SCCM User Guide
SCCM User Guide
SCCM User Guide
Version 2.3
User's Guide
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 701.
Edition notice
This edition applies to IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator Version 2 Release 3 Fix Pack 1 (program number 5725-H28),
available as a licensed program product, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated
in new editions.
The material in this document is an excerpt from the IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator 2.3 information center and is
provided for convenience. This document should be used in conjunction with the information center.
Copyright IBM Corporation 2013, 2014.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Who should read this information. . . . . . . xv
Chapter 1. Installing SmartCloud Cost
Management . . . . . . . . . 1
Installation overview . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Supported hardware and software requirements . . 1
Requirements for Linux servers . . . . . . . 2
Installation dependencies . . . . . . . . . . 2
Installing from the product DVD . . . . . . . 3
Installing using the installation script . . . . . 3
Uninstalling SmartCloud Cost Management . . . . 4
Chapter 2. Configuration required for
metering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Automated configuration . . . . . . . . . . 5
Logging in to the Administration Console . . . . 6
Accepting the security certificate. . . . . . . . 7
Configuring the JDBC Driver . . . . . . . . . 7
Adding a JDBC driver . . . . . . . . . . 7
SmartCloud Cost Management Command Line
Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Using the Command Line Interface to manage
data sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Using the Command Line Interface to manage
load tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Configuring the SmartCloud Cost Management data
sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Adding a Database data source. . . . . . . 12
Setting the Default Admin and Processing
data source . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Adding a Web service data source . . . . . . 14
Adding a Server data source. . . . . . . . 15
Adding a Message Broker data source . . . . 16
About initializing the database . . . . . . . . 17
Initializing the database . . . . . . . . . 17
Loading the database with sample SmartCloud
Orchestrator data . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Security overview . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Account Code security for SmartCloud
Orchestrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
SmartCloud Orchestrator Account code
structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
User management . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Configuring Keystone as a Central User
Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Defining Tivoli Common Reporting security
permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Managing Jazz for Service Management roles
for users . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Configuring security permissions . . . . . 23
Constraining access to reports . . . . . . 24
Chapter 3. Administering the system 25
Defining offerings and rate groups . . . . . . 25
Adding offerings . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Deleting offerings . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Adding rate groups. . . . . . . . . . . 26
Changing the rate group sequence. . . . . . 27
Deleting rate groups . . . . . . . . . . 27
Defining rates using the Rate Tables panel . . . . 27
Adding rate tables . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Removing rate tables . . . . . . . . . . 28
Defining rates . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Viewing rates. . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Adding rates . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Adding rates with tiers . . . . . . . 31
Adding rates with shifts . . . . . . . 33
Importing rates . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Importing rates from an existing rate table 34
Moving rates between rate groups. . . . . 36
Changing the rate sequence . . . . . . . 36
Modifying rates . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Deleting rates and rate group rates . . . . 40
Defining rate templates . . . . . . . . . . 40
Resource elements for the rate template . . . . 41
Modifying the sample rate templates . . . . . 43
Importing the rate template . . . . . . . . 44
Deleting the rate template . . . . . . . . 45
Defining the calendar . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Calendar considerations . . . . . . . . . 45
Setting up the calendar . . . . . . . . . 45
Defining configuration options . . . . . . . . 47
Adding a JDBC driver . . . . . . . . . . 47
Setting logging options . . . . . . . . . 48
Adding organization information . . . . . . 48
Setting processing options . . . . . . . . 49
Setting reporting options . . . . . . . . . 50
Stopping and starting the Application Server . . . 50
Chapter 4. Administering data
processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Data processing architecture . . . . . . . . . 51
Job Runner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Job files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Job file XML schema . . . . . . . . . . 52
Collection files . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Message and trace log files . . . . . . . 53
Job log files . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Embedded Web Application Server log files 54
Installation log files. . . . . . . . . . 55
Processing programs . . . . . . . . . . 55
Process definitions . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Date keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Data processing overview . . . . . . . . . 58
Data processing frequency . . . . . . . . 58
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 iii
Required directory permissions for data
processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
SmartCloud Cost Management Processing Engine 59
Acct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
DBLoad . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
ReBill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
SmartCloud Cost Management Integrator . . . 66
Setting up and running job files . . . . . . . 67
Creating job files . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Job file structure. . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Jobs element . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Job Element . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Process element . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Steps Element . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Step Element . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Parameters Element . . . . . . . . . 77
Parameter element . . . . . . . . . . 77
Acct specific parameter attributes . . . . 78
Bill specific parameter attributes . . . . 80
Cleanup specific parameter attributes. . . 82
Console parameter attributes . . . . . 82
Console specific parameter attributes . . . 83
DBLoad specific parameter attributes . . . 84
DBPurge specific parameter attributes . . 86
FileTransfer specific parameter attributes . 86
Rebill specific parameter attributes . . . 90
Scan specific parameter attributes . . . . 91
WaitFile specific parameter attributes . . . 92
Defaults Element . . . . . . . . . . 93
Default Element . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Integrator job file structure . . . . . . . 95
Input element . . . . . . . . . . 95
Stage elements . . . . . . . . . . 98
Running job files . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Running job files in batch mode . . . . . 160
Viewing job file logs . . . . . . . . . . 161
Viewing sample job files. . . . . . . . . 162
Setting accounting dates. . . . . . . . . . 162
Account codes and account code conversion . . . 162
Setting up account codes and performing
account code conversion. . . . . . . . . 163
Defining the account code structure . . . . 163
Defining the account code . . . . . . . 163
Defining the account code input field
using the Integrator program . . . . . 164
Defining the account code input field
using the Acct program . . . . . . . 164
Converting account code input field values
to uppercase. . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Setting the account code conversion options
(Acct program) . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Enabling account code conversion . . . 166
Defining the identifier values for account
code conversion . . . . . . . . . 166
Defining optional move fields . . . . . 166
Defining the account code conversion
table . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Enabling exception processing. . . . . 168
Creating the account code conversion
table (Acct program) . . . . . . . . 168
Account code conversion example (Acct
program) . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Advanced account code conversion
example (Acct program) . . . . . . . 171
Setting the account code conversion options
(Integrator program) . . . . . . . . . 174
Enabling account code conversion . . . 174
Defining the identifier values for account
code conversion . . . . . . . . . 174
Defining optional move fields . . . . . 175
Defining the account code conversion
table . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Enabling exception processing. . . . . 177
Creating the account code conversion
table (Integrator program) . . . . . . 178
Account code conversion example
(Integrator program) . . . . . . . . 179
Setting up conversion mappings . . . . . . 181
Adding conversion mappings . . . . . . 181
About exception file processing . . . . . . 181
Setting up shifts . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Transferring files . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Sample FTP file transfer job file . . . . . . 184
Sample SSH file transfer job file . . . . . . 185
Sample local file transfer job file . . . . . . 186
Using an encrypted password to connect to a
remote system . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
File encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Default file encoding . . . . . . . . . . 189
Overriding default file encoding . . . . . . 189
Chapter 5. Administering reports . . . 191
Working with Cognos based Tivoli Common
Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
About the Tivoli Common Reporting application 191
Running reports . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Using the Cognos toolbar . . . . . . . . 193
Printing reports . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Saving reports . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Report properties . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Creating Dashboard reports . . . . . . . 194
Creating a sample dashboard report . . . . 195
Creating Page dashboard reports . . . . . 196
Working with custom reports . . . . . . . 197
Creating, editing, and saving custom reports 197
Creating or updating a custom report . . 197
Saving a custom report . . . . . . . 198
Using report parameters. . . . . . . . 198
Simple parameters. . . . . . . . . 199
Existing parameters . . . . . . . . 200
Using report filters . . . . . . . . . 203
Template reports . . . . . . . . . . 204
Template Account Code Date . . . . . 205
Template Account Code Year . . . . . 206
Rebranding reports . . . . . . . . . 206
Working with the SmartCloud Cost
Management Cognos model . . . . . . 207
Accessing the Cognos model . . . . . 207
Adding custom objects to the Cognos
model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Publishing the custom model . . . . . 208
iv IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Additional resources . . . . . . . . . . 209
Chapter 6. Administering the database 211
Tracking database loads . . . . . . . . . . 211
Administering database objects . . . . . . . 212
Administering database tables . . . . . . . . 213
Loading table dependencies . . . . . . . 214
DataAccessManager command-line utility . . . . 216
DDL extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Populate tables . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Setting the database version . . . . . . . 218
Importing data into a database table. . . . . 219
Exporting data into a database table. . . . . 220
Chapter 7. Administering data
collectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Universal Collector overview . . . . . . . . 221
Creating a new collector using XML. . . . . 221
Creating new collectors using Java . . . . . 232
IBM SmartCloud Cost Management Core data
collectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
AIX Advanced Accounting data collector . . . 234
Process data collected (Advanced Accounting
record type 1) . . . . . . . . . . . 234
System data collected (Advanced Accounting
record type 4) . . . . . . . . . . . 235
File system data collected (Advanced
Accounting record type 6) . . . . . . . 236
Network data collected (Advanced
Accounting record type 7) . . . . . . . 236
Disk data collected (Advanced Accounting
record type 8) . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Virtual I/O server data collected (Advanced
Accounting record type 10) . . . . . . . 237
Virtual I/O client data collected (Advanced
Accounting record type 11) . . . . . . . 238
ARM transaction data collected (Advanced
Accounting record type 16) . . . . . . . 238
WPAR system data collected (Advanced
Accounting record type 36) . . . . . . . 239
WPAR file system data collected (Advanced
Accounting record type 38) . . . . . . . 239
WPAR disk data collected (Advanced
Accounting record type 39) . . . . . . . 240
Setting up AIX Advanced Accounting data
collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
HPVMSar data collector . . . . . . . . . 241
Identifiers and resources collected by
hpvmsar collector . . . . . . . . . . 241
Deploying the SmartCloud Cost Management
hpvmsar collector . . . . . . . . . . 242
Installing the SmartCloud Cost
Management hpvmsar Collector from the
SmartCloud Cost Management Server . . 242
Manually installing the hpvmsar collector 243
Following the installation of the hpvmsar
collector . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Uninstalling the hpvmsar collector . . . 244
OpenStack data collector . . . . . . . . 245
Configuring the OpenStack data collector . . 245
Manually configuring the OpenStack data
collector . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
OpenStack identifiers and resources . . . . 254
Compute identifiers and resources . . . 254
Volume identifiers and resources . . . . 258
OpenStack job file . . . . . . . . . . 261
Context job file . . . . . . . . . . 261
VM Instances job file . . . . . . . . 265
Volumes job file . . . . . . . . . 269
OpenStack REST volume job file . . . . 271
SmartCloud Orchestrator 2.2 job file . . . 273
IBM PowerVM HMC data collector . . . . . 274
Configuring HMC to enable SmartCloud
Cost Management HMC collection . . . . 274
HMC collector log file format . . . . . . 274
Identifiers and resources defined by HMC
collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Setting up SmartCloud Cost Management for
HMC data collection . . . . . . . . . 281
HMC data commands . . . . . . . . 285
KVM data collector . . . . . . . . . . 285
Identifiers and resources collected by the
KVM collector . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Deploying the SmartCloud Cost Management
KVM collector . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Installing the SmartCloud Cost
Management KVM collector from the
SmartCloud Cost Management Server . . 287
Manually installing the SmartCloud Cost
Management KVM collector . . . . . 288
Following the installation of the
SmartCloud Cost Management KVM
collector . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Uninstalling the SmartCloud Cost
Management KVM collector . . . . . 290
Linux, z/Linux, UNIX, and AIX operating
system and file system data collectors . . . . 290
Sar data collector . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Identifiers and resources collected by sar
collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Deploying the sar collector . . . . . . . 291
Installing the SmartCloud Cost
Management sar Collector from the
SmartCloud Cost Management Server . . 292
Manually installing the SmartCloud Cost
Management sar collector . . . . . . 293
Following the installation of the sar
collector . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Uninstalling the sar collector . . . . . 294
Tivoli Data Warehouse data collector . . . . 294
Setting up Tivoli Data Warehouse data
collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Configuring the Tivoli Data Warehouse job
file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Active Energy Manager identifiers and
resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
AIX Premium identifiers and resources . . . 302
Eaton identifiers and resources . . . . . 309
HMC identifiers and resources . . . . . 311
ITCAM/SOA identifiers and resources . . . 312
Linux OS identifiers and resources . . . . 314
Contents v
UNIX OS identifiers and resources . . . . 316
Windows OS identifiers and resources . . . 319
Universal data collector . . . . . . . . . 330
Setting up the Universal data collector . . . 330
Virtual I/O Server data collector . . . . . . 330
Identifiers and resources defined by the
Virtual I/O Server data collector . . . . . 330
Transferring usage logs from the Virtual I/O
Server to the SmartCloud Cost Management
application server for processing . . . . . 333
Setting up Virtual I/O Server data collection 337
VMware data collector . . . . . . . . . 337
Configuring VMware server systems to
enable SmartCloud Cost Management
VMware collection . . . . . . . . . 337
VMware usage metrics collected . . . . . 338
Identifiers and resources defined by the
VMware collector . . . . . . . . . . 342
Setting up SmartCloud Cost Management for
VMware data collection . . . . . . . . 344
Mapping of VMware Identifiers and
resources to VMware Infrastructure
Equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Vmstat data collector . . . . . . . . . . 348
Identifiers and resources collected by vmstat
collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Deploying the vmstat collector . . . . . 349
Installing the SmartCloud Cost
Management vmstat Collector from the
SmartCloud Cost Management Server . . 349
Manually installing the vmstat collector 350
Following the installation of the vmstat
collector . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Uninstalling the vmstat collector . . . . 352
Windows Disk data collector . . . . . . . 352
Identifiers and resources collected by the
Windows Disk collector . . . . . . . . 352
Setting up Windows Disk data collection . . 354
File system collection. . . . . . . . . 358
Physical and logical disk collection . . . . 358
Windows Process data collector . . . . . . 360
Creating a log on user account for the
Windows Process collector service (optional) . 360
Assigning Polices at the domain level . . 361
Assigning Polices at the local level . . . 361
System configuration options for the
Windows Process collector . . . . . . . 362
Installing the Windows Process collector . . 363
Installing remotely . . . . . . . . 363
Installing manually . . . . . . . . 366
Windows Process collector log file format 368
Identifiers and resources defined by the
Windows Process collector . . . . . . . 372
Setting up Windows Process data collection 374
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . 377
z/VM data collector . . . . . . . . . . 378
z/VM standard billable items collected. . . 378
z/VM Accounting Records Processed . . . 378
Creating a process definition directory . . . 379
Installing the z/VM collector . . . . . . 380
Binding the CIMSCMS program . . . . 380
Running the z/VM Collector . . . . . . 380
CIMSCMS Control Statements . . . . . . 382
About the Z/VM collector output CSR file 385
Transferring output CSR files from the z/VM
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Setting up z/VM data collection . . . . . 386
Setting up for data collection on a Linux or UNIX
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Installing SmartCloud Cost Management Data
Collectors for UNIX and Linux . . . . . . 386
Linux and UNIX data collection architecture . . 391
Setting the sharable library path . . . . . . 393
Setting the environment variables for data
collection and consolidation . . . . . . . 393
Setting up operating and file system data
collection: starting Linux or UNIX process
accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Identifiers and resources defined from
process accounting data (operating system
and file system) . . . . . . . . . . 399
Setting up AIX Advanced Accounting data
collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Installing the UNIX/Linux AIX Advanced
Accounting Collector . . . . . . . . . 402
Installing the UNIX/Linux AIX Advanced
Accounting Collector Manually . . . . 402
Installing the UNIX/Linux AIX Advanced
Accounting Collector using RXA
deployment . . . . . . . . . . . 402
Post Install Configuration . . . . . . 402
Creating Advanced Accounting data files . . 403
Configuring AIX Advanced Accounting . . 403
Setting up Advanced Accounting data
collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Scheduling Advanced Accounting data
collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Advanced Accounting metrics collected and
SmartCloud Cost Management rate codes . . 406
Setting up Virtual I/O Server data collection 410
About the Configuration Parameter file on
the Virtual I/O Server . . . . . . . . 410
Configuring and starting the SmartCloud
Cost Management Agent . . . . . . 411
Collecting and Converting Virtual I/O
Server data files . . . . . . . . . 412
Transferring Virtual I/O Server usage logs
to the SmartCloud Cost Management
application server . . . . . . . . . 413
Virtual I/O Server metrics collected and
SmartCloud Cost Management rate codes . 415
Schedule the data collection and consolidation
scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Collecting data: setting up the data collection
scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
Check pacct File Script (check_pacct) . . . 419
Nightly Accounting Script (ituam_uc_nightly) 419
Turn Accounting Script (turnacct). . . . . 420
Run Account Script (runacct) . . . . . . 420
Sampler Script (sampler) . . . . . . . 421
Database Storage Scripts (get_odb_storage
and get_db2_storage) . . . . . . . . . 422
vi IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Redo Nightly Script (redo_nightly) . . . . 422
Consolidating data: setting up the data
consolidation scripts . . . . . . . . . . 423
Nightly Consolidation Script
(CS_nightly_consolidation) . . . . . . . 423
Running a UNIX script file from within a job
file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
CSR file types . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Transferring CSR files to the SmartCloud Cost
Management application server . . . . . . 426
Transferring log files to the SmartCloud Cost
Management application server . . . . . . 429
Chapter 8. Troubleshooting and
support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
Troubleshooting information . . . . . . . . 431
Using Technotes . . . . . . . . . . . 431
Common problems and solutions. . . . . . 431
Troubleshooting installation . . . . . . . 432
Manually uninstalling . . . . . . . . 432
Manually uninstalling SmartCloud Cost
Management . . . . . . . . . . 432
Manually uninstalling Windows Process
Collector . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
Unable to connect to the Administration
Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
Troubleshooting administration . . . . . . 433
Server instance ports in use . . . . . . 433
Active Reports do not open or are incorrectly
displayed when rendered in Japanese,
Chinese, or Korean . . . . . . . . . 434
Administration Console runs slowly, hangs,
or will not connect to the database . . . . 434
Unable to run Tivoli Common Reporting
reports that use account code prompts . . . 435
Report data not updated when running
reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Issues when using the SmartCloud Cost
Management rate template . . . . . . . 436
Troubleshooting database applications . . . . 436
Troubleshooting for Exception: DB2 SQL
error: SQLCODE: -964, SQLSTATE: 57011,
SQLERRMC: null . . . . . . . . . . 436
Stored Procedure performance issues on DB2 437
Using log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
Message and trace log files . . . . . . . . 438
Job log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
Embedded Web Application Server log files . . 440
Installation log files . . . . . . . . . . 440
Getting SmartCloud Cost Management system
information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Disabling Internet Explorer Enhanced Security
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Resolving the FileNotFound Exception error on
UNIX and Linux systems . . . . . . . . . 441
Support information . . . . . . . . . . . 442
Receiving weekly support updates . . . . . 442
Contacting IBM Software Support . . . . . 443
Determining the business impact . . . . . 443
Describing problems and gathering
information . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
Submitting problems . . . . . . . . . 444
Chapter 9. Reference . . . . . . . . 445
Encryption information . . . . . . . . . . 445
FIPS Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Enabling FIPS on the Application Server . . . 445
Enabling Tivoli Common Reporting for FIPS 446
Schema updates for the release . . . . . 446
Setting the SmartCloud Cost Management
processing path. . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
REST API reference . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Symbols and abbreviated terms . . . . . . 447
REST API reference overview . . . . . . . 448
Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
Protocol resource elements . . . . . . . . 452
Using Apache Wink to access SmartCloud Cost
Management REST Resources . . . . . . . 454
Clients Rest API . . . . . . . . . . . 456
GET Resource clients . . . . . . . . . 456
GET{id} Resource clients. . . . . . . . 458
POST Resource clients . . . . . . . . 459
PUT Resource clients . . . . . . . . . 460
DELETE Resource clients . . . . . . . 461
Users REST API . . . . . . . . . . . 462
GET Resource users . . . . . . . . . 462
GET{id} Resource users . . . . . . . . 463
POST Resource users . . . . . . . . . 464
PUT Resource users . . . . . . . . . 465
DELETE Resource users . . . . . . . . 467
Usergroups REST API . . . . . . . . . 467
GET Resource usergroups . . . . . . . 467
Get{id} Resource usergroups . . . . . . 469
POST Resource usergroups . . . . . . . 471
PUT Resource usergroups . . . . . . . 473
DELETE Resource usergroups . . . . . . 476
AccountCodeStructrues REST API . . . . . 477
GET Resource accountCodeStructrues . . . 477
GET{id} Resource accountCodeStructrues . . 479
POST Resource accountCodeStructrues . . . 481
PUT Resource accountCodeStructrue . . . 483
DELETE Resource accountCodeStructrues 486
Job file structure . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Jobs element. . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Job Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
Process element . . . . . . . . . . . 492
Steps Element . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
Step Element . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
Parameters Element . . . . . . . . . . 497
Parameter element. . . . . . . . . . . 497
Acct specific parameter attributes. . . . . 498
Bill specific parameter attributes . . . . . 500
Cleanup specific parameter attributes . . . 502
Console parameter attributes . . . . . . 502
Console specific parameter attributes . . . 503
DBLoad specific parameter attributes . . . 504
DBPurge specific parameter attributes . . . 506
FileTransfer specific parameter attributes . . 506
Rebill specific parameter attributes . . . . 510
Scan specific parameter attributes. . . . . 511
WaitFile specific parameter attributes . . . 512
Defaults Element . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Contents vii
Default Element . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Integrator job file structure . . . . . . . . 515
Input element . . . . . . . . . . . 515
Stage elements . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Aggregator . . . . . . . . . . . 518
CreateAccountRelationship . . . . . . 521
CreateIdentifierFromIdentifiers . . . . 524
CreateIdentifierFromRegEx . . . . . . 526
CreateIdentifierFromTable . . . . . . 527
CreateIdentifierFromValue . . . . . . 532
CreateResourceFromConversion . . . . 533
CreateResourceFromDuration . . . . . 536
CreateResourceFromValue . . . . . . 539
CreateUserRelationship . . . . . . . 540
CSROutput . . . . . . . . . . . 542
CSRPlusOutput. . . . . . . . . . 542
DropFields . . . . . . . . . . . 543
DropIdentifiers . . . . . . . . . . 544
DropResources . . . . . . . . . . 545
ExcludeRecsByDate . . . . . . . . 546
ExcludeRecsByPresence . . . . . . . 547
ExcludeRecsByValue . . . . . . . . 548
FormatDateIdentifier . . . . . . . . 550
IdentifierConversionFromTable . . . . 551
IncludeRecsByDate . . . . . . . . 557
IncludeRecsByPresence . . . . . . . 558
IncludeRecsByValue . . . . . . . . 560
MaxRecords . . . . . . . . . . . 562
PadIdentifier . . . . . . . . . . 563
Prorate . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
RenameFields . . . . . . . . . . 565
RenameResourceFromIdentifier . . . . 566
ResourceConversion . . . . . . . . 568
Sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
TierResources . . . . . . . . . . 571
TierSingleResource . . . . . . . . 574
UpdateConversionFromRecord . . . . 576
Control statements . . . . . . . . . . . 579
Acct Program Control Statements. . . . . . 580
ACCOUNT FIELD . . . . . . . . . 580
DATE SELECTION . . . . . . . . . 581
DEFINE FIELD. . . . . . . . . . . 582
DEFINE MOVEFLD . . . . . . . . . 583
SHIFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
Bill Program Control Statements . . . . . . 585
BACKLOAD DATA . . . . . . . . . 586
CLIENT SEARCH ON . . . . . . . . 586
DATE SELECTION . . . . . . . . . 587
DEFAULT CLOSE DAY . . . . . . . . 588
DEFINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
DYNAMIC CLIENT ADD ON. . . . . . 590
EXCLUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
INCLUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
NORMALIZE CPU VALUES . . . . . . 593
REPORT DATE. . . . . . . . . . . 593
USE SHIFT CODES . . . . . . . . . 595
Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
Cognos based Tivoli Common Reporting reports 596
Account reports . . . . . . . . . . 597
Account Summary YTD report . . . . 597
Account Total Invoice report . . . . . 598
Application Cost report . . . . . . . 599
Daily Charges - Charges report . . . . 601
Daily Crosstab - Usage report . . . . . 602
Monthly Crosstab - Charges report . . . 604
Monthly Crosstab - Usage report . . . . 605
Percentage report . . . . . . . . . 606
Summary Crosstab - Charges report . . . 607
Summary Crosstab - Usage report . . . 609
Weekly Crosstab - Charges report . . . 610
Weekly Crosstab - Usage report . . . . 611
Budget reports . . . . . . . . . . . 612
Client Budget report . . . . . . . . 612
Line Item Budget report . . . . . . . 613
Cloud reports . . . . . . . . . . . 614
Project Summary report . . . . . . . 614
Dashboard reports. . . . . . . . . . 617
Top N Account Charges report . . . . 617
Top N Account Charges Pie Chart report 618
Top N Rate Group and Rate Resource
Usage report . . . . . . . . . . 619
Invoice reports . . . . . . . . . . . 620
Invoice by Account Level report . . . . 620
Invoice Detail Line Item Resource Units
by Identifiers report . . . . . . . . 623
Invoice Drill Down for Rate Group by
Date report . . . . . . . . . . . 623
Run Total Invoice report. . . . . . . 624
Run Total Rate Group Percent report . . 626
Other reports . . . . . . . . . . . 627
Client report. . . . . . . . . . . 627
Configuration report . . . . . . . . 628
Rate report . . . . . . . . . . . 628
Resource Detail reports . . . . . . . . 629
Batch report . . . . . . . . . . . 629
Charges by Identifier report . . . . . 630
Detail by Identifier report . . . . . . 633
Detail by Multiple Identifiers report . . . 634
Usage by Identifier report . . . . . . 635
Template reports . . . . . . . . . . 638
Template report . . . . . . . . . 638
Template Account Code Date report . . . 638
Template Account Code Year report . . . 639
Top Usage reports . . . . . . . . . . 640
Top 10 Bar Graph report. . . . . . . 640
Top 10 Cost report. . . . . . . . . 641
Top 10 Pie Chart report . . . . . . . 643
Trend reports . . . . . . . . . . . 644
Cost Trend report . . . . . . . . . 644
Cost Trend by Rate report . . . . . . 645
Cost Trend Graph report . . . . . . 646
Resource Usage Trend report . . . . . 647
Usage Trend Graph report . . . . . . 649
Variance reports . . . . . . . . . . 650
Cost Variance report . . . . . . . . 650
Resource Variance report . . . . . . 651
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
viii IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
CIMSAccountCodeConversion Table. . . . . 652
CIMSCalendar Table . . . . . . . . . . 653
CIMSClient Table . . . . . . . . . . . 653
CIMSClientBudget Table. . . . . . . . . 653
CIMSClientContact Table . . . . . . . . 654
CIMSClientContactNumber Table. . . . . . 655
CIMSConfig Table . . . . . . . . . . . 655
CIMSConfigAccountLevel Table . . . . . . 656
CIMSConfigOptions Table . . . . . . . . 656
CIMSCPUNormalization Table . . . . . . 657
CIMSDetailIdent Table . . . . . . . . . 657
CIMSDIMClient Table . . . . . . . . . 658
CIMSDIMClientContact Table . . . . . . . 658
CIMSDIMClientContactNumber Table . . . . 659
CIMSDIMUserRestrict Table . . . . . . . 660
CIMSIdent Table . . . . . . . . . . . 660
CIMSLoadTracking Table . . . . . . . . 661
CIMSProcDefinitionMapping Table . . . . . 661
CIMSProcessDefinition Table . . . . . . . 662
CIMSProrateSource Table . . . . . . . . 662
CIMSProrateTarget Table . . . . . . . . 663
CIMSRateGroup Table . . . . . . . . . 663
CIMSRateIdentifiers Table . . . . . . . . 664
CIMSReportCustomFields Table . . . . . . 664
CIMSReportDistribution Table . . . . . . . 664
CIMSReportDistributionParm Table . . . . . 665
CIMSReportDistributionType Table . . . . . 665
CIMSReportGroup Table . . . . . . . . 665
CIMSReportToReportGroup Table . . . . . 666
CIMSSummaryToDetail Table . . . . . . . 666
CIMSTransaction Table . . . . . . . . . 666
CIMSUser Table . . . . . . . . . . . 668
CIMSUserConfigOptions Table . . . . . . 668
CIMSUserGroupAccountCode Table . . . . . 669
CIMSUserGroupAccountStructure Table . . . 669
CIMSUserGroupConfigOptions Table . . . . 669
CIMSUserGroupReport Table . . . . . . . 670
CIMSUserGroup Table . . . . . . . . . 670
CIMSUserGroupProcessDef Table. . . . . . 671
CIMSUsertoUserGroup Table . . . . . . . 671
SCDetail Table . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
SCDIMCalendar Table . . . . . . . . . 673
SCDIMRate Table . . . . . . . . . . . 673
SCDIMRateShift Table . . . . . . . . . 678
SCRate Table . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
SCRateTable Table . . . . . . . . . . . 685
SCRateShift Table . . . . . . . . . . . 686
SCResourceUtilization Table . . . . . . . 686
SCSummaryDaily Table . . . . . . . . . 687
SCSummary Table . . . . . . . . . . . 687
SCUnits Table . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
SmartCloud Cost Management files . . . . . . 690
CSR file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690
CSR+ file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692
Ident file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
Resource file. . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
Detail file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
Summary file . . . . . . . . . . . . 698
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701
Trademarks and service marks . . . . 703
Privacy policy considerations . . . . 705
Accessibility features for SmartCloud
Orchestrator . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
Contents ix
x IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Access for users . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3. Normal rate patterns in reports . . . . . . 31
4. Non-billable rate patterns in reports . . . . 31
5. Monetary flat fee rate patterns in reports 31
6. Tier individual rate patterns in reports . . . 32
7. Tier highest rate patterns in reports . . . . 32
8. Tier monetary individual (%) rate patterns in
reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
9. Tier monetary highest (%) rate patterns in
reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
10. IaaS style Offering . . . . . . . . . . 40
11. Virtual Server Service style Offering . . . . 41
12. License Charges Offering . . . . . . . . 41
13. Infrastructure Charges Offering . . . . . . 41
14. Hosting Charges Offering . . . . . . . . 41
15. Hosting Charges with VM Sizes Offering 41
16. Properties of the Offering resource element 41
17. Properties of the RateDimension resource
element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
18. Properties of the RateDimensionElement
resource element . . . . . . . . . . . 42
19. Logging options . . . . . . . . . . . 48
20. Organization information . . . . . . . . 49
21. Processing options . . . . . . . . . . 49
22. Reporting options . . . . . . . . . . 50
23. SmartCloud Cost Management Processing
Engine Components. . . . . . . . . . 59
24. Acct Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
25. Acct Output . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
26. Bill Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
27. Bill Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
28. DBLoad Input. . . . . . . . . . . . 63
29. ReBill Input . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
30. Bill Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
31. Jobs Element Attributes . . . . . . . . 68
32. Job Element Attributes . . . . . . . . . 70
33. Process Element Attributes . . . . . . . 73
34. Steps Element Attribute . . . . . . . . 74
35. Step Element Attributes . . . . . . . . 74
36. Acct specific parameter attributes . . . . . 78
37. Bill specific parameter attributes . . . . . 80
38. Cleanup specific parameter attributes . . . . 82
39. Console parameter attributes. . . . . . . 83
40. Console specific parameter attributes . . . . 83
41. DBLoad specific parameter attributes . . . . 84
42. DBPurge specific parameter attributes. . . . 86
43. FileTransfer specific parameter attributes 87
44. FileTransfer parameters . . . . . . . . 87
45. FileTransfer parameters . . . . . . . . 89
46. Rebill specific parameter attributes . . . . . 90
47. Scan specific parameter attributes . . . . . 91
48. WaitFile specific parameter attributes . . . . 92
49. Default Element Attributes . . . . . . . 93
50. Defined thresholds. . . . . . . . . . 152
51. Defined thresholds. . . . . . . . . . 153
52. User identifier values . . . . . . . . . 170
53. User identifier values . . . . . . . . . 180
54. Date Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
55. Predefined filters . . . . . . . . . . 203
56. Load table dependencies . . . . . . . . 214
57. Elements and attributes specific to DELIMITED 222
58. Elements and attributes specific to FIXEDFIELD 223
59. Elements and attributes specific to REGEX 223
60. Elements and attributes specific to DATABASE 224
61. Elements and attributes specific to Parameters 226
62. Elements and attributes specific to
InputFields for the DELIMITED collector . . . 226
63. Elements and attributes specific to
InputFields for the FIXEDFIELDS collector . . 227
64. Elements and attributes specific to
InputFields for the REGEX collector . . . . 228
65. Elements and attributes specific to
InputFields for the DATABASE collector . . . 228
66. Elements and attributes specific to
QueryParameters . . . . . . . . . . 229
67. Elements and attributes specific to
OutputFields . . . . . . . . . . . 231
68. Elements and attributes specific to Files 232
69. HPVMSar Identifiers . . . . . . . . . 241
70. HPVMSar Resources . . . . . . . . . 242
71. Standard fields . . . . . . . . . . . 254
72. Ownership Identifiers. . . . . . . . . 254
73. Placement identifiers . . . . . . . . . 255
74. Pattern identifiers . . . . . . . . . . 256
75. History identifiers . . . . . . . . . . 256
76. Virtual Machine identifiers . . . . . . . 257
77. Virtual Machine Resources - Output for each
ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
78. Standard fields . . . . . . . . . . . 258
79. Ownership Identifiers. . . . . . . . . 258
80. Placement identifiers . . . . . . . . . 259
81. History identifiers . . . . . . . . . . 260
82. Volume identifiers . . . . . . . . . . 260
83. Volume Resources - Output for each VOL_ID 260
84. Log File Format LPAR Sample Records 274
85. HMC Log File Format Memory Pool
Sample Records . . . . . . . . . . . 276
86. HMC Log File Format Processor Pool
Sample Records . . . . . . . . . . . 277
87. HMC Log File Format System Sample
Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
88. Default HMC Identifiers and Resources
LPAR Sample . . . . . . . . . . . 279
89. Default HMC Identifiers and Resources
Memory Pool Sample . . . . . . . . . 280
90. Default HMC Identifiers and Resources
Processor Pool Sample . . . . . . . . 280
91. Default HMC Identifiers and Resources
System Sample . . . . . . . . . . . 281
92. HMC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . 283
93. HMCINPUT Parameters . . . . . . . . 284
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 xi
94. KVM Identifiers. . . . . . . . . . . 286
95. KVM resources . . . . . . . . . . . 286
96. Sar Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . 291
97. Sar Resources . . . . . . . . . . . 291
98. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
99. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
102. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
103. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
104. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
105. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
106. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
107. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
108. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
109. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
110. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and
resources that are collected from Tivoli Data
Warehouse by the Active Energy Manager
agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
111. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and
resources that are collected from Tivoli Data
Warehouse by the AIX Premium agent . . . 303
112. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and
resources that are collected from Tivoli Data
Warehouse by the Eaton agent . . . . . . 310
113. Identifiers and resources that are collected
from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the HMC
agent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
114. Identifiers and resources that are collected
from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
ITCAM/SOA agent. . . . . . . . . . 313
115. Identifiers and resources that are collected
from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the Linux OS
agent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
116. Identifiers and resources that are collected
from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the UNIX OS
agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
117. Identifiers and resources that are collected
from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the Windows
OS agent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
118. SampleSecureGetVIOS.xml Parameters 335
119. cpu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
120. net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
121. disk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
122. mem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
123. VMware Parameters . . . . . . . . . 346
124. Identifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
125. Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
126. Vmstat Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . 348
127. Vmstat Resources . . . . . . . . . . 349
128. Default Windows Disk Identifiers and
Resources (File System Collection) . . . . 352
129. Default Windows Disk Identifiers and
Resources (Physical Disk Collection) . . . . 353
130. Default Windows Disk Identifiers and
Resources (Logical Disk Collection) . . . . 353
131. WinDisk Attributes . . . . . . . . . 354
132. SampleDeployProcessCollector.xml Job File
Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
133. Windows Process Collector Log File Format -
Process Records . . . . . . . . . . . 369
134. Windows Process Collector Log File Format
System CPU Records . . . . . . . . . 370
135. Windows Process Collector Log File Format
System Memory Records. . . . . . . . 371
136. Default Windows Process Identifiers and
Resources - Process . . . . . . . . . 372
137. Default Windows Process Identifiers and
Resources - System CPU . . . . . . . . 373
138. Default Windows Process Identifiers and
Resources - System Memory . . . . . . 373
139. Step attributes . . . . . . . . . . . 375
140. Input element attributes . . . . . . . . 375
141. Collector element attributes . . . . . . . 375
142. Template element attributes . . . . . . . 376
143. Feed parameter attributes . . . . . . . 376
144. LogDate parameter attributes . . . . . . 376
145. File parameter attributes . . . . . . . . 377
146. z/VM resources that are collected for
chargeback . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
147. Sample job files . . . . . . . . . . . 388
148. Deployment Job File Parameters . . . . . 388
149. Administration Utilities . . . . . . . . 392
150. Environment Variables in the A_config.par
File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
151. UNIX Operating System Identifiers . . . . 399
152. UNIX Operating System Rate Codes . . . . 400
153. File System Identifiers . . . . . . . . 401
154. File System Rate Codes . . . . . . . . 401
155. Advanced Accounting Process Metrics
Collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
156. Advanced Accounting System Metrics
Collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
157. Advanced Accounting File System Metrics
Collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
158. Advanced Accounting Network Metrics
Collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
159. Advanced Accounting Disk Metrics Collected 408
160. Advanced Accounting Virtual I/O Server
Metrics Collected . . . . . . . . . . 408
161. Advanced Accounting Virtual I/O Client
Metrics Collected . . . . . . . . . . 408
162. Advanced Accounting ARM Transaction
Metrics Collected . . . . . . . . . . 408
163. Advanced Accounting WPAR System Metrics
Collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
164. Advanced Accounting WPAR File System
Metrics Collected . . . . . . . . . . 409
165. Advanced Accounting WPAR Disk I/O
Metrics Collected . . . . . . . . . . 409
166. Environment Variables in the A_config.par
File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
167. Variables for File Transfer to SmartCloud Cost
Management application server . . . . . 414
168. Advanced Accounting Process Metrics
Collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
169. Advanced Accounting System Metrics
Collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
170. Advanced Accounting File System Metrics
Collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
xii IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
171. Advanced Accounting Network Metrics
Collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
172. Advanced Accounting Disk Metrics Collected 417
173. Advanced Accounting Virtual I/O Server
Metrics Collected . . . . . . . . . . 417
174. CSR Files Produced by the CS_gen_sum
Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
175. Process Definition Folders and CSR Files 427
176. Variables for File Transfer to the SmartCloud
Cost Management Application Server . . . 427
177. Problems and solutions for common problems 431
178. -h. . . . . . . . . . . 437
179. Updated tables . . . . . . . . . . . 446
180. Example of REST resources and HTTP
methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
181. Example of Links included in payload
elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
182. Properties of client resource element . . . . 452
183. Properties of user resource element . . . . 452
184. Properties of usergroup resource element 452
185. Properties of accountCodeStructure resource
element . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
186. Properties of accountLevel resource element 453
187. GET Resource clients . . . . . . . . . 456
188. GET Resource clients . . . . . . . . . 458
189. Post Resource clients . . . . . . . . . 459
190. PUT Resource clients . . . . . . . . . 460
191. DELETE Resource clients . . . . . . . 461
192. GET Resource users . . . . . . . . . 462
193. GET{id} Resource users . . . . . . . . 463
194. POST Resource users . . . . . . . . . 464
195. PUT Resource users . . . . . . . . . 465
196. DELETE Resource users . . . . . . . . 467
197. GET Resource usergroups . . . . . . . 467
198. GET{id} Resource usergroups . . . . . . 469
199. POST Resource usergroups . . . . . . . 471
200. PUT Resource usergroups . . . . . . . 473
201. DELETE Resource usergroups . . . . . . 476
202. GET Resource accountCodeStructrues 477
203. GET{id} Resource accountCodeStructrues 479
204. POST Resource accountCodeStructrues 481
205. PUT Resource accountCodeStructrue 483
206. DELETE Resource accountCodeStructrues 486
207. Jobs Element Attributes . . . . . . . . 488
208. Job Element Attributes . . . . . . . . 490
209. Process Element Attributes . . . . . . . 492
210. Steps Element Attribute . . . . . . . . 494
211. Step Element Attributes . . . . . . . . 494
212. Acct specific parameter attributes . . . . . 498
213. Bill specific parameter attributes . . . . . 500
214. Cleanup specific parameter attributes 502
215. Console parameter attributes . . . . . . 503
216. Console specific parameter attributes 503
217. DBLoad specific parameter attributes 504
218. DBPurge specific parameter attributes 506
219. FileTransfer specific parameter attributes 507
220. FileTransfer parameters . . . . . . . . 507
221. FileTransfer parameters . . . . . . . . 509
222. Rebill specific parameter attributes . . . . 510
223. Scan specific parameter attributes . . . . . 511
224. WaitFile specific parameter attributes 512
225. Default Element Attributes . . . . . . . 513
226. Defined thresholds. . . . . . . . . . 572
227. Defined thresholds. . . . . . . . . . 573
228. Date Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
229. Account Summary YTD details . . . . . 597
230. Account Total Invoice report details . . . . 598
231. Application Cost report details. . . . . . 599
232. Daily Charges - Charges report details 601
233. Daily Crosstab - Usage report details 602
234. Monthly Crosstab - Charges report details 604
235. Monthly Crosstab Usage details . . . . . 605
236. Percentage report details . . . . . . . . 606
237. Summary Crosstab - Charges report details 607
238. Summary Crosstab - Usage report details 609
239. Weekly Crosstab - Charges report details 610
240. Weekly Crosstab - Usage report details 611
241. Client Budget report details . . . . . . . 612
242. Line Item Budget report details . . . . . 613
243. Project Summary report details . . . . . 615
244. Top N Account Charges report details 617
245. Top N Account Charges Pie Chart report
details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
246. Top N Rate Group and Rate Resource Usage
report details . . . . . . . . . . . 619
247. Invoice by Account Level report details 620
248. Invoice Detail Line Item Resource Units by
Identifiers report details . . . . . . . . 623
249. Invoice Drill Down for Rate Group by Date
report details . . . . . . . . . . . 623
250. Run Total Invoice details. . . . . . . . 624
251. Run Total Rate Group Percent details 626
252. Client report details . . . . . . . . . 627
253. Configuration report details. . . . . . . 628
254. Rate report details . . . . . . . . . . 628
255. Batch report details . . . . . . . . . 629
256. Charges by Identifier report details . . . . 630
257. Detail by Identifier details . . . . . . . 633
258. Detail by Multiple Identifier details . . . . 634
259. Usage by Identifier report details . . . . . 635
260. Template report details . . . . . . . . 638
261. Template Account Code Date report details 638
262. Template Account Code Year report details 639
263. Top 10 Bar Graph report details . . . . . 640
264. Top 10 Cost report details . . . . . . . 641
265. Top 10 Pie Chart report details. . . . . . 643
266. Cost Trend report details. . . . . . . . 644
267. Cost Trend by Rate report details . . . . . 645
268. Cost Trend Graph report details . . . . . 646
269. Resource Usage Trend details . . . . . . 647
270. Usage Trend Graph report details . . . . . 649
271. Cost Variance report details . . . . . . . 650
272. Resource Variance report details . . . . . 651
Tables xiii
xiv IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
This publication documents how to use IBM
based Tivoli
Common Reporting
A list of the Cognos reports is available in the related Reference Reports section.
Refer to the related links when installing Tivoli Common Reporting
Installation options
The following install methods are available when installing SmartCloud Cost
Management products on Linux operating systems:
v Install using the DVD in the product package.
v Downloading installation images from the IBM Passport Advantage
site, if you
are licensed to do so.
Use the provided installation script to perform the installation.
Note: To download SmartCloud Cost Management from Passport Advantage
, see
the download instructions on the Passport Advantage website.
Installation configuration
The standard configuration for SmartCloud Cost Management is a distributed
installation with SmartCloud Cost Management, Tivoli Common Reporting, and
DB2 database each on their own system. The DB2 database is shared with other
OpenStack components. The Jazz
Supported hardware and software requirements
Before you install the SmartCloud Cost Management application server, review the
software and hardware requirements for Linux platforms.
Note: For the complete listing of software product compatibility reports, see the
following link: at:
Related reference:
Installation dependencies on page 2
This topic explains the dependencies for installing SmartCloud Cost Management Make sure that you understand the dependencies outlined in this topic
before you install SmartCloud Cost Management
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 1
Requirements for Linux servers
This topic describes prerequisites for installing SmartCloud Cost Management on a
Linux operating system.
Linux platforms
Note: For the complete listing of software product compatibility reports, see the
following link: at:
Table 1.
Software and hardware Requirements
Operating system
v RHEL 5 and 6 for x64 (AMD64/EM64T).
Note: RHEL 5 and 6 is supported by
Tivoli Common Reporting
v SLES 10 and 11 for x64 (AMD64/EM64T)
Browser Mozilla Firefox ESR 10, ESR 17
Hard disk drive space 5 GB minimum, 40 GB recommended
(available hard disk drive space)
Note: The hard disk drive space
requirements for your organization might
Processor speed 3 GHz minimum
Note: To ensure best performance with
Tivoli Common Reporting, processor speeds
should be at least 1 GHz for RISC
architectures and 2 GHz for Intel
architectures. Choosing faster processors
should result in improved response time,
greater throughput, and decreased processor
Memory 2 GB minimum
Installation dependencies
This topic explains the dependencies for installing SmartCloud Cost Management Make sure that you understand the dependencies outlined in this topic
before you install SmartCloud Cost Management
Ensure that the software and hardware requirements have been satisfied
Make sure that you have your system setup correctly. For the latest
updates on hardware and software requirements, see the related reference
The user who is installing SmartCloud Cost Management has the required
SmartCloud Cost Management can be installed as root or a non-root user.
If installing as a non-root user, ensure the user has permissions to write to
the directory you want to install into, and that you do not specify any port
numbers less than 1024.
Ensure that the 32-bit libstdc++ package is installed
To check if the package is installed, run the following command:
# rpm -q libstdc++.i686
2 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
If the package is not installed, run the following command:
# yum install libstdc++.i686
Related concepts:
Supported hardware and software requirements on page 1
Before you install the SmartCloud Cost Management application server, review the
software and hardware requirements for Linux platforms.
Installing from the product DVD
This topic describes how to install SmartCloud Cost Management version
from the product DVD.
About this task
The SmartCloud Cost Management Product DVD includes the product installation
files and the corequisite files in the root directory. Run the installation files directly
from the product DVD to ensure that all of the corequisite files are in the required
location. Copy the installation files and all corequisite files to a directory on the
server and run the installation files from that location. However, you must ensure
that all required files are in the same directory as they are on the DVD.
1. Log in to the system using the login credentials required for installing on a
Linux platform.
2. Insert the DVD into the drive. If you are installing SmartCloud Cost
Management on a Linux platform, mount the DVD according to the
requirements for your operating system. Contact your Linux administrator for
more information about this procedure.
What to do next
The product is ready to install using the installation script.
Installing using the installation script
The installation for SmartCloud Cost Management is provided as a console mode
install only. This may be used regardless of whether a GUI environment is
available or not.
About this task
Installation of SmartCloud Cost Management requires you to choose an
installation directory, and optionally to choose the http and https ports that the
server will be available on. If not specified, the ports will default to 9080 and 9443
1. Log in to the system using the login credentials required for installing on a
Linux platform .
2. Enter one of the following commands:
./ /opt/ibm/sccm
Chapter 1. Installing SmartCloud Cost Management 3
Note: The file can be modified as required.
3. Follow the directions presented on the screen to complete the installation.
4. If the installation was run as a non-root user, the SmartCloud Cost
Management Application Server is not automatically configured to run on
system boot, as the installer would not have had permissions to do so. If you
want to manually configure this autostart, run the following script as root:
5. Launch the browser: For example,
Uninstalling SmartCloud Cost Management
If required, you can uninstall SmartCloud Cost Management using the steps
described in this section.
Before you begin
Ensure you back up any files you need to keep before running the uninstall script.
About this task
The installation process places an script in the SCCM_install_dir
1. Go to the SCCM_install_dir directory and run the script as the
same user that was used to do the install, or as the root user.
2. If you ran the script as a non-root user, you must remove the automatic startup
scripts from SmartCloud Cost Management. To do this, execute the following
commands as root user:
chkconfig --del ibm-sccm
rm /etc/init.d/ibm-sccm
The script stops the SmartCloud Cost Management and Metering Control Service
servers and removes the software, along with any configuration or other items
under SCCM_install_dir.
Note: If required, you can also do a manual uninstallation of the product. See
related topic for more information.
4 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Chapter 2. Configuration required for metering
This section describes the configuration tasks required before using SmartCloud
Cost Management for metering.
Automated configuration
Most of the post-installation configuration of SmartCloud Cost Management for
SmartCloud Orchestrator is automated. This automation process is controlled by
running the script as the same user that installed SmartCloud
Cost Management.
Before running the script, you must ensure that the following
conditions are satisfied:
v SmartCloud Orchestrator is installed and configured. For more information, refer
to the related installation section.
v The compute nodes are registered in DNS and are resolvable. For more
information about configuring the DNS while preparing the central server and
the region server, refer to the related topic.
v Jazz for Service Management is installed with Tivoli Common Reporting
Run the script as follows:
cd <SCCM_install_dir>/bin/postconfig
./ --cs1 cs1host --keystonepass kspass --sccmuser smadmin --sccmpass smpass --jazz jazzsmhost --jazzuser smadmin --jazzpass smpass
Note: Running this script to configure Tivoli Common Reporting secures the
Authoring (Report Studio) and Administration functions with Tivoli Common
Reporting. This may affect other products installed that use Tivoli Common
Reporting. You must check that the security access in Tivoli Common Reporting is
appropriate for all products after installation.
v cs1host is the host name of Central Server 1.
v kspass is the password for the default Keystone admin user.
v smadmin is the default admin user name for the SmartCloud Cost Management
or Jazz for Service Management Administration Console.
v smpass is the password for the default admin user for the SmartCloud Cost
Management or Jazz for Service Management Administration Console.
v jazzsmhost is the host name of the Jazz for Service Management server.
You may be prompted for the root passwords to Central Server 1, Central Server 2,
and the Jazz for Service Management server during execution of this script. The
script automatically completes the following configuration steps:
v Creates the SmartCloud Cost Management DB2 database on Central Server 1.
v Configures the sco_db2 data source in SmartCloud Cost Management and
initializes the database.
v Configures the os_keystone data source in SmartCloud Cost Management and
runs the OpenStackContext.xml job file.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 5
v Sets up a cronjob to automatically run the various OpenStack job files to collect
context and metering data from SmartCloud Orchestrator.
v Configures the Central User Registry to allow Keystone admin users to log in to
SmartCloud Cost Management Administration Console.
v Enables metering notifications for all registered regions.
v Configures the data sources for all registered SmartCloud Orchestrator regions in
SmartCloud Cost Management.
v Enables SmartCloud Cost Management to listen to metering events from
SmartCloud Orchestrator.
v Imports the offering templates for SmartCloud Orchestrator which are used to
create default rate codes and values.
v Imports the SmartCloud Cost Management reporting package into Jazz for
Service Management reporting.
v Configures the SmartCloud Cost Management data source in Jazz for Service
Management reporting.
v Assigns all Jazz for Service Management users access to run the reports.
v Restricts Tivoli Common Reporting Administration and Authoring capabilities to
the Jazz for Service Management Admin user.
Related reference:
Configuring the connection to OpenStack on page 248
The Metering Control Service (MCS) uses an Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
(AMQP) listener to collect notification events, such as Nova Compute notifications
from the OpenStack Apache Qpid message broker.
Logging in to the Administration Console
Log in to the Administration Console to set up and configure the SmartCloud Cost
About this task
To log in to the Administration Console:
1. Start an Internet Explorer or Firefox Web browser, and type
https://<hostname>:9443/Blaze/Console/ in the address bar. In this case
<hostname> defines the server that is running the Administration Console such
as server name or IP address.
Note: The port number should be substituted with the correct port number if
the default port is not used.
2. On the Administration Console Welcome page, enter your login credentials and
log in.
6 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Accepting the security certificate
When logging in, you might see a security alert with a message that says there is a
problem with the security certificate. This indicates that the browser application is
verifying the security certificate of the application server.
Self-signed or CA-signed certificate
The application server uses a self-signed security certificate. You might see a
Security Alert when you first connect to the portal that alerts you to a problem
with the security certificate. You might be warned of a possible invalid certificate
and be recommended to not log in.
Although this warning appears, the certificate is valid and you can accept it. Or, if
you prefer, you can install your own CA-signed certificate. For information on
creating your own CA-signed certificate, go to:
For more information about certificates, go to the IBM WebSphere
Server Community Edition Documentation Project at http://, and search for Managing
trust and Managing SSL certificates.
Configuring the JDBC Driver
JDBC is an application program interface (API) specification for connecting
programs written in Java
database, the
appropriate JDBC drivers must be available on the server running SmartCloud
Cost Management.
Note: As part of the IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator release, the JDBC drivers for
DB2 are available and automatically configured by the installation.
Adding a JDBC driver
The appropriate JDBC driver must be available for the SmartCloud Cost
Management database and any databases from which data is collected by
SmartCloud Cost Management Data Collectors. JDBC is an application program
interface (API) specification for connecting programs written in Java to the data in
a wide range of databases. The appropriate JDBC drivers must be available on the
server running SmartCloud Cost Management.
About this task
The database used to store SmartCloud Cost Management data must use the
following driver:
v For DB2 for Linux db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar (license JAR file), where
the version is appropriate for the database to be used in the data source for
SmartCloud Cost Management.
You can use other drivers for databases used by SmartCloud Cost Management
Data Collectors.
Chapter 2. Configuration required for metering 7
To add a new JDBC driver, copy the jar file to <SCCM_install_dir>/wlp/usr/
Note: Restarting the server is not required.
SmartCloud Cost Management Command Line Interface
The SmartCloud Cost Management Command Line Interface (CLI),
<SCCM_install_dir>/bin/, is a generic tool that is used for querying and
updating various aspects of SmartCloud Cost Management configuration.
The CLI currently supports management of data sources and data loads, which is
also referred to as load tracking. The tool is Jython based and is usable both
interactively and from scripts for automation. For specific details of the operations
that are supported for individual areas, see the relevant sub topic for that area.
Before using the CLI, you must ensure that access credentials are provided for the
Administration Console. There are two methods to do this:
v Set the relevant environment variables before running
export SCCM_USER=smadmin
export SCCM_PASSWORD=password
v When running the script, pass the credentials on the command line:
./ --username smadmin --password password
Note: If neither of these options are specified, the CLI defaults to trying to connect
with a user of "smadmin" and a password of "password".
The following examples show general usage for both interactive and script usage:
Interactive usage
Python 2.5.3 (2.5:c56500f08d34+, Aug 13 2012, 14:54:35)
[IBM J9 VM (IBM Corporation)] on java1.7.0
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> sccm.dataSources()[mydatasource].update({host: myhost})
>>> exit(0)
Usage from a shell script
./ <<EOF
if not sccm.dataSources()[mydatasource].update({host: myhost}):
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to update data source"
Usage from a Jython script
To use the CLI from a Jython script, you must import the module required
for any other standard module and add a line at the top of your script:
import sccm
If your script is not in the <SCCM_install_dir>/bin directory, ensure your
PYTHONPATH environment variable contains <SCCM_install_dir>/bin before
starting your script so the import can find the module.
8 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Using the Command Line Interface to manage data sources
The Command Line Interface (CLI) can be used to manage data sources in
SmartCloud Cost Management.
Where feasible, calls return True for success or False for failure. In the case of a
failure, the error that is returned by the API call is displayed. The
sccm.dataSources() object supports the following methods:
v refresh() - request the SmartCloud Cost Management server to reload the
registry.tuam.xml file.
v createDatabaseDataSource({identifier:value, property:value, ...}) - create
a new Database data source.
v createWebServiceDataSource({identifier:value, property:value, ...}) -
create a new Web Service data source.
v createMessageBrokerDataSource({identifier:value, property:value, ...}) -
create a new Message Broker data source.
v createServerDataSource({identifier:value, property:value, ...}) - create a
new Server data source.
v keys() - return the identifiers of all available data sources
Individual data sources can be accessed by accessing dataSources() as a hash.
Individual data sources must support the following methods:
v test() - test the data source.
v delete() - delete the data source.
v update({property:value, ...}) - update the given properties of the data source.
v initialise() - initialize the data source. This is only applicable for the Database
data source that is used by the Administration Console UIs.
v upgrade() - upgrade the datasource. This is only applicable for the Database
data source that is used by the Administration Console UIs.
Additionally, the following references are available:
v sccm.databaseTypes - an array of database types available when creating a
database data source.
v sccm.webServiceTypes - a hash of web service types available when creating a
Web Service data source.
The following example shows a sample run:
$ cd etc/install/bin
Python 2.5.3 (2.5:c56500f08d34+, Aug 13 2012, 14:54:35)
[IBM J9 VM (IBM Corporation)] on java1.6.0
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> ds = sccm.dataSources()
>>> print ds
{os_keystone: WebService, os_qpid_default: MessageBroker, SCCM: Database}
>>> print ds[SCCM]
database: None,
databaseType: 4,
host: localhost6,
identifier: SCCM,
isAdministrationDataSource: True,
isDriverLoaded: True,
isProcessingDataSource: True,
Chapter 2. Configuration required for metering 9
isTestable: True,
objectPrefix: DB2INST1.,
port: 1234,
type: Database,
userName: db2inst1}
>>> ds[SCCM].test()
400: Error getting connection
AUCCM5022E An error was detected in the data layer. The following information was provided:
Connection refused. Review the trace log to get detailed information.
>>> ds[SCCM].update({port:60004})
>>> ds[SCCM].test()
>>> ds.refresh() # Ask server to reload registry.tuam.xml if manually modified
>>> ds[SCCM].delete()
>>> print sccm.databaseTypes
[Microsoft SQLServer, Oracle on Windows, Oracle on Linux/Unix, DB2 on Windows, DB2 on Linux/Unix, DB2 on zOS]
>>> print sccm.webServiceTypes
>>> ds.createDatabaseDataSource({identifier:dsname, databaseType:Oracle on Windows, title:mydb, host:myhost, userName:myuser, passw
Using the Command Line Interface to manage load tracking
The Command Line Interface (CLI) can be used to manage load tracking in
SmartCloud Cost Management.
Where feasible, calls return True for success or False for failure. In the case of a
failure, the error that is returned by the API call is displayed. The
sccm.dataLoads() has a single attribute that is called feeds, which contains all the
available feeds, addressable as a hash map. Each individual field has two attributes
that are called years and loads. Years can be filtered at various levels of
granularity as follows:
v dl.feeds - Available feeds, addressable as a hashmap.
v dl.feeds['SCO'] - Detail for the SCO feed.
v dl.feeds['SCO'].years[2012] - Filtered for the year 2012.
v dl.feeds['SCO'].years[2012][12] - Filtered for accounting period 12 in year
v dl.feeds['SCO'].years[2012][12]['2011-12-28T00:00:00Z'] - Filtered for a
specific date in accounting period 12 in year 2012.
At each filter level, the loads attribute provides all the loads that match that filter.
A loads object can be further filtered by load identifier to get more information
about that load. The loads object also supports a delete method, which takes a
single true or false flag to indicate whether a full delete must be performed. False
deletes the database content only. True deletes both the database content and the
load tracking entry.
The following example shows a sample run:
$ cd <SCCM_install_dir>/bin
Python 2.5.3 (2.5:c56500f08d34+, Aug 13 2012, 14:54:35)
[IBM J9 VM (IBM Corporation)] on java1.6.0
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> dl = sccm.dataLoads()
>>> print dl.feeds.keys()
10 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
>>> print len(dl.feeds[SCO].loads)1727
>>> print len(dl.feeds[SCO].years[2012].loads)
>>> print len(dl.feeds[SCO].years[2012][11].loads)
>>> print dl.feeds[SCO].years[2012][11].loads
{1880: Summary,
1881: Detail,
1882: Ident,
1883: Summary,
1967: Summary,
1968: Detail,
1969: Ident}
>>> print dl.feeds[SCO].years[2012][11].loads[1968]
{accountCodes: [Project Q [email protected] ,
Project N [email protected] ,
Project U [email protected] ,
Project Z [email protected] ,
Project Z [email protected] VM189152095 ,
Project Z [email protected] VM508743332 ],
groupIdentifier: 1098,
identifier: 1968,
totalRecords: 282,
type: Detail }
>>> dl.feeds[SCO].years[2012][11].loads[1968].delete(False)
>>> print dl.feeds[SCO].years[2012][11].loads[1968]
{accountCodes: None,
groupIdentifier: 1098,
identifier: 1968,
totalRecords: 282,
type: Detail }
>>> dl.feeds[SCO].years[2012][11].loads[1968].delete(True)
>>> print dl.feeds[SCO].years[2012][11].loads[1968]
>>> dl.feeds[SCO].years[2012][11].loads.delete(True)
Configuring the SmartCloud Cost Management data sources
A data source is required to connect to the SmartCloud Cost Management
database. A data source is also required for SmartCloud Cost Management Data
Collectors that collect data from a database or a Web service.
Important: The SmartCloud Cost Management data sources are automatically
configured by running the script after SmartCloud Cost
Management is installed. For more information about this script, see the related
topic. However, if required you can manually create the data sources as explained
in this section.
There are four types of data sources in SmartCloud Cost Management:
v Database: For DB2 databases that use the supported default drivers, these are
the data sources that connect to a database that you are collecting data from
using a SmartCloud Cost Management Data Collector.
v Message broker: These are the data sources that connect to a Message Broker
that you are collecting data from using a SmartCloud Cost Management Data
Chapter 2. Configuration required for metering 11
v Server: These are the data sources that connect to a server that you are collecting
data from using a SmartCloud Cost Management Data Collector.
v Web Service: These are the data sources that connect to a Web service that you
are collecting data from using a SmartCloud Cost Management Data Collector.
Note: An All option is also available in the Data Source Type menu. Select this
option if you want to view all data source types. When the All option is selected,
the Create Data Source button is disabled.
Creating data sources
Note: Data source information is stored in <SCCM_install_dir>/config/
registry.tuam.xml. Manual editing of this file is not recommended. Triple DES
and SHA-1 are used to secure credential information.
Adding a Database data source
A Database data source is used to connect to a SmartCloud Cost Management
database. A Database data source is used to connect to a DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and
Windows; DB2 for z/OS
Version 7,
Windows Server 2012
Table 13. Infrastructure Charges Offering
Infrastructure Architecture Resource
Infrastructure Power
, DB2,
Oracle, IIS, Exchange Server, etc.) are usually made available for processing on a
daily basis.
Other feeds such as time accounting, help desk, line charges, equipment charges,
and other shared services are usually produced on a monthly basis.
There are several advantages to running the full costing cycle on a daily or data
availability basis:
v The volume of data created makes it more practical to process daily. For
example, a daily Apache Web server access log might contain millions of
records. It is more efficient to process these records each day of the month rather
than try to run many millions of records through the processing cycle at month
v It is easier to catch processing errors when the data is reviewed on a daily basis.
It is more difficult to troubleshoot a problem when it is discovered at month
end. If an unusual increase in utilization is observed for a specific resource at
month end, the entire months records must be checked to determine when the
increase first took place.
Because there are fewer jobs, transactions, or records to review, the task of
determining what caused the utilization spike is much simpler if caught on the
day in which it occurred.
v If the Bill program is run monthly, the start date is the first day of the month
and the end date is the last day of the month. Because of this date range, it is
not possible to view Summary records for a single day or week. The smallest
time range that may be used is the entire month.
58 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Required directory permissions for data processing
The administrator that executes processing using SmartCloud Cost Management
Job Runner or Administration Console requires full access to files in the processes
directory (that is, the ability to create, modify, delete, overwrite, etc.).
Therefore, the Linux user and group for the SmartCloud Cost Management
administrator must have read, write, and execute permissions for the processes
directory and all subdirectories. The Windows user account or group account for
the administrator must have Full Control security permissions for the processes
directory and all subdirectories.
SmartCloud Cost Management Processing Engine
SmartCloud Cost Management Processing Engine (<SCCM_install_dir>/wlp/usr/
servers/sccm/apps/sccm.ear/lib/aucProcessEngine.jar) is composed of Java class
files. Each engine component performs particular functions in the processing cycle.
The following table describes the components in the order that they appear in the
processing cycle and the output files created by the objects as applicable.
Table 23. SmartCloud Cost Management Processing Engine Components
Component Description Output Files
Acct Note: Acct was formerly CIMSAcct in
previous releases of SmartCloud Cost
Management. If you have upgraded to
SmartCloud Cost Management from
a previous release and are using the
CIMSAcct program it is recommended that
you phase out the use of Acct and begin
using the more powerful Integrator
Note: From 7.1.3 onwards usage of the
ACCT component is not recommended for
new deployments. Old jobfiles employing
ACCT will continue to function however
ACCT may be removed completely in a
future release..
Performs account code conversion, shift
determination, and date selection on the
data contained in a CSR or CSR+ file.
v Acct Output CSR+.
This file is input
into Bill or can be
through Integrator
or Acct.
Bill Processes the sorted CSR or CSR+ file from
Integrator or Acct and performs shift
processing, CPU normalization, and
include/exclude processing and creates files
that contain the billing information used to
generate invoices and reports. Also applies
the rates to cost the data.
v Resource. This
optional file is
loaded into the
v Detail. This file is
loaded into the
v Summary. This file
is loaded into the
v Ident. This file is
loaded into the
DBLoad Loads the Detail, Summary, and Ident files
into the database.
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 59
Table 23. SmartCloud Cost Management Processing Engine Components (continued)
Component Description Output Files
ReBill The ReBill Stored Procedure will convert
Money Value and Rate Value for a date
range. It is really a simple version of
The Acct program produces the Output CSR+ file, which contains records that are
properly formatted for input into the Bill program.
Note: Acct was formerly CIMSAcct in previous releases of SmartCloud Cost
Management. If you are have upgraded to SmartCloud Cost Management
from a previous release and are using the CIMSAcct program it is recommended
that you phase out the use of Acct and begin using the more powerful Integrator
Acct performs the following functions:
v Account code conversion. Acct uses specified identifiers from the input file to
build the account code and perform account code conversion if required.
v Date selection. Acct selects the input file records to be processed based on the
specified date or date range.
v Shift determination. Acct can determine the shift to be used for processing in
either of the following ways:
Use the shift code from the input file records. If a shift code is not included in
the records, the default shift code is 1.
Recalculate the shift using the start date/time in the records.
Acct input
The following table lists the input and processing files used by Acct. These files are
in the process definition subdirectories in the processes directory.
Table 24. Acct Input
File Type File Name Description
Input Files (Acct
can process
usage data from
any of the
CSR or CSR+ file CurrentCSR.txt
These are the most commonly used files for
processing data through SmartCloud Cost
Output CSR+ file
(default) or
User Defined
This file is the output from a previous run of Acct.
This file provides an account code for each input file
When used as input into Acct, this file is used
primarily for further account code conversion.
Processing Files
60 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 24. Acct Input (continued)
File Type File Name Description
Control file AcctCntl.txt
(default) or
User Defined
This file contains the Acct control statements.
Note: The Acct control file is compatible with earlier
versions and the use of the file is not recommended.
It is recommended that you include control
statements in the job file.
Account Code
Conversion Table
(default) or
User Defined
This optional file contains the account code
conversion table.
Acct output
The following table lists the Acct output files. These files are in the process
definition subdirectories in the processes directory.
Table 25. Acct Output
File Type File Name Description
Acct Output
CSR+ file
(default) or
User Defined
This file provides an account code for each input file
Exception file Exception.txt
(default) or
User Defined
This is an optional file in CSR or CSR+ format that
contains all records that did not match during
account code conversion. These files can be
reprocessed through the processing cycle.
To produce this file, you must have the EXCEPTION
FILE PROCESSING ON control statement defined in
the job file or defined the Acct control file,
AcctCntl.txt, in the process definition directory that
the job file points to.
Related concepts:
Setting the account code conversion options (Acct program) on page 165
This topic describes how the Acct program is used to implement account code
Related reference:
Parameter element on page 77
All Acct settings are documented under the Parameter element.
The primary function of the Bill program is to perform cost extensions within
SmartCloud Cost Management and to summarize cost and resource utilization by
account code. Bill uses the rate code table assigned to the client to determine the
amount to be charged for each resource consumed. It is possible to have a unique
rate code table for each client.
There are specific rules that Bill follows when charging resource consumption:
v If a resource has a corresponding entry with a monetary amount in the rate code
table, the number of resource units are multiplied by this amount. The result
appears in the Summary records. The exception is if the resource has a flat fee
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 61
v If a resource has a corresponding entry with no or zero currency amount in the
rate code table, a zero cost appears in the Summary records for that resource.
v If a resource does not have a corresponding entry in the rate code table, the data
for that resource does not appear in the Summary records.
v If none of the resources in the Bill input file have a corresponding entry in the
rate code table, the Summary file will contain no records. You must have at least
one rate code from the input file in the rate code table to produce Summary
In addition to standard costing, Bill also performs the following:
v Processes non-standard costs such as miscellaneous, recurring, and credit
v Performs CPU Normalization. .
v Performs include/exclude processing.
Bill input
The following table lists the input and processing files used by Bill. These files are
in the process definition subdirectories in the processes directory.
Table 26. Bill Input
File Type File Name Description
Input Files (Bill
can process
usage data from
any of the
CSR or CSR+ file AcctCSR.txt
(default) or
User Defined
This is the Output CSR or CSR+ file from Integrator
or Acct
Processing Files
Control file BillCntl.txt
(default) or
User Defined
This file contains the Bill control statements.
Note: The Bill control file is provided for backward
compatibility and the use of the file is not
recommended. It is recommended that you include
control statements in the job file.
Bill output
The following table lists the Bill output files. These files are in the process
definition subdirectories in the processes directory.
62 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 27. Bill Output
File Type File Name Description
Resource file User Defined This optional file is the same as the Detail file except
that no CPU normalization or include/exclude
processing has been performed and accounting dates
are not set.
This file is produced only when the Bill
resourceFile attribute is provided in the job file and
is loaded into the database only when the Load
loadType attribute is set to Resource in the job file.
Detail file BillDetail.txt
(default) or
User Defined
This file is loaded into the database for use in drill
down reports. This file contains resource utilization
and cost data.
The Detail file differs from the Resource file in that
the Detail file reflects any CPU normalization or
include/exclude processing that was performed on
the CSR or CSR+ file. The Detail file also includes
accounting dates.
Summary file BillSummary.txt
(default) or User
This file is loaded into the database for use in
producing reports. This file contains both resource
utilization and cost data.
Ident File Ident.txt
(default) or
User Defined
This file contains all the identifiers that are
contained in the input records (for example, user ID,
jobname, department code, server name). These
identifiers are used during account code conversion
to create your target account code structure.
This file is loaded into the database.
Related reference:
Parameter element on page 77
All Bill settings are documented under the Parameter element.
The DBLoad program loads the output files from the Bill program into the
By default, the DBLoad program loads the Detail, Ident, and Summary files into
the SmartCloud Cost Management database. However, you can use the loadType
attribute in the job file to specify all files (including the Resource file) or just
specific files.
DBLoad input
The following table lists the input and processing files used by DBLoad. These files
are in the process definition subdirectories in the processes directory.
Table 28. DBLoad Input
File Type File Name Description
Input Files
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 63
Table 28. DBLoad Input (continued)
File Type File Name Description
Resource file User Defined This optional file is the same as the Detail file except
that no CPU normalization or include/exclude
processing has been performed and accounting dates
are not set.
This file is loaded into the database only when the
DBLoad loadType attribute is set to Resource in the
job file.
Detail file BillDetail.txt
(default) or
User Defined
This file is loaded into the database for use in drill
down reports. This file contains resource utilization
and cost data.
Summary file BillSummary.txt
(default) or User
This file is loaded into the database for use in
producing reports. This file contains both resource
utilization and cost data.
Ident File Ident.txt
(default) or
User Defined
This file contains all the identifiers that are
contained in the input records (e.g., user ID,
jobname, department code, server name). These
identifiers are used during account code conversion
to create your target account code structure.
This file is loaded into the database.
Related reference:
Parameter element on page 77
All DBLoad settings are documented under the Parameter element.
The ReBill Stored Procedure will convert Money Value and Rate Value for a date
range. It is really a simple version of CIMSBILL.
ReBill input
The following table lists the input and processing files used by ReBill. These files
are in the process definition subdirectories in the processes directory.
Table 29. ReBill Input
File Type File Name Description
Input Files (Bill
can process
usage data from
any of the
CSR or CSR+ file AcctCSR.txt
(default) or
User Defined
This is the Output CSR or CSR+ file from Integrator
or Acct
Processing Files
64 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 29. ReBill Input (continued)
File Type File Name Description
Control file BillCntl.txt
(default) or
User Defined
This file contains the Bill control statements.
Note: The Bill control file is compatible with earlier
versions and the use of the file is not recommended.
It is recommended that you include control
statements in the job file.
ReBill output
The following table lists the Bill output files. These files are in the process
definition subdirectories in the processes directory.
Table 30. Bill Output
File Type File Name Description
Resource file User Defined This optional file is the same as the Detail file except
that no CPU normalization or include/exclude
processing has been performed and accounting dates
are not set.
This file is produced only when the Bill
resourceFile attribute is provided in the job file and
is loaded into the database only when the Load
loadType attribute is set to Resource in the job file.
Detail file BillDetail.txt
(default) or
User Defined
This file is loaded into the database for use in drill
down reports. This file contains resource utilization
The Detail file differs from the Resource file in that
the Detail file reflects any CPU normalization or
include/exclude processing that was performed on
the CSR or CSR+ file. The Detail file also includes
accounting dates.
Summary file BillSummary.txt
(default) or User
This file is loaded into the database for use in
producing reports. This file contains both resource
utilization and cost data.
Ident File Ident.txt
(default) or
User Defined
This file contains all the identifiers that are
contained in the input records (for example, user ID,
jobname, department code, server name). These
identifiers are used during account code conversion
to create your target account code structure.
This file is loaded into the database.
Related reference:
Parameter element on page 77
All ReBill settings are documented under the Parameter element.
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 65
SmartCloud Cost Management Integrator
SmartCloud Cost Management Processing Engine (<SCCM_install_dir>/wlp/usr/
servers/sccm/apps/sccm.ear/lib/aucIntegrator.jar)enables you to modify input
data provided in a variety of formats (including CSR or CSR+ files). Integrator
includes the functions provided by the Acct program (account code conversion,
shift determination, and date selection) plus many other features such as adding an
identifier or resource to a record, converting an identifier or resource to another
value, or renaming identifiers and resources.
Note: The Acct program was formerly CIMSAcct in previous releases of
SmartCloud Cost Management. If you have upgraded to SmartCloud Cost
Management a previous release and are using the CIMSAcct program it
is recommended that you phase out the use of Acct and begin using the more
powerful Integrator program.
Integrator Structure
Integrator processes the data in an input file according to stages that are defined in
the job file XML. Each stage defines a particular data analysis or manipulation
process such as adding an identifier or resource to a record, converting an
identifier or resource to another value, or renaming identifiers and resources. You
can add, remove, or activate, stages as needed.
Integrator uses the common XML architecture used for all data collection processes
in addition to the following elements that are specific to Integrator:
Input element. The Input element defines the input files to be processed.
There can be only one Input element defined per process and it must
precede the Stage elements. However, the Input element can define
multiple files.
Stage elements. Integrator processes the data in an input file according to
the stages that are defined in the job file XML. A Stage element defines a
particular data analysis or manipulation process such as adding an
identifier or resource to a record, converting an identifier or resource to
another value, or renaming identifiers and resources. A Stage element is
also used produce an output CSR file or CSR+ file.
Related concepts:
Input element on page 95
This topic describes all available options for the input element and how it is used
in a job file.
Stage elements on page 98
This topic describes all stage elements and their options and they are used in a job
Setting the account code conversion options (Acct program) on page 165
This topic describes how the Integrator program is used to implement account
code conversion.
66 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Setting up and running job files
SmartCloud Cost Management Data Collectors read and convert usage metering
data generated by applications (usually standard usage metering files such as log
files) and produce a common output file, the CSR or CSR+ file, that is used by
SmartCloud Cost Management. Once the CSR or CSR+ files are created, the data in
the files is processed and the output is loaded into a database.
Related tasks:
Running sample proration
SmartCloud Cost Management includes a sample proration job file
(<SCCM_install_dir>\samples\jobfiles\SampleProrate.xml. This job file processes
a sample CSR file and produces an output CSR+ file with prorated values.
Creating job files
A job file is an XML file that defines the process of collecting data and loading it
into a SmartCloud Cost Management database. Sample job files are provided by
SmartCloud Cost Management Data Collector in the <SCCM_install_dir>/samples/
jobfiles directory. You can use the XML in these sample files to create job files for
your organization. The required and optional elements and attributes in a job file
and their possible values are described in the References section of this Information
Before you begin
Job files can be created using any XML or text editor. You can copy XML from
another job file and paste it in the new job file. This option is useful as you can
copy a job file that performs similar functions, and the file does not require as
many edits. The file must be saved with an XML extension to the job file
processing path.
What to do next
Job files contain XML parameters and parameter values. When a parameter value
contains a greater than ( > ) or less than ( < ) character, you create or edit the job
file by replacing the > and < characters with > and <, respectively.
For example:
<Parameter ParmVal2="> C:\netstatOut.txt"/>
Would be changed to:
<Parameter ParmVal2="> C:\netstatOut.txt"/>
For example:
<Parameter ParmVal2="< C:\netstatOut.txt"/>
Would be changed to:
<Parameter ParmVal2="< C:\netstatOut.txt"/>
You can run the updated job file from the command line.
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 67
Job file structure
This section describes the required and optional elements and attributes in a job
file. Note that the sample job files provided with SmartCloud Cost Management do
not include all of the attributes and parameters described in this section.
Note: If the same attribute is included for more than one element in the job file,
the value in the lowest element takes precedence. For example, if an attribute is
defined in the Jobs element and the child Job element, the value for the Job
element attribute takes precedence.
Jobs element
The Jobs element is the root element of the job file. All other elements are child
elements of Jobs.
The following table lists the attributes for the Jobs element. These attributes are
optional. The SMTP attributes enable you to send the logs generated for all jobs in
the job file via one email message. You can also use these attributes to send a
separate email message for each individual job. These attributes have default
values. If you do not include these attributes or provide blank values, the default
values are used.
Table 31. Jobs Element Attributes
Required or
Optional Description
Optional In most cases, you will not need to use this
attribute. By default, the path to the processes
directory set in the SmartCloud Cost Management
ConfigOptions table is used.
If you set this attribute, it will override the path to
theprocesses directory that is set in the
ConfigOptions table.
Example of the use of this attribute: The
processFolder attribute can be used to allow job
processing to occur on a SmartCloud Cost
Management application server that is not usually
used for processing. For example, assume you have
a single database server and process most of your
feeds on a UNIX or Linux SmartCloud Cost
Management application server. However, there are
some feeds that you process on another
SmartCloud Cost Management application server.
You can configure the job file path in the database
to point to the processes directory on the main
server. On the other server, you can set the
processFolder attribute in the job file to point to
the processes path on that server. The result is that
both SmartCloud Cost Management servers can
use a single database, but process data on more
than one server.
Optional Specifies whether the job log should be sent via
email. Valid values are:
v true" (send via email)
v false" (do not send)
The default is "false".
68 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 31. Jobs Element Attributes (continued)
Required or
Optional Description
Optional The name of the SMTP mail server that will be
used to send the job log.
The default is "".
Optional The fully qualified email address of the
email sender.
The default is "[email protected]".
Optional The fully qualified email address of the
email receiver.
The syntax for an address defined by this attribute
can be any of the following.
v user@domain
Example: [email protected]
When this syntax is used, the default mail server
is the server defined by the smtpServer attribute.
v servername:user@domain
Example:[email protected]
When the servername: syntax is used, the mail
server specified for the attribute overrides the
server defined by the smtpServer attribute.
v servername:userID:password:
Example:[email protected]
v servername:userID:password:port:
[email protected]
If you want to use multiple addresses, separate
them with a comma (,). You can use any
combination of address syntaxes in a multiple
address list. For example, "[email protected],[email protected]".
The default is
"[email protected]"
smtpSubject Optional The text that you want to appear in the
email subject.
The default subject is:
ITUAM job <job name> running on <server name>
completed <successfully or with x
warning(s)/with x error(s)>
smtpBody Optional The text that you want to appear in the
email body.
The default body text is:
Attached are results from a JobRunner
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 69
Job Element
A Job element starts the definition of a job within the job file. A job is composed of
one or more processes that run specific data collectors.
You can define multiple jobs in the job file. For example, you might have a job
named Nightly that includes all data collectors that you want to run nightly and
another job named Monthly that includes all collectors that you want to run
The following table lists the attributes for the Job element. Some optional attributes
have default values. If you do not include these attributes or provide blank values,
the default values are used.
Table 32. Job Element Attributes
Optional Description
id Required A text string name for the job. This value must be unique
from other job ID values in the file.
In this example, the subfolder that contains log files for this
job will also be named Nightly.
description Optional A text string description of the job (maximum of 255
description=Nightly collection and processing
active Optional Specifies whether the job should be run. Valid values are:
v true" (run the job)
v false" (do not run the job)
The default is "true".
dataSourceId Optional The data source for the SmartCloud Cost Management
If this parameter is not provided, the data source that is set as
the default processing data source on Administration Console
Data Source List Maintenance page is used.
To use a data source other than the default, set this parameter
to the appropriate data source ID
joblogShowStepParameters Optional Specifies whether parameters for the steps in a job are written
to the job log file. Valid values are:
v true" (parameters are written to the job log)
v false" (parameters are not written)
The default is "true".
70 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 32. Job Element Attributes (continued)
Optional Description
joblogShowStepOutput Optional Specifies whether output generated by the steps in a job is
written to the job log file. Valid values are:
v true" (step output is written to the job log)
v false" (step output is not written)
The default is "true".
processFolder Optional In most cases, you will not need to use this attribute. By
default, the path to the processes directory set in the
SmartCloud Cost Management ConfigOptions table is used.
If you set this attribute, it will override the path to
theprocesses directory that is set in the ConfigOptions table.
Example of the use of this attribute: The processFolder
attribute can be used to allow job processing to occur on a
SmartCloud Cost Management application server that is not
usually used for processing. For example, assume you have a
single database server and process most of your feeds on a
UNIX or Linux SmartCloud Cost Management application
server. However, there are some feeds that you process on a
Windows SmartCloud Cost Management application server.
You can configure the job file path in the database to point to
theprocesses directory on the UNIX server. On the Windows
server, you can set the processFolder attribute in the job file
to point to the processes path on the Windows server. The
result is that both SmartCloud Cost Management servers can
use a single database, but process data on more than one
server platform.
processPriorityClass Optional Determines the priority in which the job is run. Valid values
are: Low, BelowNormal (the default), Normal, AboveNormal, and
High. Because a job can use a large amount of CPU time, the
use of the Low or BelowNormal value is recommended. These
values allow other processes (for example, IIS and SQL Server
tasks) to take precedence. Consult IBM Software Support
before using a value other than Low or BelowNormal.
Note: A priority of Low or BelowNormal will not cause the job
to run longer if the system is idle. However, if other tasks are
running, the job will take longer.
joblogWriteToTextFile Optional Specifies whether the job log should be written to a text file.
Valid values are:
v true" (writes to a text file)
v false" (does not write to a text file)
The default is "true".
joblogWriteToXMLFile Optional Specifies whether the job log should be written to an XML
file. Valid values are:
v true" (writes to an XML file)
v false" (does not write to an XML file)
The default is "true".
smtpSendJobLog Optional Specifies whether the job log should be sent via email. Valid
values are:
v true" (send via email)
v false" (do not send)
The default is "false".
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 71
Table 32. Job Element Attributes (continued)
Optional Description
smtpServer Optional The name of the SMTP mail server that will be used to send
the job log.
The default is "".
smtpFrom Optional The fully qualified email address of the
email sender.
The default is "[email protected]".
smtpTo Optional The fully qualified email address of the
email receiver.
smtpSubject Optional The text that you want to appear in the
email subject.
The default subject is:
ITUAM job <job name> running on <server name> completed
<successfully or with x warning(s)/with x error(s)>
smtpBody Optional The text that you want to appear in the
email body.
The default body text is:
Attached are results from a JobRunner execution.
stopOnProcessFailure Optional Specifies whether a job with multiple processes should stop if
any of the processes fail. Valid values are:
v true" (stop processing)
v false" (continue processing)
The default is "false".
Note: If stopOnStepFailure is set to "false"at the Steps
element level in a process, processing continues regardless of
the value set for stopOnProcessFailure.
Process element
A Process element starts the definition of a data collection process within a job. A
job can contain multiple process elements.
A process defines the type of data collected (VMware, Windows process,
UNIX/Linux file system, for example).
The following table lists the attributes for the Process element. Some optional
attributes have default values. If you do not include these attributes or provide
blank values, the default values are used.
72 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 33. Process Element Attributes
Attribute Required or Optional Description
Required A text string name for the process. This value must be unique
from the other process ID values in the job.
This value must match the name of a process definition folder
for a collector in the processes folder.
If the buildProcessFolder attribute is not included or is set to
"true" (the default), Job Runner will create a process definition
folder of the same name in the processes folder if the process
definition folder does not exist.
In this example, the process definition folder created by Job
Runner will be named ABCSoftware.
Optional A text string description of the process (maximum of 255
description=Process for ABCSoftware
Optional Specifies whether Job Runner will create a process definition
folder with the same name as the id attribute value in the
processes folder.
If you do not include this attribute or set it to "true", a process
definition folder is created automatically if it does not already
This attribute is only applicable if you are using Job Runner to
run a script or program that does not require a process
definition folder.
Valid values are:
v true" (the process definition folder is created)
v false" (the process definition folder is not created)
The default is "true".
Optional Specifies whether parameters for the steps in a process are
written to the job log file. Valid values are:
v true" (parameters are written to the job log)
v false" (parameters are not written)
The default is "true".
Optional Specifies whether output generated by the steps in a process is
written to the job log file. Valid values are:
v true" (step output is written to the job log)
v false" (step output is not written)
The default is "true".
Optional This attribute determines the priority in which the process is
run. Valid values are: Low, BelowNormal (the default), Normal,
AboveNormal, and High. Because a job can use a large amount of
CPU time, the use of the Low or BelowNormal value is
recommended. These values allow other processes (for example,
IIS and SQL Server tasks) to take precedence. Consult IBM
Software Support before using a value other than Low or
Note: A priority of Low or BelowNormal will not cause the
process to run longer if the system is idle. However, if other
tasks are running, the process will take longer.
Optional Specifies whether the process should be run. Valid values are:
v true" (run the process)
v false" (do not run the process)
The default is "true".
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 73
Steps Element
A Steps element is a container for one or more Step elements. The Steps element
has one optional attribute.
Table 34. Steps Element Attribute
Required or
Optional Description
Optional Specifies whether processing
should continue if any of the active
steps in the process fail. Valid
values are:
v true" (processing fails)
If the stopOnProcessFailure
attribute is also set to "true", the
remaining processes in the job
are not executed. If
stopOnProcessFailure is set to
"false", the remaining processes
in the job are executed.
v false" (processing continues)
In this situation, all remaining
processes in the job are also
executed regardless of the value
set for stopOnProcessFailure.
The default is "true".
Step Element
A Step element defines a step within a process.
Note: A Step element can occur at the process level or the job level.
The following table lists the attributes for the Step element. Some optional
attributes have default values. If you do not include these attributes or provide
blank values, the default values are used.
Table 35. Step Element Attributes
Required or
Optional Description
Required A text string name for the step.
This value must be unique from
other step ID values in the process.
In this example, the step is
executing the Scan program.
Optional A text string description of the step
(maximum of 255 characters).
74 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 35. Step Element Attributes (continued)
Required or
Optional Description
Optional Specifies whether the step should
be run. Valid values are:
v true" (run the step)
v false" (do not run the step)
The default is "true".
Required The type of step that is being
implemented: "ConvertToCSR" or
ConvertToCSR specifies that the
step performs data collection and
conversion and creates a CSR file.
Process specifies that the step
executes a program such as Scan,
Acct, Bill, and so forth.
Required The name of the program that will
be run by the step.
It the program name is any of the
following, the programType
attribute must be java:
v Integrator
v SendMail
v Acct
v Bill
v Sort
v DBLoad
v DBPurge
v JobFileConversion
v Rpd
v Scan
v Cleanup
v FileTransfer
v WaitFile
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 75
Table 35. Step Element Attributes (continued)
Required or
Optional Description
If the type attribute is
ConvertToCSR and the programType
attribute is console, this value can
be the full path or just the name of
console application (make sure that
you include the file extension, e.g.,
If you do not include the path, Job
Runner searches the collectors,
bin, and lib directories for the
program in the order presented.
If the type attribute is Process, this
value is the name of a SmartCloud
Cost Management program (for
example, "Scan", "Acct","Bill",
"DBLoad", and so forth).
Optional This attribute determines the
priority in which the step is run.
Valid values are: Low, BelowNormal
(the default), Normal, AboveNormal,
and High. Because a job can use a
large amount of CPU time, the use
of the Low or BelowNormal value is
recommended. These values allow
other processes (for example, IIS
and SQL Server tasks) to take
precedence. Consult IBM Software
Support before using a value other
than Low or BelowNormal.
Note: A priority of Low or
BelowNormal will not cause the step
to run longer if the system is idle.
However, if other tasks are
running, the step will take longer.
Optional The type of program specified by
the programName attribute:
v "console"-Console Application
v "com"-COM Component
(deprecated, compatible with
earlier versions only)
v "net"-.Net Component
v "java"-Java application
76 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 35. Step Element Attributes (continued)
Required or
Optional Description
Optional Specifies whether parameters for
the step are written to the job log
file. Valid values are:
v true" (parameters are written to
the job log)
v false" (parameters are not
The default is "true".
Optional Specifies whether output generated
by the step is written to the job log
file. Valid values are:
v true" (step output is written to
the job log)
v false" (step output is not
The default is "true".
Parameters Element
A Parameters element is a container for one or more Parameter elements.
Parameter element
A Parameter element defines a parameter to a step.
The valid attributes for collection step parameters (type=ConvertToCSR) depend on
the collector called by the step. For the parameters/attributes required for a
specific collector, refer to the section describing that collector.
The following rules apply to parameter attributes:
v Some optional attributes have default values. If you do not include these
attributes or provide blank values, the default values are used.
v For attributes that enable you to define the names of input and output files used
by Acct and Bill, do not include the path with the file name. These files should
reside in the collector's process definition folder.
The exceptions are the account code conversion table used by Acct and the
proration table used by Integrator. You can place these files in a central location
so that they can be used by multiple processes. In this case, you must provide
the path.
v Attributes include macro capability so that the following predefined strings, as
well as environment strings, will automatically be expanded at run time.
%ProcessFolder%. Specifies the Processes folder as defined in the
CIMSConfigOptions table or by the processFolder attribute.
%CollectorLogs%. Specifies the collector log files folder as defined as in the
CIMSConfigOptions table.
%LogDate%. Specifies that the LogDate parameter value is to be used.
%<Date Keyword>%. Specifies that a date keyword (RNDATE, CURMON, PREMON, etc.)
is to be used.
%<Date Keyword>_Start%. For files that contain a date in the file name,
specifies that files with dates matching the first day of the <Date Keyword>
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 77
parameter value are used. For example, if the <Date Keyword> parameter
value is CURMON, files with dates for the first day of the current month are
used. For single day values such as PREDAY, the start and end date are the
%<Date Keyword>_End%. For files that contain a date in the file name, specifies
that files with dates matching the last day of the <Date Keyword> parameter
value are used. For example, if the <Date Keyword> parameter value is CURMON,
files with dates for the last day of the current month are used. For single day
values such as PREDAY, the start and end date are the same.
%LogDate_Start%. For files that contain a date in the file name, specifies that
files with dates matching the first day of the LogDate parameter value are
used. For example, if the LogDate parameter value is CURMON, files with dates
for the first day of the current month are used. For single day values such as
PREDAY, the start and end date are the same.
%LogDate_End%. For files that contain a date in the file name, specifies that
files with dates matching the last day of the LogDate parameter value are
used. For example, if the LogDate parameter value is CURMON, files with dates
for the last day of the current month are used. For single day values such as
PREDAY, the start and end date are the same.
The valid attributes for process step parameters (type=Process) are listed in the
following sections. The attributes are broken down as follows
v Parameter attributes that are specific to a program (Scan, Acct, Bill, etc.).
v Parameter attributes that are specific to a program type (wsf, com, net, console,
Acct specific parameter attributes:
This topic outlines all the possible attributes that can be entered using the
parameter element in the acct program.
Table 36. Acct specific parameter attributes
Optional Description
accCodeConvTable Optional The name of account code conversion table used by Acct. Include a path if the
table is in a location other than the collector's process definition directory.
The default is AcctTabl.txt.
78 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 36. Acct specific parameter attributes (continued)
Optional Description
controlCard Optional A valid Acct control statement or statements. All Acct control statements are
stored in the Acct control file.
Note: If you have an existing Acct control file in the process definition directory,
the statements that you define as controlCard parameters will overwrite all
statements currently in the file.
To define multiple control statements, use a separate parameter for each
<Parameter controlCard=TEST A/
<Parameter controlCard=VERIFY DATA ON/>
controlFile Optional The name of the control file used by Acct. This file must be in the collector's
process definition directory-do not include a path.
The default is AcctCntl.txt.
exceptionFile Optional The name of the exception file produced by Acct. This file must be in the
collector's process definition directory-do not include a path.
The file name should contain the log date so that it is not overwritten when Acct
is run again.
The default is Exception.txt.
inputFile The name of CSR or CSR+ file to be processed by Acct. This file must be in the
collector's process definition directory-do not include a path.
The default is CurrentCSR.txt.
outputFile The name of the output CSR or CSR+ file produced by Acct. This file must be in
the collector's process definition directory-do not include a path.
The default is AcctCSR.txt.
trace Specifies the level of processing detail that is provided in trace files. The more
detailed the message level, the more quickly the trace file might reach the
maximum size.
v true (More detailed information is provided, for example account code
conversion traces)
v false (Less detailed information is provided)
The default is false.
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 79
Bill specific parameter attributes:
This topic outlines all the possible attributes that can be entered using the
parameter element in the bill program.
Table 37. Bill specific parameter attributes
Optional Description
controlCard Optional A valid Bill control statement or statements. All Bill control statements are stored in the
Bill control file.
Note: If you have an existing Bill control file in the process definition directory, the
statements that you define as controlCard parameters will overwrite all statements
currently in the file.
To define multiple control statements, use a separate parameter for each statement.
<Parameter controlCard=CLIENT SEARCH ON/>
<Parameter controlCard=DEFINE J1 1 1/>
controlFile Optional The name of the control file used by Bill. This file must be in the collector's process
definition directory-do not include a path.
The default is "BillCntl.txt".
detailFile Optional The name of the Detail file that is produced by Bill. This file must be in the collector's
process definition directory-do not include a path.
The default is "BillDetail.txt".
dateSelection Optional Defines a date range for records to be processed by Bill. Valid values are a from and to
date range in yyyymmdd format or a date keyword.
dateSelection="2008117 2008118"
In this example, Bill will process records with an accounting end dates of
January 17 and 18, 2007.
In this example, Bill will process records with an accounting end date one day
prior to the date Job Runner is run.
defaultRateTable Optional Defines the default Rate Table to be used when matching a Resource Entry to a Rate. The
Standard Rate table is used if this option is not specified.
identFile Optional The name of the Ident file that is produced by Bill. This file must be in the collector's
process definition directory-do not include a path.
The default is "Ident.txt".
80 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 37. Bill specific parameter attributes (continued)
Optional Description
inputFile The name of the CSR or CSR+ file to be processed by Bill. This file must be in the
collector's process definition directory-do not include a path.
The default is "AcctCSR.txt".
keepZeroValueResources Optional This parameter when set to true, enables resources with zero values to be written to or
read from CSR files and in billing output. Resources with zero values are normally
discarded. The default is "false".
multTableFile Optional The name of the proration table used by Prorate. Include a path if the table is in a
location other than the collector's process definition directory.
rateSelection Optional Defines the algorithm used to determine what Historical Rate over an Accounting period
should be used when matching a Resource Entry to a Rate. Valid options are NONE, FIRST,
and LAST. The default value is NONE.
v NONE: If only one rate is effective over the Accounting period, that rate is used. If more
than one rate is effective over the Accounting period, no Rate is matched.
v FIRST: The first rate effective over the Accounting period is used.
v LAST: The last rate effective over the Accounting period is used.
reportDate Optional Defines the dates that are used as the accounting start and end dates in the Summary
records created by Bill. Valid values are a date in yyyymmdd format or a date keyword.
You will not need to change the accounting dates for most chargeback situations. An
example of a use for this feature is chargeback for a contractor's services for hours
worked in the course of a month. In this case, you could set a report date of "CURMON",
which sets the accounting start date to the first of the month and the end date to the last
day of the month.
resourceFile The name of the Resource file that is produced by Bill. This file must be in the collector's
process definition directory-do not include a path.
There is no default. This file is not produced if this attribute is not provided.
summaryFile Optional The name of the Summary file that is produced by Bill. This file must be in the collector's
process definition directory-do not include a path.
The default is "BillSummary.txt".
trace Specifies the level of processing detail that is provided in trace files. The more detailed
the message level, the more quickly the trace file might reach the maximum size.
v "true" (More detailed information is provided, for example accounting date calculation
tracing and client search tracing)
v "false" (Less detailed information is provided)
The default is "false".
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 81
Cleanup specific parameter attributes:
This topic outlines all the possible attributes that can be entered using the
parameter element in the Cleanup program.
Table 38. Cleanup specific parameter attributes
Optional Description
dateToRetainFiles Optional A date by which all yyyymmdd files that were created prior to this date will be deleted. You
can use a date keyword or the date in yyyymmdd format.
This example specifies that all files that were created prior to the previous month will be
daysToRetainFiles The number of days that you want to keep the yyyymmdd files after their creation date.
This example specifies that all files that are older than 60 days from the current date are
The default is 45 days from the current date.
cleanSubfolders Optional Specifies whether the files that are contained in subdirectories are deleted. Valid values are:
v "true" (the files are deleted)
v "false" (the files are not deleted)
The default is "false".
folder Optional By default, the Cleanup program deletes files with file names containing the date in
yyyymmdd format from the collector's process definition directory.
If you want to delete files from another directory, use this attribute to specify the path and
directory name.
Console parameter attributes:
This topic outlines all the possible attributes that can be entered using the
parameter element in the CONSOLE program type.
82 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 39. Console parameter attributes
Optional Description
scanFile Optional This attribute is applicable only if the Smart Scan feature is enabled . When
Smart Scan is enabled, the Scan program searches for CSR files that are defined
in an internal table. The default path and name for these files is process
definition folder\ feed subfolder\LogDate.txt.
If the file name to be scanned is other than the default defined in the table, you
can use this attribute to specify the file name. Include the path as shown in the
following example:
If Smart Scan is enabled, you can also use this attribute to disable the scan of
CSR files created by a particular CONSOLE step by specifying scanFile="" (empty
TimeoutInMinutes Optional Specifies a time limit in minutes or fractional minutes for a console application
or script to run before it is automatically terminated. If the application or script
run time exceeds the time limit, the step fails and a message explaining the
termination is included in the job log file.
In this example, the time limit is one and half minutes.
The default is 0, which specifies that there is no timeout limit.
Console specific parameter attributes:
This topic outlines all the possible attributes that can be entered using the
parameter element in the CONSOLE program type.
Table 40. Console specific parameter attributes
Optional Description
useCommandProcessor Optional Specifies whether the Cmd.exe program should be used to execute a console program. If
the Cmd.exe program is not used, then the console program is called using APIs.
Valid values are:
v "true" (the Cmd.exe program is used)
v "false" (the Cmd.exe program is not used)
The default is "true".
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 83
Table 40. Console specific parameter attributes (continued)
Optional Description
useStandardParameters Specifies that if the program type is console, the standard parameters required for all
conversion scripts are passed on the command line in the following order:
v LogDate
v RetentionFlag
v Feed
v OutputFolder
These parameters are passed before any other parameters defined for the step.
Valid values are:
v "true" (the standard parameters are passed)
v "false" (the standard parameters are not passed)
If the step type is Process, the default value is "false". If the step type is ConvertToCSR,
the default is "true".
CollectorName, and
Optional These attributes are used by the Windows Disk and Windows Event Log collectors. They
specify the name of the XML file used by the collector; the name of the collector; and the
collector instance, respectively.
DBLoad specific parameter attributes:
This topic outlines all the possible attributes that can be entered using the
parameter element in the DBLoad program.
Table 41. DBLoad specific parameter attributes
Required or
Optional Description
allowDetailDuplicates Optional Specifies whether duplicate Detail files can be loaded into the database.
Valid values are:
v "true" (duplicate loads can be loaded)
v "false" (duplicate loads cannot be loaded)
The default is "false".
allowSummaryDuplicates Optional Specifies whether duplicate Summary files can be loaded into the
database. Valid values are:
v "true" (duplicate loads can be loaded)
v "false" (duplicate loads cannot be loaded)
The default is "false".
bypassDetailDuplicateCheck Optional Allows the user to skip the Detail Duplicate Check. although the
Summary Duplicate Check is still performed. It is recommended that this
duplicate check is performed. However, you may want to skip this check
to avoid unnecessary overhead or to increase the speed of load. Valid
values are:
v "true" (bypass detail duplicate check)
v "false" (perform detail duplicate check)
The default is "false".
84 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 41. DBLoad specific parameter attributes (continued)
Required or
Optional Description
bypassDuplicateCheck Optional Allows the user to skip the Detail and Summary Duplicate Check. It is
recommended that these duplicate checks are performed. However, you
may want to skip these checks to avoid unnecessary overhead or to
increase the speed of load. Valid values are:
v "true" (bypass detail and summary duplicate checks)
v "false" (perform detail and summary duplicate checks)
The default is "false".
detailFile Optional The name of the Detail file that is produced by Bill. This file must be in
the collector's process definition directory-do not include a path.
The default is "BillDetail.txt".
identFile Optional The name of the Ident file that is produced by Bill. This file must be in
the collector's process definition directory-do not include a path.
The default is "Ident.txt".
loadType By default, the DBLoad program loads the Summary, Detail, Ident, and
Resource (optional) files into the database.
If you want to load a specific file rather than all files, the valid values are:
v Summary
v Detail
v Resource
v Ident
v DetailIdent (loads Detail and Ident files)
v All (loads Summary, Detail, and Ident file types)
resourceFile The name of the Resource file that is produced by Bill. This file must be
in the collector's process definition directory-do not include a path.
There is no default. This file is not produced if this attribute is not
summaryFile Optional The name of the Summary file that is produced by Bill. This file must be
in the collector's process definition directory-do not include a path.
The default is "BillSummary.txt".
trace Specifies the level of processing detail that is provided in trace files. The
more detailed the message level, the more quickly the trace file might
reach the maximum size.
v "true" (More detailed information is provided, for example accounting
date calculation tracing and client search tracing)
v "false" (Less detailed information is provided)
The default is "false".
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 85
Table 41. DBLoad specific parameter attributes (continued)
Required or
Optional Description
useBulkLoad Optional Specifies whether the SQL Server bulk load facility should be used to
improve load performance. Valid values are:
v "true" (bulk load is used)
v "false" (bulk load is not used)
The default is "true".
useDatedFiles Optional If set to "true", only files that contain a date matching the LogDate
parameter value are loaded into the database. The default is "false".
DBPurge specific parameter attributes:
This topic outlines all the possible attributes that can be entered using the
parameter element in the DBPurge program.
Note: For an example of the use of DBPure in a job file, see the SampleDBPurge.xml
file in <SCCM_install_dir>\samples\jobfiles\.
Table 42. DBPurge specific parameter attributes
Optional Description
MonthsToKeep Optional Specifies the age of the loads (in months) that you want to delete from the tables.
PurgeIdent, and
Required Specify whether the CIMSSummary, CIMSDetail, CIMSDetailIdent, or
CIMSResourceUtilization tables are purged. Valid values are:
v "true" (The table is purged)
v "false" (The table is not purged)
StartDate and EndDate
Note: MonthsToKeep
parameter and the
StartDate and StopDate
parameters are mutually
exclusive. If all parameters
are specified, StartDate and
StopDate parameters are
Optional Specifies the date range for the loads that you want to delete from the tables. Any loads
that have accounting start and end dates in this range are deleted. Valid values are:
v preday (previous day)
v rndate (current day)
v premon (previous month)
v curmon (current month)
v date in yyyymmdd format
If you use the premon or curmon keyword for the start date or end date, the first day of
the month is used for the start date and the last day of the month is used for the end
FileTransfer specific parameter attributes:
This topic outlines all the possible attributes that can be entered using the
parameter element in the FileTransfer program.
86 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 43. FileTransfer specific parameter attributes
Optional Description
continueOnError For a multi-file transfer, specifies whether subsequent file transfers continue if a transfer
fails. Valid values are:
v "true" (file transfer continues)
v "false" (file transfer does not continue)
The default is "false".
pollingInterval The number of seconds to check for file availability (maximum of 10,080 [one week]).
This example specifies a polling interval of 60 seconds.
The default is 5 seconds.
type Required The type of file transfer. Valid values are:
v "ftp" (File Transfer Protocol [FTP] transfer)
v file (Local transfer)
v ssh (Secure Shell transfer)
UseSFTP Optional It the type attribute value is "ssh", this attribute specifies whether the SFTP or SCP protocol
will be used for transferring files. Valid values are:
v "true" (the SFTP protocol is used)
v "false" (the SCP protocol is used)
The default is "false".
A value of "true" is used with certain SSH servers (such as Tectia SSH Server 5.x) to allow
file transfers to complete successfully.
The following attributes from, to, action, and overwrite are attributes of a single
Parameter element. If you are transferring multiple files, include a Parameter
element with these attributes for each file. For an example of these attributes in a
job file, see the SampleNightly.xml file.
Table 44. FileTransfer parameters
Optional Description
action Required Specifies the file activity. Valid values are:
v "Copy" (copies the file from the from location to the to location)
v "Delete" (deletes the file from the from location)
v "Move" (copies the file from the from location to the to location and then deletes the file
from the from location)
The default is Copy.
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 87
Table 44. FileTransfer parameters (continued)
Optional Description
from and to Required The location of the source file and the destination file. The values that you can enter for
these attributes are dependent on the type attribute value as follows:
v type="ftp"
The "ftp://" file transfer protocol can be used for either the from or the to location.
However, because the job file must be run from the SmartCloud Cost Management
application server system, the file transfer samples show the "ftp://" file transfer protocol
being used only in the from parameter.
Note the following when using the from and to attributes with type="ftp":
Values must be specified for serverName, userId, and userPassword parameters.
The transferType attribute is optional. Valid values are binary (default) or ascii.
The from and to parameters can include SmartCloud Cost Management macros (for
example, %LogDate_End%).
The from location can include wildcards in the file name. If the from parameter includes
file name wildcards, the to parameter must specify a directory name (no file names).
For an example of the use of the from and to parameters for an FTP transfer, refer to the
sample job file SampleFileTransferFTP_withPW.xml.
v type="file"
The "file://" file transfer protocol is used for both the from and to parameters.
Note the following when using the from and to attributes with type="file"
The serverName, userId, and userPassword parameters are not required.
The from location can be a local path, a Windows UNC path, a Windows mapped drive,
or a UNIX mounted drive path.
The from location must be a path that is local to the from location. On Windows, this
can include a local hard disk drive, a Windows UNC path, or a Windows mapped
drive. On UNIX, this can include a local directory or a UNIX mounted drive path
The from and to parameters can include SmartCloud Cost Management macros (for
example, %LogDate_End%).
The from location can include wildcards in the file name. If the from parameter includes
file name wildcards, the to parameter must specify a directory name (no file names).
For an example of the use of the from and to parameters for a Windows transfer, refer to
the sample job file SampleFileTransferLocal_noPW.xml.
88 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 44. FileTransfer parameters (continued)
Optional Description
v type="ssh"
The "ssh://" file transfer protocol can be used for either the from or the to location.
However, because the job file must be run from the SmartCloud Cost Management
application server system, the file transfer samples show the "ssh://" file transfer protocol
being used only in the from parameter.
Note the following when using the from and to attributes with type="ssh"
Values must be specified for serverName, userId, and userPassword parameters.
If you are using a keyfile to authenticate with the the ssh daemon (sshd on UNIX or
Linux), refer the information in the Sample SSH file transfer job file section of
Administering data processing.
- The user ID on the remote system must be configured to trust the SmartCloud Cost
Management application server user ID. This means that if the keyfile path is
specified, the public key for the SmartCloud Cost Management application server
user ID must be in the authorized keys file of the remote user.
The from and to parameters must use the UNIX-style naming convention, which uses
forward slashes (for example, ssh:///anInstalledCollectorDir/CollectorData.txt),
regardless of whether you are transferring files from a UNIX or Linux system or a
Microsoft Windows system.
You can use the ssh file transfer protocol on UNIX or Linux systems. However, before
you run a job file that uses the ssh protocol, verify that you can successfully issue ssh
commands from the SmartCloud Cost Management application server to the remote ssh
The from and to parameters can include SmartCloud Cost Management macros (for
example, %LogDate_End%).
The from location can include wildcards in the file name. If the from parameter includes
file name wildcards, the to parameter must specify a directory name (no file names).
overwrite Optional Specifies whether the destination file is overwritten. Valid values are:
v "true" (the file is overwritten)
v "false" (the file is not overwritten)
The default is "false".
The following attributes are for FTP transfer only.
Table 45. FileTransfer parameters
Optional Description
connectionType Optional Describes how the connection address is resolved. This is an advanced configuration option
that should be used only after consulting IBM Software Support.
Valid values are:
v "PRECONFIG" (retrieves the proxy or direct configuration from the registry)
v "DIRECT" (resolves all host names locally)
v "NOAUTOPROXY" (retrieves the proxy or direct configuration from the registry and prevents
the use of a startup Microsoft JScript or Internet Setup (INS) file)
v "PROXY" (passes requests to the proxy unless a proxy bypass list is supplied and the name
to be resolved bypasses the proxy)
The default is "PRECONFIG".
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 89
Table 45. FileTransfer parameters (continued)
Optional Description
passive Optional Forces the use of FTP passive semantics. In passive mode FTP, the client initiates both
connections to the server. This solves the problem of firewalls filtering the incoming data
port connection to the FTP client from the FTP server.
This is an advanced configuration option that should be used only after consulting IBM
Software Support.
proxyServerBypass Optional This is a pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies an optional comma-separated list
of host names, IP addresses, or both, that should not be routed through the proxy. The list
can contain wildcards. This options is used only when connectionType="PROXY".
This is an advanced configuration option that should be used only after consulting IBM
Software Support.
proxyServer Optional If connectionType="PROXY", the name of the proxy server(s) to use.
This is an advanced configuration option that should be used only after consulting IBM
Software Support.
serverName Required A valid FTP IP address or server name.
transferType Optional The type of file transfer. Valid values are:
v "binary"
v "ascii"
The default is "binary".
IsZOS Optional Indicates whether the FTP connection is to a Z/OS file system or not. Valid values are:
v "true"
v "false"
The default value is "false"
userId Optional The user ID used to log on to the FTP server.
userPassword Optional The user password used to log on to the FTP server.
Rebill specific parameter attributes:
This topic outlines all the possible settings that can be entered using the parameter
element in the Rebill program.
Table 46. Rebill specific parameter attributes
Optional Description
DataSourceName Optional This allows you to set the data source to use for the ReBill operation. Default is the
processing data source.
EndDate Required The end date (YYYYMMDD) of the range in the CIMSSummary table that will be
Can also pass keywords such as CURDAY, PREDAY, RNDATE, PREMON or CURMON. If PREMON
or CURMON are passed, it will use a range for StartDate/EndDate.
RateCode Required The rate code that should be converted. Default is all.
90 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 46. Rebill specific parameter attributes (continued)
Optional Description
RateTable Optional The rate table for the rate codes that should be converted. For the standard rate
table this would be:
Parameter RateTable="STANDARD"
StartDate Required The start date (YYYYMMDD) of the range in the CIMSSummary table that will be
Can also pass keywords such as CURDAY, PREDAY, RNDATE, PREMON or CURMON. If PREMON
or CURMON are passed, it will use a range for StartDate/EndDate.
Scan specific parameter attributes:
This topic outlines all the possible attributes that can be set using the parameter
element in the scan program.
Table 47. Scan specific parameter attributes
Header Header Header
allowEmptyFiles Optional Specifies whether a warning or error occurs when feed subdirectories contain a
zero-length file that matches the log date value. Valid values are:
v "true" (a warning occurs, processing continues)
v "false" (an error occurs, processing fails)
The default is "false".
allowMissingFiles Optional Specifies whether a warning or error occurs when feed subdirectories do not
contain a file that matches the log date value. Valid values are:
v "true" (a warning occurs, processing continues)
v "false" (an error occurs, processing fails)
The default is "false".
excludeFile Optional The name of a file to be excluded from the Scan process. The file can be in any
feed subdirectory in the collector's process definition folder. The file name can
include wildcard characters but not a path.
In this example, all files that begin with MyCSR are not scanned.
excludeFolder Optional The name of a feed subfolder to be excluded from the Scan process. The
subdirectory name can include wildcard characters but not a path. The feed
directory must be a top-level directory within the process definition folder.
In this example, the feed subdirectory Server1 is not scanned.
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 91
Table 47. Scan specific parameter attributes (continued)
Header Header Header
includeFile Optional The name of a file to be included in the Scan process. Files with any other name
will be excluded from the Scan process. Include a path if the file is in a location
other than a feed subdirectory in collector's process definition directory.
In this example, files in the feed subdirectorys that are named MyCSR are scanned.
retainFileDate Optional Specifies whether the date is retained in the final CSR file (i.e., yyyymmdd.txt rather
than CurrentCSR.txt). Valid values are:
v "true" (the file name is yyyymmdd.txt)
v "false" (the file name is CurrentCSR.txt)
The default is "false".
useStepFiles Optional Specifies whether the Smart Scan feature is enabled. Valid values are:
v "true" (Smart Scan is enabled)
v "false" (Smart Scan is not enabled)
The default is "false".
By default, Smart Scan looks for a file named LogDate.txt in the process definition
feed subdirectories (for example, CIMSWinProcess/Server1/20080624.txt). If you
want to override the default name, use the parameter attribute scanFile in the
collection step.
WaitFile specific parameter attributes:
This topic outlines all the possible attributes that can be entered using the
parameter element in the WaitFile program.
Table 48. WaitFile specific parameter attributes
Optional Description
pollingInterval The number of seconds to check for file availability (maximum of 10,080 [one
This example specifies a polling interval of 60 seconds.
The default is 5 seconds.
timeout Optional The number of seconds that Job Runner will wait for the file to become available.
If the timeout expires before the file is available, the step fails.
This example specifies a timeout of 5 hours.
The default is to wait indefinitely.
92 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 48. WaitFile specific parameter attributes (continued)
Optional Description
timeoutDateTime Optional A date and time up to which Job Runner will wait for the file to become available.
If the timeout expires before the file is available, the step fails.
The date and time must be in the format yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.
timeoutDateTime="%rndate% 23:59:59"
This example specifies a timeout of 23:59:59 on the day Job Runner is run.
The default is to wait indefinitely.
filename Required The name of the file to wait for. If a path is not specified, the path to the process
definition directory for the collector is used. The file must be available before the
step can continue.
If the file contains a date, include a variable string for the date.
In this example, Job Runner will wait for Summary files that contain the same end
date as the %LogDate_End% value.
Defaults Element
A Defaults element is a container for individual Default elements. The use of
Default elements is optional.
Default Element
A Default element defines a global value for a job or process. This element enables
you to define parameters for multiple steps in one location.
There are two types of attributes that you can use in a Default element:
pre-defined and user defined as shown in the following table.
Note: If the same attribute appears in both a Default element for a job or process
and a Parameter element for a step, the value in the Parameter element overrides
the value in the Default element.
Table 49. Default Element Attributes
Attribute Description
Pre-defined attributes. These are the attributes that are pre-defined for SmartCloud Cost
The log date specifies the date for the data
that you want to collect. You should enter
the log date in the job file only if you are
running a snapshot collector or the
Transactions collector.
This attribute is for future use. Valid values
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 93
Table 49. Default Element Attributes (continued)
Attribute Description
User-defined attributes. You can define additional default values using the following
A default can apply to a specific program or
all programs in a job or process. If the
default applies to a specific program, this
attribute is required to define the program.
attribute name and value
The name of the attribute that you want to
use as the default followed by a literal value
for the attribute. The attribute name cannot
contain spaces.
Default Example
This job file example contains two Default elements.
The first Default element is at the job level. This element specifies that all steps in
the Nightly job that execute the Acct will use the same account code conversion
table, ACCTTABL-WIN.txt, which is located in the specified path.
The second Default element is at the process level for the DBSpace collector. This
element specifies that the DBSpace collector will be run using the log date RNDATE.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Jobs xmlns="">
<Job id="Nightly"
description="Daily collection"
smtpFrom="[email protected]"
smtpTo="[email protected]"
<Default programName="CIMSACCT"
<Process id="DBSpace"
description="Process for DBSpace Collection"
<Default LogDate="RNDATE"/>
94 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Integrator job file structure
The Integrator provides a flexible means of modifying the input data that you
collect from usage metering files. Integrator processes the data in an input file
according to stages that are defined in the job file XML.
Each stage defines a particular data analysis or manipulation process such as
adding an identifier or resource to a record, converting an identifier or resource to
another value, or renaming identifiers and resources. You can add, remove, or
activate, stages as needed.
Note: In addition to usage metering files, you can also use integrator to collect
data from a variety of other files, including CSR and CSR+ files.
Integrator uses the common XML architecture used for all data collection processes
in addition to the following elements that are specific to Integrator:
Input element. The Input element defines the input files to be processed.
There can be only one Input element defined per process and it must
precede the Stage elements. However, the Input element can define
multiple files.
Stage elements. Integrator processes the data in an input file according to
the stages that are defined in the job file XML. A Stage element defines a
particular data analysis or manipulation process such as adding an
identifier or resource to a record, converting an identifier or resource to
another value, or renaming identifiers and resources. A Stage element is
also used produce an output CSR file or CSR+ file.
The following attributes are applicable to both Input and Stage elements:
v active Specifies whether the element is to be included in the integration process.
Valid values are "true" [the default] or "false".
v trace Specifies whether trace messages generated by the element are written to
the job log file. Valid values are "true" or "false" [the default].
v stopOnStageFailure Specifies whether processing should stop if an element fails.
Valid values are "true" [the default] or "false".
Input element:
The Input element identifies the type of file to be processed.
In the following example, the input file is a CSR file.
<Input name="CSRInput" active="true">
<File name="%ProcessFolder%\CurrentCSR.txt"/>
<File name="%ProcessFolder%\MyCSR.txt"/>
v The Input name value can be:
This value is used to parse a CSR or CSR+ type of file. An example of this
value is provided in most sample collector job files.
Chapter 4. Administering data processing 95
This value is used to parse data in an Advanced Accounting log file. For an
example of the use of this value, see the SampleAIXAA.xml job file.
This value is used to parse data in an Apache log where the records are in the
Apache Common Log Format (CLF). For an example of the use of this value,
see the SampleApache.xml job file.
This value is used to parse data gathered directly from a SQL Server or
Sybase database or databases. For an example of the use of this value, see the
SampleDBSpace.xml job file.
This value is used to parse data in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 or 2003
log file that records the activities on the server. For an example of the use of
this value, see the SampleExchangeLog.xml job file.
This value is used to parse data in a WebSphere HTTP Server access log. For
an example of the use of this value, see the SampleWebSphereHTTP.xml job file.
This value is used to parse data in a Notes
virtualization from the IBM SmartCloud IaaS API. The data collected
by the collector is written into CSR records and loaded with the volume data for
KVM from Cinder volume.
Configuring the OpenStack data collector
Use the topics in this section to configure the OpenStack data collector.
Important: The OpenStack data collector is automatically configured by running
the script after SmartCloud Cost Management is installed. For
more information about this script, see the related topic.
Refer to the sub topics in this section if you want to manually configure OpenStack
data collector for metering.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 245
Manually configuring the OpenStack data collector:
Use the topics in this section to manually configure the OpenStack data collector.
Configuring SmartCloud Orchestrator for metering:
Each SmartCloud Orchestrator region must be configured to generate OpenStack
notifications which are the raw input data for SmartCloud Cost Management
metering. For more information, see
This manual configuration is controlled by the <SCCM_install_dir>/bin/
postconfig/ script. The script performs the
following steps:
1. It identifies each region and adds entries to Nova Compute and Cinder Volume
configurations to enable notification generation for each of these services on a
2. If a compute node is managed by a region, then the node is also updated.
3. It enables network connectivity between the Metering Control Service and the
Qpid message brokers. Each SmartCloud Orchestrator region has its own Qpid
message broker.
4. The script can be rerun without any
adverse effect.
The script is run with the following arguments which enables metering for all
SmartCloud Orchestrator regions and any compute nodes for those regions:
<SCCM_install_dir>/bin/postconfig/ --host=<central-server-2>
The usage statement for the script is as follows:
--host=cs2 hostname of central server 2
--region-ips list available region IPs
The sub topics cover enablement for each OpenStack service:
Configuring OpenStack Nova Compute for metering:
Each compute node must be configured to generate system usage data. For more
information, see
The script adds the following entries to
/etc/nova/nova.conf and/or /etc/nova/smartcloud.conf and restarts the
nova-compute or openstack-smartcloud services depending on what is running on
the node.
instance_usage_audit = True
notification_driver = nova.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier
notify_on_state_change = vm_and_task_state
instance_usage_audit_period = hour
246 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Configuring OpenStack Cinder Volume for metering:
Each node running a Cinder service must be configured to generate data.
The script adds the following entries to
/etc/cinder/cinder.conf and restarts the cinder-volume service.
notification_driver = cinder.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier
control_exchange = cinder
instance_usage_audit_period = hour
It also adds the following cron entry to enable the generation of periodic events:
0 * * * * (/usr/bin/python -u /usr/bin/cinder-volume-usage-audit 1>> /var/log/cinder/cinder_audit_hourly_\`date +\\%Y\\%m\\%d\`.log 2>&1)
Configuring a durable message queue for MCS:
The default setup for the OpenStack broker is to generate notification events from
OpenStack components topic exchanges using the topic subject This topic is not durable which results in the Metering
Control Service (MCS) missing events if it is not listening to the topic.
Note: Durability is not mandatory but if not configured, MCS outages may result
in gaps in billing data.
You must create a queue that is bound to the topic exchange as a method to
introduce durability:
1. Create the queue on the broker for each component
qpid-config add queue <queue_name>
For example, qpid-config add queue sccm nova.
2. Bind the queue to the component topic exchanges, for example, nova, and bind
it to the relevant key, for example,
qpid-config bind <topic exchange> <queue_name> <binding_key>
For example, qpid-config bind nova sccm nova
3. Repeat this for the other component, Cinder Volume. cinder is the topic
exchange and is the topic.
4. Configure the MCS provider to point the message_destination to the queue
name, for example, SCCM, and restart the MCS.
Configuring OpenStack broker for secure connections:
In the event of changes to the broker, you will need to supply setup and
credentials to any system connecting to the broker.
Note: For encryption using SSL, refer to section 1.5.4 in the Apache Qpid
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 247
Configuring the Metering Control Service for OpenStack:
The Metering Control Service (MCS) connection to OpenStack must be configured
to enable the collection of OpenStack Nova Compute and Cinder Volume
notification events and the generation of SmartCloud Cost Management CSR
The MCS provides general purpose event-based handling of metering data. The
MCS is deployed as a web server, which uses the IBM Websphere Application
Server Liberty version 8.5. The MCS server instance is installed by default with
SmartCloud Cost Management to the following location <SCCM_install_dir>/wlp/
Configuring the connection to OpenStack:
The Metering Control Service (MCS) uses an Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
(AMQP) listener to collect notification events, such as Nova Compute notifications
from the OpenStack Apache Qpid message broker.
The MCS is configured during the post-installation of SmartCloud Cost
Management to collect events from Nova Compute and Cinder Volume from
SmartCloud Orchestrator. The script <SCCM_install_dir>/bin/postconfig/ performs the following steps:
Note: Before this script is run, the SmartCloud Orchestrator OpenStack
environment must be configured for metering.
1. Creates data sources that provide connection details to the SmartCloud
Orchestrator region Qpid message brokers.
2. Configures the MCS to listen to notification events for each data source.
This script is run with the following arguments:
<SCCM_install_dir>/bin/postconfig/ --host=<Hostname_CentralServer2>
Use the following manual steps to modify or test the data source that the MCS will
Manually configuring connections
You can configure the connections to one or more OpenStack instances in different
Note: OpenStack issues event notifications using the Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) timestamps and therefore all files output by the MCS are named according
to UTC timestamps.
The SmartCloud Cost Management server must have connectivity to the
SmartCloud Orchestrator region, in order to listen for data notifications being
1. Create a data source that provides connection details to the Qpid message
broker. See the related task topic for information about doing this.
2. Configure the MCS to listen to data events from the data source:
The MCS is configured using the provider instance file in <SCCM_install_dir>/
wlp/usr/servers/mcs/data/providers.json. This file contains a list of all the
registered providers in the MCS. When the MCS starts, each registered provider
248 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
is enabled. Each registered provider is defined from a provider type and all
provider types known to the MCS are defined in a file for each type as follows:
After the MCS is installed, it loads 3 providers of type NOVA and CINDER broker.
The providers are then configured to connect to a default Qpid message broker
for each region port 5672 and the notification topics of nova/ and cinder/
The provider instance contains the following properties:
v provider_type: Specifies the provider type that the instance is based on
provider_type from the provider type file.
v provider_parameters: The specific parameters for a provider type.
Parameters are specified in the provider type file.
v provider_name: Unique name for each provider instance.
The following are specific properties for the providers:
v datasource_name: This property references a SmartCloud Cost Management
data source entry that securely contains the connection details to the
OpenStack message broker.
v message_destination: This property references a Topic or Queue name,
where the Nova Compute notifications are published. The default is
If you want to connect to more OpenStack instances, then you must have a line
in the providers cache file for each instance.
Similar to when configuring the connection for a single instance, the default
entry in the instances file must be modified or copied to a new instance. For
example, one instance per line, to meet the configuration that is required. You
must create a SmartCloud Cost Management data source that contains the
relevant connection details for each OpenStack instance that you want to
connect to. See step 1 for information about how to create the data source.
When new provider instances are added, the provider thread pool must be
updated also. The property that must be updated is called
max_provider_threads and it can be set in <SCCM_install_dir>/wlp/usr/
servers/mcs/resources/mcs/ This value must be set to an
integer value greater than the number of instances that are running.
Related concepts:
Automated configuration on page 5
Most of the post-installation configuration of SmartCloud Cost Management for
SmartCloud Orchestrator is automated. This automation process is controlled by
running the script as the same user that installed SmartCloud
Cost Management.
Configuring the generation of CSR records:
The Metering Control Service (MCS) uses a SmartCloud Cost Management handler
to generate CSR records from OpenStack compute events.
The SmartCloud Cost Management handler can be configured using the handler
instance file in <SCCM_install_dir>/wlp/usr/servers/mcs/data/handlers.json.
This file is a persisted cache of all registered handlers in the MCS. The MCS
enables each registered handler when data is passed to the handlers for processing.
Each registered handler is defined from a handler type and all handlers types
known to the MCS are defined in a file per type as follows:
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 249
The MCS installation pre-loads a default handler sccm_local of type SCCM for the
OpenStack broker. The OpenStack broker is configured to handle OpenStack events
and generate SmartCloud Cost Management CSR records to a daily file on the file
system where the MCS is installed.
The handler instance file contains the following properties:
v handler_name: Unique name for each handler instance.
v metering_system_type: Specifies the handler type of this instance, based on the
metering_system_type from the handler type file.
v handler_parameters: The specific parameters for a handler type. Parameters
must be specified in the handler type file.
The following are specific properties for the sccm_local handler:
v collector_log_files_path: The path to where CSR daily file is written to. If the
MCS is installed with SmartCloud Cost Management server then the path is:
<CollectorLogs>/<RECORD_TYPE_LOWERCASE>/<PROVIDER_ID>. If not, then it will
use the value set for this parameter in the instance file and if not set then, it
defaults to <SCCM_install_dir>/wlp/usr/servers/mcs/data/
v record_types: MCS record types that are supported by the handler. By default,
the value is set to NOVA_COMPUTE.
Note: CSR file names are formatted as <YYYYMMDD>.txt.
Metering Control Service commands:
You can use Metering Control Service (MCS) commands to control the MCS, for
example, stopping and starting.
Note: If Qpid brokers are restarted on a SmartCloud Orchestrator region, then the
MCS should be restarted.
The MCS is deployed as an IBM Websphere Application Server Liberty. The server
must be running to process events. The MCS is started after the installation of
SmartCloud Cost Management but it must be restarted if it is stopped manually.
The system where the MCS is installed on is configured to restart the MCS on
startup. Here are some commands for controlling the MCS:
v To start or restart the MCS: <SCCM_install_dir>/bin/ mcs
v To stop the MCS: <SCCM_install_dir>/bin/ mcs
v To get the MCS status: <SCCM_install_dir>/wlp/bin/server status mcs
For tracing, logs can be checked at the following location: <SCCM_install_dir>/
logs/server. The trace level can be configured by using the file
Note: Logging is shared with other server instances, for example, SmartCloud Cost
Management, with each log instance denoted with a number at the end, such as 0,
1 and so on.
250 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Configuring the Keystone collector:
This section provides details about setting up SmartCloud Cost Management for
Keystone data collection.
Creating a Web Service data source
Attention: If you have already run the script as described in
the related reference topic, then this task is not required. However, you can use the
Data Sources page to check that the details for the Collector Web Service data
source are correct.
You must create a data source in the Administration Console that points to the
base URL of the Keystone Identity Service API. The data source is referenced in the
Keystone collector job runner file. To create the data source in the Administration
1. Click System Configuration > Data Sources and select Web service as the
Data Source Type.
2. Click Create Data Source and complete the following:
Note: All fields marked with an * are mandatory and must be completed.
Data Source Name
Type the name that you want to assign to the data source.
Note: The following are invalid characters for a data source name: "/",
Type the web service user ID.
Type the web service password.
URL Type the web service URL as follows, using either the http or https
protocol as required:
http://<Server Name>:port
Alternatively for Keystone, you can specify the IaaS Gateway providers
Web Service Type
Select REST as the web service type.
Keystore File
The Keystore file contains the vCenter or REST server certificate that is
used for authentication during the secure connection between the
collector and the vCenter web service. The password is used to access
the file. Enter a valid path to the file.
Keystore Password
Type the Keystore password.
3. Click Create to save the data source information. The new data source name is
displayed in the Data Source Name menu.
Note: When the data source information is saved, the connection to the
vCenter or REST server is verified. You should see a message at the top of the
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 251
screen indicating that the connection was successful.
Click Cancel if do not want to create the data source.
Extracting identifiers from REST invocations:
This topic describes the usage metrics that are collected by the Keystone collector.
The KEYSTONE template in StandardTemplates.xml in <SCCM_install_dir>/
collectors/Keystone is used by the OpenstackKeystoneContext.xml job file. This
template defines what metrics are collected from the domain, project, and user
Keystone resources, as well as what account code security related metrics are
required to generate from Keystone security roles. The Input fields of the
KEYSTONE template contain keys such as KEYSTONE_USER and KEYSTONE_DOMAIN to
indicate which chained API resourcePath defined in the
OpenstackKeystoneContext.xml job file the metrics belong to. The
StandardTemplates.xml for each template also defines what CSR identifier names
to map the collected metrics to.
The Keystone metrics are collected using the Keystone Identity Service API and
defined in the Keystone StandardTemplates.xml as InputFields using the following
notation in the expression name attribute:
v The notation begins with either /users*/ or /projects*/ depending on the API
being collected from. The * at the end of the resource name indicates that the
Keystone collector returns all instances of the request resource, either users or
projects that are available.
v The next portion of the notation indicates the name of the field to extract from
the request resource. For example, /project*/ name indicates that the project
name field must be extracted or the /users*/ id indicates the user ID field must
be extracted. These InputField names are then mapped to OutputFields, where
the OutputField srcName is the same as the InputField names. The OutputField
name defines what the CSR identifier is when the record is written.
Configuring the OpenStack REST volume collector:
This section provides details about setting up SmartCloud Cost Management for
OpenStack REST volume data collection.
Creating a Web Service data source
Attention: If you have already run the script as described in
the related reference topic, then this task is not required. However, you can use the
Data Sources page to check that the details for the Collector Web Service data
source are correct.
You must create a data source in the Administration Console that points to the
base URL of the Keystone Identity Service API. The data source is referenced in the
OpenStack REST volume collector job runner file. To create the data source in the
Administration Console:
1. Click System Configuration > Data Sources and select Web service as the
Data Source Type.
2. Click Create Data Source and complete the following:
Note: All fields marked with an * are mandatory and must be completed.
Data Source Name
Type the name that you want to assign to the data source.
252 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Note: The following are invalid characters for a data source name: "/",
Type the Web service user ID.
Type the Web service password.
URL Type the Web service URL as follows, using either the http or https
protocol as required:
http://<Server Name>:port
Alternatively for Keystone, you can specify the IaaS Gateway providers
Web Service Type
Select REST as the web service type.
Keystore File
The Keystore file contains the vCenter or REST server certificate that is
used for authentication during the secure connection between the
collector and the vCenter web service. The password is used to access
the file. Enter a valid path to the file.
Keystore Password
Type the Keystore password.
3. Click Create to save the data source information. The new data source name is
displayed in the Data Source Name menu.
Note: When the data source information is saved, the connection to the
vCenter or REST server is verified. You should see a message at the top of the
screen indicating that the connection was successful.
Click Cancel if do not want to create the data source.
Extracting identifiers from REST invocations:
This topic describes the usage metrics that are collected by the OpenStack REST
volume collector.
The OPENSTACK_VOLUMES template in StandardTemplates.xml in
<SCCM_install_dir>/collectors/OPENSTACK is used by the
OpenstackRestVolumes.xml job file. This template defines what metrics are collected
for volumes from the IBM SmartCloud Virtual Machine resources for VMware and
Power virtualization. The Input fields of the OPENSTACK_VOLUMES template contain
keys such as SERVER_ID to indicate which chained API resourcePath defined in
the OpenstackRestVolumes.xml job file the metrics belong to. The
StandardTemplates.xml for each template also defines what CSR identifier names
to map the collected metrics to.
The volume metrics are collected using the IBM SmartCloud IaaS API and defined
in the OpenStack StandardTemplates.xml as InputFields using the following
notation in the expression name attribute:
v The notation begins with /servers*/. The * at the end of the resource name
indicates that the collector returns all instances of the request resource are
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 253
v The next portion of the notation indicates the name of the field to extract from
the request resource. For example, /servers*/ name indicates that the server
name field must be extracted. These InputField names are then mapped to
OutputFields, where the OutputField srcName is the same as the InputField
names. The OutputField name defines what the CSR identifier is when the
record is written.
OpenStack identifiers and resources
This section describes the identifier and resources defined from the OpenStack
components notification events and from OpenStack Keystone.
Related reference:
OpenStackRestVolume job on page 271
The OpenStackRestVolume job is used to collect volume information from the IBM
SmartCloud IaaS API for VMware and Power virtualization. This data is used to
provide volume or disk information.
Compute identifiers and resources:
This topic describes the identifier and resources defined from the OpenStack Nova
Compute notification events and from OpenStack Keystone.
Table 71. Standard fields
OpenStack Nova
Compute or
Keystone Equivalent Description Source
Start Date of Usage timestamp/
Date in format
End Date of Usage timestamp/
Date in format
Start Time of Usage timestamp/
Time in format
End Time of Usage timestamp/
Time in format
Table 72. Ownership Identifiers
OpenStack Nova
Compute or
Equivalent Description Source
TENANT_ID tenant_id Tenant UUID Nova
TENANT_NAME {"tenants": [
{"name": "customer-x"}
Tenant name Keystone HTTP GET
254 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 72. Ownership Identifiers (continued)
OpenStack Nova
Compute or
Equivalent Description Source
Tenant description Keystone HTTP GET
TENANT_ENABLED {"tenants": [
If Tenant is enabled
or not
Keystone HTTP GET
USER_ID user_id User UUID Nova
USER_NAME {"users": [
{"name": "customer-x"}
User name Keystone HTTP GET
USER_EMAIL {"users": [
User email address Keystone HTTP GET
USER_ENABLED {"users": [
If user is enabled or
Keystone HTTP GET
Table 73. Placement identifiers
OpenStack Nova
Compute or
Keystone Equivalent Description Source
REGION Derived from
Identifier which
signifies which
OpenStack instance
the events are
generated from.
SmartCloud Cost
OpenStack VM
instances job file
PROVIDER_ID provider_id OpenStack Broker
Metering Control
Service (MCS)
configuration file.
PUBLISHER_ID publisher_id Identifier which
signifies which
AMQP broker
(OpenStack) instance
the events are
generated from
HOST host Host name of the
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 255
Table 73. Placement identifiers (continued)
OpenStack Nova
Compute or
Keystone Equivalent Description Source
AVAILABILITY_ZONEavailability_zone Availability zone
Table 74. Pattern identifiers
OpenStack Nova
Compute or
Keystone Equivalent Description Source
VSYS_PATTERN_ID metadata.value SCO pattern
VM_VSYS_PART_ID metadata.value SCO part identifier Nova
VSYS_PATTERN_NAME metadata.value SCO pattern name Nova
VM_VSYS_PART_NAME metadata.value SCO part name Nova
Table 75. History identifiers
OpenStack Nova
Compute or
Keystone Equivalent Description Source
VM_CREATED_AT created_at Timestamp for when
the instance record
was created in Nova
VM_LAUNCHED_AT launched_at Timestamp for when
the instance was last
launched by
VM_DELETED_AT deleted_at Timestamp for when
the instance was
USEDURN time between
Periodic interval of
the event (Seconds)
256 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 76. Virtual Machine identifiers
OpenStack Nova
Compute or
Keystone Equivalent Description Source
VM_ID instance_id Nova instance ID of
this instance
VM_NAME display_name User selected display
name for instance.
VM_STATUS state Current state of
instance, such as
active or deleted.
VM_STATUS_TEXT state_description Additional human
readable description
of current state of
VM_INSTANCE_TYPE_ID instance_type_id Nova ID for instance
type ('flavor') of this
VM_INSTANCE_TYPE instance_type Name of the instance
type ('flavor') of this
Note: Refer to the
related Product
Limitations topic if
is of the format
VM_ARCHITECTURE architecture The VM architecture,
for example, x86,
, and so on.
VM_OS_TYPE os_type The VM operating
VIRTIMG_REFURL image_ref_url Image URL, from
Glance, that this
instance was created
VIRTIMG_REF image_meta.base_image_ref The image the
instance was built
Table 77. Virtual Machine Resources - Output for each ID.
OpenStack Nova
Compute Equivalent Description Source
VM_VCPUS vcpus Number of Virtual
CPUs allocated for
this instance
VM_MEMORY memory_mb Memory allocation
for this instance (MB)
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 257
Table 77. Virtual Machine Resources - Output for each ID. (continued)
OpenStack Nova
Compute Equivalent Description Source
VM_DISK disk_gb Disk allocation for
this instance (GB)
VM_ROOT root_gb Root allocation for
this instance (GB)
VM_EPHEMERAL ephemeral_gb Ephemeral allocation
for this instance (GB)
Related concepts:
Product limitations
Volume identifiers and resources:
This topic describes the identifier and resources defined from the OpenStack
Cinder Volume notifications and OpenStack REST volume collector.
Table 78. Standard fields
Volume or Keystone
Equivalent Description Source
Start Date of Usage timestamp/
Date in format
event/ OpenStack
REST volume
End Date of Usage timestamp/
Date in format
event/ OpenStack
REST volume
Start Time of Usage timestamp/
Time in format
event/ OpenStack
REST volume
End Time of Usage timestamp/
Time in format
event/ OpenStack
REST volume
Table 79. Ownership Identifiers
Volume or Keystone
Equivalent Description Source
TENANT_ID tenant_id Tenant UUID Cinder volume.exists
258 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 79. Ownership Identifiers (continued)
Volume or Keystone
Equivalent Description Source
TENANT_NAME {"tenants": [
{"name": "customer-x"}
Tenant name Keystone HTTP GET
Tenant description Keystone HTTP GET
TENANT_ENABLED {"tenants": [
If Tenant is enabled
or not
Keystone HTTP GET
USER_ID user_id User UUID Nova
USER_NAME {"users": [
{"name": "customer-x"}
User name Keystone HTTP GET
USER_EMAIL {"users": [
User email address Keystone HTTP GET
USER_ENABLED {"users": [
If user is enabled or
Keystone HTTP GET
Table 80. Placement identifiers
Volume or Keystone
Equivalent Description Source
REGION Derived from
OpenStack REST
volume collector
Identifier which
signifies which
OpenStack instance
the events are
generated from.
SCCM Job File
PROVIDER_ID provider_id OpenStack Broker
MCS provider
configuration file.
PUBLISHER_ID publisher_id Identifier which
signifies which
AMQP broker
(OpenStack) instance
the events are
generated from
volume.exists event
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 259
Table 81. History identifiers
Volume or Keystone
Equivalent Description Source
VOL_CREATED_AT created_at Timestamp for when
this instance's record
was created in
volume.exists event
VOL_LAUNCHED_ATlaunched_at Timestamp for when
this instance was last
volume.exists event
Table 82. Volume identifiers
Volume or Keystone
Equivalent Description Source
VOL_ID volume_id Cinder instance ID of
this instance
event/ OpenStack
REST volume
VOL_NAME display_name User selected display
name for instance
event/ OpenStack
REST volume
VOL_STATUS status Current state of
instance, such as
active or deleted)
volume.exists event
VOL_TYPE volume_type Volume type Cinder
volume.exists event
Table 83. Volume Resources - Output for each VOL_ID
Volume or Keystone
Equivalent Description Source
VOL_SIZE size Size of disk
allocation for this
volume (GB)
event/ OpenStack
REST volume
260 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
OpenStack job file
As part of the installation of SmartCloud Cost Management, sample job files are
added to the sample job files directory.
The following job files are used to process OpenStack utilization data for the
current OpenStack release:
Context job file:
As part of the automatic configuration of SmartCloud Cost Management, a job file
called OpenStackContext.xml is added to the job files directory. For more
information about the post install configuration, see the related topic.
The OpenStackContext.xml job file is used to process the OpenStack Keystone
Context data for the current OpenStack release. When the OpenStackContext.xml
job file is run, it executes the required active Keystone job.
The following topic describes the job contained in the OpenStackContext.xml job
OpenStackKeystoneContext job:
The OpenStackKeystoneContext job is used to collect domain, project and user
information from the Keystone Identity Service API. This data is used to provide
information such as domain, project, and user names to the utilization data
The domain, project, and user details that are produced by the collector are loaded
into the SmartCloud Cost Management database as conversion mappings. These
conversion mappings are then used to map meaningful context identifiers into the
utilization data. The collector data also produces account code security related
identifiers based on user roles in Keystone. These identifiers can then feed into the
CreateAccountRelationship and CreateUserRelationship stages creating users,
user groups, and clients in the SmartCloud Cost Management database to facilitate
account code security.
The Keystone template in the StandardTemplates.xml file that is located in
<SCCM_install_dir>/collectors/KEYSTONE defines what metrics are collected from
both the domain, project, and user Keystone resources. The StandardTemplates.xml
file also defines what CSR identifier names are used to map the collected metrics
to. For more information about the OpenStack identifiers and resources, see the
related reference topic.
This data collector uses the Integrator program to convert data collected by the
collector into a CSR or CSR+ file. For more information about the Integrator job file
structure, see the Reference guide.
The OpenStackKeystoneContext job contains the following parameters that are
specific to Keystone collection:
<Input name="CollectorInput" active="true">
<Collector name="KEYSTONE">
<WebService dataSourceName="os_keystone" />
<MappingTemplate filePath="%HomePath%/collectors/KEYSTONE/StandardTemplates.xml" name="KEYSTONE" />
<Parameter name="resourcePath" value="/users, /users/{keystoneUserId}/projects, /domains/{keystoneProjectDomainId}" DataType="String" f
<Parameter name="chainedResourceTemplateKeys" value="KEYSTONE_USER, KEYSTONE_PROJECT, KEYSTONE_DOMAIN" DataType="String" />
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 261
<Parameter name="tenant" value="admin" DataType="String" />
<Parameter name="domain" value="Default" DataType="String" />
<Parameter name="openStackCompatibleAccountCodeStructure" value="STANDARD" DataType="String" />
<Parameter name="adminUserGroup" value="Admin" DataType="String" />
These parameters are described in the following table:
Parameter Description/Values
WebService-dateSourceName The name of the Web Service SmartCloud Cost
Management data source. The data source points to
the base URL of the Keystone V3 Identity Service API
and contains the authentication credentials. For more
information about setting up the Web Service data
source, see the related configuration topic.
MappingTemplate-filePath The path of the template mapping file. You can
generate custom template files and use them instead
of the standard templates defined in
StandardTemplates.xml by specifying a different file
MappingTemplate-name The name of the template. This value controls the
type of records which are read from Keystone and
processed by the OpenStackKeystoneContext job. Valid
values as contained in the default Keystone
StandardTemplates.xml are:
v KEYSTONE used for the combined domain, project,
user, and account security information.
v KEYSTONE_PROJECT used for the project
v KEYSTONE_USER used for the user information.
262 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Parameter Description/Values
resourcePath The resourcePath parameter is set to the base URLs
of the resources that are used when collecting from
Keystone. The resourcePath must point to a legal
Keystone API resource such as /tenants or /users
and must begin with a /. In the sample, multiple
URLs are specified as we want to join our resource
API calls together to collect data from multiple
related resources. Therefore some results from one
API call are used in the subsequent API calls and so
v /users is specified as the first resource as we want
to collect user information.
v /users/{keystoneUserId}/projects is specified as
the second resource as we want to collect project
information relating the user. The dynamic
{keystoneUserId} parameter is populated from the
result of the /users resource call and is defined as
the name of InputField in the Keystone template
in StandardTemplate.xml.
v /domains/{keystoneProjectDomainId} is specified
as the third resource as we want to collect domain
information. The dynamic
{keystoneProjectDomainId} parameter is populated
from the result of the previous resource call.
The resourcePath is identified as being chained, as it
contains multiple resources with the attribute
chainedResourceTemplateKeys The chainedResourceTemplateKeys parameter is set
because the resourcePath parameter is chained with
multiple resources. The chainedResourceTemplateKeys
must contain the same number of fields as the
number of resources contained in the chained
resourcePath, in this case 3. The 3
chainedResourceTemplateKeys, KEYSTONE_USER,
which InputFields in the Keystone template in
StandardTemplate.xml relate to which resource APIs.
For example, the InputFields with
key="KEYSTONE_USER" relate to data returned from the
/users resource.
tenant The name of a tenant (Project) is required to
authenticate with the Keystone Identity Service API.
The tenant is used to request a security token that is
used in all subsequent REST calls that must be made
to the APIs.
domain The name of a domain, which the tenant/Project is
part of, is required to authenticate with the Keystone
Identity Service API. The domain is used to request a
security token that is used in all subsequent REST
calls. These REST calls must be made to the APIs.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 263
Parameter Description/Values
openStackCompatibleAccountCodeStructure The openStackCompatibleAccountCodeStructure
parameter is set to the name of the Account Code
Structure that is used when generating any of the
account code security related identifiers. These
identifiers are used to feed into the
CreateAccountRelationship and
CreateUserRelationship stages so users, user groups,
and clients are created automatically. This is an
optional stage and if it is not specified, the account
code security related identifiers are not generated.
adminUserGroup The adminUserGroup parameter is set to the name of
the SmartCloud Cost Management user group that is
used to associate Keystone Cloud Admins with.
The OpenStackKeystoneContext job also contains 3 UpdateConversionFromRecord
stages that are used to load conversion mappings from the resources collected.
These conversion mappings are used by the following job files:
v OpenStackVMInstances.xml - VM Instances job file
v OpenStackVolumes.xml - Volumes job file
v OpenStackImages.xml - Images job file
The conversion mappings are used by these job files to determine the user, project,
and domain names when a user or project ID is found in the record that is being
processed. See the related topic for more information about these job files.
Note: The allowConversionEntryUpdate parameter is set to none by default. This
parameter must not be changed as the project and user name is used in the IBM
SmartCloud Orchestrator account code. As a result, any updates to the initial name
value in Keystone must not be applied to the conversion mapping. Changing the
value to forwardOnly would result in resources being tracked against a different
account code after the values were changed.
The OpenStackContext.xml job file contains the following parameters that are
specific to the UpdateConversionFromRecord stage. For more information on this
stage, see the Reference guide. This stage is used to load conversion mappings
from the resources that are collected from the tenants and users Keystone Identity
Service API.
<Stage name="UpdateConversionFromRecord" active="true">
<Identifier name="KEYSTONE_USER_NAME">
<FromIdentifier name="KEYSTONE_USER_ID" />
<File name="%CollectorLogs%/Keystone/KeystoneUsersConversionException.txt" type="exception" format="CSROutput" />
<Parameter process="KeystoneUsers" />
<Parameter useUsageEndDate="false" />
<Parameter allowNewConversionEntries="true" />
<Parameter allowConversionEntryUpdate="none" />
<Parameter strictLockdown="true" />
<Parameter exceptionprocess="true" />
The OpenStackKeystoneContext job also contains 2 stages related to facilitating
account code security. The CreateAccountRelationship and
264 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
CreateUserRelationship stages take the security related identifiers generated by
the Keystone collector so users, user groups, and clients are created automatically.
For more information on these stage see the related topics in the Reference guide.
VM Instances job file:
As part of the installation of SmartCloud Cost Management, a job file called
OpenStackVMInstances.xml is added to the job files directory.
The OpenStackVMInstances.xml job file is used to process the OpenStack Nova
Compute utilization data for the current OpenStack release and it contains both
active and inactive jobs. When the OpenStackVMInstances.xml job file is run, it
executes the required active jobs in the sequence displayed below:
v OpenStackNovaComputeScan
v OpenStackNovaComputeProess
v OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample1
v OpenStackNovaComputeBillAndLoad
The job file also contains inactive jobs that are not required, but can be made active
depending on the pricing structure you require. These inactive jobs are:
v OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample2
v OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample3
Note: The inactive jobs must be activated before running the job file and only one
inactive job can be made active at any one time. The topics in this section describe
each of the active and inactive jobs contained in the OpenStackVMInstances.xml job
OpenStackNovaComputeScan job:
The OpenStackNovaComputeScan job is used to scan all the Nova Compute
utilization data files for a specific time period. The data returned is then
concatenated into one file that is used as input for the
OpenStackNovaComputeProcess job.
The Nova Compute utilization data files that are scanned are located in the
<CollectorLogs>/nova_compute/.. directory. The Metering Control Service (MCS)
is configured to write logs for each Nova Compute utilization data file to
subdirectories under the nova_compute folder.
OpenStackNovaComputeProcess job:
The OpenStackNovaComputeProcess job is used to process OpenStack Nova compute
utilization data.
The OpenStackNovaComputeProcess job defines a nova_compute process that contains
the following steps:
1. Reads the CSR file that is generated by the Metering Control Service (MCS)
2. Creates a DOMAIN_NAME identifier from the TENANT_ID identifier that is found in
the Nova Compute CSR file. This DOMAIN_NAME identifier is required as it is part
of the default IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator account code. The DOMAIN_NAME
conversion is supplied by the Keystone collector. For more information, see the
related topic.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 265
3. Creates a PROJECT_NAME identifier from the TENANT_ID identifier that is found in
the Nova Compute CSR file. This PROJECT_NAME identifier is required as it is
part of the default IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator account code. The
PROJECT_NAME conversion is supplied by the Keystone collector. For more
information, see the related topic.
4. Creates a USER_NAME identifier from the USER_ID identifier that is found in the
Nova Compute CSR file. The USER_NAME conversion is supplied by the Keystone
collector. For more information, see the related topic. This USER_NAME identifier
is required as it is part of the default IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator account
code. The following code sample shows how the CreateIdentifierFromTable
stage is used to create the USER_NAME identifier:
<!-- STAGE: Create USER_NAME collected from Keystone from USER_ID -->
<Stage name="CreateIdentifierFromTable" active="true">
<Identifier name="USER_NAME">
<FromIdentifier name="USER_ID"/>
<!-- last discriminator is default, job id used as default, cacheSize of 24 is default -->
<DBLookup discriminator="last" process="KeystoneUser" cacheSize="24"/>
5. Creates a REGION identifier from either the PROVIDER_ID or the PUBLISHER_ID
identifier. Depending on your OpenStack setup, you must enable the step for
one of these identifiers. The PROVIDER_ID is enabled to create the REGION
identifier by default.
6. Creates the default IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator account code with the
following identifiers as levels:
OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample1 job:
The OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample1 job is used to map the Nova
resources to the rate codes defined in the Virtual Systems Rate template.
The OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample1 job contains the following
1. Reads the CSR file that is generated by the Metering Control Service (MCS).
2. Renames the Nova resource fields to the rate codes defined by the Virtual
Systems Rate template.
3. Converts the VSVMSTORRS from Megabytes to Gigabytes.
4. Converts VSVMMEMORY from Megabytes to Gigabytes.
5. Writes the mapped output to %LogDate_End%-SCO.txt.
266 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample2 job:
The NovaComputeTemplateMappingSample2 job is an optional job and it is used as an
example of how to map the Nova resources to the rate codes defined in the
License Charges, Infrastructure Charges, and the Hosting Charges rate
templates. This job must be activated if you want to use this style of pricing model
when processing and billing the OpenStack data.
Note: If you intend to use the OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample2 job,
you must ensure that the inputFile parameter in the
OpenStackNovaComputeBillAndLoad job is updated to %LogDate_End%-SCO.txt. For
more information about this, see the related reference topic about the
OpenStackNovaComputeBillAndLoad job.
The OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample2 job contains the following
1. Reads the CSR file that is generated by the Metering Control Service (MCS).
2. The first rate code that is created is a License Charges rate template rate code.
The value of the rate code in this step is determined by the VM_OS_TYPE
identifier. However, other licensing charges can also be applied to an identifier,
for example, the PATTERN_NAME. The licensing charges rate code is built by using
a combination of stages that create and append intermediary identifiers and
resources together. It also uses a conversion table to map the VM_OS_TYPE
identifier value to a rate dimension element short code, for example,
OS_RATEDIMENSION_ELEMENT. You can update the sample License Charges rate
template and conversion table so that any additional values that are generated
in the CSR records from OpenStack can be charged for.
3. The second set of rate codes that are created are the Infrastructure Charges
rate template rate codes. The value of the rate codes in this step is determined
by combining the base Nova resources with the value of the VM_ARCHITECTURE
identifier. The Infrastructure Charges rate codes are built using a combination
of stages that create and append intermediary identifiers together. It also uses a
conversion table to map the VM_ARCHITECTURE identifier value to a rate
dimension element short code, for example, OS_RATEDIMENSION_ELEMENT. A
number of RenameResource stages are used to map the final Infrastructure
Charges rate template rate codes.
4. The third rate code type created is a Hosting Charges rate template rate code.
The value of the rate code in this step is determined by a combination of the
AVAILABILITY_ZONE and the VM_ARCHITECTURE identifiers. The Hosting Charges
rate template rate code is built using a combination of stages that create and
append intermediary identifiers and resource together. It also uses two
conversion tables to map the AVAILABILITY_ZONE and the VM_ARCHITECTURE
identifier values to their rate dimension element short codes, for example
OS_RATEDIMENSION_ELEMENT. This sample Hosting Charges rate template and
conversion table can be updated to include any additional values that are
generated in the CSR records from OpenStack, that the end user would like to
charge for.
5. Writes the mapped output to %LogDate_End%-SCO.txt.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 267
OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample3 job:
The OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample3 job is an optional job and it is
used as an example of how to map the Nova resources to rate codes that are
defined in the Hosting Charges with VM Sizes and License Charges rate
templates. This job must be activated if you want to use this style of pricing model
when processing and billing the OpenStack data.
Note: If you intend to use the OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample3 job,
you must ensure that the inputFile parameter in the
OpenStackNovaComputeBillAndLoad job is updated to %LogDate_End%-SCO.txt. For
more information about this, see the related reference topic about the
OpenStackNovaComputeBillAndLoad job.
The OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample3 job contains the following
1. Reads the CSR file that is generated by the Metering Control Service (MCS).
2. The first rate code that is created is a License Charges rate template rate code.
The value of the rate code in this step is determined by the VM_OS_TYPE
identifier. However, other licensing charges can also be applied to an identifier,
for example, the PATTERN_NAME. The licensing charges rate code is built by using
a combination of stages that create and append intermediary identifiers and
resources together. It also uses a conversion table to map the VM_OS_TYPE
identifier value to a rate dimension element short code, for example,
OS_RATEDIMENSION_ELEMENT. The sample License Charges rate template and
conversion table can be updated to include any additional values that come
through in the feed that you want to rate.
3. The second rate code that is created is a Hosting Charges with VM Sizes rate
template rate code. The difference between the pricing model demonstrated in
the Hosting Charges with VM Sizes rate template and the
OpenStackNovaComputeTemplateMappingSample2 job is that the charge is no
longer attributed to the infrastructure resources collected by the MCS, for
example, CPU, Memory and Storage. Instead the charge is associated with the
overall size of the VM that is defined in the VM_INSTANCE_TYPE identifier, for
example tiny, small, large, and so on. As a result of this, the value of the rate
codes in this step is determined by a combination of the AVAILABILITY_ZONE,
the VM_ARCHITECTURE, and the VM_INSTANCE_TYPE identifiers. The Hosting
Charges with VM Sizes rate template rate code is built using a combination of
stages that create and append intermediary identifiers and resources together. It
also uses a conversion table to map the AVAILABILITY_ZONE,VM_ARCHITECTURE,
and VM_INSTANCE_TYPE identifier values to their rate dimension element short
code, for example, OS_RATEDIMENSION_ELEMENT. The Hosting Charges with VM
Sizes rate template and conversion table can be updated to include any
additional values that come through in the feed that you want to rate.
4. Write the mapped output to %LogDate_End%-SCO.txt.
268 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
OpenStackNovaComputeBillandLoad job:
The OpenStackNovaComputeBillandLoad job is used to bill all of the data that has
been processed by the previous jobs. It loads the data that has been billed into the
SmartCloud Cost Management database where it is used for reporting.
Volumes job file:
As part of the installation of SmartCloud Cost Management, a job file called
OpenStackVolumes.xml is added to the job files directory.
The OpenStackVolumes.xml job file is used to process the OpenStack Cinder Volume
utilization data and it contains active jobs. When the OpenStackVolumes.xml job file
is run, it executes the required active jobs in the sequence displayed below:
v OpenStackCinderVolumeScan
v OpenStackCinderVolumeProess
v OpenStackCinderVolumeTemplateMappingSample1
v OpenStackCinderVolumeBillAndLoad
Note: The topics in this section describe each of the active jobs contained in the
OpenStackVolumes.xml job file.
OpenStackCinderVolumeScan job:
The OpenStackCinderVolumeScan job is used to scan all the Cinder Volume
utilization data files for a specific time period. The data returned is then
concatenated into one file that is used as input for the
OpenStackCinderVolumeProcess job.
The Cinder Volume utilization data files that are scanned are located in the
<CollectorLogs>/cinder_volume/.. directory. The Metering Control Service (MCS)
is configured to write logs for each Cinder Volume utilization data file to
subdirectories under the cinder_volume folder.
OpenStackCinderVolumeProcess job:
The OpenStackCinderVolumeProcess job is used process OpenStack Cinder Volume
utilization data.
The OpenStackCinderVolumeProcess defines a cinder_volume process that contains
the following steps:
1. Reads the CSR file that is generated by the Metering Control Service (MCS)
2. Creates a DOMAIN_NAME identifier from the TENANT_ID identifier that is found in
the Cinder Volume CSR file. This DOMAIN_NAME identifier is required as it is part
of the default IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator account code. The DOMAIN_NAME
conversion is supplied by the Keystone collector. For more information, see the
related topic.
3. Creates a PROJECT_NAME identifier from the TENANT_ID identifier that is found in
the Cinder Volume CSR file. This PROJECT_NAME identifier is required as it is
part of the default IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator account code. The
PROJECT_NAME conversion is supplied by the Keystone collector. For more
information, see the related topic.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 269
4. Creates a USER_NAME identifier from the USER_ID identifier that is found in the
Cinder Volume CSR file. The USER_NAME conversion is supplied by the Keystone
collector. For more information, see the related topic. This USER_NAME identifier
is required as it is part of the default IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator account
code. The following code sample shows how the CreateIdentifierFromTable
stage is used to create the USER_NAME identifier:
<!-- STAGE: Create USER_NAME collected from Keystone from USER_ID -->
<Stage name="CreateIdentifierFromTable" active="true">
<Identifier name="USER_NAME">
<FromIdentifier name="USER_ID"/>
<!-- last discriminator is default, job id used as default, cacheSize of 24 is default -->
<DBLookup discriminator="last" process="KeystoneUser" cacheSize="24"/>
5. Creates a REGION identifier from either the PROVIDER_ID or the PUBLISHER_ID
identifier. Depending on your OpenStack set up, you must enable the step for
one of these identifiers. The PROVIDER_ID is enabled to create the REGION
identifier by default.
6. Creates the default IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator account code with the
following identifiers as levels:
OpenStackCinderVolumeTemplateMappingSample1 job:
The OpenStackCinderVolumeTemplateMappingSample1 job is used to map the Cinder
resources to the rate codes defined in the Virtual Systems rate template.
The OpenStackCinderVolumeTemplateMappingSample1 job contains the following
1. Reads the CSR file that is generated by the Metering Control Service (MCS).
2. Renames the Cinder resource fields to the rate codes defined by the Virtual
Systems rate template.
3. Writes the mapped output to %LogDate_End%-SCO.txt.
OpenStackCinderVolumeBillandLoad job:
The OpenStackCinderVolumeBillandLoad job is used to bill all of the data that has
been processed by the previous jobs. It loads the data that has been billed into the
SmartCloud Cost Management database where it is used for reporting.
270 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
OpenStack REST volume job file:
As part of the automatic configuration of SmartCloud Cost Management, a job file
called OpenStackRestVolumes.xml is added to the job files directory. For more
information about the post install configuration, see the related topic.
The OpenStackRestVolumes.xml job file is used to process the OpenStack volume
data for VMware and PowerVM virtualization for the current OpenStack release.
When the OpenStackRestVolumes.xml job file is run, it executes the required active
OpenStackRestVolume job.
The following topic describes the job contained in the OpenStackRestVolumes.xml
job file.
OpenStackRestVolume job:
The OpenStackRestVolume job is used to collect volume information from the IBM
SmartCloud IaaS API for VMware and Power virtualization. This data is used to
provide volume or disk information.
The volume data that is produced by the collector is processed with the volume
data from KVM and loaded into the SmartCloud Cost Management database for
reporting and analysis.
The OPENSTACK_VOLUMES template in the StandardTemplates.xml file that is located
in <SCCM_install_dir>/collectors/OPENSTACK defines what metrics are collected
from both the server and disks SmartCloud Nova resources. The
StandardTemplates.xml file also defines what CSR identifier names are used to
map the collected metrics to. For more information about the OpenStack identifiers
and resources, see the related reference topic.
This data collector uses the Integrator program to convert data collected by the
collector into a CSR or CSR+ file. For more information about the Integrator job file
structure, see the Reference guide.
The OpenStackRestVolume job contain the following parameters that are specific to
OpenStack REST Volume collection:
<Input name="CollectorInput" active="true">
<Collector name="OPENSTACK">
<WebService dataSourceName="os_keystone" />
<MappingTemplate filePath="%HomePath%/collectors/OPENSTACK/StandardTemplates.xml" name="OPENSTACK_VOLUMES" />
<Parameter name="logdate" value="%LogDate_End%" DataType="DateTime" format="yyyyMMdd" />
<Parameter name="resourcePath" value="/servers, /servers/{serverId}/disks" DataType="String" format="chained" />
<Parameter name="chainedResourceTemplateKeys" value="COMPUTE_SERVER, COMPUTE_SERVER_DISKS" DataType="String" />
<Parameter name="tenant" value="admin" DataType="String" />
<Parameter name="domain" value="Default" DataType="String" />
<Parameter name="serviceType" value="compute" DataType="String" />
<Parameter exceptionProcess="true"/>
<File name="%CollectorLogs%/rest_volume/CollectorException.txt" type="exception" />
<Stage name="CSROutput" active="true">
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 271
<File name="%CollectorLogs%/rest_volume/%LogDate_End%CSR.txt" />
These parameters are described in the following table:
Parameter Description/Values
WebService-dateSourceName The name of the Web Service SmartCloud Cost
Management data source. The data source points to
the base URL of the Keystone V3 Identity Service API
and contains the authentication credentials. For more
information about setting up the Web Service data
source, see the related configuration topic.
MappingTemplate-filePath The path of the template mapping file. You can
generate custom template files and use them instead
of the standard templates defined in
StandardTemplates.xml by specifying a different file
MappingTemplate-name The name of the template. This value controls the
type of records which are read from SmartCloud
Nova and processed by the OpenStackRestVolume job.
Valid values as contained in the default OpenStack
StandardTemplates.xml are:
v OPENSTACK_VOLUMES used for the combined virtual
machine and disk information.
resourcePath The resourcePath parameter is set to the base URLs
of the resources that are used when collecting from
SmartCloud Nova. The resourcePath must point to a
legal IBM SmartCloud IaaS API resource such as
/servers or /servers/{serverId}/disks and must
begin with a "/". In the sample jobfile, multiple URLs
are specified as we want to join our resource API
calls together to collect data from multiple related
resources. Therefore some results from one API call
are used in the subsequent API calls and so on.
v /servers is specified as the first resource as we
want to collect server information.
v /servers/{serverId}/disks is specified as the
second resource as we want to collect project
information relating to volume or disk. The
dynamic {serverId} parameter is populated from
the result of the /servers resource call and is
defined as the name of InputField in the
The resourcePath is identified as being chained, as it
contains multiple resources with the attribute
272 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Parameter Description/Values
chainedResourceTemplateKeys The chainedResourceTemplateKeys parameter is set
because the resourcePath parameter is chained with
multiple resources. The chainedResourceTemplateKeys
must contain the same number of fields as the
number of resources contained in the chained
resourcePath, in this case 2. The 2
chainedResourceTemplateKeys, COMPUTE_SERVER and
COMPUTE_SERVER_DISKS indicate which InputFields in
the OPENSTACK_VOLUMES template in
StandardTemplate.xml relate to which resource APIs.
For example, the InputFields with
key="COMPUTE_SERVER" relate to data returned from
the /servers resource.
tenant The name of a tenant (Project) is required to
authenticate with the Keystone Identity Service API.
The tenant is used to request a security token that is
used in all subsequent REST calls that must be made
to the APIs.
domain The name of a domain, which the tenant/Project is
part of, is required to authenticate with the Keystone
Identity Service API. The domain is used to request a
security token that is used in all subsequent REST
calls. These REST calls must be made to the APIs.
serviceType The serviceType parameter is set to the name of the
OpenStack service that you want to query for
resources using REST API. This should be set to
compute as this is the service to query for volumes.
The OpenStackRestVolume job generates CSR records which are load the data after
it has been billed into the SmartCloud Cost Management database where it is used
for reporting.
Related concepts:
OpenStack identifiers and resources on page 254
This section describes the identifier and resources defined from the OpenStack
components notification events and from OpenStack Keystone.
SmartCloud Orchestrator 2.2 job file:
As part of the installation of SmartCloud Cost Management, a sample job file
called SampleOpenStack_SCO22.xml is added to the sample job files directory.
The SampleOpenStack_SCO22.xml job file is a legacy job file for processing data for
the IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator 2.2 release.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 273
IBM PowerVM HMC data collector
The IBM Hardware Management Console (HMC) collector collects data from IBM
HMC version 7.2.0.
Configuring HMC to enable SmartCloud Cost Management HMC
This topic describes how to configure HMC to enable SmartCloud Cost
Management HMC collection.
1. The SmartCloud Cost Management IBM Hardware Management Console
(HMC) collector uses Secure Shell (SSH) to gather metrics from the HMC. The
PowerVM servers managed by the HMC need to be configured to produce the
data for collection. For HMC version 7.2.0, the 'chlparutil' command can be
used for the configuration. Refer to the IBM HMC documentation for more
2. Sample rates of 0, 30 (30 seconds), 60 (60 seconds), 300 (5 minutes), 1800 (30
minutes), and 3600 (1 hour) are supported by the HMC for sample rate
configuration. This is the rate, in seconds, that is used to sample the data i.e.
the data granularity. For usage and accounting purposes, a sampling rate of
3600 seconds (1 hour) is recommended. Refer to the IBM HMC documentation
for more details.
Note: A managed system can be managed by one or more HMCs. Duplicate
data will be generated for a system managed by different HMCs. This should
be taken into consideration if collecting data from HMCs with this
HMC collector log file format
This topic describes the record fields in the log file produced by the IBM
There are four types of records that might appear in the log file:
v LPAR Sample records, which provide usage data HMC sample events for
v Memory pool Sample records, which provide usage data HMC sample events
for shared memory pools.
v Processor Pool Sample records, which provide usage data HMC sample events
for shared processor pools.
v System Sample records, which provide usage data HMC sample events for
managed systems.
Table 84. Log File Format LPAR Sample Records
Field Name Description/Values
recordtype SmartCloud Cost Management record type identifier.
Value is TUAMHMC.
IntervalStartDateTime Start collection interval.
IntervalEndDateTime End collection interval.
HMCHostName HMC host name or IP address.
SystemName User defined name of the managed system.
SerialNum Managed system type, model and serial number.
274 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 84. Log File Format LPAR Sample Records (continued)
Field Name Description/Values
Rate The sample rate which specifies the granularity of the
record data.
StartDateTime The time on the HMC that the event was collected.
EventType The type of event. Value is sample.
ResourceType The type of system resource for which the event was
collected. Value is lpar.
SysDateTime The time on the managed system that the sample was
ProcCyclesPerSec Processing cycles per second on one physical
processor. This value is static for a particular
managed system.
LPARName The user-defined name of the partition at the time the
event was collected.
LPARId The unique integer identifier for the partition.
SharedProcPoolName The user-defined name of the shared processor pool,
at the time the event was collected, that the partition
is in.
SharedProcPoolId The unique integer identifier for the shared processor
pool that the partition is in.
ProcMode The processing mode for the partition. Possible
values are ded or shared.
NumProcs The number of processors or virtual processors
assigned to the partition.
EntitledCycles The number of processing cycles to which the
partition has been entitled since the managed system
was started. This value is based on the number of
processing units assigned to the partition, and may
be greater than or smaller than the number of cycles
actually used.
CappedCycles The number of capped processing cycles utilized by
this partition since the managed system was started.
UncappedCycles The number of uncapped processing cycles utilized
by this partition since the managed system was
CurrentMemory The amount of memory (in megabytes) assigned to
the partition. For shared memory partitions, this is
the amount of logical memory assigned to the
SharingMode The sharing mode of the partition. Possible values are
keep_idle_procs, share_idle_procs, share_idle_procs_active,
share_idle_procs_always, cap,or uncap.
5250CPWPercent The 5250 CPW percent assigned to the partition.
ProcUnits The number of processing units assigned to the
UncappedWeight The current weighted average of processing priority
when in uncapped sharing mode. The smaller the
value, the lower the weight. Possible values are 0 -
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 275
Table 84. Log File Format LPAR Sample Records (continued)
Field Name Description/Values
MemMode The memory mode for the partition. Possible values
are ded or shared.
TimeCycles The number of time cycles since the managed system
was started.
IOEntitledMem The amount of I/O entitled memory (in megabytes)
assigned to the shared memory partition.
MapIOEntMem The amount of I/O entitled memory (in megabytes)
currently mapped by the shared memory partition.
PhyRunMem The runtime amount of physical memory (in
megabytes) allocated to the shared memory partition.
RunMemWeight The runtime relative memory priority for the shared
memory partition. The smaller the value, the lower
the priority. Possible values are 0 - 255.
MemOvgCoop The difference between the shared memory partition's
assigned memory overcommitment and its actual
overcommitment. A positive value means the
partition is using less memory than system firmware
has requested it to use.
SharedCycActive The number of dedicated processing cycles shared by
this partition while it has been active since the
managed system was started.
Table 85. HMC Log File Format Memory Pool Sample Records
Field Name Description/Values
recordtype SmartCloud Cost Management record type identifier.
Value is TUAMHMC.
IntervalStartDateTime Start collection interval.
IntervalEndDateTime End collection interval.
HMCHostName HMC host name or IP address.
SystemName User defined name of the managed system.
SerialNum Managed system type, model and serial number.
Rate The sample rate which specifies the granularity of the
record data.
StartDateTime The time on the HMC that the event was collected.
EventType The type of event. Value is sample.
ResourceType The type of system resource for which the event was
collected. Value is mempool.
SysDateTime The time on the managed system that the sample was
ProcCyclesPerSec Processing cycles per second on one physical
processor. This value is static for a particular
managed system.
PoolMem The size (in megabytes) of the shared memory pool.
LPARRunMem The total amount of logical memory (in megabytes)
assigned to all of the partitions in the shared memory
276 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 85. HMC Log File Format Memory Pool Sample Records (continued)
Field Name Description/Values
LPARIOEntMem The total amount of I/O entitled memory (in
megabytes) assigned to all of the partitions in the
shared memory pool.
LPARIOMapEntMem The total amount of I/O entitled memory (in
megabytes) currently mapped by all of the partitions
in the shared memory pool.
SysFirmPoolMem Amount of memory, in megabytes, in the shared
memory pool that is being used by system firmware.
PageFaults The total number of page faults that have occurred
since the shared memory pool was created.
PageDelay The total page-in delay, in microseconds, spent
waiting for page faults since the shared memory pool
was created.
Table 86. HMC Log File Format Processor Pool Sample Records
Field Name Description/Values
recordtype SmartCloud Cost Management record type identifier.
Value is TUAMHMC.
IntervalStartDateTime Start collection interval.
IntervalEndDateTime End collection interval.
HMCHostName HMC host name or IP address.
SystemName User defined name of the managed system.
SerialNum Managed system type, model and serial number.
Rate The sample rate which specifies the granularity of the
record data.
StartDateTime The time on the HMC that the event was collected.
EventType The type of event. Value is sample.
ResourceType The type of system resource for which the event was
collected. Value is procpool.
SysDateTime The time on the managed system that the sample was
ProcCyclesPerSec Processing cycles per second on one physical
processor. This value is static for a particular
managed system.
SharedProcPoolName The user-defined name of the shared processor pool
at the time the event was collected.
ShraedProcPoolId The unique integer identifier for the shared processor
TimeCycles The number of time cycles since the managed system
was started.
TotalPoolCycles The total number of processing cycles available in the
physical processor pool or shared processor pool
since the managed system was started.
UtilizedPoolCycles The number of processing cycles in the physical
processor pool or shared processor pool that have
been utilized since the managed system was started.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 277
Table 87. HMC Log File Format System Sample Records
Field Name Description/Values
recordtype SmartCloud Cost Management record type identifier.
Value is TUAMHMC.
IntervalStartDateTime Start collection interval.
IntervalEndDateTime End collection interval.
HMCHostName HMC host name or IP address.
SystemName User defined name of the managed system.
SerialNum Managed system type, model and serial number.
Rate The sample rate which specifies the granularity of the
record data.
StartDateTime The time on the HMC that the event was collected.
EventType The type of event. Value is sample.
ResourceType The type of system resource for which the event was
collected. Value is sys.
SysDateTime The time on the managed system that the sample was
ProcCyclesPerSec Processing cycles per second on one physical
processor. This value is static for a particular
managed system.
State This is the state of the managed system at the time
the event was collected.
SysProcUnits The number of configurable system processing units.
SysMemory The amount of configurable system memory (in
AvailSysProcUnits The number of processing units available to be
assigned to partitions.
Avail5250CPWPercent The 5250 CPW percent available to be assigned to
AvailSysMem The amount of memory (in megabytes) available to
be assigned to partitions.
SysFirmMem Amount of memory, in megabytes, on the managed
system that is being used by system firmware.
ProcCyclesPerSec Processing cycles per second on one physical
processor. This value is static for a particular
managed system.
Refer to HMC Data Commands topic for more details on the commands run and
attributes gathered on the HMC.
278 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Identifiers and resources defined by HMC collector
The HMC data collector defines the identifiers and resources described in this
By default, the data collected by the HMC collector is defined as chargeback
identifiers and resource rate codes in the ${TUAM_HOME}/collectors/hmc/
Table 88. Default HMC Identifiers and Resources LPAR Sample
Log File Field
Identifier Name or Resource
Description in SmartCloud
Cost Management
Assigned Rate Code in
SmartCloud Cost
HMCHostName HMC host name or IP
NumProcs Number of
processors/virtual processors
assigned to a partition.
EntitledCycles Processing cycles a partition
is entitled to (Mega-Cycles).
CappedCycles Capped processing cycles
used by a partition
UncappedCycles Uncapped processing cycles
used by a partition
CurrentMemory Memory assigned to a
partition (MB).
EntitledHours CPU hours that a partition is
entitled to (hours).
CappedHours Capped CPU hours used by
a partition (hours).
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 279
Table 88. Default HMC Identifiers and Resources LPAR Sample (continued)
Log File Field
Identifier Name or Resource
Description in SmartCloud
Cost Management
Assigned Rate Code in
SmartCloud Cost
UncappedHours Uncapped CPU hours used
by a partition (hours).
Table 89. Default HMC Identifiers and Resources Memory Pool Sample
Log File Field
Identifier Name or Resource
Description in SmartCloud
Cost Management
Assigned Rate Code in
SmartCloud Cost
HMCHostName HMC host name or IP
PoolMem Size of shared memory pool
Table 90. Default HMC Identifiers and Resources Processor Pool Sample
Log File Field
Identifier Name or Resource
Description in SmartCloud
Cost Management
Assigned Rate Code in
SmartCloud Cost
HMCHostName HMC host name or IP
TotalPoolCycles Processing cycles available to
a shared processor pool
280 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 90. Default HMC Identifiers and Resources Processor Pool Sample (continued)
Log File Field
Identifier Name or Resource
Description in SmartCloud
Cost Management
Assigned Rate Code in
SmartCloud Cost
UtilizedPoolCycles Processing cycles used by a
shared processor pool
TotalPoolHours CPU hours available to a
shared processor pool
UtilizedPoolHours CPU hours used by a shared
processor pool (hours).
Table 91. Default HMC Identifiers and Resources System Sample
Log File Field
Identifier Name or Resource
Description in SmartCloud
Cost Management
Assigned Rate Code in
SmartCloud Cost
HMCHostName HMC host name or IP
SysProcUnits Configurable system
processing unit.
SysMemory Configurable system memory
AvailSysProcUnits Available processing units
for partitions.
AvailSysMem Available memory partitions
Setting up SmartCloud Cost Management for HMC data
The sections that follow provide details about setting up SmartCloud Cost
Management for HMC data collection.
Creating a Server Connection data source
You must create a data source in Administration Console that points to the HMC.
The data source is referenced in the HMC collector job runner file in the
Administration Console:
1. In Administration Console, click System Configuration > Data Sources and
select Server as the Data Source Type.
2. Click Create Data Source.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 281
3. Complete the following:
Data Source Name
Type the name that you want to assign to the data source.
Note: The following are invalid characters for a data source name: "/",
Type the HMC Username.
Type the HMC password.
Host Type the host name, IP address, or IP name of the HMC. If you are
using an Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) address as the hostname, the
IP address must be specified as follows:
v Enclose the address with square brackets. For example, IPv6 address
aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff:aaaa:bbbb should be specified as
Enter SSH for HMC. If this field is left empty, it defaults to SSH.
Port Enter the port number. If this field is left empty, it defaults to 22.
Enter the timeout value. If this field is left empty, it defaults to 180000.
Private Key File
The private key file is a file which contains an encrypted key for
authenticating during a secure connection. The passphrase is used to
encrypt or decrypt the key file. Enter a valid path to the key file.
Restricted Shell
Select this check box for HMC.
4. Click Create to save the data source information. The new data source name is
displayed in the Data Source Name menu.
Note: When the data source information is saved, the connection to the
database is verified. You should see a message at the top of the screen
indicating that the connection was successful.
Editing the sample job file
The HMC data collector is divided into two parts:
v A collector for the collection of data from the HMC and the writing of this data
to a file per managed system of the HMC.
v A delimited collector to parse the data file(s) from the HMC into SmartCloud
Cost Management for processing.
The collector uses the Integrator program to collect the data and to convert data
collected by the collector into a CSR or CSR+ file. The Integrator program is run
from a job file and uses the common XML architecture used for all data collection
in addition to elements that are specific to Integrator.
282 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
SmartCloud Cost Management includes a sample job file, SampleHMC.xml that you
can modify and use to process the HMC data. After you have modified and
optionally renamed the SampleHMC.xml file, move the file to the
SCCM_install_dir>\jobfiles directory.
The SampleHMC.xml file contains the following parameters that are specific to HMC
<Input name="CollectorInput" active="true">
<Collector name="HMC">
<ServerConnection dataSourceName="HMCCollector"/>
<HMCOption event="h"procpoolSample=time,event_type,resource_type,
sys_time, shared_proc_pool_name,shared_proc_pool_id,time_cycles,total_pool_cycles,
utilized_pool_cycles startTime=10:00/>
<Parameter name="logdate" value="%LogDate_End%" DataType="DateTime"
<Parameter name="outputFolder" value="%CollectorFolder%/hmc" DataType="String" />
<Parameter name="timeout" value="180000" DataType="Integer"/>
<File name="Exception.txt" type="exception"/>
These parameters are described in the following table.
Table 92. HMC Parameters
Parameter Description/Values
ServerConnection-dateSourceName The name of the SmartCloud Cost Management data
source that points to the HMC.
HMCOption-rate This is the rate in seconds at which the HMC was
configured for data granularity at the time the current
data being collected was generated.
HMCOption-event This is the HMC sampling events to be gathered. The
values are as follows:
v h: hourly sampling events
v d: daily sampling events
HMCOption-lparSample A delimited separated list (comma by default) of the
attribute names for the required attribute values to be
gathered for the lpar sample events. If not specified a
default list of all lpar sample attributes as per HMC
version 7.2.0 are gathered.
HMCOption-sysSample A delimited separated list (comma by default) of the
attribute names for the required attribute values to be
gathered for the sys sample events. If not specified a
default list of all sys sample attributes as per HMC
version 7.2.0 are gathered.
HMCOption-mempoolSample A delimited separated list (comma by default) of the
attribute names for the required attribute values to be
gathered for the mempool sample events. If not
specified a default list of all mempool sample
attributes as per HMC version 7.2.0 are gathered.
HMCOption-procpoolSample A delimited separated list (comma by default) of the
attribute names for the required attribute values to be
gathered for the procpool sample events. If not
specified a default list of all procpool sample
attributes as per HMC version 7.2.0 are gathered.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 283
Table 92. HMC Parameters (continued)
Parameter Description/Values
HMCOption-lparSampleCmd Switch the command on or off for lpar sample events.
True is on and is the default value.
HMCOption-sysSampleCmd Switch the command on or off for sys sample events.
True is on and is the default value.
HMCOption-memPoolSampleCmd Switch the command on or off for mempool sample
events. True is on and is the default value.
HMCOption-procPoolSampleCmd Switch the command on or off for procpool sample
events. True is on and is the default value.
HMCOption-startTime Start time of the day to gather the HMC events from.
The format is: HH:mm'. Default is 00:00'. The
Collector logdate parameter defines the date.
HMCOption-endTime End time of the day to gather the HMC events to.
The format is: HH:mm'. Default is 23:59'. The
Collector logdate parameter defines the date.
outputFolder This is the path to where the data file(s) from the
HMC collection are written. The default path is:
%CollectorFolder%/hmc. A file is generated for each
managed system per HMC as follows:
hmc_<logdate_starttime>_ <system_name>.txt.
The SampleHMC.xml file contains the following parameters that are specific to
HMCINPUT parsing.
<Input name="CollectorInput" active="true">
<Collector name="HMCINPUT">
<Template filePath="%HomePath%/collectors/HMC/StandardTemplates.xml"
<Parameter name="LogDate" value="PREMON" DataType="String"/>
<File name="%CollectorLogs%/hmc/CurrentCSR.txt" type="input"/>
<File name="%ProcessFolder%/LparSampleException.txt" type="exception" />
Table 93. HMCINPUT Parameters
Parameter Description/Values
filePath="template_file_path The path of the template file. If you do not
specify a value, the default
HMC/StandardTemplates.xmlis used. You can
generate custom template files and use them
in place of the standard templates by
specifying a different filename.
name="template_name" The name of the template. This value
controls the type of log records which are
read and processed by the job. Valid values
are HMC_LPAR_SAMPLE for LPAR Sample,
HMC_MEMPOOL_SAMPLE for Mempool Sample,
HMC_PROCPOOL_SAMPLE for Procpool Sample
and HMC_SYS_SAMPLE for System Sample.
284 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
HMC data commands
This topic lists the commands run on the HMC. Refer to the IBM HMC
documentation for more details.
The IBM HMC collector gathers usage data from the HMC using the following
v lssyscfg -r sys:
Discover the managed systems of the HMC
v lslparutil -r config -m <managed_system>:
Check if data is currently being persisted by the HMC for this managed
v lslparutil -r lpar m <managed_system> <day start/end> -s <sampling event
file> --filter "event_types=sample" F <attributes>:
LPAR data
v lslparutil -r procpool m <managed_system> <day start/end> -s <sampling
event file> "event_types=sample" F <attributes>:
Processor shared pool data
v lslparutil -r mempool m <managed_system> <day start/end> -s <sampling
event file> "event_types=sample" F <attributes>:
Memory shared pool data
v lslparutil -r sys m <managed_system> <day start/end> -s <sampling event
file> "event_types=sample" F <attributes>:
Managed system data
Note: The commands can be run on the HMC without the attributes specified.
This will show all attributes supported for a HMC version for that event and
resource type. The default attributes used by the HMC collector are specified in the
sample job file. Commands and attributes for HMC events can be configured if
they are not supported in a HMC version. Refer to Setting up SmartCloud Cost
Management for HMC data collection on page 281 and IBM HMC documentation
for more details.
KVM data collector
The Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) collector collects virtualization
information from the Linux KVM hypervisor.
The SmartCloud Cost Management KVM collector will collect information for the
following KVM systems:
The SmartCloud Cost Management KVM collector provides scripts which are
scheduled in the root's crontab to generate daily files of KVM virtualization. The
file contains a snapshot of the KVM virtualization usage expressed in CSR record
format. The collector script provides a means to transfer the daily file to the
SmartCloud Cost Management Server for processing. The KVM virtualization
usage file is processed using a SmartCloud Cost Management jobrunner job file.
The SmartCloud Cost Management Server provides the following files to
implement the SmartCloud Cost Management KVM collector:
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 285
Related reference:
Setting up SmartCloud Cost Management for high scale low touch IBM
SmartCloud Provisioning data collection
This topic provides information for setting up SmartCloud Cost Management for
high scale low touch IBM SmartCloud Provisioning data collection.
Identifiers and resources collected by the KVM collector
Identifiers and resources collected by the Volume Manager collector are converted
into a CSR file which can be consumed by SmartCloud Cost Management.
The following identifiers and resources are included in the CSR file.
Table 94. KVM Identifiers
Identifier Description
HOST_NAME Fully qualified host name
IP_ADDRESS Host name IP address
MODEL_NAME Host model name
SERIAL_NUM Host manufacturer serial number
TYPE_MODEL Host 7 character type and model
VM_NAME Virtual Machine (VM) Name
VM_PID The process ID of the process that runs on
the hypervisor and embodies the VM
VM_SHORT_ID The short numeric ID of the VM
VM_UUID The universal unique ID of the VM
Table 95. KVM resources
Resource Description
KVMHT001 Host CPU clock speed (MHz)
KVMHT002 Host number of physical CPUs
KVMHT003 Host number of CPU cores
KVMHT004 Host number of CPU threads (Depending if
CPUs support hyper-threading; otherwise
this is the same as KVMHT003.)
KVMHT005 Host Memory (MB)
KVMHT006 Host CPU idle time (Seconds)
KVMHT007 Host CPU other time (seconds)
KVMHT008 Host CPU system time (seconds)
KVMHT009 Host CPU user time (seconds)
286 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 95. KVM resources (continued)
Resource Description
KVMVM001 The sum of KVMVM003 over all VMs for
the given sampling interval (This is
guaranteed to be greater than zero. If all
VMs have KVMVM003= 0 for a given
sampling interval, each KVMVM003 in that
interval is arbitrarily changed to 0.00001,
and the KVMVM003 value is computed as
the sum of those.)
KVMVM002 Number of virtual CPUs assigned to the VM
KVMVM003 Virtual CPU time used by the VM (Seconds)
KVMVM004 Maximum memory available to VM (MB)
KVMVM005 Memory assigned to VM (MB)
RX_BYTES Number of bytes received (GB)
RX_PACKS Number of packets received
RX_ERRS Number of receive packet errors
RX_DROP Number of receive packets dropped
TX_BYTES Number of bytes transferred (GB)
TX_PACKS Number of packets transferred
TX_ERRS Number of transfer packet errors
TX_DROP Number of transfer packets dropped
LOGSIZE Log size of virtual image (KB)
DISKSZ Size of virtual image on disk (KB)
Deploying the SmartCloud Cost Management KVM collector
The SmartCloud Cost Management KVM collector can be deployed in two ways.
First, using the RXA capability built into the SmartCloud Cost Management Server.
This method allows the user to install the KVM collector to the target server from
the SmartCloud Cost Management Server. A second method would be to manually
copy the KVM installation files to the target server and run the tuam_unpack_kvm
installation script.
Note: The target server requires Perl to be installed and on the system path.
If the daily files are to be transferred using the standard provided means, then the
collector requires that the SmartCloud Cost Management Server is running an FTP
service to receive the nightly KVM usage files from the target servers.
Installing the SmartCloud Cost Management KVM collector from the
SmartCloud Cost Management Server:
Installing the KVM collector from the SmartCloud Cost Management Server is
accomplished using the SampleDeployKVMCollector.xml jobfile.
Before you begin
Several parameter settings need to be edited prior to running the jobfile, these
v Host: The hostname or IP address of the target server.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 287
v UserId: Must be set to "root".
v Password: Password for root on the target server.
v Manifest: manifest file for the OS type of the target server
v RPDParameters: see note in the example.
Example from SampleDeployKVMCollector.xml jobfile:
Note: Example lines that are too long are broken up. The breakpoint is indicated
using a backslash "\".
<Parameter Host = "TARGET_PLATFORM"/>
<!-- userid must be set to root/-->
<Parameter UserId = "root"/>
<Parameter Password = "XXXXXX"/>
<!--Parameter KeyFilename = "yourkeyfilename"/-->
<Parameter Manifest = " KVM_DeploymentManifest_Linux.xml"/>
<!--Parameter Protocol = "win | ssh"/-->
path: must be defined to the directory path where kvm Collector
will be installed on target platform.
Parameter Required.
server: name or IP address of the SmartCloud Cost Management Server
Parameter Required if do_ftp is set.
log_folder: CollectorLog folder on SmartCloud Cost Management Server.
If SmartCloud Cost Management Server is
UNIX/Linux platform, log_folder should be defined to the full path to the
Collector Logs folder, example: /opt/ibm/tuam/logs/collectors .
Parameter Required if do_ftp is set.
ftp_user: Account used to access the SmartCloud Cost Management Server for nightly transfer of the
kvm log to the SmartCloud Cost Management Server. If the log file is to remain on the
client, set ftp_user=HOLD. If anonymous ftp access has been configured
on the SmartCloud Cost Management Server, enter ftp_user=anonymous. This account must have
read/write access to the Collector Logs folder.
Parameter Required if do_ftp is set.
ftp_key: password used by ftp_user. If ftp_user=anonymous or ftp_user=HOLD,
enter any value for this parameter, but enter something,
example: ftp_key=XXXX.
Parameter Required if do_ftp is set.
add_ip: Indicate if the name of the folder receiving the kvm files on
the SmartCloud Cost Management Server should include the IP address of the client server.
example: If log_folder=/opt/ibm/tuam/logs/collectors and the
client server is named "client1", the nightly kvm file will be
placed in
If add_ip=Y, the file will be delivered to
Default value "N".
do_ftp: Perform file transfer of collector daily data using
FTP to SmartCloud Cost Management serve
If do_ftp=Y, the file will be transferred.
Default value "Y".
file_cleanup: Number of days to maintain files on client server.
Default value "45".
<Parameter RPDParameters = "path=/opt/ibm/tuam/collectors/kvm;server=TUAM_SERVER;
Manually installing the SmartCloud Cost Management KVM collector:
This topic describes how to manually install the KVM collector.
About this task
The SmartCloud Cost Management KVM can be installed manually by copying the
collectors installation files to the target server, placing them in the directory where
you want the collector to reside and then executing the collector unpack script.
For example, suppose your SmartCloud Cost Management Server is installed in
<SCCM_install_dir>, and you want the SmartCloud Cost Management KVM
Collector to reside in /opt/ibm/tuam/collectors/kvm on the target server, to
complete the installation you would do the following:
288 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
1. Copy <SCCM_install_dir>/collectors/KVM/kvm_collect.template to
/opt/ibm/tuam/collectors/kvm on the target server.
2. Copy <SCCM_install_dir>/collectors/KVM/ to
/opt/ibm/tuam/collectors/kvm on the target server.
3. Copy <SCCM_install_dir>/collectors/KVM/tuam_unpack_kvm to
/opt/ibm/tuam/collectors/kvm on the target server.
4. On the target server, as root, enter the following. (Note: the values supplied are
described in the installing topic. This describes how to install using the
provided file transfer of FTP).
Note: Code lines that are too long are broken up. The breakpoint is indicated
using a backslash "\".
# cd /opt/ibm/tuam/collectors/kvm
# chmod 770 tuam_unpack_kvm
# ./tuam_unpack_kvm path=/opt/ibm/tuam/collectors/kvm server=tuamserver \
log_folder=collector_log ftp_user=ituam ftp_key=ituam add_ip=N do_ftp=Y \
Following the installation of the SmartCloud Cost Management KVM collector:
This topic discusses the actions that must be taken after you have installed the
KVM collector.
The installation places an entry in the root crontab to run the script
once each hour. The script will output hourly KVM virtualization information into
the host and guest data: SCCM_install_dir/kvm_host_YYYYMMDD_HH.csv and
When called at 12 midnight, the script will concatenate the hourly virtualization
information for the previous day into single files for guest and host
kvm_host_YYYYMMDD.csv and kvm_host_YYYYMMDD.csv. If enabled, this file is then
transferred to the SmartCloud Cost Management server and placed in the path
configured during deployment. for example, <collector_logs>/kvm/<target_name>.
A log of the collection is written to /<SCCM_install_dir>/log/
kvm_collector_YYYYMMDD.log. A log of the FTP transfer is written to
The daily KVM usage files and ftp logs are retained on the target platform for 45
Script -
Usage: collect | send [YYYYMMDD]
The script is called with either the collect or sends argument.
collect: This argument should only be used in the crontab entry that is placed in
roots cron file when the KVM is installed. A log of the collection is written to
send: This argument can be used to send the nightly KVM report file to the
SmartCloud Cost Management Server. A log of the FTP transfer is written to
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 289
Uninstalling the SmartCloud Cost Management KVM collector:
This topic describes how to uninstall the KVM collector.
About this task
The SmartCloud Cost Management KVM collector can be uninstalled as follows:
1. Remove the crontab entry from root's crontab.
2. Remove all KVM files and scripts from the path the collector was installed, for
example, /opt/ibm/collectors/kvm.
Linux, z/Linux, UNIX, and AIX operating system and file
system data collectors
If you installed the operating system and file system data collectors remotely, data
collection is started automatically.
See Setting up operating and file system data collection: starting Linux or UNIX
process accounting on page 398.
Sar data collector
Sar is a command available on all UNIX/Linux platforms which provides the user
with system-level CPU utilization and capacity information.
Sar reports information in time intervals as requested by the user. For example, the
user may request sar to report 10 5-minute intervals of utilization and capacity
# sar 300 10
The SmartCloud Cost Management sar collector provides a script which is
scheduled in root's crontab to generate sar reports and transfer the reports to the
SmartCloud Cost Management Server on a daily basis for processing. The sar
reports are processed using a SmartCloud Cost Management jobrunner job file.
SmartCloud Cost Management Server provides the following files to implement
the SmartCloud Cost Management sar Collector.
SmartCloud Cost Management products
The following is a list of the SmartCloud Cost Management products that include
this collector:
SmartCloud Cost Management products
v IBM SmartCloud Cost Management
290 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Identifiers and resources collected by sar collector
Identifiers and resources collected by the sar collector are converted to CSR record
format by an Integrator stage in the SampleSar.xml jobfile.
The following identifiers and resources are included in the CSR file.
Table 96. Sar Identifiers
Identifier Description
SYSTEM_ID Servername
IP_ADDR IP address of server
OP_SYS Operating system of server
Table 97. Sar Resources
Resource Description
SANUMCPU Number physical CPUs
SAMEMSIZ Memory Size (KB)
SASCPUPT Percent System CPU
SAWAIOPT Percent Wait I/O
SAUCPUUS User CPU used (seconds)
SASCPUUS System CPU used (seconds)
SAICPUUS Idle CPU Time (seconds)
SAWAIOUS Wait I/O Time (seconds)
SAENTCPT Percent Entitled Capacity
It is recommended that this data is written to the resource utilization table. For
more information on how to do this, see the DBLoad section.
Deploying the sar collector
The SmartCloud Cost Management sar Collector can be deployed in one of two
ways. First, using the RXA capability built into SmartCloud Cost Management
Server. This method allows the user to install the sar collector to the target server
from the SmartCloud Cost Management Server. A second method would be to
manually copy the sar installation files to the target server and run the
tuam_unpack_sar installation script.
Regardless of the method used to install, the collector requires that the SmartCloud
Cost Management Server is running an FTP service to receive the nightly sar usage
files from the target servers. Where SmartCloud Cost Management server is
running on Windows, you will need to be sure of the following:
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 291
v The IIS FTP service is installed.
v A virtual directory has been defined to the SmartCloud Cost Management
Collector Logs folder.
v The FTP service can be configured to allow either anonymous or user/password
access, but the accessing account must have read/write access to the SmartCloud
Cost Management Collector Logs folder.
Installing the SmartCloud Cost Management sar Collector from the SmartCloud
Cost Management Server:
Installing the sar Collector from the SmartCloud Cost Management Server is
accomplished using the SampleDeploySarCollector.xml jobfile.
Before you begin
Several parameter settings need to be edited prior to running the jobfile.
v Host: The hostname or IP address of the target server.
v UserId: Must be set to "root".
v Password: Password for root on the target server.
v Manifest: manifest file for the OS type of the target server
v RPDParameters: see note in the example.
Example from SampleDeploySarCollector.xml jobfile:
Note: Example lines that are too long are broken up. The breakpoint is indicated
using a backslash "\".
<Parameter Host = "TARGET_PLATFORM"/>
<!-- userid must be set to root/-->
<Parameter UserId = "root"/>
<Parameter Password = "XXXXXX"/>
<!--Parameter KeyFilename = "yourkeyfilename"/-->
<!--Parameter Manifest = "sarDeploymentManifest_linux.xml"/-->
<!--Parameter Manifest = "sarDeploymentManifest_hp.xml"/-->
<!--Parameter Manifest = "sarDeploymentManifest_linux.xml"/-->
<!--Parameter Manifest = "sarDeploymentManifest_solaris.xml"/-->
<Parameter Manifest = "sarDeploymentManifest_aix.xml"/>
<!--Parameter Protocol = "win | ssh"/-->
path: must be defined to the directory path where sar Collector
will be installed on target platform.
Parameter Required.
server: name or IP address of the
SmartCloud Cost Management Server
Parameter Required.
log_folder: CollectorLog folder on SmartCloud Cost Management Server.
If SmartCloud Cost Management Server is UNIX/Linux
platform, log_folder should be defined to the full path to the
Collector Logs folder, example: /opt/ibm/tuam/logs/collectors .
If SmartCloud Cost Management Server is Windows platform, log_folder should be set to
virtual directory that references the Collector Logs folder.
Parameter Required.
ftp_user: Account used to access the SmartCloud Cost Management Server for nightly transfer of the
sar log to the
SmartCloud Cost Management Server. If the log file is to remain on the
client, set ftp_user=HOLD. If anonymous ftp access has been configured
on the SmartCloud Cost Management Server, enter ftp_user=anonymous. This account must have
read/write access to the Collector Logs folder.
Parameter Required.
ftp_key: password used by ftp_user. If ftp_user=anonymous or ftp_user=HOLD,
enter any value for this parameter, but enter something,
example: ftp_key=XXXX.
Parameter Required.
add_ip: Indicate if the name of the folder receiving the sar files on
the TUAM Server should include the IP address of the client server.
example: If log_folder=/opt/ibm/tuam/logs/collectors and the
client server is named "client1", the nightly sar file will be
292 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
placed in
If add_ip=Y, the file will be delivered to
Default value "N".
interval: Number of seconds in sar intervals.
Default value 300.
<Parameter RPDParameters = "path=/data/tuam/collectors/sar;server=; \
Manually installing the SmartCloud Cost Management sar collector:
This topic describes how you can manually install the sar collector.
About this task
The SmartCloud Cost Management sar Collector can be installed manually by
copying the collectors installation files to the target server, placing them in the
directory where you want the collector to reside and then executing the collector
unpack script.
For example, suppose your SmartCloud Cost Management Server is installed in
<SCCM_install_dir>, and you want the SmartCloud Cost Management sar collector
to reside in /opt/ibm/tuam/collectors/sar on the target server, to complete the
installation you would do the following:
1. Copy <SCCM_install_dir>/collectors/sar/sar_collect.template to
/opt/ibm/tuam/collectors/sar on the target server.
2. Copy <SCCM_install_dir>/collectors/sar/tuam_unpack_sar to
/opt/ibm/tuam/collectors/sar on the target server.
3. On the target server, as root, enter the following. (Note: the values supplied are
described in the installing topic).
Note: Code lines that are too long are broken up. The breakpoint is indicated
using a backslash "/".
# cd/opt/ibm/tuam/collectors/sar
# chmod 770 tuam_unpack_sar
# ./tuam_unpack_sar path=/opt/ibm/tuam/collectors/sar
server=tuamserver log_folder=collector_log ftp_user=ituam ftp_key=ituam add_ip=N interval=300
Following the installation of the sar collector:
This topic discusses the actions that must be taken after you have installed the sar
The installation places an entry in the root crontab to run the script
once each hour. The script will output an hourly sar report to /<install_dir>/
When called in the 23rd hour (11 PM), the script will generate the hourly report
and then concatenate the hourly sar reports into a single file sar_YYYYMMDD.txt.
This file is then transferred to the SmartCloud Cost Management Server and
placed in <collector_logs>/sar/<target_name>. A log of the FTP transfer is
written to /<install_dir>/data/YYYYMMDD_ftp.log
The daily sar usage files and ftp logs are retained on the target platform for 10
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 293
Script -
Usage: collect | send [YYYYMMDD ]
The script is called with either the collect or send argument.
collect : This argument should only be used in the crontab entry that is placed in
root's cron file when the sar collector is installed.
send : This argument can be used to send the nightly sar report file to the
SmartCloud Cost Management Server. A log of the FTP transfer is written to
Uninstalling the sar collector:
This topic describes how to uninstall the sar collector.
About this task
The SmartCloud Cost Management sar Collector can be uninstalled simply by
removing the crontab entry from root's crontab. Once that is done,
all sar collector files and scripts can be removed.
Tivoli Data Warehouse data collector
You can use the Tivoli Data Warehouse data collector to gather usage and
accounting data that is stored in the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring manages IT infrastructure, including operating systems,
databases, and servers, across distributed and host environments through a single
workspace portal. Tivoli Monitoring agents collect data and store it in Tivoli Data
Warehouse. The Tivoli Data Warehouse collector collects usage and accounting data
that is gathered by IBM Tivoli Monitoring agents and stored in the Tivoli Data
Warehouse and converts the data to Common Source Record format.
Setting up Tivoli Data Warehouse data collection
This topic provides information about setting up Tivoli Data Warehouse data
About this task
SmartCloud Cost Management provides several sample job files that you can
modify and use to collect data from Tivoli Data Warehouse. After you have
modified and optionally renamed a sample job file, move the file to the
<SCCM_install_dir>\jobfiles directory.
294 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Configuring the Tivoli Data Warehouse job file
SmartCloud Cost Management provides several sample job files for Tivoli Data
Warehouse data collection. These sample files provide a template that you can use
to create a job file.
The following table lists the sample job files for Tivoli Data Warehouse data
Table 98.
File name Description
SampleTDW_AEM.xml Active Energy Manager
SampleTDW_AIXPremium.xml AIX Premium
SampleTDW_Eaton.xml Eaton (Power)
SampleTDW_HMC.xml Hardware Management Console for p5, i5 or
SampleTDW_LinuxOS.xml Linux Operating System
SampleTDW_TCAM.xml IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager
for SOA
SampleTDW_UnixOS.xml Unix Operating System
SampleTDW_WindowsOS.xml Windows Operating System
The comments that are included in the sample job file contain additional
information about how to customize the file for your environment. It is
recommended that you copy the sample job file to the <SCCM_install_dir>\
jobfiles directory where you can make any necessary modifications before
scheduling the job to run.
Structure of the job file
This section describes the job file for the Tivoli Data Warehouse collector.
The following sample shows the structure of the Integrator step of the job file:
<Step id="Integrator-ITMPWMRS" type="ConvertToCSR" programType="java" programName="integrator" active="true">
<Input name="CollectorInput" active="true">
<Collector name ="TDW">
<Connection dataSourceName="OCEAN5"/>
<Template filePath="%HomePath%/collectors/tdw/StandardTemplates.xml" name="TDWAEMRS" />
<Parameter name="StartLogDate" value="%LogDate_Start% 00:00:00" dataType="DATETIME" format="yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss"/>
<Parameter name="EndLogDate" value="%LogDate_End% 23:59:59" dataType="DATETIME" format="yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss"/>
<!--Parameter name="Resourceheader" value="TDWAAEMRS" dataType="STRING"/-->
<Parameter name="Feed" value="server1" dataType="STRING"/>
<Parameter name="LogDate" value="%LogDate_End%" dataType="DATETIME" format="yyyyMMdd"/>
<File name="%ProcessFolder%/exception.txt" type="exception" />
The Step element has the following attributes:
Table 99.
Attribute Required or optional Description/Parameters
id="step_id" Required. step_id refers to the step ID.
type="ConvertToCSR" Required. Do not change this value.
programType="java" Required. Do not change this value.
programName="integrator" Required. Do not change this value.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 295
The Step element contains the Integrator element, which has no attributes.
The Integrator element contains the Input element, which has the following
Table 100.
Attribute Required or optional Description/Parameters
name="CollectorInput" Required. Do not change this value.
active="true" | "false" Required. Set this attribute to "true" to run the
collector or "false" if you do not want
to run the collector.
The Input element can contain the Collector, Parameters, and Files elements.
The Collector element is required. It has one attribute:
Table 101.
Attribute Required or optional Description/Parameters
name="TDW" Required. Do not change this value.
The Collector element contains the Connection and Template elements.
The Connection element is required and has the following attribute:
Table 102.
Attribute Required or optional Description/Parameters
dataSourceName="data_source_name" Required. The name of the data source defined
in the Data Source List Maintenance
page in the Administration Console.
The Template element is required and has the following attributes:
Table 103.
Attribute Required or optional Description/Parameters
filePath="template_file_path" Optional. The path of the template file. If you
do not specify a value, the default
StandardTemplates.xml is used. You
can generate custom template files
and use them in place of the
standard templates by specifying a
different file name.
name="template_name" Required. The name of the template.
The Parameters element has no attributes. The Parameters element must contain
the startLogDate, endLogDate, Feed, and LogDate parameters and may contain the
optional parameter Resourceheader.
The startLogDate parameter contains the following attributes:
296 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 104.
Attribute Required or optional Description/Parameters
name="startLogDate" Required. The name of the parameter.
value="interval_start_date_time" Required. The start time of the usage interval.
dataType="DATETIME" Required. The data type expected for this
format="yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss" Required. The simple date time format that is
used in the date time value.
The endLogDate parameter contains the following attributes:
Table 105.
Attribute Required or optional Description/Parameters
name="endLogDate" Required. The name of the parameter.
value="interval_end_date_time" Required. The end time of the usage interval.
dataType="DATETIME" Required. The data type expected for this
format="yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss" Required. The simple date time format that is
used in the date time value.
The optional Resourceheader parameter contains the following attributes:
Table 106.
Attribute Required or optional Description/Parameters
name="Resourceheader" Required. The name of the parameter.
value="header_value" Required. The resource header. This attribute
specifies the value to be placed in the
header field of the CSR output file.
The default value is the first eight
characters of the name attribute
specified in the Template element.
dataType="STRING" Required. The data type.
The Feed parameter contains the following attributes:
Table 107.
Attribute Required or optional Description/Parameters
name="Feed" Required. The name of the parameter.
value="server1" Required. Specifies the subdirectory of the
process folder where CSR or CSR+
files from the same feed are stored.
dataType="STRING" Required. The data type.
The LogDate parameter contains the following attributes:
Table 108.
Attribute Required or optional Description/Parameters
name="LogDate" Required. The name of the parameter.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 297
Table 108. (continued)
Attribute Required or optional Description/Parameters
value="%LogDate_End%" Required. The date for which you are
processing usage logs. The value can
be a date literal or a date keyword.
dataType="DATETIME" Required. The data type expected for this
format="yyyyMMdd" Required. The simple date time format that is
used in the date time value.
The Files element is optional. It has no attributes. The Files element may contain
the File parameter. The File parameter has the following attributes:
Table 109.
Attribute Required or optional Description/Parameters
name="exception_file_path" Required. The name of a file in which to log
type="exception" Required. The type of data written to the file.
Active Energy Manager identifiers and resources
This topic describes the SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources
that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the Active Energy Manager
298 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 110. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the Active Energy Manager agent
Tivoli Monitoring agent
group Database table and column names
Resource description and identifier
name in SmartCloud Cost
Active Energy Manager Rack Server
v Average_Power_AC
(INTEGER, average)
v Average_Power_DC
(INTEGER, average)
v Ambient_Temp_Avg
(DECIMAL, average)
v Exhaust_Temp_Avg
(DECIMAL, average)
v Name
v Type
agent = aem
attribute_group = rack_server
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 299
Table 110. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the Active Energy Manager agent (continued)
Tivoli Monitoring agent
group Database table and column names
Resource description and identifier
name in SmartCloud Cost
Blade Slot
v Average_Power_DC
(INTEGER, average)
v Ambient_Temp_Avg
(DECIMAL, average)
v Exhaust_Temp_Avg
(DECIMAL, average)
v Slot_Number
v Name
v Domain
v Component_ID
v Component_Type
agent = aem
attribute_group = blade_slot
300 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 110. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the Active Energy Manager agent (continued)
Tivoli Monitoring agent
group Database table and column names
Resource description and identifier
name in SmartCloud Cost
System Z
v Average_Input_Power_AC
(INTEGER, average)
v Ambient_Temp_Avg
(DECIMAL, average)
v Exhaust_Temp_Avg
(DECIMAL, average)
v Name
v Type
v Model
v Serial_Number
agent = aem
attribute_group = systemz
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 301
Table 110. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the Active Energy Manager agent (continued)
Tivoli Monitoring agent
group Database table and column names
Resource description and identifier
name in SmartCloud Cost
PDU Outlet
v Input_Power
(INTEGER, average)
v Output_Power
(INTEGER, average)
v Ambient_Temp_Avg
(DECIMAL, average)
v Exhaust_Temp_Avg
(DECIMAL, average)
v Name
v Group_Name
agent = aem
attribute_group = pdu_outlet
AIX Premium identifiers and resources
This topic describes the SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources
that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the AIX Premium agent.
302 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 111. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the AIX Premium agent
Tivoli Monitoring agent
Tivoli Monitoring
attribute group
Database table and column
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
AIX Premium
v Size_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Free_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Used_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Name
v Node
v Mount_Point
v Volume_Group_Name
AIXPFSTS (MB-Interval)
AIXPFSFS (MB-Interval)
AIXPFSUS (MB-Interval)
agent = aix_premium
attribute_group =
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 303
Table 111. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the AIX Premium agent (continued)
Tivoli Monitoring agent
Tivoli Monitoring
attribute group
Database table and column
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Logical Partition
v Entitlement
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Number_of_Physical_CPUs
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Number_of_Virtual_CPUs
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Number_of_Logical_CPUs
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Online_Mem
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Node
v LPAR_Number
v Shared_Mode
v Capped_Mode
v SMT_Mode
v Machine_ID
v Hostname
AIXPLPOM (MB-Interval)
agent = aix_premium
attribute_group =
304 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 111. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the AIX Premium agent (continued)
Tivoli Monitoring agent
Tivoli Monitoring
attribute group
Database table and column
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Logical Volume
v Size_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Node
v Name
v Volume_Group_Name
v Type
v Mount_Point
AIXPLVTS (MB-Interval)
agent = aix_premium
attribute_group =
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 305
Table 111. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the AIX Premium agent (continued)
Tivoli Monitoring agent
Tivoli Monitoring
attribute group
Database table and column
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Network Adapters
v Bytes_Sent
(VARCHAR, accumulation)
v Pkts_Sent
(VARCHAR, accumulation)
v Broadcast_Pkts_Sent
(VARCHAR, accumulation)
v Multicast_Pkts_Sent
(VARCHAR, accumulation)
v Bytes_Recvd
(VARCHAR, accumulation)
v Pkts_Recvd
(VARCHAR, accumulation)
v Broadcast_Pkts_ Recvd
(VARCHAR, accumulation)
v Multicast_Pkts_ Recvd
(VARCHAR, accumulation)
v Node
v Name
v Type
agent = aix_premium
attribute_group =
306 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 111. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the AIX Premium agent (continued)
Tivoli Monitoring agent
Tivoli Monitoring
attribute group
Database table and column
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Physical Memory
v Memory_Size_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Free_Memory_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Used_Memory_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Node
AIXPPMMS (MB-Interval)
AIXPPMFM (MB-Interval)
AIXPPMUM (MB-Interval)
agent = aix_premium
attribute_group =
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 307
Table 111. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the AIX Premium agent (continued)
Tivoli Monitoring agent
Tivoli Monitoring
attribute group
Database table and column
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Physical Volumes
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Number_of_Stale_Partitions
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Size_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Used_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Free_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Node
v Name
v State
v Volume_Group_Name
AIXPPVTS (MB-Interval)
AIXPPVUS (MB-Interval)
AIXPPVFS (MB-Interval)
agent = aix_premium
attribute_group =
308 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 111. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the AIX Premium agent (continued)
Tivoli Monitoring agent
Tivoli Monitoring
attribute group
Database table and column
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Processes Detail
v Text_Size
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Resident_Text_Size
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Resident_Data_Size
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Total_CPU_Time
(INTEGER, total)
v Node
v Process_Name
v User_Name
AIXPPDTT (4K Page Day)
AIXPPDRT (4K Page Day)
AIXPPDRD (4K Page Day)
AIXPPDTC (Seconds)
agent = aix_premium
attribute_group =
Eaton identifiers and resources
This topic describes the SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources
that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the Eaton agent.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 309
Table 112. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the Eaton agent
agent name
group Database table and column names
Resource description and identifier
name in SmartCloud Cost Management
v TotalKilowattHours
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Node
v Manufacturer
v Model
v SerialNumber
v Panel (Integer)
v Breaker (Integer)
panel (String)
breaker (String)
agent = eaton
attribute_group = pdu_breaker_meters
UPS Input
v inputWatts
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Node
v Manufacturer
v Model
v SerialNumber
agent = eaton
attribute_group = ups_input_table
310 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 112. SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources that are collected from
Tivoli Data Warehouse by the Eaton agent (continued)
agent name
group Database table and column names
Resource description and identifier
name in SmartCloud Cost Management
UPS Output
v outputWatts
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Node
v Manufacturer
v Model
v SerialNumber
agent = eaton
attribute_group = ups_output_table
HMC identifiers and resources
This topic describes the SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources
that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the HMC agent.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 311
Table 113. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
HMC agent.
Tivoli Monitoring
agent name
Tivoli Monitoring
attribute group
Database table and
column names
Resource description
and identifier name
in SmartCloud Cost
v Total_Size_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot,
No data )
v Used_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot,
No data )
v Free_MB
(INTEGER, snapshot,
No data )
v Node
agent = hmc
attribute_group =
ITCAM/SOA identifiers and resources
This topic describes the SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources
that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the ITCAM/SOA agent.
312 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 114. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
ITCAM/SOA agent.
agent name
attribute group Database table and column names
Resource description and identifier
name in SmartCloud Cost
v Msg_Count
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Elapsed_Time_Msg_Count
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Fault_Count
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Avg_Msg_Length
(INTEGER, weighted avg)
v Avg_Elapsed_Time
(INTEGER, weighted avg)
v Origin_Node
v Requester_Identity
v Service_Type
v Service_Name
v Service_Port_Name
v Operation_Name
v Local_Host_Name
v Local_IPAddress
v Application_Server_Env
v Application_Server_Node_Name
v Application_Server_Cell_Name
v Application_Server_Name
v Port_Namespace
v Port_Number
v Operation_Namespace
v Interval_Status
TCAMMLA (bytes)
TCAMELTA (milliseconds)
agent = itcam_soa
attribute_group =
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 313
Linux OS identifiers and resources
This topic describes the SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources
that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the Linux OS agent.
Table 115. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Linux OS agent.
Tivoli Monitoring
agent name
Tivoli Monitoring
attribute group
Database table and
column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Linux OS Disk
v Total_Inodes
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Inodes_Used
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Inodes_Free
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Size
v Space_Used
v Space_Available
v System_Name
v Mount_Point
v Disk_Name
v FS_Type
agent = linux_os
attribute_group = disk
314 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 115. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Linux OS agent. (continued)
Tivoli Monitoring
agent name
Tivoli Monitoring
attribute group
Database table and
column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Disk IO
v Blks_read
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Blks_wrtn
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Dev_Major
v Dev_Minor
v Dev_Name
v System_Name
agent = linux_os
attribute_group =
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 315
Table 115. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Linux OS agent. (continued)
Tivoli Monitoring
agent name
Tivoli Monitoring
attribute group
Database table and
column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
v Kbytes_Received_
(INTEGER, total)
v Kbytes_Transmitted_
(INTEGER, total)
v System_Name
v Network_Interface
v Interface_IP_Address
v Linux_VM_ID
agent = linux_os
attribute_group =
UNIX OS identifiers and resources
This topic describes the SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources
that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the UNIX OS agent.
316 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 116. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
UNIX OS agent
agent name
Database table and column
Resource description and
identifier name in SmartCloud
Cost Management
v Inodes_Used
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Space_Used_MB
(INTEGER, MB, snapshot)
v System_Name
v Mount_Point
v Name
v FS_Type
v Name_U
v Mount_Point_U
agent = unix_os
attribute_group = disk
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 317
Table 116. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
UNIX OS agent (continued)
agent name
Database table and column
Resource description and
identifier name in SmartCloud
Cost Management
v Received_Count
(INTEGER, total)
v Transmitted_Count
(INTEGER, total)
v Network_Interface_Name
v IPV4_DNS_Name
v Interface_DNS_Name
v Interface_IP_Address
v Interface_Status
v System_Name
v Type
agent = unix_os
attribute_group = network
318 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 116. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
UNIX OS agent (continued)
agent name
Database table and column
Resource description and
identifier name in SmartCloud
Cost Management
Solaris Zones
v Physical_Memory
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Total_CPUs
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Virtual_Memory
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Zone_CPU_Usage
(Decimal, snapshot, non-negative)
v Init_PID
v Name
v Path
v Pool_ID
v Scheduler
v Status
v Zone_ID
v System_Name
agent = unix_os
attribute_group = solaris_zones
Windows OS identifiers and resources
This topic describes the SmartCloud Cost Management identifiers and resources
that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the Windows OS agent.
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 319
Table 117. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Windows OS agent.
agent name
attribute group Database table and column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
FTP Service
v Total_Anonymous_Users
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Total_Connection_Attempts
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Total_Files_Received
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Total_Files_Sent
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Total_Files_Transferred
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Total_Logon_Attempts
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Total_NonAnonymous_Users
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v FTP_Site
v System_Name
agent = windows_os
attribute_group =
320 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 117. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Windows OS agent. (continued)
agent name
attribute group Database table and column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Job Object
v Process_Count_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation)
v Total_mSec_Kernal_Mode
(INTEGER, msec, accumulation)
v Total_mSec_Processor
(INTEGER, msec, accumulation)
v Total_mSec_User_Mode
(INTEGER, msec, accumulation)
v Name
v Name_U
v System_Name
agent = windows_os
attribute_group =
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 321
Table 117. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Windows OS agent. (continued)
agent name
attribute group Database table and column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Logical Disk
(INTEGER, MB, snapshot,
calculated by using Total_Size * %_Used)
v Disk_Name
v Physical_Disk_Number
v Server_Name
agent = windows_os
attribute_group =
322 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 117. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Windows OS agent. (continued)
agent name
attribute group Database table and column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Print Job
NT_Print_Job (?) : Not in DB
v Pages_Printed
(INTEGER, total)
v Size
(INTEGER, total)
v Time_Elapsed
(INTEGER, second, total)
v Total_Pages
(INTEGER, total)
v Data_Type
v Document_Name
v Document_Name_U
v Driver_Name
v Machine_Name
v Notify_Name
v Notify_Name_U
v Print_Processor
v Printer_Name
v Printer_Name_U
v Priority
v System_Name
v User_Name
v User_Name_U
agent = windows_os
attribute_group =
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 323
Table 117. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Windows OS agent. (continued)
agent name
attribute group Database table and column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Print Queue
v Total_Jobs_Printed
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Pages_Printed
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Name
v Name_U
v System_Name
agent = windows_os
attribute_group =
324 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 117. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Windows OS agent. (continued)
agent name
attribute group Database table and column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
v Elapsed_Time
(INTEGER, snapshot)
v Page_File_kBytes
(INTEGER, KB, snapshot)
v Page_File_kBytes_Peak
(INTEGER, KB, snapshot)
v Pool_Nonpaged_Bytes
(INTEGER, Byte, snapshot)
v Pool_Paged_Bytes
(INTEGER, Byte, snapshot)
v Private_kBytes
(INTEGER, Byte, snapshot)
v Virtual_kBytes
(INTEGER, KB, snapshot)
v Virtual_kBytes_Peak
(INTEGER, KB, snapshot)
Process (cont.) IDs
v Binary_Path
v ID_Process
v Priority_Base
v Process_Name
v Server_Name
v User
agent = windows_os
attribute_group =
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 325
Table 117. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Windows OS agent. (continued)
agent name
attribute group Database table and column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
SMTP Server
v kBytes_Received_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v kBytes_Sent_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v kBytes_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Directory_Drops_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v ETRN_Messages_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Inbound_Connections_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Message_kBytes_Received_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Message_kBytes_Sent_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Message_kBytes_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Message_Delivery_Retries
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Message_Send_Retries
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Messages_Delivered_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
326 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 117. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Windows OS agent. (continued)
agent name
attribute group Database table and column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
SMTP Server
v Messages_Received_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Messages_Refused_for_Size
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Messages_Retrieved_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Messages_Sent_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v NDRs_Generated
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Outbound_Connections_Refused
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Outbound_Connections_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Routing_Table_Loopups_Total
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Connection_Errors
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v SMTP_Server
v System_Name
agent = windows_os
attribute_group =
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 327
Table 117. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Windows OS agent. (continued)
agent name
attribute group Database table and column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Web Service Web_Service
v Total_CGI_Requests
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Connection_Attempts
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Files_Received
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Files_Sent
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Files_Transferred
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Get_Requests
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Post_Requests
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_ISAPI_Extension_Requests
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Head_Requests
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Other_Request_Methods
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Logon_Attempts
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Anonymous_Users
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
328 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 117. Identifiers and resources that are collected from Tivoli Data Warehouse by the
Windows OS agent. (continued)
agent name
attribute group Database table and column names
Resource description and
identifier name in
SmartCloud Cost
Web Service
v Total_NonAnonymous_Users
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Delete_Requests
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Method_Requests
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Put_Requests
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v Total_Trace_Requests
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
(Total Allowed Async I/O Requests)
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
(Total Rejected Async I/O Requests)
(INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
(Total Blocked Async I/O Requests)
INTEGER, accumulation, No data)
v System_Name
v Web_Site
agent = windows_os
attribute_group = Web
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 329
Universal data collector
A universal data collector is available for applications that do not have a specific
SmartCloud Cost Management data collector.
Setting up the Universal data collector
The Universal data collector uses the Integrator program to convert data in any
input usage file into a CSR or CSR+ file. The Integrator program is run from a job
file and uses the common XML architecture used for all data collection in addition
to elements that are specific to Integrator.
SmartCloud Cost Management includes a sample job file, SampleUniversal.xml,
that you can modify and use to process any Advanced Accounting usage log. After
you have modified and optionally renamed the Universal.xml file, move the file to
the <SCCM_install_dir>\jobfiles directory.
Virtual I/O Server data collector
The Virtual I/O Server includes several IBM Tivoli agents and clients, including
the ITUAM agent. The ITUAM agent is packaged with the Virtual I/O Server and
is installed when the Virtual I/O Server is installed. If the ITUAM agent is run on
the Virtual I/O Server, the agent produces a usage log that can be transferred to
the ITUAM server on Windows for processing. For more information about the
Virtual I/O Server and the ITUAM agent, including how to configure and start the
agent, refer to the System p
data collector runs on a z/VM system and produces CSR files that can
be processed by SmartCloud Cost Management. The CSR files are sent via FTP
from the system running the z/VM data collector to the SmartCloud Cost
Management application server.
To enable the z/VM collector to run, you must do the following:
v Install and run the data collector on a z/VM system
v Transfer the output CSR file to the SmartCloud Cost Management application
v Create a job file on the SmartCloud Cost Management application server to
process the CSR file and load it the data into the database
v Run Job Runner.
To set up data collection for Advanced Accounting on an AIX system and to send
the files to a Windows system, use the scripts and files provided for the AIX
Advanced Accounting Data Collector for Linux and UNIX.
z/VM standard billable items collected
This section describes the z/VM resources that are collected for chargeback.
Table 146. z/VM resources that are collected for chargeback
z/VM resources
v Connect time
v CPU time
v Virtual SIOs
v Virtual cards read
v Virtual lines printed
v Virtual cards punched
v Temporary disk space
z/VM Accounting Records Processed
This topic describes the accounting records that are processed by the z/VM
v Virtual Machine Resource Usage
v Temporary Disk Space Usage
Virtual Machine Resource Usage
378 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
* This field includes the time for VM supervisor functions.
The data in record positions 1-28 and 79-80 is character, all other fields are
Temporary Disk Space Usage
The following lists the z/VM accounting records that the z/VM collector processes:
39-78 UNUSED
* If DEVICE CLASS = FBA X'01', then 37-40 contains number of FBA blocks.
The data in record positions 1-28 and 79-80 is character, all other fields are
Creating a process definition directory
Before you attempt to transfer CSR files to the SmartCloud Cost Management
application server, make sure that you have created a process definition directory
and the applicable number of feed subdirectories. Process definition directories
contain the files required to process usage data from a particular source such as a
database, operating system, or application. The CSR files that are created by the
z/VM data collector are sent via FTP from the system running the z/VM data
collector to a process definition folder on the SmartCloud Cost Management
application server system.
CSR files must be sent to a feed subdirectory within the process definition
directory. The feed subdirectory might represent the z/VM system from which the
CSR files are sent. For example, if the system VM01 is sending CSR files, you
might create a process definition directory named zVM that contains the feed
Chapter 7. Administering data collectors 379
subdirectory VM01. The CSR files are named yyyymmdd.txt.
Installing the z/VM collector
This section describes how to install and run the data collector on a z/VM system.
The z/VM data collector is distributed using the program module CIMSCMS. The
CIMSCMS program is written in COBOL and ASSEMBLER and is run on z/VM.
To install the z/VM collector, install the following files on a z/VM disk. These files
are in the <SCCM_install_dir>\collectors\zvm folder.
Note: If you transfer the installation files to the z/VM system via FTP, the target
file must be fixed block with a record size of 80.
CIMSVMT TXTLIB Contains all the object modules needed to build the
CIMSCMS executable program.
CIMSVMDA Data Control statements first CIMSCMS
CIMSVMDB Data Control statements second CIMSCMS
CIMSVMD5 Data Calendar
Binding the CIMSCMS program:
This section describes the process for binding the CIMSCMS Program for the
z/VM data collection process.
The CIMSCMS program was compiled and assembled in a z/VM environment.
The Language Environment
, and Rational
, iSeries
, pSeries, zSeries,
and other support agreements, go to the IBM Support Line Web site at
v For IBM eServer
batch job,
subsystem and account codes with the corresponding
usage for each of the above rate codes.
Usage You can monitor the usage for the z/OS
batch jobs.
Chapter 9. Reference 629
Charges by Identifier report:
The Charges by Identifier report shows charges by identifier value for a specified
identifier type. The available identifiers depend on the data that is loaded.
Available identifiers can include, for example, Virtual Image Name, VM Name, and
Table 256. Charges by Identifier report details
Name Charges by Identifier report
Purpose Use this report to show detailed charges by
any provided identifier.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Resource Detail
630 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 256. Charges by Identifier report details (continued)
Name Charges by Identifier report
v Date Range The list of predefined
periods that are used to run the report.
v Start Date The lower boundary of the
date period that is used to run the report.
v End Date The upper boundary of the
date period that is used to run the report.
v Rate Table Used to specify the rate
v Account Structure The account code
structure that is used for the account
codes in the reporting.
v Account Code Level The level within
the account code structure to display the
account codes.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary that denotes the account codes
that are displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary that denotes the account codes
that are displayed in the report.
v Rate Group The rate group to limit the
data for.
All Rate Groups Select this option if
you want to see charges that are
displayed for all rate groups.
v Rate Code The Rate Code to limit the
data for.
All Rates Select this option if you
want to see charges that are displayed
for all rates.
v Identifier The Identifier to show the
charges for in the report.
v Identifier Values The Identifier values
to show in the report. These values
Top 10 Select this option to see the
identifier values with the highest
charges for the selected period.
Specify Select this option to specify
the required identifier values. An
additional prompt is displayed with the
values that can be used.
All Select this option to show all
Note: Some identifiers can contain
many values which can take some time
to display on the report.
v Graph Type
Show Stacked Column Graph Select
this option if you want to see a Stacked
Column Graph.
v Column graph
Show Line Graph Select this option if
you want a line graph displayed.
Do Not Display Graph Select this
option if you do not want a graph
Chapter 9. Reference 631
Table 256. Charges by Identifier report details (continued)
Name Charges by Identifier report
Tables/Views Used
v SCDETAIL Detail data
v CIMSIDENT Identifier data
v SCDIMRATE Rate data
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output Depending on the options that are selected
in the report properties, the output is
displayed in different ways.
v If a graph option was selected, the total
charges by period or day across all
accounts as a stacked column graph or
line graph is displayed. If more than 10
identifier values have charges, then only
those identifiers with the 10 highest
charges for the data period that is
specified are displayed. The remaining
identifier values are totaled and displayed
as the other category. A page is displayed
that shows a crosstab that contains the
charges for the identifier values by period
or day, depending on the option selected.
v For each account code, if a graph option
was selected, the total charges by period
or day across all accounts as a stacked
column graph or line graph is displayed.
If more than 10 identifier values have
charges, then only those identifiers with
the 10 highest charges for the data period
that is specified are displayed. The
remaining identifier values are totaled and
displayed as the other category. A page is
displayed that shows a crosstab that
contains the charges for the identifier
values by period or day, depending on the
option selected.
Note: The charges data is reported for
normal rate codes. It does not include
charges for tiered rates.
Usage Use the report to monitor the charges for
accounts to help you understand any
anomalies or get a detailed understanding of
the charges.
632 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Detail by Identifier report:
The Detail by Identifier report provides total usage by rate for a selected identifier
or range of values for an identifier. Data is displayed for tiered rates at the parent
level and non-tiered rates only. This report can be additionally broken down by the
resource usage start date using the Date Drilldown parameter as per the Detail by
Identifier by Date Report.
Table 257. Detail by Identifier details
Name Detail by Identifier report
Purpose Use this report to monitor the total usage by
rate for a selected identifier or identifier
values selected.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Resource Detail
v Date Range The list of predefined
periods to run the report for.
v Start Date The lower boundary of the
date period used.
v End Date The upper boundary of the
date period used.
v Start Value The lower boundary of the
identifier values to use.
v End Value The upper boundary of the
identifier values to use.
v Identifier The identifier to show the
data for.
v Rate Table The Rate Table to show the
data for (optional).
v Date Drilldown Select this to show the
resource usage date.
Tables/Views Used
v SCDETAIL Detail data
v CIMSDETAILIDENT Identifier data
v CIMSIDENT Identifier types
v SCDIMRATE Rate data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output The report shows the total usage by rate for
a selected identifier or range of values for an
identifier. This report can be additionally
broken down by the resource usage start
date using the Date Drilldown parameter.
Usage The report enables you to monitor the total
usage by rate for a selected identifier or
range of values for an identifier.
Chapter 9. Reference 633
Detail by Multiple Identifiers report:
The Detail by Multiple Identifiers report shows resource units consumed by a
maximum of five rate codes and five identifiers. Data is displayed for tiered rates
at the parent level and non-tiered rates only. The report can be broken down by
the account code using the Show Account Code parameter.
Table 258. Detail by Multiple Identifier details
Name Detail by Identifier report
Purpose Use this report to monitor the resource units
consumed by a maximum of five rate codes
and five identifiers.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Resource Detail
v Date Range The list of predefined
periods used to run the report.
v Start Date The lower boundary of the
date period used.
v End Date The upper boundary of the
date period used.
v Account Structure The account code
structure that is used for the account
codes in the reporting.
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure to display the
account codes.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Rate Table The Rate Table to show the
data for (optional).
v Rate Code Up to 5 rate codes to display
the data for.
v Identifier Up to 5 identifiers to display
the data for.
Tables/Views Used
v SCDETAIL Detail data
v CIMSDETAILIDENT Identifier data
v CIMSIDENT Identifier types
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
v SCDIMRATE Rate data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output The report shows resource units consumed
by a maximum of five rate codes and five
identifiers. The report can be broken down
by the account code using the Show Account
Code parameter.
634 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 258. Detail by Multiple Identifier details (continued)
Name Detail by Identifier report
Usage The report enables you to monitor the
resource units consumed by a maximum of
five rate codes and five identifiers.
Usage by Identifier report:
The Usage by Identifier report shows usage by identifier value for a specified
identifier type. The available identifiers depend on the data that is loaded.
Available identifiers can include, for example, Virtual Image Name, VM Name, and
Table 259. Usage by Identifier report details
Name Usage by Identifier report
Purpose Use this report to show detailed usage by
any provided identifier.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Resource Detail
Chapter 9. Reference 635
Table 259. Usage by Identifier report details (continued)
Name Usage by Identifier report
v Date Range The list of predefined
periods that are used to run the report.
v Start Date The lower boundary of the
date period that is used to run the report.
v End Date The upper boundary of the
date period that is used to run the report.
v Rate Table Used to specify the rate
v Account Structure The account code
structure that is used for the account
codes in the reporting.
v Account Code Level The level within
the account code structure to display the
account codes.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary that denotes the account codes
that are displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary that denotes the account codes
that are displayed in the report.
v Rate Group The rate group to limit the
data for.
All Rate Groups Select this option if
you want to see usage displayed for all
rate groups.
v Rate Code The Rate Code to limit the
data for.
v Identifier The Identifier to show the
usage for in the report.
v Identifier Values The Identifier values
to show in the report. These values
Top 10 Select this option to see the
identifier values with the highest usage
for the selected period.
Specify Select this option to specify
the required identifier values. An
additional prompt is displayed with the
values that can be used.
All Select this option to show all
Note: Some identifiers can contain
many values which can take some time
to display on the report.
v Graph Type
Show Stacked Column Graph Select
this option if you want to see a Stacked
Column Graph.
v Column graph
Show Line Graph Select this option if
you want a line graph displayed.
Do Not Display Graph Select this
option if you do not want a graph
v Data Type
Show Period Select this option to see
the usage by period.
636 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 259. Usage by Identifier report details (continued)
Name Usage by Identifier report
Tables/Views Used
v SCDETAIL Detail data
v CIMSIDENT Identifier data
v SCDIMRATE Rate data
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output Depending on the options that are selected
in the report properties, the output is
displayed in different ways.
v If a graph option was selected, the total
usage by period or day across all accounts
as a stacked column graph or line graph
is displayed. If more than 10 identifier
values have usage, then only those
identifiers with the 10 highest usage for
the data period that is specified are
displayed. The remaining identifier values
are totaled and displayed as the other
category. A page is also displayed that
shows a crosstab that contains the usage
for the identifier values by period or day,
depending on the option selected.
v For each account code, if a graph option
was selected, the total usage by period or
day across all accounts as a stacked
column graph or line graph is displayed.
If more than 10 identifier values have
usage, then only those identifiers with the
10 highest usage for the data period that
is specified are displayed. The remaining
identifier values are totaled and displayed
as the other category. A page is also
displayed that shows a crosstab that
contains the usage for the identifier values
by period or day, depending on the option
Usage Use the report to monitor the usage for
accounts to help you understand any
anomalies or get a detailed understanding of
the usage.
Chapter 9. Reference 637
Template reports
The Template reports folder is used to group all the Cognos Template reports in
one location. The folder contains a set of template reports that can be used as a
custom report and the report template that can be used by all other reports.
Template report:
The template report contains the header and footer shared by the standard report.
See the Rebranding Reports section for further details.
Table 260. Template report details
Name Template report
Purpose Use this report to amend the shared header
and footer used by all of the standard
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Template
v None
Tables/Views Used
v None
Output This report is not designed to be run.
Usage The report enables you to rebrand all
standard reports in one single action.
Related concepts:
Template reports
Three template reports are provided in the Template folder as part of the
SmartCloud Cost Management package. This section describes these reports and
how they are used.
Template Account Code Date report:
This report is used as a template for custom reports. As some of the prompt
functionality is complex to implement, this report has been created with the
functionality for the Account Code and Date prompts.
Table 261. Template Account Code Date report details
Name Template Account Code Date report
Purpose Use this report to develop custom reports
that restrict the data that is displayed by
account codes and dates.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Template
638 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 261. Template Account Code Date report details (continued)
Name Template Account Code Date report
v Account Structure The account code
structure used for the account codes in the
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure to display the
account codes at.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Date Range The list of predefined
periods to run the report for.
v Start Date The lower boundary of the
date period used.
v End Date The upper boundary of the
date period used.
Tables/Views Used
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output This report is not designed to be run.
Usage This report is designed to be used as a
template for custom reports with the
complex prompt functionality pre-written.
For more information about this report, see
related concept topic in the Administering
reports section.
Related concepts:
Template Account Code Date
This report is used as a template for custom reports. As some of the prompt
functionality is complex to implement, this report has been created with the basic
functionality added.
Template Account Code Year report:
This report is used as a template for custom reports. This report is created with the
functionality for the Account Code and Year prompts.
Table 262. Template Account Code Year report details
Name Template Account Code Year report
Purpose Use this report to develop custom reports
that restrict the data displayed by account
codes and year.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Template
Chapter 9. Reference 639
Table 262. Template Account Code Year report details (continued)
Name Template Account Code Year report
v Account Structure The account code
structure used for the account codes in the
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure to display the
account codes at.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Year The accounting year that the report
is run for.
Tables/Views Used
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output This report is not designed to be run
Usage This report is designed to be used as a
template for custom reports with the
complex prompt functionality pre-written.
For more information about this report, see
related concept topic in the Administering
reports section.
Related concepts:
Template Account Code Year
This report is used as a template for custom reports. This report is created with the
basic functionality added, as the prompt functionality can be complicated to
Top Usage reports
The Top Usage reports folder is used to group all the Cognos Top Usage reports in
one location. Top Usage reports are used to find accounts and resources with the
highest charges.
Top 10 Bar Graph report:
The Top 10 Bar Graph report provides the account codes with the highest charges
for the parameters selected as a bar graph and list.
Table 263. Top 10 Bar Graph report details
Name Top 10 Bar Graph report
Purpose Use this report to see a list of the top ten
accounts with the highest charges.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Top Usage Reports
640 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 263. Top 10 Bar Graph report details (continued)
Name Top 10 Bar Graph report
v Account Structure The account code
structure that is used for the account
codes in the reporting.
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure to display the
account codes.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Date Range The list of predefined
periods to run the report for.
v Start Date The lower boundary of the
date period used.
v End Date The upper boundary of the
date period used.
v Rate Table Used to specify the rate
Tables/Views Used
v SCSUMMARY Summary data
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output The report shows a Bar Graph of the
account codes with the highest charges and
a list with the detailed information.
Usage You can monitor the clients defined in the
system to see which are accruing the most
Top 10 Cost report:
The Top 10 Cost report provides the Top N account codes with the highest charges
for the parameters selected. For example, if you type 3 as the Top N parameter, the
3 account codes with the highest charges are displayed. If you leave the Top N
parameter blank, the account codes with the 10 highest charges are displayed. The
report also shows an aggregated total for the other account codes during this
Table 264. Top 10 Cost report details
Name Top 10 Cost report
Purpose Use this report to view a list of the top N
accounts with the highest charges.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Top Usage Reports
Chapter 9. Reference 641
Table 264. Top 10 Cost report details (continued)
Name Top 10 Cost report
v Account Structure The account code
structure used for the account codes in the
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure to display the
account codes at.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Date Range The list of predefined
periods to run the report for.
v Start Date The lower boundary of the
date period used.
v End Date The upper boundary of the
date period used.
v Rate Table Used to specify the rate
v Top N The number of account codes to
show in the highest charges list.
v Show Consolidated Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the parent level.
v Show Child Rate Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the child level.
Tables/Views Used
v SCSUMMARY Summary data
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
v SCDIMRATE Rate data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security sata
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar sata
Output The report shows a list of the account codes
with the highest charges. Each account
shown can be expanded to show a list of the
charges by underlying rate.
Usage Use this report to monitor the clients
defined in the system to see which are
accruing the most charge and by which
642 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Top 10 Pie Chart report:
The Top 10 Pie Chart report provides the account codes with the highest charges
for the parameters selected as a pie chart and list.
Table 265. Top 10 Pie Chart report details
Name Top 10 Pie Chart report
Purpose Use this report to see a list of the top ten
accounts with the highest charges.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Top Usage Reports
v Account Structure The account code
structure that is used for the account
codes in the reporting.
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure to display the
account codes.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Date Range The list of predefined
periods to run the report for.
v Start Date The lower boundary of the
date period used.
v End Date The upper boundary of the
date period used.
v Rate Table Used to specify the rate
Tables/Views Used
v SCSUMMARY Summary data
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output The report shows a pie chart of the account
codes with the highest charges.
Usage You can monitor the clients defined in the
system to see which are accruing the most
Chapter 9. Reference 643
Trend reports
The Trend reports folder is used to group all the Cognos Trend reports in one
location. Trend reports are used to show trends in usage and charges.
Cost Trend report:
The Cost Trend report provides total charges by account code, broken down by
rate group and rate code for each period of the year for the parameters selected.
Table 266. Cost Trend report details
Name Cost Trend report
Purpose Use this report to gain further information
about the charges for a particular account.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Trend
v Account Structure The account code
structure that is used for the account
codes in the reporting.
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure to display the
account codes.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Rate Table Used to specify the rate
v Rate Pattern Used to specify the rate
pattern type.
v Year The accounting year that the report
is run for.
v Show Consolidated Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the parent level.
v Show Child Rate Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the child level.
Tables/Views Used
v SCSUMMARY Summary data
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
v SCDIMRATE Rate data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
644 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 266. Cost Trend report details (continued)
Name Cost Trend report
Output The report shows charges by Account, Rate
Group, and Rate Code. Each account shown
can be expanded to show a list of the
charges by underlying rate group. Each rate
group can be expanded to show a list of
charges by rate.
Usage You can use this report to get detailed
information about the charges for an
Cost Trend by Rate report:
The Cost Trend by Rate report provides total charges by rate group, broken down
by rate and account for each period of the year for the parameters selected.
Table 267. Cost Trend by Rate report details
Name Cost Trend by Rate report
Purpose Use this report to gain further information
about the charges for a particular rate group
and how they are used for each rate and by
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Trend
v Account Structure The account code
structure that is used for the account
codes in the reporting.
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure to display the
account codes.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Rate Table Used to specify the rate
v Rate Pattern Used to specify the rate
pattern type.
v Year The accounting year that the report
is run for.
v Show Consolidated Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the parent level.
v Show Child Rate Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the child level.
Chapter 9. Reference 645
Table 267. Cost Trend by Rate report details (continued)
Name Cost Trend by Rate report
Tables/Views Used
v SCSUMMARY Summary data
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
v SCDIMRATE Rate data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output The report shows charges by rate group,
rate, and account. Each rate group shown
can be expanded to show a list of the
charges by underlying rate. Each rate can be
expanded to show a list of charges by
Usage Use this report to get detailed information
about the charges for a rate group.
Cost Trend Graph report:
The Cost Trend Graph report provides total charges for all account codes by
period, and for each account by period.
Table 268. Cost Trend Graph report details
Name Cost Trend Graph report
Purpose Use this report to gain further information
about the charges across all accounts and
within individual accounts.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Trend
v Account Structure The account code
structure that is used for the account
codes in the reporting.
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure to display the
account codes.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Rate Table Used to specify the rate
v Rate Pattern Used to specify the rate
pattern type.
v Year The accounting year that the report
is run for.
646 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 268. Cost Trend Graph report details (continued)
Name Cost Trend Graph report
Tables/Views Used
v SCSUMMARY Summary data
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
v SCDIMRATE Rate data
structure data.
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output The report shows charges for all accounts as
a bar chart with the charge broken down by
period. A table is shown with the totals by
period. The report also shows charges by
account, broken down by period as a chart
and a table.
Usage You can use this report to get further
information about the charges for all and
specific accounts.
Resource Usage Trend report:
The Resource Usage Trend report provides total resource usage by rate code for
each month of the year for the parameters selected. It is ordered by account code,
rate group, and rate code.
Table 269. Resource Usage Trend details
Name Resource Usage Trend report
Purpose The Resource Usage Trend report provides
total resource usage by rate code for each
month of the year for the parameters
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Trend
Chapter 9. Reference 647
Table 269. Resource Usage Trend details (continued)
Name Resource Usage Trend report
v Account Code Structure The account
code structure that is used for the account
codes in the reporting.
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure to display the
account codes.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Rate Table Used to specify the rate
v Rate Pattern Used to specify the rate
pattern type.
v Rate Group The rate group used to show
the rate details (optional).
v Year The accounting year that the report
is run for.
v Show Consolidated Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the parent level.
v Show Child Rate Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the child level.
Tables/Views Used
v SCSUMMARY Summary data
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
v SCDIMRATE Rate data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output The report provides total resource usage by
rate code for each month of the year for the
parameters selected. It is ordered by account
code, rate group, and rate code.
Usage The report provides total resource usage by
rate code for each month of the year for the
parameters selected.
648 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Usage Trend Graph report:
The Usage Trend Graph report is used to show the total usage for all rate codes by
Table 270. Usage Trend Graph report details
Name Usage Trend Graph report
Purpose Use this report to gain further information
about the Usage across all rates.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Trend
v Account Structure The account code
structure that is used for the account
codes in the reporting.
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure to display the
account codes.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Rate Table Used to specify the rate
v Rate Pattern Used to specify the rate
pattern type.
v Rate Group The rate group used to show
the rate details (optional).
v Year The accounting year that the report
is run for.
v Show Consolidated Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the parent level.
v Show Child Rate Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the child level.
Tables/Views Used
v SCSUMMARY Summary data
v CIMSDIMCLIENT Account data
v SCDIMRATE Rate data.
structure data.
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output The report shows usage for all rates as a bar
chart with the usage broken down by
period. A table is also shown with the totals
by period.
Usage Use this report to get further information
about the usage for rate codes.
Chapter 9. Reference 649
Variance reports
The Variance reports folder is used to group all the Cognos Variance reports.
Variance reports are period comparison reports for usage and charges.
Cost Variance report:
The Cost Variance report provides a comparison of charges by account code, rate
code description, and rate group for a specified period and a previous period, for
the parameters selected.
Table 271. Cost Variance report details
Name Cost Variance report
Purpose Use this report to compare the charges for a
period with the previous period or the same
period last year.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Variance Reports
v Account Structure The account code
structure that is used for the account
codes in the reporting.
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure that is used to
display the account codes.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Rate Table Used to specify the rate
v Rate Pattern Used to specify the rate
pattern type.
v Year The accounting year that the report
is run for.
v Period The accounting period that the
report is run for.
v Compare The corresponding period to
compare the chosen period with.
v Show Consolidated Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the parent level.
v Show Child Rate Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the child level.
Tables/Views Used
v SCSUMMARY Summary data
v CIMSCLIENT Account data
v SCDIMRATE Rate data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
650 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Table 271. Cost Variance report details (continued)
Name Cost Variance report
Output The report shows charges by Account, Rate
Group, and Rate Code for the chosen period
and previous period. The report also shows
the variance and percentage variance
between the 2 periods.
Usage You can use this report to understand how
charges are accruing over time.
Resource Variance report:
The Resource Variance report provides a comparison of usage by account code,
rate code description, and rate group for a specified period and a previous period,
for the parameters selected.
Table 272. Resource Variance report details
Name Resource Variance report
Purpose Use this report to compare the usage for a
period with the previous period or the same
period last year.
Tivoli Common Reporting folder Variance Reports
v Account Structure The account code
structure that is used for the account
codes in the reporting.
v Account Code Level The level within the
account code structure that is used to
display the account codes.
v Starting Account Code The lower
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Ending Account Code The upper
boundary denoting the account codes
displayed in the report.
v Rate Pattern Used to specify the rate
pattern type.
v Year The accounting year that the report
is run for.
v Period The accounting period that the
report is run for.
v Compare The corresponding period to
compare the chosen period with.
v Show Consolidated Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the parent level.
v Show Child Rate Select this option if
you want to display non-tiered rates and
tiered rates at the child level.
Chapter 9. Reference 651
Table 272. Resource Variance report details (continued)
Name Resource Variance report
Tables/Views Used
v SCSUMMARY Summary data
v CIMSCLIENT Account data
v SCDIMRATE Rate data
structure data
v CIMSCONFIG Configuration data
v CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT User security data
v CIMSCALENDAR Financial calendar data
Output The report shows usage by Account, Rate
Group, and Rate Code for the chosen period
and previous period. The report also shows
the variance and percentage variance
between the 2 periods.
Usage You can use this report to understand
resource usage over time.
This section describes the tables that are available in the product.
CIMSAccountCodeConversion Table
The CIMSAccountCodeConversion table stores conversion definitions associated
with process definitions.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
AccountCodeConversionID PK bigint The unique identifier for
the Conversion definition.
ProcDefinition varchar(100) The Process Definition
this Conversion is
associated with.
Description varchar(255) A description of this
Conversion definition
SourceAccountCodeIdentValueLow varchar(128) The source Account Code
or Identifer value or Low
Identifier value.
SourceAccountCodeIdentValueHigh varchar(128) The source High
Identifier value.
EffectiveDate timestamp The date this Conversion
becomes effective.
ExpiryDate timestamp The date this Conversion
TargetAcctCodeIdentValue varchar(128) The target Account Code
or Identifier value.
a. PK = Primary Key
652 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
CIMSCalendar Table
The CIMSCalendar table defines the billing periods for a billing organization.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
Year PK
int The calendar year.
Period PK
int The calendar period (1 - 13).
PeriodBeginDate datetime The beginning date of the
PeriodEndDate datetime The ending date of the
CloseDate datetime The processing close date.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSClient Table
The CIMSClient table is the primary table for storing client information.
All other client tables are related to this table.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
AccountCode PK
char(127) The account code for the client.
AltAcctCode char(127) The alternate account code for
the client (optional).
AccountName varchar(255) The client name.
LoadTrackingUID int A unique identifier that tracks
the client when loaded to the
database from a location
outside of SmartCloud Cost
RateTable char(30) The rate table for the client.
InvoiceContact int The index number for the client
contact name that is displayed
on the invoice.
ActionCode1 - ActionCode8 char(1) These user-defined codes are
strictly for reporting purposes
and can be used in the custom
reporting process for selecting
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSClientBudget Table
The CIMSClientBudget table stores budget and actual information for amounts and
resource units, by account code, date, and rate code.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
LoadTrackingUID int A unique identifier that tracks the
client when loaded to the
database from a location outside
of SmartCloud Cost Management.
Chapter 9. Reference 653
Field Name Key Type Field Description
AccountCode PK
char(127) The account code for the client.
RateCode PK
char(30) A valid rate code for an
individual resource budget or
TOTAL for an overall account
Year PK
int The budget year.
Period PK
int The budget period (0 - 13).
BudgetAmt decimal(19,4) The budget monetary amount for
the period.
ActualAmt decimal(19,4) Deprecated. The actual amount is
in the CIMSSummary table.
BudgetUnits decimal(18,5) The budget units for the period.
ActualUnits decimal(18,5) Deprecated. The actual units
consumed are in the
CIMSSummary table.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSClientContact Table
The CIMSClientContact table stores information about client contacts.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
LoadTrackingUID int A unique identifier that tracks
the client when loaded to the
database from a location outside
of SmartCloud Cost
AccountCode PK
char(127) The account code for the client.
ContactIdx PK
int The index number for the
AddressLine1 varchar(255) Address Line 1
AddressLine2 varchar(255) Address Line 2
AddressLine3 varchar(255) Address Line 3
AddressLine4 varchar(255) Address Line 4
AddressLine5 varchar(255) Address Line 5
ContactName varchar(255) The name of the client contact.
Department varchar(255) The contact department.
Office varchar(255) The contact office.
Comments varchar(255) Comments related to the contact.
a. PK = Primary Key
654 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
CIMSClientContactNumber Table
The CIMSClientContactNumber table stores numbers (phone, fax, etc.) and e-mail
addresses for contacts.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
LoadTrackingUID int A unique identifier that tracks the
client when loaded to the database
from a location outside of
SmartCloud Cost Management.
AccountCode PK
char(127) The account code for the client.
ContactIdx PK
int The index number for the contact.
NumberIdx PK
int The index number for the contact
number or e-mail address.
NumberDescription varchar(255) The type of number (VOICE, FAX,
E-MAIL, etc.)
NumberValue varchar(255) The contact number or e-mail
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSConfig Table
The CIMSConfig table defines configuration options that have a GUI option in
Administration Console.
One CIMSConfig record is allowed per SmartCloud Cost Management database.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
OrgName varchar(255) The organization name
AddressLine1 varchar(255) Address Line 1
AddressLine2 varchar(255) Address Line 2
AddressLine3 varchar(255) Address Line 3
AddressLine4 varchar(255) Address Line 4
InvoiceNo int Deprecated. This is stored in
the CIMSConfigOptions table.
InvoiceNumberType char(1) Deprecated.
Use13Periods char(1) Indicates whether 13 periods
are used:
v Y (Yes)
v N (No)
UseCalender char(1) Indicates whether the
SmartCloud Cost Management
calendar is used:
v Y (Yes)
v N (No)
DatabaseVersion char(7) The SmartCloud Cost
Management database version
LastProcessUID int Used by CIMSAcct and
Chapter 9. Reference 655
Field Name Key Type Field Description
AccountParameterSelectionLevel int In SmartCloud Cost
Management reporting, this
setting determines the level of
account codes that are
displayed in the Starting
Account Code and Ending
Account Code parameter lists.
DBConnectionTimeout int The maximum number of
seconds that a database may
respond to a query before
timing out
LastReportingDate datetime The last reporting date for
reports that users who do not
have administrative privileges
can view.
CIMSConfigAccountLevel Table
The CIMSConfigAccountLevel table defines the account code structure.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
AccountStructureName char(32) The account code structure name
(e.g., Standard).
StartPosition int The starting offset position for the
account code.
AccountLevel int The account code level.
AccountLength int The length of the account code
AccountDescription varchar(255) A description of the account code
CIMSConfigOptions Table
The CIMSConfigOptions table defines configuration options that the administrator
can add manually in Administration Console.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
PropertyName PK
varchar(80) The name of the configuration
PropertyValue varchar(255) The value for the configuration
PropertyType int The data type of the
configuration option:
v 1 (String)
v 2 (Integer)
v 3 (Floating Point)
v 4 (Date/Time)
Sequence int For future use.
PropertyDescription varchar(255) A description of the
configuration option.
656 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSCPUNormalization Table
The CIMSCPUNormalization table allows for differences in CPU speed.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
SystemID PK
char(32) The system identifier for the
computer that you want to
normalize. For z/OS, this is the
four-character System Model ID.
For UNIX and Windows, it is the
computer name.
char(32) The subystem name (e.g., CICS
region name, DB2 plan name,
Oracle instance, etc.).
Factor decimal(10,4) The normalization factor.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSDetailIdent Table
The CIMSDetailIdent table stores the information contained in the Ident file. The
Ident file is produced by the Bill program.
The table contains the identifier values collected from the records in the input CSR
or CSR+ file. The identifier names are stored in the CIMSIdent table and are
represented by a number assigned to the identifier name.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
LoadTrackingUID int The load tracking unique
identifier from the
CIMSLoadTracking table.
DetailUID PK
int The unique identifier that tracks
the Detail load.
DetailLine PK
int The number of the record in the
input CSR or CSR+ file that
contains the identifier (i.e., 1 if it
is the first record, 2 if it is the
second record, etc.).
IdentNumber PK
int A sequential number assigned to
the identifier in the CIMSIdent
IdentValue varchar(255) The value of the identifier.
a. PK = Primary Key
Chapter 9. Reference 657
CIMSDIMClient Table
The CIMSDimClient table consolidates client information and the users who can
access them for use with Tivoli Common Reporting Cognos reports..
Field Name Key Type Field Description
varchar(255) The Central Registry user ID.
UserID char(100) The SmartCloud Cost
Management user ID.
GroupID char(100) Deprecated.
AccountCode PK
char(127) The client account code that can
be viewed. If the group has access
to all clients, this field is blank.
AltAcctCode char(127) The alternate account code for the
client (optional).
AccountName varchar(255) The client name.
LoadTrackingUID int The unique identifier that tracks
the rate when loaded to the
database from a location outside
of SmartCloud Cost Management.
RateTable char(30) The name of the rate table that
contains the rate code.
InvoiceContact int The index number for the client
contact name that is displayed on
the invoice.
ActionCode1 -
char(1) These user-defined codes are
strictly for reporting purposes and
can be used in the custom
reporting process for selecting
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSDIMClientContact Table
The CIMSDIMClientContact table consolidates the client contact information and
the users who can access them for use with Tivoli Common Reporting Cognos
Field Name Key Type Field Description
varchar(255) The Central Registry user ID.
UserID char(100) The SmartCloud Cost
Management user ID.
GroupID char(100) Deprecated.
LoadTrackingUID int A unique identifier that tracks
the client when loaded to the
database from a location outside
of SmartCloud Cost
AccountCode PK
char(127) The account code for the client.
ContactIdx PK
int The index number for the
658 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
AddressLine1 varchar(255) Address Line 1
AddressLine2 varchar(255) Address Line 2
AddressLine3 varchar(255) Address Line 3
AddressLine4 varchar(255) Address Line 4
AddressLine5 varchar(255) Address Line 5
ContactName varchar(255) The name of the client contact.
Department varchar(255) The contact department.
Office varchar(255) The contact office.
Comments varchar(255) Comments related to the contact.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSDIMClientContactNumber Table
The CIMSDIMClientContactNumber table consolidates the information about client
contact numbers and the users who can access them for use with Tivoli Common
Reporting Cognos reports.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
varchar(255) The Central Registry user ID.
UserID char(100) The Usage and Accounting
Manager user ID.
GroupID char(100) Deprecated.
LoadTrackingUID int A unique identifier that tracks
the client when loaded to the
database from a location outside
of SmartCloud Cost
AccountCode PK
char(128) The account code for the client.
ContactIdx PK
int The index number for the
NumberIdx PK
int The index number for the contact
number or email address.
NumberDescription varchar(255) The type of number (VOICE,
FAX, E-MAIL, and so on.)
NumberValue varchar(255) The contact number or email
a. PK = Primary Key
Chapter 9. Reference 659
CIMSDIMUserRestrict Table
The CIMSDimUserRestrict table consolidates the relevant information about users
and their SmartCloud Cost Management data access privileges for use with Tivoli
Common Reporting Cognos reports.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
LDAPUserID varchar(255) The Central Registry User ID.
UserID PKa char(100) The SmartCloud Cost
Management user ID.
GroupID char(100) Deprecated.
LastReportingDate datetime Indicates the Last Reporting
Date for reports that users in
this group who do not have
administrative privileges can
view (if set).
AccountCode PK
char(127) The client account code that
can be viewed. If the group has
access to all clients, this field is
AccountLength int The length of the account code
LastSortedSeqChar varchar(4000) A string consisting of the Last
Sorted Sequence Character
repeated for use in report
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSIdent Table
The CIMSIdent table stores all identifier names contained in the input CSR or
CSR+ files processed.
As a file is processed, the identifier names in the file records are added to this
table. This table will continue to store identifier names even if the identifiers are no
longer used by records loaded in the database. To delete unused identifier names if
needed, go to the Administration Console Identifier List Maintenance page.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
IdentNumber PK
int A sequential number assigned to
the identifier.
IdentName varchar(32) A short name for the identifier.
IdentDescription varchar(255) A full description of the identifier
name (optional).
IdentActiveFlag char(1) Indicates whether Active or
Inactive has been selected for
custom reports:
v Blank (Active)
v I (Inactive)
IdentReportFlag char(1) User-defined report flag.
a. PK = Primary Key
660 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
CIMSLoadTracking Table
The CIMSLoadTracking table records the information about data that has been
loaded into the database.
This enables database loads to be deleted if required.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
LoadTrackingUID PK
int The unique identifier for the database
FileType char(8) The type of file processed:
v Summary
v Detail (CIMSBill Detail)
v Ident
v Resource (CIMSAcct Detail)
FileName varchar(255) The path and name of the file that was
DateLoaded datetime The date and time the input CSR or CSR+
file was processed by CIMSAcct.
DateDeleted datetime The date and time the load was removed
from the database.
TotalRecsLoaded int The number of records loaded.
StartDate datetime The accounting start date for Summary,
Detail, and Ident records. The usage start
date for resource records.
EndDate datetime The accounting end date for Summary,
Detail, and Ident records. The usage end
date for resource records.
SourceSystem varchar(32) The name of the computer that produced
the data.
SourceFeed varchar(32) The system that produced the data (e.g.,
IIS, Exchange, z/OS, etc.)
DateArchived datetime The date and time that the load was
ArchiveLocation varchar(255) The location of the archived load.
LoadGroupUID int The unique identifier for the group that
the database load belongs to.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSProcDefinitionMapping Table
The CIMSProcDefinitionMapping table defines the conversion and proration
mapping types associated with process definitions.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ProcDefinitionMappingID PK bigint The unique identifier for the process
definition mapping.
ProcDefinition varchar(100) The process definition this mapping
is associated with.
Chapter 9. Reference 661
Field Name Key Type Field Description
MappingObject varchar(10) Specifies the mapping object,
MappingDirection varchar(10) Specifies the mapping direction,
MappingType varchar(20) Specifies the mapping type,
IdentType varchar(255) Unused
AccountStructureName char(32) Unused
AccountLockLevels int Unused
ValidateTo int Unused
HighlowMapping smallint Specifies if a conversion mapping
uses Low and High Identifier
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSProcessDefinition Table
The CIMSProcessDefinition table defines process definitions.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ProcDefinition PK varchar(100) The name of the process
LockDate timestamp The Lockdown date of the
process definition. No
changes can be made to the
mappings prior to this date.
UseCalendar smallint Unused
ConversionUpdates int Specifies how the Process
Definition was created. If
set to 0, the Process
Definition was created
manually using the
Business Rules panel. If set
to 1, the Process Definition
was created/updated by the
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSProrateSource Table
The CIMSProrateSource table stores proration definitions associated with process
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ProrateSourceID PK bigint The unique identifier for the proration
ProcDefinition varchar(100) The process definition this proration is
associated with.
662 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
SourceAccountCodeIdentValue varchar(128) The source Account Code or Identifer
EffectiveDate datetime The date this proration becomes
ExpiryDate datetime The date this proration expires.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSProrateTarget Table
The CIMSProrateTarget table stores target proration details.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ProrateSourceID PK bigint The identifier for the
proration source.
TargetAcctCodeIdentValue PK varchar(128) The target Account Code
or Identifier value.
RateCode PK char(30) The Rate Code used in the
proration target.
ProratePercent decimal
The percentage at which
the target proration is
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSRateGroup Table
The CIMSRateGroup table defines the rate groups.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
RateGroup PK
int A sequential number assigned to
the rate group.
ParentUID int For future use.
GroupTitle char(300) The rate group title.
GroupTitleLong varchar(300) A description of the rate group.
PrintIndex int The order in which the rate group
is displayed in reports.
OfferingCode char(30) The code used to identify the
a. PK = Primary Key
Chapter 9. Reference 663
CIMSRateIdentifiers Table
The CIMSRateIdentifiers table correlates rate codes to identifiers to enable drill
down on the units consumed for a resource by identifier.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
RateCode PK
char(30) The rate code.
IdentNumber PK
int A sequential number assigned to
the identifier for the rate code.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSReportCustomFields Table
The CIMSReportCustomFields table stores the values for the user-defined reports
that can be stored in the database and supplied to the report automatically at run
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ReportID PK
int The unique identifier for the report.
RateCode char(30) The rate code
ReportPosition PK
int The position within the report
where the values are used
beginning with 1 and continuing
DecimalPlaces int The number of decimal places to
display for the resource usage
amount in reports.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSReportDistribution Table
The CIMSReportDistribution table store the values for the report distribution
These requests are associated with a report cycle.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
UserID char(100) The SmartCloud Cost
Management user ID for the user
assigned to the report.
GroupID char(100) The SmartCloud Cost
Management user group ID for
the user group assigned to the
ReportID int The unique identifier for the
ReportCycleID PK
int The unique identifier for the
report cycle.
RequestID PK
int The unique identifier for the
report distribution request.
664 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ReportFormat int The unique identifier for the
report format.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSReportDistributionParm Table
The CIMSReportDistributionParm table stores the values for each report assigned
to a report cycle.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ReportID PK
int The unique identifier for the
ReportCycleID PK
int The unique identifier for the
report cycle.
RequestID PK
int The unique identifier for the
report distribution request.
ParmName PK
varchar(255) The parameter name.
ParmValue varchar(255) The parameter value.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSReportDistributionType Table
The CIMSReportDistributionType table stores the values for report formats.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
int The unique identifier for the report
TypeValue varchar(255) The description of the report
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSReportGroup Table
The CIMSReportGroup table stores information about report groups.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ReportGroupID PK
int The unique identifier for the
report group
ReportGroupName varchar(128) The report group name
ReportGroupDesc varchar(255) A description of the report group.
a. PK = Primary Key
Chapter 9. Reference 665
CIMSReportToReportGroup Table
The CIMSReportToReportGroup table relates reports to report groups.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
MemberID PK
int The unique identifier of the report.
MemberType PK
v R (Report)
v G (Graph)
ReportGroupId PK
int The unique identifier for the report
Sequence int The order of the report in the
report group list.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSSummaryToDetail Table
The CIMSSummaryToDetail table is obsolete.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
SummaryLoadTrackingUID PK
int The load tracking unique identifier
from the CIMSLoadTracking table.
DetailUID PK
int The unique identifier that tracks
the Detail load.
StartDate datetime The accounting start date.
EndDate datetime The accounting end date.
DetailConverted char(1) Indicates whether the Detail
records have been converted:
Y (Yes)
Null (No)
SummaryConverted char(1) Indicates whether the Summary
records have been converted:
Y (Yes)
Null (No)
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSTransaction Table
The CIMSTransaction table stores miscellaneous, recurring, and credit transactions.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
TransactionUID PK
char(32) The unique identifier for the
AccountCode char(127) The account code for the
666 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
TransactionType char(1) The transaction type:
v M (Miscellaneous)
v R (Recurring)
v C (Credit)
ShiftCode char(1) The shift code for the transaction.
RateCode char(30) The rate code for the transaction.
ResourceAmount decimal(18,5) The amount of the transaction.
Frequency1 int Applicable only to recurring
transactions. The frequency that
the transaction should occur
(every month, every 6 months,
etc.). Frequency is based on the
calendar year (January-December)
v 1 (monthly)
v 2 (every other month)
v 3 (every quarter)
v 4 (every four months)
v 6 (every six months)
v 12 (once a year)
Frequency2 int Applicable only to recurring
transactions. The period in which
the transaction should be
processed. This value corresponds
to the value in the Frequency1
field. For example, if the value in
the Frequency1 field is 6, a value
of 1 in this field indicates the first
month of a 6 month period
(January or July).
FromDate/ToDate datetime Applicable only to miscellaneous
and credit transactions. The date
range that the transaction
DateTimeSent datetime The date and time that the
transaction was exported to a flat
DateTimeModified datetime The date and time that the
transaction was last modified.
DateTimeEntered datetime The date and time that the
transaction was created.
DateTimeStartProcessing datetime Applicable only to recurring
transactions. The first day that the
transaction will be processed.
DateTimeStopProcessing datetime Applicable only to recurring
transactions. The last day that the
transaction will be processed.
UserID varchar(255) The SmartCloud Cost
Management user ID of the person
who entered the transaction.
Chapter 9. Reference 667
Field Name Key Type Field Description
DateTimeDeleted datetime The date and time that the
transaction was deleted.
Note varchar(255) A description of the transaction.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSUser Table
The CIMSUser table stores the user options entered in the Administration Console
User Maintenance page.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
UserID PKa char(100) The SmartCloud Cost
Management user ID.
PasswordHash varchar(255) A hash of the user password.
SessionID int A unique session identifier.
UserFullName varchar(255) The full name of the user.
DomainUserName varchar(255) The Windows domain and user
name for the user.
EmailToAddress varchar(255) The e-mail address for the user.
ReportOption char(1) This field indicates if a user is
using Tivoli Common
Reporting (T), or none.
LDAPUserID varchar(255) The Central Registry User ID.
LDAPUserUID varchar(255) The full version of the Central
Registry User ID.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSUserConfigOptions Table
The CIMSUserConfigOptions table stores the user configuration options entered in
the Administration Console User Configuration Option Maintenance page.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
PropertyName PK
varchar(80) The name of the configuration
char(100) The SmartCloud Cost Management
user ID.
PropertyValue varchar(255) The value for the configuration
PropertyType int The data type of the configuration
v 1 (String)
v 2 (Integer)
v 3 (Floating Point)
v 4 (Date/Time)
Sequence int For future use.
668 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
PropertyDescription varchar(255) A description of the configuration
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSUserGroupAccountCode Table
The CIMSUserGroupAccountCode tables defines the account codes that users
within a user group can view.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
GroupID PK
char(100) The user group ID.
AccountCode PK
char(127) The client account code that can
be viewed. If the group has access
to all clients, this field is blank.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSUserGroupAccountStructure Table
The CIMSUserGroupAccountStructure table stores the account code structures
assigned to a user group.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
GroupID PK
char(100) The user group ID.
AccountStructureName PK
char(32) The name of the account code
GroupDefault int Indicates whether the account
code structure is the default:
1 (default)
0 (not default)
CIMSUserGroupConfigOptions Table
The CIMSUserGroupConfigOptions table stores the user configuration options
entered in the Administration Console User Group Configuration Option
Maintenance page.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
PropertyName PK
varchar(80) The name of the configuration
GroupID PK
char(100) The SmartCloud Cost Management
user group ID.
PropertyValue varchar(255) The value for the configuration
Chapter 9. Reference 669
Field Name Key Type Field Description
PropertyType int The data type of the configuration
v 1 (String)
v 2 (Integer)
v 3 (Floating Point)
v 4 (Date/Time)
Sequence int For future use.
PropertyDescription varchar(255) A description of the configuration
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSUserGroupReport Table
The CIMSUserGroupReport tables defines the reports that users within a user
group can view.
If a group has access to all reports, it is not included in this table.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
GroupID PK
char(100) The SmartCloud Cost Management
user group ID.
ReportID PK
int The unique identifier of the report.
ReportExecute char(1) Permission for users in this group
to run the report:
v Y (Yes)
v N (No)
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSUserGroup Table
The CIMSUserGroup table relates users to user groups
Field Name Key Type Field Description
GroupID PK
char(100) The user group ID.
GroupFullName varchar(255) The full name of the group.
TransactionSecurity char(1) Indicates whether group has
transaction maintenance privilege:
0 (No)
9 (Yes)
RateSecurity char(1) For future use.
ClientSecurity char(1) For future use.
670 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
GroupType char(1) Type of user:
1 (Client)
9 (Admin)
AllowFinModeler char(1) Indicates whether group has
access to SmartCloud Cost
Management Financial Modeler:
0 (No access)
9 (Access)
Note: For IBM SmartCloud
Orchestrator, this field is not
AllowWebConsole char(1) This field is deprecated.
LastReportingDate datetime Indicates the Last Reporting Date
for reports that users in this
group who do not have
administrative privileges can view
(if set).
UserID char(100) The user ID.
GroupID char(100) The group ID.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSUserGroupProcessDef Table
The CIMSUserGroupProcessDef tables stores the process definitions assigned to a
user group.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
GroupID PK char(100) The user group ID.
ProcDefinition PK varchar(100) The process definition that
can be viewed/edited. If the
group has access to all
process definitions, this
field is blank.
a. PK = Primary Key
CIMSUsertoUserGroup Table
The CIMSUsertoUserGroup table links the user to the usergroup.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
UserID char(100) The user ID.
GroupID char(100) The group ID.
a. PK = Primary Key
Chapter 9. Reference 671
SCDetail Table
The SCDetail table stores the information that is contained in the Detail file. The
Detail file is produced by the Bill program.
The table contains the resource information collected from the records in the input
CSR or CSR+ file. Each record in this table represents a single resource used/time
period. This is the most granular form of the resource data stored in the database.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
LoadTrackingUID int The load tracking unique identifier
from the CIMSLoadTracking table.
DetailUID int The unique identifier that tracks
the Detail load.
DetailLine int The number of the record in the
input CSR or CSR+ file that
contains the resource (i.e., 1 if it is
the first record, 2 if it is the second
record, etc.).
AccountCode char(127) The account code.
Aggregate int A count of the number of original
input records that have been
aggregated into this record.
StartDate datetime The resource usage start date.
EndDate datetime The resource usage end date.
ShiftCode char(1) The resource usage shift code.
AuditCode varchar(255) The audit code (if applicable).
SourceSystem char(8) The system identifier for this
RateCode char(30) The rate code of this resource.
ResourceUnits decimal(18,5) The quantity of the resource used.
AccountingStartDate datetime The accounting start date.
AccountingEndDate datetime The accounting end date.
UnitCode int The units the rate code is measured
RateCodeEffDate datetime The effective date for the rate code.
RateTable char(30) The name of the rate table that
contains the rate code.
MoneyValue decimal(19,6) The total charge for the resource
units after the rate value is applied.
RateValue decimal(18,8) The resources rate value.
672 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
SCDIMCalendar Table
The SCDIMCalendar table consolidates the information about the financial
calendar for use with Tivoli Common Reporting Cognos reports.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
Curr_Date PK
datetime Date
Curr _Date_StartDate datetime Date with Start Time for Day
Curr _Date_EndDate datetime Date with End Time for Day
Curr _Week int Week Number of Date
Curr _Week_StartDate datetime Start Date of Week
Curr _Week_EndDate datetime End Date of Week
Curr _Period int Financial Period of Date
Curr _Period_StartDate datetime Start Date of Financial Period
Curr _Period_EndDate datetime End Date of Financial Period
Curr _Year int Year of Date
Curr _Year_StartDate datetime Start Date of Year
Curr _Year_EndDate datetime End Date of Year
a. PK = Primary Key
SCDIMRate Table
The SCDimRate table consolidates the information about rate groups and rates for
use with Tivoli Common Reporting Cognos reports.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
RateGroup PK
int A sequential number assigned to
the rate group.
ParentUID int For future use.
GroupTitle varchar(300) The rate group title.
GroupTitleLong varchar(300) A description of the rate group.
PrintIndex int The order in which the rate group
is displayed in reports.
ParentLoadTrackingUID int The unique identifier that tracks
the parent rate when loaded to the
database from a location outside of
SmartCloud Cost Management.
ParentRateCode char(30) The code for the parent rate.
ParentRateIndex decimal(10,4) The index number for the parent
rate code.
ParentRateValue decimal(18,8) The per unit value for the parent
rate code.
ParentResourceValue decimal(19,4) Deprecated
ParentDiscountDollars decimal(10,4) Deprecated
ParentDiscount decimal(7,4) Deprecated
ParentDiscountIndex int Deprecated
ParentDescription varchar(255) parent description
Chapter 9. Reference 673
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ParentFactor decimal(15,8) A user-defined resource conversion
factor value for the resource unit
value in reports used by the
parent rate code.
ParentRateValue1 char(1) Indicates whether 4 decimal
positions are used in the rate value
in reports for the parent rate code:
v F (4 digits are used)
v Blank (4 digits are used [the
ParentRateValue2 char(1) Indicates whether the rate is per
resource unit or per 1000 units in
reports for the parent rate code:
v M (Per 1000 units)
v Blank (Per unit)
ParentRateValue3 char(1) Indicates the resource conversion
factor for the resource unit value
in reports for the parent rate code.
v 1 (Divide total resource value by
v 2 (Divide total resource value by
v 3 (Divide total resource value by
v 4 (Multiply total resource value
by 60)
v 5 (Divide total resource value by
v # (Multiple total resource value
by user-defined number in
Factor field.)
v Blank (No conversion factor)
ParentRateValue4 char(1) Indicates whether the parent rate
code is included in zero cost
v N (The rate will not be included
in zero cost calculations)
v Blank (The rate will be included
in zero cost calculations)
ParentRateValue5 char(1) Indicates the number of decimal
digits that appear in the resource
units value in reports for the
parent rate code.:
v 0-5 (0 through 5 digits)
v Blank (2 digits, the default)
ParentRateValue6 char(1) For future use.
674 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ParentRateValue7 char(1) Indicates whether the resource
units for the rate code are
considered a monetary amount
rather than units if utilization:
v $ (flat fee)
v Blank (not flat fee)
ParentRateValue8 char(1) User-defined report flag.
ParentRateValue9 char(1) For future use.
ParentRateValue10 char(1) User-defined report flag.
ParentRateValue11 char(1) Indicates whether the rate should
be included in CPU normalization:
v Y yes
v N no
ParentComments varchar(255) Comments for the parent rate
ParentDetailDescription varchar(255) User-defined description of the
rate code for custom reports.
ParentCurrencySymbol varchar(3) User-defined currency symbol for
custom reports used by the parent
rate code.
ParentRateTypeCode int This is the type of parent rate code
used for display purposes.
ParentTierMethod int The tiering method for the parent
rate. This can have the following
v 1 Non-Tiered
v 2 Individual
v 3 Highest
v 4 Individual Percent
v 5 Highest Percent
ParentRateTypeCode int This is the type of rate code used
for display purposes. This can
have the following values:
v 1 Normal
v 3 Flat Fee Monetary
v 4 Non-Billable
AdjustRateCode char(30) This is the corresponding rate code
for adjustments.
LoadTrackingUID int The unique identifier that tracks
the rate when loaded to the
database from a location outside of
SmartCloud Cost Management.
RateTable PK
char(30) The name of the rate table that
contains the rate code.
RateCode PK
char(30) The code for the rate.
RateIndex decimal(10,4) The index number for the rate
Chapter 9. Reference 675
Field Name Key Type Field Description
RateValue decimal(18,8) The per unit value for the rate
ResourceValue decimal(19,4) Deprecated.
DiscountDollars decimal(10,4) Deprecated.
Discount decimal(7,4) Deprecated.
DiscountIndex int Deprecated.
Description varchar(255) A description of the rate code.
Factor decimal(15,8) A user-defined resource conversion
factor value for the resource unit
value in reports.
RateValue1 char(1) Indicates whether 4 decimal
positions are used in the rate value
in reports:
v F (4 digits are used)
v Blank (4 digits are used [the
RateValue2 char(1) Indicates whether the rate is per
resource unit or per 1000 units in
v M (Per 1000 units)
v Blank (Per unit)
RateValue3 char(1) Indicates the resource conversion
factor for the resource unit value
in reports.
v 1 (Divide total resource value by
v 2 (Divide total resource value by
v 3 (Divide total resource value by
v 4 (Multiply total resource value
by 60)
v 5 (Divide total resource value by
v # (Multiple total resource value
by user-defined number in
Factor field.)
v Blank (No conversion factor)
RateValue4 char(1) Indicates whether the rate code is
included in zero cost calculations:
v N (The rate will not be included
in zero cost calculations)
v Blank (The rate will be included
in zero cost calculations)
RateValue5 char(1) Indicates the number of decimal
digits that are displayed in the
resource units value in reports:
v 0-5 (0 through 5 digits)
v Blank (2 digits, the default)
676 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
RateValue6 char(1) For future use.
RateValue7 char(1) Indicates whether the resource
units for the rate code are
considered a monetary amount
rather than units if utilization:
v $ (flat fee)
v Blank (not flat fee)
RateValue8 char(1) User-defined report flag.
RateValue9 char(1) For future use.
RateValue10 char(1) User-defined report flag.
RateValue11 char(1) Indicates whether the rate should
be included in CPU normalization:
v Y (Yes)
v N (No)
EffDate datetime The effective date for the rate
ExpiryDate datetime The end date for the rate code.
Comments varchar(255) Comments for the rate code.
DetailDescription varchar(255) User-defined description of the
rate code for custom reports.
CurrencySymbol varchar(3) User-defined currency symbol for
custom reports.
UnitCode int This is the code representing the
units the rate code is measured in.
UnitDescription varchar(300) This is the first part of the
description of a unit used for
UnitsDescription varchar(300) This is the second part of the
description of a unit used for
LowerThreshold decimal(18,8) The lower threshold for the rate.
UpperThreshold decimal(18,8) The upper threshold for the rate.
PCT decimal(6,3) The percentage of units to be
ThresholdDisplay decimal(18,8) Calculated threshold used in
ThresholdSign varchar(2) Sign used to display the threshold
in reports.
TierMethod int The tiering method for the rate.
This can have the following
v 1 Non-Tiered
v 2 Individual
v 3 Highest
v 4 Individual Percent
v 5 Highest Percent
Chapter 9. Reference 677
Field Name Key Type Field Description
RateTypeCode int This is the type of rate code used
for display purposes. This can
have the following values:
v 1 Normal
v 3 Flat Fee Monetary
v 4 Non-Billable
a. PK = Primary Key
SCDIMRateShift Table
The SCDimRateShift table consolidates the information about rate groups, rates
and rate shifts for use with Tivoli Common Reporting Cognos reports.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
RateGroup PK
int A sequential number assigned to
the rate group.
ParentUID int For future use.
GroupTitle varchar(300) The rate group title.
GroupTitleLong varchar(300) A description of the rate group.
PrintIndex int The order in which the rate group
is displayed in reports.
ParentLoadTrackingUID int The unique identifier that tracks
the parent rate when loaded to the
database from a location outside of
SmartCloud Cost Management.
ParentRateCode char(30) The code for the parent rate.
ParentRateIndex decimal(10,4) The index number for the parent
rate code.
ParentRateValue decimal(18,8) The per unit value for the parent
rate code.
ParentResourceValue decimal(19,4) Deprecated
ParentDiscountDollars decimal(10,4) Deprecated
ParentDiscount decimal(7,4) Deprecated
ParentDiscountIndex int Deprecated
ParentDescription varchar(255) parent description
ParentFactor decimal(15,8) A user-defined resource conversion
factor value for the resource unit
value in reports used by the
parent rate code.
ParentRateValue1 char(1) Indicates whether 4 decimal
positions are used in the rate value
in reports for the parent rate code:
v F (4 digits are used)
v Blank (4 digits are used [the
678 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ParentRateValue2 char(1) Indicates whether the rate is per
resource unit or per 1000 units in
reports for the parent rate code:
v M (Per 1000 units)
v Blank (Per unit)
ParentRateValue3 char(1) Indicates the resource conversion
factor for the resource unit value
in reports for the parent rate code.
v 1 (Divide total resource value by
v 2 (Divide total resource value by
v 3 (Divide total resource value by
v 4 (Multiply total resource value
by 60)
v 5 (Divide total resource value by
v # (Multiple total resource value
by user-defined number in
Factor field.)
v Blank (No conversion factor)
ParentRateValue4 char(1) Indicates whether the parent rate
code is included in zero cost
v N (The rate will not be included
in zero cost calculations)
v Blank (The rate will be included
in zero cost calculations)
ParentRateValue5 char(1) Indicates the number of decimal
digits that appear in the resource
units value in reports for the
parent rate code.:
v 0-5 (0 through 5 digits)
v Blank (2 digits, the default)
ParentRateValue6 char(1) For future use.
ParentRateValue7 char(1) Indicates whether the resource
units for the rate code are
considered a monetary amount
rather than units if utilization:
v $ (flat fee)
v Blank (not flat fee)
ParentRateValue8 char(1) User-defined report flag.
ParentRateValue9 char(1) For future use.
ParentRateValue10 char(1) User-defined report flag.
ParentRateValue11 char(1) Indicates whether the rate should
be included in CPU normalization:
v Y yes
v N no
Chapter 9. Reference 679
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ParentComments varchar(255) Comments for the parent rate
ParentDetailDescription varchar(255) User-defined description of the
rate code for custom reports.
ParentCurrencySymbol varchar(3) User-defined currency symbol for
custom reports used by the parent
rate code.
ParentRateTypeCode int This is the type of parent rate code
used for display purposes.
ParentTierMethod int The tiering method for the parent
rate. This can have the following
v 0 - No tiering
v 1 - Individual
v 2 - highest
ParentTierMethod int The tiering method for the parent
rate. This can have the following
v 1 Non-Tiered
v 2 Individual
v 3 Highest
v 4 Individual Percent
v 5 Highest Percent
ParentRateTypeCode int This is the type of rate code used
for display purposes. This can
have the following values:
v 1 Normal
v 3 Flat Fee Monetary
v 4 Non-Billable
AdjustRateCode char(30) This is the corresponding rate code
for adjustments.
LoadTrackingUID int The unique identifier that tracks
the rate when loaded to the
database from a location outside of
SmartCloud Cost Management.
RateTable PK
char(30) The name of the rate table that
contains the rate code.
RateCode PK
char(30) The code for the rate.
RateIndex decimal(10,4) The index number for the rate
RateRateValue decimal(18,8) The per unit value for the rate
ResourceValue decimal(19,4) Deprecated.
DiscountDollars decimal(10,4) Deprecated.
Discount decimal(7,4) Deprecated.
DiscountIndex int Deprecated.
RateDescription varchar(255) A description of the rate code.
680 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
Factor decimal(15,8) A user-defined resource conversion
factor value for the resource unit
value in reports.
RateRateValue1 char(1) Indicates whether 4 decimal
positions are used in the rate value
in reports:
v F (4 digits are used)
v Blank (8 digits are used [the
RateRateValue2 char(1) Indicates whether the rate is per
resource unit or per 1000 units in
v M (Per 1000 units)
v Blank (Per unit)
RateRateValue3 char(1) Indicates the resource conversion
factor for the resource unit value
in reports.
v 1 (Divide total resource value by
v 2 (Divide total resource value by
v 3 (Divide total resource value by
v 4 (Multiply total resource value
by 60)
v 5 (Divide total resource value by
v # (Multiple total resource value
by user-defined number in
Factor field.)
v Blank (No conversion factor)
RateRateValue4 char(1) Indicates whether the rate code is
included in zero cost calculations:
v N (The rate will not be included
in zero cost calculations)
v Blank (The rate will be included
in zero cost calculations)
RateRateValue5 char(1) Indicates the number of decimal
digits that appear in the resource
units value in reports:
v 0-5 (0 through 5 digits)
v Blank (2 digits, the default)
RateRateValue6 char(1) For future use.
RateRateValue7 char(1) Indicates the whether the resource
units for the rate code are
considered a monetary amount
rather than units if utilization:
v $ (flat fee)
v Blank (not flat fee)
RateRateValue8 char(1) User-defined report flag.
Chapter 9. Reference 681
Field Name Key Type Field Description
RateRateValue9 char(1) For future use.
RateRateValue10 char(1) User-defined report flag.
RateRateValue11 char(1) Indicates whether the rate should
be included in CPU normalization:
v Y (Yes)
v N (No)
RateCodeEffDate datetime(10) The effective date for the rate
RateCodeExpiryDate datetime(10) The expiry date for the rate code.
RateComments varchar(255) Comments for the rate code.
DetailDescription varchar(255) User-defined description of the
rate code for custom reports.
CurrencySymbol varchar(3) User-defined currency symbol for
custom reports.
UnitCode int This is the code representing the
units the rate code is measured in.
UnitDescription varchar(300) This is the first part of the
description of a unit used for
UnitsDescription varchar(300) This is the second part of the
description of a unit used for
ShiftCode PK
char(1) The shift code.
RateValue decimal(18,8) The rate value for the shift.
Description varchar(255) A description of the shift (Swing,
Night, and so on).
Comments varchar(255) For future use.
LowerThreshold decimal(18,8) The lower threshold for the rate.
UpperThreshold decimal(18,8) The upper threshold for the rate.
PCT decimal(6,3) The percentage of units to be
ThresholdDisplay decimal(18,8) Calculated threshold used in
ThresholdSign varchar(2) Sign used to display the threshold
in reports.
TierMethod int The tiering method for the rate.
This can have the following
v 1 Non-Tiered
v 2 Individual
v 3 Highest
v 4 Individual Percent
v 5 Highest Percent
682 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
RateTypeCode int This is the type of rate code used
for display purposes. This can
have the following values:
v 1 Normal
v 3 Flat Fee Monetary
v 4 Non-Billable
a. PK = Primary Key
SCRate Table
The SCRate table stores the rate codes and rates for resource usage.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
LoadTrackingUID int The unique identifier that tracks
the rate when loaded to the
database from a location outside
of SmartCloud Cost Management.
RateCode PK
char(30) The code for the rate.
RateIndex int The index number for the rate
RateValue decimal(18,8) The per unit value for the rate
ResourceValue decimal(19,4) Deprecated.
DiscountDollars decimal(19,4) Deprecated.
Discount decimal(7,4) Deprecated.
DiscountIndex int Deprecated.
Factor decimal(15,8) A user-defined resource
conversion factor value for the
resource unit value in reports.
RateTable PK
char(30) The name of the rate table that
contains the rate code.
EffDate PK
datetime The effective date for the rate
ExpiryDate datetime The end date for the rate code.
RateValue1 char(1) Indicates whether four decimal
positions are used in the rate
value in reports:
v F (Four digits are used)
v Blank (Eight digits are used [the
RateValue2 char(1) Indicates whether the rate is per
resource unit or per thousand
units in reports:
v M (Per thousand units)
v Blank (Per unit)
Chapter 9. Reference 683
Field Name Key Type Field Description
RateValue3 char(1) Indicates the resource conversion
factor for the resource unit value
in reports.
v 1 (Divide total resource value
by 60)
v 2 (Divide total resource value
by 3600)
v 3 (Divide total resource value
by 1000)
v 4 (Multiply total resource value
by 60)
v 5 (Divide total resource value
by 60000)
v # (Multiple total resource value
by user-defined number in
Factor field.)
v Blank (No conversion factor)
RateValue4 char(1) Indicates whether the rate code is
included in zero cost calculations:
v N (The rate will not be included
in zero cost calculations)
v Blank (The rate will be included
in zero cost calculations)
RateValue5 char(1) Indicates the number of decimal
digits that appear in the resource
units value in reports:
v 0-5 (0 through 5 digits)
v Blank (2 digits, the default)
RateValue6 char(1) Indicates whether the resource
units for the rate code should be
RateValue7 char(1) Indicates whether the resource
units for the rate code are
considered a monetary amount
rather than units of utilization:
v $ (flat fee)
v Blank (not flat fee)
RateValue8 char(1) User-defined report flag.
RateValue9 char(1) For future use.
RateValue10 char(1) User-defined report flag.
RateValue11 char(1) Indicates whether the rate should
be included in CPU
v Y (Yes)
v N (No)
Comments varchar(255) Comments for the rate code.
DetailDescription varchar(255) User-defined description of the
rate code for custom reports.
CurrencySymbol varchar(3) User-defined currency symbol for
custom reports.
684 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
Threshold decimal(18,8) This is the threshold for the child
rate code.
UnitCode int This is the code representing the
units the rate code is measured in.
AdjustRateCode char(30) This is the corresponding rate
code for adjustments.
ParentRateCode char(30) This is the rate code for the parent
rate code.
RateGroup int A sequential number assigned to
the rate group.
PCT decimal(6,3) The percentage of units to be
TierMethod int The tiering method for the rate.
This can have the following
v 1 Non-Tiered
v 2 Individual
v 3 Highest
v 4 Individual Percent
v 5 Highest Percent
RateTypeCode int This is the type of rate code used
for display purposes. This can
have the following values:
v 1 Normal
v 3 Flat Fee Monetary
v 4 Non-Billable
a. PK = Primary Key
SCRateTable Table
The SCRateTable table is the rate table for the rates. Rate tables are used to
perform differential costing, for example, you can charge Client A different rates
than Client B.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
RateTable PK
char(30) The name of the rate table.
Description varchar(255) A description of the rate table.
EffDate datetime The effective date for the rate
ExpiryDate datetime The expiry date for the rate table.
LockDown varchar(30) Lockdown date.
CurrencySymbol varchar(3) Currency symbol.
a. PK = Primary Key
Chapter 9. Reference 685
SCRateShift Table
The SCRateShift table defines the optional rate shifts for rate codes.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
RateCode PK
char(30) The rate code.
RateCodeEffDate datetime The effective date for the rate
ShiftCode PK
char(1) The shift code.
RateValue decimal(18,8) The rate value for the shift.
Description varchar(255) A description of the shift (Swing,
Night, etc.).
Comments varchar(255) For future use.
RateTable char(30) The code used to identify the rate
a. PK = Primary Key
SCResourceUtilization Table
The SCResourceUtilization table stores the resource information contained in the
Resource file. The Resource file is an optional file produced by the Bill program.
Data from the SCResourceUtilization table is not used in the standard SmartCloud
Cost Management reports.
In most cases, you will not need to load the data in SCAcct Detail file to the
Field Name Key Type Field Description
LoadTrackingUID int The load tracking unique identifier
from the SCLoadTracking table.
DetailUID int The unique identifier that tracks the
Resource load.
DetailLine int The number of the record in the
input CSR or CSR+ file that
contains the resource (i.e., 1 if it is
the first record, 2 if it is the second
record, etc.)
AccountCode char(127) The account code.
Aggregate int A count of the number of original
input CSR or CSR+ records that
have been aggregated into this
StartDate datetime The resource usage start date.
EndDate datetime The resource usage end date.
ShiftCode char(1) The resource usage shift code.
AuditCode varchar(255) The audit code (if applicable).
SourceSystem char(8) The system identifier for this
RateCode char(30) The rate code of this resource.
686 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
ResourceUnits decimal(18,5) The quantity of the resource used.
RateTable char(30) The name of the rate table.
RateCodeEffDate datetime The effective date for the rate code.
SCSummaryDaily Table
The SCSummaryDaily table stores the data in the SCSummary table at a monthly
rather than daily level.
The fields are the same as the SCSummary table.
SCSummary Table
The SCSummary table stores the information contained in the Summary file. The
Summary file is produced by the Bill program.
This table contains both resource utilization and cost data for reports. Note the
BillFlag fields reflect the flags that were set in the SCRate table at the time that
CIMSBill was run.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
LoadTrackingUID int The load tracking unique
identifier from the
SCLoadTracking table.
Year int The resource usage year.
Period int The resource usage period
Shift char(1) The resource usage shift code.
AccountCode char(127) The account code.
LenLevel1 int Values are the following:
v 0-The record was created from
a Detail record.
v 1-The record was by created by
reprocessing a Summary
v 2-The record was by created by
processing a Summary record
twice. If the Summary record
was processed more than twice,
the value would be 3, 4, 5, etc.
LenLevel2 int A value of 0.
LenLevel3 int A value of 0.
LenLevel4 int A value of 0.
RateTable char(30) The name of the rate table that
contains the rate code.
RateCode char(30) The rate code for the resource.
StartDate datetime The accounting start date.
EndDate datetime The accounting end date.
Chapter 9. Reference 687
Field Name Key Type Field Description
BillFlag1 char(1) Indicates whether four decimal
positions are used in the rate
value in reports:
v F (Four digits are used)
v Blank (Eight digits are used
[the default])
BillFlag2 char(1) Indicates whether the rate is per
resource unit or per thousand
units in reports:
v M (Per thousand units)
v Blank (Per unit)
BillFlag3 char(1) Indicates the resource conversion
factor for the resource unit value
in reports:
v 1 (Divide total resource value
by 60)
v 2 (Divide total resource value
by 3600)
v 3 (Divide total resource value
by 1000)
v 4 (Multiply total resource value
by 60)
v 5 (Divide total resource value
by 60000)
v # (Multiple total resource value
by user-defined number in
Factor field.)
BillFlag4 char(1) Indicates whether the rate code is
included in zero cost calculations:
v N (The rate will not be included
in zero cost calculations)
v Blank (The rate will be
included in zero cost
For more information about zero
cost calculations, see page 3-11.
BillFlag5 char(1) Indicates the number of decimal
digits that appear in the resource
units value in reports:
v 1-5 (1 through 5 digits)
v Blank (2 digits, the default)
BillFlag6 char(1) For future use.
BillFlag7 char(1) Indicates the whether the
resource units for the rate code
are considered a monetary
amount rather than units if
v $ (flat fee)
v Blank (not flat fee)
BillFlag8 char(1) User-defined report flag.
688 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Name Key Type Field Description
BillFlag9 char(1) For future use.
RateValue decimal(18,8) Per unit charge for this rate.
ResourceUnits decimal(18,5) The total units for this rate.
BreakId int Deprecated.
MoneyValue decimal(19,6) The total currency units for this
rate. This will be 21,6 only if
using an existing Oracle database
prior to 4.2 and then upgrading
to 4.2 or later.
UsageStartDate datetime The resource usage start date.
UsageEndDate datetime The resource usage end date.
RunDate datetime The date and time that CIMSBill
was run.
BillFlag10 char(1) User-defined report flag.
BillFlag11 char(1) Indicates whether the rate should
be included in CPU
v Y (Yes)
v N (No)
UnitCode int This is the code representing the
units the Rate code is measured
RateCodeEffDate datetime The effective date for the rate
UsageYear int The resource usage year.
UsagePeriod int The resource usage period.
SCUnits Table
The SCUnits table stores the units that the rate code is measured in.
Field Name Key Type Field Description
UnitCode PK
int The code representing the units
the rate code is measured in.
UnitDescription varchar(50) This is the first part of the
description of a unit used for
UnitsDescription varchar(50) This is the second part of the
description of a unit used for
Chapter 9. Reference 689
SmartCloud Cost Management files
This section describes the IBM SmartCloud Cost Management input and output
Note: The format of the Resource, Detail and Summary files has changed in the
IBM SmartCloud Cost Management release. Older versions of these files
continue to be supported in the Processing Engine, with the caveat that Rates
referred to in the Resource, Detail or Summary files will be assumed to be from the
STANDARD rate table and have an effective date of 1980-01-01.
CSR file
SmartCloud Cost Management processes and applies business rules to resource
usage data from any application, system, or operating system on any platform. The
primary method for loading this data into SmartCloud Cost Management is the
CSR or CSR+ file. This topic describes the file layout of the CSR file.
CSR records are in a standard ASCII display format (no packed, binary, or bit data)
with commas for delimiters and decimal points included in resource amounts. A
negative sign should precede negative numeric data, with no sign when the data is
positive. When the identifier data contains commas, there must be double quotes
around the identifier character data.
CSR records can be up to 32,000 bytes long and can contain a very large number of
identifiers and resources. However, the maximum length for the records in the
output Detail file is 5,000 bytes with a limit of 100 resources.
The following table describes the fields in the CSR record.
Pos. Field Name Length Type Description
1 Record ID 8 Character Defines the source of data.
For example, storage data
from the CIMSWinDisk data
collector contains a record
ID of WinDisk.
There is no standard for this
ID and any unique
combination of characters
can be used.
2 Start Date of
8 Number Date in format
3 End Date of
8 Number Date in format
4 Start Time of
8 Character Time in format HH:MM:SS.
5 End Time of
8 Character Time in format HH:MM:SS.
6 Shift Code 1 Character Alphanumeric code
denoting time of day usage
occurred. Allows billing
different rates by shift. If
you do not want to charge
by shift, the field should be
690 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Pos. Field Name Length Type Description
7 Number of
2 Number Number of identifiers in the
following fields.
8 Identifier
Name 1
32 Character The name of the identifier.
9 Identifier
Value 1
Character Includes items such as
database name, server name,
LAN ID, user ID, program
name, region, system ID,
and so forth. This should be
shortened as much as
possible to a meaningful
code for further translation.
10 Identifier
Name 2
32 Character The name of the identifier.
11 Identifier
Value 2
Character Includes items such as
database name, server name,
LAN ID, user ID, program
name, region, system ID,
and so forth. This should be
shortened as much as
possible to a meaningful
code for further translation.
12 Identifier
Name x
32 Character The name of the identifier.
13 Identifier
Value x
Character Includes items such as
database name, server name,
LAN ID, user ID, program
name, region, system ID,
and so forth. This should be
shortened as much as
possible to a meaningful
code for further translation.
X Number of
2 Number Number of resources being
tracked in the following
X Rate Code 1 8 Character The rate code for the
X Resource
Value 1
Variable Number Resource usage value such
as CPU time,
Input/Outputs, megabytes
used, lines printed,
transactions processed, etc.
X Rate Code 2 8 Character The rate code for the
X Resource
Value 2
Variable Number Resource usage value such
as CPU time,
Input/Outputs, megabytes
used, lines printed,
transactions processed, etc.
X Rate Code x 8 Character The rate code for the
Chapter 9. Reference 691
Pos. Field Name Length Type Description
X Resource
Value x
Variable Number Resource usage value such
as CPU time,
Input/Outputs, megabytes
used, lines printed,
transactions processed, etc.
CSR+ file
The CSR+ file is used to input data into SmartCloud Cost Management and
Accounting Manager. This topic describes the file layout of the CSR+ file.
The format of the CSR+ file record is the same as the CSR record with the
exception that the CSR+ record contains a header at the beginning of the record.
This is a fixed header that enables the records to be sorted more easily. The header
is in the following format:
"CSR+<usage start date><usage end date><account code length><account code><x40>",
Note that the quotation marks and comma are included in the header.
"CSR+2007022820070228010aaaaaaaaa ",S390DB2,20070228,...
"CSR+2007022820070228010bbbbbbbbb ",S390DB2,20070228,...
In these examples, the usage start and end dates are February 28, 2007 (20070228).
The account codes aaaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbbb are 10 characters. The account codes
are followed by a space (x'40'). The information after the header
(S90DB2,20070228,...) represents the remaining fields found in the record. These
fields are described in the following table.
Note: The CSR+ record does not supersede the CSR record. SmartCloud Cost
Management uses both record types.
Name Length Type Description
1 Header Variable (26 to 153
Character A fixed header used
for sorting.
2 Record ID 8 Character Defines the source of
data. For example,
storage data from the
collector contains a
record ID of
There is no standard
for this ID and any
unique combination
of characters can be
3 Start Date
of Usage
8 Number Date in format
4 End Date
of Usage
8 Number Date in format
692 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Name Length Type Description
5 Start Time
of Usage
8 Character Time in format
6 End Time
of Usage
8 Character Time in format
7 Shift Code 1 Character Alphanumeric code
denoting time of day
usage occurred.
Allows billing
different rates by
shift. If you do not
want to charge by
shift, the field should
be blank.
8 Number
2 Number Number of
identifiers in the
following fields.
9 Identifier
Name 1
32 Character The name of the
10 Identifier
Value 1
Variable (Maximum
Character Includes items such
as database name,
server name, LAN
ID, user ID, program
name, region, system
ID, and so forth. This
should be shortened
as much as possible
to a meaningful code
for further
11 Identifier
Name 2
32 Character The name of the
12 Identifier
Value 2
Variable (Maximum
Character Includes items such
as database name,
server name, LAN
ID, user ID, program
name, region, system
ID, and so forth. This
should be shortened
as much as possible
to a meaningful code
for further
13 Identifier
Name x
32 Character The name of the
Chapter 9. Reference 693
Name Length Type Description
14 Identifier
Value x
Variable (Maximum
Character Includes items such
as database name,
server name, LAN
ID, user ID, program
name, region, system
ID, and so forth. This
should be shortened
as much as possible
to a meaningful code
for further
X Number
2 Number Number of resources
being tracked in the
following fields.
X Rate Code
8 Character The rate code for the
X Resource
Value 1
Variable Number Resource usage value
such as CPU time,
megabytes used,
lines printed,
processed, etc.
X Rate Code
8 Character The rate code for the
X Resource
Value 2
Variable Number Resource usage value
such as CPU time,
megabytes used,
lines printed,
processed, etc.
X Rate Code
8 Character The rate code for the
X Resource
Value x
Variable Number Resource usage value
such as CPU time,
megabytes used,
lines printed,
processed, etc.
694 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Ident file
The Ident file contains all the identifiers (such as user ID, jobname, department
code, server name, etc.) that are contained in the input records. These identifiers
are used during account code conversion to create your target account code
structure. The Ident file is created by the Bill program.
The Ident file is a simple, comma-delimited file. The following is the file layout for
the Ident file.
Field Description
Unique Load ID The unique ID for the load.
Record Number The record number.
Identifier Name The name of the identifier (e.g., Jobname).
Identifier Value The value for the identifier (e.g., ACPSJEFU).
Resource file
The Resource file is basically the same as the Detail file but without CPU
normalization, proration, or include/exclude processing applied to the resources.
The Resource file is optional and is created by the Bill program.
The following is the file layout for the Resource file.
Position Length Description
DETAIL-REC-TYPE 1 3 Always '991'.
DETAIL-REC-ID 5 8 Identifies the type of record. For example:
OS390DB2 - (OS/390 DB2 records)
DETAIL-EYE-CATCH 14 7 The version of the record.
DETAIL-LOAD-ID 22 10 The unique ID of the file that contained this
detail record.
DETAIL-REC-NUMBER 33 10 The record number within the original
detail file.
DETAIL-NUM-RECS 44 10 The number of records that were
aggregated to make this one record. This
field applies only to mainframe data.
DETAIL-SORT-ID 55 1 (Reserved)
DETAIL-SYSTEM-ID 57 32 The system ID of the source of the record.
DETAIL-WORK-ID 90 32 The work id where the record came from
(could be subsystem name, could be Oracle
instance name).
DETAIL-START-DATE 123 8 The start date of the record.
DETAIL-END-DATE 132 8 The end date of the record.
DETAIL-START-TIME 141 8 The start time of the record.
DETAIL-END-TIME 150 8 The end time of the record.
DETAIL-SHIFT 159 1 The shift code.
DETAIL-DOW 161 1 The day of week.
DETAIL-ACCOUNT-CODE 163 128 The account code.
Chapter 9. Reference 695
Position Length Description
DETAIL-AUDIT-CODE 292 8 The audit code.
DETAIL-INCLEXCL-ARE A 301 60 Include/exclude data range.
DETAIL-RES-NUMBER 362 2 Number of resources being tracked in the
following fields.
DETAIL-RES-INFO 365 x Occurs 1 to 100 times depending
DETAIL-RES-NUMBER (see preceding).
DETAIL-RATE-CODE The resources rate code.
DETAIL-RATE-TABLE 30 Rate table of rate.
8 Effective date of rate.
DETAIL-RESOURCE-VAL The resource value.
DETAIL-RESOURCE-SIGN This field is blank if the resource is positive
and '-' if the resource is negative.
Detail file
The Detail file is created by the Bill program.
The Detail file differs from the Resource file in that the Detail file reflects any
proration, CPU normalization, or include/exclude processing that was performed.
The Detail file also includes accounting dates.
The following is the file layout for the Detail file.
Field Starting Position Length Description
1 3 Always '991'.
DETAIL-REC-ID 5 8 Identifies the type of record.
For example:
OS390DB2 - (OS/390 DB2
14 7 The version of the record.
DETAIL-LOAD-ID 22 10 The unique ID of the file that
contained this detail record.
33 10 The record number within the
original detail file.
44 10 The number of records that
were aggregated to make this
one record. This field applies
only to mainframe data.
DETAIL-SORT-ID 55 1 (Reserved)
57 32 The system ID of the source of
the record.
DETAIL-WORK-ID 90 32 The work id where the record
came from (could be subsystem
name, could be oracle instance
696 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Starting Position Length Description
123 8 The start date of the record.
132 8 The end date of the record.
141 8 The start time of the record.
150 8 The end time of the record.
159 8 The accounting period start
168 8 The accounting period end
DETAIL-SHIFT 177 1 The shift code.
DETAIL-DOW 179 1 The day of week.
181 128 The account code.
310 8 The audit code.
319 60 Include/exclude data range.
380 2 Number of resources being
tracked in the following fields.
383 x Occurs 1 to 100 times
depending detail-res-number
(see above).
30 The resources rate code.
30 Rate Table of Rate.
8 Effective date of Rate.
4 Unit type of Rate.
30 The resources rate value.
30 The total charge for the
resource units after the rate
value is applied.
30 The resource value.
This field is blank if the
resource is positive
and '-' if the resource is
Chapter 9. Reference 697
Summary file
This Summary file provides resource usage and cost data used for Web reports or
for input to other financial or resource accounting systems. The Summary file is
created by the Bill program.
The following is the file layout for the Summary file.
Field Start Position Length Type
"SUMMARY" 1 8 Character
Reserved 9 3 Numeric
Reserved 12 3 Numeric
Reserved 15 3 Numeric
Reserved 18 3 Numeric
AccountCode 21 128 Character
RateTable 149 30 Character
SourceSystem 179 1 Character
RateCode 180 30 Character
RateCodeEffDate 210 8 Numeric
ShiftCode 218 1 Numeric
UnitCode 219 4 Numeric
AccountingFromDate 223 8 Numeric
AccountingToDate 231 8 Numeric
BillFlag1 239 1 Character
BillFlag2 240 1 Character
BillFlag3 241 1 Character
BillFlag4 242 1 Character
BillFlag5 243 1 Character
BillFlag6 244 1 Character
BillFlag7 245 1 Character
BillFlag8 246 1 Character
BillFlag9 247 1 Character
BillFlag10 248 1 Character
BillFlag11 249 1 Character
RateValue 250 18 Numeric
ResourceUnits 268 18 Numeric
MoneyValue 286 18 Numeric
BreakId 304 1 Character
Conv Factor 305 13 Numeric
Release ID 318 6 Numeric
Date-Century 324 2 Numeric
Date-Year 326 2 Numeric
Date-Month 328 2 Numeric
Date-Day 330 2 Numeric
698 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
Field Start Position Length Type
Time-HH 332 2 Numeric
Time-MM 334 2 Numeric
Time-SS 336 2 Numeric
Period 338 2 Numeric
Year 340 4 Numeric
UsageStartDate 344 8 Numeric
UsageEndDate 352 8 Numeric
UsagePeriod 360 2 Numeric
UsageYear 362 4 Numeric
Chapter 9. Reference 699
700 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
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702 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
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706 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide
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708 IBM SmartCloud Cost Management 2.3: User's Guide