Sponsorship Proposal: (Event Name)

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Who We Are:
[Try to keep this as brief as possible. Point out the highlights of your company and any
details about your business that you may think a sponsor would be interested in hearing.
Your profile should make the reader feel like theyll be working with an experienced and
competent promotional company that knows how to do what your about to propose.]

[Ask yourself !"hat are my intentions behind doing this e#ent$% &f you dont ha#e a
clear intention make one up that will sound appealing to your potential sponsor.
"ithout actually saying it make it seem like the whole reason youre putting the e#ent
together is to expose people to their products or ser#ices and that the people that youll
get to attend will be the most recepti#e towards those products.]
The intent of this event is to broaden brand awareness of all affiliated companies and
organizations amongst the chic urban professional community. It is designed to attract
and appeal to the tastemaers that tae active rolls in setting the mold for style! the
hottest trends! and over all ingenuity within the city.
Target Groups !e"ographi#:
['thnicity percentages] "#$ African American! "#$ %aucasian! "&$ 'ispanic
[Annual income ranges] (#&) Annual *alary
[Age group range] Ages +roup of ,-."#
E$ent O$er$ie%:
01pected Attendance/
[&nclude a brief o#er#iew of what the e#ent will consist of. &f you ha#e any special guest
coming themed d(cor appeti)ers gift bags etc you should mention this in the o#er#iew.
You can exaggerate the details a little to make it seem slightly more extra#agant than it
really is but not too much to the point the reader can tell that youre blowing things out
of proportion.]
This night is planned to be a 2ed %arpet affair. It will be promoted as a semi.private
e1clusive event for the 3who4s who5 of industry insiders. This event will feature great
music and live performances! networing! cognac sampling! dancing! beautiful
promotional models! a lavish spread of appetizers! elegant dining cuisine! ice sculptures!
gift bags! and more6
[Your goal is to show the sponsor exactly what their incenti#es and benefits are if they
were to get in#ol#ed with your e#ent. This section can list all the ways you can help in
promoting their products or ser#ices with your e#ent. You can offer putting their logo on
all flyers and emails mentions of their company on any radio ads you run setting them
up with space in the #enue for their signage and banners getting them a *&P section and
drinks for their representati#es and anything else you can think of that will appeal to the
sponsor. +ost of the incenti#es you list need to focus on how their company or brand
will be exposed to the masses if they were to get behind your promotion.]
The main incentive of our partnering sponsors is direct awareness and e1posure to a
target group of distinguished clientele.
7randing is to include/
Logos8info on event flyers and invitations
Logos! website lins! and images on email mareting and various ad campaigns
with our media affiliates
9romotional models
9remium giveaways
*ignage89:* within the venue
Re&uest: [Your re,uest is a statement of exactly what you want from the sponsor.]
;e are seeing monetary contributions of/
SILVER '()) < +eneral access to the event for you and your guest list! logos and
recognition on all promotional materials.
GOL! '*)) < Access to =I9 areas for you and your guest! signage within the
venue! logos and recognition on all promotional materials.
PLATIN+M ',))) < 01clusive =I9 *ection supplied w8 champagne bottles for
you and your guest! 9remium signage! ma>or logos and recognition on all
promotional materials and mentions on our mi1ed promotional %D.
-onta#t In.o:
If you are interested in becoming one of our sponsoring partners for this event or have
any ?uestions! please contact/
@:0 7L:;
%ell/ ###.###.####
:ffice/ AAA.AAA.AAAA
Acme 9romotions
c8o @oe 7low
B," Cain *t.
Dour Town! E*A #####
[&f you ha#e a track record include the history outcomes of old e#ents you#e done]
[In#0u1e pi#tures here]

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