PuPbcorp-Lapid Cases

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Residents of !""io St!. E#en! fi#ed $o%&#!ints !'!inst t(e &etitione" e$!)se of t(e dist)"!n$e $!)sed
* t(e o&e"!tion of t(e !!$! !i#in' %!$(ine inside (is +!"e(o)se +(i$( !ffe$ted t(e &e!$e !nd t"!n,)i#it* of
t(e nei'(o"(ood d)e to t(e s%o-e. ono/io)s odo". !nd d)st e%itted * t(e %!$(ine.
A $o%%ittee +!s !&&ointed * t(e %)ni$i&!# $o)n$i# of Vi"!$ to investi'!te t(e %!tte". T(e $o%%ittee noted t(e
$"o+ded n!t)"e of t(e nei'(o"(ood +it( n!""o+ "o!ds !nd t(e s)""o)ndin' "esidenti!# (o)ses. Reso#)tion No.
01 +!s &!ssed * t(e M)ni$i&!# Co)n$i# of Vi"!$ de$#!"in' t(e +!"e(o)se o+ned !nd o&e"!ted * &etitione" !
public nuisance +it(in t(e &)"vie+ of A"ti$#e 213 of t(e Ne+ Civi# Code..
Res&ondent %)ni$i&!# offi$i!#s f)"t(e" $ontend t(!t &etitione"4s +!"e(o)se +!s $onst")$ted in vio#!tion
of O"din!n$e No. 56. se"ies of 5170. &"o(iitin' t(e $onst")$tion of +!"e(o)ses ne!" ! #o$- of (o)ses eit(e" in
t(e &o#!$ion o" !""ios +it(o)t %!int!inin' t(e ne$ess!"* dist!n$e of 088 %ete"s f"o% s!id #o$- of (o)ses to
!void #oss of #ives !nd &"o&e"ties * !$$ident!# fi"e.
Petitione" !ss!i#ed t(e v!#idit* of t(e o"din!n$e !nd !ve""ed t(!t +(!t is &"o(iited is t(e $onst")$tion of
+!"e(o)ses !nd not t(e )se of t(e +!"e(o)se fo" sto"!'e of !!$! !nd $o&"!. It !#so $ontended t(!t t(e o"din!n$e
is dis$"i%in!to"* sin$e ot(e" +!"e(o)ses !"e !##o+ed to o&e"!te +it(in t(e vi$init* +it(o)t ein' &"ose$)ted.
9(et(e" O"din!n$e No. 56. S. 5170 of t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of Vi"!$ is )n$onstit)tion!# !nd void
Yes. O"din!n$e No. 56. se"ies of 5170. is ! #e'iti%!te !nd v!#id e/e"$ise of &o#i$e &o+e" * t(e
M)ni$i&!# Co)n$i# of Vi"!$ !nd is not )n$onstit)tion!# !nd void !s $#!i%ed * t(e &etitione".
T(e Co)"t !#so e%&(!si;ed t(e $"ite"i! of ! v!#id o"din!n$e !s fo##o+s: <5= It %)st not $ont"!vene t(e
Constit)tion o" !n* st!t)te> <0= It %)st not e )nf!i" o" o&&"essive> <6= It %)st not e &!"ti!# o" dis$"i%in!to"*>
<3= It %)st not &"o(iit )t %!* "e')#!te t"!de> <7= It %)st e 'ene"!# !nd $onsistent +it( &)#i$ &o#i$*> !nd <2= It
%)st not e )n"e!son!#e.
T(e Cit* of M!ni#! '"!nted Asso$i!tion of Deve#o&%ent Co"&o"!tion to o&e"!te A!i-!#!i &)"s)!nt to
O"din!n$e No. B827. Petitione"s !"')ed t(!t Re&)#i$ A$t No. 173 entit#ed. CAn A$t to P"o(iit 9it( :o"se
R!$es !nd B!s,)e Pe#ot! @!%es <D!i-A#!i=. And To P"es$"ie Pen!#ties Fo" Its Vio#!tionE. effe$tive#* "e%oved
t(e &o+e" of t(e M)ni$i&!# Bo!"d of M!ni#! to '"!nt f"!n$(ises fo" '!%#in' o&e"!tions. T(e* !"')ed t(!t t(e
te"% F#e'is#!tive f"!n$(iseF in s!id !$t is )sed to "efe" to f"!n$(ises iss)ed * Con'"ess. On t(e ot(e" (!nd.
Asso$i!tion of Deve#o&%ent Co"&o"!tion $ontends t(!t Re&)#i$ A$t No. 381 +(i$( $"e!ted t(e M!ni#! C(!&te"
'ives #e'is#!tive &o+e"s to t(e M)ni$i&!# Bo!"d to '"!nt f"!n$(ises. !nd it does not s&e$ifi$!##* ,)!#if* t(e +o"d
F#e'is#!tiveF !s "efe""in' e/$#)sive#* to Con'"ess. If s)$( is t(e $!se. t(en Re&. A$t No. 173 did not "e%ove t(e
&o+e" of t(e M)ni$i&!# Bo!"d !nd $onse,)ent#* it +!s +it(in t(e &o+e" of t(e Cit* of M!ni#! to !##o+ ADC to
o&e"!te t(e A!i-!#!i in its A)"isdi$tion.
9(et(e" R.A. 381 'ives t(e Cit* of M!ni#! t(e !)t(o"it* to '"!nt f"!n$(ise.
It is $#e!" f"o% t(e fo"e'oin' t(!t Con'"ess did not de#e'!te to t(e Cit* of M!ni#! t(e &o+e" Fto
f"!n$(iseF +!'e"s o" ettin'. in$#)din' t(e A!i-!#!i. )t "et!ined fo" itse#f s)$( &o+e" Fto f"!n$(iseF. 9(!t
Con'"ess de#e'!ted to t(e Cit* of M!ni#! in Re&. A$t No. 381. +it( "es&e$t to +!'e"s o" ettin'. +!s t(e &o+e"
to F#i$ense. &e"%it. o" "e')#!teF +(i$( t(e"efo"e %e!ns t(!t ! #i$ense o" &e"%it iss)ed * t(e Cit* of M!ni#! to
o&e"!te ! +!'e" o" ettin' !$tivit*. s)$( !s t(e A!i-!#!i +(e"e ets !"e !$$e&ted. +o)#d not !%o)nt to so%et(in'
%e!nin'f)# )n#ess t(e (o#de" of t(e &e"%it o" #i$ense +!s !#so f"!n$(ised * t(e n!tion!# 'ove"n%ent to so
o&e"!te. Mo"eove". even t(is &o+e" to #i$ense. &e"%it. o" "e')#!te +!'e"s o" ettin' on A!i-!#!i +!s "e%oved
f"o% #o$!# 'ove"n%ents. in$#)din' t(e Cit* of M!ni#!. !nd t"!nsfe""ed to t(e @!%es !nd A%)se%ent Bo!"d *
E/e$)tive O"de" No. 610. T(e net "es)#t is t(!t t(e !)t(o"it* to '"!nt f"!n$(ises fo" t(e o&e"!tion of A!i-!#!i
f"ontons is in Con'"ess. +(i#e t(e "e')#!to"* f)n$tion is vested in t(e @AB.
Re&)#i$ A$t No. B577 $"e!tes t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of T)#!*-N!-L)&! in t(e P"ovin$e of C!%!"ines No"te to e$o%&osed of
B!"!n'!*s T)#!*-N!-L)&!. L)')i. S!n Antonio. M!i#o I. N!&!od. Benit. B!*!n-B!*!n. M!t!n#!n'. P!'-As!. M!ot. !nd C!#!!s!.
!## in t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of L!o. s!%e &"ovin$e.P)"s)!nt to s!id #!+. t(e COMELEC iss)ed ! "eso#)tion fo" t(e $ond)$t of ! &#eis$ite.
T(e s!id "eso#)tion &"ovidest(!t t(e &#eis$ite s(!## e (e#d in t(e !"e!s o" )nits !ffe$ted. n!%e#* t(e !"!n'!*s $o%&"isin' (e
&"o&osed M)ni$i&!#it* of T)#!*-N!-L)&! !nd t(e "e%!inin' !"e!s of t(e %ot(e" M)ni$i&!#it* of L!o. C!%!"ines No"te. In t(e
&#eis$ite (e#d t("o)'(o)t t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of L!o. %!Ao"it* of t(e votes $!st +e"e !'!inst t(e $"e!tion of t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of T)#!*-
N!-L)&!. T()s. &etitione" !s @ove"no" of C!%!"ines No"te. see-s to set !side t(e &#eis$ite $ond)$ted t("o)'(o)t t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of
L!o !nd &"!*s t(!t ! ne+ &#eis$ite e )nde"t!-en. It is t(e $ontention of &etitione" t(!t t(e &#eis$ite +!s ! $o%&#ete f!i#)"e !nd t(!t
t(e "es)#ts ot!ined +e"e inv!#id !nd i##e'!# e$!)se t(e &#eis$ite. !s %!nd!ted * COMELEC. s(o)#d (!ve een $ond)$ted on#* in
t(e &o#iti$!# )nit o" )nits !ffe$ted #i-e t(e 50!"!n'!*s $o%&"isin' t(e ne+ M)ni$i&!#it* of T)#!*-N!-L)&! n!%e#* T)#!*-N!-L)&!.
L)')i. S!n Antonio. M!i#o I. N!&!od. Benit. B!*!n-B!*!n. M!t!n#!n'. P!'-As!. M!ot. !nd C!#!!s!.
Petitione" st"esses t(!t t(e &#eis$ite s(o)#d not (!ve in$#)ded t(e "e%!inin' !"e! of t(e %ot(e" )nit of t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of
L!o. C!%!"ines No"te. In s)&&o"t of (is st!nd. &etitione" !"')es t(!t +(e"e ! #o$!# )nit is to e se'"e'!ted f"o% ! &!"ent )nit. on#* t(e
vote"s of t(e )nit to e se'"e'!ted s(o)#d e in$#)ded in t(e &#eis$ite.
9!s t(e &#eis$ite $ond)$ted in t(e !"e!s $o%&"isin' t(e &"o&osed M)ni$i&!#it* of T)#!*-N!-L)&! !nd t(e "e%!inin' !"e!s
of t(e %ot(e" M)ni$i&!#it* of L!o v!#idG
Yes. 9(en t(e #!+ st!tes t(!t t(e &#eis$ite s(!## e $ond)$ted Fin t(e &o#iti$!# )nits di"e$t#* !ffe$ted.F it %e!ns t(!t "esidents
of t(e &o#iti$!# entit* +(o +o)#d e e$ono%i$!##* dis#o$!ted * t(e se&!"!tion of ! &o"tion t(e"eof (!ve ! "i'(t to vote in s!id &#eis$ite.
Evident#*. +(!t is $onte%&#!ted * t(e &(!se F&o#iti$!# )nits di"e$t#* !ffe$ted.F is t(e &#)"!#it* of &o#iti$!# )nits +(i$( +o)#d &!"ti$i&!te
in t(e &#eis$ite. Lo'i$!##*. t(ose to e in$#)ded in s)$( &o#iti$!# !"e!s !"e t(e in(!it!nts of t(e 50 !"!n'!*s of t(e &"o&osed
M)ni$i&!#it* of T)#!*-N!-L)&! !s +e## !s t(ose #ivin' in t(e &!"ent M)ni$i&!#it* of L!o. C!%!"ines No"te. T()s. it +!s $on$#)ded
t(!t "es&ondent COMELEC did not $o%%it '"!ve !)se of dis$"etion in &"o%)#'!tin' t(e "eso#)tion.
T(is is ! &etition fo" $e"tio"!"i !'!inst ! de$ision of t(e Co)"t of Fi"st Inst!n$e of P!n'!sin!n !nn)##in'
!n o"din!n$e !do&ted * t(e %)ni$i&!# o!"d of D!')&!n Cit*.
T(e o"din!n$e in ,)estion is O"din!n$e 00. o" CAn O"din!n$e Re')#!tin' S)division P#!ns ove" &!"$e#s of #!nd
in D!')&!nE. &!ssed * t(e M)ni$i&!# Bo!"d.
T(e $o)"t ! ,)o de$#!"ed t(e o"din!n$e !s void e$!)se it $onf#i$ts +it( !nd e/&!nds A$t 312. +(i$( is !
n!tion!# #!+. Fi"st of !## Se$.5 of t(e o"din!n$e "e,)i"es t(!t !## s)division &#!ns e s)%itted to t(e Cit*
En'inee" efo"e it $!n e !&&"oved * t(e Di"e$to" of L!nds. Se$. 6 of t(e o"din!n$e f)"t(e" &"ovides t(!t !
$e"tifi$!tion of t(e $it* en'inee" is needed efo"e "e'ist"!tion of s)division &#!ns $!n e %!de +it( t(e Re'iste"
of Deeds. Se$tion 0 !#so &"ovides ! se"vi$e fee fo" s)division &#!ns. L!st#*. t(e o"din!n$e !#so i%&oses !
&en!#t* fo" vio#!tions $o%%itted. A## of t(e !fo"e%entioned se$tions of t(e o"din!n$e $ont"!venes A$t 312 !s t(e
#!tte" does not "e,)i"e s)%ission of &#!ns to t(e $it* en'inee". no" t(e iss)!n$e of ! $e"tifi$!tion * t(e s!%e.
no" does it &"ovide !n* &en!#ties.
T(e Cit* of D!')&!n !"')es t(!t t(e o"din!n$e "in's to ! (!#t t(e s)""e&titio)s "e'ist"!tion of #!nds
e#on'in' to t(e 'ove"n%ent.
Is O"din!n$e 00 v!#id. $onside"in' t(e #!)d!#e &)"&ose fo" its en!$t%entG
NO. T(e &o+e"s of t(e o!"d in en!$tin' s)$( ! #!)d!#e o"din!n$e $!nnot e (e#d v!#id +(en it s(!##
i%&ede t(e e/e"$ise of "i'(ts '"!nted in ! 'ene"!# #!+ !ndHo" %!-e ! 'ene"!# #!+ s)o"din!ted to ! #o$!#
T(is !dvi$e is es&e$i!##* !dd"essed to t(e #o$!# 'ove"n%ents +(i$( e/e"$ise t(e &o#i$e &o+e" on#* *
vi"t)e of ! v!#id de#e'!tion f"o% t(e n!tion!# #e'is#!t)"e )nde" t(e 'ene"!# +e#f!"e $#!)se. In t(e inst!nt!$!se.
O"din!n$e No. 00 s)ffe"s f"o% t(e !ddition!# defe$t of vio#!tin' t(is !)t(o"it* fo" #e'is#!tion in $ont"!vention of
t(e n!tion!# #!+ * !ddin' to its "e,)i"e%ents.
T(e %)ni$i&!# $o"&o"!tion of Bo$!)e. B)#!$!n &"o(iits t(e e/e"$ise of ! #!+f)# t"!de. t(e o&e"!tion of
ni'(t $#)s. !nd t(e &)"s)it of ! #!+f)# o$$)&!tion. s)$( !s $#)s e%&#o*in' (ostesses. It is $ontended t(!t t(e
o"din!n$e !ss!i#ed !s inv!#id is t!inted +it( ! n)##it*. t(e %)ni$i&!#it* ein' devoid of &o+e" to &"o(iit ! #!+f)#
)siness. o$$)&!tion o" $!##in'. &etitione"s !t t(e s!%e ti%e !##e'in' t(!t t(ei" "i'(ts to d)e &"o$ess !nd e,)!#
&"ote$tion of t(e #!+s +e"e vio#!ted !s t(e #i$ense &"evio)s#* 'iven to t(e% +!s in effe$t +it(d"!+n +it(o)t
A)di$i!# (e!"in'. T(e iss)e is +(et(e" o" not ! %)ni$i&!# $o"&o"!tion $!n &"o(iit t(e e/e"$ise of ! #!+f)# t"!de.
t(e o&e"!tion of ni'(t $#)s. !nd t(e &)"s)it of ! #!+f)# o$$)&!tion. s)$( !s $#)s e%&#o*in' (ostessesG
9(et(e" t(e !$t of t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of Bo$!)e is #e'!#G
NO. It is $#e!" t(!t %)ni$i&!# $o"&o"!tions $!nnot &"o(iit t(e o&e"!tion of ni'(t $#)s. T(e* %!* e
"e')#!ted )t not &"evented f"o% $!""*in' on t(ei" )siness. A## t(!t &etitione"s +o)#d (!ve to do is to !&&#*
on$e %o"e fo" #i$enses to o&e"!te ni'(t $#)s. A "ef)s!# to '"!nt #i$enses. e$!)se no )sinesses $o)#d #e'!##*
o&en. +o)#d e s)Ae$t to A)di$i!# $o""e$tion. T(!t is to $o%&#* +it( t(e #e'is#!tive +i## to !##o+ t(e o&e"!tion
!nd $ontin)ed e/isten$e of ni'(t $#)s s)Ae$t to !&&"o&"i!te "e')#!tions. In t(e %e!n+(i#e. to $o%&e#
&etitione"s to $#ose t(ei" est!#is(%ents. t(e ne$ess!"* "es)#t of !n !ffi"%!n$e. +o)#d !%o)nt to no %o"e t(!n !
te%&o"!"* te"%in!tion of t(ei" )siness.
T(e ?)e;on Cit* Co)n$i# &!ssed O"din!n$e No. 255J. S-23 "e')#!tin' t(e est!#is(%ent. %!inten!n$e
!nd o&e"!tion of &"iv!te %e%o"i!# $e%ete"* o" )"i!# '"o)nd +it(in t(e A)"isdi$tion of ?)e;on Cit*
Se$tion 1 of s!id o"din!n$e st!tes t(!t: At #e!st si/ <2= &e"$ent of t(e tot!# !"e! of t(e %e%o"i!# &!"- $e%ete"*
s(!## e set !side fo" $(!"it* )"i!# of de$e!sed &e"sons +(o !"e &!)&e"s !nd (!ve een "esidents of ?)e;on Cit*
fo" !t #e!st 7 *e!"s &"io" to t(ei" de!t(. to e dete"%ined * $o%&etent Cit* A)t(o"ities. T(en. t(e ?)e;on Cit*
Co)n$i# &!ssed ! "eso#)tion "e,)estin' t(e Cit* En'inee". ?)e;on Cit*. to sto& !n* f)"t(e" se##in' !ndHo"
t"!ns!$tion of %e%o"i!# &!"- #ots in ?)e;on Cit* +(e"e t(e o+ne"s t(e"eof (!ve f!i#ed to don!te t(e "e,)i"ed 2K
s&!$e intended fo" &!)&e"s )"i!#. P)"s)!nt to t(is &etition. t(e ?)e;on Cit* En'inee" notified "es&ondent
:i%#!*!n' Pi#i&ino. In$. in +"itin' t(!t Se$tion 1 of O"din!n$e No. 255J. S-23 +o)#d e enfo"$ed.
Res&ondent :i%#!*!n' Pi#i&ino fi#ed +it( t(e Co)"t of Fi"st Inst!n$e of Ri;!# B"!n$( LVIII !t ?)e;on
Cit* ! &etition fo" de$#!"!to"* "e#ief. &"o(iition !nd %!nd!%)s +it( &"e#i%in!"* inA)n$tion. see-in' to !nn)#
Se$tion 1 of t(e O"din!n$e in ,)estion. It !##e'ed t(!t t(e s!%e is $ont"!"* to t(e Constit)tion. t(e ?)e;on Cit*
C(!"te". t(e Lo$!# A)tono%* A$t. !nd t(e Revised Ad%inist"!tive Code. T(e t"i!# $o)"t "ende"ed t(e de$ision
de$#!"in' Se$tion 1 of O"din!n$e No. 255J. S-23 n)## !nd void.
Petitione"s !"')e t(!t t(e t!-in' of t(e "es&ondent4s &"o&e"t* is ! v!#id !nd "e!son!#e e/e"$ise of &o#i$e
&o+e" !nd t(!t t(e #!nd is t!-en fo" ! &)#i$ )se !s it is intended fo" t(e )"i!# '"o)nd of &!)&e"s.
Is Se$tion 1 of t(e o"din!n$e in ,)estion ! v!#id e/e"$ise of t(e &o#i$e &o+e"
No. T(e"e is no "e!son!#e "e#!tion et+een t(e settin' !side of !t #e!st si/ <2= &e"$ent of t(e tot!# !"e! of
!n &"iv!te $e%ete"ies fo" $(!"it* )"i!# '"o)nds of de$e!sed &!)&e"s !nd t(e &"o%otion of (e!#t(. %o"!#s. 'ood
o"de". s!fet*. o" t(e 'ene"!# +e#f!"e of t(e &eo&#e.
The ordinance is actually a taking without compensation of ! $e"t!in !"e! f"o% ! &"iv!te $e%ete"* to enefit
&!)&e"s. Inste!d of )i#din' o" %!int!inin' ! &)#i$ $e%ete"* fo" t(is &)"&ose. t(e $it* &!sses t(e )"den to
&"iv!te $e%ete"ies.
On M!"$( 3. 5170. &#!intiff. !s vendo". !nd A)')sto P!di##! * An'e#es !nd N!tivid!d An'e#es. !s
vendees. ente"ed into se&!"!te !'"ee%ents of s!#e on inst!##%ents ove" t+o &!"$e#s of #!nd. -no+n !s Lots Nos. 7
!nd 2. B#o$- 65. of t(e :i'(+!* :i##s S)division. sit)!ted !t M!nd!#)*on'. Ri;!#. On D)#* 51. 5120. t(e s!id
vendees t"!nsfe""ed t(ei" "i'(ts !nd inte"ests ove" t(e !fo"es!id #ots in f!vo" of one E%%! C(!ve;. U&on
$o%&#etion of &!*%ent of t(e &)"$(!se &"i$e. t(e &#!intiff e/e$)ted t(e $o""es&ondin' deeds of s!#e in f!vo" of
E%%! C(!ve;. Bot( t(e !'"ee%ents <of s!#e on inst!##%ent= !nd t(e deeds of s!#e $ont!ined t(e sti&)#!tions o"
"est"i$tions t(!t: T(e &!"$e# of #!nd s)Ae$t of t(is deed of s!#e s(!## e )sed t(e B)*e" e/$#)sive#* fo"
"esidenti!# &)"&oses
Defend!nt-!&&e##ee. %!int!ins t(!t t(e !"e!. (!s een de$#!"ed ! $o%%e"$i!# !nd ind)st"i!# ;one. &e"
Reso#)tion No. 0B. d!ted Fe")!"* 3. 5128 of t(e M)ni$i&!# Co)n$i# of M!nd!#)*on'. Ri;!# !nd t(e s)Ae$t #ots
t(e"e)nde" +e"e !$,)i"ed * it Fon#* on D)#* 06. 5120 o" %o"e t(!n t+o <0= *e!"s !fte" t(e !"e! (!d een
de$#!"ed ! $o%%e"$i!# !nd ind)st"i!# ;one. On o" !o)t M!* 7. 5126. defend!nt-!&&e##ee e'!n $onst")$tion of
! )i#din' to e devoted to !n-in' &)"&oses. T(e fo##o+in' d!*. &#!intiff-!&&e##!nt de%!nded t(!t t(e
$onst")$tion of t(e $o%%e"$i!# )i#din' on t(e s!id #ots e (!#ted. T(e #!tte" "ef)sed to $o%&#*. $ontendin' t(!t
t(e )i#din' +!s ein' $onst")$ted in !$$o"d!n$e +it( t(e ;onin' "e')#!tions.

Be$!)se of t(is. O"ti'!s N CO. LTD <&#!intiff-!&&e##!nt= fi#ed ! $o%&#!int +it( t(e t"i!# $o)"t.
!$$o%&!nied * ! &"!*e" fo" t(e iss)!n$e of ! +"it of &"e#i%in!"* inA)n$tion. !'!inst FEATI B!n- <(e"ein
defend!nt-!&&e##ee=. T(e t"i!# $o)"t dis%issed t(e $o%&#!int !s +e## !s its %otion fo" "e$onside"!tion.
9(et(e" t(e t"i!# $o)"t e""ed +(en it f!i#ed to $onside" t(!t t(e M)ni$i&!# Co)n$i# (!d t(e &o+e" to
n)##if* t(e $ont"!$t)!# o#i'!tions !ss)%ed * defend!nt-!&&e##ee.
Yes. 9it( "e'!"d to t(e $ontention t(!t s!id "eso#)tion $!nnot n)##if* t(e $ont"!$t)!# o#i'!tions !ss)%ed
* t(e defend!nt-!&&e##ee O "efe""in' to t(e "est"i$tions in$o"&o"!ted in t(e deeds of s!#e !nd #!te" in t(e
$o""es&ondin' T"!nsfe" Ce"tifi$!tes of Tit#e iss)ed to defend!nt-!&&e##ee O it s(o)#d e st"essed. t(!t +(i#e non-
i%&!i"%ent of $ont"!$ts is $onstit)tion!##* ')!"!nteed. t(e ")#e is not !so#)te. sin$e it (!s to e "e$on$i#ed +it(
t(e #e'iti%!te e/e"$ise of &o#i$e &o+e". i.e.. Ft(e &o+e" to &"es$"ie "e')#!tions to &"o%ote t(e (e!#t(. %o"!#s.
&e!$e. ed)$!tion. 'ood o"de" o" s!fet* !nd 'ene"!# +e#f!"e of t(e &eo&#e.
CO"din!n$e 238 O O"din!n$e &en!#i;in' !n* &e"son. '"o)& of &e"sons. entit* o" $o"&o"!tion en'!'ed in
t(e )siness of se##in' !d%ission ti$-ets to !n* %ovie o" ot(e" &)#i$ e/(iitions. '!%es. $ontest o" ot(e"
&e"fo"%!n$es to "e,)i"e $(i#d"en et+een seven <B= !nd t+e#ve <50= *e!"s of !'e to &!* f)## &!*%ent fo" ti$-ets
intended fo" !d)#ts )t s(o)#d $(!"'e on#* one-(!#f of t(e s!id ti$-et.E
Petitione"s fi#ed efo"e t(e CFI. t(!t t(e s!id o"din!n$e e de$#!"ed )n$onstit)tion!# !nd. t(e"efo"e. void
!nd )nenfo"$e!#e. T(e &etitione"s $ontend t(!t O"din!n$e 238 is not +it(in t(e &o+e" of t(e M)ni$i&!# Bo!"d
to en!$t !s &"ovided fo" in Se$. 57<n= of RA 706. t(e C(!"te" of t(e Cit* of B)t)!n. Petitione"s %!int!in t(!t
O"din!n$e 238 vio#!tes t(e d)e &"o$ess $#!)se of t(e Constit)tion fo" ein' o&&"essive. )nf!i". )nA)st.
$onfis$!to"*. !nd !n )nd)e "est"!int of t"!de. !nd vio#!tive of t(e "i'(t of &e"sons to ente" into $ont"!$ts.
$onside"in' t(!t t(e t(e!te" o+ne"s !"e o)nd )nde" ! $ont"!$t +it( t(e fi#% o+ne"s fo" A)st !d%ission &"i$es fo"
'ene"!# !d%ission. !#$on* !nd #od'e.
9(et(e" O"din!n$e 238 is v!#id !nd $onstit)tion!#
NO. T(is Co)"t !'"ees +it( t(e &etitione"s t(!t t(e o"din!n$e is not A)stified * !n* ne$essit* fo" t(e
&)#i$ inte"est. T(e &o#i$e &o+e" #e'is#!tion %)st e fi"%#* '"o)nded on &)#i$ inte"est !nd +e#f!"e. !nd !
"e!son!#e "e#!tion %)st e/ist et+een &)"&oses !nd %e!ns. T(e evident &)"&ose of t(e o"din!n$e is to (e#&
e!se t(e )"den of $ost on t(e &!"t of &!"ents +(o (!ve to s(e## o)t t(e s!%e !%o)nt of %one* fo" t(e !d%ission
of t(ei" $(i#d"en. !s t(e* +o)#d fo" t(e%se#ves. A "ed)$tion in t(e &"i$e of !d%ission +o)#d %e!n $o""es&ondin'
s!vin's fo" t(e &!"ents> (o+eve". t(e &etitione"s !"e t(e ones %!de to e!" t(e $ost of t(ese s!vin's. T(e
o"din!n$e does not on#* %!-e &etitione"s s)ffe" t(e #oss of e!"nin's )t it #i-e+ise &en!#i;es t(e% fo" f!i#)"e to
$o%&#* +it( it. F)"t(e"%o"e. !s &etitione"s &oint o)t. t(e"e +i## e diffi$)#t in its i%&#e%ent!tion e$!)se !s
!#"e!d* e/&e"ien$ed * &etitione"s sin$e effe$tivit* of t(e o"din!n$e. $(i#d"en ove" 50 *e!"s of !'e t"ied to &!ss
off t(ei" !'e !s e#o+ 50 *e!"s in o"de" to !v!i# of t(e enefit of t(e o"din!n$e. T(is Co)"t see t(!t t(e o"din!n$e
is $#e!"#* )n"e!son!#e if not )nd)#* o&&"essive )&on t(e )siness of &etitione"s.
PA@COR +!s $"e!ted !nd +!s '"!nted ! f"!n$(ise to est!#is(. o&e"!te !nd %!int!in '!%#in' $!sinos
+it(in t(e te""ito"i!# A)"isdi$tion of t(e P(i#i&&ines. Its o&e"!tion +!s o"i'in!##* $ond)$ted in t(e +e## -no+n
f#o!tin' $!sino CP(i#i&&ine To)"istE.
S)se,)ent#*. PD 5J21 +!s &!ssed to en!#e t(e 'ove"n%ent to "e')#!te !nd $ent"!#i;e !## '!%es of $(!n$e
!)t(o"i;ed * e/istin' f"!n$(ise o" &e"%itted * #!+. )nde" t(e fo##o+in'. !%on' ot(e"s. de$#!"ed &o#i$*. C= To
est!#is( !nd o&e"!te $#)s !nd $!sinos. / / / <5= 'ene"!te so)"$es of !ddition!# "even)e / / /. <0= $"e!te
"e$"e!tion !nd inte'"!ted f!$i#ities +(i$( +i## e/&!nd !nd i%&"ove t(e countrys existing tourist attractions, and
(3)minimize, if not totally eradicate, all the evi#s. %!#&"!$ti$es !nd $o"")&tions t(!t !"e no"%!##* &"ev!#ent on t(e
$ond)$t !nd o&e"!tion of '!%#in' $#)s !nd $!sinos +it(o)t di"e$t invo#ve%ent.E It is "e&o"ted t(!t PA@COR is
t(e t(i"d #!"'est so)"$e of 'ove"n%ent "even)e.
B)t t(e &etitione"s !"e ,)estionin' t(e v!#idit* of PD 5J21. T(e* $ontend t(!t PD 5J21: 5= $onstit)tes !
+!ive" of t(e "i'(t of t(e Cit* of M!ni#! to i%&ose t!/es !nd #e'!# fees !nd 0= its e/e%&tion $#!)se is vio#!tive of
#o$!# !)tono%*.
9(et(e" PD 5J21 is n)## !nd void
PD 5J21 is not n)## !nd void. T(ei" $ontention is +it(o)t %e"it fo" t(e fo##o+in' "e!sons:
. T(e Cit* of M!ni#!. ein' ! %e"e M)ni$i&!# $o"&o"!tion. (!s no in(e"ent "i'(t to i%&ose t!/es. T(e
C(!"te" o" st!t)te %)st &#!in#* s(o+ !n $onfe" t(!t &o+e" o" t(e %)ni$i&!#it* $!nnot !ss)%e it.
. T(e C(!"te" of t(e Cit* is s)Ae$t to $ont"o# * Con'"ess. +(i$( (!s t(e &o+e" to $"e!te !nd !o#is(
M)ni$i&!# $o"&o"!tions d)e to its 'ene"!# #e'is#!tive &o+e"s. If $on'"ess $!n '"!nt t(e Cit* t(e &o+e" to
t!/. it $!n !#so &"ovide fo" e/e%&tions o" even t!-e !$- t(e &o+e".
. T(e &o+e" of #o$!# 'ove"n%ents to "e')#!te '!%#in' t(") '"!nt of f"!n$(ise. #i$enses o" &e"%its +!s
+it(d"!+n !nd +!s vested e/$#)sive#* on t(e N!tion!# @ove"n%ent. Ne$ess!"i#*. t(e &o+e" to de%!nd
o" $o##e$t #i$ense fees. +(i$( is ! $onse,)en$e of t(e iss)!n$e of #i$enses o" &e"%its. is no #on' vested in
t(e Cit*.
. Lo$!# 'ove"n%ents (!ve no &o+e" to t!/ inst")%ent!#ities of t(e N!tion!# @ove"n%ent. PA@COR is !
'ove"n%ent o+ned o" $ont"o##ed $o"&o"!tion +it( !n o"i'in!# $(!"te". As s)$(. it s(o)#d e !nd !$t)!##*
is e/e%&t f"o% #o$!# t!/es. Ot(e"+ise. its o&e"!tion %i'(t e )"dened. i%&eded o" s)Ae$ted to $ont"o#
* ! %e"e #o$!# 'ove"n%ent.
S!n'!#!n' vs IAC
U&on t(e inst")$tion of M!-!ti M!*o" Y!)t. st)dies +e"e %!de on t(e fe!sii#it* of o&enin' st"eets in
Be#- Ai" Vi##!'e $!#$)#!ted to !##evi!te t"!ffi$ $on'estion !#on' t(e &)#i$ st"eets !dA!$ent to Be#-Ai" Vi##!'e. T(e
st)dies "eve!#ed t(!t s)division &#!n of Be#-Ai" +e"e !&&"oved on ! $ondition t(!t its %!Ao" t(o"o)'(f!"es
$onne$tin' t(e &)#i$ st"eets !nd (i'(+!* s(!## e o&ened to &)#i$ t"!ffi$.
It is on#* ne$ess!"* in t(e inte"est of t(e 'ene"!# &)#i$ to o&en to t"!ffi$ to t"!ffi$ to Ann!&o#!. Me"$edes.
Iodi!$. D)&ite". Ne&t)ne. O"it !nd P!seo de Ro/!s. T(e &etitione" $ontended t(!t D)&ite" st"eets !"e fo" t(e
e/$#)sive )se of BAVA "esidents. T(e* !#so !&&e!# t(!t t(e de%o#ition !nd o&enin' of O"it st"eets (!s #oss of
&"iv!$* of BAVA "esidents !nd de&"iv!tion of &"o&e"t* +it(o)t d)e $o)"se.
9(et(e" t(e M!*o" of M!-!ti %!* o"de" t(e o&enin' of t(e st"eets
Yes. T(e o&enin' of D)&ite" St"eet +!s +!""!nted * t(e de%!nds of t(e $o%%on 'ood. in te"%s of
t"!ffi$ $on'estion !nd &)#i$ $onve*!n$e. s!%e !s t(e o&enin' of O"it St"eet. T(e"e is no t!-in' of &"o&e"t* o"
e/&"o&"i!tion +it(o)t A)st $o%&ens!tion. T(e !$t of t(e %!*o" is in t(e $on$e&t of &o#i$e &o+e".
9(en PA@COR o&ened ! "!n$( in C!'!*!n de O"o. t(e"e +!s !n inst!nt o&&osition f"o% diffe"ent
se$to"s of t(e $o%%)nit*. in$#)din' t(e #o$!# 'ove"n%ent. In f!$t. t(e M!*o" of t(e $it* of C!'!*!n de O"o
"o)'(t t(is inst!nt &etition !tt!$-in' !%on' ot(e"s. '!%#in' !s int"insi$!##* (!"%f)# !nd $itin' v!"io)s
&"ovisions of t(e $onstit)tion !nd seve"!# de$isions of t(e $o)"t. T(e S!nn')ni!n' &!n'#)n'sod &!ssed !n
o"din!n$e &"o(iitin' t(e o&e"!tion of $!sinos in t(ei" &#!$e.
9(et(e" t(e S!n'')ni!n' P!n'#)n'sod %!* &!ss !n o"din!n$e &"o(iitin' t(e o&e"!tion of $!sinos
NO. T(e &o+e" of PA@COR to $ent"!#i;e !nd "e')#!te !## '!%es o $(!n$e "e%!ins )ni%&!i"ed. PD 5J21
(!s not een %odified * t(e Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code. +(i$( e%&o+e"s t(e #o$!# 'ove"n%ent to &"event o"
s)&&"ess on#* t(ose fo"%s of '!%#in' &"o(iited * #!+.
C!sino '!%#in' is !)t(o"i;ed )nde" PD 5J21. T(is de$"ee (!s t(e st!t)s of ! st!t)te t(!t $!nnot e
!%ended o" n)##ified * ! %e"e o"din!n$e. :en$e. it +!s not $o%&etent fo" S!n'')ni!n' P!n'#)n'sod of
C!'!*!n de O"o $it* to en!$t o"din!n$es &"o(iitin' t(e )se of )i#din's fo" t(e o&e"!tion of ! $!sino !nd
&"o(iitin' t(e o&e"!tion of $!sinos. T(ose o"din!n$es !"e $ont"!"* to PD5J21 !nd t(e &)#i$ &o#i$* !nno)n$ed
t(e"ein. t(e"efo"e )#t"! vi"es !nd void.
Se$3 <M= of t(e $(!"te" of LLDA &"ovides t(!t t(e LLDA s(!## (!ve t(e e/$#)sive A)"isdi$tion to iss)e
ne+ &e"%it fo" t(e )se of t(e #!-e +!te"s fo" !n* &"oAe$ts o" !$tivities !ffe$tin' t(e s!id #!-e. T(en RA B528. t(e
Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code of 5115. t(!t %)ni$i&!#it* in t(e L!')n! L!-e "e'ion inte"&"eted t(e &"ovision of t(is
#!+ to %e!n t(!t ne+#* &!ssed #!+ '!ve %)ni$i&!# 'ove"n%ent t(e e/$#)sive A)"isdi$tion to iss)e fis(in'
&"ivi#e'es +it(in t(ei" %)ni$i&!# +!te"s.
Se$ 531 of RA B528 st!tes t(!t %)ni$i&!#ities s(!## (!ve e/$#)sive !)t(o"it* to '"!nt fis(e"* &"ivi#e'es in t(e
%)ni$i&!# 'ove"n%ent !ss)%ed t(e !)t(o"it* to iss)e fis(in' &"ivi#e'es !nd fis( &en &e"%its. Un"e')#!ted fis(
&en o$$)&ied !#%ost 5H6 of t(e enti"e +!te"s +(i$( is vio#!tion of L!')n! #!-e $!""*in' $!&!$it*. LLDA se"ved
noti$e to t(e 'ene"!# &)#i$ to t(e $on$e"ned o+ne" +(o i##e'!##* $onst")$ted t(ei" fis( &en !nd fis( $!'es.
Fis( &en o+ne" fi#ed inA)n$tion !'!inst LLDA on t(e '"o)nd t(!t &"ovision of LLDA (!d een "e&e!#ed * RA
9(et(e" o" not LLDA o" t(e to+n o" %)ni$i&!#ities $o%&"isin' t(e "e'ion s(o)#d e/e"$ise A)"isdi$tion
ove" L!')n! L!-e t(e iss)!n$e of &e"%its fo" fis(e"* &"ivi#e'es
LLDA (!s t(e e/$#)sive A)"isdi$tion to iss)e &e"%its +it(in t(e L!')n! L!-e Re'ion. T(e $(!"te" of
LLDA s(o)#d &"ev!i# ove" RA B528.
T(e B)"i!# Assist!n$e P"o'"!% <Reso#)tion No. 28 O !ssistin' t(ose +(o on#* e!"n #ess t(!n
P0.888H%ont( of )"i!# !ssist!n$e in t(e !%o)nt of P788.88= %!de * M!-!ti M!*o" DeAo%!" Bin!*. in t(e
e/e"$ise of t(e &o#i$e &o+e" '"!nted to (i% * t(e %)ni$i&!# $(!"te". +!s "efe""ed to t(e Co%%ission on A)dit
!fte" t(e %)ni$i&!# se$"et!"* $e"tified t(e dis)"se%ent of fo)" ()nd"ed t(o)s!nd &esos fo" its i%&#e%ent!tion
+!s dis!##o+ed * s!id $o%%ission of s)$( dis)"se%ents e$!)se t(e"e $!nnot e seen !n* &e"$e&ti#e
$onne$tion o" "e#!tion et+een t(e oAe$tive so)'(t to e !tt!ined !nd t(e !##e'ed &)#i$ s!fet*. 'ene"!# +e#f!"e.
et$. of its in(!it!nts.
9(et(e" o" not Reso#)tion No. 28 of t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of M!-!ti is ! v!#id e/e"$ise of &o#i$e &o+e"
)nde" t(e 'ene"!# +e#f!"e $#!)se.
Yes. Reso#)tion No. 28 of t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of M!-!ti is ! v!#id e/e"$ise of &o#i$e &o+e" )nde" t(e
'ene"!# +e#f!"e $#!)se. T(e &o#i$e &o+e" is ! 'ove"n%ent!# f)n$tion. !n in(e"ent !tt"i)te of sove"ei'nt*. +(i$(
+!s o"n +it( $ivi#i;ed 'ove"n%ent. It is fo)nded #!"'e#* on t(e %!/i%s. CSi$ )te"e t)o et !(en)% non #!ed!sE
<)se *o)" &"o&e"t* so !s not to i%&!i" ot(e"s= !nd CS!#)s &o&)#i est s)&"e%! #e/E <t(e +e#f!"e of t(e &eo&#e is t(e
s)&"e%e #!+=.
Its f)nd!%ent!# &)"&ose is se$)"in' t(e 'ene"!# +e#f!"e. $o%fo"t !nd $onvenien$e of t(e &eo&#e. Po#i$e
&o+e" is t(e &o+e" to &"es$"ie "e')#!tions to &"o%ote t(e (e!#t(. %o"!#s. &e!$e. ed)$!tion. 'ood o"de" o" s!fet*
!nd 'ene"!# +e#f!"e of t(e &eo&#e. It is t(e %ost essenti!#. insistent. !nd i##i%it!#e of &o+e"s. In ! sense it is t(e
'"e!test !nd %ost &o+e"f)# !tt"i)te of t(e 'ove"n%ent. It is e#!sti$ !nd %)st e "es&onsive to v!"io)s so$i!#
$onditions. T(e $!"e fo" t(e &oo" is 'ene"!##* "e$o'ni;ed !s ! &)#i$ d)t*. T(e s)&&o"t fo" t(e &oo" (!s #on' een
!n !$$e&ted e/e"$ise of &o#i$e &o+e" in t(e &"o%otion of t(e $o%%on 'ood.
P"iv!te "es&ondent Co#o%id!s &)"$(!sed ! &!"$e# of #!nd !nd $#!i%ed ! "o!d "i'(t of +!* +(i$( #e!ds
to+!"ds t(e N!tion!# Ro!d !nd ends !t t(e &o"tion of &etitione" Pi#!&i#4s &"o&e"t* +(e"e ! camino vicinal e/ists
!## t(e +!* to s!id N!tion!# Ro!d. T(e Co#o%id!s t"ied to i%&"ove t(e "o!d o" camino vicinal, )t t(e Pi#!&i#s
(!"!ssed !nd t("e!tened t(e%. T(e Pi#!&i#s !#so t("e!tened to fen$e off t(e camino vecinal
9(et(e" Co#o%id!sP !$t of i%&"ovin' t(e camino vicinal #e'!#G
NO. T(e &"o&e"t* of &"ovin$es. $ities !nd %)ni$i&!#ities is divided into &"o&e"t* fo" &)#i$ )se !nd
&!t"i%oni!# &"o&e"t*. T(e fi"st $onsists of t(e &"ovin$i!# "o!ds. $it* st"eets. %)ni$i&!# st"eets. s,)!"es. fo)nt!ins.
&)#i$ +!te"s. &"o%en!des. !nd &)#i$ +o"-s fo" &)#i$ se"vi$e &!id fo" * t(e s!id &"ovin$es. $ities o"
%)ni$i&!#ities. In t(e &"esent $!se. it is e*ond dis&)te t(!t t(e est!#is(%ent. $#os)"e o" !!ndon%ent of t(e
camino vecinal is t(e so#e &"e"o'!tive of t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of Li#o!n. No &"iv!te &"o&e"t* $!n inte"fe"e +it( s)$(
! "i'(t.
Unde" B!t!s P!%!s! B#'. 66B <T(e Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code=. t(e S!n'')ni!n' B!*!n (!d t(e &o+e" to
!do&t ;onin' !nd s)division o"din!n$e o" "e')#!tions s)Ae$t to t(e &"ovision of e/istin' #!+s. !nd to &"ovide
fo" t(e $onst")$tion. i%&"ove%ent. "e&!i" !nd %!inten!n$e of %)ni$i&!# st"eets. !ven)es. !##e*s. side+!#-s.
"id'es. &!"-s !nd ot(e" &)#i$ &#!$es. "e')#!te t(e )se t(e"eof !nd &"o(iit t(e $onst")$tion o" &#!$in' of
ost!$#es o" en$"o!$(%ents on t(e%. A camino vecinal is ! %)ni$i&!# "o!d. It is !#so &"o&e"t* fo" &)#i$ )se.
P)"s)!nt. t(e"efo"e. to t(e !ove &o+e"s of ! #o$!# 'ove"n%ent )nit. t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of Li#o!n. t("o)'( t(e
S!n'')ni!n' B!*!n (!d t(e )n!ss!i#!#e !)t(o"it* to <!= &"e&!"e !nd !do&t ! #!nd )se %!&. <= &"o%)#'!te !
;onin' o"din!n$e +(i$( %!* $onside". !%on' ot(e" t(in's. t(e %)ni$i&!# "o!ds to e $onst")$ted. %!int!ined.
i%&"oved o" "e&!i"ed !nd <$= $#ose !n* %)ni$i&!# "o!d
T(e M)ni$i&!#it* of P!"!Q!,)e &!ssed !n o"din!n$e +(i$( !)t(o"i;es t(e $#os)"e of $e"t!in st"eets !nd
t(e est!#is(%ent of ! f#e! %!"-et t(e"on. T("o)'( ! "eso#)tion &!ssed * t(e %)ni$i&!# $o)n$i#. t(e %!*o"
ente"ed into ! $ont"!$t fo" t(e o&e"!tion %!inten!n$e !nd %!n!'e%ent of ! f#e! %!"-et +it( "es&ondent
P!#!n*!'. ! se"vi$e $oo&e"!tive.
Petitione" B"i'. @en. M!$!si!no. PNP S)&e"intendent of t(e Met"o&o#it!n T"!ffi$ Co%%!nd. o"de"ed t(e
dest")$tion of s!id st!##s. Petitione" M!$!si!no +"ote P!#!n*!' 'ivin' t(e #!tte" ten <58= d!*s to dis$ontin)e t(e
f#e! %!"-et ot(e"+ise t(e %!"-et st!##s s(!## e dis%!nt#ed.
T(e t"i!# $o)"t (o+eve" )&(o#ds t(e v!#idit* of t(e o"din!n$e.
9(et(e" t(e o"din!n$e is $onstit)tion!#G
Yes. T(e &"o&e"t* of &"ovin$es. $ities !nd %)ni$i&!#ities is divided into &"o&e"t* fo" &)#i$ )se !nd
&!t"i%oni!# &"o&e"t*. <!rt "#3, $ivil $ode) In t(e &"esent $!se. t(e #o$!# "o!ds !"e )sed fo" &)#i$ se"vi$e !nd
t(e"efo"e $onside"ed &)#i$ &"o&e"ties. P"o&e"ties of t(e #o$!# 'ove"n%ent +(i$( !"e devoted to &)#i$ se"vi$e
!"e dee%ed &)#i$ !nd !"e )nde" t(e !so#)te $ont"o# of Con'"ess. <%rovince of &amboanga del 'orte vs $ity of
&amboanga) :en$e. #o$!# 'ove"n%ents (!ve no !)t(o"it* +(!tsoeve" to $ont"o# o" "e')#!te t(e )se of &)#i$
&"o&e"ties )n#ess s&e$ifi$ !)t(o"it* is vested )&on t(e% * Con'"ess.
Se$tion 58 of t(e Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code &"ovides $#os)"e of "o!ds O CA #o$!# 'ove"n%ent )nit %!*
#i-e+ise. t("o)'( its (e!d !$tin' &)"s)!nt to ! "eso#)tion of its s!n'')ni!n !nd in accordance with existing law
and the provisions of this $ode, $#ose !n* !"!n'!*. %)ni$i&!#. $it* o" &"ovin$i!# "o!d. st"eet. !##e*. &!"- o"
s,)!"e. 'o such way or place or any part thereof shall be closed without indemnifying any person pre(udiced
thereby ! property thus withdrawn from public use %!* e )sed o" $onve*ed fo" !n* &)"&ose fo" +(i$( ot(e"
"e!# &"o&e"t* e#on'in' to t(e #o$!# )nit $on$e"ned %i'(t e #!+f)##* )sed o" $onve*ed.
P!d"e R!d! %!"-et +!s !)t(o"i;ed to e o&e"!ted !s ! &)#i$ %!"-et of t(e Cit* of M!ni#! * vi"t)e of
Reso#)tion No. 068. !s !%ended * Reso#)tion No. 382. ot( se"ies of 5131. T(e %!n!'e%ent of s!id %!"-et
"e&"esent * &etitione" C"); +"ote M!*o" Vi##e'!s t(!t t(e %!n!'e%ent +!s +it(d"!+in' t("ee-fo)"t(s of t(e
!"e! of t(e %!"-et f"o% t(e di"e$t s)&e"vision !nd $ont"o# of t(e Cit* T"e!s)"e"4s Offi$e effe$tive on D)ne 57.
51B8. !nd f"o% s!id d!te t(e +it(d"!+n &o"tion s(!## $e!se to f)n$tion !nd o&e"!te !s ! &)#i$ %!"-et.
M!*o" Vi##e'!s !##o+ed t(e +it(d"!+!# of t(e %!"-et !s ! &)#i$ %!"-et in #ine +it( t(e de$ision t(!t
)&(e#d t(e "i'(t of t(e o&e"!to"s of t(e E#$!no M!"-et to +it(d"!+ t(ei" &"o&e"t* f"o% its )se !s ! &)#i$ %!"-et
st!tin'. !%on' ot(e"s. t(!t !&&"ov!# fo" t(e +it(d"!+!# * t(e Cit* of M!ni#! is not even ne$ess!"*. :e"ein
&"iv!te "es&ondents ,)estioned t(e s!id o"de". T(e t"i!# $o)"t de$#!"ed t(e o"de" v!#id. in its !%ended de$ision.
+(i$( +!s "eve"sed * t(e Co)"t of A&&e!#s.
9(et(e" t(e Cit* M!*o" %!* v!#id#* +it(d"!+ P!d"e R!d! M!"-et !s ! &)#i$ %!"-et.
NO. Fit is !/io%!ti$ t(!t on#* t(e &o+e" t(!t $"e!ted it $!n +it(d"!+ it.F T(e M!*o" (!d no #e'!#
!)t(o"it* to. * (i%se#f. !##o+s t(e &etitione" to +it(d"!+ t(e %!Ao" &o"tion of P!d"e R!d! M!"-et f"o% its )se
!s ! &)#i$ %!"-et. t(e"e* !#so +it(d"!+in' it f"o% t(e $it*4s $onst!nt s)&e"vision.
T(e est!#is(%ent !nd %!inten!n$e of &)#i$ %!"-ets is * #!+ !%on' t(e #e'is#!tive &o+e"s of t(e
Cit* of M!ni#!. Sin$e t(e o&e"!tion of P!d"e R!d! M!"-et +!s !)t(o"i;ed * ! %)ni$i&!# o!"d "eso#)tion !nd
!&&"oved * t(e Cit* M!*o". !s &"ovided * #!+. it fo##o+s t(!t ! +it(d"!+!# of t(e +(o#e o" !n* &o"tion f"o%
)se !s ! &)#i$ %!"-et must be sub(ect to the same (oint action of the )oard and the *ayor T(e M!*o" of
M!ni#!. * (i%se#f. $!nnot &"ovide fo" t(e o&enin'. o&e"!tions. !nd $#os)"e of ! &)#i$ %!"-et.

T(e P(i#i&&ine To)"is% A)t(o"it* +is(es to e/&"o&"i!te 0J0 (e$t!"es of #!nd fo" deve#o&%ent into
inte'"!ted $o%&#e/es of !"e!s +it( &otenti!# to)"ist v!#)e. Petitione"s fi#ed ! %otion to dis%iss on '"o)nds of
P)#i$ Use. T(e* $ontend t(!t t(e #!nd is !#"e!d* fo" #!nd "efo"% !nd t(!t it s(o)#d see- t(e !&&"ov!# of t(e
Co)"t of A'"!"i!n Re#!tions. CFI '"!nted +"its of &ossession. Petitione"s "o)'(t inst!nt &etition efo"e SC to
enAoin e/e$)tion. T(e !si$ iss)es !"e +(et(e" o" not t(e"e is non-$o%&#i!n$e +it( t(e C&)#i$ )seE "e,)i"e%ent
)nde" t(e e%inent do%!in &"ovision of t(e Bi## of Ri'(ts> +(et(e" o" not t(e"e is dis"e'!"d of t(e #!nd "efo"%
n!t)"e of t(e &"o&e"t* ein' e/&"o&"i!ted> !nd +(et(e" o" not t(e"e is i%&!i"%ent of o#i'!tions of $ont"!$ts.
9(et(e" PTA (!s !)t(o"it* to e/&"o&"i!te s)$( #!ndG
+es T(e"e is $o%&#i!n$e +it( t(e "e,)i"e%ent of &)#i$ )se. The states power of eminent domain
extends to the expropriation of land for tourism purposes although this specific ob(ective is not expressed in the
$onstitution. T(e &o#i$* oAe$tive of t(e f"!%e"s $!n e e/&"essed on#* in 'ene"!# te"%s s)$( !s so$i!# A)sti$e.
#o$!# !)tono%*. $onse"v!tion !nd deve#o&%ent of t(e n!tion!# &!t"i%on*. &)#i$ inte"est. !nd 'ene"!# +e#f!"e
!%on' ot(e"s. To in$#)de s&e$ifi$ &"o'"!%s #i-e to)"is% !s e/&"ess $onstit)tion!# &"ovisions +o)#d %!-e t(e
Constit)tion %o"e &"o#i/ t(!n ! )#- $ode !nd +o)#d "e,)i"e t(e f"!%e"s to e i%&ossi#* &"es$ient. T(e
&!"ti$)#!" %ention in t(e Constit)tion of !'"!"i!n "efo"%. !%on' ot(e"s. %e"e#* )nde"s$o"es t(e %!'nit)de of
t(e &"o#e%s so)'(t to e "e%edied * t(ese &"o'"!%s. T(e* do not &"e$#)de no" #i%it t(e e/e"$ise of t(e &o+e"
of e%inent do%!in fo" s)$( &)"&oses #i-e to)"is% !nd ot(e" deve#o&%ent &"o'"!%s. The concept of public use is
not limited to traditional purposes T(e ide! t(!t C&)#i$ )se is st"i$t#* #i%ited to $#e!" $!ses of C)se * t(e
&)#i$E (!s een dis$!"ded.
P)"s)!nt to A"ti$#e L. Se$tion 5J of t(e 51JB Constit)tion. Con'"ess &!ssed RA No. 2B63. t(e O"'!ni$
A$t fo" t(e A)tono%o)s Re'ion in Mind!n!o. In t(e ens)in' &#eis$ite (e#d on Nove%e" 52. 51J1. fo)"
&"ovin$es O L!n!o de# S)". M!')ind!n!o. S)#). !nd T!+i-t!+i O voted in f!vo" of $"e!tin' !n !)tono%o)s
"e'ion. A"ti$#e LIL. Se$tion 56 of RA 2B63 !)t(o"i;es t(e P"esident to %e"'e e/istin' "e'ions. On O$toe" 50.
5118. P"esident Co"!;on A,)ino iss)ed E/e$)tive O"de" No. 301 &"ovidin' fo" t(e "eo"'!ni;!tion of t(e
!d%inist"!tive "e'ions in Mind!n!o.
Petitione"s $ontend t(!t A"ti$#e LIL. Se$tion 56. of RA No. 2B63 is )n$onstit)tion!# e$!)se it )nd)#*
de#e'!tes #e'is#!tive &o+e" to t(e P"esident !nd &"ovides no st!nd!"d fo" t(e e/e"$ise of s!id de#e'!ted &o+e". In
!ddition. &etitione"s $(!##en'e t(e v!#idit* of EO No. 301 on t(e '"o)nd t(!t t(e &o+e" '"!nted * RA 2B63 to
t(e P"esident is on#* to %e"'e Re'ions IL !nd LII )t not to "eo"'!ni;e t(e enti"e !d%inist"!tive "e'ions in
9(et(e" t(e !$t of t(e P"esident in "eo"'!ni;in' t(e !d%inist"!tive "e'ions in Mind!n!o is v!#idG
+es. T(e $(oi$e of t(e P"esident !s de#e'!te is #o'i$!# e$!)se t(e division of t(e $o)nt* into "e'ions is
intended to f!$i#it!te not on#* t(e !d%inist"!tion of #o$!# 'ove"n%ent )t !#so t(e di"e$tion of e/e$)tive
de&!"t%ents +(i$( t(e #!+ "e,)i"es s(o)#d (!ve "e'ion!# offi$es. ,hile the power to merge administrative
regions is not expressly provided in the $onstitution, it is a power which has traditionally been lodged with the
%resident to facilitate the exercise of the power of general supervision over local governments (!bbas vs
T(e "e'ions t(e%se#ves !"e not te""ito"i!# !nd &o#iti$!# division #i-e &"ovin$es. $ities. %)ni$i&!#ities !nd
!"!n'!*s )t !"e %e"e '"o)&in's of $onti')o)s &"ovin$es fo" !d%inist"!tive &)"&oses. T(e "e'"o)&in' is done
on#* on &!&e". It invo#ves no %o"e t(!n ! "edefinition o" "ed"!+in' of t(e #ines se&!"!tin' !d%inist"!tive "e'ions
fo" t(e &)"&ose of f!$i#it!tin' t(e !d%inist"!tive s)&e"vision of #o$!# 'ove"n%ent )nits * t(e P"esident !nd
ens)"in' t(e effi$ient de#ive"* of essenti!# se"vi$es. Fin!##*. the reorganization of administrative regions in
.- 'o "#0 is based on relevant criteria, to wit1 1) contiguity and geographical features2 2 ) transportation and
communication facilities2 3 ) cultural and language groupings2 4 ) land area and population2 5 ) socio3economic
development programs in the regions 6) existing regional centers adopted by several agencies2 and 7 ) number
of provinces and cities
Petitione"s ,)estioned t(e $onstit)tion!#it* of R.A. BB08 entit#ed CAn A$t Conve"tin' t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of
S!nti!'o. Is!e#! into !n Inde&endent Co%&onent Cit* to e -no+n !s t(e Cit* of S!nti!'o.E Petitione"s $#!i%
t(!t t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of S!nti!'o (!s not %et t(e %ini%)% !ve"!'e !nn)!# in$o%e "e,)i"ed )nde" Se$. 378 of
t(e Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code * !"')in' t(!t Inte"n!# Reven)e A##ot%ents <IRA=!"e not in$o%e )t %e"e#*
t"!nsfe"s !ndHo" )d'et!"* !id f"o% t(e n!tion!# 'ove"n%ent !nd t(!t t(e* f#)$t)!te. in$"e!se o" de$"e!se.
de&endin' on f!$to"s #i-e &o&)#!tion. #!nd !nd e,)!# s(!"in'.
:en$e. t(e $e"tifi$!tion iss)ed * t(e B)"e!) of Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Fin!n$e of t(e De&!"t%ent of
Fin!n$e. +(i$( indi$!tes S!nti!'oPs !ve"!'e !nn)!# in$o%e to e P(& 08.8B3.7J5.1B is in!$$)"!te !s t(e Inte"n!#
Reven)e A##ot%ents +e"e not e/$#)ded f"o% t(e $o%&)t!tion.
9(et(e" t(e Inte"n!# Reven)e A##ot%ent o" IRA of %)ni$i&!#ities is &!"t of in$o%e o" "even)eG
+es. Petitione"s $ontentions !"e )nten!#e e$!)se IRAPs fo"% &!"t of t(e in$o%e of Lo$!# @ove"n%ent
Units. The funds generated by /45s from local taxes, 67!s and national wealth utilization proceeds accrue to
the general fund of the local government and are used to finance its operations sub(ect to specified modes of
spending the same as provided in the /ocal 4overnment $ode !nd its i%&#e%entin' R)#es !nd Re')#!tions. Fo"
inst!n$e. not #ess t(!n t+ent* &e"$ent <08K= of t(e IRAPs %)st e set !side fo" #o$!# deve#o&%ent &"oAe$ts. As
s)$(. fo" &)"&oses of )d'et!"* &"e&!"!tion. +(i$( )d'et s(o)#d "ef#e$t t(e esti%!tes of t(e in$o%e of t(e
L@U. !%on' ot(e"s. t(e 67!s and the share in the national utilization proceeds are considered items of income
T(e "es&ondent $o)"t ")#ed t(!t t(e s$(ed)#e of %!"-et v!#)es !nd t(e !ssess%ents !sed t(e"eon
&"e&!"ed so#e#* * "es&ondent !ssesso" !"e v!#id !nd #e'!#. t(e* (!vin' een &"e&!"ed in !$$o"d!n$e +it( t(e
&"ovisions of Se$. 050 of R.A. B528. It (e#d !#so t(!t s!id Code (!d effe$tive#* "e&e!#ed t(e &"evio)s #!+ on t(e
%!tte". Se$. 1 of P.D. 105. +(i$( "e,)i"ed. in t(e &"e&!"!tion of s!id s$(ed)#e. Aoint !$tion * !## t(e $it* !nd
%)ni$i&!# !ssesso"s in t(e Met"o&o#it!n M!ni#! !"e!.
9(et(e" t(e t!/ i%&osed is )nde" t(e %)ni$i&!# !ssesso"s A)"isdi$tionG
No Sec. 9 of P.D. 921 re8uires that the schedule of values of real properties in the *etropolitan *anila
!rea shall be prepared (ointly by the city assessors in the districts created therein> +(i#e Sec. 212 of R.A. 7160
states that the schedule shall be prepared 9by the provincial, city and municipal assessors of the municipalities
within the *etropolitan *anila !rea for the different classes of real property situated in their respective local
government units for enactment by ordinance of the sanggunian concerned :
It is ovio)s t(!t (!"%on* in t(ese &"ovisions is not on#* &ossi#e. )t in f!$t desi"!#e. ne$ess!"* !nd
$onsistent +it( t(e #e'is#!tive intent !nd &o#i$*. B* "e!din' to'et(e" !nd (!"%oni;in' t(e"e t+o <0= &"ovisions.
t(e Co)"t !""ive !t t(e fo##o+in' ste&s in t(e &"e&!"!tion of t(e s!id s$(ed)#e !s fo##o+s:
5. T(e assessor in each municipality or city in the *etropolitan *anila area shall prepare his;her
proposed schedule of values, in accordance with <ec #=#, 7! >=?@
0. T(en. t(e /ocal Treasury and !ssessment Aistrict shall meet, per <ec 0, %A 0#= 6n the instant
case, that district shall be composed of the assessors in Buezon $ity, %asig, *arikina,
*andaluyong and <an Cuan, pursuant to <ec = of said %A In t(is %eetin'. t(e different assessors
shall compare their individual assessments, discuss and thereafter (ointly agree and produce a
schedule of values for their district, taking into account the preamble of said %A that they should
evolve 9a progressive revenue raising program that will not unduly burden the taxpayers:
6. T(e schedule (ointly agreed upon by the assessors shall then be published in a newspaper of general
circulation and submitted to the <anggunian concerned for enactment by ordinance, per <ec #=#,
7! >=?@
B* t(is (!"%oni;!tion. t(e 9operative principle of decentralization: provided under <ec 3, 7! >=?@
encouraging local government units to 9consolidate or coordinate their efforts, services and resources: is
fulfilled. Indeed. t(e essen$e of (oint local action for common good so cherished in the /ocal 4overnment $ode
finds concrete expression in this harmonization
Res&ondent P"ovin$i!# Bo!"d of Anti,)e !o#is(es t(e offi$e of t(e P"ovin$i!# En'inee". Petitione"
,)estioned t(e s!id !$tion !nd $ontends t(!t t(e !o#ition +!s ! $i"$)%vention of t(e $onstit)tion!# %!nd!te on
se$)"it* of ten)"e !nd intended on#* to +eed o)t &"ovin$i!# offi$i!#s !nd e%&#o*ees +(o o&&osed t(e P"ovin$i!#
Bo!"dPs $!ndid!$* in t(e 51B5 e#e$tion.
Res&ondents !"')e t(!t t(e !o#ition +!s %otiv!ted * !n in!de,)!te !##ot%ent fo" %!te"i!#s. s!#!"ies.
!nd o&e"!tin' e/&enses !t t(e Offi$e of t(e P"ovin$i!# En'inee". !nd t(!t t(e &o+e" of t(e P"ovin$i!# Bo!"d to
$"e!te !n offi$e $!""ied +it( it t(e &o+e" to !o#is( it.
9(et(e" t(e dis%iss!# is v!#idG
Yes. <ection =D of 7epublic !ct 'o E=DE (/ocal !utonomy !ct), then still in force, empowered
provincial governments to create, among other positions, the office of a provincial engineer ,hile the law did
not expressly vest on provincial governments the power to abolish that office, absent, however, any contrary
provision, the authority to abolish should be deemed embraced by implication from the power to create it
Se$tion 06 of t(e A$t. in f!$t e/&"essed t(!t !n Ci%&#ied &o+e" of t(e &"ovin$e / / / <s(o)#d= e #ie"!##*
$onst")ed in its f!vo"E !nd Cany fair and reasonabe do!b" as "o "#e e$is"ence of "#e %o&er s#o!d be
in"er%re"ed in fa'or of oca (o'ern)en" and i" s#o!d be %res!)ed "o e$is".*
T(e !o#ition of t(e offi$e in t(e &"esent $!se $o)#d (!ve +e## een A)stified e/$e&t fo" t(e $onve/it* of
$i"$)%st!n$es !ttend!nt to t(e de$ision &"o$ess t!-en * t(e o!"d. T(e Co)"t is not &"e&!"ed. (o+eve". to
$on$#)de ! $#e!" $!se of !d f!it( on t(e &!"t of "es&ondents.
Petitione"s !ss!i# section # of 7! >DE" as unconstitutional on t(e '"o)nd t(!t it did not &"o&e"#*
identif* t(e #!nd !"e! o" te""ito"i!# A)"isdi$tion of M!-!ti * %ete" !nd o)nds. in vio#!tion of se$tion 58 of t(e
51JB Constit)tion in "e#!tion to Se$tions B !nd 378 of t(e Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code.
9(et(e" R.A. BJ73 +!s )n$onstit)tion!# * not &"ovidin' t(e e/!$t !"e! of t(e #!nd $ove"ed
NO. T(e de#ine!ted !"e! of t(e &"o&osed $it* of M!-!ti &"ovides t(!t: SEC. 0. Cit* of M!-!ti. O T(e
M)ni$i&!#it* of M!-!ti s(!## e $onve"ted to (i'(#* )"!ni;ed $it* to e -no+n !s t(e Cit* of M!-!ti.
(e"ein!fte" "efe""ed to !s t(e Cit*. +(i$( s(!## $o%&"ise t(e &"esent te""ito"* M)ni$i&!#it* of M!-!ti of
Met"o&o#it!n M!ni#! !"e! ove" +(i$( it (!s A)"isdi$tion o)nded on t(e no"t(e!st * P!si' Rive" !nd e*ond *
t(e Cit* of M!nd!#)*on' !nd t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of P!si'> on t(e so)t(e!st * t(e M)ni$i&!#ities of P!te"os !nd
T!')i'> on t(e so)t(+est * t(e Cit* of P!s!* !nd t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of T!')i'> !nd on t(e no"t(+est. * t(e Cit*
of M!ni#!.
The importance of drawing the precise strokes of territorial boundaries cannot be overemphasized. T(e
boundaries must be clear for they define the limits of the territorial (urisdiction of the local government unit .
)eyond these limits, its acts are !"ra 'ires. !ny uncertainty in the boundaries will sow costly conflicts in the
exercise of governmental powers which ultimately will pre(udice the peoples welfare T(is is t(e evi# so)'(t to
e !voided * t(e Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code in "e,)i"in' t(!t t(e #!nd !"e! e s&e##ed o)t in %etes !nd o)nds.
+it( te$(ni$!# des$"i&tion.
In 511J. P"esident Est"!d! iss)ed EO no. 3J to f!$i#it!te t(e &"o$ess of en(!n$in' t(e $!&!i#ities of
#o$!# 'ove"n%ent )nits in t(e dis$(!"'e of t(ei" f)n$tions !nd se"vi$es. T(e ove"si'(t $o%%ittee (!s een t!s-ed
to fo"%)#!te !nd iss)e t(e !&&"o&"i!te ")#es !nd "e')#!tions ne$ess!"* fo" its effe$tive i%&#e%ent!tion.
T(e CDevo#)tion AdA)st%ent !nd E,)!#i;!tion F)ndE +!s $"e!ted to !dd"ess t(e f)ndin' "e,)i"e%ents
of t(e &"o'"!%. T(e DBM +!s di"e$ted to set !side !n !%o)nt to e dete"%ined * t(e $o%%ittee !sed on t(e
devo#)tion st!t)s !&&"!is!# s)"ve*s )nde"t!-en * t(e DIL@. T(e initi!# f)nd +!s to e so)"$ed f"o% t(e
!v!i#!#e s!vin's of t(e n!tion!# 'ove"n%ent. T(e $o%%ittee (!s een !)t(o"i;ed to iss)e t(e i%&#e%entin'
")#es !nd "e')#!tions 'ove"nin' t(e e,)it!#e !##o$!tion !nd dist"i)tion of s!id f)nd to t(e #o$!# 'ove"n%ent
T(e &"ovin$e of B!t!n'!s "e&"esented * @ove"no" M!nd!n!s. fi#ed ! &etition fo" $e"tio"!"i. &"o(iition
!nd %!nd!%)s to de$#!"e !s )n$onstit)tion!# !nd void $e"t!in &"ovisions $ont!ined in t(e @AA of 5111. 0888.
!nd 0885. insof!" !s t(e* )nifo"%#* e!"%!"-ed fo" e!$( $o""es&ondin' *e!" t(e !%o)nt of P7i##ion of t(e IRA
fo" t(e Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Se"vi$e E,)!#i;!tion F)nd !nd i%&osed $onditions fo" t(e "e#e!se t(e"eof.
9(et(e" t(e !ss!i#ed &"ovisions in t(e @AAPs of 5111. 0888. !nd 0885 !nd t(e OCD "eso#)tions vio#!tes
t(e $onstit)tion!# &"e$e&t on #o$!# !)tono%*.
Yes. They are violative of the constitutional precept on local autonomy As the constitution itself
declares /ocal autonomy, both administrative and fiscal, means a more responsive and accountable local
government structure instituted through a system of decentralization Fiscal autonomy includes the power of the
/45s to among others, allocate their resources in accordance with their own priorities The assailed provisions
in the 4!!s of =000, #@@@, and #@@= and the -$A resolutions effectively encroach on the fiscal autonomy
en(oyed by the /45s They cannot be upheld.
BP JJ7 +!s en!$ted to $"e!te ! ne+ &"ovin$e. to e -no+n !s t(e P"ovin$e of Ne'"os De# No"te. in t(e
Is#!nd of Ne'"os. It &"ovides. !%on' ot(e"s. t(!t CSe$. 3. A &#eis$ite s(!## e $ond)$ted in t(e &"o&osed ne+
&"ovin$e +(i$( !"e t(e !"e!s !ffe$ted / / /.E
Petitione"s $ontend t(!t t(e s!id #!+ is )n$onstit)tion!# !nd it is not in !$$o"d!n$e +it( t(e Lo$!#
@ove"n%ent Code Se$ 6. A. L5 of o)" Constit)tion %!nd!tes t(!t. CNo &"ovin$e. / / / %!* e $"e!ted. / / /
e/$e&t in !$$o"d!n$e +it( t(e $"ite"i! est!#is(ed in t(e #o$!# 'ove"n%ent $ode. !nd s)Ae$t to t(e !&&"ov!# * !
%!Ao"it* of t(e votes in ! &#eis$ite in t(e )nit o" )nits !ffe$ted.E Se$. 51B of t(e Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code
en)%e"!tes t(e $ondition +(i$( %)st e/ist to &"ovide t(e #e'!# !sis fo" t(e $"e!tion of ! &"ovin$i!# )nit !nd
t(ese "e,)isites !"e: CA &"ovin$e %!* e $"e!ted if it (!s te""ito"* of !t #e!st t("ee t(o)s!nd five ()nd"ed s,)!"e
-i#o%ete"s. / / /.E
P)#i$ "es&ondents !"')e t(!t BP JJ7 s(o)#d e !$$o"ded t(e &"es)%&tion of #e'!#it*. $#!i%in' t(!t t(e
s!id #!+ does not inf"in'e t(e Constit)tion e$!)se t(e "e,)isites of t(e Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code (!ve een
$o%&#ied +it(. T(e* f)"t(e" !"')e t(!t t(e "e%!inin' $ities !nd %)ni$i&!#ities of t(e P"ovin$e of Ne'"os
O$$ident!#. not in$#)ded in t(e !"e! of t(e ne+ P"ovin$e of Ne'"os de# No"te. did not f!## +it(in t(e %e!nin' !nd
s$o&e of t(e te"% C)nit o" )nits !ffe$ted.E
9(et(e" BP JJ7 is $onstit)tion!#
No, BP is not $onstit)tion!#. It $!n e &#!in#* seen t(!t the constitutional provision makes it imperative
that there be first obtained 9the approval of a ma(ority of votes in the plebiscite in the unit or units affected:
Thus, it is inescapable to conclude that the boundaries of the existing province would necessarily be
substantially altered in order that there can be created the proposed new province T+o &o#iti$!# )nits +o)#d e
!ffe$ted: t(e fi"st +o)#d e t(e &!"ent &"ovin$e e$!)se its o)nd!"ies s)st!nti!##* !#te"ed !nd t(e ot(e" +o)#d
e of t(ose in t(e !"e! s)t"!$ted f"o% t(e &!"ent &"ovin$e to $onstit)te t(e &"o&osed &"ovin$e.
P)"s)!nt to t(e &"ovision of Se$ 56 &!" <d= of RA B00B <B!ses Conve"sion !nd Deve#o&%ent A$t of
5110=. *ayor 7ichard 4ordon of -longgapo $ity was appointed chairman and chief executive of <)*!. T(e
!&&oint%ent +!s ,)estion * t(e &etitione"s $ontendin' t(!t Se$ 56 &!" <d= inf"in'es t(e &"ovision of Se$ B. fi"st
&!".. A"t IL-B of t(e Constit)tion. +(i$( st!tes t(!t C No e#e$tive offi$i!# s(!## e e#i'i#e fo" !&&oint%ent o"
desi'n!tion in !n* $!&!$it* to !n* &)#i$ offi$e" o" &osition d)"in' (is ten)"e.
Res&ondent $ontended on t(e ot(e" (!nd t(!t t(e !&&oint%ent is !##o+ed fo" * Se$ 13 of t(e Lo$!#
@ove"n%ent Code +(i$( &e"%its t(e !&&oint%ent of ! #o$!# e#e$tive offi$i!# to !not(e" &ost if so !##o+ed * #!+
o" * t(e &"i%!"* f)n$tion of t(e offi$e.
9(et(e" Se$. 56 &!" <d= vio#!tes t(e $onstit)tion!# &"os$"i&tion !'!inst t(e desi'n!tion o" !&&oint%ent of
e#e$tive offi$i!# to ot(e" 'ove"n%ent &ost.
Ys. it vio#!tes t(e $onstit)tion!# &"os$"i&tion. The fact that the expertise of an elective official may
be most beneficial to the higher interest of the body politic is of no moment /ocal 4overnment $ode,
particularly <ec 0" is not determinative of the constitutionality of <ec =3, par (d) of 7! >##> for no e(isa"i'e
ac" can %re'ai o'er "#e f!nda)en"a a& of "#e and.
T(e"e is in t(e vi$init* of P)#i$ %!"-et of S!n Fe"n!ndo. P!%&!n''! ! st"i& #!nd +(!t is $o%%on#*
-no+n !s t!#i&!&!. T(e &etitione" $#!i% t(!t t(e* (!ve t(e "i'(t to "e%!in !nd $ond)$t )siness in t(e !"e! *
vi"t)e of ! &"evio)s !)t(o"i;!tion '"!nted to t(e% * %)ni$i&!# 'ove"n%ent +(i#e t(e "es&ondent den* t(is !nd
A)stif* t(e de%o#ition of t(ei" st!##s !s i##e'!# $onside"!tion on &)#i$ &"o&e"t*.
M)ni$i&!# Co)n$i# of S!n Fe"n!ndo !do&ted Res. No. 05J !)t(o"i;in' 03 %e%e"s of Fe"n!ndo United
Me"$(!nt !nd T"!de"Ps Asso$i!tion to $onst")$t &e"%!nent st!'s.
T(e !$tion +!s &"otested +(i#e t(e $!se is &endin'. t(e $o)n$i# !do&ted Res. No. 01 +(i$( de$#!"ed t(e
s)Ae$t !"e! C t(e &!"-in' &#!$e !nd !s t(e &)#i$ &#!;!. i%&#ied#* "evo-in' Res No. 05J. T(e de$ision +!s
!&&!"ent#* not enfo"$ed. t(e &etitione" is not evi$ted. T(e Asso$i!tions of Con$e"ned Citi;en !nd Cons)%e" of
S!n Fe"n!ndo. P!%&!n''! fi#ed ! &etition fo" t(e i%%edi!te i%&#e%ent!tion of Res. 01 to "esto"e t(e s)Ae$t
&"o&e"t* to its o"i'in!# !nd $)sto%!"* )se !s ! &)#i$ &#!;!. Vi$enteA. M!$!#ino. !s offi$e" in $(!"'e of t(e
Offi$e iss)ed "eso#)tion to de%o#is( t(e st!##s in t(e !"e!.
9(et(e" &)#i$ &#!;! is s)s$e&ti#e fo" $ont"!$t)!# o#i'!tion<#e!se=.
NO. ! public plaza is beyond the commerce of man and so cannot be the sub(ect of lease or any
contractual undertaking Ar"ice 1271 st!tes t(!t Ccommunal things that cannot be sold because they are by their
nature outside commerce of man are those for public use, such as plazas, streets, common lands, rivers,
fountains etc..E T(e petitioner has no right in the first place to occupy the disputed premises and cannot insist in
remaining there now on the strength of their alleged lease contract
I"ene Sto. Do%in'o )"ied (e" ()s!nd in ! #ot !t t(e No"t( Ce%ete"*. +(i$( +!s #e!sed to (e" * t(e
Cit* of M!ni#! fo" ! &e"iod of fifty years. F)## &!*%ent of t(e "ent!# t(e"efo" of P78.88 is eviden$ed * t(e s!id
"e$ei&t +(i$( !&&e!"s to e "e')#!" on its f!$e. Be#ievin' in 'ood f!it( t(!t. in !$$o"d!n$e +it( Ad%inist"!tive
O"de" No. 7. Se"ies of 51B7. of t(e Cit* M!*o" of M!ni#!. &"es$"iin' )nifo"% &"o$ed)"e !nd ')ide#ines in t(e
&"o$essin' of do$)%ents &e"t!inin' to !nd fo" t(e )se !nd dis&osition of )"i!# #ots !nd &#ots +it(in t(e No"t(
Ce%ete"*. et$.. s)Ae$t Lot in +(i$( t(e %o"t!# "e%!ins of t(e #!te Viven$io Sto. Do%in'o +e"e #!id to "est. +!s
#e!sed to t(e e"e!ved f!%i#* fo" five <7= *e!"s on#*. it +!s $e"tified !s "e!d* fo" e/()%!tion.
T(e !)t(o"ities of t(e $e%ete"* !)t(o"i;ed t(e e/()%!tion !nd "e%ov!# f"o% s)Ae$t )"i!# #ot t(e
"e%!ins of t(e #!te Viven$io Sto. Do%in'o. S".. &#!$ed t(e ones !nd s-)## in ! !' o" s!$- !nd -e&t t(e s!%e in
t(e de&osito"* o" ode'! of t(e $e%ete"*. S)se,)ent#*. t(e s!%e #ot in ,)estion +!s "ented o)t to !not(e" #essee
so t(!t +(en t(e &#!intiffs (e"ein +ent to s!id #ot on A## So)#s D!* in t(ei" s(o$-. $onste"n!tion !nd dis%!*. t(!t
t(e "estin' &#!$e of t(ei" de!" de&!"ted did not !n*%o"e e!" t(e stone %!"-e" +(i$( t(e* #ovin'#* &#!$ed on t(e
to%. Indi'n!nt !nd dis')sted ove" s)$( ! so""o+f)# findin'. I"ene Sto. Do%in'o #ost no ti%e in in,)i"in' !nd
+!s to#d t(!t t(e "e%!ins of (e" #!te ()s!nd (!d een t!-en f"o% t(e )"i!# #ot in ,)estion.
9(et(e" t(e o&e"!tions of t(e $e%ete"* is ! $o"&o"!te o" &"o&"iet!"* f)n$tion of t(e Cit*.
Ys. T(e o&e"!tions of t(e Cit* of M!ni#! of t(e $e%ete"* is ! $o"&o"!te f)n$tion. T(e No"t( Ce%ete"* is
! &!t"i%oni!# &"o&e"t* of t(e Cit* of M!ni#! +(i$( +!s $"e!ted * "eso#)tion of t(e M)ni$i&!# Bo!"d of A)')st
0B. 5186 !nd D!n)!"* B. 5183. T(e !d%inist"!tion !nd 'ove"n%ent of t(e $e%ete"* !"e )nde" t(e Cit* :e!#t(
Offi$e". t(e o"de" !nd &o#i$e of t(e $e%ete"*. t(e o&enin' of '"!ves. ni$(es. o" to%s. t(e e/()%in' of "e%!ins.
!nd t(e &)"ifi$!tion of t(e s!%e !"e )nde" t(e $(!"'e !nd "es&onsii#it* of t(e s)&e"intendent of t(e $e%ete"*.
T(e Cit* of M!ni#! f)"t(e"%o"e &"es$"ies t(e &"o$ed)"e !nd ')ide#ines fo" t(e )se !nd dis&ositions of
)"i!# #ots !nd &#ots +it(in t(e No"t( Ce%ete"* t("o)'( Ad%inist"!tive O"de" No. 7. s. 51B7. ,ith the acts of
dominion, there is, therefore no doubt that the 'orth $emetery is within the class of property which the $ity of
*anila owns in its proprietary or private character F)"t(e"%o"e. t(e"e is no dis&)te t(!t t(e )"i!# #ot +!s
#e!sed in f!vo" of t(e &"iv!te "es&ondents. :en$e. o#i'!tions !"isin' f"o% $ont"!$ts (!ve t(e fo"$e of #!+
et+een t(e $ont"!$tin' &!"ties.
@en!"o Teoti$o fi#e ! $o%&#!int fo" d!%!'es !'!inst t(e Cit* of M!ni#!. its %!*o". $it* en'inee". $it*
(e!#t( offi$e". $it* t"e!s)"e" !nd $(ief of &o#i$e fo" t(e d!%!'es (e (!d s)st!ined +(en (e fe## inside !n
)n$ove"ed !nd )n#i'(ted $!t$( !sin o" %!n(o#e on P. B)"'os Aven)e !s (e ste&&ed do+n f"o% t(e $)" to
!o!"d ! Aee&ne*.
Cit* of M!ni#! (o+eve" $ontends t(!t t(e &"esent $!se is 'ove"ned * Se$tion 3 of Re&)#i$ A$t No. 381
<C(!"te" of t(e Cit* of M!ni#!= !nd not * A"ti$#e 05J1 of t(e Civi# Code. e$!)se Re&)#i$ A$t No. 381 is !
s&e$i!# #!+ intended e/$#)sive#* fo" t(e $it* of %!ni#!. .CFI "ende"ed ! de$ision f!vo"in' t(e $it* of M!ni#!. t(e
Co)"t of A&&e!#s !ffi"%ed t(e CFIPs de$ision )t o"de"ed $it* of M!ni#! to &!* d!%!'es.
9(et(e" t(e $!se is 'ove"ned * Se$tion 3 of Re&)#i$ A$t No. 381
No. The case is no" governed by Sec"ion 4 of Re%!bic Ac" No. 409 but by Ar"ice 21+9 of "#e ,i'i
,ode. 6n !rticle #=D0 of the $ivil $ode, it is no" necessary for the liability therein established to attach that the
defective roads or streets belong to the province, city or municipality from which responsibility is exacted ,hat
said article re8uires is that "#e %ro'ince- ci"y or )!nici%ai"y #a'e ei"#er .con"ro or s!%er'ision. o'er said
s"ree" or road.
.ven if % )urgos !venue were, therefore, a national highway, this circumstance would not necessarily
detract from its Gcontrol or supervisionG by the $ity of *anila, under 7epublic !ct "@0
T(e eviden$e of t(e &#!intiff <&etitione" (e"ein= s(o+s t(!t in t(e %o"nin' of A)')st 57. 51B3 (e.
to'et(e" +it( (is nei'(o"s. +ent to St!. An! &)#i$ %!"-et to )* F!'oon'F !t t(e ti%e +(en t(e &)#i$ %!"-et
+!s f#ooded +it( !n-#e dee& "!in+!te". Afte" &)"$(!sin' t(e F!'oon'F (e t)"ned !"o)nd to "et)"n (o%e )t (e
ste&&ed on !n )n$ove"ed o&enin' +(i$( $o)#d not e seen e$!)se of t(e di"t* "!in+!te". $!)sin' ! di"t* !nd
")st* fo)"- in$( n!i#. st)$- inside t(e )n$ove"ed o&enin'. to &ie"$e t(e #eft #e' of &#!intiff-&etitione" &enet"!tin'
to ! de&t( of !o)t one !nd ! (!#f in$(es.
Afte" !d%iniste"in' fi"st !id t"e!t%ent !t ! ne!"* d")'sto"e. (is $o%&!nions (e#&ed (i% (o#e (o%e.
:e fe#t i## !nd deve#o&ed feve" !nd (e (!d to e $!""ied to D". D)!nit! M!s$!"do. Des&ite t(e %edi$ine
!d%iniste"ed to (i% * t(e #!tte". (is #eft #e' s+e##ed +it( '"e!t &!in. :e +!s t(en ")s(ed to t(e Vete"!ns
Me%o"i!# :os&it!# +(e"e (e (!d to e $onfined fo" t+ent* <08= d!*s d)e to (i'( feve" !nd seve"e &!in.
9(et(e" Cit* of M!ni#! is #i!#e
YES. T(is iss)e (!s een #!id to "est in t(e $!se of $ity of *anila v Teotico <00 SCRA 021-0B0 R512JS=
+(e"e t(e S)&"e%e Co)"t s,)!"e#* ")#ed t(!t 7epublic !ct 'o "@0 establishes a general rule regulating the
liability of the $ity of *anila for Gdamages or in(ury to persons or property arising from the failure of city
officersG to enforce the provisions of said !ct, Gor any other law or ordinance or from negligenceG of the $ity
G*ayor, *unicipal )oard, or other officers while enforcing or attempting to enforce said provisionsG
U&on t(e ot(e" (!nd. A"ti$#e 05J1 of t(e Civi# Code of t(e P(i#i&&ines +(i$( &"ovides t(!t:
P"ovin$es. $ities !nd %)ni$i&!#ities s(!## e #i!#e fo" d!%!'es fo" t(e de!t( of. o" inA)"ies s)ffe"ed *
!n* &e"son * "e!son of defe$tive $onditions of "o!ds. st"eets. "id'es. &)#i$ )i#din's !nd ot(e" &)#i$ +o"-s
)nde" t(ei" $ont"o# o" s)&e"vision. $onstit)tes ! &!"ti$)#!" &"es$"i&tion %!-in' F&"ovin$es. $ities !nd
%)ni$i&!#ities ... #i!#e fo" d!%!'es fo" t(e de!t( of. o" inA)"* s)ffe"ed * !n* &e"son * "e!sonF T s&e$ifi$!##*
T Fof t(e defe$tive $ondition of "o!ds. st"eets. "id'es. &)#i$ )i#din's. !nd ot(e" &)#i$ +o"-s )nde" t(ei"
$ont"o# o" s)&e"vision.F In ot(e" +o"ds. Ar". 1- sec. 4- R.A. No. 409 refers to liability arising from negligence, in
(enera , regardless of the ob(ect, thereof, while Ar"ice 21+9 of "#e ,i'i ,ode governs liability due to Gdefective
streets, public buildings and other public worksG in %ar"ic!ar and is therefore decisive on this specific case
It +o)#d !&&e!" f"o% t(e eviden$es t(!t on D)#* 07. 51BJ. @)i#!t$o. +(i#e s(e +!s !o)t to o!"d !
%oto"i;ed t"i$*$#e !t ! side+!#- #o$!ted !t Pe"e; B#vd. !$$ident!##* fe## into ! %!n(o#e #o$!ted on s!id side+!#-.
t(e"e* $!)sin' (e" "i'(t #e' to e f"!$t)"ed.
As ! "es)#t t(e"eof. s(e (!d to e (os&it!#i;ed. o&e"!ted on. $onfined. !t fi"st !t t(e P!n'!sin!n P"ovin$i!#
:os&it!#. S(e !#so in$)""ed (os&it!#i;!tion. %edi$!tion !nd ot(e" e/&enses to t(e t)ne of P J.876.27 o" ! tot!# of
P 58.888.88 in !##. !s ot(e" "e$ei&ts +e"e eit(e" #ost o" %is&#!$ed> d)"in' t(e &e"iod of (e" $onfine%ent in s!id
t+o (os&it!#s. &#!intiff s)ffe"ed seve"e o" e/$")$i!tin' &!in not on#* on (e" "i'(t #e' +(i$( +!s f"!$t)"ed )t !#so
on !## &!"ts of (e" od*> t(e &!in (!s &e"sisted even !fte" (e" dis$(!"'e f"o% t(e Medi$!# Cit* @ene"!# :os&it!#
on O$toe" 1. 51BJ. to t(e &"esent.
Des&ite (e" dis$(!"'e f"o% t(e :os&it!# &#!intiff is &"esent#* sti## +e!"in' $")t$(es !nd t(e Co)"t (!s
!$t)!##* ose"ved t(!t s(e (!s diffi$)#t* in #o$o%otion. F"o% t(e ti%e of t(e %is(!& on D)#* 07. 51BJ )& to t(e
&"esent. &#!intiff (!s not *et "e&o"ted fo" d)t* !s $o)"t inte"&"ete". !s s(e (!s diffi$)#t* of #o$o%otion in 'oin' )&
t(e st!i"s of (e" offi$e. #o$!ted ne!" t(e $it* (!## in D!')&!n Cit*. S(e e!"ns !t #e!st P B08.88 ! %ont(
$onsistin' of (e" %ont(#* s!#!"* !nd ot(e" %e!ns of in$o%e. )t sin$e D)#* 07. 51BJ )& to t(e &"esent s(e (!s
een de&"ived of s!id in$o%e !s s(e (!s !#"e!d* $ons)%ed (e" !$$")ed #e!ves in t(e 'ove"n%ent se"vi$e. S(e
(!s #ost seve"!# &o)nds !s ! "es)#t of t(e !$$ident !nd s(e is no #on'e" (e" fo"%e" Aovi!# se#f. s(e (!s een )n!#e
to &e"fo"% (e" "e#i'io)s. so$i!#. !nd ot(e" !$tivities +(i$( s(e )sed to do &"io" to t(e in$ident.
9(et(e" Cit* of D!')&!n is #i!#eG
YES. T(e #i!i#it* of &)#i$ $o"&o"!tions fo" d!%!'es !"isin' f"o% inA)"ies s)ffe"ed * &edest"i!ns f"o%
t(e defe$tive $ondition of "o!ds is e/&"essed in t(e Civi# Code !s fo##o+s:
Ar"ice 21+9. P"ovin$es. $ities !nd %)ni$i&!#ities s(!## e #i!#e fo" d!%!'es fo" t(e de!t( of. o" inA)"ies s)ffe"ed
*. !n* &e"son * "e!son of t(e defe$tive $ondition of "o!ds. st"eets. "id'es. &)#i$ )i#din's. !nd ot(e" &)#i$
+o"-s )nde" t(ei" $ont"o# o" s)&e"vision.
6t is not even necessary for the defective road or street to belong to the province, city or municipality for liability
to attach The article only re8uires that ei"#er con"ro or s!%er'ision is e$ercised o'er "#e defec"i'e road or
P)"s)!nt to S!n'')ni!n' B!*!n Reso#)tion. t(e M)ni$i&!#it* of P!"!Q!,)e fi#ed ! $o%&#!int fo"
e/&"o&"i!tion !'!inst &"iv!te "es&ondent. ove" t+o &!"$e#s of #!nd to e )sed fo" ! so$i!#i;ed (o)sin' &"oAe$t.
Res&ondent fi#ed !n !ns+e" !nd !##e'ed t(!t t(e $o%&#!int f!i#ed to st!te ! $!)se of !$tion e$!)se t(e $o%&#!int
+!s fi#ed &)"s)!nt to ! resolution !nd !o" !n ordinance !s "e,)i"ed * RA #$%& !nd t(!t t(e $!)se of !$tion. if
!n*. +!s !""ed * "es A)di$!t!.
9(et(e" s)$( is v!#idG
No, ! local government unit cannot authorize an expropriation of private property through a mere
resolution of its lawmaking body T(e Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code. &!"ti$)#!"#* Se$tion 51 e/&"ess#* !nd $#e!"#*
"e,)i"es !n o"din!n$e o" ! #o$!# #!+ fo" t(e &)"&ose. A reso!"ion "#a" )erey e$%resses "#e sen"i)en" or
o%inion of "#e )!nici%a co!nci &i no" s!ffice. T(e &o+e" of e%inent do%!in is #od'ed in Con'"ess. +(i$(
%!* de#e'!te t(e e/e"$ise t(e"eof to /45Hs T(e #!tte". +hen authorized by $ongress, is sub(ect to the
legislatureHs control and restraints imposed through the law conferring the power or in other legislations
:en$e. t(e <tate or its authorized agent may still subse8uently exercise its right to expropriate once all
the legal re8uirements are complied with To ")#e ot(e"+ise +i## not on#* i%&"o&e"#* di%inis( t(e &o+e" of
e%inent do%!in )t !#so $#e!"#* defe!t so$i!# A)sti$e. T(e &etition is denied +it(o)t &"eA)di$e to &etitione"4s
&"o&e" e/e"$ise of its &o+e" of e%inent do%!in ove" t(e s)Ae$t &"o&e"t*
T(e S!n'')ni!n' P!n#!#!+i'!n of &etitione" &!ssed ! "eso#)tion in 51JJ !)t(o"i;in' t(e &"ovin$i!#
'ove"no" to &)"$(!se o" e/&"o&"i!te &"iv!te &"o&e"t* $onti')o)s to t(e &"ovin$i!# $!&ito# fo" t(e &)"&ose of
est!#is(in' ! &i#ot f!"% fo" non-food !nd non-t"!dition!# !'"i$)#t)"!# $"o&s !nd (o)sin' &"oAe$t fo" t(e
'ove"n%ent e%&#o*ees.
T(e #!nd so)'(t to e e/&"o&"i!ted e#on's to t(e S!n Do!,)ins. +(i$( !t t(e ti%e t(e $o%&#!int is fi#ed.
t(e 'ove"nin' #!+ +!s BP 66B +(i$( !)t(o"i;es e/&"o&"i!tion * %e"e "eso#)tion of t(e %)ni$i&!# $o)n$i#.
T(e Co)"t of A&&e!#s s)s&ended t(e e/&"o&"i!tion &"o$eedin's !nd "e,)i"es &etitione" to s)%it t(e "e,)isite
!&&"ov!# of t(e DAR to $onve"t t(e $#!ssifi$!tion of t(e &"o&e"t* f"o% !'"i$)#t)"!# to non-!'"i$)#t)"!#. :en$e.
t(e &"esent &etition.
9(et(e" s)$( is v!#idG
NO. T(e &o+e" of e%inent do%!in $!nnot e "est"i$ted * Co%&"e(ensive A'"!"i!n Refo"% L!+
<CARL o" RA 227B= &!"ti$)#!"#* Se$tion 27 +(i$( "e,)i"es t(e !&&"ov!# of t(e DAR efo"e ! &!"$e# of #!nd $!n
e "e$#!ssified. CARL does not inti%!te in t(e #e!st t(!t L@U4s %)st fi"st se$)"e t(e !&&"ov!# of DAR efo"e
&etitione" $!n instit)te t(e ne$ess!"* &"o$eedin's.
T(e !)t(o"it* of DAR to !&&"ove o" dis!&&"ove $onve"sions of !'"i$)#t)"!# #!nd $!nnot e/tend to t(e
e/e"$ise of e%inent do%!in. ot(e"+ise DAR +i## (!ve t(e !)t(o"it* to s$")tini;e +(et(e" t(e e/&"o&"i!tion is fo"
! &)#i$ )se o" not. O"din!"i#*. it is t(e %)ni$i&!# $o)n$i# t(!t dete"%ines +(et(e" t(e )se of t(e &"o&e"t* so)'(t
to e e/&"o&"i!ted is fo" &)#i$ )se. t(e s!%e ein' !n e/&"ession of #e'is#!tive &o#i$*. T(e $o)"ts +i## inte"vene
on#* +(en no "e!# o" s)st!nti!# "e#!tion is est!#is(ed et+een t(e )nde"t!-in' !nd &)#i$ )se.
Unde" t(e ne+ $on$e&t. &)#i$ )se %e!ns &)#i$ !dv!nt!'e. $onvenien$e o" enefit. +(i$( tends to
$ont"i)te to t(e 'ene"!# +e#f!"e !nd &"os&e"it* of t(e +(o#e $o%%)nit*. In t(e &"esent $!se. t(e e/&"o&"i!tion
fo" t(e est!#is(%ent of &i#ot deve#o&%ent $ente" is fo" ! &)#i$ &)"&ose.
T(e S!n'')ni!n' P!n'#)nsod of D!v!o Cit* en!$ted o"din!n$e n)%e" 626. fo" t(e e/&!nded ;onin'
o"din!n$e of D!v!o Cit*. Se$tion J of +(i$( &"ovide t(!t f)ne"!# &!"#o"s s(!## e est!#is(ed not #ess t(!n 78
%ete"s f"o% !n* "esidenti!# st")$t)"es. $()"$(es !nd ot(e" instit)tion!# )i#din's.
Petitione" $o%%en$ed t(e $onst")$tion of (is f)ne"!# &!"#o". )t (is &e"%it to $onst")$t t(e )i#din' +!s
$!n$e##ed e$!)se t(e $onst")$tion of t(e f)ne"!# &!"#o" +!s +it(in t(e 78-%ete" "!di)s %e!s)"ed f"o% t(e
ne!"est "esidenti!# st")$t)"e o+ned * 9i#f"ed Tee&ot. +(i$( is #e!sed * #!)nd"* )sinesses. Petitione" !"')ed
t(!t Tee&ot4s )i#din' is fo" $o%%e"$i!# &)"&oses sin$e ! )siness +!s ein' )nde"t!-en t(e"ein. !nd its
$#!ssifi$!tion !s "esidenti!# in t!/ de$#!"!tion is not $on$#)sive.
9(et(e" s)$( +!s $onside"ed $o%%e"$i!# ;oneG
Yes. Even if Tee&ot4s )i#din' +!s de$#!"ed fo" t!/!tion &)"&oses !s "esidenti!#. on$e ! #o$!# 'ove"n%ent
(!s "e$#!ssified !n !"e! !s $o%%e"$i!#. t(!t dete"%in!tion fo" ;onin' &)"&oses %)st &"ev!i#. F)"t(e"%o"e. ! t!/
de$#!"!tion is not $on$#)sive of t(e n!t)"e of t(e &"o&e"t* fo" ;onin' &)"&oses. Unde" Se$tion 00 of t(e Re!#
Est!te T!/ Code. t!/ de$#!"!tion does not ind ! &"ovin$i!# o" $it* !ssesso". In f!$t. ! &ie$e of #!nd de$#!"ed *
t(e t!/ &!*e" !s "esidenti!# %!* e !ssessed * t(e &"ovin$i!# o" $it* !ssesso" !s $o%%e"$i!# e$!)se its !$t)!#
)se is $o%%e"$i!#.
Mo"e i%&o"t!nt#*. t(e de$#!"!tion of t(e s!id !"e! !s ! $o%%e"$i!# ;one t("o)'( ! %)ni$i&!# o"din!n$e is
!n e/e"$ise of &o#i$e &o+e"
On M!"$( 08. 5117. F"iv!#do fi#ed (is Ce"tifi$!te of C!ndid!$* fo" @ove"no". Lee. !not(e" $!ndid!te.
fi#ed ! &etition +H t(e COMELEC &"!*in' t(!t F"iv!#do e dis,)!#ified fo" not *et ein' ! $iti;en of t(e
P(i#i&&ines. D)"in' t(e e#e$tions. F"iv!#do '!"ne"ed t(e (i'(est n)%e" of votes. Lee fi#ed ! &etition &"!*in' fo"
(is &"o$#!%!tion !s t(e e#e$ted 'ove"no". At J:68 &% of D)ne 68. 5117. Lee +!s &"o$#!i%ed 'ove"no". F"iv!#do
fi#ed ! ne+ &etition +H COMELEC see-in' t(e !nn)#%ent of t(e D)ne 68 &"o$#!%!tion of Lee !nd (is o+n
&"o$#!%!tion. :e !##e'ed t(!t on D)ne 68. 5117. !t 0:88&%. (e too- (is o!t( of !##e'i!n$e !s ! $iti;en of t(e
P(i#i&&ines !fte" (is &etition fo" "e&!t"i!tion )nde" P.D. B07 +H$ (e fi#ed +it( t(e S&e$i!# Co%%ittee on
N!t)"!#i;!tion in Se&te%e" 5113 (!d een '"!nted. T(e iss)e is +(et(e" o" not "e&!t"i!tion of F"iv!#do v!#id
!nd #e'!#G
9(et(e" F"iv!#do $!n e e#e$tedG
Re&!t"i!tion is v!#id !nd #e'!#. Unde" P(i# #!+. $iti;ens(i& %!* e "e!$,)i"ed * di"e$t !$t of Con'"ess.
* n!t)"!#i;!tion o" * "e&!t"i!tion. Mo"eove". F"iv!#doPs "e&!t"i!tion se!son!#* $)"es (is #!$- of $iti;ens(i& !s
to ,)!#if* (i% to e &"o$#!i%ed !nd (o#d offi$e !s 'ove"no". :e &ossessed t(e $iti;ens(i& "e,)i"e%ent on t(e d!*
t(e #!+ %!nd!tes (is te"% of offi$e to e'in. Se$tion 61 of Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code %)st e #ie"!##* $onst")ed.
T(e #!+ does not s&e$if* !n* &!"ti$)#!" d!te o" ti%e +(en t(e $!ndid!te %)st &ossess $iti;ens(i&. )n#i-e t(!t fo"
"esiden$e !nd !'e. No+. !n offi$i!# e'ins to 'ove"n o" to dis$(!"'e (is f)n$tions on#* )&on (is &"o$#!%!tion
!nd on t(e d!* t(e #!+ %!nd!tes (is te"% of offi$e to e'in. F)"t(e"%o"e. Se$ 61 s&e!-s of F?)!#ifi$!tionsF of
FELECTIVE OFFICIALSF. not of $!ndid!tes. Lite"!##*. s)$( ,)!#ifi$!tions s(o)#d t()s e &ossessed +(en t(e
e#e$tive offi$i!# e'ins to 'ove"n. i.e.. !t t(e ti%e (e is &"o$#!i%ed. LeePs !"')%ent t(!t t(e $iti;ens(i&
,)!#ifi$!tion s(o)#d e &ossessed !t t(e ti%e t(e $!ndid!te "e'iste"ed !s ! vote" !s )nde" t(e #!+ ! Fvote"F %)st
e ! $iti;en of t(e P(i#i&&ines is )nten!#e. If t(e #!+ intended t(e $iti;ens(i& ,)!#ifi$!tion to e &ossessed &"io"
to e#e$tion $onsistent +it( t(e "e,)i"e%ent of ein' ! "e'iste"ed vote". t(en it +o)#d not (!ve %!de $iti;ens(i& !
SEPARATE ,)!#ifi$!tion. T(e #!+ !(o"s ! "ed)nd!n$*. It t(e"efo"e st!nds to "e!son t(!t t(e #!+ intended
CITIIENS:IP to e ! ,)!#ifi$!tion distin$t f"o% ein' ! VOTER. even if ein' ! vote" &"es)%es ein' ! $iti;en
B!s$o +!s "e%oved f"o% (is &osition !s De&)t* S(e"iff * t(e SC )&on ! findin' of se"io)s %is$ond)$t in !n
!d%inist"!tive $o%&#!int #od'ed * ! $e"t!in Nen! To"desi##!s.<Ne+ L@C NOT *et in effe$t t(en=. S)se,)ent#*.
B!s$o "!n !s ! $!ndid!te fo" $o)n$i#o" !nd +on <Ne+ L@C !#"e!d* in effe$t=. Afte" (is te"%. B!s$o so)'(t
"ee#e$tion t+i$e !nd +on on ot( "ee#e$tions. Petition fo" dis,)!#ifi$!tion +!s fi#ed !'!inst B!s$o. )sin' se$tion
38 <= of t(e L@CU )t dis%issed. T(e iss)e is +(et(e" o" not t(e &etition fo" dis,)!#ifi$!tion +!s $o""e$t#*
9(et(e" dis%iss!# +!s v!#idG
No. It +!s $o""e$t#* dis%isses. Se$. 38 <= of t(e L@C does not !&&#* "et"o!$tive#* to t(ose "e%oved
f"o% offi$e efo"e it too- effe$t on D!n. 5. 5110. B!s$oPs e#e$tion to offi$e !s $it* $o)n$i#o" in t(e 51JJ. 5110
!nd 5117 e#e$tions +i&e !+!* !nd $ondone t(e !d%inist"!tive &en!#t* !'!inst (i%. t()s "esto"in' (is e#i'ii#it*
fo" &)#i$ offi$e. It %)st e noted t(!t t(e"e +!s not(in' to $ondone in t(e fi"st &#!$e. B!s$o +!s NOT s)Ae$t to
!n* dis,)!#ifi$!tion !t !## )nde" Se$. 38 <= of t(e L@C. +(i$( !&&#ies on#* to t(ose "e%oved f"o% offi$e on o"
!fte" D!n. 5. 5110. In vie+ of t(e i""e#ev!n$e of t(e iss)e &osed * &etitione". t(e"e is no %o"e "e!son to d+e## on
t(e %!tte".
E"nesto S. Me"$!do !nd &"iv!te "es&ondent Ed)!"do B. M!n;!no +e"e $!ndid!tes fo" vi$e %!*o" of t(e
Cit* of M!-!ti in t(e M!* 55. 511J e#e$tions. T(e ot(e" one +!s @!"ie# V. D!;! III. T(e "es)#ts of t(e e#e$tion
+e"e !s fo##o+s:
Ed)!"do B. M!n;!no 586.J76
E"nesto S. Me"$!do 588.J13
@!"ie# V. D!;! III 73.0B7
T(e &"o$#!%!tion of &"iv!te "es&ondent +!s s)s&ended in vie+ of ! &endin' &etition fo" dis,)!#ifi$!tion fi#ed *
! $e"t!in E"nesto M!%!"i# +(o !##e'ed t(!t &"iv!te "es&ondent +!s not ! $iti;en of t(e P(i#i&&ines )t of t(e
United St!tes.
9(et(e" M!n;!no $!n v!#id#* e e#e$ted !s Vi$e M!*o" (!vin' d)!# $iti;ens(i&G
Yes. T(e dis,)!#ifi$!tion of &"iv!te "es&ondent M!n;!no is ein' so)'(t )nde" V38 of t(e Lo$!#
@ove"n%ent Code of 5115 <R.A. No. B528=. +(i$( de$#!"es !s Fdis,)!#ified f"o% ")nnin' fo" !n* e#e$tive #o$!#
&osition: . . . <d= T(ose +it( d)!# $iti;ens(i&.F
T(is &"ovision is in$o"&o"!ted in t(e C(!"te" of t(e Cit* of M!-!ti. o e'in +it(. d)!# $iti;ens(i& is diffe"ent
f"o% d)!# !##e'i!n$e. T(e fo"%e" !"ises +(en. !s ! "es)#t of t(e $on$)""ent !&&#i$!tion of t(e diffe"ent #!+s of
t+o o" %o"e st!tes. ! &e"son is si%)#t!neo)s#* $onside"ed ! n!tion!# * t(e s!id st!tes.

Fo" inst!n$e. s)$( !
sit)!tion %!* !"ise +(en ! &e"son +(ose &!"ents !"e $iti;ens of ! st!te +(i$( !d(e"es to t(e &"in$i&#e of (us
sanguinis is o"n in ! st!te +(i$( fo##o+s t(e do$t"ine of (us soli. S)$( ! &e"son. ipso facto !nd +it(o)t !n*
vo#)nt!"* !$t on (is &!"t. is $on$)""ent#* $onside"ed ! $iti;en of ot( st!tes
D)!# !##e'i!n$e. on t(e ot(e" (!nd. "efe"s to t(e sit)!tion in +(i$( ! &e"son si%)#t!neo)s#* o+es. * so%e
&ositive !$t. #o*!#t* to t+o o" %o"e st!tes. 9(i#e d)!# $iti;ens(i& is invo#)nt!"*. d)!# !##e'i!n$e is t(e "es)#t of
!n individ)!#4s vo#ition.
In (is $!&!$it* !s !"!n'!* $(!i"%!n of B!"!n'!* BB. Ione B. M!#oo-!n Cit*
!nd !s &"esident of t(e Li'! n' %'! B!"!n'!* s! Pi#i&in!s. A#e/ L. D!vid fi#ed !
&etition fo" &"o(iition to &"o(iit t(e (o#din' of t(e !"!n'!* e#e$tion s$(ed)#ed on
t(e se$ond Mond!* of M!* 511B.
Petitione" Li'! n' %'! B!"!n'!* ?)e;on Cit* C(!&te" "e&"esented * its
&"esident Bonif!$io M. Ri##on fi#ed ! &etition Fto see- ! A)di$i!# "evie+ * $e"tio"!"i to
de$#!"e !s )n$onstit)tion!#.
5. Se$tion 36<$= of R.A. B528 +(i$( "e!ds !s fo##o+s: <$= T(e te"% of offi$e of
!"!n'!* offi$i!#s !nd %e%e"s of t(e s!n'')ni!n' -!!t!!n s(!## e fo" t("ee <6=
*e!"s. +(i$( s(!## e'in !fte" t(e "e')#!" e#e$tion of !"!n'!* offi$i!#s on t(e
se$ond Mond!* of M!* 5113.
0. COMELEC Reso#)tion Nos. 0JJ8 !nd 0JJB fi/in' t(e d!te of t(e (o#din' of t(e
!"!n'!* e#e$tions on M!* 50. 511B !nd ot(e" !$tivities "e#!ted t(e"eto>
6. T(e )d'et!"* !&&"o&"i!tion of P388 %i##ion $ont!ined in Re&)#i$ A$t No. J078
ot(e"+ise -no+n !s t(e @ene"!# A&&"o&"i!tions A$t of 511B intended to def"!* t(e
$osts !nd e/&enses in (o#din' t(e 511B !"!n'!* e#e$tions.
Bot( &etitions t(o)'( +o"ded diffe"ent#* "!ise t(e s!%e )#ti%!te iss)e: :o+
#on' is t(e te"% of offi$e of !"!n'!* offi$i!#sG Petitione"s $ontend t(!t )nde" Se$. 0
of RA 2276 F<t=(e te"% of offi$e of !"!n'!* offi$i!#s s(!## e fo" five <7= *e!"s . . .F
T(is is "eite"!ted in RA 22B1. Petitione"s f)"t(e" !ve" t(!t !#t(o)'( Se$. 36 of RA
B528 "ed)$ed t(e te"% of offi$e of !## #o$!# e#e$tive offi$i!#s to t("ee *e!"s. s)$(
"ed)$tion does not !&&#* to !"!n'!* offi$i!#s e$!)se <5= RA 22B1 is ! s&e$i!# #!+
!&&#i$!#e on#* to !"!n'!*s +(i#e RA B528 is ! 'ene"!# #!+ +(i$( !&&#ies to !##
ot(e" #o$!# 'ove"n%ent )nits> <0= RA B528 does not e/&"ess#* o" i%&#ied#* "e&e!# RA
22B1 insof!" !s t(e te"% of !"!n'!* offi$i!#s is $on$e"ned
9(et(e" t(e te"% of t(e !"!n'!* offi$i!#s s(o)#d e #i%ited on#* to t("ee *e!"s
Yes. In #i'(t of t(e "ief (isto"i$!# !$-'"o)nd. t(e intent !nd desi'n of t(e
#e'is#!t)"e to #i%it t(e te"% of !"!n'!* offi$i!#s to on#* t("ee <6= *e!"s !s &"ovided
)nde" t(e Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code e%e"'es !s "i'(t !s t(e s)n#i'(t. T(e $!"din!#
")#e in t(e inte"&"et!tion of !## #!+s is to !s$e"t!in !nd 'ive effe$t to t(e intent of
t(e #!+. And t("ee *e!"s is t(e ovio)s intent.
C!"#ito B. Do%in'o +!s ! %e%e" of t(e S!n'')ni!n' B!*!n of S!n Ni$o#!s. I#o$os No"te. On M!"$(
03. 5113. (e "esi'ned !fte" 'oin' +it(o)t #e!ve to t(e United St!tes. T(e M!*o". An'e#o B!"!. "e$o%%ended
Ed+!"d F!"in!s to fi## t(e v!$!n$*. :e is !#so "e$o%%ended * t(e S!n'')ni!n' B!*!n of S!n Ni$o#!s di"e$ted
to t(e M!*o".
T(e "eso#)tion "e'!"din' to t(e "e$o%%end!tion +!s s)%itted to S!n'')ni!n' P!n#!#!+i'!n of I#o$os No"te in
$o%&#i!n$e +it( Se$tion 72 of t(e Lo$!# @ove"n%ent Code. S!n'')ni!n' P!n#!#!+i'!n dis!&&"oved t(e
"eso#)tion fo" t(e "e!son t(!t t(e !)t(o"it* !nd &o+e" to !&&oint S!n'')ni!n' B!*!n %e%e"s !"e #od'ed to t(e
On t(e ot(e" (!nd. des&ite t(e dis!&&"ov!#. t(e "es&ondent sti## !&&ointed F!"in!s. L!te" on. (e too- !n o!t(. On
D)ne 53. 5113. &etitione"s fi#ed +it( t(e RTC of I#o$os No"te ! &etition ,)o +!""!nto !nd &"o(iition. T(e T"i!#
Co)"t )&(o#d t(e !&&oint%ent.
9(o $!n !&&oint t(e "e&#!$e%ent in $!se of ! &e"%!nent v!$!n$* in S!n'')ni!n' B!*!n $!)sed * t(e
$ess!tion f"o% offi$e of ! %e%e" +(o does not e#on' to !n* &o#iti$!# &!"t.
T(e"e is on#* one 'ove"nin' !&&oint%ent to S!n'')ni!n B!*!n. An* v!$!n$* t(e"ein $!)sed * t(e
$ess!tion f"o% offi$e of ! %e%e" +it( o" +it(o)t ! &o#iti$!# &!"t* %)st e %!de * t(e @ove"no" )&on t(e
"e$o%%end!tion of t(e s!id S!n'')ni!n.
T(e S!ndi'!n!*!n &"eventive#* s)s&ended &etitione"s f"o% offi$e &endin' t"i!# fo" vio#!tion of !
&"ovision of t(e Anti-@"!ft !nd Co"")&t P"!$ti$es A$t fo" en!$tin' CM!&!si*!(!n B#' 37E. !nd !sed on +(i$(
t(e* fo"$i#* too- t(e %!n!'e%ent !nd o&e"!tion of t(e ne+ &)#i$ %!"-et in A#!!n' f"o% Coo&e"!tive n!%ed
Mi#)s!n' M!'titind!.
Petitione" !ss!i#ed s!id. s)s&ensions +i## to## t(e o&e"!tions of t(e L@U +it(o)t t(e %!*o". Vi$e %!*o" !nd 2
$o)n$i#o"s +(o +e"e s)s&ended. one t(!t not(in' $!n &ossi#* $o%&"o%ised o" (!%&e"ed * t(ei" "e%!inin'
offi$e sin$e t(e &"o$eedin' +i## no #on'e" e fo" t(e &)"&ose "e$eivin' eviden$e. (en$e. t(e* insisted t(!t t(e
o"de" s)s&endin' t(e% s(o)#d e set !side !s ! '"!ve !)se of t(e Co)"tPs de$ision.
9(et(e" o" not &etitione"s !"')%ents v!#id to "e$onside" t(e S!ndi'!n!*!nPs o"de" of s)s&ension
No. T(e $o)"t fo)nd no %e"it in t(e &etitione"s !"')%ent s. T(e so#e oAe$tive of !n !d%inist"!tive
s)s&ension is to &"event t(e !$$)sed f"o% (!%&e"in' t(e investi'!tion +it( (is inf#)en$e !nd !)t(o"it* ove"
&ossi#e +itness o" to -ee& (i% f"o% "e$eivin' eviden$e. t(!t &"eventive s)s&ension is M!nd!to"*.
T(e fe!" of t(e &etitione" t(!t t(e M)ni$i&!# $o"&o"!tion of M)ntin#)&! +i## e &!"!#*;ed fo" 18d!*s +(en !"e
&"eventive#* s)s&ended is "e%ote. T(e"e +i## sti## "e%!in J $o)n$i#o"s +(o $!n %eet !s t(e S!n')ni!n' B!*!n.

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