Project 9: Portfolio

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Haley M. Bunch
Content Page
Haley M. Bunch
Born in Provo, Utah.
Raised in Knoxville, Tennessee.
[email protected]
Instagram: @hbunch16
Pinterest: @hbunch16
Table of Contents
Event Ad
Web Page
Business Card
Event Ad

Saturday May 31

9 A.M. 2 P.M.
Porter Park
All proceeds go to the National Scoliosis Foundation.
Spike for Scoliosis


Scoliosis affects roughly six
million people in the United
States. The average age of most
of these victims ranges from ten
to fifteen. Help us raise money to
make these peoples lives better.
A color full-bleed ad to promote a fundraiser using only
Microsoft Word and a scanner.
Course and Instructor:
Comm 130
Cory Kerr
Programs/Tools Used:
Microsoft Word
Find, scan, and import a high quality image.
Create a full-bleed design.
Use text boxes for a layout in Word.
Insert and edit images in Word.
I picked an image out of a magazine in my apartment and then I took
that image to the scanner in the library. Then I used photoshop to make
sure the size of the image was correct and met the project requirements.
When I sketched the design, I frst thought of how I wanted to do my
full bleed. I decided to go with a border kind of thing for my full bleed.
Then I kind of just took the colors from my image to help decide on my
color scheme and came up with a monochromatic scheme using
diferent shades of blue. I chose more of a fun title font,because my
event is more for fun and excitement and less professional and
businesslike. I thought I would have trouble doing so much in Word,
but I actually found everything to be somewhat easy.

Saturday May 31

9 A.M. 2 P.M.
Porter Park
All proceeds go to the National Scoliosis Foundation.
Spike for Scoliosis


Scoliosis affects roughly six
million people in the United
States. The average age of most
of these victims ranges from ten
to fifteen. Help us raise money to
make these peoples lives better.
An inspirational montage made by blending two images and
incorporating typography.
Course and Instructor:
Comm 130
Cory Kerr
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe Photoshop
Learn to manage photoshop layers.
Learn to blend images together by using masks.
Use flters.
Apply appropriate typography.
I frst thought of a background image that I wanted to use and then I
thought of another image and a quote that would go great all together. I
cropped the background image to make it ft to a landscape document.
Then I imported the second picture. Once it was imported and resized,
I put a montage over it and used the brush to clean up around the edges
and fade it. I blended the image into the background and I think it looks
cool how the hands are kind of reaching out of the ocean.
Black and white promotional fier to promote a
graduate leadership conference.
Course and Instructor:
Comm 130
Cory Kerr
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe InDesign
Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography.
Incorporate basic InDesign skills to imrove basic fier layout.
Create a project folder with image, logo, and InDesign
document to keep links intact.
First, I created about 8 sketches of my design. Then I narrowed my
sketches down to my favorite 4, but then I just narrowed it down to one. I
then used my favorite sketch to create a general layout in InDesign. I used
the diferent black, white, and gray boxes to create contrast and repetition.
I made my title really big, so it could serve as the focal point. I tried to
keep my body copy small. The image, logo, and content was given to me.
October 21st 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Lincoln Conventon Center
Do you want to have the competitive edge in business?
Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate Leadership Conference.
Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders gain essential
leadership skills in the workplace. During this dynamic three-day seminar,
attendees will meet with top executives of Vouant Communications to discuss
breakthrough leadership techniques, while cultivating attributes of leadership
that will market to any employer.
Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.
Registration and more information available at
Web Page
A web page created to showcase a personally created logo.
Course and Instructor:
Comm 130
Cory Kerr
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe Photoshop
Size and optimize an original logo as a png for a web page.
Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it
appeals to a target audience.
Design a web page using HTML and basic understanding of CSS.
Identify hex colors for web design.
Compress multiple fles in a zipped folder to attach as one fle.
I created this web page using only TextWrangler. I had done stuf with
HTML and CSS in my senior year of high school, but I soon realized that
I forgotten about half of the stuf that I had learned. So, it was cool to
revisit HTML and CSS and see how they connect and how one afects the
other. After I marked up all my content and inserted my image, I attached
a pre-made CSS document to my HTML. I then used the colors from my
logo as the colors for my web page. I found these colors by opening
Photoshop and using the eyedropper tool. I then inserted an image I
found from Google and used it as my background instead of just having
a solid color background. I also changed my fonts to Times New Roman
and Verdana, so that I could have two contrasting fonts on my webpage.
One of the most challenging parts of working with CSS was getting my
background image to agree with my text and paragraphs.
A two-sided folding brochure.
Course and Instructor:
Comm 130
Cory Kerr
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Set up and align a two-sided folding document.
Learn how to wrap text around an image.
Use paragraph styles in InDesign.
I frst created a new logo in Illustrator. Then I took that logo and did some
sketching on notebook. I played around with diferent brochure lay-
outs until I came up with one that I really liked. I had decided on a color
scheme when I was in the process of creating my new logo. I then picked
my four images by searching diferent things on google. I searched for
images of fowers that ft my color scheme. I then clipped the photos in
photoshop and cut the background so I could have just the general fower
shape. I then inserted the 4 photos in to InDesign and placed them where
I wanted them. I then placed my logo on the front cover and the back
cover. I then typed in all of my text. I also put my image in the middle of
the inside cover and texted wrapped it. Lastly I just made sure I had no
hyphens or orphans or widows or spelling errors.
Three diferent logos for one company.
Course and Instructor:
Comm 130
Cory Kerr
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe Illustrator
Create a variety of logos to ft a company or personal image.
Use basic tools of Illustrator.
It was really fun to learn how to create a logo in Illustrator. I used the
ellipse tool to create the outside of the circle and then I used the ellipse
tool to create another circle that would be the donut hole. I made sure the
second circle was a white fll so that it would create the donut shape with
the other circle. I then added an anchor point to the top right part of the
circle and used the direct selection tool to bring the circle down and
create kind of a bite mark, because donuts arent just perfect circles.
Then I picked font that I thought would be professional, but yet fun. I
wanted to use the same font for all my logos, because I think it should be
consistent. When I made the third logo, I found a picture of a cofee mug
on google images and then I used the pen tool and direct selection tool
to make my own cofee mug as a vector image.
D nuts
Dunkin Donuts
Dunkin Donuts
Matching letterhead and business card designed using a
pesonally created logo.
Course and Instructor:
Comm 130
Cory Kerr
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Create a new logo to ft a company or personal image.
Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.
Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign.
I created the logo using Adobe Illustrator. I mainly used the shape builder
tool, the rectangle tool, the pen tool, and the texture efect. Once the logo
was created, I opened an InDesign document and placed my logo in to the
InDesign document.
I frst created the letterhead. I sketched a little bit before I went in to
InDesign and started designing it. I placed my logo font and images in
the top left corner and then I just created ellipses to look like the shape of
a paint drop and I used that shape to create the outline for the letterhead.
I thought the ellipse shape was a good use of repetition. I made sure that
my logo font and my contact information font were contrasting sizes.
Business Card
Matching business card and letterhead designed using a
personally created logo.
Course and Instructor:
Comm 130
Cory Kerr
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe InDesign
Create a new logo to ft a company or personal image.
Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.
Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign.
I created the logo using Adobe Illustrator. I mainly used the shape builder
tool, the rectangle tool, the pen tool, and the texture efect. Once the logo
was created, I opened an InDesign document and placed my logo in to the
InDesign document.
For the business cards, I sketched a little bit frst by thinking about my
logo and the meaning of my company and my color scheme. Since I went
with a monochromatic violet color scheme, I designed my
business cards using diferent tints of violet. I used Illustrator to make a
paint palette and then I brought that vector image into InDesign to put
it on the front of my business card. Then I just used the same font that I
used in my Letterhead for my business card.
Do you need your house
painted perfectly?
Perfect Painters
Haley Bunch
[email protected]
80 S. 2nd W Rexburg, ID
Do you need your house
painted perfectly?
Perfect Painters
Haley Bunch
[email protected]
80 S. 2nd W Rexburg, ID
A pesonally taken photograph that has been edited and formatted
using Photoshop.
Course and Instructor:
Comm 130
Cory Kerr
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe Photoshop
Use a digital camera to take a quality image, and then download it.
Size and crop the image.
Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue, and saturation levels.
Use the selection tool to isolate a portion of the image.
Desaturate the selected portion of the image.
Use a flter or colorize a portion of the image.
I kind of did things backwards.. I took my pictures frst and then I
decided on a picture I wanted to make my ad for and then I picked the
color scheme based on the photo that I picked. I frst edited my picture.
I cropped it on the bottom a bit to get rid of some distracting and
unnecessary things. Then I sharpened up some of the colors to make
them stand out more and make the less blurry. Then I started to make
my design. i decided I want to do a 8.5x11 design so my picture would look
better and I wouldnt have to stretch it out as much. I imported my picture
and the color wheel to make my colors match. I then created a full bleed
design using diferent size boxes. After I submitted my draft and got cri-
tique, I decided to use the stamp tool on my photo and get rid of two of
the poles that were in my picture, so you could see the sky more clearly.

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