Test Takers SAT Vocab (Alpha)

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aberration abnormality
263. abet to encourage, urge on, instigate
190. abridge to shorten, condense
344. abstain to quit; to refrain from something
38. abstract theoretical; difficult to understand
338. abstruse difficult to understand, obscure, esoteric,
abstract, enigmatic, cryptic, inscrutable
205. accessible easy to reach or understand
57. accolade praise; a statement of approval;
113. acquiesce to give in
133. acrimony bitterness
83. adulation excessive praise
264. adulterate to add impurities to
92. advocate to support, to speak in favor of, endorse
328. aesthetic having to do with the sense of beauty
181. affable friendly, pleasant
353. affected pretended or taken on to impress others
265. aggregate to collect; to bring together, coalesce, amass
98. alacrity eagerness, cheerful willingness
395. altercation an argument or quarrel
87. altruistic concerned for the welfare of others
253. amass to pile up, collect, coalesce, aggregate
106. ambiguous having more than one meaning
63. ambivalent uncertain; having conflicting feelings
304. ambulatory capable of walking
139. ameliorate to make better, to improve
156. amicable friendly
331. amity peaceful relations, friendship
389. amorphous formless, shapeless
142. anarchy disorder, absence of government and control
203. antagonistic hostile, conflicting, cantankerous,
19. apathy lack of emotion or concern, indifference
194. appeal attraction
195. appease to calm, pacify
65. arable fit to grow plants on, fertile
354. archaic ancient; out-of-date
261. arid dry
74. articulate able to speak clearly and effectively
7. ascend to move upwards
160. ascetic rejecting physical comforts
168. assess to evaluate, estimate
252. assiduous working devotedly and carefully,
meticulous, diligent, painstaking
1. assuage to ease, relieve, or lessen, mitigate
28. atrophy to waste away, wither
61. audacity boldness
210. audible capable of being heard
165. augment to add to, increase
376. auspicious favorable; promising success
72. austere strict; severely simple
206. aversion dislike
230. banal unoriginal, stale, hackneyed
141. bane something that harms or destroys
297. barren unable to produce or sustain life
321. beleaguer to harass
137. beneficial helpful, good
164. bias preference, prejudice
237. bolster to support, prop up, buttress
217. brusque rudely brief, surly
220. bungler a clumsy person
117. buoyant cheerful; capable of floating
78. burgeon to grow rapidly; proliferate; flourish
320. bustle to be noisily busy and in a hurry
292. buttress to support, reinforce, bolster
308. camaraderie goodwill among friends, amity
186. candor openness, honest
288. cantankerous quarrelsome, ill-tempered, contentious,
antagonistic, pugnacious
5. capricious tending to change one mind's quickly,
154. castigate to criticize or punish severely
115. censor to prevent publication of
68. censure to criticize, denounce, castigate, decry
[note: don't confuse this word with
244. circumspection caution
245. civil polite, courteous
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77. clemency mercy; gentleness in punishing
29. coalesce to unite, come together
93. cognizant aware
67. coherent consistent; logically connected
18. commend to praise, extol
356. commodious roomy
130. compatible capable of working in harmony
114. competent capable; sufficiently skilled, proficient
159. comprehensible capable of being understood
293. conciliate to calm, comfort, appease, mollify, placate
110. conform to fit in; to act in agreement with
225. confound to confuse
378. congeal to solidify, freeze, jell
231. consequence result, outcome
271. conservative traditional; opposed to change
146. consolidate to join together, merge, coalesce
145. conspicuous obvious, readily apparent, flagrant,
51. contemporary modern
116. contempt strong dislike, scorn, disdain
330. contend to claim, argue
52. contentious quarrelsome, fond of arguing,
cantankerous, pugnacious
290. contract to make or become smaller, diminish,
50. contrite regretful, feeling guilt
45. conventional traditional, ordinary, orthodox
207. conviction a firm belief
326. convoluted complex
44. copious abundant, plentiful, plethora
192. cordial warmly pleasant
178. corrugated covered with grooves or ridges
6. corrupt morally bad, to change from good to bad
161. cryptic secret, mysterious
281. culpable guilty; blameworthy, reprehensible
134. cultivate to grow; to improve
32. cursory hasty, disregarding details, perfunctory
58. daunt to intimidate; to discourage
123. dawdle to waste time
86. dearth scarcity, limited supply, paucity
212. debase to reduce in quality or value
22. debilitate to weaken
357. decorous proper, socially acceptable
332. decry to criticize openly, denounce, censure,
175. defame to harm the reputation of
339. deference giving in to another's wished or opinion
27. denounce to criticize publicly
54. deplete to use up
48. deplore to strongly disapprove of
176. depravity wickedness, perversion
351. deprecate to belittle, express disapproval of, vilify,
disparage, castigate, defame
140. deride to laugh at, make fun of cruelly
268. derivative copied or adapted from others
199. desecrate to violate the sacredness of
337. despair hopelessness, pessimism
319. despondent depressed, disheartened, morose,
127. desultory aimless, haphazard, unconnected,
258. diffident timid, lacking self-confidence
325. diligent working devotedly and carefully, meticulous,
309. diminish to make or become smaller, contract, taper
39. discord lack of agreement of harmony, dissonance
396. discrepancy lack of agreement, difference, discord,
55. discursive rambling, unfocused (often used to describe
a lecture that wanders from topic to topic)
335. disdain scorn, contempt
374. disgruntled dissatisfied, irritated
135. disparage to put down, to belittle, vilify, defame,
386. disparity difference, discrepancy
216. dispassionate calm
277. dispatch promptness
10. disperse to spread widely, disseminate
177. disseminate to spread widely
90. dissent to disagree
298. dissipate to scatter, disappear, disperse
221. dissonance disagreement; lack of harmony
390. dissuade to discourage; to talk out of
222. distend to expand, extend
179. dogmatic stubbornly certain in a belief
187. dormant asleep, inactive
382. dubious doubtful; questionable
375. eccentric abnormal, strange, peculiar
109. efface to erase; to make less noticeable
312. effervescent enthusiastic, lively, cheerful, buoyant
82. elicit to bring out, cause to happen
157. elucidate to make clear
240. emaciated starved; extremely thin
108. embellish to decorate; to add fictitious details to
329. embrace to accept
23. endorse to support, advocate
170. enervate to drain of energy
270. engender to produce; to bring into existence
3. enhance to improve
59. enigmatic mysterious, puzzling, obscure, cryptic
391. enmity hatred, hostility, antagonism, rancor, loathing
16. ephemeral short-lived, evanescent
136. erratic wandering, inconsistent, discursive, desultory
211. erudite highly educated
14. esoteric understood only by a few
112. eulogy high praise (usually for someone who has
322. evanescent lasting for a very short time, fleeting,
235. exasperate to anger or irritate, pique, vex
323. exhume to dig up (a dead body)
262. exonerate to free from blame, vindicate
64. expedite to speed up
315. explicit outright, clear, specific
148. expunge to remove, erase, efface
131. extol to praise highly, commend, adulate
147. extraneous not essential, not related to, extrinsic,
381. extravagant given to excessive spending, prodigal, lavish
8. extricate to free from difficulty
260. extrinsic not essential; from the outside, extraneous,
197. facilitate to make easier
200. fallow inactive, not in use
350. fastidious fussy, finicky
296. fertile able to produce or sustain growth, arable
255. fervor intense emotion
358. fetid foul-smelling, stinky
182. fetter to bind, restrain
242. fitful irregular; inconsistent
70. flagrant obvious, blatant, conspicuous, obtrusive
286. florid elaborately decorated; flowery
387. flourish to grow quickly, prosper, burgeon,
188. fortuitous accidental and lucky
35. frugal not spend freely, cheap
89. furtive secretive, stealthy
99. garner to get; to acquire
69. garrulous talkative, voluble
370. grant to give
345. gratify to please, satisfy, indulge, sate
76. gregarious friendly, sociable, amicable, affable,
15. guile trickiness; deceptiveness
227. hackneyed overused, stale, banal
313. hamper to prevent the movement or action of,
impede, inhibit
294. hedonism single-minded pursuit of pleasure
394. hilarity merriment
62. homogeneous made up of similar parts
53. hypocrite a person who claims to be what he is not
295. illicit illegal [don't confuse with elicit!]
47. impartial fair, not favoring either side, unbiased
272. impede to block, obstruct
273. impose to establish by authority
79. inception beginning
24. inclination tendency; predilection, proclivity,
97. incontrovertible indisputable, undeniable
287. incorporate to include
340. incorrigible incapable of being corrected or reformed
279. indefatigable untiring, tireless
85. indifferent having no preference, impartial, objective,
184. indigenous native, originally from
180. induce to cause
122. indulge to give in to (a desire)
43. inept lacking skill, clumsy, maladroit
36. inevitable unavoidable, certain to happen
343. inhibit to restrain, prevent, hamper
49. innate inborn, present at birth
20. innocuous harmless
25. innovative original, new, novel
311. inscrutable not able to be understood, mysterious,
obscure, esoteric, enigmatic, cryptic, abstruse
269. insipid dull, uninteresting
238. instigate to provoke to action
40. intractable stubborn, difficult to manage
380. intricate complex
189. inundate to flood, to overwhelm
228. invective an insulting or abusive expression
243. irascible short-tempered, irritable, petulant
359. jettison to get rid of, discard
282. jocular joking, jolly
239. kindle to excite, stir up
317. lavish abundant; free with money, prodigal,
138. levity lightness of behavior or feeling
360. lithe flexible, limber
246. loathe to hate, scorn, deplore
361. maladroit clumsy, inept, ungainly
13. meager lacking in quality or quantity
352. meander to wander aimlessly
291. meek spineless, giving in easily
274. melancholy sad, depressed, morose, despondent
283. mercurial given to quick changes of mood, capricious
185. meticulous extremely careful and precise
193. misanthrope a person who hates mankind
94. miser a person who saves money excessively,
someone who is parsimonious or frugal
91. mitigate to relieve, lessen, alleviate, assuage
336. moderate to make less intense or severe
201. mollify to calm, comfort, appease
121. monarch a ruler (such as a king or queen)
26. monotony a dull sameness
248. morose sad, sorrowful, melancholy, despondent
250. mundane ordinary; common place
2. munificent very generous
284. nefarious evil, corrupt, depraved
285. neologism a newly invented word
17. novel new or different, innovative
150. objective not affected by personal feeling, impartial,
unbiased, indifferent
4. obscure difficult to understand; difficult to see
276. obtrusive obvious, highly noticeable, flagrant,
241. opaque impenetrable by light
392. opportune suitable; well-times, fortuitous
349. optimistic hopeful, tending to expect the best
196. orthodox traditional
163. ostentatious showy, intended to impress
96. pacifist a person who favors peace
348. painstaking careful, taking great pains, meticulous,
assiduous, diligent
373. parody a humorous imitation of a work of art
125. parsimony extreme stinginess, miserliness
128. partisan strongly supporting one party or cause, biased
183. paucity fewness, scarcity
233. penchant liking, inclination, proclivity, predilection
100. penury extreme poverty
289. perceptive having keen understanding
341. perfunctory done with little interest or care, cursory
101. peripheral on or having to do with the outer edge
167. pessimism a tendency to expect the worst
132. petulant irritable, touchy, irascible
383. piety religiousness, devoutness
305. pique to arouse; to irritate, exasperate, vex
236. placate to calm the anger of, appease, mollify,
218. plagiarism the theft of someone else's ideas
126. platitude a dull, overused remark, something banal or
151. plausible believable, reasonable
333. plethora overabundance, excess, copiousness
41. ponderous very dull, boring
219. preclude to make impossible, prevent
303. precocious maturing early (especially mentally)
223. predilection preference, liking, inclination, proclivity,
300. preeminent superior to all others
393. presumptuous overly forward; overly bold
191. prevalent widespread, commonly accepted
102. proclivity tendency, leaning, inclination,
predilection, penchant
118. prodigal wasteful with money, extravagant
266. prodigious immense; astonishing [don't confuse with
301. proficient skilled, capable, competent
80. profuse very abundant; giving freely
306. proliferate to grow, increase, burgeon, flourish
399. prominent important, well-known
143. provincial narrow-minded, unsophisticated
362. pugnacious quarrelsome, eager to fight, contentious,
antagonistic, cantankerous
254. pulverize to demolish
318. qualified limited, restricted
9. quiescence inactivity
363. quixotic pursuing unreachable goals
347. radical extreme
208. rancor resentment, hostility, spite, antagonism,
173. raze to demolish
103. recalcitrant disobedient, resisting authority, intractable
124. recant to take back (a statement)
256. recluse one who lives alone; a hermit
251. refined polite, well-bred
34. refute to disprove, offer arguments against
204. relevant related to the matter at hand
371. render to make, become
316. renounce to give up (a claim, right, or opinion)
346. reprehensible blameworthy, deserving of criticism ,
171. reprove to scold
169. repudiate to reject
267. rescind to repeal, cancel
385. resent to be annoyed as a result of injury
259. reserve a tendency to hold oneself back, restraint
120. resilient capable of recovering quickly
377. restraint holding back in feelings or behavior,
suppression, reserve
257. retain to keep
355. retention the act of keeping
33. reticent quiet, untalkative, taciturn
95. revere to respect, admire, venerate
158. revise to correct or improve
364. rue to regret
214. saccharine overly sweet or agreeable
324. sate to satisfy (an appetite or desire) fully, gratify
247. score the written form of a piece of music
384. sect a small group united by a religious belief
372. serene calm, peaceful, tranquil
365. sinuous curvy; graceful in movement, undulating
215. skeptical doubtful
342. solemn serious
144. soluble capable of being dissolved
334. spartan sternly disciplined and severely simple,
austere, ascetic
42. spontaneous impulsive, not planned
398. spurn to reject with scorn, repudiate
366. squalor filth; misery
71. squander to waste; to spend foolishly [note: don't
confuse with squalor!!]
234. stagnate to lie motionless
367. stasis balance; motionless, stagnation
153. steadfast firm, sure
84. stolid unemotional; not easily excited
202. strident loud, harsh-sounding
66. subtle difficult to detect or understand
11. succinct brief, terse
21. superficial shallow; on the surface
327. superfluous extra; beyond what is required, extraneous,
310. suppress to hold back, subdue, inhibit
209. surly rude, unpleasant, brusque
213. surreptitious done secretly, sneaky, furtive
400. sustain to support, keep alive, prolong
12. taciturn quiet, untalkative, reticent
119. tact sensitivity, courtesy
232. tangible real, capable of being touched
368. tantamount equivalent in effect
397. taper to lessen; to become smaller at one end,
contract, diminish
198. terse brief
107. tolerance respect for the ways and views of others
226. torpor inactivity
73. tranquil calm, peaceful, serene
299. trepidation fear, anxiety
149. trifling unimportant, trivial
174. trivial of little importance or significance
369. truncate to shorten
275. turbulent violently agitated, disturbed
56. tyranny absolute power that is often cruel
31. undermine to weaken
278. understate to express less strongly than appropriate
104. undulating moving in a wavelike manner, sinuous
280. ungainly clumsy, awkward, inept, maladroit
229. uniform identical, similar
249. unprecedented never before known or experienced
155. unwitting not aware, unintentional
307. upbraid to scold, castigate, reprove
152. vacillate to change one's mind continually
162. venerate to respect
60. verbose wordy
314. verify to check the truth of
379. vex to irritate, annoy, exasperate, pique
75. viable workable; able to remain alive
172. vigilant watchful, alert
129. vigor strength, energy
88. vilify to speak ill of; slander
37. vindicate to clear of blame or suspicion, exonerate
111. virtue moral excellence; good quality
388. virtuoso a highly skilled musician
166. vivid lifelike; intense
105. volatile highly unstable; explosive
30. voluble talkative, garrulous
46. vulnerable easy to injure or harm
224. willful stubborn, intractable, recalcitrant
81. wither to become dry or lifeless, atrophy

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