Miracle Mantra Description

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The key takeaways are that the Miracle Mantra opens the heart, fills one with strength and grace, and vibrates every cell of the body. It awakens miracles in life by ending limitations and opening imagination. Regular practice of even 11 minutes can have profound healing and elevating effects.

The Miracle Mantra is 'Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru'. It opens doors and dimensions in life, illuminates everything, and expands vision. It awakens Kundalini and attunes one to a place of neutrality and kindness. Its repetitions take one through different phases of manifestation.

The Miracle Mantra should be chanted five times on one breath. Each repetition changes the impact and projection. Holding a thought through the repetitions helps manifest it beautifully into life.

Miracle Mantra Description, Use and Variations

Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Director of Training, KRI ([email protected])

Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Ph.D., LPCC, is a Lead Trainer in Kundalini Yoga as taught by
Yogi Bhajan, and has helped to compile and elucidate Yogi Bhajans teachings since 1969.
Gurucharan Singh combines Western scientific training with Eastern traditions to develop
practical approaches to personal growth and fulfillment. Gurucharan Singh co-founded the
Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) with Yogi Bhajan in 1972. Yogi Bhajan gave him the title
Director of Training.
As you chant this mantra it opens your heart, fills you with the strength of grace and vibrates
every cell of your body; you gain vitality and radiance naturally.
Practicing it wholeheartedly even for 11 minutes opens doors and dimensions in your life. It
is like being stuck in a small house all day, then suddenly opening the windows and doors
to bathe yourself in light, illuminating everything you could not see before and expanding
your vision to the horizon and all the possibilities of the Self.
Practicing this mantra heals and elevates profoundly. This is why it is called a miracle
mantra. It awakens the miracle of your life. It brings you the power of miracle in your life. It
gives life to the miracles your heart attunes to. A miracle is not something beyond
imagination or reality. It happens simply as we end our limitations and open our
imaginations. We always have the opportunity to fulfill our destiny and our highest purpose.
In each life all the tools and resources are with us in our mind, circumstances, relationships
and spirit.
This mantra practice doesnt bring something to us we do not have, it opens us to the
constant presence of grace and possibility that is with us now. The mantra attunes our
nerves, consciousness and energy to that place of neutrality and kindness embodied by
Guru Ram Das a great healer, teacher and saint. That place is made easily available at
the spiritual frequency of this, his personal mantra.
The miracle mantra is a gem. It was created by the Infinite and kept deep within us.
Someone, a sacred prospector, dug in deeply and brought that gem to the surface for all to
enjoy. That gem is beautiful in itself and it captures the light of the day and reflects the
entire sky and cosmos. That small gem reflects the Infinite and projects you beyond your
limitations. It is precious and unique. It is a small gem that frees, heals and uplifts.
The mantra is:
Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru.
Yogi Bhajan took this gem and set it like a master jeweler into a perfect setting to bring out
all its beauty and inner potential. He gave it a perfect rhythm and structure of practice. That
is the practice and style of chanting Gurusangat Singh and I have faithfully captured in this
miracle mantra meditation CD.
The technique is easily done:
Chant Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru five times on one breath. Each of the
five repetitions changes the impact of the sound and its projection. The repetitions take you
automatically through the five phases of manifestation: from the subtlety of an intention, to
the structure of a thought, to the power of an emotion and finally to the manifestation in
action and life.
This mantra creates a balance of the five elements. It creates a balance of the processes of
life in your body and thoughts. So, if you want a thought to manifest beautifully and dutifully
into your life, hold that thought as you go through the five repetitions and let it go into the
infinite to as you complete the mantra. Your presence and attention create a nucleus or
seed and the Infinite completes it as you place it from your heart to your soul in innocence
and gratitude.
The meaning of the mantra:
Guru is wisdom. It transforms any ignorance or block into light. Gu is darkness, ru is
light. Guru takes you from darkness to light with a practice- a gur. Guru is itself
repeated five times in one round of the mantra.
The first Guru is your personal sense of wisdom the whisper of your soul.
The second Guru expands your sense of self into your experiences, relationships and
The Wahe Guru expands your Self into the Infinite, beyond even your personal
knowledge. It opens your heart beyond the mind to the core of Being and spirit. J oy,
surrender and strength are inseparable here.
The next repetition of Guru takes that vast expanse of your Being and its wisdom and
begins its journey back into your body, mind and moment. It is the touch of grace that is
impersonally personal, immediate and relevant.
Ram is the infinite power of the Creator and Being coming into form- taking birth
Das is the flow of that energy into this earthly moment. It arrives in your life whole,
complete and tangible.
The last Guru completes the embodiment of the wisdom and guides you with each step by
intuition, grace and circumstance.
The entire cycle does what Yogi Bhajan described as taking you to Infinity and back.
The mantra is called a reflection cycle. It goes from your heart to the Infinite and from the
infinite to your heart. It is deep meditation on this rhythmical repetition that becomes like a
spiritual heartbeat. It circulates the energy of miracle. It awakens whatever it touches. It
carries the nutrients of your soul in to your body and actions. It integrates. This awakens
what we call Kundalini. It brings an awareness of spirit within your life. When that awakens
you start to see. You see the miracle of this moment and you take the opportunity to act
with what God gives you each moment.
You can practice this for a few moments, for 11 minutes, and shift your perspective as you
heal, practice gratitude and recognize the space of blessings. You can do the practice Yogi
Bhajan gave to Gurucharan Kaur, my wife, to go deeply into the space of miracle. She did it
and we had a child who could not have been born otherwise according to all the doctors.
We took that practice and shared it will everyone out of gratitude.
To experience that deep practice, chant it five times on a breath and repeat that 108 times.
Those repetitions go beyond the five phases. They take you on a tour of the entire universe,
within and without, and all the elements and qualities that compose our experience. The
number 108 is a special number that completes all the qualities that exist. The ancients
called it rotating the 108 names or aspects of God. It means we dissolve our normal
limitations and finite sense of our self in the formless and allow ourselves to recompose
anew. It is to rise again in full spirit. It is to attend to our life whole and in complete harmony
with our hearts. You become surrounded by the angelic hands of god; you radiate a light
that clears any darkness and doubt on your path.
Now take that 108 repetitions and repeat that eleven times! Eleven times 108 repetitions.
Do it in steady continuous meditation. That takes intention and some time. It takes you
beyond your time and space because you become a master of your time and space. There
are people and groups practicing this all around the world. The changes, miracles and
caliber of life they report is humbling and delightful.
Whether you do this for 11 minutes or for the entire deep meditation practice you can simply
sit. In lotus pose, easy pose or erect in a chair. Anyway that is comfortable. Close your eyes
and bring your focus to the brow point where the eyebrows and nose meet. Bring your
hands relaxed over the knees with the first fingertip touching the thumb tipgian mudra.
As you center yourself and chant with the music and automatic process takes place as your
tongue dances on the palate of your mouth. The signals of the meridians in the mouth
communicate the pulse and energy to the brain. It gives a simple message, Let the healing
begin. Balance and peace. My self and soul are present. My essence is here and more real
than any thought or distraction. Gratitude, blessings and miracles now.
This is easy. It flows. Elevates.
Find the level of practice that takes you to the level of awareness and degree of miracle you
want to realize in your life. You can do a little at the office, on a break, on the trail, or sitting
still waiting anywhere.
Perhaps you want a powerful rebirth or as we call it these days, a full re-boot. Then do
some Kundalini yoga to prepare the trillions of cells of your body to become one vibration
and intention. Enter into the meditation in the cycle of 108 repetitions or more. You will be
left with delight and the caliber to fulfill your destiny, live and deliver truth, elevate, and heal.
With gratitude to my teacher, Yogi Bhajan, I practice, share and spread this opportunity with

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