Gesture Based Document Reader (SRS) v4

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Software Requirements

The G-Interface (Gesture based Document Reader using Leap
Motion Controller)
Prepared by
Anus Ahmad
Shahrukh Naseem
Zunaira Aleem

The number of smartphone users and mobile application offerings are growing rapidly.
Smartphones are often expected to offer PC-like functionality, which requires powerful
processors, abundant memory and long-lasting battery life. However, their hardware today
is still very limited and application developers are forced to take these limitations into
consideration. A number of service providers such Dropbox [1] and Zumodrive [2] provides
online storage services to smartphone users in attempt to alleviate the limitations of
smartphone storages. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is still no service that
offers full computation resources to smartphone users. In this paper, we propose Virtual
Smartphone over IP, which provides cloud computing environment specifically tailored for
smartphone users. It allows users to create virtual smartphone images in the cloud and to
remotely run their mobile applications in these images as they would locally. The
motivation is to allow smartphone users to more easily tap into the power of the cloud and to
free themselves from the limit of processing power, memory and battery life of a
physical smartphone. Using our system, smartphone users can choose to install their
mobile applications either locally .
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... iii
1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Document Conventions .................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions .................................................................................. 2
1.4 Product Scope .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.5 References ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Overall Description ..................................................................................................................3
2.1 Product Perspective .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Product Functions ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Operating Environment .................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints .......................................................................................... 5
2.6 Use Case .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.7 Relation .......................................................................................................................................... 10
2.8 User Documentation..10
2.9 Assumptions and Dependencies10
3. External Interface Requirements .........................................................................................11
3.1 User Interfaces ............................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Hardware Interfaces ....................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Software Interfaces ........................................................................................................................ 14
3.4 Communications Interfaces ........................................................................................................... 15
4. System Features .....................................................................................................................15
4.1 Functional Requirements ............................................................................................................... 16
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements .....................................................................................17
5.1 Performance Requirements ............................................................................................................ 17
5.2 Safety Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 17
5.3 Software Quality Attributes ........................................................................................................... 17
Appendix: Glossary .....................................................................................................................19

Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

1. Introduction the next e slide he e has to call e someone
or e come near e to the e
2. keyboard e himself e and e search the e specific key.
2.1 Purpose
An issue professional presenter often run into is that they are given a large stage, an eager
audience, and a podium that they must stand by for the entirety of their presentation. He has to face
many problems such as to move to the nexte slide he has to calle someone ore come neare to thee
keyboarde himselfe and esearch thee specific key. Not only in presentation issues occurs while a
person reading e-book, research papers, Document etc. Whenever page is end he has to search the
mouse or keyboard to move to the next page or slide. In these problems the common factors are
Interruption while presentation and Concentration diversion while reading. It seems like a presenter
must choose between accessing the information on their slides and freedom of movement while
presenting and reading. But no longer.
The G-interface aim is to solve these problems by providing gesture based interface to the user. It
allows user to bypass mouse and keyboard in favor of hand-waving control of application. Our
system is fully based on human computer interaction and gesture recognition techniques. The
purpose of our project is to develop gesture based interface of Document-Reader for the students,
office person, and other presenters. For this purpose we would use Leap motion sensor which sense
the motion through its three IR projector and two monochromatic cameras and provide us with
depth images. On the basis of recognized gestures, this application will perform Document-Reader
operations as well as control the mouse.
2.2 Document Conventions
The following document conventions are given below:

LEAP MOTION Motion sensing device
The G-Interface Gesture Based Document Reader
A broad level diagram of the project showing a basic overview

Something used to communicate across different Mediums

Depth Images are viable representations that can be computed from the real
world using cameras and/or other scanning devices.
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

2.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
The different types of reader that the document is intended for:-

1.4.1 Developers
1.4.2 Project manager
1.4.3 Team Members
1.4.4 The Project Supervisor
2.4 Product Scope
Automatic recognition of gestures using computer vision, gesture recognition and human computer
interaction is important for many real world applications such as sign language recognition, human
robot interaction and medical imaging. We are going to develop a gesture recognition application
for the students, office person, and other presenters. For this purpose we would use Leap motion
sensor (Leap Motion product) which sense the motion through its three infrared LEDs projector
(project infrared rays) and two monochromatic cameras and provide us frames. On the basis of
these frames our application will recognize gestures for document-reader common functions such
as: open file, print file, close file, scrolling, zoom in/out, Page up/down, Full screen mode, and
mouse movement. These features help the use to interact efficiently and easily.
1.4.1 Benefits

Human effort would be reduced.
The system would not be dependent on any light constraint.
Easy to use.
This system would be used in universities, offices, and homes as well.
This system would improve time efficiency.

1.4.2 Objectives, and goals

To develop a real-time gesture recognition system that provides Gesture
based interface for Document-reader.
Mouse Common functions on gestures.
Device which determine the change in position of an object relative to its
surroundings or the change in the surroundings relative to an object.
Infrared sensor

IR Infrared
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

Document reader common functions on gestures.
Reduce the effort and time of operating.

2.5 References

1.5.1. Mitra, Acharya,(2007): Gesture Recognition: A Survey ,IEEE

1.5.2. Alen Stojanov. 2009 Gesture-based Human-computer Interaction, Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science School of Engineering and Science

1.5.3. Xu Yan. 2011 Gesture-based Interaction and implementation for the future,
Department of Computing Science Human Computer Interaction
Computational Science and Engineering.

1.5.4. Yanghee Nam Recognition of Space-Time Hand-Gestures using Hidden
Markov Model, Dept. of Computer Science Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technologies 373-1, Kusong-dong, Yusong-ku Taejeon, Korea.

1.5.5. Sharad Vikram Handwriting and Gestures in the Air, Recognizing on the Fly,
Science Division University of California, Berkeley.

1.5.6. Moniruzzaman Bhuiyan and Rich Picking Gesture-controlled user interfaces,
what have we done and whats next?, Centre for Applied Internet Research
(CAIR), Glyndr University, Wrexham, UK.

3. Overall Description
This section will give an overview of the whole system. The system will be explained in its context
to show how the user interacts with the system and introduce the basic functionality of it. It will also
describe what type of stakeholders that will use the system and what functionality is available for
each type of gestures. At last, the constraints and assumptions for the system will be presented.

Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

3.1 Product Perspective
The G-Interface (Real time gesture recognition and gesture based Document Reader using Leap
Motion controller) is our creativity. As we know that there are lots of problems during presentations
and e-book reading facing by the students or other presenters. Our Product will help to use these
tools efficiently and time saving.

3.2 Product Functions
2.2.1. Document-Reader Common Functions
Document Readers common functions which are helpful during presentations and e-
book reading such as open file, zoom in/out, exit, print, full screen view.

2.2.2. Mouse Common Functions
Mouse movement is very important function for this product to select the file,
scrolling, dragging the page, clicking.

2.2.3. Gesture Recognition
Gesture recognition pertains to recognizing meaningful expressions of motion by a
human, involving the hands, arms, face, head, and/or body.

2.2.4. Gesture Manipulator
Gesture manipulator is kind of separate page which have list of operations and
predefined gestures are displayed. User can choose predefined gesture for specific
operation. This feature helps the user to choose gesture according to his/her mind.

2.2.5. User Training and Mode Selection

User Training

This function will help the user to learn gesture for any specific operation of
Document Reader. Animated clips are shown that will help the user to seek
the perfect style of doing gestures.

Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface


There are two modes which are very useful for all kind of users such as those
which have Leap motion controller and which have not, those who want to
use mouse or not. (Manual/Gesture Mode, Mouse ON/OFF Mode).
3.3 User Classes and Characteristics
This System will be used in Universities, offices and Homes etc.

2.3.1. Users
Office Person
2.3.2. Educational Level
Understand English language (Read)
Has little knowledge to operate computing device

2.3.3. Experience
Has experience to operate normal Windows applications
3.4 Operating Environment
2.4.1 Application will be run on the windows 7 platform
2.4.2 Leap Motion will be used for motion sensing
2.4.3 Computing machine will be used with following specification:
AMD Phenom II or Intel Core i3
512 MB Graphics Card
USB 2.0 port

3.5 Design and Implementation Constraints
2.5.1. System will be developed in C-Sharp
2.5.2. English language will be used
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

2.5.3. The application will be run on Windows -7 (64bits) platform
2.5.4. The system will not have Interfaces to other applications
2.5.5. Interface for operator will be simple and easy to operate

2.6 Use Case

Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

Perform Gesture - Use Case
Use Case Details
Name: Perform Gesture
Actors: User
Entry Condition: Default activated
Exit: Application will exit
Flow of Events:

1. Application is start
2. User performs gestures.
3. System recognizes gestures.
4. Application function against that gesture will be performed.
Performed Gesture should be defined and perform correctly.

Image Acquisition - Use Case
Use Case Details
Name: Image Acquisition
Actors: Leap Motion Controller
Entry Condition: Default activated
Exit: Application will exit
Flow of Events:

5. Application is start
6. Get frames.
7. Send frames to application
200 frames per second should be send to the computing device

Out of Range - Use Case
Use Case Details
Name: Out of Range
Actors: Initiated by Leap Motion
Extend Image acquisition
Entry Condition: When hand is not present in the leap motions range
Exit: Hand is available in the range
Flow of Events:

1. Sensors are activated
2. Hands not present
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

Image acquisition should be stopped less than defined time.

Recognize Gesture - Use Case
Use Case Details
Name: Recognize Gesture
Actor: Computing machine
Entry Condition: When hand gestures will be detected
Exit: Gesture recognized
Flow of Events:

1) Acquire frames.
2) Symbol detection.
3) Comparison with defined gestures.
Efficient mapping on gestures.

Defined Gestures - Use Case
Use Case Details
Name: Defined Gestures
Actors: Initiated by computing machine
Entry Condition: When Hands Gestures are detected
Exit: Defined gesture is countered
Flow of Events:

1) Acquire frames.
2) Symbol detection.
3) Comparison with defined gestures.
Specific Event will be perform accurately.

Perform PDF Events - Use Case
Use Case Details
Name: Perform PDF Events
Actors: Computing machine and User
Entry Condition: Specific PDF gesture will be performed
Exit: Specific PDF gesture will not be performed
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

Flow of Events:


1) Acquire frame.
2) Specific PDF gesture recognized
3) PDF operation will performed
Operation will performed efficiently

Hand Detection - Use Case
Use Case Details
Name: Hand detection
Actors: User and Computing Machine
Entry Condition: When user place hand on leap motion device.
Exit: User exit.
Flow of Events:

1) When user place hand on device computing machine start
detecting hands.
2) Application functions will be performed.

Events - Use Case
Use Case Details
Name: Events
Actors: User and Computing Machine
Entry Condition: Specific Gesture is performed and recognized
Exit: No gesture recognized
Flow of Events:


Flow of Events:

Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

System Down - Use Case
Use Case Details
Name: System Down
Actors: Extend from whole system
Entry Condition: Uncertain thing will happen
Flow of Events:

3.8 User Documentation
2.6.1. User Manual (Hardcopy)
Instructions to install software
Instructions to install Leap Motion
Precautionary Measures
2.6.2. Tutorial (Electronic copy PDF format)
How to operate software
3.9 Assumptions and Dependencies
2.7.1 Hands will be in the range (upto 1 meter) of device
2.7.2 Device will be placed at the middle-front of the screen
2.7.3 System will recognize gesture of one person at a time
2.7.4 Device will be connected on USB 2.0 port
2.7.5 It will always be used on windows 7 that have enough performance.
2.7.6 Leap motion device surface should be cleaned from dirt and smudge.
2.7.7 Leap Motion Driver must be installed.
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

4. External Interface Requirements
4.7 User Interfaces
3.1.1 UI will be simple
3.1.2 Light colors will be used
3.1.3 First window of users information which will have following things:
3.1.4 In first window operator will have the User Guide
When user press the user guide button a new window will be appeared which
have the following attributes:-
How to place Leap motion device
What sequence of steps should be followed
What would be the Impact of each button and each filed on the system
Precautions for working with system

Animated clips of gestures with their specific operation.

Document View
Buttons Panel
User Guide
Status Panel
Figure 1
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

3.1.5 When operator press the Mode -1 (Manual / Gesture) button.
As a default Gesture mode is activated.
In this mode leap motion Controller will be initialized and start to give
frames to the application.
If manual mode is activated then simple mouse attached with you computer
will work.
4.7.6 When operator press the Mode -2 (Mouse on Gestures ON / OFF) button.
On turning button ON user can use mouse by using leap motion controller.
On turning button OFF user can use its simple mouse that is attached with its

3.1.7 Button panel have following buttons and their functions:-

Open file button will help the user to open file manually using attached
Print button help to print the document.
Full screen view button will help for the giving presentation.
Page up/down button use for movement of pages up and down.
3.1.8 Document View will show the opened file.
Helpful Information Gesture guidance
User Guide
Status Panel
Figure 2
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

3.1.9 Gesture interface use gestures for the following functions:-

For Scrolling: Hand move up and down.
For Zoom in/out: Pinch in/out.
For moving cursor: use thumb with index finger.
For click: thumb join with index finger.
For next page: swipe right to left.
For previous page: swipe left to right.
For open file: Circle Right.
For close Application: Circle left.
For print the PDF file: 4 finger swipe to right.
For Full screen mode: 2 hands above leap motion.
For Close Full Screen mode: hand close.
3.1.10 Status panel will display the following attribute:-
Display the leap motion is Initialized status.
Display which mode is selected.
Display leap motion start working status.

Gesture Manipulator
Status Panel
Operations list Predefined Gestures
Figure 3
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

3.1.11 Gesture Manipulator is a feature page have following attributes:-
In the left side Mouse and document reader common functions are written in the list
In the right side drop down menu available with predefined gestures.
User can select gesture according to his own choose from the predefined gestures.
Status panel display the change.
When the user define all the gestures then it will apply press the apply button for
apply changing.
4.8 Hardware Interfaces
3.2.1 Leap Motion Controller
3.2.2 USB Cable
3.2.3 Computing Machine with following specification:
Intel Core i3
512 MB Graphics Card
USB 2.0 port
4.9 Software Interfaces
3.3.1 Microsoft visual studio 2012
3.3.2 Windows Platform (All)
3.3.3 Microsoft Office 2010 or latest
3.3.4 Adobe Photoshop CS5
3.3.5 .Net Framework version 4.0 or latest
3.3.6 Adobe Flash version 11.0
3.3.7 Windows Installer 3.1 or latest
3.3.8 Microsoft Direct X version 11.0 or latest
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

4.10 Communications Interfaces
3.4.1. Leap Motion device will be communicating with the computing machine via USB
2.0 port.
5. System Features
This section will give an overview of the Functional and non functional requirements. The system
will be explained in its context to show what the things customer wants are and what are the things
which are placed in functional requirements.

5.7 Functional Requirements

4.1.1 Gestures will be defined to perform Document Reader functions.
For next page: swipe right to left.
System should do next page function when user swipe hand right to left with four
fingers open.
For previous page: swipe left to right.
System should do previous page function when user swipe hand left to right with
four fingers open.
For open file: Circle Right.
Open file dialogue box should appear when user do circle right gesture with four
fingers open.
For close Application: Circle left.
Application should be close on Circle left gesture with four fingers open.
For print the PDF file: 4 finger swipe to right.
Print dialogue box should be appear on 4 finger swipe to right gesture.
For Full screen mode: 2 hands above leap motion.
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

Application should go on full screen mode when user perform 2 hands above leap
motion gesture.
For Close Full Screen mode: hand close
Full screen mode should be close on hand close gesture.
4.1.2 PDF file should be open to perform the gestures and use the function.
4.1.3 File open dialogue box should appear when user select file open option.
4.1.4 User should enter a correct file path, name and extension to open a PDF file.
4.1.5 System will only work on PDF format files.
4.1.6 System should have user guidance for doing gestures and usage information.
4.1.7 When gesture is performed system should perform operation in real time and
4.1.8 The system should do nothing on those gestures which are not predefined in the
4.1.9 If the Leap motion controller is not attached then system should give alert to the user
in the status panel.
4.1.10 Identifying the common gestures or hand movements to be captured.
4.1.11 Designing a user interface which allows to perform functions of document reader.
4.1.12 Only one user should use the application at a time.
4.1.13 Only two hands should be detect by system.

Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

6. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

6.7 Performance Requirements
5.1.1. Leap motion will perform operation on gesture within 10 seconds.
5.1.2. Device will recognize the gesture in seconds as it gives 200 frames per seconds.
5.1.3. The Leap Motion Controller senses almost every little move they make, and every
big one, too.
5.1.4. User does not need any light while operating.
5.1.5. Easily moveable and there is no specified distance where we have to place the
5.1.6. Some change as according to the human that hands of one person is different from
the other so the system is specified to detect the gesture and respond.
5.1.7. It is precisely about accuracy, leap motion tracks 10 fingers up to 1/100
millimeter. Its dramatically more sensitive than existing motion control technology.

6.8 Safety Requirements
5.2.1. Leap motion device should be placed or hanged in a proper and safe place to avoid
any damages.
5.2.2. Leap motion device should be placed or hanged in that area where the temperature
condition is normal because Sensors would be affected by the temperature more than
5.2.3. Operational environment will not be humid

6.9 Software Quality Attributes
5.3.1. Adaptability
System is adoptable in terms of it can be used in Office, homes and Universities.

Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

5.3.2. Availability
When we use the G-interface for all time sensors will be available for gestures.

5.3.3. Interoperability
The system is being made Interoperability.

5.3.4. Maintainability
System will be maintainable and changes can be made if the system required.

5.3.5. Portability
System will be portable in terms of it can be run on any computing machine having defined
System with operating system windows 7.
Dual Core 2.66 GHz processor.
512 MB Graphics Card.

5.3.6. Reliability
The system is reliable as what the gesture recognizes for the first time it recognizes again the same
gesture and performs the same function. And (Document Reader) the smooth exchange of ideas and

5.3.7. Testability
The system being proposed is testable.

5.3.8. Modifiability
System is modifiable in terms of new gestures can be added to the system and unwanted
gestures can be deleted too so it would be modifiable.

5.3.9. Usability
Interface of system is easy to use and for improving the usability help will be provided.

Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

Appendix: Glossary
The G-interface Gesture based Document reader
SDP Senior Design Project

DFD Data flow diagram
SRS Software Requirement Specification

XML Extended Markup Language
User Students, Office person or Teachers
Leap Motion Motion sensing device
A camera whose range of color consists of shades of a single color or hue.
A broad level diagram of the project showing a basic overview

Something used to communicate across different Mediums

Depth Images are viable representations that can be computed from the real
world using cameras and/or other scanning devices.
Device which determine the change in position of an object relative to its
surroundings or the change in the surroundings relative to an object.
Infrared sensor

IR Infrared
Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

Test Case:
Test Case #: 1.1 Test Case Name: Invalid File name
System: The G-Interface Subsystem: Form
Designed by: Design Date:
Executed by:
Execution Date: 26/05/2012

Short Description: Test the invalid file name


Step Action Expected system response Pass/Fail comment
1 Perform file open
File open dialogue box
should appear.

2 Type invalid file
Data will be written in the
file name data field

3 Click on OK button System will give error of
invalid file name or file not
System will give
error of invalid
file name or file
not found.

1. System will show the error.
2. System will show the same dialogue box again.

Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

Test Case #: 1.2 Test Case Name: Invalid File extension
System: The G-Interface Subsystem: Form
Designed by: Design Date:
Executed by:
Execution Date:

Short Description: Test the invalid file extension


Step Action Expected system response Pass/Fail comment
1 Perform file open
File open dialogue box
should appear.

2 Type invalid file
Data will be written in the
file name data field

3 Click on OK button System will give error of
invalid format
System will give
error of invalid

1. System will show the error.
2. System will show the same dialogue box again.

Test Case #: 1.3 Test Case Name: For next page: swipe right to left
System: The G-Interface Subsystem:
Designed by: Design Date:
Executed by:
Execution Date:

Short Description: For next page: swipe right to left


Step Action Expected system response Pass/Fail comment
1 Perform swipe right to
left gesture
Document should move to
the next page.

1. System will move to the next page.

Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

Test Case #: 1.4 Test Case Name: For previous page: swipe left to right
System: The G-Interface Subsystem:
Designed by: Design Date:
Executed by:
Execution Date:

Short Description: For previous page: swipe left to right


Step Action Expected system response Pass/Fail comment
1 Perform swipe left
to right gesture
Document should move to
the previous page.

1. System will move on previous page.

Test Case #: 1.5 Test Case Name: For open file: Circle Right.
System: The G-Interface Subsystem:
Designed by: Design Date:
Executed by:
Execution Date:

Short Description: Open file dialogue box should appear when user do circle right gesture.


Step Action Expected system response Pass/Fail comment
1 Circle Right.
Gesture with four
Open file dialogue box
should appear.

1. System will show the open file dialogue box.

Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

Test Case #: 1.6 Test Case Name: For print the PDF file: 4 finger swipe to right.
System: The G-Interface Subsystem:
Designed by: Design Date:
Executed by:
Execution Date:

Short Description: Print dialogue box should be appear on 4 finger swipe to right gesture.


Step Action Expected system response Pass/Fail comment
1 4 finger swipe to
Print dialogue box should
be appear.

1. System will show the print file dialogue box.

Test Case #: 1.7 Test Case Name: For Full screen mode: 2 hands above leap motion.
System: The G-Interface Subsystem:
Designed by: Design Date:
Executed by:
Execution Date:

Short Description: Application should go on full screen mode when user perform 2 hands above
leap motion gesture.


Step Action Expected system response Pass/Fail comment
1 2 hands above leap
Application should go on
full screen mode.

1. Application will go on full screen mode.

Software Requirements Specification for G-Interface

Test Case #: 1.8 Test Case Name: For Close Full Screen mode: hand close
System: The G-Interface Subsystem:
Designed by: Design Date:
Executed by:
Execution Date:

Short Description: Full screen mode should be close on hand close gesture.


Step Action Expected system response Pass/Fail comment
1 One hand close
Full screen mode should be

1. Application will go on normal screen mode.

Test Case #: 1.9 Test Case Name: For Print file
System: The G-Interface Subsystem:
Designed by: Design Date:
Executed by:
Execution Date:

Short Description: File should be Print.


Step Action Expected system response Pass/Fail comment
1 Perform print file
Print dialogue box should

2 Set printer. Printer will be set for print.
3 Click on OK button System will print the file
1. Application will print the files.

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