1. You have been assigned as the quality manager for a high rise building project in Mumbai. Your responsibilities include establishing a quality management system for interior finishes, plumbing, and rainwater prevention.
2. Quality requires conformance to specifications and standards. As quality manager, you must oversee quality of materials and documentation. This includes inspection of materials, processes, and finished work as well as reviewing test reports.
3. Proper batching, mixing, and placement of concrete is critical. The quality control checklist outlines inspection of equipment, materials, mixing, and placement to ensure concrete meets strength specifications.
1. You have been assigned as the quality manager for a high rise building project in Mumbai. Your responsibilities include establishing a quality management system for interior finishes, plumbing, and rainwater prevention.
2. Quality requires conformance to specifications and standards. As quality manager, you must oversee quality of materials and documentation. This includes inspection of materials, processes, and finished work as well as reviewing test reports.
3. Proper batching, mixing, and placement of concrete is critical. The quality control checklist outlines inspection of equipment, materials, mixing, and placement to ensure concrete meets strength specifications.
1. You have been assigned as the quality manager for a high rise building project in Mumbai. Your responsibilities include establishing a quality management system for interior finishes, plumbing, and rainwater prevention.
2. Quality requires conformance to specifications and standards. As quality manager, you must oversee quality of materials and documentation. This includes inspection of materials, processes, and finished work as well as reviewing test reports.
3. Proper batching, mixing, and placement of concrete is critical. The quality control checklist outlines inspection of equipment, materials, mixing, and placement to ensure concrete meets strength specifications.
1. You have been assigned as the quality manager for a high rise building project in Mumbai. Your responsibilities include establishing a quality management system for interior finishes, plumbing, and rainwater prevention.
2. Quality requires conformance to specifications and standards. As quality manager, you must oversee quality of materials and documentation. This includes inspection of materials, processes, and finished work as well as reviewing test reports.
3. Proper batching, mixing, and placement of concrete is critical. The quality control checklist outlines inspection of equipment, materials, mixing, and placement to ensure concrete meets strength specifications.
Management Assignment:- You have been see!te" as a #$o%e!t manage$ &o$ a #$estigious high $ise bui"ing in Mumbai 'hi!h 'i be housing ve$( $i!h #e$sonaities &$om in"ust$( an" &im 'o$") (o*$ !om#an( management has as+e" (ou to &o$mai,e Quait( Management S(stem -QN.S/ &o$ inte$io$ &inishes0 1umbing an" #$evention o& $ain'ate$ see#age so that the ove$a 2uait( stan"a$" an" image o& !om#an( is $aise") Quait(: 3$)*ose#h M *u$an has "e&ine" quality as 45&itness &o$ use55)Quait( is vie'e" as one that $e2ui$es eve$( membe$ o& the o$gani,ation to #$ovi"e the ne6t #e$son in the #$o!ess 'ith an a!!e#tabe #$o"u!t o$ se$vi!e) This means that eve$(one is $es#onsibe to #e$&o$m a tas+ in su!h a manne$ that the #$o"u!t !an be use" imme"iate( an" in the most e&&i!ient manne$ #ossibe) As #e$ ISO 7888 quality is the totait( o& &eatu$e an" !ha$a!te$isti!s a #$o"u!t o$ se$vi!e that bea$s on its abiit( to sa&e( state" o$ im#ie" nee"s) The$e is an u$gent nee" &o$ obse$van!e o& 2uait( in a as#e!ts o& !onst$u!tion via 2uait( o& mate$ias0 2uai 3o!umentation Re2ui$ement: 9):). Gene$a: Cont$a!to$ In"ia Limite" has im#emente" Quait( S(stem as #e$ $e2ui$ements o& ISO 788.-:8880 in!u"ing 1. Quait( Manua -QM/ 2. Quait( S(stem #$o!e"u$es an" othe$ #$o!e"u$es . Quait( 1an -Q1/ &o$ this #$o%e!t) !. ;o$+ 1$o!e"u$es -Metho" o& Statement/ ". S<E 1an #. Manu&a!tu$ing Quait( 1an -MQ1/ ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 1 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT =ie" Quait( 1an Quait( #an is #$e#a$e" &o$ this #$o%e!t as #e$ 2uait( $e2ui$ement &o$ ensu$ing !on&o$man!e to ai" "o'n s#e!i&i!ations MANAGEMENT RES1ONSI>ILITY Management5s Commitment: CONTRACTOR management -<O ? Site/ sha: >e in !onstant !onta!t 'ith site ? en!ou$age site to !om#ete the #$o%e!t as #e$ Cients $e2ui$ement) Management has been estabishe" the 2uait( ob%e!tives as #e$ Quait( 1an &o$ Site) Con"u!t management $evie's o& the site on!e in th$ee months) Ensu$e that the $esou$!es $e2ui$e" &o$ the !om#etion o& the #$o%e!t a$e avaiabe on time) t( o& 'o$+manshi# an" #$o#e$ baan!e in the 2uait( attaine" vis a vis the 2uait( "esi$e") STAN3AR3S AN3 S1ECI=ICATIONS =OR MA@ING AN3 TRANS1ORTING CONCRETE The 2uait( o& !onst$u!tion "e#en"s u#on $ight mate$ias use"0 the !o$$e!t metho"s &oo'e" an" #$o"u!e en" #$o"u!t o& a!!e#tabe #e$&o$man!e) The means o& 2uait( !ont$o a$e tests0 ins#e!tion0 su#e$vision an" ana(sis o& "ata et!) Quait( tests a$e !on"u!te" in abo$ato$ies an" ins#e!tion ? su#e$vision a$e !a$$ie" out on the site an" the "ata ana(sis is "one b( e6#e$ts in o&&i!e) S1ECI=ICATIONS The #$o%e!t autho$ities #$e#a$e the #$o!ess o& 'o$+ing out s#e!i&i!ations o& va$ious &a!iities 'he$e !on!$ete 'i be use") <o'eve$0 the stan"a$"s an" s#e!i&i!ations &o$ !on!$ete an" its va$ious ing$e"ients a$e unive$sa( stan"a$"i,e" an" the( a$e $e2ui$e" to be in !on&o$mit( 'ith same) In"ian Stan"a$"s IS &o$ !on!$ete an" its basi! ing$e"ients vi, !ement0 !oa$se an" &ine agg$egates0 'ate$ a"mi6tu$es an" va$ious as#e!ts o& !on!$eting its #a!ement an" &ina a!!e#tan!e shou" be as #e$ IS s#e!i&i!ations) The 2uait( !ont$o o& !on!$ete !om#$ises o& the &oo'ing &ou$ &un!tions: ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 2 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT i) Cont$o o& ing$e"ients o& !on!$ete vi,) !ement0 !oa$se an" &ine agg$egates0 'ate$ an" a"mi6tu$es) ii) Con!$ete mi6 #$o#o$tioning o& !on!$ete mi6 "esign to attain the $e2ui$e" st$ength s#e!i&i!ations) iii) Con!$ete #$o"u!tion an" #a!ement o#e$ations) iv) A!!e#tan!e The $es#onsibiit( o& a the &ou$ &un!tions is sha$e" b( !ont$a!to$0 the "e#a$tment o$ !ient an" the 2uait( !ont$o sta&&) INS1ECTION In$%e&ti'n is the a!t o& #h(si!a ve$i&i!ation o& the sub%e!t 'o$+ on the site an" un"e$ no$ma "a( to "a( 'o$+ing !on"itions) The ins#e!tion &o$ 2uait( is "one b( 2uait( !ont$o ins#e!to$s 'ho a$e #oste" at a a!tive sites an" 'ho shou" be #e$sons at "e#ut( enginee$ an" above eves) The( a$e membe$ o& the 2uait( !ont$o team an" un$eate" to the #$o"u!tion #$o!ess "i$e!t() On!e 2uait( stan"a$"s an" othe$ things a$e ai" out ins#e!tion be!omes a $outine matte$) Ins#e!tion stages a$e as &oo': i) Mate$ia ins#e!tion at su##ie$5s en" ii) Mate$ia ins#e!tion at the stage o& $e!ei#t iii) Mate$ia ins#e!tion at the stage o& issue iv) Ins#e!tion o& the #$o!ess at the time o& initia setting o& ma!hine A e2ui#ment v) Ins#e!tion o& the t$ia $un bat!h vi) Ins#e!tion 'hie the e6e!ution is in #$og$ess vii) Ins#e!tion o& &inishe" #$o!ess viii) Ins#e!tion be&o$e e$e!tion an" !ommissioning i6) Ins#e!tion o& !ommissioning 6) Ins#e!tion o& ma!hine$( an" e2ui#ment !ommissione" C<EC@LIST =oo'ing items must be !he!+e" b( Quait( !ont$o enginee$) 1. PRELIMINARY ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 3 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT i) 1ans an" s#e!i&i!ations avaiabiit( at sites ii) O$gani,ation !ha$t0 %ob "es!$i#tions an" 'o$+ assignments iii) 1e$missibe toe$an!e o& measu$ements iv) 1$ovisions o& $e!o$"s an" $e#o$ts v) Cont$a!to$5s #ant0 !aib$ations0 e2ui#ment o$ganisation an" metho"s) 2. PROPORTIONING i) Tests o& agg$egates ii) 1$o#o$tioning o& mi6 iii) Mi6 !om#utations iv) G$a"ing o& mi6e" agg$egates0 bat!h 2uantities 0 (ie" v) Ai$ !ontent 3. MATERIALS i) Gene$a - a##ies to a mate$ias/ ii) I"enti&i!ation0 2uantities - use" on han" / 0a!!e#tabiit(0 uni&o$mit(0 sto$age !on"itions0 han"ing metho"s0 'aste0 s!he"ue o& testing iii) Cement iv) Sam#ing &o$ abo$ato$( test v) 1$ote!tion &$om "am#ness vi) Agg$egates vii) A!!e#tabiit( tests viii) G$a"ation 0 o$gani! matte$0 "eete$ious un"esi$abe substan!es0soun"ness0$esistan!e to ab$asion0 othe$ tests i6) Cont$o test 6) Moistu$e0 abso$#tion 0 s#e!i&i! g$avit(0 unit 'eight0 voi"s 4. STOCKPILING i) ;ate$ ii) A"mi6tu$e ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 4 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT iii) Rein&o$!ing stee iv) Si,e0 ben"ing0 su$&a!e !on"ition v) A!!esso$ies vi) =i6tu$es vii) Othe$ mate$ias 5. BEFORE CONCRETING i) Lines an" g$a"es ii) E6!avation0 &oun"ations o!ation 0 "imensions0 sha#e0 "$ainage0 #$e#a$ation &o$ su$&a!es 6. FORMWORK i) S#e!i&ie" t(#e o& &o$ms ii) Lo!ation iii) Aignment 0 #$ovision &o$ settement iv) Stabiit( - bea$ing 0sho$es0 ties an" s#a!es/ v) Ins#e!tion o& o#enings vi) 1$e#a$ation o& su$&a!es vii) =ina !ean u# 7. GANGWAY AND LADDERS i) ;o$+ing #at&o$ms 0 o!ation 'i"th0 gua$"$ais ii) S!a&&o"ings o& a"e2uate st$ength se!u$e( su##o$te"0 #$o#e$( b$a!e" iii) Suitabe gua$"s on a gang'a( an" stai$s iv) La""e$s se!u$e( &i6e" 8. PLANT AND MACHINERY i) Avaiabiit( o& s#a$e !on!$ete mi6e$s0vib$ato$s an" othe$ ma!hines ii) A"e2uate ee!t$i! an" #et$oma6 am#s &o$ !on!$eting at night iii) A"e2uate 2uantit( o& ta$#auin to !ove$ !on!$ete in !ase o& $ains 9. BATCHING AND MIING OF CONCRETE ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 5 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT i) =o$ ea!h bat!h0 !he!+ the 2uantit( o& !oa$se agg$egate0 &ine agg$egate 0 !ement an" 'ate$0 2uantit( o& 'ate$ being !o$$e!te" &$om the vie'#oints o& "$( 'et !on"itions o& the !oa$se an" the &ine agg$egate ii) 1e$io"i!a !he!+ing o& a!!u$a!(0 se$vi!eabe !on"itions an" !eaniness o& a the measu$ing e2ui#ments iii) Che!+ing that 'ate$ A !ement $atio is maintaine" at the sti#uate" vaue) =u$the$ !ont$o ove$ the amount o& 'ate$ use" sha be e6e$!ise" in te$ms o& sum#A!om#a!tion &a!to$ vaue iv) 1h(si!a !he!+ing o& the 2uantities o& the !onstituents #e$ bat!h #e$io"i!a( v) Che!+ing o& 'o$+abiit( o& !on!$ete at &$e2uent inte$vas vi) Che!+ing !eaniness o& the mi6e$ ma!hine "$um vii) Che!+ing the 'o$+ing o& the mi6e$ as #e$ the $ating o& the mi6e$ 0(ie"ing !on!$ete o& uni&o$m !oou$ an" !onsisten!( viii) Che!+ing !eaniness an" a"e2ua!( o& !hai$s in the a$ea o& !on!$eting i6) Che!+ing that !on!$ete is #a!e" an" !om#a!te" be&o$e the e6#i$( o& initia setting time o& !ement an" e&t un"istu$be" a&te$'a$"s 6) Che!+ing that !on!$ete is #a!e" in even a(e$s0 ea!h a(e$ being !om#a!te" be&o$e #a!ing the ne6t a(e$ 6i) Ensu$ing that !on!$eting is !a$$ie" out !ontinuous( u# to the !onst$u!tion %oint 6ii) Ensu$ing that 'hie !on!$eting an o" 'o$+0 the su$&a!e is !hi##e"0 !eane" 'ith 'i$e b$ush an" 'ette" 'ith a !oat o& !ement su$$(0 be&o$e a(ing ne' !on!$ete 1!.EMBEDDED PARTS i) Ins#e!tion o& embe""e" #a$ts an" embe"ment o& ugs ii) 1osition an" eve o& embe""e" #a$ts iii) 1$e!autiona$( measu$es to +ee# the embe""e" #a$ts in #osition iv) 1osition 0 "e#th an" si,e o& bot hoes 11.REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE i) Si,e -"iamete$0enghth0ben"s an" an!ho$age/ ii) Lo!ation - numbe$ o& ba$s0 minimum !ea$ s#a!ing0mimimum !ove$/ ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 6 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT iii) S#i!ing iv) Stabiit( - bin"ing b( 'i$e0 !hai$s an" s#a!e$s/ v) Ceaniness - no oose $ust0 no oi0 #aint "$ie" mo$ta$ et!/ vi) =i6tu$es - o!ation0 stabiit(0 !eaniness/ vii) O#ening not sho'n on #ans viii) Caib$ation o& bat!hing "evi!es i6) Con"itions o& mi6e$0 s#ee" o& o#e$ation 6) 1$ovision &o$ !ontinuous #a!ement 6i) 1$ovision &o$ !u$ing 6ii) 1$ovision &o$ #$ote!tion against sun0$ain0hot o$ !o" 'eathe$ 6iii) A"e2uate toos an" men &o$ !om#a!tion0 &inishing an" !u$ing 12.CONCRETING i) ;o$+ing !on"itions ;eathe$0 #$e#a$ations !om#ete"0 s#e!i&ie" inte$va sin!e #$evious #a!ement0 ighting &o$ night 'o$+0 !ove$ing an" #$ote!tion ii) >at!hing Cement0 agg$egates0 'ate$0 a"mi6tu$es Che!+ bat!hing "evi!es Che!+ (ie" o& !on!$ete iii) Mi6ing Minimum time0 bat!hes "ea(e" in mi6e$0 ma6imum time0 oa"ing0 numbe$ o& $evoutions o& "$um0 'ate$ use"0 mi6ing !a#a!it( o& "$um0 amount o& !on!$ete iv) Cont$o o& !onsisten!( a) Obse$vations o& !on!$ete being #a!e"0tests0a"%ustments o& 'ate$ o$ a"mi6tu$es in mi6 b) Monito$ing o& ai$ !ontent !) Con!$ete tem#e$atu$e !he!+ ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 7 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT ") Conve(ing e) No seg$egation o& mate$ias0 no e6!essive sti&&ening o$ "$(ing out0 time imits v) 1a!ing uni&o$m an" "ense !on!$ete Continuous o#e$ation0 #$e#a$ation o& !onta!t su$&a!es0 mo$ta$ be""ing0 ve$ti!a "$o#0 no "$o##ing against &o$ms o$ $ein&o$!ement0 itte o$ no &o' a&te$ "e#ositing0 "e#th o& a(e$s0 'ate$ gain0 $o!+ #o!+ets0 $emova o& tem#o$a$( ties an" s#a!e$s0 "is#osa o& $e%e!te" bat!hes0 #a!ing !on!$ete un"e$ 'ate$ vi) Cont$a!tion %oints a) Lo!ation b) =o$ming o$ tooing !) 3o'es o& ties -i& an( / in #a!e an" aigne" vii) Const$u!tion an" hinge %oints a) Lo!ation0 #$e#a$ation o& su$&a!es b) 3o'es o$ ties -i& an(/ in #a!e an" aigne" !) E6#ansion an" isoation %oints ") *oint &ie$ mate$ia0o!ation0aignment0stabiit(0&$ee"om &$om inte$&e$en!e 'ith subse2uent movement viii) =inishing o& &o$me" su$&a!es shao' su$&a!es0 a(e$ o& mo$ta$0 'ate$ gain0 no ove$ 'o$+ing &i$st &oating0 aignment o& su$&a!e0 &ina ha$" t$o'eing0 #asti! sh$in+age !$a!+s i6) =inishing o& &o$me" su$&a!es !on"ition o& su$&a!es u#on $emova o& &o$ms -hone(!omb #eeing0 $agge" tie hoes0 $agge" &$om ines/0 $e#ai$ o& "e&e!ts0 su$&a!e t$eatment0 no su$&a!e "$(ing 6) S!he"ue o& testing 13.AFTER CONCRETING i) 1$ote!tion &$om "amage im#a!t0 ove$oa"ing o& su$&a!es ii) Time o& $emova o& &o$ms iii) Cu$ing su$&a!e !ontinuous( moist0 time o& beginning !u$ing0 ength o& !u$ing #e$io"0 !on!$eting in !o" an" hot 'eathe$ $e2ui$e" #$e!autions ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 8 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT iv) *oints !ean an" sea v) Tests o& !on!$ete vi) Re!o$"s an" $e#o$ts a) Re!o$"s0mate$ias0mi6 !om#utations0 bat!hing an" mi6ing0 #a!ing an" !u$ing b) Re#o$ts0 "ai(0 summa$( !) 3ia$( ") 1hotog$a#hs0 vi"eo $e!o$"ing (RESER)ATION OF (RO*UCT+ A the mate$ia $e!eive" at sto$e is #$ese$ve" at sto$e) Mate$ia is a!!ounte" an" ente$e" in sto$es e"ge$s) The !a$e is ta+en to sto$e the mate$ia at a##$o#$iate #a!e) The( a$e i"enti&ie" a##$o#$iate() Main e6e!ution mate$ia is #$ese$ve" as &oo'ing:- =oo'ing a$e the main #$o"u!ts being use" in the main 'o$+s) a/ CementB b/ Rein&o$!ementB !/ St$u!tu$a Stee B "/ A"mi6tu$eB e/ 1aint Mate$ias ma$+e" 'ith Baste$is+s at the en" a$e &$ee issue mate$ias) a, Cement+ Cement sha be sto$e" in !ose" go"o'n as #e$ In"ian stan"a$" #$a!ti!es -IS 98C:/ an" the same !ement sha be issue" to site as #e$ the $e2ui$ement) The !ement o"e$ than si6 months 'i be $e%e!te" &$om its use) -i/ Cement 'i be issue" on the basis o& a##$ove" !onst$u!tion "$a'ings ao'ing &o$ 'astage as in"i!ate" beo': -ii/ All'-a.le -a$tage '/e0 t1e'0eti&al &'n$um%ti'n 2 3 -iii/ I& the Cont$a!to$ &ais to $etu$n the su$#us mate$ias out o& those su##ie" b( the Cient o$ i& the 'astages o& &$ee issue mate$ias a$e mo$e than the ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 9 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT ao'e" 'astages in"i!ate" above0 then in a""ition to an( othe$ iabiit( that the Cont$a!to$ ma( in!u$0 the Cont$a!to$ sha #a( to the Cient $ate 'hi!h he #ai" in!u"ing !ost o& ta6es0 "uties an" &$eights) Cement 'i be issue" on 'eighment basis) Mo"us O#e$an"i to be a"o#te" sha be as given beo': To a$$ive at the ave$age 'eight o& ea!h !onsignment0 .8D sam#e 'eighment o& !ement bags as 'e as bu+e$0 at the time o& issue &$om the sto$es0 sha be "one on #at&o$m 'eighing ma!hines) <a& o& the sam#e bags ma( be see!te" b( the Cont$a!to$ an" the othe$ ha& b( Em#o(e$) The ave$age net 'eight o& the 'hoe !onsignment -in!u"ing sam#e bags/0 sha be "eeme" to be E8 +g) o& !ement #e$ bag0 i& the ave$age 'eight -in!u"ing the 'eight o& bag/ is bet'een 97)8 +g) an" E:)8 +g) -both imits in!u"e"/) In !ase the ave$age 'eight -in!u"ing the 'eight o& bag/ is Fess than 97)8 o$ mo$e than E:)8 +g)0 the ave$age 'eight sha be suitab( a"%uste" &o$ in!$ease an" "e!$ease ove$ the #$es!$ibe" imits o& 97)8 +g) an" E:)8 +g) $es#e!tive( an" the tota 'eight o& a the bags -in!u"ing o& sam#e bags/ in the !onsignment sha be a$$ive" at in a!!o$"an!e 'ith the ave$age 'eight a$$ive" at a&te$ the a"%ustment as above) =oo'ing tabua$ e6am#es iust$ate the above metho"oog(: Assume a ot o& :88 bags) Ave$age 'eight o& sam#e bags in!u"ing 'eight o& !ement bag -ta+en as E88 gm #e$ bag/ Range in @g -in!) 't) o& bag/ Ave$age 't) #e$ bag -e6!u"ing 't) o& bag/ Tota Issue 't) -&o$ the ot o& :88 bags/ 97). @g o$ E.)7 @g 97)8 @g to E:)8 @g E8 @g) .80888 @g) 9C)G @g) Less than 97)8 97)G @g) B 70798 @g) E:)H @g) Mo$e than E:)8 E8)H @g) BB .808I8 @g) B-97)8 - 9C)G J 8)H/B-E:)H - E:)8 J 8)H/ ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 10 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT -E8- 8)HJ97)G/-E8)8 K 8)H JE8)H/ ., Rein4'0&ement Steel+ Rein&o$!ement shou" be sto$e" "iamete$ 'ise an" sta!+e" ove$ the 'oo"en see#e$s o$ #e"estas) Tags 'i be use" to i"enti&( ea!h "iamete$ o& $ein&o$!ement) Rein&o$!ement stee sha be issue" to the Cont$a!to$ to its Stee (a$" b( the Cient0 on the basis o& !onst$u!tion "$a'ings issue" to the Cont$a!to$ b( the Em#o(e$0 >a$ >en"ing S!he"ues #$e#a$e" b( the Cont$a!to$ ? "u( a##$ove" b( Em#o(e$ ao'ing &o$ 'astage as in"i!ate" beo') The $ein&o$!ement stee sha be issue" to the Cont$a!to$ on the basis o& 'eight0 su!h 'eights being !a!uate" as &oo's:- i/ A $ein&o$!ement stee -in !ois o$ st$aight ength/ sha be issue" on the basis o& a!tua 'eighment "one at Site o$ in the nea$ vi!init() ii/ Ate$native( $ein&o$!ement stee sha be issue" on the basis o& LSe!tiona 'eightF as #e$ IS: .GE:) iii/ The a!tua 'eighment sha be "one on 'eighing e2ui#ment avaiabe at the Site o$ in the nea$ vi!init( o$0 in the event o& non-avaiabiit( o& 'eighing e2ui#ment0 on the basis o& $an"om engthAbun"e 'eights as "e!i"e" b( the 1$o%e!t Manage$ an" %oint( $e!o$"e" in a $egiste$0 on "a( to "a( basis o$ on ea!h in"ent basis) The $ein&o$!ement stee sha be issue" to the Cont$a!to$ in su!h "iamete$s an" engths 'hi!h a$e #$esent( $oe" in the !ount$( o$ as ma( be avaiabe in the Site sto$es o& the Em#o(e$) iv/ Ao'abe 'astage ove$ theo$eti!a !onsum#tion- E)8 D- .D invisibe 'astage ? 9D $etu$nabe s!$a# -visibe 'astage/0 $oing ma$gin sha not be !onsi"e$e"/) v/ S!$a# a$e the #ie!es o& engths ess than H m0 'hose 'eights sha be "ete$mine" on the basis o& a!tua 'eighment) A s!$a# gene$ate" sha be ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 11 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT $etu$ne" to the Cient an" sha be !onsi"e$e" un"e$ ao'abe 'astages vi/ I& the Cont$a!to$ &ais to $etu$n the su$#us mate$ias out o& those su##ie" b( the Em#o(e$ o$ i& the 'astages o& &$ee issue mate$ias a$e mo$e than the ao'e" 'astages in"i!ate" above) The Cont$a!to$ sha #a( to the Cient the #$i!e #ai" b( the Cient in!u"ing !ost o& ta6es0 "uties an" &$eights) vii/ Cut #ie!es a$e the %ie&e$ '4 lengt1$ m an5 a.'/e. =o$ the !ut #ie!es o& engths H m an" above0 $etu$ne" !$e"it sha be given &o$ the &u 2uantit( to a$$ive at the A!tua issue ma"e to the Cont$a!to$) The $etu$n o& the !ut #ie!es b( the Cont$a!to$ sha be on the basis o& 'eight a$$ive" as in the same manne$ as &o$ the issue o& mate$ia at the time o& issue &, STRUCTURAL STEEL+ St$u!tu$a Stee sha be issue" to the Cont$a!to$ to its Stee Ya$" b( the Cient0 on the basis o& &ab$i!ation "$a'ingsA"esign "$a'ings issue" to the Cont$a!to$ b( the 1$o%e!t Manage$0 ao'ing &o$ 'astage as #e$ #$ovisions ese'he$e in this Se!tion o& SCC) The st$u!tu$a stee sha be issue" to the Cont$a!to$ on the basis o& 'eight0 su!h 'eights being !a!uate" as &oo's Steel %late$+ i/ A stee #ates sha be issue" on the basis o& a!tua 'eighment "one0 at Site o$ in the nea$ vi!init() ii/ Ate$native( stee #ates sha be issue" on the basis o& LSe!tiona ;eightM as #e$ S1: I &o$ #ates) iii/ The a!tua 'eighment sha be "one on 'eighing e2ui#ment avaiabe at the Site o$ in the nea$ vi!init( o$0 in the event o& non-avaiabiit( o& 'eighing e2ui#ment0 on the basis o& $an"om engthAbun"e 'eights as "e!i"e" b( the 1$o%e!t Manage$ an" %oint( $e!o$"e" in a $egiste$0 on "a( to "a( basis o$ on ea!h in"ent basis) St0u&tu0al Steel 6 ' t1e0 t1an %late $ ,+ A st$u!tu$a stee -othe$ than #ates/ sha be issue" on the basis o& the ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 12 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT LSe!tiona ;eightF as #e$ S1: I0 i$$es#e!tive o& the se!tion invove") i/ The st$u!tu$a stee sha be issue" to the Cont$a!to$ in su!h se!tions an" ength 'hi!h is #$esent( $oe" in the !ount$( o$ as ma( be avaiabe in the site sto$es o& the Em#o(e$) ii/ In !ase o& issue o& those se!tions &o$ 'hi!h unit 'eight is not given in the $eevant In"ian Stan"a$"s0 the unit 'eights0 as &u$nishe" b( the Su##ie$ o& stee sha0 be !onsi"e$e") In absen!e o& an( unit 'eight &u$nishe" b( the Su##ie$0 a $e#$esentative unit 'eight sha be &oun" out at Site b( 1$o%e!t Manage$ b( see!ting a &e' sam#es an" a!tua( 'eighing them) All'-a.le -a$tage '/e0 t1e'0eti&al &'n$um%ti'n 2 "3 613 in/i$i.le -a$tage 7 !3 0etu0na.le $&0a% 6/i$i.le -a$tage,8 0'lling ma0gin $1all n't .e &'n$i5e0e5,. .) 1ates: 1ie!es o& #ates ess t1an 1"99 $q.&m. in a0ea : le$$ t1an 19&m in 'i"th sha be !assi&ie" as $&0a% an" sta!+e" se#a$ate() Cutting e"ges A #ie!es o& #ates le$$ t1an !9mm in -i5t1 : le$$ t1an ;g) in 'eight sha be !assi&ie" as RoingAmeting $&0a%) :) St$u!tu$a S tee -e6!u "i ng #ate s /: 1ie!es o& St$u!tu$a Stee le$$ t1an 2.9 M in t1e lengt1 sha be !assi&ie" as $&0a% an" sta!+e" se#a$ate() I& the Cont$a!to$ &ais to $etu$n the su$#us mate$ias out o& those su##ie" b( the Em#o(e$ o$ i& the 'astages o& &$ee issue mate$ias a$e mo$e than the ao'e" 'astages in"i!ate" above0 then Cient 'i $e!ove$ the amount b( !onsi"e$ing the #u$!hase $ate in!u"ing !ost o& ta6es0 "uties an" &$eights) Cut (ie&e$+ 1ates: 1ie!es o& #ates e2ua o$ m'0e t1an 1"99 $q.&m. in a0ea 'ith a minimum 'i"th o& .8 !m sha be te$me" as &ut %ie&e$ an" sta!+e" se#a$ate() The !ut #ie!es o& #ates $etu$ne" sha be $e!tangua$ in sha#e) ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 13 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT St$u!tu$a S tee -e6!u"ing #ates/: 1ie!es o& St$u!tu$a Steel equal t' '0 m'0e t1an 2.9 M in lengt1 sha be te$me" as &ut %ie&e$ an" sta!+e" se#a$ate() The $etu$n o& the !ut #ie!es b( the Cont$a!to$ sha be on the basis o& 'eight a$$ive" as in the same manne$ as &o$ the issue o& mate$ia at the time o& issue) 5, A5mi<tu0e + A"mi6tu$e sha be sto$e" in Cose" Go"o'n an" same sha be issue" to site as #e$ $e2ui$ement) e, (aint+ 1aint sha be sto$e" in !ose" go "o'n an" sha be issue" to site as #e$ $e2ui$ement) QUALITY ASSURANCE Quait( assu$an!e $e&e$s to the manage$ia #$o!ess 'hi!h "ete$mine the o$ganisation5s "esign0 ob%e!tives an" $esou$!es0 the #$o%e!t team0 &un"ing agen!ies0 #e$&o$man!e stan"a$"s an" &ee"ba!+ on the #$o%e!t5s #e$&o$man!e0 a##$o#$iate a!tions to "ea 'ith "eviations an" a ste#s ne!essa$( &o$ #$omoting 2uait( a'a$eness at a eves an" in a #a$ts o& the #$o%e!t o$ganisation) A t(#i!a 2uait( assu$an!e #$og$amme a""$esses itse& to the &oo'ing: i) O$ganisation st$u!tu$e o& the #$o%e!t team an" 2uait( assu$an!e "e#a$tment ii) Res#onsibiities an" #o'e$s o& the va$ious #e$sonne invove" iii) I"enti&i!ation o& the !oo$"inating #e$sonne iv) Quait( an" its #$og$ammes v) Quait( e"u!ation an" a'a$eness vi) Quait( !i$!es vii) T$aining viii) Setting u# o& MIS &o$ 2uait( i6) Resoution o& te!hni!a "i&&e$en!es an" "is#utes 6) 1$e#a$ation o& 2uait( assu$an!e manuas an" thei$ !he!+ists 6i) Nen"o$ su$ve( #$o!e"u$e ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 14 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 6ii) Nen"o$ su$veian!e #$o!e"u$e QUALITY ASSURANCE ORGANISATIONA UNIT AT SITE At !onst$u!tion site gene$a( a Quait( !ont$o enginee$ is $es#onsibe &o$ the 2uait( assu$an!e an" 2uait( !ont$o) <e has main( &ou$ &un!tions as &oo': i) Setting u# o& stan"a$"s an" s#e!i&i!ations ii) Evauating mate$ias0 #$o!esses an" out#uts th$ough a##$o#$iate tests0 ins#e!tion et! iii) A##$aising &aiu$es to these stan"a$" an" a!ting 'hen stan"a$"s a$e not being a"he$e" to iv) 1anning im#$ovements in the stan"a$"s an" s#e!i&i!ations) Quait( !ont$o enginee$5s &un!tions in!u"e the &oo'ing: i) 3eveo#ment o& s#e!i&i!ations ii) Inte$a!tion 'ith #$o%e!t "esigne$s iii) Reiabiit( an" "eveo#ment testing iv) 1$o!ess !a#abiit( stu"ies v) QC o& in!oming mate$ias vi) Nen"o$ QC an" ven"o$ "eveo#ment vii) Quait( #anning &o$ !ont$o o& !onst$u!tion #$o!ess viii) Ins#e!tion an" testing "u$ing !onst$u!tion i6) Inte$a!tion 'ith se$vi!es enginee$ing 6) Re!o$"s an" #$o!e"u$es - QC $e!o$" a!!umuation #$o!e"u$e - 3o!ument !ont$o #$o!e"u$e - In buit "$a'ing !ont$o #$o!e"u$e - Non !on&o$man!e !ont$o #$o!e"u$e ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 15 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT LIST OF MET=O* OF STATEMENT : >O? (ROCE*URE 1. CI)IL @ORA Sl. N'. MET=O* OF STATEMENT FOR C=IMNEY @ORA 8. Metho" o& Statement &o$ E6!avation) 8: Metho" o& Statement &o$ 1CC) 8H Metho" o& Statement &o$ RCC) 89 Metho" o& Statement &o$ >o!+ ;o$+) ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 16 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 8E Metho" o& Statement &o$ 1aste$ing) INS(ECTION OR C=ECAS REQUIRE* FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTI)ITIES Sl. N'. *e$&0i%ti'n Ty%e Cla$$ F0eq. Re4. *'& Anne< 1 Ea0t1 @'0; a/ Natu$e o& Soi A Ro!+ Nisua > Ran"om A#$) 3$g) b/ Initia G$oun" Leve Measu$ement A .88 D A#$) 3$g) !/ 3imension o& E6!avation 1it Measu$ement > .88 D A#$) 3$g) "/ Si"e so#es "u$ing E6!avation Measu$ement > Ran"om A#$) 3$g) e/ >e" eve o& 1it Measu$ement A .88 D A#$) 3$g) 2 S1utte0ing a/ 3imension0 Sha#e0 Aignment0 >$a!ing 1h(si!a > Ea!h 1ou$ A#$) 3$g) b/ Leve ? <eight Measu$ement > Ea!h 1ou$ A#$) 3$g) ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 17 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT !/ Ceaning ? A##(ing Shutte$ Oi Measu$ement > .88 D Che!+ List Rein4'0&ement a/ >a$ ben"ing S!he"ue Measu$ement A .88 D A#$) 3$g) ? Che!+ ist b/ Cove$0 S#a!ing0 S#a!e$s0 Chai$s0 La#s Nisua > .88 D A#$) 3$g) ? Che!+ List REQUEST FOR >OINT INS(ECTION To ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ The &oo'ing 'o$+ is no' A 'i be $ea"( &o$ ins#e!tion an" &o$ the ne6t stage o& 'o$+ 'e $e2uest (ou +in"( ins#e!t the same &o$ &u$the$ !a$$(ing out the 'o$+) ./ Lo!ation : :/ Re&) 3o!) : H/ 3ate ? Time Ins#e!tion to be "one : 9/ 3etais o& 'o$+ to Ins#e!te" : A) =u$the$ 'o$+ ma( !ontinue >) The &oo'ing mo"i&i!ations a$e to be !a$$ie" out an" sho'n to me be&o$e sta$t o& &u$the$ 'o$+) ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 18 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT Signatu0e '4 Cient Re%. Signatu0e '4 CONTRACTOR Re%. STAN*AR* CONSISTENCY OF CEMENT T0ail @eig1t '4 Cement @ate0 0eq5. 3 .y @t. O4 Cement Am'unt '4 @ate0 a55e5 )i&at Rea5ing . : H 9 E I G ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 19 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT Stan"a$" Consisten!( 1e$!entage -#D/ J CONTRACTOR Client INITIAL 7 FINAL SETTING TIME OF CEMENT ;eight o& Cement Ta+en : Amount o& 'ate$ a""e" : 8)CE# b( 't) O& !ement -#-!onsisten!( o& !ement/ Time at 'hi!h 'ate$ is a""e" -T./ : Time 'hen the nee"e #enet$ates the : Test bo!+ to a "e#th o& HH-HE mm -T:/ INITIAL SETTING TIME+ Time ea#se" &o$ the !ement #aste to oose : Its #asti!it( -T:-T./ =INAL SETTING TIME Time at 'hi!h the nee"e ma+es an im#$ession : On the mou" &o$ 8)Emm -TH/ Time ea#se" &o$ the !ement #aste to oose : Its #asti!it( !om#ete( INITIAL SETTING TIME -Mins/ : =INAL SETTING TIME -Mins/ : The Ni!at a##a$atus sha !on&o$m to IS EEH. O .7GI ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 20 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR Client COM(RESSI)E STRENGT= OF CEMENT Stan"a$" Consisten!( -#/ : ;eight o& the !ement ta+en : ;eight o& the stan"a$" san" ta+en : ;ate$ -#A9 K H)8 D/ a""e" : b( !ombine" 't) O& !ement ? san" a""e" Com#$essive st$ength o& !ement : O& mo$ta$ !ubes -NAmm/ A$ea o& Mo$ta$ !ube : G)8I 6 G)8I RE(ORT *ate Age '4 Cu.e C0u$1ing L'a5 6N, C'm%0e$$i/e St0engt1 6N:mm, A/e0age C'm%. St0engt1 6N:mm, H 3a(s G 3a(s :C 3a(s H 3a(s Com#$essive St$ength : G 3a(s Com#$essive St$ength : ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 21 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT :C 3a(s Com#$essive St$ength : AGGREGATE SIE)E ANALYSIS RE(ORT SOURCE O= SU11LY: PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP TY1E O= AGGREGATE PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ;EIG<T O= SAM1LE: PPPPPPPPPPPP@G) 3ATE O= TESTING PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP IS Sie/e $iBe @eig1t 6Ag, Retaine5 Cum. @eig1t Retaine5 3 Retaine5 3 (a$$ing Rema0;$ IH mm 98 mm :E mm :8 mm .I mm .:)E mm .8 mm 9)GE mm :)HI mm .).C mm I88 mi!$on H88 mi!$on .E8 mi!$on Q.E8 mi!$on CONTRACTOR Client S(ECIFIC GRA)ITY OF AGGREGATE ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 22 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT ;eight o& em#t( !ontaine$ '. : ;eight o& !ontaine$ K Agg$egate ': : ;eight o& !ontaine$ K Agg$egate K ;ate$ 'H : ;eight o& Containe$ K ;ate$ '9 : ;eight o& Agg$egate -': O './ : ;eight o& E2ua Noume o& ;ate$ -'9-'./-'H-':: S#e!i&i! G$avit( ':-'. : -'9 O './ O -'H O ':/ S1ECI=IC GRANITY : CONTRACTOR Client @ATER A?SOR(TION OF AGGREGATE ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 23 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT ;et 'eight o& Agg$egate -'. in +g/ : ;eight o& em#t( !(in"e$ -': in +g/ : ;eight o& !(in"e$ K "$( agg$egate -':H in +g/ : ;eight o& "$( agg$egate -'H O ':/ +g : ;ate$ abso$#tion -D/ : -'./ O -'H-':/ R .88 -'H O ':/
: ;ATER A>SOR1TION : CONTRACTOR Client MOISTURE CONTENT OF AGGREGATE ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 24 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT ;eight o& the sam#e ta+en -'. in gms/ : ;eight o& the sam#e "$ie" to : Satu$ate" su$&a!e "$( !on"ition -': in gms/ Moistu$e Content -M/ : '. O ': R .88 ': : MOISTURE CONTENT : CONTRACTOR Client *ENSITY OF AGGREGATE Ca#a!it( o& the !ontaine$ -it/ : ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 25 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT Net ;eight o& the agg$egate -+g/ : -mate$ia 'ithout !om#a!tion/ 3$( $o""e" bu+ "ensit( -+gAit/ -/ : : ;eight o& the agg$egate -+g/ : -mate$ia 'ithout !om#a!tion/ Loose bu+ "ensit( -@gAit/ : : D o& voi"s : G - 6 .88 G ;he$e G J S#e!i&i! g$avit( o& the agg$egate J 3$( $o""e" bu+ "ensit( in -+gAit/ 3RY RO33E3 >UL@ 3ENSITY : LOOSE >UL@ 3ENSITY : D O= NOI3S CONTRACTOR Client TEST FOR CLAY LUM(S IN AGGREGATE ;eight o& the sam#e ta+en -' in gms/ : ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 26 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT ;eight o& the sam#e a&te$ $emoving !a( um#s -R in gms/ : ; O R L J ----------------- 6 .88 : ; ;he$e L J 1e$!entage o& !a( um#s ; J ;eight o& the sam#e R J ;eight o& the sam#e a&te$ $emoving !a( um#s 1ERCENTAGE O= CALY LUM1S : CONTRACTOR Client TEST FOR AGGREGATE IM(ACT )ALUE ;eight o& oven "$ie" sam#e #assing th$ough .:)E mm sieve an" $etaine" on .8)8 mm sieve ta+en -'. in gms/ : ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 27 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT ;eight o& &$a!tion #assing :)HI mm IS sieve A&te$ .E bo's o& &$ee &a b( .9 +g) <amme$ =$om a height o& HC8 mm -': in gms/ : Agg$egate im#a!t vaue : ': ------------ 6 .88 '. : AGGREGATE IM1ACT NALUE : CONTRACTOR Client AGGREGATE A?RASION )ALUE ;eight o& oven "$ie" sam#e ta+en As #e$ g$a"ing -'. in gms/ : A&te$ $otation in Los Angees ab$asion : ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 28 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT Testing ma!hine0 ;t) O& mate$ia !oa$se$ Than .)G mm IS Sieve -': in gms/ 1e$!entage o& 'ea$ : '. - ': ---------------- 6 .88 '. : 1ERCENTAGE O= ;EAR : CONTRACTOR Client AGGREGATE CRUS=ING )ALUE Tota 'eight o& the mate$ia ta+en -'. in gms/: -Mate$ia in a su$&a!e "$( !on"ition0 #assing th$ough .:)E mm sieve an" $etaine" on ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 29 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT .8)8 mm sieve ta+en/ ;eight o& &$a!tion #assing th$ough :)HI mm : IS sieve -': in gms/ -A&te$ the a##i!ation o& oa" to 98 T S 9T #e$ minute/ Agg$egate !$ushing vaue : ': ------------ 6 .88 '. : AGGREGATE CRUS<ING NALUE : CONTRACTOR Client FINENESS )ALUE OF FINE AGGREGATE Cumuative D o& 't) o& mate$ia =ineness mo"uus o& san" : Retaine" &$om sieve ana(sis .88 ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 30 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT : PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP J : : =INENESS MO3ULUS O= SAN3 : CONTRACTOR Client ?ULAING OF SAN* Leve o& moist &ine agg$egate -h. in !ms/ : In measu$ing !(in"e$ Satu$ate" san" eve -h: in !ms/ : ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 31 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT In measu$ing !(in"e$ D o& bu+ing : h. O h: ------------------ 6 .88 h: : : 1ERCENTAGE O= >UL@AGE CONTRACTOR Client C=ECA LIST FOR ECCA)ATION Sl. N' *e$&0i%ti'n Ye$ : N' Rema0;$ . A##$ova o& 3$a'ings : La(out o& E6!avation H Initia Leve !he!+ ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 32 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 9 Man 1o'e$ E Ma!hine #o'e$ A Ca#a!it( G 3is#osa A$ea C T$ans#o$tation 7 =ina Leve Che!+ .8 Re!o$" &o$ =oo'ing !/ T(#e o& Soi .. Sa&et( Measu$es .: Quait( 1an o& 1$o%e!t CONTRACTOR Client CONCRETE (OUR CAR* NAME O= ;OR@: CONCREGE GRA3E NAME O= STRUCTURE CEMENT CONTENT 3RA;ING NO) SLUM1 3ATE QUANTITY LOCATION CEMENT CONSUM1TION Sl. N' C1e&; Li$t Re$ult '4 C1e&;$ Rema0;$ CONTRACTOR >S@ C1e&; Sign C1e&; Sign A >E=ORE 1OUR . Cente$ ines ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 33 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT : A!!u$a!(0 St$ength ? =inish o& =o$m 'o$+ ? Staging H 1a!ement o& Reba$s 9 Cove$ to Reba$s E Lo!ation o& Const$u!tion *oints I So&&it A 1ou$ Leves G 1osition o& Embe"ments C A"e2ua!( o& Mate$ias 7 A"e2ua!( o& Mi6e$s .8 A"e2ua!( o& Test Cube Mou"s .. A"e2ua!( o& Nib$ato$ .: A"e2ua!( o& Iumination > A=TER S<UTTERING REMONAL .H Leve ines o& So&&it .9 <one( Combs A C$a!+s .E A"e2ua!( o& Cu$ing Note: Ea!h item sha be !he!+e" an" initiae" b( !on!e$ne" #e$sonne0 ea!h #ou$ sha have se#a$ate #ou$ !a$" in t$i#i!ate &o$ "ist$ibution to Cient -Site o&&i!e an" #anning/ an" &o$ O&&i!e Co#(0 An( "eviation in an( as#e!t sha be $e!o$"e" in Rema$+s !oumn CONTRACTOR Client ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 34 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT (LAN FOR INS(ECTION TESTING OF INCOMING RA@ MATERIAL Sl. N' Mate0i al C1a0a&te0i$ti&$ t' .e te$te5 7 in$%e&te5 Te$t Met1'5 Re4. N'. L't Sam %lin g SiBe F0equen&y Cla$ $ : Re$ %'n $i.ili ty Re&' 05 : Anne <. . Rein&o$!e ment Stee Toe$an!e o& 3iamete$ 1h(si!a IS .CE: IS .GCI S T$u!+ A. C$a!+s0 =a's0 =o$eign Mate$ia Nisua IS .CE: IS .GCI S T$u!+ A. Com#osition ? 1$o#e$ties Chemi!a ? 1h(si!a IS .CE: IS .GCI S Consignment A. : Cement =ineness0 S#) G$)0 3ensit( Initia ? =ina set times Consisten!(0 Com#) 1h(si!a IS 9..: S Consignment A >at!h A. ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 35 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT St$ength H Agg$egat e Sieve ana(sis0 S#) G$) 3ensit(0 Moistu$e Content0 Ab$asion ? Im#a!t Naues0 =a+iness0 >u+age 1h(si!a IS HCH 1e$ H88 Cum A. CONTRACTOR Client CEMENT INS(ECTION RE(ORT Sl. N'. *e$&0i%ti'n F0equen&y C1e&;e5 Rema0;$ . 3eive$( Nou!he$ -Manu&a!tu$ing name0 G$a"e0 ;eight S T$u!+ : A$$iva 3ate on Site S T$u!+ H T$u!+ Li!ense 1ate S T$u!+ 9 Initia ? =ina Set S : months E Stan"a$" Consisten!( S : months ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 36 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT I Com#$essive St$ength T G "a(s ? :C "a(s S Ea!h >at!h A : Months CONTRACTOR Client INCOMING AGGREGATE INS(ECTION RE(ORT Sl. N'. *e$&0i%ti'n F0equen&y C1e&;e5 Rema0;$ . 3eive$( Nou!he$ -Sou$!e0 Si,e0 Quantit(/ S T$u!+ : A$$iva 3ate on Site S T$u!+ H T$u!+ Li!ense 1ate S T$u!+ 9 Si,e ? G$a"ing S =o$tnight( E Ceaniness S =o$tnight( ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 37 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR Client INCOMING STEEL INS(ECTION RE(ORT Sl. N'. *e$&0i%ti'n F0equen&y C1e&;e5 Rema0;$ . 3eive$( Nou!he$ -Manu&a!tu$e$0 3iamete$0 Quantit(/ S T$u!+ : A$$iva 3ate on Site S T$u!+ H T$u!+ Li!ense 1ate S T$u!+ 9 Nisua Che!+s -C$a!+s0 S!aes0 =o$eign Mate$ia/ S T$u!+ E Sam#e &o$ Tests S Consignment =o$ #h(si!a ? !hemi!a tests sam#es sha be sent to e6te$na testing abo$ato$() ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 38 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR Client ECCA)ATION REGISTER Sl. N'. *ate L'&ati'n *imen$i'n$ )'lume '4 E<&a/ati' n Rema0; $ Lengt1 ?0ea5t1 *e%t1 ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 39 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR Client CONCRETE REGISTER Sl. N ' *ate L'&ati'n G0a5e '4 C'n&0ete Cement Ag:Cum C'n. Qty 6Cum , Cement C'n$um%ti'n N'. '4 Cu.e$ Ta;en Rema0;$ T1e'0eti&al 6.ag$, A&tual 6.ag$, ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 40 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR Client CU?E TESTING RESULTS *ate '4 Ca$ti ng L'&ati 'n G0a5e '4 C'n&0e te Cu. e Ma0 ; *ate '4 Te$ti ng Age '4 Cu. e (la&e '4 Te$ti ng @t. O4 Cu. e C'm%0e$$i/e St0engt1 Sign Re ma0 ;$ *ial Rea5i ng N : mm 2 A/e. St0en gt1 C O N T R A CT O R SC ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 41 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR Client NAME O= ;OR@ : CONCREGE GRA3E NAME O= STRUCTURE MIR 1RO1ORTION ;IT< ;AC RATIO LOCATION CEMENT CONTENT 3RA;ING NO) A3MISTURE A11RONE3 3ATE SLUM1 CEMENT CONSUM1TION QUANTITY STARTING TIME NO) O= CU>ES ? I3ENTI=ICATION COM1LETION TIME RATE O= 1OUR ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 42 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR Client ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 43 Sl. N' C1e&; Li$t Re$ult$ '4 C1e&; CONTRACT OR Client Rema0;$ C1e&; Sig n C1e&; Sig n A >E=ORE 1OUR . Cente$ ines : A!!u$a!(0 St$ength ? =inish o& =o$m 'o$+ ? Staging H 1a!ement o& Reba$s 9 Cove$ to Reba$s E Lo!ation o& Const$u!tion *oints I So&&it A 1ou$ Leves G 1osition o& Embe"ments C A"e2ua!( o& Mate$ias 7 A"e2ua!( o& Mi6e$s .8 A"e2ua!( o& Test Cube Mou"s .. A"e2ua!( o& Nib$ato$ .: A"e2ua!( o& Iumination CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT CU?E TESTING RESULTS C'nt0a&t '0*ate '4 Ca$ting Cu.e Ma0; *ate '4 Te$ti ng Age '4 Cu.e @t. O4 Cu.e C'm%0e$$i/e St0engt1 *ial Rea5in g C'm%. St0eng t1 N : mm 2 A/e. St0engt1 CONTRACTOR Client >I>LIOGRA1<Y A RE=ERENCE .) Const$u!tion Quait( Management0 1ubishe" b( NICMAR 0:88C :) Tota Quait( Management b( 1a$ag 3i'an01ubishe" b( Go"en >oo+s Cent$e S"n)>h")@uaa am#u$0.777 ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 44 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT ON CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1age 45
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