International Relations Is The Study of Relationships Among Different Countries

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International relations is the study of relationships among different countries,

the roles of sovereign states, inter-governmental organizations, international
non-governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and
multinational corporations. ...

International relations
Page Contents >
'eatures of (S) courses
Degree structure
*eaching and assessment
Preliminary reading
International relations is the study of an international system
composed of territorial states &hich ac+no&ledge no superior
authority over matters &hich they consider of vital interest. It deals
&ith the nature of the changing relations ,et&een states and &ith
non-state actors. It studies the functioning of the international system
- the forces, factors and interests, the customs, rules, institutions and
organisations from &hich the theory and history of its development
are formed.
-any study the programme for general interest or to lead to graduate
study or research rather than in preparation for a career. .o&ever, a
fe& students each year enter their country/s diplomatic service and
many more go into other ,ranches of government and often reach
senior positions. %thers have ta+en up careers in international
,usiness and ,an+ing, in the media, or in international organisations.
Features of LSE courses
%ur degrees aim to give you insight into ho& the international
community &or+s. 0ou &ill study alongside students from a &ide
range of countries.
1uestions of central interest to the programme are - &hy do states go
to &ar and &hat impact does this have on the international system2
3hy, on the other hand, do they often cooperate and o,ey the la&2
3hat is meant ,y international integration and ho& do &e e4plain
regional developments li+e the )uropean Union, or the re-emergence
of the United 5ations2 3e &ill also investigate the &idely different
characters and circumstances of states6 the highly uneven distri,ution
of money, &elfare and +no&ledge has ma7or implications for the
foreign policies of states to&ards each other, and for the maintenance
of international order.
Degree structure
0ou can ta+e a single honours degree in our #Sc International
"elations, or study it as part of a 7oint honours degree in the #Sc
International "elations and .istory.
Teaching and assessment
)ach course involves a series of lectures supported ,y classes &here
you &ill meet in a smaller group &ith a mem,er of staff.
0ou &ill have regular meetings &ith an academic adviser &ho &ill
discuss your academic progress and any pro,lems &hich you might
have. *he total teaching time amounts to around ten hours per &ee+,
as &ell as (S)1 teaching.
0ou &ill have e4aminations at the end of the first and second years
for each of the four courses you have ta+en. *here &ill also ,e four
e4aminations at the end of the third year unless you ta+e the
opportunity to su,mit the 1, &ord dissertation for assessment on
an approved topic of your choice.
5ote6 *he International "elations Department reserves the right to
&ithdra& courses
3e, definitions
1. International ,usiness comprises all commercial transactions that ta+e place
,et&een t&o or more regions, countries and nations ,eyond their political
,oundaries. Usually, private companies underta+e such transactions for profit8
governments underta+e them for profit and for political reasons. ...
1. International relations is the study of relationships among different countries,
the roles of sovereign states, inter-governmental organizations, international
non-governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and
multinational corporations. ...

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