Good Practices For Integrating Climate Change Adaptation - Lessons From Local Partners in Cambodia

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Funded by Sida
This document was enhanced and enriched with the feedback and
perspectives of numerous JCCI representatives and partners. Kristen
Rasmussen deserves special acknowledgement for her tireless attention
to detail. Nop Polins keen translation, enduring diplomacy and thoughtful
responses to questions during the ten days of feld visits created a fruitful
environment for capturing stories from the feld. During site visits, the JCCI
partners and communities were exceptional hosts. The local authorities
and community members prepared remarks for meetings and provided
valuable insights that contributed to the content of this report. Funding for
JCCI is provided by Sida.
Introduction- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01
Climate Change in Cambodia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03
Explaining the Technical Terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05
About the Joint Climate Change Initiative (JCCI) - - - - - - - - 07
JCCI Timeline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 09
JCCIs Training Approach: Learning alongside partners - 11
Pilot Projects as a Source of Inspiration and Action - - - - - 13
Stories from JCCI Partners - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19
Governance, Advocacy and Public Policy- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
Farming for Food - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27
Forest Management and Fisheries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31
Planning Ahead for Climate Change Impacts - - - - - - - - - - - - 33
The Way Forward - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38
Further Reading- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41
- Ellen Maling, Documentation Consultant
All photos by Nicholas Axelrod
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
This document is intended to inspire Cambodian organisations and
institutions to address the impacts of climate change in their existing
programmes and practices. Its aim is to provide some useful approaches
for programme planning and implementation that incorporates climate
change responses while also educating people about the impact of climate
change in Cambodia.
This document was written after feld visits and interviews with selected
JCCI partners in December 2012. It summarizes JCCIs membership and
partners, programme goals and process approaches. The report also
features stories from selected organisations that integrated techniques to
adapt to impacts from climate change and counterbalance the effects of
climate change within their existing programmes. Each section in the report
concludes with a list of good practices that were observed from the feld
visits. JCCI and the partner organizations are hopeful that this information
will be useful to other organisations and institutions.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
The weather events that result from the changes in the earths temperature
caused by global warming have far-reaching impacts on the livelihoods of
Cambodians. Women, people who are very poor and indigenous people
often suffer the worst effects of severe weather events and unpredictable
weather and climate patterns.
The Royal Government of Cambodias Ministry of the Environment reported
data in October 2011 that showed that Cambodian rainfall levels and
temperature have already changed and are expected to continue to do so for
the foreseeable future. Many local and international organisations operating
in Cambodia are concerned with the increasingly stronger fooding and
extended dry periods that are affecting rice production and the ability of
people to sustain their livelihoods.
Cambodia is primarily an agricultural country. Many people depend on
the land, fsheries, and forests to sustain the economy and their families.
When the weather systems change resulting in increased temperatures,
Climate change is real, and by all accounts is already
being felt in Cambodia. Assessments by scientists
(Ministry of Environment 2002, 2005 and 2010) and perceptions
of rural people (MoE/BBC Trust 2011) themselves point to
signifcant and recent changes that are compelling people to take
action. In turn, these changes have far-reaching implications for
rural livelihoods in Cambodia and for the future of national
~Cambodia Human Development Report, Ministry of Environment
and UNDP, 2011.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
delayed rainfall and severe foods crops
are threatened, forests are at risk, and fsh
populations suffer. In fact, the foods of
2011 were the reason Germanwatch, a Bonn-
based environmental think tank that issued
the Global Climate Risk index in December
2012, ranked Cambodia and Thailand as
the top two countries in the world affected
by climate change.
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
and governments around the world are
taking steps to help communities adapt to
the changing circumstances created from
the increase in the earths temperature.
Strategies to address the impacts of climate change are generally grouped
into four areas: 1) raising awareness of climate change, 2) building the
community capacity to adapt their current practices to a changing climate, 3)
reducing the factors that cause climate change, and; 4) developing tools for
community participation and advocacy to deal with climate change on local,
national and international levels.
To implement these practices on a local level in communities across
Cambodia, the JCCI developed a comprehensive programme that engaged
22 Cambodian organisations in a multi-year process of learning, planning,
doing, reflecting, evaluating and sharing information and tools with
community members.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Adaptive Capacity
Adaptive capacity is the ability to design
and implement effective adaptation stra-
tegies or to react to evolving hazards and
stresses so as to reduce the likelihood of
the occurrence and/or the magnitude of
harmful outcomes resulting from climate-
related hazards (Brooks, Adger, and Kelly,
2005). The United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change defnes
climate change adaptation strategies as,
actions taken to help communities and
ecosystems cope with changing climate
condition. In Cambodia, Governments,
NGOs and INGOs need to assess why the country is vulnerable, coordinate
the actors who are responsible for adaptation measures and manage
climate-related data. With that information in hand, Cambodia will be able
to implement plans that will decrease the negative impacts of climate
change and increase the adaptive capacity.
Capacity Development and Capacity Building
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) sees capacity
development as the process through which individuals, organisations and
societies obtain, strengthen and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve
their own development objectives over time. INGOs and NGOs bring a
toolbox of techniques that are often referred to as capacity building, as
they are generally delivered to community members as part of a capacity
development approach. In general, capacity means that individuals, groups
and governments have the information, tools and confdence to plan for
their futures and achieve development goals.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Disaster Risk Reduction
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) looks at awareness of natural hazards and
prevention of the factors that can make those natural hazards worse. DRR
is a broad subject that covers preparing for emergencies, lessening the
potential damage from weather events and managing the environment,
land and water to lessen the damage from severe weather events and other
natural disasters.
Participatory Rural Appraisal
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) is a tool used to incorporate the
knowledge and opinions of rural people in planning and management of
programmes. Different methods are used to help gather information from
the community. These include group meetings, interviews, using images
or designs to collect information, and analysing or validating existing
information. PRA is about empowering people to analyse the problems
that affect their daily lives and fnd solutions that meet the needs that are
contained within the problems.
Rights-Based Approaches
Rights-based approaches (RBA) assume that every human being should be
able to access services that provide for their human dignity and freedom
and other rights as outlined in the United Nations Declaration of Human
Rights. Each human is a right holder, who engages and interacts with duty
bearers to negotiate access to and secure their rights. Duty bearers are
the institutions that are supposed to manage and deliver the services and
systems that respect, protect and fulfl each individuals human rights.
Climate change, as it affects livelihoods and makes resources scarce, has
the potential to limit realisation of human rights such as the right to food
and water.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
JCCI Organisational Partners
Forum Syd works toward the strengthening
of the civil society. Forum Syds Democracy
and Human Rights Programme aims to
strengthen all people in Cambodia, especially
poor and marginalised people, to have
increased access to democratic infuence,
rights and natural resources. The programme
supports local partners both fnancially and
with capacity building through a team of
advisors working with capacity building
within the areas of legal rights, advocacy,
gender and fnance.
DanChurchAid/ChristianAid (DCA/CA works with local partners to
respond to natural disasters, political and social changes with a focus on
food security, which includes DRR and climate change response, protection
of human rights, and gender justice. The work of DCA/CA in Cambodia is
guided by the belief that all people have the right to a sustainable livelihood,
basic services, safety from confict and disaster, and an effective voice in
decision-making and equal rights.
Cord envisions a world where peace, dignity and human rights are fully
realized and advances this vision by working in societies affected by violent
confict and developing the capacity of partners to build sustainable peace.
Within a partnership-based capacity development model, Cord works
across focus areas of natural resource management, human rights, gender
and governance through mentoring, coaching, training, and advisory and
technical support.
Until recently, much of Cambodian civil society and local communities
had little understanding of climate change issues. ForumSyd, DCA/CA, and
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Cord recognised that as a cross cutting issue, addressing climate change
in organisational programming required a coordinated and systematic
response. The organisations formed the Joint Climate Change Initiative (JCCI)
in 2009 to combine their resources to build the capacity of locally-based, rural
NGOs to integrate climate change actions within their existing projects and
programmes. By focusing on enhancing current initiatives and programmes
instead of launching separate activities, JCCI demonstrated how to integrate
climate change adaptation into a strategic, long term development process
for rural communities.
JCCI sought to generate results: raising awareness and understanding
about climate change, developing a base of useful methods and tools for
building adaptive capacity and designing and piloting local initiatives
that expanded current programmes to respond to climate change issues.
With a consistent process of coaching, mentoring and providing feedback
to partner organizations, JCCI cultivated an environment for learning by
doing. Simultaneously, JCCI was also involved in climate change advocacy
on a national and international level. The JCCI collaboration resulted in
accomplishments greater than what could have been achieved individually.
Good Practices for Building a Consortium:
R Aim for diversity in organisational expertise. Recognise that each organi-
sation brings strengths to the collective effort.
R Plan for working together. Set out goals and develop the agreements for
how decisions are made.
R Recognise that working together takes time and can be diffcult, but
the relationships built are valuable.
Phase 1 of JCCI is launched with 10 local partner NGOs.
Partners learn about climate change, sustainable development, rights-
based approaches, and participatory planning.
Partners transfer knowledge to their communities.
Partners conduct analysis with their communities to develop pilot projects.
JCCI undergoes an evaluation to refne training and organisational
development methods.
JCCI launches a newsletter to share information among organizations.
Stories that highlight partner successes and key highlights of national
and international climate change news are included.
Phase 1 projects move forward into implementation. JCCI provides
technical support and advisors to reinforce project implementation.
Phase 1 projects undergo a technical assessment to ensure sound
practices are being implemented in the feld.
Phase 2 of the project is launched with 12 partners. The training
programme is expanded to include both classroom and feld-based
workshops linking theory and practice.
Phase 2 partners develop pilot projects.
Training workshops for Phase 2 partners continue.
JCCI provides resource experts to support the practices of projects.
Periodic learning forums are initiated to build networking and knowledge
sharing among JCCI partners from all phases. Learning forums include
presentations by experts and peer-led seminars organized by focus areas.
JCCI provides support for awareness and advocacy in cooperation with
national and international networks and media. JCCI also plays a key role
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
in coordinating Cambodian CSOs and partners to engage in international
adaptation forums and the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Phase 2 members travel to Indonesia and the Philippines to learn about
community responses to climate change.
JCCI publishes a Learning Manual and a summary of good practices.
These tools are distributed publicly to build the knowledge network.
JCCI offsets its carbon emissions from international travel
Phase 3 is planned. The selected ilot projects will be expanded into
model sites as a tool for outreach and education. Small grants will be
awarded to remaining JCCI partners. Efforts to raise awareness, strengthen
collaboration and promote advocacy continue. All partners will retain
access to capacity development and networking opportunities.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Addressing the issues of climate change at the community level is complex.
It involves sophisticated science and specific technical terms, new
technology, involvement with a wide variety of stakeholders, and changes
in peoples behaviours and beliefs. JCCI recognised that their Cambodian
partner organisations would need to receive intensive education and capacity
building from the Consortium to both understand climate change and to
build effective responses to climate change impacts.
Defne Pilot
Coaching and
with Capacity
Pilot Project
JCCI developed and implemented a training curriculum that covered a
variety of subjects. Phase 1 partners were exposed to fve learning modules
that were then expanded by three feld practicums in the second phase.
The JCCI curriculum incorporated topics such as climate change science,
strategies for climate change adaptation, an assessment of the organisations
internal operations, and how climate change adaptation strategies might be
implemented and integrated into their existing programmes. These topics
were covered through both lecture and group discussion. Partners then
learned how to use planning tools that encouraged meaningful participation
of community residents and local authorities. The partners conducted a
functional analysis and a situational analysis with these stakeholders. The
results from the planning workshops were used to develop and implement
pilot projects that addressed the needs of the community on the local level.
As the pilot projects were implemented, JCCI partners came together in
periodic learning forums to share their lessons learned and build relationships
among each other. In the learning forums, the JCCI partners were exposed
to national and international experts in a plenary session and then organized
into smaller groups among four focus areas: 1) sustainable agriculture, 2)
natural resource management, 3) local governance, and; 4) policy advocacy.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
The focus areas provided an opportunity
for partners to share ideas and resources
on a specifc topic. The JCCI partners also
visited other JCCI-funded projects in neigh-
bouring communities to share information
and tools. Selected partners travelled to
the Philippines and Indonesia for exposure
visits to other community organisations
to learn from their exper-iences with
programming related to climate change.
Good Practices from the Learning
R Coach and mentor partners to ensure comprehensive understanding
and application of new topics.
R Learn theory, apply the theory through practice and refne the practice
with coaching and expanded theory.
R Include refection on what was learned and how it can be improved. This
is a key part of a learning process.
R Build structured opportunities for organizations to share knowledge,
experiences and techniques with each other.
R Conduct a feld-based technical assessment of climate change adaptation
techniques that are used by partner organisations. Combine local knowledge
and experience with new innovations to address climate change. This
will ensure that the methods are implemented properly.
R Start with the basics and expand knowledge as required to meet particular
Avoid using technical terms when speaking with community members; try to
use words that community members will understand.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
In each phase of the JCCI programme, partners put the knowledge gained
from the workshops into practical use within the community. The pilot
projects were intended to be short-term efforts that not only allowed partners
to apply their new knowledge but also addressed community needs.
JCCI partners completed an organisational self-assessment as an early
step toward developing the pilot projects. This process helped to evaluate
the organisations current ability to put the climate change responses into
action and identify the resources needed to achieve success. Capacity
Development Advisors from Cord, DCA/CA and Forum Syd supported the
learning process each step of the way, supporting the partners to refect
on their actions and improve their skills while they were mobilizing the
community to implement climate change responses into programming.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Organization Project
Banteay Srei (BS)
Focused on enabling vulnerable
women to develop alternative
livelihood strategies and
prepare for disasters.
Kralagn district,
Siem Reap
Cambodian Centre
for Study and
Development in
Introduced new agriculture
techniques and increased
awareness of climate change in
local leadership.
Samaky Meanchey
district, Kampong
Chhnang province
Civil Society
Partnership (CCSP)
Worked with local government
to integrate climate change
adaptation into commune
development plans.
Krakor district,
Pursat province
Cambodian NTFP
Built multi-stakeholder
relationships and introduced
new agricultural practices to
indigenous people.
Veunsai district,
Ratanakiri province
Committee for
Free and Fair
Elections in
Educated decision makers about
climate change adaptation and
mitigation and increased public
participation on climate change
Teukphos, Rolear
Ph'Ear and Samaky
Meanchey district,
Kampong Chhnang
Development and
Partnership in
Action (DPA)
Worked with local communities
to enable them to integrate
climate change into Village
Development Plans and
implement new agricultural
Lumpat district,
Ratanakiri province
Fisheries Action
Coalition Team
Built DRR and climate change
adaptation strategies into
community based livelihood
initiatives through linking
environmental management
and livelihood improvements.
Kampong Klaing
and Kampong Pluk
communes in Siem
Reap province
Overview of JCCI Partners and Pilot Projects
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Gender and
Development for
Cambodia (GADC)
Fostered the participation of
diverse stakeholders to improve
the communitys sustainable
development plan.
Samlaut district,
Khmer Youth
and Social
Empowered youth to participate
in decision making and action to
address climate change.
Phnom Srouch
district, Kampong
Speu province
Khmer Youth
Association (KYA)
Coached and mentored youth
to become involved in local
decision making on climate
change issues.
Svay Antor district,
Prev Veng province
Life with Dignity
Built the voice of women in
agriculture and prevented
Thpong district in
Kampong Speu
province and
Tuek Phos district
in Kampong
Chhnang province
Non-Timber Forest
Products (NTFP)
Strengthened the organisation
and communitys focus on
forestry Voluntary Carbon
Market options.
Vernsai district,
Ratanakiri province
to Develop our
Villages (ODOV)
Created demonstration
projects with local farmers to
show innovative agriculture
Kampong Trabaek
district, Prey Veng
Partnership for
in Kampuchea
Trained community people and
the Commune Committee for
Disaster Management (CCDM)
to include DRR in commune
development plans.
Borseth district,
Kampong Speu
Peoples Center for
Development and
Peace (PDP)
Mainstreamed climate change
response into the Better
Democracy for Community
Development project.
Pouk district, Siem
Reap province
Ponleu Ney Kdey
Empowered rural vulnerable
community members to self-
manage DRR activities.
Borseth district,
Kampong Speu
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Organization Project
Star Kampuchea
Increased capacity to work with
local organisational partners
to address climate change in
existing projects.
Phnom, Kravanh
and Bakan districts,
Pursat Province
and Romeashek
district, Svay Rieng
Village Support
Group (VSG)
Improved the knowledge of
natural DRR mechanisms in
people working in local fshery
and community protected areas.
Thmor Purk and
districts, Banteay
Samples of Approaches used by JCCI Partners in Pilot Projects
Share information about climate change and its impact on Cambodia
R Develop materials that use pictures to convey information so that
people with low literacy levels can understand the message.
R Tell the story as a way of explaining a need, or to illustrate a point.
R Produce a video that gives local people a chance to tell their story.
This allows for people who have low literacy levels to see and hear
about successful projects in other communities.
R Engage the media with press releases and photos in order to raise
awareness about the project.
R Create an agricultural or water management demonstration project
in an accessible place so people can visit and observe successful
R Educate and train community members about the science behind the
changes in weather and climate.
R Share experiences and material at national and international events
such as the Farmers Forum and the Adaptation Forum.
Build the ability to participate in decision-making
R Encourage individual and community involvement for thinking about
the impacts of climate change and why their community is vulnerable.
Engage local knowledge about how to plan for disaster response.
R Use the existing processes within commune and district level planning
to bring community concerns to the table
R Build the skills of the community to advocate for their needs with local
R Ensure that community members and local offcials have a oice in
the decisions that are made.
R Identify situations where there is shared interest from multiple stake-
holders to address the challenges presented by climate change.
Oftentimes, these groups of stakeholders can work together to achieve
an outcome that could not be achieved individually.
According to the UNs Food and Agriculture Organization, approximately
80% of Cambodias population lives in rural areas and 73% depend primarily
on agriculture and livestock for their livelihoods. Approaches for adapting
agricultural practices are included here to refect the signifcance of this
activity within the JCCI partners.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
R Reduce chemical fertilizer and
strengthen the soil around the
plants by using compost soil
covers to provide nourishment
for plants.
R Learn about and practise a system
of rice intensifcation planting
techniques which use less water
than traditional techniques.
R Plant short-growing rice that can
go through a full growth cycle
and be harvested before the
food season.
R Avoid burning rice straw. The
straw can be collected and used
for garden compost or returned
to the feld for fertiliser.
R Use drip irrigation systems that
deliver water directly to the plant,
thereby reducing water loss to
evaporation and reducing vulne-
rability to drought.
R Become familiar with the
concepts of integrated farming.
One technique of integrated
farming uses animal waste for
R Support small irrigation systems
such as ponds and canals.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Strengthening the Voice of Youth
Youth are playing an increased role in the
advocacy and problem solving needed to
deal with the impact of climate change
across the globe. In Cambodia, JCCI worked
with three organisations that implement
programmes specifcally working with
youth. The Khmer Youth Association (KYA),
Peoples Center for Development and Peace
(PDP) and Khmer Youth and Social Devel-
opment (KYSD) are working individually
and collectively to ensure that youth are
participating in climate change action and
advocacy on community and national
KYSD became a part of JCCIs Phase 2 cohort in 2011. The pilot project
developed by KYSD and their youth members has already had a signifcant
impact on the community. The project focused on raising awareness of
youth and the community, planting trees in previously logged areas and
working with families to plan community gardens. Said Heng Sokkunthea,
who was involved with KYSD as a teenager, is a programme coordinator
for the organisation.
Through JCCI, I learned how to conduct a community
assessment. I used to be really shy, but I got more
confdent about reaching out to others.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
The community assessment she mentions used Participatory Rural
Appraisal (PRA), a methodology thats a key part of the JCCI learning
approach. With her confdence in this method, she invited long-time
community members to create a map of the conditions and resources in the
community and identify areas that could be vulnerable to climate change.
The word has spread about KYSDshes been invited to present her ideas
to donors and the public.
The youth participants in the programme are experiencing their own
changes as well. KYSD worked with youth to identify what they could do to
deal with the issues of climate change. My favourite part of this project is
doing the physical work. I like planting trees and talking with other youth
groups about what they are doing to address climate change. Before, I
didnt think about the problems of cutting down all the trees. Now I know
that the forests can be used for the people, mentioned Sorn Sokahn, a
young community member. Before I saw that the youth did not have a
good relationship with each other, did not spend time at home and argued
with each other. said Phim Lida, a Cambodian volunteer who spent six
months working with KYSD participants in the village, Now they know
that working in the garden and in the forest helps them reduce their wasted
time and produce more income. The youth have also expanded their skills
and capabilities, lending new energy to the issues of climate change in the
Good Practices for working with youth on climate change issues:
R Involve youth from the beginning in identifying the problems and the
R Ensure that girls and young women have adequate opportunities to
contribute to discussions.
R Enable youth to defne their roles and responsibilities in the project.
R Provide locally-based mentoring to encourage youth to participate in
community planning and decision-making. Mentoring should be provided
by adults that youth can relate to and trust.
R Facilitate connections and networks with other youth organisations.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
The problems resulting from climate
change are complex. Solving them
often requires involvement from
multiple stakeholders to reach a
collective understanding of the existing
conditions. Coordinated action is
needed to address the present
problems and plan for the future.
The challenge of climate change
must to be addressed across all levels of government. Village and
commune leadership are critical stakeholders for supporting community
initiatives. District and national offcials have important perspectives for
bringing the issue of climate change to the forefront of a country strategy
for Cambodia. The linkages between the community level advocacy and
the national level policy changes in Cambodia are being forged. Efforts to
link with and educate others about the scope of climate change impacts are
happening on a local, regional, national and international level.
For many Cambodian organisations, the collaborative work that occurs
at the local level has a signifcant impact upon building relationships needed
to address climate change problems far into the future. We had the
cooperation of the local authorities when we wrote the concept note
for partnership in the JCCI project, said Provincial Team Leader Kheiu
Sopheak from Development and Partnership in Action (DPA). We worked
closely with the village disaster committee to identify the things that
needed to be done and put those items into the plan for the community.
DPA has a long history of working with people at the village level, in building
their capacity to advocate for their own rights.
JCCI partner Banteay Srei, which aims to empower vulnerable women in
Siem Reap, worked with villages to elect community facilitators, who
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
helped to identify and prioritize needs and activities to reduce disaster risk
and address climate change. After the outreach process, the results were
included in a small village pilot proposal. The success of that project
will be used to seek funding for other community development projects.
Through the process of discussing how crop harvests have been impacted
by climate change and by working to identify needs in their own villages,
local community members have begun to understand how to maintain their
quality of life in a changing climate.
With foods becoming more violent and the temperature becoming more
unpredictable, education about planning and adapting is an essential
message to convey to local authorities.
When community members, NGOs, and local authorities are all involved
with the decisions about how resources are distributed to the community,
the results will often generate less controversy and are more valuable to the
community than if one entity does it alone. DPA and community members
worked with the local authorities to determine the criteria for selecting who
would receive water flters, which farms would dedicate a plot of land for
using drip irrigation or covered beds, and which homes would have the
installation of a bio-gas digester, which uses cow dung to create gas used
for cooking and lighting in the home. The relationships developed during
the planning activities were valuable and ensured the success of the project.
We worked to train the Commune Council. Local
offcials attended our workshops and then included
JCCI-funded projects in the Commune Investment Plan. A village
chief within the Chey Odom commune agreed to contribute
land for a water storage pond. The community dedicated some
funding also, said Kheiu Sopheak from DPA. He added, because
many people were involved in supporting the project, there was a
process for selecting who would get the contract to dig the pond
and we got a very low price for the work .
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGO
Forum) engages in national and
international advocacy initiatives on
behalf of its members, whom are
mostly local NGOs operating in a
number of sectors. NGO Forum
received funding from JCCI to
train their staff and NGO Forum
members on the technical aspects
of climate change and climate
change advocacy strategies. NGO
Forum also conducted organising
activities with their members such
as the Cambodian Civil Society
Statement on climate change that
was presented to the CoP 18 of the
UNFCCC in November-December
2012. NGO Forum uses their contacts
and connections from their existing
programmes on development,
environment, land and livelihoods
to conduct advocacy on a national
level. JCCIs local partners are able
to access nationwide discussions
through the dialog between JCCI
staff and the NGO Forum.
The relationships built within the
NGO Forums membership and
with the Ministry of Environment
offcials are valuable in providing
opportunities for sharing information
and ideas about initiatives to address
climate change.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
In speaking about the NGO Forums general approach to advocacy, Im
Phalley, Environment Programme Manager of the NGO Forum remarked,
we start with learning the policy frameworks for our programme focus
areas. Then we can help the government with hearing the voices and
concerns of Cambodian people in their technical responses, She continued,
that helps us build our credibility. We also make sure that we respond to
each request or invitation to participate in discussions on the national level.
R Build the relationship with local authorities systematically.
Start with tangible projects that have an immediate beneft
to the community.
R Introduce the topic of climate change to government
through disaster risk reduction and disaster management
planning processes.
R Start with a small project that has a high potential for
success. Invite authorities on the commune, district and
national levels to see the results.
R Be aware of the national efforts and engage in opportunities
to infuence strategy or policy.
R Understand the policy framework under in which each
government department operates and adapt responses to
meet their objectives.
Good Practices for governance,
advocacy and public policy to
address climate change:
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
The Cambodia Climate Change Network (CCCN) is made
up of private sector organisations, local and international
NGOs and individuals that are working on climate change
on a national and international level.
NGO Forum works on advocating for pro-poor climate
change policies, with a focus on bringing the voices of
local communities and community organisations to the
national level.
The Climate Change Department in the Kingdom of
Cambodias Ministry of Environment was established in
1998 to advance the governments efforts to deal with
climate change. The department has held periodic forums
to address the nations response to climate change.
The Cambodia Climate Change Alliance is a multi-donor
trust fund that provides resources for climate change
projects at the national and local government level. JCCI
issued a statement to ensure the offcials were aware of
JCCIs efforts.
Cambodias Climate Change Strategic Plan is tracked by
organisations to ensure that locally-based NGOs have a
voice in the process.
Internationally, the UN Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) is the leading international effort to
address climate change. Cambodian NGOs worked together
to issue a joint statement to bring Cambodias concerns to
the attention of policymakers.
Other Climate Change Stakeholders and
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Agriculture is a critical part of Cambodias economy and way of life. For rice
farmers, changes in the weather or temperature can have an immediate
and negative impact on their ability to sustain their families food security.
The strategies implemented by JCCIs partners have started the process
of introducing new methods to farmers that will help ease the impacts
of climate change. These techniques and ideas are not new or expensive.
The practices simply reinforce the whole ecosystem picture of farming,
including soil health and water conservation. They also teach farmers how
to adapt their agricultural techniques to withstand changing climate patterns,
improve the diversity of food sources and expand their sources of income.
The Organisation to Develop Our Villages (ODOV) implemented project
activities and developed Village Model Farms in Prey Veng province. The
Village Model Farms (VMF) serve as a demonstration site, a centre for practical
training for communitys members, and a source of agricultural inputs and
technical information. They are also valuable tools for demonstrating how
to use techniques to adapt to climate change and build resilience to the
food insecurity that can result from climate change impacts.
The VMF are built to produce vegetable seeds, seedlings and fruit tree
saplings for distribution to target households on a commercial basis as
well as to show people new ways of growing vegetables. ODOV developed
criteria for selecting the VMF. The criteria included owning at least 1,000
square meters of land and being able and willing to maintain the VMF year
round, in addition to having the location close to a main road so that people
could get to them easily. The farmers themselves needed to meet some
basic requirements. They had to be willing to contribute their time and
income to invest in the model farm, be receptive to try new ideas and provide
assistance to other farmers.
In a relatively limited space, the home gardens are flled with activities
and livestock. There are different elements to the Integrated Farm that all
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
support a familys ability to provide food, potentially generate extra income
from producing items for market and reduce their dependence on a single
crop for income and nutrition. These new practices are a tool to adapt to
the variations in weather and water supply that result from climate change.
A brick and cement pen holds the compost, a rich combination of rice husks,
manure and other discarded garden waste that is used to build the soil in
the garden. Pigs waste is used to feed fsh in a nearby pond. Pond water,
rich in nutrients, is also used to fertilize the garden. A nursery for new plants
has a light mesh covering that allows sunlight in but provides some shelter
from wind and pests and strengthens the seedlings. Garden plants are grown
inside a fenced area with beds that are raised up to 6 inches above the ground.
Some beds are covered with a thin layer of plastic with a hole for a single
plant and a drip irrigation watering system that delivers water directly to
the base of the vegetables, thereby conserving water. All of these techniques
help to conserve water resources, and help plants withstand severe weather
when it occurs.
The ODOV seeds work. Said Hamban, a demonstration
farmer. I used to buy vegetables from the market, but
now we can grow our own. Farmers have no idea what to do,
but they are open to learning new techniques. They trust ODOV.
When they see the results, then they believe.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
The demonstration gardens are an important
tool for testing new strategies on a small
scale and then sharing the lessons learned
and successes with other farmers. To
promote involvement and plan for the
future, ODOV also set up a seed bank. The
seeds are collected from the demonstration
farm and given to people who are interested
in growing their own vegetables. Good
Practices for promoting agricultural tech-
niques that adapt to climate change
R Understand the local impacts that farmers
are experiencing from climate change.
R Show people what works and then make
it easy for them to try for themselves.
R Focus on techniques that are easy and inexpensive to implement and
generate increased plant health.
R Use local materials and resources to fertilize the soil and promote plant
R Start with growing foods that provide nutrition, and then raise products
that can be sold at the market to generate income.
R Highlight the extent to which these techniques can save money and time.
R Share the successes of the methods through farmer to farmer exchanges.
Sharing knowledge and experience is a powerful tool for initiating
changes in agricultural practice.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
For the people in the villages of Kampong
Pluk and Kampong Klaing on Tonle Sap
Lake, the Fisheries Action Coalition Team
(FACT) is an important partner for a
community process to develop strategies
to cope with the impacts of climate change.
The villagers live in a dynamic environment
unlike any other in the world. Local fshermen
sustain their families with a variety of
fsh in Southeast Asias largest lake.
Each year, the lake is flled during the rainy
season, which increases the water level
by up to 4 meters. In the dry season, the
waters fow out to the Tonle Sap river.
Family houses are built on long stilts just inside a fooded forest on the
shore of the lake. This forest provides valuable fsh habitat, is an attraction
for tourists and also protects the communities from the impacts of storms
by acting as a buffer against the high winds and waves that occur during
weather events. These forests play an important role in dealing with the
impacts of climate change.
With support from JCCI, FACT worked closely with the villages to implement
several strategies to build the communitys ability to deal with the increasing
strength and intensity of weather events, such as high winds and surges
in lake height. Residents are also concerned about the declining fsh
populations and illegal logging activities in the forest. FACT worked closely
with community members to develop and implement a forest management
plan, which includes reforestation activities.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia

Good Practices for Forestry Management to mitigate Climate
R Start implementing activities with people who care deeply about
protecting the forest resource. They will be natural leaders for inviting
others to participate.
R Educate community members about the positive attributes of the forest
R Invite a wide variety of people who care about or receive economic
beneft from the forest, including local tourism businesses.
R Plant trees. Trees provide multiple benefts that include preventing land
erosion, assisting with agriculture by providing nitrogen and retaining
water and providing a number of products that can be sustainably
The forest on the lakeside has fve purposes. It
provides traditional medicine, creates an ecosystem
that supports birds and wildlife, increases fsh habitat, protects the
community from the strong waves, and is a natural wall against
the big storms. Srie Lee explained. As a commune councillor
and local natural resource expert, hes been integrally involved
in the discussions on how to address the growing impacts
of climate change. Our community is now aware of climate
change. People are preparing for food season earlier in the year.
They also recognise that the forest is important to protect our
long term future. As a result of the planning process organized
by FACT, the commune has approved a majority of projects that
have been proposed by the Community-Based Organizations.
The community is working together to defend our forests from
illegal logging. There are some trees that we cut to maintain our
houses, but we understand how to manage the forest so that the
big and strong trees remain in the forest to protect the village
from the big waves.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
For many projects funded through the
JCCI initiative, the issues that have arisen
through the community workshops have
resulted in a candid discussion about
preparing for signifcant weather events.
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is becoming
a more common term in the discussions
of climate change throughout Cambodia,
particularly because of recent fooding
events in 2011.
Severe weather affects people who are
already poor and struggling to feed their
families. For many farmers, the ability to
predict the weather has become more
diffcult in recent years. Many participants in JCCI-funded projects said that
the training on climate change issues and natural resource systems provided
them with a larger picture to understand the differences that they have
observed in recent years.
Like other countries in Southeast Asia, Cambodia
is expected to experience higher and more intense
rainfall. The effects are likely to include more severe water scarcity
and more frequent foods, resulting in crop failures and food
shortages. Accelerated loss of biodiversity will cause a decline in
ecosystem services. Coastal communities and eco-systems are
likely to be affected by rises in sea levels. Higher temperatures
and humidity will create conditions for increased incidence of
malaria and dengue fever. The poor and marginalized, particularly
women and children, will be worst affected.
~Cambodia Climate Change Alliance Fact Sheet (Project
#00073625), United Nations Development Program, July 2010
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
mentioned a chief in the Community-Based Organisation in Kampong Phuk.
In the community planning sessions, participants created a hazard map for
the community. The map showed areas where fooding, damage and other
disaster-related impacts had occurred in the past. Identifying those areas was
the frst step to developing the measures needed to alleviate the potential
problems caused by natural disasters. The community based planning
process set the stage for gaining the support needed from local authorities.
Kampong Phuk proposed eight projects to the commune investment plan
and six of those were accepted.
Part of the planning process is determining the roles and responsibilities for
implementing a disaster response. In communities that are situated near
rivers, having a clearly developed exit strategy is critical. A deputy chief in
the Chey Odom commune in the Ratanakiri province said,
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is an opportunity to introduce techniques
that can build the adjustments needed to withstand climate change
impacts. Examples of adaptations can include, preparing risk assessments,
protecting ecosystems, improving agricultural methods, managing water
When people understood the changes that are
occurring, they realized that they have to be prepared
frst. Trying to deal in the middle of a disaster is too hard.
~ Village Chief, Kampong Phuk Village
We formed a committee to supervise the boat that we
use to reach the safety hill. That way, more than one
person makes the decision on when to use the boat and who is
the priority for being on it. We also set up a way for people to
contact others and share information about the response to the
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
resources, building settlements in safe zones, developing early warning
systems, instituting better building designs, improving insurance coverage
and developing social safety nets. These are good practices that will
increase the communitys resilience to natural disasters and other climate
change impacts.
Good Practices for Disaster Risk Reduction
R Develop a community-based agreement on the risks and hazards.
R Develop a plan for disaster response. Ensure that the most vulnerable
members of the community have extra support during a severe weather
R Raise awareness among community members others about the disaster
R Establish a committee to be responsible for the public assets, such as
emergency supplies and equipment, which are dedicated to managing
natural disasters.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Mainstreaming and Integrating Climate Change into
Across the country, Cambodians who depend on gardens, rice felds and
forests are noticing changes in the weather and temperature from the
previous years. Life with Dignity (LWD) was aware of the climate change
impacts before they were invited to the JCCI partnership. LWD works with
local residents through Integrated Rural Development through Empowerment
Projects (IRDEPs) that are operating in Battambang, Kampong Chhnang and
Kampong Speu provinces.
JCCIs support facilitated an exposure visit for eight farmers to visit ODOVs
demonstration farms in Prey Veng province and a similar project in Takeo
In Takeo, a farmer from Kampong Chhnang province was intrigued by the use
of red worms to metabolize manure into compost and reduce the amount
of water and fertiliser needed for his crops. The farmer bought one kilo of
worms and set up his own propagation system in Kampong Chhnang as part
of the demonstration garden set up with JCCI support. He sells the worms
The impacts of climate change are an external factor
that is now an important part of our long-range
planning process. said Chan Vibol, LWDs Programme Manager.
Through the JCCI programme, LWD increased the staffs
capacity to learn about climate change and exchange information
and resources with other Cambodian NGOs. The methods and
materials from the JCCI partnership are now something that the
LWD staff can use in all of their programme delivery strategies.
The JCCI approach is very complementary to our existing
methods. Vibol continued, what was valuable was the ability
to form stronger relationships with other partners doing similar
work in other provinces.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
to other household farmers in the area in
addition to using the material to build the
soil for his current crops. The techniques
that the farmer learned from LWD are now
a part of his normal farming practice.
For LWD, the information and tools that
they learned from their partnership with
JCCI have been integrated into their
programme approach and the services.
More importantly, the people in LWDs
target areas have the information and the
tools they need to build their fexibility to
cope with the fuctuations in the weather
that are a result of climate change.
Good Practices for Integrating
Climate Change into Programming
R Review the organisations long-range
plans to determine how the impact of
climate change will affect your pro-
gramme goals and objectives.
R Consider strategies or techniques that
will build diversity in food sources,
i ncome generati on or l i vel i hood
activities. These activities will strengthen
the ability to withstand change.
R Empower people by providing them with accurate information, practical
tools and the confdence to build relationships with the people,
organisations and government departments that have resources to share.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
With the education, technical assistance
and fnancial support for pilot projects, JCCI
and its partners have initiated important
frst steps to empower Cambodians to
address the effects of climate change. JCCIs
multi-pronged strategy shared technical
information and group process tools to
advance progress on policy initiatives and
locally-driven projects. With a focus on
learning, refection, testing and refning
these tools, JCCI partners developed locally-
driven initiatives that integrated climate
change response activities into existing
programmes. The pilot projects that were
implemented in 2011 and 2012 focused
on strategies to build the capacity of
communities to adapt to a changing climate
and counter-balance the causes of climate
In 2013, JCCI will offer networking and
learning opportunities for all partners. There
will be a small grants program established
to provide funding for specifc projects to
further the knowledge building, community
involvement and planning processes in
rural villages. Selected partners will be
offered larger grants to develop model sites
that apply adaptation technologies. JCCI will also continue to strengthen
technical capacity of all partners so that they can address climate change
by integrating adaptation activities into their programmes.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Climate change is real and happening in Cambodia,
and its impacts are unavoidable. The country is
considered highly vulnerable due to its high levels of poverty
and lack of infrastructure to cope with natural disasters and
other longer-term effects of climate change, but by increasing
societys capacity to respond and adapt well, the impacts can be
However, climate change is not only about impacts and
threats how Cambodia responds to climate change also
presents opportunities that lead to healthy economic and social
development. Acting on climate change, reducing poverty and
pursuing sustainable development can and must go hand in
~UNDP Cambodia, 2012.
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
Global Climate Risk Index 2013. Who suffers most from extreme weather
events? Weather-related loss events in 2011 and 1992 to 2011, Sven Harmeling
and David Eckstein. Germanwatch. 2012.
Building Resilience. The future of rural livelihoods in the face of climate
change. Cambodia Human Development Report 2011. UNDP and the Kingdom
of Cambodia. 2011.
Review of Climate Change Adaptation Practices in South Asia. Charlotte
Sterrett. 2011.
Scoping Assessment for National Implementation in Cambodia. Regional
Climate Change. Adaptation Knowledge Platform for Asia. 2010.
The State of Climate Change Management in Cambodia. Cambodia National
Mekong Committee and the Cambodia Water Partnership. 2010.
Climate Change Vulnerability Mapping for Southeast Asia. Arief Anshory
Yusuf & Herminia Francisco. 2009.
Adaptive Capacity. University of British Columbia. 2008. Accessed 6 January 2013. <www.climate-decisions.
A range of defntions for climate change adaptation. Victorian Center for Climate Change Research. Accessed 11
January 2012. <>
The National Adaptive Capacity Framework: Key Institutional Functions for a Changing Climate. Pilot Draft.
World Resources Institute. November 2009. Accessed 6 January 2012. <
Capacity Development: a UNDP Primer. United Nations Development Program. 2009.
Home Page. United Nations Offce for Disaster Risk Reduction. 2012. Accessed 6 December 2012. <>.
Wikipedia. 2012. 6 December 2012. <> and Training
Manual on Participatory Rural Appraisal. Simon Adebo. December 2000. Accessed 6 December 2012.
Applying a rights-based approach: an inspirational guide for civil society, Jakob Kirkemann Boesen & Tomas
Martin, The Danish Institute for Human Rights, 2007. Accessed 5 December 2012. <
Cambodia and FAO Achievements and Success Stories. FAO Representation in Cambodia. March 2011. Accessed
11 December 2012. <>
Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction, Briefng Note #1. International Strategy for Disaster Reduction,
United Nations, 2008. Accessed 5 January 2012. <
Good Practices for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation:
Lessons from Local Partners in Cambodia
The Joint Climate Change Initiative is a collaborative effort between Forum
Syd, DCA/CA and Cord. The JCCI works to enhance the capacity of its 22
Cambodian NGO partners and the communities in which they work in order
to reduce their vulnerability to climate change.
The views and opinions expressed in this booklet do not necessarily refect the views of Sida





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