Mar Checklist
Mar Checklist
Mar Checklist
, Proventil
metaproterenol - Alupent
pirbuterol - Maxair
bitolterol - Tornalate
These agents work by promoting
Wait one minute between puffs for multiple
inhalations of the same drug
bronchodilation by relaxing bronchial
smooth muscle.
2. Anticholinergic Agents
ipratropium - Atrovent
Antagonizes the action of acetylcholine
with resulting bronchodilation.
Minimal systemic activity.
Is used for maintenance therapy only,
not acute episodes.
Wait five minutes before administering
May be more useful than traditional
bronchodilators in chronic bronchitis.
3. Miscellaneous Agents
Wait one minute between puffs for multiple
inhalations of the same drug
cromolyn - Intal
nedocromil - Tilade
Stabilizes mast cells and inhibits the
release of histamine from these cells.
Must be used on a regular basis, not
useful on a PRN basis.
May be used prophylactically prior to
4. Corticosteroids Wait five minutes before administering
triamcinolone Azmacort
flunisolide Aerobid
budesonide Pulmicort
Wait one minute between puffs for multiple
inhalations of the same drug
fluticasone/salmeterol - Advair
Anti-inflammatory agents may have a
variety of actions useful in management
Rinse the mouth out following use (do not
swallow the water) to help prevent
oropharyngeal fungal infections. The use of
a spacer device may also reduce these side
of COPD.
Must be used on a regular basis, not
PRN agents.
Minimal systemic activity
All Inhalers Must Be Shaken
Well Prior To Use ! !
Bronchodilator: Proventil, Alupent, etc.
Atrovent / Miscellaneous Agents
Corticosteroids; Azmacort, Pulmicort, etc.
Spacing and proper sequence of the different inhalers is important for maximal drug
effectiveness. If more than one inhaler is used, following the sequence listed below
provides the most benefit to the patient.