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Week Ending

13th June
Well done to all those children who have taken part in the dance competition or the choir performances
commemorating WW1, you all made me feel so proud. The building of the new houses on the land adjacent to
school will be starting soon. The builders will also be building an outdoor classroom in our woodland area and
landscaping the grounds in return for allowing the temporary building compound, that I am sure you have noticed
being constructed this week, to be built at the bottom of the school field Jayne Kennedy.

Celebration Assembly: Monday 9:109:30 am Parents whose children are to receive an award
will receive a text to inform them and are welcome to attend the assembly.
You are welcome to join us for this event. we will text you if your child is to receive a special award.
Birthday cards are presented in Celebration Assembly to children having birthdays during the week

Assessment Week Y3, 4 and 5
Well done to all our Y3,4 and 5 pupils for the all the hard work and
effort they put into this weeks SATs tests and good luck to the Year
1 children who will all sit their phonics tests next week and
that will finish this years round of assessments and we can look
forward to school trips and a host of exciting activities and Leavers
events as well as well as our normal school lessons.

British Red Cross Dance Event!
Thanks to all the families who came to watch the dancers at the
British Red Cross competition. We won most enthusiastic dancers
and raised an amazing 397 for the charity in sponsorship money. A
special thanks to everyone, parents and teachers, who helped on the
day, it wouldn't have been possible without you. Please watch our
dance on the blog soon.

Y6 Bikeability Lessons
Reminder: Bikeability lessons for Y6 pupils start next Wednesday
18th and 25th June. If your child has signed up to do the sessions
please ensure that their bike is in good riding condition with working
brakes or they will not be able to take part in the sessions.

Network Choir Performances Manchester
On Monday, the children involved in the Network choir performed
at The Peoples History Museum, John Rylands and The Manchester
Museum. The children performed so movingly and sang their hearts
out. Thank you to the parents that came and supported and some
excerpts are on the blog to watch!

Birds of Prey at Barlow Hall!
This week, Nursery and Reception had a visit from 5 owls from Wild
Wings Birds of Prey! All children very much enjoyed the visit.

Resource Provision Parents Group
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 26th June at 1.45pm in
school. Claire Carroll (Educational Psychologist) will be discussing
the changes to the Special Educational Needs systems, including
Education, Health & Care Plans. Please let the Communication
Centre staff or SENCo know if you would like to attend so that we
can arrange enough seating and refreshments. Thank you.

School Trips
Look out for letter from teachers regarding the childrens summer
trips. Y3/4 will be going to Gullivers World on Thursday 26th June
and Y5/6 will go to Blackpool on the following day. Please could you
ensure you return permission slips for the trips as soon as possible
but keep the section with the details of the trip and return times

3-4pm Y1/2 Art Club, Mrs Law
3-4pm KS2 Gardening Club
3:054:05Y3/4 Computer club
3:05-4:30 Rec-Y6 Dodgeball
(TSC) Cost 2:00
KS2 Gardening Club 3-4
Homework Club 3-4
Y1/2 Games Club from
3:05 4:15
Football (TSC) Cost 2 Rec-
3:05-4:05 Y5/6 Computer Club
3:05 -4:15 Netball KS2 2
Dates for your Diary
Barlow Hall Primary
School Newsletter
School website:
For w/e 6/06/14
Unauthorised Absence:
Number of Late Children
Class Attendance
last week
Nsy: Blue: 93.3%
Red: 97.3%
Yellow: 97.0%
Rec Or: 97.5 % FSWIN*
Purple: 95.0%
1/2BF: 98.3% KS1 WIN**
1/2JR: 91.1%
1/2SB: 97.6%
3/4ADS: 90.5%
3/4EL: 95.5%
3/4LS: 97.8%
5AB: 100% KS2WIN **
5AV: 96.2%
Year 6: 96.3%
NSY Red: Fahad Binouttai Yellow: Chloe Bisuta Mbokela Blue: Mayyadah Alotaibi
REC Or: Aiden Smith Purple: Kiaza Tompkins
1/2 SB: Daniel Mohammadi 3/4LL: Leon Barry 5B: Myaad Alotaibi
1/2 BF: Renad Bouattou 3/4AR: Kyra Richards 5AV: Walid Hakami
1/2 JR: Maha Sajid 3/4ADS: Sophie Carolan Year 6: Fahad Kharufa
Mon 16 Y1 Phonics Screening Test
Wed 18 + 25 Bike Right Y6
Thur 26 Y3/4 Gullivers World
Fri 27 Y5/6 Blackpool (return to
school 4 pm)

Fri 4 Sports Day: KS1+ FS 9:30
KS21:30 pm
Mon 7 Y5 Chorlton High School
Tues 8 Transition Morning
Y6 Crucial Crew
Wed 9 Full Transition Day
Thurs 10: Anti-Bullying day
Fri 11 Reserve sports Day
Reports out
Tues 15: KS1 Jodrell Bank
Fri 18: Y6 Leavers Performance
Fri 18: BREAK UP 2PMNo
After School Club

Children return to school
Wed 3rd September
(Calendar attached)


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