Subversion: - Minni Arora

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Minni Arora
Version Control
Hey, this function doesnt work anymore. id you
chan!e somethin!"
Sorry, # cant find those old classes. # !uess youll
have to re-im$lement them.
Hey, could you send me a co$y of those chan!es
you made last %uesday"
Subversion Architecture
Subversion commands

svn add

svn blame

svn cat

svn checkout

svn commit

svn co$y

svn delete

svn diff

svn e&$ort

svn info

svn list

svn mer!e

svn move

svn $ro$edit

svn resolved

svn revert

svn status

svn switch

svn u$date
Common Command '$tions


svn commit --messa!e ()i&ed bu! *++,-.(



svn revert --recursive trunk.

svn checkout --non-recursive htt$/..svn.e&am$$os


svn checkout htt$/..svn.e&am$$os --revision +010

2asic 3ork Cycle

4$date your workin! co$y 5svn u$date6

Make chan!es 5svn add, svn delete, svn co$y,

svn move6

7&amine your chan!es 5svn status, svn diff6

8ossibly undo some chan!es 5svn revert6

9esolve conflicts 5svn u$date, svn resolve6

Commit your chan!es 5svn commit6

Handlin! Conflicts
; ls trunk.
hello.c / file with conflicts
hello.c.mine / local workin! co$y version before conflict
hello.c.r< / file when checkedout
hello.c.r= / file in the re$ository bein! mer!ed
2ranchin!, %a!!in! and Mer!in!
9e$ository layout .trunk, .branches, .ta!s

svn c$ --messa!e (Created a new branch(


svn c$ --messa!e (Created a new ta!(


svn mer!e htt$/..svn.e&am$$ro>.ta!s.myta!


Versioned $ro$erties
: svn $ro$set $ro$erty?key ($ro$erty value( re$$h$
: svn $ro$!et $ro$erty?key re$$h$

4nversioned . revision $ro$erties

: svn $ro$set --rev$ro$ --revision 111, $ro$erty?key ($ro$erty value(
: svn $ro$!et --rev$ro$ --revision 111, $ro$erty?key re$$h$
2uilt-in $ro$erties
: svn/e&ternals
: svn/mime-ty$e
: svn/s$ecial
: svn/author
: svn/date
: svn/lo!
Scripts that run automatically on the server, examine the data that flows
into the repository and make decisions about whether specific actions
should be allowed as well as trigger some more actions.





How to make most of Hooks -

Access control

Send emails

Communicate with issue tracker

Send notifications via 9SS

evelo$ment 8rocess 8olicies
2ranchin! 8olicies

3hen to create a task branch"

3hat !ranularity of task re@uires a


How to or!aniAe branches"w to

or!aniAe ta!s"
%a!!in! 8olicies

3hen to ta!"

How to or!aniAe ta!s"

Mer!in! 8olicies

3hen to mer!e"

3ho should mer!e"

ocumentin! mer!es
Bo!!in! 8olicies

State the s$ecific issue resolved and

why the issue needed solvin!

Any known side effects

3as anythin! removed

onCt use source code. onCt list the

files chan!ed

Dee$ short
or!aniAe ta!s"
7nforce 8olicies
7ffective Communication

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