Comparison of HVDC and AC Transmission

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Advantages of HVDC Transmission system:-

1. Only two conductor are required for Dc transmission system. It is further possible to use only
one conductor of DC transmission system if earth is utilized as return path of the system.
2. The potential stress on the insulator of DC transmission system is about 70% of same voltage AC
transmission system. Hence less insulation cost is involved in DC transmission system.
3. There is no inductance, capacitance, phase displacement and surge problems in d.c. transmission.
4. Due to the absence of inductance, the voltage drop in a d.c. transmission line is less than the a.c.
line for the same load and sending end voltage. For this reason, a d.c. transmission line has better
voltage regulation.
5. There is no skin effect in a d.c. system. Therefore, entire cross-section of the line conductor is
6. A d.c. line has less corona loss and reduced interference with communication circuits.
7. The high voltage d.c. transmission is free from the dielectric losses, particularly in the case of
8. In d.c. transmission, there are less stability problems and no synchronizing difficulties.

Disadvantages Of HVDC Transmission system:-
1. Electric power cannot be generated at high d.c. voltage due to commutation problems.
2. The d.c. switches and circuit breakers have their own limitations like cost etc.
3. The d.c. voltage cannot be stepped up for transmission of power at high voltages.
4. Maintenance cost is higher than AC Transmission system.

Advantages Of AC transmission system:-
1. The power can be generated at high voltages.
2. The maintenance of a.c. sub-stations is easy and cheaper.
3. The a.c. voltage can be stepped up or stepped down by transformers with ease and efficiency.
This permits to transmit power at high voltages and distribute it at safe potentials.
4. The transforming in AC electrical sub station is much easier than motor-generator sets in DC

Disadvantages Of AC Transmission system:-
1. The volume of conductor used in AC system is much higher than that of DC.
2. The reactance of the line, affects the voltage regulation of electrical power transmission
3. Problems of skin effects and proximity effects only found in AC system. Due to skin effect in
the a.c. system, the effective resistance of the line is increased.
4. AC transmission system is more likely to be affected by corona effect than DC system.
5. Construction of AC electrical power transmission network is more completed than DC system.
6. Proper synchronizing is required before inter connecting two or more transmission lines
together; synchronizing can totally be omitted in DC transmission system.
7. An a.c. line has capacitance. Therefore, there is a continuous loss of power due to charging
current even when the line is open.


1. The cost of HVDC transmission system is low for high distance hence HVDC transmission
is used over a long distance (>300 miles) and for shorter distance AC transmission is
2. HVDC Transmission can be used for under water transmission.
3. A combination of low cost bulk power HVDC transmission in parallel with a lower voltage
AC network could in many cases become the optimal solution in providing both low cost
and high flexibility and the ability to supply customer along the route.
4. Sometimes Ultra High Voltage DC transmission is used as land requirement for an 800
kV, 6400 MW UHVDC scheme is about half that required for 2 off 500 kV parallel HVDC
or about one fifth of that required for 5 off 500 kV parallel HVAC alternatives.

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