This document provides guidelines from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regarding takeover of borrower accounts from other banks. Key points:
- RBI expressed concern over lack of information sharing on borrower health between transferring and receiving banks at the time of account takeovers.
- New guidelines require receiving banks to obtain a credit information report from transferring banks using a standard format, including details on borrower risk ratings, loan terms, repayment history, and any irregularities.
- Banks must implement proper monitoring and reporting systems for taken over accounts, including quarterly reporting to management committees for accounts taken over in the past 12 months.
This document provides guidelines from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regarding takeover of borrower accounts from other banks. Key points:
- RBI expressed concern over lack of information sharing on borrower health between transferring and receiving banks at the time of account takeovers.
- New guidelines require receiving banks to obtain a credit information report from transferring banks using a standard format, including details on borrower risk ratings, loan terms, repayment history, and any irregularities.
- Banks must implement proper monitoring and reporting systems for taken over accounts, including quarterly reporting to management committees for accounts taken over in the past 12 months.
This document provides guidelines from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regarding takeover of borrower accounts from other banks. Key points:
- RBI expressed concern over lack of information sharing on borrower health between transferring and receiving banks at the time of account takeovers.
- New guidelines require receiving banks to obtain a credit information report from transferring banks using a standard format, including details on borrower risk ratings, loan terms, repayment history, and any irregularities.
- Banks must implement proper monitoring and reporting systems for taken over accounts, including quarterly reporting to management committees for accounts taken over in the past 12 months.
This document provides guidelines from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regarding takeover of borrower accounts from other banks. Key points:
- RBI expressed concern over lack of information sharing on borrower health between transferring and receiving banks at the time of account takeovers.
- New guidelines require receiving banks to obtain a credit information report from transferring banks using a standard format, including details on borrower risk ratings, loan terms, repayment history, and any irregularities.
- Banks must implement proper monitoring and reporting systems for taken over accounts, including quarterly reporting to management committees for accounts taken over in the past 12 months.
Dear Sir,
Re: Takeover of Borrowal accounts from other banks.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), vide its circular no DBOD.No.BP.BC- 104/21.04.048/2011-12 dated 10.05.2012, has expressed concern over takeover of loans by banks including on non-sharing of the critical information on the health of the borrowal account by the transferor bank with transferee bank, resulting in inadequate due diligence etc. at the time of taking over.
As expected by RBI in said circular, the Banks Domestic Loan Policy 2012, provides norms in respect of take-over of accounts from other banks including nature of accounts eligible for take-over; financial and non-financial parameters; powers for takeover with or without deviation. The Policy also provides guidelines for credit audit in general, applicable also to takeover accounts. The Bank also has extant guidelines in respect of examination of Staff Accountability in all NPA Accounts (must in case of quick mortality i.e. account becoming NPA within one year of sanction) under Scheme for Examination of staff accountability in Non Performing Accounts /Operational Areas approved by the EMC on 17.06.2009.
Further, based on experience and issues raised & deliberated with Statutory Auditors and RBIs Inspection Team, guidelines have been issued from time to time through circulars i.e.
RBI has advised that henceforth, in order to make transferee bank fully aware of the irregularities if any, existed in the borrowers accounts with the transferor bank, before taking over an account, the transferee bank shall obtain necessary credit information from the transferor bank as per attached format (annex -1) (i.e. the format prescribed for sharing of information in case of Lending under Consortium /Multiple Banking Arrangements). The transferor bank, on receipt of request from the transferee bank shall share the necessary credit information as per prescribed format at the earliest.
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RBI has also advised the banks to have proper reporting system in respect of takeover decisions and put in place proper periodical review and monitoring mechanism at Board Level Committee, Top Management level etc in respect of all the take-over accounts.
In the light of guidelines received from RBI, it has been decided to introduce the reporting and monitoring mechanism with immediate effect (i.e. starting from 30.09.2012 onwards) in respect of takeover accounts as under:
a) All taken over accounts shall be under the scope of quarterly reporting and monitoring for a period of 12 months from the date of take over i.e. the period for considering an NPA account a case of quick mortality.
b) The branches shall submit a report on quarterly basis to Regional Offices in respect of taken over accounts as per format enclosed (Annex-2). The information should reach from Branches to RO within 7 days from the close of quarter.
c) The Regional Office shall consolidate the information for Branches and submit the same to Zonal Office within 10 days from the close of quarter.
d) In respect of accounts taken over during preceding 12 months under Branches powers, Regional Office shall place the report (with analysis) to the RMCC for carrying out quarterly review.
e) The Zonal Office shall consolidate the information for Regions and submit the same to Credit Monitoring Deptt at BCC within 12 days from the close of quarter.
f) In respect of accounts taken over during preceding 12 months under Regions powers, Zonal Office shall place the report (with analysis) to the ZOCC for carrying out quarterly review.
g) The Credit Monitoring Deptt., BCC Mumbai shall consolidate the information for Zones and shall place the report in respect of accounts taken over during preceding 12 months under Zones /BCCs powers with analysis & comments before respective COCC-ED for carrying out quarterly review, within 15 days from the close of quarter.
The guidelines come into force with immediate effect.
Branches, Regional and Zonal offices are advised to take necessary care and ensure compliance.
Yours faithfully,
Format for sharing credit information at the time of transfer of borrowal accounts Part - I Bio Data of the Company I. Borrowing party's name and address
II. Constitution III. Names of Directors / Partners Business activity * Main IV. * Allied V. Names of other financing Banks VI. Net worth of Directors / Partners VII. Group affiliation, if any VIII. Date on associate concerns, if banking with the same bank
IX. Changes in shareholding and management from the previous report, if any
Part II Major Credit Quality Indicators I. IRAC Classification II. Internal Credit rating with narration III. External Credit rating, if any IV. Latest available Annual Report of the borrower As on --------------- Part III Exposure Details other than Derivatives (Rs. in crore) I. Type of credit facilities, e.g. working capital loan / demand loan / term loan / short term loan / foreign currency loan, corporate loan / line of credit / Channel financing,
contingent facilities like LC, BG & DPG (I & F) etc. Also, state L/C bills discounting / project wise finance availed). II. Purpose of loan III. Date of loan facilities (including temporary facilities)
IV. Amount sanctioned (facility wise) V. Balance outstanding (facility wise) VI. Repayment terms Security offered * Primary * Collateral * Personal / Corporate Guarantees
VII. * Extent of control over cash flow VIII. Defaults in term commitments / lease rentals / others
IX. Any other special information like court cases, statutory dues, major defaults, adverse internal / external audit observations
Part - IV Exposure Details - Derivatives Transactions (Rs. in crore) Sr. No . Nature of the Derivatives Transactions Notional Amount of Contracts Weighted - Average Maturity of Contracts Amount of Positive MTM for the Bank (Not due for settle- ment) Amount of Contracts classified as NPA Notional Amount of Out- standing Contracts which have been restru- ctured Major Reasons for restru- cturing (in brief) Plain Vanilla Contracts
1. Forex Forward contracts
2. Interest rate Swaps
3. Foreign Currency Options
A. 4. Any other contracts (Please specify)
Complex derivatives including various types of option combinations designed as cost reduction / zero cost structures
1. Contracts involving only interest rate derivatives
2. Other contracts including those involving foreign currency derivatives
B. 3. Any other contracts (Please specify)
Part - V Un-hedged Foreign Currency Exposures of the Borrower with Currency-wise Details (Rs. in crore) Short term exposures (less than one year)
(a) Long positions (b) Short positions I (c) Net short- term exposure (a-b) Long term exposures (one year and beyond)
(a) Long positions (b) Short positions II (c) Net long-term exposure (a-b) III Overall Net Position (I -II) for each currency (Please give Overall Net Position in this format for each currency)
IV Overall Net Position across all currencies
Part - VI Experience with the Borrower I. Conduct of funded facilities (based on cash management / tendency to overdraw)
II. Conduct of contingent facilities (based on payment history)
III. Compliance with financial covenants IV. Company's internal systems & procedures V. Quality of management VI. Overall Assessment (The above to be rated as good, satisfactory or below par only) (*) Broad guidelines for incorporating comments under this head is furnished in the next page Broad Guidelines for Incorporating Comments under Part - VI (Experience) of the Credit Information Report Good Satisfactory Below Par Conduct of funded facilities * Over-drawings (No. of times) Upto 4 times 5 to 6 times Above 6 times * Average period of adjustment Within 1 month Within 2 months Beyond 2 months I. * Extent of overdrawings (% of limit) Upto 10% 10 to 20% Above 20% Conduct of contingent facilities (Other than Derivatives) * No. of Defaults Upto 2 times 3 to 4 times Above 4 times II. * Average period of adjustment Within 1 week Within 2 weeks Beyond 2 weeks Conduct of Derivatives Transactions * No. of contracts where the positive MTM value due to the bank remained overdue for more than 30 days <25% of total number of contracts 25-50% of total number of contracts > 50% of total number of contracts * No. of contracts where the positive MTM value due to the bank remained overdue for more than 90 days and the account had to be classified as NPA (but later on regularized and is not NPA as on the date of exchange of information) Note : All cases where any of the contracts has been classified as NPA and continues to be NPA as on the date of the exchange of information should be shown as Below Par) <1% of total number of contracts 1-5% of total number of contracts > 5% of total number of contracts III. * No. of contracts restructured during the relevant period <25% of total number of contracts 25-50% of total number of contracts > 50% of total number of contracts IV. Compliance with financial covenants * Stock statement / Financial data Timely Delay upto 15 days Delay over 15 days * Creation of charge Prompt Delay upto 2 months Delay over 2 months Company's internal systems and procedures * Inventory Management Adequate systems are in place Adequate systems are in place but not adhered Adequate systems are not in place * Receivables Management - do - - do - - do - * Resource Allocation - do - - do - - do - V. * Control over Information - do - - do - - do - Quality of management * Integrity Reliable Nothing adverse Cannot be categorized in previous columns * Expertise Competence / Commitments Professional & visionary Have necessary experience -do- VI. * Tract Record Timely Executions -do-