PEPS-C is a test that assesses prosody skills, which involves intonation, emphasis, and phrasing that convey meaning in spoken language. It has 12 tasks that examine receptive and expressive prosodic functions and forms in areas like questioning versus stating, liking versus reservation, chunking phrases, and contrastive stress. The computer-based test presents auditory and visual stimuli for clients to respond to. Scores are automatically generated to identify areas of difficulty and compare performance to norms. The test is available in multiple languages and is intended to help clinicians and researchers evaluate prosody abilities.
PEPS-C is a test that assesses prosody skills, which involves intonation, emphasis, and phrasing that convey meaning in spoken language. It has 12 tasks that examine receptive and expressive prosodic functions and forms in areas like questioning versus stating, liking versus reservation, chunking phrases, and contrastive stress. The computer-based test presents auditory and visual stimuli for clients to respond to. Scores are automatically generated to identify areas of difficulty and compare performance to norms. The test is available in multiple languages and is intended to help clinicians and researchers evaluate prosody abilities.
PEPS-C is a test that assesses prosody skills, which involves intonation, emphasis, and phrasing that convey meaning in spoken language. It has 12 tasks that examine receptive and expressive prosodic functions and forms in areas like questioning versus stating, liking versus reservation, chunking phrases, and contrastive stress. The computer-based test presents auditory and visual stimuli for clients to respond to. Scores are automatically generated to identify areas of difficulty and compare performance to norms. The test is available in multiple languages and is intended to help clinicians and researchers evaluate prosody abilities.
PEPS-C is a test that assesses prosody skills, which involves intonation, emphasis, and phrasing that convey meaning in spoken language. It has 12 tasks that examine receptive and expressive prosodic functions and forms in areas like questioning versus stating, liking versus reservation, chunking phrases, and contrastive stress. The computer-based test presents auditory and visual stimuli for clients to respond to. Scores are automatically generated to identify areas of difficulty and compare performance to norms. The test is available in multiple languages and is intended to help clinicians and researchers evaluate prosody abilities.
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PEPS-C (Profling Elements of Prosody in Speech-Communication)
Prosody Skills Test
INFORMATION ABOUT THE TEST: Profling Elements of Prosody in Speech-Communication (PEPS-C) is a semi-automated test battery for assessing receptive and epressive prosody skills! "t has been used in several studies of the speech and understanding of children #ith high-functioning autism$%sperger&s syndrome (see 'eferences and 'eadings)! "t is intended for use by clinicians and researchers in assessing prosody in any conditions in both children and adults! See a demonstration of the test on the follo#ing #ebsite( http($$###!)mu!ac!uk$ssrc$prosodyinasd$* shortly to be transferred to ###!peps-c!com! Prosody is a little-investigated aspect of speech* concerning not #hat you say but the #ay you say it( the e+ect of intonation* emphasis and prosodic phrasing on the meaning and impact of the spoken utterance! Prosody is fre)uently disordered in people #ith language impairment and learners of second languages! "t has been developed and used as a research tool and is no# available in a version designed to assist therapists and teachers in remedial intervention! The test is suitable for all ages above ,! % tester administers the test using a computer and elicits responses through auditory stimuli and pictures presented on the screen* using items that are culturally ino+ensive and easy to pronounce! The pictures included in the test are likely to be familiar to all* including young children* but a pre- test vocabulary check is completed so that tester and client can agree on the #ords for #hat is seen in the pictures! Confdentiality is ensured in that the client is assigned an identity code #hich is all that appears in computer records! The test is available in several language versions - and #ill run on a PC! PEPS-C comprises t#elve tasks* addressing receptive and epressive skills in parallel! The tasks are at t#o levels* eamining prosodic function and prosodic form respectively! PEPS-C defnes four main linguistic functions conveyed by prosody* #ith a receptive and an epressive task for each( -! Turn end( indicating #hether an utterance re)uires an ans#er or not ()uestion$statement) .! %+ect( indicating mood$emotions$opinions/ in this test* signalling liking or reservation #ith respect to food items 0! Chunking( prosodic phrase boundaries indicating ho# speech can be verbally &chunked&* as in the di+erence bet#een &fruit* salad and milk& and &fruit-salad and milk& ,! Contrastive Stress or 1ocus( emphasising one #ord in an utterance to focus attention on it* e!g! &#hite C23& as opposed to &34"TE co#&! Prosodic form processing re)uires non-cognitive skills! The tasks are( - t#o auditory discrimination tasks* essentially same$di+erent tasks! Stimuli eemplify the prosodic variations that convey the di+erent meanings used in the receptive prosodic function tasks! - t#o imitation tasks re)uiring the production of the types of prosodic variation needed for completing the epressive function tasks! The assessment of skills at t#o levels helps to determine the level at #hich a client has a problem #ith prosody* thus enabling better targeting of intervention! The test is not standardised* but a limited amount of normative data is available! The test is easy to administer but re)uires some familiarisation! 'eceptive tasks present an auditory stimulus #ith t#o pictures as response options on the computer screen( clients indicate one half of the computer screen by #ay of response! "n epressive function tasks* pictures appear on the screen and clients have to say #hat they see( their utterances are scored by the tester on a separate keypad (see belo#)! 1or imitation tasks* testers evaluate utterances as 5ood* 1air or Poor( a training programme is included in the package to ensure uniformity of 6udgments! The PEPS-C research version automatically collates summary and detailed data from multiple clients in spreadsheets and allo#s other raters to enter 6udgments in epressive tasks for the assessment of inter-rater reliability! Support for this version is ho#ever likely to be limited! The clinical version does not have the inter-rater facility* but unless this is particularly re)uired* the clinical version is likely to be suitable for most purposes* including research! To order the test* please complete and email the 2rder 1orm and agree to the Terms and Conditions! - %s at - 7ecember .889( 1lemish* English (%ustralian* :orth %merican* Southern ;ritish English* Scottish Edinburgh* "rish)* 1rench* :or#egian* Spanish! The test is not currently available on %pple <ac computers! Page 1 of 2 PEPS-C (Profling Elements of Prosody in Speech-Communication) Prosody Skills Test Scoring is automated in both versions* ensuring safety from transcription errors and enabling the tester to focus on the client=s performance! The program includes a scoresheet for each client that can be printed out! "ndividual scores can be compared #ith data obtained from control clients! "tem scores* useful for determining error patterns* are provided in detailed scoresheets in the clinical version! The overall scheme is illustrated belo#( Test administered in clinic* 7etailed 'esults school* home* etc! 'esults presented in Ecel sheets( 'ecord 1orm and 'esults Summary %nd in an Ecel 7etailed results sheet( - >eypad for recording tester=s 6udgments