Lecture Outline - 10 - Introduction To Macroeconomics
Lecture Outline - 10 - Introduction To Macroeconomics
Lecture Outline - 10 - Introduction To Macroeconomics
Prof. ND Samarawickreme
National Income: concepts and meas!ements
1" #$at is mac!oeconomics%
T$is concept &!e' a(te! 1)2) -*0 t$e &!eat 'o!ld dep!ession
- Loo+in& at t$e econom, as a '$ole
#$e!eas Mic!oeconomics std, t$e -e$a.io! o( small elements in t$e
s,stem/ Consme!0 a ma!+et0 (i!m etc"
- To $a.e an nde!standin& a-ot mac!o .a!ia-les
- #$at a!e mac!o-.a!ia-les%
- 1N20 2!ice le.el0 !ate o( &!o't$ o( 1D20 inte!est !ate0 e3c$an&e !ate0
nemplo,ment0 a&&!e&ate demand and sppl,0 -alance o( pa,ment"
- #$at dete!mine t$ese .a!ia-les%
#$at dete!mines t$e le.el o( emplo,ment0 nemplo,ment%
4o' is t$e &ene!al p!ice le.el is dete!mined%
Relati.e impo!tance o( t$e .a!ios (acto! o( p!odction
#$at (acto!s dete!mine t$e p!ice le.el%
5 To estimate economic de.elopment"
5 To +no' $o' (a! de.elopment o-6ecti.es 'e!e ac$ie.ed"
5 To +no' t$e cont!i-tion o( .a!ios secto!s to national income"
To de.elop mac!oeconomic policies
2" desc!i-e t$e concept o( National Income
*" #$, do 'e need a concept o( National Income%
7" de(inition:
8"M"9e,nes0 a (amos economist de(ined national income as (ollo's"
:National Income is t$e mone, .ale o( all (inal &oods and se!.ices p!odced in a
cont!, d!in& a ,ea!:
- Need not to inclde inte!mediate &oods ; -ecase it co!ses do-le-contin&"
- in National Income Accontin& 'e inclde t$em in one point o( p!odction"
National income 'ill $elp to assess and compa!e t$e p!o&!ess ac$ie.ed -, a cont!,
o.e! a pe!iod o( time"
Let s see '$, t$e std, o( national income is &i.en so mc$ impo!tance"
Need for the Study of National Income
1" To meas!e t$e si<e o( t$e econom, and le.el o( cont!,=s economic
2" To t!ace t$e t!end o! speed o( t$e economic &!o't$ in !elation to p!e.ios
,ea!>s? as 'ell as to ot$e! cont!ies"
*" To +no' t$e st!ct!e and composition o( t$e national income in te!ms o(
.a!ios secto!s and t$e pe!iodical .a!iations in t$em"
7" To ma+e p!o6ection a-ot t$e (t!e de.elopment t!end o( t$e econom,"
@" To $elp &o.e!nment (o!mlate sita-le de.elopment plans and policies to
inc!ease &!o't$ !ates"
A" To (i3 .a!ios de.elopment ta!&ets (o! di((e!ent secto!s o( t$e econom, on t$e
-asis o( t$e ea!lie! pe!(o!mance"
B" To $elp -siness (i!ms in (o!ecastin& (t!e demand (o! t$ei! p!odcts"
C" To ma+e inte!national compa!ison o( people=s li.in& standa!ds"
4o' to se National Income (i&!es%
Real 2e! capita concept
Dolla! .ale o( pe! capita income
2!c$asin& po'e! pa!it, concept
Monitoring the world economy, 1820-1992 - Google Books Result
Angus Maddison - 1995
Dicto!ian pe!iod #o!ld #a!s 1olden
2e!iod o(
S$oc+ F