The document provides many ways for stay-at-home parents to earn money from home, including blogging, surveys, mystery shopping, online shopping, and more. It offers specific program and site recommendations for each category as well as tips for success. The author aims to share methods they have personally found effective.
The document provides many ways for stay-at-home parents to earn money from home, including blogging, surveys, mystery shopping, online shopping, and more. It offers specific program and site recommendations for each category as well as tips for success. The author aims to share methods they have personally found effective.
The document provides many ways for stay-at-home parents to earn money from home, including blogging, surveys, mystery shopping, online shopping, and more. It offers specific program and site recommendations for each category as well as tips for success. The author aims to share methods they have personally found effective.
The document provides many ways for stay-at-home parents to earn money from home, including blogging, surveys, mystery shopping, online shopping, and more. It offers specific program and site recommendations for each category as well as tips for success. The author aims to share methods they have personally found effective.
The document discusses various ways for stay-at-home moms to earn extra money, such as blogging, surveys, affiliate marketing, online shopping and starting their own business.
Some ways mentioned to earn extra money from home include blogging, doing surveys, mystery shopping, online shopping, and starting your own business.
Tips provided for successful blogging include using affiliate marketing networks to earn commissions, sharing coupon codes to save others money and earn referrals, and attending classes on profitable blogging.
50+ Ways To Earn
Money From Home
A Real-Life Mom Shares Real-life Ways to Make Money From Home This e-book is a resource provided to you by Please do not distribute this list but instead refer others to our blog to download their own copy. Thank you! Looking for a way or two to earn some extra money? As a stay-at-home mom, it can be hard to find ways to earn money from home. But, It is possible, as I can tell you from experience !ere are a few ways that I ha"e successfully been able to earn some extra cash, e"en with little ones here at home. #lus I$"e included a bunch of resources and tips to help you make your %A!& experience a success. I don$t want you to ha"e to learn things the hard way like I did 'f course, it goes without saying that any "enture will re(uire an in"estment of time and effort to be truly successful. )eep this in mind as you get started with the suggested methods of making money that I$ll mention here *hese aren$t +get rich (uick schemes+ but they can help to bring in a bit of extra cash here and there. In This E-Book: - Ways to Stretch The ollars !ou "lready #ave - $ake $oney With... Blogging - $ake $oney With... Surveys - $ake $oney With... $ystery Shopping - $ake $oney With... %nline Shopping - $ake $oney With... !our %wn Business! - &earn W"#$ Tips ' Tricks -"bout the "uthor( Tanya Peterson is a WAHM to 3 little ones, ages 4 and under. She earns a full-time income blogging at There she shares her heart and hat she!s learned ith other moms ho are anting to earn an income from blogging. This e-book is a resource provided to you by Please do not distribute this list but instead refer others to our blog to download their own copy. Thank you!
Affiliate Programs: %hether you ha"e a blog that you only use to share news with family, you don$t blog at all but use email and social networks such as ,acebook and *witter, or you$re a serious blogger looking to make money, you can use affiliate networks to earn some extra cash -ust sign up through the links below and as you find products that you can recommend to your family, friends, or readers, use your special affiliate link .pro"ided by the network/ and earn as you refer others. *his tactic works especially well if you like to coupon - 0ust share coupons with the people you know - sa"e them money and make money for each coupon they print Affiliate Programs I!e "se#: &ogical $edia Share"Sale &iving Social (If you haven't already, e sure to si!n u" for your o#n free Livin!So$ial a$$ount, too%& )ommission *unction $ySavings Blogelina+s "ffiliate Program !our favorite products ' websites - More than li"ely they ha#e a referral $rogram in $lace to hel$ you start telling your friends% &oo" on their site for info. ,or more on the basics of Affiliate &arketing, check out this post at Blogelina. REAL-LIFE TIP: ,ecommended Blogging ,esources ,or more info on making your blogging experience a profitable one, check out these resources1 $%&&essf%l Blogging In '( $im)le $te)s The Pro*loggers +%i#e To ,o%r First Week of Blogging Mom Blog $E- .F/EE01 Blogelinas Profita*le Blogging for Beginners &lass session0 Whether you!#e been blogging for a long time or are 'ust getting started, this class has something for e#eryone. (ncluded ith your free seat )our gift to you- 'ust for ta"ing the time to read through this eboo"%* is access to our +, $age manual and a -.// year of eb hosting for your blog% To sign up for your free seat- click here. This e-book is a resource provided to you by Please do not distribute this list but instead refer others to our blog to download their own copy. Thank you!
Mystery $ho))ing
0elo ( ha#e com$iled a list of the mystery sho$$ing com$anies that ( ha#e actually or"ed ith and recei#ed $ayment from at some time or other during my 12 years of mystery sho$$ing. My moti#e in $utting this list together is to hel$ other moms find legitimate earning o$$ortunities 3 these companies are not paying me to be included in this list. ( "no ho hard it can be to find mystery sho$$ing com$anies that are reliable and trustorthy 3 there are a lot of scams out there% The List of Companies .in no particular order/ : .bestmar".com .ga$ htt$s455sho$$er.mintel.com5 htt$455intelli-sho$.com5 htt$455ser#icechec".com5 htt$455.bareinternational.c om5en5 htt$455.mar" htt$455"ernscheduling.com5 htt$455.sho$$er'obs.com5i nde6.$h$ htt$455.mar"etingendea#o rs.bi75 For more ti)s on ho2 to *e a s%&&essf%l mystery sho))er3 &he&k o%t my g%est )ost a*o%t mystery sho))ing on Money$a!ingMom4&om4 This e-book is a resource provided to you by Please do not distribute this list but instead refer others to our blog to download their own copy. Thank you!
Ti)s for Making ,o%r $%r!ey 5ent%res A $%&&ess: 2. 3reate a new email account to keep sur"ey emails separate from your other emails. 4. 5et aside a specific time6amount of time to check your sur"ey email for new sur"eys. 7. 5et up a spreadsheet or some type of log to help you track how much money6rewards you ha"e with each sur"ey site that you are a member of. 8. 5ome sur"ey sites present you with a lot of offers upon sign-up - if you$re not interested, simply click no through all the offers6(uestions. 9. )now that it will take some time to set up your sur"ey accounts initially. Like most ways to earn money, plan on some time in"estment for your efforts to be successful. :. Be sure to keep track of all your incoming re"enue - for two reasons. 2/ ;ou$ll be able to make sure you actually recei"e all the money you are owed and 4/ ,iling your taxes at the end of the year will be much easier. $%r!ey 6et2orks To 7oin: This e-book is a resource provided to you by Please do not distribute this list but instead refer others to our blog to download their own copy. Thank you! $ommy .nows Surveys $y Survey /nBo0 ollars Springboard "merica $%r!ey 6et2orks To 7oin .&ont41: Survey#ead 1lobal Test$arket )ash)rate REAL-LIFE TIP: Be 2ncouraged - /t /S Possible! #ursue your passions while still in"esting in your family and managing your home ,ind out how from a mom who$s doing it1 How to Have Your Cake And Eat It, Too This e-book is a resource provided to you by Please do not distribute this list but instead refer others to our blog to download their own copy. Thank you! 3P ,esearch Panel %pinion %utpost 4alued %pinions ollar Surveys 3ational )onsumer Panel Suvery Spot /psos /-Say Panel - for $oms
-nline $ho))ing
&ost of us do at least some of our shopping online - here are a couple of sites that gi"e rewards for searching and buying from sites online. ) Savings )lub Swagbucks 2bates %nline ,ebates REAL-LIFE TIP: Working 5rom #ome Successfully ,267/,2S %rgani8ation As I will say, time and again, the hardest thing I ha"e found to be about working from home is staying organi<ed and on top of all the tasks that need to happen both in work and in the home life. %hich is why I highly recommend these resources to help you get off to a good start1 Simplify This e-book is a resource provided to you by Please do not distribute this list but instead refer others to our blog to download their own copy. Thank you! %ne Bite "t " Time 2versave &earn4est
8earn Ways To $tret&h ,o%r 9ollars
5ometimes, I$"e found the best way to make money is to make the most of the money I already ha"e. *hese sites are some great resources on how to make your money go further than you might e"en think that it can 5ood %n the Table - 5ree for &ife! 1rocery 7niversity
People Perks aily Worth /EA8-8IFE TIP: What To o With The .ids9 8ot sure ho to "ee$ your "ids occu$ied hile you or"9 :hec" out the Summer Survival 1uide )hich is really for sur#i#ing any time of year, not 'ust summer%* This /-boo" ill gi#e you4 - '( $ustomi)ale "lannin! "a!es, $alendars, and #orksheets for kids - Inspiration for home management - *++, family-friendly ook and movie su!!estions - 2: 5ummertime learning themes looking at e"erything from Art to =ebras - -++, "a!es of ins"irin! ideas and "ra$ti$al su!!estions% )lick here to check out more on this ama8ing resource! )eep your sanity A>? keep the kiddos happy This e-book is a resource provided to you by Please do not distribute this list but instead refer others to our blog to download their own copy. Thank you!
$tart ,o%r -2n B%siness
%hat is your passion? %hat do you lo"e talking about or doing - 0ust for the fun of it? %hat is something that all your friends think you$re really good at? !a"e you considered turning that thing into a home business? %hen you stop to think about it, the potential for starting your own business is really limitless. !ere are 0ust a few ideas that came to my mind1 )ake decorating .List your ser"ices on for your area/ )rafting .check out "von .Be a consultant/ Photographer .)eep your prices reasonable and keep your eye out for ways and ser"ices to offer that make your business uni(ue/ 4irtual "ssistant .If you$re good at organi<ation, there$s a whole world out there waiting to benefit from your skills/ 5reelancer .Lo"e to write? ?o it Look into writing blog posts, too, as blogging takes a lot of time and there are thousands of bloggers out there who need content for their blogs./ 1raphic esigner .,rom websites to baby announcements, if you ha"e an eye for design, your options are wide open/ Tutor .)now something that you can teach to other moms - or their kids? 'ffer classes, either online or off./ Preschool .)nown for the one with all the learning ideas for the kiddos? !ost a preschool in your home - either teaching +classes+ for an hour or two or keeping kids for longer. *his could also be something like a +learning daycare+./ 5ind a need - and then fill it! *hat$s what any successful business is based on. %hat$s holding you back? This e-book is a resource provided to you by Please do not distribute this list but instead refer others to our blog to download their own copy. Thank you!
WAHM Ti)s : Tri&ks
&ife as a successful WAHM is all about $lanning, organi7ation, $roducti#ity, time management - and 'ust $lain balancing a lot of things at once% (t!s a lot to manage or"ing at home ith family life% (!m alays on the loo"out for more ti$s and ideas to hel$ ith balancing or" and life here in our home - for me, this is the hardest as$ect of or"ing from home. Here are some resources to hel$ ma"e your WAHM life a little easier... :;; Work "t #ome $om Tips Becoming " Work "t #ome $om( " Blog Series $anaging &ife "t a Work-at-#ome $om( < Part Series Time $anagement :; :( 5ree 2book Tell !our Time( 2-Book 1et !our "ct Together( 2-book %rgani8ing &ife "s $om( 2-Book <: ays to )lean( 2-Book 5east /n :=( Speed )ooking Weeknight inners Summer Sanity Savers 5or the W"#$( 2-Book This e-book is a resource provided to you by Please do not distribute this list but instead refer others to our blog to download their own copy. Thank you!