Installation and Commissioning - Software: Nortel Multiservice Data Manager

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Nortel Multiservice Data Manager

Installation and Commissioning

Document status: Standard
Document issue: 01.03
Document date: May 2007
Product release: 16.2
Job function: Installation and Commissioning
Type: NTP
Language type: U.S. English
Sourced in Canada and the United States of America.
Copyright 2007 Nortel Networks, All Rights Reserved.
NORTEL, the Nortel logo, and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks
Nortel Confidential
New in this release 5
Features 5
Other changes 5
Installation and initial configuration 6
Workstation preparation 8
Installing the Solaris operating system 10
Downloading device integration cartridge software 12
Identifying this workstation on the network 13
Network connection 14
X.25 (DPN-100) connection 16
Provisioning an X.25 link on a DPN 17
Installing X.25 software 18
Registering a license password 20
Configuring an X.25 link 22
IP over X.25 (MSS) connection 27
Provisioning an IP over X.25 link for Multiservice Switches 28
Configuring an IP over X.25 link for Multiservice Switches 29
Provisioning an IP over Ethernet link using a Multiservice Switch
IP over ATM (MSS) connection 34
Provisioning an IP over ATM link for Multiservice Switches 36
Installing ATM software 37
Configuring an ATM link for Multiservice Switches 39
Software installation 41
Installing MDM software 43
Installing MDM software using an MDM Installer properties file 52
Installing SSH software 55
Patching MDM software 56
Removing MDM software 58
Recovering from an incomplete MDM software installation 60
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Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Software configuration 62
Launching QuickStart 65
Configuring access to the MDM Administration Database 68
Configuring fault surveillance 70
Configuring MDM to configure network elements 73
Configuring spooled data collection 75
Configuring network element access 77
Activating the MDM configuration 80
Configuring the workstation for MDM online help 82
Configuring the HP OpenView Desktop software 84
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks
Nortel Confidential
New in this release
The following sections detail whats new in Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and CommissioningSoftware (NN10470-100) for release 16.2.
Features (page 5)
Other changes (page 5)
There are no feature-related changes.
Other changes
These sections contain changes that are not feature related:
References to Nortel Multiservice Data Manager technical publications
were updated with new document numbers.
New information added to Installing MDM software (page 43)
Information updated, Installing the Solaris operating system (page 10)
These procedures were updated:
Installing the Solaris operating system (page 10)
Installing MDM software (page 43)
Installing SSH software (page 55)
Patching MDM software (page 56)
Removing MDM software (page 58)
Configuring the workstation for MDM online help (page 82)
Update task work flow:
Workstation preparation procedures (page 9)
Software installation procedures (page 42)
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks
Nortel Confidential
Installation and initial configuration
Install the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) software, and configure
the software to function as a network management system.
Use this document to assist you to install the Multiservice Data Manager
software on a new network management workstation. To upgrade the
Multiservice Data Manager software on an existing network management
workstation, see Nortel Multiservice Data Manager Upgrades and Patches
Prerequisites to installation and initial configuration
Determine the engineering requirements for a Multiservice Data Manager
workstation using Nortel Multiservice Data Manager Engineering
Determine the hardware and software requirements for a Multiservice
Data Manager workstation by using Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Planning (NN10470-102).
Determine how this workstation fits into your network management
architecture by using Nortel Multiservice Data Manager Planning
(NN10470-102). Identify the following:
the network element types to support using this workstation
the Multiservice Data Manager software components (fault,
configuration, or data collection) to install and configure on this
Review the Multiservice Data Manager 16.2 Release Supplement
document and note:
the Platform and Software Level Compatibility section
the Software Installation Procedure
the General Release Considerations
the availability of software patches for this software release
Purchase a Nortel support plan, and register for Multiservice Data
Manager software download access.
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Installation and initial configuration
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Obtain a Multiservice Data Manager software license key.
Installation and initial configuration tasks
This work flow shows the sequence of tasks you perform to install and initially
configure the Multiservice Data Manager software. To go to any task, go to
Installation and initial configuration tasks (page 7) and click on a link.
Installation and initial configuration tasks
Installation and initial
Workstation preparation (page 8)
Network connection (page 14)
Software installation (page 41)
Software configuration (page 62)
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks
Nortel Confidential
Workstation preparation
Prepare the UNIX workstation before installing the Nortel Multiservice Data
Manager software.
Workstation preparation procedures
This task flow shows the sequence of procedures you perform to prepare the
workstation. To go to a procedure, go to Workstation preparation procedures
(page 9) and click a link.
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Workstation preparation
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Workstation preparation procedures
Is the operating system
Will device integration
cartridge software be
Does your network use
a domain name service?
Downloading device
integration cartridge
software (page 12)
Identifying this
workstation on the
network (page 13)
Installing the Solaris
operating system
(page 10)
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Workstation preparation
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Installing the Solaris operating system
Install and customize the Solaris operating system software on a Multiservice
Data Manager workstation.
Obtain the Solaris operating system software, software patches, and
installation documentation from Sun Microsystems Inc.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Install the Solaris operating system according to the instructions provided by
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Sun workstations can be delivered with the Solaris operating system
software installed. If the operating system software is not installed, use the
documentation provided by Sun Microsystems Inc. to install the software. If
the documentation is not available, or to ensure that the latest
documentation is used, visit the Sun Microsystems Documentation Center
Attention: Choose the option Entire Solaris software group when you are installing
the Solaris software group.
2 Ensure, as a minimum specification, that the workstation disk space is
partitioned according to the information in Recommended operating system
partitions (page 11).
3 Install all of the Solaris operating system patches as recommended by Sun
Microsystems Inc. See the Solaris Release Notes for a description of the
required patches.
4 Enable the logging mount option in the Solaris file system for UFS type file
partitions. Logging reduces the time required to reboot the workstation by
eliminating the need to run fsck on startup. As the userID root, edit the file
/etc/vfstab and add logging to the mount options.
The default is no logging (a dash [-] is in the mount options column).
See Example of file /etc/vfstab with the logging option enabled (page 11) for
an example.
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Workstation preparation
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Procedure job aid
Recommended operating system partitions
Solaris 9 server disk Solaris 10 server disk
/ (root) 1024 MB 1024 MB
swap 2048 MB 2048 MB
/var 2500 MB 2500 MB
/opt 8000 MB minimum 8000 MB minimum
/usr 2500 MB 4096 MB
/tmp Swap Swap
Example of file /etc/vfstab with the logging option enabled
device to mount device to fsck mount
at boot
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 swap no
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 / ufs 1 no logging
dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s3 /var ufs 1 no logging
swap /tmp tmpfs yes
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Workstation preparation
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Downloading device integration cartridge software
Download device integration cartridge software from the Nortel software
distribution web site.
Device integration cartridge software enables the Nortel Multiservice Data
Manager (MDM) software to support various types of SNMP network
This procedure is required only if the MDM Installer will be used to install
device integration cartridge software. Device integration cartridge software
can also be installed on a Multiservice Data Manager workstation at any time
without using the MDM Installer. Device integration cartridge software
installation is described in 241-6003-100 Generic Device Integration
Installation Guide.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Create a temporary directory using the userID root. From the UNIX
command line, use the command mkdir.
For example
mkdir /tmp/newcartridge
2 Record the new directory name.
This directory name is required by the MDM Installer.
3 Download the cartridge from the Nortel distribution site to the directory
created in step 1. The URL of the Nortel distribution site is:
4 Change directories to the directory created in step 1.
For example
cd /tmp/newcartridge
5 Untar the downloaded tar file.
For example
tar xvf MDM_Baystack_450_Cartridge_V1.0.0_Sun_b100.tar
A new subdirectory is created containing the device integration cartridge
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Workstation preparation
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Identifying this workstation on the network
Identify this workstation on the network to enable other Multiservice Data
Manager workstations and Operator Clients to locate this workstation.
If a name service such as domain name service (DNS) is used on the network,
it is not necessary to perform this task.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Log on to the Multiservice Data Manager workstation with userID root.
2 Edit the file /etc/hosts. Find the line that identifies this workstation and
modify the line to look like this:
<IP Address> <host name> <host name>.<domain name> loghost
Variable definitions
The following is an example of a line in the file /etc/hosts. mdm01 loghost
Variable Value
<domain name> the domain name used on this network
<host name> the host name of this workstation
Attention: To remain compatible with Multiservice
Data Manager, the host name of the workstation
cannot exceed 15 characters.
<host name.domain name> the fully qualified host name of this workstation
<IP Address> the IP address of this workstation
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks
Nortel Confidential
Network connection
Connect the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) workstation to the
The type of network connection depends on the composition of the network.
For a list of the possible Multiservice Data Manager-to-network connections,
see Types of network connections (page 14).
Prerequisites to network connection
Complete the appropriate procedures in Workstation preparation
(page 8).
Determine the network connection requirement using Nortel Multiservice
Data Manager Engineering (NN10470-101) and Nortel Multiservice Data
Manager Planning (NN10470-102).
Obtain the necessary hardware to establish a network connection,
for example, a network interface card (NIC) on the MDM workstation or a
frame relay access device (FRAD).
If the Multiservice Data Manager workstation is connected directly to a
network element, the service data for the network connection must be
configured on the network element (for example, on a DPN-100 or
Multiservice Switch).
Types of network connections
Network Composition Equipment type Link
DPN only DPN X.25 link
mix of DPN and Multiservice Switch DPN X.25 link
IP over X.25 link through DPN
Multiservice Switch only IP over ethernet
(1 of 2)
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Network connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Network connection tasks
This work flow shows the sequence of tasks you perform to connect to the
network. To go to any task, go to Network connection tasks (page 15) and click
a link.
Network connection tasks
IP over ATM
other Nortel SNMP devices IP over ethernet
Types of network connections (continued)
Network Composition Equipment type Link
(2 of 2)
Select a
X.25 (DPN-100)
connection (page 16)
Provisioning an
IP over Ethernet
link using a
(page 33)
IP over ATM
(page 34)
IP over X.25 (MSS)
connection (page 27)
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks
Nortel Confidential
X.25 (DPN-100) connection
Connect the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) workstation to the
network using an X.25 (DPN-100) connection.
X.25 (DPN-100) connection procedures
This task flow shows the sequence of procedures you perform to connect to
the network using an X.25 (DPN-100) connection. To go to any procedure, go
to X.25 (DPN-100) connection procedures (page 16) and click a link.
X.25 (DPN-100) connection procedures
X.25 (DPN-100)
Provisioning an X.25 link on a
DPN (page 17)
Installing X.25 software
(page 18)
Registering a license
password (page 20)
Configuring an X.25 link
(page 22)
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X.25 (DPN-100) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Provisioning an X.25 link on a DPN
Provision an X.25 connection on a DPN-100 to enable Nortel Multiservice
Data Manager network connectivity.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Provision the Network Control System (NCS) on all of the DPNs in the
network. For the instructions to provision the NCS, see 241-2001-102 DPN-
100 Network Control System User Guide.
2 Provision a Workstation Management Data Interface (WS-MDI) on an OA in
the NCS. For the instructions to provision the NCS, see 241-2001-102 DPN-
100 Network Control System User Guide.
3 Provision X.25 service on the DPN PE, PI, and Port (PO) to which the
workstation will be connected. For the instructions to provision LAPB X.25
service on a Processing Element (PE) and Peripheral Interface (PI), see
241-1001-184 DPN-100 LAPB/X.25 Specification.
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X.25 (DPN-100) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Installing X.25 software
Install X.25 software on the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager workstation
using a CD-ROM containing the Sunlink X.25 9.2 software only.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Open a UNIX xterm on the Multiservice Data Manager workstation with
userID root.
2 Insert the compact disk with the pattern side up into the CD-ROM drive. If
your drive uses a disk caddy, insert the disk into the caddy pattern side up,
and then slide the disk caddy into the CD-ROM drive.
3 Add one or more software packages to the system.
pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/sparc
See the list of X.25 software packages, and their space requirements, in the
table X.25 software packages (page 18).
4 Press Enter when prompted for the following:
Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to
process all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]:
This installs all software packages.
5 Type y to all prompts during the installation of the various packages.
6 Type q to exit pkgadd after all the packages are installed.
7 Eject the compact disk by typing the following command in the UNIX xterm:
eject cdrom
Procedure job aid
X.25 software packages
Package name Description
(in MBytes)
SUNWlicsw FLEX License Manager Software and Utilities
(sparc) 5.0
SUNWlit STE License Installation Tool
(sparc) 5.0
(1 of 2)
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X.25 (DPN-100) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
SUNWllc LLC2 driver and its initialization programs
(sparc) 11.7.0,REV=1999.
SUNWllcr LLC2 driver configuration and startup files
(sparc) 11.7.0,REV=1999.
SUNWllcx LLC2 64bit driver
(sparc) 11.7.0,REV=1999.
SUNWx25a X.25 kernel modules and include files for Solaris/SPARC
(sparc) 9.2
SUNWx25ax 64 bit X.25 kernel modules for Solaris/SPARC
(sparc) 9.2
SUNWx25b X.25 user programs and libraries for Solaris/SPARC
(sparc) 9.2
SUNWx25bx 64-bit X.25 libraries for Solaris/SPARC
(sparc) 9.2
SUNWx25lt Solstice X.25 License Configuration Data
(sparc) 9.2
X.25 software packages (continued)
Package name Description
(in MBytes)
(2 of 2)
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X.25 (DPN-100) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Registering a license password
Register a license password to use Sunlink software on each of the Nortel
Multiservice Data Manager workstations on which the SunLink software is
One of the following tasks must have been performed before you proceed
with this procedure:
Installing X.25 software (page 18)
Installing ATM software (page 37)
Obtain a license from SunSoft to use the appropriate software. The
license information must include the number of Rights to Use (RTUs) and
the passwords to use the SunLink software.
The number of RTUs defines the number of instances of the software that
the license can run concurrently. For RTUs and passwords, contact the
local license distribution center for Sun at the telephone number listed in
the Sun documentation provided with the SunLink CD-ROM.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Open a UNIX xterm on the Multiservice Data Manager workstation with
userID root.
2 Start the licensing tool.
/etc/opt/licenses/lit &
The License Installation Tool window appears.
3 Select the communications application requiring a password from Select
4 Select the number of servers on which the licensing server software is to run
from Server Options. For a standalone workstation, select 1.
5 Type the number of rights to use (RTU) that are enabled by this password
in the Rights to Use field. The number of RTUs entered must match the
number provided with the password.
6 Type the password obtained from the Sun Microsystem Inc. local license
distribution center in the Password field.
7 Click Done With License.
8 Click Continue.
9 Click Exit - Install Licenses.
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X.25 (DPN-100) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
A script runs and when completed; a pop-up window appears containing a
message indicating that the license password is installed.
10 Click Quit.
11 Install SunLink software patches as indicated by SunSoft using the SunSoft
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X.25 (DPN-100) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Configuring an X.25 link
Configure an X.25 network connection from a Multiservice Data Manager
workstation to a DPN-100 using the Sun Microsystems Inc. X.25
Administration tool.
Some of the X.25 service parameters are critical, but for other service
parameters the default values provided with the tool are adequate. The
following procedure sets the critical values and leaves the other service
parameters at their defaults. This procedure is adequate for most installations.
All settings are network dependent and may require fine tuning for efficient
and stable operation of the X.25 link.
Register a license password using Registering a license password
(page 20).
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Obtain information about the LAPB X.25 service provisioned on the DPN
port to which the Multiservice Data Manager workstation is connected. At a
maintenance terminal connected to the DPN, type the following sequence
of commands:
[PI] <n> [PO] <m> Query SERVice
[PI] <n> [PO] <m> Query DNA
[PI] <n> [PO] <m> Query LINK
[PI] <n> [PO] <m> Query LCN
2 Print the results of the preceding commands. The service parameters
required for successful X.25 link configuration are described in Service
Parameters (page 26).
3 Open a UNIX xterm on the Multiservice Data Manager workstation with
userID root.
4 Start the X.25 Administration tool:
/opt/SUNWconn/bin/x25tool &
5 Select Dynamic Mode from the Options menu of the x25tool 9.2 main
6 Select Start X.25 automatically when booted from the Options menu.
7 Remove all of the default links displayed in the main window.
To remove a link, click on the name of the link to select it and then click
8 Click Add... in the main window.
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X.25 (DPN-100) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
9 Click Default in the dialog box that displays the list of link types.
The Link Editor window appears.
10 Type the link number in the Link Number field. For the first link, type 0. For
the subsequent link type 1, and so on.
11 Type a descriptive name for the link in the Link Description field. For
example: Internal Serial Port.
12 Select WAN from the Link Type menu button.
13 Select a device type from the Device menu button.
The device type must match the type of interface on the MDM workstation
to which the X.25 link is connected. The device type is ZSH for a link that
connects to a low-speed port on the workstation or HSI for a link that
connects to a high-speed port on an HSI/S card.
14 Type the port number in the Port Number field.
The port number must correspond to the physical workstation port to which
the X.25 link is connected. Most workstations are equipped with two
low-speed serial ports labelled A and B. The port labelled A is port 0
(ZSH-0) and the port labelled B is Port 1 (ZSH-1). When an HSI card is
installed in the workstation, the workstation has four additional high-speed
ports labelled 0 through 3.
15 Type the workstation local address into the Local X.121 Address field.
The workstation local address is the X.121 address of the port on the DPN
peripheral interface card to which the workstation is connected. This
address includes the Data Network Identification Code (DNIC), the Network
Terminal Number (NTN), and any sub-addressing digits.
You need to include only the DNIC if the information displayed with
[PI] n [PO] m Q DNA command shows that DNIC is set to international
format OFF/NO.
16 Select the version of X.25 software using the Version menu button.
This version must match the version of X.25 software provisioned on the
DPN port to which the workstation connects.
17 Set the Packet Size menu buttons as follows:
Local: default: 512 maximum: 512
Remote: default: 512 maximum: 512
18 Set the SVC Two-Way Logical Channel Range menu buttons to match the
minimum and maximum values configured in NCS. Obtain these values by
entering the following command at command at a maintenance terminal
connected to the DPN:
[PI] <n> [PO] <m> Query LCN
19 Set the PVC, SVC Incoming, and SVC Outgoing Logical Channel Range
menu buttons as follows:
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X.25 (DPN-100) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
PVC minimum: 0 maximum: 0
SVC Incoming minimum: 0 maximum: 0
SVC Outgoing minimum: 0 maximum: 0
20 Click Apply to activate the Advanced Configuration buttons in the main
window that provides access to dialog boxes for configuring WAN links.
Lettering on the buttons changes from gray to black to indicate that they are
Attention: You are about to select a sequence of Advanced Configuration buttons.
Clicking a button opens a dialog box into which you type service information, apply
the information, and then close the dialog box. However, you are going to select only
the CUG and Facilities, Link Modes, and Throughput. It is not necessary to select
the remaining buttons to open the accompanying dialog boxes and set values
because the default values in these dialog boxes are satisfactory for most
21 From the Advanced Configuration list, select CUG and Facilities.
The Closed User Groups and Facilities Parameters dialog box appears.
22 Click on the following check boxes to select them:
Closed User Group: CUG, no other access
Facilities: Incoming reverse charging
Size Negotiation: Request Size Negotiation
Fast Select: With no restriction on response
23 Deselect all other check boxes and set the CUG Format menu button to
24 Click Apply, and then OK.
The Closed User Groups and Facilities Parameters dialog box closes.
25 Click Link Modes in the Link Editor window.
The Link Mode Parameters dialog box appears.
26 If outgoing X25 calls are international, set the Outgoing International Calls
menu button to Check National DNIC, and type your Data Network
International Code (DNIC) in the DNIC field.
27 Leave all other menu buttons set to their default values and all other check
boxes deselected.
28 Click Apply, and then OK.
The Link Mode Parameters dialog box closes.
29 Click Throughput. in the Link Editor window.
The Throughput Classes and Window Sizes Parameters dialog box
30 Type the following values into the Throughput Class fields:
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X.25 (DPN-100) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Local minimum: 3 default: 12 maximum:12
Remote minimum: 3 default: 12 maximum:12
31 For Negotiate Toward Default, click the Yes toggle button.
32 For Packet Size, type 517 in the Max NSDU Length field.
33 For Network Profile, leave Modulo set to 8.
34 Type the following values in the Window Size fields:
Local default: 2 maximum:7
Remote default: 2 maximum:7
35 Click Apply and then OK.
The Throughput Classes and Window Sizes Parameters dialog box closes.
36 Click Apply, and then OK in the Link Editor window.
The Link Editor window closes.
37 Select Save from the File menu in the x25tool 9.2 window.
The Save Information in Default Configuration dialog box appears.
38 Click OK.
The information about the new link is saved as part of the default
configuration and the dialog box closes.
39 Choose Start X25 from the Network menu in the x25tool 9.2 window.
40 Ensure that the link you created is still highlighted, and then select Start
Link from the Network menu.
Progress messages are displayed in the x25tool 9.2 window as the link is
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X.25 (DPN-100) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Variable definitions
Procedure job aid
Variable Value
<m> is the number of the port (PO) on the PI card to which the workstation
is connected
<n> is the number of the Peripheral Interface (PI) card
Service Parameters
Parameter Description
link number The link number for the interface you are defining. If this is the first link you are
defining, this must be link 0.
link type The type of link. It must be WAN.
device The type of device to which the X.25 link is connected on the workstation. The
device type is ZSH for a low-speed port or HSI for a high-speed port on an HSI/
P card.
port number The workstation port to which the X25 link is connected. The port number must
correspond to the physical workstation port. Most SPARCstations are
equipped with two low-speed serial ports labelled A and B. The port labelled A
is port 0 (ZSH-0) and the port labelled B is Port 1 (ZSH-1). When an HSI card
is installed in the workstation, the workstation has four additional high-speed
ports labelled 0 through 3.
local X.121 address The X.121 address of the port on the DPN peripheral interface card to which
the workstation is connected. This address includes the Data Network
Identification Code (DNIC), the Network Terminal Number (NTN), and any
sub-addressing digits.
You need to include only the DNIC if the information displayed with the [PI] n
[PO] m Q DNA command shows that DNIC is set to international format OFF/
version The version of X.25 software running on the link. The version must match the
version of X.25 software provisioned on the DPN port to which the workstation
SVC Two-Way Logical
Channel Range
The lowest and the highest number logical channel number on which an SVC
is set up for X.25 communication. The range must match the minimum and
maximum values configured in NCS. You can obtain these values by entering
the following command at a maintenance terminal connected to the DPN.
[PI] <n> [PO] <m> Query LCN
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
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Nortel Confidential
IP over X.25 (MSS) connection
Connect the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) workstation to the
network using an IP over X.25 (MSS) connection.
IP over X.25 (MSS) connection procedures
This task flow shows the sequence of procedures you perform to connect to
the network using an IP over X.25 (MSS) connection. To go to any procedure,
go to IP over X.25 (MSS) connection procedures (page 27) and click a link.
IP over X.25 (MSS) connection procedures
IP over X.25
(MSS) connection
Provisioning an IP over
X.25 link for Multiservice
Switches (page 28)
Configuring an IP over X.25
link for Multiservice
Switches (page 29)
- 28 -
IP over X.25 (MSS) connection
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Provisioning an IP over X.25 link for Multiservice Switches
Provision an IP over X.25 connection to your Nortel Multiservice Switch
network using a DPN-100 as an interface between your Multiservice Data
Manager workstation and the network.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Configure the Multiservice Switches as a Routing Identifier (RID) subnet,
which is managed through a Call Server Resource Module (CSRM) on a
DPN. For the instructions to select a topology and provision the DPN, see
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400: Configuration DPN-100 Interworking
2 Provision an IP Interface over Virtual Circuit (IPIVC) on each Multiservice
Switch that is managed by the MDM workstation. For the instructions to
provision Multiservice Switch IPIVC, see Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/
15000/20000 Installation Software (NN10600-270).
- 29 -
IP over X.25 (MSS) connection
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Configuring an IP over X.25 link for Multiservice Switches
Configure an IP connection from a Multiservice Data Manager workstation to
a Nortel Multiservice Switch using an X.25 communications link to a DPN
gateway network element.
Configure each IP over X.25 connection as a point-to-point connection.
Configuring a point-to-point connection involves configuring service
parameters in two dialog boxes that can be opened from the Services menu
of the x25tool 9.2 window.
To configure a point-to-point connection, the first dialog box you use is the IP
Interface Configuration Dialog box. In this dialog box, add the local IP address
of the workstation, the remote IP address of the Multiservice Switch, and
specify the connection as a point-to-point connection. From this dialog box,
open another dialog box to specify advanced IP over X.25 configuration
The second dialog box you use is the Remote Host to X.25 Map dialog box.
In this dialog box, you specify information that maps the Remote X.25 address
entered in the IP Interface Configuration Dialog box to the DNA of the
Multiservice Switch.
For each point-to-point connection, add IP interface information into the IP
Interface Configuration dialog box and then add mapping information into the
Remote Host to X.25 Map dialog box.
Configure an X.25 link on a DPN using Configuring an X.25 link (page 22).
Provision an IP over X.25 link on a Multiservice Switch using Provisioning
an IP over X.25 link for Multiservice Switches (page 28).
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Open a UNIX xterm on the Multiservice Data Manager workstation with
userID root.
2 Start the X.25 Administration tool:
/opt/SUNWconn/bin/x25tool &
3 Select Dynamic Mode from the Options menu of the x25tool 9.2 main
4 Select IP->IP Interface from the Services menu.
The IP Interface Configuration dialog box appears.
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IP over X.25 (MSS) connection
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5 If there are any default IP interfaces defined, select them one at time and
click Delete.
6 Click Add.
The fields and buttons in the lower half of the dialog box turn from gray to
black to indicate that they are active.
7 Type the following values in the fields dialog box:
Local IP address:
The IP address of the workstation.
Remote IP address:
The IP address of the switch.
8 Set the Point to: menu button to Point.
9 Set the MTU field to the default of 576.
10 Click Apply.
The local and remote IP address information you just entered is added to
the list of mappings in the upper half of the dialog box.
11 Ensure that the mapping is still selected (highlighted).
12 Click Modify.
The X.25 Parameters Advanced Configuration Parameters button turns
from gray to black to indicate that it is active.
13 Click X.25 Parameters.
The X25 Configuration IP Address dialog box appears.
14 Type the preemption timeout in the Preemption Timer field.
The number of seconds that a connection must be idle before it can be
closed (preempted) for another purpose. When all X.25 circuits available to
the IP application are in use and an IP packet arrives for transmission to a
new destination, SunLink closes the connection that has been idle the
longest. The preemption timer determines the minimum time a connection
must be idle before it can be preempted in this way.
If the workstation is being used for surveillance or data collection, set this
timer to a minimum of 6000 to avoid undesired teardown of VC connections
and to keep the communications path to the switch stable.
If the workstation is not being used for purposes that require the connection
to remain up, say for entering commands, you can set the pre-ambition timer
to a lower value.
15 Type the disconnection timeout in the Disconnection Timer field.
The time in seconds that a connection to a given network can remain idle
before being closed. For a value of 6000, this represents 100 minutes.
If the workstation is being used for surveillance or data collection, you must
set this timer to a minimum of 6000 to avoid undesired teardown of VC
connections and to keep the communications path to the switch stable. If the
- 31 -
IP over X.25 (MSS) connection
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NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
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Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
workstation is not being used for purposes that require the connection to
remain up, say for entering commands, you can set the disconnection timer
to a value of less than 300. You can do this because when a connection is
set up, the switch sends a reset packet after 5 minutes (value of 300), and
then every 3 minutes (value of 180) thereafter.
16 Leave all other items in this dialog box set at their default values.
17 Click Apply, and then OK.
The X25 Configuration for IP Interface dialog box closes.
18 Select IP->IP Mapping from the Services menu in the x25tool 9.2 window.
The Remote IP Host to X.25 Address Map dialog box appears.
19 Click Add in the Remote IP Host to X.25 Address Map dialog box.
The fields and buttons in the lower half of the dialog box turn from gray to
black to indicate that they are active.
20 Type the following values into the Remote IP Host to X.25 Address Map
dialog box:
Remote IP address
This the IP address of the switch. This address must match the IP address
of the switch that you typed into the IP Interface Configuration Dialog box.
Link number
The number of the X.25 link on which the IP application is running. It must
match the link number you typed into the Link Editor window when you
configured X.25 on the link.
Remote X.25 address
The DNA that corresponds to the IP address of the switch.
21 Leave all other items in this dialog box set at their default values.
It is not necessary to click the Advanced Configuration X.25 Parameters
button to specify X.25 parameters in the X25 Configuration for IP dialog box
because the default values in the dialog box are sufficient for most
22 Click Apply, and then OK.
The Remote IP Host to X.25 Address Map dialog box closes.
23 Select Save from the File menu in the x.25tool 9.2 window.
24 Type the following command, in the UNIX xterm, to verify that the
connection to the switch is up:
ping <ip address>
If the connection is up, the following response appears:
<ip address> is alive
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IP over X.25 (MSS) connection
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NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
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Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Variable definitions
Procedure job aid
Variable Value
<IP address> the IP address of the switch
Service Parameters
Parameter Description
IP address of the
Multiservice Data
Manager workstation
the address labelled localhost in file
Data Network Address
(DNA) of the
Multiservice Data
Manager workstation
the DNA must match the DNA provisioned in the Link Editor
dialog box when the X.25 link to the DPN was configured
the Link Number of the
X.25 link
the Link Number must match the Link Number provisioned
in the Link Editor dialog box when the X.25 link to the DPN
was configured
the DNA, and
corresponding IP
address, of the remote
Multiservice Switch
obtain this information from the Multiservice Switch network
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
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NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
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Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks
Nortel Confidential
Provisioning an IP over Ethernet link
using a Multiservice Switch
Provision an IP over Ethernet connection to your Nortel Multiservice Switch
network to connect your Multiservice Data Manager workstation to the
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Configure the Multiservice Switches as an inter-LAN switching (ILS)
network. For the instructions to configure an inter-LAN switching (ILS)
network, see Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000 Installation
Software (NN10600-270).
2 Provision a virtual router with an IP port on the Multiservice Switch that is
providing network access for the MDM workstation. For the instructions to
provision a virtual router, see Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
Installation Software (NN10600-270).
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Nortel Confidential
IP over ATM (MSS) connection
Connect the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) workstation to the
network using an IP over ATM (MSS) connection.
IP over ATM (MSS) connection procedures
This task flow shows the sequence of procedures you perform to connect to
the network using an IP over ATM (MSS) connection. To link go to any
procedure, go to IP over ATM (MSS) connection procedures (page 35) and
click a link.
- 35 -
IP over ATM (MSS) connection
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IP over ATM (MSS) connection procedures
IP over ATM (MSS)
Provisioning an IP over ATM link
for Multiservice Switches
(page 36)
Registering a license password
(page 20)
Installing ATM software
(page 37)
Configuring an ATM link for
Multiservice Switches (page 39)
- 36 -
IP over ATM (MSS) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
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NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Provisioning an IP over ATM link for Multiservice Switches
Provision an IP over ATM connection to your Nortel Multiservice Switch
network to connect your Multiservice Data Manager workstation to the
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Configure an ATM Interface (ATMIF) on the Multiservice Switch for each
ATM link from the Multiservice Data Manager workstation. For the
instructions to configure an IP over ATM connection, see Nortel Multiservice
Switch 7400/15000/20000 Installation Software (NN10600-270). This
provisioning the interface as a nailed-up end point (NEP) to function as
a Permanent Virtual Circuit
ensuring that the virtual connection identifier (VCI) number on the
switch is the same as the PVC number on the Multiservice Data
Manager workstation in the ATM network interface card (NIC)
setting maximum transmission unit (MTU) to 9180
setting all of the other component values to the values specified in
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000 Installation Software
2 Provision an ATM Multi-Protocol Encapsulation (MPE) component on each
Multiservice Switch that is managed by the Multiservice Data Manager
workstation. For the instructions to configure an IP over an ATM MPE
connection, see Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
Configuration IP (NN10600-801).
3 Provision the static IP address of the ATM Network Interface Card (NIC)
under the Virtual Router (VR) on the Multiservice Switch.
4 Provision the logical IP address of the ATM port under the VR on the
Multiservice Switch. The IP address of the Multiservice Switch must be in
the same subnet as the static IP of the ATM NIC.
- 37 -
IP over ATM (MSS) connection
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Installing ATM software
Install the SunATM (version 4.0 or later) software to connect your Multiservice
Data Manager workstation to the network.
Provision an IP over ATM link to your Multiservice Switch network using
Provisioning an IP over ATM link for Multiservice Switches (page 36).
Install an ATM NIC card on the Multiservice Data Manager workstation
and ensure that the workstation is physically connected to the network.
For more information, see the SunATM Installation and Users Guide from
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Open a UNIX xterm on the Multiservice Data Manager workstation with
userID root.
2 Insert the compact disk into the CD-ROM drive, pattern side up. If your drive
uses a disk caddy, insert the disk into the caddy pattern side up, and then
slide the disk caddy into the CD-ROM drive.
3 Add the SunATM software package. Type
/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /cdrom/sunatm_4_0/Product SUNWatm
[SUNWatmu SUNWatma]
The SunATM package(s) are installed in the following directories:
SunATM Device Drivers and Utilities (SunWatm) to /kernel/mod, /
kernel/mod/sparcv9, /kernel/drv, /etc/init.d, /platform/SUN, Ultra-4FT/
kernel/drv, /kernel/drv/sparcv9, /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm, /etc/rc2.d and
SunATM Runtime Support software (SUNWatmu) to
/opt/SUNWconn/atm and /opt/SUNWconn/man.
SunATM Interim API (SunWatma) to /opt/SUNWconn/atm/include, /opt/
SUNWconn/atm/lib, /opt/SUNWconn/include and /opt/SUNWconn/lib.
4 Eject the compact disk by typing the following command in the UNIX xterm.
eject cdrom
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IP over ATM (MSS) connection
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NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
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Procedure job aid
Estimated disk space requirements for ATM software
SunATM software subsets Approximate size
SunATM device drivers and utilities <1 Mbtye
SunATM interim API support software (optional) <1 Mbtye
SunATM runtime support software (optional) <1 Mbyte
Total 2 Mbytes
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IP over ATM (MSS) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
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NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Configuring an ATM link for Multiservice Switches
Configure an ATM connection from a Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
workstation to a Nortel Multiservice Switch.
Register a license password using Registering a license password
(page 20).
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Open a UNIX xterm on the Multiservice Data Manager workstation with
userID root.
2 At the command line prompt, type:
For instructions to use this command, see Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Administration (NN10470-303).
3 Respond to the prompts using the descriptions of the ATM service
parameters in Service Parameters (page 39).
4 Reboot the workstation. At the Solaris prompt, type:
init 6
Procedure job aid
Service Parameters
Parameter Description
IP address of the Multiservice
Data Manager workstation
The address labelled localhost in file /etc/hosts.
IP address of the Multiservice
IP address of the Multiservice Switch.
(1 of 2)
- 40 -
IP over ATM (MSS) connection
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
PVC number The PVC number configured during the SunATM configuration of
the workstation must match the VCI number used on the
Multiservice Switch. An example of a VPI.VCI number on the switch
is 0.50, where 0 is the VPI and 50 is the VCI number.
The PVC number on the Multiservice Switch under the Virtual
Router Static Host configuration does not correspond to the PVC
number in the SunATM configuration. Instead, the Virtual Router
Static Host PVC number on Multiservice Switch must correspond to
the instance number of the atmConnection under the ATMMPE
component on the Multiservice Switch.
signaling level Set the signaling level to 4.0 in the SunATM configuration.
Service Parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
(2 of 2)
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Nortel Confidential
Software installation
Install the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) software, the Secure
Shell software, and patches for the Multiservice Data Manager software on
the UNIX workstation.
Prerequisites to software installation
Complete the appropriate tasks in Network connection (page 14).
Software installation procedures
This task flow shows the sequence of procedures you perform to install the
Multiservice Data Manager software. To go to any procedure, go to Software
installation procedures (page 42) and click a link.
- 42 -
Software installation
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NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
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Software installation procedures
Installing MDM
software (page 43)
Are you using an
MDM Installer
properties file?
Installing MDM
software using an
MDM Installer
properies file (page
Installing MDM
software (page 44)
Is the MDM
Recovering from an
incomplete MDM
software installation
(page 63)
Do you require
the SSH
Installing SSH
software (page 57)
software patches
Patching MDM
software (page 59)
Installing MDM
software using an
MDM Installer
properties file
(page 52)
Recovering from an
incomplete MDM
software installation
(page 60)
Installing SSH
software (page 55)
Patching MDM
software (page 56)
Installing MDM
software (page 43)
- 43 -
Software installation
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NN10470-100 01.03 Standard
16.2 May 2007
Copyright 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Confidential
Installing MDM software
Install the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) software on a UNIX
workstation. This procedure describes the prompts, interfaces, and responses
of the MDM Installer.
This procedure can also be used to create an MDM Installer properties file.
The properties file records the options selected during this installation. The
properties file can then be used to clone the software installation on other
UNIX workstations.
Obtain a Multiservice Data Manager software license key.
Identify the UNIX console from which you are accessing the Multiservice
Data Manager workstation.
Identify the domain name of this workstation.
If you are installing the Java Web Start software, but you are not installing
the Security software, identify the fully qualified host name (FQHN) of the
workstation where the Security software is installed.
Ensure that the directory /opt/nortel is not defined on the target
workstation. If it is, remove this directory.
Attention: If directory /opt/nortel is defined on the workstation, the MDM
installation cannot succeed.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Open a UNIX xterm on the Multiservice Data Manager workstation with
userID root.
2 If you are installing the software from CD-ROM, insert the compact disk
labelled #1 into the CD-ROM drive, pattern side up. If your drive uses a disk
caddy, insert the disk into the caddy pattern side up, and then slide the disk
caddy into the CD-ROM drive.
Attention: Do not change directories (cd /cdrom/cdrom0) before executing the
command install_mdm. Changing directories causes problems when attempting to
eject or load the CD-ROMs.
3 If you are installing the software from a CD-ROM, launch the MDM Installer
by typing:
/cdrom/cdrom0/install_mdm [-p]
- 44 -
Software installation
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4 If you are installing the software from a directory on the disk drive of the
workstation, launch the MDM Installer by typing:
<software_pathname>/install_mdm [-p]
Attention: If any item fails the pre-installation check, the installation terminates.
review the system message and perform actions as indicated.
5 If all the failed items are fixed, go back to step 3 (if you are installing the
software from a CD-ROM) or step 4 (if you are installing the software from
a directory on the disk drive of the workstation), and repeat the step until the
pre-installation process passes.
6 If you are using a UNIX console local to the workstation, press Enter.
If you are using a remote console, the value within the square brackets
indicates the value of the DISPLAY variable. If this value is incorrect, type a
new value. This value can be a hostname or IP address with a console
identifier as a suffix. For example, BELTOR32:0.0 or
The Nortel splash screen appears. A progress bar displays the status of the
process. The window closes when the process is complete.The MDM
Installer window appears, and the Introduction panel is displayed.
The left panel of the MDM Installer window shows the current phase of the
installation. As selections are made, the indicator for each phase changes
color. The contents of the right panel changes as each installation phase is
Attention: The MDM Installer can be stopped at anytime before you press the
Install button in step 29. Do not attempt to stop the software installation after the
installation process has begun.
If you make a mistake when selecting the MDM software options, you can easily
remove the software after completing the installation process. For more information
about removing the MDM software, see Removing MDM software (page 58).
To stop the MDM Installer before the software installation begins, click Cancel.
7 Click Next.
If a previous installation was incomplete, a message appears. Review the
If you want to end the installation, click Cancel and go to Removing MDM
software (page 58) and perform this procedure.
If you choose to continue the installation, click Next.
The License agreement is displayed in the MDM Installer window.
8 Review the license agreement to ensure that the information provided is
- 45 -
Software installation
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9 Click I accept the terms of the License Agreement, and then click Next.
10 If the actual sizes of the partitions are equal to, or larger than, the partition
sizes recommended in Nortel Multiservice Data Manager Planning
(NN10470-102), click Next.
If the recommended size for a partition is larger than the size of the available
partition, re-partition the disk. Depending on the size of the disk drive on the
workstation, you may need to add another disk drive or replace the existing
drive with a larger one. Click Cancel to exit the MDM Installer, and use the
Sun Microsystems Inc. documentation to repartition the disk drive.
The MDM 16.2 installation options appear in the MDM Installer window.
11 Select the Multiservice Data Manager installation options. For a description
of each option, see Multiservice Data Manager options (page 50).
If the MDM Operator Client and User Administration option is selected and
the Security server option is not selected, a data entry box is displayed
below the Java Web Start server option.
In the data entry box SunONE IS server, type the fully qualified host name
(<host name>.<domain name>) of the workstation where the MDM security
software is installed.
12 Click Next.
13 If the Java Web Start server option is selected, the Operator Client
configuration panel is displayed in the MDM Installer window. Select the
Enable after installation
14 Click Next.
The MDM 16.2 installation source path panel appears in the MDM Installer
15 If the indicated directory corresponds to the location of the software, click
If you are installing from a directory other than the indicated directory, click
Choose; and then select the appropriate folder, and click Select; and then
click Next.
If the software packages are in different directories, you are prompted to
select the appropriate directory for each package selected from the
installation options.
Make sure that the NNnds and NNslis packages are located in the same
directory as the NNjava_es package. If they are not, these packages will fail
to install correctly.
If the MDM Installer was launched from CD-ROM, the default source path is
If the MDM Installer was launched from a directory on a disk drive, the
default source path is the directory that contains the MDM Installer.
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16 If the fully qualified host name (<host name>.<domain name>) of this
workstation cannot be automatically resolved, the Enter domain name panel
is displayed in the MDM Installer window.
Type the <domain name> required to locate this workstation on the network.
For example,
17 If you selected Management Data Provider (MDP) from the installation
options, the MDP Administration userID panel is displayed in the MDM
Installer window.
The MDP Administration userID window prompts for the MDP administrator
userID. If the MDP administrator userID was not created previously, create
it now using the Solaris Management Console or by editing the appropriate
Solaris operating system files, and then complete this step.
18 Click Next.
If you did not select Multiservice Data Manager from the installation options,
go to step 24.
If you selected Multiservice Data Manager from the installation options, the
Network Viewer background pixmaps panel is displayed in the MDM
Installer window.
19 Select optional bitmap images that can be used as the background for the
Network Viewer. For example, you can use a map of the world as the
If you do not choose to use optional bitmap images, click No.
If you selected Device integration cartridges from the installation options, go
to step 21. If not, go to step 24.
If you choose to use optional bitmap images, click Yes.
The Network Viewer background pixmap selection panel is displayed in the
MDM 16.2 Installer window.
20 Select the countries for which images can be installed and click OK.
If you did not select Device integration cartridges from the installation
options, go to step 24.
If you selected Device integration cartridges from the installation options,
the Device Integration cartridge selection panel appears in the MDM
Installer window.
21 Select the device integration software cartridges to install and click OK.
Device integration software cartridges can easily be installed after the MDM
software is installed and configured. For more information about installing
device integration software cartridges, see 241-6003-100, Generic Device
Integration Installation Guide.
22 If the Network Services Platform (NSP) will be installed on this network
management workstation, click NSP is co-resident with MDM.
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23 Enable the MDM Installer to update the Server Administration tool
(SVMADM) with configuration information for the new device integration
In the data entry box Enter Server Administration password, type the current
password for SVMADM access.
24 Click Next.
If you did not use the -p option in step 3 or step 4 to create an MDM Installer
properties file, go to step 28.
If you used the -p option in step 3 or step 4 to create an MDM Installer
properties file, the Create file panel appears in the
MDM Installer window.
25 To save the file in a directory other than the current
directory, click Choose, select the appropriate folder, click Select; and then
click Next.
The Properties file created panel is displayed in the MDM Installer window.
26 Record the location of the file
27 If you are using the MDM Installer to create an MDM Installer properties file,
and you do not want to install the MDM software on this workstation, click
To continue with the software installation, click Next.
The Pre-installation summary appears in the MDM Installer window.
28 This summary lists the software packages to install and the disk space
required for each package.
If the list of software packages is incorrect, click Previous to return to the
MDM 16.2 install options panel and select the correct software packages.
If the amount of disk space required to install the software exceeds the
amount of available disk space, click Cancel to stop the installation.
29 Click Install.
The Installing MDM 16.2 panel appears in the MDM Installer window.
The MDM Installer displays the name of each software package as the
package installs.
If you are installing from a CD-ROM, the MDM Installer prompts for
additional CD-ROMs until all of the selected software installs.
To eject the current CD-ROM, from the command prompt in the UNIX xterm,
eject cdrom
Insert the next CD-ROM and click OK.
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Attention: Do not attempt to stop the software installation after the installation
process has begun; do not click the Cancel button in the MDM Installer window.
If you made a mistake when selecting the MDM software options, you can easily
remove the Multiservice Data Manager software after completing the installation
process. For more information about removing MDM software see Removing MDM
software (page 58).
If you accidently click the Cancel button after the installation process begins, follow
the instructions in Recovering from an incomplete MDM software installation
(page 60).
The MDM Installer installs the Multiservice Data Manager software. This
process can be lengthy but requires no manual intervention.
The MDM software consists of a number of software packages. If an MDM
software package is installed with a previous version of the MDM software
and is unchanged in the new version, the previous version of the software
package is not replaced.
Attention: If the MDM Installer is unable to install a software package, a pop-up
dialog is displayed. Diagnose and correct the software package installation problem
using the indicated logs.
If you correct the problem that is preventing the installation of the indicated software
package, click the OK button and continue with the software installation.
If you cannot correct the problem and you cannot continue with this software
installation, click the Cancel button on the pop-up dialog to stop the software
Before you attempt to re-install the software you must uninstall the MDM software
package that failed to install properly. For more information, see Removing MDM
software (page 58).
If a valid 16.2 license key is located on this workstation, go to step 31.
If a valid 16.2 license key is not located on this workstation,
The Enter new license panel is displayed in the MDM Installer window.
30 Type a new Multiservice Data Manager software license in the provided data
entry box, and click Next.
If you do not enter a software license key, a temporary software license is
generated. The license key is valid for all of the Multiservice Data Manager
software for a maximum of 30 days. When you have a permanent software
license, manually apply the new license using the appropriate procedure in
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager Administration (NN10470-303).
The Launch QuickStart panel is displayed in the MDM Installer window.
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31 The MDM Software Configuration tool, QuickStart, helps you to configure
the Multiservice Data Manager software to provide basic support for
Multiservice Switch and Multiservice Provider Edge network elements.
Select Yes to launch QuickStart after the MDM Installer window closes.
Select No to prevent QuickStart from launching after the MDM Installer
window closes.
Select No if MDM software patches are required.
32 Click Next.
The Install complete panel is displayed in the MDM Installer window.
Software installation is now complete.
33 Examine the software installation logs in directory
/opt/MagellanNMS/data/log/<release>_Install_logs to ensure that no
problems were encountered during installation.
For more information about the installation logs, see MDM Installer logs
(page 51).
If the installation logs indicate failure to install any of the MDM software
packages, remove the software package that failed to install properly, and
re-install the MDM software. For more information about removing the MDM
software, see Removing MDM software (page 58) and Recovering from an
incomplete MDM software installation (page 60).
34 Click Done.
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Variable definitions
Procedure job aid
Variable Value
<domain name> The domain name used on this network.
<host name.domain name> The fully qualified host name of this workstation.
<-p> Create the file ''. This file can be used to repeat this
software installation on other Multiservice Data Manager
<software_pathname> The absolute path name of the directory that contains the MDM
Multiservice Data Manager options
Package Description
Multiservice Data Manager Multiservice Data Manager applications including fault surveillance,
network configuration, and performance management.
MDM NTPs Online help sets and documentation in PDF for the Multiservice Data
Manager. If Multiservice Data Manager is selected, this option is
automatically selected.
MDM Operator Client and User
Operator Client and User Administration System (UAS) software.
Select in combination with:
Security server, or
Java Web Start server
If the Operator Client and UAS software is selected for installation,
Multiservice Data Manager is automatically selected.
Security server Operator Client and User Administration System (UAS) software plus
network security software.
Java Web Start server Operator Client and User Administration System (UAS) software
minus network security software. The network security software is
installed on a remote Multiservice Data Manager workstation.
Management Data Provider
An application that collects spooled data from network elements.
If Multiservice Data Manager software is not currently installed on this
network management workstation, you must also select the
Multiservice Data Manager option.
MDP NTPs Online help sets and documentation in PDF for MDP. If Management
Data Provider (MDP) is selected, this option is automatically selected.
(1 of 2)
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HP OpenView Desktop client 3rd party client for displaying fault information
If Multiservice Data Manager software is not currently installed on this
network management workstation, you must also select the
Multiservice Data Manager option.
Device Integration cartridges Fault management software for supported SNMP network elements.
You cannot select Multiservice Data Manager and Device Integration
cartridges during the same MDM Installer session.
Device integration cartridge software cannot be installed unless the
Multiservice Data Manager software is currently installed on the
MDM Installer logs
Log Description
Install_summary.log This file contains the following information for each software package:
version added or replaced
installation success or failure
stopServers This file identifies the servers that were stopped by the MDM Installer
during an Multiservice Data Manager software upgrade.
Package_logs This directory contains the detailed log files for each package
installation or package removal. For example: install_MDM161Pif,
remove_MDM143Pbp, install_MDMHELP.
Multiservice Data Manager options (continued)
Package Description
(2 of 2)
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Installing MDM software using an MDM Installer properties file
Install the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) software using an MDM
Installer properties file.
Obtain an MDM Installer properties file from the same Multiservice Data
Manager network management workstation. To generate an MDM
Installer properties file, see Installing MDM software (page 43).
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Open a UNIX xterm on the Multiservice Data Manager workstation with
userID root.
2 If you are installing the software from CD-ROM, insert the compact disk
labelled #1 into the CD-ROM drive, pattern side up. If your drive uses a disk
caddy, insert the disk into the caddy pattern side up, and then slide the disk
caddy into the CD-ROM drive.
Attention: Do not change directories (cd /cdrom/cdrom0) before executing the
command install_mdm. Changing directories causes problems when attempting to
eject and load the CD-ROMs.
3 If you are installing the software from CD-ROM, launch MDM Installer by
/cdrom/cdrom0/install_mdm -g
-silent <install_pathname>/
4 If you are installing the software from a directory on the disk drive of the
workstation, launch the MDM Installer by typing:
-silent <install_pathname>/
Attention: If any item fails the pre-installation check, the installation terminates.
review the system message and perform actions as indicated.
5 If the install_mdm -g option is used, the following prompt appears:
Enter the environment DISPLAY to launch the MDM Installer
GUI [:0.0]
If you are using a UNIX console local to the workstation, press Enter.
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If you are using a remote console, type the value for the DISPLAY variable.
This value can be a hostname or IP address with a console identifier as a
suffix. For example, BELTOR32:0.0 or
6 If you used the -g option, the MDM Installer displays the name of each
software package as it is installed.
If you are installing from a CD-ROM, the MDM Installer prompts for
additional CD-ROMs until all of the software installs.
To eject the current CD-ROM, from the command prompt in the UNIX xterm,
eject cdrom
Insert the next CD-ROM, and click OK.
The following message is displayed in the UNIX xterm.
Installation complete.
7 Examine the software installation logs in directory
/opt/MagellanNMS/data/log/<release>_Install_logs to ensure that no
problems were encountered during installation.
For more information about the installation logs, see MDM Installer logs
(page 51).
If the installation logs indicate a failure to install any of the MDM software
packages, remove the software package that failed to install properly, and
reinstall the MDM software. For more information about removing the MDM
software, see Removing MDM software (page 58) and Recovering from an
incomplete MDM software installation (page 60).
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Variable definitions
Variable Value
<-g> Install Multiservice Data Manager software in Silent mode but provide
a window to prompt for CD-ROM changes. This option also provides
a window to indicate installation progress.
<install_pathname> The absolute path name of the directory that contains the MDM
Installer properties file.
<MDM_software_pathname> The absolute path name of the directory that contains the MDM
<-silent> Install Multiservice Data Manager software without using the MDM
Installer windows. Silent mode uses a properties file for installation
and does not require user interaction. The properties file is created by
running the MDM Installer with the '-p' option. See Installing MDM
software (page 43).
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Installing SSH software
Install the Secure Shell (SSH) software to provide secure login and secure file
transfer services for the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM)
Obtain the SSH software from the CD-ROM or from the Nortel ESD site.
The Multiservice Data Manager software (with Java Web Start server) is
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Open a UNIX xterm on the MDM workstation with userID root.
2 Insert the SSH software CD-ROM into the CD-ROM driver.
Attention: Do not change directories (cd /cdrom/cdrom0) before executing the
following commands. Changing directories causes problems when attempting to
eject and load the CD-ROMs.
3 Install the SSHinit software package. Type:
/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0 SSHinit
The system displays two prompts:
Do you want to install these as setuid/setgid files
Do you want to continue with the installation of SSHinit
4 Type y to both of the preceding prompts.
The system displays messages indicating that the packages were
successfully installed.
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Patching MDM software
Apply patches to the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) software to
apply the latest software fixes.
The MDM software is comprised of more than 30 individual software
packages. Each MDM software patch provides the software fixes for an
individual MDM software package, only.
For a given software package, MDM software patches are cumulative and
include previous software patches applicable to your software release.
The Multiservice Data Manager software is installed.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Open a UNIX xterm on the Multiservice Data Manager workstation with
userID root.
2 Create a new directory to hold the software patch cluster, type:
mkdir /opt/nortel/patches
3 Download the latest MDM 16.2 patch cluster from the Nortel Customer
Support web site
main.jsp and unzip it to the directory /opt/nortel/patches on the local
4 Change directories to access a script that automatically installs the patches,
cd /opt/nortel/patches
5 Uncompress and untar the MDM patch cluster, type
zcat <patch cluster> | tar -xvpf -
The extracted files are placed in the directory <patch cluster> under the
directory /opt/nortel/patches, for example:
6 Change to the directory <patch cluster> and install the MDM patch cluster,
7 Reboot the workstation, type:
init 6
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Variable definitions
Variable Value
<patch cluster> Name of the MDM patch cluster, for example,
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Removing MDM software
Remove selected Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) packages or to
remove all of the Multiservice Data Manager software.
This procedure is only required if the installation of the Multiservice Data
Manager software has failed.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Open a UNIX xterm on the Multiservice Data Manager workstation with
userID root.
2 If Secure Shell (SSH) software is installed on this workstation, remove the
SSHinit software package. Type:
/usr/sbin/pkgrm SSHinit
3 Change directories to the directory that contains the uninstall tool for the
software release to be removed.
cd /opt/MDM<release>_INST
4 Start the software removal tool InstallAnywhere Uninstaller. Type:
The following prompt appears:
Enter the environment DISPLAY to launch the MDM Installer
GUI [:0.0]
If you are using a UNIX console local to the workstation, press Enter.
If you are using a remote console, type the value for the DISPLAY variable.
This value can be a hostname or IP address with a console identifier as a
suffix. For example, BELTOR32:0.0 or
The InstallAnywhere Uninstaller window appears.
5 Select Uninstall.
A window appears that indicates the Multiservice Data Manager packages
available for removal.
6 Select the MDM packages to remove, and click Uninstall Selected
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Attention: If the purpose of this software removal is to remove obsolete versions of
the MDM software while retaining the current version, identify the MDM software
packages to remove by referring to the MDM Installer logs created during the
installation of the current version. See MDM Installer logs (page 51).
Select only those software packages that have had a newer version installed.
DO NOT remove MDM software packages that were not replaced during the MDM
software upgrade.
A progress bar indicates the stage of removal for each package.
A popup window indicates completion.
7 Click OK.
The Uninstaller logs are in the directory /opt/MagellanNMS/data/log/
<release>_Install_logs. For more information about uninstaller logs, see
MDM Uninstaller logs (page 59).
If any of the software packages cannot be successfully removed, contact
Nortel support.
Variable definitions
Procedure job aid
Variable Value
<release> The release number of the Multiservice Data
Manager software (for example, 161).
MDM Uninstaller logs
Log Description
stopServers The Multiservice Data Manager servers stopped
during a software upgrade.
Package_logs The detailed log files for each package uninstall.
For example: uninstall_MDM143Pbp,
Uninstall_summary.log A summary of the software uninstallation indicating
the package versions uninstalled and the package
uninstallations success or failure.
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Recovering from an incomplete MDM software installation
Remove Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) software that was only
partially installed as a result of MDM Installer failure.
Use this procedure to prepare the workstation before using the MDM Installer
to re-install the Multiservice Data Manager software.
Using the procedure Removing MDM software (page 58), remove the
MDM software package(s) that failed to install properly. If the Uninstaller
is successful in removing the software package that failed to install
properly, skip this procedure and proceed to Installing MDM software
(page 43).
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Open a UNIX xterm on the Multiservice Data Manager workstation with
userID root.
2 Open the file
3 Identify the last Multiservice Data Manager software package that was
partially or completely installed. Find the last occurrence of the following
Starting Installation of <package>
4 Perform the remaining steps in this procedure for each of the software
packages installed, or for those software packages that attempted to install
but failed during the last installation session. Begin with the software
package identified in step 3, and proceed upwards in the log file towards the
last occurrence of the following statement:
Starting new installer session for:
5 If the log messages for the software package include the following
statement, ignore this software package and proceed to the previous
software package:
This package will not be re-installed.
6 If the log messages for the software package include the following
statement, perform the remaining steps in this procedure:
Adding package...
7 Confirm the installation of the software package. Type:
/bin/pkginfo <package>
If the result of this command is the following:
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ERROR: information for "<package>" was not found
proceed to the previous software package in the log file.
If the result of this command is the following:
application <package> <package description>
perform the remaining steps in this procedure.
Attention: If the package is NNnds or NNs1is, run
-force -cleanup
-force -cleanup
before removing these two packages.
8 Remove the software package. Type:
/usr/sbin/pkgrm <package>
9 Respond to the pkgrm prompts.
If the software package cannot be successfully removed, contact Nortel
10 Return to step 5 until all of the software packages identified in the log file are
11 Proceed to Installing MDM software (page 43).
Variable definitions
Variable Value
<package> The name of a Multiservice Data Manager software
package (for example, NNlogbwsr).
<release> The Multiservice Data Manager software release
number (for example, 161).
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
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Nortel Confidential
Software configuration
Perform basic configuration of the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM)
To perform detailed configuration of the Multiservice Data Manager software,
use Nortel Multiservice Data Manager Documentation Roadmap
(NN10470-000) to identify the appropriate documents.
Prerequisites to software configuration
The Multiservice Data Manager software is installed.
Software configuration procedures
This task flow shows the sequence of procedures you perform to configure the
Multiservice Data Manager software. To go to any procedure, go to Software
configuration procedures (page 63) and click a link.
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Software configuration procedures
Will this MDM support
Multiservice Switches?
Will this MDM be used for
fault surveillance?
Will this MDM be used to
configure network devices?
Will this MDM be used for
data collection?
Configuring access to the MDM
Administration Database (page 68)
Configuring fault surveillance
(page 70)
Launching QuickStart
(page 65)
Configuring MDM to configure
network elements (page 73)
Configuring spooled data collection
(page 75)
Configuring network element access
(page 77)
Activating the MDM configuration
(page 80)
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Configuring the software procedures - Part 2
Will this MDM use HP-OV as
a fault client?
Will this MDM host the MDM
User Administration System
Create user accounts for Operator Clients
using NN10600-606, MDM Network Security:
User Access Configuration
Is a firewall installed
between the Operator Clients and
this MDM workstation?
Reconfigure this workstations
access ports using 241-6001-303,
Customization and Administration
Configure the MDM Network
Model using 241-6001-015,
MDM Network Model Administrator Guide
Configure the MDM software to backup
network service data using 241-6001-807,
MDM Network Backup and Restore
Customize the collection, conversion and
transfer of spooled data using
241-6001-309, MDM Management Data
Provider (MDP) User Guide
Will this MDM be used for
Data Collection?
Will this MDM support DPN-
100 switches?
Configure the MDM Network Configuration
Database (NCD) using 241-6001-308,
MDM Network Configuration Database for
DPN Administrator Guide
Configure the DPN SNMP Proxy Agent using
241-6001-210, MDM DPN SNMP Agent
User Guide
Configuring the workstation for MDM
online help (page 82)
Configuring the HP OpenView
Desktop software (page 84)
Create user accounts for Operator Clients, see
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager Network
SecurityUser Access (NN10470-606)
Reconfigure this workstations access ports,
see Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Administration (NN10470-303)
Configure the MDM software to backup network
service, see Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Network Backup and Restore (NN10470-807)
Customize the collection, conversion, and
transfer of spooled data see, Nortel Multiservice
Data Manager FundamentalsMDP Data
Collection (NN10470-309)
Configure the MDM Network Configuration
Database (NCD), see Nortel Multiservice Data
Manager Network Configuration Database
Administration for DPN (NN10470-308)
Configure the DPN SNMP Proxy Agent, see
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager SNMP Agent
for DPN (NN10470-210)
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Launching QuickStart
This procedure describes how to
launch the Multiservice Data Manager QuickStart tool,
register a new Multiservice Data Manager software license,
select the type of network elements to support from this workstation, and
select the Multiservice Data Manager software components to configure
on this workstation.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 If QuickStart was launched by the MDM Installer, go to step 3.
2 On the Multiservice Data Manager workstation, log on as userID root and
do one of the following:
In a UNIX xterm, type:
or from the Multiservice Data Manager Toolset, select
System->Administration->MDM Software QuickStart
3 If the Multiservice Data Manager software is already configured on this
workstation, the Warning: MDM Previously Configured window appears and
asks for confirmation to continue.
Are you sure you wish to continue?
If you continue, QuickStart copies the indicated Multiservice Data Manager
software configuration files to the directory /opt/MagellanNMS/data/
quickstart/backup. QuickStart then over-writes the Multiservice Data
Manager software configuration files.
Select Yes to continue.
Attention: QuickStart can be stopped at any time during the configuration process
by clicking the Cancel button.
If you make a mistake, use the Previous button to return to the appropriate window.
4 Click Next.
The QuickStart Introduction window appears.
5 Click Next.
If a valid Multiservice Data Manager software license exists on this
workstation, the License window appears and displays the existing license
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information including the enabled Multiservice Data Manager software
If a Multiservice Data Manager license does not exist on this workstation, or
if the license is invalid, the License window appears but displays no
information about existing Multiservice Data Manager software options.
6 Type a new Multiservice Data Manager software license in the New license
field and click Update.
7 Click Next.
The MDM Component Selection window appears.
8 Select the types of network elements to support and the Multiservice Data
Manager software components to configure on this workstation. The types
of network elements and software components are described in Network
elements and MDM software components (page 67).
The default is to support both Multiservice Switch and Multiservice Provider
Edge network elements. The default selects all of the Multiservice Data
Manager software components for configuration if a Multiservice Data
Manager software license with sufficient permission exists on this
For example, if a Management Data Provider (MDP) software license does
not exist on this workstation, the menu item Data Collection is greyed-out
and cannot be selected for configuration on this workstation.
Attention: Do not select a network element type that does not exist in the network
or a network element type that is not supported by this network management
9 Click Next.
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Procedure job aid
Network elements and MDM software components
Elements/Components Description
Multiservice Switch Devices Network Elements
Multiservice Provider Edge
(MPE) Devices
Network Elements
Fault Applications to display alarms and to provide a
network status of network elements and circuits.
Configuration Applications to configure network elements and
Data Collection The Management Data Provider (MDP)
application. An application that collects spooled
data from network elements.
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Configuring access to the MDM Administration Database
Configure access to the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM)
Administration Database.
This task is applicable to Multiservice Data Manager workstations that support
Nortel Multiservice Switch network elements, only.
Launch the QuickStart tool using Launching QuickStart (page 65).
The Database window is open.
Install and configure a Multiservice Data Manager Administration
For more information about the Multiservice Data Manager Administration
Database, see Nortel Multiservice Data Manager Administration
Database (NN10470-400).
Identify the Multiservice Data Manager Administration Database using
the Administration Database name
if the Administration Database is not installed on this workstation, the
hostname (or IP address) and the database access port number on
the remote workstation
the Administration Database access port number
the Administration Database access userID and password
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 If access to an Administration Database is not required, click No database.
The default.
If access to an Administration Database is required, click Administration
2 Click Next.
If you selected No database, return to the taskflow Software configuration
procedures (page 63).
The Database Information window appears.
3 Add the following Administration Database access information:
in the Database name field, add the database name, recognized by the
database server
in the Host name field, add the database hostname or host IP address
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in the Port number field, add the database host access port number.
The default port number is 1521.
in the User name field, add the database access user ID
in the Password field, add the password for user name
in the Confirm Password field, add the password for user name
4 Click Next.
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Configuring fault surveillance
Configure the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) software to collect
fault information from the network and to monitor the performance of network
elements and services.
Launch the QuickStart tool using Launching QuickStart (page 65).
The Fault Type Selection window is open.
Determine the status of this workstation as one of the following types of
fault workstations: Standalone Fault workstation, Standalone Fault with
redundancy workstation, Fault Alarm Aggregation workstation, or Fault
Client. For more information, see Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Planning (NN10470-102).
If this workstation supports Multiservice Switch network elements and is a
Standalone Fault, Standalone Fault with redundancy, or an Aggregated
Fault workstation, follow the instructions in Configuring access to the MDM
Administration Database (page 68).
If this workstation is a Standalone Fault with redundancy workstation,
identify the name of the remote Standalone Fault workstation from which
alarms will be received and to which alarms will be sent.
If this workstation supports Multiservice Switch network elements and this
workstation is a Standalone Fault or Standalone Fault with redundancy
workstation, identify the UTC offset used in the network.
If this workstation is a Fault Alarm Aggregation workstation, identify the
remote Multiservice Data Manager workstations that will send alarms to
this workstation.
If this workstation is a Fault Client, identify the hostname (or IP address)
of the associated Standalone Fault workstation.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Select the fault surveillance workstation type. The types of fault
workstations are described in Types of MDM Fault workstations (page 72).
The default is Standalone Fault.
2 Click Next.
If this workstation supports Multiservice Switch network elements and
you selected Standalone Fault or Standalone Fault with redundancy, go
to step 3.
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If this workstation supports only Multiservice Provider Edge network
elements and you selected Standalone Fault, return to Software
configuration procedures (page 63).
If this workstation supports only Multiservice Provider Edge network
elements and you selected Standalone Fault with redundancy, the UTC
Offset window appears. Go to step 5.
If you selected Fault Client, only, the Fault Client window appears.
Proceed to step 7.
If you selected Fault Alarm Aggregation, the Fault Alarm Aggregation
window appears. Go to step 9.
3 Configure the Universal Time (UTC) offset. For more information about
setting the UTC offset, see Nortel Multiservice Data Manager Administration
Reply to the following prompt:
Is the calculated value of MSSs UTC offset correct?
If the UTC offset is correct, click Yes. The default.
To specify a different UTC offset, click No and type the UTC offset hours in
the data entry box and select east or west in the pull-down box.
4 Click Next.
If you selected Standalone Fault, return to Software configuration
procedures (page 63).
If you selected Standalone Fault with redundancy, go to step 5. The
Fault Redundant window appears.
5 In the Workstation name field, type the name of the remote workstation from
which alarms will be received and to which alarms will be sent. The remote
workstation must also be configured as a Standalone Fault with redundancy
6 Click Next.
Return to Software configuration procedures (page 63).
7 Type the name of the associated Standalone Fault workstation in the
Workstation name field.
8 Click Next.
Return to Software configuration procedures (page 63).
9 To add a workstation to the list of Standalone Fault workstations, type the
name of the workstation in the Workstation Name field and click Add.
The Standalone Fault workstations name is displayed in the Workstation
Name table.
10 To change a Workstation Name table entry, select the table entry in the
Workstation Name table and change the Standalone Fault workstation
name. Click Modify.
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The changed Standalone Fault workstation name is displayed in the
Workstation Name table.
11 To remove a Workstation Name table entry, select the table entry in the
Workstation Name table and click Delete.
The Workstation Name table entry is removed from the Workstation Name
12 Click Next.
Procedure job aid
Types of MDM Fault workstations
Fault workstation Description
Standalone Fault Fault surveillance applications plus collects alarms from the network.
Standalone Fault with
Fault surveillance applications plus collects alarms from the network
and shares alarms with a remote MDM workstation.
Using QuickStart, configure the remote MDM workstation with this
Fault Client, only Fault surveillance applications but uses fault information collected on
an associated Standalone Fault workstation.
Fault Alarm Aggregation Fault surveillance applications but collects alarms from remote
Standalone Fault workstations.
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Configuring MDM to configure network elements
Configure the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) software to configure
network elements.
Launch the QuickStart tool using Launching QuickStart (page 65).
The Configuration Type window is open.
Determine the status of this workstation as one of the following types of
configuration workstations: Standalone Configuration workstation or
Configuration Client. For more information, see Nortel Multiservice Data
Manager Planning (NN10470-102).
If this workstation supports Multiservice Switch network elements and is a
Standalone Configuration workstation, follow the instructions in
Configuring access to the MDM Administration Database (page 68).
If this workstation is a Configuration Client, identify the hostname (or IP
address) of the associated Standalone Configuration workstation.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Select the configuration workstation type. The types of configuration
workstations are described in Types of MDM Configuration workstations
(page 74).
The default is Basic Configuration.
2 Click Next.
If you selected Basic Configuration, return to Software configuration
procedures (page 63).
If you selected Configuration Client, only, the Configuration Client window
3 Type the name of the associated Standalone Configuration workstation in
the Workstation name field.
4 Click Next.
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Procedure job aid
Types of MDM Configuration workstations
Configuration workstation Description
Basic Configuration (Standalone Configuration workstation)
Network element configuration applications plus
access to network elements.
Configuration Client, only Network element configuration applications.
Network element access is through another
Standalone Configuration workstation.
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Configuring spooled data collection
Configure the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) software to collect
spooled data from Nortel Multiservice Switch (MSS) and Nortel Multiservice
Provider Edge (MPE) network elements.
Launch the QuickStart tool using Launching QuickStart (page 65).
The Spooled Data Collection (MDP) window is open.
Identify the password for the userID root on this workstation.
If this workstation will be used to collect spooled data from Multiservice
Switches, obtain a userID (with the necessary permissions to collect
spooled data) and a password common to all of the Multiservice Switches.
If this workstation will be used to collect spooled data from Multiservice
Provider Edge network elements, obtain a userID (with the necessary
permissions to collect spooled data) and a password common to all of the
Multiservice Provider Edge network elements.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the panel MDP Admin Unix account:
Type the password for the userID root in the Password field. The
password is stored in an encrypted format.
In the Confirm Password field, type the MDP administrator userID
password again.
2 If this data collection workstation supports Multiservice Switches, the panel
MSS group for MDP is displayed. In this panel
Type a name for the Multiservice Switch group in the Group Name field.
The default group name is MDP. The Multiservice Switch network
elements configured in Configuring network element access (page 77)
are included in this group.
Type a userID in the data entry box User ID.
This userID must be configured on all of the Multiservice Switch network
elements in the group. The userID must contain the following minimum
permissions: a scope of network, impact of config, AllowedAccess
including FMIP and FTP.
Type the password for the Multiservice Switch userID in the Password
field. The password is stored in an encrypted format.
In the Confirm Password field, type the Multiservice Switch userID
password again.
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3 If this data collection workstation supports Multiservice Provider Edge
network elements, the panel MPE group for MDP is displayed. In this panel
Type a name for the Multiservice Provider Edge group in the Group
Name field.
The default group name is MDPMPE. The Multiservice Provider Edge
network elements configured in Configuring network element access
(page 77) are included in this group.
Type a userID in the User ID field.
This userID must be configured on all of the Multiservice Provider Edge
network elements in the group.
Type the password for the Multiservice Provider Edge userID in the
Password field. The password is stored in an encrypted format.
In the Confirm Password field, type the Multiservice Provider Edge
userID password again.
4 Click Next.
The MDM data collection software is configured to collect all datatypes from
all of the network elements in the new group(s). Data collection begins at
00:00 hours each day. For more information about customizing data
collection, see Nortel Multiservice Data Manager FundamentalsMDP
Data Collection (NN10470-309).
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Configuring network element access
Configure the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) software to access
Nortel Multiservice Switch (MSS) and Nortel Multiservice Provider Edge
(MPE) network elements.
The network data created using this procedure is added to the Host Group
Directory Server (HGDS) configuration file on the local workstation. For more
information about the HGDS, see Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
AdministrationServer Management (NN10470-310).
Update the HGDS at any time using the Host Group Administration tool
(hgadmin). For more information about this tool, see Nortel Multiservice Data
Manager Administration (NN10470-303).
You must perform one of these tasks before proceeding with this
Configuring fault surveillance (page 70)
Configuring MDM to configure network elements (page 73)
Configuring spooled data collection (page 75)
The <network_element> Access Data window is open.
Identify the node names and IP addresses of the network elements
supported by this workstation.
Identify the userIDs and passwords required to access the network
elements supported by this workstation.
If access information will be imported from another Multiservice Data
Manager workstation, identify this remote workstation and identify the
password for the userID root on the remote workstation.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 If network element access data is not being imported from another
Multiservice Data Manager workstation, go to step 5.
2 To import network element access data from another Multiservice Data
Manager workstation, click Import from HGDS.cfg file.
The Import <network_element> window appears.
3 Type:
the name of the remote Multiservice Data Manager workstation in the
Workstation Name field.
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root in the User ID field.
the password for the userID root on the remote Multiservice Data
Manager workstation in the Password field.
4 Click OK.
The Import <network_element> window closes.
The table following the <network_element> access information panel shows
the imported network element entries from the HGDS configuration file on
the remote MDM workstation.
5 In the panel <network_element> group names
If this workstation is being configured for MSS configuration and fault
surveillance, default MSS group names for Command access (PPALL)
and Surveillance (SURV) are displayed.
If this workstation is being configured for MSS fault surveillance only,
default MSS group names for Command access (PPALL) and
Surveillance (SURV) are displayed.
If this workstation is being configured for MSS configuration only, the
default MSS group name for Command access (PPALL) is displayed.
If this workstation is being configured for MPE configuration and fault
surveillance, default MPE group names for Command access
(MPEALL) and Surveillance (MPESURV) are displayed.
If this workstation is being configured for MPE fault surveillance only,
default MPE group names for Command access (MPEALL) and
Surveillance (MPESURV) are displayed.
If this workstation is being configured for MPE configuration only, the
default MPE group name for Command access (MPEALL) is displayed.
If this workstation is being configured for spooled data collection (MDP)
only, this panel is not displayed. The group name defaults to the name
configured in Configuring spooled data collection (page 75).
If necessary, replace the group name by double-clicking the group name
and typing a new name.
All of the network element access information added or changed using this
window is applied to all of the groups in the group names panel.
6 In the panel <network_element> group access
If this workstation is being configured for spooled data collection (MDP)
only, this panel is not displayed.
The information in this panel is mandatory for network element fault and
configuration access.
Type the network element access userID in the User ID field.
You must configure this userID on all of the network elements within the
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7 Type the password for the network element access userID in the Password
The password is stored in an encrypted format.
8 In the Confirm password field, type the password for the network element
access userID.
9 To add network elements to the group(s), in the panel <network_element>
access information:
type the network element name in the Node name field
type the IP address for the network element in the IP address field
click Add
The network element name and IP address appear in the table.
10 To change a network element in the panel <network_element> access
click the entry in the table following the <network_element> access
information panel. The network element name and IP address appear
in the data entry boxes.
to change the network element name, re-type the name in the Node
name field
to change the IP address, re-type the IP address in the IP address field
click Modify
The modified network element name and IP address appear in the table.
11 To remove a network element from the group(s), in the panel
<network_element> access information
click the entry in the table following the <network_element> access
information panel. The network element name and IP address appear.
click Delete
The network element entry is removed from the table.
12 Click Next.
Variable definitions
Variable Value
<network_element> MSS or MPE
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Activating the MDM configuration
Apply the configuration settings selected to the Nortel Multiservice Data
Manager (MDM) software using QuickStart.
Configure the network elements using Configuring network element
access (page 77).
The Summary window is open.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 The Summary window displays Multiservice Data Manager software
configuration information collected during this QuickStart session. The
following reminders may appear:
for Fault Client workstations, configure the associated Standalone Fault
for Configuration Client workstations, configure the associated
Standalone Configuration workstation
for Standalone Fault with redundancy workstations, configure the
remote Standalone Fault with redundancy workstation
the shared memory is set to 256 Mbytes. If the amount of shared
memory is insufficient, use the instructions in Nortel Multiservice Data
Manager Administration (NN10470-303) to change the setting
2 If the information in the Summary window is not correct, click Previous until
the QuickStart window requiring change appears.
3 If the information in the Summary window is correct, click Configure.
The Configuration Complete window appears.
The Configuration Complete window indicates:
successful configuration of this workstation
the updated configuration files
The following prompt appears:
Reboot the workstation immediately after exiting MDM QuickStart?
4 Click Yes.
5 Click Done.
The QuickStart wizard window closes.
The local Multiservice Data Manager servers start after the workstation is
restarted. For more information about Multiservice Data Manager servers,
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see Nortel Multiservice Data Manager AdministrationServer
Management (NN10470-310).
A log of this QuickStart session is written to the file
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Configuring the workstation for MDM online help
Configure the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) workstation to ensure
that the Multiservice Data Manager online help system functions correctly.
The Multiservice Data Manager software is installed.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Determine the version of Mozilla or Netscape currently installed on this
As the userID root, in a UNIX xterm, type
/usr/sfw/lib/mozilla/mozilla -version
/usr/dt/appconfig/netscape/netscape -version
Compare this result to the Web browser version recommended in the
Multiservice Data Manager 16.2 Release Supplement document.
If the version of Mozilla or Netscape currently installed is compatible with the
recommended version in the Release Supplement, this task is complete.
If the version of Mozilla or Netscape currently installed is not compatible with
the recommended version in the Release Supplement, continue with this
2 Install the recommended version of Mozilla or Netscape.
For Mozilla, install the browser in this directory, /usr/sfw/lib/mozilla/.
For Netscape, install the browser in this directory,
If you successfully installed the Mozilla or Netscape application, this
procedure is complete.
If you did not install the Mozilla or Netscape browser, continue with this
3 Install the Mozilla or Netscape browser in the directory of your choice.
4 If you installed Netscape, perform one of these steps: step 5, or step 6, or
step 7.
If you installed Mozilla, perform step 6.
5 Type the following command to create the default Multiservice Data
Manager user configuration for your userID:
/opt/MagellanNMS/bin/nmsuser <userID>
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For more information about the nmsuser command, see Nortel Multiservice
Data Manager Administration (NN10470-303) and Nortel Multiservice Data
Manager AdministrationFundamentals (NN10470-305).
completed this procedure.
6 If you installed Netscape, create a soft link to the Netscape browser. As the
root userID, type:
ln -s <netscape> /usr/dt/appconfig/netscape/netscape
If you installed Mozilla, create a soft link to the Mozilla browser. As the root
userID, type:
ln -s <mozilla> /usr/sfw/lib/mozilla/mozilla
You have completed this procedure.
7 Copy the file /opt/MagellanNMS/bin/nmscsh to
8 If you installed Netscape, edit the file /opt/MagellanNMS/cfg/nmscsh.
Replace this line, setenv NMSWEBBROWSER /usr/dt/appconfig/netscape
with this:
setenv NMSWEBBROWSER <netscape>
Variable definitions
Variable Value
<netscape> The absolute path name for the installed Netscape
<mozilla> The absolute path name for the installed Mozilla
<userID> Your UNIX userID on this workstation.
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Configuring the HP OpenView Desktop software
Configure the Hewlett-Packard (HP) OpenView Desktop software on the
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) workstation.
The HP OpenView Desktop is a third-party application used to display
network fault information. The HP OpenView Desktop is an optional feature
provided with the Multiservice Data Manager software.
Nortel does not support the installation of the HP OpenView Desktop on a
workstation with the Multiservice Data Manager SNMP Surveillance Adapter
or on a workstation with Multiservice Data Manager device integration
software cartridges.
The Multiservice Data Manager software is installed.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 On the Multiservice Data Manager workstation, as userID root, open a UNIX
2 Edit the file /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/C/nortel/nms/odn/ovdam.cfg.
3 The first line of this file indicates the location of the primary NDAM server.
Create the first line of the file using the following syntax:
ndamServer: NDAM<service_name>@<host|ip_address>
4 Optionally, if an alternate NDAM server is available, create a second line in
the preceding file to indicate the location of the alternate NDAM server.
5 Optionally, create a third line in the preceding file to indicate the name of a
device set file used to filter surveillance information. The device set file must
exist on the same MDM workstation as the NDAM server. Create this line
using the following syntax:
deviceSet: <device_set_file>
6 The file ovdam.cfg contains an entry that indicates the name of the default
typeset file used by NDAM. Do not modify this entry. An example of this
entry follows:
compTypeSet: OMS_MSS
7 Save the file /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/C/nortel/nms/odn/ovdam.cfg.
8 Ensure that the file permissions for this file are set correctly. Type
chmod 755 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/C/nortel/nms/odn/
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9 Restart the OVDAM and OVAT processes. Type the following two
commands in sequence:
/opt/OV/bin/ovstart ovdam
/opt/OV/bin/ovstart ovat
10 List the status of OV processes. Type
Ensure that the following processes are running:
11 If one of the processes is not running, start the process by typing
/opt/OV/bin/ovstart <process_name>
Variable definitions
Variable Value
<device_set_file> The name of a device set file defined for the NDAM server without the
NDAM prefix and the .dev extension. For example, if the file name is, the name of the device set is
<host | ip_address> The host name or IP address of the Multiservice Data Manager
workstation that runs NDAM. To use the host name, the IP address
must be mapped to the hostname in the file /etc/hosts or the
workstation must have access to a Naming Information Service
(yellow pages) server that maps the IP address to the host name. If
there is no mapping, specify the IP address of the workstation.
<process_name> Is one of OVsPMD, ovwdb, pmd, ovat, ovdam, or OVLicenseMgr.
<service_name> The service name of the NDAM process. If there is only one NDAM
process running on the MDM workstation and you chose not to
specify a service name in the command to start the NDAM process,
enter NDAM and omit the service name.
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Installation and Commissioning Software
Copyright 2007 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved
Sourced in Canada and the United States of America.
Publication: NN10470-100
Document status: Standard
Document issue: 01.03
Document date: May 2007
Product release: 16.2
Job function: Installation and Commissioning
Type: NTP
Language type: U.S. English
Nortel, the Nortel logo, and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
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