Seminar On Industrial Training: Title: Farm Heplz
Seminar On Industrial Training: Title: Farm Heplz
Seminar On Industrial Training: Title: Farm Heplz
(June-July, 2013)
Submitted by
Registration Number : 1100010
Under the Guidance of
Dis&i'(ine o) *SE
Lo+e(, #ro)essiona( Uni+ersit,-
June-July, 2013.
I hereby declare that I hae com!leted my "i# $ee%" "ummer trainin& at 'I((S
()U*+I,-,) (name and location of or&ani.ation) from JU-/ 1, 2013 ("tart date) to JU)0
11, 2013 (end date) under the &uidance of 2r". -/+, (-ame of Indu"try coordinator). I
hae $or%ed $ith full dedication durin& the"e "i# $ee%" and my learnin& outcome" fulfill the
re3uirement" of trainin&.
(Si&nature of Student)
-ame of Student 4 ,S+U 5,-S,)
'e&i"tration -umber 4 11000610
*ate4 7777777777777777777
*edicatin& thi" !ro8ect to the ,lmi&hty God $ho"e abundant &race and mercie" enabled it"
"ucce""ful com!letion, $e $ould li%e to e#!re"" our !rofound &ratitude to all the !eo!le $ho
had in"!ired and motiated u" to ma%e thi" !ro8ect a "ucce"".
9e $ould li%e to e#!re"" our &ratitude to the 2ana&ement of RI**S *om'uter E2u&ation
Lt2! for !roidin& u" $ith all the re3uired facilitie". 9e are &reatly indebted to our beloed
:rinci!al for the rendered in enablin& u" to com!lete !ro8ect.
;ur "incere than%" to #ro) Mrs! Ne.a, +ead of the *e!artment, (om!uter Science <
/n&ineerin&, for &rantin& hi" %ind con"ent" for carryin& out our "u&&e"ted !ro8ect. 9e endo$
our &rateful than%" to Miss! 0areena an2 Miss! 3asmine, ,""i"tant :rofe""or, *e!artment of
(om!uter Science < /n&ineerin&, for hi" timely a""i"tance and aluable adice throu&h out
the !ro8ect.
9e e#!re"" our dee! &ratitude to all the "taff member" of 'I((S (om!uter /ducation )td.,
)udhiana for !ermittin& u" to do the !ro8ect and their aluable &uidance throu&hout the
!ro8ect. =inally $e $ould li%e to e#!re"" our &ratitude to )oely :rofe""ional Unier"ity for
!roidin& u" $ith all the re3uired facilitie" $ithout $hich the !ro8ect $ould not hae been
>',I-I-G (/'>I=I(,>/
1. ;r&ani.ation ;erie$ ?
2. :rofile of the :roblem
2.1 ,bout the >o!ic 6
2.2 ,bout the :ro8ect 6
3. /#i"tin& Sy"tem @
A. :roblem ,naly"i"
A.1 :ro8ect *e"cri!tion @
A.2 =ea"ibility ,naly"i" B
A.2.1 =ea"ibility Study Cue"tion" 10
1. Soft$are 'e3uirement ,naly"i" 12
?. *e"i&n 1@
?.1 >able" 1B
?.2 *ataba"e *e"i&n 21
?.3 /' *ia&ram 22
?.A =lo$chart 23
6. Source (ode 2A
@. Sna!"hot" 3?
B. Gantt chart" A2
10. :ro8ect )e&acy
10.1 >echnical )e""on" A3
10.2 2ana&erial )e""on" AA
11. 5iblio&ra!hy A1
RI**S *om'uter E2u&ation Lt2! I" a !ublic )imited (om!any under (om!anie" ,ct 1B1?
and i" an ,ccredited (om!uter In"titute for "oft$are, +ard$are < -et$or%in& (our"e"
under DOEA**, 2ini"try of Information >echnolo&y, and Goernment of India.RI**S i"
the !ioneer in"titute for !re!arin& the !rofe""ional" by im!artin& international "tandard" of
education in the field of the (om!uter a!!lication".
RI**S i" the only ,uthori.ed >rainin& (entre in :un8ab of mini"try of Information
>echnolo&y, Got. of India hain& &ranted !ermi""ion for Soft$are a" $ell a" +ard$are,
-et$or%in& < >elecommunication (our"e.
RI**S ha" been declared a" the DIn"titute $ith be"t infra"tructure in :un8ab < (handi&arhE
by :un8ab Got.
RI**S i" (om!uter education Serice :roider to ariou" leadin& colle&e" < School".
1. ,ccredited in"titute of *;/,((,Got. of India for Soft$are < +ard$are (our"e" <
-et$or%in& (our"e".
2. ,!!roed Study (entre of );F/)0 :';=/SSI;-,) Unier"ity,Jalandhar
('eco&ni.ed by UG() for I> and 2ana&ement (our"e".
3. ,!!roed Study (entre of Garnata%a State ;!en Unier"ity (UG( reco&ni.ed).
A. ,!!roed In"titute by ariou" technical (olle&e" for !roidin& :ractical trainin& to
"tudent" of 5.>echH *i!loma.
1. ,!!roed In"titute for im!ortin& com!uter trainin& to the "tudent" of In"titute of (o"t <
9or%" ,ccountant" of India (I(9,I).
?. ,!!roed In"titute to !roide com!uter trainin& to Got. < Semi-Got. or&ani.ation".
6. ,!!roed In"titute to !roide com!uter trainin& to ,rmy ;fficer" on "tudy leae.
@. ,!!roed :ractical /#amination center of ;H,H5 leel" by *;/,((, Got. of India.
B. ,!!roed In"titute for conductin& ,ll India ;nline /#am" for (our"e on (om!uter
(once!t" by *;/,((, Got. of India.
10. ,!!roed /#amination center of (our"e on (om!uter (once!t" (((() by *;/,((,
Got. of India.
2. :';=I)/ ;= >+/ :';5)/2
2.1 ,5;U> >+/ >;:I(
, /ebsite i" a collection of 9eb !a&e", ima&e", ideo" and other di&ital a""et"
that i" ho"ted on one or "eeral 9eb "erer, u"ually acce""ible ia the Internet, cell !hone or a
>he !a&e" of $eb"ite" can u"ually be acce""ed from a common root U') called
the home!a&e, and u"ually re"ide on the "ame !hy"ical "erer. >he U')" of the !a&e"
or&ani.e them into a hierarchy, althou&h the hy!erlin%" bet$een them control ho$ the reader
!erceie" the oerall "tructure and ho$ the traffic flo$" bet$een the different !art" of the
, $eb"ite re3uire" attractie de"i&n and !ro!er arran&ement of lin%" and ima&e",
$hich enable" a bro$"er to ea"ily inter!ret and acce"" the !ro!ertie" of the "ite. +ence it
!roide" the bro$"er $ith ade3uate information and functionality about the or&ani.ation,
community, net$or% etc.
2.2 ,5;U> >+/ :';J/(>
>he $eb"ite ha" been deelo!ed for ,&riculture "ector in an effort to hel! the
farmer" to increa"e !roductiity, 3uality of cro!" and %no$led&e about late"t tool" and
techni3ue" in farmin& a" !o""ible. (om!ared to the e#i"tin& "ite a databa"e ha" been added to
our !ro8ect.
>he $or%in& of the !ro8ect i" a" follo$". >he fir"t !a&e !roide" "eeral lin%".
>he +ome !a&e contain" "eeral information about the "ite li%e motie, matter, about u" etc.
U"er )o&in module hel!" the u"er to lo&in to the "ite. =or that he mu"t ty!e the
u"ername and !a""$ord correctly. >he lo&in !roi"ion in thi" !a&e hel!" the already
re&i"tered u"er to directly acce"" the "ite and there i" a lin% for re&i"tration to a u"er $ho i"
ne$ to thi" "ite.
2ember 'e&i"tration module hel!" the ne$ u"er to re&i"ter into the "ite. >he
information entered by the u"er" i" added into the table fu"er.
In the )o&in lin% a recruiter can lo&in u"in& the a!!ro!riate U"ername and
!a""$ord, throu&h $hich he can "ubmit the any 3uery related to a&riculture. +e can al"o &et
%no$led&e of cro!" about time of", in"ecticide" etc. that he had re&i"tered $hile
>he >ool" and >echni3ue" corner di"!lay the late"t deelo!ment", announcement"
and eent" a""ociated $ith the a&riculture actiitie".
>he admini"trator ha" the re"!on"ibility for u!datin&, "o that farmer" can &et full
hel! about late"t thin&" ha!!enin& in field of a&riculture and &ot their 3uery re"!on"e"
>he =ield of a&riculture i" not much a""ociated $ith com!uter line. ," the com!uter" are the
fa"te"t medium of "!readin& %no$led&e "o farmer" cannot &et tho"e late"t %no$led&e. >he
late"t "eed arietie" $hich increa"e the !roductiity and 3uality are launched but farmer"
didnIt %no$ about them. >he late"t tool" and techni3ue" are launched $hich reduce" the
labour u! to @0J but farmer" %ee! on de!endin& on labour becau"e of lac% of %no$led&e. >o
lin% the a&riculture line $ith the internet, me and my friend" had deelo!ed a $eb"ite on
a&riculture "o that farmer" an &et full %no$led&e on farmin&.
>he e#i"tin& $eb"ite are much difficult to under"tand, $hen $e "urf the e#i"tin&
$eb"ite", the farmer or ne$ u"er didnIt &et !ro!er information from that. >he e#i"tin&
$eb"ite" are "tatic $hich ma%e" it le"" interactie. It doe"nIt hae a databa"e connectiity.
2oreoer farmer" didnIt hae an acce"" to the detail" of the cro! arietie" throu&h the "ite,
hence they $ere not u!dated about the late"t eent" and techni3ue". ,l"o they didnIt contain
full %no$led&e on any to!ic. >he $eather i" the mo"t im!ortant factor in the a&riculture
"ector, the"e $eb"ite" didnIt tell u" about $eather. >he"e $eb"ite" are nor u!dated re&ularly
"o the late"t adancement" in a&riculture are not u!dated on $eb"ite timely and farmer" can
not aail that o!!ortunitie".
=,'2+/):K "y"tem can be u"ed by ariou" a&riculture de!artment and al"o u"ed by local
!eo!le(farmer") or $hich are ne$ly to a&riculture farmin&. In thi" "y"tem all the tool" and
techni3ue" are di"cu""ed $hich are u"ed for farmin& li%e tractor", combine", "!ray-!um!" etc.
,ll the information related to tool" i" &ien to the !eo!le li%e $hich tool" i" !roided in
$hich re&ion. In thi" "y"tem $e al"o &ie information about cro!" mean" $hich %ind of
!e"ticide",", $eed" are re3uired for the cro!". 9e al"o "hare information about in
$hich timin&" $hich cro! i" &ro$n, "o$ or fertili.e them.
In thi" $e al"o hae an CU/'0 function $hich i" ery beneficial for "ite u"er". 9ith the hel!
from that any %ind of "ite u"er !ut any 3uery or 3ue"tion a&ain"t any ty!e of farmin&
techni3ue, tool", etc. ;ur "ite 3uery or 3ue"tion re"!ond bac% to the "ite u"er $ith in a day.
9e al"o add function of $eather foreca"t, $ith the hel! from that "ite u"er can chec% the
$eather condition timely. In thi" farmer" can ma%e an official account, $ith thi" re&i"tration
"ite mana&er &ie benefit" to the re&i"tered u"er li%e4-
Get late"t u!date on their cro!".
9eather re!ort" on their mobile".
Gno$led&e about late"t tool" and techni3ue".
U"er )o&in module hel!" the u"er to lo&in to the "ite. =or that he mu"t ty!e the u"ername and
!a""$ord correctly. >he lo&in !roi"ion in thi" !a&e hel!" the already re&i"tered u"er to
directly acce"" the "ite and there i" a lin% for re&i"tration to a u"er $ho i" ne$ to thi" "ite.
2ember 'e&i"tration module hel!" the ne$ u"er to re&i"ter into the "ite. >he information
entered by the u"er" i" added into the table fu"er.
;ur "ite i" financial and technical fea"ible. 5a"ically our "ite i" ery co-o!eratie, e"!ecially
for :un8ab !eo!le our $eb"ite i" ery benificial for them.
A.2 =/,SI5I)I>0 ,-,)0SIS
>he &eneral conce!t of fea"ibility i" a""ociated $ith !ro8ect" of al %ind" (hou"in&, mar%etin&,
ecolo&ical, "cientific, indu"trial ...), and "!ecifically bound to an en&ineerin& a!!roach to
!ro8ect deelo!ment. 9heneer a !ro8ect of any %ind i" to be carried out "y"tematically,
throu&h careful con"ideration and - $hereer !o""ible - mea"urement of the !arameter"
inoled, a fea"ibility "tudy become" an inte&ral !art of the !ro8ect $or%. In the field of
"oft$are deelo!ment, due mainly to conce!tual difficultie" in identifyin&the ri&ht
!arameter" to mea"ure, thi" en&ineerin& a!!roach ha" been "lo$ to ta%e hold. 9eb
deelo!ment, a" a related "ub-field, ha" "uffered from the "ame !roblem.
,n im!ortant 3ue"tion to be ta%en into account i" that a fea"ibility "tudy "hould be relatiely
chea! and 3uic%, and it "hould inform the deci"ion of $hether to &o ahead $ith a more
detailed analy"i". >he in!ut to a fea"ibility "tudy i" an outline de"cri!tion of the "y"tem and
ho$ it $ill be u"ed$ithin an or&ani"ation, and the re"ult "hould be a re!ort that recommend"
$hether or not it i" $orth carryin& on $ith the deelo!ment of the !ro8ect. It i" defined a" a
hain& to coer four different dimen"ion"4-
7technolo&y ($hether the !ro8ect i" technically fea"ible &ien the !reailin& "tate of the art)
7 finance ($hether it i" financially fea"ible $ithin co"t and bud&et eni"a&ed by the client)
7 time ($hether it $ill beat the com!etition to the mar%et)
7 re"ource" ($hether the or&ani"ation ha" the re3uired re"ource" to attem!t the !ro8ect)
,n im!ortant a"!ect i" to con"ider the ri"%" that $ould ma%e the !ro8ect infea"ible. ,
fea"ibility "tudy inole" information a""e""ment information collection and re!ort $ritin&.
>he releant information "ource" for ac3uirin& the nece""ary information may include
mana&er" of de!artment" $here the "y"tem $ill be u"ed, "oft$are en&ineer" $ho arefamiliar
$ith the ty!e of "y"tem that i" !ro!o"ed, technolo&y e#!ert", end-u"er" of the "y"tem.
9e commi""ioned thi" "tudy of the fea"ibility of an on-line tool or !ortal to "hare
a&riculture credential re"ult", re"ource", and methodolo&ie" bet$een the ariou" a&riculture
or&ani.ation" in India. >he em!ha"i" $a" on the $illin&ne"" of or&ani.ation" to "hare their
data and their intere"t in u"in& "uch a facility, rather than on it" technical fea"ibility.
>he "tudy &athered information from :,U (:un8ab ,&riculture Unier"ity), re"!on"e"
of farmer" in 12 illa&e",from e#i"tin& $eb"ite" and from de"% re"earch.
>hi" =ea"ibility Study $ill be u"ed by the =oundationI" re"earch !lannin& olunteer", "taff,
re"earcher" in determinin& $hether a 9eb-ba"ed !roduct "hould to be deelo!ed. If a!!roed,
the final fea"ibility "tudy $ill become !art of the :ro8ect. >he follo$in& =ea"ibility Study
3ue"tion" ari"e"4
1. 9hat i" the tool ty!eL I" it !rimarily a data re!o"itory, an encyclo!aedia li"tL ;r i" it
aninteractie tool that lead" to a deci"ion or a co"tHbenefit analy"i"L
2. 9ho i" the intended audience for the 9eb toolL I" the audience hi&hly technicalL ;r
can non-"!eciali"t" u"e and under"tand itL I" it intended for =arm +el!. =oundation
"ub"criber" onlyL If "o, ho$ $ill u"er" be authenticatedL 9hich "ub"criber" $ould be li%ely
u"er"L ;r $ill the "ite be o!en to allL
3. +o$ doe" !ro!o"ed fundin& affect the u"e of the 9eb toolL
A. 9ill u"er" need to enter their o$n data into the toolL +o$ $ill account" be "et u! and
1. 9hat i" the !lan for u"er "u!!ortL
?. +o$ often $ill the 9eb tool be u!datedL 9ho $ill be in char&e of %ee!in& the "ite
6. +o$ $ill the 9eb tool conform to =arm +el!. =oundation u"ability and loo% and feel
@. 9ill the 9eb toolI" u"eful life be at lea"t 3 year"L 9hat are the limitin& factor" for
the 9eb toolI" u"efulne""L
B. 9hat i" the !lan for "ecurity of the "iteL
10. In $hich of the =oundation-a!!roed lan&ua&e" $ill the 9eb tool be $rittenL +tml
or a"!Ha"!.net or !h!L
11. 9ill the 9eb tool be com!atible $ith the late"t and at lea"t one !reiou" er"ion of
ma8or bro$"er" and !lu&-in"L
12. 9hat i" the !lan for debu&&in&, te"tin&, and u"er te"tin& durin& deelo!mentL
13. 9hat are the !ro8ected deelo!ment effort, timeline, and co"tL
1A. 9hat i" the launch !lanL
11. 9hat i" the !ro8ected maintenance !lan and co"tL
Soft$are i" a "et of !ro&ram, document", and !rocedure, routine" a""ociated $ith com!uter
"y"tem. Soft$are i" an e""ential com!lement to hard$are. It i" the com!uter !ro&ram" $hich
$hen e#ecuted o!erate the hard$are.
;ur $eb"ite farmhel! ha" been deelo!ed by follo$in& tool"4-
9,2: S/'F/'(bac% end)
(;'/ :+: and +>2)(front end)
;ther"oft$are" are al"o aailable for deelo!in& $eb"ite" li%e ,S:.-/>, :/'), etc and for
bac% end there are many "oft$are $hich i" aailable in the mar%et li%e M,2::. 5ut our
u"in& "oft$are" are ery "ecure and in that "oft$are" $or% i" done ery !ro!erly, "ecurely
and accurately.,ll the "oft$are" $hich $e our u"ed a" di"cu""ed belo$4-
9,2: S/'F/'4-
9,2: refer" to a "oft$are "tac% con"i"tin& of the o!eratin& "y"tem 2icro"oft 9indo$", the
,!ache $eb "erer, >he 2ySC) databa"e and one of :+:, :erl or :ython !ro&rammin&
lan&ua&e". >hi" i" a common !latform for $eb a!!lication deelo!ment and de!loyment.
9,2: (9indo$", ,!ache, 2ySC), :+:H:erlH:ython)
9,2: i" a form of mini-"erer that can run on almo"t any 9indo$" ;!eratin& Sy"tem.
9,2: include" ,!ache 2, :+: 1 (S2>: !ort" are di"abled), and 2ySC) (!h!2y,dmin
and SC)itemana&er are in"talled to mana&e your databa"e") !rein"talled.
,n icon on the ta"%bar tray di"!lay" the "tatu" of 9,2:, lettin& you %no$ ifN a) 9,2: i"
runnin& but no "erice" are o!ened (the icon $ill a!!ear red), b) 9,2: i" runnin& and one
"erice i" o!ened (the icon $ill a!!ear yello$) or c) 9,2: i" runnin& $ith all "erice"
o!ened (the icon $ill a!!ear $hite). ,!ache and 2ySC) are con"idered to be "erice" (they
can be di"abled by left-clic%in& on the ta"%bar icon, &uidin& your cur"or oer the "erice you
$i"h to di"able and "electin& OSto! SericeO).
>he file"H$eb !a&e" that are ho"ted on your 9,2: "erer can be acce""ed by ty!in&
htt!4Hlocalho"t or htt!4HH126.0.0.1H in the addre"" bar of your $eb bro$"er. 9,2: mu"t be
runnin& in order to acce"" either of the aboe addre""e".
If you $ould li%e to "hare your file"H$eb !a&e" $ith other", clic% on the icon located on
your ta"%bar tray and2ySC)
2ySC) i" a relational databa"e mana&ement "y"tem ('*52S) that run" a" a"erer
!roidin& multi-u"er acce"" to a number of databa"e". 2ySC) i" a !o!ularchoice of
databa"e for u"e in $eb a!!lication" and i" an o!en "ource !roduct. >he!roce"" of "ettin& u!
a 2ySC) databa"e arie" from ho"t to ho"t, ho$eer $e $illend u! $ith a databa"e name, a
u"er name and a !a""$ord. 5efore u"in& ourdataba"e, $e mu"t create a table. , table i" a
"ection of the databa"e for "torin&related information. In a table $e $ill "et u! the different
field" $hich $ill be u"ed inthat table. (reatin& a table in !h!2y,dmin i" "im!le, $e 8u"t
ty!e the name, "electthe number of field" and clic% the P&oI button. $e $ill then be ta%en to
a "etu! "creen$here you mu"t create the field" for the databa"e.,nother $ay of creatin&
databa"e"and table" in !h!2y,dmin i" by e#ecutin& "im!le SC) "tatement".9e hae
u"edthi" method in order to create our databa"e and table".
>he ,!ache +>>: Serer i" a $eb "erer "oft$are notable for !layin& a %ey role inthe
initial &ro$th of the 9orld 9ide 9eb. In 200B it became the fir"t $eb "erer"oft$are to
"ur!a"" the 100 million $eb "ite mile"tone. ,!ache i" deelo!ed andmaintained by an o!en
community of deelo!er" under the au"!ice" of the ,!acheSoft$are =oundation. Since ,!ril
1BB? ,!ache ha" been the mo"t !o!ular +>>:"erer "oft$are in u"e. ," of -oember 2010
,!ache "ered oer 1B.3?J of all$eb"ite" and oer ??.1?J of the fir"t one million bu"ie"t
$eb"ite". "elect O:ut ;nline.O 0ou mu"t hae acce"" to the Internet in order to continue.
:+: i" not 8u"t a "im!le u!&rade or the late"t er"ion of ,S:. :+: combine" un!recedented
deelo!er !roductiity $ith !erformance, reliability, and de!loyment. :+: rede"i&n" the
$hole !roce"". ItQ" "till ea"y to &ra"! for ne$ comer" but it !roide" many ne$ $ay" of
mana&in& !ro8ect". 5elo$ are the feature" of :+:.
R /a"y :ro&rammin& 2odel
:+: ma%e" buildin& real $orld 9eb a!!lication" dramatically ea"ier. :+:"erer control"
enable an +>2)-li%e "tyle of declaratie !ro&rammin& that let you build &reat !a&e" $ith
far le"" code than $ith cla""ic ,S:. *i"!layin& data, alidatin& u"er in!ut, and u!loadin&
file" are all ea"y. 5e"t of all, :+: !a&e" $or% in all bro$"er" includin& -et"ca!e,
;!era, ,;), and Internet /#!lorer.
R =le#ible )an&ua&e ;!tion"
:+: let" you leera&e your current !ro&rammin& lan&ua&e "%ill". Unli%e cla""ic ,S:, $hich
"u!!ort" only inter!reted F5Scri!t and J Scri!t, :+: no$ "u!!ort" more than 21 :+:
lan&ua&e" (built-in "u!!ort for F5:+:, (S), &iin& u" un!recedented fle#ibility in the
choice of lan&ua&e.
R Great >ool Su!!ort
9e can harne"" the full !o$er of :+: u"in& any te#t editor, een -ote!ad. 5ut Fi"ual
Studio :+: add" the !roductiity ofFi"ual 5a"ic-"tyle deelo!ment to the 9eb. -o$ $e
can i"ually de"i&n :+: 9eb =orm" u"in& familiar dra&-dro!-double clic% techni3ue", and
en8oy full-fled&ed code "u!!ort includin& "tatement com!letion and color-codin&. FS:+:
al"o !roide" inte&rated "u!!ort for debu&&in& and de!loyin& :+: 9eb a!!lication". >he
/nter!ri"e er"ion" of Fi"ual Studio :+: delier life-cycle feature" to hel! or&ani.ation"
!lan, analy"e, de"i&n, build, te"t, and coordinate team" that deelo! :+: 9eb a!!lication".
>he"e include U2) cla"" modelin&, databa"e modelin& (conce!tual, lo&ical, and !hy"ical
model"), te"tin& tool" (functional, !erformance and "calability), and enter!ri"e frame$or%"
and tem!late", all aailable $ithin the inte&rated Fi"ual Studio :+: enironment.
R 'ich (la"" =rame$or%
,!!lication feature" that u"ed to be hard to im!lement, or re3uired a 3rd-!arty com!onent,
can no$ be added in 8u"t a fe$ line" of code u"in& the :+: =rame$or%. >he :+:
=rame$or% offer" oer A100 cla""e" that enca!"ulate rich functionality li%e M2), data
acce"", file u!load, re&ular e#!re""ion", ima&e &eneration, !erformance monitorin& and
lo&&in&, tran"action", me""a&e 3ueuin&, S2>: mail, and much more. 9ith Im!roed
:erformance and Scalability :+: let" $e u"e "ere more u"er" $ith the "ame hard$are.
R (om!iled e#ecution
:+: i" much fa"ter than cla""ic ,S:, $hile !re"erin& the O8u"t hit "aeO u!date model of
,S:. +o$eer, no e#!licit com!ile "te! i" re3uired. :+: $ill automatically detect any
chan&e", dynamically com!ile the file" if needed, and "tore the com!iled re"ult" to reu"e for
"ub"e3uent re3ue"t". *ynamic com!ilation en"ure" that the a!!lication i" al$ay" u! to date,
and com!iled e#ecution ma%e" it fa"t. 2o"t a!!lication" mi&rated from cla""ic ,S: "ee a 3#
to 1# increa"e in !a&e" "ered.
R 'ich out!ut cachin&
:+: out!ut cachin& can dramatically im!roe the !erformance and "calability of the
a!!lication. 9hen out!ut cachin& i" enabled on a !a&e, :+: e#ecute" the !a&e 8u"tonce, and
"ae" the re"ult in memory in addition to "endin& it to the u"er. 9hen another u"er re3ue"t"
the "ame !a&e, :+: "ere" the cached re"ult from memory $ithout re-e#ecutin& the !a&e.
;ut!ut cachin& i" confi&urable, and can be u"ed to cache indiidual re&ion" or an entire
!a&e. ;ut!ut cachin& can dramatically im!roe the !erformance of data-drien !a&e" by
eliminatin& the need to 3uery the databa"e on eery re3ue"t.
R /nhanced 'eliability
:+: en"ure" that the a!!lication i" al$ay" aailable to the u"er".:+: automatically detect"
and recoer" from error" li%e deadloc%" and memory lea%" to en"ure our a!!lication i"
al$ay" aailable to our u"er". =or e#am!le, "ay that our a!!lication ha" a "mall memory
lea%, and that after a $ee% the lea% ha" tied u! a "i&nificant !ercenta&e of our "ererQ" irtual
memory. :+: $ill detect thi" condition, automatically "tart u! another co!y of the :+:
$or%er !roce"", and direct all ne$ re3ue"t" to the ne$ !roce"". ;nce the old !roce"" ha"
fini"hed !roce""in& it" !endin& re3ue"t", it i" &racefully di"!o"ed and the lea%ed memory i"
relea"ed. ,utomatically, $ithout admini"trator interention or any interru!tion of "erice,
:+: ha" recoered from the error.
R /a"y *e!loyment
:+: ta%e" the !ain out of de!loyin& "erer a!!lication". O-o touchO a!!lication de!loyment.
:+: dramatically "im!lifie" in"tallation of our a!!lication. 9ith :+:, $e can de!loy an
entire a!!lication a" ea"ily a" an +>2) !a&e, 8u"t co!y it to the "erer. -o need to run
re&"r32 to re&i"ter any com!onent", and confi&uration "ettin&" are "tored in an M2) file
$ithin the a!!lication.
R *ynamic u!date of runnin& a!!lication
:+: no$ let" $e u!date com!iled com!onent" $ithout re"tartin& the$eb "erer. In the !a"t
$ith cla""ic (;2 com!onent", the deelo!er $ould hae to re"tart the $eb "erer each time
he de!loyed an u!date. 9ith :+:, $e "im!ly co!y the com!onent oer the e#i"tin& *)),
:+: $ill automatically detect the chan&e and "tart u"in& the ne$ code./#am!le
TU*;(>0:/ htmlV
echo O2y fir"t :+: "cri!tUON
+y!er>e#t2ar%u! )an&ua&e (+>2)) i" the main mar%u! lan&ua&e for creatin& $eb !a&e"
and other information that can be di"!layed in a $eb bro$"er.
+>2) i" $ritten in the form of +>2) element" con"i"tin& of ta&" enclo"ed in an&le
brac%et" (li%e ThtmlV), $ithin the $eb !a&e content. +>2) ta&" mo"t commonly come in
!air" li%e Th1V and THh1V, althou&h "ome ta&" re!re"ent em!ty element" and "o are
un!aired, for e#am!le Tim&V. >he fir"t ta& in a !air i" the "tart ta&, and the "econd ta& i" the
end ta& (they are al"o called o!enin& ta&" and clo"in& ta&"). In bet$een the"e ta&" $eb
de"i&ner" can add te#t, further ta&", comment" and other ty!e" of te#t-ba"ed content.
,dobe *ream$eaer i" a !ro!rietary $eb deelo!ment a!!lication deelo!ed by ,dobe
Sy"tem". *ream$eaer $a" ori&inally deelo!ed by 2acromedia in 1BB6, and $a"
maintained by them until 2acromedia $a" ac3uired by ,dobe Sy"tem" in 2001. ,dobe
*ream$eaer i" aailable for both 2ac and 9indo$" o!eratin& "y"tem".
=ollo$in& ,dobeQ" ac3ui"ition of the 2acromedia !roduct "uite, relea"e" of *ream$eaer
"ub"e3uent to er"ion @.0 hae been more com!liant $ith 93( "tandard". 'ecent er"ion"
hae im!roed "u!!ort for 9eb technolo&ie" "uch a" (SS, JaaScri!t, and ariou" "erer-
"ide "cri!tin& lan&ua&e" and frame$or%" includin& ,S: (,S: JaaScri!t, ,S: F5Scri!t,
,S:.-/> (S, ,S:.-/> F5), (old=u"ion, Scri!t let, and :+:.
,dobe *ream$eaer i" a $eb de"i&n and deelo!ment a!!lication that !roide" a i"ual
90SI90G editor (collo3uially referred to a" the *e"i&n ie$) and a code editor $ith
"tandard feature" "uch a" "ynta# hi&hli&htin&, code com!letion, and code colla!"in& a" $ell
a" more "o!hi"ticated feature" "uch a" real-time "ynta# chec%in& and code intro"!ection for
&eneratin& code hint" to a""i"t the u"er in $ritin& code. >he *e"i&n ie$ facilitate" ra!id
layout de"i&n and code &eneration a" it allo$" u"er" to 3uic%ly create and mani!ulate the
layout of +>2) element".
*ream$eaer feature" an inte&rated bro$"er for !reie$in& deelo!ed $eb!a&e" in the
!ro&ramQ" o$n !reie$ !ane in addition to allo$in& content to be o!en in locally in"talled
$eb bro$"er". It !roide" tran"fer and "ynchroni.ation feature", the ability to find and
re!lace line" of te#t or code by "earch term" or re&ular e#!re""ion" acro"" the entire "ite, and
a tem!latin& feature that allo$" "in&le-"ource u!date of "hared code and layout acro"" entire
"ite" $ithout "erer-"ide include" or "cri!tin&. >he behaiour" !anel al"o enable" u"e of
ba"ic JaaScri!t $ithout any codin& %no$led&e, and inte&ration $ith ,dobeQ" S!ry ,8a#
frame$or% offer" ea"y acce"" to dynamically-&enerated content and interface".
*ream$eaer can u"e third-!arty O/#ten"ion"O to e#tend core functionality of the
a!!lication, $hich any $eb deelo!er can $rite (lar&ely in +>2) and JaaScri!t).
*ream$eaer i" "u!!orted by a lar&e community of e#ten"ion deelo!er" $ho ma%e
e#ten"ion" aailable (both commercial and free) for mo"t $eb deelo!ment ta"%" from
"im!le rolloer effect" to full-featured "ho!!in& cart".
*ream$eaer, li%e other +>2) editor", edit" file" locally then u!load" them to the remote
$eb "erer u"in& =>:, S=>:, or 9eb*,F. *ream$eaer (SA no$ "u!!ort" the Suber"ion
(SF-) er"ion control "y"tem.
Sy"tem de"i&n i" the "olution to the creation of a ne$ "y"tem. >hi" !ha"e i" com!o"ed of
"eeral "y"tem". >hi" !ha"e focu"e" on the detailed im!lementation of the fea"ible "y"tem. It
em!ha"i" on tran"latin& de"i&n "!ecification" to !erformance "!ecification. Sy"tem de"i&n
ha" t$o !ha"e" of deelo!ment lo&ical and !hy"ical de"i&n.
*urin& lo&ical de"i&n !ha"e the analy"t de"cribe" in!ut" ("ource"), out !ut" (de"tination"),
databa"e" (data "ore") and !rocedure" (data flo$") all in a format that meat" the u"e"
re3uirement". >he analy"t al"o "!ecifie" the u"er need" and at a leel that irtually
determine" the information flo$ into and out of the "y"tem and the data re"ource". +ere the
lo&ical de"i&n i" done throu&h data flo$ dia&ram" and databa"e de"i&n. >he !hy"ical de"i&n
i" follo$ed by !hy"ical de"i&n or codin&.
:hy"ical de"i&n !roduce" the $or%in& "y"tem by definin& the de"i&n "!ecification", $hich
tell the !ro&rammer" e#actly $hat the candidate "y"tem mu"t do. >he !ro&rammer" $rite the
nece""ary !ro&ram" that acce!t in!ut from the u"er, !erform nece""ary !roce""in& on
acce!ted data throu&h call and !roduce the re3uired re!ort on a hard co!y or di"!lay it on
the "creen.
?.1 >,5)/S
In thi" $e re3uire different table" for ariou" !ur!o"e". 9e hae ariou" relation bet$een
the table".
US/' SIG-U: >,5)/
>he aboe table i" for re&i"terin& a ne$ u"er.
(';: (,>/G;'0
>he aboe table i" only for cro! cate&ory.
(';: */>,I)S
>he aboe table i" for cro! detail". 9hen $e enter into the cro! cate&ory then choo"e one
from them, cho"en cro! detail $ill be "ho$n from the aboe table.
>;;) (,>/G;'0
>he aboe table i" for "tore the tool cate&ory.
>;;) */>,I)
>he aboe table i" for detail" of tool".
CU/'0 >,5)/
>he aboe table i" for "torin& 3uery from the "ite u"er and bac% re!ly $ith the an"$er.
?.2 *,>,5,S/ */SIG-
>he oerall ob8ectie in the deelo!ment of databa"e technolo&y ha" been to treat data a" an
or&ani.ational re"ource and a" an inte&rated $hole. *52S allo$ data to be !rotected and
or&ani.ed "e!arately from other re"ource". *ataba"e i" an inte&rated collection of data. >he
mo"t "i&nificant form of data a" "een by the !ro&rammer" i" data a" "tored on the direct
acce"" "tora&e deice". >hi" i" the difference bet$een lo&ical and !hy"ical data.
*ataba"e file" are the %ey "ource of information into the "y"tem. It i" the !roce"" of
de"i&nin& databa"e file", $hich are the %ey "ource of information to the "y"tem. >he file"
"hould be !ro!erly de"i&ned and !lanned for collection, accumulation, editin& and retriein&
the re3uired information.
>he or&ani.ation of data in databa"e aim" to achiee three ma8or ob8ectie"4 -
R *ata inte&ration.
R *ata inte&rity.
R *ata inde!endence.
>he !ro!o"ed "y"tem "tore" the information releant for !roce""in& in the 2S SC)
S/'F/' databa"e. >hi" databa"e contain" table", $here each table corre"!ond" to one
!articular ty!e of information. /ach !iece of information in table i" called a field or column.
, table al"o contain" record", $hich i" a "et of field". ,ll record" in a table hae the "ame "et
of field" $ith different information. >here are !rimary %ey field" that uni3uely identify a
record in a table. >here are al"o field" that contain !rimary %ey from another table called
forei&n %ey".
?.3 /->I>0-'/),>I;-S+I: *I,G',24-
/-' *I,G',2 =;' '/GIS>',>I;-
/-' *I,G',2 =;' CU/'0 S0S>/2
?.A=);9 (+,'>
=lo$chart i" dia&ram, that "ho$" de"i&ned $eb"ite "tructure.In our !ro8ect, $e made a
"im!le $eb"ite "tructure $ith nece""ary information for the u"er". >he $eb"ite i" u"er
friendly and itI" ea"y to nai&ate.
6. S;U'(/ (;*/
+;2/ :,G/
TU*;(>0:/ html :U5)I( O-HH93(HH*>* M+>2) 1.0 >ran"itionalHH/-O
Thtml #mln"WOhtt!4HH$$$.$3.or&H1BBBH#htmlOV
Tmeta nameWOde"cri!tionO contentWOOV
Tmeta nameWO%ey$ord"O contentWOOV
Tmeta htt!-e3uiWO(ontent->y!eO
contentWOte#tHhtmlN char"etWi"o-@@1B-1OV
Tlin% hrefWOc""H"tyle.c""O relWO"tyle"heetO ty!eWOte#tHc""OV
Tdi cla""WO!a&e-outOV
Tdi cla""WO!a&e-inOV
Tdi cla""WO!a&eOV
Tdi cla""WOmainOV
Tdi cla""WOheaderOV
Tdi cla""WOheader-to!OV
Tdi cla""WOheader-bottomOV
Th2VD>he ultimate &oal of =arm+el!.TbrVi" not only the &ro$in& of cro!",TbrV but the
cultiationTbrVand !erfection <nb"!Nof human bein&".DTHh2V
THdiVTdi cla""WOto!menuOVTulVTli
"tyleWObac%&round4 tran"!arent none re!eat "croll 0J 10JN -mo.-bac%&round-cli!4 initialN
-mo.-bac%&round-ori&in4 initialN -mo.-bac%&round-inline-!olicy4 initialN !addin&-left4
TliVTa hrefWOcro!cat.!h!OVT"!anV(ro! (ate&oryTH"!anVTHaVTHliV
TliVTa hrefWOSOVT"!anV9hatQ"<nb"!Nne$TH"!anVTHaVTHliV
TliVTa hrefWOtoolcat.!h!OVT"!anV>ool"<nb"!N<<nb"!N>echni3ue"TH"!anVTHaVTHliV
TliVTa hrefWO3uery.!h!OVT"!anVCueryTH"!anVTHaVTHliV
TliVTa hrefWOabout.!h!OVT"!anV,bout<nb"!Nu"TH"!anVTHaVTHliV
TliVTa hrefWOSOVT"!anV)in%"TH"!anVTHaVTHliV
Tdi cla""WOcontentOV
Tdi cla""WOcontent-leftOV
Tdi cla""WOro$1OV
Th1 cla""WOtitleOV9elcome >oT"!anV=arm+el!.TH"!anVTHh1V
T!VT"tron&V=arm +el!. i" "im!ly a $eb"iteTH"tron&V ba"ed on a&riculture indu"try.>he
main aim of the =arm +el!. i" not only the &ro$in& of cro!",but the cultiation and
!erfection of human bein&".
,&riculture i" the %ey deelo!ment in the ri"e of "edentary human ciili.ation, $hereby
farmin& of dome"ticated "!ecie" created food "ur!lu"e" that nurtured the deelo!ment of
2odern a&ronomy, !lant breedin&, a&rochemical" "uch a" !e"ticide" and", and
technolo&ical im!roement" hae "har!ly increa"ed yield" from cultiation.TbrV
T!VSo 9/ are here to TH!V
Tul cla""WOli"t1OV
TliVIncrea"e the :';*U(>I;- and CU,)I>0THliV
TliV*ecrea"e the :/S>S and 9//*"THliV
TliV&ie %no$led&e about )ate"t >/(+-;);GI/STHliV
5y clic%in& on (ro! (ate&ory you can choo"e the cro! you $ant to %no$ about.>here $e
hae li"ted all the aritie","eed",date of hare"t,date of "o$n,!e"t",$eed",rate.TbrV
9hat" -e$ $ill tell you the late"t thin&" ha!!ened in field of a&riculture.TbrV
>ool" < >echni3ue" are ariou" machine",techni3ue" and tool" u"ed in farmin&.TbrV
0ou can "ubmit any a&riculture related 3uery by clic%in& on Cuery.
TbrVTbrVTH!VTHdiVTdi cla""WOro$2OV
Th2 cla""WO"ubtitleOV,boutT"!anVU"TH"!anVTHh2V
T!VT"tron&V)oremI!"um i" "im!ly dummy te#tTH"tron&V of the !rintin&
and ty!e"ettin& indu"try. )oremI!"um ha" been the aaaaindu"tryQ"
"tandard dummy te#t eer "ince the 1100", a"" a" d$hen an un%na"do$n
!rinter too% a &alley of ty!e and "crambled it to ma%e a ty!e
"!ea"cimen boo%. TbrV
It ha" "uried not only fie centurie", but al"o the lea! into
electronicty!e"ettin&.and "crambled it to ma%e a ty!e "!ea"cimen boo%.TH!V
T!VT"tron&V)oremI!"um i" "im!ly dummy te#tTH"tron&V of the !rintin&
and ty!e"ettin& indu"try. )oremI!"um ha" been the indu"tryQ" "tandard
dummy te#t eer "ince the 1100", $hen an un%no$n !rinter too% a &alley
of ty!e and "crambled it to ma%e a ty!e "!ecimen boo%.TH!V
T! ali&nWOri&htOVTa hrefWOSO cla""WOmoreOV'ead 2oreTHaVTH!V
Tdi cla""WOcontent-ri&htOV
Tdi cla""WOmainmenuOV
Th2 cla""WO"idebar1OVU"er )o&in UUTHh2V
Tform nameWOf1O methodWO!o"tO actionWOinde#.!h!OV
TbrVU"ername Tin!ut ty!eWOte#tO nameWOt1OVTbrVTbrV
:a""$ord Tin!ut ty!eWO!a""$ordO nameWOt2OVTbrVTbrV
Tin!ut ty!eWO"ubmitO nameWOb1O alueWO );GI- OV
Tin!ut ty!eWO"ubmitO nameWOb2O alueWO =or&ot :a""$ordL OV
Tin!ut ty!eWO"ubmitO nameWObAO alueWO *elete ,ccount OVTbrVTbrV
TboldV-e$ U"er L THboldV
Tin!ut ty!eWO"ubmitO nameWOb3O alueWO 'e&i"ter -o$ OVTHformV
[ header(Qlocation4e#tra.!h!Q)N\
XconWne$ my"3li(Olocalho"tO,OrootO,OO,Oa&roO)N
XcmdWO"elect ] from fu"er $here u"ernameWQXuQ and !a""$ordWQX!QON
el"e[echo Ou"ername or !a""$ord inalidON\\
[echo O3uery !roblemON\\
[echo Oconnection !roblemON\\
XconWne$ my"3li(Olocalho"tO,OrootO,OO,Oa&roO)N
[XcmdWOdelete from fu"er $here u"ernameWQXuQ and !a""$ordWQX!QON
[echoO,ccount deletedON\
[echo O3uery !roblemON\\
[ echo Oconnection !roblemON\\
Tdi cla""WOcontent-ri&htOV
Tdi cla""WO$eatherOV
Th2 cla""WO"idebar12OV $eatherTHh2V
HHI am u"in& the *;2(*ocument ;b8ect 2odel) library to read the entire M2) document
into memory fir"t.
Xdoc W ne$ *;2*ocument()N
HHno$ I &et all element" in"ide thi" document $ith the follo$in& name OchannelO, thi" i" the
Xchannel W Xdoc-V&et/lement"5y>a&-ame(OchannelO)N
HHno$ I &o throu&h each item $ithin& Xchannel
foreach(Xchannel a" Xchnl)
HHI then find the QitemQ element in"ide that loo!
Xitem W Xchnl-V&et/lement"5y>a&-ame(OitemO)N
foreach(Xitem a" Xitem&otten)
[HHno$ I "earch $ithin QXitemQ for the element Ode"cri!tionO
Xde"cribe W Xitem&otten-V&et/lement"5y>a&-ame(Ode"cri!tionO)N
HHonce I find it I create a ariable named OXde"cri!tionO and a""i&n the alue of the /lement to
Xde"cri!tion W Xde"cribe-Vitem(0)-VnodeFalueN
HHand di"!lay it on-"creen
echo Xde"cri!tionN\\
Tdi cla""WOcontactOV
Th2 cla""WO"idebar2OV(ontactTHh2V
Tdi cla""WOcontact-detailOV
T! cla""WO&reenOVT"tron&V=eel free to contact 4TH"tron&VTH!V
T!VT"tron&V,dre"" 4TH"tron&V F:; 4 Sidh$an5et,>eh"il 4 Ja&raonTbrV
T!VT"tron&V/-mail 4TH"tron&V<nb"!N<nb"!N<nb"!N%omal&ill.^&mail.comTH!V
T!VT"tron&V:hone 4TH"tron&V<nb"!N<nb"!N<nb"!N_B1-B6@06-0A00ATbrV
THdiVTHdiVTHdiVTHdiVTdi cla""WOfooterOV
T!V<co!yN (o!yri&ht 2013. *e"i&ned by Ta tar&etWO7blan%O
hrefWOhtt!4HH$$$.fb.comH%omal&ill.OVGomal S. Gill THaV<
Ta tar&etWO7blan%O
hrefWOhtt!4HH$$$.fb.comHa"huban"al.OV,"hu 5an"al THaVTbrV
Tli "tyleWOborder-left4 medium noneNOVTa hrefWOinde#.!h!OVT"!anV+omeTH"!anVTHaVTHliV
TliVTa hrefWOcro!cat.!h!OVT"!anV(ro!<nb"!N(ate&oryTH"!anVTHaVTHliV
TliVTa hrefWOSOVT"!anV9hatQ"<nb"!Nne$TH"!anVTHaVTHliV
TliVTa hrefWOtoolcat.!h!SOVT"!anV>ool"<nb"!N<<nb"!N>echni3ue"TH"!anVTHaVTHliV
TliVTa hrefWO3uery.!h!OVT"!anVCueryTH"!anVTHaVTHliV
TliVTa hrefWOabout.!h!OVT"!anV,bout<nb"!Nu"TH"!anVTHaVTHliV
SIG--U: (;*/
TboldV] field" are com!ul"ory THboldVTbrVTbrV
Tform nameWOf1O methodWO!o"tO actionWO"i&nu!!1.!h!OV
=ir"t -ame] Tin!ut ty!eWOte#tO nameWOt1OVTbrVTbrV
)a"t -ame] Tin!ut ty!eWOte#tO nameWOt2OVTbrVTbrV
U"ername] Tin!ut ty!eWOte#tO nameWOt3OVTbrVTbrV
:a""$ord] Tin!ut ty!eWO!a""$ordO nameWOtAOVTbrVTbrV
'ety!e :a""$ord] Tin!ut ty!eWO!a""$ordO nameWOt1OVTbrVTbrV
*i"trict] Tin!ut ty!eWOte#tO nameWOtdOVTbrVTbrV
*ate ;f 5irth] Tin!ut ty!eWOdateO nameWOt?OVTbrVTbrV
2obile] Tin!ut ty!eWOte#tO nameWOt6OVTbrVTbrV
e-mail] Tin!ut ty!eWOte#tO nameWOt@OVTbrVTbrV
(ro!1] Tin!ut ty!eWOte#tO nameWOtBOVTbrVTbrV
(ro!2 Tin!ut ty!eWOte#tO nameWOt10OVTbrVTbrV
(ro!3 Tin!ut ty!eWOte#tO nameWOt11OVTbrVTbrV
Security Cue"tion T"elect nameWOt12OVTbrVTbrV
To!tionV9here $ere you bornLTHo!tionV
To!tionV9hat i" your !etQ" nameLTHo!tionV
To!tionV0our mobile brandLTHo!tionV
To!tionV$ho i" 0our 5e"t friendLTHo!tionV
To!tionV9hat i" your hobbyLTHo!tionVTH"electVTbrVTbrV
,n"$er] Tin!ut ty!eWOte#tO nameWOt13OVTbrVTbrV
Tin!ut ty!eWO"ubmitO nameWOb1O alueWO Submit OV
Tin!ut ty!eWO"ubmitO nameWOb2O alueWO +ome OV
[ header(Qlocation4inde#.!h!Q)N\
[ XddW0N
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[ XcmddWO"elect ] from fu"er $here u"ernameWQXuuQON
[ XddW1N
el"e[echo Ou"ername already e#i"tON\
[ echoOconnection!rob ON\
echoemail(X7:;S>YQt@QZ)LXeWX7:;S>YQt@QZ4OInalid emailTbrVON
XconWne$ my"3li(Olocalho"tO,OrootO,OO,Oa&roO)N
echoO0ou are "ucce""fully re&i"tered,0our *ata ha" been "aedON
[ echo OCuery !roblemON\
el"e [echoO,n"$er i" 'e3uiredTbrVON\
el"e [echoOcro! i" 'e3uired TbrVON\
[ echoOe-mail i" 'e3uired TbrVON\
el"e [echoO2obile -umber i" 'e3uired TbrVON\
el"e [echoO*ate ;f 5irth i" 'e3uired TbrVON\
el"e [echoO*i"trict i" 'e3uired TbrVON\
el"e[echoO'e:a""$ord i" 'e3uired TbrVON\
el"e [echoO:a""$ord i" 'e3uired TbrVON\
[ echoOU"ername i" 'e3uired TbrVON\
[ echoO)a"t -ame i" 'e3uired TbrVON \
[ echoO=ir"t -ame i" 'e3uired TbrVON \
THdiVTHdiVTdi cla""WOcontent-ri&htOV
Tdi cla""WOmainmenuOV
Th2 cla""WO"idebar1OV5enefit" of 'e&i"tration UUTHh2V
@. S-,:S+;>S
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,5;U> US
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B. G,->> (+,'>
10. :';J/(> )/G,(0
10.1 >/(+-I(,) )/SS;-S4
5a"ic +>2)
5a"ic (SS
5a"ic JaaScri!t
(reatin& Fariable"
2ana&in& "trin&"
:roducin& array"
Sortin& array"
*oin& arithmetic
(om!arin& alue"
*efinin& con"tant"
S$itch (a"e
)oo!"-9hile,for,if `el"e
(reatin& function"
:a""in& ar&ument"
'eturnin& alue"
(onnectin& databa"e
/#ecutin& Cuerie"
U!datin& record"
(reatin& a databa"e
(reatin& a u"er databa"e
:roidin& a re&i"ter !a&e
:roidin& a lo&in !a&e
10.2 2,-,G/'I,) )/SS;-S
:';J/(> S(;:I-G
," *eelo!ment 2ana&er you need to %no$ ho$ to "co!e out a !ro8ect.
*e!endin& on your or&ani.ation and ho$ you $or% $ith out"ide &rou!" thi" could be a ma8or
!art of your $or%.
:';J/(> :),--I-G
In !ro8ect !lannin&, $e !lan thin&" li%e codin& of $hich module to be done fir"t
and a""i&n $or% to !articular !er"on.
:';(/SS (;->';)
0ou need to %ee! on to! of your !roce"" and %ee! thin&" on trac%. 9hat i"
your deelo!ment !roce""L +o$ formal i" itL +o$ can your !roce"" be im!roedL -o "y"tem
i" !erfect, %ee! loo%in& a $ay" to im!roe the !roce"". , lot i" made about 'oot (au"e
,naly"i" $hen you run into bad bu&", but more often it i" a fla$ in your !roce"" that allo$ed
a bad de"i&n, !oor code or a mi"" under"tandin& of the cu"tomer re3uirement" to &o out the
door in a !roduct.
0ou "hould be comfortable $ith your current technolo&ie" and be a$are of
ne$ and u!comin& technolo&ie", but donIt let your"elf become the e#!ert or thi" $ill be a
drain on your time and diert your attention a$ay from other ta"%". 0ou do need to %no$
enou&h about the tool" your team i" u"in& to %no$ if they are u"in& them efficiently, and
%no$ $hen there are &a!" in your teamI" %no$led&e, but you "hould not be the QQ&o-toQQ
,&ain, thi" i" one area that you "hould be comfortable $ith. 0ou need to be
able to tell &ood code from bad, but here you "hould be able to tru"t your team lead". 9hen
crunch time come" you "hould be ready and able to die in and ta%e oer "ome deelo!ment
ta"%", but remember you a hae to %ee! the bi& !icture in mind and be focu"ed on &ettin& the
!ro8ect done. 0ou canIt afford to "!end day" buried in !ro&rammin& and for&et about the re"t
of your 8ob.
CU,)I>0 ,SSU',-(/
>/,2 9;'G
2,-,G/ >I2/
11. 5I5);G',:+0
htt!4HHfarmer.&o.inH Got idea about !ro8ect (!ro8ect !lannin&).
htt!4HH$$$.$am!"erer.comH +o$ to acce"", %no$led&e about $am!"erer and
do$nload it from that.
htt!4HH$$$.clar%u.eduHGot information about ho$ to analy"e $eb de"i&nin&.
htt!4HH$$$.!!aulite.lH by the hel! of thi" $e &ain %no$led&e about
Gantt chart".
htt!4HH$$$.tem!latemon"ter.comH$eb"ite tem!late de"i&nin&.
:,U, )udhiana $e &ot data from that in"titute.
'I((S /*U(,>I;- )/,'-I-G I-S>I>U>/.