Indusind Bank LTD
Indusind Bank LTD
Indusind Bank LTD
A Project Report on
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Submitted in partial fulfillment for the
Aard of de!ree of Aard of de!ree of
Master of Business Administration Master of Business Administration
Submitted To: Submitted To: Submitted By: Submitted By:
Ms. Dimple Arya Ms. Dimple Arya Arpit Raj Arpit Raj
HR Manager HR Manager MBA III MBA III
rd rd
Sem. Sem.
MBA/!"#/$ MBA/!"#/$
%"$&%"! %"$&%"!
Department of Management Department of Management
Birla Institute of Te'(nology) Mesra Birla Institute of Te'(nology) Mesra
*atna +ampus *atna +ampus
I take this opportunity to express my deep sense o !ratitude" thanks and re!ards to#ards a$$ o
those #ho ha%e dire&t$y or indire&t$y he$ped me in the su&&essu$ &omp$etion o this pro'e&t(
Then" I express my sin&ere !ratitude to Mr. Ras(id ,-bal sir" )ran&h *ead
+Mana!er,"IND-.IND )ank Limited+Anisha/ad patna,( Without his he$p I &ou$d
not prepare my report so inormati%e(
I #ou$d a$so $ike to thank IND-.IND /ank .ta or their #onderu$ support 0 inspira/$e
I am !rateu$ to a$$ a&u$ty mem/ers o my Co$$e!e and my riends #ho ha%e he$ped me in the
su&&essu$ &omp$etion o this pro'e&t(
Last /ut not the $east I am inde/ted to my 1A2ENT. #ho pro%ided me their time" support and
inspiration needed to prepare this report(
1$a&e3 1atna
Arpit Raj
*refa'e *refa'e
This report is prepared as the partia$ u$i$$ment or T#o56ear de!ree 1ro!ram o M)A
&urri&u$um o Birla Institute of Te'(nology) Mesra *atna +ampus( It is expe&ted rom an
M)A to possess a !ood &ommuni&ation 0 ee&ti%e presentation ski$$s(
O/'e&ti%es o the pro'e&t report" these are35
It is upho$d the di!nity o indi%idua$
It is honor a$$ &ommitments
It is &ommitted to 7ua$ity" Inno%ation and !ro#th in e%ery endea%or
It is responsi/$e Corporate Citi8ens(
The resear&h pro%ides an opportunity to a student to demonstrate app$i&ation o his9her
kno#$ed!e" ski$$ and &ompeten&ies re7uired durin! the te&hni&a$ session( 2esear&h a$so he$ps the
student to de%ote his9her ski$$ to ana$y8e the pro/$em to su!!est a$ternati%e so$utions" to e%a$uate
them and to pro%ide easi/$e re&ommendations on the pro%ided data( A$thou!h I ha%e tried my
$e%e$ /est to prepare this report an error ree report e%ery eort has /een made to oer the most
authenti&ate position #ith a&&ura&y( This report &ontains a num/er o additiona$ eatures3
Introdu&es e$e&troni& industry in India" !enera$ & e$e&troni& manua&turin! pro&ess"
pri&e 0 proit to the irm" trend 0 p$ayers" domesti& p$ayers" market opportunities or
in%estment 0 &ompany proi$e 0 o/'e&ti%es o the report(
On &on&eptua$ rame#ork #hi&h re$ated to e$e&troni& market +in the pu/$i& se&tor"
interpretati%e mode$s(
On data ana$ysis 0 interpretation re$ated to e$e&troni& produ&ts(
On o/ser%ation 0 indin!" &on&$usions 0 su!!estion re$ated to resear&h methodo$o!y"
data ana$ysis 0 interpretation #hi&h &onsider the topi& o
A /i/$io!raphy in pro'e&t report is pro%ided at the end that shou$d ser%e as !ood sour&es
o reeren&e materia$ or $earners 0 resear&hers in the area(
An annexure appears at the end o the report that pro%ides some useu$ sour&es o
inormation on the Internet re!ardin! pro'e&t report(
+ertifi'ate +ertifi'ate
)eore !oin! to the ana$ysis" it is mandatory to kno# somethin! a/out the
or!ani8ation" its &ore produ&ts that it oers to its &ustomers< a/out the .ME $oan"
its &$assii&ations and the #ho$e o its pro&ess startin! rom $oan san&tion to
re&o%ery and &$osin! o the $oan(
That=s #hy" irst o a$$" I=%e made an o%er%ie# o the or!ani8ation" IND-.IND
/ank Limited" #here I had &omp$eted my summer trainin! pro!ram( *ere I tried to
o&us the /ank=s history o ori!ination" its mission and %ision" ma'or departments
and /usiness units and ma'or produ&ts and ser%i&es( Then" in the next part" I said
somethin! a/out the methodo$o!y o the report( *o# the data ha%e /een &o$$e&ted"
ho# the study has /een &ondu&ted( Next" &omes the o&a$ part o the report( The
modu$e o .ME is the most %ita$ part i this report" #here I !a%e my &on&entration(
*ere I o&used on .ME produ&ts" the terms and &onditions o !i%in! .ME $oan"
enterprise se$e&tion &riteria and do&umentation( Then ta$ked a/out the pro&edure o
.ME $oan #here I de$ineated the san&tion" dis/ursement" repayment and &$osin! o
.ME $oan(
Ater ta$kin! a/out the #ho$e pro&ess o .ME $oan" I made an attempt to ana$y8e
the repayment /eha%ior o .ME $oan /orro#ers in the $ast part( Then I ha%e &hosen
%aria/$es #hi&h ha%e an impa&t on the re&o%ery rate o .ME $oan( That is" these
are the %aria/$es #hi&h may &han!e the repayment /eha%ior o .ME /orro#ers( I
ound some si!nii&ant %aria/$e $ike a!e" experien&e and in&ome o the
entrepreneurs #hi&h mi!ht ha%e an impa&t on repayment o the $oan(
>ina$$y I !ot some indin!s rom the ana$ysis o the repayment /eha%ior o .ME
$oan /orro#ers( Then I &on&$ude my report sayin! some po$i&y imp$i&ations and
$imitations o the report(
Table of +ontent Table of +ontent
A&kno#$ed!ement I
1rea&e II
Certii&ate III
Exe&uti%e .ummary I@
Ta/$e o Contents @
+(apter .o. TIT/, *A0, .1.
1 Introdu&tion
4 1rodu&t o Indusind )ank
: Department o Indusind )ank
; 2esear&h Methodo$o!y
Data Ana$ysis 0 Interpretation
>indin! 0 Con&$usion
1( INT2OD-CTION((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
1(1 *I.TO26 O> )ANKING(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
1(: BOARD OF DIRECTORS&TOP MGT((((((((((((((((((((((
1(; [email protected]((
1(A 1A6MENT [email protected]((((((
1(1 *-MAN 2E.O-2.E DE1A2TMENTBBB((B(
The IND-.IND #as amon!st the irst to re&ei%e an Ein prin&ip$eE appro%a$ rom the
2eser%e )ank o India +2)I, to set up a /ank in the pri%ate se&tor" as part o the 2)IEs
$i/era$i8ation o the Indian )ankin! Industry in 1GG;( The /ank #as in&orporated in Au!ust
1GG; in the name o EIND-.IND )ank LimitedE" #ith its re!istered oi&e in Mum/ai" India(
IND-.IND )ank &ommen&ed operations as a .&hedu$ed Commer&ia$ )ank in Hanuary 1GG?(
IND-.IND is IndiaEs premier housin! inan&e &ompany and en'oys an impe&&a/$e tra&k
re&ord in India as #e$$ as in internationa$ markets( .in&e its in&eption in 1GCC" the Corporation
has maintained a &onsistent and hea$thy !ro#th in its operations to remain the market $eader in
mort!a!es( Its outstandin! $oan porto$io &o%ers #e$$ o%er a mi$$ion d#e$$in! units(IND-.IND
has de%e$oped si!nii&ant expertise in retai$ mort!a!e $oans to dierent market se!ments and
a$so has a $ar!e &orporate &$ient /ase or its housin! re$ated &redit a&i$ities(With its
experien&e in the inan&ia$ markets" a stron! market reputation" $ar!e shareho$der /ase and
uni7ue &onsumer ran&hise" IND-.IND #as idea$$y positioned to promote a /ank in the Indian
IND-.IND )ank /e!an operations in 1GG? #ith a simp$e mission 3 to /e a World Class Indian
Bank. We rea$i8ed that on$y a sin!$e minded o&us on produ&t 7ua$ity and ser%i&e ex&e$$en&e
#ou$d he$p us !et there( Today" #e are proud to say that #e are #e$$ on our #ay to#ards that
IND-.IND )ank Limited +the )ank, is an India5/ased /ankin! &ompany en!a!ed in pro%idin! a
ran!e o /ankin! and inan&ia$ ser%i&es" in&$udin! &ommer&ia$ /ankin! and treasury operations(
The )ank has a net#ork o 1;14 /ran&hes and :4G? automated te$$er ma&hines +ATMs, in ?4F
&ities and tota$ emp$oyees is 52687.
+ompany Ba'2ground
Industry >inan&e 5 )anks 5 1ri%ate .e&tor(
Business 0roup IND-.IND Group
In'orporation Date :191491GG;
*ubli' Issue Date :191491GG?
3a'e 4alue 1I(IIII
+ompany/Business Registration .o INEI;IAI1I1F
5ey 1ffi'ials +,1 Aditya puri
IND-.IND )ANK LTD #as in&orporated in Au!ust 1GG; in the name o EIND-.IND )ank
LimitedE"#ith its re!istered oi&e in Mum/ai" India( IND-.IND )ank &ommen&ed operations as
a .&hedu$ed Commer&ia$ )ank in Hanuary 1GG?(
I e%er there #as a man #ith a mission it #as Hasmu2(b(ai *are2() 3ounder and +(airman&
,meritus) of I.D6SI.D 0roup. I.D6SI.D BA.5 /TD #as amon!st the irst to set up a
/ank in the pri%ate se&tor( The /ank #as in&orporated on :Ith Au!ust 1GG; in the name o
JIND-.IND )ank Limited=" #ith its re!istered oi&e in Mum/ai(It &ommen&ed operations as a
.&hedu$ed Commer&ia$ )ank on 1Ath Hanuary 1GG?( The /ank has !ro#n &onsistent$y and is no#
amon!st the $eadin! p$ayers in the industry .
IND-.IND is IndiaEs premier housin! inan&e &ompany and en'oys an impe&&a/$e tra&k re&ord
inIndia as #e$$ as in internationa$ markets( .in&e its in&eption in 1GCC" the Corporation
hasmaintained a &onsistent and hea$thy !ro#th in its operations to remain the market $eader
inmort!a!es( Its outstandin! $oan porto$io &o%ers #e$$ o%er a mi$$ion d#e$$in! units(
IND-.IND has de%e$oped si!nii&ant expertise in retai$ mort!a!e $oans to dierent market
se!ments and a$so has a $ar!e &orporate &$ient /ase or its housin! re$ated &redit a&i$ities( With
its experien&e in the inan&ia$ markets" a stron! market reputation" $ar!e shareho$der /ase and
uni7ue &onsumer ran&hise" IND-.IND #as idea$$y positioned to promote a /ank in the Indian
en%ironment In a mi$estone transa&tion in the Indian /ankin! industry" Times )ank #as mer!ed
#ith IND-.IND )ank Ltd(" ee&ti%e >e/ruary 4A" 4III(
I( Wor$d C$ass Indian )ank
II( )en&hmarkin! a!ainst internationa$ standards(
III( To /ui$d sound &ustomer ran&hises a&ross distin&t /usinesses
I@( )est pra&ti&es in terms o produ&t oerin!s" te&hno$o!y" ser%i&e $e%e$s" risk mana!ement
and audit 0 &omp$ian&e
4ISI1. STAT,M,.T 13 I.D6SI.D BA.5
The IND-.IND )ank is &ommitted to maintain the hi!hest $e%e$ o ethi&a$ standards"
proessiona$ inte!rity and re!u$atory &omp$ian&e( IND-.IND )ank=s /usiness phi$osophy is
/ased on our &ore %a$ues su&h as35
1( Operationa$ ex&e$$en&e(
4( Customer >o&us(
:( 1rodu&t $eadership(
;( 1eop$e(
The o/'e&ti%e o the IND-.IND )ank is to pro%ide its tar!et market &ustomers a u$$ ran!e o
inan&ia$ produ&ts and /ankin! ser%i&es" !i%in! the &ustomer a one5step #indo# or a$$ his9her
re7uirements( The IND-.IND )ank p$us and the in%estment ad%isory ser%i&es pro!rams ha%e
/een desi!ned keepin! in mind needs o &ustomers #ho seeks distin&t inan&ia$ so$utions"
inormation and ad%i&e on %arious in%estment a%enues(
I( In&reasin! market share in India=s expandin! /ankin!
II( De$i%erin! hi!h 7ua$ity &ustomer ser%i&e
III( Maintainin! &urrent hi!h standards or asset 7ua$ity throu!h dis&ip$ined &redit risk
I@( De%e$op inno%ati%e produ&ts and ser%i&es that attra&t tar!eted &ustomers and address
inei&ien&ies in the Indian inan&ia$ se&tor(
.ame Designation
2 .eshasayee Chairman
T T 2am Mohan Dire&tor
. C Tripathi Dire&tor
Kan&han Chita$e Additiona$ Dire&tor
2 . .harma Additiona$ Dire&tor
2omesh .o/ti Mana!in! Dire&tor 0 CEO
A'ay *indu'a Dire&tor
Ashok Kini Dire&tor
@i'ay @aid Additiona$ Dire&tor
6 M Ka$e A$ternate Dire&tor
A/hay Aima E7uities 0 1ri%ate )ankin! and N2I )usiness
Ani$ Ha!!ia Inormation Te&hno$o!y and Le!a$
Ashish 1arthasarth Treasury
)harat .hah Mer&hant .e2%i&es
G .u/ramanian Audit 0 Comp$ian&e
Kai8ad Mane&k Credit 0 Market 2isk
Mandeep Maitra *(2" Admin 0 Inrastru&ture
Na%in 1uri )ran&h )ankin!
1ra$ay Monda$ Assets 0 C2EDIT CA2D.
2ahu$ N )ha!at 2etai$ Lia/i$ities" Marketin! 0 Dire&t )ankin! Channe$s
Ananthanarayan Operations
.ashi Ha!dishan >inan&e
.udhir Hoshi Treasury
A Asokan Emer!in! Enterprise Group
Amit Kumar 2etai$ )ran&h )ankin!5West 1
Ani$ Nath )usiness )ankin! 5 Workin! Capita$ 0 2etai$ A!ri
Arup 2akshit Treasury
Ashima Khanna )hat Emer!in! Corporate Group
Ashok Khanna 2etai$ Assets K TW
)ha%esh Chandu$a$ Who$esa$e Operations
)i'u 1i$$ai 2etai$ Assets 5 EL"1L"LA. 0 GOLD
)irendra .ahu retai$ Operations
Deepak Mahesh#ari Credit and Market 2isk
Gs% .urya 1rasad Inormation Te&hno$o!y
*arpreet .in!h N2I )usiness
Himmy M Tata Corporate )ankin!
Munish Mitta$ Inormation Te&hno$o!y
Nandkishor Laxman >inan&ia$ Institution Group
Nitin .u/ramanya E7uities and 1ri%ate )ankin!
1ara! 2ao Credit Cards
2a'ender .eh!a$ >inan&ia$ Institution Group
2ohit Gaura% Marketin!
.an'ay ) Don!re Le!a$
.an'ee% 1ate$ Dire&t )ankin! Channe$
Tarini @aidya Treasury
9B,ST BA.5 I. I.DIA9
E&onomi& Times
)rand E7uity 0
Nie$sen 2esear&h
annua$ sur%ey 4IIG
Most Trusted Brand & Runner 6p
Asia Money 4IIG
9Best Domesti' Ban2 in India9
I)A )ankin!
A#ards 4IIG
9Best IT 0o:ernan'e A;ard & Runner up9
G$o/a$ >inan&e
9Best Trade 3inan'e Ban2 in India for %""8
ID2)T )ankin! 9Best IT 0o:ernan'e and 4alue Deli:ery9
Ex&e$$en&e A#ard
Asian )anker
Ex&e$$en&e in
2etai$ >inan&ia$
9Asian Ban2er Best Retail Ban2 in India A;ard %""8 9
AWA2D. >O2
9B,ST BA.5 A.D B,ST +ASH MA.A0,M,.T BA.59
CNN5I)N 9Indian of t(e 7ear =Business>9
Nass&om IT -ser
A#ard 4IIF
9Best IT Adoption in t(e Ban2ing Se'tor9
)usiness India 9Best Ban2 %""<9
>or/es Asia 3ab !" 'ompanies in Asia *a'ifi'
Asian )anker
Ex&e$$en&e in
2etai$ >inan&ia$
Best Retail Ban2 %""<
Asiamoney Best lo'al +as( Management Ban2 A;ard :oted by +orporates
Mi&rosot 0 Indian
Express Group
Se'urity Strategist A;ard %""<
Wor$d Trade
Center A#ard o
3or outstanding 'ontribution to international trade ser:i'es.
)usiness Today 1ne of India9s ?Most Inno:ati:e +ompanies?
>inan&ia$ Express5
Ernst 0 6oun!
Best Ban2 A;ard in t(e *ri:ate Se'tor 'ategory
G$o/a$ *2
Ex&e$$en&e A#ards
5 Asia 1a&ii&
9,mployer Brand of t(e 7ear %""@ &%""<9 A;ard & 3irst Runner
up) A many more
)usiness Today 9Best Ban29 A;ard
D-N 0 9+1R*1RAT, B,ST BA.59 ABARD
The )om/ay .to&k
Ex&han!e and
)usiness or .o&ia$
9Best +orporate So'ial Responsibility *ra'ti'e9 A;ard
NDT@ 1roit Best Ban2 A;ard in t(e *ri:ate se'tor 'ategory.
The Asian )anker
Ex&e$$en&e in
2etai$ >inan&ia$
Best Retail Ban2 in India
Asian )anker 1ur Managing Dire'tor Aditya *uri ;ins t(e /eaders(ip
A'(ie:ement A;ard for India
B6SI.,SS S,0M,.T
IND-.IND )ank oers a #ide ran!e o &ommer&ia$ and transa&tiona$ /ankin! ser%i&es
and treasury produ&ts to #ho$esa$e and retai$ &ustomers( The /ank has three key /usiness
B(olesale Ban2ing Ser:i'es:
The )ankEs tar!et market ran!es rom $ar!e" /$ue5&hip manua&turin! &ompanies in the Indian
&orporate to sma$$ 0 mid5si8ed &orporate and a!ri5/ased /usinesses( >or these &ustomers" the
)ank pro%ides a #ide ran!e o &ommer&ia$ and transa&tiona$ /ankin! ser%i&es" in&$udin!
#orkin! &apita$ inan&e" trade ser%i&es" transa&tiona$ ser%i&es" &ash mana!ement" et&( The /ank is
a$so a $eadin! pro%ider o stru&tured so$utions" #hi&h &om/ine &ash mana!ement ser%i&es #ith
%endor and distri/utor inan&e or a&i$itatin! superior supp$y &hain mana!ement or its &orporate
&ustomers( )ased on its superior produ&t de$i%ery 9 ser%i&e $e%e$s and stron! &ustomer
orientation" the )ank has made si!nii&ant inroads into the /ankin! &onsortia o a num/er o
$eadin! Indian &orporate in&$udin! mu$tinationa$s" &ompanies rom the domesti& /usiness houses
and prime pu/$i& se&tor &ompanies( It is re&o!ni8ed as a $eadin! pro%ider o &ash mana!ement
and transa&tiona$ /ankin! so$utions to &orporate &ustomers" mutua$ unds" sto&k ex&han!e
mem/ers and /anks(
Retail Ban2ing Ser:i'es :
The o/'e&ti%e o the 2etai$ )ank is to pro%ide its tar!et market &ustomers a u$$ ran!e o
inan&ia$ produ&ts and /ankin! ser%i&es" !i%in! the &ustomer a one5stop #indo# or a$$ his9her
/ankin! re7uirements( The produ&ts are /a&ked /y #or$d5&$ass ser%i&e and de$i%ered to the
&ustomers throu!h the !ro#in! /ran&h net#ork" as #e$$ as throu!h a$ternati%e de$i%ery &hanne$s
$ike ATMs" 1hone )ankin!" Net )ankin! and Mo/i$e )ankin!(
The IND-.IND )ank 1reerred pro!ram or hi!h net #orth indi%idua$s" the IND-.IND
)ank 1$us and the In%estment Ad%isory .er%i&es pro!rams ha%e /een desi!ned keepin! in mind
needs o &ustomers #ho seek distin&t inan&ia$ so$utions" inormation and ad%i&e on %arious
in%estment a%enues( The )ank a$so has a #ide array o retai$ $oan produ&ts in&$udin! Auto
Loans" Loans a!ainst marketa/$e se&urities" 1ersona$ Loans and Loans or T#o5#hee$ers( It is
a$so a $eadin! pro%ider o Depository 1arti&ipant +D1, ser%i&es or retai$ &ustomers" pro%idin!
&ustomers the a&i$ity to ho$d their in%estments in e$e&troni& orm(
IND-.IND )ank #as the irst /ank in India to $aun&h an Internationa$ De/it Card in
asso&iation #ith @I.A [email protected] E$e&tron, and issues the Master &ard Maestro de/it &ard as #e$$(
The )ank $aun&hed its &redit &ard /usiness in $ate 4II1( )y .eptem/er :I" 4II?" the /ank had a
tota$ &ard /ase +de/it and &redit &ards, o ?(4 mi$$ion &ards( The )ank is a$so one o the $eadin!
p$ayers in the Lmer&hant a&7uirin!L /usiness #ith o%er ?I"III 1oint5o5sa$e +1O., termina$s or
de/it 9 &redit &ards a&&eptan&e at mer&hant esta/$ishments(
Within this /usiness" the /ank has three main produ&t areas 5 >orei!n Ex&han!e and
Deri%ati%es" Lo&a$ Curren&y Money Market 0 De/t .e&urities" and E7uities( With the
$i/era$i8ation o the inan&ia$ markets in India" &orporate need more sophisti&ated risk
mana!ement inormation" ad%i&e and produ&t stru&tures( These and ine pri&in! on %arious
treasury produ&ts are pro%ided throu!h the /ankEs Treasury team( To &omp$y #ith statutory
reser%e re7uirements" the /ank is re7uired to ho$d 4?M o its deposits in !o%ernment se&urities(
The Treasury /usiness is responsi/$e or mana!in! the returns and market risk on this in%estment
)ankin! shou$d /e eort$ess( With IND-.IND )ank" the eorts are re#ardin!( No matter #hat
a &ustomerEs need and o&&upationa$ status" #e ha%e a ran!e o so$utions that are se&ond to none(
Whether youEre emp$oyed in a &ompany and need a simp$e .a%in!s a&&ount or run your o#n
/usiness and re7uire a ro/ust /ankin! partner" IND-.IND )ank not on$y has the pere&t so$ution
or you" /ut a$so &an re&ommend produ&ts that &an au!ment your p$annin! or the uture(
It in&$udes these ser%i&es3 5
.a%in! a&&ounts(
Current a&&ounts(
>ix deposits(
Demate a&&ount(
.ae deposits $o&kers(
.a%in!s A&&ounts
These a&&ounts are primari$y meant to in&u$&ate a sense o sa%in! or the uture" a&&umu$atin!
unds o%er a period o time( Whate%er person=s o&&upation" /ank ha%e &onident that person #i$$
ind the pere&t /ankin! so$ution( There some sa%in! a&&ounts $ike3 5
2e!u$ar .a%in! A&&ount3
An easy5to5operate sa%in!s a&&ount that a$$o#s you to issue &he7ues" dra# Demand Drats and
#ithdra# &ash( Che&k up on your /a$an&es rom the &omort o your home or oi&e throu!h Net
)ankin!" 1hone )ankin! and Mo/i$e )ankin!( I you need money ur!ent$y then you &an take
money rom the ATM ma&hine( There are 1GCC ATM &enters a&ross the &ountry(
.a%in! p$us A&&ount
Introdu&in! the /est /ankin! option or you #ith IND-.IND )ank .a%in!s p$us A&&ount( No#
you &an !et a&&ess to some o the inest /ankin! a&i$ities #ith IND-.IND )ankEs .a%in!s p$us
A&&ount( A$$ you ha%e to do is maintain an A%era!e Nuarter$y )a$an&e o 2s( 1I"III95(
.a%in! Max A&&ount
We$&ome to a #or$d o &on%enien&e( 1resentin! .a%in!s Max a&&ount" $oaded #ith maximum
/eneits to make your /ankin! experien&e a p$easure( )y maintainin! an a%era!e 7uarter$y
/a$an&e o 'ust 2s( 4?"III95 you !et a host o premium ser%i&es rom IND-.IND )ank
a/so$ute$y ree(
.enior Citi8en A&&ount
IND-.IND )ank appre&iates your needs and endea%ors" #hi&h is #hy" they present an a&&ount
espe&ia$$y dedi&ated to &ustomer" #hi&h $ike a dutiu$ &hi$d #i$$ he$p you u$i$$ your needs in the
/est manner possi/$e(
No ri$$s A&&ount
In an eort to make /ankin! simp$er and more a&&essi/$e or &ustomers" /ank has introdu&ed the
ENo >ri$$sE .a%in!s A&&ount" #hi&h oers &ustomer a$$ the /asi& /ankin! a&i$ities( Customer &an
e%en a%ai$ o ser%i&es $ike Net )ankin!" Mo/i$e /ankin! ree o &ost( In this &ustomer &an put
Oero Initia$ 1ay5in and a Oero )a$an&e a&&ount
Institutiona$ sa%in! a&&ounts
A spe&ia$$y desi!ned a&&ount that oers t#in /eneits o a sa%in!s as #e$$ as a &urrent a&&ount(
Customer=s unds &ontinue to earn you interest #hi$e he en'oys hass$e5ree /ankin! 0 a host o
other eatures( A$$ this and more in a Oero )a$an&e a&&ount(
.a$ary A&&ounts
In this a&&ount &ustomer &an !et sa$ary rom #here he9she doin! su&h 'o/ and or!ani8ation or
&ompany at #here the &ustomer o the /ank in doin! 'o/ deposit their sa$ary in to the sa$ary
a&&ount a person &an !et sa$ary(
There are %arious kinds o sa%in! a&&ounts in the IND-.IND )ank $ike3 5
1ay ro$$ a&&ount(
C$assi& sa$ary a&&ount(
2e!u$ar sa$ary a&&ount(
1remium sa$ary a&&ount(
Deense sa$ary a&&ount(
No ri$$s sa$ary a&&ount(
2eim/ursement sa$ary a&&ount(
Kid=s ad%anta!e a&&ount
.tart sa%in! or your &hi$d today and se&ure his9her uture a senten&e te$$s /y the IND-.IND
/ank( Open a .a%in!s A&&ount and transer money e%ery month into &ustomer=s Kids Ad%anta!e
A&&ount and #at&h the sa%in!s !ro# as &ustomer=s &hi$d !ro#s( The a&&umu$ated sa%in!s in the
Kids Ad%anta!e A&&ount &an o%er the years he$p in meetin! &ustomer &hi$dEs needs(
Main eatures and /eneits o this a&&ount are as o$$o#35
Current a&&ounts
IND-.IND )ank Current A&&ount !i%es the po#er o inter5&ity /ankin! #ith a sin!$e a&&ount
and a&&ess to more than &ities( >rom spe&ia$ &he7ues that !et treated at par #ith $o&a$ ones in any
&ity #here /ran&h" aster &o$$e&tion o outstation &he7ues +paya/$e at /ran&h $o&ations," ree
a&&ount to a&&ount unds transer /et#een IND-.IND )ank a&&ounts to >ree inter5&ity &$earin!
o up to 1II $akhs per month" /ank=s priority ser%i&es ha%e /e&ome the /en&hmark or /ankin!
No#" #ith an IND-.IND )ank Current A&&ount" experien&e the reedom o mu$ti5&ity /ankin!(
1erson &an ha%e the po#er o mu$ti5$o&ation a&&ess to his a&&ount rom any o our CA1 /ran&hes
in :4C &ities( Not on$y that" he &an do most o his /ankin! transa&tions rom the &omort o his
oi&e or home #ithout steppin! out(
There are %arious kinds o &urrent a&&ount in this /ank $ike3 5
1$us &urrent a&&ount
IND-.IND )ank p$us Current A&&ount !i%es the po#er o inter5&ity /ankin! #ith a sin!$e
a&&ount and a&&ess to more than &ities( 1$us Current A&&ount re7uires maintainin! an a%era!e
7uarter$y /a$an&e o 2s( 1II"III(
Trade &urrent a&&ount
In todayEs &han!in! /usiness re7uirements" you need to transer unds a&ross &ities" and time is
o the essen&e( IND-.IND )ank Trade Current A&&ount !i%es po#er o inter5&ity /ankin! #ith a
sin!$e a&&ount(
>rom spe&ia$ &he7ues that !et treated at par #ith $o&a$ ones in any &ity #here /ank ha%e a
/ran&h" to ree a&&ount to a&&ount unds transer /et#een IND-.IND )ank a&&ounts" to ree
inter5&ity &$earin! o up to ?I $akhs per month" /ank=s priority ser%i&es ha%e /e&ome the
/en&hmark or /ankin! ei&ien&y( Trade Current A&&ount re7uires maintainin! an a%era!e
7uarter$y /a$an&e o 2s( ;I"III(
1remium &urrent a&&ount
)usiness needs a partner #ho &an mana!e inan&es #hi$e &on&entrate on !ro#in! /usiness(
>orm this a&&ount &ustomer &an a%ai$ /eneits o inter5&ity /ankin! a&&ount that re7uires an
a%era!e 7uarter$y /a$an&e o on$y 2s( 4?"III" oers 1aya/$e5At51ar &he7ue /ook a&i$ity 0
>2EE inter5&ity &$earin! transa&tions a&ross our net#ork up to 2s(4? La&s per month(
A Current A&&ount #ith the /eneits o a&&essin! a&&ount rom a $ar!e net#ork o /ran&hes" and
throu!h dire&t a&&ess &hanne$s 5 the phone" mo/i$e" Internet and throu!h the ATM(
2e!u$ar &urrent a&&ount
A Current a&&ount is idea$ or &arryin! out day5to5day /usiness transa&tions( With the
IND-.IND )ank 2e!u$ar Current A&&ount" &ustomer &an a&&ess a&&ount anytime" any#here"
pay usin! paya/$e at par &he7ues or deposit &he7ue at any IND-.IND /ank /ran&h( It a$so
a&i$itates >2EE NE>T transa&tions 0 >2EE 2TG. &o$$e&tions or aster &o$$e&tions in a&&ount(
2e!u$ar Current A&&ount re7uires to maintain an a%era!e 7uarter$y /a$an&e o on$y 2s( 1I"III(
With a %ast net#ork o /ran&hes in &ities a$$ o%er the &ountry" and a&&ess to a mu$titude o
ATMEs" &ustomer &an keep tra&k o a$$ transa&tions anytime(
2eim/ursement Current A&&ount
No more paper#ork" no more re&eipts to keep tra&k o 5 a hass$e5ree a&&ount that a$$o#s deposit
the reim/ursements re&ei%e rom &ompany9or!ani8ation on a month$y /asis(
To open this a&&ount a person has to o$$o# these pro&esses3
1ro&ure an A&&ount Openin! Do&ument +AOD, rom IND-.IND )ank( +I person has 'ust
'oined" irst re7uest to &ompany to open up a .a$ary A&&ount or parti&u$ar person,(
Mention .a$ary A&&ount num/er and De/it Card num/er on the AOD so that De/it &ard &an /e
$inked to /oth" .a$ary A&&ount as #e$$ as ne# 2eim/ursement A&&ount(
2e7uest &ompany to dire&t$y &redit &ash payments to the 2eim/ursement A&&ount(
2>C K Domesti& A&&ount
>u$$ name o this a&&ount is 2esident orei!n &urren&y a&&ount(
*a%e you a&&umu$ated orei!n &urren&y rom tra%e$$in! a/road re7uent$yP 2e&ei%ed !its rom
re$ati%es in orei!n &urren&yP Or earned it /y any other means as appro%ed /y the 2eser%e )ank
o IndiaP
I so" open 2esident >orei!n Curren&y Domesti& A&&ount and mana!e orei!n &urren&y
ei&ient$y( 1erson &an &hoose to set up your a&&ount either in -. Do$$ar" Great )ritain 1ound or
To open this a&&ounts a person as to o$$o# this pro&ess3 5
Choose the &urren&y in #hi&h person #ish to operate( Open a&&ount #ith an initia$ amount as per
the o$$o#in!5-. Do$$ar Q 4?I Great )ritain 1ound Q 4II Euro Q 4?I and maintain an A%era!e
Nuarter$y )a$an&e o the same amount(
>$exi &urrent a&&ount
Tired o stati& transa&tion $imits durin! peak seasonsP IND-.IND )ank >$exi Current A&&ount
is the ans#er to &han!in! /ankin! needs durin! peak seasons(
With IND-.IND )ank >$exi Current A&&ount Cash Deposit and Any#here Transa&tion $imits
are a mu$tip$e o the /a$an&e you maintain in Current A&&ount( .o" durin! peak seasons"
&ustomer !et the /eneit o hi!her transa&tion $imits due to the hi!her a%era!e /a$an&es
maintained in a&&ount( What=s more" durin! $ean seasons" person need not #orry a/out
maintainin! hu!e /a$an&es to en'oy hi!h transa&tion $imits" #hi&h person any#ay may not need(
>$exi Current A&&ount re7uires to maintain a minimum A%era!e Month$y )a$an&e +AM), o 'ust
2s( C?"III(
Apex &urrent a&&ount
The top position is a$#ays the desira/$e position( With the Apex &urrent a&&ount" take /usiness
to a ne# hi!h( On maintainin! an a%era!e 7uarter$y /a$an&e o 2s( 1I $akhs" this a&&ount makes
sure person make the most o e%ery /usiness opportunities &omin! his #ay( -n$imited" ree"
any#here )ankin! experien&e at the A1ED is reser%ed or person #ho 'oints this(
Max &urrent a&&ount
Maximum /eneits and minimum hass$es or &ustomer #ith Max Current A&&ount #ith a 2s( ?
$akhs a%era!e 7uarter$y /a$an&e re7uirement" /ank present to #or$d o pri%i$e!es that he$ps
/usiness expand and !ro#( >eatures $ike maximum ree transa&tion $imits in&$udin! other
/enei&ia$ eatures on this &urrent a&&ount tru$y enhan&es /usiness potentia$ to the Maximum(
>ix deposits ser%i&e
Lon!5term in%estments orm the &hunk o e%ery/odyEs uture p$ans( An a$ternati%e to simp$y
app$yin! or $oans" ixed deposits a$$o# to /orro# rom o#n unds or a $imited period" thus
u$i$$in! needs as #e$$ as keepin! sa%in!s se&ure(
1eop$e &an in%est his9her money into either in se&urity market or !o$d or mutua$ und or into a ix
deposits( 1eop$e a$#ays !o to that #ay #here he9she &an !et more /eneits and minimum risks(
.o" or this purpose he has a /etter &han&e to deposits money in to the ix deposit(
I peop$e /e$ie%e in $on!5term in%estments and #ish to earn hi!her interests on his9her sa%in!s"
no# is the time to in%est money in IND-.IND /ank >ixed Deposit( Get up to G(C?M on
IND-.IND )ank >ixed Deposit #ith an additiona$ I(?IM or .enior Citi8ens( WhatEs more NO
1ENALT6 i #ithdra# part o the >D in times o need( >$exi/i$ity" .e&urity and *i!h 2eturns a$$
/und$ed into one oerin!(
2e!u$ar ix deposit
As per the ru$es and re!u$ation o the /ank a person &an deposit their money in to a ix deposit in
the /ank and &an !et the /eneits o these a&i$ities(
>i%e year tax sa%in! ix deposit
In 4IIA" it #as announ&ed or the irst time that )ank ixed deposits /ooked /y an
Indi%idua$9*-> or ? years 0 up to 2s( 1"II"III95 #i$$ /e a$$o#ed exemption under .e& FIC o
the In&ome Tax A&t"1GA1 su/'e&t to ne&essary de&$arations taken rom the Customer(
.uper sa%er a&i$ity
Customer &an en'oy a hi!h rate o interest a$on! #ith the $i7uidity o a .a%in!s A&&ount /y
optin! or a .uper .a%er >a&i$ity on his or her sa%in!s a&&ount( A%ai$ o an o%erdrat a&i$ity o
up to C?M o the %a$ue o his or her >ixed Deposit(
.#eep5in a&i$ity
Do you #ish to a%oid takin! o%erdrats" and sti$$ take ad%anta!e o your >ixed DepositsP Then
#hat you need is a .#eep5In >a&i$ity on sa%in!s a&&ount( Link >ixed Deposit to .a%in!s or
Current A&&ount and use it to a$$ /a&k on in &ase o emer!en&ies( A dei&it in .a%in!s or Current
A&&ount is taken &are o /y usin! up an exa&t %a$ue rom >ixed Deposit( .in&e deposits are
/roken do#n in units o 2e 195" &ustomer #i$$ $ose interest on$y or the a&tua$ amount that has
/een #ithdra#n(
Demat a&&ount ser%i&e
No#adays share market is /e&omin! is the main o&&upation o the person( .o to a%oid au$ty
pro&esses demat a&&ount is rea$$y most important or the share market and or the saety o shares
it is most important(
IND-.IND )ANK is one o the $eadin! Depository 1arti&ipant +D1, in the &ountry #ith o%er F
La& demat a&&ounts(
IND-.IND )ank Demat ser%i&es oers a se&ure and &on%enient #ay to keep tra&k o se&urities
and in%estments" o%er a period o time" #ithout the hass$e o hand$in! physi&a$ do&uments that
!et muti$ated or $ost in transit(
IND-.IND )ANK is Depository parti&ipant /oth #ith 5Nationa$ .e&urities Depositories
Limited +N.DL, and Centra$ Depository .er%i&es Limited +CD.L,(
.ae deposit $o&ker
A .ae Deposit Lo&ker #ith IND-.IND )ank is the so$ution to person=s ear( Lo&ated at se$e&t
/ran&hes in &ities a$$ o%er the &ountry" /ank=s $o&kers ensure the sae keepin! o %a$ua/$es(
An indi%idua$ +not minor," irms" $imited &ompany" asso&iations" &$u/s" trusts" so&ieties" et& may
hire a $o&ker(
Ad%anta!es o sae deposit $o&ker in IND-.IND /ank
Wide A%ai$a/i$ity(
Lo&kers a%ai$a/$e in %arious si8es( i(e( .ma$$" Medium" Lar!e and Extra Lar!e #ith %aryin! rents(
Lo&kers are rented out or a minimum period o one year( 2ent is paya/$e in ad%an&e(
No deposits are re7uired to a%ai$ a $o&ker( Hust open an a&&ount and !et the $o&ker a&i$ity(
There is a nomina$ annua$ &har!e" #hi&h depends on the si8e o the $o&ker and the &entre in
#hi&h the /ran&h is $o&ated(
Nomination or .ae Deposit Lo&ker
The Lo&kers and their &ontents &an /e nominated to peop$e near and dear to you(
Nomination a&i$ity is a%ai$a/$e to indi%idua$ hirer o .ae Deposit Lo&ker(
In the &ase o a so$e hirer o a sae deposit $o&ker" nomination &an /e made in a%or o on$y one
Where the sae deposit $o&ker is hired in the name o a minor" the nomination sha$$ /e made /y a
person $a#u$$y entit$ed to a&t on /eha$ o the minor(
Terms 0 Conditions
>or o/tainin! a Lo&ker at IND-.IND )ank you must /e an a&&ount ho$der #ith )ank(
Lo&kers &an /e a$$otted indi%idua$$y as #e$$ as 'oint$y(
The Lo&ker ho$der is permitted to add or de$ete names rom the $ist o persons #ho &an operate
the Lo&ker and &an ha%e a&&ess to it(
Loss o Key is to /e immediate$y inormed to the &on&erned )ran&h(
/1A. S,R4I+,S
In today=s &ompetiti%e #or$d e%ery thin! happens on$y #ith the he$p o money or throu!h the
money e%ery person need money( )ut some time a person has not &ash on hand at that time he
needs $one either rom any riend or rom any inan&ia$ institute( Lone dose not mean that on$y
$o#er &$ass person needs it /ut a$so upper &$ass person it is needed(
As per the re7uirement o the e%ery person there are mu&h type o $oans are there in the
IND-.IND /ank(
1ersona$ $oan
A person has so many dreams /ut some time due to s&ar&ity o money a dream &an=t /e satisy(
.o" here one so$ution or that person this is persona$ $oan( >rom this he9she &an u$i$$ their needs
or re7uirement( It &an /e any thin! either a dream o %a&ation or son9dau!hter=s admission to
&o$$e!e or any #eddin!" so persona$ $oan &an /e he$pu$ in this entire re7uirement(
As person ordered in the hote$ or tea or &oee and it is immediate$y &ame ast" same o%er here
any person #ant to !et a persona$ $oan #ith the nomina$ do&uments he &an !et the $oan(
*ome $oan
IND-.IND )ank /rin!s" IND-.IND home $oans to doorstep( With o%er :I years o
experien&e" a dedi&ated team o experts and a &omp$ete pa&ka!e to meet a$$ housin! inan&e
needs" IND-.IND *ome Loans" he$p peop$e rea$i8e dream(
@ehi&$es $oan
No#adays the $ie is /ein! so ast" time %a$ue is /e&omin! more important so to rea&h at the
destination o any /usiness re$ated o&&asion or or a /oy to rea&h &o$$e!e or any #here at the ix
time there are so many re7uirement o %ehi&$es( )ut e%ery peop$e ha%e no &apa&ity to pur&hase
%ehi&$es #ith &ash so or that here in the IND-.IND /ank %ehi&$es $oan is a%ai$a/$e( There are
many types o %ehi&$es $oan(
Types o %ehi&$es $oan3
T#o #hee$er $oans(
Ne# &ar $oan(
-sed &ar $oan(
Tra&tor $oan +or a!ree &u$ture /usiness,(
Commer&ia$ %ehi&$e $oan(
.o" as per the re7uirement o the person there are these types o $oans are a%ai$a/$e this are at the
&hip rate and hasse$ ree rom more do&umentation and other pro&edure( And &ommer&ia$
/usinessman &an !et the /eneits o the &ommer&ia$ %ehi&$es $oans( Thus as per the need o
dierent peop$e there are %ehi&$e $oans a%ai$a/$e( And a$so terms and &ondition are dierent as
per the re7uirement(
Express $oan p$us
)ank oer Express Loans 1$us at person Doorstep to he$p u$i$$ a$$ his9her needs( The pro&edure
is simp$e" do&umentation is minima$ and appro%a$ is 7ui&k( It is he$pu$ to person in repairin! o
house" .&hoo$ admission or a$so in the ami$y ho$iday(
Go$d $oan
With IND-.IND )ankEs Go$d Loan" person &an !et an instant $oan a!ainst !o$d 'e#e$$ery and
ornaments( The pro&edure is simp$e" do&umentation is minima$ and appro%a$ is 7ui&k( A person
&an !et CIM $oan on the %a$ue o the !o$d 'e#e$$ery and ornaments(There is a$so a%ai$a/i$ity o
the o%erdrat on the !o$d 'e#e$$ery( With this a &ustomer &an !et ree additiona$ ser%i&es $ike ree
persona$i8ed &he7ue /ook" ree internationa$ de/it &ard" and ree net /ankin! phone /ankin!
Edu&ationa$ $oan
No#adays important o edu&ation /e&omin! %ery hi!h( A.s it important /e&omin! hi!h it is
/e&omin! &ost$y( .o in the hi!her edu&ation some time peop$e &an not eort a hi!h pri&e at a
same time( .o" there is edu&ation $oan is a$so a%ai$a/$e or the student(
A person &an !et $oan up to 1I $akhs to study in India and 4I $akhs i he #ants to study in
a/road( Loan a%ai$a/$e up to tenure o C years in&$udin! moratorium period(
Loans dis/ursed dire&t$y to the edu&ationa$ institution( It is re$eased as per ee s&hedu$es o
institutes( Ex&$usi%e Te$e!raphi& Transer a&i$ity a%ai$a/$e or &ourses a/road( Loans a%ai$a/$e
or short duration9 'o/ oriented &ourses a$so(
Loan a!ainst se&urity
With IND-.IND )ankEs Loan a!ainst .e&urities" person &an !et an o%erdrat a!ainst se&urities
$ike E7uity .hares" Mutua$ >und -nits+E7uity" De/t" >M1s," Go$d Ex&han!e Traded
>und+ET>,"NA)A2DEs )ha%ishya Nirman )onds" 1o$i&ies issued /y LIC 0 .e$e&t 1ri%ate
Insuran&e Companies" N.C" K@1" -TI )onds +A2. 0 -.A; )onds, and Go$d Deposit
Certii&ates" #hi$e sti$$ retainin! o#nership( And the /est part is that he &an &ontinue to en'oy a$$
his shareho$der /eneits su&h as ri!hts" di%idends and /onuses Loan a%ai$a/$e to N2Is a!ainst
.hares" Mutua$ >unds +e7uity" De/t" >M1s," -.A; )onds" Insuran&e 1o$i&ies" N.C" and K@1(
Loan a!ainst property
IND-.IND )ank /rin!s Loan A!ainst 1roperty +LA1,( 1erson &an no# take a $oan a!ainst
residentia$ or &ommer&ia$ property" to expand his /usiness" p$an a dream #eddin!" and und his
&hi$dEs edu&ation and mu&h more( *e &an depend on /ank to meet a$$ his /usiness re7uirements
e%en to pur&hase a ne# shop or oi&e or /usiness( Loan to pur&hase Commer&ia$ 1roperty
+LC1, is a spe&ia$$y desi!ned produ&t to he$p person expand his /usiness #ithout redu&in! the
&apita$ rom his /usiness(
These are $oans ser%i&es pro%idin! /y IND-.IND /ank #hi&h are %ery hass$e ree and rea$$y
/eneits or most o &ustomer and most o &ustomer are satisied /y the $oan ser%i&es pro%idin!
/y the /ank(
In today=s &ompetiti%e and ast time &ard ser%i&es pro%idin! /y the /anks are rea$$y %ery
important to e%ery person and e%ery /usiness needs or to take mea$ in to the hote$ or to pur&hase
'e#e$$ery rom the 'e#e$$ery shops &ards are p$ayin! !ood ro$e in the /ankin! se&tors(
)ank ran!es o Cards he$p to meet inan&ia$ o/'e&ti%es( .o #hether persons are $ookin! to
add to his /uyin! po#er" &ondu&tin! &ash$ess shoppin!" or /ud!etin! his expenditure" he #i$$
ind a &ard that suits him(
Credit &ards
A person #ants many thin!s $ike" a trip to )a$i" a diamond rin! or #ieEs dreams( .ome dreams
&anEt #ait( I thereEs somethin! person has a$#ays #anted( I a person #anted u$i$$ his #ants he
&an !et /eneits rom the IND-.IND /ank=s &redit &ards a&i$ities( dierent types o &redit
C$assi& &ards
.i$%er Credit Card(
@a$ue p$us Credit Card(
*ea$th 1$us Credit Card(
1remium Cards3
Go$d Credit Card
Titanium Credit Card
WomanEs Go$d Card
1$atinum 1$us Credit Card
@isa .i!nature Credit Card
Wor$d MasterCard
Commer&ia$ Cards
Corporate Credit Card
De/it &ard
IND-.IND )ank De/it Cards !i%e person &omp$ete and instant a&&ess to the money in his
a&&ounts #ithout the risk or hass$e o &arryin! &ash(
Types o de/it &ard3 5
C$assi& &ard
Easy shop internationa$ De/it &ard(
1remium &ard
Easy shop !o$d De/it &ard(
.pe&ia$i8ed &ard
Easy .hop Internationa$ )usiness De/it Card(
Easy .hop WomanEs Ad%anta!e De/it Card(
Easy .hop N2O De/it Card(
Kisan Card(
1repaid &ard
)esides oerin! &on%enien&e" 1repaid Cards ha%e /een tai$ored to ans#er tra%e$ and !itin!
>orex1$us Cards
1repaid Tra%e$ Card(
Git 1$us Cards
1repaid Git Card(
>ood 1$us Cards
1repaid >ood 1$us &ard(
Money 1$us Card
The Corporate 1ayment &ard
I.4,SM,.T A.D I.S6RA.+, S,R4I+,
No#adays a #ard in%estment is /e&omin! more popu$ar( 1erson in%est their money in to %arious
s&hemes or in to the !o$d or share market et&( /ut some time he is in to the dii&u$t situation" or
that /ank he$p person in%est #ise$y throu!h inan&ia$ and in%estment ser%i&es(
Types o in%estment3 5
Mutua$ >unds
In%est throu!h the Mutua$ >und route to meet %aried in%estment o/'e&ti%es(
Traditiona$ 1$ans -nit Linked 1$ans
IND-.IND &hi$drenEs 1LAN( IND-.IND -nit Linked 6oun! .tar 1$us II(
IND-.IND Money )a&k 1$an( IND-.IND -nit Linked 6oun! .tar .u%idha(
IND-.IND .a%in!s Assuran&e 1$an( IND-.IND -nit Linked 6oun! .tar .u%idha
IND-.IND Assuran&e 1$an( IND-.IND -nit Linked 1ension(
IND-.IND Term Assuran&e 1$an( IND-.IND -nit Linked 1ension 1$us(
IND-.IND Loan Co%er Term Assuran&e 1$an( IND-.IND -nit Linked Endo#ment 1$us II(
IND-.IND Endo#ment Assuran&e 1$an( IND-.IND -nit Linked Endo#ment
IND-.IND .in!$e 1remium Who$e o Lie
IND-.IND -nit Linked Endo#ment .u%idha
IND-.IND -nit Linked Enhan&ed Lie
0,.,RA/ A.D H,A/TH I.S6RA.+,
Comp$ete prote&tion or /usiness" hea$th" tra%e$ 0 more(
A se&ure in%estment a%enue !i%in! sta/$e returns #ith tax /eneits(
>inan&ia$ 1$annin!
.tart No# 1$an in%estments to meet inan&ia$ !oa$s
Kno#$ed!e Centre
1roit rom resear&h and make inormed in%estment de&isions(
E7uities 0 Deri%ati%es
Le%era!e /ank=s %ast inormation repository and transa&t on$ine(
Mudra Go$d )ar
)uy 4; Karat !o$d /ars made in .#it8er$and and &ertiied /y Assay(
31R,C A.D TRAD, ,R4I+,
No#adays /usinesses /e&omin! #or$d#ide e(!( India to Ameri&a /ut main pro/$ems are a/out
monitory transa&tion /e&ause at e%ery &ountry the &urren&y /e&ome &han!ed so or that /anks are
p$ayin! a %ery important or the /usinesses(
I peop$e need to dea$ in orei!n &urren&y and keep ta/s on ex&han!e rates e%ery no# and then"
transer monies to India" make payments et&(" IND-.IND )ank has a ran!e o produ&ts and
ser%i&es that peop$e &an &hoose rom to transa&t smooth$y" ei&ient$y and in a time$y manner(
)ank oerin! o$$o#in! >orei!n Ex&han!e 1rodu&ts and .er%i&es(
>orei!n Ex&han!e and Trade .er%i&es
The o$$o#in! are dierent methods o transa&tin! in >orei!n Ex&han!e and remittin! money(
Tra%e$ers Che7ues(
>orei!n Curren&y Cash(
>orei!n Curren&y Drats(
Che7ue Deposits(
Cash to Master(
Trade .er%i&es(
>orex .er%i&es )ran&h Lo&ator(
Important !uide$ines and s&hedu$es A$$ >orei!n Ex&han!e transa&tions are &ondu&ted /y stri&t$y
adherin! to 2)I !uide$ines( Dependin! on the nature o transa&tion or point o tra%e$" peop$e #i$$
need to understand his >orei!n Ex&han!e $imits(
2)I Guide$ines(
>orex Limits(
Non IND-.IND )ank A&&ount *o$ders(
No#adays $ie o a person /e&ome %ery stressu$ and he9she /e&omin! /usy #ith their o#n
/usiness" /ut they ha%e to payment or somethin! so or that reason /ank=s payment ser%i&es
/e&ome started(With IND-.IND )ankEs payment ser%i&es" person &an /id !ood/ye to 7ueues
and paper #ork( )ank=s ran!e o payment options make it easy or pay or a %ariety o uti$ities
and ser%i&es(
@eriied )y @isa
Do you #ant to /e #orry ree or your on$ine pur&hases( No# you &an shop se&ure$y on$ine #ith
your existin! @isa De/it9Credit &ard(
Net .ae
No# shop on$ine #ithout re%ea$in! your IND-.IND )ank Credit Card num/er( What more" you
&an no# use your IND-.IND )ank De/it Card a$so or on$ine pur&hases(
Mer&hant .er%i&es
A&&ept a$$ @isa" MasterCard" &redit and De/it &ards at your out$ets throu!h state o the art 1O.
Ma&hines or throu!h your #e/site and experien&e hass$e ree payment a&&eptan&e(
1repaid Mo/i$e 2ei$$
I you are an IND-.IND )ank A&&ount ho$der" you &an no# re&har!e your 1repaid Mo/i$e
1hone #ith this ser%i&e(
)i$$ 1ay
1ay your te$ephone" e$e&tri&ity and mo/i$e phone /i$$s at your &on%enien&e( Throu!h the Internet"
ATMs" your mo/i$e phone and te$ephone 5 #ith )i$$ 1ay" our &omprehensi%e /i$$ payments
@isa )i$$ 1ay
1ay your uti$ity /i$$s rom the &omort o your homeR 1ay usin! your IND-.IND )ank @isa
&redit &ard and or!et $on! 7ueue and $ate payments ore%er
1ay No#
-se your IND-.IND )ank Credit Card to pay your uti$ity /i$$s on$ine" make su/s&riptions and
donations< no re!istration re7uired( En'oy &redit ree period and re#ard points as per your &redit
&ard eatures(
Insta 1ay
1ay your /i$$s" make donations and su/s&ri/e to ma!a8ines #ithout !oin! throu!h the hass$es o
any re!istration(
Dire&t 1ay
.hop or 1ay /i$$s on$ine #ithout &ash or &ard( De/it your a&&ount dire&t$y #ith our Dire&t 1ay
@isa Money Transer
Transer unds to any @isa Card +de/it or &redit, #ithin India at your o#n &on%enien&e throu!h
IND-.IND )ankEs Net )ankin! a&i$ity(
e5Monies Nationa$ E$e&troni& >unds Transer
Transer unds rom your a&&ount to other )ank a&&ounts a&ross India 5 >2EE o &ost(
On$ine 1ayment o Ex&ise 0 .er%i&e Tax
Make your Ex&ise and .er%i&e Tax payments at your o#n &on%enien&e throu!h IND-.IND
)ankEs Net )ankin! a&i$ity(
2e$i!ious Oerin!s
No# donate to your a%orite temp$e easi$y and se&ure$y usin! IND-.IND )ANKEs Net
As a spe&ia$ &ustomer /ank pro%idin! a TAH to &ustomer #ith name imperia9preerred &ustomer(
>or that /ank pro%ide a spe&ia$ ser%i&e to their &ustomer( IND-.IND )ankEs preerred9imperia
1ro!ramme is the roya$ de&ree that enhan&es the ex&$usi%ity that you are a&&ustomed to( It makes
you ee$ spe&ia$ at e%ery step" pamperin! #ith ser%i&es those others &an on$y dream a/out( This
ser%i&e !oes /eyond the o/%ious" rises a/o%e the expe&ted" so that the #ho$e #or$d &an see" that
e%en today" the !randeur and ma!nii&en&e o roya$ty is a$i%e and #e$$(
Thus as retai$ /ankin! ser%i&e /ank pro%idin! rea$$y !ood and /enei&ia$ ser%i&es to their
&ustomer and as ami$y mem/er they are pro%idin! !ood ser%i&es to e%ery &ustomer either they
are &ame /usiness re$ated or anythin!( .o or this reason IND-.IND /ank p$ayin! a !ood ro$e in
the &ustomer=s $ie or their monitory transa&tion(
With a %ie# to attra&t the sa%in!s and other remittan&e into India throu!h /ankin! &hanne$s
rom the person o Indian Nationa$ity 9 Ori!in #ho are residin! a/road and /o$ster the /a$an&e o
payment position" the Go%ernment o India introdu&ed in 1GCI Non52esident+Externa$, A&&ount
2u$es #hi&h are !o%erned /y the Ex&han!e Contro$ 2e!u$ations(
The unds he$d in Non52esident +Externa$, A&&ounts +N2E A&&ounts, 7ua$iy or &ertain /eneits
$ike exemptions rom taxes in India" ree repatriations a&i$ities" et&(
Deposit types
N2I5)ankin! a&i$itates the N2I &ustomer to open the o$$o#in! a&&ount types(
N2E +Non 2esident Externa$ A&&ounts,
It &an /e in the orm o .a%in!s" Current or ixed deposits in Indian rupees( The unds in this
a&&ount are u$$y repatria/$e(
N2O +Non 2esident Ordinary A&&ounts,
It &an /e in the orm o .a%in!s" Current or >ixed Deposits in Indian 2upees( The unds in this
a&&ount are not repatria/$e +on$y interest a&&rued is repatria/$e,(
>CN2 +>orei!n Curren&y Non 2esident A&&ounts,
It &an /e in the orm o ixed Deposits on$y" in the i%e ma'or &urren&ies" name$y -. Do$$ars"
G)1" DM" Euro" and Hapanese 6en( The unds in this a&&ount are u$$y repatria/$e
Who$esa$e /ankin! is the pro%ision o ser%i&es /y /anks to the $ike o $ar!e &orporate &$ients"
mid5si8ed &ompanies" rea$ estate de%e$opers and in%estors" internationa$ trade inan&e /usinesses
and institutiona$ &ustomers" su&h as pension unds and !o%ernment entities9a!en&ies( A$so
in&$uded is /ankin! ser%i&es oered to other inan&ia$ institutions( In essen&e" #ho$esa$e /ankin!
ser%i&es usua$$y in%o$%e hi!h %a$ue transa&tions( Who$esa$e /ankin! &ompares #ith retai$
/ankin!" #hi&h is the pro%ision o /ankin! ser%i&es to indi%idua$s(
Who$esa$e /ankin! ser%i&es
Corporate ser%i&e
Corporate )ankin! re$e&ts IND-.IND )ankEs stren!ths in pro%idin! our &orporate &$ients in
India" a #ide array o &ommer&ia$" transa&tiona$ and e$e&troni& /ankin! produ&ts( We a&hie%e this
throu!h inno%ati%e produ&t de%e$opment and a #e$$5inte!rated approa&h to re$ationship
Lar!e Corporate
.upp$y Chain 1artners
A!ri&u$tura$ Lendin!
.ma$$ 0 medium term enterprises
IND-.IND )ank understands ho# mu&h o hard #ork !oes into esta/$ishin! a su&&essu$ .ME(
)ank a$so understands that /usiness is anythin! /ut Lsma$$L and as demandin! as e%er( And as
/usiness expands and enters ne# territories and markets" person need to keep pa&e #ith the
!ro#in! re7uests that &ome in" #hi&h may $ead to pur&hasin! ne#" or updatin! existin! p$ant and
e7uipment" or emp$oyin! ne# sta to &ope #ith the demand( ThatEs #hy IND-.IND )ank has
assem/$ed produ&ts" ser%i&es" resour&es and expert ad%i&e to he$p ensure that your /usiness
The o$$o#in! $inks #i$$ he$p identiy indi%idua$ needs(
>unded .er%i&es(
Non5>unded .er%i&es(
.pe&ia$i8ed .er%i&es(
@a$ue Added .er%i&es(
Internet )ankin!(
>inan&ia$ institutions 0 trusts
>inan&ia$ Institutions(
Mutua$ >unds(
.to&k )rokers(
Insuran&e Companies(
Commodity )usinesses(
Go%ernment se&tor
IND-.IND )ank a&ts as an a&ti%e medium /et#een the !o%ernment and the &ustomers /y
means o %arious ser%i&es( These ser%i&es in&$ude3
Tax Co$$e&tion #herein &ustomers &an dire&t$y pay their taxes $ike Dire&t taxes" Indire&t taxes
and .a$es Tax &o$$e&tions at their $o&a$ IND-.IND )ank(
E5Ti&ketin! 5 *e$ps the &ustomer /y pro%idin! him a dire&t a&&ess to /ook a 2ai$#ay Ti&ket
on$ine and !et it home de$i%ered(
Openin! o L9CEs is done /y the /ank on /eha$ o Go%ernment o India" Mints and 1resses" thus
a&i$itatin! imports or the Go%ernment(
Co$$e&tion o $e%ies and taxes on /eha$ o Muni&ipa$ Corporations i(e( Ka$yan 5Dom/i%$i
Muni&ipa$ Corporation" is undertaken /y the )ank(
Co$$e&tion o stamp duty is done %ia rankin! mode in the stateEs o Maharashtra 0 Gu'arat(
The .tamp Duty >rankin! >a&i$ity is a%ai$a/$e at o$$o#in! /ran&hes in Maharashtra >ort"
Chem/ur" Lo#er 1are$" Mira 2oad" Thane +Ta$ao 1a$i," 1an%e$" 2atna!iri" 1une+>C 2oad,"
Ko$hapur" Na!pur" 1impri(
The .tamp Duty >rankin! >a&i$ity is a%ai$a/$e at o$$o#in! /ran&hes in Gu'arat
Dis/ursement o 1ension to retired Emp$oyees o Centra$ Go%t and Deen&e is dire&t$y done /y
IND-.IND )ank a$on! #ith the dis/ursement o pension to the mem/ers o E1>O +Emp$oyees
1ro%ident >und Or!anisation,(
E$e&troni& Co$$e&tion o ees on /eha$ o DG>T is done /y the /ank too(
S*uman 2esour&e Mana!ement un&tion that he$ps mana!ers re&ruit" se$e&t" train and de%e$op
mem/ers or an or!ani8ation( O/%ious$y" *2M is &on&erned #ith the peop$e=s dimension in
Work or&e o an Or!ani8ation is one o the most important inputs o &omponents( It is said that
peop$e are our sin!$e most important assets( )e&ause o the uni7ue importan&e o *-MAN
2E.O-2CE and its &omp$exity due to e%er &han!in! psy&ho$o!y" /eha%ior and attitudes o men
and #omen at #ork" in a$$ /usiness &on&erns" there is one &ommon e$ement( I(e( *uman
personne$ un&tion" i(e(" manpo#er mana!ement un&tion is /e&omin! in&reasin!$y spe&ia$i8ed(
The personne$ un&tion or system &an /e /road$y deined as the mana!ement o peop$e at #ork5
mana!ement o mana!ers and mana!ement o #orkers( 1ersonne$ un&tion is parti&u$ar$y
interested in personne$ re$ationship and intera&tion o emp$oyees5human re$ations(
In a sense" mana!ement is personne$ administration( Mana!ement is the de%e$opment o peop$e"
and not mere dire&tion o materia$ resour&es( *uman &apita$ is the !reatest asset o a /usiness
enterprise( The essentia$ in!redient o mana!ement is the $eadership and dire&tion o peop$e(
Ea&h mana!er o peop$e has to /e his o#n personne$ man( 1ersonne$ mana!ement is not
somethin! you rea$$y turn o%er to personne$ department sta(
Responsibilities of Human Resour'e Department(
*2D maintain dai$y attendan&e re&ord throu!h /ran&h mana!er %ia E5mai$(
Take de&isions or appro%a$ re!ardin! $ea%e notes(
*e takes the de&ision re$ated to the re&ruitment" se$e&tion and trainin! o the &andidates( *e
ta$ks to the &onsu$tant re$ated to the re&ruitment o the 7ua$iied &andidates( *e a$so does
s&reenin! o the &andidates" short$ist the &andidate and takes the irst round o the inter%ie#(
*e maintains the data/ase o the &andidates to &ome or an inter%ie#( *e a$so maintains
persona$ i$e o ea&h emp$oyee( *e a$so &omp$etes the 'oinin! orma$ities o ea&h ne#
They are takin! surprisin! %isit in e%ery /ran&h and &o$$e&t inormation a/out emp$oyees(
*e is responsi/$e or the month$y sa$ary o the emp$oyees as per their attendants and passin!
to the )ran&h Mana!er(
Human Resour'e planning
This is hand$ed /y doin! the p$annin! at the /e!innin! o e%ery year( At the end o the year" the
*uman 2esour&e department rom ea&h )ran&h re&ei%es the re7uirement or the person or
#ho$e year( Then the p$annin! o re&ruitment and trainin! is done /y trainin! mana!er and
re&ruitin! mana!er #hi&h is appro%ed rom *ead o *2 Department(
. Re'ruitment
2e&ruitment is a pro&ess o sear&hin! or prospe&ti%e &andidates or the !i%en 'o/ in the industry(
As #e kno# it is %ery important or an industria$ &on&erns to ha%e ei&ient and ee&ti%e
personne$ #ith ri!ht 7ua$ity and at ri!ht time and at ri!ht p$a&e a%ai$a/$e #hene%er they are
needed( E%ery or!ani8ation needs emp$oyee time /y time /e&ause o promotion or retirement o
an emp$oyee( >or this purpose an or!ani8ation need to sear&h or the ri!ht &andidate( And so it
needs to en&oura!e this type o ri!ht &andidates #hene%er they re7uire(
Sour'es of Re'ruitment
1ersona$ data o &andidates and data /ank maintain /y the *2(
Campus 2e&ruitment(
Company=s o#n #e/site(
1$a&ement &onsu$tants(
Ad%ertisement in the ne#s papers $ike Times o India" Gu'arat
Emp$oyee reeren&e(
Re'ruitment *ro'ess
.e$e&tion is the pro&ess o takin! indi%idua$s out o the poo$ o 'o/ app$i&ants #ith re7uisite
7ua$ii&ations and &ompeten&e to i$$ 'o/s in the or!ani8ation( It is deine as the pro&ess o
dierentiatin! /et#een app$i&ants in order to identiy and hire those #ith a !reater $ike$ihood
o su&&ess in a 'o/(
.e$e&tion is /ased on pro/ation /ase" they are takin! experien&ed person or A month=s
pro/ation and or resher the pro/ation period is 1 year(
Whi$e the se$e&tion o the senior $e%e$ post" is taken /y head oi&e at Mum/ai(
Training and De:elopment
Trainin! aims at in&reasin! the aptitudes" ski$$s and a/i$ities o #orkers to perorm spe&ii&
'o/( It makes emp$oyees more ee&ti%e and ski$$u$( In present dynami& #or$d o /usiness
trainin! is more important there is an e%er present need or trainin! men( .o that ne# and
&han!ed te&hni7ues may /e adopted( A ne# and &han!ed te&hni7ue may /e taken as an
ad%anta!es and impro%ement ae&ted in the o$d methods(
Trainin! is $earnin! experien&e that seeks re$ati%e$y permanent &han!e in an indi%idua$ that
#i$$ impro%e his9her a/i$ity to perorm on the 'o/(
S(ortlist S'reening Inter:ie;
They pro%ide Son the 'o/T trainin! to their emp$oyees in the /ran&h as they se$e&t these
emp$oyees or se$$in! %arious produ&ts o /ank /y dire&t marketin!( Whene%er they se$e&t
ne# &andidates or any post" they use to !i%e them on the 'o/ #ork(
In &ase o sa$es persons to distri/ute their %arious produ&ts" in the /e!innin! the person has to
#ork under the o/ser%ation o his senior then the ha%e to !o in market to ha%e their o#n
The time or trainin! pro!ram or the &andidate is depends up on the re$e%ant position o his
#ork area( They a$so pro%ide trainin! re$ated to &ustomer &are and &ommuni&ation(
*erforman'e Appraisal
An or!ani8ation=s !oa$s &an /e a&hie%e on$y #hen peop$e put in their /est eorts(
1erorman&e appraisa$ may /e understood as the assessment o an indi%idua$=s perorman&e
in a systemati& #ay( It is deine as the systemati& e%a$uation o the indi%idua$ #ith respe&t to
his9her perorman&e on the 'o/ and his9her potentia$ or de%e$opment(
To appraise the perorman&e o the emp$oyee they ha%e de%e$oped a &redit system on the
/asis o the !i%en tar!et to the emp$oyee( Ater appraisin! the perorman&e o the emp$oyee
they put the !rade o ea&h emp$oyee in the o$$o#in! !rade &riteria(
,mployee Remuneration and In'enti:e *ayments
2emuneration is the &ompensation an emp$oyee re&ei%es in return or his9her &ontri/ution to
the or!ani8ation( 2emuneration o&&upies an important p$a&e in the $ie o an emp$oyee(
At IND-.IND" remuneration o an emp$oyee &omprises K #a!es and sa$ary" in&enti%es(
Bages and Salary
A part rom %arious in&enti%es and /eneits" the personne$ are &ompensated on$y in terms o
#a!es and sa$aries( A proper &ompensation in terms o this is ne&essary or moti%ation
emp$oyees or their &ontinuous
impro%ed perorman&e( >or a$$ this" it is re7uired that #a!es and sa$aries are pro%ided
#e$$ /y or!ani8ation(
Wa!es and sa$ary reers to the esta/$ishment and imp$ementation o sound po$i&ies and
pra&ti&es o emp$oyee=s &ompensation( A #a!e and sa$ary is the remuneration paid or the
ser%i&e o $a/or in produ&tion periodi&a$$y to an emp$oyee( The /ank is in ser%i&e industry so
the sa$ary is !i%en on month$y /asis( They use to hire &ertain sa$esman on &ommission /ase
and they are pro%ided their sa$aries on &ommission /ase( Whi$e other permanent sta are
/ein! !i%en month$y sa$aries( As IND-.IND /ank is reputed /ank in market the pay s&a$e
are as per the standard(
.a$es exe&uti%es +&oax, are /ein! !i%en sa$ary o AIII to FIII per month( Whi$e sa$es
oi&er=s sa$ary ran!es rom 1?III to 1FIII per month( IND-.IND /ank is a$so !i%in!
attra&ti%e in&enti%es as per the tar!et( The sa$ary o /ran&h mana!er is around :?III per
In IND-.IND" emp$oyees !et in&enti%es on the /asis o the tar!et !i%en to ea&h emp$oyee
and their area o #ork( They ha%e de%e$oped the in&enti%e stru&ture or the emp$oyees on the
/asis o point system( A$$ the emp$oyees !et the in&enti%e in the orm &ash re#ard(
. ,mployees benefit
The emp$oyees o IND-.IND automati&a$$y /e&ome IND-.IND /ank sa$ary a&&ount
*o$ders #ith spe&ia$ /eneit and pri%i$e!es and re&ei%e instant sa$ary &redit( The /eneit
in&$ude internationa$ de/it &ard" &orporate &ard #ith indi%idua$ $ia/i$ity +CCIL," a&&ess to
phone /ankin! and internet /ankin!" demat a&&ounts" and host o other ser%i&es to
&omp$ement their sa%in!s a&&ount( *ere are some o the eatures o IND-.IND )ank=s
sa$ary a&&ount.
Moti%ation is #i$$in!ness to do somethin! &onditioned /y this a&tion=s a/i$ity to satisy some
need( Moti%ation is !i%en /y the responsi/$e person" $ike /ran&h mana!er or team mana!er or
/etter perorman&e in the department(
Disputes and t(eir resolution
Disputes are &ommon in or!ani8ation( In pra&ti&e" disputes main$y re$ate to the tar!et on$y
/e&ause i any emp$oyee is not a&hie%in! tar!et he9she #i$$ not e$i!i/$e or in&enti%e #hi&h
&reates rustration amon! them(
E%ery emp$oyee is ree to ta$k to the head o the parti&u$ar department i they ha%e any pro/$em
re$ated to the 'o/( >irst$y" the pro/$em is so$%ed /y the head o the parti&u$ar department and i
the pro/$em does not so$%ed /y the head o that department then it is addressed to the *2
Marketin! Mana!ement
The a&ti%ities o a &ompany asso&iated #ith /uyin! and se$$in! a produ&t or ser%i&e( It in&$udes
ad%ertisin!" se$$in! and de$i%erin! produ&ts to peop$e( 1eop$e #ho #ork in marketin!
departments o &ompanies try to !et the attention o tar!et audien&es /y usin! s$o!ans" pa&ka!in!
desi!n" &e$e/rity endorsements and !enera$ media exposure(
A'ay Ke$kar" *ead" Marketin!" IND-.IND )ank" said that these initiati%es are espe&ia$$y
tar!eted at those &onsumers #ho are not a#are a/out the /ankEs %arious %a$ue added ser%i&es
su&h as dire&t /ankin! a&i$ities(
LWe are !oin! to demonstrate the ad%anta!es o net /ankin! and mo/i$e /ankin!" as these
&on&epts are re$ati%e$y ne# to peop$e $i%in! in sma$$er to#ns and &ities"L said Ke$kar( The /ank
has a$so $aun&hed another initiati%e &a$$ed )usiness Ki )aten" #hi&h is tar!eted at areas #here
the /u$k o the popu$ation &omprises sma$$ /usinessmen( Ke$kar said that the /ank #ou$d !et
experts to ta$k on a num/er o issues su&h as %a$ue5add tax and sa$es tax( )ank &an measure the
resu$t o a &ai!n throu!h the sa$es that they !enerate and the &ustomers that are added( There
is a &$ear return on in%estment" #hi&h rom a un&tiona$ point o %ie# !i%es the team a stron!er
%oi&e( )ank has a$so /een a/$e to redu&e their ad spends /y a/out 1I51? per &ent and has a$so
redu&ed the &ost o a&7uisition )ankEs o&us in uture #ou$d /e to enhan&e its data/ase marketin!
initiati%es( )ank p$an to in%est &$ose to 2s 14 &rore to &reate the en%ironment that is re7uired to
support &ustomer inte$$i!en&e that $eads to data /ased marketin!(
IND-.IND has &hartered an extensi%e Customer Lie&y&$e /ased marketin! &ai!n &a$endar
or this and the orth&omin! is&a$( >ra&ta$" #hi&h spe&ia$ises in predi&tin! the /eha%ior o the
&ustomers in the areas o risk and marketin!" #ou$d /e partnerin! IND-.IND )ankEs marketin!
team in %arious initiati%es o !ro#in! the retai$ /usiness 7ui&k$y and &ost ee&ti%e$y(
IND-.IND has /een usin! ana$yti&s or takin! inormed marketin! de&isions( >ra&ta$ #i$$ he$p
the /ank use inormation to rea&h ne# &ustomers and to /ui$d" nurture and maximi8e $astin!
&ustomer re$ationships( >ra&ta$ #i$$ a$so he$p the /ank so$%e the pro/$em o e%er5in&reasin!
&ustomer a&7uisition &osts and redu&in! &ustomer $oya$ty( The marketin! pro!rammes #ou$d
in%o$%e a&7uisition o &ustomers proita/$y /y redu&in! &ai!n &osts" &ross se$$in! %arious
asset and $ia/i$ity produ&ts to the existin! &ustomers" there/y" $e%era!in! the existin!
re$ationships and proa&ti%e$y retainin! existin! &ustomers( >ra&ta$Es ana$yti&s5/ased marketin!
so$utions span #hi&h the entire $ie&y&$e o &ustomer re$ationship ri!ht rom &ustomer
a&7uisition to &ustomer retention to &ustomer %a$ue mana!ement" is expe&ted to !i%e IND-.IND
an upper hand in understandin! the needs and &ir&umstan&es o their &ustomers(
Marketin! Initiati%es Takin! )y The )ank
IND-.IND )ank is possi/$y the on$y /ank in India" and one o the %ery e# in Asia" to ha%e
em/arked on a data5$ed marketin! ana$yti&s &ai!ns initiati%e" usin! marketin! automation
te&hno$o!y pro%ided /y -ni&a( -ni&a has /een re&o!ni8ed /y Gartner as the $eadin! p$ayer in
this ie$d( Throu!h this too$" #e ha%e /een a/$e to inte$$i!ent$y use the ;5? tera/ytes o &ustomer
data a%ai$a/$e in its #arehouse( We ha%e set up a team to &ondu&t marketin! &ai!ns in a
s&ientii& manner usin! &ustomer data" usa!e patterns" preeren&es" $ie&y&$e" et&" the /ank a$so
&ondu&ts e%ent5/ased marketin!
These initiati%es a$so &omp$ement our media5/ased marketin! as #e$$ as on5the5!round
marketin! a&ti%ities" #hi&h remain important in the /i!!er s&heme o thin!s( *o#e%er" the
marketin! ana$yti&s initiati%e ena/$es us to measure the ei&a&y o the &ai!ns" testin! e%ery
&ai!n e%ery step o the #ay" experimentin! #ith &reati%es" messa!es" media" et&( There are
$earnin!s that &an immediate$y /e a/sor/ed and in&orporated in the next &ai!ns" and these
&ai!ns in a #ay pro%ide us #ith inormation a/out &ustomer &hoi&es and preeren&es that &an
/e used or mass media &ommuni&ation" makin! those more ee&ti%e (
Media @ehi&$es -sed >or .end Messa!e To 2ea&h Tar!et Audien&e
IND-.IND )ank has /een predominant$y usin! dire&t mai$ers" e5mai$s" and .M. or
&ommuni&atin! our messa!e to our tar!et audien&e as they are the most &ost5ee&ti%e routes o
addressin! our &ore tar!et audien&es #ith maximum de!ree o &ustomi8ation possi/$e (
Mar2et Segmentation
Mar2et Segmentation is deined as the pro&ess o sp$ittin! &ustomers" or potentia$ &ustomers" in
a market into dierent !roups" or se!ments" #ithin #hi&h the &ustomers share a simi$ar $e%e$ o
interest in the same or &ompara/$e sets o needs satisied /y a distin&t marketin! proposition< it is
a$so exp$ained as a marketin! te&hni7ue that tar!ets a !roup o &ustomers #ith spe&ii&
&hara&teristi&s" i(e( a parti&u$ar !roup that has its o#n distin&t &ustomer proi$e and /uyer
&hara&teristi&s so that or marketin! purposes" it &an /e tar!eted separate$y rom other se!ments
o the market(
It is a 2ey ingredient for su''essful mar2eting as it simp$iies the tar!etin!" positionin! and the
p$annin! pro&ess(
A true Market .e!ment meets a$$ o the o$$o#in! &riteria3 it is distin&t rom other se!ments
+hetero!eneity a&ross se!ments," it is homo!enous #ithin the se!ments +exhi/its &ommon
attri/utes," it responds simi$ar$y to a market stimu$us and it &an /e rea&hed /y a market
inter%ention( Market .e!mentation simp$iies the irm=s produ&t" pri&in!" promotion and
distri/ution strate!ies and a$so a&i$itates p$annin! and or!ani8in! un&tion o mana!ement more
easi$y and &ost ee&ti%e$y< /ut it re7uires a thorou!h understandin! o the &ustomers needs( It is
reerred as a too$ or deinin! markets and there/y a$$o&atin! resour&es< it uses statisti&a$
te&hni7ues &a$$ed a&tor ana$ysis and &$uster ana$ysis to &om/ine attitudina$ and demo!raphi&
data to de%e$op se!ments that are easier to tar!et(
Mar2et Segmentation 'an be done on the /asis o the $o&ation +Geo!raphi& .e!mentation,< on
the /asis o a!e" in&ome" !ender and other measura/$e a&tors +Demo!raphi& .e!mentation,< on
the /asis o $iesty$e" $ikes" dis$ikes" taste and preeren&es +1sy&ho$o!i&a$ .e!mentation,< and
a&&ordin! to the history" $oya$ty and responsi%eness +)eha%iora$ .e!mentation,(
A /usiness must ana$y8e the dierent needs o the market se!ments< their interna$ stren!ths and
#eaknesses< externa$ opportunities and threats< and %arious others a&tors $ike the mission"
%ision" %a$ues" /e$ies" attitudes" norms and standards o the or!ani8ation< as #e$$ as the
&ompetitors strate!y" so&ia$ and &u$tura$ a&tors" e&onomi& en%ironment" !$o/a$ perspe&ti%e"
demo!raphi& en%ironment" te&hno$o!i&a$ and po$iti&a$ 9 $e!a$ aspe&ts /eore de&idin! their o#n
*(ilip 5otler mentioned i%e &riteria or an ee&ti%e se!mentation #hi&h states that
.e!mentation shou$d /e3 5
. Measurable: 5 it shou$d /e possi/$e to determine the %a$ues o the %aria/$e used or the
%. Rele:ant: 5 it shou$d 'ustiy the expe&ted proits and the !ro#th potentia$(
$. A''essible: & the tar!et &ustomers must /e rea&ha/$e and ser%a/$e or the or!ani8ation(
#. Distinguis(able: 5 the tar!et audien&es must /e di%erse and a/$e to sho# dierent
rea&tions to dierent marketin! mix(
!. 3easible: & the irm must ha%e an a/i$ity to dra# an ee&ti%e marketin! pro!ram or its
Market se!mentation is an eort to in&rease a &ompany=s pre&ision marketin!( A market
se!ment &onsists o $ar!e identiia/$e !roup #ithin a market #ith simi$ar #ants" pur&hasin!
po#er" /uyin! attitudes or /uyin! ha/its( As IND-.IND /ank is a ser%i&e se&tor industry
they introdu&e dierent s&hemes or dierent peop$e( Ea&h person is dierent in nature and ea&h
ha%e dier &riteria or in%estment $ike risk a&tor" return" $i7uidity" tax /eneits et&(
Target Mar2eting
Market Speciai!ati"# i$ a %&$i#e$$ ter' 'ea#i#( t)e 'arket $e('e#t t" *)ic) a
partic&ar (""+ "r $er,ice i$ 'arkete+- It i$ 'ai#. +e/i#e+ %. a(e0 (e#+er0 (e"(rap).0
$"ci"1ec"#"'ic (r"&pi#(0 "r a#. "t)er c"'%i#ati"# "/ +e'"(rap)ic$-
It i$ (e#era. $t&+ie+ a#+ 'appe+ %. t)e "r(a#i!ati"# t)r"&() i$t a#+ rep"rt$ c"#tai#i#(
+e'"(rap)ic i#/"r'ati"# t)at 'a. )a,e a# e//ect "# t)e 'arketi#( "/ ke. pr"+&ct$ 2
A pr"+&ct /"c&$i#( "# a $peci/ic tar(et 'arket c"#tra$t$ $)arp. *it) "#e0 /""*i#( t)e
'arket $trate(. "/ 'a$$ 'arketi#(3-
Targeting 'an be done by t(e firms by adopting a logi'al and systemati' met(odology /
steps. B(i'( are as follo;s: &
ST,* : & Identify t(e potential buyers: 5 Throu!h proper market resear&h and market
se!mentation +it is the pro&ess o pu$$in! apart the entire market as a #ho$e and separatin! it into
mana!ea/$e disparate units /ased on %arious demo!raphi&" po$iti&a$" e&onomi& and so&ia$ a&tors<
it &an a$so /e &ustomer 9 produ&t 9 &ompetition re$ated se!mentation,(
ST,* %: & Sele't t(e target audien'es: & The a&tors that in$uen&e Tar!etin! are the Interna$
and Externa$ En%ironment( Interna$ en%ironment in&$udes the mission" %ision" %a$ues and
o/'e&ti%es o the irm< #hereas< Externa$ a&tors are the so&ia$" &u$tura$" e&onomi&" !$o/a$"
demo!raphi&" natura$" task" te&hno$o!i&a$" po$iti&a$ and $e!a$ en%ironment( Throu!h appropriate$y
&ompi$in! the &ustomers proi$e to de&ide the ; 1=s K 1rodu&t" 1ri&e" 1$a&e and 1romotion and
o/tain the demo!raphi&" psy&ho$o!i&a$" !eo!raphi& and /eha%iora$ inormation o the /uyer(
Tar!etin! is de&idin! the potentia$ /uyers" produ&ts to /e oered and appropriate$y positionin!
ea&h produ&t to the se!ment(
ST,* $: & *roper positioning of t(e *rodu't: 5 Ater de%e$opin! an appropriate se!mentation
and tar!et strate!y< positionin! strate!y &an /e #orked out ee&ti%e$y( 1ositionin! ena/$es the
irm to &reate a positi%e ima!e" !ain &ompetiti%e ad%anta!e and p$a&e the /rand in the &ustomers
mind to enhan&e their !ood#i$$ and /e&ome the most preerred /rand(
1ositionin! &an /e in the orm o produ&t" pri&e" promotion" ser%i&e" distri/ution &hanne$" ima!e"
peop$e" ad%ertisin!" pu/$i&ity" pu/$i& re$ation or se$$in! dierentiation(
1ositionin! .trate!y
S1ositionin! is the a&t o desi!nin! the &ompany=s oerin! and ima!e to o&&upy a distin&ti%e
p$a&e in the tar!et market=s mind(
1ositionin! starts #ith a produ&t( A pie&e o mer&handise" a ser%i&e" a &ompany" an institution" or
e%en a person( )ut positionin! is not #hat you do to a produ&t( 1ositionin! is #hat you do the
mind o the prospe&t( That is" you position the produ&t in the mind o prospe&t( A &ompany=s
dierentiatin! and positionin! strate!y must &han!e as the produ&t" market" and &ompetitors
&han!e o%er time( On&e the &ompany has de%e$oped a &$ear positionin! strate!y" it must
&ommuni&ate that positionin! ee&ti%e$y(
IND-.IND /ank ha%e positionin! strate!y o D+ontinuing a Tradition of TrustE. It is a&&urate
positionin! strate!y /e&ause it si!niies a trust #ith its &$ients( *ere is spe&ia$ 2e$ationship
Mana!er dedi&ated to#ards &ustomer ser%i&e and satisa&tion and !i%e them !uidan&e a/out
%arious s&hemes #hi&h he$ps them to !et ri!ht s&heme #hi&h suit their needs( In this #ay it
&ontinues to maintain a trust #ith its &$ients(
I.TR1D6+TI1. 13 3I.A.+, D,*ARTM,.T
In this modern era it is %ery easy to kno# ho# mu&h important the inan&e is in the /usiness( As
&urrent position o the market is tota$$y dierent rom an&ient #here it #as %ery easy to !et the
inan&e( )ut no# a days it is not so" it is %ery dii&u$t task to raise unds rom market( As today
peop$e are a&in! $ot o pro/$em and ha%e $ess &oniden&e on the market so it is dii&u$t to raise
und #ithout proper p$annin!(
>or the /ank as it is a >inan&ia$ Institution #e &an &onsider inan&e as $ie/$ood o this /usiness(
The &ompany shou$d mana!e to !et sui&ient inan&e( The &ompany shou$d use to keep proper
p$annin! or the inan&e o its o#n and a$so o the $ar!e no( o depositors #ho are there #ith the
/ank( We &an deine inan&ia$ mana!ement as a task o a&7uisition and uti$i8ation o unds
needed in the /usiness in a manner so that or!ani8ations !oa$ &an /e a&hie%ed( In IND-.IND
)ank" its &hie >inan&ia$ Oi&er and Treasurer mana!e the inan&e( Due to proper po$i&ies and
separate mana!ement the &ompany &an ha%e proper operation o inan&e(
1R0A.IFATI1. 13 3I.A.+IA/ A+TI4ITI,S 13 BA.5
>or the /ank inan&e itse$ is the produ&t no# it is not an easy task to mana!e this inan&e( As
/ank has to keep #at&h on the deposits o its mi$$ions o &ustomers and a$so it has to mana!e its
o#n $ar!e inan&ia$ /ase( As in re&ent it is popu$ar SNo inan&e no /usinessT" or the /ank
S>inan&e itse$ is /usinessT( There are dierent types o or!ani8ationa$ stru&ture su&h as !roup
or!ani8ation" $ine or!ani8ation" $ine and sta or!ani8ation( IND-.IND )ank has $ine o
authority and $ine o authority is %erti&a$ i(e( authority passes rom top to /ottom and
responsi/i$ity passes rom /ottom to top $e%e$ mana!ement(
As IND-.IND )ank is %ery /i! &ompany and it has $ar!e &$ienta$ /ase so it is %ery dii&u$t and
&omp$i&ated to mana!e its inan&e in proper #ay( There #e need o &on&rete and proper po$i&ies
to ha%e proper mana!ement o it( )e&ause o /i! si8e o the /ank one &annot mana!e a$$ the
a&&ounts o it a$one( .o" &ompany has to appoint many dierent persons so that there is proper
maintenan&e o the unds o dierent persons is possi/$e(
Ratios %
March- 2009
March- 200
March- 200!
1perating *rofit 1G(FC :I(CF ::(1?
0ross *rofit
1F(I? 4F(?F :I(?I
.et *rofit
11(:? 14(F4 1:(?C
Turno:er Ratios
Turno:er Ratio
Debtor Turno:er
3iGed Asset
Turno:er Ratio
?(II ?(1F ;(::
Sol:en'y Ratio
+urrent Ratio I (4F I (4C I (4A
Debt ,-uity
G(;G F(CA 1I(A4
Interest +o:ering
I (;; I (CF I (FC
*erforman'e Ratio H
Return 1n
4(;F :(:F :(AF
Return 1n
1?(:4 1:(F: 1C(C;
Di:idend 7ield 44(1A 44(1A 44(G1
*rofit A /oss A''ounts =Rs. in millions>
Mar'( & %""8
=% mont(s>
H Mar'( & %""<
=% mont(s>
H Mar'( & %""@
=% mont(s>
Sales 17!7"7.18 #1."" 12$!5%%.1" #1."" 8$!"$$.%" #".
"."" %$".%" #"."" 1!"2.6" #"."1
Total Income 17!7"7.18
Raw Material
"."" "."" ".""
Excise "."" "."" ".""
158!%18.%% #".8" 85!5"6.8" #".6 55!5"5.1" #".66
$!288.7% #".2" $8!"$7.$" #".$1 27!528.$" #".$$
8!111."% #".%5 %8!871.2" #".$ $1!7%.5" #".$8
Gross Profit &%!822.$" &".25 &1"!8$$." &"." &%!266.2" &"."5
Depreciation $!5." #"."2 2!717.2" #"."2 2!16."" #"."$
Profit Bef
$2!56.7" #".17 22!8"$.8" #".18 16!%"2."" #".2"
Tax 1"!5%.2" #"."5 6!"."" #"."6 %!77."" #"."6
Net Profit 22!%"7.5" #".11 15!8%.8" #".1$ 11!%25."" #".1%
Other Non!
$5. #."" 6.%" &1%."" .""
22!%%$.% #".11 15!"1.2" #".1$ 11!%11."" #".1%
%!25$.8% #"."2 $!"12.7" #"."2 2!2$5.7" #"."$
,AR.I.0 *,R SHAR,
D,4ID,.D *,R SHAR,
*R13IT A3T,R TAC =Rs. +rores>
.WOT Ana$ysis is a po#eru$ te&hni7ue or understandin! your .tren!ths and Weaknesses" and
or $ookin! at the Opportunities and Threats you a&e( -sed in a /usiness &ontext" it he$ps you
&ar%e a sustaina/$e ni&he in your market( -sed in a persona$ &ontext" it he$ps you de%e$op your
&areer in a #ay that takes /est ad%anta!e o your ta$ents" a/i$ities and opportunities(
2i!ht strate!y or the ri!ht produ&ts(
.uperior &ustomer ser%i&e %s( &ompetitors(
Great )rand Ima!e
1rodu&ts ha%e re7uired a&&reditations(
*i!h de!ree o &ustomer satisa&tion(
Good p$a&e to #ork
Lo#er response time #ith ei&ient and ee&ti%e ser%i&e(
Dedi&ated #orkor&e aimin! at makin! a $on!5term &areer in the ie$d(
.ome !aps in ran!e or &ertain se&tors(
Customer ser%i&e sta need trainin!(
1ro&esses and systems" et&
Mana!ement &o%er insui&ient(
.e&tora$ !ro#th is &onstrained /y $o# unemp$oyment $e%e$s and &ompetition or
1roit mar!ins #i$$ /e !ood(
Cou$d extend to o%erseas /road$y(
Ne# spe&ia$ist app$i&ations(
Cou$d seek /etter &ustomer dea$s(
>ast5tra&k &areer de%e$opment opportunities on an industry5#ide /asis(
An app$ied resear&h &entre to &reate opportunities or de%e$opin! te&hni7ues to pro%ide
added5%a$ue ser%i&es(
Le!is$ation &ou$d impa&t(
Great risk in%o$%ed
@ery hi!h &ompetition pre%ai$in! in the industry(
@u$nera/$e to rea&ti%e
atta&k /y ma'or &ompetitors
La&k o inrastru&ture in rura$ areas &ou$d &onstrain in%estment(
*i!h %o$ume9$o# &ost market is intense$y &ompetiti%e(
.WOT Ana$ysis is a simp$e /ut po#eru$ rame#ork or ana$y8in! &ompanyEs .tren!ths and
Weaknesses" and the Opportunities and Threats you a&e( This he$ps you to o&us on your
stren!ths" minimi8e threats" and take the !reatest possi/$e ad%anta!e o opportunities a%ai$a/$e to
)OOK. 2E>>E2ED3
1hi$ip Kot$er +Ei!ht Edition," S Marketin! Mana!ement
T(N Chha/ra " *uman 2esour&e Mana!ement
WE).ITE. 2E>>E2ED3
2E1O2T.9A2TICLE. 2E>>E2ED3
Annua$ report o IND-.IND )ANK 4IIG
You !
Financial Performance
(Rs. in crores)
For the year ended
March 31, 2009 March 31, 2008
Deosits and !ther "orro#in$s 1%&,%9'.% 10&,3(3.&)
*d+ances 98,883.0 (3,%2(.9
,otal -ncome 19,(22.9 12,398.2
Profit .efore Dereciation and ,a/ 3,(&9.2 2,&&2.%
0et Profit 2,2%&.0 1,&90.2
Profit .ro1$ht for#ard 2,&'%.( 1,932.0
,otal Profit a+aila.le for *roriation %,819.( 3,&22.2
,ransfer to 2tat1tory Reser+e &(1.2 39'.&
,ransfer to 3eneral Reser+e 22%.& 1&9.0
,ransfer to 4aital Reser+e 93.9 5
,ransfer to -n+estment Fl1ct1ation Reser+e (13.9) 38.&
Proosed Di+idend %2&.% 301.3
,a/ incl1din$ 21rchar$e and 6d1cation
4ess on Di+idend '2.3 &1.2
6d1cation 4ess on Di+idend aid for Prior
7ear 0.( 0.1
"alance carried o+er to "alance 2heet 3,%&&.( 2,&'%.(
* C+a,-. p/r0/a,t t1 r.23a00i4i2ati1,