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The journal entries provide insights into Kurt Cobain's rise to fame with Nirvana in the early 1990s and his struggles with fame and drug addiction.
In 1991, Nirvana signed with Geffen Records and recorded Nevermind, which became hugely successful and made Cobain a major rock star. He also began a relationship with Courtney Love.
In 1992, Cobain dealt with his new-found fame by adopting a punk rock, rebellious attitude in public, while privately struggling with increasing drug use and his relationship with Courtney Love.
Kurt Cobain: the journals
Early 1991: 'I cried to "Seasons of the Sun"'
Nirvana, hitherto a cult 'alternative' band, sign with Gefen Records, securing a handsome advance; the recording sessions for the album Nevermind are under wa and within months, !ost"'#mells $ii%e &een #!irit', Cobain will become the biggest roc% star in the world' (e !ens a brief autobiogra!h in his noteboo%' Next page: Bingeing on fame, autumn 1991 to spring 199 !urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special Kurt Cobain: the journals 'utumn 1991 to spring 199: 'I got a little ha#it(((' $oser no more' (uge fame hits, as onl overnight roc% fame can: the massivel successful album )Nevermind ousts *ichael +ac%son's ,angerous as -illboard's number one.; the high"!ro/le girlfriend )he marries Courtne $ove on 0ebruar 12 3441. and a develo!ing drug habit with what he li%es to call 'heroine'' (e's also ta%en a disli%e to the -ritish !ress' Next page: 'Smells li)e thirtysomething(((', spring 199 !urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special Kurt Cobain: the journals Spring 199: 'Smells li)e thirtysomething(((' 5ne favourite Cobain strateg for dealing with fame is to ado!t !un% roc% attitudes, !la the rebel' (e writes to Rolling #tone e6!laining wh he won't do an interview, an unmailed letter' )(e agrees to do the interview a few months later. Next page: *atherhood and sur&i&al, summer 199 !urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special Kurt Cobain: the journals Summer 199: '+e ,ill sur&i&e(((' 0rances -ean Cobain is born on 7ugust 38' -ut while $ove gives birth, Cobain is in the chemical de!endenc wing of the same hos!ital, Cedars"#inai in $os 7ngeles' 9anit 0air !ublishes an article b $nn (irschberg alleging that $ove had a habit during !regnanc; a stor !ic%ed u! b *&9' Cobain blasts his media tormentors' )Kurt $oder is also a journalist. Next page: !urdt's many moods, late 199 !urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special Kurt Cobain: the journals -ate 199: '.ay#e I could s/uee0e my friends in' Cobain ta%es to calling himself or, more s!eci/call his roc% !ersona, 'Kurdt' " with an added 'd'' &he *an *oods galler he creates from medical te6tboo%s of deformed bodies' Next page: 1isappointing my father, spring 1992 !urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special Kurt Cobain: the journals Spring 1992: '3e's gonna #e a foot#all player(((' 5r not' 7fter the birth of 0rances, Cobain starts to re:ect on his relationshi! with his father ,on, from whom he is estranged' ;n the s!ring of 4<, he writes an unsent letter to ,on describing his contem!t for him' ;n this earlier cartoon, Cobain suggests that he had not met ,on's macho e6!ectations' Next page: -o&e letter to "ourtney, spring 1992 !urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special Kurt Cobain: the journals Spring 1992: 'I parade you around proundly(((' ;n 0ebruar, Cobain and $ove celebrate their /rst anniversar; a tem!estuous relationshi! which Cobain tries to ma%e sense of in his s%etch of a letter' Next page: 3o, drugs consume you, spring 1994 !urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special Kurt Cobain: the journals Spring 1994: 'It can gradually consume you(((' Nirvana are a few das into their /nal =uro!ean tour, when Cobain sits down in his *adrid hotel room to ofer his most detailed account of the wor%ings of his drug habit' Spring 1994: 'I choose death' #oon afterwards, Cobain was rushed to hos!ital in Rome with a distraught Courtne $ove, having ta%en an a overdose of Roh!nol, leaving behind a suicide note' '$i%e (amlet, ; have to choose between life and death' ; choose death'' (e is in a coma for 1> hours but he survives' ?ee%s later, he tries again at home in #eattle' (is dead bod is found on 8 7!ril' !urt "o#ain's $ournals: %#ser&er special
Excerpt From "The Friedkin Connection: A Memoir" by William Friedkin. Copyright 2013 by William Friedkin. Reprinted Here by Permission of Harper. All Rights Reserved.
I, California: The Occasional History of a Child Actress/Tap Dancer/Record Store Clerk/Thai Waitress/Playboy Reject/Nightclub Booker/Daily Show Correspondent/Sex Columnist/Recurring Character/and Whatever Else