Sample BOQ

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Sr.# Description Qty Unit Rate Amount

C-1 Earth Works
Structural excavation for foundation
trenches basement etc in any type of soil,
including separating and stacking suitable
materials, back filling trenches with
approved suitable excavated material in
layer not exceeding 9 in depth, watering
and compacting to 95% AASHTO density,
and disposal of surplus, and un-suitable
material to outside the Municipal limits,
including shoring & strutting where required
complete as per specifications etc. and as
directed by the engineer incharge.
1400.00 Cft -
C-2 Sand Filling
Supplying placing and compacting approved
fill material (local sand kassoo) under grade
slab from approved source outside the
site limits in 9 inch layer, including the
breaking clods, dressing, leveling, watering
and mechanically compacting in layers
to 95% modified AASHTO dry density
complete in all respects.
1500.00 Cft -
C-3 P.C.C.(1:4:8) Under Foundations:
Providing and laying compacting and curing
etc., plain cement concrete 1:4:8 under
foundation using 1 part of gray cement, 4
part of clean ravi sand, 8 part of margala
stone crush aggregate, complete in all
respects, as specified and as directed by the
185.00 Cft -
Bill of Quantity
Dynatis Pakistan (Pvt)Ltd, Plot - 710, Sundar Industrial Estate,
Security Office - (CIVIL)
Dynatis Paksitan (Pvt) Ltd, BOQ - Page 1 of 8
Sr.# Description Qty Unit Rate Amount
C-4 Reinforced Cement Concrete:
Providing and laying reinforced cement
concrete of nominal mix 1:2:4, with a
minimum cylinder strength of 3000 psi at 28
days, using 1-part grey cement 2 part fine
aggregate (50% Chenab sand, 50% hero
sand) 4-part margalla stone crushed i/c
vibrating, curing, all formwork and their
removal, placing all pipes and embedded
items before concreting, complete in all
respects at any height as per drawings,
specification and as directed by the
Engineer (Excluding cost of steel
reinforcement work)
a: Concerte 1:2:4 in Beams, Lintel, Slabs &
390.00 Cft -
Steel Reinforcement:
Providing & laying steel deformed bars, i/c
the cost of straightening, cutting, bending,
binding, wastage and such overlaps as are
not shown over the drawings, placing in
position with binding wires, cost of chairs
and spacers etc., in foundations column,
lintels, beam and slabs at any height etc.
complete in all respect.
a: 60,000 Psi minimum yield 650.00 Kg -
b: 40,000 Psi minimum yield
90.00 Kg -
Brick Work in Foundation
Providing and laying first class burnt brick
masonry (Mini 1400 psi compressive
strength) in foundation and plinth set in
cement sand mortar 1:6 using 1-part of grey
cement 6-part of clean Ravi Sand approved
quality in straight or curved walls as shown
on the drawings i/c filling the joint with C.S.
mortar and racking out joints, curing and
finishing etc. complete in all respects.
1200.00 Cft -
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Sr.# Description Qty Unit Rate Amount
Damp Proof Course
Providing and laying 2 thick damp proof
course with cement concrete (1:2:4) cast in
situ using graded margala crush of 1/2 inch
down gauge and using Chenab sand i/c two
coats of 10/20 hot bitumen (30Ibs/100Sft)
and one layer of thick polythene sheet
compacting, curing, formwork and its
removal etc. complete in all respect as
directed by the Engineer in charge.
170.00 Sft -
Vertical DPC:
Providing & laying 3/4 thick cement sand
plaster 1:3 using 1-part of grey cement and
3 part of clean Chenab sand to walls as a
vertical DPC including two coats of 10/20
hot bitumen (30lbs/100Sft) and one layer of
thick polythene sheet and curing complete
in all respect
130.00 Sft -
C-9 Brick Work in Super Structure 9 Thick
Providing and laying 9 thick first class burnt
brick masonry (Mini 1400 psi compressive
strength) in super structure set in cement
sand mortar 1:4 using 1-part of grey cement
and 4-part of clean Ravi Sand approved
quality in straight or curved walls as shown
on the drawings i/c steel tie bars 3/8 dia,
drilled in columns, scaffolding and its
removal, filling the joints with C.S. mortar
and racking out joints, curing and finishing
etc. at any height complete in all respects.
850.00 Cft -
C-10 Brick Work in Super Structure 4-1/2 Thick:
Providing and laying 4.5 thick first class
burnt brick masonry (Mini 1400 psi
compressive strength) in super structure set
in cement sand mortar 1:3 using 1-part of
grey cement and 3-part of clean Ravi Sand
approved quality in straight or curved walls
as shown on the drawings i/c steel tie bars
3/8 dia, drilled in columns, scaffolding and
its removal, filling the joints with C.S. mortar
and racking out joints, curing and finishing
etc. at any height complete in all respects.
300.00 Sft -
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Sr.# Description Qty Unit Rate Amount
Brick Work in Super Structure Special Face
Work 9"x4-1/2x3" Thick:
Providing and laying 4.5 thick first class
burnt special brick masonry work (Mini
1400 psi compressive strength) in super
structure set in cement, brick powder
mortar 1:3 using 1-part of grey cement and
3-part of clean brick powder approved
quality in straight or curved walls as shown
on the drawings i/c steel tie bars 3/8 dia,
drilled in columns, steel wire Galvonized
tied fixing with exisiting wall, scaffolding
and its removal, filling the joints with
required mortar etc. at any height complete
in all respects.
700.00 Sft -
Thermopore Sheet:
Providing & Laying for insulation 1" thick 30
Denisty thermapore sheet in cavity of wall
in vertical position complete in all aspect.
485.00 Sft -
C-13 Plaster work 1:4
Providing & laying thick cement sand
plaster 1:4 using 1-part of grey cement and
4 part of clean Chenab sand to walls, i/c
cost of expended metal, making edges,
corners, groves and lifting, hoisting
scaffolding and its removal, preparation of
surface before plastering by rubbing with
wire brush and washing with clean water
curing, finishing etc. at any height complete
in all respects.
1560.00 Sft -
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Sr.# Description Qty Unit Rate Amount
C-14 P.C.C (1:4:8) Under Floor
Providing and laying compacting and curing
etc., 4 thick plain cement concrete 1:4:8
under floor, using 1 part of gray cement, 4
part of clean ravi sand, 8 part of margala
stone crush aggregate, complete in all
respects, at any height as specified and as
directed by the Engineer.
130.00 Cft -
C-15 Mosaic Floor in Gray Cement:
Providing and laying in situ terrazzo flooring
3/4" thick, in 1:2 using 1 part of gray
cement and 2 part of special marble chips of
approved colour and shade, laid in pattern
of marble patti jet black 1-1/2 *1/4 over sub
base 1:2:4 One part of grey cement and 2
part of chanab sand and 4 part of margala
stone crush (Refer detailed drawings)
alongwith 3 times grindings and chemical
polishing,complete in all respects, at any
height as specified and as directed by the
Engineer. (Before laying consult site
270 Sft -
C-16 Skirting to Wall and Columns 4" height( in
Gray Cement)
Providing and laying in situ terrazzo skirting
3/4" thick, in 1:2 using 1 part of gray
cement and 2 part of special marble chips of
approved colour and shade over existing
plaster, granding and chemical polishing
complete in all respects, at any height as
specified and as directed by the Engineer(
both ends should be rounded).
200 Rft -
C-17 Tile Floor in Bath
Providing and laying master garnitto
tiles(12" * 12") 8.5mm thick of approved
color on floor straight or curved, laid with
cement mixed with matching color
pigments, over 3/4 thick 1:3 cement sand
base plaster over 2 inch thick base concret
1:2:4 ; 1 part of grey cement and 2 part of
chanab sand and 4 part of margala stone
crush. Cutting tiles where required making
holes for opening, complete in all respects
at any height as shown on drawings and as
directed by the Consultant.
55.00 Sft -
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Sr.# Description Qty Unit Rate Amount
C-18 Tile Dado in Bath
Providing and laying master solo series,
glazed plan tiles of approved color to wall
over existing plaster straight or curved, laid
with cement mixed with matching color
pigments. Cutting tiles where required
making holes for opening, complete in all
respects at any height as shown on
drawings and as directed by the Consultant.
(Tile size 8" * 10" )
170.00 Sft -
C-19 Door Chowkhat:
Providing and fixing G.I sheet Chowkhat 16
SWG with 3 coat anamel paint as per
design, complete with iron mongry, filling
the cavity with concrete and embeded the
hold fasts, complete in all respects at any
height as shown on drawings and as
directed by the Consultant.
a : 10" wide 52.00 Rft -
C-20 Wooden Doors
Providing and fixing 1-1/2" thick and 4 inch
wide ash Wood solid core panel door
shutter in office area with malaysian panel
4mm thick on both sides double pressed
and deoder wood lipping 1-1/2 " * 3/8"
around shutter, including 2-1/2" * 1/2"
decoder wood decorative moulding as per
design, best quality stainless steel fittings,
iron hinges, tower bolts, locks and doors
stopers with spirit polish, complete in all
respects, lock basic rate 1500-/ only
approved by engineers.
25.00 Sft -
C-21 UPVC Doors with Chowkhat
Providing and fixing 1-1/2" thick and 4 inch
wide ash wood frame fixing UPVC Doors as
per manufacture specification complete in
all respect with Stainless steels tower
boards, iron mongry and handles complete
in all respect. 35.00 Sft -
C-22 Window Marbel Sill
Providing and laying 3/4 inch thick sunny
gray marbel window sills, factory polish and
rounded corners complete in all respect.
40.00 Sft -
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Sr.# Description Qty Unit Rate Amount
C-23 Aluminum Work:
Providing and fixing aluminium slide
windows powder coated, Delux section
1.6mm thick of Alco or equivalent with
5mm thick local ghany plain glass or
equivalent, nylon wheel (Metax Japan),
latches, Crescent lock, synthetic rubber,
wire mesh (opal American), at any height
complete in all respects as directed by the
a: Slide Window
34.00 Sft -
b: Ventilator (Slide)
8.00 Sft -
C-24 Paint Work (Matt Finish):
Providing and applying 3 coats of plastic
emulsion paint (ICI, Dulux or equivalent) on
internal plastered surfaces of walls and
ceiling at any height, including rubbing the
surface to smooth finish applying with
priming coat/ putty, removing undulations,
complete in all respects as specified by the
manufacturer at any height and approved
by the Engineer.
1560.00 Sft -
C-25 Weather Shield:
Providing and applying appproved Acrylic
Tramofine caoting (ICI Delux or equlvalent)
on external side and shade including
scaffoiding, finishing and cleaning, edge
making etc. at any height complete in all
500.00 Sft -
C-26 Roof Treatment:
Providing and laying insulation and water
proofing to roof consisting of:
i) Cleaning the surface with brush.
ii) 1 Primary Coat of hot bitumen 10/20
iii) 1 Coal of hot bitumen 10/20 @ 7kg / 100
iii) A layer of 3mm thick torch memorine
- Sft 540.00
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Sr.# Description Qty Unit Rate Amount
iv) A layer of polythene sheet 0.0008" thick
v) A layer of 2" thick thermapore sheet. 30
density vi) Average 5" thick clean earth laid in slope
and 9"x4.5"x1.5" first class brick tiles laid in
1:6 cement & chenab sand mortar and
grouted with 1:3 cement sand mortar
including leveling, cleaning, complete and
making taper gola 3"x3" with details given
in roof plan.
Total ( C ) 0.00 RS
- Sft 540.00
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