Subversion: - Minni Arora
Subversion: - Minni Arora
Subversion: - Minni Arora
Minni Arora
Version Control
Hey, this function doesnt work anymore. id you
chan!e somethin!"
Sorry, # cant find those old classes. # !uess youll
have to re-im$lement them.
Hey, could you send me a co$y of those chan!es
you made last %uesday"
Subversion Architecture
Subversion commands
svn add
svn blame
svn cat
svn checkout
svn commit
svn co$y
svn delete
svn diff
svn e&$ort
svn info
svn list
svn mer!e
svn move
svn $ro$edit
svn resolved
svn revert
svn status
svn switch
svn u$date
Common Command '$tions
Versioned $ro$erties
: svn $ro$set $ro$erty?key ($ro$erty value( re$$h$
: svn $ro$!et $ro$erty?key re$$h$
How to make most of Hooks -
Access control
Send emails
3hen to ta!"
3hen to mer!e"
ocumentin! mer!es
Bo!!in! 8olicies
Dee$ short
or!aniAe ta!s"
7nforce 8olicies
7ffective Communication