This document provides programming problems and instructions for a screening interview with The Veloz Group. It includes:
- 15 programming problems to solve ranging from writing functions to handle arrays, designing a SQL schema and queries, and writing scripts to search and parse web pages.
- Instructions for each problem specifying requirements like language, time complexity, and allowed/disallowed functions.
- An optional set of additional problems to demonstrate further abilities.
The problems cover skills like data structures, SQL, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, shell scripting, recursion, and analyzing efficiency. Candidates are asked to complete as many as possible within the constraints.
This document provides programming problems and instructions for a screening interview with The Veloz Group. It includes:
- 15 programming problems to solve ranging from writing functions to handle arrays, designing a SQL schema and queries, and writing scripts to search and parse web pages.
- Instructions for each problem specifying requirements like language, time complexity, and allowed/disallowed functions.
- An optional set of additional problems to demonstrate further abilities.
The problems cover skills like data structures, SQL, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, shell scripting, recursion, and analyzing efficiency. Candidates are asked to complete as many as possible within the constraints.
This document provides programming problems and instructions for a screening interview with The Veloz Group. It includes:
- 15 programming problems to solve ranging from writing functions to handle arrays, designing a SQL schema and queries, and writing scripts to search and parse web pages.
- Instructions for each problem specifying requirements like language, time complexity, and allowed/disallowed functions.
- An optional set of additional problems to demonstrate further abilities.
The problems cover skills like data structures, SQL, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, shell scripting, recursion, and analyzing efficiency. Candidates are asked to complete as many as possible within the constraints.
This document provides programming problems and instructions for a screening interview with The Veloz Group. It includes:
- 15 programming problems to solve ranging from writing functions to handle arrays, designing a SQL schema and queries, and writing scripts to search and parse web pages.
- Instructions for each problem specifying requirements like language, time complexity, and allowed/disallowed functions.
- An optional set of additional problems to demonstrate further abilities.
The problems cover skills like data structures, SQL, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, shell scripting, recursion, and analyzing efficiency. Candidates are asked to complete as many as possible within the constraints.
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Thank you for your interest in working for The Veloz Group.
We would like you to participate in a
first-round screening interview, which consists of the programming test below. When solving the problems, please solve them in PHP unless another language is specified. It is ideal if you can solve without using any references, but if you must use a reference please include links to whichever references you use with each problem that you used that reference for. Please also include how long it took you to solve each problem.
REQUIRED: Please solve Problem #1 and #2
Problem #1 Write a function that takes an array of numbers and the length of the array. The array of numbers of can of any length with the numbers being any size. Your function should (a) report the range of the numbers (i.e. min and max), (b) print to screen a list of all numbers within the range that are missing from the array (c) print the count of all numbers that appear 2 or more times within the array. For example: if given [3, 1, -5, 3, 3, -5, 0, 10, 1, 1] and the corresponded array length of 10, we would output the following: Range is -5 to 10 Missing Numbers: -4 -3 -2 -1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 Duplicate Numbers: 3 appears 3 times 1 appears 3 times -5 appears 2 times
Rules for Problem #1: a) You may use any data structures you would like, and you may use data structure libraries (for example you may use a Standard Library Linked List if you think that is the right data structure to use). b) You may not use any helper functions such as min(), max(), find(), etc c) No sorting is allowed d) Must be linear time O(N), so no nested loops are allowed e) Must be memory efficient, so for input of [1, -100000, 100000], if you allocate a data structure like int [100000], you are doing something wrong, since you are using memory of sizeof(int)*100000 even though the input array only has 3 ints.
Problem #2 Our goal is to build a transcript system for a university, such as the one below:
Name: John Doe Id: 123-456-789 GPA: 3.63 Major: Computer Science
Winter 2013 Math 1C B+ Comp Sci 100 A Comp Sci 111 A- Fall 2012 Math 1B B English 1 A Comp Sci 2 A- Spring 2012 Math 1A A- History 10 B+ Comp Sci 1 A
For this transcript system do all of the following. If you are unable to do all of them, do whichever you are capable of solving: (a) Design a SQL Schema to store the data above (b) Write the SQL Queries to get the data above from the database using the schema you design in A (c) Write the HTML code to display the page above (d) Write the CSS to display items as formatted above (e.g. bold, underline, white space/indenting, italics, etc) (e) Write Javascript code so that after the page finishes loading, the GPA is dynamically calculated from the grades and displayed within the transcript.
Problem #3 Write a script in Shell, PHP, Python or Perl that gets all search results from Google which contain the word 'aeron' in the title of the search result. Output all page titles and the respective links in a plain text list where each line contains the title and url of a different search result.
LINUX: Please solve two or more of the following questions
Problem #4 How would I change the permissions of a file in linux so that is can be read by anyone, executed by only someone in the same group, and written to by only the owner?
Problem #5 How would I list all the files in a directory and the day they were created?
Problem #6 How would I check the size of a file and the size of a directory?
Problem #7 How do you count the number of lines in a file?
Problem #8 What 5 commands do you use on the right-hand side of a pipe? For example, "more" in the command 'grep foo.txt | more' or "less" in the command 'cat foo.txt | less'
OPTIONAL: Please solve additional problems below as you feel suitable to demonstrated your programming abilities
Problem #9 Write a script that searches ebay for all items for sale for $0.10 or less and outputs the item number and price of each of these items.
Problem #10 Write a script that finds all results on craigslist for items located in either Los Angeles, Orange County or San Diego that contain the word 'herman miller' and are listed for $350 or less.
Problem #11 Write a script to gets all search results from Google which contain the word 'aeron' in the title of the search result. Output all page titles and the respective links in a plain text list where each line contains the title and url of a different search result.
Problem #12 Given two arrays of numbers (for example [1,2,3,4,5] and [2,3,1,0,5]) and their sizes, write a single function to find (a) which numbers are present in the second array and not the first, (b) which numbers are present in the first array but not the second, and (c) which numbers are present in both arrays. Performance does not matter, but the single function must return all three pieces of information back to the user that called the function.
Problem #13 A palindrome is a word that is spelled the same forward and backwards, for example "wow", "dad" and "racecar" are all palindromes, whereas "cat", "foo", and "bar" are not palindromes. (a) Write an iterative function that takes a string as an argument and returns true or false based on whether or not it is a palindrome, without calling any other functions. (b) Write a recursive function with the same function prototype as A but solves the problem recursively instead of iteratively.
Problem #14 Write code to check whether a number is power of two or not. You may not simply use a power, square root or other 'magic' function.
Problem #15 Our job is to write a recursive function to find the nth Fibonacci number. We come up with the function below. Is there anything about this function that is majorly inefficient? If there is, say what is inefficient, and change the code or write a new function to make it more efficient. The new function must remain recursive. Fibonacci numbers are 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144
long fib (int n) { if (n == 0) { return 0; } else if (n == 1) { return 1; } else { return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); } }