Electricity: Atom Conductors
Electricity: Atom Conductors
Electricity: Atom Conductors
The smallest part of an element that has all of that
element's properties.
2. Battery
An object used to create a push of electrons.
3. Circuit
The path along which electric current flows; it needs
to follow a complete path back to its starting point
4. Closed
A circuit or (loop) where electrical current flows freely
and uninterrupted; or When the path has no gap and
the current can flow though it.
5. Conductors
Materials that allow electric charges to flow
through them or a material through which
electric current passes easily; or a device
designed to transmit electricity, heat, etc.
6. Current
The flow of negative electric charges (electrons)
from one point to another.
7. Electrical
The continuous flow of electrons through a
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8. Electricity
A form of energy caused by the movement of
9. Electrolyte
A liquid or paste that chemically reacts with
metals leaving one positive and one negative
10. Electron A tiny negatively charged particle that orbits the
core of an atom.
11. filament
a thin wire inside the glass bulb of a light bulb,
which heats up to glow and provide light
12. fluorescent
lamp consisting of a tube coated on the inside
with a fluorescent material
13. generator
engine that converts mechanical energy into
electrical energy by electromagnetic induction
14. grounding
fastening electrical equipment to earth
15. Insulators
Materials that prevent electric charges from
flowing through them; or a material through
which electric current DOES NOT pass easily; or
a material that does not allow heat or electrons to
move through it easily; or Materials such as
rubber, plastic, or glass that block the flow of
16. light
A diode that will produce light when current
flows through it.
17. magnetism
A property of some materials in which there is a
force of repulsion or attraction between certain
like and unlike poles
18. Neutron A tiny particle found in the core of an atom. It
has no charge.
19. Open
When the path has a gap and the current can't
20. Parallel
A circuit that has more than one path for an
electric current to flow.
21. power
a source of electricity for a device, which
converts, regulates, and transmits the external
power for the device
22. Proton A tiny positively charged particle found in the
core of an atom.
23. Resistance The opposition a material offers the flow of
electric charges.
24. Series
A circuit that contains a single path for electric
current to flow or circuit in which electric current
follows only one path
25. Static
A buildup of electrical charges that can cause
objects to attract or repel each other.
26. Switch
A device used to complete or interrupt an electric
27. Volt A unit of measurement of the force or push of electrons in an electric current
28. Watt The measurement of the amount of electricity any electrical appliance uses.