Letras Impr
Letras Impr
Letras Impr
Le fosche notturne spoglie
de' cieli sveste
l'immensa volta;
sembra una vedova
che alfin si toglie
i bruni panni
ond'era involta.
All'opra! all'opra!
Dagli, martella.
(Danno di piglio ai loro ferri del
mestiere; al misurato tempestare dei
martelli cadenti sulle incudini, or
uomini, or donne, e tutti in un
tempo infine intonano la cantilena
Chi del gitano
i giorni abbella?
La ingarella!
Las sombras nocturnas se retiran,
de los cielos desnuda
"ueda la inmensa b#veda;
parece una viuda
"ue al fin se "uita
los negros pa$os
con "ue se envolv%a.
!A traba&ar! !A traba&ar!
'olpea, dale al martillo.
(Cogen los martillos y golpean
mesuradamente los hierros
candentes mientras, ora los
hombres, ora las mujeres y, al fin,
todos juntos, entonan el siguiente
()ui*n del gitano
los d%as embellece?
!La gitanilla!
Land of Hope and Glory
Land of +ope and 'lor,, -other of the .ree,
+o/ shall /e e0tol thee, /ho are born of thee?
1ider still, and /ider, shall th, bounds be set;
'od, /ho made thee might,, ma2e thee mightier ,et!
3ruth and 4ight and .reedom, each a hol, gem,
5tars of solemn brightness, /eave th, diadem.
3ho' th, /a, be dar2ened, still in splendour drest,
As the star that trembles o'er the li"uid 1est.
3hroned amid the billo/s, throned inviolate,
3hou hast reigned victorious, thou has smiled at fate.
Land of +ope and 'lor,, fortress of the .ree,
+o/ ma, /e e0tol thee, praise thee, honour thee?
+ar2, a might, nation ma2eth glad repl,;
Lo, our lips are than2ful, lo, our hearts are high!
+earts in hope uplifted, lo,al lips that sing;
5trong in faith and freedom, /e have cro/ned our 6ing!
The words are by Arthur C enson (!"#$ % !&$'), who wrote them in close collaboration with the composer, (dward
(lgar (!"') % !&*+), -n !&.! (lgar produced the first two of his fi/e 01omp and Circumstance0 2arches, and it is the
central theme of his 1omp and Circumstance 2arch 3o, ! in D that pro/ides the superb tune to these words, (lgar
wrote some really great tunes, and he always 4new when he was on to a winner, About this one he wrote at the time
to a friend: 0-0/e got a tune that will 4noc4 0em % 4noc4 0em flat50
6e was right, And the tune was so much appreciated by (dward 7-- that (lgar was commissioned to compose a wor4
for the coronation of the 4ing, later to be 4nown as the 0Coronation 8de0, The tune was incorporated into this 8de,
and this resulted in the song 09and of 6ope and :lory0, The Coronation 8de was finished in April !&.$, and assured
(lgar of a 4nighthood, in !&.+, The 8de was also performed at the coronation of ;ing :eorge 7 in !&!!,
I Vow To Thee, My Country
7 vo/ to thee, m, countr,, all earthl, things above,
8ntire and /hole and perfect, the service of m, love9
3he love that as2s no "uestion, the love that stands the test,
3hat la,s upon the altar the dearest and the best;
3he love that never falters, the love that pa,s the price,
3he love that ma2es undaunted the final sacrifice.
And there's another countr,, 7've heard of long ago,
-ost dear to them that love her, most great to them that 2no/;
1e ma, not count her armies, /e ma, not see her 6ing;
+er fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering;
And soul b, soul, and silentl,, her shining bounds increase;
And her /a,s are /a,s of gentleness, and all her paths are peace.
The words are by <ir Cecil <pring%=ice (!"'& % !&!"), a career diplomat who held posts in /arious parts of the world
before becoming ritish Ambassador to >ashington in !&!*, The last line is a paraphrase of a /erse from the boo4
of 1ro/erbs (*:!)),
The tune is by :usta/ 6olst (!")+ % !&*+), 6e originally wrote it as part of the 0?upiter0 mo/ement from his well%
4nown orchestral suite, The 1lanets, >ith scarcely any alteration it became a hymn tune called 0Tha@ted0, named
after the old mar4et town in (sse@, (ngland, where 6olst li/ed for many years, As with =ule, ritannia5, this tune is
said to ha/e a certain Auality of ritishness,
Diana, 1rincess of >ales, reAuested this hymn to be sung at her wedding, saying it had always been a fa/ourite of
hers since her schooldays, -t was also sung at her funeral in !&&) at the reAuest of her son >illiam,
<ome new words ha/e been written to fit this tune, and this /ersion was adopted as the anthem of the =ugby Bnion
>orld Cup as 0>orld in Bnion0, 0>orld in Bnion0 has also been recorded by popular opera singers such as ;iri te
;anawa and ryn Terfel,
Am! "ore#er Zado$ the %re&t Lyr!&
b, 'eorge .riedrich +:ndel
;ado2 the priest
And <athan the prophet
Anointed 5oloman, 2ing
And all the people
And all the people =Alleluia>
;ado2 the priest
And <athan the prophet
Anointed 5oloman, 2ing
Le& Chor&te&
Le& %arole&
Vo& &ur ton !hemn
1aroles et 2usiAue: runo Coulais, Christophe arratier $..+
Vois sur ton chemin
'amins oubli*s *gar*s
Donne leur la main
?our les mener
Vers d'autres lendemains
5ens au coeur de la nuit
L'onde d'espoir
Ardeur de la vie
5entier de gloire
@onheurs enfantins
3rop vite oubli*s effac*s
Ane lumiBre dor*e brille sans fin
3out au bout du chemin
5ens au coeur de la nuit
L'onde d'espoir
Ardeur de la vie
5entier de la gloire
Care&&e &ur l'o!(an
1aroles et 2usiAue: runo Coulais, Christophe arratier $..+
Caresse sur l'oc*an
?orte l'oiseau si l*ger
4evenant des terres enneig*es
Air *ph*mBre de l'hiver
Au loin ton *cho s'*loigne
ChCteau0 en 8spagne
Vire au vent tournoie d*ploie tes ailes
Dans l'aube grise du levant
3rouve un chemin vers l'arcDenDciel
5e d*couvrira le printemps
Caresse sur l'oc*an
?ose l'oiseau si l*ger
5ur la pierre d'une Ele immerg*e
Air *ph*mBre de l'hiver
8nfin ton souffle s'*loigne
Loin dans les montagnes
Vire au vent tournoie d*ploie tes ailes
Dans l'aube grise du levant
3rouve un chemin vers l'arcDenDciel
5e d*couvrira le printemps
Calme sur l'oc*an.
Lueur d'(t(
1aroles et 2usiAue: runo Coulais, Christophe arratier $..+
Lueur d'*t*
4Fve anim*
-on coeur s'enflamme
8t soudain s'envole
si loin du sol
8t les larmes s'effacent
Loin des murs
Ge m'abandonne
8t tout ra,onne
Voiles au vent
4ivages au loin
C'est le temps de l'*t*
8t souvent de libert*
Les nuages effac*s
?remiers *mois
.rissons de &oie
3out s'anime
3out devient si l*ger
Vivre apais*
G'oublie la honte et les pleurs
Loin des tourments
3erreurs d'enfants
Les tristes murmures
5i loin des murs
Lueur d'*t*
-on coeur s'enflamme
8t soudain s'envole
5i loin du sol
8t les larmes s'effacent
Loin des murs
Ge m'abandonne
8t tout ra,onne
1aroles et 2usiAue: runo Coulais, Christophe arratier $..+
Volant au vent
<e t'arrFte pas
Vers la mer
+aut dans les airs
An enfant te voit
Vo,age insolent
3roubles enivrants
Amours innocentes
5uivent ta voie
5uivent ta voie
8n volant
Volant au vent
<e t'arrFte pas
Vers la mer
+aut dans les airs
An enfant te voit
8t dans la tourmente
3es ailes triomphantes
<'oublie pas de revenir
Vers moi
Comp*re Guller
Arrangements runo Coulais $..+
7l *tait un p'tit homme appel* 'uilleri Carabi
7l s'en fut H la chasse, H la chasse au0 perdri0 Carabi
3iti Carabi totot carabo compBre 'uilleri
3e laisserasDtu, te laisserasDtu, te laisserasDtu mourir
7l s'en fut H la chasse, H la chasse au0 perdri0 Carabi
7l monta sur un arbre pour voir ses chiens courir Carabi
3iti Carabi toto carabo compBre 'uilleri
3e laisserasDtu, te laisserasDtu, te laisserasDtu mourir
La nut
?ean%1hilippe =ameau
Ih nuit vient apporter H la terre
Le calme enchantement de ton m,stBre
L'ombre "ui t'escorte est si douce
5i dou0 est le concert de tes doigts chantant l'esp*rance
5i grand est ton pouvoir transformant tout en rFve heureu0
Ih nuit, oh laisses encore H la terre
Le calme enchantement de ton m,stBre
L'ombre "ui t'escorte est si douce
8stDil une beaut* aussi belle "ue le rFve
8stDil de v*rit* plus douce "ue l'esp*rance
Nou& &omme& de fond de l'(tan+
1aroles et musiAue: C, arratier, 1h, 9opeC%Cur/al $..+
Le )uerrec est au pain sec
Le Leclerc n'est pas trBs clair
L' @oniface n'est pas lo"uace
Carpentier sait pas compter
<ous sommes de fond de l'*tang
C'est pour le moins d*concertant
<ous sommes de fond de l'*tang
8t c'est bien Ja "u'est embFtant
<ous sommes de fond de l'*tang
C'est pour le moins d*concertant
<ous sommes de fond de l'*tang
8t c'est bien Ja "u'est embFtant
Nella "anta&a
b, 8nnio -orricone
<ella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto,
Li tutti vivono in pace e in onestH.
7o sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano,
?ien' d'umanitH in fondo all'anima.
<ella fantasia io vedo un mondo chiaro,
Li anche la notte B meno oscura.
7o sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano.
<ella fantasia esiste un vento caldo,
Che soffia sulle cittH, come amico.
7o sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano,
?ien' d'umanitH in fondo all'anima.
7n m, fantas, 7 see a fair /orld,
1here ever,one lives in peace and honest,.
7 dream of a place to live that is al/a,s free,
Li2e a cloud that floats,
.ull of humanit, in the depths of the soul.
7n m, fantas, 7 see a bright /orld
1here each night there is less dar2ness.
7 dream of spirits that are al/a,s free,
Li2e the cloud that floats.
7n m, fantas, e0ists a /arm /ind,
3hat breathes into the cit,, li2e a friend.
7 dream of souls that are al/a,s free,
Li2e the cloud that floats,
.ull of humanit, in the depths of the soul
Cr,ue du &olel Ale+ra
Come un lampo di vita
Come un pao gridar
Del delittuoso grido
@ella ruggente pena
Come la rabbia di amar
Come un assalto di gioia
7 see a spar2 of life shining
7 hear a ,oung minstrel sing
@eautiful roaring scream
If &o, and sorro/,
5o e0treme
3here is a love in me raging
A &o,ous, magical feeling
Como la lu de la vida
Como un pa,aso "ue grita
Del estupendo grito
De la tristea loca
Como la rabia de amar
Como un asalto de felicidad
Let Me "all Cr,ue -u Solel
Let me fall,
Let me climb,
3hereKs a moment /hen fear and dreams must collide.
5omeone 7 am is /aiting for courage,
3he one 7 /ant,
3he one 7 /ill become /ill catch me.
5o, let me fall,
7f 7 must fall,
7 /onKt heed ,our /arnings,
7 /onKt hear them.
All 7 as2,
All 7 need,
Let me open /hichever door 7 might open.
Let me fall,
And if 7 fall,
All the feelings ma, or ma, not die.
7 /ill dance so freel,,
+olding onto to no one,
Lou can hold me onl, if ,ou too /ill fall,
A/a, from all,
3hese useless fears and chains.
5omeone 7 am is /aiting for m, courage,
3he one 7 /ant,
3he one /ill become /ill catch me.
5o let me fall,
7f 7 must fall,
7 /onKt heed ,our /arnings,
7 /onKt hear.
Let me fall,
And if 7 fall,
3hereKs no reason to miss this one chance,
3his perfect moment,
Gust let me fall
.udam // Cr,ue -u Solel
Lou /orld is ,ours
not mine, )uidam.
Lour dreams are ,ours.
Lou ma, have touched the stars
but the, /eren't moved.
And if ,ou reach for me
7 ma, not choose
to hold ,our hand.
7 might smile
or 7 might turn a/a,.
An ordinar, man, )uidam.
7'm ever,man.
7'm an,man.
)uidam, )uidam
la nuit recule.
D'un rFve H l'autre tu valses.
Du creu0 de toi
c'est bien le mal
"ui dresse tes silences.
3here's nothing left.
3here's nothing right.
3here's nothing /rong.
7'm one. 7'm t/o.
7'm all ,et none of ,ou.
3he truth the lie,
the tear, the laughter,
the hand and the empt, touch.
+ere 7 am alone
/aiting for the curtain call.
An ordinar, man, )uidam.
7'm ever,man. 3'es l'inconnu.
7'm an,man. 3'es l'*tranger.
)uidam, )uidam
la nuit recule.
D'un rFve H l'autre tu valses.
Du creu0 de toi
c'est bien le mal
"ui dresse tes silences.
@ailo en este lieno de dolor.
.unHmbulo sin mapa ni brM&ula.
La dulce locura mi sNlo refugio.
<aco en la sombra del pa,aso.
)uidam, )uidam
la nuit recule.
D'un rFve H l'autre tu valses.
Du creu0 de toi
c'est bien le mal
"ui dresse tes silences.
)uidam, )uidam
au0 rives du rFve.
Au seuil de l'ombre, tu valses.
Autour de toi
c'est bien le mal
"ui dresses tes silences.
)uidam, )uidam
la nuit recule.
D'un rFve H l'autre tu valses.
Du creu0 de toi
c'est bien le mal
"ui dresse tes silences.
O. 5alva -e
P. 5anctus
Q. Agnus Dei
R. Libera
S. -,sterium
T. Gubilate
U. @eata Lu0
V. Dies 7rae
W. 3e Lucis
OX. 5ancta
OO. Angelis
OP. Lu0 Aeterna
Y5alva -eY
Domine Deus miserere mei
Carr, me a/a, from the dar2 7 fear
/hen the storm is near
from the endless night
from m, blinded sight
to a s2, of light
.ree me to fl, a/a,
5alva -e
Domine Deus miserere mei
Carr, me a/a, from the things that harm
on a sea of calm
from the endless night
from m, blinded sight
to a s2, of light
.ree me to fl, a/a,
5alva -e
Domine Deus miserere mei
Y5anctus 77Y
@enedictus, benedictus
"ui venit in nomine benedictus
7n nomine Domine
5anctus Dominus Deus 5abbaoth
?leni sunt coeli et terra gloria
5anctus Dominus Deus 5abbaoth
?leni sunt coeli gloria.
YAgnus DeiY
Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei
Dona nobis pacem
Agnus Dei,
Agnus Dei
Dona eis 4e"uiem
7n pacem aeterna pacem, in pacem.
De profundis clamavi ad te domine
Domine e0audi vocem meam de profundis
Libera me domine de morte
Are ,ou the friend 7 can not see
Are ,ou the one /ho cares for me
7ts onl, ,ou can set me free
Libera Libera
Libera Libera
Are ,ou m, hope of libert,
Are ,ou the door are ,ou the 2e,
7ts onl, ,ou can set me free
Libera Libera
Libera Libera
De morte Libera
De morte libera me domine
Libera me domine de morte
Let all mortal flesh 2eep silence
And /ith fear and trembling stand
As the Light of light descendeth
.rom the realms of endless da,,
3hat the po/ers of hell ma, vanish
As the dar2ness clears a/a,
Angels hol, high and lo/l,
3ell the stor, of the glor,
Gubilate deo
Gubilate deo
+eaven soaring stars adoring
3ell the stor, of the glor,
Gubilate deo
Gubilate deo
Gubilate deo omnis terra
5ervite domino in laetitiae
Gubilate deo omnis terra
5empiter domino in laetitiae
Gubilate deo
Gubilate deo
Y@eata Lu0Y
Let dust in dust and silence la,
.or there the heaven is but /ho am 7
+o/ shall 7 sing that ma&est,
1hich angels so admire in ecstas,
I Lu0 beata trinita
.ulget crucis m,sterium
Lucis creator optime
Aeterna Lu0 caelestia
7 shall on earth be dar2 and cold
@lac2 s2ies surrounding me /ith fears untold
@ut there's a sea /ithout a shore
A sun /ithout a sphere eternall,
YDies 7raeY
4e0 tremendae ma&estatis salva me
Confutatis maledictis voca me
6,rie eleison
Can ,ou tell me if there'll be
Ine da, /hen /e'll /a2e and see
+o/ to right the things gone b,
6,rie eleison
Dies irae, dies illa
solvet saeclum in favilla
cum resurget creatura
&ude0 est venturus
6,rie eleison
3hrough the dar2 and fearful night
+elp us bring a healing light
4eaching out to those /ho cr,
6,rie eleison
Dies irae, dies illa
solvet saeclum in favilla
cum resurget creatura
&ude0 est venturus
4e0 tremendae ma&estatis salva me
Confutatis maledictis voca me
.inall, /e can see the /a, ho/ to ma2e a brighter da,
Lou can turn the dar2ness round
6,rie eleison
Dies irae, dies illa
solvet saeclum in favilla
cum resurget creatura
&ude0 est venturus 6,rie eleison
Y3e LucisY
3e Lucis ante terminum
4erum creator poscimus
At solita clementia
5is praesul ad custodiam
.rom all ill dreams defend our e,es
.rom nightl, fears and fantasies
3read under foot our ghostl, foe
3hat no pollution /e ma, 2no/
?raesta pater omnipotens
?er 7esum Christum dominum
)ui tecum in perpetuum
4egnat cum sancto spiritu
?raesta pater omnipotens
?er 7esum Christum dominum
3e Lucis
5ancta -ater, dolorosa
Gu0ta crucem lacr,mosa
5ancta -aria
5ancta -aria
Cu&us Animam gementum
Contristatum et dolentum
5ancta -aria
5ancta -aria
-oriendo, desolatum
?aradisi 'loria
5anctus Dominus
Angeli, domini, psallite
5ancti angeli, cantate domino
Angeli, domini, archangeli
5ancti angeli, laudate dominum
5ervite dominum de coelis
Laudate eum in e0celsis
Cantate eum omnes angeli
Imnes angeli
YLu0 AeternaY
7n ?aradisum de ducat angeli
perducant te Gerusalem
3e decet h,mnus Deus in 5ion,
et tibi in Gerusalem
Luceat eis et lu0 perpetua
Luceat eis domine
Lu0 aeterna
Lu0 aeterna
Lu0 aeterna
Lu0 aeterna
7n ?aradisum de ducat angeli
perducant te Gerusalem
3e decet h,mnus Deus in 5ion,
et tibi in Gerusalem
Luceat eis et lu0 perpetua
Luceat eis domine
Lu0 aeterna
Lu0 aeterna
Lu0 aeterna
Lu0 aeterna
Lu0 aeterna Luceat eis domine
7n aeterna "uia pius est
Lu0 aeterna Luceat eis domine
7n aeterna "uia pius est
Luceat eis et lu0 petpetua
luceat eis domine
Lu0 aeterna Luceat eis domine
Lu0 aeterna Luceat eis domine
Lu0 aeterna Luceat eis domine
7n aeterna
0lly 1oel pano man
7t's nine o'cloc2 on a 5aturda,
3he regular cro/d shuffles in
3here's an old man sitting ne0t to me
-a2in' love to his tonic and gin
+e sa,s, Y5on, can ,ou pla, me a melod,?
7'm not reall, sure ho/ it goes
@ut it's sad and it's s/eet and 7 2ne/ it complete
1hen 7 /ore a ,ounger man's clothesY
La la la, de de da
La la, de de da da da
5ing us a song, ,ou're the piano man
5ing us a song tonight
1ell, /e're all in the mood for a melod,
And ,ou've got us feelin' alright
<o/ Gohn at the bar is a friend of mine
+e gets me m, drin2s for free
And he's "uic2 /ith a &o2e or to light up ,our smo2e
@ut there's someplace that he'd rather be
+e sa,s, Y@ill, 7 believe this is 2illing me.Y
As the smile ran a/a, from his face
Y1ell 7'm sure that 7 could be a movie star
7f 7 could get out of this placeY
Ih, la la la, de de da
La la, de de da da da
<o/ ?aul is a real estate novelist
1ho never had time for a /ife
And he's tal2in' /ith Dav, /ho's still in the nav,
And probabl, /ill be for life
And the /aitress is practicing politics
As the businessmen slo/l, get stoned
Les, the,'re sharing a drin2 the, call loneliness
@ut it's better than drin2in' alone
7t's a prett, good cro/d for a 5aturda,
And the manager gives me a smile
'Cause he 2no/s that it's me the,'ve been comin' to see
3o forget about life for a /hile
And the piano, it sounds li2e a carnival
And the microphone smells li2e a beer
And the, sit at the bar and put bread in m, &ar
And sa,, Y-an, /hat are ,ou doin' here?Y
Ih, la la la, de de da
La la, de de da da da
2n+ma return to nno!en!e
3hat's not the beginning of the end
3hat's the return to ,ourself
3he return to innocence.
Love D Devotion
.eeling D 8motion
Love D Devotion
.eeling D 8motion
Don't be afraid to be /ea2
Don't be too proud to be strong
Gust loo2 into ,our heart m, friend
3hat /ill be the return to ,ourself
3he return to innocence
7f ,ou /ant, then start to laugh
7f ,ou must, then start to cr,
@e ,ourself don't hide
Gust believe in destin,
Don't care /hat people sa,
Gust follo/ ,our o/n /a,
Don't give up and use the chance
3o return to innocence
3hat's not the beginning of the end
3hat's the return to ,ourself
3he return to innocence
Don't care /hat people sa,
.ollo/ &ust ,our o/n /a,
.ollo/ &ust ,our o/n /a,
Don't give up, don't give up
3o return, to return to innocence.
7f ,ou /ant then laugh
7f ,ou must then cr,
@e ,ourself don't hide
Gust believe in destin,.
Orno!o flow
Irinoco .lo/
let me sail, let me sail, let the orinoco flo/,
let me reach, let me beach on the shores of 3ripoli.
let me sail, let me sail, let me crash upon ,our shore,
let me reach, let me beach far be,ond the Lello/ 5ea.
from @issau to ?alau D in the shade of Avalon,
from .i&i to 3iree and the 7sles of 8bon,,
from ?eru to Cebu hear the po/er of @ab,lon,
from @ali to Cali D far beneath the Coral 5ea.
from the <orth to the 5outh, 8budZ into 6hartoum,
from the deep sea of Clouds to the island of the moon,
carr, me on the /aves to the lands 7've never been,
carr, me on the /aves to the lands 7've never seen.
/e can sail, /e can sail...
/e can steer, /e can near /ith 4ob Dic2ins at the /heel,
/e can sigh, sa, goodb,e 4oss and his dependencies
/e can sail, /e can sail...
Anywhere &
An,/here is ...
7 /al2 the mae of moments
but ever,/here 7 turn to
begins a ne/ beginning
but never finds a finish
7 /al2 to the horion
and there 7 find another
it all seems so surprising
and then 7 find that 7 2no/
Lou go there ,ou're gone forever
7 go there 7'll lose m, /a,
if /e sta, here /e're not together
An,/here is
3he moon upon the ocean
is s/ept around in motion
but /ithout ever 2no/ing
the reason for its flo/ing
in motion on the ocean
the moon still 2eeps on moving
the /aves still 2eep on /aving
and 7 still 2eep on going
Lou go there ,ou're gone forever
7 go there 7'll lose m, /a,
if /e sta, here /e're not together
An,/here is
7 /onder if the stars sign
the life that is to be mine
and /ould the, let their light shine
enough for me to follo/
7 loo2 up to the heavens
but night has clouded over
no spar2 of constellation
no Vela no Irion
3he shells upon the /arm sands
have ta2en from their o/n lands
the echo of their stor,
but all 7 hear are lo/ sounds
as pillo/ /ords are /eaving
and /illo/ /aves are leaving
but should 7 be believing
that 7 am onl, dreaming
Lou go there ,ou're gone forever
7 go there 7'll lose m, /a,
if /e sta, here /e're not together
An,/here is
3o leave the thread of all time
and let it ma2e a dar2 line
in hopes that 7 can still find
the /a, bac2 to the moment
7 too2 the turn and turned to
begin a ne/ beginning
still loo2ing for the ans/er
7 cannot find the finish
7t's either this or that /a,
it's one /a, or the other
it should be one direction
it could be on reflection
the turn 7 have &ust ta2en
the turn that 7 /as ma2ing
7 might be &ust beginning
7 might be near the end.
Chna Ro&e&
1ho can tell me if /e have
/ho can sa, the /a, it should be;
-oonlight holl,, the 5appho Comet,
Angel's tears belo/ a tree.
Lou tal2 of the brea2 of morning
as ,ou vie/ the ne/ aurora,
Cloud in crimson, the 2e, of heaven,
one love carved in aca&ou.
Ine told me of China 4oses,
Ine a 3housand nights and one night,
8arth's last picture, the end of evening9
hue of indigo and blue.
A ne/ moon leads me to
/oods of dreams and 7 follo/.
A ne/ /orld /aits for me;
m, dream, m, /a,.
7 2no/ that if 7 have heaven
there is nothing to desire.
4ain and river, a /orld of /onder
ma, be paradise to me.
7 see the sun.
7 see the stars.
%ant the &$y wth &tar&
5uddenl, before m, e,es
+ues of indigo arise
1ith them ho/ m, spirit sighs
?aint the s2, /ith stars
Inl, night /ill ever 2no/
1h, the heavens never sho/
All the dreams there are to 2no/
?aint the s2, /ith stars
1ho has paced the midnight s2,?
5o a spirit has to fl,
As the heavens seem so far
<o/ /ho /ill paint the midnight star?
<ight has brought to those /ho sleep
Inl, dreams the, cannot 2eep
7 have legends in the deep
?aint the s2, /ith stars
1ho has paced the midnight s2,?
5o a spirit has to fl,
As the heavens seem so far
<o/ /ho /ill paint the midnight star?
?lace a name upon the night
Ine to set ,our heart a light
And to ma2e the dar2ness bright
?aint the s2, /ith stars.
fa&t0all the way
3he, made up their minds
And the, started pac2ing
3he, left before the sun came up that da,
An e0it to eternal summer slac2ing
@ut /here /ere the, going /ithout ever
6no/ing the /a,?
3he, dran2 up the /ine
And the, got to tal2ing
3he, no/ had more important things to sa,
And /hen the car bro2e do/n the, started /al2ing
1here /ere the, going /ithout ever
6no/ing the /a,?
An,one can see the road that the, /al2 on
7s paved in gold
And it's al/a,s summer
3he,'ll never get cold
3he,'ll never get hungr,
3he,'ll never get old and gre,
Lou can see their shado/s /andering off some/here
3he, /on't ma2e it home
@ut the, reall, don't care
3he, /anted the high/a,
3he,'re happier there toda,, toda,
3heir children /o2e up
And the, couldn't find them
3he, left before the sun came up that da,
3he, &ust drove off and left it all behind 'em
@ut /here /ere the, going /ithout ever
6no/ing the /a,?
An,one can see the road that the, /al2 on
7s paved in gold
And it's al/a,s summer
3he,'ll never get cold
3he,'ll never get hungr,
3he,'ll never get old and gre,
Lou can see their shado/s /andering off some/here
3he, /on't ma2e it home
@ut the, reall, don't care
3he, /anted the high/a,
3he,'re happier there toda,, toda,
An,one can see the road that the, /al2 on
7s paved in gold
And it's al/a,s summer
3he,'ll never get cold
3he,'ll never get hungr,
3he,'ll never get old and gre,
Lou can see their shado/s /andering off some/here
3he, /on't ma2e it home
@ut the, reall, don't care
3he, /anted the high/a,
3he,'re happier there toda,, toda,
"oo f+hter& my hero
3oo alarming no/ to tal2 about
3a2e ,our pictures do/n and sha2e it out
3ruth or conse"uence sa, it aloud
Ase that evidence race it around
3here goes m, hero
1atch him as he goes
3here goes m, hero
+e's ordinar,
Don't the best of them bleed it out
1hile the rest of them peter out
3ruth or conse"uence sa, it aloud
Ase that evidence race it around
3here goes m, hero
1atch him as he goes
3here goes m, hero
+e's ordinar,
6udos m, hero leaving all the best
Lou 2no/ m, hero the one thats on
3here goes m, hero
1atch him as he goes
3here goes m, hero
+e's ordinar,
3here goes m, hero
1atch him as he goes
3here goes m, hero
+e's ordinar,
Goo +oo doll& r&
And 7'd give up forever to touch ,ou
'Cause 7 2no/ that ,ou feel me someho/
Lou're the closest to heaven that 7'll ever be
And 7 don't /ant to go home right no/
And all 7 can taste is this moment
And all 7 can breathe is ,our life
'Cause sooner or later it's over
7 &ust don't /ant to miss ,ou tonight
And 7 don't /ant the /orld to see me
'Cause 7 don't thin2 that the,'d understand
1hen ever,thing's made to be bro2en
7 &ust /ant ,ou to 2no/ /ho 7 am
And ,ou can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Ir the moment of truth in ,our lies
1hen ever,thing feels li2e the movies
Leah ,ou bleed &ust to 2no/ ,ou're alive
And 7 don't /ant the /orld to see me
'Cause 7 don't thin2 that the,'d understand
1hen ever,thing's made to be bro2en
7 &ust /ant ,ou to 2no/ /ho 7 am
And 7 don't /ant the /orld to see me
'Cause 7 don't thin2 that the,'d understand
1hen ever,thing's made to be bro2en
7 &ust /ant ,ou to 2no/ /ho 7 am
And 7 don't /ant the /orld to see me
'Cause 7 don't thin2 that the,'d understand
1hen ever,thing's made to be bro2en
7 &ust /ant ,ou to 2no/ /ho 7 am
7 &ust /ant ,ou to 2no/ /ho 7 am
7 &ust /ant ,ou to 2no/ /ho 7 am
7 &ust /ant ,ou to 2no/ /ho 7 am
Green day 0oule#ard of 0ro$en dream&
7 /al2 a lonel, road
3he onl, one that 7 have ever 2no/n
Don't 2no/ /ere it goes
@ut it's home to me and 7 /al2 alone
7 /al2 this empt, street
In the @oulevard of bro2en dreams
1ere the cit, sleeps
And 7'm the onl, one and 7 /al2 alone
7 /al2 alone 7 /al2 alone
7 /al2 alone and 7 /al2 aD
-, shado/s the onl, one that /al2s beside me
-, shallo/ hearts the onl, thing that's beating
5ometimes 7 /ish someone out there /ill find me
'3ill then 7'll /al2 alone
7'm /al2ing do/n the line
3hat divides me some/here in m, mind
In the border line of the edge
And /here 7 /al2 alone
4ead bet/een the lines
1hat's fuc2ed up and ever,thing's alright
Chec2 m, vital signs to 2no/ 7'm still alive
And 7 /al2 alone
7 /al2 alone 7 /al2 alone
7 /al2 alone and 7 /al2 aD
7 /al2 this empt, street
In the @oulevard of bro2en dreams
1ere the cit, sleeps
And 7'm the onl, one and 7 /al2 aD
-, shado/s the onl, one that /al2s beside me
-, shallo/ hearts the onl, thing that's beating
5ometimes 7 /ish someone out there /ill find me
'3ill then 7'll /al2 alone
3ou&&ou N'-our 4 Neneh Cherry ) 5 &e!ond&
@oul ma sene
@oul ma guiss madi re nga fo2ni mane
6hamouma li ne2a thi samasouf a2 thi guina/
@egouma 2ouma 2hol
Daldine ,a/ li ne2a si ,a/ mo ne si man
Li ne si mane mo,e dilene diapale
4oughnec2 and rudeness
1e should be using
In the ones /ho practice /ic2ed charms
.or the s/ord and the stone
@ad to the bone
@attleKs not over
8ven /hen it's /on
And /hen a child is born into this /orld
7t has no concept
If the tone the s2in is living in
7t's not a second
U seconds a/a,
Gust as long as 7 sta,
7'll be /aiting
7t's not a second
U seconds a/a,
Gust as long as 7 sta,
7'll be /aiting
7'll be /aiting
7'll be /aiting
G'assume les raisons "ui nous poussent de changer
G'aimerais "u'on oublie leur couleur pour "u'ils
@eaucoup de sentiments de race "ui font "uKils
Ge veu0 les portes grandement ouvertes
Des amis pour parler de leur peine, de leur &oie
pour "u'ils leur filent des infos
"ui ne divisent pas changer
U seconds a/a,
Gust as long as 7 sta,
7'll be /aiting
7t's not a second
U seconds a/a,
Gust as long as 7 sta,
7'll be /aiting
7'll be /aiting
7'll be /aiting
And /hen a child is born into this /orld
7t has no concept
If the tone the s2in is living in
And there's a million voices
And there's a million voices
3o tell ,ou /hat ,ou should be thin2ing
5o ,ou better sober up for &ust a second
U seconds a/a,
Gust as long as 7 sta,
7'll be /aiting
7t's not a second
U seconds a/a,
Gust as long as 7 sta,
7'll be /aiting
7'll be /aiting
7'll be /aiting
<o me veas desde la distancia
<o veas a mi sonrisa , piensa "ue ,o no s*
)ue ha, aba&o , detr[s de mi
<o "uiero "ue me veas , pienses
)ue lo "ue est[ dentro de ti est[ en m%
Lo "ue est[ dentro de m% es a,udarles a ellos
-atana , groserias
Deber%amos utiliar
8n los "ue practican encantos perversos
?or la espada , la piedra
-alos hasta los huesos
La batalla no se ha terminado
7ncluso cuando se gana
L cuando un ni$o nace en *ste mundo
<o tiene ning\n concepto
De el tono de la piel en la "ue est[ viviendo
<o es un segundo
U segundos le&anos
8l tiempo "ue me "uede
8star* esperando
<o es un segundo
U segundos le&anos
8l tiempo "ue me "uede
8star* esperando
8star* esperando
8star* esperando
Asumo "ue las raones "ue nos empu&an para
cambiar todo
)uisiera "ue olvidaramos su color para "ue puedan
tener esperana
-uchas opiniones de la raa "ue los hacen desesperar
Deseo "ue las puertas est*n completamente abiertas
A los amigos para hablar de su dolor , su alegr%a
De modo "ue podamos dar informaci#n
)ue no nos dividan para cambiar
U segundos le&anos
8l tiempo "ue me "uede
8star* esperando
<o es un segundo
U segundos le&anos
8l tiempo "ue me "uede
8star* esperando
8star* esperando
8star* esperando
L cuando un ni$o nace en *ste mundo
<o tiene ning\n concepto
De el tono de la piel en la "ue est[ viviendo
L ha, un mill#n de voces
L ha, un mill#n de voces
?ara decirte lo "ue deber%as estar pensando
As% "ue me&or "ue tomes sobriedad por un segundo
U segundos le&anos
8l tiempo "ue me "uede
8star* esperando
<o es un segundo
U segundos le&anos
8l tiempo "ue me "uede
8star* esperando
8star* esperando
8star* esperando
Le& ro& du monde
b, 4om*o et Guliette
Album9 4om*o et Guliette
4om*o, @envolio, -ercutio9
49 Les rois du monde vivent au sommet
Los re,es del mundo viven en la cima
7ls ont la plus belle vue mais , lia un mais
8llos tienen la vista m[s bella pero ha, un pero
7ls ne savent pas ce "u'on pense d'eu0 en bas
8llos no saben lo "ue se piensa de ellos aba&o
7ls ne savent pas "u'ici c'est nous les rois
8llos no saben "ue a"u% nosotros somos los re,es
@9 Les rois du monde font tout ce "u'ils veulent
Los re,es del mundo hacen todo lo "ue "uieren
7ls ont du monde autour d'eu0 mais ils sont seuls
8llos tienen al mundo al rededor de ellos pero est[n solos
Dans leurs chCteau0 lHDhaut, ils s'ennuient
8n sus castillos, all[ arriba, ellos se aburren
?endant "u'en bas nous on danse toute la nuit
-ientras "ue aba&o nosotros bailamos toda la noche
<ous on fait l'amour on vit la vie
<osotros hacemos el amor , vivimos la vida
Gour aprBs &our nuit aprBs nuit
D%a tras d_a, noche tras noche
A "uoi Ja sert d'Ftre sur la terre
(?ara "ue sirve estar sobre la tierra
5i c'est pour faire nos vies H genou0
5i es para vivir de rodillas?
In sait "ue le temps c'est comme le vent
5abemos "ue el tiempo es como el viento
De vivre , a "ue Ja d'important
L el vivir as% de importante
In se fout pas mal de la morale
Ano no se burla de la moral
In sait bien "u'on fait pas de mal
Ano sabe bien "ue uno no hace mal
-9 Les rois du monde ont peur de tout
Los re,es del mundo tienen miedo de todo
C'est "u'ils confondent les chiens et les loups
?or"ue confunden los perros , los lobos
7ls font des piBges oM ils tomberont un &our
8llos hacen las trampas donde caer[n un d%a
7ls se protBgent de tout mFme de l'amour
8llos se protegen de todo a\n del amor
4 et @9 Les rois du monde se battent entre eu0
Los re,es del mundo se combaten entre ellos
C'est "u', a de la place, mais pour un pas pour deu0
L es "ue ha, lugar, pero de un paso para dos
8t nous en bas leur guerre on la fera pas
L nosotros aba&o su guerra no la haremos
In sait mFme pas pour"uoi tout Ja c'est &eu0 de rois
?ues uno sabe por"ue todo esto son &uegos de re,es
4, @ et -9 <ous on fait l'amour on vit la vie
Gour aprBs &our nuit aprBs nuit
A "uoi Ja sert d'Ftre sur la terre
5i c'est pour faire nos vies H genou0
In sait "ue le temps c'est comme le vent
De vivre , a "ue Ja d'important
In se fout pas mal de la morale
In sait bien "u'on fait pas de mal
]au 4efrain^...
Tor amo&
And ,ou 2no/ ,ou're gonna lie to ,ou
7n ,our o/n /a,
And ,ou 2no/ ,ou're gonna lie to ,ou
7n ,our o/n /a,
And 7 lie some other da,
Lou do
And ,ou sa, girl
6no/ too /ell
6no/ the chill
6no/ she brea2s
-, siren
6no/ teenage flesh
6no/ the chill
6no/ she brea2s
-, siren
<ever /as one for a priss, girl
Co"uette call in for an ambulance
4each high, doesn't mean she's hol,
Gust means she's got a cellular hand,
Almost brave, almost pregnant
Almost in love
And ,ou 2no/ ,ou're gonna lie to ,ou
7n ,our o/n /a,
And ,ou 2no/ ,ou're gonna lie to ,ou
7n ,our o/n /a,
And ,ou don't need the light on
3o guide ,ou through the southern lands
'o said go, ,es
6no/ too /ell
6no/ the chill
6no/ she brea2s
-, siren
6no/ teenage flesh
6no/ the chill
6no/ she brea2s
-, siren
<ever /as one for a priss, girl
Co"uette call in for an ambulance
4each high, doesn't mean she's hol,
Gust means she's got a cellular hand,
Almost brave, almost pregnant
Almost in love
La ley
The !orrdor
5tep inside 3he Corridor
feel ,our soul invade ,our senses
spirits at the gates of /inter
read, for the season's countdo/n
so it goes, the gate is open
all ,our past remains in silence
but ,our future is unsure
,ou plan to go a/a,
<ever thought that ,our mind /as a/a,
never thre/ a/a, ,our /antings
never 2ept ,ou b, m, side
no/ ,ou belong, ,ou're obviousl, mine
Ginn, count do/n, Ginn, count do/n
close ,our desires or burn them /ith fire
Ginn, count do/n, Ginn, count do/n
and feel me...
5even strangers on ,our door
feeling li2e ,ou /ere behind them
listen to, /ide handded 2noc2s
emission of the sound of /isdom
so it goes the door is open
all ,our past remains in silence
no/ ,our future is for sure
a plan to go a/a,
a plan to go a/a,...
<ever thought that ,our mind /as a/a,
never thre/ a/a, ,our /antings
never 2ept ,ou b, m, side
no/ ,ou belong, ,ou're obviousl, mine
Ginn, count do/n, Ginn, count do/n
close ,our desires or burn them /ith fire
al/a,s dreaming, al/a,s screaming
close ,our e,es
and feel me...
La ley $ra6yworld
An monde "ui change de peau
An mundo "ue cambia de piel
et tous ces langages
L todos estos lengua&es
"ui reprend conscience de la folie du pouvoir
)ue toman conciencia de la locura del poder
un monde sans frontiBre
An monde sin frontera
un soleil "ui grandit un 6ra,/orld
An sol "ue engrandece un mundo loco
Ane nouvelle one sans loi
Ana ona nueva sin le,
et sans punition
L sin castigo
"ui d*fend le droit de la simple vie
)ue defiende el derecho de la vida simple
mon avis est "ue le ciel descende officiellement
-i anuncio es "ue el cielo desciende oficialmente
Ge rFve de vivre un 6ra,/orld
Lo sue$o con vivir un mundo loco
&e rFve pouvoir marcher
Lo sue$o con poder marchar
tout nu dans la grande avenue
3odo desnudo por la gran avenida
&e rFve de vivre un 6ra,/orld
,o sue$o con vivir un mundo loco
&e rFve pouvoir marcher
,o sue$o con poder marchar
tout nu dans la grande avenue
todo desnudo por la gran avenida
An armement fondu pour faire une statue
An armamento fundido para hacer una estatua
"ui regarde le ciel avec une larme de sang
"ue mire al cielo con una l[grima de sangre
une forFt "ui grandit ` un homme en s,nphonie
un bos"ue "ue engrandece ` un hombre en sinfon%a
un 6ra,/orld
un mundo loco
La haine de tous nos coeurs s'en vole
8l odio de todos nuestros coraones vuela
la haine "ui brale toute seule sans acune chance
8l odio "ue se "uema solo sin ninguna oportunidad
de trouver un logement dans nos Cmes
De encontrar un lugar en nuestras almas
Ge rFve de vivre un 6ra,/orld
Lo sue$o con vivir un mundo loco
&e rFve pouvoir marcher
Lo sue$o con poder marchar
tout nu dans la grande avenue
3odo desnudo por la gran avenida
&e rFve de vivre un 6ra,/orld
Lo sue$o con vivir un mundo loco
&e rFve pouvoir marcher
Lo sue$o con poder marchar
tout nu dans la grande avenue
3odo desnudo por la gran avenida
Amaing 'race
Gohn <e/ton =OUPSbOVXU> /as the captain of a slave ship. In -a, OXth, OURV returning home during a storm he
e0perienced a Ygreat deliverance.Y 7n his &ournal he /rote that the ship /as in grave danger of sin2ing. +e e0claimed
YLord, have merc, upon us!Y +e /as converted, though he continued in the business of slave trading. +o/ever, he
demanded that the slaves he transported be treated humanel,.
<e/ton /rote the song Y+o/ 5/eet the <ame of Gesus 5oundsY /hile /aiting in an African harbor for a shipment of
slaves. Later he renounced his profession, became a minister, and &oined 1illiam 1ilberforce in the fight against
7t /as suggested in a @ill -o,ers ?@5 3V 5pecial that <e/ton ma, have borro/ed an old tune sung b, the slaves
themselves. 3he mar2ed divergence of tempo, tone and instrumentalit, bet/een African and 7rish`5cottish`Celtic
musical traditions cast doubt on this theor,.
3he no/ familiar and traditional melod, of the h,mn /as not composed b, <e/ton, and the /ords /ere sung to a
number of tunes before the no/ inseparable melod, /as chanced upon.
3here are t/o different tunes to the /ords. Y<e/ @ritainY first appears in a shape note h,mnal from OVQO called
7irginia 6armony. An, original /ords sung to the tune are no/ lost. 3he melod, is believed to be 5cottish or 7rish in
origin; it is pentatonic and suggests a bagpipe tune; the h,mn is fre"uentl, performed on bagpipes and has become
associated /ith that instrument. 3he other tune is the soDcalled YIld 4egular @aptistY tune. 7t /as sung b, the
Congregation of the Little ;ion Church, Geff, 6entuc2, on the album The =itchie Damily of ;entuc4y on the
.ol2/a,s label =OWSV>.
<e/ton's l,rics have become a favorite for Christians of all denominations, largel, because the h,mn vividl, and
briefl, sums up the Christian doctrine of Divine grace. 3he l,rics are based on O Chronicles OU9OT, /here 6ing David
marvels at 'od's choosing him and his house. =<e/ton entitled the piece Y.aith's revie/ and e0pectationY.>
7t has also become 2no/n as a favorite /ith supporters of freedom and human rights, both Christian and nonD
Christian, as it is believed b, man, to be a song against slaver,, as <e/ton /as once a slave trader. +e continued to
be a slave trader for several ,ears after his e0perience, but later he became a clerg,man. 3he song has been sung b,
man, notable musical performers, such as iconic fol2 singer and human rights activist Goan @ae.
3he h,mn /as "uite popular among both sides in the American Civil 1ar. 1hile on the Ytrail of tearsY, the Chero2ee
/ere not al/a,s able to give their dead a full burial. 7nstead, the singing of YAmaing 'raceY had to suffice. 5ince
then, YAmaing 'raceY is often considered the Chero2ee <ational Anthem. .or this reason, man, contemporar,
<ative American musicians have recorded this song.
3he association /ith bagpipes is a relativel, modern phenomenon; for over a centur, the tune /as nearl, forgotten in
the @ritish 7sles until the fol2 revival of the OWTXs began carr,ing traditional musicians both /a,s bet/een the @ritish
7sles and the Anited 5tates =/here Amaing 'race had remained a ver, popular h,mn>. 7t /as little 2no/n outside of
church congregations or fol2 festivals until Arthur ?enn's film Alice0s =estaurant =OWTW>. Lee +a,s of 3he 1eavers
leads the /orshippers in YAmaing 'raceY.
Amaing grace! =ho/ s/eet the sound>
3hat saved a /retch li2e me!
7 once /as lost, but no/ 7'm found,
1as blind, but no/ 7 see.
'3/as grace that taught m, heart to fear,
And grace m, fears relieved;
+o/ precious did that grace appear,
3he hour 7 first believed!
3hrough man, dangers, toils and snares,
1e have alread, come;
'3is grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace /ill lead me home.
3he Lord has promised good to me,
+is /ord m, hope secures;
+e /ill m, shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
Les, /hen this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease;
7 shall possess, /ithin the veil,
A life of &o, and peace.
3he earth shall soon dissolve li2e sno/,
3he sun forbear to shine;
@ut 'od, /ho call'd me here belo/,
1ill be forever mine.
5ome versions of the h,mn include an additional verse9
1hen /e've been there ten thousand ,ears,
@right shining as the sun,
1e've no less da,s to sing 'od's praise
3han /hen /e'd first begun.
3his verse is not b, <e/ton. 7t /as added to a version of YAmaing 'raceY b, +arriet @eecher 5to/e, as it appears in
her novel Bncle Tom0s Cabin. Ancle 3om has pieced the l,rics of several h,mns together; those /ho learned the
l,rics from the novel have assumed that it belongs.
5ome versions include still another verse9
5hall 7 be /afted through the s2ies,
on flo/er, beds of ease,
/here others strive to /in the prie,
and sail through blood, seas.
3his verse has been recorded b, ?ete 5eeger and Arlo 'uthrie. 3he verse reall, belongs /ith the h,mn, YAm 7 a
5oldier of the Cross?Y b, 7saac 1atts.
Amaing 'race L,rics
Artist9 Nana Mou&$our
Album: Alone
Amaing grace, ho/ s/eet the sound
3hat saved a /retch li2e me.
7 once /as lost, but no/ 7'm found.
1as blind, but no/ 7 see.
'3/as grace that taught m, heart to fear
And grace m, fears relieved.
+o/ precious did that grace appear
3he hour 7 first believed.
3hrough man, dangers toils and snares
1e have alread, come
it /as 'race that brought us safe dot far
And 'race /ill bring us home
Amaing grace, ho/ s/eet the sound
3hat saved a /retch li2e me.
7 once /as lost, but no/ 7'm found.
1as blind, but no/ 7 see
/e've all been here ten thousand ,ears
@right shining li2e the sun,
1e've no less da,s to sing 'od's praise
3han /hen /e first begun.
Amaing grace, ho/ s/eet the sound
3hat saved a /retch li2e me.
7 once /as lost, but no/ 7'm found.
1as blind, but no/ 7 see.
Anime L,rics9 Co/bo, @ebop
Green 7rd
?rintable Version
Roma1 Lyr!& 2n+l&h Tran&laton
haru ga 2ita
chimushi ga 2ao /o dasu
2otori ga mushi /o taberu
5pring has come
1orms are sho/ing their faces
Little birds are eating them.
haru ga 2ita
2odomoDtachi /a ga22ou e i2u
nora inu ni 2oinu ga ta2usan
5pring has come
Children are going to school
.arm dogs are giving birth to
haru ga 2ita
onnaDtachi ga 2agami ni mu2au
tamago no ?A7 ga ,a2i agaru
5pring has come
1omen are loo2ing in mirrors
8gg pies are ba2ing.
cnote9 the song itself isn't in Gapanese, but rather a language Lo2o
6anno uses for a lot of her songs. 3he l,rics above are the
YtranslationY of the song.d
Roma1 Lyr!& 2n+l&h Tran&laton
Aishiteta to nage2u ni /a
Amari ni mo to2i /a sugi te shimatta
-ada 2o2oro no ho2orobi o
7,asenumama 2ae ga fuiteru
7t's too late to cr, 7 love ,ou.
3he /ind still blo/ing, m, heart still aching
+itotsu no me de asu o mite
+itotsu no me de 2inou mitsumeteru
6imi no ai no ,uri2agode
-o ichido ,asura2ani nemuretara
Ine side of m, e,es see tomorro/,
And the other one see ,esterda,
7 hope 7 could sleep in the cradle of ,our love,
6a/aita hitomi de dare2a na ite2ure Cr, for me, somebod,, /ith dr, e,es
e3he real fol2 blues
+onto no 2anashimi ga shiritaida2e
Doro no 2a/a ni su2atta &insei mo
7chido 2iri de o/arunara
e3he real fol2 blues
7 &ust /ant to feel a real sorro/
7t's not bad a life in the mudd, river
7f life is once
6ibou ni michita etsuboto
1anagashi2a2erareteru 2ono chansu
<ani ga ,o2u te /arui no 2a
6oin no omoi to 2uramitaita
+opeless hope, and the chance /ith traps
1hat is right, or /rong
7t's li2e a both side of a coin
Dore da2e i2ireba i,asareru no darou +o/ long 7 must live till 7 release?
3he real fol2 blues
+onto no ,oro2obi ga shiritai da2e
+i2aru mono no subete ga ougen to /a
3he real fol2 blues
7 &ust /ant to feel a real pleasure
All that glitters is not gold
e repeat erepeat
Son+ Ttle/ 7L82
%erformed 0y/ Ma 3amane
"eaturn+/ So!hro Ot&u$a and Ga0rela Ro0n 9Soprano Vo!e:
Lyr!& 0y/ Tm ;en&en
3his song is the 8D theme to the final session of Co/bo, @ebop, 3he 4eal .ol2 @lues ?art 77.
<ever seen a bluer s2,
Leah 7 can feel it reaching out
and moving closer
3here's something 'bout blue.
As2ed m,self /hat it's all for
Lou 2no/ the funn, thing about it
7 couldn't ans/er
<o, 7 couldn't ans/er.
3hings have turned a deeper shade of blue
and images that might be real
ma,be illusion
6eep flashing off and on
1anna be free, 'onna be free...
and move among the stars
Lou 2no/ the, reall, aren't so far
.eels so free...
'otta 2no/ free... ?lease...
Don't /a2e me from the dream
7t's reall, ever,thing it seemed
7'm so free...
<o blac2 and /hite in the blue
8ver,thing is clearer no/
Life is &ust a dream, ,ou 2no/
that's neverDending
7'm ascending...
O. 1hite 4ose If 3he Athens
P. Inl, Love
Q. All -, 3rials
R. Lonel, 5hepherd
S. <ever In A 5unda,
T. 3hree @ells
U. Inl, 3ime 1ill 3ell
V. -orning +as @ro2en
W. Alone
OX. 3urn In 3he 5un
OO. <abucco
OP. ?laisir D'amour
OQ. 7 'ave -, Love A Cherr,
OR. -oondance
OS. 8v'r, 3ime 1e 5a, 'oodb,e
OT. 8n Aran&ue Con -i Amour
OU. .our And 3/ent, +ours
OV. Amaing 'race
<hte Ro&e of Athen& Lyr!&
5o goodb,e m, love till then
3ill the /hite rose blooms again
3he summer da,s are ending in the valle,
And soon the time /ill come /hen /e must be apart
<o/ ,ou must start ,ou &ourne, to the sailing
And leave me till another springDtime comes around
3ill the /hite rose blooms again
Lou must leave me, leave me lonel,
5o goodb,e m, love till then
3ill the /hite rose blooms again
3ill the /hite rose blooms again
Lou must leave me, leave me lonel,
5o goodb,e m, love till then
3ill the /hite rose blooms again
3he cotton leaves are falling in the valle,
And soon the /inter sno/ /ill lie on the ground
@ut li2e the rose that comes bac2 /ith the springtime
Lou /ill return to me /hen springtime comes around
3ill the /hite rose blooms again
Lou must leave me, leave me lonel,
5o goodb,e m, love till then
3ill the /hite rose blooms again
'oodb,e till then
'oodb,e till then
Only Lo#e Lyr!&
Inl, love can ma2e a memor,.
Inl, love can ma2e a moment last.
Lou /ere there and all the /orld /as ,oung
and all it's songs unsung.
and 7 remember ,ou then, /hen love /as all,
all ,ou /ere living for,
and ho/ ,ou gave that love to me.
Inl, then 7 felt m, heart /as free.
7 /as part of ,ou and ,ou /ere all of me.
1arm /ere the da,s and the nights
of those ,ears.
?ainted in colors to outshine the sun.
All of the /ords and the dreams
and the tears live in m, remembrance.
Inl, love can ma2e a memor,.
Inl, love can ma2e a moment last.
Life /as ne/, there /as a rage to live,
each da, a page to live,
and 7 remember ,ou then,
/hen love /as all, all ,ou /ere living for
and ho/ ,ou gave that love to me
Inl, then 7 2ne/ m, heart /as free.
7 /as part of ,ou and ,ou /ere all of me.
All My Tral& Lyr!&
+ush little bab,, don't ,ou cr,
Lou 2no/ ,our mama /as born to die
All m, trials, Lord, soon be over
3oo late, m, brothers
3oo late, but never mind
All m, trials, Lord, soon be over
7f religion /ere a thing that mone, could bu,
3he rich /ould live and the poor /ould die
All m, trials, Lord, soon be over
7've got a little boo2 that /as given to me
And ever, page spells libert,
All m, trials, Lord, soon be over
3here is a tree in ?aradise
And the pilgrims call it the 3ree of Life
All m, trials, Lord, soon be over
Lonely Shepherd Lyr!&
7 am lonel, lonel, lonel,
7 am lonel, lonel, in m, life
7 am lonel, lonel, lonel,
'od help me help me to survive!
4emember first time /e met da, one
6ids in the garden' pla,in'
games heaven' fun
80citin' and amain' havin'
a real friend of mine
.eel m, heartbeat and for
real friend of mine
.ace to face and e,e to e,e fg
Asin' our hands to bu, and suppl,
Chillin' is cool from &anuar, to &une
And /e still sti2ed together
li2e the glue
And 2no/ the rules
.orever ,ou and i and believe
it /as clear
7f i ever should fall
i could count on ,ou /ith no fear
4unnin' out of time i see /ho's fa2e
Alone /ithout protection
from all them sna2es
All for one one for all i /as told
@lac2 /hite ,ello/ no matter
if ,our ,oung or old
<ana's in the house to let ,ou 2no/
1hat i see is ho/ i fell and damn
7'm alone
7 am lonel, lonel, lonel,
7 am lonel, lonel, in m, life
7 am lonel, lonel, lonel,
'od help me help me to survive!
8ver,bod,'s tripppin' on me
Ih lord come help me please
7 did some bad things in m, life
1h, can't ,ou rescue me
'cause ,ou've got all i need
7 2no/ i got to pa, the price
Cheppin' thru the streets at night
after a fuss and fight
3ears in m, e,es i'm a man
loo2in' for the light
Dar2 is the path
i 2no/ he /ill rescue me
3he lord is m, shepard
i'm cool despite emergenc,
1hom shall i fear e0ept the god
3han2 ,ou for the blessin' a fg
nd the s2ils on the mic
.ive ,ears /e 2no/ there's no diggit,
.ree at last see the light in me
1hat goes up must come do/n
7'll be around /hile ,ou
heading to/ards deathto/n
All/a,s loo2 for/ard hardl,
never loo2 bac2
5o man, tears and
the sna2es on m, &oc2
<o/ i'm riding in m, big fat ride
Lour ass is late so loo2 for the line
<ana in the house to let ,ou 2no/
1hat i see is ho/ fg
i feel so leave me alone
7 am lonel, lonel, lonel,
7 am lonel, lonel, in m, life
7 am lonel, lonel, lonel, fg
'od help me help me to survive! fg
6noc2 on m, door /hom ,ou loo2in' for
A dream or realit, enemies at m, door
8,es i realie
it's fantasie i must be high
5o let me live before i die
Ince again grab the
bottle t/ist the cap
3o survive ,our life
is ,ours m, life is mine
<o emotions in this /orld full of lies
5tep b, step and be versatile
Love peace and cash
that's /hat is's all about
Alone b, ,ourself than ,ou
lac2 there's no doubt about
7'm al/a,s into something
ma2ing moves to improve
1hat /ould ,ou do
if ,ou /ere in m, shoes
@oom a letter oops another suicide
-eet me for a ride at the boulevard
<ana's in the house to let ,ou 2no/
1hat i see is ho/ i feel
and damn i'm alone
Ne#er on Sunday Lyr!&
Ih, ,ou can 2iss me on a -onda,, a -onda,,
A -onda, is ver, ver, good.
Ir ,ou can 2iss me on a 3uesda,, a 3uesda,
A 3uesda,, in fact 7 /ish ,ou /ould.
Ir ,ou can 2iss me on a 1ednesda,, a 3hursda,,
A .rida, and 5aturda, is best.
@ut never, never on a 5unda,, a 5unda,,
A 5unda,, 'cos that's m, da, of rest.
-ost an, da, ,ou can be m, guest.
An, da, ,ou sa,, but m, da, of rest.
Gust name the da, that ,ou li2e the best.
Inl, sta, a/a, on m, da, of rest.
Nana Mou&$our The Three 7ell& lyr!&
3here's a village hidden deep in the valle,
Among the pine trees and forlorn
And there on a sunn, morning
Lil' Gimm, @ro/n /as born
5o his parents brought him to the chapel
1hen he /as onl, one da, old
And the priest blessed the little fello/
1elcomed him into the fold
All the chapel bells /ere ringing
7n the little valle, to/n
And the song that the, /ere singing
1as for bab, Gimm, @ro/n
3here's a village hidden deep in the valle,
@eneath the mountains high above
And there, t/ent, ,ears thereafter
Gimm, @ro/n /as to meet his love
-an, friends /ere gathered in the chapel
And man, tears of &o, /ere shed
7n Gune on a 5unda, morning
1hen Gimm, @ro/n and his bride /ere /ed
All the chapel bells /ere ringing
't /as a great da, in his life
All the songs that the, /ere singing
1ere for Gimm, and his /ife
.rom the village hidden deap in the valle,
Ine rain, morning dar2 and gre,
A soul /ound its /a, to +eaven
Gimm, @ro/n had passed a/a,
5ilent people gathered in the chapel
3o sa, fare/ell to their old friend
1hose life had been li2e a flo/er
@udding, blooming 'till the end
Gust a lonel, bell /as ringing
7n the little valle, to/n
't /as fare/ell that it /as singing
3o our good old Gimm, @ro/n
And the little congregation
?ra,ed for guidance from above
Lead us not into temptation
-a2e his soul find a salvation
If th, great eternal love
?aroles de @. 4eisfield
-usi"ue de Gean Villard
enr. V &uillet OWSX
Only Tme <ll Tell 9da+o =Notturno= Op> %o&th> ?@A: Lyr!&
Caught us b, surprise
Ipened up our e,es
5omeho/ /e both 2ne/
5omething rare and true
5omething bright and ne/
Could be ours forever
@ut love love cannot be planned
-ore ,ou tr, to learn
Less ,ou understand
1ords could not dispell
1hat /e 2no/ so /elll
Inl, time /ill tell
Li2e a tree as it gro/s
1e /ill reach for the s2,
Li2e a breee gentl, blo/s
1e'll be free, ,ou and 7
.or /e 2no/, time alone, holds the 2e,
Love changed our lonel, lives
Caught us b, surprise
Ipened up our e,es
5omeho/ /e both 2ne/
5omthing rare and true
5omething bright and ne/
Could be ours forever
@ut love love cannot be planned
-ore ,ou tr, to learn
Less ,ou understand
1ords could not dispell
1hat /e 2no/ so /ell
Inl, time /ill tell
Inl, time alone /ill tell
Darling, onl, time /ill tell
Mornn+ Ha& 7ro$en Lyr!&
-orning has bro2en
Li2e the first morning
@lac2bird has spo2en
Li2e the first bird
?raise for the singing
?raise for the morning
?raise for them springing
.resh from the /orld
5/eet the rains ne/ fall
5unlit from heaven
Li2e the first de/ fall
In the first grass
?raise for the s/eetness
If the /et garden
5prung in completeness
1here his feet pass
-ine is the sunlight
-ine is the morning
@orn of the one light
8den so pla,
?raise /ith elation
?raise ever, morning
'od' s recreation
If the ne/ da,
4epeat O
Alone Lyr!&
= L. 'ilbert ` 5. Lama ` D. Ge/ell >
Alone bet/een the s2, and sea
An island
4eaching out to me
A /orld apart re&ected
7t's /ild shore
Deserted and unsought for
An island
An island
A vision calling me
An island in the setting sun
At peace /hen the da, is done
7t's secrets undetected
Antouched and in seclusion
An island
An island
At peace /hen da, is done
7 must go there
1ithout the cro/ds around me3here /ith silence to astound me
Alone to face m, destin,
3o understand /hat life might be
7 must go there
3o ta2e m, future chances
3o turn a/a, the bac2/ard glances
3hen in that moment 7 /ill 2no/
1h, /e are apart
1hen still 7 love ,ou so
Alone bet/een the s2, and sea
An island
4eaching out to me
A /orld apart re&ected
7t's /ild shore
Deserted and unsought for
An island
3his island
-, island is ,ou
7 /ill be there
1ithout the past to hound me
3here /ithout the tears that bound me
Alone /ithout m, memories
As empt, as the endless seas
7 /ill be there
1ithout the pride that taunts me
1ithout the love and hate that haunts me
And in that moment 7 /ill 2no/
3he /a, to sho/
3hat still 7 love ,ou so
7s ,ou
7s ,ou
Turn on the Sun Lyr!&
3urn on the sun, turn on the sun
Light up the /orld, come ever,one
3urn off the /ind, thunder and rain
3urn on the sun, let's smile again= t/ice>
3hin2er,tailor man
4adiate all the love ,ou can
La/,er, engineer
Let ,our heart be a pioneer
3urn on the sun, turn on the sun
Ipen the doors, come tell ever,one
@ad times are out,good times are in
3urn on the sun, let's smile again
1arm emotions are coming bac2
5ailor, stevedore
+ere's a message ,ou can't ignore
3urn on the sun, turn on the sun
Light up the /orld,come ever,one
3urn off the /ind, thunder and rain
3urn on the sun, let's smile again
'ather up all the goddness in ,ou
3urn on the sun,turn on the sun
1hat a /orld /hen /e all thin2ing good
3urn on the sun, let's smile again
4epeat Q
Son+ for L0erty Lyr!&
1hen ,ou sing 7'm singing /ith ,ou libert,
1hen ,ou cr, 7 cr, /ith ,ou in sorro/
1hen ,ou suffer 7'm pra,ing for ,ou libert,
.or ,our struggles /ill bring us a ne/ tomorro/
Da,s of sad dar2ness and fear must one da, crumble
.or the force of ,our 2indness and love ma2e them tremble
1hen ,ou sing 7'm singing /ith ,ou libert,
7n the void of ,our absence 7 2eep searching for ,ou
1ho are ,ou dream illusion or &ust realit,
.aith ideal desire revolution
7 believe ,ou're the s,mbol of our humanit,
Lighting up the /orld for eternit,
7 can see /h, men die to defend ,ou
3r, to guard to protect and attend ,ou
1hen ,ou sing 7'm singing /ith ,ou libert,
1ith ,our tears or ,our &o,s 7 love ,ou
Let us sing and re&oice ma2e our o/n histor,
5ongs of hope /ith one voice guide us to victor,
Libert,, Libert,
%la&r d'Amour Lyr!&
?laisir d'Amour L,rics
?laisir d'amour ne dure "u'un moment
Chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie
3u m'as "uitt*e pour la belle 5,lvie
8lle te "uitte pour un autre amant
?laisir d'amour ne dure "u'un moment
Chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie
3ant "ue cette eau coulera doucement
Vers ce ruisseau "ui borde la prairie
Ge t'aimerai, te r*p*tait 5,lvie
L'eau coule encore, elle a chang* pourtant.
?laisir d'amour ne dure "u'un moment
Chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie.
I Ga#e My Lo#e a Cherry Lyr!&
7 gave m, love a cherr, /hich had no stone
7 gave m, love a chic2en /hich had no bone
7 gave m, love a stor, /hich had no end
7 gave m, love a bab, /ith no cr,in'
+o/ can there be a cherr, /hich has no stone?
+o/ can there be a chic2en /hich has no bone?
+o/ can there be a stor, /hich has no end?
+o/ can there be a bab, she's no cr,in'?
A cherr, /hen it's blooming, it has no stone
A chic2en /hen it's pippin, it has no bone
3he stor, that 7 love ,ou, it has no end
A bab, /hen she's sleeping, she's no cr,in'.
Moondan!e Lyr!&
1ell it's a marvelous night for a moondance
1ith the stars up above in ,our e,es
A fantabulous night to ma2e romance
'neath the cover of october s2ies
Lou 2no/ the leaves on the trees are falling
3o the sound of the breees that blo/
And 7'm tr,ing to please to the calling of
Lour heartDstring that pla, soft and lo/
Lou 2no/ the night's magic
5eems to /hisper and hush
And all the soft monnlight
5eems to shine as ,ou blush
Can 7 &ust have a one more dance
1ith ,ou /hom 7 love
Can 7 &ust ma2e some more romance
1ith ,ou /hom 7 love
1ell, 7 /ant to ma2e love to ,ou,tonight
7 can't /ait 'till the morning has come
And 7 2no/ ho/ the time is &ust right
And straight into m, arms ,ou /ill run
1hen ,ou come,m, heart /ill be /aiting
3o ma2e sure that ,ou're never alone
3here and then,all m, dreams /ill come true,dear
3here and then 7'll ma2e ,ou m, o/n
And ever,time 7 touch ,ou
Lou &ust tremble inside
And 7 2no/ ho/ much ,ou /ant me
3hat ,ou can't cannot hide
1ell it's a marvelous night for a moondance
1ith the stars up above in ,our e,es
A fantabulous night to ma2e romance
'<eath the cover of october s2ies
And ever,time ,ou touch me
Lou &ust tremble inside
And 7 2no/ ho/ much ,ou /ant me
3hat ,ou can't cannot hide
2#'ry Tme <e Say Good0ye Lyr!&
8ver, time /e sa, goodb,e
7 die a little
8ver, time /e sa, goodb,e
7 /onder /h, a little
1hile clouds above me
1ho must be in the 2no/
3hin2 so little of me
3he, allo/ ,ou to go
1hen ,ou're near
3here's such an air
If spring about it
7 can hear a lar2 some/here
@egin to sing about it
3here's no love song final
@ut ho/ strange to change
.rom ma&or to minor
8ver, time /e sa, goodb,e
1hile clouds above me
1ho must be in the 2no/
3hin2 so little of me
3he, allo/ ,ou to go
1hen ,ou're near
3here's such an air
If spring about it
7 can hear a lar2 some/here
@egin to sing about it
3here's no love song final
@ut ho/ strange to change
.rom ma&or to minor
8ver, time /e sa, goodb,e
8ver, single time /e sa, goodb,e
2n Aran1ue6 !on M Amor Lyr!&
Gunto a ti, al pasar las horas oh mi amor
+a, un rumor de fuente de cristal
)ue en el &ardHn parece hablar
8n vo ba&a a las rosas
Dulce amor, esas ho&as secas sin color
)ue barre el viento
5on recuerdos de romances de un a,er
+uellas , promesas hechas con amor, en Aran&ue
8ntre un hombre , una mu&er, en un atardecer
)ue siempre se recuerda
Ih mi amor, mientras dos se "uieran con fervor
<o de&ar[n las flores de brillar
<i ha de faltar al mundo pa, ni calor a la tierra
Lo s* bien "ue ha, palabras huecas, sin amor
)ue lleva el viento, , "ue nadie las o,# con atenci#n
?ero otras palabras suenan, oh mi amor al cora#n
Como notas de canto nupcial, , asH te "uiero hablar
5i en Aran&ue me esperas
Luego al caer la tarde se escucha un rumor
8s la fuente "ue allH parece hablar con las rosas
8n Aran&ue, con tu amor
"our and Twenty Hour& 9%u Importante>>> Lyr!&
7f ,ou should as2 me to open m, heart
3here is so much 7 could sa,
@ut /hen 7'm /ith ,ou,7 &ust don't 2no/ /here to start
3ime in ,our arms slips a/a,
And darling,if 7 pic2 a rose for ever, dream
3hat heaven 2no/s ,ou gave me
7f 7 sign each letter /ith a 2iss for all
3he tears ,ou saved me
7'll ta2e from no/ until forever and the da, it's true
'Cause four and t/ent, hours
5even da,s of ever, /ee2 7 love ,ou, that 7 /ould
7 can't thin2 of an, other things 7'd rather do
'Caus four and t/ent, hours
5even da,s of ever, /ee2 7 love ,ou
Love is a /ord that so easil, said
Lou must have heard it all before
3here ma, be /a,s that 7 could prove m, love instead
@elieve me 7 could'nt love ,ou more
Ama6n+ Gra!e Lyr!&
Amaing grace, ho/ s/eet the sound
3hat saved a /retch li2e me.
7 once /as lost, but no/ 7'm found.
1as blind, but no/ 7 see.
'3/as grace that taught m, heart to fear
And grace m, fears relieved.
+o/ precious did that grace appear
3he hour 7 first believed.
3hrough man, dangers toils and snares
1e have alread, come
it /as 'race that brought us safe dot far
And 'race /ill bring us home
Amaing grace, ho/ s/eet the sound
3hat saved a /retch li2e me.
7 once /as lost, but no/ 7'm found.
1as blind, but no/ 7 see
/e've all been here ten thousand ,ears
@right shining li2e the sun,
1e've no less da,s to sing 'od's praise
3han /hen /e first begun.
Amaing grace, ho/ s/eet the sound
3hat saved a /retch li2e me.
7 once /as lost, but no/ 7'm found.
1as blind, but no/ 7 see.