Ncsu - Edu Syllabus
Ncsu - Edu Syllabus
Ncsu - Edu Syllabus
An introduction to the essential elements of web site development for students in Technology Education and Graphic Communications.
Alice Y. Scales Office: 510N Poe Hall Office Phone: 515-1754 Home Phone: 848-1720 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:30-
3:30 and Thursdays 1:30-3:30 (Other times by Appointment)
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course students should be able to:
1. use HTML coding to produce a simple web page;
2. use an authoring programs to produce a web page;
3. understand and apply the basics of Web Page layout;
4. produce Graphics that are appropriate for a web page;
5. use cascading style sheets in a web page; and
6. organizing a website for appropriate usability.
Course Description:
1. This course will examine the practical aspects of creating and laying out a Website. It is designed to make the student moderately proficient in
producing a site through several methods. It is only an introduction.
2. The textbook for the course is CSS, The Missing Manual, 2nd Edition by David Sawyer McFarland, and Designing Web Graphics 3 or 4 by
Lynda Weinman. These are all required. You also need to purchase some type of Dreamweaver CS4 book. I do not care what you buy, but you
will need it.
3. Reading assignments and course lectures will be the basis of the two quizzes given during the course. Only material covered in the reading
assignments and lectures prior to the quiz will be included on a quiz.
4. As part of the course, students are expected to create a website of four or more pages as their final project. The requirements for this site are
listed in this syllabus. The sites will be critiqued as the final exam for the course. A write-up describing the site development and difficulties
encountered will be presented to the teacher at the end of the course, along with a disk(s) containing the site files. All material contained on the
student site must adhere to Copyright and Privacy Laws.
5. During the course, students will be asked to explore websites that provide useful information on Web development issues. Information gleamed
from these sites will be provided to fellow students, and the instructor, in the form of an executive summary.
6. Students are expected to attend all classes. Students missing more than two unexcused classes will have TWO points deducted from
their final grade for each day missed after that. If you are absent for legitimate reasons (illness, court appearances, participation in a NCSU
Sport as a team member) then work can be made up. The length of time given to make up the work will be determined by the length of absence
and the work missed. If you wish to review the University Policy on Attendance you can access it on the World Wide Web at:
7. Assignments are due on the day the instructor assigns. Work turned in late, without a ligitamate excuse approved by the instructor, have a
letter grade removed for each class late.
8. NOTE: + and - final grades will be issued upon completion of the courses requirements. The Code for Academic Integrity must be followed for all
course work, projects, and exams. A mark of academic integrity is that a student does not take credit for the work of others, does not take unfair
advantage of others, does not perform acts which frustrate the scholarly efforts of others, and does not tolerate dishonesty in others. A student's
signature on an assignment indicates that the assignment is his or her work alone. If you wish to review the policy of the University on academic
integrity, you can access it on the World Wide Web at:
Course Topics:
Introduction to Web terms, history, forms, and equipment Website distribution methods.
HTML codes - their use and evolution.
HTML hand coding a page's structure
Basics tags
H tags
Lists, ordered and unordered
div tags
span tags
Cascading Style Sheets: The Formating Tool
Advantages and Disadvantages
Code Structures (HTML coding, class codes, generic codes)
Using the codes to format a site
CSS location (inline, internal, externally linked)
Applying and editing
CSS3: The newer codes and features
Web Standards: a new trend
Creating Web graphics (Photoshop):
Bit depths
Safe colors selections
Scanned (Photoshop)
Transparent GIFs
Sizing images (display size & DPI)
Background Images and Tiles
Platform and Browser compatibility issues
Web Design and Layout (Dreamweaver CS4):
Features and layout
Setting up a site
Making a simple web page
Adding graphics
Adding links
Advanced features
DIV tags
CSS use
Built-in Java features
Organizing a Website:
Usability and Navigation
Projecting an image
User Testing
Audvanced Web Features(Issues)
Copyright issues
Course Requirements:
HTML Code Project:
For the HTML Handcode Project, students will be given text and graphics and asked to create a web page structure uses the text and graphics and is
ready for CSS formating. The web page must include, but is not limited to, specific codes the instructor requires for the site. A list of these will be
provided. The project will be graded on the correct use of the codes and the inclusion of the required codes. The web page file name should include
the students name. A folder should be created and named HTML Code Project, inside of the individual student folder in the CED3/GC410 Classroom
server space.
Two written quizzes will be given during the course on Web terminology and concepts. The topics they will each cover can be found on the Assignment
Page of this website. Review sheets are also included on this site and can be found at the top of this page.
Website Executive Summaries:
Two web sites that contain information on webpage development, and related issues, will be examined by the students, and an executive summary
of no more than three pages created that summarizes the information in these sites. A printed copy of the summary should be given to the instructor as
well as provided electronically. The summaries will be given two grades, one for content and one for punctuation and appropriate grammar. Examples
of executive summaries can be found below as well as a more complete set of directions for the summary assignment.
*Web Site Critique Summary Directions
Critques Example 1
Critques Example 2
Photoshop Project:
Students will produce two banners and a set of buttons that can be used on a website in Photoshop. The buttons should be in a GIF format and the
banners in JPEG or PNG format. The images can be used for the final project. Images will be judged on their appropriateness for the web. Web
Graphic Project Assignment Information
Final Project:
The final project will consist of a website of at least four pages. Thumbnail sketches and a flow chart for the site will be due to the instructor on the day
of the exam. The thumbnails should consist of a layout of each page and a navigation chart for the site. The requirements for this project will be
Course grade will be based on the quizzes, executive summaries, graphic images, and final project. Plus/Minus grades will be given.
Grade Breakdown:
2 Quizzes @ 15% each - 30%
2 Executive Web Critique Summaries - 15%
HTML Code Project - 10%
Graphic Image Project - 10%
Graphic Image Write-up - 5%
Final Project - 20%
Final Project Write-up - 10%
Total 100%