Evaluation of The Results From Surgical Treatment of The Terrible Triad of The Elbow

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2014;4 9(3):271278
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Original article
Evaluation of the results from surgical treatment of the
terrible triad of the elbow
Alberto Naoki Miyazaki, Caio Santos Checchia, Lorenzo Fagotti, Marcelo Fregonez,
Pedro Doneux Santos, Luciana Andrade da Silva

, Guilherme do Val Sella,

Sergio Luiz Checchi
Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, School of Medical Sciences, Santa Casa de So Paulo, So Paulo, SP, Brazil
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 8 April 2013
Accepted 11 June 2013
Available online 20 March 2014
Internal fracture xation
a b s t r a c t
Objective: to evaluate the results from surgical treatment of the terrible triad of the elbow
(fracture of the radial head, fracture of the coronoid process and elbow dislocation) and its
Methods: between August 2002 and August 2010, 15 patients (15 elbows) with the terrible
triad were treated by the Shoulder and Elbow Group of the Department of Orthopedics and
Traumatology, School of Medical Sciences, Santa Casa de So Paulo. Nine (60%) were male
and six (40%) were female; their ages ranged from 21 to 66 years, with a mean of 41 years.
With the exception of one case that underwent arthroscopic surgery, all the patients under-
went open surgery. The fracture of the coronoid process was xed in 10 patients (66.7%).
The fracture of the radial head was treated by means of internal osteosynthesis in 11 cases
(73.3%); inthree cases (20%), the radial head was resected; and inone case, only the fragment
of the fracture was resected. The collateral ligaments, except for one case, were repaired
whenever they were found to be injured; ten cases (66.7%) of medial collateral injury and 15
(100%) of lateral collateral injury were found. The mean length of the postoperative follow-
up was 62 months, with a minimumof 12 months. The postoperative evaluation was done
by means of the Bruce score.
Results: more than 80% of the patients recovered their functional ranges of motion but,
according to the Bruce score, only 26%of the patients achieved results that were considered
Conclusion: despite the unsatisfactory results, the functional ranges of motion and elbow
function could be restored.
2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Published by Elsevier Editora
Ltda. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Naoki Miyazaki A, Santos Checchia C, Fagotti L, Fregonez M, Doneux Santos P, da Silva LA, et al. Avaliac o
dos resultados do tratamento cirrgico da trade terrvel do cotovelo. Rev Bras Ortop. 2014;49:271278.

Work performed in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, School of Medical Sciences, Santa Casa de So Paulo (DOT-
FCMSCSP), Fernandinho Simonsen Wing, So Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Corresponding author.
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] (L.A. da Silva).
2255-4971/$ see front matter 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
272 rev bras ortop. 2014;4 9(3):271278
Avaliaco dos resultados do tratamento cirrgico da trade terrvel do
Fixac o interna de fraturas
r e s u m o
Objetivo: avaliar o resultado do tratamento cirrgico da trade terrvel do cotovelo (fratura
da cabec a do rdio e do processo coronoide e luxac o do cotovelo) e suas complicac es.
Mtodos: entre agosto de 2002 e agosto de 2010 foram tratados 15 cotovelos (15 pacientes)
com trade terrvel pelo Grupo de Ombro e Cotovelo do Departamento de Ortopedia e Trau-
matologia da Faculdade de Cincias Mdicas da Santa Casa de So Paulo. Nove (60%) eram
do sexo masculino e seis (40%) do feminino; a idade variou de 21 a 66, com mdia de 41.
Com a excec o de umcaso, que foi submetido a cirurgia artroscpica, todos foramsubmeti-
dos a cirurgia aberta. A fratura do processo coronoide foi xada em10 pacientes (66,7%). A
fratura da cabec a do rdio foi submetida a osteossntese interna em 11 casos (73,3%); em
trs (20%), a cabec a do rdio foi ressecada; em um caso, somente o fragmento da fratura
foi ressecado. Os ligamentos colaterais, comexcec o de umcaso, foramreparados sempre
que se encontrassemlesados; foramencontradas 10 (66,7%) leses do colateral medial e 15
(100%) do lateral. O seguimento no perodo ps-operatrio foi, emmdia, de 62 meses, com
mnimo de 12. A avaliac o ps-operatria foi feita por meio do escore de Bruce.
Resultados: mais de 80%dos pacientes recuperaramos arcos de movimentos funcionais e, de
acordo como escore de Bruce, apenas 26%obtiveramresultados considerados satisfatrios.
Concluso: apesar dos resultados insatisfatrios, os arcos funcionais de movimento e a
func o do cotovelo podemser restaurados.
2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Publicado por Elsevier
Editora Ltda. Todos os direitos reservados.
Dislocation of the elbow in association with fracturing of the
head of the radius and the coronoid process of the elbow is
called the terrible triad of the elbow (TTE) (Fig. 1A and B).
This termwas coined by Hotchkiss
and has been used in the
literature since then because of the greater difculty of man-
aging this entity and the poor results obtained, particularly
when compared with treatment of simple dislocation of the
In 2002, Ring et al.
evaluated the results from surgical
treatment of 11 patients with TTE and observed that the
results were unsatisfactoryinmost cases. Theyalsofoundthat
all the cases that underwent resectionof the radial head, with-
out arthroplastic replacement, evolved unsatisfactorily and
required a surgical approach.
Making the right diagnosis is difcult but important,
given that early treatment has a positive inuence on the
TTE may evolve with severe sequelae such as
chronic pain, joint stiffness, post-traumatic arthrosis andjoint
instability, among others.
The functional arc of Morrey et al.
for the elbow includes
a minimum of 100

of exion (from 30

to 130

) and 100

forearmrotation (50

of pronation to 50

of supination). Inca-
pacity to maintain stability within this arc when the elbow is
immobilized using a jointed orthosis is an indication for surgi-
cal treatment in TTE cases. Other indications are the presence
of displaced joint fractures, incapacity to achieve reduction of
the dislocation
and locking of the range of motion.
The principles of the surgical treatment are to perform
reduction and stable xation of the coronoid process; to
restore the anatomy of the radial head by means of xation
of the fracture or arthroplastic replacement; and to obtain lat-
eral stability through repairing the lateral ligament complex
and the secondary restrictors (posterolateral capsule and ori-
gin of the extensor musculature of the wrist). Repairing the
medial collateral ligament is indicated in patients who, dur-
ing the operation, continue to present residual instability. A
transarticular jointedexternal xator canbe usedincases pre-
senting residual instability even after surgical reconstruction
of the abovementioned structures.
The objective of this study was to report on our experience
of treating this difcult condition and to analyze and discuss
the results obtained and complications encountered.
Materials and methods
At the screening stage, the inclusion criteria were that the
patients needed to present a mature skeleton and to have
undergone primary treatment of TTE with a minimum post-
operative follow-up of 12 months. The exclusion criteria were
cases of an immature skeleton, previous disease in the elbow
or other associated lesions that might compromise elbow
function (e.g. fractures of the distal extremity of the humerus,
the diaphyses and the proximal metaphyses of the ulna and
radius etc.), with previous surgical treatment for the injury or
postoperative follow-up of less than 12 months.
Between August 2002 and August 2010, 21 patients with
TTE but without associated injuries were treated surgically by
the Shoulder and ElbowGroup of the Department of Orthope-
dics and Traumatology, Fernandinho Simonsen Wing, School
of Medical Sciences, Santa Casa de So Paulo. Of these, 15
(71.4%) were includedinthis series because theymet the inclu-
sion criteria that had been established (Table 1).
rev bras ortop. 2014;4 9(3):271278 273
Fig. 1 Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of a dislocated left
elbow (case 10). White arrow, fragment of the fracture of the
coronoid process. Black arrows, fragments of the fracture of
the radial head (a). Lateral radiograph of a dislocated left
elbow (case 10). White arrow, fragment of the fracture of the
radial head. Black arrow, fragment of the fracture of the
coronoid process (b).
The patients mean age at the time of the treatment was 41
years and four months, with a range from21 to 66. Nine (60%)
were male and six (40%) were female. The dominant side was
affected in eleven cases (73.3%) (Table 1).
The trauma mechanism in 10 patients (66.7%) was low-
energy (falling to the ground). The others (33.3%) suffered
high-energy trauma (falls froma height) (Table 1).
The classicationusedfor the fractures of the coronoidpro-
cess was the one proposed by Regan and Morrey.
(86.7%) were classied as type I (fractures of the apex of the
coronoid process alone) and two (13.3%), as type II (fracturing
with fragments, of up to 50% of the height of the coronoid).
None of the cases had a fracture classied as type III (frag-
ments greater than50%of the height of the coronoid) (Table 1).
To evaluate the severity of the fractures of the head of the
radius, we used Masons original classication.
Two cases
(13.3%) were classied as type II (marginal fractures with dis-
placement) and 13 (86.7%), as type III (comminuted fractures
involving the entire head of the radius). None of the fractures
were classied as type I (ssure or marginal fracture without
displacement) (Table 1).
With the exception of case 3, which underwent an arthro-
scopic procedure, all the cases underwent open operations, by
means of the lateral access to the elbowdescribedby Kaplan,
followed by a medial access.
In 10 cases (66.7%), medial collateral ligament injuries were
observed. In ve cases (33.3%), this ligament was found to
be undamaged. Injuries to the lateral ligament complex were
seen in all the cases (Table 1).
The patients underwent closed reduction of the disloca-
tion and immobilization of the elbowwith a plaster-cast splint
extending from the axilla to the palm, until the surgery was
performed. The patients who came to our service with the
joint already reduced were immobilized in the same manner.
The mean time interval between the trauma and the surgery
was eight days, with a range fromone to 24 (Table 1).
Regarding the surgical treatment, the fracture of the radial
head underwent open reduction and internal xation in 10
cases (66.7%). In four cases, osteosynthesis was performed
only using screws, and in six cases, with a plate and screws. In
case 3, the reduction was done by means of arthroscopic view-
ing and the xation was done using a Herbert screw. In three
cases (20%), the radial head was completely resected (cases 13,
14 and 15). In case 12, only the lateral fragment of the radial
head fracture was resected (Table 1).
Regarding the fractures of the coronoid process of the ulna,
the fracture was reduced as an open procedure and was xed
in accordance with the technique described by Morrey,
10 cases (66.7%). In this technique, two sutures with non-
absorbable No. 5 thread were performed by passing the thread
around the bone fragment (including the anterior joint cap-
sule) and then through two bone tunnels to the posterior face
of the ulna, where they were tied off, like in the classical
pull-out technique (Fig. 2A and B). In one case, the bone frag-
ment was resected arthroscopically (case 3), and in four cases
(26.7%), the fracture was not dealt with (Table 1).
All the collateral ligament injuries were treated by means
of transosseous sutures, without the aid of anchors, with the
exception of case 3, in which the injury to the lateral collateral
ligament was not repaired.
In no case was residual intraoperative instability observed
that would justify the use of transarticular external xation of
the elbow.
In case 8, because of instability of the distal radioulnar
joint and injury to the interosseous membrane of the forearm
(Essex-Lopresti injury),
this joint underwent closed reduc-
tion and xation with a Kirschner wire at 60

of supination
of the forearm, which was then maintained for four weeks
(Table 1).
To evaluate the range of motion (ROM), we took complete
extension to be 0

and exion to be the great degrees of

movement made fromthis parameter. Deciency of extension
was noted as a negative number (for example, a deciency of
extension of 10

was noted as 10

). Pronation and supination




















Table 1 Clinical data on the patients.
Age Sex Dominant
Morrey Mason LCL
Time interval
fromtrauma to
surgery (days)
Radial head Coronoid Postoperative
Flexion Extension Pronation Supination Quantitative
1 66 F FS 1 3 + + 6 Plate Not xed 120 130 35 70 90 86.125 Fair
2 55 F + FS 1 3 + + 2 4 screw Not xed 12 140 30 20 80 79.375 Poor
3 28 M + Fall from
1 2 + 17 Arthroscopic
22 130 0 90 90 96.125 Excellent
4 49 F + FS 1 3 + + 9 2 screws Not xed 94 140 0 90 90 100 Excellent
5 31 M + Fall from
1 3 + 13 Plate Pull-out 63 140 15 50 55 81.125 Fair
6 21 M + Fall from
1 3 + 14 Plate Pull-out 67 140 10 20 0 61.125 Poor
7 26 M + FS 1 3 + 5 Plate Pull-out 62 140 10 90 70 94.375 Good
8 42 M Fall from
1 3 + + 1 4 screws Pull-out 109 130 30 35 40 72.81 Poor
9 26 M FS 1 3 + + 24 Plate Pull-out 85 130 5 90 45 83.75 Fair
10 44 M Fall from
2 2 + + 7 3 screws Pull-out 32 130 50 70 60 77.375 Poor
11 28 F + FS 2 3 + + 6 Plate Pull-out 24 120 10 60 55 80 Poor
12 37 M + FS 1 3 + + 10 Resection of
Pull-out 119 120 20 90 45 82.0625 Fair
13 64 F + FS 1 3 + 7 Resection of
Not xed 37 130 0 90 80 96.25 Excellent
14 44 M + FS 1 3 + + 4 Resection of
Pull-out 66 130 10 65 75 88.75 Fair
15 59 F + FS 1 3 + + 6 Resection of
Pull-out 31 115 25 90 90 88.625 Fair
#, case number; M, male gender; F, female gender; FS, fall from standing position; Morrey, classication proposed by Reagan and Morrey for fractures of the coronoid process; Mason, classication
proposed by Mason for fractures of the radial head; LCL, lateral collateral ligament; MCL, medial collateral ligament; Radial head, xation method for fractures of the radial head; Coronoid, xation
method for fractures of the coronoid process; pull-out, surgical technique for xation of fractures of the coronoid process (see text); Postoperative follow-up, time interval between the surgery and
the last outpatient evaluation; Quantitative Bruce, total score on the scale developed by Bruce et al.; Qualitative Bruce, classication systemproposed by Bruce et al. for evaluating the resultant score.
rev bras ortop. 2014;4 9(3):271278 275
Fig. 2 Intraoperative photograph (left elbow; medial
access). White arrow, sutures (No. 5 non-absorbable thread)
passing around the fragment of the coronoid process and
the anterior joint capsule. Black arrow, percutaneous exit of
the threads through the posterior face of the ulna (a).
Lateral radiograph of the left elbow (case 10) in the
immediate postoperative period. White arrow, bone tunnel
for xation of the fragment of the coronoid process by
means of the pull-out technique. Osteosynthesis of the
fracture of the radial head using traction screws (b).
were measured fromthe neutral rotation position of the fore-
The analysis on the results was based on the score devel-
oped by Bruce et al.
(Fig. 3). All the variables were analyzed
statistically by means of Students t test, with a signicance
level of 5%.
With a mean follow-up of 62 months and 24 days (range:
12120 months), three patients achievedresults that were con-
sidered to be excellent (20%), one good (7%), six fair (40%) and
ve poor (33%) (Table 1).
The mean amplitude of elbow exion was 131

, with a
range from 115

to 140

; for extension, 16

, ranging from

to 0

; for pronation, 68

, ranging from20

to 90

; and for
supination, 64

, ranging from 0

to 90

. Twelve patients (80%)

attained a minimumexion-extension ROMof 100

; 13 (86.7%)
attained a minimumpronation-supination ROMof 100

tional arcs of Morreyet al.
) (Table 1). Cases 2, 6 and8 presented
signicant decits of pronation-supination.
In relation to activities of daily living, 13 patients (86.7%)
reported that they had recovered the function of the affected
limb, in comparison with the contralateral limb. Two patients
presented partial limitation of function (Table 1).
Only one patient complained of pain (case 3), but this
pain was mild and did not compromise the patients activities
(Table 1).
All the fractures that were xed became consolidated,
although in case 2, consolidation of the fracture of the radial
head was delayed. None of the cases presented joint instabil-
ity. Clinical examinations onfour patients (26.7%) showed that
they presented loading angles greater than 10

, and in seven
patients (46.7%) there was some angular displacement of the
elbow. Nonetheless, all the patients were satised regarding
the nal cosmetic appearance (Table 1).
Range of motion (ROM)
(60 points)
Number of points for ROM = 60
(percentage incapacity of the upper limb X 0.6)
Activities of daily living (ADLs) and
professional status
(20 points)
Function equal to that of the other limb 20
Independent regarding ADLs; not more than two manual limitations
Incapable of performing three or more ADLs; three or more manual
limitations; need to change occupation 10
Incapable of performing four or more ADLs; occupational incapacity 5
Pain (15 points) No pain 15
Slight pain without compromising the activity 13
Pain interfering with the activity 10
Pain causing avoidance of some activities 5
Pain causing distress and avoidance of activities 0
Anatomy (5 points) Cosmetic appearance 1
Without clinical angulation - 1
Without clinical dislocation 1
Clinical alteration of the loading angle less than 10 1
Radiological consolidation 1
Result (Total: 100 points)
Fig. 3 Scores for anatomical and functional assessment of the elbow (Bruce et al.).
276 rev bras ortop. 2014;4 9(3):271278
Fig. 4 Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of the left elbow
(case 10), seven months after the operation. White arrows,
heterotopic ossication.
In our series, the mean quantitative Bruce score for the
patients affected on the dominant side was 86 points, while
for the other group, the value was 80. There was no statistically
signicant difference between these two groups (p=0.201).
Regarding the trauma mechanism, the patients who had
suffered low-energy trauma had a mean quantitative Bruce
score of 88 points. The patients with a high-energy trauma
mechanism had a mean of 77.7, without any statistically sig-
nicant difference (p=0.152).
The mean quantitative Bruce score for the patients with
fracture of the coronoid process that were classied as Mor-
rey type I was 85 points, while for the patients with fractures
classied as type II, the score was 78.7 (p=0.059), also without
any statistical difference.
In our sample, 10 cases of fractures of the coronoid pro-
cess (66.7%) were xed and ve (33.7%) were not. Among those
that were not xed, the mean quantitative Bruce score was
91.57 points; while for those that were xed, the mean was
80.9 points. This difference was not shown to be statistically
signicant (p=0.056).
Two patients (13.3%) evolved with neuropraxia of the ulnar
(cases 1 and 5) and one (6.7%) evolved with heterotopic ossi-
cation (case 10) (Fig. 4). This patient underwent reoperation 32
months after the rst surgery in order to gain extension, with
went from50

to 0

after anterior and posterior open release.

Case 6 had an indication for removal of the synthesis material
and anterior release in order to gain supination ROM, but the
procedure was not performed, at the patients own request. It
is important to emphasize that our study evaluated the results
before the possible treatment for these complications.
Dislocated fractures of the elbow in young patients are often
associated with high-energy trauma. These are therefore
severe injuries with a high complication rate.
In our sample, the patients mean age was 41 years and
four months, and this was seen to be similar to ndings from
other studies.
Among our patients, 60% were male and
40% were female; these proportions were also found in the
In relation to the trauma mechanism, there was a discrep-
ancy between the ndings from our cases (66.7% with low
energy) and those of other series, in which high-energy mech-
anisms predominated.
The dominant side was affected in 73.3% of our patients,
which was greater than what was found in another two
which both found this to be 58%. Like Gomide
et al.,
we did not nd any statistical correlation between the
proportion with the dominant side affected and the result
The fractures found inTTE cases (coronoid and radial head)
have been found to vary in severity. In this regard, certain
points relating to their respective classications need to be
borne in mind.
Fractures of the coronoid process classied as Morrey type
I occurred in 86.7% of our patients, while type II fractures
occurred in 13.3%. A similar relationship was found in a series
examined in 2010.
In other series,
Morrey type I fractures
also predominated, but not as clearly. In the series reported
by Ring et al.,
in 2002, all the 11 cases were classied as type
II fractures. In our study, we did not observe any statistical
association between the type of fracture of the coronoid pro-
cess and the clinical result, just like Gomide et al.
The latter
was the only study in the literature that made a statistical
assessment for this comparison.
There is some controversy regarding the need for xation
for Morrey type I fractures. According to some authors, any
fracture of the coronoid process associated with dislocation
of the elbow is a major marker of instability, regardless of its
However, these fractures can also be treated conserva-
tively, according to other authors.
In our sample, most of the fractures of the coronoid pro-
cess were xed. Among the ve patients who did not undergo
xation of the coronoid process, two obtained unsatisfactory
results and three, excellent results, according to the qual-
itative Bruce score. In our evaluation, we did not nd any
statistically signicant difference between the cases that did
and did not undergo xation of the coronoid process. This
result is different from that of other series.
In the study by
Chemama et al.,
in 2010, the Mayo scores were better among
the patients who underwent xation than among those who
did not undergo coronoid xation, although these authors did
not performany statistical analysis on their results.
Surgical treatment is recommended for type II and III frac-
tures of the coronoid process.
Among our patients, we did
not nd any case classied as Morrey type III; in the two cases
classied as type II, the fractures were xed.
Out of all the patients in this study, 13 (86.7%) suffered frac-
tures of the radial head that were classied as Mason type III
and two as type II (13.3%). In the literature, we found a slight
predominance of Mason type III fractures in TTE cases.
In theory, a high-energy mechanism could give rise to
greater physical damage to the elbow and result in fractures
that are more comminuted, with involvement of the entire
radial head. In our sample, the radial head fractures of all the
rev bras ortop. 2014;4 9(3):271278 277
10 patients who were victims of low-energy accidents (66.7%)
were classied as Mason type III. On the other hand, among
the ve patients with high-energy trauma, two were Mason
type II and three were type III. There was no statistical dif-
ference in the nal results obtained for each group. Gomide
et al.,
in 2012, did not nd any statistically signicant corre-
lation between the fracture pattern of the radial head and the
clinical result.
The radial head is an important secondary stabilizer
against valgus stress and posterior translation of the elbow.
In unstable elbows associated with fractures of the coronoid,
the stabilizing function of the radial head should be pre-
served whenever possible, either by means of reconstruction
or through replacement by a prosthesis. Resection arthro-
plasty is not recommended in TTE cases, because of the risk of
instability and arthrosis.
Nonetheless, this was done
in three (20%) of our 15 patients, after failure in the attempts
to performosteosynthesis, because of the high degree of com-
minution. A prosthesis was not used, because there was none
available at our service at that time. However, in analyzing
these three cases separately, we observed that they did not
evolve with severe complications: two were classied qualita-
tively as fair and one as excellent. Nonetheless, it should
be emphasized that if a prosthesis had beenavailable, it would
have been used in these cases.
Similar studies have found injuries of the lateral ligament
complex in all patients, which were always repaired.
In our
series, these injuries were also observed in all the cases and
were surgically repaired, except in case 3. In this case, after
reductionandarthroscopic xationof the fracture of the radial
head, there was no signicant residual instability of the elbow
and therefore it was decided not to performligament repair. It
is worth emphasizing that this repair would have been done
as an open procedure if it had been necessary.
The protocol most used for managing TTE includes repair
of injuries to the coronoid process, fractures of the radial
head and injuries to the lateral ligament complex. Explo-
ration and repair of the medial collateral ligament are done
if there is any residual instability of the elbow.
medial surgical exploration was done in all of our patients
and ligament injuries were found in ten cases (66.7%). All
of these were repaired. In our opinion, and in agreement
with Jeong et al.,
integrity of the medial ligament of the
elbow is important in recovering function after this severe
injury (TTE). In this manner, we routinely explored this lig-
ament in 100% of our cases and found injuries in 66.7%.
Clearly, it can be argued to the contrary that in 33.3% of
the cases, the medial route was used unnecessarily. Never-
theless, it should be emphasized that several injuries were
found without there being any residual instability after con-
ventional treatment of the primary injuries. In our opinion,
a simple investigative method for preoperative evaluation
should for used in order to ascertain in advance whether
the medial region of the elbow should be explored surgi-
cally in TTE cases. This is a current study objective at our
The nding that only 26.7%of the results were satisfactory
(good or excellent, according to the Bruce scores) is something
that can be debated. Although the results were categorized in
this manner, it should be emphasized that 12 patients (80%)
attained a minimum exion-extension ROM of 100

and 13
(86.7%) attained a minimum pronation-supination ROM of

(arcs of movement of Morrey et al.

). These are consid-
ered to be the minimum functional ROMs for the joints that
make up the elbow and forearm. These results were similar
to those found in other series.
However, most authors
have used different assessment scores
that do not take the
pronation-supination ROM into consideration. Thus, there is
the possibility of obtaining a good or excellent score even if
there are limitations on pronation and supination. The Bruce
score takes into account both arcs of movement, i.e. exion-
extensionandpronation-supinationandmay thus expandthe
spectrum of analyses on the results. Among the ve cases
that were considered to be qualitatively poor, three had sig-
nicant losses of pronation-supination, even though they had
a functional arc for exion-extension (cases 2, 6 and 8).
Other criteria evaluated in the Bruce score are activities of
daily living, residual painandcosmetic appearance. Inrelation
to activities of daily living, 86.7% of the patients reported that
they had recovered function in the affected limb, in compari-
son with the contralateral limb. Only one patient complained
of pain (of mild intensity and without compromising his activ-
ities) and all the patients were satised with the nal cosmetic
We found that, according to the Bruce score, only 26.7% of
the results obtained were good and excellent. Thus, 73.3% of
the results were unsatisfactory, despite recovery of Morreys
functional movement arc in more than 80% of the patients.
Conicts of interest
The authors declare that there were no conicts of interest.
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