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Iack oxIde coatIng chemIcaIs

Iack oxIde coatIng - advantages

The Iron parts (excludIng castIngs E staInless steel) are black oxIde coated for
maInly followIng Important reasons:

CorrosIon PesIstance. Salt spray tests accordIng to AST|, 0N, S standards can
be conducted for corrosIon resIstance lIfe. 8lack oxIde coatIngs stands well for
corrosIon tests based on the sealant used after the coatIngs. However these
coatIngs are not meant to stand for abrasIon on the surface.

Product AppeaI. The satIny smooth black oxIde fInIsh Is attractIve as well as
durable, a combInatIon requIred by more companIes In hIghly competItIve

0ImensIonaI UnIformIty and StabIIIty.
parts manufactured to precIse dImensIons cannot tolerate the varIable thIckness
of electroplatIng or the excessIve thIckness of paInt. 8lack oxIde fInIshes reacts
wIth the surfaces so coatIng thIckness Is almost neglIgIble, and In some cases
almost zero.

EconomIcaI. Compared to nearly all other fInIshes, black oxIde fInIshes can be
applIed at sIgnIfIcantly lower operatIng costs.

Why Super Nova chemIcaIs!

The most of the avaIlable hot bath chemIcal set
coatIngs use heavIly the AmmonIabase chemIcals, and thIs gas Is released whIle
process Is actIve. ThIs makes almost ImpossIble to work for operator, raIsIng
health and hazard Issues. AgaIn such baths are useless after 5
produces heavy unusable sludge and have to remake the baths. So even these
chemIcals seem economIcal on purchase front, they are really expensIve when
calculated per component coatIng cost.

After study of all these kInds of problems, we have developed a black oxIde
coatIng hot bath process whIch have followIng dIstInct advantages over the other
avaIlable blackodIsIng chemIcals.

No Cas fumes or any hazardous emIssIons.
fumes lIke ammonIa, makIng lIfe easIer for the operators.

AddItIve bath make up. Dur bath doesn
don't form heavy sludge that every tIme needs to be dIsposed off to
envIronment. However, every tIme the bath level goes down (due to drag out
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envIronment. However, every tIme the bath level goes down (due to drag out
losses, whIch are extremely mInImal) only It
chemIcal proportIons suggested. 8ath Is reusable and never becomes unusable or
forms heavy throwaway cakes.

Low energy consumptIon. Normally the chemIcal baths for blackenIng starts
theIr reactIons 140 degree centIgrade and above, however our bath
starts from 1J0 degree centIgrade and don
degree centIgrade. ThIs small dIfference makes a bIg dIfference when the bath
sIzes are larger, savIng energy costs.

uaIIty coatIngs. The coatIng produced by our chemIcals has been tested by our
customers for varIous standards complIances lIke 0N
been proven a qualIty coatIng.

DnsIte support. We not only provIde chemIcal solutIons, but also set the process
at your end by personal presence, helpIng towards developIng a complete coatIng

uaIIty checkIng and standards conformance

Currently we hold InformatIon and can set test set
509J8 E S 1J147. However If any other standards If applIcable then we can help
stettIng up testIng procedures and qualIty benchmarkIng for the same, based on
the standards InformatIon provIded by you.
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