Garment Industry Supply Chains
Garment Industry Supply Chains
Garment Industry Supply Chains
Supply Chains
a resourcefor worker education and solidarity
Women Working Worldwide
Written/ edited by Celia Mather frommaterials produced by Women Working Worldwide and partner organisations.
Graphics by Angela Martin.
Designed at MMU Design Studio. Design and artwork by Steve Kelly.
Printed by Angela Cole and staff, MMU Reprographics, St Augustines .
Women Working Worldwide would like to thank the following organisations for their financial support which made
this education pack possible:
The Community Fund
Department for International Development, British Government
Fondation des Droits de l'Homme au Travail
European Commission
We would also like to thank the International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation (ITGLWF), Asia
Monitor Resource Centre, Clean Clothes Campaign, Maquila Solidarity Network and Unite for the use of quotes and
case studies.
Women Working Worldwide is always interested to hear feedback on howand where our materials have been used,
including suggestions for improvements.
Women Working Worldwide
Manchester Metropolitan University
Manton Building
Rosamond Street West
Manchester M15 6LL UK
Tel: +44 (0)116 247 1760
Fax: +44 (0)116 247 6321
Email: [email protected]
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack Contents
Why this pack was produced and how it was developed. page 1
Facilitators' Notes
Who this pack is for, what it contains, and how it can be used. page 3
Unit 1: What's my role as a garment worker?
This Unit explains who the world's garment workers are and the difficulties they face at work,
and how to start mapping a supply chain.
Information Sheets page 7
Facilitators' Guide page 13
Unit 2: The world of garment production - where do I fit in?
This Unit focuses on how the garment industry supply chain works. It assists workers to build
a picture of their own global supply chain, and asks why solidarity in the supply chain might
be important.
Information Sheets page 19
Facilitators' Guide page 25
Unit 3: Gap: example of a global supply chain
This Unit describes the global supply chain of the Gap company, and gives case studies of
solidarity built by and for workers who produce Gap clothes. It is an example that can be
used to develop a picture of other supply chains.
Information Sheets page 31
Facilitators' Guide page 37
Unit 4: The global garment industry
This Unit analyses the garment industry as a key example of a globalised industry, looking at
why and how it went global. It suggests how workers can analyse their own country's garment
industry in the world economy.
Information Sheets page 41
Facilitators' Guide page47
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack Contents
Unit 5: Solidarity between workers locally
This Unit looks at the growing 'informalisation' of employment, and how to build solidarity
between 'formal' and 'informal' garment workers, as well as with others in the local community.
Information Sheets page 49
Facilitators' Guide page 55
Unit 6: Solidarity along the supply chain
This Unit concerns international solidarity within a supply chain, describing the garment
workers' solidarity organisations and networks that exist. It looks briefly at company
Codes of Conduct.
Information Sheets page 57
Facilitators' Guide page 63
Unit 7: Drawing up a plan of action
This Unit helps workers to plan and implement a campaign to improve their situation.
Information Sheets page 67
Facilitators' Guide page 73
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack introduction
Why this pack was produced
In todays era of globalisation, many goods are produced in complicated patterns of
subcontracting that stretch across the world. It is happening on a huge scale, and in
many industries - both in manufacturing and in services.
The increasing informalisation of the workforce is a key feature of subcontracting.
Informalisation means the practice by employers of hiring workers in such a way that
they are not recognised as employees under labour law, that is to say as formal workers.
Informal workers may be on repeated short-termcontracts, or working as casuals or
as homeworkers, for example. Such workers have little chance of claiming their legal
rights. Many do not know who they are really working for. Meanwhile their employers
avoid their legal responsibilities, reduce their costs, and increase their profits.
Employers are not necessarily breaking the law; they are simply side-stepping it.
But the hard-won employment rights of workers are being deeply eroded.
Subcontracting supply chains can be quite difficult to understand. So too can
their impact on workers organisation. The situation is presenting many challenges
for the trade union movement around the world.
The garment industry is one that is particularly mobile, and its supply chains have
become truly global and complicated. The industry is constantly seeking out
vulnerable sectors of society fromwhich to draw its workers, and often shifts
location to avoid trade unions. Garment workers are finding it extremely difficult
to organise to defend their rights.
So, this pack focuses on the garment industry. The main aimis to assist garment
workers, the majority of whomare women, to understand the supply chains in which
they are working. We believe this will help themto maximise their opportunities
to organise and build solidarity to claimtheir rights.
Strong, local organisation of workers is the essential first step, along with solid
support fromthe local community. But when working in a supply chain, it becomes
important to build links between workers at different points along the supply
chains, even between many countries.
International solidarity can be a very daunting prospect, particularly for isolated
workers. However, trade unions and campaigning organisations in many parts of
the world exist to support and assist in this process.
With strong local, national and international organisation, workers at all stages of the
garment production process stand a better chance of achieving success in their struggle
for respect, a living wage, decent working conditions, and their rights to organise.
Complicated subcontracting supply chains are now developing in many industries.
Therefore the issues contained in this pack may provide a useful way for others,
not just garment workers, to explore the industry in which they work and how to
strengthen their organisations.
How this pack was developed
This pack is one outcome of a year-long action-research project on garment supply
chains carried out by Women Working Worldwide and some of its partner
organisations during 2002-2003. These partners are:
Hong Kong Christian Industrial Council, Hong Kong/ China
Friends of Women, Thailand
Karmojibi Nari, Bangladesh
Philippines Resource Centre
Baguio Women Workers Programme, Philippines
Transnationals Information Exchange Asia (TIE-Asia), Sri Lanka
Working Womens Organisation, Pakistan
Union Research Group, India
Bulgaria Gender Research Foundation
The action-research project involved WWWand the partner organisations in finding
out in great detail about how supply chains operate. They uncovered in particular
the extent of subcontracting by large manufacturers to smaller factories, and how
managers often engage their own employees to act as agents to place work out
with homeworkers in the surrounding community.
Much of the information and most of the case studies in this pack are taken from
the results of this action-research project.
Individual modules for the education pack were then developed by the partner
organisations, exchanged, translated, and piloted with groups of workers in the
various countries. Feedback fromthe piloting was shared at a seminar in Manila
in October 2003, fromwhich Celia Mather compiled this resource pack.
Part of a wider WWW project
The action-research project was part of a wider WWWproject called The rights of
workers in garment industry subcontracting chains running J anuary 2002 to April
2004. This involved research also on garment supply chains involving the UK, and
an in-depth analysis of the supply chains of the US-based garment company Gap.
The findings have been published in various publications which are listed at the
end of this pack.
Overall, WWWs work on the rights of workers in the international garment industry
goes back over twenty years. More details are available on the Women Working
Worldwide website at:
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack introduction
Facilitators Notes
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators notes
Who this pack is for
This pack is for use in workers education and organisation by tutors, facilitators
and organisers.
It is designed for use with garment workers, primarily but not only women. They may be:
factory-based workers
workers in small production units such as sweatshops
It can also be used in a wider range of educational settings, for example with:
retail/ shop workers who sell garments
consumers who buy garments
transport workers who deal with garments as cargo
students who are studying the world economy
globalisation campaigners, as an example of a key global industry.
What this pack contains
The first Units concentrate on developing the skills to map the supply chain that
particular groups of workers are in, piecing together the puzzle:
Unit 1 encourages garment workers to begin analysing the supply chain that
they are in, fromtheir own situation
Unit 2 assists workers to analyse their supply chain in more depth, particularly its
international nature, and who/ where the other workers are in their chain.
Unit 3 looks at the Gap global supply chain, for direct use with workers in the
Gap supply chain, or for others to use as an example.
Unit 4 explores the wider context of developments in the global garment industry.
Then the pack focuses on how workers can use mapping techniques and information
about their supply chain to develop a strategy for organising and claiming their rights:
Unit 5 explores local solidarity, particularly between those who are formally
employed in factories and those who are informal workers, as well as in
the local community.
Unit 6 looks at the potential for international solidarity between workers in the
same supply chain, including the role of codes of conduct.
Unit 7 is a guide to developing a plan of action.
What this pack does not cover
The pack is mostly about the relationships between employers and workers. There is
some discussion of international trade, investment and labour policy. However, the
pack barely goes into the role of national governments in passing and enacting
employment legislation, creating jobs, and supporting investors. Facilitators may
find it useful to add in discussion of these issues relevant to your own country.
The structure of the units
Each of the seven Units contains two sections:
Information Sheets:
These sheets contain analysis, case studies, graphics, and sources of further information.
The sheets aimto provide useful background reading for those facilitators for whom
the issues may be relatively new.
We anticipate that facilitators will select individual sheets to use educationally,
taking into account the nature of the educational programme and the interests,
background and capacity of the participants.
Sometimes selected Information Sheets can be used within the educational session,
as a basis for discussion. The case studies are particularly intended for this purpose.
Selected Information Sheets can be given to the participants to take home to read,
discuss with others, and use in organising fellow workers.
Facilitators Guide:
The facilitators guide in each Unit gives ideas for how the materials might be used
educationally. They give:
The aims of the Unit/ session
Suggested educational methodologies
Some key questions
Graphics to use
Suggestions for building an action plan out of the session.
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators notes
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators notes
How this pack can be used
WWWdoes not anticipate that facilitators will use all the materials in this resource
pack, nor necessarily in the order that they are given. Rather, we expect you will
select materials flexibly, according to your educational needs.
Overall, however, the pack is designed to start with and build on the experiences
of garment workers, including those for whomworkers organisation and education
is relatively new. This can be the case, for example, for homeworkers who usually
work in isolation, or for workers where repression makes it very difficult to establish
trade unions.
Therefore the pack uses the inductive method of drawing on the knowledge and
experience of the participants, and then adding further information in order to
encourage themto deepen their analysis and consider action they may take. It starts
at the local level and builds outwards to the national and international levels.
The pack encourages action-research where workers actively seek out information
about their own situation and how it fits into the wider supply chain. They are asked
to look for the labels and brand-names on the clothing they make, or the names of
the enterprise they work for, and how this enterprise is linked to other workplaces
and companies, even across the world.
Action-research can be very challenging. There is usually a limit to what workers
can find out. However, this should not be allowed to discourage either themor you.
The process of trying to find out is a learning experience in itself, and not a waste
of time.
Facilitators can and should play a key role in supporting this action-research by
workers. A number of WWWpartners found that providing extra information at the
right moment gave great encouragement to the workers to continue.
The Information Sheets in this pack provide some of this background and also give
sources of more information, particularly through the Internet. More can be gained
fromresearchers in the trade unions, NGOs, and academic institutions in your
country, government publications, and so on.
The role of the facilitator
WWWanticipates or expects that facilitators will:
(a) Find and use background research that already exists on the garment industry
in your own country, and on your national employment laws, so that you can
add in information that the participants may not already have.
(b) Use the pack flexibly, responding to the needs and experience of each
particular set of participants. Where they are experienced union activists, for
example, it may be more appropriate to start with Unit 4 on the global garment
industry. Different Information Sheets may be appropriate for different workers.
(c) Adapt the educational methods according to the culture of learning where you
are. In some places participants become more involved in learning through
energetic role-plays, elsewhere through discussion in small groups, and yet
elsewhere through drawing pictures. Where literacy levels are low, asking
participants one-by-one to read aloud a few paragraphs allows all participants
to grasp the contents of a written text at a similar speed. What is well known is
that people rarely learn much froma long presentation of new information by
someone standing out front.
Some Units contain drawings and diagrams with blank spaces. These are templates
to be used educationally. You can fill in the blanks before the session. Or you can
ask the participants to help fill in the blanks. The second method helps to draw out
the information that participants already have, even if they are unaware of this.
Obviously, this means that the maps and diagrams produced will differ depending on
the employer, country and type of workers participating in the training. Different
groups of participants will have different types of information. Therefore examples
given in this pack may not always be applicable. We expect facilitators to use your
own experience to adapt them.
It is always useful to find out what participants felt they learnt froma session. Here
is one method which could be used at the end of each session.
Ask the participants to think about or write down one thing that:
they learnt fromthe session (Head)
they felt fromthe session (Heart)
they will do as a result of the session (Hand)
Encourage themto share their responses with the other participants and yourself,
and to take any written notes home as a reminder to themselves.
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators notes
Whats my role as a
garment worker?
Information Sheets
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack information sheets 1
illions of workers around the world make clothes. There are those who cut the
cloth. There are those who sew seams, make buttonholes, insert zips, and
finish off by cutting threads and sewing on labels. The cloth cutters are often men.
The rest are mostly women.
Garment workers work in many different places. Some work alongside
hundreds of others in big factories. Others are in smaller factories of,
say, 50. There are many in small units of just a few workers each. And
there are homeworkers, working unseen and isolated in their own homes.
Most of these workers are linked together, supplying garments for the
world market. Most suffer very low wages, long and irregular hours, and
job insecurity.
A woman in her tiny home in the slums of Mumbai/ Bombay sits
finishing the finger ends of gloves. The work came to the Indian
homeworker through an agent working out of a local factory. Who runs
the factory, she doesnt know, though she does know women who work
there, cutting and sewing. None of them know who asked the factory
to produce these gloves, but the factory workers have heard that the
gloves are going to the UK and Germany. Later, in Manchester, a
British shop worker is selling the gloves. She shows her customer the
Made in India label. They are good quality gloves and will keep hands
warm in the harsh European winter. The woman who buys the gloves
may give a passing thought to the Indian workers who made them.
In this way, garment workers in poor countries across the world are
linked into global chains that supply shirts, jeans, sweaters, scarves - all
kinds of clothing - to markets that are mostly in the wealthy North.
Some 8 million people in the world are thought to have jobs in
the clothing industry (2000). But no one really knows how many there are,
because a lot of garment workers, such as women homeworkers and others on
casual contracts, are not counted in government statistics.
Over half the worlds clothing is made in Asia (China, India, Bangladesh,
Indonesia, the Philippines and so on).
About three-quarters of garment workers are women.
What type of garment work
do you do?
Do you work in a big factory,
a small factory, a small
workshop, or at home?
Does your pay cover what you
need for living adequately?
Do you have to work overtime
when you dont want to?
Do you face health or other
problems at your workplace?
Why do you think the garment
industry employs so many
women workers?
Have you ever got together
with other garment workers to
try to improve your situation?
Key Questions:
Difficulties faced by garment workers
Low wages
Garment workers are usually very poorly paid. In many cases,
these wages are below the legal minimumwage in the country
concerned. Even the legal minimumis itself often well below a
living wage, that is to say enough money to buy adequate food,
housing, clothing, education for children, etc.
The majority of garment workers are women. They have skills
which the garment employers need. But mostly women are
employed rather than men because they can be paid less than
men, because of gender discrimination.
Many garment workers also report they are paid late. Sometimes
wage calculations are very complex, based on a combination of
time and piece-rate payment. This makes it very difficult to work
out what workers should be paid. Many report signing a blank
sheet of paper when they are given their wages, which means
that their employers are not declaring the real wage bill to
the government.
information sheets 1 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Typical monthly wages of garment factory workers, 2000-01
(converted into US$)
(FromWearing Thin: the State of Pay in the Fashion Industry, Labour Behind the Label, UK, 2000-01)
Note: These figures are only to give a general idea. Actual wages vary widely, according to the status of the
worker (permanent or casual), whether the worker gets a weekly wage or is paid by the piece, whether the
employer is a big manufacturer or a small one, and so on.
Country Monthly wages including Overtime
overtime in US$
Bangladesh 26-55 51-125 hours a month, compulsory
Bulgaria 113
China Peak times: 84
Slack times: 20 100 hours a month, compulsory
India 23-35
Indonesia 53 100 hours a month
Lesotho 83-133 108 hours a month, mostly compulsory
Philippines 146
Sri Lanka 56-62 25-40 hours a month
Vietnam 21-50
We were told if we
demanded too much money,
the company would relocate
to other countries. One
factory moved to Laos
recently. Are we paid too
much? After ten years
service, we take home
about US$20 for a
48 hour week.
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack information sheets 1
Jean is a white woman in the UK, in her fifties. She has worked
for the same garment company for 16 years and was promoted
to floor supervisor. Jean places a great deal of importance on
her work as supervisor and does not have any complaints about
her working conditions.
But the company has just moved most of its production abroad and made
massive redundancies in its UK workforce, reducing from 60 employees to
around 12. All the employees were women besides the owner and two men
who worked in the cutting room. The owner liked to claim he employed
people on a full-time, permanent basis. But Jean says the vast majority
worked part-time, and many were let go when orders were quiet and
restarted later when business picked up.
The redundancies caused a lot of tension as some workers who had been
there for many years were retrenched before others who had been there less
than a year. Who was kept on was decided on their ability to
multi-task. Jean described the time as a nightmare. Many of
the workers blamed the work from abroad for the job losses in
the factory. As work was sent out and came back, the women
had to pack and check it. They dont like passing any work
from offshoreThey class it as different work. But it is for the
same company. And its work and you are going to get paid for it. Youve
not got a lot of choice, says Jean.
The biggest problem for Jean is that the future for the company and the
workforce is so insecure. I think we have just got to wait and see whether
things will pick up. Because there is not a lot of work coming in that is
going to be done (here). Its all small orders and things like that. So at the
moment I dont feel secure because I dont know if I am going to be sat
here this time next year.
Information from Women Working Worldwide.
information sheets 1 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Veena is a homeworker in India, mostly working on thread-trimming.
She has many grievances, but has never got to the point of organising.
Piece-rates are set at a level which make it impossible for one worker alone
to earn anything like the minimum wage. So other members of the family,
especially the girls, get drawn in. Veena thinks there are also hidden
deductions. She has to buy the thread-cutter for trimming, and
thread if she is button-holing, and this eats into her pay. She has
to carry the heavy bundle of clothing from the factory to her
home in a sack on her head, and then back to the factory and up
several flights of stairs when the work is finished, and this time
is not compensated. Even the meagre wages are not always there. If she
arrives late at the factory or there are few orders, she might have to go
home empty-handed.
But when there is an urgent order to be completed, the employer expects
them to put aside everything else to complete it. He doesnt consider our
problems. If we cant complete an urgent order, he yells at us or threatens
not to give us orders in the future. We have to tolerate his behaviour,
Veena complains.
Homework is said to be suitable for women because they can
combine it with domestic duties. But Veenas experience of no work
followed by too much work shows what a myth this is. They do not get any
paid leave or holidays, and are often forced to work extra on festival days
when they would prefer to relax with their families. On top of everything,
the supervisors and men workers at the factory often make
dirty remarks, making the women feel treated with no respect. Veena
feels that there should not be discrimination between factory
workers and homeworkers: We are workers and there should
be equal respect for our labour, Veena says.
Information from Union Research Group, Bombay, India.
information sheets 2 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Parveen is a separated mother of three, living in the UK. She has never
worked in the garment industry outside her home although she would
like to. She recently left the supplier for whom she had been making
clothes for four years. She now makes punch bags for another supplier.
She knows the name of her supplier, who is another Asian woman. But
she knows very little about her suppliers company. She knows that
the punch bags are sold by a major retailer because she saw them for
sale in a catalogue.
Parveen was very happy to move to this new supplier as she now gets paid
regularly. But she still only earns around 3 (US$4.8) per hour, which is
below the national legal minimum wage. Payment from her old supplier
was very irregular but it wasnt necessarily her fault. The company used to
pay her money to her husband and at first she did not know how much she
was earning. When she found out she was getting less than others, she
rowed with her employer but they told her if you dont like it, dont work
(i.e. you can quit). Parveen says: It is like that if you fall out with them.
My supplier worked for pennies and still never got the money. Her supplier
was her husbands relative. She was really running around.
Despite all these problems with homeworking, Parveen says the biggest
issue is that the homeworking is disappearing. All
the local factories are importing goods direct from
Pakistan and China, and they say they cannot pay the
homeworkers more than they do or they would close.
If her employer were to be prosecuted for the
minimum wage, he would not be able to pay the bills,
would close down, and she would not get any work, she believes. Ideally
Parveen would like to work in a factory because the pay is better, but she
cannot as she cannot speak good enough English.
Information from Women Working Worldwide.
The world of garment production -
where do I fit in?
Facilitators Guide
Building on the ideas and activities developed in Unit 1, this Unit aims to:
map the global garment supply chain of which the participants are part;
help themunderstand their position and role in this chain;
identify who are the key players/ major stakeholders in the chain, and where the power lies in
the chain;
start to explore where and how is it possible for workers to bring pressure on employers along
the chain so as to overcome their problems.
Background reading/ research on the garment industry in your country, and on the supply chains
that the participants may be involved in. It will be helpful if the facilitator has some concrete
information about the countries supplying components and where the finished garments are
being sold.
Building a picture of our global garment supply chain
Begin with the local map that was drawn up in Unit 1, recapping the major points.
Ask the participants to add to their map any information they have gathered since Unit 1:
fromlabels on their goods, fromfactory signboards, fromcompany documentation
about other factories elsewhere in our area or country producing the same labels
about where their goods go when they leave the local factory.
The Story of a Glove on page 22 can also be used as an example to help trigger more ideas for
their map. You can, for example, add to the participants map empty boxes where the
information is not yet known. The facilitator can add in fromyour own knowledge.
Make sure you keep a copy of this map. Hopefully, the participants will be able to add in more
information as they go through later Units.
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators guide 2
facilitators guide 2 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Our place in the world of garment production
This is another way of visualising the global supply chain, taking a map of the world as the
basis. It can help the participants become more aware of the other countries where there are
workers in their supply chain.
Familiarise the participants with the map J ourney of an Embroidered Shirt on page 29.
Note the key features:
The orders come fromthe industrialised countries, in this case the USA;
Components such as cloth, buttons and zips often come in fromother countries such as
India, the Philippines and Malaysia, in this case China;
In Pakistan, where these shirts are assembled, the work is done by different units: in large
factories, which also subcontract to smaller factories, who in turn use homeworkers;
The shirts are exported to the USA and Europe to be sold.
You can then use the blank world map on page 30. Ask the participants to work in small groups
and fill it in as much as they can with information about their own supply chain. Ask themto:
draw arrows and boxes showing components/ raw materials coming in - where are the cloth,
buttons, etc. coming from?
draw arrows and boxes showing local production - by workers in factories, sweatshops, in
their homes;
draw arrows and boxes showing where the finished goods go to.
The facilitator can add in information to help complete the map.
In which other countries are there
workers in our supply chain?
What kinds of work are they
Are there workers elsewhere who
are doing the same work as us?
How could we find out?
Key Questions:
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators guide 2 women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators guide 2
How does the supply chain work?
The aimis to help participants consider who benefits most fromthe global supply chain, and the
different power of: retailers, manufacturers, small subcontracting factories, agents, factory
workers, homeworkers.
The facilitator can use the diagramThe Story of a Glove on page 22 and the explanation How
does the supply chain work? on page 20 - 21 to present information on the key actors in the
global garment supply chain.
You can also use the graphic Who Gets What Profit froma Shirt? on page 21 as an aid to discuss
how the profits of the garment industry are distributed. A similar graphic for a sportshoe can be
found at: http:/ / campaign/ shoe.htm
The diagramshows that there are big profits going to the retailers and brand-name owners at
the top of the supply chain. These profits could be redistributed to the workforce at the bottom.
The retailers and brand-name owners take a much larger share, and have more power, than the
manufacturers. These points have an impact on the campaign strategies of workers, as is
discussed in later Units.
Who benefits and has most power
in the supply chain?
Why do workers get only a tiny
proportion of the profits?
Is this fair?
What arguments could workers
use to win a greater share of
the profits?
Key Questions:
facilitators guide 2 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Why might we build solidarity in our supply chain?
The case studies in this Unit can be used to illustrate the impact of the supply chain on workers.
They show how production is moved so as to weaken workers demands for decent wages, or
better conditions, or for their union to be respected.
Melodys Story shows:
Union-busting - by shifting production to another location
Seasonal homeworking
Inadequate wages
Subcontracting fromthe factory to homeworkers
The profit made by subcontracting
Parveens Story shows:
Importance of personal contacts in getting home work
Husband controlling wages
Non-payment of outstanding wages
Fear of losing your job if you ask for an adequate wage
This is an opportunity to begin discussing why knowing about the
international garment supply chain might be useful to help
overcome such problems.
The issues are explored in greater depth in later Units and so for
now the aimcan just be to stimulate awareness.
If the partcipants have developed a map of their supply chain, this
can be used as an aid to discussion about who else is in our supply
chain with whomwe could build alliances.
What did we learn? Evaluation of the session.
Follow-up action:
Read the hand-outs and share the information with others.
If you do not know already, try to find out what trade unions of garment workers already exist in
your area or your country. If there are no trade unions, are there workers support groups? There
may, for example, be human rights lawyers or womens associations that give help to workers.
Why might knowing about the
supply chain help us overcome our
own difficulties at work?
Who in the supply chain could we
build alliances with?
What are the issues on which we
could build solidarity?
How might we get together?
Key Questions:
Journey of an Embroidered Shirt
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators guide 2 women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators guide 2
facilitators guide 2 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Gap: example of
a global chain
Information Sheets
ap is a chain of well-known stores spanning the globe. Gap sells casual clothes -
like jeans, T-shirts and shirts - for men, women and children. Gap does not make
any clothes itself. It is a retailer - it only sells clothes. Instead of making the clothes it
sells, Gap subcontracts production to thousands of manufacturers around the world.
Gap is based in San Francisco, USA.
It has 4,200 stores throughout the world.
It employs 165,000 people altogether.
In 2002, Gaps sales were US$13,848 million.
In 2001, Gap bought clothes from3,600 companies in more than 50 countries.
Gap has several brand names that are sewn on the labels of the clothes made for
them. They are: Gap, GapKids, babyGap, Banana Republic and Old Navy.
Pressure on Gap from international campaigns
People around the world have become aware of the injustices facing
garment workers. They include those who buy clothes, even in
countries very far away fromthe garment workers who made them.
Famous brand-names such as Gap have come under pressure to accept
that they have a responsibility to ensure that workers are employed
in a humane way, with respect for their rights.
Gap has responded by issuing a Code of Conduct that its suppliers must
respect. This includes no forced labour, at least minimumlegal wages,
a safe and healthy working environment, and more. Gap has set up a
special department, with staff in 25 countries, to monitor how the
Code is implemented by its suppliers. Gap says it wants to build long-
termpartnerships with campaigners and local organisations, including
labour unions, at the community/factory level.
So Gap has made attempts to shoulder its responsibility to workers who produce
clothing for its stores. It is open to dialogue and action, including with workers
organisations. This is a vital step. But there is a long way to go before long-term
improvements are felt by workers throughout Gaps global supply chains.
Do you work in the Gap supply
chain? If so, do you know where
the orders come from and where
the goods you make go to?
If you dont work for Gap, can you
build a picture of your global
supply chain like the one for Gap?
Key Questions:
More information:
Gap Code of Vendor Conduct: docs/ Gapcode.doc
Bridging the Gap: A look at Gaps supply chain fromthe workplace to the store, by J ennifer Hurley,
Women Working Worldwide, 2003
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack information sheets 3
information sheets 3 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Whos Who in the Gap supply chain
Maps 1 and 2 show the many different people, companies, agents, offices, factories
and other workplaces involved in the Gap supply chain. Who are they, and what do
they do?
Gap Store: This is where garments are sold. Information on sales fromevery
store are continuously sent to Gap headquarters.
Gap-USA: This is Gap headquarters for the USA. There, GAP organises design,
ordering, and re-ordering of garments that are selling quickly.
Gap International Sourcing regional office: The regional
sourcing office gets the orders fromGap-USA and is responsible for sending out
contracts to manufacturers. They choose the manufacturers.
Gap International Sourcing national office: The national
sourcing offices are generally responsible for quality control and monitoring
conditions for workers in factories. Sometimes they are also responsible for shipping
finished garments to the regional office or to Gap-USA (or Gap-Europe, Gap-Canada,
Gap-J apan).
Blue Textile and Garment Manufacturing: The is the
headquarters of a large textile and garment manufacturing company. Large
companies like Blue often have factories in several different countries. They get
orders frombig companies like Gap, do all the administration and planning in their
headquarters, and then send the orders and deadlines to their subsidiaries.
Blue Textiles: This is a subsidiary of Blue Textile and Garment
Manufacturing. It makes some of the textiles that will be used by Blue Garments.
Blue Garments: This is also a subsidiary of Blue Textile and Garment
Manufacturing. It makes up the garments.
Blue small factory: Big companies like Blue Textile and Garment
Manufacturing often have smaller factories that employ women on short contracts
and pay piece-rate wages.
Purple small factory: This is a small factory that is not owned by Blue
T&Gbut takes orders fromBlue Garments on a contract-by-contract basis.
Agent: Agents operate at all levels of the chain. Some agents are used by big
manufacturers to place large volumes of production with subcontractors. Other
agents operate out of small factories, handling low volumes and organising workers
to do tasks such as stitching or finishing in sweatshops or in their own homes.
Agents are often paid in advance and many earn over 20% commission.
Homeworkers: Working at home, they usually get jobs because they know the
agent personally. They normally pay their own overheads, frommachines and thread
to electricity. Work is infrequent: sometimes they go for months with no work. At
peak seasons they may have to work 12-14 hours a day, seven days a week.
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack information sheets 3
Map 1
Supply Chain Showing The Downward Flow of Production
Raw materials from many
different companies:
buttons, zips, thread, etc
Purple small factory
Homeworkers Small workshop Homeworkers
Flow of orders
Flow of raw materials
Flow of unfinished garments
Gap Stores in USA
Gap International Sourcing Regional Office Singapore
Gap International Sourcing Regional Office Singapore
Blue Textiles & Garments
Orange Textiles
Blue Garments
Blue small factory Agent
Blue Textiles
Note: All company names - except
for Gap - are not the real names
information sheets 3 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Map 2
Supply Chain Showing The Upward Flow of Production
Gap Stores
in US
Gap Stores
in Canada
Gap Stores
in Europe
Gap Stores
in Japan
Gap USA Gap Canada Gap Europe Gap Japan
Small Stores
& Flea Markets
Retailers, Malls
Flow of finished garments
Flow of unfinished garments
Note: All company names - except
for Gap - are not the real names
Gap International Singapore
Gap International Sourcing -
country office e.g. Pakistan
Small workshop Homeworkers Homeworkers
Purple small
Blue small factory
Blue Garments
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack information sheets 3
Rani works in the finishing department of a garment factory in
Lahore, Pakistan, which exports T-shirts and jeans to the USA and UK.
500 women work there, aged between 14 and 30 years. In her
department, there are 15 women and five men, and the
supervisor is a man.
Although she has been working there for three years, Rani is still a
temporary worker. She has no fixed working hours, starting at 7 am and
finishing at 10-11 pm. We go home when boss allows us to, Rani says.
We work long hours but we dont get any overtime pay. My male supervisor
harasses me by making unwelcome remarks. He tries to have affairs with
the young girls and threatens them he will stop their wages if they refuse.
If I refuse to do overtime, they will ask me to leave the factory. And we are
not allowed to talk with each other.
In her factory, very few women are married and they do not get any
maternity leave. She works in dim light and gets
severe headaches and eye problems. There is no
proper air ventilation system and many of the workers
suffer asthma and lung problems. There is no
separate toilet for women and no place to eat. Rani sits on the floor at
lunchtime to eat the food she brings from home.
Rani does not get an equal wage for equal work. She works on piece rate
which each month totals about RS. 1200 (US$ 24). When she gets her
wages, she has to sign a blank piece of paper. Rani says that there is no
union in the factory. If any worker tries to form union, he or she is
dismissed without any reason given.
Rani has five sisters and two brothers. Her father is sick and unable to
work. One brother is drug addict because he could not get a job and
became frustrated. Her mother and two sisters also support the family by
working as domestic workers.
Information from Working Womens Organisation, Pakistan.
information sheets 3 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
In April 2002, managers at the Tainan garment factory in El Salvador
announced that workers who had been suspended at the beginning of
the month would not be rehired and the factory was closing. Tainan,
which is Taiwanese-owned, claimed the layoffs and plant closure were
due to a lack of orders from North America. They blamed the union for
the drop in demand.
Gap was one of the companies placing orders, but denied it had a problem
with the union. In fact, Gap had successfully persuaded Tainan to reinstate
fired workers a year earlier.
The Tainan workers union had obtained legal recognition in July 2001. The
union had just submitted a request to the Labour Ministry for collective
bargaining rights when the management made the announcement that it
would close the factory.
An international campaign was initiated. Campaigners called on the parent
company Tainan Enterprises to re-open its El Salvador factory, rehire the
workers, and negotiate in good faith with the union. In the US, they lobbied
Taiwanese government officials and Tainans customer headquarters.
Hundreds of letters were sent to Gap and other buyers including those who
source garments in Tainans factories in Asia such as Philips-Van Heusen,
Footlocker, Ann Taylor, Dress Barn, and Columbia Sportwear.
This pressure succeeded in getting Tainan Enterprises to begin discussions
on reopening the El Salvador plant. Meetings were held between senior
management and the union. The international campaign was then
suspended because Tainan Enterprises was engaging in negotiations.
As a result of the talks, the company agreed to finance a new factory that
would have a unionised workforce with a collective bargaining agreement.
A new factory, Just Garments, is replacing the Tainan factory. Just
Garments will be the first garment factory in El Salvador to have a trade
union and a collective bargaining agreement. At the time of writing, Gap
was expected to place the first direct order with Just Garments.
Information from Bridging the Gap: a look at Gaps supply chain from the
workplace to the store, Women Working Worldwide, 2003, and Maquila
Solidarity Network, Canada.
Gap: example of
a global chain
Facilitators Guide
to look in detail at Gaps global supply chain;
to use the Gap example to build a picture of the workers own supply chain;
to look at some cases of solidarity in the Gap supply chain;
to discuss the possibilities of solidarity in the participants own supply chain.
Try to find out whether there is production for Gap in your country/ region, and if so, where it is.
Understanding Gaps global supply chain
The two maps of Gaps supply chain in this Unit can be used with workers who are involved in the
Gap supply chain. Or they can be used with other participants as an example of a supply chain.
Familiarise the participants with the two Gap maps. Go through the key features, also building
on what was learnt about the supply chain in Unit 2.
Map 1 shows the downward flow of orders fromGap headquarters to the Gap sourcing office
(for example in Singapore), and the flow of raw materials, to big manufacturers. They may
then pass the work on to smaller factories that they own, or often also subcontract to factories
they do not own which are even more flexible and cheaper, who may then further subcontract
to homeworkers.
Map 2 shows the upward flow of finished garments fromthe homeworkers and small factories,
and back to the big manufacturers. Sometimes the goods go via Gap sourcing or regional
offices, but increasingly the big manufacturers organise transport to Gap in the USA, Canada
or Europe, who then distribute to stores around the world. Some Gap garments, such as those
that did not pass quality control, will go to local stores and markets to be sold cheaply.
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators guide 3
facilitators guide 3 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Developing the picture of our own supply chain
Ask the participants to construct an even fuller diagramof their own supply chain, using any
information they have gathered and new ideas fromthe Gap supply chain maps. They can use the
blank maps provided with this Unit.
Map 3
Where on the diagramis our workplace? Can we fill in the name of our employer?
Whose goods are we making? Can we fill in a retailers name at the top?
Who places the orders with our workplace on behalf of that retailer?
Is there a retailers office in our country? How can we find out?
Do unfinished garments go fromour workplace to other workplaces? If so, where to?
Map 4
Where on the diagramis our workplace?
Where do the goods go when they leave our workplace?
Where are the retailers stores where our goods end up on sale?
Solidarity along the Gap supply chain
Gap has a high profile for selling fashionable clothes. It has come under a lot of pressure from
campaigners in the countries where it sells its clothes. Young people who buy Gap products have
actively raised their concerns about the working conditions in Gaps supplier factories.
Ask a participant to read aloud Union victory in a
Gap supplier in El Salvador on page 36.
Union victory in a Gap supplier in El Salvador
Manufacturer blames plant closure on anti-union
pressure fromretailers
Gap denies it is anti-union
International campaign pressure on the
manufacturer and retailers for workers rights.
Union-management negotiations
Agreement for a unionised workforce with
collective bargaining agreement
What did we learn? Evaluation of the
Follow-up action:
Try to find out if your employer, or any of the buyers whose goods you make, have a Code of
Conduct. If there is one, see if you can get a copy.
Why was the campaign to help
the retrenched workers at
Tainan successful?
How did international
campaigners help? How do you
think they found out about the
situation in El Salvador?
Do we know of any national or
international organisations
that might help us be in
contact with other workers
in our supply chain?
Key Questions:
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators guide 2 women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators guide 3
Map 3
Supply Chain Showing The Downward Flow of Production
Flow of orders
Flow of raw materials
Flow of unfinished garments
facilitators guide 3 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Map 4
Supply Chain Showing The Upward Flow of Production
Flow of finished garments
Flow of unfinished garments
The global
garment industry
Information Sheets
The garment industry is a key example of a globalised industry.
information sheets 5 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
It was from the 2000 conference that the national Campaign Against
Contractualisation was born. In the campaign, we make contact with
garment workers and carry out education programmes in the communities
where they live near the Zone. We introduce issues through testimonials
from the workers, and then carry out education on the subcontracting
chain. We have some small groups, but it is very difficult to encourage the
participation of new contacts. They will distribute leaflets but few attend
the education sessions because they fear contact with unions will lead to
them being kicked out of work.
Contractualisation affects so many sectors, especially the service
industries and government employees. In fact, the Government is the No.1
implementer of contractualisation. So in the campaign we reach out also
to teachers and university lecturers and other public employees. We have
built alliances with the Church, and take every opportunity to be on the
radio to make a noise. We have high profile activities on festive days such
as Baguio Day, International Womens Day and May Day, with big posters
saying We Need Jobs, Wage Increases and No to Contractualisation.
Our aim is to form an association of contractual workers. Before, we
organised unions in the factories. But they were shortlived; activists were
fired and left the area. Regular workers were dismissed and replaced by
contractuals. Now when workers in the Zone hear the word union it is
difficult. We do hope to transform the association into a union in the long-
term. Under Philippines law, an association has no bargaining power; only
a union does. It really affects the orientation of the workers movement, as
we have to shift to what is appropriate to the situation today.
Froman interview with Celia Mather, October 2003
Solidarity between
workers locally
Facilitators Guide
to understand the significance of informal employment in undermining the rights of all
workers, and why it is important to develop solidarity between formal and informal workers
to enable participants to use mapping to draw up a strategy for organising themselves and
claiming their rights
Before running the workshop, you may like to find out what are the rights under employment
law in your country that are denied to informal workers because they have no legal status
as employees.
Using mapping for organising locally
Take up again the local map produced in Units 1, 2 and 3. Ask the participants to identify, who
and where are the formal workers, and who and where are the informal workers in their supply
chain. If needed, the facilitator can add in information about what laws in your country
employers avoid if they employ workers on a non-permanent basis.
Ask a participant to read aloud Cristis Story.
Cristis Story shows:
Contract labour in garment factories
A broad campaign against contractualisation
Forming an association of
contract workers
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack facilitators guide 5
In what ways is employment in garment factories in the
Philippines similar or different from our local situation?
What are the benefits that employers get by hiring workers on
an irregular or informal basis?
What are the strategies used by the Campaign Against
Contractualisation in the Philippines to organise informal
What are the lessons that could be drawn for our own
Key Questions:
facilitators guide 5 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Organising formal and informal workers together
Ask participants to brainstorm the barriers to organising and how to overcome them.
On whiteboard or paper on the wall, make two columns:
Barrier to organising How to overcome the barrier
Write up on the whiteboard/ wall. It might be useful to prioritise them, to note which should be
dealt with first.
Campaign Demands: Ask the participants to make a list of demands that could underpin a
campaign for the rights of informal workers. Compare the list drawn up by the participants with
the list on this Units information sheet. Consider adding to or changing the participants list.
Then prioritise the demands, according to which are appropriate in your local situation. Ask the
participants to list ways in which they could promote these demands.
Solidarity within our
Look again at Cristis Story.
What did we learn?
Evaluation of the session.
Follow up action:
Start organising to take up the demands for the rights of informal or irregular workers.
Identify other workers and organisations in your area/ region with whomgarment workers could
make alliances.
Are the formal garment workers in our area already members of a
trade union?
Do the irregular garment workers in our area have any organisation
or association that supports them?
How can formal and informal workers organise together in our area?
What are the barriers to organising and how can we overcome them?
Key Questions:
What are the lessons we can learn from this case
study about organising within our community?
Who are the other sectors of our community who may
be sympathetic to the garment workers situation?
Do we share common issues, such as their jobs also
becoming more casualised
Key Questions:
Solidarity along
the supply chain
Information Sheets
t is essential to build solidarity locally between workers and within the
community. Solidarity can also be built between workers in different regions
and different countries. In fact, in a global industry like garments, international
solidarity is becoming more and more important if workers are to resist being
forced to compete with each other in a race to the bottom.
Garment workers who are producing goods for the same buyers, that is to say in the same
supply chain, can be in contact, share vital information, and develop common strategies.
International solidarity can seema very difficult thing to imagine, let alone
achieve, especially to workers who feel isolated. International solidarity can only
offer something where workers in a locality have managed to establish some kind of
solidarity between themselves. Then international solidarity can add extra strength.
There are many examples where international solidarity has helped to bring success
to a particular group of workers campaigning for better wages or decent working
hours, or attempting to forma trade union.
These days, computer communications using the Internet have opened up many new
possibilities for international contact. In many places, workers support groups exist
who are willing to assist workers use the Internet, if needed.
Information exchange: By exchanging information, we can build up a
more complete picture of what is going on, so that we cannot be fooled by false
information. For example, it may not be true that a wage increase will make our
factory less competitive than suppliers elseware. But we will not know this unless we
contact workers in those other locations. Or perhaps the buyer we are working for
has a Code of Conduct which says that its suppliers should provide at least the
minimumwage, but no-one has ever told us. In this pack there are many concrete
examples of how information exchange has been vital to workers success.
Solidarity is a two-way street: Solidarity is also about offering support
to other workers who need it. Say workers in another factory along our supply chain
are going on strike against forced overtime. We can refuse to increase our
production that would make up for the shortfall fromtheir factory on strike.
Coordinating demands and struggles: More than this, we can
develop common strategies and co-ordinate our demands. Say the workers, even in
different countries, who are supplying the same retail company co-ordinate a
campaign, say for a living wage or proper employment contracts. Then that retail
company will find it much harder to shift orders fromone place to another to find a
cheaper and more vulnerable workforce.
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information sheets 6 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Overcoming barriers to solidarity
There are many barriers to working together. In order overcome the barriers, we first
need to know what the barriers are, and then find strategies to overcome them.
Competition: One barrier is competition. With unemployment rising
everywhere, it looks as if millions of workers in dozens of countries are all
competing for the same few jobs. We can easily feel that our own interests are
opposed to the interests of workers in other countries or even in our own country, or
that we have to accept worse employment conditions in order to stop our jobs being
taken by other workers.
If we have these kinds of feelings, the only people who will benefit are the
employers. We ourselves will suffer, along with all the other workers. It is better to
think of ourselves as one single workforce, divided and spread out all over the world,
but still with the same interests. Whatever problems we face are also faced by the
others, and so we have to discuss common solutions to our problems - solutions that
will benefit everyone.
Prejudice: Another barrier is prejudice. Prejudice can be against workers who
speak a different language, follow a different religion, look different, come froma
different culture or different country. We all know examples of this, within our own
countries as well as between different countries. Sometimes, prejudices are so
strong that anyone fromthe other country or region is seen as an enemy.
This is really a very silly way of looking at things. J ust because people are different
fromus in some way, that doesnt mean they are our enemies! The world would be a
very boring place if people were all exactly the same. We should be glad of diversity,
because it makes life so much more interesting.
And yet, there are some ways in which we are all the same. We are all human beings,
and are entitled to the same respect, the same rights and the same concern from
other human beings. When we are excluded or discriminated against or persecuted -
because we are women, for example - we feel hurt and angry. So we should never
treat others in this way.
Most of the hostility of this type is stirred up by politicians for their own
purposes. But ordinary people, even workers, get taken in by this kind of
propaganda, partly because we are unaware of the similarity between our lives
and the lives of other people. This poses a serious obstacle to building solidarity
between workers, and that in turn makes it impossible to work out common
strategies to obtain workers rights.
Therefore, to build a strong workers movement, we should always resist prejudice.
women working worldwide garment supply chain education pack information sheets 6
Garment workers solidarity
There are many international organisations and networks which campaign for the
rights of garment workers. Here are some:
International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers Federation (ITGLWF): a
global union federation of 216 trade unions in 106 countries, representing 10 million
garment workers.
Clean Clothes Campaign: a network of organisations and trade unions in Europe
and Scandinavia.
Labour Behind the Label: pressure groups and trade unions in the UK, including
Women Working Worldwide; part of the Clean Clothes Campaign network.
No Sweat: a campaign that unites students and trade union activists in the UK.
United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS): a campaign that unites students
and others in over 200 college campuses in the USA.
Maquila Solidarity Network: a network of organisations and trade unions in
Canada and Mexico/ Central America.
These organisations carry out fact-finding missions and in-depth research, publicise
how garment companies treat their workers, issue urgent action appeals to support
particular groups of workers, and help workers devise strategies to combat abuse.
The case studies in this Unit give some examples.
Solidarity from consumers
As a result of high-profile campaigning, many people in Europe and North America
are now aware that much of the clothing they buy is made by workers who are
exploited. Some are campaigning against this exploitation. They do not want the
garment retailers to make their large profits off the backs of the workers but to
forego some profits in aid of improving workers conditions.
Consumer campaigns need information fromthe workers about what the actual
conditions are, and advice on what kind of action to take. Quite often, consumers
think that the best thing to do is to boycott the goods. But this can lead to the
retailer stopping the orders and the workers losing their jobs.
Also, if workers in one factory ask for a consumer boycott of the products they make,
then workers in other factories making the same goods may be hard hit, and even
lose their jobs. So, calling for a boycott is a weapon that can be used, but only
when all the workers concerned have been consulted first.
A better formof action is to bring pressure on retailers and manufacturers which
result in workers keeping their jobs, and also being paid a living wage, safe from
forced overtime, working in healthy and safe conditions, and having their rights to
organise respected. This means pressure to see that improvements are made all the
way down the chain to the sweatshops and homeworkers.
information sheets 6 garment supply chain education pack women working worldwide
Company Codes of Conduct
Well-known retailers, especially those with famous brands such as Gap and Nike,
have come under a lot of pressure fromcampaigners around the world to make sure
that the workers who make their goods are not exploited or abused. Campaigners
want these big and powerful companies only to give their contracts to
manufacturers that respect workers rights and dignity, and pay decent wages.
In response, many retailers have adopted Codes of Conduct. The example of Gap is
given in Unit 3 of this pack. Codes set out various principles. They say, for example,
that the retailer will only do business with manufacturers who pay the legal
minimumwage, and do not use child labour.
There are cases where factory workforces, working
with solidarity organisations overseas, have been
able to use a Code to win respect for their rights.
Some Codes, however, are weakly worded and omit
to mention the workers right to organise a union.
Where a Code exists, the workers concerned -
especially homeworkers - often do not know
anything about it.
Monitoring to see how well Codes are implemented
sometimes takes place in the big manufacturers. But
monitoring rarely happens in subcontractors lower
down the chain, particularly among the
homeworkers, who the retailer may not even know
about. So, campaigners are trying to insist that
retailers send their representatives to visit workers
at the bottomof the chain too.
There are many different types of Codes and monitoring systems, and there are many
problems with them. The most important issue is that the workers concerned -
including those at the bottomof the chain - must be involved in monitoring and
free to speak their mind to monitors without victimisation.
Codes can never replace trade unions, though they sometimes can create space to
build union organisation.
The key problemis that the retailers, whether they have a Code or not, are at the
same time putting extreme pressure on the manufacturers to meet tight deadlines at
low cost.