This document summarizes the design of an end plate connection using 4 bolts. It provides the loading conditions, member properties, bolt properties, and connection geometry. It then calculates the potential resistance capacities of the bolts in tension, including the column and end plate flange bending and web tension capacities. The minimum potential resistance values are reported for each bolt row.
This document summarizes the design of an end plate connection using 4 bolts. It provides the loading conditions, member properties, bolt properties, and connection geometry. It then calculates the potential resistance capacities of the bolts in tension, including the column and end plate flange bending and web tension capacities. The minimum potential resistance values are reported for each bolt row.
This document summarizes the design of an end plate connection using 4 bolts. It provides the loading conditions, member properties, bolt properties, and connection geometry. It then calculates the potential resistance capacities of the bolts in tension, including the column and end plate flange bending and web tension capacities. The minimum potential resistance values are reported for each bolt row.
This document summarizes the design of an end plate connection using 4 bolts. It provides the loading conditions, member properties, bolt properties, and connection geometry. It then calculates the potential resistance capacities of the bolts in tension, including the column and end plate flange bending and web tension capacities. The minimum potential resistance values are reported for each bolt row.
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END PLATE CONNECTION DESIGN Job Name : Calcs by : Revision No. Filename : End Plate Connection - Moment Connection Design -4 Bolts c. Design Nominal Reactions Compression F x = 0.00 KN ; Check Staad Output Tension F x = 23.00 KN ; Check Staad Output Shear Force F y = 20.00 KN ; Check Staad Output Shear Force Fz = 2.00 KN ; Check Staad Output Bending moment Mz = 20.00 K-m ; Check Staad Output Bending moment My = 3.00 K-m ; Check Staad Output Supporting Member : Beam Properties Beam Section : = UC 203X203 Depth of column or plate D = 203.2 mm Width of column flange or plate Bp = 203.60 mm Web thickness of column or stiffener tc = 7.20 mm Flange thickness of column or plate tf = 11.00 mm Root radius of column or weld to plate r = 10.20 mm and stiffener Supported Member Column Section = UC 203X203 Depth of column or plate D = 203.2 mm Width of column flange or plate Bp = 203.60 mm Web thickness of column or stiffener tc = 7.20 mm Flange thickness of column or plate tf = 11.00 mm Root radius of column or weld to plate r = 10.20 mm and stiffener Dimensions of the End Plate : Length of the End Plate = 300.00 mm Width of the End Plate = 204.00 mm Thickness Provided, tp = 20.00 mm Connection Details Assumed bolt configuration Grade of Bolts (8.8 / HSFG) = HSFG Part - 1Bolts No. of bolt rows nr = 2.00 No. of bolt columns nc = 2.00 Total no. of bolts n = 4.00 Diameter of Bolt d d = 24.00 mm Diameter of Bolt hole Dh Dh = 26.00 mm Gross Area of Bolt , Ag Ag = 452.16 mm2 Tensile Stress area of Bolt As As = 352.91 mm2 Pitch ( Spacing between rows ) P = 80 mm Guage ( Spacing between columns ) g = 90 mm Edge Distance ( Top ) etop = 40.00 mm End Distance ( Bottom ) e2bottom = 40 mm End Distance ( Side ) e' = 40.00 mm Slip factor for untreated = 0.50 For clearance holes Ks = 1.00 T1 Least thick of plate t = 11.00 mm a 1 = 136.10 Forces in Bolts Tension per bolt due to Moment Mz T2 For Row 1 T1 = Mz*a1/(nc(a1+a2) T1 = 62.80 KN a2= 56.10 For Row 2 T2 = Mz*a2/(nc(a1+a2) T2 = 25.89 KN Assumed Rotation Point STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS SAMALSADI 241495534.xls.ms_office 8/17/2014 2:01 PM 2/10 END PLATE CONNECTION DESIGN Job Name : Calcs by : Revision No. Filename : STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS SAMALSADI Tension per bolt due to Moment My For Column 1 T1 = My/(nr*g) T 1 = 16.67 KN g = 90.00 Tension per bolt due to Axial = Fx/n tension Fx 5.75 KN Assumed Rotation Point Maximum forces Transfer to Each Bolt Maximum Tension in bolt row 1 = 85.22 KN Maximum Tension in bolt row 2 = 48.30 KN Check for Bolts : Yield strength of bolt Yf = 882.00 N/mm2 Ult. Tensile strength of bolt Uf = 981.00 N/mm2 Shear stress of bolt Ps = 400.00 N/mm2 Tension stress of bolt Pt = 700.00 N/mm2 Bearing stress of bolt Pbb = 1,300.00 N/mm2 Minimum proof stress P0 = 776.00 N/mm2 of bolt Minimum shank tension P0 = 232.70 KN in HSFG bolts Capacity of one bolt Shear capacity of bolt Ps = 141.16 KN Bearing capacity of bolt Pb = 346.67 KN Tension capacity of bolt Pt' = 209.43 KN 0.9*P0 Slip resistance of one bolt PsL = 0.9 * Ks * * P0 = 104.72 KN Design strength of steel py = 345.00 N/mm2 Bearing strength of steel pb = 825.00 N/mm2 Design strength of weld pw = 220.00 N/mm2 Connection Geometry Column Side m1 = g/2 - tc/2 - 0.8rc m2 = (dc-P)/2 40.40 mm = 33.24 mm e = B/2-g/2 = 56.80 mm For n smallest of n = 41.55 mm e for the column flange = 56.80 mm e for the end plate = 56.80 mm 1.25 m for column flange= 41.55 mm Beam m = g/2 - tc/2 - 0.8rc = 36.60 mm Leg length of fillet weld to beam web, Sww = e = B/2-g/2 6.00 = 56.80 mm For n smallest of n = 45.75 mm e for the column flange = 56.80 mm e for the end plate = 56.80 mm 241495534.xls.ms_office 8/17/2014 2:01 PM 3/10 END PLATE CONNECTION DESIGN Job Name : Calcs by : Revision No. Filename : STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS SAMALSADI 1.25 m for column flange= 45.75 mm Potential Resistance of Bolts in Tension Zone Bolt Row 1 & 3 Bolt Row 1 & 3 alone Column Flange Bending Calculate effective length of T-stub as per Table2.2 of SCI For bolt row below the flange of a flush end plate Leff = Min of [ Max{ii,iii}, i ] Ref. Table 2.2 of moment connection by BCSA Leff for i = 2 m 208.75 mm Leff for ii = 4m+1.25e 203.96 mm Leff iii = m1 1 = m1/(m1+e) 1 = 0.39 2 = m2/(m1+e) 2 = 0.45 where from Fig 2.16 = 6.00 Leff iii = 199.44 mm Ledd = min of ( max(i,iii),ii) 203.96 mm Plastic moment capacity of the Mp = Leff x tf x py/4 equivalent T-stub = 2.13 KN.m Potential resistance is the minimum of the following Mode 1 Complete flange yielding Pr = 4 Mp / m 256.15 KN Mode 2 Bolt failure with flange Pr = (2 Mp + n( Pt'))/(m+n) yielding = 289.62 KN Mode 3 Bolt failure Pr = Pt' 418.86 KN Potential resistance for column flange bending Pr = 256.15 KN Column Web Tension As row 1 & 3 is near the flange, web tension can be discounted End Plate Bending Calculate effective length of T-stub as per Table2.5 of SCI For bolt row below the flange of a flush end plate Leff = Min of [ Max{ii,iii}, i ] Ref. Table 2.4 of moment connection by BCSA Leff for i = 2 m 229.85 mm Leff for ii = 4 m + 1.25 e 217.40 mm Leff iii = m1 1 = m1/(m1+e) 1 = 0.39 2 = m2/(m1+e) 2 = 0.43 where from Fig 2.16 = 6.00 Leff iii = 219.60 mm Plastic moment capacity of the Mp = Leff x tf x py/4 equivalent T-stub = 7.58 KN.m Potential resistance is the minimum of the following 241495534.xls.ms_office 8/17/2014 2:01 PM 4/10 END PLATE CONNECTION DESIGN Job Name : Calcs by : Revision No. Filename : STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS SAMALSADI Mode 1 Complete flange yielding Pr = 4 Mp / m 828.00 KN Mode 2 Bolt failure with flange Pr = (2 Mp + n( Pt'))/(m+n) yielding = 416.70 KN Mode 3 Bolt failure Pr = Pt' 418.86 KN Potential resistance for column flange bending Pr = 416.70 KN Beam Web Tension As row 1 & 3 is near the flange, web tension can be discounted Bolt Row 2 Row 2 and 1 as group Column Flange Bending Calculate effective length of T-stub as per Table2.6 of SCI Leff = { Max of [ ii/2,(iii-ii/2)] }x2 + p 283.96 mm Plastic moment capacity of the Mp = Leff x tf x py/4 equivalent T-stub = 2.96 KN.m Potential resistance is the minimum of the following Mode 1 Complete flange yielding Pr = 4 Mp / m 356.62 KN Mode 2 Bolt failure with flange Pr = (2 Mp + n( Pt'))/(m+n) yielding = 544.65 KN Mode 3 Bolt failure Pr = Pt' 837.72 KN Potential resistance for column flange bending Pr = 356.62 KN Column Web Tension Web tension can be discounted due to effective tensile length of web assuming a max. spread at 60deg from bolts to the centre of web is crossing the flange. End Plate Bending Calculate effective length of T-stub as per Table2.5 of SCI Leff = { Max of [ ii/2,(iii-ii/2)] }x2 + p 301.80 mm Plastic moment capacity of the Mp = Leff x tp x py/4 equivalent T-stub = 10.41 KN.m Potential resistance is the minimum of the following Mode 1 Complete flange yielding Pr = 4 Mp / m 1,137.93 KN Mode 2 Bolt failure with flange Pr = (2 Mp + n( Pt'))/(m+n) yielding = 718.27 KN 241495534.xls.ms_office 8/17/2014 2:01 PM 5/10 END PLATE CONNECTION DESIGN Job Name : Calcs by : Revision No. Filename : STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS SAMALSADI Mode 3 Bolt failure Pr = Pt' 837.72 KN Potential resistance for column flange bending Pr = 718.27 KN Beam Web Tension Web tension can be discounted due to effective tensile length of web assuming a max. spread at 60deg from bolts to the centre of web is crossing the flange Potential Resistance of Bolts in Tension Zone WORK SHEET: TENSION ZONE Step 1 Column Side Beam Side Row Flange Bending Web Tension Flange Bending Web Tension Potential Resistance 1.00 Resistance of Row 1 256.15 256.15 N.A 416.70 N.A 2.00 Resistance of Row 2 only 100.47 256.15 N.A 416.70 N.A Resistance of Row 2+1 as group 356.62 N.A 718.27 N.A 100.47 301.57 Pr1 = Capacity of row 1 alone Pr2 = Min. of { Capacity of row 2 alone, ( Capacity of row 2+1 ) - Pr1 } 241495534.xls.ms_office 8/17/2014 2:01 PM 6/10 ; Check Staad Output ; Check Staad Output ; Check Staad Output ; Check Staad Output ; Check Staad Output ; Check Staad Output STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS 241495534.xls.ms_office 8/17/2014 2:01 PM 7/10 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS mm 241495534.xls.ms_office 8/17/2014 2:01 PM 8/10 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS 241495534.xls.ms_office 8/17/2014 2:01 PM 9/10 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS 241495534.xls.ms_office 8/17/2014 2:01 PM 10/10 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS