Ingles 2 Eso
Ingles 2 Eso
Ingles 2 Eso
Read the text and answer the questions below.
English has got many words from other languages. For example, noodle comes from German and
yoghurt comes from Turkish. Another food word, smorgasbord, comes from Swedish.
A smorgasbord is a special type of meal from Sweden. n a traditional Swedish smorgasbord, there!s a
long table with bowls and plates, and they!"e all got different types of food. #ou walk next to the table
and choose food. $oes it look good% Then ha"e some, and don!t hurry. #ou should en&oy your meal
slowly. Take some food, sit down and eat it. Then take a new plate and ha"e some more food. There!s
no limit'
First, you can ha"e cold fish and seafood. (ext, you can ha"e cold meat. There are usually small
meatballs and cold ham. After that, there is hot food ) soup, ham, fish, seafood, beans, potatoes and
"egetables. There are usually different types of salads, too. And a smorgasbord has always got bread
and cheese. Finally, there!s dessert. A fa"ourite smorgasbord dessert is rice pudding. Sometimes
there!s fruit, too.
$oes it sound delicious% *ell, there!s one important thing to remember. #ou should always come to a
smorgasbord "ery hungry.
+. ,an you find three words in the text that don!t come from English%
--------- , --------- and ---------
.. *ho brings you your food at a smorgasbord%
/. 0ow many portions can you ha"e at a smorgasbord%
1. According to the text, what food can you ha"e hot and cold%
2. *hat are two types of desserts at a smorgasbord%
--------- and ---------
# Co$%lete the senten&es with the words below. There are $ore words than 'ou need.
tomato sauce 3 tablecloth 3 spoon 3 candles 3 glass 3 lamb 3 flour
+. #ou make cake with sugar, eggs and --------- .
.. want some cola. 4lease bring me a --------- .
/. There is usually --------- and cheese on a pi55a.
1. $on!t eat your soup with a fork. 6se a --------- .
2. *e!"e got two types of meat for dinner tonight ) ham and --------- .
( Cir&le T)O &orre&t answers
+. 7anuary, 8ay, ... and ... are months. a French b. April c.9ctober d. Tuesday
.. #our shoes are ... and ... . a. colourful b. expensi"e c. crowded d. loud
/. *e need a ... and a ... for the maths lesson.
a. microscope b. compass c. spoon d. calculator
1. Today is ... and ... . :et!s stay in the house. a.famous b.warm c.stormy d.wet
2. 8y father bought new ... and ... for my bedroom.
a. baths b. curtains c. walls d. shel"es
# Cir&le the &orre&t answers.
+. ;ill isn!t coming to the party because he - help his father.
a. shouldn!t b. must c. can d. could
.. :ast year Tim - cook, but now he can.
a. couldn!t b. mustn!t c. can!t d. shouldn!t
/. ;etsy - play the "iolin. She practises e"ery day.
a. could b. can c. mustn!t d. can!t
1. #ou - play with fire. t is dangerous.
a. can!t b. should c. mustn!t d. couldn!t
2. 4lease talk <uietly' *e - hear the T=.
a. can b. mustn!t c. can!t d. shouldn!t
>. :ori won the competition because she - sing beautifully.
a. should b. must c. can!t d. could
?. t!s hot today. *e - open some windows.
a. must b. should c. shouldn!t d. can!t
@. This is a library. #ou - talk loudly.
a. must b. can c. mustn!t d. can!t
( Co$%lete the senten&es about 'ou.
+. can!t .................................................................................................................................................. .
.. :ast year, could ............................................................................................................................. .
/. should always ................................................................................................................................. .
1. must ne"er ...................................................................................................................................... .
+ Cir&le the &orre&t answers.
8iss 7ames
tea&h A tea&hes A is tea&hin, cooking on 8ondays. She
has ,ot A ha-e ,ot A
hasn.t ,ot any girls in her class.
There is A There are A Are there .2 boys' :ast week,
8iss 7ames and her students
$ade A $a/e A didn.t $a/e soup. 8iss 7ames usually writes
the recipe on the board, but last week she
didn.t write A wrote A write it. Suddenly, 8iss
7ames shouted, BCobert, stop'
)hen A )hat A )h' are you doing%D Cobert
%uttin, A was %uttin, A weren.t %uttin, honey in the soup' 0e said, B8y mother always
%uttin, A %ut A %uts honey in soup.D So e"eryone had some soup, and it
were A weren.t A
was delicious'
0 Corre&t the $ista/es.
+. The baby has got two new tooths.
.. 8orris and Fay hasn!t got a microwa"e.
/. :esley she is washing the dishes.
1. *as it rain last night at E.FF%
2. There were lions in the safari park%
Read the text and answer the questions below
The hippopotamus is a huge animal. t!s bigger than a horse or a cow. Some hippopotamuses weigh 1,2FF
kilograms, or more' There are only two bigger land animals ) elephants and white rhinoceroses.
The hippopotamus ) sometimes called a hippo ) li"es near lakes or ri"ers in Africa and stays in the water all day.
0ippos don!t like the hot African sun, so they stay happy and cool in the water. #ou can often see a hippo!s ears,
eyes and nose abo"e the water. n the e"ening, hippos lea"e their lake or ri"er. They then walk ) sometimes up
to fi"e kilometres ) to find food. 0ippos are herbi"ores and they lo"e fruit. 0ippos can!t see well, but they hear
and smell "ery well. They can hear fruit fall from a tree. Then their nose helps them find the fruit.
$o you think a big, fat hippo can run fast% *ell, it can. 0ippopotamuses can run faster than people' #ou shouldn!t
go near a hippo or its territory. They become angry, and they can be dangerous. They!"e got a huge mouth and
big teeth, too. And they!re "ery strong.
+. *hat two animals are bigger than hippopotamuses%
-------- and --------
.. *hat do hippos do during the day%
/. *hy do hippos keep their ears, eyes and nose abo"e the water%
1. 0ow do hippos find food%
2. *hen do hippos become angry%
# )rite the o%%osites o2 the words below
+. huge -------- 1. fast --------
.. weak -------- 2. young --------
/. ugly --------
( Co$%lete the senten&es with the &orre&t ani$al below.
a $osquito 3 an o&to%us 3 a rabbit 3 a %i, 3 a 4ell'2ish 3 a li5ard 3 a wol2
+. *e get ham from this animal. t!s ------------ .
.. t!s a reptile and it eats flies. t!s ------------ .
/. t!s small and it flies. t drinks blood. t!s ------------ .
1. t li"es in water and it!s got eight legs. t!s ------------ .
2. t!s from the dog family. t!s ------------ .
+ Cir&le the &orre&t answers.
+. can!t hear you. The music is "ery deli&ious A &rowded A loud.
.. #ou need %aints A an atlas A a &al&ulator for the art lesson.
/. $on!t show A tou&h A hu, the cup. t!s hot.
1. 4eople ha"en!t got 2in,ers and a ton,ue A toes and a sto$a&h A %aws and a tail.
2. t!s warm and sunny. t!s a typical s%rin, A winter A stor$' day.
>. Someone took my laptop computer. ,all the %ara$edi&s A 2ire2i,hters A %oli&e'
?. !"e got a white and blue &ar%et A bath A washin, $a&hine in my bedroom.
@. 4ut the noodles in a bowl A &andles A a table&loth please.
E. #ou should play football in the /it&hen A ,arden A ,ara,e, not in the li"ing room.
+F. $an is watching Shrek again. 0e lo"es do&u$entar' A &ri$e A ani$ated films.
# Co$%lete the senten&es with the &o$%arati-e 2or$ o2 the ad4e&ti-es below.
dan,erous 3 &lean 3 hea-' 3 ,ood 3 &rowded 3 hot
+. took out the rubbish and made the bed. (ow my room is ------------ your room.
.. There are many people in the bakery. t!s -------------- the supermarket.
/. *e go to the beach in the summer, because the summer is ----------- the spring.
1. *ol"es are frightening. They!re -------------- dogs.
2. Elephants can weigh six tons, but some whales are -------------- elephants.
>. The book was -------------- the film.
( Co$%lete the senten&es with an arti&le or a quanti2ier.
+. :ook' There!s -------- elephant'
.. 0ow -------- salt should put in the soup%
/. There are -------- beans in the bowl.
1. *e ha"en!t got -------- sugar. $o you want honey%
2. $id you see -------- big accident yesterday% t was terrible'
>. 0ow -------- eggs do sea turtles lay%
?. ;en is drinking -------- glass of milk.
+ Corre&t the $ista/es.
+. 7en and ;ill isn!t playing "olleyball now.
.. can!t finding my canary.
/. There were many people at the concert%
1. #ou must to put the pudding in the fridge.
2. *here did Ann going at ?./F yesterday%
>. At >.FF yesterday morning, were sleeping.
0 Cir&le the &orre&t answers.
#esterday was my birthday so my friends and
,o A didn.t ,o A went to a restaurant for
dinner. usually
ha-e A has A a$ ha-in, my birthday dinner with my family, but my mum and
-isit A is -isitin, A are -isitin, my grandparents right now. At the restaurant,
was A were there A there were many items on the menu. ordered lamb and noodles.
A A The A 6o$e food was delicious' After dinner we went to a film.
Is there A There
are A There is a new cinema at the shopping centre. t
has ,ot 7 ha-e ,ot A hasn.t ,ot
some great films. *e saw The $ragon $ance.
thin/ A didn.t thin/ A thou,ht it was a
musical, but it was a horror film.
li/e A li/ed A didn.t li/e the film. hate horror films'
shouldn.t A $ustn.t A &ouldn.t open my eyes' Finally, the film ended and we went to my house
for cake, ice cream and computer games. (ow,
should A $ust A &ould wait a year for my
next birthday'
UNIT 8 READINGG Read the e9$ail and answer the questions.
0i 7ackie,
$o you want to hear something fantastic% #ou!re going to be "ery surprised. 8y French friends (atalie and
,laire are on holiday in England. #esterday, they were on 9xford Street in :ondon. There is a webcam there
and you can see e"erything on the street. (atalie and ,laire phoned me and told me to look at the webcam!s
nternet site. looked on my computer and saw them on 9xford Street' (atalie was wearing a red sweater
and &eans. ,laire was wearing a pink hat and scarf. made an nternet postcard of them on my computer and
!m going to eHmail it to them.
The webcam shows you the street, the shops, the people, the cars and the buses, .1 hours e"ery day. England
has got hundreds of webcams. #ou can see big cities, tourist attractions and small towns ) many interesting
places. And there are webcams all o"er the world. #ou can see the pyramids in Egypt, pandas in ,hina, a "olcano
in Alaska, skiing in Swit5erland ) the world is on your computer.
8odern technology is ama5ing'
+. *here are (atalie and ,laire from%
.. *hy did (atalie and ,laire tell Emma to look at the webcam!s nternet site%
/. *hat is Emma going to eHmail to her friends%
1. *hen can you see 9xford Street on the webcam%
2. *hy does the text mention pandas and pyramids%
# Co$%lete the senten&es with the words below. There are $ore words than 'ou need.
website 3 sun,lasses 3 tooth%aste 3 /e'board 3 instant $essa,in, 3 $a% 3 2lash dri-e
+. ,lara has got ---------- on her computer. She chats with her grandparents on it.
.. *e can put our English pro&ect on a -------- and open it on the school computer.
/. *here is =alley Coad% :et!s look at a -------- .
1. :et!s look at the school!s ----------- . t!s and it!s got the
football team!s timetable.
2. !m going to wear flipHflops and ------------- at the beach.
( Co$%lete the words in the senten&es.
+. 4lease don!t eat with your fingers. 6se a k -. -. -. -. and fork.
.. An o -. -. -. -. -. -. has got eight legs and li"es in the ocean.
/. There!s a pretty carpet on your li"ing room f -. -. -. -. .
1. *e often use a microscope in our s -. -. -. -. -. -. lessons.
2. 8andy has got three sisters and two b -. -. -. -. -. -. -. .
>. 8y pet rabbit has got long ears and white f -. -. .
?. don!t like h -. -. -. -. -. films because they!re frightening.
@. 8any musicians can play the p -. -. -. -. and the keyboard.
E. The paramedics arri"ed at the a -. -. -. -. -. -. -. in an ambulance.
+F. t!s often cool and cloudy in the a -. -. -. -. -. .
# Co$%lete the senten&es with the -erbs below. Use be ,oin, to. There are $ore -erbs
than 'ou need. -isit 3 ta/e 3 not o%en 3 &r' 3 %la' 3 not listen 3 eat
+. *e ------------ lamb and rice at the weekend.
.. -------- you -------- Egypt on a "irtual tour%
/. ------------ to music later tonight. !m tired.
1. The shops ------------ tomorrow. t!s ,hristmas.
2. -------- 7ack -------- his laptop computer to France%
( Co$%lete the senten&es. Use the :resent Continuous with 2uture $eanin, and the
-erbs below. &oo/ 3 ,o 3 $eet 3 wat&h 3 do 3 not ha-e
+. ------------ T= at @.FF.
.. -------- you -------- homework later tonight%
/. -------- 8um -------- seafood tomorrow%
1. *e ------------ ham on Sunday.
2. *e ------------ our friends at 2.FF.
>. -------- you -------- to the park later%
+ Corre&t the $ista/es.
+. Andrew and 7oe hasn!t got any homework.
.. Sandy wents to the rock concert yesterday.
/. Adam is more taller than his sister.
1. *e mustn!t to send text messages in class.
2. There is a octopus in the a<uarium.
>. #ou could ride a horse last year%
?. *hy is you crying%
0 Cir&le the &orre&t answers.
Dinah; 8um,
when A what does spring begin%
*u$; 9n .+st 8arch.
Dinah; 9I.
<ow $u&h A An' A <ow $an' kilograms are there in a ton%
*u$; $inah, why
are 'ou as/in, A do 'ou as/ A 'ou are as/in, me these <uestions%
Dinah; ;ecause
there are A there is 7 is there a competition at school next week. *e
,oin, to %la' A a$ ,oin, to %la' A are ,oin, to %la' *ho *ants to ;e a 8illionaire%
!m in the competition.
a$ A has ,ot A ha-e ,ot one week to prepare. #esterday,
studied A didn.t stud' A stud' world geography.
Are A Do A Does you know the capital
city of Australia%
*u$; #es, it!s ,anberra.
)ere 'ou stud'in, A "ou were stud'in, A "ou weren.t stud'in,
at ++./F last night% saw the light from your room.
Dinah; #es, was.
shouldn.t A &ould A $ust learn facts about e"erything'
6hould A Can A
*ust you help me%
*u$; 9I. :et!s look on
an A the A so$e nternet.
Dinah; Thanks, 8um'
UNIT = READING Read the arti&le and answer the questions below.
mportant information for future "ets' ;arbara Simons, a "et in (ew Jealand, talks about her &ob.
lo"e animals and !"e got a wonderful &ob' !m a "et.
usually start work at @.FF in the morning. First, check all the animals in the clinic. Sometimes they need
medicine. Some animals will need an operation, so must check their blood and do other tests. f the tests
are 9I, !ll do the operation later in the day.
The clinic opens at @./F. 8any people bring their pets to the clinic and we!re "ery busy. Some of the pets
need a "accination or some medicine. After see them, can usually send them home. f the pet is "ery ill,
it will stay in the clinic so can watch it carefully.
The clinic stays open until @.FF pm, so don!t work alone. At ++.FF am, another "et arri"es. 0e sees the
animals, and do operations. usually finish the operations at /.FF. Then, ha"e lunch and put information
about the animals into the computer. After that, go back to the clinic and see more animals. usually go
home at >.FF. t!s a long day and at the end, feel "ery tired. ;ut feel good, too. lo"e helping animals.
+. *hat does ;arbara do before the clinic opens%
.. *hy must some pets stay in the clinic%
/. *hy does another "et work with ;arbara%
1. 0ow many hours does ;arbara do operations%
2. 0ow does ;arbara feel at the end of the day%
VOCAU!AR" #Co$%lete the %u55le.
.. ,arol is an - . She is going to the moon soon.
1. Tigers are big and - animals.
E. Iate lo"es tra"elling and seeing exciting places. She is - .
+F. The food at the restaurant is delicious. They!"e got an excellent - .
+. Andy ne"er does any work in the house. 0e!s - .
/. Jac Efron is my fa"ourite - . 0e stars in the 0igh School 8usical films.
2. $o you know 7.I. Cowling, the famous - % She wrote the 0arry 4otter books.
>. Freddie is frightened by e"erything' 0e!s not "ery - .
?. 7ennifer ne"er puts her clothes in the cupboard. She is - .
@. The football team won all their games because they!"e got a great - .
( +
0 >
1 8
( Add a word to ea&h ,rou%. Use the words below.
bowl 3 stu%id 3 beans 3 2rid,e 3 4o'sti&/ 3 %aws 3 wol2 3 a&&ident 3 &o$ed' 3 2o,,'
+.fur, tail, --------
.. expensi"e, strange, --------
/. fireplace, floor, --------
1. horror, western, --------
2. windy, cold, --------
>. in&ury, blood, --------
?. spoon, glass, --------
@. lamb, noodles, --------
E. pig, turtle, --------
+F. keyboard, mouse, --------
# Co$%lete the senten&es with the &orre&t 2or$ o2 will and the -erbs below.
not 2inish 3 be 3 win 3 use 3 not li-e
+. #ou -------- a doctor one day.
.. -------- the &ob before ?.FF.
/. -------- our team -------- the "olleyball game%
1. Tom -------- a computer in his &ob.
2. $a"e and Emma -------- in Africa.
( Co$%lete the senten&es with the &orre&t 2or$ o2 the -erbs below.
wear 3 ,o 3 %ra&tise 3 not be 3 not arri-e
+. f buy a new dress, -------- it for your party.
.. f you -------- , you will be a great singer.
/. f a snake eats a hamster, it -------- hungry for a week.
1. f Tanya -------- to the club, she will meet $ylan.
2. f the ambulance -------- , we!ll take the boy to the hospital in our car.
+ Cir&le the &orre&t answers.
4aul!s friends
%lan A %lans A are %lannin, a trip. They
aren.t ,oin, A is ,oin, to ,o A are
,oin, to ,o skiing in taly in 7anuary. #esterday, they
as/ed A as/ A didn.t as/ 4aul to go
with them and they!re waiting for his answer. ;ut 4aul
shouldn.t A $ustn.t A &an.t decide.
t is an expensi"e trip. t is
ex%ensi-e A $ore ex%ensi-e A $ore ex%ensi-e than a trip in
England. 4aul
don.t s/i A isn.t s/iin, A doesn.t s/i "ery well, but he
en4o's A en4o' A isn.t
en4o'in, it "ery much. 0e hasn!t got
a A an A an' warm &acket, but he
ha-e ,ot A has
,ot A hasn.t ,ot some warm socks and shoes.
6hould A *ust A Could he go, or stay at
0 Corre&t the $ista/es.
+. 0ow much people went to the concert%
.. There were any turtles in the pet shop%
/. didn!t saw the accident on my street.
1. 7udy walking home at ?./F yesterday.
2. s an going buy a webcam%
+. noodle, yoghurt, smorgasbord
.. #ou take the food. A (obody brings you food.
/. There is no limit to the number of portions.
1. #ou can ha"e hot and cold ham A fish A seafood.
2. rice pudding, fruit
# +. Flour /. tomato sauce 1. Spoon 2. lamb
( +. b, c .. a, b /. b, d 1. c, d 2. b, d
# +. ; ..a /. ; 1. c 2., >.d ?.; @.c
+ +. teaches >. *hat
.. hasn!t got ?. was putting
/. There are @. puts
1. made E. was
2. didn!t write
0 +. The baby has got two new teeth.
.. 8orris and Fay ha-en.t got a microwa"e.
/. !esle' is washin, the dishes.
1. )as it rainin, last night at E.FF%
2. )ere there lions in the safari park% A There were lions in the safari park.
1 a. Then A (ext A After that
2 b. Finally
+ c. First
/ d. Then A (ext A After that
. e. Then A (ext A After that
First, we sat down at a table. Then A (ext A After that, we looked at the menu and
ordered salads. Then A (ext A After that, we ate our salads. Then A (ext A After that, we
had cake for dessert. Finally, we left the restaurant and went to a film.
+. elephants, white rhinoceroses
.. They stay in the water.
/. So that they can hear, see and breathe.
1. n the e"ening, they walk ) sometimes up to fi"e kilometres ) to find food.
2. They become angry when you go near them or their territory.
# +. Tiny ..strong /. 4retty 1.slow 2. old
( +. a pig .. a li5ard /. a mos<uito 1. an octopus 2. a wolf
+ +. loud >. police
.. paints ?. carpet
/. touch @. a bowl
1. paws and a tail E. garden
2. spring +F. animated
# +. cleaner than 1. more dangerous than
.. more crowded than 2. hea"ier than
/. hotter than >. better than
( +. An .. 8uch /. Some 1.any 2. the >. many ?. a
+ +. 7en and ;ill aren.t playing "olleyball now.
.. can!t 2ind my canary.
/. )ere there many people at the concert% A There were many people at the concert.
1. #ou $ust %ut the pudding in the fridge.
2. *here did Ann ,o at ?./F yesterday% A *here was Ann going at ?./F yesterday%
>. At >.FF yesterday morning, was sleeping.
0 +. went ?. has got
.. ha"e @. thought
/. are "isiting E. didn!t like
1. there were +F. couldn!t
2. The ++. must
>. There is
+. They are from France.
.. They wanted Emma to see them on 9xford Street.
/. She!s going to eHmail an nternet postcard.
1. #ou can see it .1 hours e"ery day.
2. #ou can also see them on webcams.
# +. instant messaging .. flash dri"e /.map 2.sunglasses
( +. knife 2. brothers @. piano
.. octopus >. fur E. accident
/. floor ?. horror +F. autumn
1. science
# +. are going to eat .. Are - going to "isit /. am not going to listen
1. aren!t going to open 2. s - going to take
( +. am watching 1. aren!t ha"ing
.. Are - doing 2. are meeting
/. s - cooking >. Are - going
+ +. Andrew and 7oe ha-en.t got any homework.
.. Sandy went to the rock concert yesterday.
/. Adam is taller than his sister.
1. *e $ustn.t send text messages in class.
2. There is an octopus in the a<uarium.
>. Could 'ou ride a horse last year% A #ou could ride a horse last year.
?. *hy are you crying%
0 +. when ?. studied
.. 0ow many @. $o
/. are you asking E. *ere you studying
1. there is +F. must
2. are going to play ++. ,an
>. ha"e got +.. the
+. She checks all the animals in the clinic. KSometimes she gi"es them medicine, checks
their blood and does other tests.L
.. f a pet is "ery ill, it will stay in the clinic so ;arbara can watch it carefully.
/. The work day is "ery long. A The other "et sees the animals. ;arbara does operations.
1. four hours K++.FF am to /.FF pmL
2. She feels "ery tired but she also feels good.
# AcrossG $ownG
.. astronaut +. la5y
1. powerful /. actor
E. ad"enturous 2. writer
+F. chef >. bra"e
?. messy
@. coach
( +. paws 2. foggy @. beans
.. stupid >. accident E. wolf
/. fridge ?. bowl +F. &oystick
1. comedy
# +. will be ..won!t finish /. *ill - win 1.will use 2.won!t li"e
( +. will wear 1. goes
.. practise 2. doesn!t arri"e
/. won!t be
+ +. are planning >. doesn!t ski
.. are going to go ?. en&oys
/. asked @. a
1. can!t E. has got
2. more expensi"e than+F. Should
0 +. 0ow $an' people went to the concert%
.. )ere there any turtles in the pet shop%
/. didn!t see the accident on my street.
1. 7udy was wal/in, home at ?./F yesterday.
2. s an ,oin, to bu' a webcam%