical (and the Step is non-zero), the .DC command produces
only one value. This may be usefull in HSpice when you do not want all the DC voltages and currents
to be printed (with the .OP option), but are interested in a limited number of DC voltages and currents.
In the .PRINT statement (see further) you would then also specify the node voltages you like to know
(ex. .DC Vs 3 3 1 and .PRINT DC V(2), V(3), I(Vmeas) ).
You can nest the DC sweep command which is often used to plot transistor characteristics, such as the
Drain current ids versus the Drain-source voltage Vds for different gate voltages Vgs. This can be
done as follows:

Example: .DC Vds 0 5 0.5 Vgs 0 5 1
In the example above, the voltage Vds will be swept from 0 to 5V in steps of 1V for every value of
c. .TF Statement
The .TF statement instructs PSpice to calculate the following small signal characteristics:

the ratio of output variable to input variable (gain or tranfer gain) 1.
the resistance with respect to the input source 2.
the resistance with respect to the output terminals 3.
in which OUTVAR is the name of the output variable and INSRC is the input source.

Example: .TF V(3,0) VIN
The .TF statement can be used to nd the Thevenin small signal equivalent resistance. (The Thevenin
voltage is given by the node voltage at the open circuit terminal, as a result of the .OP statement). See
also Output Statements later on.

d. .SENS Statement
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This instructs PSpice to calculate the DC small-signal sensitivities of each specied output variable
with respect to every circuit parameter.

Example: .SENS V(3,0)
e. .TRAN Statement
This statement species the time interval over which the transient analysis takes place, and the time
increments. The format is as follows:


TSTEP is the printing increment.
TSTOP is the nal time
TSTART is the starting time (if omitted, TSTART is assumed to be zero)
TMAX is the maximum step size.
UIC stands for Use Initial Condition and instructs PSpice not to do the quiescent operating
point before beginning the transient analysis. If UIC is specied, PSpice will use the initial
conditions specied in the element statements (see data statement) IC = value.
See also Output Statements later on.
f. .IC Statement
This statement provides an alternative way to specify initial conditions of nodes (and thus over

.IC Vnode1 = value Vnode2 = value etc.
g. .AC Statement
This statement is used to specify the frequency (AC) analysis. The format is as follows:


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in which LIN stands for a linear frequency variation, DEC and OCT for a decade and octave variation
respectively. NP stands for the number of points and ND and NO for the number of frequency points
per decade and octave. FSTART and FSTOP are the start and stopping frequencies in Herz

Example: .AC DEC 10 1000 1E6
See also Output Statements later on. For an example circuit see under the section Examples.

h. For .NOISE, .DISTO, and .FOUR statements
Please consult the manual.

2.3 Output Statements
These statements will instruct PSpice what output to generate. If you do not specify an output
statement, PSpice will always calculate the DC operating points. The two types of outputs are the
prints and plots. A print is a table of data points and a plot is a graphical representation. The format is
as follows:

in which TYPE species the type of analysis to be printed or plotted and can be:

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The output variables are OV1, OV2 and can be voltage or currents in voltage sources. Node voltages
and device currents can be specied as magnitude (M), phase (P), real (R) or imaginary (I) parts by
adding the sufx to V or I as follows:

M: Magnitude
DB: Magnitude in dB (deciBells)
P: Phase
R: Real part
I: Imaginary part

.PLOT DC V(1,2) V(3) I(Vmeas)
.PRINT TRAN V(3,1) I(Vmeas)
.PLOT AC VM(3,0) VDB(4,2) VM(2,1) VP(3,1) IR(V2)
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Jan Van der Spiegel
Created Sept. 30, 1995; Updated July 14, 2010
SPICE - a brief overview http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~jan/spice/spice.overview.html
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