This document provides an overview of a study on investors' perceptions of mutual funds in Bangalore, India. It includes:
1) A brief history of mutual funds globally and their introduction and growth in India, starting in 1964 with the establishment of Unit Trust of India.
2) Details of the study including its objectives, scope, limitations and methodology to analyze investors' awareness, preferences, and opinions of mutual funds.
3) Background information on the mutual fund industry in India and categories of players such as public sector banks, insurance companies, and private sector funds.
4) Statistics on the resources mobilized by mutual funds in India between 2002-2003, with a net inflow of funds for private
This document provides an overview of a study on investors' perceptions of mutual funds in Bangalore, India. It includes:
1) A brief history of mutual funds globally and their introduction and growth in India, starting in 1964 with the establishment of Unit Trust of India.
2) Details of the study including its objectives, scope, limitations and methodology to analyze investors' awareness, preferences, and opinions of mutual funds.
3) Background information on the mutual fund industry in India and categories of players such as public sector banks, insurance companies, and private sector funds.
4) Statistics on the resources mobilized by mutual funds in India between 2002-2003, with a net inflow of funds for private
This document provides an overview of a study on investors' perceptions of mutual funds in Bangalore, India. It includes:
1) A brief history of mutual funds globally and their introduction and growth in India, starting in 1964 with the establishment of Unit Trust of India.
2) Details of the study including its objectives, scope, limitations and methodology to analyze investors' awareness, preferences, and opinions of mutual funds.
3) Background information on the mutual fund industry in India and categories of players such as public sector banks, insurance companies, and private sector funds.
4) Statistics on the resources mobilized by mutual funds in India between 2002-2003, with a net inflow of funds for private
This document provides an overview of a study on investors' perceptions of mutual funds in Bangalore, India. It includes:
1) A brief history of mutual funds globally and their introduction and growth in India, starting in 1964 with the establishment of Unit Trust of India.
2) Details of the study including its objectives, scope, limitations and methodology to analyze investors' awareness, preferences, and opinions of mutual funds.
3) Background information on the mutual fund industry in India and categories of players such as public sector banks, insurance companies, and private sector funds.
4) Statistics on the resources mobilized by mutual funds in India between 2002-2003, with a net inflow of funds for private
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A study on
MUTUAL FUNDS IN BANGALORE Diss!t"tion su#$ittd in %"!ti"& 'u&'i&&$nt o' t( !)ui!$nts 'o! t( "*"!d o' t( D+! o' MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OF BANGALORE UNIVERSIT, By MU-EEB ./M R+ No0 12ACCM2134 Und! t( Guid"n5 o' M!s/GHOUSIA .HATOON AL6AMEEN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Hosu! Ro"d7 N"! L"&#"+( M"in G"t7 BANGALORE6821194 91146911: CONTENTS CHAPTERS TITLE PAGE NO. Chapter-1 Introduction 1 Chapter-2 Research esi!n 2" State#ent o$ the Pro%&e# 2' O%(ecti)es 2' Scope 2* Li#itations 2* +ethodo&o!, 2* Chapter-- Industr, . Co#pan, pro$i&e 2/ Chapter-0 Ana&,sis . Interpretations 00 Chapter-" 1indin!s 2 su!!estions.Conc&usions 31 4i%&io!raph, 3* Anne5ure 3/ LIST OF TABLES SL NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 1 Age Profile of the Respondents 0" 2 Occupation profile of the respondents 0* - Number of Family Dependents of the Respondent 0/ 0 Income Profile of the respondents "1 " Awareness of Investment options among respondents "- ' Investment Profile of the respondents "" * Reason for not investing in utual Funds "* 3 Annual investment of the respondents "/ / Popular utual Fund Products among the respondents '1 16 Ran!ing of factors for Investment '- 11 Investment Opinion of respondents if the returns are between "# $ to %#$ and above '" 12 Investing Option among the respondents between ris! and return '* 1- Awareness of utual Fund advertisements among the respondents '/ 10 most common utual Fund &ompany Advertisement *1 1" Influence of Brand among respondents while investing in utual Fund *- 1' Opinion of respondents on returns in utual Funds compared to 'hares(Derivatives *" 1* Investment Firm)s transparency in recent times ** 13 Performance of funds according to respondents */ LIST OF GRAPHS SL NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 1 Age Profile of the Respondents 0' 2 Occupation profile of the respondents 03 - Number of Family Dependents of the Respondent "6 0 Income Profile of the respondents "2 " Awareness of Investment options among respondents "0 ' Investment Profile of the respondents "' * Reason for not investing in utual Funds "3 3 Annual investment of the respondents '6 / Popular utual Fund Products among the respondents '2 16 Ran!ing of factors for Investment '0 11 Investment Opinion of respondents if the returns are between "# $ to %#$ and above '' 12 Investing Option among the respondents between ris! and return '3 1- Awareness of utual Fund advertisements among the respondents *6 10 most common utual Fund &ompany Advertisement *2 1" Influence of Brand among respondents while investing in utual Fund *0 1' Opinion of respondents on returns in utual Funds compared to 'hares(Derivatives *' 1* Investment Firm)s transparency in recent times *3 13 Performance of funds according to respondents 36 HISTORICAL REVIEW OF MUTUAL FUNDS In the ear&, co##ercia& histor,2 E!,ptians and Phoenicians so&d shares in )esse&s and cara)ans in order to spread the ris7 o$ there )enture. On the sa#e &ines the idea o$ #utua& $und has its $or#a& ori!in in 4e&!iu#2 here the idea 8as used in transportation o$ ships. In 1322 Societe9s Genera&e de 4e&!i:ue 8as started as $irst in)est#ent co#pan, to $inance in)est#ents in nationa& industries 8ith hi!h associated ris7s. Later2 in S8it;er&and and in 1rance si#i&ar a!encies too7 %irth2 sti&& &ater in 13'69s it a&so #o)ed to En!&and2 in 13'32 the $orei!n and co&onia& !o)ern#ent trust 8as esta%&ished. In <SA2 the idea too7 root in the %e!innin! o$ the 26 centur, and there 8as &itt&e acti)it, up- ti&& 1/202 in 1/20 three in)est#ent co#panies 8ere or!ani;ed +assacheuse&&s In)est#ent Corporation. State Stree In)est#ent Corporation. <S and $orei!n securities corporation. A&& these institutions are sti&& operatin!. In)est#ent co#panies Act o$ 1/06 8as enacted to protect the pu%&ic in)est#ent. There are o)er "666 #utua& $und sche#es 8ith tota& assets o$ o)er <S =1#i&&ion 8i&& pre$er to #utua& $und route to in)estin! in e:uit, instead o$ direct participation in share #ar7et. 1ide&it, In)est#ent2 is the &ar!est $und2 the annua& !ro8th rate is 26-2"> the trend is a&#ost si#i&ar in a&& Europe. In 1/262 it entered Canada2 Canadian In)est#ent 1und in 1/-22 8as the $irst #utua& $und in Canada2 &ater on it spread to a&#ost a&& countries o$ the 8or&d.
In <.?2 near&, 36> o$ in)estors &oo7 to the #utua& $unds @unit trusts as the, are ca&&ed there. The unit trust is &eadin! %an7 deposits.
+utua& $unds in the <.?. are di)ided into t8o na#e&,2 1. <nit trusts are essentia&&, open ended $unds. 2. In)est#ent trusts are c&ose ended $unds. Aapanese Trusts are o$ t8o 7indsB 1. <nit, t,pe in)est#ent centers. 2. Open t,pe in)est#ent centers. In Aapan in)est#ent trusts 8ere set up under the securities in)est#ent &a82 1/"1. The uni:ue characteristic di$$erence %et8een Aapanese in)est#ent trusts and A#erican #utua& $unds is the $act tat the #utua& $und industries in A#erica e)o&)ed in response to #ar7et needs2 8hereas the de)e&op#ent o$ the Aapanese in)est#ent trusts has %een in response to Go)ern#ent Po&ic,. In recent ,ears #utua& $und in Aapan and 1ar East countries ha)e %een sho8in! e5ce&&ent per$or#ance. +auritius and Nether&ands are e#er!in! as ta5 hea)ens $or o$$ shore #utua& $unds. HISTORY OF MUTUAL FUNDS IN INDIA +utua& $unds entered Indian +ar7et in 1/'-. <nit trust o$ India 8as set up under the <TI Act2 1/'-. It operates %oth as a 1inancia& Institution and as an In)est#ent Trust. <nit sche#e '0 8as the $irst sche#e started 8ith a %asic o%(ecti)e o$ #o%i&i;in! sa)in!s thou!h the sa&e o$ units and in)ests the# in e:uities and other securities. It o$$ered three- di#ensiona& %ene$its na#e&, hi!h ,ie&d2 capita& appreciation and &i:uidit,. The histor, o$ #utua& $und in India ti&& the #id 369s in )irtua&&, s,non,#ous 8ith the histor, o$ <TI. In 1/3'2 the <TI &aunched $irst !ro8th sche#e. +aster shares 8hich 8as &isted and treated in stoc7 e5chan!es. The #onopo&, o$ the <TI 8as %ro7en in 1/3*. Pu%&ic sector %an7s entered the scene 8ith their #utua& $unds sche#es 8ith #uch $un $air i.e. in 1/3*2 $i)e %an7s State 4an7 o$ India Canara 4an7 4an7 o$ India Indian 4an7 Pun(a% Nationa& 4an7 A&on! 8ith LIC and GIC ca#e out 8ith their #utua& $unds. +utua& $unds sponsored %, the %an7s and other pu%&ic sector $inancia& institutions %eca#e popu&ar on account o$ Cide net8or7 o$ co&&ection centers o$ the %an7 and other sponsorin! or!ani;ations. Guaranteed returns. Trust in the a%i&it, and re&ia%i&it, o$ the sponsors. Accessi%i&it, and $a#i&iarit, 8ith the sponsor %an7D or!ani;ations. Ti&& 1//22 the scene 8as 8e&& as the stoc7 #ar7et 8as in a %oo# and share prices 8ere risin! :uite sharp&,. So there 8as a !reat de#and $or e:uities2 the in)estors cou&d ha)e ne)er e)en thou!ht in their 8i&dest drea#s to de&i)er. The in)estors rushed to %u, at 8hat e)er 8as on o$$er the, 8ere not %othered a%out the ris7 associated 8ith the :ua&it, o$ the $unds on o$$er their o%(ecti)es and trac7 records o$ the $und #ana!ers. This irrationa& action on the part o$ the in)estors cost the# hea)i&,2 8hen the %u%%&e o$ Securities Sca# %urst in 1//22 as the rise in the prices o$ the stoc7 8ere not %ecause o$ the %usiness per$or#ance %ut %ecause o$ handi8or7 o$ $e8 %ro7ers it 8as destined to #eet its &o!ica& tra!ic end. And 8hen this happened the #ar7et reacted in a !reat panic2 8hich &ed prices to $a&& &i7e rune pins. A$ter this2 SE4I issued !uide&ines to +utua& 1und Industr, in +utua& 1und Industr, in 1//- and due to the Econo#ic Re$or#s2 Pri)ate sector and $orei!n co#panies entered into this sector. The reasons $or pri)ate #utua& $und to enter #a,%e- 1. Poor ser)icin!2 in ordinate de&a,s in the receipt o$ unit certi$icates and di)ided 8arranties. 2. Indi$$erent per$or#ance o$ #ost o$ the #utua& $und sche#es2 8hich under per$or#ed the #ar7et thus den,in! the in)estor2 reasona%&e returns. -. A%sence o$ ade:uate disc&osure nor#s. 0. Lac7 o$ an in)estor $riend&, approach in !enera&. ?othari pioneer 8as the $irst pri)ates co#pan, to &aunch its #utua& $und in 1//- and +or!an Stan&e, 8as the $irst $orei!n co#pan, to enter into the Indian #ar7et 8hich is one o$ the 8or&d9s &ar!est #utua& $unds.
4rie$&, the cate!ories o$ p&a,ers can %e di)ided into $our t,pes2 )i; <TI Pu%&ic sector %an7s Insurance co#panies D A&& India $inancia& institutions. Pri)ate sector- inc&usi)e o$ $orei!n co#panies and (oint )entures. Pri)ate sector $unds are per$or#in! 8e&& in the #ar7et. A $und #o%i&i;ed %, pri)ate sector is #ore than <TI and pu%&ic sector. RESOURCES MOBILISED BY MUTUAL FUNDS Accordin! to data a)ai&a%&e on pro)isiona& %asis2 the #utua& $unds #o%i&i;ed Rs.22*16.*- crore 8ithout ad(ust#ent o$ repurchase rede#ption durin! the $inancia& ,ear 1//*- 1//3. Ho8e)er2 it is i#portant to note that in case o$ open ended sche#es2 there 8as a continuous sa&e and repurchase o$ #utua& $unds2 and there 8as rede#ption o$ so#e o$ the sche#es as specia&&, o$ unit '0 sche#e o$ <TI. Conse:uent&, in)esti%&e resources o$ #utua& $unds dec&ined to that e5tent. Thus a$ter ad(ust#ent o$ repurchases and rede#ptions2 there 8as an out$&o8 o$ $unds o$ Rs./0/.'* crore durin! 1//3-1///. 1urther ana&,sis o$ data sho8s that 8hi&e there 8as a net in$&o8 o$ $unds o$ Rs.10"2.*6 crore and Rs.-1".1' crore in case o$ pri)ates sector #utua& $unds and pu%&ic sector #utua& $unds2 respecti)e&,2 there 8as a net out$&o8 o$ Rs.2*-*."-crore in case o$ the <TI @the &ar!est #utua& $und. The out$&o8 8ou&d ha)e %een sti&& &ar!er $or the ,ear %ut $or sharp increase in net #o%i&i;ation durin! +arch 1///. etai&s are !i)en in the $o&&o8in! ta%&eB Table show!" Reso#$%es Mobl&a'o! b( M#'#al F#!)s *Rs. I! %$o$e+ Pri)ate Sector +19s Pu%&ic Sector +19s <TI Grand Tota& Open end C&ose end Tota& Open end C&ose end Tota& Open end C&ose end Tota& +o%i&i -;ation o$ 1unds **'/."/ *'./1 *30'." -'0.1 1-6*.1 1'*1.- '326.2- '-*2.'' 1-1/2./ 22*16.* Repur -chase A#ount 1161./- -'.*- 11-3.'' 2/1.3" 060.1' '/'.61 /**-.01 "0'.2' 16-1/.'* 121"0.-0 Rede# -ption A#ount "136./3 *0.1' "2"".10 6.2* '-/./6 '06.1* 6.66 "'16.*" "'16.*" 11"6'.6' Net InD Out $&o8 o$ 1unds 103'.** - --./3 10"2.*6 *2.6- 2'-.1- --".1' - 2/"-.13 21".'" -2*-*."- -/0/.'* CLASSIFICATION OF MUTUAL FUNDS 4ased on ad)anta!es and ser)ices o$$ered to )arious sections o$ the societ,2 #utua& $unds can %e c&assi$ied into three %road cate!ories. Ei;.2 1unctiona& C&assi$ication Port$o&io C&assi$ication Geo!raphica& c&assi$ication FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION It is %ased on the %asis characteristics o$ the #utua& $und sche#es opened $or the pu%&ic su%scriptionF it can %e c&assi$ied asF A. OPEN ENDED MUTUAL FUNDS, It is a sche#e in 8hich a in)estor can %u, and se&& units on dai&, %asis2 8here in the sche#e ha)e perpectua& e5istence and a $&e5i%&e e)er chan!in! corpus. In)estors are $ree to %u, and se&& an, nu#%er o$ units at an, point o$ ti#e2 at prices2 8hich are &in7ed2 to NAE o$ the units. As the NAE chan!es 8ith ti#e2 so do the prices at 8hich the in)estors can %u, and se&& these units it !i)es co#p&ete $&e5i%i&it, to the in)estor as he can in)est or dis-in)est at an, ti#e. The $und is not &isted in the stoc7 #ar7et. The in)estor can %u, and se&& these units $or# and to the #utua& $und. In accordance 8ith the recent chan!es2 the $und #ana!er has the option to &ist the $und in the stoc7 #ar7et in addition to repurchase and resa&e. B. CLOSE ENDED MUTUAL FUND, It is a $und 8here in it has a $i5ed corpus and operates $or $i5ed duration at the end o$ 8hich the entire corpus is disin)ested and proceeds are distri%uted to the )arious unit ho&ders in proportion o$ their ho&din!s. The $und can a&so #a7e interi# pa,#ents i$ it so decides. Thus it ceases the e5ist a$ter $ina& distri%ution. The units are issued &i7e an, other co#pan,9s ne8 issues2 &isted and :uoted at the stoc7 e5chan!e. The units o$ c&ose-ended $unds are not a&8a,s redee#a%&e at their NAE. +ar7et prices are deter#ined %, de#and and supp&, and not so&e&, %, NAE. I$ the $und #ana!er so chooses2 he can o$$er repurchase $aci&it,. So a&so he can resu#e resa&e to the e5tent o$ repurchase. A&& the sche#es discussed %e&o8 are either open ended or c&ose ended. PORFOLIO CLASSIFICATION- +utua& $unds di$$er 8ith re$erence to the t,pe o$ instru#ents in 8hich the #one, can %e in)ested. These are speci$ied in the o$$er docu#entsD prospectus and accordin!&, the $und is structured $or a particu&ar purpose. A. 4ON 1<NSB The, pro)ide $i5ed returns $or those 8ho desire sa$et, and stead, inco#e. The 1und is in)ested in Go)ern#ent securities and 4onds. It is #ore &i:uid2 di)ersi$ied and conser)ati)e in)est#ent 8ith re!u&ar inco#e and #oderate capita& !ains. The price o$ units o$ a +utua& 1und $&uctuates 8ith chan!in! interest rates. B.STOC. FUNDS, The, are #ain&, those 8ho are 8i&&in! to accept ris7 in the hope o$ a hi!h Return. These are ca&&ed Co##on Stoc7 1und. The, are o$ t8o t,pes @ Gro8th 1unds and Go-Go 1unds. The $or#er consists o$ in)est#ents in 4&ue Chips and the &atter is Hi!h Ris7 Stoc7s. C.INCOME FUNDS, The, are #ain&, to #a5i#i;e the current inco#e o$ in)estors. The, are t8o t,pes o$ $unds @ Lo8 In)est#ent Ris7 8ith stead, inco#e and Hi!h Ris7 In)est#ent 8ith #a5i#u# inco#e. In)est#ent 8ou&d t,pica&&, %e in $i5ed inco#e securities to !reater e5tentF and in shares2 to a s#a&&er e5tent. Capita& appreciation in such sche#es #a, %e &i#ited. It is idea& $or retired peop&e and others 8ith a need $or capita& sta%i&it, and re!u&ar inco#e2 and in)estors 8ho need so#e inco#e to supp&e#ent their earnin!s. As #ost o$ In)estors pre$er inco#e 1unds2 the sa&es o$ this $und had do#inated the other t,pes o$ $unds. D.MONEY MAR.ET MUTUAL FUNDS, In)est#ents are predo#inant&, in +one, +ar7et Instru#ents &i7e2 Certi$icate o$ eposits2 Co##ercia& Paper2 Treasur, 4i&&s etc. The, are short ter# in tenure2 hi!h&, &i:uid 8ith hi!h sa$et,. This $und is an a&ternati)e to sa)in! account o$ hi!h %rac7et sa)ers. The $und cannot in)est the corpus in shares2 de%entures and other such papers. Returns on these sche#es #a, $&uctuate dependin! upon the interest rates pre)ai&in! in the #ar7et. E. SPECIALISED FUNDS, These $unds in)est in securities o$ certain industriesD speci$ic set o$ or speci$ic inco#e producin! securities. The, carr, #ore ris7 due to &ac7 o$ di)ersi$ication. F. LEVERAGE FUNDS, The $unds %orro8 #one, in order to increase the si;e o$ the corpus and there %, increase the %ene$it to the <nit Ho&ders %, operatin! 8ith a &ar!er corpus than the #one, co&&ected. No8 dou%t the cost o$ %orro8in! $unds2 8hich ha)e to %e #ore than co#pensated %, returns on in)est#ents. G. BALANCE FUNDS, Here the assets are #ade up o$ a (udicious #i5ture o$ industries2 Stoc7 and 4onds. To secure reasona%&e rate o$ return2 the $unds are e#p&o,ed in hi!h-!rade co##on stoc7 and conser)ati)e $i5ed inco#e securities &i7e de%entures2 %onds and pre$erence shares. In a risin! stoc7 #ar7et2 the NAE o$ these sche#es #a, not nor#a&&, 7eep pace or $a&& e:ua&&, 8hen the #ar7et $a&&s. It is idea& $or in)estor9s &oo7in! $or a co#%ination o$ inco#e and #oderate !ro8th. H. PENSION FUNDS, These 1unds pro)ide $or &on! ter# in)est#ents out o$ indi)idua&9s in)estor9s superannuation sa)in!s. The, ta7e ad)anta!e o$ ta5 rate a)ai&a%&e $or such in)estors. I. INDE/ FUNDS, In)est#ents are #ade in the inde5 scripts 8ith the sa#e proportion and 8ei!ht a!e as that o$ inde5. The per$or#ance o$ $und 8i&& %e in the &ine 8ith the inde5. 0. TA/ SAVING SCHEMES, These sche#es o$$er ta5 re%ate to the in)estors under ta5 &a8s as prescri%ed $ro# ti#e to ti#e. This is #ade possi%&e %ecause the !o)ern#ent o$$er ta5 incenti)es $or in)est#ent in speci$ic a)enues. Recent a#end#ents to the Inco#e Ta5 Act pro)ide $urther opportunities to in)estors to sa)e capita& !ains %, in)estin! in +utua& 1unds. This sche#e is idea& $or in)estors see7in! ta5 re%ate. MUTUAL FUND 1 FRAME WOR. SPONSOR Appro)a& %, SE4I Sound trac7 record E5perience in 1inancia& Ser)ices Pro$essiona& Co#petence2 1inancia& Soundness2 Reputation2 etc Contri%ution to A+C Capita& 06> #ini#u# TRUSTEE Na#es to %e appro)ed %, SE4I Le!a&&, responsi%&e $or ad#inisterin! the Trust and Co#p&iance 8ith Re!u&ations Nor#s $or Trustees E5perience in 1inancia& Ser)ices +ini#u# 0 #e#%ers on the %oard and "6> o$ the #e#%ers not to %e connected 8ith the sponsor ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY *AMC+ Res2o!sble 3o$ Launchin! sche#es +ana!in! $unds $or sche#es Per$or#in! Accountin! 1unction A&& da,-to-da, a$$airs o$ the +utua& 1unds I!%o4e o3 a! AMC5 AM 3ee 1.2"> o$ 8ee7&, a)era!e NAE GNet asset )a&ueH o$ each sche#e up to Rs 1666 crore o$ assets #ana!ed. 1.66> !reater than 166 crore In$rastructure e5penses to %e %orne %, the A+C CUSTODIAN RESPONSIBILITIES Sa$e 7eepin! o$ the assets he&d %, the 1und Recei)es and e&i)ers Securities $or pa,#ent 1o&&o8 up on Corporate %ene$its Pro)ide an independent #eans o$ contro& TRANSFER AGENTS Issue o$ Account State#ents to In)estors Arran!es pa,#ent to In)estors 8hen the, redee# Ta7es care o$ non co##ercia& transactions &i7e chan!e o$ address2 &oss o$ account state#ent etc. REGISTRAR The re!istrar #aintains the in)est#ent account o$ the <nit ho&ders and a&so hand&es the co#p&aints and !rie)ances $ro# the in)estors re&atin! to di)idend2 purchase and sa&e o$ units. REGULATION OF MUTUAL FUNDS The +utua& 1unds operatin! in India 8as !o)erned %, a nu#%er o$ Re!u&ations and !uide&ines issued %, )arious A!encies )i;.2 <TI Act 1/'- and <TI Guide&ines2 the Indian Trust Act 13322 Inco#e Ta5 Act 1/'1 etc. +utua& 1unds sponsored %, 4an7s 8ere !o)erned %, !uide&ines dated Aune 2321//6 and Re)ised Eersion dated 1e%ruar, 1021//2. The +inistr, o$ 1inance and Go)ern#ent o$ India rea&i;ed the need $or a set o$ co##on ru&es !o)ernin! entire +utua& 1und Industr,2 appointin! a Co##ittee under the Chair#anship o$ r.S.A.a)e2 8ho 8as the Chair#an o$ <TI. The Co##ittee su%#itted its report in 1//22 %ased on these reco##endations SE4I issued !uide&ines $or the +utua& 1und Industr, in Aanuar, 1//-. And these are 7no8n as Securities and E5chan!e 4oard o$ India G+utua& 1undsH Re!u&ations 1//-. A$ter the issue o$ these !uide&ines %, SE4I2 +utua& 1und Industr, 8as opened $or pri)ate sector to enter the $ie&d. And a&& the +utua& 1unds contro&&ed %, SE4I e5cept <TI. B$e3 )e'als o3 'he SEBI G#)el!es a$e,6 +utua& 1unds are to %e esta%&ished in the $or# o$ Trust under the Indian Trust Act. 1unds and assets are to %e #ana!ed %, an Asset +ana!e#ent Co#pan,. ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY A+C sha&& ha)e #ini#u# net 8orth o$ Rs.16 Crores. A+C and Trustee o$ +utua& 1unds are t8o separate &e!a& entities. A+C shou&d $urnish SE4I their respecti)e +e#orandu# and Artic&es o$ association $or appro)a&. A+C or its a$$i&iate can underta7e acti)ities &i7e #ana!e#ent and ad)ertisin! ser)ices to Pension 1unds2 Pro)ident 1unds2 Eenture Capita& 1unds2 1inancia& Consu&tanc, and Research2 %ut shou&d not act as #ana!er $or an, other 1und. SCHEMES, A&& sche#es $&oated %, +utua& 1unds are to %e re!istered 8ith SE4I. A standard $or#at o$ Sche#e9s prospectus has to %e introduced. A&& the in)estors up to "2666 <nits 8i&& %e !i)en $u&& a&&ot#ent in case o$ o)er su%scription. +utua& $unds dea&in! 8ith #one, #ar7et instru#ents are to %e re!u&ated %, SE4I. . Other +utua& 1unds Sche#es2 8hich in)est part&, in #one, #ar7et and part&, in Capita& #ar7et2 are re!u&ated %, SE4I. INVESTMENT LIMITATIONS, No +utua& 1unds2 under a&& its sche#es shou&d o8n #ore than 16> o$ an, co#pan,9s paid up capita& carr,in! )otin! ri!hts. +utua& 1unds #a, in)est in another sche#e #ana!ed %, the sa#e A+C or others to the e5tent o$ "> o$ the NAE. +utua& 1unds can in)est on&, trans$era%&e securities in +one, +ar7et or Capita& +ar7et. In)est#ent in de%t instru#ent shou&d !enera&&, %e in those rated an in)est#ent !rade and a%o)e. INCOME DISTRIBUTION, A&& +utua& 1unds #ust distri%ute /6> o$ their pro$its e)er, ,ear a#on! their in)estors. MAR.ETING OF MUTUAL FUNDS +ar7etin! is the %i! cha&&en!e in %usiness especia&&, o$ #ar7etin! o$ +utua& 1und. The cha&&en!e is that 8ith the sa#e product and custo#ers 8ith di)ersi$ied pro$i&e. +utua& 1unds dea& 8ith s#a&& in)estor9s hard-earned #one,2 a sensiti)e co##odit, and on&, ser)ice is in)o&)ed in se&&in! the product. Since #utua& 1unds interacts 8ith &a7hs o$ in)estors 8ho are &i7e&, to %e associated $or a &on!er tenure2 post issue ser)ices p&a,s an i#portant ro&e in custo#er satis$action. A&on! 8ith $our P9s na#e&,2 product2 price2 p&ace2 and pro#otion2 +utua& 1und has one #ore P i.e.2 Port$o&io. The #ar7etin! di)ision has to desi!n the product accordin! to the needs o$ the in)estors and p&ace it in ri!ht #ar7et2 in ri!ht #anner2 tar!eted to the ri!ht se!#ent. 1or#a&ities o$ #ar7etin! +utua& 1unds starts 8ith ta7in! per#ission $ro# A!encies &i7e +inistr, o$ 1inance2 R4I2 SE4I etc. Ga;ette Noti$ication o$ Sche#es is then done. +ar7etin! di)ision has to e)a&uate the stren!ths2 potentia&s2 opportunities and 8ea7ness o$ the #ar7et. Accordin! to the #ar7et condition it has to desi!n the products i.e.2 the Sche#e. The price shou&d %e so desi!ned2 such that to reach and attract s#a&& in)estors. The price o$ one sche#e 8i&& di$$er $ro# the other accordin! to its se!#ents o$ custo#ers. Earious techni:ues are used to reach the una8are poc7et o$ in)estors &i7e direct #ai&ers to $u&&-$&ed!ed #ar7etin! ca#pai!ns2 the 1und 8i&& spend &a7hs o$ rupees to #o%i&i;e in)est#ents and conse:uent&, #ar7etin! cost 8i&& increase. So a #ar7etin! di)ision shou&d a&8a,s %a&ance its costs 8ith the price o$ the sche#e. The e5penses o$ the $und shou&d not increase the inco#e $ro# the $und. A +utua& 1und is an in)est#ent )ehic&e $or those 8ho 8ant to spread their ris7s and see7 returns2 8hich are than those a)ai&a%&e $ro# 4an7 deposits or other in)est#ent a)enues. Such in)estors $ro# shou&d %e educated to a)oid $acin! situations o$ &oss o$ $aith in in)est#ents or hea), o$$-&oadin! in the hu!e discount o$ NAE. Positionin! o$ +utua& 1und is )er, i#portant. +r. G..Shenai2 +ana!in! irector2 Canara %an7 +utua& 1und states that @ +ost $unds ha)e tar!eted the 8ron! se!#ent o$ custo#ers2 he $ee&s #utua& o$$er a so&ution to those peop&e 8ho do not ha)e access to the Stoc7 +ar7et2 due to &ac7 o$ ti#e or %ecause o$ !eo!raphica& spreads &i#itations. It is this se!#ent o$ in)estors2 8hich shou&d %e trapped throu!h te&e)ision. Rura& #ar7ets cou&d %e penetrated 8ith specia& sche#es ai#ed at this popu&ation. A&so the 8ide Canara 4an7 net8or7 in the rura& areas cou&d ser)e this c&iente&e. The port$o&io o$ in)est#ents #ade %, $und shou&d %e re!u&ar&, re)ie8ed %, ca&cu&atin! the returns $ro# each se!#ent o$ the port$o&io2 their present #ar7et positions2 e)a&uate their $uture #ar7et position etc. i$ one se!#ent is not up to the tar!et then the port$o&io shou&d %e chan!ed. The port$o&io shou&d %e so desi!ned 8hich satis$ies the Sche#e9s need. The port$o&io o$ a de%t sche#e 8i&& ha)e #ore e:uities and &ess de%t2 &i:uid $unds has #one, #ar7et instru#ents and de%t o$ )er, short-ter# tenure. +ar7etin! o$ +utua& 1und is not dea& %ased2 %ut it is re&ationship %ased. The ps,cho&o!, o$ in)estor9s needs deep insi!htF understandin! and respondin! to present in)estor 8i&& o%)ious&, %rin! ne8 in)estors %eside retainin! present in)estors. Thus data %ased #ar7etin! shou&d %e e#phasi;ed $or open-ended sche#es. PRICING OF MUTUAL FUND UNITS Pricin! is a )er, concept o$ #ar7etin! #i5. Pricin! o$ $inancia& products is a co#p&icated issue. Eer, o$ten2 there are )ast di$$erences %et8een $ace )a&ue and #ar7et price. There are so#e &e!a& restrictions on pricin! o$ units. SEBI E72e$'s Co44''ee o! 2$%!" #!'s, An E5pert Co##ittee 8as set up %, SE4I under the Chair#anship o$ +r.L.C.Gupta. The Co##ittee has su!!ested t8o options na#e&,2- 1. The purchase and sa&e price can %e deter#ined 8ith a $i5ed discount and pre#iu# respecti)e&, on the NAE. 2. The A+C shou&d ha)e the discretion to $i5 the repurchase and sa&e prices as &on! as the, are anchored to the NAE i.e.2 the repurchase price is not &o8er than /-> o$ the NAE2 pro)ided that the spread %et8een repurchase price and the sa&e price does not e5ceed *> ca&cu&ated on the sa&e.
Thus the Co##ittee has opined the repurchase and sa&e prices in the case open ended sche#es shou&d %e nearer to NAE a$ter suita%&e ad(ust#ents $or e5penses in connection 8ith entr, and e5it to or $ro# the sche#e as the case #a, %e. SOME TERMS RELATING TO PRICE 1. Entr, &oad or $ront end &oad @ A sa&es $ee char!ed at the ti#e o$ purchase. 2. E5it &oad or %ac7 end &oad @ A $ee char!ed at the ti#e o$ rede#ption o$ repurchase o$ units. -. Pre#iu# - I$ the price o$ the unit is hi!her than NAE then the units is issued at discount. 0. iscount - I$ the NAE is hi!her than the price o$ the unit then the unit is issued at discount. ". +ana!ed 1ees @ The percenta!e chan!ed $or port$o&io #ana!e#ent. This e5pense 8i&& %e stated in 1und9s prospectus. This e5penses #a, dec&ine proportionate&, as the 1und9s asset %ase increases. '. Net Asset @ Tota& )a&ue o$ 1und9s cash and securities &ess its &ia%i&ities or O%&i!ations. *. E5penses Ratio @ The annua& e5penses o$ a 1und inc&ude the +ana!e#ent $ee2 Ad#inistrati)e costs2 di)idend %, net assets. 3. Pu%&ic O$$erin! Price @ The sa&e price per unit at 8hich a unit ho&der can %u, the units. POP 8 NAV 5 9 1 Sales Loa) 1. Rede#ption Price @ The sa&es price per unit at 8hich a unit ho&der can se&& the units o$ open @ended sche#e. REE+PTION PRICE I NAE D 1 J E5it Load 2. Repurchase Price @ It is the price at 8hich a c&ose-ended sche#e repurchased its units and it #a, inc&ude a %ac7 end &oad. Be!e3's o3 M#'#al F#!)s 1. Pro$essiona& +ana!e#entB A)ai&in! o$ the ser)ices o$ e5perienced and s7i&& pro$essiona&s 8ho are %ac7ed %, a dedicated in)est#ent research tea# 8hich ana&,ses the per$or#ance and prospectus o$ Co#panies and se&ect suita%&e in)est#ents to achie)e the o%(ecti)es o$ the Sche#e. 2. i)ersi$icationB +utua& 1unds in)est in a nu#%er o$ co#panies across2 a%oard cross section o$ industries and sectors. This di)ersi$ication reduces the ris7 %ecause se&do# do a&& stoc7s ti#e and in the sa#e proportion. In)estors can achie)e this di)ersi$ication throu!h +utua& 1und 8ith $ar &ess #one, he can do on his o8n. -. Con)enient Ad#inistrationB In)estin! in a +utua& 1und reduces the paper 8or7 and he&ps in a)oidin! #an, pro%&e#s such as %ad de&i)eries2 de&a, pa,#ent and unnecessar, $o&&o8 up 8ith %ro7ers and co#panies. +utua&F 1und sa)e ti#e and #a7e in)estin! eas, and con)enient. 0. Return Potentia&B O)er a #ediu# o$ &on! ter#2 +utua& 1unds ha)e the potentia& to pro)ide a hi!her as the, in)est in a di)ersi$ied %as7et o$ se&ected securities. ". Lo8 CostB +utua& 1unds are a re&ati)e&, &ess e5pensi)e 8a, to in)est2 co#pared to direct&, in)estin! in the Capita& +ar7et2 %ecause the %ene$its o$ sca&e in %ro7era!e2 custodian and other $ees trans&ate into &o8er costs $or in)estors. '. Li:uidit,B In open-ended sche#es2 one can !et their #one, %ac7 pro#pt&, at Net Asset Ea&ue re&ated prices $ro# the +utua& 1und itse&$. C&ose ended sche#es units can %e so&d in a Stoc7 E5chan!e at the pre)ai&in! #ar7et price or a)ai& the $aci&it, o$ direct repurchase at NAE re&ated prices 8hich so#e c&ose ended and inter)a& sche#es o$$er. *. Transparenc,B In)estor can !et re!u&ar inco#e in$or#ation on the )a&ue o$ their in)est#ent in addition to disc&osure on the speci$ic in)est#ent #ade %, the sche#e2 the proportion in)ested in each c&ass o$ assets and the $und #ana!ers in)est#ent strate!, and out&oo7. 3. 1&e5i%i&it,B Throu!h $eatures such as re!u&ar in)est#ent p&ans2 re!u&ar 8ithdra8a& p&ans and di)idend rein)est#ent p&ans one can s,ste#atica&&, in)est or 8ithdra8 accordin! to their needs and con)enience. /. Choice o$ Sche#eB +utua& 1unds o$$er a $a#i&, o$ sche#es to suit the )ar,in! needs o$ di$$erent t,pes o$ in)estors. 16. Ce&& Re!u&atedB A&& +utua& 1unds are re!istered 8ith SE4I and the, $unction 8ithin the pro)ision or strict re!u&ations desi!ned to protect the in)estor9s in)est#ent. The operations o$ +utua& 1unds are re!u&ar&, #onitored %, SE4I. 11. +ana!in! Ris7B Chi&e ris7 cannot %e e&i#inated. S7i&&$u& #ana!e#ent can #ini#ise ris7. +utua& $unds he&p to reduce ris7 throu!h di)ersi$ication and pro$essiona& #ana!e#ent. The e5perience and e5pertise o$ +utua& 1und #ana!es in se&ectin! $unda#enta&&, sound securities and ti#in! their purchases and sa&es he&p the# to %ui&d a di)ersi$ied port$o&io that #ini#i;es ris7 and #a5i#i;es returns. 12. Ta5 4ene$itB A' 2$ese!' !:es'4e!' ! 4#'#al 3#!) s%he4es e!;o( 'he 3ollow!" 'a7 be!e3's @ 1. Since2 Apri& 12 266-2 a&& di)idends dec&ared %, de%t-%ased #utua& $unds are ta5-$ree in the hands o$ the in)estor. A di)idend distri%ution ta5 o$ 12."> Ginc&udin! surchar!eH is %e paid %, the #utua& $und on the di)idends dec&ared %, the $und. 2. In)estors in ELSS Ge:uit,-&in7ed sa)in!s sche#esH can a)ai& re%ate under Section 33 o$ the Inco#e Ta5 Act2 1/'1 on in)est#ent up to Rs 162666 su%(ect to the )arious conditions &aid do8n in the said Section. -. <nder Section 16G-3H o$ the Act2 &on!-ter# capita& !ains arisin! $ro# trans$er o$ a unit o$ #utua& $und is e5e#pt $ro# ta5 i$ the said transaction is underta7en a$ter Octo%er 12 2660 and the securities transaction ta5 is paid to the appropriate authorit,. 0. <nder Section 111A o$ the Act2 short-ter# capita& !ains arisin! $ro# trans$er o$ a unit o$ #utua& $und is char!ea%&e to ta5 K 16> Gp&us app&ica%&e surchar!eH i$ the said transaction is underta7en a$ter Octo%er 12 2660 and the securities transaction ta5 is paid. Howe:e$< s#%h se%#$'es '$a!sa%'o! 'a7 wll be allowe) as $eba'e #!)e$ Se%'o! ==E o3 'he A%' 3 'he '$a!sa%'o! %o!s''#'es b#s!ess !%o4e. <nder Section 112 o$ the Act2 capita& !ains2 not co)ered %, the e5e#ption under Section 16G-3H2 char!ea%&e on trans$er o$ &on!-ter# capita& assets are su%(ect to $o&&o8in! rates o$ ta5B Resident Indi)idua& . H<1 --- 26> p&us surchar!e. Partnership 1ir#s . Indian Co#panies --- 26> p&us surchar!e. 1orei!n Co#panies --- 26> Gno surchar!eH. Capita& !ains 8i&& %e co#puted a$ter ta7in! into account cost o$ ac:uisition as ad(usted %, Cost In$&ation Inde5 noti$ied %, the centra& !o)ern#ent. <nder Section 11"A4 o$ the Inco#e Ta5 Act2 1/'12 &on!-ter# capita& !ains in respect o$ units purchased in $orei!n currenc, %, an o)erseas $inancia& or!ani;ation he&d $or a period o$ #ore than 12 #onths 8i&& %e char!ea%&e at the rate o$ 16>. Such !ains 8i&& %e ca&cu&ated 8ithout inde5ation o$ cost o$ ac:uisition. No surchar!e is app&ica%&e $or ta5es under section 11"A42 in respect o$ corporate. PROBLEMS FACED BY MUTUAL FUNDS- The 2$oble4s ! 4#'#al 3#!) !)#s'$( a$e as 3ollows, Eo&ati&it, in Indian econo#,B Shares prices in Indian stoc7 chan!es $re:uent&,. Thus a $und #ana!er has to chan!e the port$o&io accordin! to the chan!es o$ share prices. In)estors educationB +an, in)estors are not a8are o$ the %ene$its $ro# #utua& $unds2 the, are not a8are o$ the characteristics return ris7 trade o$$ in in)estin! in a #utua& $und #an, in)estors are inacti)e and i!norant. -. Incapa%&e $und #ana!ersB +an, $und #ana!ers &ac7 the 7no8&ed!e econo#,2 industries and co#panies #an, p&a,in! 8ith in)estor9s #one,2 the, are not capa%&e o$ Aud!e %et8een in)est#ent choices and re)ie8 port$o&io. 0. Non co-operation %et8een or!anisationa& co##itteeB Sponsors2 custodians2 $und #ana!ers are not 8or7in! hand in hand. ". Transparenc,B SE4I !uide&ines sa, #utua& $und has to #aintain transparenc, in its operations2 %ut #an, $unds are not transparent to its in)estors2 !o)ern#ent and pu%&ic. '. A$ter sa&es ser)iceB +utua& $unds are not pro)idin! a$ter sa&es ser)ices to in)estors &i7e !i)e detai&s $or re$erence2 NAE disc&osure etc.2 *. irect &aunchin! o$ e:uit,B This #a, %e the reason $or the $ai&ure o$ #utua& $unds. In <SA de%t sche#es 8ere $irst incepted and then e:uit, sche#es 8ere started2 %ut in India due to %oo# in share #ar7et direct e:uit, sche#es 8ere started and then de%t sche#es 8ere introduced. 3. Hi!h ris72 &o8 returnB The return2 8hich a in)estor !ets $ro# #utua& $und2 is &o82 %ut the ris7 is hi!h. Return earned $ro# $und has to %e distri%uted a#on! the unit ho&ders on&, a$ter deduction $or #aintenance o$ the $und2 thus the return 8i&& %e &o8. New '$e!)s ! 4#'#al 3#!) !)#s'$( S,ste#atic in)est#ent p&an GSIPHB <nit ho&ders can %ene$it %, in)estin! speci$ied rupee accounts at re!u&ar inter)a&s $or a continuous periods2 $or purchasin! additiona& units o$ the sche#es at NAE %ased prices. 4, this unit ho&der can ta7e ad)anta!e o$ the %ene$its o$ rupee cost a)era!in!. S,ste#atic 8ithdra8a& p&an GSCPHB SCP a&&o8s the unit ho&ders to 8ithdra8 a speci$ic su# o$ #one, each #onthD :uarterD ha&$ ,earD ,ear&, $ro# his in)est#ents in the sche#es. The a#ount thus 8ithdra8n %, rede#ption 8i&& %e con)erted into units at app&ica%&e NAE %ased prices and the nu#%ers o$ units so arri)ed at 8i&& %e su%tracted $ro# the units %a&ance to the credit o$ the unit ho&der. S8itchin! optionsB <nit ho&ders under one sche#e can s8itch or a&& o$ their ho&din!s in the sche#es to another2 8hich is a)ai&a%&e $or in)est#ent at that ti#e. i)idend at short inter)a&sB i)idends $ro# &i:uid $unds are no8 co#in! thic7 and $ast2 8ith $unds pro#isin! $ortni!ht&, and e)en 8ee7&,2 pa,-outs2 &i:uid $unds #ain&, tar!ets co#panies and hi!h net 8orth indi)idua&s. Loans a!ainst +utua& 1undsB 4ir&a G&o%a& $inance o$$ers &oans a!ainst #utua& $und units. The co#pan, trac7s 16 %est per$or#in! open ended #utua& $unds and !rant &oans a!ainst units o$ these $unds. In)estors ha)e to p&ed!e their units at interest rate o$ 1*.">. the co#pan, 8i&& dis%urse &oan up to '6> o$ the )a&ue o$ e:uit, $und up to 3"-/6> o$ the de%t $und units. Ter# o$ the &oan is a #ini#u# o$ 1" da,s up to a #a5i#u# o$ a ,ear. E&ectronic c&earanceB Reser)e %an7 o$ India has introduced a ne8 #ethod o$ pa,#ent 8hich pro#ises2 in)estors an option to co&&ect periodic interestD di)idendD repurchaseD rede#ption direct&, throu!h %an7 account. In this s,ste# pa,#ent instruction 8ou&d %e issued e&ectronica&&, throu!h %an7 to the c&earin! authorit, and the c&earin! authorit, 8ou&d supp&, credit reports to the %an7 8ith 8hich in)estors #aintain the speci$ied account. The %ranch 8i&& credit the account direct&, and an ECS entr, 8i&& appear in the pass%oo7. A pa,#ent ad)ice 8i&& a&so %e send to in)estors. This $aci&it, 8i&& he&p 7in a)oidin! cases o$ pi&$era!e2 $raudu&ent encash#ent etc.2 RESEARCH DESIGN TITLE O1 THE ST<L MPERCEPION O1 INEESTORS TOCARS THE +<T<AL 1<NN STATE+ENT O1 THE PRO4LE+ In the #inds o$ e)er, co##on #an in)estin! in #utua& $unds is a )er, ris7, a$$air2 i$ not the ris7iest. This senti#ent 8i&& resu&t in the co&&apse o$ secondar, #ar7et and the in)est#ents in stoc7 #ar7et. 1or 8ipin! o$$ the 8ron! $ee&in! $ro# !enera& custo#ers #ind there is a need to stud, the perception to8ards +utua& 1unds in 4an!a&ore and to see i$ there is dependenc, o$ inco#e &e)e& o)er in)est#ent in +utua& 1unds and so#e e$$orts ha)e %een #ade to 7no8 a%out e5istin! In)estors opinion a%out +utua& 1unds and their per$or#ances. O4AECTIEES O1 THE RESEARCH 1H To stud, the in)estors9 perception to8ards +utua& 1unds 2H To 7no8 custo#ers a8areness a%out +utua& 1unds -H To stud, 8hether in)est#ent in +utua& 1unds is dependent o$ inco#e &e)e&s or not. 0H To stud, in)estor or custo#ers 8i&&in!ness to ta7e #ar7et ris7. "H To 7no8 the 4rand and Ad)ertise#ent in$&uence on custo#er a%out +utua& 1unds. 'H To %e a8are o$ In)estors as 8e&& as ne8 potentia& custo#ers con$idences a%out +utua& 1unds. *H To e)a&uate the direction2 !ro8th and e5tent in the conte5t o$ the recent de)e&op#ent in the Indian capita& #ar7et. 3H To stud, 8hat a!e and inco#e peop&e are #ost interested to in)est in +utua& 1unds. SCOPE O1 THE ST<L The scope o$ the stud, is e5tended to stud, in)estor9s perception to8ards the #utua& $und sche#es and preparations o$ $easi%i&it, report %ased on stud, conducted %, the research in 4an!a&ore durin! the period o$ 266*.2663 LI+ITATIONS O1 THE ST<L E$$orts 8ere #ade to see that the data co&&ected and ana&,sed 8ere as accurate as possi%&e. In spite o$ a&& precautions ta7en2 certain &i#itations o$ the stud, can %e o%ser)ed. 1. The sa#p&e si;e ta7en $or research #a, not !i)e e5act $i!ure or #a, not co)er the entire popu&ation arti$icia&&, or that the respondent #a, %e %iased. 2. The second constrain is that the respondent #a, s7ip so#e :uestions. A&so the, #a, not respond to e)er, :uestion correct&,. -. The third and i#portant constrain is the ti#e &i#it. Since the stud, had to %e conducted in a short span o$ ti#e2 the accurac, #a, %e a$$ected. 0. 1ina&&, the techni:ues used in data ana&,sis #a, not %e as accurate as other so$t8are app&ications.
RESEARCH +ETHOOLOGLB In due course o$ data co&&ection $or co)erin! the a%o)e stated o%(ecti)es2 the stud, #ethodo&o!ies $o&&o8ed areB irect inter)ie8 8ith unit ho&ders. iscussion 8ith persons 8ho ha)e 7no8&ed!e a%out #utua& $unds. iscussion 8ith %ro7ers. In-depth stud, o$ )arious %oo7s on #utua& $unds2 #a!a;ines2 (ourna&s and ne8spapers. TOOLS <SE IN ATA COLLECTIONB Pri#ar, dataB- Pri#ar, data 8as co&&ected throu!hB Ouestionnaire . iscussion 8ith persons 8ho ha)e 7no8&ed!e a%out this su%(ect. Secondar, dataB- Secondar, data 8as o%tained $ro#B- +a!a;ines2 (ourna&s and ne8spapers. Internet. . Reports o$ SE4I2 R4I etc.. SA+PLE It inc&udes in)estors 8ho are in)estin! #utua& $und and #one, #ar7et. SA+PLE SIPE Sa#p&e si;e is "6 respondents and #ethod o$ sa#p&in! is rando# sa#p&in!. G&o%a& trends in +utua& 1und +utua& $unds ha)e e#er!ed as the chie$ )ehic&e o$ indi)idua& sa)in!s and in)est#ents the 8or&d o)er. In the <.?2 near&, ei!ht, percenta!e o$ in)estors &oo7 to the #utua& $unds- Q<nit TrustsQ as the, are ca&&ed there. In the <.S an indi)idua& 8ith e)en =1 #i&&ion o$ in)esta%&e $unds ta7es the #utua& $und route to in)estin! in e:uit,2 instead o$ resortin! to direct participation. This is so e)en thou!h he has access to a #ass o$ in$or#ation &i7e Standard and Poor9s "66 and o8 Aones Inde5 to !uide hi# in ta7in! his o8n in)est#ent decisions. Present&, in the <.S there are near&, "666 #utua& $und sche#es 8ith asset o$ =1.' tri&&ion in)ested %, *" #i&&ion unit-ho&ders. 4, the turn o$ the centur,2 the tota& assets are &i7e&, to touch =0 tri&&ion. The &ar!est $und2 1ide&it, In)est#ents #ana!es $unds a!!re!atin! =2'3 %i&&ion. This has to %e appraised in the conte5t o$ tota& #ar7et capita&i;ation o$ a&& the stoc7s &isted in 4o#%a, Stoc7 E5chan!e standin! at a #ere =11" %i&&ion. In the U.S the mutual fund business is growing at an annual rate of twenty to twenty- five per cent. According to a review conducted by Gold man Sachs, a leading U.S merchant banker, mutual funds are now the markets driving force, having brought eighty-four per cent of all shares ac!uired on "##$. The !reat di)ersit, i$ #utua& $und sche#es in the <.S is i&&ustrated %, the A#ana $unds2 the $irst and apparent&, the on&, <.S #utua& $und operatin! accordin! to strict Is&a#ic !uide&ines reported&,. Since Is&a#ic &a8 prohi%its a !uaranteed return on in)est#ent2 the $und ho&ds no %ond orpre$erred stoc72 and 7eeps its cash in chec7in! accounts2 8hich pa, no interest. Thus $und2 ho8e)er2 in)ests in stoc7s2 8hich rise and $a&& in )a&ue and can rise2 &o8er or e&i#inate an, di)idend. In a&& o$ Europe2 too2 the trend is si#i&ar. The #a(or stoc7 e5chan!e at Lu5e#%our! 8hich has de)e&oped specia&i;ed s7i&&s in euro-issues2 had '* #utua& $unds2 R$unds co##ons9 as the, are 7no8n2 &isted in 1/30 8ith net assets o$ L<1 202'/6 %i&&ion. In 1//62the nu#%er o$ $unds increased to 2'3 and their net assets to L<1 12-32''6 %i&&ion. In 7eepin! 8ith !enera& trend there 8as a dra#atic sur!e in #utua& $unds in)est#ents.O%)ious&, 8ith such a &ar!e choice2 the 8estern in)estors has a 8ide )ariet, o$ options and doesn9t ha)e to re&, on the sa#e stereot,ped sche#es popu&ar&, 7no8n as Rp&ain )ani&&a9 sche#es. Mutual Funds in India +utua& $unds $irst #ade their entr, in India in 1/'0 8ith the <nit Sche#e '0 &aunched %, the <nit Trust o$ India G<TIH. <TI 8as set up under the <TI Act2 1/'-2 to operate %oth as a $inancia& institution and in)est#ent trust. <nit Sche#e '0 turned out to %e e5tre#e&, popu&ar2 initia&&, as a )ehic&e $or do#estic sa)in!s2 %ut su%se:uent&, as an instru#ent $or corporate ho&din! as 8e&&. 4, 1/'02 the in)esta%&e $unds in this sche#e had crossed Rs. 122666 crores. In 1/3' the $irst #utua& $und !ro8th sche#e2 +aster shares2 8as &aunched %, <TI. This 8as success$u&&, &isted and traded in the stoc7 e5chan!e. Encoura!ed %, this )enture2 other p&a,ers e#er!ed. In 1/3* The State 4an7 o$ India +utua& 1und GS4I +1H and Canara 4an7 +utua& 1und GCan%an7 +1H started their operations2 $o&&o8ed %, the #utua& $unds sponsored %, the 4an7 o$ India2 Indian 4an7 and Pun(a% Nationa& 4an7. Not to &a! %ehind2 Li$e Insurance Corporation o$ India GLICH and Genera& Insurance Corporation GGICH2 too2 sponsored their respecti)e #utua& $und sche#es. Se)en institutions in the Pu%&ic Sector -$i)e %an7s and t8o insurance co#panies thus $o&&o8ed <TI. The, a&& had the inherent ad)anta!e o$ %asic in$rastructure2 an o)er$&o8 o$ $unds and custo#er ser)ice out&ets. 4, the end o$ +arch /-2 the tota& corpus o$ the %i! ei!ht 8as appro5i#ate&, Rs "62666 crores. Cith <TI a&one2 accountin! $or Rs 062666 crores. The spectacu&ar sur!e ca#e in 1//2-/- 8hen the tota& nu#%er o$ in)estors increased $ro# 13 #i&&ion to -2 #i&&ion and the co#%ined corpus rose to Rs -32666 crores. +uch o$ it 8as no dou%t account $or %, <TI +aster Gain /2 8hich netted in Rs 02*/1.*/crore 8innin! $or itse&$ a p&ace in Guinness %oo7 o$ records. This increase has to %e )ie8ed a!ainst the %ac7!round o$ net assets o$ a #eas&, Rs02 666 crore in 1/3* $or the entire ei!ht-$und put to!ether. Phase o$ de)e&op#ent o$ #utua& $und in India The #utua& $und industr, in India started in 1/'- 8ith the $or#ation o$ <nit Trust o$ India2 at the initiati)e o$ the Go)ern#ent o$ India and Reser)e 4an7 the. The histor, o$ #utua& $unds in India can %e %road&, di)ided into $our distinct phases. 1irst Phase @ 1/'0-3* <nit Trust o$ India G<TIH 8as esta%&ished on 1/'- %, an Act o$ Par&ia#ent. It 8as set up %, the Reser)e 4an7 o$ India and $unctioned under the Re!u&ator, and ad#inistrati)e contro& o$ the Reser)e 4an7 o$ India. In 1/*3 <TI 8as de-&in7ed $ro# the R4I and the Industria& e)e&op#ent 4an7 o$ India GI4IH too7 o)er the re!u&ator, and ad#inistrati)e contro& in p&ace o$ R4I. The $irst sche#e &aunched %, <TI 8as <nit Sche#e 1/'0. At the end o$ 1/33 <TI had Rs.'2*66 crores o$ assets under #ana!e#ent Second Phase @ 1/3*-1//- GEntr, o$ Pu%&ic Sector 1undsH 1/3* #ar7ed the entr, o$ non- <TI2 pu%&ic sector #utua& $unds set up %, pu%&ic sector %an7s and Li$e Insurance Corporation o$ India GLICH and Genera& Insurance Corporation o$ India GGICH. S4I +utua& 1und 8as the $irst non- <TI +utua& 1und esta%&ished in Aune 1/3* $o&&o8ed %, Can%an7 +utua& 1und Gec 3*H2 Pun(a% Nationa& 4an7 +utua& 1und GAu! 3/H2 Indian 4an7 +utua& 1und GNo) 3/H2 4an7 o$ India GAun /6H2 4an7 o$ 4aroda +utua& 1und GOct /2H. LIC esta%&ished its #utua& $und in Aune 1/3/ 8hi&e GIC had set up its #utua& $und in ece#%er 1//6 At the end o$ 1//-2 the #utua& $und industr, had assets under #ana!e#ent o$ Rs.0*2660 crores. Third Phase @ 1//--266- GEntr, o$ Pri)ate Sector 1undsH Cith the entr, o$ pri)ate sector $unds in 1//-2 a ne8 era started in the Indian #utua& $und industr,2 !i)in! the Indian in)estors a 8ider choice o$ $und $a#i&ies. A&so2 1//- 8as the ,ear in 8hich the $irst +utua& 1und Re!u&ations ca#e into %ein!2 under 8hich a&& #utua& $unds2 e5cept <TI 8ere to %e re!istered and !o)erned. The erst8hi&e ?othari Pioneer Gno8 #er!ed 8ith 1ran7&in Te#p&etonH 8as the $irst pri)ate sector #utua& $und re!istered in Au&, 1//-. The 1//- SE4I G+utua& 1undH Re!u&ations 8ere su%stituted %, a #ore co#prehensi)e and re)ised +utua& 1und Re!u&ations in 1//'. The industr, no8 $unctions under the SE4I G+utua& 1undH Re!u&ations 1//' The nu#%er o$ #utua& $und houses 8ent on increasin!2 8ith #an, $orei!n #utua& $unds settin! up $unds in India and a&so the industr, has 8itnessed se)era& #er!ers and ac:uisitions. As at the end o$ Aanuar, 266-2 there 8ere -- #utua& $unds 8ith tota& assets o$ Rs. 1221236" crores. The <nit Trust o$ India 8ithRs.002"01 crores o$ assets under #ana!e#ent 8as 8a, ahead o$ other #utua& $unds. 1ourth Phase @ since 1e%ruar, 266- In 1e%ruar, 266-2 $o&&o8in! the repea& o$ the <nit Trust o$ India Act 1/'- <TI 8as %i$urcated into t8o separate entities. One is the Speci$ied <nderta7in! o$ the <nit Trust o$ India 8ith assets under #ana!e#ent o$ Rs.2/23-" crores as at the end o$ Aanuar, 266-2 representin! %road&,2 the assets o$ <S '0 sche#e2 assured return and certain other sche#es. The Speci$ied <nderta7in! o$ <nit Trust o$ India2 $unctionin! under an ad#inistrator and under the ru&es $ra#ed %, Go)ern#ent o$ India and does not co#e under the pur)ie8 o$ the +utua& 1und Re!u&ations. The second is the <TI +utua& 1und Ltd2 sponsored %, S4I2 PN42 4O4 and LIC. It is re!istered 8ith SE4I and $unctions under the +utua& 1und Re!u&ations. Cith the %i$urcation o$ the erst8hi&e <TI 8hich had in +arch 2666 #ore than Rs.*'2666 crores o$ assets under #ana!e#ent and 8ith the settin! up o$ a <TI +utua& 1und2 con$or#in! to the SE4I +utua& 1und Re!u&ations2 and 8ith recent #er!ers ta7in! p&ace a#on! di$$erent pri)ate sector $unds2 the #utua& $und industr, has entered its current phase o$ conso&idation and !ro8th. As at the end o$ Septe#%er2 26602 there 8ere 2/ $unds2 8hich #ana!e assets o$ Rs.1"-163 crores under 021 sche#es The !raph indicates the !ro8th o$ assets o)er the ,earsB- GROCTH IN ASSETS <NER +ANAGE+ENT Pri)ate #utua& $unds Ho8e)er2 the #onopo&, o$ the %i! ei!ht 8as ended %, the ne8 econo#ic po&ic, spearheaded %, r. +an#ohan Sin!h $ro# 1//1. The process o$ &i%era&i;ation thre8 the doors open to p&a,ers in the pri)ate sector to pro)ide the #uch-needed co#petiti)e ed!e and a 8ider scope o$ options to the in)estors. The e5istin! #utua& $unds2 it 8as $e&t2 had $ai&ed to &i)e up to the e5pectations o$ co##on in)estors due toB GaH Poor ser)icin!2 inordinate de&a,s in the receipt o$ unit certi$icates and di)idend 8arrantsF G%H Indi$$erent per$or#ance o$ #ost o$ the #utua& $und sche#es 8hich under-per$or#ed the #ar7et thus den,in! the in)estors a reasona%&e returnF GcH A%sence o$ ade:uate disc&osure nor#sF and GdH Lac7 o$ an in)estor-$riend&, approach in !enera&. Hence the securities and E5chan!e 4oard o$ India GSE4IH accorded appro)a& to a nu#%er o$ p&a,ers in the pri)ate sector to sponsor #utua& $unds. These inc&ude so#e o$ the %i!!est hea),8ei!hts o$ Indian corporate sector. An i#portant $eature o$ the pri)ate sector #utua& $unds-at &east the $irst $e8-8as their co&&a%oration 8ith $orei!n in)est#ent and $und #ana!ers. Thus ?othari tied up 8ith Pioneer2 the o&dest $und in the <S #ana!in! =3 %i&&ion2 26th centur, 8ith ?e#per Corporations 8hich c&ai#ed to %e the ei!ht &ar!est $und #ana!er in <SA #ana!in! assets o)er =*6 %i&&ion. Credit capita& asset #ana!ers inc. that &aunched the Taurua Starshare had $or its partners2 apart $ro# Co##on8ea&th e)e&op#ent Corporation2 London and Asian e)e&op#ent 4an72 +ani&a2 Internationa& 1inance Corporation2 Cashin!ton GRs 22."6 croreH2 and Edin%ur!h 1und +ana!ers2 <.? GRs 20 croresH. Chi&e #an, Indian pri)ate sector #utua& $unds co&&a%orated 8ith $orei!n partners2 +or!an Stan&e,2 8hich #ana!es $unds 8orth =00.2 %i&&ion2 chose to !o it a&one. Its issue 8as a runa8a, success. There 8as serious contro)ers, and the ape5 court had to inter)ene. The issue 8as hea)i&, o)er-su%scri%ed nettin! in Rs 12666 crore a!ainst the tar!et Rs -66 crore. The )ita& aspect o$ a stron! research capa%i&it, o$ $orei!n co&&a%orators had %een reco!ni;ed and the pu%&ic sector GIC +utua& 1und2 too2 reacted to the 8inds o$ chan!e and tied up 8ith he <.S Soros 1und +ana!e#ent headed %, the &e!endar, Geor!e Soros 8ho #ana!es $unds 8orth =16%i&&ion. ICICI +utua& 1unds had #er!ed 8ith Prudentia&2 Tata +utua& 1unds 8ith Toronto o#inion GTH. Sa#e 8a,s there are #an, co#panies #er!ed and entered in Indian #utua& $und industr,. Important Domestic Mutual Fund Players IH S4I +utua& 1und S4I +utua& 1und dra8s stren!th $ro# IndiaQs pre#ier and &ar!est %an7F the State 4an7 o$ India. Set up on Au&, 12 1/""2 the State 4an7 o$ India is the &ar!est %an7in! operation in the countr,. S4I +utua& 1und has !ro8n tre#endous&, in ter#s o$ corpus as 8e&& as nu#%er o$ in)estors. Toda, the, are one o$ the &ar!est %an7 sponsored +utua& 1und in the countr,. S4I ha)e &aunched -" Sche#es2 o$ 8hich 1" ha)e %een redee#ed2 ,ie&din! handso#e returns to in)estors. S4I +utua& 1und is a (oint )enture %et8een the State 4an7 o$ India and SociStS GSnSra&e Asset +ana!e#ent2 one o$ the 8or&d9s &eadin! $und #ana!e#ent co#panies that #ana!e o)er <S= --6 4i&&ion 8or&d8ide. The, 8ere a&so the $irst 4an7 sponsored +utua& 1und to &aunch an o$$shore $und2 the India +a!nu# 1und2 8ith a corpus o$ around Rs. 22" Crores.. Toda,2 the $und #ana!es o)er Rs. 1'"66 crores o$ assets and has a di)erse pro$i&e o$ in)estors acti)e&, par7in! their in)est#ents across -6 acti)e sche#es. Cith a &ar!e net8or7 o)er 166 co&&ection %ranches2 2' In)estor Ser)ice Centres2 23 In)estor Ser)ice es7s and "2 istrict Or!ani;ers2 S4I constant&, endea)our to !et c&oser to their !ro8in! $a#i&, o$ in)estors. S4I !i)es the in)estors the $o&&o8in! optionsB 1H Open ended sche#es E:uit, sche#es +a!nu# E:uit, 1und +a!nu# Ta5 !ain +a!nu# Inde5 1und +a!nu# Sector 1unds <#%re&&a +a!nu# +u&tip&ier P&us Sche#e +a!nu# G&o%a& 1und e%t Sche#es +a!nu# NRI In)est#ent 1und +a!nu# Inco#e P&us 1und +a!nu# Inco#e 1und +a!nu# Chi&drenQs 4ene$it P&an +a!nu# +onth&, Inco#e P&an +a!nu# Gi&t 1und 2H C&osed sche#es +a!nu# Ta5 Pro$it 1//0 +a!nu# E:uit, Lin7ed Sa)in!s Sche#e /" +a!nu# E:uit, Lin7ed Sa)in!s Sche#e /' IIH 4ir&a Sun Li$e 4ir&a Sun Li$e 1inancia& Ser)ices o$$ers a ran!e o$ $inancia& ser)ices $or resident Indians and Non Resident Indians. 4rou!ht to!ether %, t8o &ar!e2 po8er$u& and reputed %usiness houses2 the Adit,a 4ir&a Group and Sun Li$e 1inancia&2 the ai# is to o$$er di)erse and top :ua&it, $inancia& ser)ices to custo#ers. The +utua& 1und and Insurance co#panies pro)ide 8ea&th #ana!e#ent and protection products to custo#ers 8hi&e the istri%ution and Securities co#panies pro)ide %ro7era!e and tradin! ser)ices $or in)est#ent in e:uities2 de%t securities2 $i5ed deposits2 etc. 4ir&a Sun Li$e Asset +ana!e#ent Co#pan, Li#ited
4ir&a Sun Li$e +utua& 1und $o&&o8s a conser)ati)e &on!-ter# approach to in)est#ent2 8hich is %ased on identi$,in! co#panies that ha)e !ood credit-8orthiness and are $unda#enta&&, stron!. It p&aces a &ot o$ e#phasis on :ua&it, o$ #ana!e#ent and ris7 contro&. This is done throu!h e5tensi)e ana&,sis that inc&udes $actor, )isits and $ie&d research. It has one o$ the &ar!est tea# o$ research ana&,sts in the industr,. In)est#ent optionsB T E:uit, Sche#es T e%t Sche#es T 4a&anced Sche#es T O$$shore Sche#es T IIIH Re&iance +utua& 1und Re&iance +utua& 1und GR+1H has %een esta%&ished as a trust under the Indian Trusts Act2 1332 8ith Re&iance Capita& Li#ited GRCLH2 as the Sett&orDSponsor and Re&iance Capita& Trustee Co. Li#ited GRCTCLH2 as thetrustee. R+1 has %een re!istered 8ith the Securities . E5chan!e 4oard o$ India GSE4IH. The na#e o$ Re&iance Capita& +utua& 1und has %een chan!ed to Re&iance +utua& 1und e$$ecti)e 11th. +arch 2660. Re&iance +utua& 1und 8as $or#ed to &aunch )arious sche#es under 8hich units are issued to the Pu%&ic 8ith a )ie8 to contri%ute to the capita& #ar7et and to pro)ide in)estors the opportunities to #a7e in)est#ents in di)ersi$ied securities. Re&iance +utua& 1und GR+1H is one o$ India9s &eadin! +utua& 1unds2 8ith Assets <nder +ana!e#ent GA<+H o$ Rs. -/61/ crore GA<+ as on -1st Aan 266*H and an in)estor %ase o$ o)er -.1 #i&&ion.R+1 o$$ers in)estors a 8e&&-rounded port$o&io o$ products to #eet )ar,in! in)estor re:uire#ents and has presence in 11" cities across the countr,. OPTIONS AEAILA4LE TO AN INEESTOR E4T SCHE+ES Re&iance +onth&, Inco#e P&an Re&iance Inco#e 1und Re&iance +ediu# Ter# 1und Re&iance Li:uid 1und Re&iance Short Ter# 1und Re&iance Gi&t Securities 1und Re&iance 1i5ed Ter# Sche#e Re&iance 1&oatin! Rate 1und EO<ITL SCHE+ES Re&iance Gro8th 1und Re&iance Eision 1und SECTOR SPECI1IC SCHE+ES
Re&iance 4an7in! 1und Re&iance i)ersi$ied Po8er Sector 1und Re&iance Phar#a 1und IEH ICICI PR<ENTIAL +<T<AL 1<NS Prudentia& ICICI Asset +ana!e#ent Co#pan,2 G"">B0">H a (oint )enture %et8een Prudentia& P&c2 <?Qs &eadin! insurance co#pan, and ICICI 4an7 Ltd2 IndiaQs pre#ier $inancia& institution. The (oint )enture 8as $or#ed 8ith the 7e, o%(ecti)e o$ pro)idin! the Indian in)estor #utua& $und products to suit a )ariet, o$ in)est#ent needs. The A+C has a&read, &aunched a ran!e o$ products to suit di$$erent ris7 and #aturit, pro$i&es. Prudentia& ICICI Asset +ana!e#ent Co#pan, Li#ited 8ith asset o)er Rs.-*/6'.20 crore as on #arch -12 2663. 4oth Prudentia& and ICICI 4an7 Ltd ha)e a strate!ic &on!-ter# co##it#ent to the rapid&, e5pandin! $inancia& ser)ices sector in India. Options E:uit, $unds The $unds o$$ered under this cate!or, are the Prudentia& ICICI Gro8th P&an2 Prudentia& ICICI 1+CG 1und2 Prudentia& ICICI Techno&o!, 1und2 Prudentia& ICICI Ta5 P&an2 Prudentia& ICICI Inde5 1und and Prudentia& ICICI Po8er. e%t $unds The $unds o$$ered under this cate!or, are the Prudentia& ICICI Inco#e P&an2 the Prudentia& ICICI Gi&t-Treasur, 1und2 The Prudentia& ICICI Gi&t-In)est#ent 1und2 Prudentia& ICICI Li:uid p&an2 Prudentia& ICICI 1i5ed +aturit, P&an2 Prudentia& ICICI Short Ter# P&an2 Prudentia& ICICI Lon! Ter# P&an and Prudentia& ICICI S8eep P&an
4a&anced $und The $unds o$$ered under this cate!or, are the Prudentia& ICICI 4a&anced 1und and Prudentia& ICICI Chi&d Care P&an. EH TATA +<T<AL1<N Corporate Pro$i&e Tata Asset +ana!e#ent Li#ited is one o$ IndiaQs $astest !ro8in! $und #ana!e#ent co#panies 8ith #ore than Rs. 12"'2.'"G-1st au!ust 266'H crores o$ assets2 $ro# a%out 6.- #i&&ion in)estors. Tata Asset +ana!e#ent Ltd. is a part o$ the Tata !roup - one o$ IndiaQs &ar!est and #ost respected industria& !roup. The Tata Group is one o$ IndiaQs %est-7no8n con!&o#erate in the pri)ate sector 8ith a turno)er o$ around <S = 11.2 %i&&ion Lon! 7no8n $or its adherence to %usiness ethics2 it is IndiaQs #ost respected pri)ate %usiness !roup. Cith 216200- e#p&o,ees across /- co#panies2 it is a&so IndiaQs &ar!est e#p&o,er in the pri)ate sector. The Group has a&8a,s %e&ie)ed in returnin! 8ea&th to the societ, 8hich it ser)es. Thus2 near&, t8o-thirds o$ the e:uit, o$ Tata Sons2 the GroupQs pro#oter co#pan,2 is he&d %, phi&anthropic trusts 8hich ha)e created a host o$ nationa& institutions in natura& sciences2 #edica& care2 ener!, and the arts2 and 8hich !i)e su%stantia& annua& !rants and endo8#ents to deser)in! indi)idua&s and institutions in the areas o$ education2 hea&thcare and socia& <p&i$t#ent. In)est#ent Process E)er, aspect o$ this process is ti!ht&, contro&&ed and #onitored to opti#i;e returns $or the in)estors. The in)est#ent process is %ui&t around $our 7e, princip&esB The in)est#ent and ris7 contro& process concentrates on 1unda#enta&s2 E5posure2 Li:uidit, and Tenure. Tata +utua& 1und ca&& it the 1ELT process o$ In)est#ent and ris7 contro&. Products E:uit, Products 4a&anced Products e%t Products Tata Pure E:uit, 1und Tata 4a&anced 1und Tata Li:uid 1und Tata Ta5 Sa)in! 1und Tata Loun! Citi;ensQ 1und Tata Short Ter# 4ond 1und Tata Se&ect E:uit, 1und Tata Gi&t Securities 1und Tata Li$e Sciences . Techno&o!, 1und Tata Inco#e 1und Tata E:uit, Opportunities 1und Tata Inco#e P&us 1und Tata Inde5 1und Tata 1i5ed Hori;on 1und Tata Gro8th 1und Tata +onth&, Inco#e 1und EIH ?OTA? +AHINRA +<T<AL 1<N ?ota7 +ahindra is one o$ IndiaQs &eadin! $inancia& institutions2 o$$erin! co#p&ete $inancia& so&utions that enco#pass e)er, sphere o$ &i$e. 1ro# co##ercia& %an7in!2 to stoc7 %ro7in!2 to #utua& $unds2 to &i$e insurance2 to in)est#ent %an7in!2 the !roup caters to the $inancia& needs o$ indi)idua&s and corporates ?ota7 +ahindra Asset +ana!e#ent Co#pan, Li#ited G?+A+CH2 a 8ho&&, o8ned su%sidiar, o$ ?+4L2 is the asset #ana!er $or ?ota7 +ahindra +utua& 1und G?++1H. The !roup has a net 8orth o$ around Rs.22/66 crore and e#p&o,s around 32366 e#p&o,ees across its )arious %usinesses ser)icin! around 2 #i&&ion custo#er accounts throu!h a distri%ution net8or7 o$ %ranches2 $ranchisees2 representati)e o$$ices and sate&&ite o$$ices across 232 cities and to8ns in India and o$$ices in Ne8 Lor72 London2 u%ai and +auritius. ?++1 o$$ers sche#es caterin! to in)estors 8ith )ar,in! ris7- return pro$i&es and 8as the $irst $und house in the countr, to &aunch a dedicated !i&t sche#e in)estin! on&, in !o)ern#ent securities. Products e%t ?ota7 4ond ?ota7 ,na#ic Inco#e ?ota7 1&oater Short Ter# ?ota7 1&oater Lon! Ter# ?ota7 Gi&t ?ota7 Inco#e P&us 4a&ance ?ota7 4a&ance E:uit, ?ota7 E:uit, 1O1 ?ota7 G&o%a& India ATA ANALLSIS AN INTERPRETATION TABLE NO: 1 Table so!in" A"e Pro#ile o# te $espondents A"e No% O# $espondents Percenta"e 1&'() *+ 1, (-'.* */ 1& .1'.) (, ,& .- 0 Abo1e 1* (* Total )* 1**
Ana&,sisB This ta%&e is desi!ned to #easure the A!e Pro$i&e o$ the respondents. 03> o$ the respondents are o$ -1--" a!e !roups. 26> o$ these $a&&s under -' and a%o)e a!e !roup. 13> o$ the respondents are o$ 2'--6 a!e !roups. Re#ainin! 10> %e&on! to 13-2" a!e !roups. InterpretationB 1ro# the A!e Pro$i&e o$ the respondents2 it is c&ear that peop&e are in)estin! once the, earn a re!u&ar inco#e. 3'> are a%o)e 2' ,ears 8hich #eans peop&e in)est once the, are sett&ed. GRAPHB 1 2rap so!in" A"e Pro#ile o# te $espondents TABLE No: ( Ta%&e sho8in! MOccupation pro$i&e o$ the respondentsN Occupation No. O$ respondents Percenta!e 4usiness 6' 12 Pro$ession 1/ -3 House 8i$e 63 6' Ser)ice 13 -' Others 60 63 Tota& "6 166 Ana&,sisB In occupation pro$i&e there are $i)e !roups na#e&, %usiness2 pro$ession2 house8i$e2 ser)ices and others. Here pro$essiona& respondent are -3>2 ser)ices -' >2 %usiness peop&e 12 >2 others 3> and house8i)es '>. InterpretationB This data sho8s that respondents $ro# pro$ession and ser)ice cate!or, are a8are o$ #utua& $unds and ha)e a&so in)ested in it2 8hereas %usiness peop&e are a8are o$ #utua& $unds %ut the, are not read, to in)est. Chereas2 in case o$ others GstudentH and house8i)es in)est#ent is &esser. Thus this i#p&ies that respondents $ro# pro$essiona& and ser)ices cate!or, are !ood contri%utors to #utua& $unds.
2$AP3: ( Graph sho8in! MOccupation pro$i&e o$ the respondents N TABLE NO: . Table 4o!in" Number o# Family Dependents o# te $espondent SLNO SIPE NO > 1 6-2 13 13 2 --0 03 03 - " . A%o)e -0 -0 Ana&,sisB In the a%o)e ta%&e2 03> o$ the respondents ha)e $a#i&, dependents.Cith in the ran!e o$ -- 02 -0> o$ the respondents ha)e " and a%o)e dependents2 13> o$ the peop&e ha)e $a#i&, dependents in the ran!e o$ 6-2. InterpretationB As most of the respondents are having their dependents in range of $-% and & ' above they are more serious in investing their savings for the future of their dependents.
2$AP3'. Graph Sho8in! Nu#%er o$ 1a#i&, ependents o$ the Respondent
TA4LE No B 0 Ta%&e sho8in!N Inco#e Pro$i&e o$ the respondentsN Inco#e No. O$ respondents Percenta!e 4e&o8 "666 66 66 '666 to 1"666 6" 16 1'666 to 2"666 21 02 2'666 to -"666 1" -6 -'666 and a%o)e 6/ 13 Tota& "6 166 Ana&,sisB It is c&ear $ro# the ta%&e that 02> o$ in)estors $a&& in the inco#e %rac7et o$ 1'666-2"666. -6> o$ the in)estors ha)e inco#e o$ 2'666--"666F 8here as 13> o$ the in)estors ha)e inco#e o$ -'666 and a%o)e. The re#ainin! 16> o$ the in)estors $a&& in the inco#e %rac7et o$ '666-1"666.
/6> o$ the respondents earn Rs.1'666D- or #ore e)er, #onth. The #ore the, earn the #ore the, can in)est and )ice )ersa. Peop&e earnin! &ess can in)est in s#a&& a#ounts2 8hereas peop&e earnin! #ore can !o $or hi!her in)est#ents and ta7e hi!her ris7s $or hi!her returns.
GRAPH NoB 0 Graph sho8in!N Inco#e Pro$i&e o$ the respondentsN TA4LE No B " Ta%&e sho8in!N A8areness o$ In)est#ent options a#on! respondentsN In)est#ent Option No. O$ respondents a8are Percenta!e Insurance 0" /6 4onds 06 36 Rea& Estate 26 06 Stoc7 02 30 +utua& 1und 0- 3' Ana&,sisB In the a%o)e ta%&e it is $ound that /6> o$ the respondents are a8are o$ insurance236> are a8are o$ %onds206> $or rea& estate230>on stoc7s and 3'> are a8are o$ +utua& 1unds. InterpretationB This ta%&e !i)es ,ou idea a%out a8areness on in)est#ent options a#on! a&& the respondents. Here it is indicated that #utua& $und is popu&ar2 second on&, to insurance. This stud, is conducted $or !enera& pu%&ic and #utua& $und in)estors. +utua& $unds are not as o&d as insurance in India. 1ro# this ta%&e it is c&ear that 3' > o$ respondents are a8are o$ #utua& $unds. GRAPH NoB " Graph sho8in!M A8areness o$ In)est#ent options a#on! respondentsN TA4LE No B ' Ta%&e sho8in!N In)est#ent Pro$i&e o$ the respondentsN In)est#ent Option No. O$ respondents Percenta!e Insurance 2" "6 4onds 1" -6 Rea& Estate 6" 16 Stoc7 2" "6 +utua& 1unds -- '' Ana&,sisB In a sa#p&e si;e o$ "62 ''> o$ the respondents are #utua& $und in)estors and rest o$ the# ha)e not in)ested in #utua& $unds. The, ha)e in)ested in )arious options &i7e insurance2 %onds2 rea& estate and stoc7s.G-0>H
InterpretationB +ost o$ the respondents ha)e in)ested in +utua& $unds 8ith %onds and stoc7s co#in! second. This #eans the a8areness a%out +utua& $unds ha)e pro#pted #ore and #ore persons to in)est in +utua& $unds2 since it has a hi!h return. Stoc7s and +utua& $unds are hi!h ris7 areas 8ith hi!h returns. So peop&e are read, to ta7e #ore ris7s $or #ore returns. GRAPH NoB ' Graph Sho8in!MIn)est#ent Pro$i&e o$ the respondentsN TA4LEB * Ta%&e sho8in! reason $or not in)estin! in #utua& $unds SLNO REASON NO > 1 on9t 7no8 a%out #utua& $unds 16 1" 2 the, are ris7, 2' -/ - don9t ha)e enou!h #one, 6 6 0 happ, 8ith present in)est#ents -6 0' Ana&,sisB In the a%o)e ta%&e2 0'> o$ the respondents are satis$ied 8ith their present in)est#ents2 -/> o$ the respondents thin7 that +utua& $unds are ris7,2 and 1"> o$ the# sa, that the, do not 7no8 8hat +utua& $unds are. InterpretationB +ost o$ the respondents 8ho ha)e not in)ested in the +utua& $unds are satis$ied 8ith their present in)est#ents2 so#e peop&e thin7 that the +utua& $unds in)o&)e ris7 and #ost i#portant is that the 1"> o$ the respondents do not 7no8 8hat +utua& $unds are2 Chat the, do and Ho8 the, $unction. GRAPHB* Graph sho8in! reason $or not in)estin! in #utua& $unds TA4LEB 3 Ta%&e sho8in! annua& in)est#ent o$ the respondents SLNO ANN<AL INEEST+ENT NO > 1 Less than "2666 10 10 2 "2666-162666 00 00 - 162666-262666 26 26 0 A%o)e 262666 22 22 Ana&,sisB
In the a%o)e ta%&e #ost o$ the# in)estD sa)e %et8een "2666 to 162666 - 00> . 22> o$ the peop&e sa)eDin)est a%o)e 2626662 26> o$ the respondents sa)eDin)est %et8een 162666 to 262666 and 10> o$ the# in)est &ess than "2666. InterpretationB As #an, respondents inco#e &ie %e&o8 Rs 12662666 p.a the, are possi%&e to sa)eDin)est on&, $or a%out $i)e to ten thousand rupees p.a. The hi!her the, in)est2 the hi!her is the return and )ice )ersa. GRAPHB3 Graph sho8in! the annua& in)est#ent o$ the respondents TA4LE NoB / Table so!in"5 Popular Mutual Fund Products amon" te respondents6 +utua& 1und Products No.o$ respondents Percenta!e Prudentia& ICICI 2/ 33 ?ota7 +ahindra 1" 0" H1C +utua& 1und 1/ "* 4ir&a Sun &i$e 1* "1 S4I +utua& 1und 6/ 2* LIC +utua& 1und 63 20 Can%an7 +utua& 1und 63 20 1ran7&in Te#p&eton +.1 21 '- Ana&,sisB The #ost popu&ar #utua& $unds a#on! the respondents are2 Prudentia& ICICI 8ith 33>2 1ran7&in Te#p&eton #utua& $unds 8ith '->2 H1C #utua& $unds "*>2 4ir&a Sun Li$e "1>2 ?ota7 +ahindra #utua& $unds 0">2 and rest o$ the# are 8ith a)era!e o$ around 20>and 2*>. This is app&ica%&e $or on&, #utua& in)estors. InterpretationB 1ro# the a%o)e it9s c&ear that ICICI and 1ran7&in Te#p&eton are popu&ar a#on! in)estors. This is %ecause o$ the a!!ressi)e ad)ertise#ents the, e#p&o,. Ad)ertise#ents he&p a co#pan, to ha)e a %rand i#a!e 8hich is )er, i#portant in the $ie&d o$ +utua& $unds. GRAPH NoB / Graph Sho8in! Popu&ar +utua& 1und Products a#on! the respondents TABLE No: 1*
Table 4o!in"5 $an7in" o# #actors #or In1estment 1actors Si#p&e a)era!e Ran7s Assured Return * 62 Ris7 Co)er 0 6" Go)ern#ent Guarantee " 60 Hi!h Return * 61 Eotin! ri!ht 2 6' Li:uidit, " 6- Ana&,sisB This ta%&e is desi!ned to stud, the #ost i#portant $actors $or in)estors to in)est in )arious in)est#ent options. In)estors ha)e ran7ed Hi!h Return2 Assured Return2 Li:uidit,2 Go)ern#ent Guarantee2 Ris7 Co)er and Eotin! Ri!ht as the i#portant $actors $or in)est#ents respecti)e&,. InterpretationB Returns are the #ost sou!ht a$ter criteria $or in)est#ent. In other 8ords2 returns are the 7e, $or in)est#ents. The in)estors are not 8orried a%out the ris7 in)o&)ed. +utua& $unds are hi!h ris7 areas 8ith hi!h returns. Peop&e are read, to ta7e #ore ris7s $or #ore returns. The, are not %othered a%out )otin! po8ers or ta5ation aspect either. 2$AP3 No: 1* Graph Sho8in!M Ran7in! o$ $actors $or In)est#entN Ta%&e NoB 11 Ta%&e sho8in!M In)est#ent Opinion o$ respondents i$ the returns are %et8een 1" > to 2"> and a%o)eN Opinion No. O$ respondents Percenta!e Consider 12 *1 I!nore 6" 2/ Tota& 1* 166 Ana&,sisB This ta%&e is constructed to 7no8 the opinion o$ the respondents i$ the returns are %et8een 1"> to 2">. These respondents ha)e not in)ested in +utua& 1unds. I$ the return is 1"> to 2" >2 then *1> o$ the respondents sa, that the, #a, consider in)estin! in #utua& $unds. Chere as 2/> o$ the# sa, the, i!nore. InterpretationB 1ro# this a&so it is c&ear that in)estors care pri#ari&, a%out one thin! on&, @ Returns. I$ the, are assured o$ a certain return2 peop&e 8ho usua&&, don9t in)est 6r a&so read, to in)est. So return is the %u;; 8ord $or in)est#ents. A co#pan, 8ho can pro)ide consistent returns can attract #ore nu#%er o$ in)estors. Graph NoB 11 Graph sho8in!M In)est#ent Opinion o$ respondents i$ the returns are %et8een 1" > to 2"> and a%o)eN Ta%&e NoB 12 Ta%&e sho8in! MIn)estin! Option a#on! the respondents %et8een ris7 and returnN Returns No. O$ respondents Percenta!e 1"> to 26> return 8ith #oderate ris7 60 -- 26> to -6> 8ith hi!h ris7 6' "6 -6> to 06> 8ith )er, hi!h ris7 62 1* Tota& 12 166 Ana&,sisB This ta%&e sho8s the e5pectations o$ in)estor on the returns2 the data sho8 that --> are interested in 1" >to 26 > returns 8ith #oderate ris7. "6> sa, 26> to-6> 8ith hi!h ris7 and $ina&&, 1*> respondents 8ant -6> to 06> 8ith )er, hi!h ris7.
InterpretationB E)en a hi!h ris7 is o7a, $or the respondents2 as "6> su!!ested. +ore than three $ourth o$ the respondents are not concerned a%out ris7 i$ the, !et returns $or the ris7 ta7en. This once a!ain pro)es the $act that in)estors care #ore $or returns and not $or ris7s. Graph No 12 Graph sho8in! MIn)estin! Option a#on! the respondents %et8een ris7 and returnN Ta%&e NoB 1- Ta%&e sho8in! MA8areness o$ +utua& 1und ad)ertise#ents a#on! the respondentsN A8areness No. O$ respondents Percenta!e Les -/ *3 No 11 22 Tota& "6 166 Ana&,sisB ata ana&,sis sa,s that *3> are a8are o$ #utua& $und Ad)ertise#ents and 22> sa, that the, are not a8are. InterpretationB A8areness a%out the product is )er, i#portant $or $inancia& ser)ice #ar7etin!2 in particu&ar2 to succeed in #odern co#petiti)e 8or&d. The #ore the ad)ertise#ents2 the #ore it he&ps the co#pan, to ha)e a proper %rand i#a!e and %rand is the 7e, to success in +utua& $unds as peop&e &i7e to in)est in a popu&ar and 8e&& 7no8n co#pan,. Graph NoB 1- Graph sho8in!M A8areness o$ +utua& 1und ad)ertise#ents a#on! the respondentsN Ta%&e NoB 10 Ta%&e sho8in! MThe #ost co##on +utua& 1und Co#pan, Ad)ertise#entN +utua& 1und Co#pan, No.o$ respondents Percenta!e ICICI Prudentia& 23 *2 ?ota7 +ahindra 6/ 2- H1C +utua& 1und 6* 13 4ir&a Sun &i$e 1/ 0/ S4I +utua& 1und 13 0' LIC +utua& 1und 6' 1" Can%an7 +utua& 1und 60 16 1ran7&inTe#p&eton +.1 2' '* Ana&,sisB *2> o$ the respondents ha)e )oted Prudentia& ICICI9s ad)ertise#ent as the #ost popu&ar one c&ose&, $o&&o8ed %, Te#p&eton. 4ir&a and S4I2 8ith Can%an7 !ettin! the &east percenta!e. InterpretationB This ta%&e is desi!ned to stud, the #ost co##on ad)ertise#ent o$ +utua& 1und co#panies a#on! the respondents. Prudentia& ICICI and 1ran7&in Te#p&eton are the popu&ar co#panies as $ar as ad)ertise#ent !oes. Theses ad)ertise#ents ha)e he&ped these t8o co#panies to %e the #ost respected %rands in this $ie&d. Graph NoB 10 Graph sho8in! M The #ost co##on +utua& 1und Co#pan, Ad)ertise#entN Ta%&e NoB 1" Ta%&e sho8in! MIn$&uence o$ 4rand a#on! respondents 8hi&e in)estin! in +utua& 1undN In#luence No. O$ respondents Percenta!e (es 00 33 No 6' 12 Tota& "6 166 Ana&,sisB This ta%&e is desi!ned to stud, the In$&uence o$ 4rand na#e 8hi&e in)estin!. Accordin! to the stud, it is c&ear that 33> o$ respondents sa, that %randin! is )er, i#portant to %ui&d in)estors con$idence2 and 12> o$ respondents sa, that %rand na#e is not i#portant $or the# 8hi&e in)estin!. InterpretationB 4rand na#e co#es a&on! 8ith e5perience2 :ua&it,2 trust 8orthiness and #ost i#portant&, %, ad)ertise#ents. A co#pan, ac:uirin! a&& the a%o)e $eatures 8i&& ha)e a !ood %rand na#e. In +utua& $unds2 in)estors &oo7 $or the %rand %e$ore in)estin! as 33> said. There$ore i$ the co#pan, has to %e in the top2 creatin! a %rand na#e is )er, i#portant. Graph NoB 1" Graph sho8in! MIn$&uence o$ 4rand Na#e a#on! respondents 8hi&e in)estin! in +utua& 1undN Ta%&e NoB 1' Ta%&e sho8in! MOpinion o$ respondents on returns in +utua& 1unds co#pared to SharesDeri)ati)esN Opinion No. O$ respondents Percenta!e Les -1 '2 No 1/ -3 Tota& "6 166 Ana&,sisB This ta%&e sho8s that '2>o$ respondent sa, that #utua& $unds returns are %etter than shares or deri)ati)es. -3> o$ respondents sa, that #utua& $unds returns are not !ood co#pared to shares or deri)ati)es. InterpretationB A&& the three are ha)in! !ood returns2 as 8e&& as unpredicta%&e returns. 4ut +utua& $unds see# to ha)e an i#pression in the respondents #ind as the, thin7 its unpredicta%i&it, is &ess co#pared to the other t8o. In shares or deri)ati)es the )o&ati&it, is #uch #ore2 8here as in +utua& $unds consistenc, o$ returns is #ore. Graph NoB 1' Graph sho8in! M Opinion o$ respondents on returns o$ +utua& 1unds co#pared to SharesDeri)ati)esN Ta%&e NoB 1* Ta%&e sho8in! M In)est#ent 1ir#9s transparenc, in recent ti#esN Transparenc, No. o$ respondents Percenta!e Les -' *2 No 10 23 )otal "6 166 Ana&,sisB As $ar as transparenc, is concerned the sur)e, sa,s that *2> o$ the respondents sa, that $ir#s are transparent present&, and 23> sa, that $ir#s are not transparent as co#pared to ear&ier ti#es. InterpretationB Peop&e no8 a da,s 8ant e)er,thin! to %e re)ea&ed. A hidden a!enda #a7es the# conspicuous. So in the %est interest o$ the $ir# its %etter to ha)e transparencies in their transactions. Graph NoB 1* Graph sho8in! M In)est#ent 1ir#9s transparenc, in recent ti#esN Ta%&e NoB 13 Ta%&e sho8in!M Per$or#ance o$ $unds accordin! to respondentsN 1unds No. O$ respondents Percenta!e E:uit, 1' -2 e%t -- '' 4a&anced 2- 0' Gilt 2/ "3 Inde5 and Industr, 12 20 Ana&,sisB This data ana&,sis sa,s that 8hich $und is per$or#in! %etter at present. It is c&ear $ro# the response that e%t and Gi&t 1unds are per$or#in! %etter2 8here as inde5 and industr, and e:uit, sche#es are &ess popu&ar. InterpretationB <nderstandin! 8hich sche#es are #ore popu&ar and 8or7 %etter 8ith in)estors is crucia& $or an, co#pan,2 as the, can introduce sche#es re&atin! to those2 i$ not a&read, there. It is interestin! to note that e:uit, sche#es 8hich 8ere once popu&ar 8ith the in)estors ha)e !one do8n as de%t and !i&t $unds ha)e pic7ed up. There$ore the in)estor9s perception chan!es $ro# ti#e to ti#e and a success$u& co#pan, needs to understand this. Graph NoB 13 Graph sho8in!M Per$or#ance o$ $unds accordin! to respondentsN .
1ININGS The #ain $indin! o$ the stud, is that2 there is no dependenc, o$ inco#e &e)e& o)er in)est#ent in +utua& 1unds. There$ore inco#e %ein! hi!h or &o8 is not the #a(or criteria $or +utua& 1und in)est#ents.
The a8areness to8ards +utua& 1und is !ood2 %ut not e5ce&&ent. 1or this stud, the co&&ected sa#p&e si;e 8as "6. out o$ the# -- are #utua& $und in)estors. Ne5t $indin! is that the %rand na#e o$ in)est#ent $ir# is )er, i#portant to !ain or attract custo#ers. Out o$ "6-sa#p&e si;e 00 respondents said that %rand na#e is re:uired. On&, ' respondents said that %rand na#e is not re:uired. 1ro# in)estors point2 the popu&ar #utua& $und co#panies are Prudentia& ICICI2 and 1ran7&in Te#p&eton #utua& $unds. +ost co##on ad)ertise#ents o$ +utua& 1unds Co#panies $ro# in)estors9 point o$ )ie8 are Prudentia& ICICI 8ith *1.*/> and 1ran7&in Te#p&eton 8ith ''.''>. This sho8s that a!!ressi)eness on ad)ertise#ents in +utua& 1unds cou&d #a7e the co#pan, a hit2 as these t8o co#panies are the t8o popu&ar one9s as 8e&&. In)estors ha)e ran7ed Hi!h Return2 Assured Return2 Li:uidit,2 Go)ern#ent Guarantee2 Ris7 Co)er and Eotin! Ri!ht as the i#portant $actors $or in)est#ents respecti)e&,. Ta5 %ene$it2 surprisin!&,2 doesn9t $ind p&ace in the top $i)e. The transparenc, is the order o$ the da,. The o)era&& perception a%out this #atter is that *2> o$ the respondents sa, that these da,s9 $ir#s are #ore transparent than in o&d da,s. Pri)ate sector +utua& 1unds are on a ra#pa!e. The #ar7et share o$ pri)ate sector #utua& $unds is increased. 1ro# e5istin! #utua& $und in)estors it is $ound that the de%t $unds and !i&t $unds are per$or#in! %etter than &ast ,ear. In)estors are 8orried and con$used a%out the &e!a& $or#a&ities o$ the +utua& 1und as it is co#p&icated co#pared to other in)est#ent a)enues &i7e %an7 deposits. The &aunchin! up o$ ne8 sche#es %, +utua& 1und co#panies has increased the nu#%er o$ in)estors. +utua& 1und has %eco#e the %u;; 8ord current&,. +ore and #ore peop&e are in)estin! in +utua& 1unds &ate&,. Shares2 Rea& Estate2 and Insurance are present&, other hot areas $or in)est#ent. S<GGESTIONS D RECO++ENATIONS +utua& 1und co#panies shou&d %e #ore transparent 8hi&e dec&arin! their di)idends2 Net Asset Ea&ue2 ad#inistration char!es and their accountin! nor#s. 4rand na#e o$ in)est#ent $ir# is )er, i#portant to !ain or attract custo#ers. +utua& 1und co#panies shou&d #a7e their ad)ertise#ents #ore a!!ressi)e&,2 so that the co##on pu%&ic shou&d co#e to 7no8 a%out their product $eatures and there position in the #ar7et. It is the perception o$ in)estors that the +utua& $unds 8i&& not !i)e an, suret, on returns. This perception shou&d %e re#o)ed $ro# their #ind. 1or this the +utua& $und co#panies need to $or#u&ate so#e #ar7etin! strate!ies. This ana&,sis sho8s that +utua& $und returns are %etter than shares or deri)ati)es. So the e5istin! in)estors are satis$ied 8ith their returns2 so the #utua& $und co#panies shou&d #a7e e$$orts to retain the e5istin! in)estors. The &aunchin! up o$ ne8 sche#es %, +utua& 1und co#panies has increased the nu#%er o$ in)estors. +ore and #ore sche#es2 %oth attracti)e as 8e&& as e$$ecti)e2 need to %e introduced on a $re:uent %asis so as to increase the in)estor %ase. In)estors are 8orried and con$used a%out the &e!a& $or#a&ities o$ the +utua& 1und as it is co#p&icated co#pared to other in)est#ent a)enues &i7e %an7 deposits. There$ore &e!a& $or#a&ities need to %e #ini#ised and the dea&in!s ha)e to %e si#p&i$ied. +utua& 1unds need itse&$ to %e di$$erentiated $ro# other hot in)est#ent a)enues. +utua& 1unds #ust o$$er to the pu%&ic #ore returns2 sa$et, and ta5 %ene$its so as to attract in)estors into in)estin! in +utua& 1unds rather than in Shares or Rea&-estate. Increased dere!u&ation o$ the $inancia& #ar7ets in the countr, coup&ed 8ith the introduction o$ deri)ati)e products 8i&& o$$er tre#endous scope $or the industr, to desi!n and se&& inno)ati)e sche#es to suit indi)idua& custo#er needs2 8hich he&ps the +utua& 1und industr,. CONCL<SION A percepti%&e chan!e is s8eepin! across the #utua& 1und &andscape in India. 1actors such as chan!in! in)estor9s needs and their appetite $or ris72 e#er!ence o$ internet as a po8er$u& p&at$or#2 and a%o)e a&& the !ro8in! co##oditi;ation o$ #utua& $und products are actin! as #a(or cata&,sts puttin! pressure on industr, p&a,ers to $or#u&ate strate!ies to sta, the course. 4ui&din! and sustainin! a po8er$u& %rand is a&so %eco#in! an issue o$ para#ount i#portance. Cith in)estor toda, ha)in! a ran!e o$ products to choose $ro#2 e$$ecti)e co##unication is re:uired to reach a 8ider audience. The success o$ #ar7eter in $uture 8ou&d depend upon his a%i&it, to use -'6-de!ree co#poundin! e$$ect o$ #edia throu!h a presence in a&& #edia inter$aces 8ith the in)estors. Increased dere!u&ation o$ the $inancia& #ar7ets in the countr, coup&ed 8ith the introduction o$ deri)ati)e products o$$ers tre#endous scope $or the industr, to desi!n and se&& inno)ati)e sche#es to suit indi)idua& custo#er needs. As it is %ein! increasin!&, $e&t2 8ith the co##oditi;ation o$ products &oo7in! i##inent2 ser)ice to in)estors and per$or#ance 8ou&d %e the #a(or di$$erentiators in the ,ears to co#e. BIBLIOGRAPHY BOO84 Evaluating Mutual Fund Performance -------- SP !ot"ari# A.4. Carner +asterin! in +utua& 1unds ---------- ?. S. +urth, In)est#ent Ana&,sis and ---------- Prasanna Chandra Port$o&io +ana!e#ent InternetB $$$googlecom $$$morning%tarcom 888.a#$ +a!a;inesB 1H Capita& +ar7et 2H 4usiness Cor&d -H 4usiness Cee7 0H 4usiness Toda,
H 1Na#eB ------------------------------------ 2H A!eB 1H 13 to 2" 2H 2' to -6
-H -1 to -" 0H -' and a%o)e -H OccupationB 1H 4usiness 2H Pro$ession -H House 8i$e 0H Ser)ice "H Others 0.H No. o$ $a#i&, dependentsB "H Inco#eB 1H 4e&o8 "666 2H '666 to 1"666
-H 1'666 to 2"666 0H 2'666 to -"666
"H -'666 to a%o)e 'H Chat t,pe o$ in)est#ent options are ,ou a8are o$$U
0H ---------------------------------------- 12H I$ In)est#ent t,pe !i)es return %et8een 1" to 2"> and #ore respect to #ar7et ris72 8hat 8ou&d ,ou doU 1H Consider 2H I!nore 1-H I$ consider in)estin!2 ho8U 1H 1" > to 26 > return 8ith #oderate ris7 2H 26 > to -6 > 8ith hi!h ris7 -H -6 > to 06 > 8ith )er, hi!h ris7 10H Ha)e ,ou co#e across an, +utua& 1und Ad)ertise#ent9sU 1H Les 2H No 1"H I$ ,es Na#e the co#pan,
1H -------------------------------------------
2H ----------------------------------------- -H ----------------------------------------- 1'H o ,ou consider that 4rand na#e is re:uired 8hi&e in)estin! in an, +utua& 1undsU 1H Les 2H No 1*H o ,ou thin7 +utua& 1und return is %etter than SharesDeri)ati)esU 1H Les 2H No 13H A$ter <TI sca# G<S-'0H +utua& 1und2 do ,ou thin7 that present da, in)est#ent $ir#s are #ore transparent than ear&ierU 1H Les 2H No 1/H Chich 1unds GA&&ocationH are per$or#in! %etter this ,earU 1H E:uit, 1unds 2H e%t 1unds -H 4a&anced 1unds 0H Gi&t 1unds "H Inde5 and Industr, 1unds